Tropical Rain Forest

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  • Words: 571
  • Pages: 13

CLIMATIC CONDITIONS The tropical rainforest is a very wet environment, with an estimated total rainfall between 1500-2500 mm. There is little difference between the warmest and coolest months. This is known as equatorial climate.  There are only 2 seasons: wet and dry. It is very humid all throughout the years, because of the heavy rainfall. 

oOtherwise known as Spineless Indian Bamboo, Calcutta Cane oBelongs to the Bambusa genus oPart of the tulda species oThis is commonly found in the Southeast B Asian rainforest. can grow ENG It anywhere AL between 40-80 feet in height. It is approximately BAM 3 inches in BOO diameter. Their species life span

•Genus: Bougainvillea •Species: spectabilis •This plant grows in the Amazon Rainforest in South America. •The plant can reach B over thirty feet. It can either OUG be vines, trees, or AINVI shrubs with thorns. LLEA

vCommon Names: Curare, Grieswurzel, Pareira Brava, Pareira, Vigne Sauvage vGenus: Chondrodendron vSpecies: Tomentosum vCurare grows as a large liane or vine, found in the canopy of the South C American URA Rainforest . Not RE only is it a powerful poison,


Genus: Cocos Species: Nucifera Parts used: nut and leaves It grows in rainforests and places with tropical climates.

Durian    

Common Names: Civet Fruit, Genus: Durio Species: Zibethinus The durian is thought to be one of Southeast Asia’s most ancient and primitive trees. It is native to Borneo, Indonesia, and Malaysia. The durian has a life span of 80-150 years.

Did You Know...? 

More than two-thirds of plant species are found in rainforests. Rainforest trees can grow as tall as 200 feet (61 m) above forest floor. Tropical rainforests cover less than 10% of the planet’s land surface, but they contain between 5070% of all plant and animal species. Almost 50% of the world’s rainforests have already been destroyed.

A football field-sized area of a rainforest is being destroyed each second. Trees in a rainforest are so densely packed that it takes 10 mins. for rain to reach the ground. Over 1,600 of the rainforest plants are edible and can be used as vegetables. The largest rainforest in the world is the Amazon Rainforest.



What did you learn? #1 In terms of climatic conditions, the tropical rainforest is a very wet environment with little differences between the warmest and coolest months. This type of climate is called_________. #2-3 2 seasons in a rainforest #4-5 2 plants #6-7 2 animals #8 ______________% of rainforests are already destroyed.

#9 It takes _____ minutes for rain to reach the ground. #10-12 The 3 types of curare #13 Curare comes from the word _____which means poison. #14(TRUE OR FALSE) The rainforest is located 25.3 degrees North to 23.5 degrees South. #15 One cause of the destruction of rainforests BONUS: What is the largest rainforest in the world? (1 pt.)

ANSWERS           

#1: Equatorial Climate #2 & #3: Wet and Dry #4 : Bengal Bamboo, Bougainvillea, Coconut, Durian, Curare #6 & #7: Chimpanzees, Orangutans, Harpy Eagle, Linne’s Sloth #8: 50 % #9: 10 mins. #10 - #12: tubocurare, calebas curare, pot curare #13: “woorari” #14: False #15: Deforestation, Illegal Logging, Overharvesting, Slashand burn or kaingin system BONUS: Amazon Rainforest

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