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: 30 minutes : 10 0 1
1) Pointer stores address of a variable A) (True) : correct answer 2) * is a overloaded operator A) (True) : correct answer 3) '*' is called a A) (Correct) value at address operator B) (Wrong) operator of address C) (Correct) dereference operator D) (Correct) indirection operator 4) Name of a UDF and an array is a pointer A) (True) : correct answer 5) "-> " called as pointer-to-member operator is used to A) (Correct) access data members of a structure B) (Correct) access data members of an object C) (Wrong) access data members of a union D) (Wrong) none of these 6) self referential structure should have A) (Wrong) minimum one data and one pointer variable B) (Wrong) minimum one data and no pointer variable C) (Correct) minimum one data and one pointer variable of type struct itself D) (Wrong) none of these 7) is a dynamic allocation operator [ new ] is a dynamic allocation operator 8) is a dynamic deallocation operator DELETE del delete 9) is a onternal ponter provided bt c++ [ This quiz was made with Galli's QuizFaber 2.12.2