Rg Cc1

  • October 2019
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Produced by Karnes City High School students on The Badger Times staff. Editor Abby Traxler. Adviser Julie Nichols. 400 N. Highway 123, Karnes City, Texas 78118 - (830)780-2321 - [email protected]

Kid Stuff?

Students Relive Childhood through Halloween Trick-or-Treat Too many people grow up. That’s “Being a kid never hurt the real trouble with the world, too anyone,” Melissa said. many people grow up. They forget. One of the most important They don’t remember what it’s like traditions of Halloween is the to be (young). – Walt Disney costume. While Melissa and her friends are dressing up as the Spice By Abby Traxler Girls, another junior, Amanda The Badger Times Editor Gonzales, has chosen to be a Spartan Queen. The sky is dark and the air is “My King Leonitus is going cool and crisp. Ghosts, ghouls and to be Weston Yanta,” she said goblins join princesses, pirates laughing. “I can’t wait, it should be and Þremen in a stroll through fun.” streets with skeletons and witches With box ofÞce smashes guarding the yards. On any other like Saw IV, which opened last day of the year sights like these may weekend, some students ßock to strike people as odd or grotesque the theaters for a bit of Halloween but, tonight, it is the norm. scare. Another scary movie out in On Halloween many people time for Halloween includes Thirty celebrate in different ways whether Days of Night, a vampire ßick. it’s dressing up or handing out However, not everyone is candy. Senior Dylan Braudway has as enthused and excited about spent this night with his friends for a while. “We all go to Weston Yanta’s house and his parents have food and drinks for us,” he said. “Then we sit out in the yard and hand kids candy but only after we’ve scared them.”

“Heck yes, we’re going trickor-treating. It’s fun, and it’s a way for us to hold on to our childhood even if it’s just one day a year.” -- Junior Melissa Lopez

But what happens when the kids you are scaring are your own classmates? This year at KCHS a surprising amount of students are making plans to do some trick-ortreating of their own. “Heck yes, we’re going trickor-treating,” Junior Melissa Lopez said of her and her friends. “It’s fun and it’s a way for us (my friends and I) to hold on to our childhood even if it’s just one day a year.” Other students, however, say it’s time to grow up. “I think it’s very childish,” Junior R.J. Rodriguez said. Regardless of whether dressing up and trick-or-treating is childish, students still Þnd joy in the traditions surrounding Halloween.

Halloween. KCISD Nurse Bernadette Bluhm gave her stance on the holiday. “I don’t like Halloween,” she said. “It’s not the Holiday, but kids come to school the next day tired because they stayed up all night and they also have headaches from sugar rushes and rotten teeth.” But rotten teeth and sugar rushes aside, children—of all ages—still go out every year in hope of scoring more candy than the year before. Halloween had become more of an excuse for teenagers to dress up, goof off and act like kids again according to Freshman Lauren Garza. “We get to dress crazy and have fun. What could be better?”


Girls’ Cross Country Team Runs with Heart

s I rounded the last half mile of the two-mile district Cross Country course, pain shot through my twisted ankle. I felt I couldn’t possibly climb that last hill along Starke Park in Seguin. But just ahead of me was my teammate Junior Melissa Lopez. She slowed and waited for me, reached out and grabbed my arm and pulled me farther ahead with her. It was clear she was adamant that we, as a team, would Þnish; no one would be left behind. Cross Country is a very enduring sport. It takes the mental and physical endurance that all runners train to acquire, but here at KCHS it has also grown to mean a close knit team. This year’s early morning practices consisted mostly of girls,

Opinion column because most of our boys’ team was is involved in football and other activities. We are a younger group this year other than senior runners Genna Kopecki and Frankee Padron, so starting out we had a less experienced team when it came to running at the varsity level. At District last week, Genna set a positive example. She was not feeling well but ran the course anyway. Because of her leadership throughout the season, we all respect her and how hard she has worked at running throughout her high school

career. It seems we all grew closer to each other whether we were pushing each other harder, sharing the latest gossip as usual, or just talking about how school was going for us. Sure, as any other team we have our problems, like envying that one runner for Þnishing with a better time, but then you realize that you need to step it up and push it harder to beat that individual. Along with the leadership of Genna on our team you will see one of our youngest runners Robin Garcez, a freshman, leading the Lady Badger pack. Robin pushes herself in practice and on her own time, and her dedication to the sport and to running in general is another

positive example for our team. I have come to refer to her as “Speedy Garcez” because I claim she runs by so quickly you never knew she was there. She just laughs and in her humble way says “thank you” and keeps on going. We’re a relatively young team, so I look forward to the continued camaraderie we will share as we grow stronger as individuals and as a team. I thank each member of the Lady Badger Cross Country team for her time and dedication to our efforts, and I wish all of you the best of luck at this weekend’s Regional Meet. Jamie Fleming, a sophomore, is a reporter for The Badger Times and a member of the Lady Badger Cross Country Team, which placed second at District Oct. 24.

Counselor Reminds Students of College Entrance Exam Dates

Counselor Grace Soliz is reminding students, particularly juniors and seniors, of upcoming college entrance exam registration dates. To register for the Dec. 8 ACT, students must meet the deadline of Friday, Nov. 2. Late registration is Nov. 3-15, but a fee is required. The next ACT will be administered Feb. 9 with registration on Jan. 4. To register, students may go to www.act.org. The SAT will be administered Saturday, Nov. 3, but the deadline to register has passed. The next SAT test date is Dec. 1, and registration was Tuesday, Oct. 30, but students may register late by Nov. 8 with a fee. The next date is Jan. 26 with a registration date of Dec. 26. To register for the SAT, go to www.collegeboard.com. Soliz also noted that applications for Texas colleges and universities can be submitted online at www.applytexas.org.

Soliz recommends juniors begin transcripts from her. Also in November, students should researching colleges and universities that offer degrees in their areas of in- begin fnancial aid applications. In terest. She also instructs them to take December, she recommends parents a PSAT, which was administered Oct. 17. Dual credit classes are available at KCHS as well, and Soliz recommends students acquire as many college credits as they can while in high school. For juniors, she recommended they take SAT’s and ACT’s in May once they have had necessary English and math courses to prepare them. For seniors, Soliz said they should make a calendar of college admissions and Þnancial aid deadlines. They should also retake the SAT or ACT if necessary. Students should have already begun their application process to universities and colleges, and this month they should seek recommendation letters from teachers or club sponsors as well as request their

and students begin gathering data for the Free Application for Federal Student Aid, or FAFSA. That website is www.fafsa.gov.

Double Vision

BCIS Classes Seek Vet Photos

Joyce Rives’ and Jeanette Davidson’s BCIS classes will be creating a Hall of Honor in the Social Studies wing. Several KCHS graduates are proudly serving in various branches of the military, Rives said. “We are requesting students and faculty to bring in pictures of our graduates that are serving or have

served in the military,” she said. “We are asking that you provide the name, branch of service and their year of graduation.” Students are asked to submit these photos to either Rives or Davidson. For further information please contact them at (830)7802321 ext. 321.

Photo by Christina Rodriguez Freshman Chelsey Villanueva tries to walk the line using Fatal Vision Goggles with the assistance of Julie Mendoza and Devin DeLaGarza. The demonstration by Karnes City Police Chief Eddie Salas, left, was part of the Smart Choices II Class Action grant program on the effects of drinking and driving.

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