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REPORT ON TELENOR PAKISTAN Submitted by: Table of Contents Executive Summary ..................................................................................................................................................................... 2 Background Information of Telenor: ........................................................................................................................................... 3 MISSION: ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 4 VISION: ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 4 Origin of Telenor: ......................................................................................................................................................................... 4 Telenor In Pakistan: ..................................................................................................................................................................... 4 Features: ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 5 Market Services ........................................................................................................................................................................... 5 Mobile Financial Services ........................................................................................................................................................... 6 Internet Services .......................................................................................................................................................................... 6 Organizational Structure: ............................................................................................................................................................. 7 Operational Departments: ................................................................................................................................................... 7 CULTURE OF TELENOR: ................................................................................................................................................................ 8 PLANNING: ................................................................................................................................................................................. 11 Structural Strategies of Telenor: ........................................................................................................................................... 11 Strategy and Structure of Telenor Pakistan: ......................................................................................................................... 12 Telenor Structural View: ........................................................................................................................................................ 12 Strategic Plan ......................................................................................................................................................................... 13 CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITIES: .................................................................................................................................... 14 HUM QADAM : ..................................................................................................................................................................... 14 NAYA AGHAZ: ........................................................................................................................................................................ 15 SOS Village ............................................................................................................................................................................. 15 Khuddar Pakistan: .............................................................................................................................................................. 15 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT: ......................................................................................................................................... 15 Why Join Telenor : .............................................................................................................................................................. 15 Recruitment and Selection Strategies: ............................................................................................................................ 16

De-Recruitment process: ........................................................................................................................................................... 21 Mediums Used By Telenor for Advertisements: ........................................................................................................................ 21 SWOT Analysis: ...................................................................................................................................................................... 21 RECOMMENDATIONS: ............................................................................................................................................................... 24 CONCLUSION: ............................................................................................................................................................................ 24

Executive Summary The portable business of Pakistan has seen remarkable development as of late. Numerous investigators trust that Pakistan is one of the quickest developing telecom showcases on the planet. This report begins with a presentation of the Multi-National Telecommunication Company Telenor Pakistan took after by a short note on its starting point. Subsequently there is said the Geographical area of all its principle workplaces with every one of the offices Telenor needs to run its operations and administrations. This report incorporates Telenor's Mission and Vision that depict what this organization plans to turn into. Likewise said in this report are all the Business Operations of Telenor bolstered by a point by point clarification of its Cultural and Organizational Structure. As the association is assessed, its SWOT investigation were an unquestionable requirement to say that portray at what position Telenor Pakistan stands and what are its future prospects. In this report its advertising methodologies are additionally said that demonstrate the very popularity of this association. Being second best in its industry, we have specified the focused systems of Telenor Pakistan.

Later the report notices Business Process Analysis with a few suggestions and conclusion. Indeed Telenor demonstrated a powerful business culture that resulted in expanded yield from its representatives and a profitable domain.

Background Information of Telenor: The telecom part of Pakistan has seen wonderful development in the course of recent years. As per the Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) Pakistan telecom division has demonstrated positive development amid the initial two fourth of FY 2016-17 as the aggregate thickness achieved 72.36% toward the finish of August 2017.Currently there are Five versatile administrators working in Pakistan, which incorporate Mobilink, Ufone, Telenor, Warid, Zong. As indicated by August 2017 the aggregate number of endorsers of each organization are as per the following: Mobilink























































































July-17 Aug-17

52,325,198 52,720,636

18,361,997 18,333,129

28,423,969 28,475,681

40,670,590 40,441,316


Telenor Pakistan is a Pakistani GSM celluar service provider, and is a subsidiary of Telenor Group,Norway. Telenor Pakistan is 100% owned by the Telenor Group, an international provider of high quality voice, data, content and communication services in 14 markets across Europe and Asia. Telenor Group is among the largest mobile operators in the world with over 179 million mobile subscriptions and a workforce of approximately 40,000.

MISSION: “To be the unmatchable mobile system of communications in Pakistan this provides the best value to its customers, employees, business partners and shareholders.’’

VISION: Our vision is simple: “We're here to help” We exist to help our customers get the full benefit of communications services in their daily lives.The key to achieving this vision is a mindset where every one of us works together: Making it easy to buy and use our services. Delivering on our promises. Being respectful of differences. Inspiring people to find new ways.

Origin of Telenor: For more than 150 years, broadcast communications has had a key impact in the advancement of current Norwegian culture. As the occupant supplier, Telenor has been the main thrust in the advancement of a profoundly refined home market and is currently one of the biggest versatile administrators around the world.

Telenor In Pakistan: Telenor procured the permit for giving GSM benefits in Pakistan in April 2004, and had propelled its administrations industrially in Islamabad, Rawalpindi and Karachi on 15 March 2005 and on 23 March 2005, Telenor began its administrations in Lahore, Faisalabad and

Hyderabad. Telenor has its Corporate central command in Islamabad, with local workplaces in Karachi and Lahore. On January 28, 2005, Telenor set up its initially call focus in Lahore. Telenor is the second biggest system of Pakistan after Mobilink. The official opening was held in Islamabad with the President of Pakistan General Pervez Musharraf as the guest of regard and a Telenor task headed by CEO Telenor Jon Fredrik Baksaas close by CEO Telenor Pakistan Tore Johnsen. The start call was made by President Pervez Musharaf to the Prime Minister of Norway. Presently CEO of Telenor Pakistan is IRFAN WAHAB KHAN

Features: Telenor Group provides high quality voice, data, contents and communication services to 13 Nations across Europe and Asia.Therefore they are one of the tycoons of Telecommunication Industry.

Headquarters: In Pakistan the Telenor Group has its headquarter set in Islamabad having regional headquarters in Karachi, Lahore, Faisalabad, Peshawar, Hyderabad and Multan.Telenor keeps struggling hard to be the best and that’s the reason why it is currently the second best of its type in Industry.

Market Services In 2003 Universal Mobile Telecommunications System, or UMTS, 3G entered the consumer market, offering voice telephone, video calls, and simultaneous use of speech and data services.3.5G, 3.9G, Today, 3G extensions are widely supported by handsets and network providers. 3.xG standards such as HSDPA, HSUPA HSPA+ and LTE (E-UTRA) are based on an all-IP network infrastructure, but do not meet 4G bandwidth requirements Telenor Pakistan was licensed with 2×5 MHz of 3G spectrum in the year 2015.After the successful coverage of 3G mobile network Telenor got the 4G license in 2016.4G is the fourth generation of mobile telecommunications technology, succeeding 3G.This improved technology is now being offered to Telenor’s customers so they can have access to high-

speed mobile internet. 4G can have speeds up to 150mbps. Speed varies from one area to another as the 4G network is currently working in the selected cities of Pakistan which will expand very soon. Telenor Group expects investments in so-called Fifth-Generation mobile phone networks (5G) to be more gradual than the rapid roll-outs of earlier networks.It’ll be different from what they had on 3G and 4G. 5G will form the foundations of all digital communication and is a flexible toolbox for the digitalization of society. 5G will provide the long-awaited solution to boosting profitability in the sector. 5G sees the introduction of a ‘Slab Allocated’ network. This means it is possible to offer multiple logical networks suited to the bandwidth, reliability and system latency requirements of different user groups all across the same physical network.

Mobile Financial Services Telenor believes that mobile financial services is the new normal.Telenor Group initially acquired almost 51% shares of a bank named “Tameer Microfinance Bank” in the year 2008 and 2009 and launced one of the largest mobile banking/funds transfer brand named as “Easy Paisa”.At Present Telenor has successfully overtaken Tameer Microfinance Bank and has acquired its 100% shares and the bank is now renamed as “TELENOR BANK” .Easy Paisa won several awards in different events Internationally one of them is GSMA Awards held in Spain. People all over the world will go from restricted opening hours and few locations to having their bank in their hand. 73% of poor people are unbanked because of costs related to setting up services, travel distances and the often burdensome requirements involved in opening a bank account. Telenor Microfinance Bank formerly known as Tameer Bank is Pakistan’s leading branchless bank. Its award-winning, mobile financial services brand EasyPaisa has grown to be the biggest of its kind in Pakistan. The Easy Paisa service portfolio goes from over-the-counter money transfer to e-commerce payments

Internet Services Telenor took part in the auction held in Pakistan on April 23,2014 and successfully acquired to launch its 3G services all across Pakistan.This step gave them a boost to improve their

internet services and so they covered Pakistan about 45 Cities so that they may serve each and every corner with their internet services.Still there are some areas where 3G is not functional but “EGDE’’ is still there to somehow facilitate the people.

Organizational Structure:

Operational Departments: The operations of Telenor are divided into eight different departments, that are as follows:

Human Resource

Administration and Security



Customer Services

Corporate Affairs



Operational departments are located in all the four main regions: 





CULTURE OF TELENOR: Most importantly we have to know "What is Organizational Culture?" So fundamentally it is an arrangement of shared assumptions, values and convictions, which represents how individuals acts in various associations. These common esteems affect the general population of association and manage how they dress, act and play out their tasks. Every association creates keeps up a specific culture, which gives guidelines and limits of the conduct of the general population. Telenor Pakistan a Multi-National Telecommunication Company, which is presently the second best in its industry, has its own and an extremely interesting culture. The Culture which Telenor portrays is about FREEDOM. Each and each individual working in Telenor has the privilege to partake in every last discourse and give their sentiments on that discussion, which implies there is NO BOSS-ISM in Telenor as everybody works for himself.

Telenor isn't CENTRALIZED, which implies there is no single choice controlling authority. No one has the ability to take choices as there is no centralization so every last individual partakes is settling on choices as choices in Telenor are gone up against Group Level not on any Individual Level. In Telenor there is No Bifurcation as far as feelings and strategy making. Each and each individual gives their conclusions on the talked about arrangement and have the privilege to express his assessments to improve the strategies. All staff individuals take after the clothing standard given by the organization to keep up an office domain values of the Culture of this organization: Making it Convenient: They’re practical. They don't complicate things. Everything they produce is easy to understand and use. Because they never forget that they’re trying to make customers' lives easier. Keeping the Promises: Everything they set out to do should work, if it doesn't, they are their to help. They are about delivery, not over promising, actions not words. Being always Inspiring: They are creative. They strive to bring energy to the things they do. Everything they produce should look good, modern and fresh. They are passionate about their business and customers. Being Respectful: they acknowledge and respect local cultures. They do not impose one formula worldwide. They want to be a part of local communities wherever they operate. They believe loyalty has to be earned.

Always there to Help: For a long time, Telenor has spearheaded correspondence innovation. The advancement was important to empower development and improvement over Scandinavia's long separation and brutal common conditions. Today, they are a noteworthy overall player, however have a similar single concentration: helping individuals to convey. The Telenor mark explains this aspiration and their logo is an image of development and advantage of correspondence benefits in their day by day lives. In straightforward words, they're here to change – our nonstop development to empower individuals to impart better. The Telenor Group is centered around our picture ensure. they have to make it straightforward for customers to get what they require, when they require it. they will keep ensures and pass on what we say. they will create to pass on new considerations, and as an overall player they respect our customers and their neighborhood social orders wherever we work The Brand: At the heart of their brand is their logo -- a symbol of balance, movement and change. It represents their philosophy of innovation and democratic process. It is a brand much more than just a logo – it is a set of ideas, a way of doing things and a measure of behavior. In many ways, Telenor already stands out. They always have shown impressive growth and an

increasingly international focus, particularly in new growing markets. But they can always go – and need to go – much, much further. Total Customer Satisfaction: Customers are at the heart of our success. They have placed their trust and confidence in us. In return, we strive to anticipate their needs and deliver service, quality and value beyond their expectations.

Business Excellence: They always strive for excellence in all that they do. they aspire to the highest standards and raise the bar for ourselves every day. This commitment to delivering world-class quality translates into unmatched service and value for our customers and all stakeholders. Trust & Integrity: They take pride in practicing the highest ethical standards in an open and honest environment, and by honoring their commitments. They take personal responsibility for their actions, and treat everyone fairly, and with trust and respect.

PLANNING: Structural Strategies of Telenor: Telenor Pakistan is committed to bringing true mobile innovation to the under-served masses of Pakistan. The company has picked up two Universal Service Fund projects in order to provide connectivity to the yet unconnected in the remotest areas of Pakistan. It aims to invest strongly for further network expansion into the rural areas and for the strong rollout of fourth generation of mobile technology (4G) in Pakistan.

Goals: 

Create values

Expanding market share

Sharing commitment with society

Creation of profitability and market growth

Introduction of an advance technology

Freedom of choice

Strategy and Structure of Telenor Pakistan: As we see the values and vision of Telenor we come to know that Telenor has differentiation strategy (Competitive advantage). Telenor wants to make an image in the mind of customers. Now we see that Telenor is getting what he wants and his strategy is supported by his structure. As you can see following annual cellular subscribers table note that Telenor Pakistan came late in market but his annual subscribers are greater than other cellular companies.

Telenor Structural View: 1) Work Specialization: Telenor Pakistan is based upon both specialist people and multi skill people. It varies department to department. Some departments of Telenor require specialized skills and some not. Like the IT department requires specialized person but Customer Relation department doesn’t necessary require a specialized person.


Both specialist people and multi skill people require at Telenor Pakistan.


If specialist person have some extra skills he will preferable given job at Telenor Pakistan.

2) Departmentalization: Telenor Pakistan has several departments.


Commercial Division


Customer Service Division


Financial Division


Corporate affairs


Financial service

Telenor Pakistan has functional departments.

3) Chain of Command: It has clear chain of command.

4) Span of Control: It also varies department to department. Like HRM and Finance has narrow spans of control but Marketing and customer relationship department has wider span of control.

5) Centralization & Decentralization: Centralization is there but you can say to some extent there is decentralization. As employees are encouraged to give ideas but actions on these ideas require the agreement of top level management that see the feasibility of the idea. 6) Standardization: Rules and procedures are present to control the behavior of employees and to facilitate smooth working of the organization but as new problem arises he discusses with his manager. From above talk we see that ”Telenor has mechanistic structure”

Strategic Plan Telenor's primary system is to concentrate on endorser development in portable operations and to increment general gainfulness by consolidating Group industrialization with local drive and responsiveness. Further, to create driving position in the region with an expansive scope of correspondence services. This procedure infers the accompanying concentration territories: To reinforce position as a universal portable administrator: Telenor mean to keep on strengthening portable industrialization mobile operations by getting control over chose

versatile organizations. Control is essential to profit by cross-fringes cooperative energies, for example, scale in acquisition, to develop new administrations and execute best practices, to enhance operational efficiency and to expand general gainfulness. They expect to deal with their non-vital speculations as money related ventures and endeavor to exit from international mobile operations where they can't get control after some time. To reinforce position in the district: Telenor mean to keep on streamlining their versatile and settled line operations in the Nordic locale by abusing the advantages coming about because of economies of scale and cross-fringe collaborations. To be the main supplier of correspondences benefits in Pakistan: Being the pioneer in an expansive scope of administrations in both the private and business markets in Pakistan, Telenor look to enhance benefit execution in the versatile and fixed zones by presenting new administrations and through an extensive variety of cost-cutting initiatives.

CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITIES: HUM QADAM : Hum Qadam is a new initiative by Telenor Pakistan to contribute towards the better Pakistan. This initiative will work nation-wide creating a sense of harmony and responsibility to pay your part for the country. This will help Telenor and in turn Pakistan, to create a community full of skilled persons that may result in the better life standard and something for the country as well. One of the key component of this program is to teach ICT skills for business competence. CEO Telenor Pakistan says about the initiative: ‘Hum Qadam is about how we, Telenor Pakistan employees, can take responsibility, contribute to our local communities and offer to make an improvement in the lives of the inhabitants’.

NAYA AGHAZ: Telenor Pakistan is proud to announce a new program called ‘’Naya Aghaaz”, meaning new beginning. With the goal of “empowering women, empowering societies’’, this program aims to provide opportunities for women to work in a corporate environment. This program targets women who have been on hiatus from their careers and want to re-join the corporate world, and/or mature women who had never had the opportunity to work before.

SOS Village: Telenor and SOS Join Hands to Help Earthquake Affected Children. Islamabad: Friday, June 23, 2006: With its new community initiative, DUA, Telenor Pakistan has set an example for the telecom industry to follow in terms of corporate social responsibility, said the State Minister of IT and Telecom, Ishaq Khan Khakwani, on the launch ceremony of a joint initiative between Telenor Pakistan and SOS Children Villages of Pakistan.

Khuddar Pakistan: Khuddar Pakistan is Telenor Pakistan's flagship corporate responsibility initiative. With Khuddar Pakistan, they want to make a difference in the lives of their fellow persons. They want to change the public mindset by creating awareness about their abilities. They want to help develop technologies that will give them the opportunity to actively participate in our society. they pledge to integrate persons with disability fully into our workforce.

HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT: Why Join Telenor: Telenor offers energizing and testing professions with aggressive pay, phenomenal advantages and remarkable progression openings. they think about our representatives and furnish them with a casual and improving workplace. Our preparation and further training programs guarantee a high expert standard among our workers. They trust that a gifted and faithful workforce assumes a pivotal part in the association's continuous business

achievement. they emphatically trust that subsequent to joining Telenor you will end up being an excited and significant individual from our family.

Recruitment and Selection Strategies: Telenor has a global footprint, connecting talent with opportunities across different markets. To stay close to the local talent, and be able to best approach and engage them, we only set global directions, but our Business Units have their own local steps.

Recruitment Process: 

They are committed to equal opportunity policy at every selection stage. They believe that diverse voices lead to more profound conversations, solutions and results.

They hire people who are passionate about their Vision, motivated by their Mission and live up to their Values. Therefore they put high emphasis on finding the right personality to their team.

They hire people for their talents, and give them opportunities to shape their own future careers. During the hiring process, they try to get evidence of the skills the candidates have – and use competence based interviewing techniques.

The privacy is important to them. they will process personal data at any time in accordance with local privacy laws and regulations. This is based on a voluntary, explicit and informed consent from you.

Their ambition is that all candidates who get in touch with Telenor have a good experience, whether or not they sign a deal. They try to ensure this by following fair and transparent evaluation criteria, rational timelines and with frequent communications throughout the full process. they generally aim to close all positions within 8 weeks of advertisement.

However, this timeframe varies greatly depending on job profile, the number of applications and the location. If you apply to one of their positions, they might reach out to you with a survey to see how your overall experience with them was.

Before they post any profession opportunity, they direct an intensive employment investigation, which enables them to coordinate our vital business desire to a specific arrangement of abilities. In the event that they don't locate the correct profile in-house, they look outside of Telenor, by distributing the opportunity for outer ability. In some cases they do this inner and outside inquiry in parallel to spare time. The activity advert covers the activity profile and enables you to pick the open door most lined up with your profile and profession aspirations.

Application To procure the best ability, their employments are posted on different channels. Regardless of where you will meet our activity advertisement, all applications are dealt with by their focal enrolment framework (an Application Tracking System controlled by Workday) empowering them to keep up your application for future related openings while making it less demanding for you to apply to extra parts utilizing your profile on their framework. Sometimes, your application may have been gotten as a referral from an inner worker or an outer office which suggests you for a specific employment.

Screening Guaranteed spotters survey the applications got (they may likewise utilize computerized prescreening by their recruitment programming) and make a waitlist of possibility for enlisting supervisor's audit. The way to making to this next round is your profile fit against the expected set of responsibilities. they additionally underscore on building a various group to amalgamate a wonderful blend of culture, foundation and experience.

First Interview They commonly welcome the best 5-10 candidates to a first round of meetings which is for the most part up close and personal with HR and the supervisor of the procuring unit. Telephone and video interviews are likewise utilized at times. They plan to comprehend your profile better in this meeting and in addition survey social fit with Telenor. You additionally get a chance to make inquiries identified with the activity and your potential new group.


Many positions will include a testing phase customized to the job role. You can expect tests from full day assessment centres to take home case studies or online psychometric tests (e.g. SHL or Cut-e) depending on role requirements

Second Interview They would invite 2-3 shortlisted candidates to a second round of interviews usually with a panel comprising of hiring manager, HR and a stakeholder for a deeper exploration of mutual fit. In some cases, there might be more rounds of interviews, where future peers would also be involved.

Background and reference checks As a responsible employer that observes strict ethical norms, they may run background and reference checks to ensure their new colleagues have a strong record of high integrity and come with solid recommendations.

Final Intake They make their last choice in view of merged criticism from all meetings, including the partners, via painstakingly contrasting the hopeful profile, test and meeting execution, reference checks, social fit with Telenor and the quick occupation necessities. What they search for is somebody who has an outlook to work "with" Telenor instead of "for" Telenor and exhibit solid business interest with a will to have any kind of effect supported by strong topic information. They as a rule give the hopefuls from definite meeting round criticism on the determination choice. Employees relation: Representative connection procedures will spill out of the business technique yet will likewise mean to help it. Telenor is an organization that engages youthful workers at an early stage in their vocation with testing errands combined with worldwide encounters. It is a perfect place to be on the off chance that you need to be a piece of an imaginative industry with energetic partners, and realize that your activity really affects society. At Telenor, diligent work and forward inclining

approach is recognized and compensated. You go over numerous open doors helping you to extend you information and develop professionally and by and by Concern of Employee relation strategy 

To build stable and cooperative relationship with employees that minimize conflict

To achieve commitment through employee involvement and communication process.

To develop mutuality- a common interest achieving the organization’s goals through the development of organization cultures based on shared values between management and employees.

The HRM approach to employee relations 

A drive commitment

An emphasis on mutuality


Total quality management

Flexibility in working arrangements

Emphasis on teamwork.

As stated in their policies they recognize and respect the employees’ right to freedom to form or be part of unions of their choice. They do not interfere with employees’ decision to associate. No direct or indirect negative discrimination shall take place against employees that are in the process of union formation or later when acting as recognized employee representatives. Telenor believes in employee involvement, through dialogue with employees or their recognized employee representatives. The aim is to utilize the employees´ experiences and insight to influence and support sustainable and satisfying working conditions. A healthy and sustainable work-life balance shall be ensured for all employees.

Training and Development: Types of training: 

In house training

Outsource training

In house training includes: System related training, Product related training, Technical training , Front end desk training and Operational wise training Outsource training includes: 

Moral building

Attitude building

Executive training

Training and Development Employees are really satisfied with the norms and values of the Telenor’s internal structure. The 90% of the employees of the Telenor take the training most effective. 

Training need assessment phase.

Training design phase.

Implementation phase.

Evaluation phase.

Levels of training: 

Organization level

Individual level

Operational level

Techniques for Determining Specific Training Needs 




Performance Appraisal

Job description\

De-Recruitment process: An employee goes through a one year training and after the examination if he’s eligible for the post he gets the job and if not then he is given a one month notice and a support payment.

Mediums Used By Telenor for Advertisements: Electronic Media: The real path in which the present associations advance its items and administrations is through TV, since it's prudent as well as on the grounds that the visual and sound guides help in advancing its item. Telenor utilizes a forceful publicizing effort on TV to advance its items. These ads, while impart a picture of innovation novelty, still tend to demonstrate the legacy of Pakistan. The legacy of Pakistan and its kin means Telenor, just like the most loved Other routes, in which Telenor is promoting its items, is through its site and radio. The site of Telenor is worked in an approach to give refreshed data about its items. Print Media: Print promotions are another significant path in which Telenor publicizes its item to the majority. Print media promotions are imprinted in real English and Urdu daily papers crosswise over Pakistan. The messages of these commercials are for the most part of new bundles that Telenor may present after some time.

SWOT Analysis: Strengths: Telenor is a Multinational organization which is one of its greatest qualities. It can gloat about its enormous speculation and solid organization culture.Telenor Pakistan brags client mind superior to anything any telecom organization in Pakistan. Its fundamental point is to give its clients the most ideal administration. Telenor’s arranged benefit is noteworthy all through the nation. The flag quality is great and its signs are accessible even in the most remote territories. Being a multi-national organization telenor has got great store backing and can contend with the entrenched organizations like Mobilink and Ufone. With its money it can make outstanding advertising procedures.

Other than that following are the strengths: 

Pioneer in GSM service in Pakistan.

Strong Brand name

Good coverage and speed

Highest market share in terms of subscribers and revenue.

Roaming agreements with 300 partner in 140 countries

Large number of corporate customers.

Economy of scale.

Mobile Phone Banking.

Weaknesses: Greatest weakness for telenor is the moderately low prices of the overall industry. Mobilink and Ufone have already settled down. Substantial venture and great showcasing system is required to soften the other organization's imposing business model up the telecom business. Then again separation between the administrations players as of now offering in Pakistan telecom industry are only slightly unmistakable from one other. That implies if government changed its direction more there is potential in other new contestants from abroad to put resources into telecom division of Pakistan. Then again it may be the demotivating factor on account of less differentiation, creative new participant won't not enter effortlessly. More over Telenor is further dealing with the following weaknesses: 

High call rates.

Large organizational structure

Falling Market share

Opportunities and issue analysis Various open doors exist in the voice media transmission space, which are focused on getting the fundamental licenses and putting resources into the fitting framework. Various players have just started to put resources into the framework by getting tantamount information and video

correspondence licenses and are currently in a position to misuse the voice advertise. This not the slightest bit restricts new participants to enter the market but instead gives securing and combination openings. Other issues and opportunities are: 

Issue Affecting the Organizational Attainment of goals

Lack of customer satisfaction

Financial Management

Technological Advancements

Connectivity and Availability

Opportunities for infrastructure suppliers

Threats: Current government has changed the tax assessment and permitting polices so as to pull in progressively and more foreign coordinate interest in the nation. In any case, this political precariousness can happen if the administration changes and bring new approaches which won't not be agreeable to telecom industry. Open payphone is a major risk to the organization as it chops down organizations benefits. Besides, individuals can even move to other system who have scope in those territories. So the organization should pay heed and attempt to give benefit in each alcove and corner of the nation.Other notable threats Telenor has to fear are: 

Competition offers, gaining market share

High tax rates

Increase in imported equipment costs

Network capacity

Deterioration in service quality

Political instability

RECOMMENDATIONS: Being a Multi-National organization Telenor is a solid rival in showcase for others.Like each association it has a few shortcomings which they have to make strides. 

They should concentrate on cutting back their authoritative structure which is much excessively intricate.

They should give practical call rates with the goal that it can pull in clients.

They should take a shot at their system scope issues.

They ought to give a decent 4G benefit as they are a decent 3G specialist co-op however needs 4G scope.

CONCLUSION: The general audit of this report tells about the primary point of Telenor, Its functionalities, its departments, its center of work, its methodologies and its whereabouts.The working techniques, the strategies, their planning, all are specified in this report.

BIBLIOGRAPHY: PTA.(n.d.).Retrieved from PTA telenor. (n.d.). Retrieved from telenor: telenor. (n.d.). Retrieved from telenor: TELENOR. (n.d.). Retrieved from TELENOR: TELENOR PAKISTAN. (n.d.). Retrieved from TELNOR PAKISTAN:

WIKIPEDIA. (n.d.). Retrieved from WKIPEDIA:

Reference Letter:

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