Thesun 2009-02-18 Page16 Questions And Answers For Malaysians

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speak up!

Questions and answers for Malaysians WE WORRY for this beloved country of ours. We worry for its future. We worry that political rhetoric is putting the country in jeopardy. We worry that the vitriol spewed by politicians and wannabes have reached a point of no return. We really worry that things may turn ugly. Like most law-abiding Malaysians, we worry that the resources, time, money and effort which is supposed to be used in nation-building is being used to further the political ambitions of a handful. We don’t have a crystal ball to look into the future. We are no soothsayers or doomsayers. We are just citizens whose minds go on over-drive each time we see the images on television; read reports in the newspapers or the Net. Why are people dropping the race card each time they want to get a point across? Why should the colour of the skin be an issue when the law is broken? Why should it matter if the offender is white, black, brown or yellow? After all, the law treats everyone equally irrespective of race, colour, religion or creed, right? There are many out there baying for blood. Have we adopted an “eye-for-an-eye” policy disregarding the written laws that rule this country? Even finding jobs for the retrenched and unemployed has taken a racial connotation. Didn’t we in the past, repeatedly tell the whole world that we are a model nation where different races live in harmony? Haven’t we boasted about our ability to share the wealth and correct imbalances? Why then are we allowing a select few to destroy what we and our forefathers have built over the years? Is this “open house” concept which we all hold during festive seasons just a show? Are we “putting on” smiles when greeting each other while our hearts are filled with hatred? Are we all acting as if we are all after the coveted Oscar? Have we all lost our bearings and our ultimate goal has been changed to power which can translate to money? Where did we go wrong? Didn’t we stand united when Tunku Abdul Rahman and his coterie of like-minded souls from various ethnic backgrounds stood up to the British and demanded for our right to rule this country ourselves? Why then are we getting embroiled


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ALLOW me to convey my sympathies to Bukit Lanjan state assemblywoman Elizabeth Wong for the embarrassment caused to her. She had her privacy invaded and this in itself should receive the understanding and concern of all Malaysians that justice must be done for this “victim” irrespective of whether she is an elected representative in a state government or if she is a private individual. The police should uncover all the links to this dastardly act and arrest not only the perpe-

in petty issues of race and colour? Why are we diverting our thoughts and making police reports on the medium of instruction in schools? Has a crime been committed by our policymakers to warrant such an action? Didn’t we elect the government which makes policy decisions for the betterment of ALL Malaysians? Everyone has a right to disagree but there is a right forum for such disagreements to be debated in a civil manner without resorting to name-calling, threats and demands to “balik negara asal”? Why are certain sectors of our leaders provoking the people? And don’t the people realise that they are being made use of? Stopping VIP motorcades with coloured headbands is not heroism – it’s a sad state that we have forgotten our very own core values which we have been brought up to practise and treasure. Is power all that important that we can dispense with our culture and tradition? Can’t we accept the fact that each of us can differ in opinion and yet agree to disagree? What’s wrong with offering a view on issues? If you have to disagree, then use the right forum instead of reading between lines and innuendo to interpret such a view. These are basics. Has our education system changed so much that the “new” generation has been taught to convert their disagreement into anger and violence? Can’t we, the right-thinking majority, have our say without being shouted down by those who claim to be mighty and powerful? We will not have unpopular policies shuffled down our throats and if we have to express our feelings, there’s always a forum which would be accorded at the right time. Why then all the noise and threats? Was Dr Mani Jegathesan running for the Indian race in the Olympics? Was Lee Chong Wei playing for the Penang Chinese? Is Shalin Zulkifli now competing in the United States for Malaysia or is she proving Malays can compete internationally? We don our national colours, not the colour of our skins by which we are classified by some quarters. Dear readers, you may want to say that I have an advantage in the form of a permanent forum, this column, to articulate my views and express my disappointment over

Workers want trustworthiness by Daniel Chandranayagam

than be pried open. Of course, this also means to be pried open by BEING interested in the new manone’s own employees. agement field of corporate social In relation to this, Grove pointed responsibility (CSR), I asked a friend out that businesses face pressure recently why there appears to be to conduct themselves ethically more CSR consultancies opening from several groups, one of which in Singapore than Malaysia. He is their own employees. Workers answered, without even thinking, are now conducting their own due “Because businesses here aren’t diligence on their employers and certain issues. I don’t really interested.” potential employers. deny that. Not many This might explain why only Websites like Glassdoor and are given such an opCitizenNades five participants were present LinkedIn make it easier for the portunity. But having by R. Nadeswaran at the “Integrity at Work” forum, discerning worker to find out from had this advantage, organised by the MCA Integrity others just how well a business you would be the first Watch Group in January. treats its workers or how ethically to stop reading if I ever misuse This leads me to wonder if it conducts its business. In fact, the privilege accorded to me. Yes, employers actually care about Glassdoor allows anonymous we all have our own platform to what their employees want, postings from employees on their deliver our messages – at meetespecially those workers whom employers’ transgressions. ings of organisations or political employers really want to keep. Of One can find out, for example, parties which we belong to. These course, some employers might about how some companies messages can be carried to the nathink that giving their employees a use CSR to their advantage, by tion’s leaders who will then assess, job, especially with thousands reincluding “CSR” marks in an emconsider, dissect and deliberate on ported to be laid off almost every ployee’s annual appraisal for their them. The bottom line is that all of week, is a benefit in participation in the us can’t have it our way. itself. Yet, those good company’s CSR acTherefore, in these circumworkers – the type tivities (held outside stances, why can’t we use our who have the work working hours). The own avenues to get our point ethic, qualifications, lower the appraisal across? Why do we have to resort skill and experience marks, the lower the to working up the people and using Japan any employer would annual bonus. So crass language to get the message sentiment want – would be the much for corporate across? Can’t we be civil in our ones to know that social responsibility. mode of communication? near now is the best time Having been an We dare say, all the senior leadrecord to jump ship. employee once, it is ership of political parties know the low Edelman’s South clear to me that most race card is an absolutely unmitiEast Asia managof the times, “integgated wrong! Speak up, for goodpg 18 ing director, Robert rity” and “corporate ness’ sake and for the sake of all Grove, said at the Where young views rule responsibility” at the Malaysians. Honour the founders of CSR Global Summit workplace are rarely our political system, the founders of 2009 in Singapore that a survey taken seriously by anyone but the our nation. Besides the politicians, found that fifty per cent of workmanagement. And management bureaucrats and those responsible ers would not want to work for an only ever seem to take it seriously for the implementation of policies employer they do not trust. in front of their subordinates. cannot escape accountability. There Of course, basic trust means Lip service, anyone? Yet lip could be many reasons why many an employer has to go beyond service and top-down mentality of you couldn’t thwart what is hapcompliance. In this sense, the 124 are hard to run away from in Mapening but now you see the results. employers fined by the Employees’ laysia. Our leaders practise this to Stand up and speak out against this Provident Fund for failing to subthe point where some might think racial hooliganism. Decent people, mit their workers’ contributions, there is no other way. But there is please tell your children, your relaand the employers involved in the always another way. For example, tives, friends, neighbours, the fish 147 civil cases and 1,550 criminal IBM allows workers to use ten monger, the supermarket counter cases against errant employers per cent of their working time girl and the waitress at the pub in the last quarter of 2008, fall far towards causes of their choice. how you abhor racists. Enough is below the expectations of fifty That is another way of doing enough! Tell everyone. Let the per cent of the workforce (if not things. Being transparent about whole world know that you treat more). your whole business, not only to racism with utter contempt. At the CSR forum, IBM’s Steven your shareholders, but also to your Dear readers, speaking as a Davidson explained that it is better employees (and customers and true-blooded Malaysian, I worry befor a business to be open, rather the public), is another way. cause if we allow these people to Telling people to trust you is trod all over us, there will no longer different from showing people be voices of reason. People who you are trustworthy. If businesses act and behave moderately will want their employees (and other be over-shadowed by those with We believe that the young stakeholders) to trust them, painextremist views. That, ultimately, should have a say in how things ful though the process might be, I will be the beginning of the end. can’t think of any other better way are run, because they have than for them to be open about everything at stake in our fueverything. R. Nadeswaran hopes like-minded ture. This column creates that Malaysians will stand up and speak space for bright young sparks up against bigots and racists. He Daniel freelances in writing and is editor (special and investigative to debate issues that they feel publishing, and has a passion for reporting) at theSun. He can be strongly about. sleeping, eating and labour law. reached at: citizen-nades@thesunFeedback:


Justice must be done trator but also any others connected to the public exposure of the photographs (and video?) without fear or favour. It is a disgrace that mindless political upstarts have now jumped on the bandwagon to call for the resignation of the representative. And all this, because they have their own agenda – to gain “brownie points” for their own climb to power in their own party struggles. Say No To Political Dirt Petaling Jaya

I WAS traumatised to read about the cunningly crafted fate of Selangor executive councillor for tourism, environment and consumer affairs Elizabeth Wong. Literally, Wong was stabbed from the back, which is unbecoming among honourable people. At least on the battlefield, opposing combatants meet each other eye ball to eye ball. Reassuringly, the statement issued by Elizabeth is convincing and sincere. I may have her private photos tossed on my

table but never will my eyes stray to view them, for I find this disgraceful, inhumane and a violation of the human spirit. To Wong, I express my profound solidarity in this grave violation of your human rights and values. I pray the ones who sold their souls to the devil in causing so much torment to you and your family will pay dearly. A Woman Lahat

THE ordeal facing Elizabeth Wong is a cowardly and shameful criminal violation of a person’s privacy. She was doing nothing wrong. All Malaysians should be utterly repulsed by this exploitation. An innocent, unsuspecting citizen’s privacy has been invaded and criminalised. Anyone calling for Wong’s resignation should perhaps be investigated as a possible conspirator in this criminal deed. Every Malaysian, especially our leaders, need to stand

up and say this violation is unacceptable behaviour, and that the guilty parties must be found quickly and punished to the fullest extent of the law. Every woman in Malaysia must stand up against this abuse, where once again, a woman is not safe even in her own home. This exploit is yet another dark day in a growing and saddening “trail of Malaysian tears”. Malaysian with Children Via email

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