Some Of God's Personal Names

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  • Pages: 8
Using God’s Personal Name It seems strange to me the resistance by Christians to using God‟s personal names. Throughout both the old and new Testaments we are repeatedly admonished to use His name. Yet almost every church or temple I‟ve ever attended uses “God”, “Lord”, or some other title or

generic term when referring to the one true living Creator of the Universe. Indeed, I‟ve been told by far too many Christians that His name is “God”! All of the excuses I have been given for this refusal to honour and obey Him are quickly and easily refuted by the very scriptures they claim to follow! As usual, these people don‟t want to be confused by the facts; they prefer the comfort of tradition no matter how flawed and damaging that tradition might be. The author has chosen to replace the name Yah Veh (YHVH) with Yahu‟ah (Ya-hoo-ah) mostly because we know the pronunciation of Judah (YHVDH) yood - hey - vav - dalet - hey is “Yahoo-dah”(Yahu‟dah). If we take the “dalet” out of YHVDH then the spelling is “YHVH” and the pronunciation is Yahu‟ah (Ya-hoo-ah). At least until the time of Nebechanezzer, God‟s personal name was fully rendered in the Bible. However, around the time of Alexander the Great “Lord” was being used in its stead: “the personal Name ... written in the Hebrew Bible with the four consonants YHWH and is referred to as the “Tetragrammaton.” At least until the destruction of the First Temple in 586 B.C.E. this Name was regularly pronounced with its proper vowels, as is clear from the Lachish Letters, written shortly before that date. But at least by the third century B.C.E. the pronunciation of the name YHWH was avoided and Adonai, “the Lord,” was substituted for it.” (Vol. 7, pg. 680; The Encyclopedia Judaica, The Encyclopedia Judaica Jerusalem. 16 Vols. Keter Publishing House, Jerusalem, Israel, The MacMillian Company, Jerusalem, 1972). By the time of Yah Shua haMashiach (Jesus Christ), anyone correctly pronouncing God‟s personal name in public was to be charged with blasphemy and executed. Yah Shua incurred the wrath of the Pharisees by violating this law and performing most of His miracles in His Father‟s name (Matthew 4:10 and 22:44; Mark 12:11, 29, 36; Luke 4:8; John 10:25 and many more). His miracles were forbidden because He used God‟s personal name and the Mishnah specifically prohibits the use of the name of Yahu‟ah.

And indeed it was Yah Shua Himself who provided the evidence used at His trial to convict Him! When the witnesses could not agree, His trial could not proceed. At that point Yah Shua would have won His case because the witnesses were in disagreement (at least two had to be in agreement for a conviction). The priests now examined Him personally with questions, which He refused to answer. At last, they asked Him the one question He was willing to answer, “Are you the messiah?” He responded, “I AM. (see Exodus 3:14) Hereafter the Son of Man will sit on the right hand of the power of Yahu‟ah.” (Matthew 26:64; Mark 14:62; Luke 22:69). It was immediately after Yah Shua said these words that the high priest then rent his garments because this was the procedure required by the Mishnah at a trial of a blasphemer when God‟s personal name was actually uttered! The high priest then said, “‟What further need do we have of witnesses? You have heard the blasphemy! What do you think?‟ And they all condemned Him to be deserving of death.” (Mark 14:63-64). Yah Shua had uttered God‟s personal name in front of the entire tribunal. They had all witnessed the offence! In the following scriptures all creation is commanded to use God‟s personal name: Psalms 66:1-4; 68:32; 79:6; 83:16-18; 86:9; 96:1-8; 99:2; 102:12-22; 117:1;145:21; 148:7-14; Jeremiah 12:16-17, 19-21; 14:16-17; Isaiah 45:23; 56:3-7; Hosea 4:15; Romans 14:11; Philippians 2:9-11 (note that in verse 9 Yah Shua has been given God‟s personal name!); Revelation 15:4. Yet Jews, Christians, and Moslems alike still refuse to use God‟s personal name! In addition, John 17:11and Hebrews 1:4 confirm that God gave His Son His personal name! This should not be surprising since They (along with the Holy Spirit) are one in the same (echad)! Therefore, Yah Shua had “inherited „Yahu‟ah‟” as His personal name! So why do miracles happen in the name of “Jesus”? That‟s because all modern miracles are a result of faith, grace, and mercy, and are a part of the renewed covenant (Matthew 9:22, 29; Mark 5:34; 10:52; Luke 7:50; 8:48; 17:19; and Luke 7:50, 18:42). “Jesus” is an English corruption of the Greek “Ieosus” from the 1500’s (when the letter “J” was first introduced) and was never used by the Apostles! As noted above, we have all been commanded to use God‟s personal name. And failing to do so shall convict us of not loving God. That, in turn, convicts us of lying when we claim to have gratefully accepted the

sacrifice of His Son on the cross. Our ministers, mullahs, pastors, priests, and rabbis who turn us from the use of God‟s personal name shall receive a deserved portion of God‟s wrath (Jeremiah 6:14-15). But this does not make us guiltless! We must have a personal relationship with Yahu‟ah and use His name just as we want Him to use ours! We must seek knowledge of our Lord and use it to develop our relationship with Him. Though others may try to mislead us, we must at least seek the truth. Hallalu Yahu‟ah and blessed be He. What follows are just some of His holy names and titles: Ab - The Hebrew for Father Abi Yah - My Father YAH Adonai – Adonay - Lord, the One Who Has Authority El - As Being Mighty Elah Sh’maya - YAHU’AH God of the Heavens (Ezra 7:23) Elah Sh’maya V’Arah - YAHU’AH God of the Heavens and the Earth, (Ezra 5:11) Elah Yisrael - YAHU’AH God of Israel (Ezra 5:1) Elah Yerush’lem - YAHU’AH God of Jerusalem (Ezra 7:19) El Chaiyai - The YAHU’AH of My Life (Psalm 42:9) El Chanun - The Gracious YAHU’AH (Jonah 4:2) El Chuwl - The YAHU’AH Who Created You and Gave You Birth and Life (Deuteronomy 32:18) (Psalm 139: 13-8) El Deah - The YAHU’AH of All Knowledge (1 Samuel 2:3) (Romans 11:33-36) El De’ot - The YAHU’AH of All Knowledge (1 Samuel 2:3) El Echad - The One YAHU’AH (Malachi 2:10) El Elyon - The Most High YAHU’AH (Genesis 14:18) El Emet - The YAHU’AH of All Truth (Psalms 31:6)

El Emunah - The Faithful YAHU’AH (Deuteronomy 32:4) El Gibor - The Mighty YAHU’AH (Isaiah 9:6) El Ha Gadol - The Great, Big, and Large YAHU’AH (Deuteronomy 10:17) El Ha Kadosh - The Holy YAHU’AH (Isaiah 5:16) El Ha Kavod - The YAHU’AH of Glory (Psalm 29:3) El Ha Ne’eman - The Faithful YAHU’AH (Deuteronomy 7:9) El Ha Shamayim - YAHU’AH God of the Heavens (Psalms 136:26) El Kana - The Jealous YAHU’AH (Deuteronomy 4:24) (Exodus 34:14) El Ma’ownah - The Mighty YAHU’AH of Our Refuge (Deuteronomy 33:27) El Maowz Dal - YAHU’AH A Defense to the Helpless (Isaiah 25:4) (Exodus 2:23-25) El Maowz Ebyown - YAHU’AH Is a Defense to the Needy (Isaiah 25:4) El Nasa - The Forgiving YAHU’AH (Psalms 99:8) El Olam - The YAHU’AH of Eternity or The Mighty YAHU’AH of the Universe (Genesis 21:33) El Rachum - The Mighty YAHU’AH of Compassion (Deuteronomy 4:31) El Roi - The YAHU’AH Who Sees and Knows All Things (Genesis 16:13) El Sali - The YAHU’AH of My Rock (Psalms 42:10) El Simchat Gili - The YAHU’AH the Joy of My Exaltation (Psalm 43:4) El Shaddai - YAHU’AH the All Sufficient (Genesis 17:1) El Tzadik - The Righteous YAHU’AH (Isaiah 45:21) El Yahshuati - The YAHU’AH of My Salvation (Isaiah 12:2) Elohay Bashamayin - YAHU’AH God in the Heavens (Deuteronomy 4:39) Elohay Chasdi - YAHU’AH God of My Kindness (Psalms 59:10)

Elohay Elohim - YAHU’AH God of Gods (Deuteronomy 10:17) Elohay Gelah Raz - YAHU’AH the Revealer of Secret Things (Daniel 2:22, 28, 47) Elohay Ha Ruchot Le Kol Basar - YAHU’AH God of the Spirits of All Flesh (Numbers 16:22) Elohay Kedem - YAHU’AH God of the Beginning (Deuteronomy 33:27) Elohay Kol Basar - YAHU’AH God of All Flesh (Jeremiah 32:27) Elohay Marom - YAHU’AH God of Heights (Micah 6:6) Elohay Mauzi - YAHU’AH God of My Strength (Psalms 109:1) Elohay Mikarov - YAHU’AH God Who Is Near (Jeremiah 23:23) Elohay Mishpat - YAHU’AH God of Justice (Isaiah 30:18) Elohay Olam Zerowa - God of the Everlasting Arms (Deuteronomy 33:27) Elohay Selichot - YAHU’AH God of Forgiveness (Nehemiah 9:17) Elohay Tehilati - YAHU’AH God of My Praise (Psalms 109:1) Elohay Tzur - YAHU’AH God of Rock (2 Samuel 22:27) Elohay Tz’vaot - YAHU’AH God of Hosts, Or YAHU’AH God of Armies (2 Samuel 5:10) Elohay Yachal - YAHU’AH God of Hope, (Romans 15:13) Elohay Yishi - YAHU’AH God of My Salvation (Psalms 18:47, 25:5) Elohim Chaiyim - Living God YAHU’AH (Jeremiah 10:10) Elohim Kedoshim - Holy God YAHU’AH (Leviticus 19:2)( Joshua 24:19) Elohim Ma’arakah Chai - YAHU’AH is the Living God of all the Armies of Israel (1 Samuel 17:26) Melech Ha Olam - King of the Universe (Daniel 2:8) YAHU’AH (YHVH) Attiyq Yom - YAHU’AH The Ancient Of Days, (Daniel 7:9,

13, 22) YAHU’AH (YHVH) Bara - The Lord of Creation (Isaiah 40:28) YAHU’AH (YHVH) Cether - YAHU’AH Our Hiding Place (Psalm 32:7) YAHU’AH (YHVH) Elohim - God YAHU’AH (Genesis 2:4) (Deuteronomy 6:4) YAHU’AH (YHVH) Ga’al - YAHU’AH Our Redeemer (Isaiah 49:26) YAHU’AH (YHVH) Hazaq - YAHU’AH of My Strength (Isaiah 40:31) YAHU’AH (YHVH) Ha Adonim - YAHU’AH Lord of Lords (Deuteronomy 10:17) YAHU’AH (YHVH) Melek Kabowd - YAHU’AH the King of Glory (Psalms 24:9-10) YAHU’AH (YHVH) M’kadesh - YAHU’AH Makes Us Holy (Ezekiel 37:28) YAHU’AH (YHVH) Natsar - YAHU’AH Who Preserves Us from Trouble (Psalms 32:7) YAHU’AH (YHVH) Nisi - YAHU’AH Is My Miracle/My Banner (Exodus 17:15) YAHU’AH (YHVH) Ori - YAHU’AH The Lord Is My Light (Psalms 27:1) YAHU’AH (YHVH) O’saynu - YAHU’AH Our Maker (Psalms 95:6) YAHU’AH (YHVH) Ra’ah - YAHU’AH Our Shepherd (Psalms 23:1) YAHU’AH (YHVH) Rapha - YAHU’AH Is My Healer (Exodus 15:26)(Genesis 20:17) YAHU’AH (YHVH) Rumn Ro’sh - YAHU’AH the One Who Lifts My Head, (Psalms 3:3) YAHU’AH (YHVH) Shalom - YAHU’AH Is Our Peace (Judges 6:24) YAHU’AH (YHVH) Shaphat -The Lord YAHU’AH Is Our Judge (Isaiah 33:22) YAHU’AH (YHVH) Tzidkaynu 0 YAHU’AH Our Righteousness (Jeremiah 33:16)

YAHU’AH (YHVH) Tz’vaot -YAHU’AH the Lord of the Armies (1 Samuel 1:11) YAHU’AH (YHVH) Yireh - YAHU’AH the One Who Sees and Knows All That We Need (Genesis 22:14)

Use these names and titles appropriately and they will enrich your relationship with your creator. We were created in His image and so He enjoys hearing His names just as much as we enjoy hearing our own! Seek out and use appropriately the many other names and titles that belong to Him. I guarantee you that He will appreciate your efforts!

Hallelu Yahu’ah Hallelu Yah Shua haMashiach Hallelu Ruach haKodesh Hallelu Yah

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