Today Is January 29.docx

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  • Words: 3,779
  • Pages: 8
“One Chance (draft)” Today is January 29, 2019, as usual I’m writing my journal in this old four cornered room of mine. It’s messy here and since I live on my own, I don’t even dare to clean or even sweep the floor. But thankfully pests are nowhere to be seen. My room is covered in pitch dark aura since I keep my lights always turned off to save electricity, and the only thing that gives me vision through the night is the light coming from my laptop and television. You might think that I’m exaggerating here but, I’m turning 21 years old this year and still, I’m unemployed and of course no man would even dare to live or even date with me. I don’t have any friends and there were no contact info saved on my phone except the land lady of this apartment, no one would know who am I and no one would even care even if I die. My parents died when I was 6 years old and my aunt’s family adopt me, everything was going well, they were very caring and loving, it feels like home. It helped me to recover from the traumatizing event of the past. But suddenly one day they treat me like an outsider, they were so mean, they treat me like a house maid and they didn’t even consider me as a part of the family, they suddenly changed, and accidentally I heard my aunt talking to her husband, they were talking about keeping me and casting me out until I turn 18, just so that they can get all the money, dad and mom left for me. Those words were like knife piercing my heart so I took the courage and decided to ran away and live on my own and I promised myself that I will become successful and will show them

that I can do everything on my own. But here I am wasting my time, doing nothing. I don’t like socializing with other people; other may just think that I’m a brat and an introvert person but they were wrong. I’m the most coward of the entire coward in the world. I just don’t want to lose someone again, that’s all. I’m going to go out today, I have to go find a job soon or else I will be living on the street next month, I’m out of money and I can say that I’m a person with a single penny on his wallet. Today is the perfect weather, something good might happen to me today. Hair check, coat check, paper and requirement check, I’m technically ready to go find the perfect job for me. But I’m lacking courage right now, lot of things are popping into my mind like, what if I fail?, what if they laugh at me?, what if I don’t get accepted?, what if, what if?, anyway who cares I just have to do it right? Okay I’m going to do this. I stand beside the door and told myself, “You can do this Callie” and I slowly grabbed the doorknob but it suddenly fall of; it’s not bad luck isn’t it? Anyway this is a total wreck, I probably need to fix this very soon. The city is still the same, the smell of the dry asphalt mixed with the carbon monoxide produce by cars is entering my whole system, and it brings back a lot of memories. The city is so noisy and busy people are everywhere doing their own things. Yesterday, I was just playing games in my room and now here I am, waiting

with a lot of people for the green light to appear, time sure fly so fast. 60,59,58,57, the traffic light is sure so long to make a go, * Traffic lights (green): 42, 41, 40*


A little girl eating a Popsicle stick is standing right beside me with her mother. And a man about 23 years old is standing in my left side wearing a black coat, a blue tie, and a golden watch. The kid beside me ask her mama cutely “Momma, let’s call papa and go play in the park” said the little girl, “later, okay?” replied the woman. It must be nice to have my parents here right now, if I could just take time back, I would really want to change everything, I really missed them.

I quickly closed my eyes so that I would not witness the accident, all I heard was the loud scream of the woman beside me and I know right away that the child was hit by the truck but, after a few seconds the loud scream suddenly stop like a movie being paused for a moment, I slowly opened my eyes, diverting my attention to the other side of the road so that I would not see such a horrible event but wait!? What was happening? The accident did not occur; I’m still standing here waiting for the go sign. Wait I need to assess the situation. Was everything just my imagination?

*phone rings*

*traffic lights (red): 60, 59, 58, 57*

I thought it was my phone, but the ringing sound was coming from the man beside me. The man took his phone out of his pocket. “Hey, alright, I’ll be there soon, love you”, said the man through the phone. I stared at the man, then I realized he’s so handsome, he looks like a CEO of a certain company, the time in his watch say’s 9:32 A.M, I still have a lot of time. But anyway I’m happy for him that he is able to date in such a young age, he’s so lucky very unlike me. 15, 14, 13, 12, at last the go sign is now very near. 6, 5, 4, the long wait is now over. But wait! What? Hey! The little girl run through the middle of the road, wait why? The traffic light is still red, wait! Noooooo…!

Shocks! What is happening here? I need to calm down first, Focus, focus, Callie focus, the person right beside me is the little girl and her mom, and in my left side is the rich man. Wait everything is the same, the number on the traffic light, wait what? *traffic light countdown: 50, 48, 47, 46* Wait, wait, wait, this is wrong! “Momma, let’s call papa and go play in the park” said the little girl, “later, okay?” said the woman.

Gosh! The events a minute ago is happening exactly the same, wait I need one more sign that will prove this conclusion of mine, think Callie Think! Right! That’s it the phone call. *traffic light countdown: 39, 38, 37, 36* *Phone rings* “Hey, alright, I’ll be there soon, love you”, said the man through the phone. It’s exactly the same. But I need to check just one more thing. I forcefully grabbed the man’s arm and checked his watch, its 9:32 A.M, No way! This is absolutely crazy. “Hey! Let go of my hand! What are you doing?!” said the man, I couldn’t hear what was the man was blubbing, I can’t think straight, my mind is going blank. But wait, I don’t have time standing here arguing with this man. The little girl, I need to save her. *traffic light countdown: 12, 11, 10, 9, 8* I still have the time; I need to warn the woman, I can do this. But how would I explain these things in this short period of time? She would probably think I’m crazy. *traffic lights: 6, 5, 4, 3* Gosh! I’ll handle the consequences later. It’s really happening, the kid run off, and without thinking I chased her and grabbed her hand and pull her as fast as I can, hugging her.

*traffic lights: 2, 1, (red lights)* “Hey are you okay?” I asked the kid, but she didn’t answered she look so terrified, she just stared blankly at me. Her mom quickly grabbed and hug her, “why did you do that?” said the woman, but the kid didn’t answer and just cried hardly as she can. I didn’t notice what happened but everyone was staring at us, everyone’s attention was focused on the little girl so I took the chance to exit the scene. The day is over and I didn’t even have the chance to go to the job interview, maybe I’ll just try again tomorrow. I quickly took a shower, change my clothes and ate dinner. For the first time I turned on my lights and saw how devastating my room is, I notice that it become a mountain of garbage in such a short period of time. But anyway I must recall all of the things that happened to me today; I sat down on my old green sofa and closed my eyes, remembering and recalling all of the things that happened today. What was just happened? Why did it happen? It was just like a time rewind, and it feels like it happened so that I could prevent a bad occurrence to happen. But it was just like any other day, and it was no different when I go outside. The woman, the kid, and the man, thinking back they were all part of the rewind, wait, the man, shocks! I never got the chance to explain why I grabbed his hand, so embarrassing….. Gosh! But who cares? He won’t even remember me, and even if I got the chance to explain everything, it would be probably hard for him to believe me. I guess I should just forget

what happened today, the important thing is that no one died right on my eye today and my conscience is clear. I need to sleep early tonight in able for me to attend the postponed interview.

January 30, 2019 Just like yesterday, I’m off to go to the Interview, wearing a pink blouse, eh? Why am I wearing a pink blouse, did I wore this unconsciously? Maybe I got the wrong blouse because it was dark inside my room; I forgot to turn on the lights. Anyway I don’t have time to change if I go back now I’ll probably miss the job interview again, I need to hurry. Not too early, not too late, my arrival was just right on the clock. But this company sure is very intimidating, so big, and so elegant; it’s probably one of the biggest companies in the city, you can easily tell that the environment was well organized and they probably took a lot of money and time decorating the entire floor inside the building. I’m starting to get hype up and excited. I entered the waiting room and wow about a hundred of applicants are lining up for the interview, I’m starting to lose hope, but anyway again I just have to this. *two hours later* “Applicant number 108”, -company employee, at last the time has come for me, this makes me nervous but at the same time

makes me excited. As I enter the room I saw four people sitting upfront they were all intimidating, the first person sitting in the left side of the table is a woman wearing a white dress with a red matching coat, and a gold glistening earrings and necklace, she is wearing a dark red lipstick making her look like a strict boss of a company, and the person sitting beside her is also a woman wearing the same make up, wearing a violet dress, and on the right side of the table was two man wearing dark elegant coats. I wonder which one of them is the boss. They all look like big people. *30 minutes later* At last everything is done, talking with people like that sure takes a lot of energy. “Everyone can go home now, tomorrow morning all of you will be receiving text messages, whether you are accepted or not. Good luck guys. You are now dismissed except for applicant number 108.” said the announcer. “But wait me? Why me? Did I do something wrong sir?” I asked, “No that’s not it Miss Sy, the CEO has invited you to his office to have a cup of tea”, the man replied. Huh? What? Gosh I’m getting cold as ice, why me? I wonder which of those four personalities the boss was. I’m shivering, I’m nervous as hell, of all the hundred applicants why me? I have to do this right or else my future will be at stake. I need to create a good impression to the boss. Let’s do this, you can do this Callie.

Even though I was so nervous, I smiled prettily and confidently and as I was entering the room I saw the silhouette of a respectable guy I was very near seeing his face but, suddenly I heard a loud bang and everything becomes black. *Alarm Sounds: It’s time to wake up the time is 6:00 A.M* *Alarm Sounds: It’s time to wake up the time is 6:00 A.M* *Alarm Sounds: It’s time to wake up the ti-* This alarm clock sure is so noisy, wait is that a dream? That dream sure is so realistic, I thought it was real, it feels like I was really there. Anyway I need to get ready for the job interview, come to think of it my dream was all about my job interview, I probably overdid everything, and spend all my night time thinking what will happen in my job interview and brought it together with my dream. Everything is already been prepared from my papers, requirements, and down to the clothes that I’m going to wear, as usual I’m going to where a white blouse with matching black coat that would perfectly suit a job interview, I hope nothing bad will happen. After I took a bath I quickly change into my clothes and ate my favourite breakfast, crockpot omelette and a cup of hot chocolat drink, this is so nice hmmm… the good aroma of the beverage was so energizing. *Alarm sounds: Late, Late, And Late*

Huh? Wait, I’m late Gosh!. But, I really wanted to drink the chocolat so I drunk it without realizing it was actually very hot. Ouch! Ouch! The coffee got into my clothes and marks a stain on it. I can’t go to the interview with this kind of look. I don’t have a choice I need to wear whatever I have in the closet. But wait shocks! My clothes are all on the laundry shop, gosh! My only available clothes are this I don’t have any choice tsk. And so I decided to wear this pink blouse, even though I hate pink, this is the only clothes available for me. Anyway I need to hurry. As I planned, I arrived at my destination at the right time, but wait this company look so familiar, wait, wait, something wrong is happening here again. The events happening right now was exactly what my dream was, wait I need to think carefully, was my dream actually real? And all of these are all just a rewind, wait! I’m getting terrified, I don’t even know what to do right now, wait I need to calm down, something important might be happening right now, think Callie, think! Something bad is going to happen, I know that for sure, but I don’t know it yet. I need to recall the events in my dream. After I arrive here there were a lot of applicants, and I finished the interview and nothing happens, but wait I think I’m missing something what happened after the interview? Shocks I can’t remember it at all. Right! The man in the office I remember now, but my dream stopped there, come to think of it, it was also just like a movie being paused for a moment like what happened yesterday. Anyway I need to predict what will happen at the office.

You need to think Callie; you need to think carefully what was the very last thing that occurred in that office, black, and silhouette. But first I must finish my interview. “Applicant number 108”, -company employee* I finished my interview just like what happened in my dream, and right at this moment the final event is going to happen. “Everyone can go home now, tomorrow morning all of you will be receiving text messages, whether you are accepted or not. Good luck guys. You are now dismissed except for applicant number 108.” Said the announcer, but I didn’t replied, I wonder how far can my action change the future. And so I followed him to the room, as what I did in my dream I smiled prettily and confidently, but instead stare at the man, I quickly run and pushed him down. And I was right, this man is being haunted by a gunman, but instead of the man I was the one hit by the gun, but thankfully it was not severe, it was just a scratch. I was quickly brought to the hospital and was treated right away. I closed my eyes for a moment to rest but I heard a voice calling my name, “Callie? Cal?” I slowly opened my eyes and saw a certain man, he is perfect from the bottom to top, the perfect guy for all the girls in the world I would say. I can’t even take my eyes off of him; he seems so familiar, it seems like I saw him before somewhere, I was staring at him like a crazy person. And he suddenly uttered “Cal? Is there a problem” said the handsome man, “No, everything’s okay, I was just wondering if you already have a girlfri- ahhhh no! I mean why are you calling me Cal?

I think were not that close yet for you to call me by my nickname” I asked. But he didn’t reply and just stared and smiled at me. And no way! he’s too handsome, how can a person be so pretty? I can’t believe it! He sat on the chair beside my bed and looked at me in the eye, I can obviously tell that he is worried, he told me “Cal thank you for saving me, but you should not do that again for my sake, I will never forgive myself if in case something bad will happen again to you. Promise me that you will never do that again!” said the handsome guy, “Wait, What are you saying? Do we know each other? Do I know you?” “It’s me Ethan, your childhood friend” he replied. I smirk and laugh at him, cause there’s no way my fat friend from before would become this handsome. “I’m serious”, he told me in a serious voice. “Are you really Ethan?” I asked. “Like I told you it’s me, you know me; I don’t do jokes” he replied, “If you really are Ethan then what is our trio tagline?” I asked, “We will fight together until the end, Cal, Eth, Shone.” Tears appeared right before my eyes, and without knowing unconsciously, I suddenly hug him so tight. I missed him so much; we were separated right before the accident that killed mom and dad. “I missed you so much, thank you thank you, I’m so sorry I didn’t recognize you right away, you look like a different person now, but, anyway this means if you are here then it means shone is also here, right?” I asked him with a crying voice. “Callie, he is in the ICU right now, I came here to tell you this” he replied, “Wait, what are you saying? ICU? Why would he be there, as what I can remember he don’t have any kind of illness right? Why would h-?

This is nonsense” I asked persistently, “Can you remember what happened at the office a little while ago?” he asked. “Of course I remember everything, I saved a certain man in a black suit, But unfortunately I wasn’t able see his face and right after I jumped at him I couldn’t remember anything” I said, “You might think that you actually saved him, but it’s actually the opposite, he saved you” he said. “What wait are you kidding me? He is being targeted by a sniper outside, how can that be possible?” I replied. “He is not the one targeted, you are, when you jumped at him, you were actually hit and you lost your consciousness, that’s why you can’t remember anything, but thankfully your gunshot wound is not that severe, after you lost your consciousness, a second shot was released, that was again actually meant for you, but shone protected you, he was critically hit, so we quickly brought you here and shone, but, unfortunately Shone, is still lying there right now.” He said to me in a low voice. I couldn’t speak, I couldn’t move, I was staring blankly at my hands, I couldn’t think straight. What happened at the office? I didn’t saved him, I was delusional that I could save him, everything is my fault, did my actions almost killed my dearest friend?, no way, this can’t be.. Me: Eth, Ethan: Are you okay? Me: I wanna be alone Ethan: Okay, rest, I’ll be back tomorrow.

I just nod at him without uttering a single word. It seems like I saved myself by sacrificing someone, I need to think of this thoroughly, I almost killed the man I love.

Chapter II Ethan’s POV It’s been 11 years since then, and I didn’t expect to meet her here again, she was my best friend, she was my everything, I was actually looking for her for the past years but I failed, and now fate has brought us all again. Callie, Shone, and I, we swore to never leave each other. I promised Callie that I will protect her forever and I will never let anyone hurt her, but I broke my promise. Shone and I were both orphans, we were very thankful for Callie’s dad for adopting us, but unfortunately fate were never been so kind to us, I was on a an

couldn’t hold it anymore and I cried it all out. “Eth, eth, I’m so sorry, I’m so sorry Eth,” I told him I’m so sorry a lot of times without explaining anything, but he didn’t even ask anything and he just hug me tight. “Shhhh… It’s okay its okay, it’s not your fault”, Ethan told me this in his worrying voice, “I’m so sorry I couldn’t save him right on time, I’m so sorry,”

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