Tissue Nematodes

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Tissue Nematodes II BPT Dr Ekta Chourasia Microbiology

Classification – Tissue Nematodes Lymphatic

Wuchereria bancrofti Brugia malayi Brugia timori

Subcutaneo us

Loa loa (african eye worm) Onchocerca volvulus (blinding filaria) Dracunculus medinensis (thread worm)


Loa loa


Dr Ekta, Microbiology

Wuchereria bancrofti (Filarial worm) Definitive host


Intermediate host

Female Culex, Aedes or Anopheles mosquito

Infective form

Third stage larva

Mode of transmission

Inoculation – bite of mosquito

Site of localization

Lymphatics / lymph nodes of man


Dr Ekta, Microbiology

Life cycle


Dr Ekta, Microbiology

Clinical features 

Infection - Wuchereriasis/ Lymphatic filarisis/ Bancroftian filariasis

Pathogenic states are produced only by adult worm (living/ dead) – classical filariasis Occult filariasis – lesions produced by microfilaria

Clinical states in classical filariasis can be classified as:    


Asymptomatic ( in endemic areas) Inflammatory – lymphadenitis, lymphangitis, fever, lymphoedema Obstructive – elephantiasis, lymphangiovarix, chyluria, hydrocele Tropical pulmonary eosinophilia Dr Ekta, Microbiology

Obstructive stage  Lymphatic

obstruction – occurs with the death of worms

 Causes

of obstruction –

 Blocking

of lumen by dead worms  Excessive proliferation & thickening of walls of lymphatic vessels  Fibrosis of lymphatic vessels 08/04/09

Dr Ekta, Microbiology

Consequences of Lymphatic Obstruction  Elephantiasis

of organs like leg, scrotum, penis, vagina, breast, arm etc – fibrotic thickening of skin & subcutaneous tissue

 Lymphangiovarix


– dilatation of afferent

 Rupture

of Lymphangiovarix into urinary tract – chyluria

 Hydrocele 08/04/09

Dr Ekta, Microbiology

Lymphatic filariasis


Dr Ekta, Microbiology



Dr Ekta, Microbiology

Classical v/s Occult filariasis Classical filariasis

Occult filariasis


Developing worms & adults


Basic lesions

Acute inflammation followed An eosinophilic granuloma by an epitheloid granuloma (hypersensitivity reaction) surrounding the adult worm & a fibrous scar

Organs involved

Lymphatic system

Lymphatic system, lungs, liver & spleen


Present in Blood

Present in affected tissues not in blood

Therapeutic response

No response to any drug

Responds to microfilaricidal drug, DEC.


Dr Ekta, Microbiology

Laboratory diagnosis 

Specimen - blood collected at night, preferably capillary blood from ear lobes, chylous urine, hydrocele fluid, exudate from lymphangiovarix

Microscopic examination – wet mount or stained with giemsa: sheathed microfilaria with no nuclei at tail tip


Dr Ekta, Microbiology

Laboratory diagnosis 

Concentration techniques – for capillary blood, venous blood (Knott’s technique)

DEC provocation test – 100 mg of DEC orally, examine peripheral blood smear after 30 to 45 minutes

Serology – using non specific Ags 1. 2. 3.


Passive hemagglutination test Fluoresecent ab test ELISA Dr Ekta, Microbiology

Treatment 


DEC (Diethylcarbamazine) – microfilaricidal: 6mg/ kg/day for 2-3 weeks Elevation of the affected limbs, use of elastic bandages & local foot care – reduces symptoms of lymphatic obstruction Surgical treatment of hydrocele


Dr Ekta, Microbiology

Destruction of mosquitoes

Protection against mosquito bites

Treatment of carriers

Brugia sps 

Two species infect humans : B.malayi & B.timori

Causes lymphatic filariasis

Transmitted by Mansonia & Anopheles species of mosquitoes

Life cycle, pathogenesis, clinical features, diagnosis & treatment – similar to W. bancrofti, with a following differences    


Children commonly affected Rapid development of signs & symptoms Elephantiasis affect lower extremities Chyluria & hydrocele rare

Dr Ekta, Microbiology

Onchocerca volvulus (Blinding filaria – 2nd most common cause of infectious blindness)

Definitive host


Intermediate host

Black flies (simulium)

Infective form


Mode of transmission


Site of localization

Subcutaneous tissue, dermis & eye


Dr Ekta, Microbiology

Clinical features 

Incubation period - 10 to 12 months

Eosinophilia and urticaria.

Nodular and erythematous lesions (Onchocercomata) in the skin and subcutaneous tissue

Photophobia, lacrimation, keratitis and blindness – due to trapping of microfilaria in the cornea, choroid, iris and anterior chambers.


Dr Ekta, Microbiology


Dr Ekta, Microbiology

Diagnosis & Treatment 

Nodular biopsy – adult worm

Skin snip – unsheathed microfilaria with no nuclei

Treatment – Ivermectin, surgical removal, DEC in non ocular onchocercosis


Dr Ekta, Microbiology


Dr Ekta, Microbiology

Loa loa

(African eye worm)

Definitive host


Intermediate host

Chrysops (deer fly)

Infective form


Mode of transmission


Site of localization

Subcutaneous & deep connective tissue


Dr Ekta, Microbiology

Clinical features  Subcutaneous

swelling – Calabar or fugitive swelling, measuring 5 to 10 cm, marked by erythema and angioedema, usually in the extremities

 Migrating

worm in subconjunctival tissue


Dr Ekta, Microbiology

Diagnosis & Treatment •

Peripheral blood smear - Sheathed microfilaria with nuclei upto rounded tail tip

Isolation of worms from the conjunctiva or subcutaneous biopsy

Treatment - Ivermectin, surgical removal, DEC (effective against adult & microfilaria)


Dr Ekta, Microbiology

Dracunculus medinensis

(Guinea Worm)

Adult worms

Male 2 to 4 cm Female 70 –120 cms, viviparous

Definitive host


Intermediate host


Infective form

Larva inside Cyclops

Mode of transmission

Ingestion of water contaminated with cyclops

Site of localization

Subcutaneous tissue


Dr Ekta, Microbiology


Dr Ekta, Microbiology

Clinical Features 

Disease – Dracunculosis

Clinical features develop an year after infection following the migration of worm to the subcutaneous tissue of the leg

Blister formation – rupture of blister when in contact with water ulceration – release of larvae by adult female worm

Secondary bacterial infection of ulcer


Dr Ekta, Microbiology

Diagnosis & Treatment 

Detection of adult worm – when it appears at the surface of skin

Detection of larva – in milky fluid released by worm on exposure to water

Radiology – calcified worm in deeper tissues

Treatment – 1.


3. 08/04/09

Thiabendazole/ Metronodazole – symptomatic relief, easy removal of worm Gradual extraction of worm by winding of a few cms on a matchstick per day, over 3 to 4 weeks Surgical excision Dr Ekta, Microbiology

Prevention 

Provision of safe water supply

Education to discourage people from entering water source

Filtering water through a double folded cloth

Boiling water before drinking

Discouraging the use of step wells


Dr Ekta, Microbiology

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