Thrive Training Cc1

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  • December 2019
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  • Pages: 27


Thrive Training & Development Class Descriptions

I. Communication Skills Business Writing.............................................................................................5 Conflict Management Styles and Skills...................................................5 Email Effectiveness........................................................................................6 Enhancing Communication Skills with the Myers Briggs Type Indicator...........................................................................................6 Giving Great Feedback................................................................................7 Powerful Presentations................................................................................7 Public Speaking..............................................................................................8

II. Leadership & Management Development Coaching For Success.................................................................................10 Engaging the Power of Others................................................................10 The Leader’s Role in Managing Generational Differences...........11 Leading From Your Strengths..................................................................11 Leading Teams..............................................................................................12 Managing Low Performers.......................................................................12 Optimizing Effectiveness in Today’s Multigenerational Workplace for Leaders..........................................................................13 Project Management....................................................................................13 Situational Leadership: An Introduction.............................................14 Situational Leadership: What are my Leadership Style Strengths?.......................................................................................14

Thrive Training & Development Class Descriptions (Continued)

III. Employee Development Accountability in the Workplace............................................................16 Emotional Intelligence...............................................................................16 Living with Change.....................................................................................17 Managing Change with the Myers Briggs Type Indicator............17 Maximum Meeting Management...........................................................18 Optimizing Effectiveness in Today’s Multigenerational Workplace................................................................................................18 Stress Management.....................................................................................19 Team Development with the Myers Briggs Type Indicator........19 Team Skills.....................................................................................................20 Understanding Generational Differences in the Workplace........20

IV. Workplace Environment Cultural Competence..................................................................................22 Diversity & Inclusion in the Workplace..............................................22 Diversity & Inclusion in the Workplace and Customer/Patron Base.........................................................................23 Workplace Harassment..............................................................................23 Workplace Harassment Training Program for Managers...............24

V. Business Improvement Creativity at its Finest.................................................................................26 Customer-Centered Series........................................................................26

I. Communication Skills

n Business Writing

2 hours

Do you feel like you don’t know what to write or how to compose your memos, reports or emails? Do you question the grammar or tone? In this interactive training you will utilize various learning stations to become familiar with business writing applications, tips and techniques. Specifically this session will address: 1. Common grammar “goofs” 2. “Chunking” reports, memos or emails to enhance readability 3. The best and worst practices in email 4. Appropriate business writing tone

n Conflict Management Styles and Skills

2 hours

Conflict can be misinterpreted as a negative word. However, if conflict is addressed correctly it can be a positive thing and improve your working relationships. In either case, conflict can be stressful. Learn how to better understand your preferred conflict style and strategies that minimize stress while getting the results you desire! Specifically this session will address: 1. The definition of conflict 2. Assessment of individual conflict management styles using the Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Instrument 3. Conflict management strategies and application


n Email Effectiveness

2 hours

Have you ever heard of Netiquette? Netiquette is the best and worst email practices. In a world where email is used as much or more than face-to-face communication it’s essential to learn how to improve your email etiquette. Specifically this session will address: 1. The power and pitfalls of email communication 2. The purpose of your email messages 3. Techniques to make your messages clear, concise and correct

n Enhancing Communication Skills with the Myers Briggs Type Indicator

2 or 4 hours

Communication is the key to every interpersonal interaction whether with colleagues, customers, team members or friends. Learn what the Myers Briggs Type Indicator assessment can tell you about your preferred communication style. In addition, develop an increased understanding of those with different communication styles in order to optimize your interactions. Specifically this session will address: 1. Identification of your Myers Briggs Type preference 2. How your type preference influences your communication with others


n Giving Great Feedback

2 hours

Everyone is responsible for giving and receiving feedback regardless of their level in the organization. However, we often bite our lip and ignore great opportunities to help a co-worker, a manager or a friend by offering feedback. Learn easy and effective methods to give and receive feedback! Specifically this session will address: 1. How you prefer to give and receive feedback 2. The STAR model of effective feedback 3. The importance of listening skills 4. Skill practice in giving and receiving feedback

n Powerful Presentations

1 or 2 days

Do your presentations catch the audience’s eye and ear? Would you like to know how to enhance a current presentation to hold the attention of your audience from beginning to end? Specifically this session will address: 1. Presentation tips and techniques to grab your audience 2. Application of the tips to an existing presentation 3. Classroom practice and feedback All participants will be videotaped and will receive a copy of their presentation along with the recorded feedback.


n Public Speaking

2 hours

Did you know that some people fear public speaking more than death? Do you get nervous just thinking about presenting in front of a group? Do you wonder if you truly proved your point or sold your idea? Will your audience walk away with a desire to learn more about the subject? “Public Speaking” builds both your competence and confidence in presenting information that is memorable and meaningful! Specifically this session will address: 1. Assessment of the audience needs 2. Speeches designed to meet the needs of your audience and your presentation objectives 3. Powerful openings, closings, effective details and appropriate visuals 4. Use of body language, gestures and voice to support your content


II. Leadership & Management Development

n Coaching For Success

4 hours

Do you know the difference between coaching and mentoring? Are you coaching? Are you giving advice or are you mentoring? Learn about the differences and develop your coaching skills in order to coach others for success! Specifically this session will address: 1. The context for coaching 2. What is the coaching process 3. Classroom application of the coaching process 4. Action planning for future coaching opportunities

n Engaging the Power of Others

2 hours

Our minds define and confine possibility. We have the opportunity to transform ourselves into a new way of being - the new leader’s job as a job of possibility. It does not present the leader as all-powerful, but as one who seeks to lead in order to make others powerful. Explore the “Art of Possibility” as defined by Ben and Roz Zander. This session will provide you with an opportunity to change your perception of yourself as a leader and those you lead. Specifically this session will address: 1. The components of Leadership: An Art of Possibility 2. Action planning based on opportunities to change how you lead


n The Leader’s Role in Managing Generational Differences

4 hours

Have you considered how Generational Differences affect your culture, communication and productivity? Learn about the differences within the organization and explore leader opportunities to maximize generational differences and similarities and identify strategies for improvement. Specifically this session will address: 1. Key factors that shape the 4 generations 2. Key motivators, values, behaviors, financial and educational perspectives between generations 3. Challenges and solutions in leading multiple generations 4. Understanding one’s own strengths in leading one generation vs. another and applying strategies to improve in those areas 5. Three potential areas for improvement to help retain Generation Y employees

n Leading From Your Strengths

4 hours

We are called on as leaders to optimize our strengths and the strengths of others. But what resources and tools do we have to determine and evaluate them? Based on the Strengths Finder Inventory and the book “Now Discover Your Strengths” by Marcus Buckingham we will explore how to maximize strengths in day-to day workplace applications.


n Leading Teams

2 hours

Do you struggle with finding the energy to improve your team, their communication and team productivity? Do you feel as though you cannot wrap your arms around your team dynamics? The ability of teams to perform at high levels and adapt quickly to escalating demands largely determines an organization’s success. “Leading Teams” is created for the challenges teams face when new team members are hired, when a project scope changes or when a person on the team leaves or disengages. Understanding team dynamics and being agile enough to respond to them is the key to leading highly functioning teams! Specifically this session will address: 1. The stages of team development 2. The skills needed to effectively lead teams through these stages 3. Personal action planning for team engagement

n Managing Low Performers

2 hours

What causes a good employee to become a low performer? Many would argue it is because of their manager and many believe it is because the associate is not working in their strength zone. This workshop will better prepare you to coach, lead and manage your low performers. Specifically this session will address: 1. The right attitude when working with low performers 2. Tools to understand your associate’s strengths 3. How to develop and deliver a Performance Improvement Plan


n Optimizing Effectiveness in Today’s Multigenerational Workplace for Leaders

2 hours

Have you considered how Generational Differences affect the culture, communication and productivity in your workplace? Learn about the differences presented by the presence of Boomers, GenX, Gen-Y and Millenials working side-by-side and what you as a leader can do to capitalize on the opportunities those differences present. Specifically this session will address: 1. Key factors that shape the 4 generations 2. Key motivators, values, behaviors, financial and educational perspectives between generations 3. Challenges and solutions in working with multiple generations

n Project Management

4 hours

What is Project Management? According to Project Management Memory Jogger, “Project Management supplies project teams with a process that helps them coordinate their efforts so they may create the right product (or service, process, or plan) at the right time, for the right customer, within the resource limits established by the organization.” Learn what you have been missing in order to improve quality, decrease time delays and coordinate a successful project! Specifically this session will address: 1. The concepts of project management 2. Application of project management tools 13

n Situational Leadership: An Introduction

2 hours

As a leader do you feel like you have to handle anything and everything? Do you feel like you have to adapt to the needs of your employees? “Situational Leadership” can help. “A Situational Leader is one who can adopt different leadership styles depending on the situation.” Specifically this session will address: 1. The four styles of leadership behavior and four components of follower readiness 2. How to adapt leadership styles to meet the needs of difficult co-workers and associates 3. Action planning to implement learning

n Situational Leadership: What are my Leadership Style Strengths?

2 hours

As part II of Situational Leadership, discover your Leadership Style Strengths. Do you have a leadership preference toward directing others? Is your preference support and encouragement? Or maybe it is both? Learn how awareness of your Leadership Style preferences impacts how you lead your associates. Specifically this session will address: 1. The four styles of leadership behavior and four components of follower readiness 2. Identification of your leadership style preference and how it impacts 3. Action planning to implement learning


III. Employee Development

n Accountability in the Workplace

2 hours

Imagine an organization where no one said, “It’s not MY job!” What if we could all let go of the “blame game” and view empowerment, responsibility, and accountability as methods for achieving increased personal and team effectiveness? “Accountability in the Workplace” demonstrates the combined strength of responsibility, empowerment, and accountability in achieving successful project results and increased professional growth. Specifically this session will address: 1. Accountability and the role it plays in achieving project or task success 2. How to hold ourselves – and others – accountable for our results, no matter how things turn out

n Emotional Intelligence

4 hours

“Emotional Intelligence can be defined in many ways, but on the most basic level it is the ability to accurately identify and understand one’s own emotional reactions and those of others. It also involves the ability to regulate one’s emotions, to use them to make good decisions and to act effectively.” (Mayer, Salovey & Caruso, 1998) This course examines the dimensions and characteristics of Emotional Intelligence; its business and personal importance, and its application to work life. Specifically this session will address: 1. The characteristics of emotional intelligence 2. Individual emotional intelligence quotient 3. The 4 dimensions of emotional intelligence


n Living with Change

2 hours

It’s been said that the only thing that is constant is change. And changes are happening at a more dramatic rate than ever before. Change is unavoidable. Gaining an understanding of change and transition along with developing the skills to use in the face of change is empowering! Specifically this session will address: 1. Human reactions to change as described by The Bridges Model 2. The characteristics of the Four Phases of Transition 3. The constructive behaviors associated with each of the Four Phases of Transition 4. Identification of personal transition coping styles 5. Advantages and disadvantages of each transition coping style

n Managing Change with the Myers Briggs Type Indicator

2 hours

Change is the only thing that is constant in an organization, and in life. So, why is it so hard to adapt to change? The MBTI (Myers Briggs Type Indicator) is a tool that can help you understand your preferences in how you respond to change. Specifically this session will address: 1. Identification of your Myers Briggs Type preference 2. The three phases of change 3. The impact of your Myers Briggs Type on how you manage change


n Maximum Meeting Management

2 hours

Do you feel like you are drowning in meetings? We have all been to meetings that achieve nothing more than new levels of boredom and frustration. On top of that, meetings are an expensive combination of the costs of labor and opportunity costs of missed work. This training session, based on Patrick Lencioni’s best selling book, “Death by Meeting,” ensures all of your meetings are not only effective but cost efficient and productive. Specifically this session will address: 1. Different types of meetings and when they are necessary 2. The critical success factors of a meeting 3. Clarity of and satisfaction with meeting results as well as commitment to follow-up

n Optimizing Effectiveness in Today’s Multigenerational Workplace

4 hours

Do Generational Differences cause friction and conflict? Do you ever ask yourself why your co-worker spends so much time at work? Or why does your co-worker lack work ethic? This class will answer those questions and more! Learn how generational differences affect communication, values and behaviors and how you can apply strategies to improve in these areas. Specifically this session will address: 1. The key factors that shape the 4 generations 2. The key motivators, values, behaviors, financial and educational perspectives between generations 3. Challenges and opportunities for working with multiple generations 4. Understanding one’s own strengths in working with one generation vs. another and applying strategies to improve 18 in those areas

n Stress Management

2 hours

Did you know experts estimate that 80% of doctor’s visits are in some way stress-related? The cost to businesses, to your business, is staggering. It’s estimated that US businesses lose $60 billion a year due to stress related illness. Learn how you can better manage stress and decrease missed opportunities! Specifically this session will address: 1. Identification of stressors in one’s life 2. Recognizing physical, emotional and mental effects 3. Skills and techniques for coping with and resolving stress

n Team Development with the Myers Briggs Type Indicator

4 hours

Teams are the life blood of business today. Team dynamics can impact employee satisfaction, productivity and the bottom line. Learn about the characteristics of your team members through the Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) assessment. The MBTI will enhance your understanding of how you behave and enhance team interactions and processes for increased productivity. Specifically this session will address: 1. Identification of your Myers Briggs Type preference 2. Identification of the team MBTI profile 3. Benefits and risks associated with the team profile and effective team interaction


n Team Skills

2 hours

The ability of teams to perform at high levels and adapt quickly to escalating demands largely determines an organization’s success and without you, the company is not successful. We will discuss the characteristics of an effective team and experience a fun and interesting simulation/activity in which you demonstrate “what it takes” to be effective. Specifically this session will address: 1. Effective team skills 2. Application of effective team skills in a simulated activity 3. Personal action planning

n Understanding Generational Differences in the Workplace

2 hours

Do Generational Differences cause friction and conflict? Do you ever ask yourself why your co-worker spends so much or so little time at work? Or why your co-worker lacks work ethic? This class will answer those questions and more! Learn how generational differences affect communication, values and behaviors and how we work together. Specifically this session will address: 1. The key factors that shape the 4 generations 2. The key motivators, values, behaviors, financial and educational perspectives between generations 3. Challenges and opportunities for working with multiple Generations


IV. Workplace Environment

n Cultural Competence

4 hours

Most of us understand the importance of valuing diversity in the workplace. Cultural Competence is the next step. It’s about understanding how our myriad life experiences and affiliations shape our behaviors and attitudes and how those behaviors and attitudes impact one-on-one and team interactions. This is an energizing; fast-paced, reality-based experiential workshop that can build understanding of myself and others; enhance working relationships and provide tools for style flexing and cultural coaching and mentoring. Specifically, this session will address: 1. How our life experiences shape behaviors 2. The impact of different behaviors on cultural blending and culture clashes 3. Action planning based on opportunities for style flexing

n Diversity & Inclusion in the Workplace

2 hours

In this Diversity & Inclusion session, we will discuss the value of diversity, the definition and what this means to your organization, to your business, and how you attract and retain a diverse employee base. Specifically this session will address: 1. The breadth of diversity and inclusion 2. Why diversity and inclusion are important to the organization 3. Strategies for attracting and retaining a diverse group of employees


n Diversity & Inclusion in the Workplace and Customer/Patron Base

4 hours

Why is diversity & inclusion important? How does it impact your organization? We will discuss the value of diversity, the definition and what this means to your organization and business, how you attract and retain a diverse employee base, and strategies for attracting a diverse customer base. Specifically this session will address: 1. The breadth of diversity and inclusion 2. Why diversity and inclusion are important to the organization 3. Strategies for attracting and retaining a diverse group of employees 4. Strategies for attracting a diverse patron base

n Workplace Harassment

4 hours

In this Workplace Harassment session, we discuss why workplace harassment training is critical, how it can impact an organization, the definitions of harassment and sexual harassment and how to handle it. Specifically this session will address: 1. What constitutes harassing behavior 2. The impact of harassing behavior on individuals and the business 3. Identification of harassment and what to do if they believe they or others are being harassed 4. Policies and procedures for preventing harassment and dealing with it should it occur 23

n Workplace Harassment Training Program for Managers

8 hours

For leaders and managers, harassment is a scary word and one that is not taken lightly. In this Workplace Harassment session, we discuss why workplace harassment training is critical for managers, how it can impact an organization, the definitions of harassment and sexual harassment and skill practice on how to handle it. Specifically this session will address: 1. What constitutes harassing behavior 2. The impact of harassing behavior on individuals and the business 3. Your role in employee harassment awareness and notification 4. Policies and procedures for preventing harassment and dealing with it should it occur


V. Business Improvement

n Creativity at its Finest

1 day

This session begins with a trip to the Taft Museum of Art, one of Cincinnati’s greatest landmarks. As noted in the best selling book, “Work Like DaVinci,” building your creative advantage in business is mission critical for all those you lead and serve. Specifically this session will address: 1. Creative interpretation, discovery and brainstorming 2. Application of creativity and innovation to your business needs 3. Personal action planning

n Customer-Centered Series

8 hours

This Customer-Centered series is not your traditional customer service series because it focuses on reaching out to the community – to those who represent your customers. In the Customer-Centered series you focus on how to engage your entire workforce to meet the customer’s needs regardless of their role and job description. EVERYONE is responsible for optimizing the customer experience. Specifically this session will address: 1. What is the optimal customer experience? 2. What do customers expect? 3. What does “Customer-Centric” look like in my role? 4. The breadth of diversity and inclusion 5. Why diversity and inclusion are important to the optimal customer experience 6. Strategies for attracting a diverse customer base 7. Action planning around each person’s commitment to the optimal customer experience 26 | ph 513.376.8403 926 Ellison Avenue | Cincinnati, Ohio 45226

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