Moses' shortfalls during the water miracle at Meribah did cost him his long awaited entry into God's promised land of milk and honey. The whole picture, though shows that Moses at that time had lived the most fantastic life of direct service to God of anyone in history before or since. Even Jesus, the later kingdom of God lawgiver, and soon to be new ruler of the Rayaume de Dieu, did not have as long an earthly association with Allah as Moses did. The Meribah water miracle incident which occurred as Moses neared the end of his earthly course and it had a silver lining for him. Moses was used as an example to the israelites and their great crowd of followers and all the believers since that time of the importance of exact obedience to God and the need to always give all credit for all good to Allah. Moses disobeyed when he hit the Meribah rock with his stick twice after he had been directed by the Great God to do it differently in order to get the water flowing. Then after the water flow began Moses fell short again in not giving credit to God for the miracle. This wrongfully taking credit by Moses for the water production miracle a very common failing. Even today how many times do you hear people give credit to God for good things? Moses no doubt got a great deal of satisfaction in lambasting those weak-faithed and ungrateful “what have you done for me lately” Israelites and followers, too. You can tell from the Bible account that God was not hostile toward Moses because of for these transgressions. The book shows that God let the water come up for Moses anyway, despite his failings. God is incredibly merciful, if in our life we have been merciful to others. We know from Bible history that the land of milk and honey of Moses day was very nice. As we proceed to read the Bible, though, we learn that the promised land of Moses' day was only a portent, as weak as a shadow or a mere reflection, in comparison to the wonders to be found and enjoyed in the renewed Garden of Eden. Further scriptures, as I recall, tell us Moses himself will be restored to life and health in that place at that time, A Salaam -O- Aleikum Hammy