The Vision Of Aug 19

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The Vision Of Aug 19, 2008 Global ECONOMIC CRISIS When Over 2 Million Gathered To Repent! Dr. Owuor Announced The Coming Of A Global Economic Crisis. Nakuru, August 24, 2008. God Had Shown Him The Black Horse. On the 19th day of August 2008, the Lord God Almighty spoke with me regarding some of the most and historic events that were about to befall the planet earth. In that day I saw the night visions of the Lord, and the vision I saw consisted of events that I can reveal and those that I may not at this point in time. In the first vision of the Lord, I saw heaven standing open and the black horse that came forth from the inside of heaven turning around the sky, stretching his mane, and then ran across the entire earth. This horse greatly impacted the peoples of the world and their kings, very heavily. The horse that the Lord God Almighty in heaven presented was released by one of the four living creatures around his throne. He was a totally black Horse that uniquely spotted a long flowing mane. Even as the Lord presented the black horse from heaven prior to being released, the black horse displayed the extremely white flowing mane he possessed by stretching all of them out then allowing them to converge on his body again. It is after then that this black horse was released across the earth. This was immediately followed by a second vision of the Lord in which I saw the Son of Man coming for the church.

Revelation It is absolutely clear that on every occasion when the Lord speaks, it is normally intended for the church of Christ. In this way, the message of the Lord would then affect the nations of the earth, given that the church is supposed to be the salt of the earth. Even much more important, is the fact that on every occasion whenever the Lord speaks, that conversation must always be found in the bible, the Word of the Living God. It is no exception that here too in the August 19, 2008 vision of the black horse, the revelation had to be embedded in the bible. The Lord clearly speaks about the black horse in the bible when he refers to the endtime events. The Lord God Almighty says of the black horse; “When the Lamb opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say, “Come!” I looked, and there before me was a black horse! Its rider was holding a pair of scales in his hand. 6Then I heard what sounded like a voice among the four living creatures, saying, “A quart of wheat for a day’s wages, and three quarts of barley for a day’s wages, and do not damage the oil and the wine!” (Revelations 6:5).

By observing the black horse alone, one would not be able to gather much on his intended mission and the symbolism of the message he represents within this critical dispensational threshold as the wedding of the Lamb of God draws nigh. But upon having a glimpse of the Rider of this black horse, one quickly gathers the gravity of his release in these end days. The bible says that the Rider of this black horse holds a pair of scales as the voice coming from within the four living creatures around God’s throne says; “A quart of wheat for a day’s wages, and three quarts of barley for a day’s wages, and do not waste the Olive oil and the wine!” This vision finally completed the revelation on the global famine that I began to prophecy way back in August 2007, when I said; “that the upcoming global famine would not spare the lowly woman neither would it the educated woman.” It is incredible that that famine has already entered the earth and is taking a great toll on the human population. The pair of scales that the Rider of this black horse displays on his hands signifies the acute global economic and financial crisis that would consume the earth. It is incredible that upon proclaiming this prophecy on Saturday, August 23rd, 2008, at a mighty 2 Million plus repentance meeting in Nakuru Kenya, the global financial markets quickly gave into pressure and crashed on October 7, 2008. Amazingly, this crash has continued to deepen as to affect all the nations of the earth in an economic avalanche that historians have rated worse than the economic recession of 1930. In other words, it has broken its own records in our time. These are signs that the Lord Jesus intimated unto his disciples when he said that the sign that would signal his return for the church would most definitely be the greatest distress of this lifetime. The elements that would propel this distress of our lifetime would include earthquakes, floods, wars, and famines (Matthew 24: 4-10). But, to observe the scale of the economic distress that has consumed the four ends of the earth beginning October 7, 2008 when the financial markets crashed, is as stunning as it is shocking to every inhabitant of the earth. Never have world leaders gotten so heavily distressed running helter skelter to try and stop the storm of a total global economic collapse. When Daniel, the Prophet of the Lord equally described the great historic distress that would befall this dispensation we live in today, he used the words, “ has not happened since the beginning of nations until then...” But this would not materialize until the recent crash in the financial markets, a crash that has not been labelled the most historic of our time (Daniel 12:1-3). However, what matters most is the intended spiritual message to the present-day christian. The manner in which the global financial crisis has impacted today’s human life, leaves alot to be desired. This crisis began with the mortgage subprime episode that saw a colossal number of families loose their homes across the globe. One can only image the horrendous pain and anguish that accompanies the loss of a roof over ones family! Furthermore, as though this were not enough, this global economic recession took the most ugly turn when it mutated and converted itself into a deep financial crisis that has seen many huge multi-national banks collapse in the shortest time ever recorded. This has unleashed a cascade of multiplier effects raging from multitudes losing their jobs, break-ups in marriages, civil unrest such as was witnessed in Haiti, Egypt and Ethiopia, to mention.

Bringing Down the Gospel of Prosperity The Lord intended that such financial crisis would create a sincere awakening within the church of the need to purify herself from the corrupt gospel of prosperity that so seems to have fully engaged the church over the greater part of her life. In the recent past, the church has believed that being blessed of the Lord involves the accumulation of earthly materials ranging from big homes, big cars, membership in famous golf clubs, accumulations of fat bank accounts, to acquisition of private aeroplanes. This, unfortunately, amounts to the exact grievous act of getting over-indulged in the excesses of this dark and sinful world. Isn’t this the very thing that the Lord greatly cautioned the church never to venture into as she awaits his coming (1 John 2:15-17)? Do Not Love the World 15Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. 16For everything in the world—the cravings of sinful man, the lust of his eyes and the boasting of what he has and does—comes not from the Father but from the world. 17The world and its desires pass away, but the man who does the will of God lives forever. This became so bad that literally every gospel being preached in the majority of churches across the earth, and on christian global television, has today focused on how to give and how to sow a good seed in order to prosper. Unfortunately, the prosperity being referred to here has been centrally an earthly prosperity. This is despite the fact that God has always wanted the church to prosper spiritually so that one day she may enter into the wedding of the Lamb and inherit the eternal kingdom of God. That entry into the wedding banquet is the ultimate blessing of all blessings, a blessing that fulfils the scripture in the book of Genesis chapter 1 verse 26. This implies that the raptured church would never see pain and suffering again forever, since she will have overcome sin and the salary of sin which is death. By causing the black horse and his Rider to run across the globe at this very critical threshold right before rapture, God must have intended to now purify the church from this excessive worldliness that had encroached within the interiors of the house of worship. The current global economic, financial, and food crisis (famine), implies that it is no longer important as to how much money the church may have accumulated in the fat bank accounts since the poor and the rich would become normalized, equalized and the same, owing to the crashing collapse of such financial institutions. By the subprime mortgage crisis causing a widescale loss of homes, the Holy Spirit has just reasserted to the church that her home is not here on earth but in heaven (2 Corinthians 5) Our Heavenly Dwelling 1Now we know that if the earthly tent we live in is destroyed, we have a building from God, an eternal house in heaven, not built by human hands. 2Meanwhile we groan, longing to be clothed with our heavenly dwelling, 3because when we are clothed, we will not be found naked. 4For while we are in this tent, we groan and are burdened, because we do not wish to be unclothed but to be clothed with our heavenly dwelling, so that what is mortal may be swallowed up by life. 5Now it is God who has made us for this very

purpose and has given us the Spirit as a deposit, guaranteeing what is to come. 6Therefore we are always confident and know that as long as we are at home in the body we are away from the Lord. 7We live by faith, not by sight. 8We are confident, I say, and would prefer to be away from the body and at home with the Lord. 9So we make it our goal to please him, whether we are at home in the body or away from it. 10For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each one may receive what is due him for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad. In this way, the Lord is using the Holy Spirit to separate the church from the world for her own good that she may be able to make it into rapture. It had gotten so bad that the House of the Lord had now fully settled to the preaching of a very worldly gospel. This had brought with it the corruption of sexual sin, immorality, lust, lies and falsehood, witchcraft among others. Most notably though is the fact that all that this crashing weapon of the Holy Spirit seems to be highly targeted at, are the false prophets who are the true peddlers of the gospel of prosperity in this horrendous act that has clearly simulated ancient baalism. It is no wonder there was no deliverance in the house. And to the extent that the church finally returned to Egypt for her deliverance, it greatly underscores how far drifted she has been from the Lord, the Rock, her Creator and Saviour. 15 Jeshurun grew fat and kicked; filled with food, he became heavy and sleek. He abandoned the God who made him and rejected the Rock his Saviour. 16 They made him jealous with their foreign gods and angered him with their detestable idols (Deuteronomy 32: 15-16). By looking at today’s church of Christ, it would be difficult to spot out any difference between her and Jeshurun. The church too has actually fattened herself with the excessive self-indulgence in this sinful world. There is no way such a church would have entered into the most holy wedding of the Lamb of God. It is for this reason that the Lord has today loved the church so much that he could cause his presence in heaven to release the black horse that has now unleashed distress as has not been seen since the creation of nations (Daniel 12:1). Ironically, as painful as this interlude of distress maybe, it is actually a mighty blessing unto the church because it highlights one of the greatest spiritual landmarks that the church ought to have been looking forward to. Immediately following the distress outlined by our Lord Jesus in Matthew chapter 24 verse 8, right away appears the tribulation in verse 9. That implies that a major spiritual event takes place to warrant the transition from the beginning of birthpains into the deep birthpains presented in Matthew chapter 24 verse 9. As a pointer to this spiritual event that may have caused such a transition, in the book of Daniel chapter 12 verses 2 and three, the Lord describes the rapture of the asleep in the dust of the earth (holy dead christians), right after the phemonon distress of verse 1. That implies that Matthew chapter 24 verse 8 and Matthew chapter 24 verse 9 is hidden the precious and most glorious wedding of the Lamb of God (rapture). This is the reason why in that mighty vision of August 19, 2008, immediately following the release of the black horse, then it was the time for the Messiah to come for the church. And now that the black horse has been released and his impact being felt across the four corners of the earth, then it can only be said of the fact that the

coming of the Messiah in the rapture has now drawn even much more nigh. Prepare the Way, time is fast running out (Isaiah 40:3).

The Perishables . . . By releasing the black horse from heaven, the Lord God Almighty is essentially sending the church from her sustained comfort which has mainly revolved around the things of the world. Jehovah is now redirecting the church by asserting to her that the security that she had build in big cars, big homes and fat bank accounts are empty, useless, and highly perishable. The Lord has crashed into complete fatality the human securities that the church had built, and in so doing, he is redirecting the hearts of the nations back to Jesus. This is because even after losing all their earthly belongings in the current ongoing economic and food crisis, only Jesus now remains their constant source of help. And at this point, it does not matter whether one has a big car, big home or a fat bank account etc (earthly prosperity) that the church has been preaching or having not; only Jesus can bring peace in their hearts. It is only Jesus that they have now remained with to turn to. Only Jesus can bring the solution. This is what the Holy Spirit is saying to the church right now considering that it is this earthly prosperity that has stolen the heart of the church away from the Lord Jesus. The scripture in 1 Corinthians 15:50-56 could never have been so real than it does today. Flesh and Blood will not inherit the kingdom of God. The perishable will not inherit the imperishable, nor will the mortal inherit the immortality. When the imperishable has been converted to the imperishable and the mortal into immortality then the victory of death has been crashed. Then sin will have been crashed because the wages of sin is death. It is only then, that the church will have been converted into the image of God because the perishable will have then been converted into the imperishable and the mortal into the immortality. That means that the Holy Spirit is converting the church from the perishable into the imperishable and the mortal into immortality at this critical threshold right before the rapture. This, the Lord is doing by crashing the perishables that the church had clung on such as the fat bank accounts, big homes, big cars. It is then that the church will have attained the image and likeness of God prophesied in Genesis chapter 1 verse 26. The immortal church is spiritually holy and caught up in the rapture.

Ripening For The Antichrist The on-going humiliating crash of the first and third-world financial markets and the horrendous onset of the humongous global economic crisis, have literally pushed human life to the brinks. The agony though is worsened by the fact that one may even own colossal amounts of money in the bank and yet not be able to access them. Such a scenario can only help to degenerate human life and unleash wanton social upheaval across the globe. This mainly will come from the failure of families to put bread on the table, maintain a roof over their heads, service health care, and failure of governments to

stand on their promises to the citizenry. Coupled with the already on-going energy crisis that directly hinges on the price of crude oil, the cost of production for the farmers seems to have already escalated through the roof. That can only mean that the amount of acreage under crop production will shrink and hence the quantities of harvest in the national granaries. A scenario of this nature appears to be quickly ripening the earth for the onset of the dominion of the antichrist, as many nations will now seek one authority to take charge of things. In the book of 2 Thessalonians chapter 2 verses 6 through 8, the Lord says; “ and now you know what is holding him back so that he may be revealed at the proper time. For the secret power of lawlessness is already at work; but the one who now holds it back will continue to do so till he is taken out of the way. And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will overthrow with the breath of his mouth and destroy by the splendour of his coming.” Because of the collapse in the major global economies, a collapse that is beginning to take shape now as the Black horse traverses the earth, there will quickly arise a need for world leaders to agree with one who will seemingly weld authority to take charge of things in the energy sector, and have enough resources to bail out collapsed financial institutions. That person is the antichrist. The Black Horse that the Lord released on August 19, 2008, has hence essentially ripened the earth for the antichrist to rise up and take control. But, It is so fearful to even imagine that as the earth ripens up for the antichrist to arise, the rapture will have taken place by the time he is enthroned. It is the message of Prepare the Way in your hearts, for the coming of Christ Jesus, the Messiah, in the wedding of the Lamb, that you may not see the tribulation. That is the message that the Lord God Almighty is passing to the church through the vision of the Black Horse that has now crashed all the financial markets.

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