Traditional India - 1-19-07

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 408
  • Pages: 2
Asoka 3rd Century b.c. Prinsep Brahmi Kharoshti Prakrits Mohenjo-Daro Harappa Alberuni Tawarika Herodotus Ctesias

Megasthenes Erythrean Sea Ptolemy Pliny I.V.C. 2700-1200 b.c. Marshall Bannerjee Lothal Rupar Kalibangan

Recap 12th century AD- first historical text written 2)    

Historical Source- Archaeology Inscriptions Quality of buildings made People have barely scratched the surface of what’s available 3 important sources within this source: o inscription- due to so many languages, some cannot be deciphered  told us of 1st civilization living on Indus River  Prinsep deciphered writings on Asoka, the Great • Writings carved on stone/metal and were full of Asoka’s edicts • Written in Brahmi language (left to right) and in North West, language was Kharoshti (right to left) • Over 100 rock edicts o Numismatics  Science of coins  Coins were made of metal: copper, brick like coins • Sometimes given in celebration  Issued until 4th century b.c. by kings, petty rules, merchants, cities, private businesses  Had symbols and figures on it  When India invaded by Alexander in 4th century it brought a coinage system • Coins give tons of info about Greeks in India o Even contains dates • Most coins have been melted down for the gold o monuments

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No shortage of these Contain inscriptions with description of what it was for In 1920/1930s cities found: o Mohenjo- Daro o Harappa  Both were part of Indus Valley Civilization

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3) Historical Source: Foreign Accounts Not all foreigners were bad; some came to learn about the culture, language, religion o Greek historians Herodotus and Ctesias  Heard about India from Persians  Exaggerated a lot o Alexander’s successors couldn’t hold India but kept ties there  Sent ambassadors who kept accounts of everything  Megasthenes wrote one of the most accurate historical accounts • We don’t have his original work • Was respected by many scholars/historians o Referred and quoted him o Romans came wanting to trade not colonize  Found Periplus of the Erythean Sea • Book on Monsoons  Geographer Ptolemy created 1st map of the world  Writer Pliny (1st a.d.) wrote a book dealing with Indian animals and plants and minerals

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5-7th century there was a flood of Chinese missionaries by land and sea Their interest was in Buddhism Left elaborate accounts of what they saw o Fa-Hsien 5th ad o Hsuan-Tsang

11th century Muslims came in

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