What To Do Now

  • Uploaded by: Peter Amschel
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  • April 2020
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  • Words: 421
  • Pages: 1
America needed to make work for its unemployed and broke citizens in the 1930's and some of the biggest make work projects of all in those days were those humungous dams on the Colorado River. These dams improved the morale of America by showing that America was really so big that it could tame the formerly unconquerable Colorado River, a force of nature; and the damming provided immense amounts of electric power which was needed for heavy industry and to do atomic power research and to quickly militarize in order to beat down the japs, krauts and commies, which has now been accomplished; plus damming and diverting the river enabled the west to grow in population, which has now been accomplished. Damming the river really did make work for lots of men but now the time has come for us to re-open the Colorado River. 2009 - Now there is a new depression. No one has any money. Millions have lost jobs in many big baloney and other industries. Now even many of the ones recently known as "fat cats" are in skinny city having lost all their wealth on worthless works. These circumstances provide us our opportunity to once again establish massive public works projects, as follows: 1. Since the new USA president is a true muslim (submits to God; avoids God's prohibitions; does good deeds for others and has faith in God's munificence), and since "Israel", our main puppet master which has been getting us into wars with Islamic countries has recently exposed itself as a war criminal nation and therefore as not actually being the chosen ones of God so we can finally cut those freeloaders off of all the money we have been giving them and we can make them disgorge and give back to the USA all the Madoff and other money caches they have established at our expense, and we are therefore finally reduce our armed forces expenditures to zero all of which leaves beaucoup bucks for public works; and 2. One important public work will be to pay women incentive amounts of money and pensions, etc.to get married and stay married and have children and to not return to the work force, and we return the concept of "fault" to divorce; and 3. We hire millions of men and pay them living wages and provide each one with hammer and chisel to TEAR DOWN ALL THOSE GOD DAMNED DAMS.I'm sick of the Colorado being sucked dry aren't you? Think of the hydrologic cycle too!

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