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Young Children’s Ability to Complete CBT Tasks: Investigating the Relationship with Age, IQ, Theory of Mind Development and Mental Health Lyndsay Noble, Dr Charlotte Wilson & Professor Shirley Reynolds University of East Anglia

Introduction Introduce Need for early intervention for childhood mental health difficulties - There is evidence to suggest that children age seven years and younger can complete basic cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) related tasks (Doherr et al., 2005; Quakley et al. 2004 & Reynolds et al., 2006). Sentence about Piaget’s Theory of cognitive development. Sentence about Theory of mind and CBT – Sentence about importance of adapting CBT for children to make it accessible and enjoyable for this population. The aim of the study was to broaden current understanding of the factors related to enhancing young children’s performance in CBT related tasks.


Findings and Feedback

Design and Sample • Cross-sectional design • A community sample of 98 children aged 54 to 84 months participated in the study • 42% of participants were boys and the average age of participants was 67.3 months   Measures • Participants completed four tasks: o Thought-feeling-behaviour discrimination task with visual cues (TFB: see Quakley et al., 2004) o Linking own thoughts and feelings task (OWN: task adapted from Doherr et al., 2005) o Shortened form of a standardised intelligence test (WPPSI-IIIUK ) o Battery of false belief tasks (TOM: see Hughes et al., 2000) • In addition, parents of participants completed: o Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ)


Main Findings The results of the study suggest that level of theory of mind development is a more reliable predictor of young children’s ability to successfully complete CBT related tasks than chronological age. Participant Feedback Children said that the tasks ‘fun’ to do and some children asked to do more when they had completed testing. None of the children became distressed or asked to stop testing indicating that children of this age group found the tasks engaging and enjoyable. Clinical and Theoretical Implications The results support the view that children should not be excluded from CBT based on their age. It is recommended that clinicians consider level of theory of mind development when assessing younger children’s suitability for CBT. Results provide further support for suggestion that Piaget’s theory of cognitive development underestimates the cognitive ability of children in the preoperational stage.


Strengths of the study Large sample of children studied using reliable, valid measures to investigate skills and abilities, which have clear clinical implications.

Analyses Brief description of analyses Main Results Multiple regression analysis revealed that IQ, ToM and age were significant predictors of performance on TFB task. Further analyses revealed that ToM mediated the relationship between age and performance in TFB task. In addition, ToM partially mediated the relationship between IQ and performance in TFB task. put more detail in here stats pertaining to multiple regression

Limitations of the study Community Sample Single informant measure of mental health Cross-sectional design – no causality or direction of influence

Suggestions for Future Research Repeat using different sample (e.g. older children, adults, clinical group) Longitudinal design Include measure of parent mental health Stimuli

References Doherr, L., Reynolds, S., Wetherly, J., & Evans, E. H. (2005). Young children’s ability to engage in cognitive behavioural tasks: Associations with age and educational experience. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy, 33, 201-215. Reynolds, S., Girling, E., Coker, S., & Eastwood, L. (2006). The relationship between mental health problems and children’s ability to discriminate amongst thoughts, feelings and behaviours. Cognitive Therapy Research, 30, 599-607. Hughes, C., Adlam, A., Happé, F., Jackson, J., Taylor, A., & Caspi, A. (2000). Good test-retest reliability for standard and advanced false-belief tasks across a wide range of abilities. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 41, 483-490.

Contact Details: [email protected]

Quakley, S., Reynolds, S., & Coker, S. (2004). The effect of cues on young children’s abilities to discriminate among thoughts, feelings and behaviours. Behaviour and Research Therapy, 42, 343-356.

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