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The Holy One The Devine and Holy Works of Ismun God before all gods, True God of The Universe

Should any man or woman, child, animal, beast or creature tamper with the things in this book in any way, the wrath of Ismun shall be on them always and their place removed from the House of Ismun for all eternity.


Part I

Chapter I Answar Answar was a slave who won his freedom was born around 1845-50. Records show that he lived and worked as a schoolteacher in New York City and died at an old age. Some of his story is told here. 1 Not knowing the year of my birth, I was told by those that knew me that it was between the years 1845 and 1850 on a plantation outside of Richmond, Virginia. I was born the last of nine children not knowing who my father was and my mother not being sure who he was. I never knew all my sisters and brothers. When I was twelve, my mother only told me that I was the last of nine children and that some of my five sisters and three brothers were taken from her to live at another plantation. My mother also told me that a boy was born stillborn before me. She had almost died herself in trying to give birth. By the grace of God and being a strong woman, she lived to a good old age of about seventy-five. She never knew what year for sure she was born.

3 2 Mr. Jackson owned the plantation I was born on and I worked there for the first fifteen years of my life. He and his wife and four children lived in a big mansion house overlooking the thousands of acres of land owned by his family for generations. I knew of only two generations of my family in this country. What part of Africa they said my people came from I never knew and no one else seemed to know either. I had no idea where Africa was and it was not until many years later that I learn that Africans were brought here as slaves. I was to later learn that many of those African slaves brought to America were skilled and educated men and women and some of royal birth. 3 Born into slavery, I lived the life of one. It was a life that no man or woman should ever have to live. God did not mean for any man to own another, if he did, he would have said so. Having lived the life of a slave, I desire it for no one. 4 At an early age I learned to work in the cotton fields from sun-up to sundown picking cotton. It took me a few pricks of the cotton thorns before I got the feel of it. When we refused to work or didn’t work hard enough we got ourselves a lickin.’ Mr. Jackson never would beat us, one of our own slaves would take a bull’s whip or two-sided leather strap to our backsides, or we would stand there and watch a bigger slaves beat another one with his fists until he drew blood or a called out for mercy. Over the years, I got to see a many savage beatings coming from field masters, as we sometimes called them, seeing men and sometimes women beaten into submission and unconsciousness, maimed and some dying from their beatings. It was no pretty sight to watch. I still carry scars today from a beating Jubal, a slave, gave me one day. I swore to myself that day that I would never get another one like it. I would be dead and in my grave. 5 All the food Mr. Jackson didn’t want he fed us slaves. Hog insides and intestines he made sure we slaves got them; pig heads, sorghum, corn mush, mountain oysters, tough collar greens that looked like weeds and nobody wanted, we got with no trouble said about it. That junk-food that nobody wanted made us slaves grow bigger and stronger to work the fields.

4 Some of the food Mr. Jackson fed us slaves, his dogs would have turned away and walked away from. I think his hound dogs ate better than us slaves because many a days he would throw the dogs out slabs of fresh meat of pork and beef to eat. 6 Nat was the first slave I saw killed by Mr. Jackson’s men. Mr. Jackson’s men beat him to death with clubs and sticks for trying to run-away. He didn’t get far. Mr. Jackson had a lot of men working for him and was always on the lookout for run-a-way slaves from the plantation. 7 It was the year 1864 and I had a certain feeling inside me that something would happen that year. Something inside of me kept telling me that whatever it was it would be something good. The day and hour would not be as vivid as the incident itself. 8 In the year 1864, I was alone in a side field to the plantation. I was praying to God to decide my fate and should I stay a slave or die trying to run away? A peculiar feeling came over me and I became dizzy in the head. I had been fasting for several days eating only a little dry bread and water. I heard a hissing sound, thinking it was the wind, paying it little attention. The sky opened up and out of nowhere a large apparition appeared before me. Thinking maybe I was going out of my head, the ground started to shake before me. Fear that I had not known before came over me. It was then that I knew it was my Lord. 9 “The shackles of bondage are broken,” the voice said to me, repeating those same words again to me. 10 Awakening that next morning in bed and not knowing how I got there, I learn that one of the field hands had saw me laying on the ground passed out in the field. He took me to the house where I opened my eyes to look up to see my mother and some neighbors standing over me. I told no one of my vision and what I had witnessed in the field that day. For some reason, I felt that they wouldn’t believe me.


Chapter II 1 That next year I got my freedom. I had told others later on what would be us slaves fate and that we would soon be free, and they only laughed at me telling me that I was working too hard in the sun. Their laughter at me only made me humble myself the more.

Chapter III 1 After the family had gained their freedom, my mother and two of my brothers and sisters moved up north to New York. We heard that Negroes had been living there for some time as free men. Some had not known slavery we were told. We found this hard to believe at first. It was the truth as were other colored men owning other color men in slavery, which I also found hard to believe. 2 I had never seen buildings as tall as the ones in New York. There were so many of them. On arriving up north in New York, it felt like someone had lifted a thousand bales of cotton from my back. I felt a peace inside of me that I had not known before. Everything around me looked different and were alive with life and freedom. For a while everyone I saw and looked at, I could only see freedom in their faces and little else. 3 The family moved into the basement of an apartment. It was in pretty bad condition but it looked a lot better than the plantation we left behind in Virginia. On moving in, we had no bedding, throwing some blankets we had on the floor. We must have spent half the night cleaning that place up. 4 My mother got herself a job as a house cleaner. My sisters also did the same work, and they all got paid for their work. I got work at a hotel cleaning up. It was the first time I had a pocket full of money. I must have run my hands through my pockets feeling the change in it a thousand times. The first pair of shoes I bought, they made me feel as proud as any young boy. I brought some shoes polish and kept a shine on them every day.

6 5 The family went to church as often as we could and didn’t have to work. My mother joined the African Methodist Episcopal Church not far from where we lived. Sundays, I seldom went to church with the rest of the family because of my work at the hotel. No one cared. My mother told the rest of the family that I was the easiest of her sons to raise and had little trouble out of me. 6 Fasting, I purified my mind and body. I had learned to fast from others. I had seen them do so and tried it myself. It was my vision one year that I would go to school and become a teacher. I always liked books, not knowing how to read. I wanted to learn so badly now that I was a free man. Over the years, I had saved money. I thought about getting married but wanted schooling more.

Chapter IV 1 I went to school at night and worked in the daytime. I studied hard and long hours. I hadn’t had so much fun in my life learning to read and write. In addition, while a slave, I heard about slaves that could read and write. Some of the slaves who could read taught other slaves how to read and write and how to count numbers. Masons, they said, these slaves were, who could read and write. Myself, I had never come across any that I knew of. People who knew them said that they had their own secret orders and secret codes they went by. The teachers were all helpful. At school, other students helped me out when I ran into trouble. 2 It took me a while, but finally I got my high school diploma. I don’t think that anyone in that school was as happy as I was. I was smiling like some old fox right out of the chicken coop. 3 I continued my education on to college in New York. The hours and days of long studying paid off. I graduated 23rd out of a class of 177. I wish that mama could have seen me take my diploma. She was gone though. Her heart gave out before she could see me walk across the stage. I dedicated the graduation ceremonies to mama. Her son wanted to see her watching him

7 one day teaching children. At 39, I would start teaching school. I later married, Helen Davis, a fine woman and devout churchgoer. We had two proud girls for a family.

Part II THINGS NEVER SAID 1 Those backbiters that whisper words of discontent under their breaths about you are not my work. They mumble words of malice and abuse towards you. The tongue must be bridled, if not, it runs away like a stray mare in heat. The devil talks much, but does little to alleviate your pain and want. The devil does not hold back his personal thoughts or feelings that he drops on you. He holds back not his personal feelings. 2 The Destroyer cometh. A man of darkness, little understanding does he possess, only that death and destruction must follow him. He understands little, even his evil and twisted ways of destruction and the chaos he brings. Trickeration, deception, mendacity, glibness of tongue and all that is corrupt follow his every way. His god is the god of perdition, adverse ways, confusion and having no mercy. Many will he destroy by flattery, lust, greed and those that seek after much material wealth. The eastern nations will be at his disposal; Africa will frown on him, but not escape his wrath, as he exploits its

8 resources. His name is Destroyer—his number is always imperfection, and artificial things does he enjoy much and not the naturalness of God’s creations and man in his pure form. Rising above the heavens, he puts all under him for he is god and all has he created. Stealing, lying, and killing of the innocents and deception of all kinds does he enjoy, but his defeat and hell shall be at his own hands. As his name, so shall his own hands provide his ultimate demise and place in hell. Ismun is True God of the universe and has spoken. 3 I have become a doctor, lawyer, teacher and businessman of much knowledge and wealth. What will be my place in heaven? No man or woman can brag about his or her works in or out of the House of Ismun. The spirit of Ismun must try us and by God’s Holy Spirit shall God know us. His ways are His ways, for He is True God of the Universe, before all gods past and present. 4 People often look upon the color and outer appearance of a person, not seeing that inner person. 5 The stature and color of a person is often seen by the law rather than his or her crimes perpetrated. A shorter person in stature is as guilty as a taller one in committing a crime. In that case, we still live by our animal instinct rather than the logic we possess as our courtrooms bring out every day. Morality and ethical values are based on emotions rather than sound reasoning of what is right and wrong. This is only the way of the devil when we treat one person outside the law and sway the law to others for whatever reasons. 6 The devil secretly says, I’m God. My throne and dominion are even greater than my creator. I will exalt myself above all, to be supreme in intellect, government, religion, medicines, the crafts and arts and even my physical supremacy will prevail. No one is as clever as I am and all shall know my ways are best and supreme. God’s spirit is no more than what I call it. By his knowledge and ways have the heaven trembled, the air has become stale and bitter, the water no longer natural but artificial, food taste no more

9 like it did coming from God, but has become polluted with chemicals that give diseases causing suffering and illnesses unto death. And you ask him his cures for them and he tells you, I have none. Nothing is itself and even the earth and heavens trembles under his footsteps of arrogance and hastily ways given to shadow thoughts. All things natural have he come to dislike and by his artificial ways he has polluted and destroyed much life. He has become his own god yielding, only to himself, sharing little with others. Coming in many names, but all those that know him call him by that one name that they, like their fathers, know. Righteousness he knows not, but as the sun rises from the east, the moon gives it light at night, there is law and order and the ways of Ismun throughout the earth and universe. If negation exists, then truly must positivity. If there is evil, then what we call Ismun must be there. Every righteous law and philosophy is based on God’s spiritual knowledge. If not, it is only that of deception and work of the devil and evil things. 7 That light around us is Ismun. He enlightens us by his light. 8 The redness of the sun Ismun has made is the basis of all colors around life. Thus, man will see red bringing into existence other colors. 9 The man of darkness comes. Holy people and those that obeyed Ismun laws knew that he was coming but no one knew when, only that the one of total darkness was much alive. By his power and knowledge and eloquence of speech will he cogently deceive many and in his charisma will he use many to gain power and his throne. Interpreting the laws as he see them by his own reasoning and the knowledge that he came to possess over the years, and not as his father or his father’s father before him saw them. His end is greed, not love and trust and dishonoring wrongdoing. Many will he kill and much shall he destroy. But he shall be no more and his end shall be the gates of hell for all eternity. The people will whisper among themselves, how could this have been, that so many gave in to him? They forget that the corporal and material ways of man are a part of him and his destruction.

10 10 By believing in Ismun, a higher power, I also believe in myself, as a creature of that higher power which we call God. We must adhere to a higher power, if not, we deceive ourselves as rational beings. I have come to worship the True Spirit of the universe. 11 Someone does a person wrong and he or she takes out that anger on another or those around rather than the culprit, should not be. 12 A solution to a problem is often found by staying with that problem in seeking a solution. 13 A child has not the emotional understanding of an adult. 14 A lie becomes the truth for a child not taught otherwise. Likewise, does stealing become the norm for a child not taught that it is wrong. 15 Children are innocent in their ways. But an innocent person can become the most dangerous. 16 As knowledge increases rapidly, so does the perception of children. 17 Teach a child the ways of Ismun that it will always know him. 18 Ismun hears the prayers of children. 19 A child that prays grows stronger in its ways. 20 Nothing becomes impossible in one’s youth, but miracles do Ismun. 21 A wanton girl and a boy’s desires are very strong. 22 Beauty is in youth; wisdom comes with aging. 23 A woman’s desires are stronger than a man’s. 24 A fool gives his power to a child who is learning his or her ways in the world. 25 Hell is darkness without Ismun’s light, ignorance, fire and coals of fire, suffering and all things adverse. Demons and evil spirits guard the gates of hell. 26 Children imitate those around them for the good or bad. 27 When parents and those around you fail, Ismun it there. 28 A child taught young in knowledge gains much, but a fool teaches not his children.

11 29 Homosexuality God frowns on. Woman was made for man and man for woman. 30 What if a person is born a hermaphrodite? Or by some freak of nature born with a predisposition to be a female or male rather than their given gender? Then, Ismun must help that person. 31 Let Ismun walk with you and not your addiction to drugs, alcohol, food, clothes or whatever it may be. Those that let their god become drugs and alcohol and material things have not a place in the House of Ismun. 32 Fruits are good for the body, wine the heart, meditation the soul, but Ismun is good for all things. 33 A proper diet prolongs life; but too much wine, fat and sugar destroy the body. 34The body is that ultimate machine, lubricate it in nutrients and polish it in water. 35 I was sick and afflicted and you gave me no help, only bitter water; you visit me not in my affliction, nor sent me any condolence, only words of malice and avoidance, or some excuse why you could not come unto me, but yet, you called me friend. I was wrapped in the chains of bondage and you came not unto me to believe my innocence of my charges, or to help me get a lesser sentence, but still you say you believe in Ismun and that you fight against evil and the devil’s subtle ways and come not unto me to give me sanction in help. But if you are incarcerated, you seek me out and others for bail and aid in getting out of jail. By your idle ways and indifference towards me, the devil grows stronger upon me as well as you, foolish one. And likewise did I needed food, being out of work and you gave me none, nor water or drink to soothe my inner soul. Yet, you come to me in a time of need, thinking only of yourself and what gains you might make and not out of human kindness, mercy and understanding. We all make mistakes and we all have flaws one way or another. Leave from me ol’ vile and wrong thinking one. You are not my friend and Ismun not your God.

12 36 Shorter people often over compensate in their ways, and as their sizes, they see things differently. 37 No one seems to like their looks, as all seek changes. 38 Good food is like good oil for a machine; it keeps the body going. 39 No one seems to like their color; white people use suntan lotions, black people bleaching creams. 40 The way a person talk tells you a great deal about that person. Words are you. 41 A person’s body—mannerisms, exudes the inner-spirit of that person. 42 Why do races seek out their own? 43 To look only on a person’s color is self-defeating. God looks at the inner-man and woman. 44 A chaotic earth will be there when we seek to travel to distant stars. Why not fix up the earth and its problems first. 45 There is life on Mars, though few know how to find it. 46 The humblest of man is your greatest. 47 If God was only knowledge, all men would know his ways. 48 Fasting and prayer bring you closer to God. 49 Draw closer to the spirit of God when it comes near. 50 Fighting against God’s Holy Spirit is a sin unto a sin. 51 God’s spirit works in many ways, no one can boast of it. 52 When the Book of Life is opened, all things about us shall be revealed. Things we know not we did while conscious or unconscious, shall be brought forth and Ismun to decide our fate of hell or paradise. 53 Suffering bring much strength. 54 Do not think that prison bars and incarceration can keep me from you. As an angel disappears into the air, so will my spirit find you in that darkest hour. 55 The early morning brings much peace and tranquility. 56 Beauty comes from within.

13 57 To avoid a foolish man is to be very wise. 58 Animals that are wounded often come right at you. 59 I am a spirit says Ismun. I am also an idea, thought and other things seen and not seen. 60 They that follow my ways and adhere to my teachings shall be as the stars that shine in the sky. 61 Fear not death when it confronts you. God is greater than death. 62 I will raise by my Holy Spirit from the grave all those that believe in me. Paradise will be for all eternity for those that believe in my work. 63 Many things does the spirit of Ismun: heals the blind with sight, the deaf to hear and dumb will speak; the sick and the afflicted are healed; talk with others in the spirit and speaking in tongues; predict things to come, as well as tell of things passed, raise the dead; bring forth kindness, understanding, mercy, forgiveness and knowledge. Many other things does the spirit of Ismun, for he is True God and not one to boast or brag of his power and ways, but to restore his flock, the lost tribes of the nations will he unite and bringing them together as in olden days. 64 A good and righteous man is hard to find. 65 One’s work is what he or she has made of it. Toil not in vain, but to the glory of God. 66 Silent tongues are as precious pearls to be treasured and desired. 67 By carrying on the work of Ismun, you tell him that you love him and his people. 68 Develop the spirit of Ismun and let him know that you love him and his creations. Raise the dead, heal people; prophesize and talk in tongues and dream visions never before. 69 Knowledge is infinite and so is God’s ways. 70 A child must be taught what is right and what is wrong. Can one know God’s ways and never be taught them as a child? 71 Seeing is not always believing. But by believing, one can see God’s glory.

14 72 How shall we learn love? Ismun is love. How shall we know Ismun and his followers? 73 You can not stop a person from hating, nor blame him entirely for his hatred, but you can contain that person from spreading his venom. 74 If angels fought against each other—how can we look down on mankind for developing wars and warfare? 75 Hunger often brings on evil deeds when a person is without food and money. 76 The fossils of dinosaurs are all alike when come upon. There are no signs of struggles from these creatures becoming extinct; no broken bones or fragmentations of struggles, but only bones intact. Something powerful came upon them suddenly, destroying their inner bodies and making them no more. 77 Many of the things of this world will pass away. Put your faith in God. 78 By satellite, computers, radio, television, word and mouth; by newspapers, magazines and God’s Holy Spirit has he made himself known. 79 The word of Ismun expands, as does his knowledge. 80 Knowledge builds on itself


81`There is no shortage of water with Ismun; he is that water of eternal life. 82 Can a person will his body to immortality? 83 As the feet grow tired, so will the heart. Sleep is good for the person. 84 Gambling has become a sin as anything when it takes away from that individual’s life. 85 Exercise strengths the body and the Holy One bring strength to the soul. 86 The mind is the most power things in the universe.

15 87 Man knew that he was immortal, but over the ages how to obtain that immortality. 88 The universe appears to be inside of something—but what? 89 Intelligence is no more than work, and hard work if needed. 90 A person of average abilities can become a genius. 91 As a bodybuilder builds the body, so can one build the mind. 92 Ismun has given his knowledge to all men so that no one can boast of it, or say that they have all knowledge. 93 Whoremongers, idolatry, witchcraft, sorcerers, devil worshippers, indolent people and all those that lead astray have no place in my House. 94 See not the outer color of a person, but that within them. The devil only sees the outer man. 95 A foolish man sees only the size and color and looks of a person. The wise man searches within. We see this all around us every day in our lives: A man of a shorter stature is more likely to get a lesser sentence in court for breaking the law than a taller person. So is this also true of looks (a handsome man or woman is often given a lesser sentence by the judge than a less attractive man or woman) and color; whereby, justice is meted out more so to people of fair and lighter complexion than people of darker pigmentation. This can only be the work of the devil. Ismun searches from within, seeing not the outer man or woman, but that inner person. His justice is more than stature, color and looks. 96 There are many spirits and some evil ones that masquerades as being good, but are the epitome of the devil. Know the spirit, if it is good or bad. A good spirit brings forth good things and not evil ones. A good spirit knows the ways and teaching of Ismun our Lord. 97 Near the end of the world many evil spirits will arise to do much harm and destroy many, but pray and trust in God who solves all problems. 98 God does not like a lying tongue or a deceitful heart. 99 Develop the powers of the spirit within you. Ismun has given you this power.

16 100 Show your love for Ismun in your work. Bring out the best in your work, as you yourself desire the best in what is before you and not the worst. 101 Money is only money. Do not worship it or store it for paradise. Paradise can not be bought, nor God’s spirit put to shame. Material things past in time, but God’s love is infinite. 102 Prisons and hospitals are a mirror of us and people of a society. If we love Ismun, we will visit those that are in chains showing them mercy, love and understanding, as well as forgiveness, for all have erred. Not all our sisters and brothers confined are guilty or broken a law, but many are incarcerated wrongly. The devil works in evil ways and even confining those for the money he can make off them in jails and prisons. As in hospitals, there are those who do not receive proper medical care and treatment; doctors and nurses addicted to drugs often treat many patience wrongly in the consideration of patients and their needs, taking their medication for personal gain and abusing them mentally and physically. Thus, check on those in hospitals, nursing homes, care centers, shelters, the disable and all those confined. If we love not our brothers and sisters that need our help and care, how can we love Ismun who is the God of mercy, kindness, understanding, consideration, forgiveness and most of all—love. 103 Many fruits have much healing power. 104 There is strength in the hand when lifting something heavy. By tightening the hand around an object, the hand becomes stronger, as with the object, less so in weight. 105 Those who give up family and friends because of me deserve paradise if their hearts are right. The Book of Life shall show them much favor. 106 Soft words, a gentle voice, a humble man turns away much strife. 107 There have been many races obliterated from the face of the earth. Many were called civilized. There are also those so-called primitive races that have existence for 50,000 years and some much longer in longevity

17 of life. Mankind will wipe out more races from warfare. The purpose of life is its continuation and survival from generation to generation. These so-called primitive people have fulfilled this and are still fulfilling this reason for our existence. 108 A life has become no more than what it is worth in money. I watched men, women and children die from being unable to buy organs of the body for their existence; or were unable to pay for expensive medical treatments that would prolong their lives or maybe even help cure their ailments; and human beings becoming no more than livestock and parts of their bodies being sold to the higher bidder and many doctors becoming rich from organ transplants, and the unnecessary performing of operations to gain wealth. Morality had long slipped out the back door. The chains of physical slavery of people had been abolished in the Americas many years ago, but now men had learn to brainwash and enslave the human mind, being the worst slavery of all. 109 Likewise was there very little justice to be found in the New World. A person could be innocent of a crime and if he or she had no money for an attorney, their chances of staying out of jail were slim, if any. At the same time, a person could be guilty of a crime and have wealth and never be taken to court, or if they did go before a judge, their chances of seeing the inside of jail were diminished greatly; and if they did go to jail, it was usually for a short duration and not like those that had no money and spent long durations in prison. I asked myself, where was God and was there any justice in the universe? I cursed all gods and many men that I came to look on as less than dogs. 110 Hurricanes, tornadoes, cyclones, floods, storms, tempest at sea and in the sky and over land are not the ways of God, but the devil that destroys. By our sins have these things come about and not by a natural occurrence. When we sin against nature we bring on these things that are not natural, but of an abhorrence and creation from evil things. Ismun is

18 punishing us by his laws of righteousness. His ways are eternal, his laws for keeps, not that we can change them at will. 111 Know the land that you may cultivate it and harvest the food. If you have no food from the land, you starve and die. Look around you at the many millions of people who die from starvation each year. The land is cultivatable but the people lay up and die. You must work to live and not die. You must work to live for your own lives, and as your mothers and God fought for your existence. A sinful person sits back and says he will not work the land to eat, but to lay up and die. Then, do so and find rest in hell foolish one. A woman can work the land along with the man. This is pleasing in the eyes of Ismun. 112 Ismun has created the small and big, the wise and dumb for his glory. A person of good looks or beauty should not be treated differently from someone ugly or lesser so. We know that the devil can be very beautiful and cunning. In our courts we see people of small statures and sizes being exonerated much so than those having taller statures and larger sizes. Likewise, does the courts overlook a handsome man or beautiful woman when they have broken the law, but convicts more so those less handsome or beautiful and considered bad looking and ugly people. Color has also seen many people given lesser sentences than those black or of darker pigmentations. This is only the work of the devil. Ismun gives each of us the same justice and those that do wrongly the punishment they have coming, not basing it on sizes or looks or colors. 113 Wise men of yore said four corners of the earth, making it not round; for something round doses not have corners to it. 114 A black man’s blackness makes him the sensuous desires of women, for all the colors, black being the most sensuous. 115 There is a strong sensuous attraction between white and black people, no doubt a mental taboo of separation of the race that has enhances it over the years.

19 116 Women often become lesbians to make men mad and get even with them they feel. But still, many of them desire a man. 117 Do not take your own life. God’s love is stronger than the ways of the world and its problems. 118 They knew not what they did. They meant him evil in everything they did. They cursed him, but it made him know his enemies; they poisoned his food, but it made him the wiser in not eating with them or partaking of their meals; they cast him into prison, but he grew stronger in knowledge and time to reflect on his God. They meant so much evil unto him, but he used it to his good. Surely God has shined his light on this man. 119 A woman’s dislike for men will deprive herself sex with them. 120 Give not a woman your power or have her rule over you. 121 A man’s homosexuality is in his weakness. 122 Too strong and overbearing a father’s ways stunt the child’s growth. 123 What creatures in numbers will not try to be supreme. 124 A woman’s world is foreign to a man, as is a man’s world to a woman. 125 A man or woman will leave their own for the one they love. 126 Sex is often misinterpreted for love. However, love is there long after sexual gratification. 127 A man in his ignorance grows weak. 128 People are strong in body but weak in the head. 129 Do not whisper under your breath at those around you. The mouth should be contained, unless talking directly to another. The devil mumbles and talks out of the side of his mouth and with his back turned in a lowered voice to distract you. If a person has something to say to you, he or she would not have to talk this way but directly to you. Ismun does not mumble or talk with his back to you, but speaks directly to you through his spirit. To do so otherwise is as the devil. Avoid those that speak out of the side of their mouths and under their breaths.

20 130 Lord, you tell me to seek marriage. Woman in general do I find distaste in their feminine ways and understanding of my world; their changing moods that often defy logic. Likewise, does she find many of my manly ways distasteful. I must lead her every way, knowing her every move, less she go astray, which is often the case, or fall asleep to find her mistakes at my doorsteps; problems from her not seeing things as I see them in my world, reasoning not like what is desired, Lord. Why didn’t you make her, Lord, to know and understand my world? Why must man and woman find so many faults in one another and be apart in reasoning? 131 The hardest thing one can do is to leave family and friends for me, says Ismun. Those that forsake not the things of this world and follow me are not mine. A true Ismunian and Ismunite put Ismun before family, friends, and wife and love ones. If a person can not give up the material things of this world, how can they know the spiritual ones. Ismun does not say that a man or woman can not have wealth, fortunes, but put this wealth secondary to God who gives us all things. His glory and paradise is more than all the precious jewelry, gold, silver and the money that man prints. To not want to love your brothers or sisters is to be as the dog that values nothing, always return to its own shit. Humble yourselves before Ismun. He is True God. The Book of Life that leads to eternal life is yours to have. “My word is more powerful than any star that shines in the sky.” 132 He made his home with his creation. There is none like him to be found in the universe. He walks and lives amongst his creation. There is none like him. 133 I was sick with disease and no one came to visit me in the hospital. Doctors mistreated me, sexually, verbally and even spiritually and there was no one to help or hear my cry. Drug addicted nurses took the morphine that the doctor prescribed for me, giving me water in the syringe and my pain becoming unbearable after surgery. Others in the hospital mistreated me, but there was no one to help. And you visited me not, nor called me over the phone to see how I was doing. I was castrated by nurses that purposely gave

21 the doctor the wrong hospital records in their hatred of me, giving the doctor a record for me to have a vasectomy, and I was to have an operation on my stomach for ulcers. Likewise, was I blinded in one eye from the wrong medication. Only Ismun came to visit with me and give me comfort. His love prevailed above all others. 134 While in prison my family and friends shunned me, not writing me or coming to see me. I protested my innocence of my charges and a lesser charge and sentence should have been given me. But my family and so-called friends did not help me, no visits came from them or written letters, help with an attorney, nothing came to help my pain, suffering and abuse by prisons guards and officials. Only Ismun came to help me, telling me he would do all he could to help me. I had repented of my sins, maybe innocent of other things, and in my humble heart and ways, I saw God’s mercy. Ismun’s followers made a way for me when no one else would. Truly, this is a friend. All others that could have helped me, I avoid, seeing no more of them or calling them my friends. 135 I had become a leper and people all around ran from my deformed body. No one came near me and at times the dogs of the neighborhood walked away from me. A doctor from far off told me he could help and had medication to heal my disease. I prayed often as I had before to Ismun. He heard my prayers. 136 A person must ask him or herself, what do I believe in as a person? Should I follow this way of life and do I really believe in it? 137 A woman’s sensuous desires brings much pleasure, but give her not all your time. 138 Some men desire women to rule over them. 139 Do not compete a woman against a man, a dog against a cat, the day against the night. 140 When all others have failed, men and gods call on Ismun. 141 A genius is no more than a person with good dreams and hard work.

22 142 Give not a fool your time. 143 We are creatures that imitate one another. 144 Nucleus energy is only so good. Radiation poisoning is left in the air, soil and water. It contaminates and kills life, contrary to God’s plan. 145 Mankind has seen what the differences in color and race may have on people. Races have been eliminated from the face of the earth because of colors and racial origins. Northern Africa saw the elimination of lighter skin blacks from the black aborigines there; in ancients times, the Ords, Kepets, Suesees and other races were wiped out because of race and cultural differences. We see the same prejudices in Asia, Europe and Americas today. 146 God has created one race—the human race. We must heed Ismun’s work and live more with ourselves. 147 What is man that Ismun has made above the animals that roam the earth. A creature that learns from imitating others to gain in knowledge and has but only a short time on earth, created in the likeness of his God. But God has given him a soul that he may always be. Surely, God has found love for man. 148 It appears that the human race is slowly slipping into an animalistic mode of behavior whereby it is losing its stands on what is right and wrong. Younger generations are becoming more aware of things, but what things are these people becoming more aware of? At an early age children have much knowledge of things, but that knowledge is negated in reasoning and not what we call positive thinking and logical reasoning. Negative things as drugs, stealing, lieing and even mayhem are at their disposal more so than what we consider of a good mind and of moral behavior. The things that these younger generations have knowledge of are trends and conduct unbecoming that only lead to destruction in the end. Younger people are becoming obese and dying of heart attacks in their late teens and early twenties. They take drugs to buildup their bodies that shorten their lives. Death is not feared by many of them, as gangs of children

23 rule the streets, selling drugs, killing and stealing. Many grownups fear these gangs, barring up the windows to their houses, afraid to come out at night. Children sue their parents and tell them what to do, and even killing them at the least provocations. The parent’s sins will cause them hell and likewise will their children know hell fire. 149 My hands have labored to the bones, blood comes forth and the burning flesh can be felt. No one honors my diligent work in fair pay. From sun-up to sundown I labor in the fields and whatever work is to be done. Some days I saw no pay, food and nothing of merit came my way. Secretly, I told myself that no man could treat another this way and surely God did not intend for a person to live this way. Even slaves and those in bondage had a reward and honor in their labor. But Ismun said he would reward my work and all those that stole from me would likewise have wealth taken from them. My labor would not be in vain. Surely, I’m blessed to know such a God.

Why Do I Need Woman, Lord? 150 Her ways are so different: her feminine ways; monthly cycle, given to exaggeration a great deal, and weakness in body structure. At times I think she is attuned to another world, one of her own that she alone can understand and is she even human. Sometimes I shy away from her; not to have her have authority or power over me. Her understanding often defies sound thoughts. However, you have given me by nature a strong attraction to her, no doubt for procreation. Still, I find many of her ways not like mind, or do not add up to the things that you teach and avow; mendacity, deceit, unfaithfulness does she know well and things that you preach against. Why was woman created if not for reproduction? The help she gives me I can do without many times. I excel her in everything, but childbirth. But even so, why did you create woman? Too many times she is no more than a thorn in my side, than a cherry atop a sundae. Is it that I must always carry her, to watch over her, guide her every move, being in limbo in not knowing what the outcome will be? Surely, Ismun did not error so greatly in his creation. But why do I need woman, Lord?

24 151 Knowledge is like a child, humble yourself to it and learn from your mistakes. If not as a child, much knowledge will flee from you. 152 Prophecy is good to have, but it is not an end in itself, for the devil also prophesizes well. If a person tell you that you will have a hundred dollars in your pocket tomorrow; it still would be there if that person had not told you. Prophecy only backs up God’s word, giving us knowledge of things to come. It is not an end in itself, but God’s mercy and love for us endures for ever and ever. 153 I cried when he told me these things. That in all his creations all creatures in their worlds thought of themselves as being supreme. The ant in his world is superior to all others. Who can do the labor that an ant does, lifting much weight with such a small body mass? A bird in flight; what creature can out do it in the air? What creature on earth out swims the fish in the sea? Man and the knowledge that he possesses, who rules the earth as he does? Therefore, in God’s world, he has given each superiority of itself. 154 A person that lies a little lies much. 155 Whatever the mind can conceive of it is possible if you believe in Ismun.

Women Are To Be Obedient To The Man In The House of Ismun 156 There is much concern in the church regarding women and their statue. Many religions avoid discussing these issues. They are very difficult ones and trying things to consider or even justify in some instances. Ismun has created man to be above the woman in dominating the earth; “I have made woman to always be subjected to the man and by a woman’s nature of child bearing, she is made different than the man, as is her natural menstrual cycles and other attributes that are regarded only to women and not the man.” Man and woman were made differently by Ismun: physical bodies, mental outlooks on life and that of femininity and masculinity. As the man is over his house, so is he over the House of Ismun. As long as the woman assists the man in the church and has not power over the man or the church,

25 Ismun tells us through his spirit that this is not sin. And as the woman teaches the children in the home how to read and write, what is right and what is wrong, so can she teach those in the House of Ismun what is right and what is wrong from God’s word. But like the man, if a woman deviates from the word, she must not teach it in the holy House of Ismun. If a woman is so weak that she can not be trusted with God’s word, then how can she endure paradise or even go there? By a woman’s nature and weakness of body that Ismun has bestowed on her, she must adhere to the man’s desires in the House and those of our Father in heaven. Give not your power to a woman, or trust in her, but Ismun, your God. Ismun has given woman the knowledge to know that she was not made like the man, physically and mentally and other attributes, and that he rules the world and not her. Any woman that tells you otherwise is not of Ismun but of the devil who constantly tries to change time and God’s ways. Ismun though has given all the same spirit.

Animalphile 157 There has been a large increase in animals and people intercoursing. Diseases have come about as well as more affection many people have for their animals than their neighbors. Since Ismun created man and woman above the animal kingdom, they are not to engage in sex and all unnatural affection. This is only sin that leads to more sin.

Crossing Animal and Man 158 Man and woman are both natural creations. To tamper with God’s creations of altering the natural man and woman is only to laugh at God. Many civilizations that have fallen from reign started to decay from the immorality and the outdoing of nature by trying to cross animal and man in one form or another. Persia, Egypt, Rome and Greece all failed as their immorality saw them trying to surpass God’s natural creations. Mankind has been using animals for medicines and other healthful benefits. But when we utilize animals in the place of the natural man and creation, this can only be sin. The

26 same is also true when we alter components of the blood, taking away from God’s natural creation.

Eunuchs Not Wanted by Ismun Ismun does not make eunuchs, neither should men. We are his natural creation of the body he has given us. It is one’s holy temple and to be taken care of and cherished. If a person is possessed of demons, that evil spirit comes from within. Today, not like in olden days, we have ways of overcoming demons besides the castration of a man or woman. Medicines and knowledge of the body tell us that we can help a person without always cutting off his or her body parts, as in a possession of that person by evil spirits. If Ismun spirit is not that of God, what can be greater?

World Masonry If a person is a Mason, he or she belongs to that organization. It is not of Ismun who sees all as one. Masons are given certain rights and priviledges over others in belonging to their organization. They are known to get lesser sentences before a judge and in doing business they obtain special favors. Wealth and power are more at their disposals than the average man or woman that does not belong to their organization. But if one is not a Mason, he or she are not given those same priviledges and right that are given to Masons. Is this right and fair in the eyes of God one must ask him or herself? No, would simply be the obvious answer. Ismun sees all as one and none above another. Masonry has survived the world for over 10,000 years, but the world has not changed for the better with it. Caste systems have existed for that same period of time that only degrades life and not adds to its beauty. If Masonry is to save the world, it has done a poor jobs over the course of so-called civilized man. Wars, famines, social disharmony, hatred, hunger and poverty grows every year and what has and is Masonry doing to help mankind other than its own. If one

27 puts Masonry above Ismun laws, he or she is not of God, but this world and we know thlat the things of this world will pass in time, but Ismun abides for ever and ever.


Part III

Things You Should Know

1 As a house divides against itself, so shall the world know many wars and conflicts; famines, pestilents, diseases, earthquakes, hurricanes, cyclones, storm, floods and much more. “All these things and by more will I punish the nations, some to be no more.” America will fall, becoming a desolate, burning from within and without. She has place herself above all others, even the God of heaven and earth, not given to the laws of God. Every false belief has betrayed her and by her unsound judgment she has deceived herself. “America, America, no more,” shall be the chant around the world. By her sins have many died and suffered, and by her arrogance shall she fall.

How May We Know the Devil 2 The devil is the epitome of evil. He professes to be a deep thinker, but his works are shallow and short in duration. He lives for now and not for the longevity of eternity. No cure for major diseases, no social harmony, no

29 religious morality and he desires that women rule over him, making them equal to men, he says. Children he sees not as children but to know the ways of adults. Those things artificial does he crave, abhorring those things natural and have God, as does he dislikes the natural man. Lieing, stealing and murder are aligned with him. He kills for the pleasure of it and lieing is no more than opening his mouth. Sharing with others is not his makeup, and if he does, he wants many times in return. Evil is the devil, and if you spell his name backwards—it is “lived.” He came to deceive, but he knew not Ismun’s knowledge or the power he possesses. So shall God destroy the devil, his ways that deceive many, his unsound knowledge, his land and followers shall be no more and then will they know that Ismun is the True God of the universe, the one who judges in righteous and lives by his word. His house shall be that of ruin and as a fool that wanted only greed and evil, so shall his downfall be in many folds because he can not be reasoned with and all that he touches shall turn to dust. 3 “Those nations that worship the devil by not fighting against his evil ways and self-gain will suffer famines, storms, floods, pestilents and diseases that I will rain down on them.” Their children will starve and be enslaved, so shall they know much ignorance because they chose the evil over the good and not my word. The devil will never let them know peace or rest. He shall ask for a little from them, not knowing that he wants more and more until they have nothing. By their not working for the things they need, educating their people, trusting in Ismun, will they suffer much. By their sins shall they suffer much, but all those that call on Ismun for salvation and guidance shall be rewarded and many sins shall be forgiven for them and their people. In their ignorance of following after the devil and his ways they know not that they still suffer; and in that same suffering they can build their own through righteousness and self-help, if they so choose. They know not that they worship the devil in their unconscious ways and indifferent ones to God’s laws, and by emulating his ways they dig their own graves. For as a small seed produces much crop, only a small start does it take to resist evil.


The Angel DraBal (a mighty angel of God) (1) I, the angel, Drabal, serve my Lord and master, being closely beside him and one of his chief helpers. Ismun is my Lord and True God, whom I shall always love and serve. Many have tried to obtain his power, not so much that power that leads to destruction, but the inner power of the spirit that shows us mercy, understanding, forgiveness, consideration of others and their desires if true and wanted. God after god over the times and some with great power, but used it unwisely and only for self-gain or ignorance of how to use that power that they had, caused then to fail. Then there were those gods that constantly liked fighting. If they were not killing and destroying something, they were very lonely. In addition, it was in the end that their warring ways would destroy them. For even in their massive machinery of war weapons and skills of fighting, they had not all the knowledge to fight off adversaries or those that they did not want. Many gods broke their own laws, teachings, constantly changing them and not living by the ones that they had. Gods, I came to notice, were as people in ways, having their prejudices, hatred, dislikes and likes as everyone else, but on a different plain. In noticing this, it also made me realized how much God created man to be like himself, because they both were sharing similar feelings, only on a different level. But Ismun stood by his laws and those that

31 had faith in him. By being steadfast in his ways, he became stronger and not weakening as other gods did. 2 There are some born eunuchs, other made so by man; and there are those who have chosen to become eunuchs by their own hands, to the glory of God. If becoming a eunuch will help you enter paradise, then so be it. It is better to enter paradise a eunuch than the gates of hell and be aflame. 3 The devil has polluted the air, the water, the soil and plant life is starting to die. Many fish, birds and animals are dying and life around us acting differently.


The Angel Rayman (A mighty angel of Ismun that stands for his people.) 1 The fallen angel Lived had changed his name and face, but he was still Lived by his deeds and actions. By his confusion, he drew many to his evil ways to rule the heaven and earth. But God’s plan was to destroy him and his followers in the end. Even though the angel Lived was created in perfection, he had become imperfection that Ismun frowned upon. 2 In Ismun creation, somehow he had erred in his creation of the angel Lived. In examining his creation he found that he had not been given enough evol, a central ingredient that produced and instilled morality, consciousness of right and wrong, mercy, understanding and those innate qualities of Ismun. How the angel Lived came to lack evol, since Ismun always included this in his work, he still was searching for an answer. But he knew that he had erred and could blame no one for his mistake. The angel Lived set men apart causing much chaos on earth and slowly destroying Ismun’s creation of man. It was his mistake as he has admitted, but to destroy his greatest of creations, he did not want to do. Much of it could be saved and he

33 persevered to do so. By ridding himself of the angel Lived, his creation of man and the earth could be saved.

Peace Comes to the Earth 3 Major diseases and plagues and inclimate weather had disappeared and men had found ways to overcome them by God’s grace. Death had started to disappear and people could live for long times, many thousands of years if they so chose. Mankind had learned to overcome death and the diseases and plagues that brought it on. People and races had started to live in harmony and even the animals had taken on a different aspect in their feral lives and becoming gentle in their ways. The people of Ismun reigned throughout the earth and forever would they rule, even until the end of the earth.

The Angel Rayman Walks On Water The angel Rayman could be seen walking on water at the lake. On seeing him we all thought that a mirage or ghost was before us. But he came to us walking on the land. We fell down before his feet. He also made the wind obey him, turning its direction and the ceasing of it. “I am of the True God, Ismun, him that made heaven and earth and all that is in it.” He would levitate before as a bird in flight. We all were amazed and in awed by the things he did and said.



1 Do not remove the eye, hand, the arm or foot or any part of the body if it offends against you, but call upon my spirit. If my spirit is greater than the flesh, and God has given you a body, his holy vial, then call upon God’s spirit to save the body from damnation. However, if the devil is stronger, take the eye from the head, the hand from the arm, foot from the leg or whatever part of the body draws you close to help. It is better to lose a part of yourself than to lose your soul in hell.

35 2 If your neighbor does wrong against you, forgive him or her of their wrong doing, as you would want to be forgiven for yours against them. But if they continue their wrongdoing, call on church leaders and workers for a solution to the problem. 3 If a woman or man commits adultery, he or she must be judged according to the laws of the church. We all know that Ismun does not condone adultery, but that every man and woman should be of that one mate in bed as in deeds of the household. 4 How shall we know those that do the work of Ismun? By his or her works and deeds. Does a fool bring forth good or evil? Does a good flower bring forth good leaves or is all of naught? By his or her ways of good shall you know mine, says Ismun. 5 In the last years before the destruction of the earth there will be much strife, fighting, thievery and hatred of mankind to prevail. When all seemed to have failed call on Ismun and ask for his mercy. His love for his people and those that do his will shall save many of them. Abide with Ismun. 6 Give not a witch or sorcerer your time. 7 The devil does miracles, raising the dead, but only Ismun can give us eternal life. 8 When my feet itch, I travel. My ears itch, someone talks about me. My hand itches, money comes my way. 9 Three Important Laws of God: How Does Ismun Treat Us? 1. How you treat another person? How does Ismun treat us? 2. How we talk to others? How Ismun treats all people? 3. We treat others as we would want to be treated by God’s laws.

36 10 All the laws and teaching of God are centered on these three laws and the Seven Laws of God’s teachings and his love and understanding. 11 Scratch my hand if you can. 12 An angel weeps when one of us dies in sin. Ismun desires that none of us live and die in sin. Hell awaits those that do not heed God’s laws. A sin is unto death and hell. 13 The devil does miracles, but only Ismun gives us eternal life. 14 His word is mightier than any weapon. His vision unmarred. His footsteps are a path of righteousness. His hands separate the good from the evil. His voice is as thunders in the darkness that nurtures the positive light. 15 The unbelievable is Ismun. The impossible he does. His love is eternal. His ways forever for his people and those that obey his laws. 16 Ismun has no beginning, no end; he is the past, present and future. He has always been and shall always be, True God of the universe, the One Most Righteous and merciful of all Gods. 17 They tried to destroy him in every way they could, physically, mentally and spiritually, but he told them that he was God and could not be destroyed, that he lives for all eternity. 18 By his righteousness he judges all. 19 Ismun is the God of righteousness. His word is forever and his ways endure always. He prevails in His righteousness and his glory shines from it. His armament is a sharp arrow of truth, a gun that pierces the heart of evil ones; a loud bang of destruction to those that oppose him. He is God to all those that keep his word and honor and his ways, for his ways are before all others—Ismun, True God of heaven and earth. All may pass away, but his righteous ways goes on forever. 20 Life is meant to be enjoyed. 21 Your body is what you make it.

37 22 Aged wine is good for the body, but a fool destroys it with excess. 23 The heart grows strong and happy with a little wine. 24 The inner-person is more beautiful than the outer. 25 Men often die from their struggles, as their hearts fail them. 26 Anything to the excess becomes a sin. Only Ismun can we not use to excess. 27 It is a wise person that uses moderation. 28 Avoid a whorish woman, for her ways are like the wind, unpredictable. 29 When an excess of drinking and drugs controls one’s life, it is that sin that they have become. 30 Drunkards and drug addicts know not Ismun, but only the gates of hell await them. 31 The way a person treats you tell much about them. A wise man shows prudence in whatever he does. 32 A god is as one sees him or her. 33 Whatever creature God has made, it desires to rule as supreme in strength of numbers. 34 Who is this creature we call man that is part woman and man? Shall it know both the ways of a woman and man? 35 A liar often talks too much or not enough in declaring his or her innocence. 36 A smiling face is like a candle, bringing much light to those around. 37 When a person speaks, a part of that person is being conveyed. What you say, you are. 38 An ignorant person is like a naïve one, both can be very dangerous.

38 39 A child is what you make it. Treat a child with scorn and it will show; nurture it in love and kindness and understanding and it will prosper. 40 Can a child know the ways of an adult? 41 To not reprimand a child is not to love it. 42 The humble man and the one slow in words shall inherit the earth. 43 Sleep will help heal the body. 44 Take time to meditate and to be alone with God. 45 A woman cannot know the ways of a man but only what he tells her. 46 A woman’s desires are not the same as a man; nor a man’s those of a woman, but both seek the same God. 47 There are many gods to be found in heaven and earth, but only one True God called Ismun. Before all others gods was he, past, present and all that shall be. 48 The past, present and future are one. 49 Man’s thoughts may exist for a short time, but his soul is eternal. 50 God is God, no beginning and no end. He was and shall always be. 51 They laughed at him when he told them that he was God, but they laugh no more. 52 Let people accept you for what you are, not something else. The devil desires you to be like him. All are unique with God and none the same. 53 Dancing is like clothes, those steps of old never go out of style. 54 The spirit of Ismun works in many ways that no man or woman can boast they know it. You shall know it by the good it brings forth, not the evil things.

39 55 Knowledge is always there to be had. The wise person seeks after it. 56 Can a man talk to a dog, cat, horse or any animal? 57 Who can know the ways of a wild animal? 58 Homosexuals are not of Ismun. Woman was made for man and man for woman. But if a person is born a hermaphrodite or of an abnormal body chemistry, where does that sin lie? 59 A man that does not take care of his fathered children is like a dog that roams alone; but even a dog will feed its own. 60 Abortion is no more than murder—killing. Murderers have no place in the House of Ismun. Other means to prevent childbirth can be found and not the lowering of human life and existence. 61 In weakness there can be found much strength. 62 People often cheer loudest for the runner that comes from behind, more than the one who leads. 63 Death is not an end, but only a beginning. 64 As people change their names and identity over time, so do demons change their names and forms. 65 The soul is not the mind, nor is it man’s heart. It is eternal. 66 Keeping the body clean and healthy will reward you in the end. 67 Wealth is as one desires it. The earth has many riches. One only needs to work for them. 68 An idle mind and hands brings about many worries. 69 A young man will seek after a young woman. 70 Money is no more than what you desire it to be. 71 A happy life has much wealth. 72 Our emotions often rule us. 73 A beautiful woman brings many eager eyes, but a righteous woman even more. 74 Take time to help the old. One day you will be like them. 75 Fear Ismun because his ways are those of righteousness.

40 76 Take time to meditate. It is good for the soul. Take time to be with God. He thinks often of us. 77 As it took time for God to create the earth, it will take time for him to remove it of devil. 78 A patient heart is prudent for all wise men. 79 Kindness towards others, as is consideration for them, is as precious jewels to be worn always and valued much. 80 A fool never changes his or her ways, only remaining that fool. 81 When all other gods have failed, Ismun is there. His love is abundant and his understanding much. His righteous ways are forever. 82 A brave man is honored everywhere. A dastardly man knows much scorn. 83 Do not give up on my spirit, it is there for a reason. Do not fight against my good spirit, and if it is evil, it is not of me. Does a good well bring forth sweet water and a bad one the stink from the earth? 84 By submission to Ismun we have grown stronger in his ways. 85 There is but one True God who has many names. 86 Let the aura around you bring you a new life and form. 87 O’ great white spirit make yourself known. 88 Fresh water soothes the body. Drink it as often as one can. Bathing in clean water cleans the heart and body. 89 A wise man can be told when he is wrong. A fool will not listen. 90 The ways of the world are tempting. Follow not this world, because much change will come. Ismun is constant. His laws and ways are for all eternity. 91 Mankind will not cease to fight until they accept God’s plan. 92 Everyone knows sin because they were born into it. 93 By preaching the word of Ismun, one must likewise follow it. 94 There is no friend like Ismun. 95 One should avoid anger and much stress. They both destroy the heart and organs bringing much sorrow.

41 96 Those that teach my word and preach it will be judged by me. My word it based on morality and righteous laws. 97 A lowered voice and a silent tongue will bring much happiness and not the darkness of a day. 98 Gentle words often turn a fool away, 99 Evil comes from within us. 100 A smiling face and pleasing façade brings much reward. 101 Pleasant thoughts help heal a broken heart. 102 Ismun has given all mankind knowledge of him. There is none who can say that they cannot comprehend Ismun’s knowledge. Ismun is a way of life and must be diligently sought after. All men in their honest work and endeavors can comprehend the mathematics, sciences, theocracy and enlightments of ontology, cosmology and epistemology. A person must seek after Ismun in work, deed and truth. Let them humble themselves as a child that inquires to know, not knowing but in earnest search of knowledge. In humbleness is much knowledge. 103 Too often foods we eat are what they seem and are; too much fat in one’s diet fattens one up. 104 Many body ailments can be alleviated by proper rest and nutrients. 105 Pain in one’s body does not always mean the doctor’s scalpel. 106 It is sometimes good to bear your suffering that the natural body may heal itself. 107 Take time to rest your mind as you would your body. 108 Fresh water rids the body of many problems. 109 If you think you are—you are! 110 People are getting wiser each generation. 111 If fear is the unknown, learn of it that you may overcome it. 112 A tall man becomes self-conscious of his height when he is the only tall man around.

42 113 The hardest thing for people to do is get along with each other. 114 Women and men will always have a likeness and dislike for one another. Take heed that it does not destroy you. 115 Love takes away much sorrow. 116 With age comes much wisdom. 117 An animal knows not the ways of a man; its instincts feral, his life in the wilderness. 118 It is better to tithe Ismun than throw it away. His rewards are many. 119 Ismun has laid down his laws and doctrines. He tells us, “If a prophet is true, then, he will explain his ways and spirit to you.” Also, he will let you in on his secret ways that he may win you over. An adversary says “no” often and he cannot help you or explain the truth to you. God is truth and Ismun explains his secret ways to you if you are his. Therefore, do not dwell on a prophet who is not of truth, for they did not dwell on you or your name and let you know their ways. 120 Every man is a coward of something. 121 One does well to know history, but to dwell too much on the past when it does not help the present or future can be defeating. We live not in the past but present and preparing ourselves for the future. 122 Let your ultimate fears be with God, his damnation eternal. 123 Too much talk brings dislike and pain. 124 Let his Holy Spirit guide you to do what is right. 125 Homosexuals, drug addicts, alcoholics, deceivers and haters of God’s people have no place in paradise. 126 When a person speaks a part of him or her is being conveyed. Words, being not of a physical entity can be like a sharp knife that pierces the body. Words can heal, console and bring on friendship and understanding. The right words bring much reward.

43 127 There will be backsliders from the Holy One and House of Ismun, some to return to the word and House of Ismun, others to hell and eternal damnation. They work miracles of sin as the devil deceiving many. Their thoughts are far from Ismun, but those things of the world and evil in it do they enjoy. 128 O’ sinful one, who instill in your heart that there is a God and that life comes after death? Was it man, or was it the God of heaven and earth? Every people, every race from the beginning of time have known that Ismun exists and there is life after death. 129 In your patience possess you much power. 130 Teach all children God’s ways that they may know him. 131 Beauty can be found inwardly as well as outwardly. 132 Turn from violence, it only leads to more violence and sorrow. 133 Let the words of Ismun be your laws. They endure and he is just and of truth. 134 Heaven is adorned with much splendor and beautiful things, so shall hell be of much filth and sorrow. 135 The prayers of the holy are heard in heaven. 136 The wicked rejoiced not in their prayers. 137 Ismun hears all prayers of repentance. 138 Those who are wise need not the tutor; a pure soul, not a minister; a seeing man, no blind dog; a healthy man, not the doctor. 139 A business man who lies for wealth; a parent abusing his child; a minister not following the word; a person who deceives others; a fool at heart, all find condemnation from God. 140 Cling not to the dead, but let them seek rest in Ismun. Ismun is the God of life not death. 141 Those that enter paradise have the spirit of Ismun. From where the spirit comes, it has its own directions. Where it goes, it has its own ways. It is not that one can boast of but that Ismun has bestowed on

44 the righteous. His spirit is that of love, kindness, obedience, mercy, understanding and forgiveness. His spirit is for his chosen. 142 Suffering in pain will have its rewards, as pain often will leave, as the devil and his evilness can be overcome. 143 To cease in prayer is to cease in believing in the power of God. 144 By prayer the believer comes closer to God. The believer’s prayers and meditations prime the soul for God’s grace. 145 There is much discussion among you concerning a person possessed by an evil spirit. Should that possessed individual cut his hand or leg off, or destroy any part of his or her body if it bothers that person to the degree whereby he or she is unable to function as a whole and norm in everyday life. If the spirit of Ismun is above the flesh, then we should call on the spirit of God to rid that individual of that possession by that evil spirit. If Ismun has the power to cast out evil spirits, then we should call on that spirit of God to do so and not destroy the body that he has given us. If we must destroy the body, then the spirit of Ismun has become useless in exorcising that evil spirit. If the healing spirit of Ismun is not there, do we allow that individual the decision to cut off that part of the body that harms, or do we allow that evil spirit to continue? By doing away with that part of the body that hurt us in possession of an evil spirit, we cleanse ourselves of it, and it is of little discussion in getting rid of that evil spirit. First, seek the spirit of Ismun in exorcising that demonic spirit. We call on the spirit to guide and heal us. 146 The laws and prophecies of the great leaders and prophets must be fulfilled. Ismun has revealed himself and made known these things. He has come not to destroy the works of those who prophesized in olden days, but to make known their works. If any man or woman prophesize in spirit and it is of truth, Ismun cannot turn from that man or woman. No god would work against his own spirit and teachings and we know that God is steadfast in his ways. As the stars shine at night, the

45 sun rises in the sky, so is Ismun. His kingdom is one of grace and truth and understanding and mercy. In truth does he rule. 147 Ismun is that life and how we should live. 148 I have sinned my God against you, myself and earth and heaven. 149 I have lied but not for myself but to protect and save others. 150 My hands have known murder, not in my own ways, Lord, but against those who fought and plotted against me and yours ways. 151 Adultery has crossed my path. In flesh I’m weak, but in spirit I am strong. 152 I’ve stolen from my enemies, but never from my own who love you, Lord. 153 I have broken your laws you have given me, but still, in spite of all my bad ways I still honor you, Lord, asking for your forgiveness. You are my savior, my light that follows my every step, my True God. 154 There are those that say that Ismun is no more than what we presently call ESP or extrasensory perception of the senses. That the same things Ismun does: prophecy, healing, raising the dead, causing rain to come down from the sky, earthquakes and various other things can be done through the electromagnetic field or aura that surrounds all forms animated and inanimate life. However, know you that Ismun who created all life and the heavens and earth gave man knowledge of the earth and universe. Man can use some of God’s creations as the soil to grow plant life, utilize air in air tanks to heal bodies; use water to make and do many things with; sunlight to enlighten mankind. Ask yourselves though, did man create these things? Although Ismun gave us life and the earth to live in, man did not create the stars or earth or his own existence. Did he create the aura around him? Man has become Ismun’s greatest of creations, but he is just that, a creation of God. Ismun’s creations are many and being designed for many uses. Man cannot create something from nothing, but Ismun has. Ismun is that light. That

46 light that enlightens the world and us; healing, raising the dead and gives us that eternal life. Ismun is here today, tomorrow and forever. He is that true light. That light that enlightens the world, and, healing, raising the dead and gives us that eternal life. Ismun is here today, tomorrow and forever. 155 Ismun is that light that never fails; that eternal light that takes away the darkness. 156 No man or woman has seen the face of Ismun, but those of his true spirit may see and know him. 157 Kings, queens and even gods must humble themselves to Ismun, the True God of the universe. 158 The steps of a stairway one does not need to climb to get to heaven. Ismun’s spirit transcends time. 159 Arthritis is like a cold virus in the body, only taking over the tissues and muscle areas of the body. Keep the body warm and the right sedatives to alleviate much that condition. Know you that the Egyptians in the deserts suffered much from arthritis. The temperatures were often above a hundred degrees in the day time and falling down to the forties and fifties at night. Often the people slept with little clothing on in order to cool their bodies from the hot daytime temperatures, thus, subjecting their bodies to stiffen up from the sudden drop in body temperatures and the cooler weather at night. Hieroglyphic of the ancient pyramids tell of their plight. 160 Let not another bring you to anger hastily.


Part V

The Writings of Nathan Inspired of Lord Ismun Nathan wrote these writings while escaping the law, some say he was fleeing a murder case he was wrongly charged with and others say he was wanted by the police for questioning on subversive activities.


Book I

1 Hell is that of fire, hot gases and liquid lava like a volcano. It is full of pain, sorry and waste for those who have chosen it over paradise and Ismun’s teachings.

Destruction to Those that Follow After the Heathens 2 Backwards nations that do not adhere to my word and teachings I will destroy or bring much destruction up on you for your sins. But you will say, “How have we sinned against you, Ismun? We have not picked up weapons to fight against you.” But you have, by your permitting slave labor to come on your people; a man or woman that works for not even one-tenth in pay for their labor, and a child even for less; by hoarding wealth and not sharing it with your people, as they live in shame, ignorance, poverty, diseases for lack of resources, you turn against me. You let others rule over you and your lives are no more than they want it to be. You call them “devil,” the “Great Satan,” but yet you go to live among them and learn their evil ways and those not of your God. So shall destruction and shame come upon you and I will turn my back as the ravishes of ruins come upon you from warfare, hurricanes, tycoons, cyclones, tornadoes, earthquakes, pestilents, plagues and diseases. Their cures will kill you and their vain knowledge shall help destroy you and your people; even the food they give you shall poison your bodies; and by your ignorance and disobedience towards me, I will turn son against father, daughter against mother, sister and brother against one another. Because you have said, “I want to be like them. I will let them tell me what to do and how to do it and not Ismun.”

49 Therefore, shall your downfall be great and your destruction that much more.

THE WOMAN OF ISMUN 3 Her family comes only after her God. She prays often to him for guidance and understanding of things. She works hard at raising her children, protecting them in motherly love and care. Her husband does she obey in knowing that he is the head of the house and has guidance over her as Ismun has stated: “By man has the house been fed and protected; by his knowledge has he built the houses, communes and cities showing his work and dominance of the earth; so shall he rule over his own house, but given to the laws of Ismun in knowing what is right and wrong.” Therefore, must a woman obey her husband, knowing that he does the things he does in the name of his God. She must not find time to flirt with other men, but telling them beforehand that her God comes first, as does her husband and family. To flirt with another man or even woman is wrong in Ismun’s eyesight. Her concerns are being a good mother and wife, and then can she seek out other things at her disposal, letting her God guide her and his word to light a trail. Adultery is wrong and Ismun has said: “One wife, one husband and not of the same sex.” Homosexuality is the work of the devil and you are of a natural creation and gift of God. As with the man, the woman must confess her sins and shortcomings before God and in the House of Ismun that she may correct them and not know the fires of hell. A woman’s honesty is as precious as rare jewelry.

How Shall We Know Ismun 4 How shall a person know that it is Ismun and not an impostor or an evil spirit? You shall always know Ismun by his works and being true to his word. Truth is what it means. When a person tells the truth,

50 he or she tells the truth, not deviating from it. By the goodness that comes forth from his word shall you know God. A true god brings forth goodness and not that of bad things. Ismun is good. His holy spirit shall he give his believers and by their work shall my humble followers see their souls and the fruits of their labor and be thankful. By suffering and pain, the works of their hands and spirit within them, they have made a reward for their people and making themselves a name forever in the Book of Life. 5 Can a person be too nice, kind, merciful, humble and considerate of others? No, says Ismun. It is his way. The greatest in earth and heaven is he or she that believes these things and lives them. 6 He walks on the water, flies through the air, brings down fire from heaven, and causes the dead to rise, the blind to see and the cripple to walk. Kings and queens humble themselves before him. Truly, it must be Ismun, the God of heaven and earth.

Letter to the House of Ismun 7 There is much talk among us concerning racial issues in the country and the city of Chicago. The various races of the world have been with us for a long time. As far back as antiquity man has seen a differences and dissension with the various races, maybe not of the magnitude that we see and understand it today with our more complex societies and problems that confront us. 8 You only need to look around you to see that people differ in color, nationalities and ethnic origins. In ancient Egypt, many races helped make up that country. By its diversity of people and the knowledge and things they shared together did Egypt for thousands of years become the most powerful of all nations on earth. Many pharaohs and kings varied in color and race. But they were all Egyptians. Not that you did not have racial conflict in ancient times, but you did, but not on the magnitude of racial disharmony we see today around the world and in Chicago. Why is this? Many reasons are given as to why: economics,

51 religious apathy, nationalism of countries, racial superiority and many other reasons are given as causes for so much intolerance of races towards one another. Some will say sin is the real cause and must not be overlooked. 9 God did create the various races of the world. Ismun is the God of love and understanding. However, he has also given all men what we call that of “free-will” and to choose our destiny. White people from Europe have taken the country from Indian aborigines. They have used these people as well as African slaves to build the most powerful country in modern time. The wealth that whites enjoy in this country one would say does contribute to some racial disharmony, as are other causes. To maintain their status quo, white people in America and Chicago have given to racial disharmony, discrimination, racial prejudices and other adverse things to keep that status quo and the wealth and well being they enjoy. This can be found in housing, schools, jobs, churches (our moral institutes) and others places that help segregate and cause a dissension in the races. A person can not be forced to do something he or she does not believe in. If the love for another brother is not there, it is useless.

THE EVIL ONE 10 The Evil One shall prosper at the degradation and deaths of many. By his conquering ways, many shall be enslaved both in physically and that of mental bondage. The exploits of land, gold, diamonds, oil, platinum and precious metals shall he have. By his mighty armies and false doctrines of hatred and disobedience to God’s ways, many will be deceived and destroyed. His god is that of force, exploitation, and not love and understanding. Religion is as he sees it and interprets it. Thus, the God of old is not like his god and looks and talks like him. Even the spirit of God has he replaced with his own and deceiving many. He will fail as the people of Ismun and the righteous ones shall rise against him to seal his tomb of eternal damnation.

52 11 I have not failed in my word, says Ismun. I have only sent my curse. You have not changed from your ways. You have not heard my humble plead. Therefore must evil overcome you and the wrath of those who fight against you prevail. 12 His government is not that of the state. In olden days the laws of God prevailed in his laws to his people and how to live. He taught them to know the ways of justice. If the state does well, it follows God’s teachings. His dominion is that of love and peace, a bright sun that shines for ever and ever. Those things that belong to the state, let them so be. Those of God are his teachings. 13 A revelation came unto me, a new earth, as rivers, lakes, waterways and mountains and land changed from their former places, making a new earth, as many plants and animals were no more, being extinct. The overcastted sky took on a different look, as did the grass show more greenness. Earth had taken on a different appearance. The atmosphere was that of peace and tranquility. I wept openly, to be consoled by an angel that roared in a loud voice, “Peace has come to earth and former things have passed, this is the new earth and so shall it be where all will live in peace and love for one another. The sword of righteousness of Ismun and his people will rule the earth.” 14 The saints, those that had been martyred, as well as those that died serving Ismun, surrounded him. He was their God. It was him that they worshipped always, if not, the gates of hell awaited them and all that it stood for. The face that made heaven and hell, the earth and all that was in it. The saints broke not their pledges and loyalty to their God and his word. His word was in darkness, but became a light unto mankind. Ismun was that light of the world. The one heaven had sent. He was truly God and no one else. He was the true lover of mankind. When all others had failed, he had been there. 15 I saw angels surrounding Ismun on his throne up high. These angels had wings that covered them, being mighty in appearances. They

53 had ranks in the work that they done. Some being of higher ranks than others, but all being the same before God. These angels carried out the work of Ismun. They were wise in their ways and fearful of no man, only their God. Always did they worship the God of heaven and earth. 16 One by one did all come before God, as the Book Of Life was open and all that everyone had done while on earth. The rich, the poor, the small, the great, all stood one at a time before God to find out their fates, to hell or paradise. Every man and woman was unique and must bear witness to their own life on earth and the things they had done. Many cursed God because they felt they were judged unfairly by him, but his judgment was true and faithful and that of righteousness. 17 There sat Ismun in the seat of the Most High. His kinky head of knotted rolls of hair looked puffed about it and his face shined as the sun in full summer time, having a copper aura about it. Angels stood around him, as the Book of Life revealed all records of those who believed in Ismun and his work, as did all the enemies of his House that fought against him. 18 Brothers and sisters live by the Seven Holy Laws of Ismun:

Seven Laws of Ismun l. Do those things that will not offend another. 2. Do not kill. 3. Avoid adultery. 4. Do not steal. 5. Worship Ismun and keep his holy day. 6. Avoid lieing and deceit. 7. Continue the House of Ismun.


The Writings of Nathan Inspired of Lord Ismun Book II 1 People came from England, the mother country, to form America, a mighty land in the western hemisphere. In 1492, the new world was found, doing away with the old as people now knew that the earth was a sphere and not flat and that someone who sailed too far out wouldn’t fall into oblivion.

55 2 Indians, who ancestors had migrated from lands far off, had lived in this land for more than 50,000 years, making up many tribes and people. But they became complacent, not following God’s word closer, but their own arrogant ways and knowledge. The white European people came to conqueror them, taking their land from them. Millions did they kill by warfare and diseases that ravished the Indian and enslaving many that lived. 3 In the year 1776, the end of the American Revolution, America became the country its founding fathers had worked for, separating from the mother country England, no longer being her colony. The white Europeans enslaved blacks from Africa to work for them and build up their country. Cotton was the chief commercial crop and enslaved blacks worked the cotton fields to help build a powerful empire. African blacks who were educated and of royalty were enslaved with those tribal blacks who were illiterate and poor and backward. Some of these enslaved blacks were Masons and their ancestors knowing the Masonic Order for thousands of years, even before many religions that develop after it and a result of it. Some of these Masons taught slaves their secret orders and in 1847 blacks slaves in America started their own secret orders of Masons that still prospers today. The Black Order of Masons help set-off slave rebellions that helped many slaves to escape to non-slavery states and countries. One well known abolitionist was a black woman named Harriet Tubman, who along with white abolitionists ran an underground railway to Canada where many blacks fled to freedom. 4 At the end of the 18th century, Jean Baptiste Pointe DuSable, a black fur trader and explorer, found the city of Chicago (American Indian for onion field) in the state of Illinois. It grew into the second largest city in the new world, only behind that of New York City. 5 The civil war in 1861-1865 saw the Northern part of America fighting against the Southern part over slavery and the cotton empire that had helped make America a world economic power. Should their be

56 slavery or should it be abolished? Northern abolitionists fought hard for the end to slavery. 6 The south wanted slavery and to continue the wealth of many southerners from the use of black slaves. The south used no black slaves as soldiers during the civil war and suffered the more because of this from lack of manpower. The north, using black soldiers, was victorious and kept the country going, not giving it to the south. 7 In 1865, Abe Lincoln freed the slaves to help shorten the American civil war. With the freed slaves, the south would have no one to run the cotton fields and factories. But freedom was only on paper and the Emancipation Proclamation would not give black soldiers and black people their real freedom and citizenship in America. Laws of segregating whites and blacks prevailed and what they called Jim Crow. Carpetbaggers came from everywhere and black men, now free, were killed by whites and even blacks to keep them from having power and leadership in the new American government. From the 1860’s to the late 1930’s, a black man or woman was lynched about every three days, or two a week, in the United States. Still, blacks found way of becoming governors of states and state representatives, as well as United States Representatives and Senators. 9 World War I— “The Great War”—1914-18 came as Germany was instrumental in getting it started. Blacks in the military were segregated from white soldiers, but they fought for their segregated country to defeat Germany. Mustard gas and airplanes were used for the first time in the First World War. 10 World War II was the war to end all wars—1939-45. Military weapons never seen before were used: jet airplanes, rockets carrying bombs, radar and the most powerful weapon to that time ever invented for warfare, the atomic bomb. One atomic bomb could kill 50,000-100,000 people and could fit inside an airplane. The power of one atomic bomb during that time was less than a megaton in power.

57 Millions in Europe, Asia and Africa and around the world died in World War II. The Great Destroyer was released upon the world to do his work. As in World War I, Germany was instrumental in starting it. She had other allies, Italy and Japan being her closest ones and most powerful. Although Japan attacked America at Pearl Harbor in December of 1941, there was no fighting on American land, but mostly in Europe, Asia and Africa. The Destroyer had come and nations to never be the same again. Powerful Atomic and later nuclear weapons had taken over from conventional ones. Also, much discussion and talk about who invented the atomic bomb and gave man knowledge of inventing weapons of mass destruction. In ancient days the same weapons existed and were used, as was the creation of our aerodynamic system of flight. Electricity was also used in ancient days, and knowledge of algebra, geometry, trigonometry all go back to being ancient in origin. The angel Hedral tells us that it was him who gave man knowledge of how the atom works, passing it down to men of knowledge. We learn from him that hundreds of slaves became ill from an unknown disease killing them off while mining the ore used to build this powerful weapon. The weapon would be capable of destroying whole cities, Hedral said. Many thought it was an earthquake on its impact of an island, though Hedral never said where this island was, and the plagues of burnt flesh, deformed babies that followed was the devil’s work. We are told that land and many water wells could never be drank from again. 11 The Korean War—1953-55, saw America trying to police the world against what she called communism, the opposite of capitalism which Americans believed in. Therefore, the country went to Asia to stop what they said was the spread of communism in southeast Asia. Korea was divided (98th Parallel) in the northern sector (communists) and southern sector (democratic-capitalist Koreans backed by the United States).

58 12 The Vietnam War, 1965-1974, almost caused the country another civil war, as the country came close to one from protestors both civilians and government officials being anti-war and fighting in protest marches against their own government. The Pentagon Papers told how the Unite States lied about the war and covered up atrocities in Vietnam. Tens of thousands of Americans died in a war in Asia to halt communism the country said; but the United States would later pull its troops out in the end and leaving the country to the communists. During the Tet offensive, the United States had more than 600,000 troops in Vietnam. During and shortly before that time, many top American military people wanted to nuclear bomb China to keep it from developing atomic and nuclear weapons and growing as a military power. China supported North Vietnam with military advisors. The Red Dragon had been awaken. 13 Desert Storm War, 1991, the country fought against Arab sheiks for oil land. Almost fifty-percent of American oil imports came from mideastern countries like Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Iran. Foreign countries as England, Germany, Japan and Italy that had little natural oil resources were at the mercy of Arabs countries that had much natural gas and oil. These countries and others around the world backed the United States and invaded Iraq, saying that President Hussein of Iraq had invaded Kuwait to take over all the oil fields there. America and her allies would win the war, or so they thought. 14 On September 11, 2001, the United States was attacked by Arab terrorists who called her the “Great Satan.” In New York City, two trade center buildings (skyscrapers, both over seventy stories) were destroyed by terrorists crashing large jet passenger planes into the buildings. Thousands of people were killed and trillions of dollars being lost by investors from around the world. The Pentagon (America’s military complex) was also attacked in which military people there being killed. The United States would invade Iraq not long after that.


Stories of the Spirit 15 Jeb Daniels a union soldier would appear at his mother’s house. The only thing wrong with this was that Jeb Daniels had been shot in the head the day before and was dead as they come. His mother would weep bitterly on seeing her son at the front door to the house. 16 James Daughthy was sentenced to be shot by a firing squad. He protested his innocence of not having killed two other soldiers and that someone else had done it. The bullet meant to kill him bounced off his head. He played dead and escaped that night from the army burial wagon before his internment. 17 Paul, a boy of twelve, was dying of an incurable disease that had blinded him and doctors only gave him a short time to live. Brought before the church, the members of the church prayed night and day for his healing. It came as they lay hands on him in God’s House and the young boy regained his sight and no longer had the disease that had him almost dead.

Tithe the House of Ismun 18 Let your gold, silver, platinum, precious jewels and merchandise come to my House. No meat offering or the breaking of bread as a sacrifice are needed by my followers, but show your love for Ismun. Other gods ask that you sacrifice life, family, an arm or a leg, but Ismun only ask that you sacrifice your love for God, not your bodies and bread and meat. Call a prayer meeting, hold a vigil and when in doubt or great trouble, my ministers will open the doors to my House for prayer and guidance. Your tithes are for the feeding of the hungry and orphan children, as well as providing shelter for the homeless that belong to God’s House. By your giving to my House you write your name in my Book of Life. By your faith in Ismun and his House you shall know his mercy.

60 19 As there are seven days in the week, the seventh holy month of the year and seven laws of Ismun, seven-percent of your earning shall you give to my house that you may write your name in the Book of Life. By your tithing you help those in need in the church. Ismun tells us that we all are in need of something and should care one for another as God cares for us. 20 Let not a rich man who has not my spirit rule over you. He is as the dog that goes back to his own slime and waste.

The House of Ismun 21 Come not into My House those that defile and work evil says Ismun. I am the God of purity, sacredness, holiness and all things that do not defile. Humble yourselves at my doors and before me. My House is the House of worship and holiness. By My word has it been consecrated. There is only one true God and He is Ismun, before all gods past and present and those to come. He is the God before all gods, Ismun, True God of the universe. 22 When men knew not how to worship him, laughing at him and not understanding his knowledge and the wisdom he possessed, they tormented him, but his righteousness prevailed, telling them that he was Ismun, God before all other gods, creator of heaven and earth and all things good and all that was evil. In his hands he held the book and ways to heaven and hell. 23 When men and women and children worshipped idols of clay and stone, iron and brass, he told them as he told many sun worshippers that he was the creator of all this, and these things could not raise people from the dead or give them eternal life. 24 “I was and shall be for ever and ever.” There is none like Ismun. “From nothing have I make much. I knew that when men laughed at me and said that I could not be God, but only some foolish man who fought against them, they did so in their ignorance. God does

61 not these foolish things nor sway in the heat of the day. I told them that I am that nothingness as well as something.” 25 When they knew not how to count, even on their toes and fingers, it was Ismun who taught them how. How to add the days into weeks and months and years; to subtract the good from the evil, the wise from the less so; divide the oceans and waves upon them; multiply the species of the world and count the many stars in the heavens. It was Ismun they scorned because of his righteousness, looking down upon him. It was Ismun who taught them how to heal themselves when afflicted. Teaching them how to erect the cities, pass the oracles of truth and understanding down to another generation and how to worship the God of heaven and earth and him who made all things. But still they believed that he was not God but only deceived them. The things he told them came true and they began to see that he lied not to them when he preached to them, nor exaggerated himself and taking no honor in admitting his shortcomings.

Patience Brings Much Strength 26 In my patience my strength grew. By holding my anger, I found much strength that I could not understand. Not trying to look or sound good in confronting my adversaries, my strength also grew. I too could not understand as to why, only that the Lord of the universe resides within me. My patience gave me more life and a better understanding of it as well. In my humble patience I found myself growing closer to God.

Fight Against the Devil 27 How may you be destroyed the one that has places himself above Ismun and all that is most sacred and holy. God’s earth has you tried to call your own, but as in olden days you will fail to be destroyed and to reign no more.

62 28 All those who do not resist the devil and fight against themselves, the gates of hell are their destination and sorrows until the day they died. 29 “Man of Faith, go to the lost tribes of Africa and those scattered throughout the earth. Let them hear my word and know my humble ways. If they obey my word, let paradise be at their doorsteps. Those that hear not my word and teachings let the heathen devour them, as a hyena, the flesh of wild carcasses, trampling them beneath the earth. The devil works hard to snare you. All those that believe in me shall rebuke him, spitting him out as waste upon the earth. In one day shall a temple rise and in one hour shall it be. How can such be? Man of Faith, teach my word throughout the earth. Fire shall come to destroy much of the earth, but he that believes in me shall not be consumed; nor will diseases, plagues and wars shorten your days. Then shall you know that I am Ismun, True God of the universe, and I have chosen you to continue my work and establish my glory here on earth. By fighting against the devil many shall be saved to everlasting life and shall save many from hell.”

The Destroyer Causes the Fall of Rome 1 The Punic Wars that Rome undertook with Carthage saw the fall of the Roman Empire coming shortly afterward. Southern Rome having been invaded by Hannibal and his army would see hundreds of thousands of Romans being slaughtered by the guerilla war tactics that Hannibal used to conquer the southern regional states of Rome. 2 A foreign power invading the most powerful country economically and militarily during that time would see much dissension, distrust, fear and lack of patriotism starting to develop within the Roman Empire. Though Rome would win the Punic Wars

63 fought against it and Carthage being brought to ruins, it could not sustain its infallibility as an invincible power and world leader. Revolts within it would be many and it would only be a short time that the Destroyer would have a divided Roman Empire, as city-states would secede from the Roman Empire. The Destroyer had brought distrust within the Roman Empire. The country being invaded and much of it being taken over by a foreign powers, peoples loyalty had been damaged. This brought hatred within and without the country. Generations of Romans would be destroyed and many survivors knew only the hatred for lost limbs, eyesight, hearing and mental illnesses that warfare brings on. The Destroyer had come to visit Rome.

Part VI The Writings of Aswan Inspired of God

64 Aswan’s people came from Egypt to America. He came from a wealthy family, but gave up his riches and inheritance to become a follower of Ismun. “Materialism is only that,” he said.

Faithful Body of the Church 1 “Let the Faithful Body, both sisters and brothers, know their ways in My House says Ismun.” The older Faithful Body of Brothers and Sisters by their faith in Ismun and work in his House have earned their position under my ministers that preach the gospel. Matters concerning the House of Ismun may they speak out on, pro or con. By the Faithfuls’ righteousness and being diligent in the word, Ismun has always honored them in his House and the kingdom of paradise awaits all Faithful ones. By God’s spirit that sees all and knows all shall they be judged to hell or eternal life. Unless they have the spirit of God that shows mercy, kindness, understanding, consideration, forgiveness and righteousness, then they are not of his House. Ministers along with the Faithful Body will decide who is a Faithful member and who is not of the House of Ismun. 2 The Faithful Body of Brothers and Sisters are as in past and prepare the House of Ismun for services. Their prayers and work count much with Ismun. As with his angel, a true and righteous prayer of a Faithful one can be heard in heaven. The Faithful men and women prepare the House of God in cleanliness along with the Church Guards that protect it day and night. Adversary that destroy the church or fight against it must come through the Church Guard. Likewise, must the Faithful Body of Children know the church and its laws.

Church Guards 3 The Church Guards watch over all the church and by their rules and regulations, they keep the church safe from heathens and the

65 devil. Ismun’s holy water, which the minister supply, they use in each of the holy Houses. 4 Start a boy young in the House of Ismun and he will be glad that you did. 5 The seven candles that burn in the House of Ismun represent Ismun’s seven laws and spirits. Let their lights burn in God’s wisdom and holiness. 6 The Faithful ones are as a burning lamp, guiding the young and those of the church. By their wisdom and understanding do they possess much power and authority in the House of Ismun. 7 Let the young in Ismun know his House and worshipping. By their learning of his work shall they grow stronger in faith. Learn of him for his knowledge is infinite and his ways eternal. His people he will not forsake.

The Crosses of Ismun 8 Before other religions adorned their churches and temples and holy places in crosses did Ismun know the cross as a part of his holy House and worship. The cross was a symbol before others as that symbol of holiness and salvation to redemption of lost souls; a beacon of light for all to behold. In ancient days in Ethiopia and even before Cush and Cosmos did they know the cross in God’s holy House. It gave the people a light of hope to their savior and let the holy one who light up the world in his knowledge be present. Adorn the cross, beautify it and keep it holy; it is a symbol for all to know that the cross is a holy symbol to decorate the church, consecrating it in holiness and sanctification. By my cross and holy water is much sin cast away and no food or drink of sacrifice in the House of Ismun is needed.

The Crosses of Ismun


T, t, I 9 The crosses of Ismun that adorn his House are shaped similar to the “T, t, I.” The horizontal part of the cross is usually straight with no specific design to it, and the vertical, slightly above the middle of the horizontal part may resemble a capital “T”; or a horizontal bar may cross a little above the middle similar to a small letter “t”, but no curl at bottom. Or, only a vertical bar may appear similar to a capital “I”. 10 Do not dwell on other prophets or those of old, because they call not your name or come to you; nor do they invite you into their secret chambers. But remember the Seven Laws of Ismun.

The Miracle in the Sky 11 We stood outside the house. It was a clear evening and large stacks of clouds were forming in the sky. 12 Mayou came forth as everyone stood quietly around him. He lifted his eyes towards the sky. We all traced the path of his vision as he looked upward. They fastened on the large cloud overhead. By his concentration, Mayou made the clouds disappear from the sky. We all were in amazement at what we had seen. We talked much about this for days afterwards.

Work Alone Does Not Ensure Paradise 13 Work alone does not mean salvation. Paradise is God’s will. You are selected of God for Paradise. No man or woman can obtain Paradise from another, but it is given of God and His mercy. Our work here on earth will be subjected to God’s judgment and ways; is it of the good or does it bring forth evil. A common laborer is no different than a doctor or lawyer or world leader in the eyes of Ismun. All are the same before God.

67 14 My brothers and sisters do those things that will not offend another, but always humbling yourself before the will of God.

Preach the Word Throughout the World 15 Ismun’s followers shall go out into the world and teach His word and ways. The world shall learn of him and that he speaks the truth and is True God. The one who made heaven and earth and all that is in it. 16 Let God’s spirit guide you and go out into the world healing the sick, prophesizing, saving lost soul, doing miracles and raising the dead. Let the people far off know that Ismun is God. For many things of this world look very beautiful and outstanding, they will pass away. Materialism only last for so long, but the spirit of Ismun is for ever and ever.

Speak Wisely 17 Words though not of a physical substance can be as a sword that pierces the flesh. Always use your talk wisely. Your talk is a part of you and conveys the inner person. What you say you are. What comes from a person is that person. 18 Prophets of old have sworn that the humble and those meek shall be throughout the earth in the new world. Thus, we must humble ourselves to God’s ways. Let your words be few, your good deeds many and your love for Ismun to prevail. 19 An aggressive voice brings trouble, but a pleasant one turns even a fool away.

The Prediction of Mayou 20 Mayou came to town. I had heard my family and friends talk about him. No one though was sure if he was an angel or what. Some even said he might be Ismun in disguise but no one knew for sure. They told stories about him. How he could tell you things to come about. Once he told them a man would die before the year was over. Everyone waited for several months for the man to pass away, but he

68 still lived. Since Mayou had told us all this in February of that year, and November had passed, people started to doubt him and even more when the December month had almost ended. But the last day of the year, December 31, the man died in a plane crash. 21 One day I was invited to go with my father to a friend’s house. There were seven in the house. Mayou came into the room. Everyone sat silently before greeting him. No one had expected him to arrive. Then, he disappeared as vapor into the air.

Ministers of the Most High 22 Shout in the streets. Shout in the mountains and hills everywhere, the towns and cities, throughout the nations of the world; Ismun is God, True God of the universe. His word is salvation. He is God, True God. 23 Hear Me all those that teach and know my word. By my word has light come, and by that light has knowledge prevailed, and by Ismun we have become flesh, though the word is not of the flesh, it is that light of all mankind that leads to salvation. 24 No one can boast in the House that he or she is better than another. All are the same and can no position in life, as a career, is any better than another. Because a person preaches the word, that person is as humble as that person who does not. All are the same with Ismun, and his love is the same for all and no one is put above another or below. Salvation and paradise are the same for all and not just one. This is only the work of the devil when we place one above another. The highest position in the church is as the highest position in heaven, and the same as is with the humblest. Thus, the humblest one is as the greatest in my House says Ismun. Those that preach the word must likewise live by it. Think not that mortal man can fool God’s spirit. 25 Ministers must know God’s ways, believe in him and that he is God, True God of the universe. By their knowledge and learning shall they save and help many. By their understanding shall many be

69 drawn to the church. Your souls will likewise be judged to hell or paradise. 26 Go to the people, the lost tribes and prosper in the word. Open the prison doors for all believers in Ismun and those in bondage, breaking the chains and with the Holy Spirit nothing shall be impossible for you and those who believe in God. Raise the dead, heal the sick and cause the blind to see and deaf to hear God’s word. Babes that do not speak have them one day preach the word of God. Ismun is a spirit, that true spirit of the universe. 27 My ministers if they are right, I will not turn from them in their decisions. But if they are evil, I will not come unto them. I have given them power to raise the dead, heal the sick, prophesize and powers to fight against all evil things. My ministers are part of my work, but my word stands as is written: “Ismun is the God of righteousness and being a holy God. Deceit he does not looked on. As I live the laws, so must you live by them and teach them.”

King Akhenaton Built A Hut 28 There were many apsidal huts on rocks, Just like sand clocks. As time went by, So did more huts under the sky. Chaos could only come, Not from one, but some. If men were to see their creator, As their True Mediator, And for all huts to stand tall, Then there would be a grand ball. So wise King Akhenaton

70 Had a new creation. It wasn’t much, But who had heard of such. One giant hut, Or one big nut!

Women Subjected to Men in the House of Ismun 29 Women are not to preach in the House of Ismun some will have you believe. Both man and woman are subject to God’s laws and must live by them. Ismun does tell us that the woman in the church is under the man and it is his final decision on how the church must be kept and ran. The woman is under the man both in the home and church where we cleanse ourselves of sins and wrong doing, purifying the heart in righteousness. As man and woman both breathe the same air and live by it; they also die in that same air. As is the spirit of Ismun, it is the same for both man and woman, but those that are under it are made different by God from creation and not of the same design. Can a man know childbirth? Can he know the instincts of a woman? God did not create man to procreate children as a woman or to have his own menstrual cycle. Each has a place in God’s design and in the House of Ismun. Women are not to feel bad because they share not in everything with the man; the man does not share in all with the woman, never knowing childbirth, that great gift of joy Ismun has bestowed upon us.

Men Only Copy God’s Work 30 The scripture tells us that Ismun created heaven and earth and all that is in it. From one man and one woman did Ismun make all other races. The angel Lived did he error. As the natural mineral ore is more precious and original in form and endures in strength, so must that original man prevail as God’s natural creation; for to extract comes weakness and to pale that form. But why has not Ismun made

71 correction of his work? Ismun knows not the time or ways we live by but his own. But we can only duplicate some of his works. This does not make us God, but godlike. Creation did not come from us but what we have seen and know about and what is before us. 31 Ismun is the True God of the universe; that of love, kindness, understanding, mercy, understanding and forgiveness. He is before all other gods past and present. His dominion as a storm in the night, a hurricane of a powerful force; a gale not seen but felt. By His good works and the things that he does shall you know him. He is not the God of deception, but truth and righteousness, as with the good that comes from him. He will not say and not do. 32 Mayou flew like a bird through the clouds, some say, he could walk on water and levitate in the air like a hummingbird. He could disappear before our eyes, as we all stood in amazement. Many good things did he do: raise the dead, heal the sick, even the blind could see and those deaf were dumb no more to what was being said to them. Time had little meaning to him. We knew of no one else that could do all the things we saw him do. Many thought that he was Ismun in disguise. We called him a god, which he was a god.

Ismun Is Always There 33 Call on my name in prayer all those who are ill, in bondage, abused and hated. The downtrodden he will not forget, nor those who remember his word. He will heal the sick, unshackle the chains of those in slavery and bondage; those hated for their righteousness will find his eternal love and grace. 34 By man’s sins shall many diseases prevail; famines, pestilences, inclimate weather of floods, hurricanes, storms and all bad weather, and his sins have reached into heaven and God to curse his evil ways. 35 When a man or woman marries they give up a part of themselves to their mates. But they that do not marry give their lives to Ismun. 36 Positive thinking will often bring positive results.

72 37 A man must not strive with a woman. By woman’s nature is she subjected to man. Give not your power to a woman, nor let her know your inner secrets. By her changing moods and ways so shall she be, subjected to a man’s ways and power over her. 38 Can a man know childbirth, or a woman’s monthly cycle? Does his breast give forth milk to feed babes? As the woman was made by Ismun for her place in the world, so is the man made by him to dominate the earth and guide the woman. Can a woman understand the ways of a man? Can a man know the ways of a woman or does he only guess at them? A woman has her place, as does a man. 39 There have been stories for years that a certain man who called himself holy and a priest of the most high could float in the air like a bird. His name was Jonathan, an elderly man in his late sixties. I came to believe on him and his God when I saw him do this before me.

The Destruction of the Earth 40 The earth will not know itself as extreme temperatures, changes in seasons from the normal will start to take place; floods, animals going bazaar, as with other wildlife; insects, plant life and all that live shall tell you that something is wrong and prepare yourself for it. Even the sun and moon shall look different. Put on the shield righteousness of Ismun. His righteousness endures, as does his dominion. He is Ismun, the True God of heaven and earth.

The Destruction of America 41 As food and crops become a waste, money losing its value over night, you shall know that many will call out from afar with tears in their eyes, but hope in their voices, shouting, “America, America is no more.” She has become no more than a dog and at times not even a dog does the things she has undertaken. “America, America, to be no more.” Reach out and save that small part of her that Ismun will have mercy on. What she has done to others, destroying nations and people

73 for her self-gains, so shall she suffer much and much destruction shall come upon her and nations that follow after her. “I must punish the evil,” says Ismun. His righteous angels shall save that small part of her that believes in his work. The earth must be purified of sins and wrongdoings.

The Destroyer Cometh 42 For centuries and millenniums people have done everything to avoid him. Death and ruins reeks out with each step he takes towards the blackboard. His arms are long to all those that misbehave. The Destroyer only knows destruction and ruin, suffering and death to follow him; cultures and civilizations to fall. Generations are lost because of him; hatred prevails, as more animosity sprews forth. The Destroyer, he is.

God’s Vengeance Knows No Time 43 How can we avenge others and we do the same ourselves? If at all those that slay me, as are out of prison. Can a woman know the ways of a man? The sins of one generation do follow that person. No man can boast and say, I have been in the den of an awaken grizzly bears and survived, surely my God will be supreme. 44 By your sinful ways so shall your children suffer, some to be slain upon the earth for your sins against Ismun. You repent not, nor try and compensate your wrongs. Evil man and woman so shall your sinful ways carry over to another generation and your families and love ones to carry your sins. 45 If God’s spirit is overwhelmed with evil, constantly fought against, it shall not be forgotten.

Testimonies of the Spirit 46 It was a little past midnight and it was very cold outside for January. At home, I sat before the fireplace about to turn in for the day. After brushing my teeth and gargling, I went to bed. About to fall asleep, I saw an apparition before me, and walking pass my bed, I

74 could see that it was my dead father who had been dead for more than ten years. Walking behind him was my dead brother who had been killed in a car accident more than five years before. Both of them stood before my bed as plain as day, saying nothing, only looking at me for a moment and walking away. 47An infidel was he, outside of man’s laws and those universal. His ways were his own; to steal, kill, lie, fornicate or whatever suited his taste, or another aspect of his life—and living it as desired, but not as his father in olden days. No god or deity had he found the time to be with. He was his god and god alone. At the hospital, he gave the woman receptionist time to investigating his exaggerations. 48 Leaving from outside and going to the rest room, Curt felt the wet dew of summer time in the air. What looked like a mighty angel stood before him. His wife had died and here it was years later that he should run into an angel. The angel told him that he would be going to a new place and it was far from where he now lived. He would be staying at a house with the number the angel gave him. Pondering on what the angel had told him, it became true a year later and all that had been told him. It was then that he changed his life and ways and started to believe in the word. Ismun became his God.

The Devil’s Army 49 Heaven revealed an army of evil angels that ruled over the earth. Their domain extend around the earth, no country not at their reach, giving them the right to chose between life and death with impunity, but only to God and his coming judgment. These angels of the devil ruled over the nations and they chose their own to rules with them. they establish their world alignment and rules that they governed by and that they themselves often broke. They obtained well earthly knowledge of the world and their chief goals were to establish their

75 own sinister ways, laws and government to rule over mankind. Nothing would they stop at in establishing their reign, as they killed leaders of nations, holy people and all those that stood for righteousness and Ismun. They exploited the nations, their resources and vitals. From their charisma and glibness of tongue and placating did many draw close to them to be used and destroyed in the end. The angels of Ismun fought against them, day and night to safeguard the earth until the return of Ismun’s kingdom. The devil used six major nations to carry out his work of world domination and over the centuries his ruling body of six nations were effective in keeping his power over the people of the earth. The six nations came out of Europe, Asia and the New World working hand-in-hand with the devil and his followers. They had much power, knowledge of things to be done and undone. Enormous wealth did they possess with their large armies, having much antipathy towards the masses. Their god was the god of might, evil, mendacity, deception, sinister behavior and thoughts; arrogance of race and nationalism. 50 But the devil knows not peace, only fighting and warfare which he prepares himself for excessively. An over-kill of weaponry is his norm. Those things artificial, make-believe, man-made, he cherish much, and if it is not by his hands or control then it is repugnant to him. Those things natural and of God does he despise. His end will come suddenly.


Part VII The Writings of Monroe Inspired of God

77 Monroe was a common laborer who later started his own business of making clothes. He was successful at it before becoming a follower of Ismun. He helped build several of the Houses of Ismun.

People and Their Works 1 The Mathew family was that of musicians dating back to pre-slavery and to the land of Africa. Their ancestry played the drums and other instrument of music. They were learned in African folk music, spirituals, blues, and jazz, some performed in classical symphonies, popular music shows and other kinds. They performed around the world, as people enjoy their music and talents. 2 The Tarber, Enger and Williams families enjoyed sports. The families had many famous athletics come from them over the years; many sports did they do: baseball, basketball, football, boxing, wrestling, jockeys that raced in the Kentucky Derby, soccer, track and field and other sports did the families have participants in. The families emphasized dieting well and body strength. 3 Turner family excelled in art. All forms of art did they enjoy and know of. They also excelled in writings and philosophy. 4 The Rollins family had educators, many degrees and knowledge of metaphysics did they have in the family. 5 The Jenkins was religious leaders having many minister, theologians and spiritualists came from among them. 6 The Adam family knew much about medicine and doctors, nurses and people of medical knowledge were in the family. They worked to heal the sick, both in body and spirit. 7 The Davidson family was merchants and own and sold much merchandise.

78 8 The Washington family was thespians and travel around the world in ensembles performing at theaters, shows and vaudeville, some later going into the movies, radio and television. 9 The James family had members that knew much about steel, iron and metals. Some were also carpenters, electricians, plumbers, construction workers, masons, engineers and other fields did the family specialized in. The Teachings of Ismun 10 The ministers and followers of Ismun were enlightened in his ways: to heal the sick, raise the dead, do miracles, prophesize of things to come. By their knowledge of Ismun and his church many shall be saved and grow strong in his ways, as the man and woman of the future knows and lives the ways of Ismun. No more —no more can God show his mercy to all those who do not believe in him and his teaching. Somewhere and at some time must God show his anger and set his foot of wrath upon his kingdom. 11 As with the flock of the church that was taught to live God’s ways, so did the priests and ministers and all those that ruled over the House of Ismun abide by his commandments and righteous ways. None broke their rank or became dissatisfied because they knew that Ismun would hear their wants and needs, whatever they might me, for he was God of gods, True God of the universe. A Vision of the Future 12 I saw the clouds of heaven open up and viewed the grass and the land of the earth which looked of pure quality, and the air was fresh and clean as many large white clouds appeared in it. The birds that flew in the sky had a natural look of beauty in their graceful flights, and even the animals were at a peace with one another and lived in tranquility with the life around them. People had started to live in harmony with one another and in grace with their

79 God now that the devil’s reign had been broken. I wept openly that such evil had ever come upon the earth and mankind. I praised Ismun and that his word had been fulfilled; for he was truly the God of heaven and earth and I fell down to worship him. Those that did not adhere to his teachings and ways and abide by his laws were thrown into hell. In his mercy and understanding, he taught all the good from the evil, the righteous from the wrongdoers and that no one could deny they did not know God’s ways. By his mightiness and power and the strength within him, his armies ruled over earth and never again must mankind know the evil and sin it had known. All those that fought against his righteous laws were slain and uprisings against his kingdom were quelled. Ismun was the God of earth and all who came before him worshipped him in humbleness and truth and from amongst them would his angels always watch over mankind. Ismun Appears In Many Forms 13 The spirit of Ismun is throughout the world and universe. He comes in many voices, dialects, as the sound of rushing fountain water and his dominion as a powerful flame of light. His spirit to all is love, peace, understanding, mercy, forgiveness, consideration, humbleness and all things good. He is True God of the universe. And by God’s spirit has the word come that we may know Ismun. Ismun is the light of the world. The word is the light and glory of Ismun’s Holy Spirit. Ismun is a spirit, idea, thought and other things seen and unseen. When men laughed at him, calling him mad, he said nothing, only walking away from them. When he told them the impossible could be done, they called him even madder. He prevailed in his righteousness and faithfulness to his will because he was God of gods, True God of the Universe 14 A hungry man who steals food or money will be forgiven before one who has plenty to eat and money in his pocket.

80 15 Do not take another’s life is Ismun’s law. However, if a man or woman takes a life in self-defense of his or her own, or manslaughter, it is not considered a sin if that person is justified. But to take a life by any person should be a last resort. Turn to Ismun, the one that created all things and teaches us what is right and wrong. 16 Those that take a life should be punished by the law. Should a person be put to death for a murder? Can one life equal two or three? To continue to kill rather than reprimand is as wrong as those that take another’s life. God reprimands us to his ways, not destroying us to hell for our every wrong. 17 Out of Africa Ismun grew stronger in word. His teaching saved many, his word a burning desire to all those who listen. Ismun’s ways are eternal. His love for his people cannot be squelched and his kingdom to stand for ever. 18 The mainlands of the nations of Europe knew him, as did Asia find his footprints; the Americas bow down before him. The people from the isles and far off know his glory. The Neglect of Many 19 Everything became money. It was as though men and women lived only for the money and wealth they could amass. Ministers in churches amassed fortune from their parishioners, driving expensive cars, having clothes that cost much, and living in lavish homes as people in their own churches went hungry and were homeless. On Sundays they went to their churches taking the money from the old, widowers, invalids and churchgoers. The more they gave, the closer they came to heaven they toll them. The rest of that week though, the ministers and seniors of churches visited not these people to see how they fared and were doing, but let them stay behind barred windows and chained doors to their houses, afraid to even answer the door for fear that the evening news would have them another statistic of a robbery or random murder. Gang-bangers

81 frighten them to death, and they talked in low voices how bad children of their day were and how undisciplined their parents had let them become. Each summer many of these elderly people died from poor ventilation from barred up windows to their home; no air conditions or even simple electrical fans to give fresh air within their dwellings. Hundreds died each year in surrounds that had hot humidity. And many died each year from the lack of heat and warmth during the winter months. 20 The poor and elderly became sick and had no medical insurance to pay for doctors, medication and hospital care. So the poor and elderly died before their times, being unable to obtain the proper medical treatment they needed. In hospitals and nursing homes they died too soon to make way for the next flood of poor and needy people. Human life was secondary to that of money, with many doctors and medical people charging excessive fees and living lavishly off their ignorant and poor clients. So diseases became rampant, as did the sins of people. 21 The poor carried the burden of the crowded jails and prisons that have them there in large disproportionate numbers. Because everything was money: food, clothes, medicine, legal help and even going to church on Sunday, many ministers wanted money to help them live lavishly. Life came to have no meaning other than money and how could anyone believe in a God that always had his hands out asking for it? Ismun Adopts A Boy and A Girl 22 As in ancient time much sin and ignorance prevailed. Men constantly fought each other, laws had no meaning other than their words and the money lawyers could make. Ismun adopted a boy and a girl from amongst them and said, “Will these children know sin if they are taught the ways of righteousness and dwell amongst it? Or, must I destroy my creation of man?” So he reared the boy and the girl

82 to know the good from the bad, the right hand from the left. The girl was called Dawn and the boy he called Raymond, whose face shines over the world in God’s glory. No one told them their real parents, only that they were of Ismun and his grace. It was them that Ismun saw that his creation of man had not been flawed and his light would prevail. 23 The House of Ismun is that of holiness not trading and bartering or gambling; nor must it be of sensuous desires. 24 The farmer spoils the crop if he feeds it not with the water of life. 25 Sit down in the House of Ismun and dine and talk over your differences. Call a feast to give praise to him. The Miracle of The Dead Man Raised 26 A miracle was performed in those last days. One of the followers of Ismun was brought back from the dead. People marveled at this for no one had ever seen such before, only reading about it and hearing of it. 27 The Evil One shall come with much wrath, destruction, destroying many and the sound of his footsteps on the earth shall caused many hearts to fail. But faith in God and his teachings shall many be saved and not see death. By their prayers and supplications he will know that you are of him and he will send his angels to watch over you. 28 The six nations conglomerate of the Evil One shall not be, as people throughout the world will take allegiance to their God and the things he has taught them. By resisting the devil, many shall be saved and the pleasure of the Lord shall be with them. The Man of Ismun 29 His first love is his God who he prays to often, keeping his word and teachings. By humbling himself he has become even more exalted in the eyes of God. His family does he take care of and if he has fathered any children out of wedlock, he gives compensations

83 to that child that he may not become as a dog that strays from its own. His house is in the spirit of Ismun and his wife he treats according to God’s laws, not straying from them because he knows that his soul must be judged by God. In paying attention to God in how he raises his children and treats his wife, he sets a standard as well for others to live by. An Ismunite Speaks Out 30 I have stolen that I might eat, killed that I may live, hated because all I knew was the hatred around me. I have lied that I may live; fought with my bare hands and feet to survive; even the respect of a woman’s body have I taken that I may enjoy her sensuous pleasures; married women have I committed adultery with; little children have I slain, slitting their throats and bellies open. Yet, you have forgiven me, given me a home, an eternal one. No more do I do these things, for now I know my God. Prophets of the Holy One 1 The prophet Asmal (d. unknown) prophesized the destruction of Egypt and later Greece and Rome. 2 Hamal ( 14th century) predicted that France under a very short leader (Napoleon) would fall. He also predicted the rise of the Teutons or Germany and the rise of Hitler and his fall. Napoleon would fall by his own hands in not preparing properly for the war against Russia. 3 Seagert, (19th century) he saw the end of slavery in America and predicted the fall of America by great destruction from abroad. 4 Thomas (19th century) predicted American space travel to the moon and other planets by machines. He also predicted the space program would suddenly come to an end due to economic trouble in America and throughout the world. 5 Aswan (20th century) saw a world coming of peace and a righteous kingdom coming about were hunger and famines were no longer. God’s people shall rule over the earth.



The Poetic Thoughts of Ashanta Little is know of Ashanta, a woman that saved some of the writings of the Holy One. Herself, a writer, she was inspired of Ismun and was

85 known to have written more than one book, but none can be found. Stories have it that some of the text of the Holy One was saved from a burning house that she lived in. Another version has it that certain people in authority tried to destroy the holy writings, but Ashanta hid them from them. And another version has it that she was almost killed by the authorities while incarcerated when she refused to alter parts of the original text of the Holy One. Only one poem bears her name in the Holy One, Omniscient.

1 Tales Obtuse by Mario Hinds A sadden face Knowing no race. A child treated cold, Sometimes sold. Parents that misbehave, Not knowing their babe. Bodies marred; Faces scarred. That innocent breath May end in death, Tell tales of no amuse, Those of sad refuse. 2 A Stop Aboard My Thoughts by James Moss If you have nothing better to do, Come with me if you will, To climb those stairs That opens that door

86 To my inner self. So climb aboard for a while— A stop aboard my thoughts. 3 Omniscient (by Ashanta) Was it you who made the sky so blue? A greenhouse of geraniums, violets, tulips, magnolias, cedars, wild oaks, syrupy maples, pussy willows, beans that make bean pies that sit in houses and windows. Birds that sing a ring-a-ding and eat fat squirming worms. Animals that are magnanimous, supercilious, pusillanimous and like us are everywhere. Hazy fog, summers like Indian-givers’ ones. Snow on ice. Hail that hurt like hell! Lakes that shake. Oceans that don’t stop waving and craving ships. Grass hued so green you can’t see the green insects about to crawl up your leg. Black dirt to slow your feet and bury your worries. Rain that goes insane. A sun that always there even when you don’t see it. If it wasn’t you, why is that sky so blue? 4 Hell in A Silverspoon by Sandra Kendrick What the heck! I’ll spend my check. I’ll sell my clothes, my gems and car Just to have that hurrah. Lies I’ll tell, maybe burn in hell. I’ll pick up a case To be able to freebase. I’ll become a goon Before I give up my spoon.

87 I’ll steal and even kill, Just to have my thrill. My nose will get sore, But I’ll still want more. And when I’m high, I’ll give a sigh— I’ll go broke To have my coke. 5 The Golf Nut (Unknown) Tee, tee, tee. Wee, wee, wee. See! See! See! Hee! Hee! Hee! 6 Nothing Is Nothing by Abdullah Mohamed If nothing is something, Something must be nothing. If one exists—why not nothing? Just because we can not see What time has not allowed Does not make that page not so. Then it is not futile— The creator knows. But can it be That we must never see That void of voids? Vain has been our efforts. Strive, man, strive!

88 Pages are made read, As mountains surpassed. Trivial at best, But life is an iota of mountains. Let us gaze afar— To see things as they are. All voids mountains, For I know that void of voids. 7 Redundant Cords by Albert Hassan Keys of air are played. Superfluous are those cords that mankind share. What come from us truly decides The intestinal fortitude that life is. To share ourselves Has made man King. Others less fortunate desire our reign. But can it be That what we all share, Has reached the summit Of exaggeration well? Chaos comes when we alone have won. When we grow tired we often fail. Caution is advised For wise men everywhere. 8 The Seas Are Free by Harold Fargo I sailed aboard the Mariner. The crew’s captain we had to tame.

89 Now that he is lame, The Mariner isn’t a barrier. Loud our chant— Give us water, Captain! Our backs are sore! Give us water, Captain! We can’t stand much more! Now our captain can’t. The Mariner is asea. The seven seas Where made to be— Free! Free! Free! Sail, Mariner, sail your sea! 9 I Search For You by Inouye Ekie Endlessly I search for you. Like the young child in its innocent ways. My thoughts, my life has often found my temptress. Great men have always sought you, Being of superior and refined quality. Nations and civilizations have flourished because of you. Sometimes my searches for you are fruitless, But I will never forsake my quests. For without you I’m lost, To become like a heathen, A dog in the muck of its slime Or some backward fool. Let me always know you, To be near you and desire Your beauty and many rewards.

90 For you are the most beautiful of nature’s creations, And as men possess gold, precious jewelry, Let me have your affection. Let me humble myself to you, As a child to its parents; Always learning the more about the depths of your vast vaults. Let me never forsake you as fools have done, To perish in their own ignorance and narrow sighted follies. For I love you wisdom; For the child that I was, To the man that I now am. Let me though remain that humble child before you, Always searching for you, your beauty and riches. 10 Those Good Ol’ Days by Saja Jones Remember when a candy bar was a nickel And so was a dill pickle? A loaf of bread Was a quarter when said. Gasoline didn’t burn a hole in your pocketbook And you didn’t have to worry about what to cook. A budget was little trouble, Because the IRS man you didn’t pay double. An ice cream cone sat a big cherry, And it didn’t melt away in a hurry. You didn’t have to worry about the mortgage, Or throw the deed in the garbage. Everything has its price, Even when you can barely suffice. Days passed are recollections.

91 Progress! —There are many questions. 11 ONE WAY by Chico Adams There will come a day When all men will say— Hey! ONE WAY! ONE WAY to love— To fly a dove; To live our lives in peace, Our love to never cease. No hunger to starve a mind; Nor wars to threaten mankind. Men will not toil in vain, But every benevolent deed a gain. 12 A Little Vin, Please by David Paul People will tell you it’s no sin, If you have a little vin. A bottle of Beaujolais May be a grand frais, But a little vin Won’t bring much din. When you over imbibe, The law will your name to transcribe. A little vin does your heart well. Just ask those that sell. So my friend, a little vin Will help you win.

92 13 Conundrums by Phom Peng There was a mad king Who wore a diamond ring. He was lean And very mean. The diamond ring he would give To anyone to live In his castle And to wrestle: How many grunts in a hog? How many howls in a dog? 14 Introspection by Carlton Jenkins I’ve seen young faces, Old faces, Faces of all colors. Faces that laugh and cry; Faces that did not Look like faces, And faces that made you wonder why. Ugly faces, Beautiful faces And strange ones. But you know what, There is nothing Like a smiling face. 15 Birds and Bees by Camacho Martinez

93 When I was young I sometimes wondered, Why do birds love bees? Could it be what I pondered Was as nature sees, Not mine to understand. But as I aged and fared, Nature’s scheme was not that grand, Birds like bees could be snared. If one dared, one could be victorious, As is beauty and the beast. On a pollen daffodil, a bird and bee. A flower that stood so proud Was as sweet as it could be, Happy of such a sensuous shroud. Like golden nectar and honeydew, Two sumptuous things often come. From extracts nature strew, We learn of some. Birds like bees may prey, But if it was not them, Nature would be less, let’s say. Beautiful is nature’s hem. 16 One Wish by Malik Drake If you had but one wish what would it be? To always be able to dream. 17 An Old Remedy by Malik Drake King Tut as a boy knew of it.

94 Teeth he did grit On its terrible taste, But it rid him of waste. You can use it for almost any cure: Headaches, backaches, constipation because it’s pure. Some say it adds to longevity. What about levity? It might make you boil. It’ll surely make you toil, Because there is nothing like castor oil.

18 ERA by Carla Shabazz II Many are glib Fighting for Women’s Lib. Time consumed, The struggle resumed. Equality declared, Our struggles bared. Can they stand the pace, As mates of one race? If not, is to fight, For what we feel is right. 19 Traffic Jam by Isaiah Jeremiah If your protons look like electrons, You’ll have trouble with neutrons.

95 A fission Is not a fusion, No more than a psi Is a pi. Newton knew gravity, George Washington Carver botany. Where does this leave us all? We still believe in gravity and peanutbutter call. So to cut down on confusion, Lets not have so much profusion. Everyone knows that peanut butter Can not flutter. 20 The Torch by Edward Isaac Could there be such a dream? A land where all men supreme. Where all as one, Though different as the sun. Where liberty would be the test To stand as best. Any goal to find a mold, As ideas often sold. Governments though diverse, People to decide the worse, To withstand the inner fires, As are men desires. Outside adversary, But to fight is contrary. For a land whose dream is supreme, Is as she seems.

96 But history has shown alone, Might cannot condone, That true spirit of a nation That was her creation. And it is this test That endures above the rest And must decide her fate, As is the debate. Men, as nations are more than dust, If not, our ideas rust. So search we will For explanations still, To understand ourselves and that inner flamed we knew, If not, we are through. To fail as others have done, When we could have remained as one. 21 The Apes Were Late by Elden Trinidad The apes were late, But I know how to skate. I can speak a little French, Use a monkey wrench. Burn an open fire, Do things I desire. Peruse a book On how to look. Write my name Just the same. Fly a plane, Snort fine cocaine.

97 Dress up in a silk shirt, Do a flirt. Build a ship And take a nip. Count forever And become clever. Build a race car And Travel to a distant star. Invent a phone and an ice cream cone. Then build a bomb That’ll make us all numb. The apes were late, But I know how to skate. 22 Affection, Desire, Affinity, Adore… Love is eternal. (Unknown) 23 He Gave (Unknown) He gave: To establish a better life for All men free and bond; For a better social harmony, peace and tranquility for all. Abuse of body and limbs; Uncalled for suffering and mental harassment… But his faith Was in his God And he shall have An eternal home with him.


24 Paranoia by Rani Daji Terms medically grandiloquent, Telling of minds bent. Psychosis. Neurosis. Cures not found, Minds still unsound. Can we help them? Or must there be a broken stem? What man has not discovered, May be no more than love covered. 25 A Man is Coming by Aswan There’s a man coming. His face of burnt copper becoming. His ways are best, As he is just. When the lights are dim Men will revere him. Born in humbleness, A man of kindness. A leader for the poor And those that endure. His teaching men find deliverance, To right a grievance. There’s a man coming, To give all who believe something. To heal the sick,

99 To make a pick Between those righteous men And those of sin. His arms are long To those who belong. His people he will not forsake. Their sins will he take. There’s a man coming, Some grumbling, some running. Clad in a hero’s vest, His feet will not rest Until he establish himself as king, In the love and righteousness he’ll bring. 26 We Fight As Before by Dabouji There should be light! But why are things so dark? Why must men always fight? If only they could play in the park. When shall we know the serenity Of warless skies, People of authenticity; Hearts were truth lies. Where valor is being able to say, I’m wrong And we can begin To correct our wrongs and become strong Over a bottle of gin. A man’s worth is not a number, But the individual that he is. Let us not slumber

100 To the freedom that is his. Within a mind Is a heaven or hell, Life is not a rind. We can only blame ourselves when we tell— Tales of how it could have been. That we should not have fell, But our neglected hen Came home to roost a spell. So let us start anew, To find the eternal light to begin, A world where fresh ideas due And every man is kin. Where war and ignorance And those things unjust Are subservient and considerance, Of things that are just. Then that biased fighting a gain. A means that has justified Our suffering and pain. That we have testified, To this and more, To rid ourselves of fears and terrors We fight as before. And by our trials and errors, Mankind will become better. A new world made. Our appetite for life wetter; Into that unknown we wade. 27 The Street Fight

101 by Dabouji Wolves came from all around. Women stopped their darning, leaning out windows. Men sprinting from their work. Cubs no longer played in the crowded street, Eyes fastened— two lions that fight. Bam! Bam! Bam! Their paws against angry faces. Eyes that burn in rage. Knuckles cracking at their wacking. Noses bleed, Loose fangs fly, Swollen eyes. They fight as sin. Could this barbaric act we like to see, Bring out our hidden selves? The wolf pack screams louder, As paws grow weary. Lions now panting, When all is waged in hostile fury. Sirens blare. The air is heavy. Wolves and their cubs are never satiated. Lust is lust— a kill for the morning. Lions are made of blood. Blood that spills in broken wine bottle against barbecue ribs. Their manes grow weak and sag, As do their large slow feet. The wolf pack now disperses Like hyenas with filled bellies. The lion tamers have arrived.

102 These cats will get caged; A free meal for the day. The zookeeper smiles them away. Bam! Bam! Bam! Ismun Stands by His People 28 Though family and friends have forsaken you, I will be there. Though the world is against you and all look hopeless, I will be there. Though you are sick, afflicted, persecuted, abused and hated by men, I’ll be there. Though there is little left in you and all look lost, my strength and comfort will be there. Though you faint in your ways and no one is there to soothe and help your thirst, I’ll be there. I am Ismun, True God of the universe. My love is eternal, my ways those most righteous. The Fall of America Foretold 29 America, America that great nation will be no more! She has gone astray as an errant child and like a harlot, she reaches out to every foul creature and ways; demons to possess her and destroy her in the end. My righteous ways and understanding she no longer possess or desire, but only her own evil ways that ascend into the heavens and beyond. I will put my throne above the Almighty, my own unjust laws will I judge others by. Even her laws of justice are those of monetary gains and having no other meanings. Foreign nations own her and her greed has become too much. Slave labor abroad has she condoned her wealth, as other starve in ignorance. The people will stand on the housetops, buildings and shout out to all around to hear: “America, America is no more!” She has slain many and her sins reach into the heavens. “America, America shall be no more.” That great swindler of lives, money, natural resources and souls of saints and people of Ismun has she bestrayed and slaughtered will be no more. Let those that conquer her divide her for spoils. She has taken from many and

103 so shall much be taken from her. Her sins are great and her fall even greater. Listen to them cry out, “America, America is no more!” The Spirit of God 30 Recall love ones that Ismun is a spirit. If He reveals Himself as a spirit in a man form he has chosen to do so for a reason. He is the God of logic and consistency, not chaos and disharmony. If Ismun is to come as an animal, plant, or whatever, he becomes that entity that he might know it the better. His ways are his ways and we can not always understand them. Roles for Man and Woman 31 Can a woman know the ways of a man? Can she understand his inner nature and deepest thoughts in contemplation? God has chosen the man to rule over the House of Ismun and not the woman. She, as in the world before her, must submit to the man and his final decisions. She stands beside him as his mate, not his overseer. As God has chosen the woman for childbirth and not the man, so has he chosen the man to rule over the earth and all that is in it and the woman beside him.


Part XI

The Writings of CJ Coles Book I CJ Coles is the name given to the writer of the first book. Some say this was only his pen name and that his real name was Rayman. He

105 was born in Chicago and lived in New York City a great deal of his life.

“Meeting With the Mayor” Original Teleplay by CJ Coles

Act One


Fade In: (Int) sports arena— Nighttime. (SLOW MOTION) — (LONG SHOT), DOLLY IN, (SFX) AS THE SOUND OF A FILM TAPE ON A REEL CAN BE HEARD. ALSO, THIS PART OF THE FILM IS IN (BLACK AND WHITE), NOT COLOR, AS EDDIE IS HAVING A DREAM.) He is dreaming about a fight. He is a professional prize fighter in the ring against an opponent. It is a fight that he is losing. Everything is hazy—fuzzy, like an unclear dream, but real to the dreamer. His opponent is beating him senseless around the ring, hitting him with everything including low blows, as he turns to the referee to complain. (MS) of three men, Eddie, the referee other fighter. Eddie is about six-feet, not too muscular a black man. Not really handsome, neither bad looking. Both his eyes are cut over the top. The left slightly closed, and blood is coming from his nose. He looks quite beat. The referee looks like the professional heavyweight champ of the world, which he is to Eddie. His opponent is about four inches taller than him. A big muscular

107 white man—handsome and unmarked, barely sweating and wearing a sinister smile on face. Eddie (turning to referee) He’s throwing low blows, ref! Ref Get in there and fight, man. Eddie But, ref— Ref Let’s go. People came to see a fight, not a crying match. Round after round passes and Eddie is still taking a beating. Fans start to boo loudly as Eddie once again turns complains to the ref. The camera now shows a (CU SHOT) of his battered mug. (OC)

A Man In Audience

Get the bum out of there! We Didn’t pay to see this kind crap! Ref Come on and fight. He should’ve

108 had you knocked out by now. Eddie But, Ref, he’s not fighting fair. (Eddie turns to look at audience) Are you people going to let him fight me like this? He’s not fighting fair! (OC)

Man in Audience

Get in there and fight, you bum! Stop your complaining— CRYBABY! (MS) of two fighter and and referee) Ref (angrily to the other fighter) Give me your gloves. (The ref with mean look on face starts at Eddie, as they start to fight.) (CU SHOT) of Eddie’s shocked face looking at the audience) Eddie It ain’t fair! It just ain’t fair! CUT TO: (Int) Eddie’s bedroom — Mid-morning, (MUSIC)— (MILLIE JACKSON singing, “THIS IS IT.”) (ANGLE) Eddie awakens, sitting up in bed, as his hands reach for his head. He looks at his wristwatch, and standing from his bed, he walks to the

109 bathroom and washes his face. Returning to bedroom, he look at picture of girlfriend on dresser. Picking it up, examining it, he places it back on dresser. Getting dressed, he leaves the apartment walking hurriedly downstairs to his car. (Ext) — (ANGLE SHOT) of Eddie driving along the highway. (MUSIC) — has a (soft jazz beat) to it. The car stops in front of an apartment building. Getting out, Eddie walks inside the apartment building. (Int. SHOT) Eddie climbing the flight of stairs to the third floor. Knocking on the door, a neatly dressed black man, average size, and height answers the door. (MS OF TWO)


Eddie, how are you? Come on in and have a seat. (ANGLE SHOT) of apartment room. A white man named Bolt, about twenty-four, average height and build. An oriental man in his early 30’s, muscular, but has a small body frame and dark features, named Chuck.

110 (MS)

Eddie and Danny.

Danny (to Eddie) Everyone said they could make it but the Mex. He said he wasn’t feeling too good and would catch up with everybody later. (GROUP SHOT) — of four men.)

Eddie (standing) How’s it going, Chuck, Bolt? Bolt Alright, man. (Chuck and Bolt speaks at the same time, as Eddie sits across from them in the livingroom.) (ANGLE SHOT)


Everybody’s heard about Johnny’s bust. But it won’t change a thing. Our plans are the same as before. That’s the reason I got Bolt here. See if he wants the job. What about it, Bolt? Are you in on this job or out in the cold? There’s no second guessing once things start moving. I don’t want us to be seen

111 together too much or too long. So, let’s get this out of the way. Bolt (cool) I’m in. (Angle Shot)— Four Men. Danny Good. (Taking a map from coat pocket, he places it on table in center of the room.) Plans are to be simple. We simply break-up into teams of two’s. Chuck and Bolt will be posing as city sanitation workers. (Pause) The Mex and you, Eddie, will be business men making a friendly visit to city hall to see the mayor. (CU SHOT)


Why me and the Mex? I thought Chuck and I would be working together? What’s with the Mex? I thought Chuck and me would be working together. Danny Since Johnny is out of the picture, I had to do a little shuffling.

112 I figure you knowing the Mex better than Bolt. Bolt just came in on the job so that things would go smoother. You follow me? Eddie What’s with the Mex? Danny I don’t know. All he said was that he had important things to look after and that he would show later when he felt better. Eddie I’d kinda’ hate like hell to have to put this thing off again. After a while, if you know what I mean, it kinda’ gets nerve reckin’ sitting around waiting. Danny It goes, Eddie. We don’t turn back no more. We have the guns now. Eddie (tinge of excitement in voice) You got what? Danny Guns Eddie. I have the guns. Yeah,

113 and more. If everybody follow plans, we’ll be shaking hands with the big man downtown. Maybe having lunch with him. (DIFFERENT ANGLE)


Are we expecting any big trouble? Security is going to be tight around city hall. The place will be buzzing with pigs.

Danny We strike first. We strike fast. The mayor’s boys never will know what’s going on. Here’s where we’ll be taking him. (pointing to map on table, (CS) In His office. After lunch , you and Bolt will be posing as sanitation workers. This is where you two will enter—From this side room here. From there, you make entrance— the mayor’s office door. Once you take care of him, and once inside the mayor’s office, another guard will be in a side room waiting for you. Don’t shoot unless you have to. Move in on him as fast as you can. You got that, Bolt?

114 (MS)


I follow you. Danny Eddie and the Mex will seal-off the hall ways. (emphatic) But remember, timing is what we must work on. Everything must move fast and smoothly, if not, we’ll miss our man. (GROUP SHOT) of four men. (Reflecting on Danny’s last statement, as (CAMERA FADE OUT) DISSOLVE TO: Eddie’s estranged wife’s apartment. Early evening. (Over the Shoulder Shot) Eddie standing at doorbell, looking around the hallway of the apartment. Patricia, his wife, is about thirty, average looking black woman and about average in height, dark eyes and hair. (ANGLE SHOT)


Hi, Patricia. Can I come in?

(REVERSE SHOT) (Patricia has forced weak smile


115 on her face, hesitant.) I guess so. (MOVING SHOT) of Eddie entering the apartment and his eyes search around him. (ANGLE SHOT)


(Trying to feel at-ease) How’s Randy? Is he around? (OC) No, he’s out. I sent him to the store. He should be back soon. (ANGLE SHOT) of Eddie and Patricia Eddie I was in the neighborhood and thought I would drop by. Patricia You know where I live. (ANGEL SHOT) Eddie still looking around apartment, standing in livingroom.) Eddie You always did keep a tidy place. (Eddie pauses for a moment to look at


116 a picture of himself and Randy and Patricia


(CU SHOT) of Eddie and picture and (MS) of Eddie.) Eddie You’ll never guess who I ran into the other day— Your mother downtown. (ANGLE SHOT) of Patricia and Eddie standing in room. Patricia Don’t tell me, you two struck-up a friendly conversation?

Eddie It wasn’t that. I stopped long enough to say hi and kept going. Patricia sitting on couch in livingroom. Eddie also walks to couch seating himself next to her. (MS) of the two. Eddie (looking at blouse Patricia is wearing. Eddie New blouse? Patricia No, I’ve had it for awhile. Eddie

117 What have you been doing lately? You’re not staying home all the time, are you? Patricia Staying home. No money to go out. Times are hard. Eddie Yes, they are. And don’t look like they’ll be getting better for a while. (Pause) Eddie Two can make it a lot easier than one.



We’ve tried before, didn’t we, Eddie? It didn’t work then, so why should it work now. We are just too different for each other. Why don’t we just forget it, Eddie. Patricia standing, walking to window, as (Camera Moves with her) (ANGLE SHOT) —Patricia and Eddie Eddie (standing, walking towards Patricia. Eddie They always told me you don’t give up on a horse because it

118 stumbles and loses a race or two. You stay with that horse and wait for that big race. I know we don’t always see eye to eye on things, but everything has its differences. That’s what it’s all about, Patricia, ironing out those differences. I admit I was at fault. I messed around when I should have been home with you and Randy. I blew money and a good job. (Pause) I don’t know—I guess I deserve it all — your leaving me? But all I want now is another chance, Patricia. We can make it if we try. (Putting his arms around Patricia. (CU SHOT) as Eddie kisses Patricia. who acts indifferent and turns away.) (DIFFERENT ANGLE) of Patricia and Eddie Eddie (upset at self) Whew! I really blew it, didn’t I? Ol’ Eddie, the man who had it all and couldn’t believe it. A good wife and son—home, but didn’t know how to keep it. (pause) I guess I better get going. No sense in making a fool out of myself. ( Eddie turns from Patricia walking to door as camera follows —

119 (ANGLE SHOT) and he leaving apartment. Patricia is left crying softly to herself, as camera has a (MS) of her.) DISSOLVE TO: (Int.) — Police Station— Morning — (PAN SHOT ) of office floor. Detective Cardone is talking to officer Davis in office. Cardone is a white cop, average height, dark hair, macho, rugged looking face and piercing eyes, wearing a dark suit. Davis is a black cop about six feet tall. He has on a pair of Levi jeans, dashiki, gym shoes and wearing an afro. He doesn’t look like a cop, but he talks like one. (MS) — Cardone is sitting behind desk, as Davis is sitting on edge of Cardone’s desk.

Davis The chief gave us good grades this time around. After cracking those gang murders in Hunters Point. I think that puts us back on speaking terms with him. Cardone Maybe for the moment. The chief is a very changing man. You never know

120 what to expect from him. (Picking up folder on desk). This just came in. Davis (Looking at folder, opening it up) S. A. F. E. We haven’t heard from them in a while. Cardone Our man on the inside figures they are up to something similar to that December kidnapping. (CU SHOT)


He’s figuring on them doing the same thing again? Cardone He doesn’t know for sure, only guessing. These guys always have something up their sleeves, you got to be on guard for. They may try another kidnapping –hostages thing, or it may be something entirely different. Until our man on the inside feeds us more information, we can only guess what S. A. F. E. is up to. Davis Didn’t we, not too long ago, bust

121 one of their men—a black guy—I think, Johnny — Johnny Williams? Cardone Williams made bail on that robbery charge they had him on. Nobody seems to know where he is. He just disappeared. Davis Kind of strange for him, wouldn’t you say? He has a lot of ties and friends around town. Cardone You never know about these guys. So keep your ears and eyes open. We were lucky to get out of that December shootout in one piece. That ol’ man and his family will never know how close they came. (DIFFERENT ANGLE) of Davis and Cardone Davis Will do. (Pause) I’ve been meaning to ask you if you’ll buy a raffle ticket from our club? Cardone (showing surprise) Raffle ticket? I haven’t bought one

122 of those since leaving the army. Some sergeant beat me for half my paycheck off one of those things. Davis. I assure you, Cardone, there’s no catch here. We are giving away a 21” color TV. All you have to do is buy one ticket. (holding ticket up in front of Cardone.) Cardone If there’s no catch, Davis, why do I have to buy a ticket and not get one for free? Davis We got to have enough money to pay for the TV when you win it. (Different Angle Shot) of Cardone Cardone So I’m paying for the TV that I’m supposing to be winning for nothing? Davis Well, not exactly, proceeds will go to charity. Cardone (that’s ridiculous attitude)

123 Sometimes I think you’re in the wrong business, Davis. (leaving office, as Camera Fades Out.)


Fade In: (Int.) Neighborhood gym — Late afternoon — (Est. Shot)

124 Eddie and Danny are practicing karate together in gym. The sound of their voices, as those of others, can be heard in a symphonic chant of gymnasium cacophony while going through their martial arts drill. You can almost smell the musty body odors inside the neighborhood gym. (Full Shot) of Eddie and Danny. Eddie (pauses), as he watches Danny doing a karate move.

Eddie You’re not following through on your punches. You’ll never get any power behind them that way. Like this. (demonstrating punches to Danny) Now try it. (Danny goes through moves, saying nothing as he concentrates intensely on what he is doing.) Eddie (pleased) That’s more like it.

125 Danny I’m beat. Let’s take a break, man. Eddie Even better, let’s knock off for the day. We’ve been going at it for more than an two hours. (MOVING SHOT) of both men walking to a nearby bench, sitting down and wiping perspiration from their tired bodies.) (MS) — to (DIFFERENT ANGLE SHOT) of the two.

Danny What you got planned for tonight? Eddie Nothing special. Maybe a beer at Hal’s place and back home.

Danny I’m throwing a party at my place tonight. I would have told you sooner, but we just planned it last night. Kathy and me invited a few friends over. Think you can make it?

126 Eddie Like I said, I have nothing else to do. (ANGLE SHOT)


We got it planned for nine tonight. Nothing fancy—just a casual thing. (pause, wiping brow) You think Bolt is our man? (ANGLE SHOT)


He looks alright to me. He listens to things. That’s what we want, wouldn’t you say — a man that listens and doesn’t do all the talking? Danny He catches on fast. But what worries me is how he’ll perform under pressure, when things start to heat up. This job will be a lot different than sticking a gun in someone’s face in some grocery store. The last thing I want is for somebody to panic or get trigger-happy. Eddie I don’t think he’s that way. At least, he doesn’t give me that kind of impression. It’s getting late at

127 this stage of the game. It looks like we are stuck with him. Time is growing short. (MS) of Two men. Danny Yes, it is. (pause, standing) I can use a cold pop. (MOVING SHOT) of two Men walking to nearby vending machine.(ANGLE SHOT) of Two men Eddie That car battery you said you had, I think I’ll be needing it soon. The way mine’s been acting lately, I don’t think it’ll hold up much longer. (Taking pop from vending machine) Danny I still got it. Eddie Say, why don’t I pick it up tonight at your place? I figure the sooner I get one the better off I’ll be. Danny It’ll be there, if you don’t mine getting your hands dirty.


Eddie I’ ll be wearing gloves. (broad smile) Drinking from a can of pop, Eddie discovers that its a different kind of vending machine and has a different brand of pop. (looking somewhat alarmed) This is grape-cola? I wanted coke. (Looking at vending machine) They really keep things screwed-up around here. (MS) of two men. Danny Don’t feel bad. Llast week I got a lemon and a grape together out of one these machines. Eddie (Jokingly, broad smile) Ol’ Sugar Man must be hitting the bottle again. (They both laugh) Dissolve To: (Ext.) Street scene — Following week, afternoon— (Est Shot.) Eddie is doing some shopping for groceries at neighborhood grocery store. He has left the store with a bag of groceries in his arm, walking to his car. Two black youth having

129 robbed a store next to the one he left. A passing police car spots them, as they take off running in opposite directions. The police give chase on foot as shots can be heard. One of the boys falls dead, as the other one eludes the police. Eddie walks to where dead boy is, as a crowd of people gather around him. There is much commotion around dead boy. (Angle Shot) of Policeman Policeman Step back now! You people step back, will you! (An elderly black woman in long dress and rag around her head is standing near body, as her eyes grow bigger on seeing it lieing there.) (Full Shot) of Woman in crowd. Woman in Crowd (excited pitch in voice) Is he dead? They done kill that poor boy! (Angle shot) of a black man standing next to her—middle aged—in old worn suit of clothes. He spills his resentment of police he suspects of over reacting. (Full Shot) of man in crowd.


Man in Crowd (voice showing resentment) You all didn’t have to shoot that boy! I saw the whole thing. People are talking as Eddie tries to get a look at the boy. Looking at the body, he walks away, as a (Moving Shot) of camera follows him to his car. Inside the car, he drives away giving some thought to what he had just seen. Dissolve To: (Est Shot) City play ground whereEddie and son Randy are playing basketball. It is a calm, peaceful afternoon in San Francisco. (Angle Shot) of Eddie and his son. Eddie (tossing basketball to son) You think you’ll ever make the pros? I thought I would about your age. Randy (bouncing basketball, taking a shot.) I don’t want to be a basketball player, I want to play football. Eddie

131 Football! Man, you’ve got to pick up a little weight. They come big and fast now-a-days. Who’re you going to play with, Forty-Niners? Randy I want to play with the Rams. (Full Shot) of Randy driving for a layup. They’re okay, I guess. It ‘s just that I like the Rams better. (Angle Shot) — Eddie and his son. Eddie (stops playing basketball with son) You beat me again (deep sigh), and you want to play football. They both stop playing as Eddie puts his arm around son, standing on basketball court under basket. (MS) of Eddie and Son. Eddie To be a pro and get into college, you know you got to keep your grades up. How have you been doing in school? Randy Alright, I guess. I got an ‘A’ in my gym class and history. I didn’t do too good in English and math.

132 (head lowered)

Eddie You got to work at it, son. Do your homework when the teacher tells you. (Pause) Let’s take a walk. (Truck Shot) of Eddie and son walking) Eddie Maybe we can get a pop. I wasn’t the smartest student in my classes, but I always found time to do my homework. Randy You coming back to live with and me, dad? Eddie (pauses, reflecting in quick thoughts on what son said) I don’t know, son. Your mom still wants to go through with the divorce. Let’s wait and see. Randy (wanting) It’s kind of lonesome, dad, without you. (Eddie wants to change subject, feeling the weight of his troubles

133 and worries in son’s voice. He and son stops walking towards store.) (Angle Shot) —Eddie Eddie (looking around) You know I played in this same park when I was a kid. Hasn’t changed any. Same trees, basketball court and swimming pool I use to swim in. Even Mr. Carver still works here. He must be a hundred years old. (Angle shot) — Randy Randy (bouncing basketball) He wanted me to play baseball for the park’s team. (MS) then — (CU Shot) — Eddie Eddie How come you didn’t? (Different Angle) — Randy Randy I don’t know. I didn’t want to play. (MS) — The Two Eddie

134 (rubbing son’s head) I bet you I can outrun you to the store. (Angle Shot) —two taking off running to store, not far away. Randy is in front, basketball under his arm. (MS) — Eddie and Son Eddie (stopping, breathing hard, bending over as he tries to catch his breath) Whew! Boy! I must be getting old. And I thought I could outrun you. Randy I wasn’t running that fast, dad. (Eddie smiles, rubbing son’s head friendly) Eddie (FS) Eddie watching police car slowing down across the street) Let’s get a pop. Dissolve to: (Int.) Eddie’s apartment, morning.Variety show on TV. (Int): (CU shot) —TV A psychiatrist is talking on TV talk show to host. Eddie has changed channels. Host is Tom

135 Snyder type—tall, slim, light hair, average features. Doctor is middle age bespeckled doctor. (CU Shot) — TV host Host Dr. Steiner, you feel that terrorism here was brought on by the changing times? What do you mean by this statement? Rather ambiguous and generalizing, I would say. Dr. Steiner. You asked earlier about profiling of terrorists. Conditions of the times often lead to a certain person such as A Jessie James, John Dillinger, Adolf Hitler and many other notorious people in history coming on the scene. The times are ripe for such a character to emerge today and exploit the times. The sad times of unemployment, inflation, recessionary trends, ever so often, and our lifestyle of ease being taking away by cuts in paychecks and a reduction in our workforce, brings on a new evil and evil people that goes with these changing times. The time is terrorism, whereby, one person,

136 or a group of people can hold many others in check and using them to their advantage. To rephrase myself, terrorist organizations are only being brought on by a changing time and changing life we live by and being not like they were forty or fifty years ago. Evil people are not born, but are the resulting factors of circumstances and adverse conditions that have them that way. Host Are you saying, Dr. Steiner, that we should give in to terrorists demands in violation of the law? (CU Shot) — Dr. Steiner Dr. Steiner Quite the contrary. The law should never be twisted to give away to terrorist organizations. What I’m saying is that society has failed these people as our society is realizing. Jobs that provide food and livelihood for these people have not been met, bringing on situations we see all around us. ( Eddie gets up, changing channels,

137 then walking away from TV, looking at wrist watch, as his thoughts look elsewhere. The doorbell to Eddie’s apartment rings breaking his pensive mood, as camera shows a (CU Shot) of him standing in apartment by windows looking out of it. The trafficking sound of cars can be heard moving in the background, as he turns from window, going to door. Opening it, we get an (Over the Shoulder Shot) of Eddie’s landlady, Mrs. Darlings, an elderly black woman, neatly dressed. Her face is without a smile, waiting to ask something of Eddie. Perhaps, a very serious question, as the two of them stand in doorway of apartment.) (Reverse shot) then (CU Shot) — Eddie

Eddie (self-consciously forcing a smile on seeing landlady) GOOD MORNING, Mrs, Darlings. What can I do for you this morning? (Reverse Shot) — (CU shot) — landlady Mrs. Darlings

138 The rent money, Eddie. You’ve been promising me for more than a month now. I don’t want to throw you out, Eddie, but I have to live, honey, like everybody else. Mrs. Darlings has to— (Different Angle shot) of The two. Eddie (Eddie interrupting landlady) It’s coming, Mrs. Darlings. I promise you. I should have it any day now. (he hesitates) Before the week is out, Mrs. Darlings. Give me a few more days. Times are staring at me hard right now. (MS) — landlady Mrs. Darlings (somewhat reluctant but willing) Eddie, I’ve given you a month already. Do me a favor and have it the next time I come and see you. If you don’t, you’ll no fool, I’m sure you been to school. I don’t want to throw you and your stuff out. If it comes to push and shove, I ‘ve got a lot of me on the inside. (MS) of EDDIE Eddie

139 I’ll have it, Mrs. Darlings. I promise you. Eddie won’t let you down, I’ll have it for you before the week is up. (MS) — LANDLADY Mrs. Darlings I’m counting on you now. You know where I live. Bring the money and everything will be alright. (Different Angle) —The two, as landlady walks away from apartment. (MS) — Eddie Eddie ( Thank you, Mrs. Darlings. He watches landlady for a moment walking down the hallway. Closing the apartment door, he stands with his back against door, as a sober expression covers his rent-worried face.) DISSOLVE TO: (INTERIOR) OF BUILDING, LATER THAT DAY (EST SHOT) — Danny is speaking before a small crowd in room. (S. A. F. E.) — “Support All Fronts Equally,” is having a rally. The two men (Danny and Eddie) sit in back of podium,

140 Danny is talking. They are decked in afro’s and dashikis, arms folded, paying close attention to their leader. The camera, (Pans, the Dollies) as Danny talks. (Full Shot) of Danny. Danny — And another thing, I say it’s about time we had jobs! Everybody else got them. Unemployment is growing everywhere. If you think for one moment those people at city hall are thinking about ol’ Eddie and the people in the ghettoes, you better get yourself another thought.


Man in Audience We hear you, brother.

Danny If you think those people in Washington care about you, you are even madder. Both Washington and city hall are in cahoots against us by depriving us a paycheck by not giving us a job. You can’t eat man if you don’t have the money to put food on

141 the table. That’s only common sense. Now, those big bureaucrats in Washington are talking about federalism and state rights. By George, that’s exactly what we need. Some bastard in Washington to pay off our debts. He’s giving us reciepts for his bills.These same people that have kept us in debt for years turn right around and now are telling us they want more money to get them out of debt

(Different Angle Shot)


So when your taxes go up— and you’re lucky enough to find a job, don’t be surprised if those people in Washington and at city hall don’t help you. They’ll be asking you to pay their bills. They should be cutting back on missiles and bombs that don’t work and start cleaning their mess up, and not putting the bills on us poor people. Doublejeopardy is all it is. We’re paying twice for their mistakes so that they can save face. (OC)

Man in Audience Right on brother, I hear you.


(Different Angle) —

Danny That sounds like a man robbing you and you have to pay him to get your money back. You all better wake up out there. Listen to me now.

Cut To: (Int.) — Same building— Later — (MS) — Danny and Eddie talking in rear of the building, now that the rally is over. No one else is present but two men. Eddie You hear about Johnny? Johnny is no more. They got him on ice at the city morgue. Danny When did you find this out? Eddie Just before the meeting. Somebody put four slugs in his head. Whoever it was, they weren’t playing. Danny Or if they are playing, I’m not liking The way they play.keeps. (pause, confused look) I wonder what it’s all about.


Eddie You don’t thing Johnny might have told them anything? They said whoever did it worked him over pretty well before they killed him. (CU Shot) — Danny Danny Johnny wasn’t the type to break down. He played for keeps too. No, I don’t think that was it. (MS) Danny. No more. We’re going to see the mayor— and real soon. (Danny reflects with his provocative statement, as camera fades out.)



Fad In: (Ext.) (Angle Shot) —- of car on city street, afternoon. Bolt and Chuck are dressed in work overalls.

145 Eddie and Mex are wearing suits. Bolt and Chuck are in front seat; Eddie and Mex in back. Eddie looks at clip in hand gun, putting it in coat pocket. (MS) — Chuck looking at wristwatch. Chuck (at wheel of car) We better get going. I got 1:45. The mayor should be back from lunch. (sober look on face— slight pause) I wonder if he likes beer. (Angle Shot) as car moves along highway towards city hall building. (Music—“Do You Know the Way to San Jose” by Dionne Warrick.) Shortly the car stops across the street from the city hall building. Eddie and Mex take suitcases from car on leaving it. Bolt and Chuck stay inside car. (Angle Shot)

Eddie (leaning over car window to talk to men in car) I got to make that call. Remember, the signal if every thing checks out. This is it. Good-luck. (hand-

146 slaps from Bolt and Chuck. Chuck Same here. (Angle Shot) of Eddie and Mex walking for phone in nearby building. Eddie goes inside building. Mex stands nearby smoking a cigarette on street curb. Shortly, Eddie comes outside building looking towards car. Walking towards car, the car starts to move. Cut To: (Int.) Inside City Hall Building, where Bolt and Chuck are in a side room taking guns from boxes, inserting clips. SCANNING THE AREA, they move towards mayor’s office. Eddie and the Mex are at opposite ends of the first floor to the building, as (ANGLE SHOT) shows both men in position. (ANGLE SHOT) of men as only a few people are in hallway outside of mayor’s office. Chuck Freeze! Or you’re dead! Chuck says to mayor’s bodyguard

147 at door of office.The bodyguards reacts by going for gun, as a hail of gunfire follows and screams can be heard. Quickly, the two men move inside the mayor’s office where another bodyguard confronts men. Shots are fired and Chuck grimaces on being hit in shoulder. Bodyguard is hit, but is still alive. Bolt takes gun from him. (MS) of Bolt and chuck. Bolt How bad is it? Chuck It doesn’t hurt too bad. Don’t worry about me. Get the mayor. (ANGLE SHOT) of Bolt walking towards mayor-pointing carbine at him. (CU SHOT) of the mayor staring at gun barrel in his face. (MS) of two men. Bolt Don’t move. Sit right where you are, mister mayor. (CU SHOT) of the mayor’s face showing a white middle age man, slowly

148 graying. (Camera fades out.) Dissolve to: (Ext.) Outside city hall-nighttime (PANNING SHOT) Police behind cars, newsmen and TV reporters. TV reporter is talking before camera. (MS) Reporter TV Reporter It has now been more than nine hours since terrorists calling themselves S. A. F. E. have taken Mayor Paul Karvich and two of his personal secretaries hostages in his office here at city hall. Police have talked to the mayor by telephone and he is reported in good condition, as are both his secretaries. Two of the mayor’s bodyguards were injuried and we have now learned that one of the mayor’s bodyguards is dead. He has died of the gunshots wounds. The other bodyguard is in critical condition, but doctors say that his condition is stable and they expect him to pull through. As reported earlier, the terrorists list their demands as following: Food for the city’s poor and people starving to

149 death here in San Francisco; some kind of shelters for the homeless around the city; medical treatment and medication for those ill from the outbreak of the deadly chobbella disease; better police treatment of those arrested and the end to killing prisoners they suspect as being infected with the chobbella diseases; an end to the killing of members OF S. A. F. E. by the San Francisco Police Department. Upgrading rapport between city hall and S.A.F.E; helping the homeless and minorities obtain some kind of jobs and money to live off of. Many are unable to get welfare, SSI and have no means of living, except for low paying menial jobs and handouts. If demands are not met, S. A. F. E. has pronounced the ultimatum of the kangaroo style verdict on Mayor Karvick’s. Fate that they say, he has given .

the poor here in San Francisco.

Cut To: (Ext.) Outside city hall (MS) Detective Cardone. Cardone The captain said we sit tight. We

150 don’t do nothing. They got sharpshooters stationed everywhere. We don’t want to do anything to antagonize those men in there. Detective Davis We got anybody inside? Cardone Squat team. They’re handling it now. All we can do is sit tight. (Different Angle shot)


Now we know what S.A. F. E. was planning for us.

(Different Angle Shot)

Cardone (very sober look on face)

The late Williams was our inside man. It was hard for him to tell us anything. (Angle Shot)

Davis Johnny Willams was working for us?

(MS) of Two men

Cardone Yeah. The chief felt it best that he worked with no one knowing.

151 Not even me.


Davis (shaking his head) I would have never thought that in a thousand years.

Dissolve To: (INT) of mayor’s office, (ANGEL SHOT) of Eddie, Bolt, Mex and the mayor inside mayor’s office. Chuck is laying lifeless on floor. Mayor’s secretary is picked up by camera on (PAN SHOT), sitting on couch in room. (MS)

Eddie We won’t let the pigs know Chuck is dead. We’ll let them go on thinking there are still four of us. Mex We got to cover him. I don’t like looking at him laying there that way. (Looking at mayor—walking towards him) (ANGLE SHOT) Mex. (turns to mayor) Let me have your coat?



152 (Looking confused) (MS) of Mex and mayor. Mex Your coat, man? Get out of it! (The mayor takes off his coat handing it to the Mex, who walks over to where Chuck is, squatting beside the body. Mex places the mayor’s coat over Chuck’s face and upper body.


Mex We can’t call in no priest to give him the last rites. We can at least show the body some respect.

(Over the shoulder shot) of Eddie peeping through window curtain at sharp shooter on roofs of nearby buildings, as (camera PANS his P.O.V.) The he turns to Bolt and the MEX in office. (MS) Eddie I don’t know about you all, but I can stand something to eat. We got any coffee left? Bolt

153 It should be some there. (ANGLE SHOT)

Eddie (going to table where some food and drinks are.) So far, things don’t look too bad. None of us expected Chuck to kick-out on us. We can’t help that now. Just one of those misfortunes we got to deal with. We keep our heads and let the them make the next move.

(Different Angle Shot) of Two men and mayor as phone in the room rings. Everyone in the room freezes, turning to look at telephone on mayor’s desk. Mex picks up the receiver. Mex (turns to Eddie) It’s Danny. He wants to talk to you. (DIFFERENT ANGLE) of Eddie and Mex. Eddie Danny, Eddie. (pause) I’m fine. Everything is secure. What about where you are? (pause) The mayor is alright. Nobody is hurt. Chuck

154 took a bullet in the shoulder. (pause) He can’t come to the phone right now—He’s out cold. We gave him something to settle down. He’ll be alright. Nothing to worry about. (pause) I’ll talk to you later. (ANGLE SHOT) of Mex and Eddie.


(confused look) How come you didn’t tell him about Chuck?

Eddie You never know who might be listening in on the other end. They probably got everything wired up. (ANGLE SHOT) of three men. Bolt Throw me one of those burgers, Eddie. What would you say our chances are of getting to Alcapulco? Eddie Alcapulco? I was counting on Vegas. (smiles) They have good

155 floor shows there. (MS)

Bolt (biting into hamburger) The chips are high wherever we go.


Mex Hey! They got us on TV, man. Look! We’re surrounded. Look at the pigs!

(ANGLE SHOT) of Bolt. Bolt (looking at TV in room) Pigs swarming around us like flies. (ANGLE SHOT)


And that’s the way we want it, Plenty of attention, the more the better. (Eddie stops to listen to TV reporter. His face showing concern as he watches TV. Here we get a (MS) of TV newman on the glass tube. (Tape of Newscast) TV Reporter Hours still tick away as we approach day number two in terrorists holding the mayor hostage in his office at city hall. His fate is still uncertain, only that the terrorists known as

156 S.A.F.E. demands have not changed. S. A. F. E. is asking for better jobs throughout the city. If no jobs can be found, then to see that people without jobs can be guranteed some kind of welfare, so that they can eat and feed their families. Too many jobs have left the country going to foreign countries for the cheaper labor pays that they have. China has taken over where Japan left off as the biggest manufactoring of products coming into the country. Another demand is for food and shelter for the many homeless people who have been evicted from their homes over the years because of lost of jobs and income. The TV is interrupted by the (SOUND of the phone in the office ringing), as we get a (GROUP SHOT) of Eddie, Bolt and Mex examining each other and who is on the other end of the phone. Bolt goes to answer telephone. (ANGLE SHOT)

Bolt (to Eddie) I got the big man on the other end.

157 (ANGLE SHOT) of Eddie walking to phone. (INT.) Cut to: Eddie and Deputy Mayor in office. (MS)

Eddie (pause) You’re talking to him (pause). We want a helicopter — a safe passage out of this hell-hole. But only after we know for certain that food lines will continue to be ran in the ghettoes, and, food is not being rationed — You got that? No “if’s” “and’s” and “but’s” about it.

Now we get a (MS) of Deputy Mayor about fifty-five, overweight, dark hair, with a fat over-eaten face. Deputy Mayor What about the mayor? Will he be released unharmed if this is demands are met? Eddie Nothing going to happen to the mayor if you people co-operate. Deputy Mayor I’ll have to talk it over with the

158 other here. I’m not a committee of one. Eddie Get on it. We don’t have forever. Either we see results or it all goes down the drain. Everything! Deputy Mayor We’ll get right on it. CUT TO: (EXT.) of Street scene outside city hall—(ANGLE SHOT) of Cardone and other policemen outside keeping a vigil at city hall. (ANGLE SHOT)

Policemen (calling to Detective Cardone, urgency in voice) Cardone, they want you on the phone.


Cardone (to policeman) I’ll take it in the car.

Cardone (ANGLE SHOT) (InterCut) Deputy Mayor How you thinking? You feel we

159 should negotiate with these men or send our squat unit in? (MS)

Cardone No Squat. Unless, you want to get the mayor killed. S. A. F. E. is playing for keeps. I would sit tight and let them make the next move. Nothing fancy. We can’t chance it. Deputy Mayor Okay. We’ll wait for now. I don’t like it, but we’ll wait and see what they’ll do. I don’t think we have much choice.

(Putting the phone down, Cardone, turns to look at city hall building, deep in his thoughts, as his face shows. FADE OUT


ACT IV Fade In: (Int.) City hall building—late morning. (SLOW—PAN SHOT) It is now going into the third day of

161 the take over at city hall. Things are quiet as special teams of squat units can be seen moving around inside city hall building. Inside mayor’s office, the mayor is sitting in chair watching as his secretary rests on small sofa in room. Eddie is sitting on edge of mayor’s desk watching TV. Mex is standing guard, looking out office window and Bolt also is looking out office window. The air is filled with uncertainty as to what is coming next. Eddie’s face comes into view (CU SHOT) as he lights cigarette, letting out a deep exhale. The TV in background can be heard. (OC)

TV Reporter As you can see, the terrorists demands are being met as far as food being given to needy families around the city. These locations as listed on the TV are where they can obtain food. All these sites as listed are distributing food. You only have to go there to receive food. No ID or proof of who you are is needed. Food is being distribute to the needy in hopes

162 of ending this hostage situation at city hall and the release of Mayor Karvich and his personal secretaries are still being held by the hostage takers, as are other people being held inside city hall. How many, we do not know. It has been three long days and the siege at city hall continues. (ANGLE SHOT)

Eddie (raised voice with a slight irritation to it) Turn that down, will you!

(ANGLE SHOT) of the Mex turning TV down, as Eddie picks up phone on desk. Dialing, he pauses as he inhales from cigarette, rapping nervously on desk with knuckles. (INERCUT) Eddie and deputy mayor. (MS)

Eddie Have your squat team move away from the building.

(MS) of Deputy Mayor.

Deputy Mayor (somewhat surprised)

163 Squat team? Eddie (irritated) Don’t play dumb. You know as well as I do your men are inside the building as well as outside. Remember, you was a police lieutenant before this. Now call them off, unless you want this thing to blow up in your face. Deputy Mayor (pause—indecisive) Alright, I’ll call them off.

Eddie That’s more like it. When we leave here, we want a safe passage as possible out of the building. No funnies, man. You hear that?— No funnies. Deputy Mayor I assure you I will do everything not to put the mayor in any harm. Eddie hangs up phone, looks at wrist watch, then the clock on wall in room. (CU SHOT) of Eddie looking at wall clock. (Camera

164 PANS) the room finding the Mex who is standing before large desk in room. Mex takes a cigar from box on mayor’s desk. He walks over to mayor. (ANGLE SHOT) of Mex putting cigar to the mouth of the mayor. The mayor refuses it, turning his head. (ANGLE SHOT) of Mex and mayor Mex (playful mood) Come on now, mayor, be a good boy and have a cigar. Open wide. (Mex put the cigar inside the reluctance mayor’s mouth. He then laughs out loud, as the mayor smiles self-consciously, looking at his secretary.) (MS)

Mex Hot dog! Ha! Ha! Ha! Would you look at that. Ain’t you a sight, man. A big five-dollar cigar in your mouth from the taxpayers and all those people out there starving to death. (PAUSE — wiping at his face with his hand) How many you smoke a day? Come on, you can speak up. There are no pigs around to protest.


(ANGLE SHOT) of two as Mex points gun at the mayor who reacts nervously to sight of gun barrel staring him in the face. (CU SHOT) of mayor. Mayor (choking on words) Not many. I’m not a big smoker. (DIFFERENT ANGLE) of Mex and mayor. Mex Don’t it bother you filty pigs that people out there are starving while you sit in your highrises living a life of Riley? Mayor (pause, wanting to weigh his words) Those things we think about— Mex Sure you do. That’s why we are here, because you think about us poor people. What you got planned this year as far as a vacation? Maybe a trip to Paris or Rome? Flying first-class, drinking martinis along the way.

166 All this at the taxpayers expense. You politicians all think alike. Us poor guys, we get to stay home and soak up some sun on our porches, drinking homemade lemonade and swatting flies. (MS

Mayor These things take time. You can’t rush solutions to problems if there are none.



You guys always have the answers, don’t you? But they are always your answers and the wrong ones. Now it’s our turn. (Mex has a defiant look on face, as camera is left there to catch it before FADING OUT.) DISSOLVE TO: (Int.) Office room (AFTERNOON SHOT.) The Deputy Mayor is talking to Chief of Police, Parker, in a side office room at city hall. The two men are seated across the table from each other. (ANGEL SHOT) of Two men. Deputy Mayor (persistent in attitude)

167 If we let these punks off, every punk in the city will be wanting to pull the same thing. I say, we move now and move in fast on them. Send the squat team and take the mayor while we still have one.


Chief Parker

I don’t feel that we should. It’s too risky. The chances of getting him out alive would be slim. S. A. F. E. would probably kill him before letting him go. I think it’s too late for that. Let then have their helicopter— let them go. (CU SHOT)

Deputy Mayor You don’t seem to understand— Chief Parker But I do. These men have asked for no money or nothing else. Only food—which we are supplying to the ghettoes and a helicopter to get safely away in. They know as well as I do that we can not change the job situation here overnight. Let them go. It’ll be

168 my job to catch them later. Let them go, I say, and save Paul. Hear me, Harry. Deputy Mayor (persistent) Let them just take off — just like that, scott-free to do the same damn thing all over again — maybe something even worst? Chief Parker We want our mayor alive and in One piece. What adverse effects do you think this will have on the city if we let him down now? I know we disagree at times, but the chips are too low. This is more than a job for me. Paul has become like a member of my own family and I’m sure as hell want to see him come out of this. If the shoe was on the other foot, I would feel the same way, Harry. (Different Angle) of Two men. Deputy Mayor (Standing from chair, walking to Chief Parker, patting him on back, smiling.)

169 I’m sure you would, George. Why don’t we both have that drink we been wanting. (Chief Parker pause, as Deputy Mayor ponders his statement.) Dissolve To: (Int.) Mayor’s office— (SLOW PAN SHOT), as though camera man has sneaked into room where he finds Eddie nervously pacing floor of room. Everyone is quietly watching TV, except Eddie and Bolt. Bolt turns from window to look at Eddie.

DISSOLVE TO: (Ext.) Outside city hall building. We have a (SLOW PAN SHOT) of policemen, newsmen and others standing outside city hall. It is quiet, stopping at a (CU SHOT) of DETECTIVE CARDONE. His face looks tired from late hours. Puffing on a cigarette, he opens his mouth, talking to Officer Davis, standing next to him. Davis too looks tired, as camera catches a (CU SHOT) of his fatigued face. (MS) of Cadone and Davis.)

170 Cardone It’s shouldn’t be long now. The chief said they are flying in a chopper. (looking at watch) I imagine we’ll be going home a little early tonight. Davis I sure hope so. The wife has really been bitching about me keeping too many late hours. She still hasn’t gotten it in her head that I’m a cop and this is part of the job. Cardone You do have your problems and I got mine. Williams was killed by one of S. A. F. E.’s men. Paul passed the word along to me. They figure whoever done it must be inside city hall right now. One of S. A. F. E.’s top henchmen was last seen with him while he was alive. We don’t have all the pieces yet, but they are still coming in. Davis You know I kind of figured S. A. F. E. was behind the hit. You kind of figured who had the best motives

171 in doing it. (DIFFERENT ANGLE SHOT)


this is one time I’d like to see the judge look the other way. Somebody’s got to stop these guys before they really get out of hand. (ANGLE SHOT) of two men. Davis Without Williams, we are at ground zero. (Turning towards the window and looking out.) CUT TO: (ANGLE SHOT) of Bolt at city hall. Bolt (becoming excited) I hear a helicopter! Can you hear it? They are bringing our helicopter! (ANGLE SHOT) of two men. Eddie (going to window) If it’s for us, that phone should be ringing any second.

172 Both men watch helicopter from window, watching it land. Then waiting anxiously for the phone in room to ring. Seconds tick away as camera catches a (CU SHOT) of (PHONE RINGING), reverberating throughout the room like a cannon. Eddie answers it, acting as if he is afraid to talk into receiver, at first. (CU SHOT) of Eddie and beads of sweat starting to come to his face. (EXT.) Outside city hall — (ANGLE SHOT) Precious time has elapsed as we now see TV news reporters standing outside city hall building, microphone to mouth. His voice sounds lazy, tired, but still has a touch of excitement to it. As he talks, those around him listens closely. (MS)

TV Reporter (slightly nervous voice) We can now see the mayor and what looks like his secretary. They are now being led down the stairway of city hall by the terrorists. The three men surrounding him all appear to be holding weapons, what look like AK-47’s. These weapons are held at

173 the mayor’s head. They are now walking towards the helicopter that only shortly landed at city hall on the front lawn to the building. I now see a rope tied around the mayor’s neck. What purpose this dastardly move serves for the men, is not clear, only that they want the mayor close by them. Sharpshooters are stationed all around on nearby buildings. This whole episode seem to be taking on a carnival attractions to the social tragedy going on, as people cover block after block not far from the city hall building. CUT TO: (MOVING SHOT) of terrorists and hostages on walkway. They are all now moving quickly towards the helicopter, keeping a worried vigil on things around them. (ANGLE SHOT) of Eddie and mayor Eddie This is were we’ll be parting, mayor. A few more steps and we’ll be saying good-by. It’s been nice

174 knowing you. Tell the Misses I said hello. Eddie and the other men reach the helicopter (ANGLE SHOT) of them as they pause for a brief moment, looking at mayor. Everything now starts to move in (SLOW MOTION), (MUSIC) here, dramatic affect. The men board the helicopter leaving the mayor and his secretary on the ground next to it. (ANGLE SHOT) of mayor and secretary. Once inside helicopter the men are seated; (CU SHOT) of Eddie who has a ghostlike look on face. Everything is in dreamland. Bolt’s face now grows pale. Something is happening, as we now get an (ANGLE SHOT) of men as they start to argue with helicopter pilot. Their voices are too late though, as the helicopter starts to rise above the nearby buildings. (ANGLE SHOT) — still in (SLOW MOTION.) Suddenly the helicopter explodes into thousands of pieces. Now we get a (MONTAGE SHOT) — still in (SLOW MOTION), on how the people on the ground below saw what happened. (Sad MUSIC) here. (MS) of Cardone and Davis faces showing disbelief.

175 (MS) of Danny crying as he reaches for his head. (CU SHOT) of Chief Parker wilth a blank pale face on seeing helicopter explode. (MS) of Patricia and Randy. Their faces also showing disbelief, as they view scenario on TV at home. (MUSIC) here for dramatic affect, as camera FADES OUT.


THE PRECIPICE CJ Coles’ Second Work

176 Book II

1There was a place I used to go when I was young and a boy. It was far away from home and I alone would go there to be away from all around me and free myself to meditate on any problem I had—or just to be alone and think any thought that wondered through my young mind. As I grew older it stayed with me and I grew to like my precipice up high and far away from all. My secret precipice had me there on many a days I felt a need to go there and see through the windows of my mind. Those windows were sometimes hazy, but I always felt exuberance on having gone to my secret precipice far away. There was so much tranquility there and the nighttime would find me there long after others had retired to rest for the day. But with some sorrow I would later discover my secret haven had not been as secret as my thoughts. And it was there that I had first met him, high on the lofty ridge where I thought I alone only came. 2 There he stood that day as time would deem me, standing tall amongst the dirt and granite stones, his countenance though was no different than you and I, only a man who looked to be in his mid or late sixties. Whose hair was still black and wore a large moustache close above his thick lips; and his eyes shined with a youthful glare about them even at his age. But still they told you they lacked something within their confines by the way they looked and talked to you. And his dress was simple as the dark coat and pants he wore. But on that day I asked myself how the man had known my secret place so far away. It was then I learned he too had been there many times to the other side. Seeing me there one day, he had said nothing less his secret too be told, not only of the precipice, but another tale he wanted to release from within him. I could not fathom

177 what it was, but slowly his voice grew stronger as he spoke to me— that his life span of more than seven men and that he had lived a life long and one that he was not sure that he wanted to continue. My first thought was that of suicide and that the elderly man had wanted to end his life—But he said—“No, my age of five-hundred-twenty years has seen me travel the world many times, many people have I met, from the poorest to that of royalty. Much knowledge have I gained, but this longevity that I’ve attained and trying to outwit nature and I a man can not be. I long to be like all others and they even say, there are others like me to be found amongst the earth. But I choose not this life, its sinister and insidious ways of man’s capriciousness to know only suffering in the end and unceasing follies and mockery of what we call life. Thus, for these reasons, I will never again pass this way— to see your face and the life around me. My decision is not to continue my ageless quest of life immortal.” Not taking my eyes from him, I asked how it had come about that he and others should live so long? What knowledge possessed them—idea or thought? Pausing for a moment, he told me that another like him had discovered many centuries ago, a drug to prolong life indefinitely and he alone knew its secret and gave it to only those who fulfilled some dream of his. Inquiring what might that dream was, he told me that, “I too dream.” It was all a dream that we had met and talked and that he told me this tale. One could only know the secret of his longevity by the dream within it. I too could possess it, but only if I should take his place in life. And if I agreed, I too would not know death until another knew the secret of my dream and then must I die “that death.” Pondering his thoughts in the short time given me, to decide—“Yes! Yes! — I’d take your dream to live on and on—endlessly, like the stars that shine in the night sky.” Thus, he gave me the knowledge to seek the one who held the secret of life prolonged indefinitely that I might gain what dreamt had deemed me.

178 3 Now I’ve lived for almost five-hundred years and I have come to know what others had known of this “gift of prolonged life.” For I too have grown weary, vainness of this life—this world and all that’s in it. And now I must pass my secret to another that he may take my place, and as the man who gave me this gift of dream, I have seen only his face and to this day I do not know his name.


The Dying Man 1 There was a man dying of an incurable disease. Doctors had given him only six months to live. The man decided to go back to his home town to die in the house he had been born in. After making out his will, he did some of the things he had always wanted to

179 do, but had put them off for whatever reasons. Now that the final month of his life had come, the man decided to take his own life rather than go through with the excruciating suffering of his incurable disease. One night he sat alone in his room, taking out a gun and putting it to his head, pulling the trigger. A few days later the news came that a cure had been perfected for his ailment.



The sun in those last days had become too hot, scorching the land in famines and from the failure of crops to the burning heat of the sun, waterways and reservoir were drying up everywhere. But Ismun told those that would listen to him, how they might still grow crops. Many laugh at him, but when they saw the vegetables and fruits he brought

181 forth from the land, they laughed no more. This may have not been a miracle in his eyesight, but for those who had no food, it was.

ACT I Scene I

182 (Street scene in the town of Middleton, U. S. A. Lenny Dawson stops Honey Mae West on her way to the corner bus stop. It is late April, Friday morning.) Lenny

You couldn’t spare a dollar for a cup of coffee, Miss?

Honey Mae

Aren’t you the same man who Asked me for a dollar yesterday and the day before?


I don’t think so, ma’am. I never like to ask the same person twice for a dollar.

Honey Mae

Well, you did. I have to work for my living like everyone else.


I didn’t mean to offend you, ma’am. Here’s the dollar I got from you. I don’t like people going around mad at me.

Honey Mae

You can keep it. You said you wanted some coffee, didn’t you?

Lenny Honey Mae

To be honest, I seldom drink coffee. Why did you ask for my money then?



If you really want to know, I need a fix.

Honey Mae

A dollar won’t help you then. Goodbye, mister.


Please don’t get me wrong, Miss. I don’t want your money—I mean, people can’t understand a man when he’s down and out. Here, take your money back. (holding out change to Honey Mae)

Honey Mae Lenny

If you insist. I’ll take it back. Are you on your way to work?

Honey Mae

I’m trying to get there.


Good day, ma’am. You made my day much better.


Who was that? Not bad from what I saw.


I don’t know.


How much money did you get from her?

184 Lenny



I saw you with your hand out. What were you doing—giving her money?


I did. She made me feel so bad that I had asked her for money twice before. Her eyes looked so honest. So I gave her the money back she gave me. It was only a dollar.


You say you wanted some bennies and now you’ve given her some of your money. What’s gotten into you lately? Ever since Daryl died, you’ve been Acting awfully strange.


What’s a dollar, man? We can make that up in no time. Cockerbree owes us anyway. He should let us slide this time.


Keep on dreaming. You know as well as I do, Cockerbree ain’t going to let us have anything for nothing. The man is too tight. He’ll come with a thousand excuses not to give us anything unless we come up with some money.



In that case, we’ll stop dealing with him and go some place else.


Like where?


I don’t know. Dagburn and Ricky always got something.


Not for the kind of money we show up with. Let’s face it, we are stuck with Cockerbree.


I think we are too. How much money you got?


Twenty dollars and one lousy half-dollar.


With my $11 and change, that’ll give us—let’s see, about thirty-three dollars. That should get us something.


Are we still going by Jimmy’s place? He might be able to help us out.


Might as well. I really hate to waste all that gas driving over there. If it wasn’t for the gas, we wouldn’t be out here

186 panhandling. Nate

We better get back to work. We’ll never get anything standing around here. (They go back bumming along the streets for more money)

Scene II (Later that morning across town in Middleton, Lenny and Nate have left Jimmy’s house, parking the car and walking along the avenue.)

187 Lenny

I don’t think this can go on much longer.

Nate Lenny

What’s that? Our walking around like this panhandling for money for pills.


You got a better idea? You can’t keep a job. They fired you from your last two. You’re lucky they haven’t take your probation away.


I’m going to have to do something better than this. Boy, is it hot! Here it is the middle of spring and it feels like mid-summer already. It must be close to ninety.


If you hadn’t taken so long, we mighta’ gotten to see Jimmy.


It’s pretty hot out here. Why don’t we get something cold to drink?


That’ll put us that much more in the hole. Lenny I guess we can stand a pop. What’s one pop?

188 (The two go inside a nearby snack shop. Honey Mae is sitting at the lunch counter. Lenny, on seeing her, leaves Nate, going to where she is sitting. ) Lenny

So we meet again.

Honey Mae Lenny

Hi. It’s a small world, or maybe a small town. Mind if I join you?

Honey Mae Lenny

No. I’m on my lunch break. You must not work too far from here?

Honey Mae Lenny

Across the street, over there. A lot of women would shy away from a man like myself. One who has a drug habit to take care of.

Honey Mae

I’ve been there. Used to mess around myself. You name it, I’ve done it.


I find that surprising, I mean, looking at you, a person would think you’ve never did anything before.

189 Honey Mae Lenny

I had a bad habit for a while. So you do learn. I went to junior college here for one semester. Didn’t have my mind on it. Too busy thinking of other things to do.

Honey Mae Lenny

You live here in Middleton? For the last three years. My home is Colorado. I grew up in Boulders. What’s your name? Here we are talking and I don’t know your name.

Honey Mae

Honey Mae. I live here in Middleton with my stepdad.


Lenny Dawson. Glad to meet you, Honey Mae. I almost forgot what I came in here for. (Going through pockets for change, remembering money he left on counter.) I’d probably forget my head if it wasn’t on my shoulders.

Honey Mae

It’s a hot day. Maybe you’ve been going at it on the streets a little too long.


Could be. It is hot. Maybe I do need to slow down. What’s been

190 happening lately wity you? Myself, I Lost a friend not too long ago. He O. D’d. We grew up together in Boulders. He left there to come here, mainly the reason I came to Middleton, to be with him. Honey Mae

You two must have been very close friends?

Lenny Honey Mae Lenny

We were. Almost like brothers. What was he on when he died? Who knows. Benny liked to mess around with some of everything, acid, uppers, downers, meth, grass, cocaine, horse, you name it, he tried it. Even on the needle. Boy! did he like morphine. It didn’t leave him with a hangover he always said. Some drugs made him feel shitty when they wore off, but morphine don’t leave you hanging like that.

Honey Mae

He sounded way out. What was he like, Lenny?

Making His Presence Known

191 They say it no fun in living alone. Nobody likes a house that’s not a home. He was kinda’ like you and me. He wanted to do things and be free. So he left his own, He wanted to make himself known. The city could barely keep him alive, So he got himself a forty-five. Now that he was on his own, Wanting to make his presence known. Staying alive by shooting jive— Whaling his big forty-five! But fate had him late, And now he stands at the pearly gate. Wanting to be on his own, He wanted to make his presence known. Honey Mae Lenny

I know you miss him. Can I call you? Or do you have a phone?

Honey Mae

But how can you call me when you probably don’t have a phone?


Who says I don’t have a phone? Just because you see me bumming money doesn’t mean I don’t have a phone.

192 Honey Mae

I don’t know—


Don’t worry, I won’t talk you to death.

Honey Mae

Well, I guess, it’ll be alright— I better be going. I have a lot of work to do at the office. Goodbye, Lenny.


Goodbye, Honey Mae. (Walking outside)


I see you moved in fast, didn’t waste no time.


She’s really a nice person, just from talking to her, I can tell. She gave me her phone number.


You are working fast on this one. And, you got that look in your eyes.


Just a nice girl that I want to get to know. Hhow many of those yellow jackets you got left?

Nate Lenny

The four. Let me get them?

193 Nate

I thought we were savin’ them for tonight? We got some money hustling to do if we want something for tonight. You know, if you do these, we won’t feel like doing anything. What you going to do, man?


Give them here. We’ll think of something. We always do, don’t we?


You’re always shortchanging yourself. I don’t know sometimes.


We’ll think of something.

Scene III

194 (A few days later Lenny is at Honey Mae’s house talking to Mr. Weaver, Honey Mae’s stepfather. It’s about six o’clock in the evening.) Mr. Weaver

Farmers are the backbone of the country. Just to think where everyone would be without us. We get the lowest of pay at times, even though we keep you fed and happy.


It’s a lot of work I know, getting up early every morning.

Mr. Weaver

The government no longer subsidizing many of farmers programs here in Middleton, and, we are losin’ that much more money with our crops not producin.’


Why is that?

Mr. Weaver

The weather. It’s getting too damn hot. Pesticides we shouldn’t be using and other chemicals are contaminating our crops.


I didn’t know that

195 things were going that bad for you. Last year’s crops were the worst I’ve seen. I hope that things work out better. Mr. Weaver

Maybe I should give up farmin’ and try something else.


Things will probably change for you. Like you said, we all need you, Mr. Weaver.

I Don’t Like Wak’n’ Up ‘n The Morn’n’ I don’t like wak’n’ up in the Morn’n’, To see the sun shin’n.’ I don’t like wakin’ up in the morn’n,’ To see my crops dy’n.’ My helfer’s milk ain’t no good. It doesn’t taste like it should. I’ve planted potatoes, only to have them look’n’ like tomatoes. My corn and collard greens, Lord! —they’d make my dog mean. I’m goin’ poor pay’n’ for chick’n feed. I’d do better feed’n’ them weeds. There ain’t no use in wish’n’

196 I had no farm, Then there would be some other harm. I don’t like wak’n’ up in the Morn’n,’ To see the sun shin’n’. I don’t like wak’n’ up in the morn’n’ To see my crops dy’n.’ Lenny

You have a nice place here, Mr. Weaver. You’ve put a lot of work in it over the years. The view you have of the neighborhood is something. A lot of men would give their right arm to have a place like this.

Honey Mae

(coming into the room) I’m going to the show with Lenny. If any one calls, take down their phone number. I’ll be back before midnight, so don’t wait up for me.

Mr. Weaver

I haven’t done that, Honey Mae, since you were in high school. It brings back ol’ memories when you first started dating. You’re a big

197 girl now and can take care of yourself. Honey Mae

You look tired, dad. Why don’t you get some rest.

Mr. Weaver.

I will in time. She’s just like her mother, fretting and watching over me all the time. Take care of her, young man. She’s all I got.

Lenny Honey Mae

I will, Mr. Weaver. Let’s go, Lenny. We don’t want to miss that next feature. Good night, dad.

Mr. Weaver

Goodnight, Honey Mae.

Act II

198 Scene I (Lenny, Nate and George are at his apartment. It is early morning. The month of April has passed and it is now May. The three of them are sitting around the apartment drinking beer and talking about future plans) Nate

I heard that they would be hiring at the car wash this summer. Maybe I can get a job. They’ll be paying more there I know.


What car place are you talking about? Not Whiteside’s, I know.


The only car wash around here, Drake’s.


They got only a few openings from what I hear. They’re probably already taken by now. There’re too many people looking for jobs in Middleton and there ain’t any.


I think I’ll still go down and give it a try just the same. I got nothing to lose.


There’s not much work

199 in Middleton. Since I’ve been here a lot of businesses have left. George, are you working now? George

Nothing right now. Ever since I lost my job at the paint shop, I haven’t had one. Maybe now that I’m off of probation, I’ll have better luck.


They finally let you off probation. Think you’ll be getting drunk again and breaking out store windows?


I’ve had my share of that. The way my probation officer has been talking, my next trip will be to the state farm or maybe the big house.


And knowing J. T., he means it.


He can be a real headache. Nate was telling me, Lenny, you’ve been seeing some bad looking chick. Who is she? Or maybe you don’t want to let me know who this chick is? What’s her name?


Honey Mae, Honey Mae West.



Doesn’t ring a bell.


You can’t know them all, now, can you, George. She’s a real nice person to know and be with. Has a curve on her. We were out together Saturday. She likes going to the movies. We sat through something like three movies.


I’m still seeing Michelle. I get The feeling she’s two-timing me, and seeing somebody else. Says she’s sweet on me, but at times, I wonder.


This chick is pretty hip in her own ways. I can tell she’s been around. It’s hardly nothing that I throw at her that she’s not up on.

She use to mess with some of everything she said, even had a needle in her arm. She says she’s clean now. George Lenny

She got a job? The E. P. P., Some environmental

protection organization. She’s off into that environment stuff— you know, anti-pollution stuff.



You say she has a body, a job and

thinks fast on her feet? What more can you be looking for, Lenny? A woman like that might help you keep your habit going. I know you’ve been hitting on her. Lenny



Listen to this. The first day he was with

her, he asked her for a dollar. Yeah. We were out hustling for some change to get something, and it’s hotter than today, and he hands this woman a dollar— the same money she gave him. I almost flipped. Lenny

She made me feel so bad, like I was

nothing. Nobody ever had me feeling that way before. What’s giving the money back I got from her? What’s a lousy dollar? Nate George Lenny

A lot when you need it. She must be some woman. Her ol’ man is a farmer. He’s

really taking it hard about the farm and crop failure. His vegetables are not coming up. For the past years,

202 he’s been crying about how bad things have been. Everytime I go by the place all he talks about is the weather and how bad things are on the farm. You really can’t blame him. The way the weather has been, he’s lucky to have anything. If it’s not raining and flooding, it’s too hot, like it is now. All this nuclear testing and nuclear power plants they got ain’t doing nothing but hurtin’ the atmosphere. I use to get on my grandfather when he talked about all those planes and bombs messing up the air, that he didn’t know how to make no atomic bomb and was only being old fashion at modern technology. Well, the old man hipped me fast to what is going on. I’ll think twice the next time he tells me something like that. Lenny

Something really has changed

the weather. I don’t think it gets this hot in Africa. Nate

I read in the newspapers they are

talking about building another nuke plant here. For a town this size, I don’t think it’ll be able to

203 hold it. Think what happened on the east coast not too long ago. Something like that happening here, probably wipe Middleton off the map.


Yeah, that was nasty. People are

still checking out from that. Some of them never want to go back. Lenny

I can stand another beer. What

about you two? We might as well go ahead and finish the last six-pack. George

I’m gaining. Bring it on. You

know me, I’m for the suds. Bring it on. Nate

My can is empty.

(Lenny goes to kitchen bringing back beer) George

My man.


You think that car of mine will

hold up back to Boulder? Nate

Are you kidding? You can barely

get across town in that piece of junk. Lenny

I was thinking about maybe

204 swinging back that way later on this year. Maybe dropping in on the folks. I haven’t seen them for a while. Nate

You better get yourself another car. I

don’t think that one will make it that far. By the time you get through paying for new parts and trying to fix it, you’ve payed for a new one. Lenny

Maybe you’re right. Boulders can

always wait until I get another ride. George

Your people still send you money?


Nah. My old man gave up on me a

long time ago. Said that with the paycheck he’s been getting, he can barely make ends meet. I think I’ll leave them alone. Nate.

What’s on the tube? Anything good

tonight? Lenny

I don’t know. Turn it on and find

out. George

Please, man, no soap operas. Those

things are driving me mad. That’s all my woman watches. Anything

205 but one of those. Nate

I don’t want to watch no soap

operas. I’m looking for some music. Nothing but this campaign stuff on. J. T. Grote running for mayor. What is this town coming to. Listen to him—

Politician’s Song J. T. Grote: If elected mayor, folks, I’ll Clean up Middleton, Even if it means going to Washington. I’d rid it of pollution by ton When my election is won. There’ll be no more acid rain, Factory smog that causes heart pain. Our lakes would be clean, and our grass would grow green. There’d be no cars polluntants in the air, Chemicals that make us lose our hair. Things around our city, We’d no longer have pity. There will be no radiation pollutants

206 That makes us out of mutants. Money we use for tax, I’d make our lives more relax. There would be no drugs to enslave our kids, Because our policemen would have the highest bids. So on election day when you cast your vote, Don’t forget to vote for J. T. Grote. Scene II (The following day Honey Mae is at work.) Clara

Don’t you want to let me in on

what it is? Why you’ve been so happy lately? The boss didn’t give you a raise did he? Honey Mae

A raise? Ha! Ha! I’d probably be

the last one around here to get one. Clara

I haven’t seen you this happy

since you and Glen were going steady. Honey Mae Glen.

I can assure you that it’s not

207 Clara

Who is it? Are you afraid to

say? Honey Mae

I met him only a short time ago.

He’s really a nice person. Clara

He must be. You’re starting to

act that way again. Honey Mae

What do you mean?


The way you’ve been carrying

yourself lately. Like I’m not around or no one else. He’s not the same fellow that’s been taking you to the show every week? Honey Mae

Very charming too. We have a

date this Saturday. Clara

You two keep seeing each other

and you’ll be living in a movie house. Honey Mae

He gave me this picture. Not

bad looking, is he? Clara

Not bad at all. Some people have

all the luck and I get stuck with somebody like Bruce. Honey Mae

Dad likes him. Says he has a

good head on his shoulders. He

208 has one bad habit I don’t like though. Clara

What’s that? He doesn’t fall

asleep at the show does he? Honey Mae

No. Drugs. He’s has a drug

habit. Clara

Why don’t you tell him there is

enough pollution around without him polluting himself? Honey Mae

You know, I just might do that. It

sounds like something he might stop and hear himself listening to. He’s really an opened-mind person. Easy to talk to and get get along with. Clara

Men are what you make them,

Honey Mae. They’ll show you the same respect you show yourself. Honey Mae

He says he has only lived here in

Middleton a few years. He’s not Sure how long he’ll stay, but for the time being he’s here. Clara

A few steps in any direction and

you’re out of Middleton. In a few more years there’ll be little of

209 Middleton left. These factories won’t be here forever. Honey Mae

I don’t know, things might change.

They always do. Clara

But will it be for the better or

worse? We got problems here like never before. It’s a whole new ballgame and not like it was in the past. Then, everybody got them the way the world is going. It’s good to have somebody around to take your mind off of things. Honey Mae

The weather. It’s getting hotter

and hotter everyday. When is it going to end. Mr. Graceson said we can turn the thermostat down only so much. Those new government regulations will only let you turn it down so far at public work places. Clara

We get a lot of money from the

government and you never know who might stop by snooping on you. So when the temperature goes up, we take note.

210 Honey Mae

You can feel the differences in a

few degrees of cool air. I hope dad is taking things easy. He’s really been pushing himself lately. I’m worried that he’ll have a heat stroke or something. When mother passed, his whole life changed over night. Sometimes he just sits there in his rocking chair staring off to the sky. The farm going down has really effected him. Clara

This hot weather will slow

down. Honey Mae

I’ve been trying to get him to go

and see Dr. Mabry. The other night, he was up coughing real bad with that one lung of his.


Is he in very much pain?

Honey Mae

He doesn’t act it, but I know that

he is. Clara

What’s he got against doctors?

He got a death wish or what? Honey Mae

I don’t know. Maybe he wants it

211 this way. Clara

Have you heard about Glenda?

She went and got herself one. Honey Mae

What’s that?


An abortion. She kept telling me

that she was going through with it. James got her pregnant. I guess she couldn’t stand another brat around the house. She said it didn’t take no time at all and didn’t hurt. Honey Mae

I didn’t even know that she was

Pregnant. She really kept it a secret. Clara

Four months down the road. She

was starting to stick out. James wanted her to have it. Honey Mae

Are they still living together?


As far as I know. They

don’t want to get married, if they did, they would’ve been married by now. Honey Mae

The way people around here

feel about abortion, she had

212 better keep it a secret. Clara

As long as she doesn’t let Lucille

know about it, she’ll be alright. You know how she is once she finds out something. Once she gets going, all hell breaks loose. Honey Mae

Is she still seeing Walter? She’s

been trying for years to get him to tie-the-knot. Clara

Walter and her still together?

I couldn’t tell you anything about them getting married. Whatever is going on between them, Lucille is keeping it to herself? Honey Mae

She’s starting to get up there in years.

She better find someone soon.


What, she’s—forty-nine? She’s

starting to look it too. Honey Mae

I don’t think I would want to wait that long.


It’s getting late, almost

10:30. We have those letters to get out. I think I’ll be joining

213 you today at the snack-shop. I don’t feel like driving to the house for lunch. Honey Mae

I’ll be glad to have you. Will it

be hamburgers and pickles or cheese on rye with ham? Clara

I think I’ll pass. I’ve been having

an appetite for hot dogs. Don’t ask me why. I think I’ll have hot dogs for lunch today. Scene III (Honey Mae and Lenny are at the corner snack shop that following Tuesday) Honey Mae

I’ll be moving into my own

apartment this week. I think it’s about time I left home and started out on my own.


Where are you moving to?

Honey Mae

I found a place not far from here.

The price is reasonable. Clara, a friend, helped me find it. Dad’s been thinking about closing the farm down or maybe selling it and moving down south. Myself, I’ll be staying here

214 in Middleton. I think I’ll go shopping, buy a few things for the apartment. Maybe some curtains and table linen. Things like that. Lenny

Who knows, maybe I can stop by

and give you a hand. Honey Mae

That would be nice. I’ll probably

need some help with all the things I have to move. Lenny

Your stepdad, still brooding over

his misfortune? Honey Mae

Dad will never change. Nothing can

change him but the farm getting better. You got to remember it’s his whole life. He’s known nothing but farming all his life. Getting up early in the morning and working until the sun goes down. His father was that way and so was his grandfather. I know that it’s really hurting him the way things are now. Lenny

It’s a shame that things are going

this way for him. I hope his luck changes. Honey Mae were talking about?

Did you ever find that job you



No luck. Next time I’ll put a

horseshoe and a rabbit foot in my pockets. Honey Mae

At the E. P. P. we are looking for

workers. Maybe you could stop by and give us a try. The work isn’t that much, mostly paperwork. I’m sure you’ll like it. Lenny

The way things have been going, I

might give you guys a try. I’m going to be needing some kind of work to pay the bills. Honey Mae

Anyone ever told you that you

have a wonderful voice? Your voice at times can be electrifying. When you talk people stop to listen. Lenny

I’ve always been a good talker. My

mother told me when I was a boy that my voice would carry me a long way. I won award after award for debating and giving speeches. Honey Mae

We could use someone like you at

the E. P.P. Good public speakers are always in demand.

216 Lenny

I need work to pay my

rent. If not, I’ll find myself sleeping out under the stars. Honey Mae

The starting pay at the E. P. P. isn’t

that much, but you can manage on it. The workers there get a lot of discounts on things like food, bus fare, medical expenses. Some of the businesses here in Middleton back us. Lenny

You think I would fit in—I mean, a

person like myself? Honey Mae

We have all kind of workers. No

one falls into any specific class. We have one goal and that’s a cleaner environment for everyone. Lenny

I can use a job, Honey Mae. What

are the hours like? Honey Mae

Like any other job. Some days there

is less work than others. Why don’t you stop by and look us over? Lenny an opening.

I need work and you say there’s

217 Honey Mae

If you like, you can go back with me

after lunch and I can show you around. You can talk to Elmore and some of the other workers. Lenny

I have nothing to lose, and like I said,

Honey Mae, I can use the money. Honey Mae

Who knows, you might get to like us.


I have nothing to lose and

everything to gain. Honey Mae

I think you’ll like it there. The

people at E. P. P. are friendly and easy to get along with. You shouldn’t have any trouble fitting in. Lenny

I’m not at the point of starvation,

but I’m getting there. If I’m to drive a car and take you out, I’ll be needing some gas. Honey Mae

That’s another thing we are

fighting against at The E. P. P., car pollution. So keep that car of yours in good shape and make sure it doesn’t pollute. We at the E. P. P. give a hoot. Lenny

I don’t have too

218 much trouble with it. I don’t know how long it’ll hold up though. Honey Mae

You’ve been reading the newspapers

lately? Lenny Honey Mae

Only the sports section. Why? The E. P. P. is going to get behind some

of the people here in Middleton and sue the power company. It will take time and a lot of money and work on everyone’s part. I think we’ll win though. If we gain only a fine against the MPC by the feds, it would be a big victory for us. Lenny

You’re right about those things taking

time. And, you might not get anything from the courts. You would think that people would thinking more about the life around them and their own. Like your father said, those big businessmen are nothing but money. Why do this. They all have green eyes? The more you get involved with them the ruthless they become. You have my vote against them, Honey Mae. I like the life around me and want it to stay the same.


Honey Mae

We’ll be hard to beat. The people backing

us and against the MPC are much too strong. Lenny

I wish you luck.

Honey Mae

Another glass of water, please.


There’s going to be a rock group in

town soon. They’ll be in Livingston next Friday. I thought you might want to see them if you don’t have nothing else to do. Honey Mae

It’s been a while since I’ve been

to one. I’d love to go. They are so much fun with the people and music they have. I should be moving into my apartment by then. Lenny

Nothing fancy to wear. Hardly

anyone dresses up for them. Honey Mae

I know. I’ve been to one. It

may have been a long time ago, but you don’t forget one if you have been to one. Lenny Honey Mae Lenny

I’ll let you know what time. Thanks for asking. I had to take somebody along, no

220 fun in going alone. Honey Mae

I’m glad it could be me.

Lenny Honey Mae


Me, too. You’re not growing a moustache are you?

Not really. I haven’t found the time to

shave. Honey Mae

You play tennis?


Haven’t played any since high

school. Honey Mae

Any good at it?


I don’t know, about average I

guess. Probably wouldn’t even be that now. I haven’t played in so long. Honey Mae

Maybe we can see how good your

game is. Leighton Park has some nice tennis courts and I go there some times to swim and play tennis. Lenny never could swim that well. I

I’m not that good at swimming. I

221 don‘t know why, but I’ve always been a lousy fish in the water. Honey Mae

Some things you have to work at.

I’ve been swimming since I was five years. It comes easy for me, but I’m in the water every chance I get. Lenny

This is good weather to be out

swimming. The weather the way it is, a lot of people are staying in the water. Honey Mae

Is it a match, winner takes all?


I might, no promises though.

Scene IV (Honey Mae and Lenny are in office at E. P. P. They are going through letters they have received in mail. Clara joins them in looking through the mail) Lenny

This one is from a housewife in

Florida. Says that alligators are following her home from the store. Clara

They must be getting hungry down

there. From what I hear, Floridians hides are as tough as theirs.

222 Honey Mae

The letters are really starting to

pour in, and from all over. It’s surprising how many letters from out of state we‘ve been getting lately and from far away places. I didn’t know that many people were paying that much attention to us. Clara

Ever since Congressman Middleton

got on TV and made that speech, the letters have been pouring in. Lenny

Congressman Middleton, does he spell

his name the same as the town? Clara

This is his town. He owns about half

of it. Middleton was named after his great-grandfather. Haven’t you seen the plaque on the large stature in front of city hall? Middleton’s great-grandfather found this town right after the civil war. I don’t have to tell you what side he fought on. Lenny

He doesn’t care too much about it,

if you ask me. With the nuclear waste being dumped here in our lakes and streams, you would

223 think he would doing something about it. I don’t think he understands the seriousness of the problem. Clara

Too busy making money. Middleton

also owns part of the nuclear power plant here. If he wasn’t so worried about being voted out of office by the E. P. P., he would have never gone on TV and making those speeches. Honey Mae

If we at E. P. P. can get people like

Congressman Middleton to start changing their minds, we have come a long way. Clara

You’ll learn a great deal about

these town folks here in Middleton. Stick around. Honey Mae

I’ve been meaning to ask you about

those leaflets we have to do. Are they to look like the last ones? Clara

They should look about the same.

Nothing fancy. Honey Mae planned for next month?

And the meeting, is it still being



As far as I know it is. I haven’t heard

otherwise. Lenny Honey Mae

What will be the main topic? The meeting is to help raise money

for the E. P. P. We are lining up people to speak at it. J. T. Grote said he would come. Lenny Honey Mae

J. T. Grote? He’s running for mayor,

haven’t you heard? Lenny

J. T. Grote use to be my probation

officer. Never thought he would go into politics. Clara

How well do you know him?

Honey Mae

J. T. Grote has been behind us from

the started of the E. P. P. Once and a while he’ll stop by to say hello. He’s not a bad person once you get to know him. (Elmore, an office worker at the E. P. P. comes into the room.)


Has anyone seen my coffee cup? The

225 one with the black handle? I know I left it around here somewhere. Clara—Honey Mae, have you seen my coffee cup? Clara

It’s about time you gave that cup a

rest. The way you drink coffee out of it, it could use one. The only thing is, it has no tongue in its mouth to talk up. Elmore

I’m not in a joking mood, Clara. I

know I must have left it around here somewhere. Honey Mae

I’ve been meaning to ask you,

Clara, about those supplies we need, the typing paper and some other things we need for the office? Elmore

I have Richardson taking

care of it. Honey Mae

I hope that he gets to it soon. Our

supplies are dwindling fast. Elmore

I’ll call and let him know again, Honey

Mae— I know, I left that coffee cup around here somewhere. Clara

That man has more trouble

226 hanging on to a coffee cup than anybody I’ve seen. Honey Mae

Elmore is always in a hurry and

going nowhere. He’s liable to forget almost anything. Clara

How are you on typing paper? If you

need any, I got some. I hid mine in my desk. Honey Mae

I think I can manage for right now.

We need to get some in soon. We got those leaflets to do. Clara

We should have more paper by

then. Honey Mae

I think I better check with

Richardson too and make sure we have some coming just to be safe. Clara

What are you doing tonight,

anything? Freda and some of the girls are getting together at my place for some gin rummy. Honey Mae

Nothing in particular. What time

are they planning on coming? Clara

Seven. You know how the girls

are. They’ll sit around after a few

227 hands of cards and find something to talk about in the neighborhood. Honey Mae

I should be able to make it. I’ll

call and let you know. Clara

That boyfriend of yours seems

to be fitting in alright around here. He catches on fast. Honey Mae

He hasn’t been complaining.


He’s can be sweet at times. If you

ever think of getting rid of him, Honey Mae, let me know. Honey Mae Lenny

We’ll see what happens. There’s a check in this one. What

do you do with then. Send them back or what? Clara

We keep them and write the person

who sent it and tell them thanks and to send another one.

Scene V (At the house, Honey Mae and Lenny and her father)


Honey Mae

Dad, don’t wait up for me. I won’t be

out late. You don’t have to wait up for me like you always do when I go out on a date. Mr. Weaver

You can take care of yourself.

I’m sure this nice fellow will take good care of you. Honey Mae

Whatever you say, dad.


Honey Mae is some cook.

Where did she learn to cook like that? Mr. Weaver

Didn’t get it from her ma’. She

cooks a lot better than her mother. Cooking just came natural for Honey Mae. We always said she could cook almost anything. I imagine if you gave her an old leather shoe and told her to cook it up, you’d find yourself going back for seconds.


How have your crops been coming along, Mr. Weaver? I’m hearing more and more farmers around here complaining how bad

229 their crops are. Some are complaining about their livestock. You don’t think we have some kind of disease going around, killing the livestock off? Mr. Weaver

That damn waste from that

nuclear power plant. That’s it. Until those people in Washington do something about that nuclear plant, our farms around here won’t be worth a damn. We’ll get nothing from the land but waste, like we are getting now. Until pollution of the land stops, none of us farmers will produce a good crop here in Middleton. Ol’ man Matt Davis, he’s been farming for more than fifty years and probably the best farmer in the county and can’t grow a thing. The land is as good as anywhere else, it’s just the damn waste destroying it. Lenny

Don’t they know that? The

people that run Middleton? Mr. Weaver

Sure they do. They don’t give a

damn. Those environment people been tellin’ them that for years.

230 But all they want is money, not givin’ a damn about us farmers. Ever since they built that nuclear power plant here, our crops have been no good. The water in the streams and lakes take in that contamination. The land is becomin’ barren. Lenny

There are laws against that, polluting the water. They can fine them like other corporations and industries that dump waste in the lakes.

Mr. Weaver

The law ain’t doing it, son. Every

year things are getting worst. Lenny

Write your congressman.

Mr. Weaver

They don’t care. Only a waste

of time and postage. Lenny

The E. P. P. is looking into this. Believe me, Mr. Weaver, something can be done about this.

Mr. Weaver

What have they done though?

I’m not against you people.

231 The job isn’t getting done. Our crops are getting no better. (Mr. Weaver leaves the room going outside to the front porch. Honey Mae returns to the room.) Lenny

Your father is quite upset that the people at the E. P. P. are not doing more to stop the pollution around here.

Honey Mae

We’ve discussed it many times

He knows it will take time. Like I told you, father has a mind of his own. Lenny

And, a straight-forward one. (Honey Mae takes dishes, leaving dining room going to livingroom of the house.)


You finished already?

Honey Mae

I’ll do the dishes later. I’m in

no hurry. Where is dad? Lenny

He went outside.

Honey Mae Lenny

Probably wants some air. I’ve been meaning to ask you,

what you think of what

232 Elmore was talking about the other day? People being unaware of what is going on in their lives and all? Honey Mae

Elmore always has something

to say about something. Something he has read in some book and wants to throw around. I’m starting to put him on my pay-me-no-mind list. Now, he has read something in some book, and he wants to fit all our lives.


I think what Elmore was saying was that our unconscious part is slowly trying to take over to destroy us. (Mr. Weaver comes back into the house)

Honey Mae

Getting some fresh

air? Mr. Weaver

Felt like stretching my legs.

Honey Mae

I left some lemonade in the

refrigerator if you want some later on.


Mr. Weaver

Thanks, Honey Mae. I might

want a glass later on. Lenny

Is that a corn pipe you got there?

I use to have one myself. Mr. Weaver

I still enjoy one now and then.

Maybe if I get the time, I can teach you how to hitch-up one. I use to sell ‘em, halfdollar a pipe. They cost a lot more now-a-days to make, maybe why I stopped making them.


Maybe you can do that one day, Mr. Weaver. Scene VI (Wednesday, Honey Mae and Lenny are at work.)

Honey Mae


They took dad to the hospital.

What happened?

Honey Mae

Dad had a stroke. Dr. Mabry

said It was a bad one. They won’t know how bad it is for a few days, they said. For now, they want him to rest.

234 Dad was always a stubborn man, having his own ways. Lenny

I hope he gets better. Mr. Weaver is a good man, someone you should known.

Honey Mae

He’s all I got, with mom—


I can drive you to the hospital the

next time you visit him. Honey Mae Lenny

Thanks, Lenny. You plan on visiting him soon?

Honey Mae

Tomorrow. I’ll let you know

when. (Honey Mae leaves the office. Clara joins Lenny at his desk.) Clara

I heard about Honey Mae’s father and hope that he pulls through. Honey Mae is taking it hard. It wasn’t too long ago her mother died. It’d be hard on her losing him now. Let’s hope for the best.


It’s funny. The two of us were just discussing such a thing as this happening,

235 with Mr. Weaver being up in years and never slowing down. Clara

It’s been hotter in Middleton than I’ve ever seen it before. You don’t want to be out too long in hot weather like this.


That farm of his. He’s trying to save what’s left of it.


He’s got worries. The rest of those papers you and Honey Mae have been working on, I’ll give you a hand. Maybe we won’t fall too far behind if I help out.


There’s a stack of them on the

desk. Clara

Cheer up, we’ve seen worst days

around here. Scene VII (Lenny and Honey Mae are at her apartment) Lenny

What are your plans now that your father has died?

Honey Mae

I don’t know. He was talking

about going south to

236 Arkansas one day. I don’t thing he had in mind selling the farm. He worked too hard to keep it going. I can’t keep the farm going, Lenny. I don’t know how. If I hire someone to run it, paying them would use up all the profits I’d make from it. Lenny

I know it’s hard trying to figure out what to do. I don’t know what to tell you.

Honey Mae

If mom was here she’d probably

hang on to the farm and try and make something out of it. Lenny

Why don’t you do that, keep the farm? Nothing like having someything to call your own.

Honey Mae

I don’t know what I’ll do,

Lenny. My head is so confused. Lenny

You’re not leaving

Middleton, are you?

Honey Mae know what to do.

Middleton is still home. I just don’t

237 Lenny

Everyone here thinks highly of

you. Honey Mae

Middleton is the only home I’ve

known. Lenny

Life is full of ups and downs.

The End Is Only A Start If only we knew what awaited us, Then there would be no fuss. Our eyes would not be laden, but clear, There would be no fear. Our faces not sadden and not one lowered head, No mourning for the dead. Time would not stop to hear our crying, When one of us is dying. We would know that it is not an end, Only a soul to contend. There would be no black clothes To be worn, No final words to be sworn. The end would only be a start And not like a dart, To pierce our heart in pain, Because love we can not disdain. So when the end finally came,

238 We would only say, we are the same. When we can smile at death, We are in the best of health. Honey Mae

Thanks, Lenny

(They kiss and embrace each other in the quietness of the room)

Act III Scene I (July has arrived and the E. P. P. is having a

239 meeting. Lenny is addressing the audience.) Lenny

As a member and spokesperson for

the E.P.P, I can assure you that we are doing everything in our fight to make Middleton a clean and healthy place to live. We have come a long way. The E. P. P. started out with little support, but over the times gaining the backings of many people here in Middleton and those nationally. Letters to us come in from all over the country from concern citizens who want to put an end to the pollution of our environment.The environment prorotection people here in Middleton are organizing for a march on the state capitol to get Governor Washbrook to do something about our lives and the way pollution is effecting it. This march, set for a future date, will bring together other organizations as well in our fight to put a stop to pollution. We want to stamp out pollution once and for all here in Middleton. You can make this trip to the capitol with us. Any donations, we can use as well. All contributors will receive

240 one of our buttons—This is one of our special gold buttoms. We’ll also be giving out cups with our name on it. Let me now give the microphone to J. T. Grote. (J. T. Grote drops a sheet of paper and bends down to get it.) J. T. Grote

Thank you people of Middleton. I

didn’t want to miss this town hall meeting. The hot weather wasn’t going to keep me away, as it has not kept many of you here away. The people of Middleton and the E. P. P. have always stood for a clean environment. We all live here and want to keep pollution at a low level. We need everyone’s support in our fight against the nuke plant here. Smog from cars and factories we don’t need. Like Lenny and J. T. Grote here are saying, we’ll carry our fight to the statehouse and on to Washington. Get behind us and continue your support. (Mrs. Derkans, an elderly woman, is now addressing the audience.) Mrs. Derkans

Being a senior citizen here in

Middleton, I can not stand back and let all our young people fight alone our fight for a clean environment. Let’s face it, environment

241 protection is a part of all our concerns and lives. A lot of the problems we have today, we wouldn’t have them if we older people here in Middleton would have stood up fought against them. But what did we do; we sat back and watched them grow and grow over the years. We waited for someone else to come along and wrestle with them. You only have to look around you at the lakes and plant life to see what we have done to hurt them and what we need to do to clean it up. As a member of the Senior citizen Committee here in Middleton, I’m pushing strongly for the march to our statehouse so that we can get the governor to back our mayoral candidate J. T. Grote to help clean up the air and water here in Middleton. You can contacted me at my Home address, or through the E. P.P.’s main office here in Middleton. The E. P. P.’s fight is all our fight to stop the pollution in Middleton. Let’s the senior citizens here Middleton unite with the young ones in bringing a stop to polluting out environment!

242 Honey Mae

Thank you, Mrs. Derkans. The Environment Protection People receive a lot of mail from many concern people. I have one here that I would like to share with you from a housewife here in Middleton: “Dear, Honey Mae, how are things with you here in Middleton? I have nothing to give you because my husband is not working. I only have some advice for you and people at the E. P. P. That you should push harder in your fight to clean our air and water here in Middleton. When I hang out my clothes on the clothes lines, especially, my white ones, I can see the dirt on them by the time I take them from the clothes line. I hate seeing my clothes looking that way after I’ve washed them. If you can get my clothes to stay clean after I’ve washed them, I’ll always be in your corner. I’m behind you one-hundred and ten percent. Signed, Lilly Maples, a concerned housewife.” It’s letters like this that make you think you are doing something worthwhile. Keep up the good work, the good work we find in a lot of our letters here at the E. P. P. We look forward to hearing from you.

243 (A man in audience stands up from his chair) 1st Man in Audience I have a question for you, Miss Honey Mae. What are you people doin’ about closin’ down that nuke plant? It ain’t helpin’ my farm any with the waste they leave behind in our water and soil. Honey Mae

We are working on that every day. You got to remember we are fighting against a lot of people. A lot of the people we are fighting against belong to big businesses that have big money backing them. They can keep a case in court for years—five—ten years or even longer with their money. (Another man in audience speaks out) 2nd Man in Audience Car fumes, fumes from cars are starting to cloud the view of the buildings around us. What are you and the E. P. P. doing about this?

Honey Mae

Everything and everything possible. We have written every one we figure can help us eliminate smog from cars, factories, airplanes and

244 wherever it comes from. This is a very big problem you are talking about. Source are telling us it will only be a matter of time before all the cars in Middleton must have some kind of anti-pollution devices on them. 2nd Man in Audience Thank you, ma’am. Woman in Audience What are you going to do about my lungs filling up with pollution every day? There’s nothing nice about being barely able to breathe at times. (Another woman stands up from her seat, followed by another woman, as more and more people bombard Honey Mae’s with questions. Lenny goes to podium to join her.) Lenny

Wait a minute, folks! We have more to go.

The Sun Is Too Hot (Duet, Honey Mae and Lenny.) Honey Mae

The sun is too hot!


Or have you forgot.

Honey Mae

We have torn down our ozone.


Our earth looks like a rocket’s nose cone.

Honey May

Grass that was green,

245 Lenny

Has lost its sheen.

Honey Mae

We’ve polluted our air with smog.


They tell us it’s fog!

Honey Mae

Our lakes have no fish,


And if I had but one wish,

Honey Mae

There would be no pollution in the air


And the sky would be fair. (Music interlude)

Honey Mae

The sun is too hot.


Or haven’t you forgot.

Honey Mae

The last words Mr. Weaver spoke,


Before he died of sun stroke.

Honey Mae

We must cleanse our foul air,


And rid ourselves of that terrible glare.

Honey Mae Lenny

Our lives should be distinct, If not, we’ll become extinct. (People all around join in singing.)

Honey Mae

Some meeting. They really kept us going tonight.


Yes, they did. I’m tired, but everyone was great. I think this is the largest turn out we had at the E. P. P. I saw a lot of people from around town and they are starting to hear our chant. The word is starting to

246 get around. Maybe the march to the statehouse will turn out an even bigger one. I think we’re going to do well, Honey Mae. Honey Mae Lenny Honey Mae

I think so too. I’m beat. That takes a lot out of you. You’ll get use to it. You were just marvelous, Lenny. You came across quite well. I think everyone did a superb job tonight— Hi, J. T. With a performance like that, you’ll be a shoe-in come November.

J.T. Grote

I had a good time tonight. Good to see so many of our town people come out to the meeting. You guys were the ones who performed best. This young man here, Mr. Dawson, did quite a job. Where did you find him?

Honey Mae

He works here at the E. P. P. We need more like him around here.

J.T. Grote

It’s good to see the young man taking an interest in his city. I wish there were more like him doing so. That march you are planning on the capitol, I’ll be sure to be there. I’ll be making plans to be at the state capitol and march on the governor. I’ll be bringing

247 along two buses of demonstrators. There’s so much campaigning here in Middleton to be done. I’ll let you know, Honey Mae, when we get to that. I know it’ll going to be a good rally and I’d hate to miss out on it. Honey Mae

We’d hate not having you along, J.T.

J.T. Grote

I won’t miss it, Honey Mae. No predictions though on the outcome. Lenny, it’s good to see you on the other side of the fence. Keep up the good work. I got to run, Honey Mae. It was a great evening here with you and all the fine people of Middleton. Goodbye for now.

Honey Mae

He’s quite a person. I think there goes our next mayor.


We could stand a change around here.

Honey Mae

Why don’t we all go to my place for some ice cream? I won’t mind the dishes.


Sounds alright to me. I have nothing else planned for the night—Calvin, you know that man hasn’t been by to…


Scene II (August has arrived. Honey Mae and Lenny are home)


You really keep the place up around here. Myself, I could never keep it this way.

Honey Mae


Honey Mae

You’re drunk again, aren’t you?

I’m not drunk. I went to see Miss Emma.

You’re going to have to start going to work. I can’t keep making excuses for you at the office that you are sick. Look at you, Lenny.


Honey Mae

I’m alright, Honey Mae. I’m not drunk.

Yes, you are. It’s the second day in a row you’ve come home like this. I walk through the door and you are sitting in that same chair drunk and high on

249 pills.


Come here, Honey Mae. Let me hold your hand like I always do, Miss Emma.

Honey Mae

With you, I don’t know. I come home from work and I look at you the way you are. You ever thinki about others sometime? There are those that care about you and don’t want to see you the way you are.


Come here, Honey Mae, I’m not drunk.

Honey Mae

You’re going to have to go to your room. Some of the girls are coming by for cards. Let’s go.


Honey Mae

I’m not drunk. I only had a few beers.

I got to get you to bed.

250 (Honey Mae takes Lenny to bed. Millie, Honey Mae’s cousin, is at the apartment. )

Honey Mae

Lenny? He’s upstairs in bedroom. I don’t know what I’m going to do. Just when I thought that he was changing, he’s back to his same old habits, coming home drunk.


At least you have a man around the house.

Honey Mae

Lenny is a good person on the inside. The little things he does at times tells me that. Just last week he brought some flowers home for me. Knowing how I like flowers, he brought me a whole big bouquet of them. He’s really sweet. At the same time, something worries him inside. It’s as Though he’s trying to find a part of himself that’s gone and he’s

251 searching for it but doesn’t know where to search or exactly what he is looking for.


You didn’t have to search far, yourself.

Honey Mae

Deep down inside I think he wants a family. Inside, he wants children and to be a father. Being unsure of how to go about it.


Has he said anything about it to you?

Honey Mae

One time he kind of hinted at this. He hasn’t gotten up enough nerves yet, to propose to me. Too selfconscious of himself.


Give him time, he’ll come around.

252 Honey Mae


Maybe he will.

Are you ready to settle down yourself?

Honey Mae

I don’t know. I want to—I don’t know. I like Lenny a lot, but maybe marriage would be the thing I don’t want right now.


Why not? You don’t want to stay around an ol’ maid. Lenny is quite handsome. From what I’ve seen of him, a lot better than a lot of others. Everybody has their flaws. You don’t want too many of them though. In time, he’ll probably get over his booze and drugs. Give him time, he’ll pull out of it.

Honey Mae

Emotionally, I don’t know if I’m ready to have a family.

253 There are things I want to do and settling down would change them.


Like I always said, Honey Mae, you be your best judge of what is right for you.

Honey Mae

How is Aunt Helen doing these days?


She’s doing fine. That diet she’sbeen on has done wonders for her. She’s loss so much weight and looks a lot better now. Would you believe, she’s down to a size 12 dress? Yes.

Honey Mae

When I was last at the house, she surprise me in the weight she loss.


You might not recognize her now. She looks so small and she had to take-up a lot of her clothes.


Honey Mae

I imagine Uncle Fred is proud of her. He kept after her long enough to stick to her diet. He was ripping her apart on how she looked.


You know how dad can be. They’re always going at it.

Honey Mae

I saw Katie at the mall about three weeks ago. We

talked for awhile and went to a restaurant for something to drink. We got to talking about her new boyfriend. How he’s Mr. Everything. He is nice looking though. Dad is always kidding him about how tall he is.

Honey Mae

Katie has been looking for a man for so long. I’m glad she found one . Clara

255 and Dorothy should’ve been here by now. Clara said she would drive Dorothy over. I wonder what’s taking them.


Honey Mae


What time is it?


She must have had an accident getting here, as fastest as she drives that car of hers.

Honey Mae

Let’s hope not. I got to get even with her on the card table the way she beat us the last time we played.


They got lucky. All was, was luck. They. can’t play no cards.

Honey Mae

I have some cookies if you want some. You like oatmeal cookies?



I’ll wait. I don’t have that much of an appetite now that I want to get even with Clara. What happened to all that furniture you had around here? The house is starting to look like a desert oasis trying to save it.

Honey Mae

I’m still fixing up the apartment. As soon as I get it, I’ll be spreading it around the place. I can use another

couch and a chair here, maybe a table over there. Millie

We have some chairs at the house. We got them stored in the garage. I can talk to dad about you getting them.

Honey Mae

What kind of shape are they in? they don’t need any repair work Do they?



They’re in excellent condition. One is that large black chair dad would sit in. You remember it, don’t you?

Honey Mae

That black one with the footstool?


Honey Mae

That one.

I don’t think I would want it. It’s too big for this place and would be in the way. I need something smaller. It would be too big and in the way.


There’s another one you might want. It’s smaller. Why don’t you come by the house and look at it? (A knock at the door. Honey Mae goes to door of apartment)

258 Honey Mae

We thought for a while you two weren’t coming for that beating we’re going to put on you.


It was Dorothy and that parrot of hers. The bird got out of the cage flying everywhere. We had a time getting him back in the cage.


I forgot to close the cage door after I fed him. Tippy would have come back home. He wanted to play. He Probably saw some girl bird and went after her.


If you want to wager anything on this game, put your money where your mouth is.


Save the jive talk. You won’t need it when we get through with you.

259 Clara

Dorothy, get a chair over there. They got me hot already.

Scene III (Following week Lenny is by Nate’s house. They are in livingroom to apartment)


What’ve you been doing these days? I haven’t seen you on my side of town for a while now.


I this way not too long ago. Passing through, me and George. Some woman we took home, we met, don’t live too far from here.


What’s George been up to? He’s still not trying to fix that ragged car of his?


It was his we were in. George‘s been talking about getting a new one for I don’t know how long. That

260 piece of junk he got is about to fall apart any day.


It’s a little cooler around here today. Still hot as hell though.


The air conditioner got fixed. I haven’t been doing too much of anything but laying around the place.


A lot of people are getting been getting those solar roofs installed and hooking them up to their AC’s.


They’re good as long as the sun is shining. Once it gets cold there’s no way to get any heat. You’ll have to find some other way.


Right now, they’re good to have.

261 I hope this heat wave breaks soon. I don’t think I can much more of it. It’s been in the hundreds the last three weeks. Miserable, sticky and hot.


I heard on the news that there’s no relief in sight. The weather man was talking about another week of this.


What do they know. They can never get the forecast right .


Whatever it is, I’ll be at home taking things easy—Still got that job going for you with those environment people you were talking about?


Yes and no. I’ve been trying to quit, but figure I need the money. I go now and then to pick up a

262 paycheck. At first, thought I might like it there, but I don’t think so now.


If I could get by, I’d do the same.


I don’t know how long Honey Mae will keep making excuses for me though.


The way the weather is, she won’t need too many excuses. The obituaries in the newspaper are reading like people dropping like the stock market.


A lot of them were probably old.


A lot of them were young people from what I read. This hot weather is not playing. One kid out playing

263 basketball, I read about, was only nineteen and fell over dead. They say he had a heart attack.


Yeah. He was out playing basketball. Only a fool would be out in this kind of weather playing basketball. It’s a hundred-ten in the shade. You got to be kidding me, man.


You figure on staying with Honey Mae much longer?



Nothing else planned.

You got a nice set up here. I sure would hang on to it. If I was in your shoes, I’d be trying to get a piece of the action.



What do you mean?

Man, you’re no dummy, I know. Those

264 people at that environment place you work for are out for their ends. All that talk about cleaning up the air and water isn’t nothing but talk. You know that. You know and I know, Lenny, those people are keeping a lot of those goodies for themselves, putting money in their own pockets. They’re playing games with your head, man. Anytime one of those big shots downtown pulls out a bank roll and tell them to back off, they will. It’s big business that run Middleton. Always’s been and always will be. If they wanted to clean up the air and water here in Middleton, not a soul here would have to tell them. Before those big shots will close down that nuke plants, they’ll close you down. They got big money tied up in them. Everything is a game. You play it to win, not to lose. You play with the rule you make and plays by the rules for

265 you and the ones you can win with.


From what I’ve seen at the office, the people are quite sincere about what they are doing. I’ve never known any of them to take money from anybody.


You haven’t been around long enough. You’ll see what I mean, if you hang around longer. You’ll see what I mean. Go to any big city that has a lot of factories with chimneys and smoke pouring out of them. Then look at the air around you and the sooty buildings nearby and all thats waste being left behind. Nobody is doing nothing about it. All those people want is money and they’ll get it any way they can. If you people and the government were doing anything, you would have closed those places down by now. That nuke plant on the northside would be closed. Radiation

266 pollution is the worst kind of poison. It stays around a long, long time and does everything bad to you and the life around you. Wake up, Lenny, you’re only fooling yourself. Get in on the action, I know I would.


Maybe you’re right. I don’t know. I don’t know anything any more. Maybe I’ll be somewhere getting high. (Honey Mae comes into the room.)

Honey Mae

Is that all you know, getting high? Don’t you ever think about other people around you some time?


It’s me, Honey Mae. What I do is me and nobody else.

Honey Mae

Now I suppose you want me to pay all the rent and take on all the responsibilities around here?



I’ll find another job. I can’t stomach the E. P. P. any longer. It’s not my kinda’ of job.

Honey Mae

In the meantime, you’ll want me to support you?


I’m not forcing myself in here, Honey Mae. If you want, I’ll leave, go somewhere else, if it’ll make you happy.

Honey Mae

I didn’t say that, Lenny. You need to start taking better care of yourself. I’ve gone out of my way working at the office and trying to help you. The money I’ve been giving you, I know you’ve been using it on drugs. I don’t mind helping you, Lenny, but I can’t keep it up for ever and you’re doing nothing to help yourself.



Alright! I heard you! I’m a big boy now. Please forgive me. I don’t feel like being lectured on my shortcomings. I’ll find another job.

Act IV Scene I


(Lenny and Honey Mae are at apartment. It is Tuesday, the last week of the month)

Honey Mae

Elmore had a talk with me today at the office. He was very nice in what he said to me. He told me he can’t go on much longer with your being away from work. And, if you don’t show up for work more often than what you are now, he’ll have to replace you. He said that he sympathized with your complaints about the hot weather and all, but everyone has to put up with it and so can you.


Honey Mae

I might as well get my pink slip.

Do you plan on going to the statehouse when we go?


I don’t know.


Scene II (Monday morning Honey Mae and Clara are at work) Clara

You and Lenny been at it again?

Honey Mae

I was telling him to get himself together. I won’t be able to take care of him and him laying around the house all day. He’s been talking about another job, but God knows when that’ll be.


Tell him to move out if he can’t make his way. It’s your place isn’t it? He’ll get the message.

Honey Mae

My Man Ain’t What He Use To Be My man ain’t what he use to be. Nobod’ can blame me. He doesn’t want my love anymore, Not like he did before. Maybe it’s the weather, And it won’t be long before he’ll get better.

271 People can change like the man in the moon. For my man, it wouldn’t be too soon. He argues and curses me all the time, Coming home late at night without a dime. Don’t my man know how I feel. That my love for him is real. If only I knew what to do. Could it be that maybe we are through? My man ain’t like he use to be. Nobod’ can blame me.


You might not be able to change the weather but you can help change his mind.

Honey Mae

What you talking about, Clara?


Dr. Dennis’s health tonic called

272 Miracle Water. It’s good for anything that ails him. Give him a few drops of that and he’ll be as calm as a grizzly hibernating.

Honey Mae

I don’t know if I should. I’m no doctor and at—


You don’t have to be one. Like the label on the bottle said, Miracle Water is good for whatever ails you. No prescription needed. Pour a little in his coffee and see the change in his eyes.

Honey Mae

Well, I suppose it wouldn’t hurt to give it a try.


Believe me, it’ll do the job, Honey Mae. I’ve used it after a night out drinking and its does wonders. I always carry a bottle around with me in my purse. You never know when the weather

273 will change on you.

Honey Mae

I’ll be willing to try almost anything to see him change. He’s really let himself go.



You love him, don’t you?

I don’t know what it is about him that makes me love him. He’s really a swell person when you know him.


I’ve have your feelings, Honey Mae. I know what it’s like when you care for someone.

I’ve been down that road. It’s something you can’t rush. If you do, you’ll find yourself all alone. Take your time and look things over. You’ll be surprised how they’ll work out for you.


The march on the statehouse

274 was a whopping success. The letters are pouring in from everywhere. I think we hit an open ear with the governor as well. If he doesn’t look into things here in Middleton, he might be thinking about another job.

Honey Mae

It was quite a turn out. I don’t think a lot of people expected it.


Have you heard that the Livingston Environment Agency is talking about joining up with us? Elmore told me we got an offer from them. We are getting so much attention and backing that they want to join us. Elmore said he’ll let them know that we are all for it.

Honey Mae

It sounds wonderful.


This could turn out to be one of the

275 biggest movements of the future. Who knows, I might be running for mayor one day, on an E. P. P. platform one day.

Scene III (Lenny meets Nate on street corner)


How’s it going, Lenny?


About as well as can be expected, I guess. After all my misfortunes, I’ll take almost anything.


You haven’t been around in a while. Where you’ve been keeping yourself?


I’m at the same place. I’m still with Honey Mae. We’re going to be married soon.


Congratulations. When is the wedding?

276 Lenny

The end of the year. We’re planning on a simple wedding, nothing fancy.


I was wondering why you had that big smile on your face. Ol’ Lenny is going to shack up for good now.


I’m inviting you to the wedding. Think you can come?


My best friend is getting married. That, I can’t miss. Fill me in on the date and time as soon as you are able.


We haven’t decided on a date yet. When we do, I’ll let you know.


I don’t want to miss my best friend getting married.


Where you headed?

277 Nate

My place. I got a six pack at the house, haven’t broken it open. Want to knock it out? We have something to drink to now.


I’m gaining.

Scene IV (They go to Nate’s apartment.)



I could use this. Nice and cold too.

George was over last night. We watched some videos until this morning. You know, he went back home to see his people. Telling me, his people changed their attitude about the way he lives. The man is grown and should be able to do what he wants with his life. He should leave his people alone and make it on his own.


I got to write home and tell mom and dad I’m getting married. Maybe I’ll

278 call them instead. Dad will be surprised. He Promised me a car if I ever got married. I can use one.


You got some good people. My ol’ man said that if I ever got married, he would throw me out of the house. I got the hint and ‘been gone ever since. Myself, I think I’ll stay a bachelor for the time being. Have You found a job by now?


I ain’t found nothing yet. The last job I was trying to get, they told me to wait and see and I haven’t heard nothing from them. Clerk job work at the stockyards. The pay was something like thirty an hour starting out.


If you can stand the weather working there, the more power to you. I know I wouldn’t work there.



Being around all that meat and the place having freezers everywhere, maybe I can get away from some of this hot we been having.


Not what I’ve been hearing coming from that TV. Nothing but more hot weather ahead. No let up in sight. Sit back and curse the weatherman like everybody else.


Honey Mae is very happy about getting married. I haven’t seen her so happy. She runs around the place with this big smile on her face. Nothing I do or say can upset her.


You ain’t knocked her up have you?


I don’t think I have. Anyway, Honey Mae would have told me.

280 Nate

Things will be a lot different now, Lenny. You’ll have a wife to look after and kids to feed.


I thought about all that. There’s so much joy and fear roll all together to make you that much more nervous thinking about it.


Everybody goes through that kind of thing. That first time is always that way, they say.


With Honey Mae’s mother and stepdad both dead, a family is what she needs. It’ll be good for her to get married and settle down. There are some things I won’t be able to give her right away, but in time we’ll have more to look forward to. I never knew how much I loved her until now.


I think you two will do well. Just don’t

281 have any men hanging around the house.


I’ve done a few thing I shouldn’t have, but everybody makes mistakes. You just want to clean them up. I got to stop looking so much at myself and see others around me more. I only saw myself and not those around me. She has really tried to get me to realized that. Honey Mae is really a wonderful person.



You two plan on staying around here?

We are still trying to decide on the farm or the apartment. I’ve done little farm work. I told her we could always hire somebody to farm the land for us. That way she could keep the farm and make something out of it. Maybe. she’ll keep it, maybe she won’t.



If I was you, I’d try and hang on to it. I wouldn’t give up on it. Nothing like having a farm.


Maybe she’ll see things differently. I’ll let her decide on her own.

Scene V (Honey Mae and Lenny are walking in park)


Here it is the last week of October. It won’t be long before we’ll be looking at some snow.

Honey Mae

The weather man said it’s in the low nineties and it feels like it.


That’s funny, I don’t feel that hot.

Honey Mae

What you got under that shirt of yours, a portable air conditioner? Are you feeling alright?



Honey Mae

I’m alright.

Look at the birds. I haven’t seen so many birds together. Black birds.


Maybe they can keep some of the insects away. I’ve never seen so many insects and rats around here.

Honey Mae

The weather has changed just about everything around here including people.


Looks like someone is having a party over there.

Honey Mae

The children, aren’t they sweet?


Just to think we were once like them

284 with no worries in the world.

Honey Mae

Those days are long gone. It would be a lot of fun joining them and starting all over again.


I think I like being a grownup. It was fun, but not like it is now.

Honey Mae

The trees are not shedding their leaves, and look at the beautiful butterflies. Aren’t they pretty? I wish I could catch one.


Quite a few people out in the park today.

Honey Mae

The park is staying full. People want to get out of the house and be outside. A lot of air conditioners are not working. A lot cooler to sleep outside than in the house.

285 Lenny

You haven’t been putting that miracle tonic I saw at the house in my drink have you?

Honey Mae


How did you guess?

Something’s been making me feel this way. We should’ve try it at the E. P. P. Clara, she loves that stuff. She keeps a bottle in her purse all the time.

Honey Mae

So you’ve been looking in my purse. I’ll dare you, Lenny. It’s bad luck for a man to look in a woman’s purse. Besides, You don’t know what you might find in it.


You went through my wallet more than one time.

Honey Mae

That was different. You were drunk and your wallet fell out of your

286 pocket. Good thing I was around. I was only looking out for you.


Honey Mae

I don’t though.

That’s because I was looking out for you.


Maybe a little too much at times. Let’s just skip the Miracle Tonic in my drinks. Okay?

Honey Mae

I promise never to put another drop in your drink.


Honey Mae

Or anything I eat.

Or anything you eat. It won’t hurt you, Lenny.


The point is, you’re doing it behind my back. The first rule of being happy

287 together is letting your future husband know what you are doing to him.

Honey Mae

I cross my heart and promise never to do it again. As long as I live. Will you forgive me?


You are forgiven, Honey Mae.

Honey Mae

Thank you, Mr. Dawson.


I think we’ll get along quite well, Mrs. Dawson.

Honey Mae

I’ll try and do my best, Mr. Dawson.

Will There Be A Tomorrow Will there be a tomorrow? Where we can end our sorrow. There must be a better life ahead, Better things did and said.

288 Life is meant to be with joy, For everyone to enjoy. Will there be a tomorrow? Because time we can not borrow. Where happiness is there; Smiling faces to be seen everywhere. Our love to never melt, Never a tear to be felt. Where all our trouble are left behind. Nothing to hurt or clutter one’s mind. Our hearts like cupid’s arrow! If only it could be tomorrow! And when that day has come, The freer we have become.

Honey Mae

Let’s go home, Lenny.






Dawan is the spiritual name of the author of Alfred. An agnostic, later being converted to Ismunism. This is his only book contribution to the Holy One.


Part I 1 Milwaukee. Milwaukee, Wisconsin, the southeast side of town was relatively peaceful and quiet like it was on most April spring days. A light drizzle of rain had been falling on the outskirts of the city, but none had reached elsewhere. It seemed peculiar that rain only fell on the outer part of the city. Rain though never is particular about where it falls, and Alfred knew this as he decided to take a break from the chores of weeding grass around his small lot of land. 2 The calendar on his wall, as he entered the house, said April 15, only five days after his seventy-first birthday, and he did not feel like this seventy-one years. Neither did his arms as he rubbed the upper parts of them around the triceps. They ached somewhat from digging into the earth to rid it of unwanted weeds. The grass just didn’t look right with them around. A minor job, his years had made it that much harder. He had worked at much harder jobs since retiring seven years ago to Milwaukee, everything from stevedore to shoeshine boy. And he had seen better places than where he now

291 lived: Rome, Paris, Cairo, Johannesburg and many other historical cities; but he had chosen Milwaukee for some personal reason over other places to retire to; to spend the rest of his life. The rest of his life —for, before the year would be over— he would be dead. 3 He felt like a cup of tea, something to warm him up a little inside. It was always a little with him, never too much, but always a little. Everything was moderation for him; that is, when it could be so. 4 Outside of having met thousands of people during his travels around the world, Alfred was a loner; an introvert at times that read voraciously; sometimes four and five books at a sitting. Books were knowledge and the places he had not seen and things he did not know about, he would often find them in books. Knowledge was infinite, so there was always a need to search for it. 5 Everything was artificially and instantly made in today’s world, but Alfred found his homemade tea of herbs and spices much better. A pot was sitting on the stove and he had only to warm it. And turning to his radio, he looked it over. It had been with him for some time now and almost no one would know how to turn it on, but him. Matter of fact, he had built it from scrap. Looking at it, one would think it would not play at all, but it did and very well. 6 The house was peaceful and quiet when the radio was not playing. Having no family, nor for that matter had he ever had

292 one and never marrying. Only himself had he to take care of and he had done so all of his life. No one it seemed to care in asking him why he had never married or born any children. The subject never seemed to come up in conversation with him. 7 The tea had heated long enough, as he took a cup of it from the black pot on the stove. Hesitating for a moment, he took a sip, as footsteps could be heard outside the gate of his house. No man his age would have heard them; nor for that matter, half his age. Outside, the rainy drizzle had stopped as the sun still was visible in the morning sky. The footsteps belonged to Sally Hanigan, but he had not expected to see her—at least, not today. 8 She had been a widow for the past six years. Her son, Ricky, was the reason she was bringing him the cake she had baked. Ricky had been dieing of an incurable disease and doctors had given him only a matter of weeks to live. Alfred had laid his hand on the lad and by some miracle saved his life. No one knew how, but it had been done and Ricky was as healthy as any sixteen year old boy. Sally Hanigan said that she would never forget what he had done and her pastries and cooking found their way to his house—. 9 “Do come in, Miss Hanigan.” 10 “I brought you a cake I baked. I thought you might like some cake today. I just finished baking it and thought I’d bring it right over.”

293 11 “You know, Sally, your cooking is always welcome in my house.” 12 “I don’t know how much rain we are going to get today, so I thought to myself to get over here while it wasn’t raining.” 13 “That’s a nice looking cake if I ever saw one. I know it taste as good as it looks. How is Ricky? I haven’t seen him running around the neighborhood lately. 15 “I can’t keep him at home anymore. Sometimes he stays out half the night with his friends. I think he’s started to drink. I was washing one of his shirts and it smelled like wine. He’s too young to drink.” 16 “I started much younger myself. It’s good for him, make a man out of him. 17 “I don’t like to see them start drinking that young.” 18 “I wouldn’t make no fuss over it, Sally. By the way, can I offer you one? I got a bottle of sherry, never been opened.” 19 “Oh, no you don’t. You won’t get me drinking this time of morning. I to get back to my work and I got a lot of it.” 20 It wasn’t only the healing of Sally Hanigan’s son that had spread Alfred’s fame around the community, but several other things the elderly man had done as well. Old man Grisby’s arthritic hand that had bothered him for years had cleared up when Alfred had rubbed it with clay dirt. Then there was little clubfoot Suzy that was

294 no longer clubfooted after Alfred had visited her house one day. Jerry’s dog that had been hit by a car and lay dead was somehow miraculously brought back to life by him. People could only give notice to these things he had done. Such a humble and friendly man that never asked nothing in return for his deeds. 21 Strange as it was, no one knew where Alfred came from; no one had asked. He had a way about him that told you home was where he laid his hat. He could make almost any place home if he thought to. Besides keeping to himself a great deal, he got along easily with people and felt at home with all kinds. 22 It wasn’t only the way Alfred carried himself, but a certain mystique about him that made you feel at-ease with him; as though you had always known his acquaintance; something about him that transcend human endowments and faculties; a mystique that only a few men ever had, that set him apart from his fellow man. Even though he was a man, he was something even more.

Part II 1 There is a grave on the southeast side of Milwaukee, not far from Grady’s place. They say that it’s the grave of a witch. Everytime someone places flowers on her grave they wither away that same day. Very few people go near it, much less, place flowers or a wreath on it. But for some explainable reason Alfred had visited the grave several times in the past half-month and covered it with a

295 wreath of flowers and fresh roses. When the sun goes down and night brings the moonlight, he could be seen at the gravesite whimpering and weeping like a young child. He had stood there for several minutes at the grave, even kneeling for several minutes. One could only believe that the woman that lay in the grave had been known in life by him. That there had been some intimate relationship between them. What that relationship was only Alfred knew and not even neighbors had noticed him going and coming from the gravesite. 2 On the thirteen of every month he slept restless. The night would have him staying up for some strange reason, and by some instinctive power within him, he would awaken in the middle of the night. May 13 was no different, as he sat up in his bed reaching for the clock. It read twelve midnight and he had dozed off for only ten minutes he thought. It had been on the thirteen of June that Rita, the woman in the grave, had died. The thirteen held some unknown mystery for him. He thought of visiting Rita’s grave, but since he had been there only yesterday, he thought otherwise. 3 Turning towards his dresser, he opened the bottom drawer and pulled a small black box with gold trimming from it. It contained several pictures, all of Rita. She was an attractive woman in life with long black hair and piercing eyes that stared at you. And continuing to look at the pictures of her, he recollected their time together on earth. It had been for some years and he longed to be with her. He

296 could still smell her favorite perfume that she wore often. Stroking his arm with his hand, he remembered her delicate body that he had kissed and loved; caressed so often and affectionately. Letting out a soft sigh, he walked to the window in his room as the moonlight and the sky made him shiver slightly. 4 Sitting on the edge of his bed, his eyes became fixed on the table across from him. They fastened on the newspaper, and by some strange power within him, his concentration caused the paper to move from the table across the room to him. It had taken him longer to concentrate on moving the newspaper than the last time he had tried it. Age, he thought to himself, as he smiled. 5 He would read his newspaper, walking the floor of the house, even listening to the radio, but he would find no sleep the rest of the night, as the daylight of the rising sun covered the house. 6 Sally Hanigan was up early as she often would be. She had been making more trips to Alfred’s house than before. Instead of bringing him her cooking once a week, she had started to bring her homemade pies and pastries to Alfred’s house two and three times a week. There was so much delight in cooking for a man like Alfred she thought, and she would love to hear his praise of her cooking. No one else had even complimented her the way he had on hr cooking; besides, he was so unselfish and alone.

297 7 “Do come in, Sally. It’s so nice to see you this morning. Do come in, dear.” 8 “I brought you an apple pie. I hope you like it. My mother use to make the best apple pie in the world. I wish I could make them like her’s.” 9 “If your mother made apple pies better than yours, Sally, I wish I could have known her. It looks like it’s going to be a nice day. A nice day indeed. I’ll have some of this pie with my lunch I think.” 10 “I see you’ve been cleaning up around here. It looks a lot better since you cleaned up around here, got rid of those old newspapers and things. That reminds me, I should have told you to save them. You threw them away, didn’t you?” 11 “Burn them all out back.” 12 “They were collecting newspapers to sell, but I forgot to tell you. Some church people collecting them to sell. Did you attend church this Sunday? We took up funds for that needy family down the street—the Moodys. All those rich people should burn in hell. Anybody can give a few dollars to some poor family. Why, we spend more on whisky and wine than what we can give away to poor people. Each of us are servants of God, therefore, we should care for one another.” 13 At times, I think I would rather be a king in hell than a helpless flunky in paradise.”

298 14 “Alfred, I’m surprised to hear that coming from you.” 15 Maybe I spoke too hastely, Sally. We often let our emotions get the better of us. Why don’t you have a seat, Sally. No hurry is there?” 16 “I got a roast in the oven, Alfred. I got to get to it. I’ll call you later, or maybe be back this way this evening.” 17 “Sure, Sally, sure.” 18 Sally left Alfred’s house lifting her head towards the sky. She saw no rain, as Michael Miller and Steve Jones, neighbors, could be seen walking not far from her house. The three met as the street was bare outside of them. 19 “Hello there, Sally,” Michael Miller said, as he clutched his umbrella, blocking the walkway to Sally’s house. “Long time no see.” 20 “I’m in a hurry now, Michael,” Sally said, “I’ll have to catch you later.” 21 “Well! My—my.” 22 “Have you been seeing Sally lately?” Steve Miller said. 23 “She’s been too busy with that Alfred to have anything to do with me. I wonder what she find in an old man like that. I was going to take her to the party at Ronald’s the other night and she said she was going out with him.”

299 24 “Maybe you’ll have better luck with Maybelle. You know how she feels about you.” 25 “Yeah. I could use a little luck. I’ve been wondering about that old man. Something about him that doesn’t jive—doesn’t make sense to me. He’s too good for me. Too good to be true. Something he did when that black cat of his. came up behind him the other day. I was watching him from the house.” 26 “What’s that?” 27 “He acted as if that cat was a woman—a real woman or something. A live woman, and what he did to it when he picked it up was rather strange.” 28 “How’s that?” 29 “When he picked the cat up he started to caress it


kiss it.” 30 “What’s so unusual about that. A lot of people play with their cats like that. I got a sister that kisses her cat all the time. I don’t see anything funny about that.” 31 “Alfred and the cat were both tongue kissing each other. At least it looked that way from where I was.” 32 “That does sound strange.” 33 “Yes, it does. Then there was the time I got his mail by mistake one day. The mailman left what looked like a book in my mailbox belonging to him. I opened it by mistake, thinking it was

300 mine. I could see that it was on witchcraft. I know people buy books all the time on things like that out of curiosity. But you kind of figure a man like Alfred wouldn’t waste his time on books like that. You know, I’m really curious to see the inside of his house, that room that he keeps locked up all the time and won’t let anybody inside it. I was over there a while back and he wouldn’t open it. Acted weird about it. He’s a strange one.” 34 Alfred’s fame and kind deeds continued to grow throughout the neighborhood and city, even reaching into other states. His mail and visitors to his house became more frequent against his protest to remain anonymous. People who had first heard the things he had done had found them incredible if not preposterous and doubted them with skepticism of fantastic gimmickry. But all the people could mot doubt them as more and more of them swarmed around the old man’s house asking to be healed or consoled by his advice. Some offered money in return while others favors like those of Sally Hanigan. 35 Milwaukee was gaining more attention each day, and hardly a day went by that the local newspapers, radio and TV stations wouldn’t say something about the things Alfred was doing. And outside of all the attention he was getting, he still lived the humble and simple life he had known all his life. He still believed that life was to

301 be lived with moderation. Moderation was life and he was moderation; that is, when it could be so. 36 Spring like time had slipped away leaving behind fresh and newly blossomed plants. With its departure came the heat wave and people started to prepare for it by heading for the beaches and swimming pools to cool themselves off from the hot summer temperatures; while others stayed home and dranked beer and lemonade under their porches. But Alfred spent his time fishing every opportunity he got and seeing the many visitors that paid respect to his house; and he was growing wearier each, as the linings under his eyes and on his face became more apparent. He was aging rapidly and no one could deny the fact that his sudden fame had something to do with it. Turning away no one from his door, his advice was always warmly accepted. 37 Going to the door of the house, Alfred adjusted his pants around his waist, tucking in his shirt. 38 “Please, come in,” Alfred said. “It’s so nice to see you this morning. Do come, dear.” Alfred said to the woman standing outside his front door. 39“I’ve heard all the things you’ve done, Alfred, and I thought you might want to look at my little girl,” Mrs. Dugan said. “You are Alfred, aren’t you?” 40“Yes, ma’am.”

302 41 “Carol’s been like this all her life. I don’t know what it is, it seems some of us get all the bad luck. You know, when she was born, me and my husband ‘was on welfare and I was fighting a bout with pneumonia and carrying Carol. The doctor thought for a while that we both ‘wasn’t going to make it.” 42Alfred said nothing, walking to a chair in the room, placing Carol in his lap. The young girl faced him as their eyes met. Her hare lip covered her mouth distracting from the beauty of her young and tender face. 43“My husband say’ you can tell the future— predict things that will happen before they happen,” Mrs. Dugan said. “Could you give me a reading? I mean, would you let me know what the future holds for me—please?” 44 “How long has your daughter had her mouth this way?” Alfred said. 45 “I told you, she was born like that. It’s really bad that a child should be brought into the world like that. If I had the money I would have taken her to a doctor. You know, one of those doctors that does plastic surgery. Cost so much money though.” 46 Alfred said nothing, continuing to examine the child’s deformed face. 47“Carol, do you go to school?” he asked the shy little girl.

303 48 The young child answered with her head, nodding it, not lifting her eyes towards him. 49“She’s in the fifth grade over at Thames Grade School,” Mrs. Dugan said. “She made all A’s on her report card except for a C in her gym class. Her teacher says she’s a good student, never any trouble out of her.” 50 Alfred lifted the girl from his lap and walked to a cabinet in the room taking a bag from a metal can. Pouring some of the contents of the bag in an envelope, he walked to Mrs. Dugan handing her the bag. 51 “Give her this before bedtime with a glass of water,” Alfred said. “It will cure her lip.” 52“That’s all—I mean, just give her this, here, and she’ll be healed?” 53“Yes, ma’am. That will do the job. Tomorrow, she’ll be like new. And for your reading, Mrs. Dugan, I do all my readings at night. Every Friday night, so you have to see me then. Friday at ten, right here.” 54“Ten o’clock? I’ll try to make it then. My husband might not want to bring me, but I’ll be here.” 55 Alfred saw Mrs. Dugan to the front door of the house. Leaving the house, he walked to the front yard to the house. The sun against his pale skin felt soothing to him, as he unbuttoned the top

304 button of his shirt to soak in more of it. Incoherently he mumbled to himself about people and their unbelief. Why couldn’t they believe in his power. People always found them so incredible and Mrs. Dugan had been no different. 56 The sun now felt even more refreshing to him as he lean against the fence to the front yard. Rev Thomas, a neighbor, could be seen approaching the house, as he pulled a handkerchief from his back pocket, wiping at his face. 57 “How are you, Alfred?” Rev. Thomas said. 58 “Just fine, Rev. Thomas. Been saving any souls lately? I heard we had a murder down the streets, a little girl raped and killed. What is coming to this world. Not even little children are safe any more.” 59 “Yes, it is tragic. I know the family very well. They belong to my church. I had to officiate the funeral. Very sad indeed. Such a young and sweet little young lady Diane was. I guess what so bad about it is that the police haven’t found out who did it either.” 60 “Yes, that is bad.” 61“You probably heard what happened to old man Grisby, didn’t you? They caught the man shoplifting the other day. I couldn’t believe that he would do a thing like that. A church-going man every Sunday like that stealing. Lord, what is this world coming to.”

305 62 Alfred said nothing, as a fresh smile covered the corners of his face where the lips end. 63“You would think that he would know better than to do something like that,” Rev. Thomas said. “It looks like the devil is getting the best of everybody these days.” 64“Yes, it does look that way.” 65“I just don’t know sometime, Alfred.” 66 “Would you like a drink or something, Rev?” 67 “No thanks. I’m on my way to the Weavers. I should have been there. Thanks anyway, Alfred.” 68 The summer days were going by too fast and like a lot of people Alfred was trying to put as many things as he could into them. But age, like time has a way of catching up with you. He would find his time being consumed more and more by his aging, as he sought more rest and solitude from the people and his work. His moderation was slowly being lost to his fame throughout the community and city.

Part III 1 The start of September had Alfred doing less of his healing and readings than before. The elderly man had started to turn away many of the requests from people that flocked to his house in search of him. That quiet life he had known all his life as an introvert he longed for. So, he would simply not answer the door to his house and turn away the many people that sought his help. And the few

306 people that were able to see him could see that his attentiveness was short; and even though they were being aid by the elderly man, they could sense that he had his thoughts elsewhere. 2 Professor Wilson from the state university had heard about Alfred and his ability to heal people and predict the future. Being a psychologist, he had not only an interest in people like Alfred, but was doing research work on them. Alfred had been seeing the professor, most during the summer and the two had talked openly to each other. Even though he was at times dubious o the many psychologists, he had found the professor warm and challenging. Several tapes that the professor had wanted, he had taken the time to dictate them. Outside of the professor and a few visitors to the house, he tried to keep the days to himself and even Rita’s grave had not been visited for several weeks by him. 3 Sally Hanigan continued to bring her pastries and cooking to Alfred’s house. She seemed to grow fonder each day of his conversation and quick wits. One could not say for sure how strongly her attention had grown for the elderly man. She though had found her way more to his house and presence. 4 There is good and bad in everything they say and even in skepticism there can at times be found good virtues. A premise in any debate or argument is doubted for its validity. Man has only increased his knowledge when he had defied other men and

307 sometimes even nature in seeking his goals. So good can come from doubting and doubting can be good, can it not? 5 Michael Miller and Steve Jones had been friends from childhood in Milwaukee. Both were considered common people; that is, of the common colloquial touch. Nothing really out of the ordinary could be found in either of them. Maybe that which we call common was what made Michael Miller the more dubious of Alfred and his skills. It is common and ordinary to doubt something that one does not understand or even like; is it not.” 6 “Steve,” Michael Miller called out as the two of them stood in front of his house, “I‘been thinking about old man Alfred. I still say he’s a phony, a lot of crab. I think he’s a sorcerer.” 7 “What’s that?” 8 “A person kind of like a witch that has all kind of strange powers. Communicate with the dead and stuff like that; black magic and voodoo. My dad was telling me about people like that a while back. They are dangerous, not only to other people, but themselves. The other night I sneaked up to the old man’s house. I was peeping through the window and he had this little doll in one hand and a pin in the other. It was just like in the book I told you about on voodoo. The one I got of his by mistake in the mail. Well, I went to the library and found a copy like it. I tell you the old man was performing some kind of voodoo ritual, just like in that book.”

308 9 “You think so?” 10 “Another thing. Have you noticed what happened to some of the people that he’s helped out. Suzy Bates, that clubfooted girl down the street he healed. They got her for sodomy, not once, but twice. You remember that dog he brought back from the dead? It had to be shot because it went mad right after the old man brought it back from the dead. And that mentally retard kid he healed—Lester, has one of the nastiest personalities you ever saw. Nothing but a bully now, and everytime he opens his mouth, a curse word comes out. I mean, it might not seem like much, but it makes you wonder.” 11 “I’ve heard other strange things myself about him, and since you mention it, I’m beginning to have my doubts about Alfred—People around here though don’t pay any attention to things like this. You know how these people are around here. I think I’ll keep my distance of Alfred. He’s too weird for me. Almost like a walking corpse.” 12 Outside of the attention Alfred was giving the neighborhood little else had been taking place to be of any real notice. It was not until the end of September that the people of the community and city would focus their attention elsewhere. another rape and murder would shock the community like that of Diane Capers. It too would go unsolved sending a terror throughout the community and city. Town people had started to react and demand

309 that the police do more to protect their children. No one would feel safe until the psychopathic killer was apprehended. Gun sales would skyrocket in the following days and so would the sale of padlocks and protection alarms for homes. A dark gloom had started to hang over the community; and contrary to the thing that had been happening to it, the two girls murders had changed it overnight. 13 They say that the devil often masquerades as being honest and upright. That often he is more effective by appearing to be exactly the opposite of what he is. Good then too must be likewise in a sense; appearing as a façade of evil. 14 The devil though is just that. That at the end of all his gains is misery and chicanery. That he is dedicated to those things that are adverse to all men. No matter what he does or accomplishes it is stamped adverse. All things evil are attributed to him. Is it not? 15 Friday evening Alfred was at the house having a drink of sherry in the livingroom. On the day of his readings he usually ate nothing. Without food in him when doing his readings, he felt better. Once he had eaten a meal before going into a trance, only to throw-up the contents of his stomach finding it not only embarrassing, but harmful to him as well. 16 Mrs. Doogans would be back having already attended two previous readings of his and so would Sally Hanigan. Mrs. Doogan at times was so childish, he felt, but it was the readings

310 he was getting from her that he enjoyed. Along with Sally Hanigan and three other people, she would be by the house for the night’s readings. 17 Alfred sipped the French sherry slowly as he thought about Rita. She sat through quite a few of his reading being one of his better subjects and coming to him as a young woman in New York seeking help. He gave a slight sigh when he thought of her body, so delicate and womanly. And like Sally Hanigan, she had been a gentle woman and fascinated by his powers that had brought them closer together. If he had loved any woman it had been her, but how much, he was not sure of. It was in New York many years ago where the two had departed. They had come together again several times afterwards, only to depart their separate ways. Now again the two of them had come together, but only in death. His eyes felt a little moist pouring more sherry in the half-empty glass. 18 The two of them had even thought about marriage, and contemplating the ideal together, only for him to say no. He wasn’t the marry kind. Something in him that wouldn’t allow it. Marriage was for those men who wanted to be tied down to an apron and family and he had no such plans in mind. And it was in New York the two of them had last seen each other. But Rita would always live on in his memories. The fact that she lay dead in a grave not far from him attested to that.

311 19 He felt like a little music and a look at the evening newspaper; something to relax him before his guests arrived. 20 Sally Hanigan was the first to arrive at the house. Shortly, she would be joined by Mrs. Doogans and the other guests for the readings. She would stay close beside Alfred, not saying much to other guests. 21 “That perfume I’ve been smelling all evening, Sally,” Alfred said, standing in the room to the house, “it reminds me of a woman that wore some with a similar scent. 22 “Would you believe I got it from my boy for a Christmas present last year,” Sally said. “I asked him where he got it from and he said the dime-and-ten cents store. I’m sure it’s not what your woman friend was wearing.” 23 “Maybe not. Shall we seat ourselves at the table. I know everyone is anxious to get started.” 24 Everyone seated themselves at the table as Alfred continued to stand, seating himself after the others had sat down. Stroking the side of his gray head of hair with his hand, his eyes slowly looked around the table. A candle burned on both ends of the table as they flickered with the sound of voices. Sally and Mrs. Doogans sat on each side of him, and the other three guests, Mr. Appleby, Mr. Kinard and Miss Jackeral sat across from him.

312 25 The room grew quiet as Alfred sat motionless in his chair. All eyes were fastened on him as his body started to become limp like a noodle, and his arms dropping lifelessly to his sides. His breath became labored as he took deeper and deeper breaths with his eyes closed to the world around him. The frame of his body swayed from side to side in an exaggerated manner. 26 He had not to read this way. He could have easily read without going into a trance, but for some reason he had been doing lately all his readings in this manner, as the frame of his body swayed and rocked from side to side in his chair. His facial expression would slowly change, as his breathing became less labored and normal, and his eyes would not open until he had finished all his readings, with no one speaking unless Alfred ask them to. 27 The readings started off Miss Jackeral and then Mr. Kinard. Alfred was having an excellent night and after each of his readings nothing had been said ill of him. He was usually good, but tonight he was at his best. 28 “Henry Appleby,” Alfred called out to the man at the table, “you were born in London, England. I see a mother and father. I also see a younger brother…Your brother is a business man somewhere in Europe and doing very well. You, like your brother, like black suits and hat. You are a good orator and hold people spellbound with your gift of gab…You are very good at what

313 they call being a showman. That is, when you talk, your gestures and conversation are very eloquently done and theatrical at times. You are now in this country on business and heard about me. Since you have an interest in what they call ESP, you decided to drop in on me. 29 “…You will be a great man one day. A very great man. You will have great power and authority…Not too long ago you were very ill. So ill that the doctor pronounced you dead, but somehow you came back to life before they could bury you. …You have a very common face, very British indeed. Women, you like them beautiful, the more beautiful they look, the better you enjoy them… You though will one day be guilty of a great—” 30 Alfred all of a sudden stopped his reading, unable to go on further, as his eyes came opened widely as soon as he stopped. They focused on the man across from him, Henry Appleby. For what must have seemed like an eternity to Henry Appleby, Alfred only stared at him. 31 “That will be all tonight,” Alfred said. “I can go on no further. Would you please excuse me. I’m not feeling well. Please, excuse me.” 32 Sally Hanigan was the first to speak, but Alfred said nothing to her walking towards Henry Appleby. The two of them left the room and Sally and the other guests watched. Talk started

314 amongst them, as they all slowly made their way out the front door of the house. 33 Puzzled by Alfred sudden strange behavior, Sally wanted to stay and talk to him, but decide not to, slipping into her coat and leaving the house. 34 “I’m quite sorry for what happened tonight, Mr. Appleby,” Alfred said, wiping at his face with a handkerchief. “I don’t know what came over me in there. This has never happened before. I just couldn’t go on. You say you are from London, England?” 35 “Yes, I’am. I was born there. Just like you said in your reading. You were doing so well. I can’t understand why you stopped so suddenly. May I ask what it was? Was there something in the reading that made you stop? Was it what you saw in your reading, sir —perhaps something you saw?” 36 Alfred hesitated a moment before saying anything, not sure that he wanted to answer Henry Appleby, and at the same time, he wasn’t sure of what he wanted to say to him. 37 “No. No, it wasn’t the reading, Mr. Appleby. I think I had a little too much to eat. Yes— that’s what it was, I ate too much for supper. I should have known better. It’s not only embarrassing for me, but others as well.”

315 38 “Understandably so, Alfred. I imagine it must be quite difficult for you at times. I didn’t want to sound overbearing. I only wanted to know what had upset you in there.”

39“I understand. I think I would feel the same way. There is something I would like to ask you. What are your feelings on religion? I mean, how do you feel about it and what church denomination are you if any?” 40“I have none. I was brought up in the church, but it never interested me for some reason or other. Why? Is that of some importance?” 41 “Not really. Only a curiosity on my part. Can I interest you in a drink?” 42 “No thank you. I think I best be going. I have a busy schedule ahead. It’s been quite an evening. I would like to use your telephone to call a taxi if you don’t mind.” 43 “Not at all, it’s in the livingroom on the table.” 44 Alfred thought about his behavior. He must have acted rather odd in ending his readings so abruptly and in such a manner as he had done. 45 It had not been the first time that he had perceived something that had left him upset. But this had been

316 different. Never before during his readings had he perceptions like those of Mr. Appleby. Not wanting to tell him, like he had not told other subjects things he did not want to reveal. Feeling tired, he sat on the arm of the rocking chair by the door.

Part IV 1 Still another murder would shock the city. A teenage girl would be killed in the same gruesome manner that the two other girls had died. Again, people would protest to the police and mayor, but to no avail. The murder would go unsolved like the others. And again, guns sales would go up and more padlocks and protection devices would be bought by scared citizens who wanted to protect themselves. 2 Several town people had even asked Alfred to make a prediction on who the killer or killers were. Alfred though would decline, saying that the police should do their own work. Milwaukee was in an uproar like it had not seen in many years. 3 Not doing any of his readings, Alfred was spending more time at home resting. He had though made several trips to Rita’s grave. The late fall weather had found him there amongst the silent ones; as he stood there whimpering like a child, giving remembrance of Rita and their love during life. Death still had not separated the two of them and nothing ever would.

317 4 Again, November 13 would find him without sleep. Sitting by the fireplace he would read the newspaper and listen to his radio. For some strange reason his obsession with triskaidekaphobia was still with him, and no matter what he did, he could not shake it from him. 5 That following day he had chores to do around the house. Things were in a mess and as much as he hated house cleaning, he would have to tidy up the place a little. His time would be spent around the house as winter fast approached. 6 Michael Miller and Steve Jones still had their doubts about Alfred, but still they continued to keep them to themselves. Skepticism was maybe good, but substantial evidence to back up one’s beliefs was another thing. Emotionalism like everything else has its place, but where facts are needed, it is useless. So the two of them continued to keep their distance of Alfred and his house; besides, there was Sally Hanigan to think of. 7“Would you believe I finally got a date with Sally,” Michael said to Steve sitting in the room to his house. 8 “Yeah.” 9 “Yeah. She wants me to take her to the movies this Saturday. Kind of funny that she wants to go and see a movie, but she wants me to take her. I wanted to go to El’s Place, but she said the movies.”

318 10 “I told you your luck would change. I couldn’t figure a woman like Sally going for somebody like Alfred. He’s too old for her. Old enough to be her father.” 11 “I was talking to Sally the other night and she said he’s been acting funny lately. Acted funny in one of his readings at the house, and hasn’t been the same since.” 12 “You think he mighta’ saw a ghost?” they both laughed. 13 “Ghost probably be scared of him.” 14 “You know, ever since Alfred came to this place things have really changed.” 15 “They sure have.” 16 Michael would not be the first to have a date with Sally. That Thursday, she would persuade by Alfred’s to have dinner at his house. Alfred, being the persuasive person that he was, could not be turned down. 17 Outside of Rev. Thomas dropping by, it had been a quiet day for him. Spending the evening arranging things around the house for Sally, he took a bottle of sherry from the wine cabinet putting it on the table. Looking at the clock on the wall, it would be only shortly that Sally would be arriving at the house. She had called a few minutes earlier to let him know that she was on her

319 way to the house. Alfred sat by the door listening to the radio and waited for Sally to come. 18 A couple of sherries had started the evening off, as he and Sally now danced in the center of the room. Looking somewhat awkward and tense as he danced around the room, his thoughts and emotions looked elsewhere from the room as his eyes glowed with the glare of the room light. 19 “You are quite a dancer, Alfred,” Sally said. “You really wear a woman out. 20 “Shall we sit over here,” Alfred said. “I find you attractive under candlelight. Candlelight brings out the beauty in you face.” 21 “Do you really think so, Alfred?” 22 Alfred’s eyes and large hand made their way to Sally’s breast caressing it. Sally being more shocked than moved emotionally pushed his hand away and moved away from him on the couch. 23 “Now, Alfred, what’s that all about,” Sally said. 24 He did not hear her, as he tried to kiss her, and Sally standing from the couch, moving further away from him. 25 “I think I better be going, Alfred,” Sally said.

320 26 Moving away from Alfred, Sally bumped against the table knocking over candlesticks. She struggled desperately to free herself from the grasp of his hands now fastened around her womanly body digging into her flesh. 27 Wrestling her to the floor, he continued to steal away at her body ripping her clothes from her body, showing the firmness of her breast nipples and pubic hairs. His sadistic looking eyes grew bigger as he spreaded her legs and attempted to steal away at her body. But Sally would not allow it and her hand reaching for the glass ash tray that laid beside her on the floor; smashing it against his head, tearing it open. Alfred moaned, as his eyes burned with hatred and vengeance that foretold death. Sally somehow sense this, as she mustarded up all the strength she had in her in defense of her body. He continued to choke her for some time and entering her lifeless body. The room had continued to burn where the candles had fallen spreading to other parts of it. But Alfred in his mad rage had not noticed it. By some act of fate, by some strange occurrence, he started to get dizzy about the head, as he slumped over Sally’s nude body. Fate could only have it that way, as the house became an inferno of smoke and ruin. 28 Michael Miller had not been far away and seeing smoke pouring from the house, his first thought was to enter the burning house, but he ran for the nearest telephone.

321 29 On returning to the burning house, Michael spotted Alfred’s body outside the window of the house. What looked like another body could be seen not far from Alfred’s, but he would not enter the house for them. The blaze and flames were becoming more intense as he waited on the fire truck to arrive. 30 It would not be until the following morning that he would find out who the other body was that the firemen had taken from Alfred’s house. The inquest would be even more shocking. Sally had been murdered by Alfred. The police though were not sure how Alfred had died and rule his death suicide. 31 They say that truth always rules out in the end. That whatever truth is, it will be supreme in the end. Michael Miller and Steve Jones had their doubts about Alfred; now in an insane way they had been proven right. People now would start to listen to them. Of course there would still be those skeptics who would disbelieve them, and even having their own versions of what happened that night at Alfred’s house. No matter what they would say, there would be those true believers in Alfred and his work. 32 “They found his body,” Michael said to Steve standing outside his house. “Not a burn on it. Wouldn’t you think of that as being a little strange?”

322 33 “I think anybody in their right mind would. You burn up in a house and don’t have a burn on you or scar. That is weird, man.” 34 “Not a scar, burnt mark or anything on his body they said. He looked like he had never been through anything.” 35 “He seemed so normal in a way, Michael. Like everybody else. He was a little weird, but you kind of expected somebody like Alfred to be more different than everybody else. Maybe that’s what we look for when we expect something evil like Alfred. That of the unusual, different and aloof from the crowd. He was so common, no one would have thought otherwise. Maybe we see it everyday, all around us, but never noticing it because we expect otherwise.” 36 “Why would he kill Sally?” 37 “Your guess is as good as mine. The devil has his ways. Alfred could have been an ordinary person, but he chose a different way of life. He wanted the top in a different way.” 38 There were no more murders after Alfred’s demise. The community and city slowly returned to normal again. There was one strange occurrence, flowers no longer withered away when placed on the witch’s grave not far from Grady’s place.



Some Things to Remember



















324 ON


















































A Final Call Ismun has made a final call for his own. All those that believe in his work come forth and worship him in humbleness and truth; come forth and let your hearts be heard. For in truth there is much strength, for Ismun is that eternal love that you seek. “My ways are simple and in humbleness there is much reward.” His kingdom is eternal, his ways for all those that believe in him and honor his sacred House. This is the final call! There will not be another, as the end draws closer. Open your hearts to him that you may prosper in the land.


A Song to Ismun

I Ain’t Goin’ To Work No Mo’ For The Bos’man I ain’t going’ to work no more for no bos’man. Everytime he sees me he starts raisin’ sand. I’m breakin’ my back night and day, But he tells me I’m not workin’ hard enough for my pay. I’ll dig ten ditches— And you know what—the man still bitches! The man next to me will do five, But still, the bos’man feeds me that same ol’ jive. I ain’t going to work no more for no bos’man. Everytime he sees me he starts raisin’sand. Can’t you see, man, that big shovel in my hand. I got two wives to support and seven kids.

327 Workin’ a man like this, I know the good Lord forbids. From sun-up to sun down, You can’t see me because I’m down here in the ground. A mole was made for a hole. But this job—Lord—I ain’t no mole. I ain’t goin’ to work no more for no Bos’man. Every time he sees me he starts raisin’ sand.

A Prayer to Ismun Pray me once, pray me twice; pray me thrice, I’ll see you. Lord, forgive me of my sins. Those I have wronged forgive me, Lord. Though all looked lost, I know you are there. Heal me, Lord, when I’m afflicted. Correct me when I’m wrong. And though I look death in the face, let your love shine on me. May I always know you, Lord, That I may prosper. Let the work of my labor be acceptable before you. You are my God whom I will always trust in.

Few Shall See God’s Glory Few shall see paradise and God’s glory. Look around you how men and women live, many in sin and no repentance of their wrongs. Many shall ask, then, who will go to heaven? Those that live Ismun’s word and follow his ways. Not all men and women that follow God will see paradise, for the devil works much deceit, fooling many. As

328 the good seed brings forth the good plant, so shall you know my own. For if a seed becomes bitter and distorting the fruit it bares, it is no longer called a good fruit. Thus, many shall come forth, but only a handful out of that many shall see paradise. So all my missionaries go out into the world and preach my word. Let all the earth know that Ismun is God, the True God of the universe. Amen.

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