Trial Sgor Phy P3 2008

  • November 2019
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4531/3 Physics Paper 3 Sept 2008 1 12 hours

Name:…………………………………………................. Form :…………….. JABATAN PELAJARAN NEGERI SELANGOR PROGRAM PENINGKATAN PRESTASI SAINS DAN MATEMATIK SPM 2008 Physics Paper 3 One hour and thirty minutes

DO NOT OPEN THIS QUESTION PAPER UNLESS TOLD 1. This question paper consists of two sections: Section A and Section B. 2. Answer all questions in Section A. Write your answers for Section A in the space provided on the question paper. 3. Answer one question from section B. Write your answer for Section B on the lined pages at the end of this question paper. Answer Section B in detail. You may use equations, diagrams, tables, graphs and other suitable methods to explain your answer.

For examiner only Section













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4. Show your working, it may help you to get marks. 5. If you wish to cancel any answer, neatly cross out the answer. 6. The marks allocated for each question or part of a question is shown in brackets. 7. You may use a non-programmable scientific calculator for your calculations. 8. The time suggested answering, Section A is 60 minutes and Section B is 30 minutes. 9. Hand in this question paper at the end of the examination

This question paper contains 17 printed pages.


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28 marks 28 markah Answer all questions in this section. Jawab semua soalan dalam bahagian ini. Suggested time for this section is 60 minutes. Masa yang dicadangkan untuk menjawab bahagian ini ialah 60 minit.


An experiment is carried out to study the relationship between angle of incidence, i and angle of refraction, r. The arrangement of the apparatus for the experiment is as shown in Figure 1.1. Satu eksperimen dijalankan untuk mengkaji hubungkait antara sudut tuju, i dengan sudut biasan, r. Susunan radas bagi eksperimen ditunjukkan seperti dalam Rajah 1.1.

Power supply Bekalan kuasa

Ray box Kotak sinar

Plain paper Kertas putih

Semicircular glass block Blok kaca semibulatan

Diagram 1.1 Rajah 1.1

A semi circular glass block is placed on a piece of plain paper and the outline of the glass block is traced. The centre of the flat side of the block is marked as O and the block is then removed. The normal is drawn and the incident angle, i = 10o is marked. The glass block is placed back to its original position and the ray box is arranged so that a single ray is directed to the point O with the incident angle, i = 10o . The position of the refracted ray is marked and drawn. The refracted angle, r is measured as shown in Diagram 1.2 on page 3. [ The refracted angle is the angle between the refracted ray and the normal line]


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The experiment is repeated for the values of i = 20o , 30o , 40o and 50o . The corresponding refracted ray obtained is as shown in Diagram 1.3, 1.4, 1.5 and 1.6 on pages 4 and 5 . Sebuah blok kaca semibulatan diletakkan di atas sehelai kertas putih dan bentuknya disurih. Titik tengah bagi sisi yang rata pada blok kaca itu ditandakan O dan blok itu kemudian dialihkan. Garis normal dilukiskan dan sudut tuju, i = 10o ditandakan. Blok kaca itu diletakkan semula di kedudukan asalnya dan kotak sinar disusun supaya satu sinar tunggal dipancarkan ke titik O pada sudut tuju, i = 10o. Kedudukan sinar biasan ditandakan dan dilukiskan. Sudut biasan,r diukur seperti yang ditunjukkan pada Rajah 1.2 pada halaman 3.[Sudut biasan adalah sudut antara sinar biasan dan garis normal] Eksperimen diulangi dengan nilai i = 20o , 30o , 40o dan 50o. Sinar biasan yang sepadan dilukiskan seperti yang ditunjukkan pada Rajah 1.3, 1.4, 1.5 dan 1.6 pada halaman 4 dan 5.

Refracted ray Sinar biasan



Semicircular glass block Blok kaca semibulatan

Incident angle, i = 10o

Sudut tuju, i = 10o

Incident ray Sinar tuju

Diagram 1.2 Rajah 1.2


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Refracted ray Sinar biasan


Semicircular glass block


Blok kaca semibulatan

Incident angle, i = 20o Sudut tuju, i = 20o

Incident ray

Diagram 1.3

Sinar tuju

Rajah 1.3

Refracted ray Sinar biasan



Semicircular glass block Blok kaca semibulatan

Incident angle, i = 30o Sudut tuju, i = 30o

Incident ray Sinar tuju

Diagram 1.4 Rajah 1.4


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Refracted ray


Sinar biasan


Semicircular glass block


Blok kaca semibulatan

Incident angle, i = 40o Sudut tuju, i = 40o

Incident ray Sinar tuju

Diagram 1.5 Rajah 1.5

Refracted ray Sinar biasan


Semicircular glass block


Blok kaca semibulatan

Incident angle, i = 50o

Sudut tuju, i = 50o

Incident ray Sinar tuju



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SULIT 4531/3 (a)

For the experiment described on page 2, identify: Bagi eksperimen yang diterangkan pada halaman 2, kenalpasti:


the manipulated variable, pembolehubah dimanipulasikan

…….......................................................................................................................... [1 mark] (ii) the responding variable, pembolehubah bergerakbalas

................................................................................................................................. [1 mark] (iii) a fixed variable. pembolebah dimalarkan

.................................................................................................................................. [1 mark] (b) Based on Diagrams 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5 and 1.6 on pages 4 and 5, measure the refracted angle by using the protractor. Tabulate your results for every value of i, r, sin i and sin r in the space below. Berdasarkan Rajah 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5 dan 1.6 pada halaman 4 dan 5, ukur sudut biasan dengan menggunakan protraktor. Jadualkan keputusan anda bagi setiap nilai i, r, sin i dan sin r dalam ruang di bawah.

[7 marks]

(c) Plot a graph of sin r against sin i on page 7. Lukiskan graf sin r melawan sin i, pada halaman 7.

[5 marks]

(d) Based on the graph in (d), to state the relationship between r and i. Menggunakan graf anda di (d), nyatakan hubungan antara r dan i.

........................................................................................................................................ [1 mark]


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7 75 Graph of sin r against sin i Graf sin r melawan sin i





A student carried out an experiment to investigate the relationship between the distance of two consecutive loud sounds, x and the frequency of the sound wave, f by connecting two identical loud speakers to an audio generator. The student then plotted graph f against 1/x, as shown in Diagram 2.1. Seorang pelajar menjalankan satu eksperimen untuk mengkaji hubungan antara jarak bagi dua bunyi kuat yang berturutan, x dengan frekuensi bagi gelombang bunyi, f dengan menyambungkan dua pembesar suara yang serupa kepada sebuah penjana isyarat audio. Pelajar itu kemudian memplotkan graf f melawan 1/x seperti pada Rajah 2.1.

Graph of f against 1/x

f / Hz

Graf f melawan 1/x















1/x / m-1

Diagram 2.1 Rajah 2.1


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9 77



(a) Based on the graph of 1/x against f on page 8, Berdasarkan graf 1/x melawan f pada halaman 8 ,

(i) state the relationship between x and f. nyatakan hubungan antara x dan f . ……………………………..............................................……………………………... [1 mark] (ii) determine the value of x when f = 380 Hz. Show on the graph how you determine the value of x. tentukan nilai x apabila f = 380 Hz. Tunjukkan pada graf bagaimana anda menentukan nilai x.

x = .......................... [3 marks] (b) The distance between two consecutive loud sounds, x and frequency, f of the sound wave is related by the formula: Jarak antara dua bunyi kuat yang berturutan,x dan frekuensi bunyi, f dikaitkan oleh formula:

x = vD af

where di mana

a = distance between two loud speakers jarak antara dua pembesar suara

D = distance between the loud speakers and to where x is measured. jarak antara pembesar suara dengan mana x diukur

v = speed of sound laju bunyi

(i) Calculate the gradient of the graph Show on the graph, how you calculate the gradient. Hitung kecerunan graf. Tunjukkan pada graf, bagaimana anda menghitung kecerunan.

m = .............................. [3 marks]

10 8



(ii) Based on the relationship given in 2(b) and your answer in 2b(i), determine the speed, v, of sound in air if D = 2.1 m and a = 1.0 m. Berdasarkan hubungan yang diberi pada 2(b) dan jawapan anda dalam 2b(i), tentukan laju, v, gelombang bunyi dalam udara jika D = 2.1 m dan a = 1.0 m

V = .................................... [4 marks]

(c) State one precaution that should be taken in this experiment. Nyatakan satu langkah berjaga-jaga yang perlu diambil dalam eksperimen ini.

………………………………................……………………………………………………….. ………………………………...................…………………………………………………….. [1 mark]


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11 79




12 marks 12 markah Answer any one question in this section. Jawab salah satu soalan dalam bahagian ini. Suggested time for this section is 30 minutes. Masa yang dicadangkan untuk menjawab bahagian ini ialah 30 minit.


Diagram 3.1 shows a boy riding his bicycle along a dirt track. When the boy goes over a low hillock, he comes down slowly. Diagram 3.2 shows the same boy coming down a high hillock along the track. The track is much steeper causing him to come down very fast. Rajah 3.1 menunjukkan seorang budak lelaki sedang menunggang basikalnya di sepanjang satu trek tanah. Apabila budak itu melalui satu timbunan tanah yang rendah, dia menuruni timbunan itu dengan perlahan. Rajah 3.2 menunjukkan budak lelaki yang sama menuruni satu timbunan tanah yang tinggi pada trek tersebut. Trek itu adalah lebih curam dan menyebabkannya bergerak turun dengan laju.

Diagram 3.1

Diagram 3.2

[Rajah 3.1]

[Rajah 3.2]

Based on the situation above: Berdasarkan situasi di atas: (a) make one suitable inference

[1 mark]

bentukkan suatu inferens yang sesuai

(b) state an appropriate hypothesis that could be investigated nyatakan suatu hipotesis yang sesuai untuk penyiasatan

[1 mark]

10 12



(c) With the use of apparatus such as trolley, ticker timer, ticker tape and other suitable apparatus, design an experiment to test the hypothesis. In your description, state clearly the following; Dengan menggunakan radas seperti troli, jangka masa detik, pita detik dan peralatan lain yang sesuai, rangkakan suatu eksperimen yang sesuai untuk menguji hipotesis. Dalam penjelasan anda, nyatakan dengan jelas;


aim of the experiment tujuan eksperimen


variables in the experiment pembolehubah eksperimen


list of apparatus and materials senarai peralatan dan bahan


arrangement of the apparatus susunan radas


the procedure of the experiment, including the method of controlling the manipulated variable and the method of measuring the responding variable prosedur eksperimen, termasuk cara mengawal pembolehubah dimanipulasikan dan cara mengukur pembolehubah bergerakbalas


the way you would tabulate the data, and cara menjadualkan data, dan

(vii) the way you would analyse the data cara menganalisis data

[10 marks]


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713 11


4. Diagram 4.1 and Diagram 4.2 show an electrical device. The bulb in Diagram 4.2 seems to be brighter than the bulb in Diagram 4.1 Rajah 4.1 dan 4.2 menunjukkan sebuah peranti elektrik. Mentol pada Rajah 4.2 kelihatan lebih terang daripada mentol pada Rajah 4.1.

Bulb Mentol mentol

240 V alternating current Arus ulangalik 240 V

Diagram 4.1 Rajah 4.1

Bulb Mentol mentol

240 V alternating current Arus ulangalik 240 V

Diagram 4.2 Rajah 4.2

Based on the above observation and your knowledge on electromagnetism; Berdasarkan pemerhatian di atas dan pengetahuan anda mengenai keelektromagnetan:

(a) make one suitable inference bentukkan suatu inferens yang sesuai

[1 mark] (b) state an appropriate hypothesis that could be investigated nyatakan suatu hipotesis yang sesuai untuk penyiasatan

[1 mark]





(c) With the use of apparatus such as laminated soft iron core, coils and other suitable apparatus, design an experiment to test the hypothesis, In your description, state clearly the following: Dengan menggunakan radas seperti teras besi lembut berlamina, gegelung wayar dan peralatan lain yang sesuai, rangkakan suatu eksperimen yang sesuai untuk menguji hipotesis,. Dalam penjelasan anda, nyatakan dengan jelas:


aim of the experiment tujuan eksperimen


variables in the experiment pembolehubah eksperimen


list of apparatus and materials senarai peralatan dan bahan


arrangement of the apparatus susunan radas


the procedure of the experiment, including the method of controlling the manipulated variable and the method of measuring the responding variable prosedur eksperimen, termasuk cara mengawal pembolehubah dimanipulasikan dan cara mengukur pembolehubah bergerakbalas


the way you would tabulate the data, and cara menjadualkan data, dan

(vii) the way you would analyse the data cara menganalisis data

[10 marks]



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157 13

4531/3 For examiner only



4531/3 For examiner only


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17 7 15

4531/3 For examiner only

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