Traditional India - 1-26-07

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 519
  • Pages: 2
1-26-07 Aryans Sasseti Goa W. Jones M. Muller Penka Sanskrit Dasyu Raja

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Veda/Vedic Brahma Vishnu Shiva Upanishads Dayananda Samhitas/Yuedas S. Radharkishnan K. M. Panikkar

Coming of the Aryans – second greatest event 1948 Portuguese discovery of the new sea route to India – Vasco Digamma o revolutionized relationship between India and Europe o Remained under Portuguese control until 1960 o Goa – Portuguese conclave (assembly) in India Phillip Sasseti – intrigued that many Indian words are similar to European ones. W. Jones – was able to establish that there was a common ancestor between European and Indian languages. o Greek, Gothic, Celtic, Sanskrit, Persian, Latin, Hindu, Urdu. o The Aryan problem: words that originated from Sanskrit. o 2 separate schools emerged;  German Max Muller: connection of language; language isn’t the monopoly of a race or nation. • Language is aquired and may be their mother language (majority agree).  Penka: opposes Muller’s view; language is the monopoly of a race or nation. • Language is a inborn thing. The Aryans o Center of where these people came are European; possibly Lithuania (language) o The Dravidians – people of the south have nothing to with the Aryan’s Sanskrit o Hundreds of different Aryan tribes came down and invaded. Not one unified nation. o Impressed with the IVC’s wealth. o Creators of the Vedas.  Filled with racial slurs against the dark-skinned Dravidians.

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Dasyu: a VERY negative and degrating word that was highly used towards the Dravidians. Physically taller and stronger than the Dravidians Dravidians were urbanized and civilized.  Early Aryans weren’t so much Raja – Chief, under the petty chief Had the sword, unlike the Dravidians Aryans had a lot of hidden powers – head of household (ect..) Squared homes and thatched roofs When someone dies, they are cremated.  Significance of fire in their rituals • Hearth Brought wool and the skins b/c they were used to colder weather  Dravidians only had cotton Lentils brought good source of protein  Extensive use of lentils by Aryans leading to vegetarianism. Aryans were an optimistic people; vigorous about life Hinduism emerging  More than a religion—a way of life Ram Mohan Roy – founding father of modern Hinduism.  Upanishads - are part of the Vedas and form the Hindu scriptures, which primarily discuss philosophy, meditation, and the nature of God; they form the core spiritual thought of Vedantic Hinduism. The Upanishads are mystic or spiritual contemplations of the Vedas, their putative end and essence. Satyarath Prakas – 14 chapter book. (one chapter per book)  Hinduism not included Samhitas/Yueda- first original Vedas S. Radhakrishnan – westernized, occupied the oxford chair of Hinduism  Russell was his opponent- the chair of Christianity. (they would debate back and forth) Hinduism continues to change and absorb throughout time Nehru – Indian ambassador to many countries K. M. Panikkar – Indian diplomat that wrote about Hinduism.  A religion that borrows from others making it its own.

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