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  • Words: 1,119
  • Pages: 3
Timing Doesn't it seem that our Elohim always saves just in the nick of time? His blessings often seem to come only after we have worried ourselves sick and have all but given up. Indeed, sometimes we have already given up! Sometimes, after we think we have lost everything, we wonder what happened to the promised rewards of serving Yahu'ah. As is often the case, there is more than one reason why we must wait for our rewards. First of all, we are but one very small part of a much larger picture. Yahu'ah moves to accomplish His goals with the greatest of efficiency. Because He gave us all free will and often works through us, our actions can sometimes affect the rhythm of His actions. He may delay us or put us in uncomfortable situations so that we must interact with someone who will benefit from the experience. In fact, it may well be us that benefits from the experience! The knowledge and skills that we acquire as a result of any given situation are a gift from our Elohim. We must recognize that ultimately He is the one in control! And we must remember that just because we know how Elohim did something doesn't mean He didn't do it! Critics often note that various miracles can be explained as rare but natural phenomena. I would hope so! Elohim is righteous and just! Elohim wrote all of the natural laws and the laws of physics! Elohim is nature! Unlike our legislators, and those trusted to enforce our laws, Elohim refuses to violate His own laws! If any blessing or

miracle cannot be explained as a natural phenomena, it is either a work of Satan (Revelation states false miracles shall occur in the end time), it follows a natural law we are not aware of (any good scientist will tell you that the more we learn, the more we realize we don't know!), or its a fake! Critics of Moses among the Israelites were able to cast doubt on Elohim's miracles for this very reason! Too many people expect God to act like a cheap magician! They expect our Elohim to wave a magic wand and create the Universe! I repeat, Elohim is righteous and just. He wrote the law forbidding the practice of magick (sorcery/witchcraft). He refuses to violate His own laws. This means that like an orchestra conductor Yahu'ah coordinates His resources to achieve the results He wants. Just as He used Ashur, Babylon, Persia, and Rome to punish or reward Israel, He uses individuals to punish and reward other individuals. All of this takes time. Furthermore, in His role as our teacher, Yahu'ah presents us with situations that both instruct and test us in those virtues we are weak in. As we react to those situations, those who interact with us are themselves presented with situations that both instruct and test them in those virtues that they are weak in. Since we are all individuals, we each have different strengths and weaknesses and so must undergo different training and testing during our lifetimes to develop our spirits to their full potential. Yahu'ah always seeks to strengthen us. Thus, those who are impatient find their patience tried. Those who are afraid are confronted with their fears. Those who are arrogant find themselves powerless. We all must learn to trust in our Elohim! When we comprehend His purpose we begin to see the wisdom of the delay or adverse circumstance that we originally saw as a setback or even a curse! Then, and only then, do we see the "cloud's silver-lining". Yahu'ah Sabaoth had Gideon reduce his army to a mere 300 men so that Israel would learn that with Him nothing that they attempted was impossible! As long as we have His grace, He will never let us fail. This does not mean that there shall be no struggle or strife. It does mean that as long as we obey, persevere, and trust in Him we shall win in the end. It is a righteous thing with Elohim to recompense tribulation to those who trouble us. And further, He says, “When you pass through the waters I will be with you, and through the rivers - they shall not overflow you. When you walk through the fire you shall not be burned, neither shall the flame kindle upon you. For I am Yahu'ah your Elohim.” If we do in fact have faith and trust in Him then we should take to heart the 37th Psalm. But what about all of those people whose lives seem to consist only of peace and prosperity? For some, such circumstances are certainly the reward for having passed all of their tests - they are virtuous indeed! Look closely though and one sees that the vast majority of these people are miserable in spite of their apparent prosperity! Why? Because they are in decay, Elohim has set them on a slippery slope and they are rapidly sliding into the pit! Lacking nothing except righteousness in their lives they have become easy prey for HaSatan. And finally, the Bible itself says that to God a thousand years is as a single day. This has led to numerous theories by students of numerology (millennialists) as to the timing of our Elohim's plans. Unfortunately for them, they ignore the rest of these same passages which also compare a thousand years to a "watch in the night" (traditionally about two hours long!). The point these scriptures are trying to get across to the reader is that Yahu'ah's sense of time is far different than ours. This shouldn't be surprising since He is eternal and we have lived but a short time. So what we consider a very long time (especially if we are under a lot of

stress) is less than the blink of an eye for our Elohim! Our lifetimes are so short compared to the eternity that we shall exist after our deaths, that an enormous amount of learning must be compressed into an incredibly short span. The results of bad decisions we make must be severe enough that we are unlikely to make them again! This often results in a life somewhat traumatic for us! So always remember to have faith and trust in Yahu'ah. Like a good parent and teacher, He will always instruct us and test our limits. But He will never push us beyond our capabilities. Let Him do the worrying for us. And as the Psalm says, "Worry not, it only causes harm!"

Praise Yahu’ah, Lord of Hosts! Praise Jesus Christ! Praise the Holy Spirit! Praise Yah!

Hallelu Yahu'ah Sabaoth! Hallelu Yah Shua HaMashiach! Hallelu Ruach HaKodesh! Hallelu Yah!

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