The Wonderful Wizard Of Oz Final Version.docx

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  • Words: 3,485
  • Pages: 21
Concert 2018


The Wiz

Cast List AUNT EM: Dorothy's Aunt. Life has not been easy for her and promises little else. Harsh towards Dorothy at times, but acts out of love. DOROTHY: Bright eyed and alive as can be. Would rather remain a child as long as possible instead of accepting the responsibilities of adulthood. UNCLE HENRY: Dorothy's Uncle. Physically run down from years of hard work on the farm. Often acts as the voice of reason towards Aunt Em. ADDAPERLE: Good Witch of the North. Has magic powers she refers to as "doing tricks." Her magic abilities don't always pan out as well as she would like them to. YELLOW BRICK ROAD (Four Actors) Four dancing actors combine to create the Yellow Brick Road. Metaphorically represents the road Dorothy travels down, encouraging her along the way. SCARECROW: Tired of being a scarecrow and the prospect of not going anywhere. Embarks on the journey to see The Wiz in hopes he can provide a brain. TIN MAN: Human at one time. Lost all his limbs to a cursed axe. Joins in the journey in hopes the Wiz will provide him a heart because “it isn’t enough to be good looking.” LION: Travels around the jungle scaring people, but has “a yellow streak a mile wide.” Coward state stems from deeper mother issues and gets regular counseling from an owl. Joins in the journey to see the wiz to gain some courage. GATEKEEPER: Guards the gate to the Emerald City. THE WIZ: All powerful leader over the land of Oz. Hides his true nature behind the façade of a temperamental leader. His true identity is an enigma.


MISS GULCH: Wicked Witch of the West. Low-down evil. Not a kind bone in her body nor kind thought in her rotten mind. GLINDA: Good Witch of the South. Prettiest of all the witches. Very wise in the way of show-business. ENSEMBLE: TOTO - a dog, TORNADO, MUNCHKINS, CROWS, POPPIES, EMERALD CITY CITIZENS

Scene #1: At the farm


Aunt Em looks busy carrying clothes in a basket. Toto runs across the stage barking and playing around; NARRATOR: Dorothy was a little girl who lived in a farm in Kansas with her uncle Henry, her aunt Em, and a little black dog called Toto. AUNT EM: Dorothy... Where are you? Dorothy, I needed help all afternoon! I’m going to the market and I have too many bags to carry. Stop chasing that dog. Come help me! DOROTHY: Soon as I get Toto, Aunt Em. Toto! Toto! UNCLE HENRY: A tornado is coming! NARRATOR: Aunt Em went to the door, and when she saw the dark sky she knew they were in danger. AUNT EM: Dorothy! Come inside and go to the basement!. NARRATOR: Toto and Dorothy went inside, but Toto got scared and hid under the bed, while aunt Em opened the basement door and went inside. Meanwhile, Dorothy tried to get Toto out from under the bed. DOROTHY: Toto, Toto come here! NARRATOR: Suddenly, the house started to shake. Dorothy fell down to the floor, and Toto jumped into her arms. The house started to spin a few times, and to raise slowly into the air like a balloon, and they were taken miles and miles away from their home. NARRATOR: Dorothy decided to calm down. She went to her bed, closed her eyes, and fell asleep. After a few hours, the house stopped spinning, and she was awaken by a loud noise. SONG # TORNADO (sound of a tornado) (Here we can choose a song for the children to dance)


Scene #2 The Land of the Munchkins (Notes: There will be lots of flowers and lots of colours on stage. A pair of feet sticking out from under the porch. Suggestion: use a mannequin feet to showcase the red slippers of Miss Gulch THE WICKED WITCH OF THE EAST.) Dorothy awakens from her dream. DOROTHY: Aunt Em? Uncle Henry? Where am I? What happened?The house is not moving anymore. Come Toto, let’s go outside. NARRATOR: When she went outside she was astonished. DOROTHY: Oh, this place is so beautiful! NARRATOR: Then some people came to her. MUNCHKIN #1: MUNCHKIN #2, MUNCHKIN #3 appear (She sees the strange little munchkins and draws back in fear) DOROTHY:You are not aunt Em or Uncle Henry!!! MUNCHKINS 1, 2, 3: Who is Aunt Em? DOROTHY: Where am I? Is this Kansas? MUNCHKINS: You are in the Land of Ozzzzz, where the Munchkins live. MUNCHKIN 1: (Inspects the damage done to the house of Miss Gulch the wicked witch of the EasT -Pointing at Dorothy) Aaaahhhhhhh!!!! She destroyed the house of Miss Gulch. MUNCHKIN#2: Is she dead? Is she? Is she? MUNCHKIN #3: Yeah!! And I don’t think she is going to like it!! MUNCHKIN#1: (Shakes hands with Dorothy) Congratulations!!! You just killed the wicked witch of the east!! DOROTHY: Oh no!!!! MUNCHKINS: (all of them) Oh YEAH!!! It’s party time! DOROTHY: (backs away from them) Oh No!!! I didn’t mean to kill her!!! I didn’t mean to kill anyone!


GLINDA: Hey! What's going' on around here! Welcome to our country. We want to thank you for destroying the Evil Witch. DOROTHY: I haven’t destroyed anybody. MUNCHKIN 1: Well, your house did. Look over there! NARRATOR: Under the house Dorothy could see a pair of legs with a pair of beautiful red shoes. DOROTHY: Oh no! What can we do? NORTH WITCH: There’s nothing we can do. DOROTHY: But, who was she? MUNCHKIN 2: She was the East Evil Witch. She kept prisoners the people from this city. They were her slaves day and night, and now they are free. DOROTHY: And who are you? NORTH WITCH: I am the North Witch. DOROTHY: Are you a real witch? NORTH WITCH: Of course. But I am a good witch, but I am not as powerful as the Evil Witch was. MUNCHKIN 3: Look over there! MUNCHKIN 1: Her feet are gone! MUNCHKIN 2: She left only her red shoes. NORTH WITCH: She was so old that her feet dried with the sun. The shoes are yours, you can use them. NARRATOR: Then she took the shoes and gave them to Dorothy, who put them on. DOROTHY: These shoes are so beautiful.


NORTH WITCH: But, you have to promise not to take them off till you get home! DOROTHY: Alright, I promise...but why? NORTH WITCH: (Cautiously) Because they really got some secret magic powers. DOROTHY: (Studying the shoes) What do they do? NORTH WITCH: (shrugs) I don't know. That's the secret. DOROTHY: Well, they’re just my size anyway. NORTH WITCH: And I will protect you wherever you go! DOROTHY: ok! Thanks. But... I want to go home. Can you show me the way to Kansas? NORTH WITCH: To the East and to the South there are great deserts and nobody dares to cross them. MUNCHKIN 3: And to the West there is an evil witch. If you go there, you would be her slave. NORTH WITCH: I live North, where there is a great desert. So, we can’t help you. NARRATOR: Dorothy started to cry. NORTH WITCH: What is your name, dear? DOROTHY: My name is Dorothy, and this is Toto. SONG #


Scene #3 NORTH WITCH: You must go to Emerald City. The Wizard of Oz might help you. DOROTHY: Where is that city? NORTH WITCH: It’s in the middle of the country. The Wizard of Oz rules the city. DOROTHY: Is he a good man? NORTH WITCH: He’s a good wizard, but I have never seen him. DOROTHY: How can I get to that city? NORTH WITCH: Just follow the yellow brick road. SONG #


Scene #4 At the Corn Field- A scarecrow is hanging on a wooden pole DOROTHY: Are you coming with me? NORTH WITCH: No, I can’t. When you get to Oz, tell him your story and ask for help. NARRATOR: And the Good Witch disappeared. DOROTHY: Oh, she’s gone. Toto, we have to go. NARRATOR: And Dorothy and Toto started walking through the yellow brick road. After a while they heard someone talking. SONG # IF I ONLY HAD A BRAIN SCARECROW: I need a brain! I need a brain! DOROTHY: Did you hear that, Toto? Who is talking? SCARECROW: Psst!! Psst!! Hey little girl!! Hey!!! Hey!!! It´s me. Look this way. 8

NARRATOR: Then Dorothy saw a big corn field, where there was a Scarecrow talking to her. DOROTHY: Did you say that you need a brain? SCARECROW: Yes, I only have straw. DOROTHY: And, how can you talk? SCARECROW: I don’t know. What's your name? DOROTHY: Dorothy. SCARECROW: Where are you going? DOROTHY: To Emerald City. There's this great big powerful Wiz, and they say he can do miracles. So he is going to get me back to Kansas. Hey, you know what? Maybe he could get you some brains. SCARECROW: Brains? Do you mean that? DOROTHY: Yeah! You can come with me. SCARECROW: (Excited) I'm going to get my brains!! I'm going to get my brains!! DOROTHY: Scarecrow, would you like to get down off that pole? SCARECROW: I thought you would never ask! DOROTHY: (Helps him down) SCARECROW: (Comes tumbling down.) It sure feels good to stand on my own two feet again! SONG # WE’RE OFF TO SEE THE WIZARD


Scene #5 The Tin Man’s Entrance NARRATOR: So Dorothy, Toto and the Scarecrow kept walking. After a while they saw a Tin Man beside the road. DOROTHY: What was that? SCARECROW: It's coming from over there! (Pointing in direction of TIN MAN) DOROTHY: What should we do? SCARECROW: Go over there!! (Pointing in opposite direction) DOROTHY: No. Scarecrow!!!! Somebody needs our help. TIN MAN: Oil! I need oil...oil...oil... DOROTHY: He needs oil! I'll get some. (Finds oil can). I found it, Tin Man. (Pause) Now what? SCARECROW: I think he´s trying to say that he wants some oil. 10

DOROTHY: Look, there is an oil can on the floor. Maybe that’s what he wants. SCARECROW: Where do you want me to put the oil? TIN MAN: In my chin. In my chin. SCARECROW: Here, I´ll put some drops in your chin. TIN MAN: Oh now I can talk again! But I need some in my arms, too. SCARECROW: Let me put some in your arms. TIN MAN: I also need oil in my legs and in my feet. DOROTHY: Let me put some, too. TIN MAN: Perfect! Now I can talk and move again. Now my problem is that I don’t have a heart. SONG # IF I ONLY HAD A HEART????

DOROTHY: Don’t you have a heart? TIN MAN: No, I want a heart. I want to feel emotions. I want to know what love is. SCARECROW: Come on Dorothy, we need to go. TIN MAN: Are you going anywhere nice? DOROTHY: We’re going to find the Wiz. He’s going to help me get home to Kansas and help the Scarecrow get some brains. TIN MAN: Is that the truth? SCARECROW: Cross my heart TIN MAN: If only I could do that. But I don’t have a heart you see. DOROTHY: Don’t you have a heart? Then come with us to the Emerald City...and see the Wiz. They say he can do most anything for anybody!!!!


TIN MAN: Yeah? Just show me the way! NARRATOR: And Dorothy, Toto, the Scarecrow and the Tin Man continued their journey through the yellow brick road. After a few hours, Toto started barking. SONG # WE’RE OFF TO SEE THE WIZARD

Scene #6 LION’S ENTRANCE DOROTHY: Toto, stop barking! TOTO: Arf! Arf! Arf! NARRATOR: A scared Lion was hiding behind the bushes beside the road. DOROTHY: Come here Lion. Toto will not harm you. NARRATOR: The Lion came out from his hiding place. He was crying. DOROTHY: Why are you crying? LION: I am crying because I wished that I had courage. I was scared with your little dog. 12

SONG # IF I ONLY HAD THE NERVE???? DOROTHY: I know. I don’t understand. We Know that you are the king of the jungle. SCARECROW: And you call yourself the king of the jungle? LION: I am. I’m just a big scaredy-cat. SCARECROW: And at least you got a brain. LION: I know. TIN MAN: ..and a heart, even if it is making you a pretty mixed-up cat. LION: What good is a heart? What good is a brain if you have no courage? DOROTHY: You know, maybe....just maybe, if you come with us and see the great Wiz, he could give you some courage...just like that! LION: Yes, I need courage, and I want to get it. Let´s go! SONG # WE’RE OFF TO SEE THE WIZARD

Scene #7 Outside the gates of Emerald City. NARRATOR: So everybody decided to go visit the Wizard of Oz hoping to make their wishes come true. When they finally arrived a guard opened the door. TIN MAN: Hey, look. Isn't that the Emerald City over there? I can’t believe we actually made it! DOROTHY: Look how beautiful it is. SCARECROW: Look at all that glitter! DOROTHY: Now all we got to do is find the Wiz. TIN MAN : Yes, Let’s go and find that Wiz!


Notes: (inside emerald city Children will be wearing dress clothes all shades of green. Disco ball. (music: "emerald city ballet") Funky Town. Children are going to be dancing like if they are in a club ) (As the characters are going through the dialogue the Royal Gate Keeper of Emerald City appears. He is wearing lots of green with super huge green glasses that protects his eyes from the super green glare of Emerald City.) GUARD: What do you want? Go away, no one is allowed to get even near the palace. DOROTHY: Oh, please open the door. We have come to look for the Wizard of Oz. He´s the only one who can help us. GUARD: Who sent you here? DOROTHY, SCARECROW, TIN MAN, LION: The North Witch. Look at her shoes! NARRATOR: The Guard looked at the shoes, and then he said. GUARD: Let me see what I can do. Wait here! NARRATOR: After a while the guard finally opened the door. GUARD: Come in. Go straight through the hall, then turn to the right. You will find a red door, open it, and there you will find the Wizard. DOROTHY: Oh, thank you. NARRATOR: They entered the palace, went through the long hall, then they got to the red door; they opened it, and as soon as they were inside the Wizard appeared behind a big mirror that was in the wall. NOTE: The wizard is actually just a loud voice and flashing lights which show his “powers”. WIZARD: What do you want! How do you dare to come to my palace and bother me! I hope it is important what you have to say, otherwise you will regret it. DOROTHY: Oh, no…


LION: Please Wizard… SCARECROW: What we have to say... TIN MAN: It´s really important! WIZARD: Talk then. I am wasting my time. DOROTHY: (steps to front of stage and speaks as if talking to a huge figure in front of her) Please, Mr. Wiz, My name is Dorothy, and this is the Scarecrow, and the Tin Man and the Lion. DOROTHY: You see… I want to get back to Kansas. LION: Courage, that's what I came after, courage... SCARECROW: You have a set of used brains lying around? WIZ: Quiet!! That's better. Now, I will listen to your problems one at a time, beginning with you! Come here! DOROTHY: Oh, please, Mr. Wiz, you just got to help me get back to Kansas. WIZ: And what's wrong with being here? DOROTHY: Nothing much. WIZ: Does my fantastic Emerald City displease you?

DOROTHY: Oh, no, sir. I think it's the most beautiful place I've ever seen. But there's my home. And there's Aunt Em, and Uncle Henry, and I can't just forget about them, can I? WIZ: Lion!! What do you want? LION: Some courage. WIZ: You mean the mighty king of the jungle is a coward. LION: Only when I'm scared! WIZ: Weakness! That's your only strength. Scarecrow!! Come here!! Are you a coward, too? SCARECROW: A coward? Oh, no sir. I haven't got the brains to be afraid of anything. Except for fire. 15

WIZ: And what about you Tin Man? TIN MAN: Only that I want a heart, your Wizness!! Will you help me get a heart, your Wizness? Oh please I would love a heart? WIZ: Come now, I have made my decision. I will give you a heart...and I will get you some brains...and you, courage...And I will get Dorothy back to Kansas...If!!! DOROTHY: If what?? WIZARD: First you have to destroy the most cruel witch in the country, the Witch of the West, then your problems will be solved. TIN MAN: How? WIZARD: Then, and only then, the North Witch will tell you how you can go home. Now go! NARRATOR: They left the palace and started their journey looking for the evil witch. After a long walk they arrived to a beautiful garden.

Scene #8 SONG # OUT OF THE WOODS??? DOROTHY: Oh, this garden is so beautiful, and those flowers are so pretty, and the smell is so fragrant, that I really want to sleep. NARRATOR: And Dorothy fell asleep. LION: Me too. I feel so relaxed. (falls asleep) TIN MAN: Oh, I don’t even feel my arms. I am so sleepy. (falls asleep) SCARECROW: No! You can´t go to sleep now. We have things to do. (falls asleep) 16

NARRATOR: While they were sleeping they were captured by some evil flying monkeys that were sent by the Witch of the West. After a few hours they woke up. SONG #

Scene #9 At the West Witch´s Palace DOROTHY, SCARECROW, TIN MAN, LION: Where are we? WITCH OF THE WEST: You are in my palace! And now, take off my sister’s shoes! DOROTHY: No! I will not give them to you! WITCH OF THE WEST: I am warning you! If you don’t give me the shoes you will never see the light of day again! Ha, ha, ha, ha. SCARECROW: Let’s get her, that’s what we are here for!


WITCH OF THE WEST: Ha, ha, ha, you will be easily destroyed. I cast a spell on you, tricky trash, tricky mash, turn this piece of straw into ash!. Burn! DOROTHY: Stop it! NARRATOR: Then Dorothy saw a bucket of water that was on the floor, took it, and threw it at the burning scarecrow, but some of the water spilled the witch. WITCH OF THE WEST: No! No! What have you done, I am melting, melting, mel…. Oh, oh, oh. NARRATOR: Dorothy didn’t know that water would make the witch disappeared. TIN MAN: Dorothy, you destroyed her! DOROTHY: Now that we have destroyed the evil witch, we will have what we need. Scarecrow will get his brain! SCARECROW: And the Tin Man will get his heart! TIN MAN: And the Lion will have courage! DOROTHY: And me? How can I go home? NARRATOR: Suddenly, the North Witch appeared. DOROTHY: Oh, Good Witch, please help me! Now everybody has what they wished for, except me. Help me go home, please. NORTH WITCH: Oh Dorothy, if you only knew! The power is inside you. It has been inside you all along. The shoes that you are wearing can take you anywhere you wish to go. DOROTHY: How can my shoes take me home? NORTH WITCH: All you have to do is tap your heels together three times, and say to yourself: ” There’s no place like home”… “There’s no place like home”… ”There’s no place like home”. DOROTHY: Oh, but first I have to say goodbye to my friends. Oh, my good friends I will miss you so much!


SCARECROW: I will miss you too. And thanks to you my brain will help me think of you and never forget you. TIN MAN: And me, I will keep you in my heart. LION: And I will always have courage to fight in your name. NORTH WITCH: Are you ready? DOROTHY: Yes. NORTH WITCH: Now close your eyes and do as I told you. DOROTHY: There’s no place like home… There’s no place like home… There’s no place like home. SONG # Sound as if coming back from a dream...

Scene #10 THE END - AT THE FARM NARRATOR: And Dorothy woke up in her bed. DOROTHY: Where am I? UNCLE HENRY: You’re home! DOROTHY: I am home!. It was all a dream. Oh, dear uncle and aunt. I love you so much. I thought I would never see you again. UNCLE HENRY AND AUNT EM: (hugging Dorothy) We love you too! 19



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