Theo 14.docx

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THEO 14 Apostolic Exhortation – is published to encourage he faithful to live in particular manner or to do something of virtue. An exhortation does not have the ability to change the church teaching. Encyclical letter – is an exposition on a topic that regards a pastoral concern and giving insight into the faith and ministry of the Roman Pontiff shared by the bishops; but the papal version published in the “acta” can be authoritive to resolve a particular issue or to advance matter of faith. *an exhortation is what it is for; an encyclical is what it is. Liturgical Year – the church recalls the saving work of Jesus from his birth to His ascension. Advent – comes from the Latin word ‘adventus’ meaning “coming or arrival” -

The beginning of a new liturgical calendar or liturgical year; preparation before Christmas; speaks about repentance Liturgical color: purple (repentance; sorrow)

*red – martyrdom, white – purity; peace, green – ordinary time Emmanuel – God is with us Advent – Christmas – Ordinary time – Lent – Easter – Ordinary time – Christ the King Missa de gallo – mass of the rooster Novena – comes from the Spanish word ‘nobena’ meaning nine Advent wreath – consists of 4 candles which symbolizes the portrait of man 1. 2. 3. 4.

Candle of hope (violet) Candle of faith (violet) Candle of joy (pink) *gaudete sunday Candle of peace (violet)

Church – place where the spirit flourishes; structure -

Derived from the Latin word ‘ecclessia’ and from the Greek word ‘ekkalein’ meaning to “call out” The people Greek word ‘kyriake’ and German word ‘kirche’ meaning “what belongs to the Lord”

Ekklesia – Latin word frequently used in the Greek old testament for the assembly of the chosen people of God Basilica – derived from the Greek word ‘basilea’ meaning a place where people gather for a public assembly Ecumenical – gathering of different religions who are still Christians Liturgy – 2 Greek words: ‘leitos’ meaning public and ‘ergos’ meaning worship -

Means public service or public worship of God Is the communal response pf participation in the sacred

John Hick’s theory of Mediated Awareness -

Our consciousness, the way we think or act are being formed depending in our environment

Peter Berger’s theory of Communication -

“communication brings order”

Emmanuel Levina’s Recognition of the other -

Not “you”, another “I”

Martin Bubber’s I-thou Relation -

Treating the “I” as another “you”

Concept of the Individual Belongs to a community Works for justice within that community* History A. First One Thousand Years *separation between church and the state; centralized and bureaucratic The Gregorian Reform – under Gregory VII, the church sought independence from the state - The PAPACY is regarded as having monarchial power of its own B. Early Part of the 2nd Millenium - The origin of universities; more systematic and scientific knowledge

a. Man as a person – an individual substance endowed with KNOWLEDGE, FREEDOM, and VOLUNTARINESS b. Man is social – exists in multiple layers of relationships: Family, Church, State as broader human communities c. Man is political The Understanding of Justice (in keeping with man’s social nature): 1. Between individuals 2. Individuals and state 3. State and individuals

C. 18th and 19th Centuries Growth of Enlightenment Emphasizes: The individual, Human reason, and Human freedom *that is totally cut-off from relationship to God and God’s Law The Bible – is an important source of Social Ethics but deals with a specific teaching: Man’s Salvation Affected Catholic Social Teaching and Social Life a. Religious Liberalism – the individual was separated from the important relationship with the church and her teachings. b. Philosophical Liberalism – divorced from any relationship with God

Rerum Novarum – Labor and Capitalist Season of Lent – begins with the sign of penance; lasts for 40 days (‘kwaresno’, ‘kwaresnma’, ‘kwarenta’) -

Preparation before the Holy Week; begins on Ash Wednesday ‘lento’ Italian word meaning sorrow Liturgical color: violet

Pentecost – commemorates the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the apostles -

Greek word ‘pentecoste’ meaning 50th

Ash Wednesday – “Repent and believe in the Gospel” -

“Remember man, from dust and unto dust you will come again”; “Memento homo, quapolvis est, et in pulverem reverteris”

“Man’s existence is not permanent, only God’s.” Fasting – reduction in food Abstinence – refraining from doing the things you habitually do Sin of Negligence Sin of Sacrilege Paschal mystery – passion, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ Maundy Thursday – reminds us the passion of Jesus; we celebrate the night Jesus gave us the Holy Eucharist; washing of the feet Good Friday – we remember the sufferings and death of Jesus; 7 last words 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing. Truly, I say to you, today you will be with me in paradise. Woman, behold your son. Son, behold your mother. My God, my God, why have you forsaken me. I thirst. It is finished. Father, into your hands I commend my spirit.

The Church as a Mystery -

To say that the church is a mystery is to say that, its nature can never be grasped by the power of reason alone.

Mystery – in Christian faith, something so full of reality that there is always more to know and understand. The Five Dominant Models of the Church 1. The Church as an Institution


“vicar of Christ” (representative of Christ)

Bishop Priest and Religious Laity

*the model stresses its structures of governance and authority to impose doctrine and discipline with spirituality sanction. Hierarchy of Clergy 1) Deacon 2) Priest 3) Bishop

2. a. b. c.

Church as Communion Church as the people of God Church as the body of Christ Church as community of disciples (Mary, model of discipleship)

3. Church as a Sacrament The living visible reality symbol of Christ in the world 4. Church as Prophet – proclaiming the Good News 5. Church as Servant – Church of the Poor Liturgy – the official public act of worship of the Christian community to God “The Sensible, Ceremonial, Decorative Christian worship” – Cardinal Novatel In Hebrew, Liturgy is termed as “sheretabhad” – an internal disposition and external manifestation of the priest to do the service Characteristics of Liturgy 1. 2. 3. 4.

Official public act of worship by the whole church directed to the blessed trinity It is celebrated through a symbolic activity that expresses Christ’s Paschal mystery It empowers us to live a life of loving moral service for others It is a built in eschatological orientation towards perfect fulfillment in the future

The Father – Source and Goal “Blessed be the God Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places, even as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before Him in love to be His sons through Jesus Christ, according to the purpose of His will, to do the praise of His glorious grace which He freely bestowed on us in the Beloved.” -

Eph 1:3-6

Blessing – is a divine and life-giving action, the source of which is the Father; his blessing is both WORD and GIFT -

Means adoration, and surrender to his Creator in thanksgiving

From the beginning until the end of time the whole of God’s work is a blessing From: Adam, Noah, Adam and Eve By the faith of the “father of all believers” who embraced the blessing, the history of salvation is inaugurated. In the Church’s liturgy the divine blessing is fully revealed and communicated. The father is acknowledged and adored as the source and the end of all blessings of creation and salvation. Christian Liturgy is a response of faith and love to the spiritual blessings the father bestows us.

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