Travail De Vacances Final Version

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 4,958
  • Pages: 18
MODALS Exercise1:








Exercise 5: Put in the right form of “must”, “have to” or “ needn’t”: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

B: “I’m a bit tired this evening. ...we ... to go to Marilyn’s party, Alan?” A: “We... go if you’re too tired. I’ll ring her and say we can’t come. You’ve had a busy week. You ... overdo things.” B: “You’re right. I ... to work very hard today and I ... to work even harder next week.” A: “Why?” B: “Because our department ... to move into new offices. We ... to move three times in the last few years!” A: “Why move so many times?” B: “It’s a long story.” A: “OK! You... tell me if it’s so long!” B: “You’re right. I think I really ... go to bed early tonight. Goodnight, Alan¨” A: “Goodnight.” ARTICLES

Exercise1: Put in a or an or the into the blank spaces where necessary: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Simon has got ____ new bike. Call me after ___lunch and I will give you an answer. I like ___ hat you are wearing. Is it ___ one you bought yesterday? ___ sun rises in ___ east and sets in ___ west. That is ___ silliest thing I have ever heard. Man first walked on ___ moon in 1969. Would you like ___sugar in your coffee? 8. Every Sunday my mother goes to ___ church in her village. 9. Tom Fielding was ___ author of “Tom Jones”. Exercise 2: Put in a/an or the: A man decided to rob (1)___ bank in the village where he lived. He walked into (2) ___ bank and handed (3)___ note to one of (4)___ cashiers. (5)___ cashier read (6)___ note, which told her to give (7)___man some money. Afraid that he might have (8) ___ gun, she did as she was told. (9)___ man then walked out of (10)___ building, leaving (11) ___ note behind. However, he had no time to spend (12)___ money because he was arrested (13)___ same day. He had made (14) ___ mistake. He had written (15)___ note on (16) ___ back of (17)___ envelope. On (18)___ other side of (19)___ envelope was his name and address. This clue was quite enough for (20)___ detectives on the case. Exercise 3: Put in a/an or the: 1. William wrote ...letter to his bank yesterday but he forgot to post it. This morning he saw ...letter on the kitchen table. 2. ...first bus in the morning leaves at 5:30 a.m. 3. When Eva White was younger she wanted to be ...musician. Now many people think she trumpet-player in the world. 4. I’ve got ...idea. Let’s go to Greek restaurant in Main Street tonight. 5. Bern is of Switzerland. It’s ... small city with about 133,000 inhabitants. 6. Martin lives in ...large town in ...middle of Germany but he wants to live in He has and he would like to for long walks. 7. I’ve known my husband, Sam, since I was six. We lived in ...same street when we were children. Sam had ...older brother, Frank. I thought he was ...most handsome boy in the world! 8. A: Excuse me, where’s ...nearest bookshop? B: It’s at ...end of the street, on ...left. There’s ...busstop in front of it.


Exercise 4:



Exercise 1: Present Perfect or Past Simple:


Exercise 2: Present Perfect and Past Simple:


Exercise 3: Going to future and will future:


Exercise 4: Present Perfect or Past Simple: 1. Aunt Lilly (to drive) me to school the other day. 2. I (to spell) that word wrongly yesterday. 3. Mandy (not/to steal) anything for two months! 4. I (not/to eat) pineapples since I was in Africa. 5. The children (to swim) in the pool five minutes ago. 6. Sally (not/to read) any books from the new library yet. 7. We (not/see) Lilian for four years. 8. Nike (to break) his arm last Saturday. 9. We (just/to speak) to the headmaster. 10. Irene (to sing) some lovely songs last night. 11. The sun (already/to set). Let’s go home. 12. The ship (to hit) a rock and (to sink) many years ago. 13. Yesterday we (go) to Manchester because we (have) a meeting there. 14. Two days ago a little boy (find) an expensive ring and (take) it to the police station. 15. (You/ever/visit) London? Exercise 5: Fill in the correct form of have or have got: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

How many brothers and sister (you) ______________________? I ______________________ a really good time in London last week. I always ______________________ a drink with my friends on Saturday. (You) ______________________ a big room at home? Yes, I have. Peter always ______________________ pasta when we eat out. I ______________________ a shower in the morning before I go to school. Paul (not) ______________________ a big house when he was a student. He ______________________ a very small flat. Now he ______________________ a big house with a nice garden. This is a nice house but it (not) ______________________ a garden. They (not) ______________________ any children. Do you have two sisters? Yes, I ______________________. (Michael) ______________________ a lot of books? Yes, he ______________________. Last year my sister (not) ______________________ an interesting job. My sister ______________________ a birthday party yesterday. There were over sixty guests. Mary is in hospital. She (not) ______________________ a car accident. She fell off a ladder two days ago. My sister never ______________________ breakfast in the morning. Has she got a lot of clothes? Yes, she ______________________. Did you watch TV last night? No, I ______________________ dinner and a shower and went straight to bed. Have they got a car? No, they ______________________. Did Lisa have a good time last night ? Yes, she ______________________. (Mary) ______________________ a dog when she was a child? No, she ______________________.

Exercise 6: Past Simple or Past Continuous? Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense and form! 1.

Last winter Alex (to stay) with some relatives in Scotland, for a few months, and every Saturday he (to go) to the football match. One Saturday, when Alex (to get) ready to go to the match, the phone (to ring). It (to be) Martin, a friend of Alex’s. Martin lives in Bristol, but that weekend he (to visit) his grandparents nearby. Alex (to have) two tickets for the football match, and he (to know) that Martin (to want) to go to the match, so in the end they (to go) together. They (to be) late, but when they (to reach) the football ground, people (still / to go) inside. The match (to be) very exciting. Alex’s team(to score) two goals. Martin and Alex (to stand) up all the time, so they (to be) very tired after the match. As they (to walk) home, they (to decide) to have a cup of coffee,


2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.

so they (to go) into a café. But the café (to be) full and lots of people (to wait) to be served, so Alex and Martin (to go) home instead. They (to plan) their holidays, so they (to need) some guidebooks and maps. While she (to wash) her hair, he (to go) out to buy some flowers. I (not / to join) you at your table because you (to talk) about something important. (You / to put) the baby to bed when I (to call)? I (to fall) asleep when I (to smell) something burning. He (not / to come) into town because he (to look) after his younger brother. Why (you / still / to cook) when your guests (to arrive)? Sorry. I (not / to realise) you (to wait). I (not / to believe) he (to tell) the truth. As Mary (to get) out of the boat, her foot (to slip) and she (to fall) into the river. Last night, I (to have) a very strange dream. I (to sail) a boat along a river when suddenly I (to come) to a waterfall. While I (still / to try) to stop the boat, I (to wake) up. While I (to enjoy) the wonderful view, somebody (to steal) my bag. Luckily it (not / to contain) anything valuable.

Exercise 7: Fill in the Present Perfect/Past Simple/Past Continuous/Past Perfect: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23.

Lynn (already/finish) studying and is about to go out. Fortunately my father (not/sleep) when Tim called. In 1492 Columbus (sail) to the Americas. (You/ever/eat/ Indonesian food)? When I got to the hospital, she (sit) in the waiting room. I took the book back to the library when I (read) it. We had no car at that time. We (sell) our old one. That man looks familiar. I (see) him somewhere before. The man sitting next to me on the plane was very nervous. It was his first flight. He (never/fly) before. A: Where’s your key? B: I don’t know. I (lose) it. George (not/be) very good last week. When Sarah arrived at the party, Paul (already/go) home I (buy) a beautiful dress. I (find) it at Parker’s yesterday. We arrived at work in the morning and found that somebody (break) into the office during the night. I felt very tired when I got home, so I (go) straight to bed. We were driving along the road when we (see) a car which (break) down, so we (stop) to see if we (can) help. I met Jim a few days ago. He (just/come) back from holiday. He (look) very well. (You/not/take/my photograph/yet/?) I left the house and (run) quickly down the street. I (know) him since we were at school together. We (listen) to the radio when it suddenly stopped working. This time yesterday I (lie) on the beach. She met her husband while she (travel) in Egypt.

Exercise 8: Mixed tenses: Fill in the correct tense

1. Jim (to phone) his parents often, but he (not to phone) them every day. 2. (You/always/to listen) to CDs in the evening? 3. How often you (to go) to the cinema last week? 4. (to have got) James a Porsche? No, he __________, he (to have got) a CV2. 5. I (to get) a phone call from Mary this morning. She (to enjoy) her stay in America very much. 6. The Englishman over there (to speak) very fast, I (not to understand) everything he (to say). 7. Last week, I (to fly) to London. You (to see) everything? No, I _________. I (to go) back next year. 8. Oh no! I (to lose) my keys, I (can not/ to find) them anywhere. 9. Jenny and Jim are (to get married) next week. You (to buy) them a present yet? 10. Yesterday at the art museum. While the man (to look) at the picture, the thief (to steal) his watch. 11. Look! That man over there (to run) after the bus. He (to want) to catch it. 12. When I (arrive) at his house yesterday morning, he (still/to sleep).


13. A: Hello Hugo! How are you? H: Fine, thanks. I (just/to start) a new job as a salesman. 14. (he/to play) football when he was young? 15. What (she/to do) in her garage yesterday at 4 p.m. ? I think she (to polish) her car. 16. I (not/to be) to the library for weeks. 17. (You/watch) the match on TV last night? 18. While we (do) the shopping last Saturday, we (find) a nice restaurant and (have) a lovely meal there. And it (not/to cost) a lot. 19. Where’s Michael? He (to be) in his room. Probably he (to listen) to music. 20. A: (You/to hear) the wind? B: It (to blow) very strongly at the moment. 21. Why(you/to walk) so fast today? You usually (to walk) quite slowly. I (to hurry) because I (meet) my mother at 4 o’clock and she (not like) to be kept waiting. Exercise 9: Complete the letter with the correct tense: present simple, present continuous, past simple, will future,going to future, past continuous and present perfect simple:

Dear Daisy, I (1 just/meet) a really fantastic guy! This is how it (2 happen). It ( 3 be) Lara’s twenty-first birthday party. I must say, I ( 4 not/look forward to) it because I (5 have) a cold and I (6 look) awful. Anyway, I (7go). About half way through the evening, Lara (8 come) over to me with a boy and (9 say): “This is my friend, William. He (10 just/arrive). I (11 not/think) you (12 meet) before. It’s only the second time William (13 be) here.” After a short chat, William (14 say): “ I’m hungry. I (15 get) something from the barbecue.” I (16 go) into the garden with him and while we (17 eat), it (18 begin) to rain. We (19 not/notice)! We (20 stay) out there till midnight. When we (21 come) back into the house, Lara said, in a very loud voice: “where (22 you two/be) all this time? You (23 not/speak) to me all evening, William but I see you (24 get on) well with Tess.” I (25 go) red with embarrassment, of course. I (26 not/know) what to say. I (27 sometimes/think) Lara (28 not/like) me very much. William (29 not/take) any notice of her but she continued: “ I (30 come) out into the garden to look for you but I (31 can/not) find you anywhere.” “(32 You/look) by the barbecue?” asked William. “We (33 be) there all evening.” “Really?”, said Lara. “Oh, please excuse me. I (34 just/see) Guy Chambers over there. He (35 go) to Cambridge University next year, you know. I must talk to him.” She (36 smile) at William but she (37 not/look) at me. Anyway, I (38 not/care) because William (39 smile) at me and I (40 see) him next weekend. LOVE, TESS

Exercise 10: Mixed tenses: Sally and Kevin have just met. They don’t know much about each other. Sally: Kevin: Sally: Kevin: Sally: Kevin: Sally: Kevin:

I’m a graphic designer. What (1 you/to do)? I( 2 to work) for an oil company. How long (3 you/ to be) with them? I only (4 to start) working there last week. What (5 You/to do) before that? I (6 to work) at the post office for two months but I (not/like) the job. What about the new one? (7 You/to like) it? I (8 not/to be) there very long, but the people are very nice, so I think I (9 to like) it.


Exercise 11: Fill in the correct tense: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36.

We (have) a big birthday party for my sister last night. Everything is going well. We (not have) any problems so far. Tim (not go) to work yesterday. He wasn’t feeling well. Look! Now it (rain) outside. We still don’t know where to go on holiday. We (not decide) yet. Ann (wait) for me when I arrived. Jim usually (phone) me on Fridays but he (not call) me last Friday. Linda (be) very busy when we (go) to see her yesterday. She (study) for an exam when we arrived. We (not want) to disturb her so we (not stay) very long. I’d like to see Tina again. It’s a long time since I last (see) her. I’ll come as soon as I (finish). I (phone) you when I (get) home from work. I feel terrible. I (to be) sick. That man over there can’t see where he is walking and there is a hole in front of him. He (fall) into the hole. I have decided not to stay here any longer. Tomorrow I (look) for somewhere else to stay. Wait here until I (come) back. Nick burnt his hand while he (cook). What (you/do) this time yesterday? I was asleep. Mozart (write) more than 600 pieces of music. The water (boil). Can you turn it off? What (you/do)? I’m a teacher. John isn’t lazy. He (work)very hard most of the time. This sauce is great. It (taste) really good. I (see) you in the park yesterday. You (sit) on the grass and (read) a book. (it/stop/rain/yet)? Would you like something to eat? No, thanks. I (just/have) lunch. If you took more exercise you (feel) better. Sarah has decided not to apply for the job. She isn’t really qualified for it, so she probably wouldn’t get it if she (apply). I was enjoying the party but my girlfriend (want) to go home. Look! Tom (open)the door for Susan. What a gentleman. If he didn’t speak so fast, I (understand) him. If I (be), I (study) harder. Sarah never (eat) liver as a child. I stopped to buy a newspaper and then I (sit down) on the bench to read it. The news (be) quite depressing. So I (get up) and (take) a walk and (try) to think happy thoughts. Where is Tom? He (have) a shower. The dog (dislike) James ever since he (kick) it. If everyone (work) harder we could make the world a better place.

Exercise 12: Fill in the past simple, past continuous or past perfect: Conference Report (Parkhouse Hotel 5th September) The conference was very successful: The seminars and talks (1 to be) extremely interesting and it was obvious that all the speakers (2 to prepare) their material very thoroughly. Everyone agreed that this should become an annual event. There was however a number of administrative problems. When we (3 to arrive), we (4 to discover) that the hotel manager (5 to reserve) the wrong room for us and therefore we (6 not/to have) enough space. Unfortunately, he could not let us have the larger room because he (7 to give) it to another group, even bigger than ours. He also (8 to misunderstand) the letter explaining what food we (9 to require). In fact, we (10 to suspect) that he (11 to lose) the letter. We do not recommend using this hotel again.




Exercise 2: Fill in the correct tense: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

If you take more exercise you (to feel better). If I am offered a job, I think I (not to take it). If I sell my car, I (not to get) much money for it. If I was a ghost, I (haunt) at school. A lot of people will be out of work if the factory (to close down). I'm sure Sue (to understand) if you explain the situation to her. If the train is late we (to walk). If she (be) friendlier, I would get on with her. She (to call) if she has time. If the doctor can't see me, I (to go) somewhere else. What will we do if the taxi (not to come). If I (win) a fortune at the lottery, I would be happy. (to phone, you) if there are any problems? Mary (to be)worried if you don't come to the airport. If they (not come) right away, we will leave without them. If we (leave) by the six o’clock bus, we would be there in time for lunch. If our students go to London or New York during the summer, they (not forget) their English. If my brother (be) a millionaire, he (not live) in that dilapidated old house. If my uncle doesn’t lend us his car, we (have to) go by train. Would you get that job if you (speak) Finnish?

VERB PATTERNS Exercise 1: Infinitive or –ing? 1. I don’t know how (answer) this question. 2. I went to England (study) English. 3. The story was too romantic (be) true. 4. They went to the supermarket (buy) food. 5. Please stop (interrupt) me when I’m explaining something to you. You can ask questions at the end. 6. It is always best (tell) the truth. 7. We had arranged (meet) in my office so that he could check the documents he needed. 8. The butcher uses a sharp knife (cut) meat. 9. I’m tired of (explain) everything ten times. 10. The class succeeded in (finish) the textbook. 11. I drove to the airport (pick up) my parents. 12. Andrew is afraid of (stay) alone at home. 13. I’ve apologised to her but she still refuses (speak) to me. 14. What a dreadful man! Can you imagine (live) with him? 15. I need someone (talk) to because I feel terribly miserable. 16. Oh no! I’ve forgotten (bring) my briefcase with me. I’ll have to go back for it. 17. I don’t mind (work) late. 18. Have something (eat)! 19. These grammar rules are easy (remember). 20. Little Peter succeeded in (climb) the oak-tree.

Exercise 2: Infinitive or –ing? 1. One romantic evening I went to the dance especially (meet) Molly. 2. When Jeff was in his twenties, he used (smoke) heavily.


3. Grandmother looks forward to (spend) her summers with her grandchildren. She expects all of them (sit and chat) with her for hours. 4. The doctor avoided (tell) my grandmother the truth because he didn’t want (make) her (suffer) more. 5. I don’t mind (wait). Please finish (read) and then we can (talk) at length. 6. She bought all the ingredients she needed (make) a cake. 7. My sister practises (play) the flute every day. 8. I’m interested in (learn) Japanese but I think that it is difficult (learn) 9. The boys asked how (get) to the railway station. 10. Do you know how (fix) the washing machine? 11. Lisi is smart enough (solve) the problem alone. 12. Did she remember (turn) of the gas? 13. Mother offered (let) Sammy (watch) her make the cake. 14. They expect the game (finish) late. 15. They agreed (buy) flowers for their mother’s birthday. 16. It isn’t easy (bring up) children well. 17. It is risky (set up) a new business. 18. The Smiths seem (be) such a happy couple. 19. She failed (reach) the final of the competition. 20. I’m not very good at (learn) languages. 21. She must be fed up with( study). 22. I’m not quite ready yet. Do you mind (wait) a little longer? 23. I’m absolutely sure I locked the door. I clearly remember (lock) it. 24. After discussing the economy, the minister then went on (talk) about foreign policy. 25. They denied (steal) the money. 26. Please remember (lock) the door when you go out. 27. What are the advantages of (having) a car? 28. He could remember (drive) along the road just before the accident happened, but he couldn’t remember the accident itself. 29. Do you want (go) alone or do you want me (come) with you? 30. Have you decided where (go) on holiday? 31. Do you understand what (do)? 32. Mary suggested (go) to the cinema. 33. Simon was in a difficult situation, so I agreed (lend) him some money. 34. Are you thinking of (buy) a car? 35. They seem (have) plenty of money. 36. We were hungry so I suggested (have) dinner early. 37. I’m still looking for a job but I hope (find) something soon. 38. They tend (get up) earlier when the weather’s good. 39. She succeeded in (get) a good mark in the test. 40. We talked about (go) to New York in summer. 41. My parents never let me (go) to parties. 42. Would you like (spend) this weekend in Paris? 43. After high school I didn’t know what to do but then I decided(study) politics at Sydney University. 44. I hope (see) you soon. 45. My friend promised (write) to me soon.

REPORTED/INDIRECT SPEECH Exercise 1: Complete the reported sentences with the correct tenses:

1. I’m tired. → She said she .... tired. 2. You play very well. → He told me I.... very well. 3. Can you help us? → They asked if I .... help them. 4. We are leaving. → They told us they .... 5. She hasn’t brushed her hair. → He told me that she ..... 6. John has had an accident. → She said that John .... an accident. 7. I left school at fifteen. → She told me that she .... school at fifteen. 8. She won’t say anything. → He told me that she .... anything. 9. Nobody will know. → She said that nobody .... know.


Exercise 2: Write these sentences in indirect speech, using the words given. Change the pronouns where necessary: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


My name’s Ian. (he said) I’m writing a letter. (she said) I’m waiting for Jessie. (she said) I don’t like the idea. (he said) The car isn’t at my house. (she said) The washing machine is broken. (he said)

Exercise 3: Last week you had lunch with Rachel, a friend you hadn’t seen for a long time. Look at the list of things she said to you, then tell another friend what she said. Use reported speech. Rachel: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.

I’m going to work in Spain next year. I work for a small publishing company. I’m their marketing manager. The company has opened an office in Barcelona. It’s been very successful. I have been chosen to run a new office in Madrid. I’m studying Spanish in the evenings. I don’t have much time to enjoy myself. I haven’t had lunch with a friend for ages. I hope my friends will come and visit me in Madrid. I went there last week with my secretary. We didn’t have much time for sightseeing. I have to get back to work now.

Tell your friend what Rachel said! Exercise 4: Write the questions in indirect speech: Barry Douglas, Zedco Chief Executive, is talking to a reporter about his business career. He can still remember his first job interview after leaving school. Interviewer 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Where do you live? Have you worked before? Why do you want the job? How did you hear about it? Are you fit? Can you work on Saturdays? How will you travel to work? Have you got a bicycle? How much do you hope to earn? When can you start?

Barry The interviewer asked me .......... She asked me .... She also asked me.... Then she asked me .... She also asked me.... She asked me .... She also asked me.... Then she asked me .... She also asked me.... Finally she asked me ...


THE PASSIVE VOICE Exercise 1: Rewrite these sentences. Instead of using “somebody” or “they”, etc., write passive sentences. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

Somebody has cleaned the room. They have postponed the concert. Somebody is using the computer at the moment. I didn’t realise that somebody was recording our conversation. When we got to the stadium we found out that they had cancelled the game. They are building a new ring road round the city. They have built a new hospital near the airport. We clean the garages every day. Someone has given him a lot of money. The police arrested two hundred people. We have cancelled the meeting. They posted all the letters yesterday. Fortunately they didn’t damage the machinery. We send the newspapers to Scotland by train. Someone is interviewing my father at the moment. They were cooking dinner when I arrived. They do not grow rice in England. Did they make many cars last year? They have finished the new product design. They were painting the outside of the ship when the accident happened.

Exercise 2: Read this letter from Maurice, who is on holiday in Britain, to his sister Sally in New Zealand. Put the verbs in a suitable tense, active or passive:

Dear Sally, How are you? We have been having a lovely time. We’re being very well looked after by our hosts. We (1 to take) sightseeing and we (2 to introduce) to some of their friends, who (3 to make) us feel very welcome. Last night we (4 to show) round a castle, by the owner! Most of the land in this area (5 to belong) to his family for about five hundred years. Apparently, the land (6 to give) to them after one of his ancestors (7 to kill) while trying to save the king’s life. Quite romantic, isn’t it? The castle itself was a little bit disappointing, to be absolutely honest. The owner told us that it (8 to suffer) serious damage during a fire about thirty years ago. When it (9 to restore) they (10 to add) central heating and things like that. So once you are inside it (11 not/to feel) much different to any other large, old house. However, the owner is a real character. He told us lots of stories about things that (12 to happen) to him when he was young. He (13 to send) abroad to work in a bank, but he hated it, so he (14 to behave) very badly in order to (15 to sack). He kept us laughing for hours. I will have lots more to tell you when we get back. Take care.

Yours, Maurice


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