Helminths > Nematodes > Class-nematodes

  • July 2020
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  • Pages: 7
Class—nematodes (Bhushan) 9

elongated ,cylindrical,Unsegmented body with tapering end.  Alimentary canal is complete.  In male the rectum & ejaculatory duct open into cloaca.  Sex is sprerate & well develop .  Largest number of helminthic parasites of man belong to this class. 

Classification of nematoda  A)

location of adult in body  1.intestinal nematodes a) s.intestine:- ascaris, ancylostoma, necator, strongyloides,trichuris b)l.intestine:-enterobius,trichuris 2.Tissue nematodes a) lymphatic:-wuchereria, brugia b)mesentery:-mansonelia

Contd… B) mode of infection: 1)by ingestion  a.) eggs: ascaris, enterobius, trchuris.  b) larvae within intermediate host:-dracunculus 

cont…..  Encysted

larvae in muscle: trichinelia.  2.)penetration of skin:ancylostoma,necator,strongyloides.  3)by blood sucking insects:-filarial  By inhalation of dust containing egg:ascaris,enterobius

Contd…  C)

based on egg lay or larvae  1)oviparous(egg laying) ascaris,trichuris.ancylostoma,necator. 2)viviparous (producing larvae) trichinella,wuchereria,brugia,dracunculu s.

Anti nematodes durg  Albendazole  Thiabendazole  Prperajine

cytrate  Menbendazole  Pyrentel pamoate  In the case of flaria diethylcarbamajine (DEC, hetrazan)

Larva  Rhabditiform

larva  Filariform larva

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