The Universal Symphony

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The Universal Symphony

Power Systems Compared There are two opposing power systems in existence. One is the Anticivilization System or AC System for short. The other is the Civilization-of-the-Universe System or C-of-U System for short. Both power systems control all. They are the paradigms in which conscious beings operate. Conscious beings perish in the AC System. And they flourish in the C-of-U System. Today, as throughout history, the AC System dominates life on earth. Tomorrow and forever after, the C-of-U System will dominate life on earth. The following table compares these two power systems. (Reference: Supra Power by Frank R. Wallace)

AC System C-of-U System REQUIRES Intentional dishonesty Undivided honesty CONSISTS OF Subjective laws, weapons, prisons, cemeteries Objective laws, competition, businesses, riches LED BY Criminal minds Business minds USES Prosperity-and-life drains exemplified by Hitler's & FDR's value-destroying system Prosperity-and-life pumps exemplified by Kroc's & Gates' value-producing system STRIVES FOR Maximum value usurpation/destruction Maximum value production/distribution RESULTS IN Misery, poverty, death Excitement, prosperity, life GROUNDED IN Homer-Plato-Virgil-Kant ideological matrices Aristotle-Beowulf-Rand-Wallace ideological matrices ETHICAL MODE Altruism sacrifices citizens to external authorities: immoral Rational self-interest benefits every citizen: moral EXISTS IN Anticivilization Civilization of the Universe

False Power versus Genuine Power As deduced from the 1996 Genuine Power book, the two world-dominating forces—false power and genuine power—have no choice but to collide like the collision between antimatter and matter. This is so because the former now rules the world but the latter is infinitely more powerful. False power has been around so long and is so entrenched on earth that it will not go away without an all-out battle. These two power systems are bound to collide. What will happen when they collide? The real power system will obliterate the fake power system. Then everybody will dump false power techniques to harness genuine power for a wealthy, sexy, and immortal life. Putting the microscope on these two approaches to power lets one see that false power comprises faking reality in order to gain values. One also sees that genuine power comprises integrating the facts of reality honestly to consistently act on reality—so one can produce values and wealth for oneself and other people. One might wonder "How could false power dominate life on planet Earth so long?" The answer is that false power requires everyone's mind to be scrambled by illusions and hoaxes. This way, ruling-elite leaders can dupe, drain, and destroy citizens with impunity.

The Paperless Life The age of cyberspace has arrived. The computer, external storage devices, and servers will replace paper as the storage medium for information. Eventually, the Internet's servers will store nearly all the text, audio, and video data in the world. When this shift occurs, paper and pens will be essentially obsolete like feather pens and papyrus scrolls are obsolete today. Almost everyone will then bring information from their heads into the physical world via computers and related information appliances.

The Documented Life With the rise of cyberspace, government and business can easily document each citizen's life. Yet, objective law guarantees such documentation cannot turn into an Orwellian nightmare where leaders control and drain their subjects. Instead, a documented life simply means that an individual's activities can be electronically recorded. With superior electronic devices, people will be able to track a citizen's activities anywhere in the world at anytime. Tracking companies will then sell this information to businesses for marketing purposes and to governments for legal purposes.

Survival Pressure is the key to Success

During the final stages of the fall of anticivilization, everyone—youth and adults—will find themselves under the heat of survival pressure. Linking one's life to survival pressure is what drives one out of the traditional mind and into the perfect mind. Everyone will eventually scramble to dump the disintegrating traditional mind in order to develop the integrating perfect mind. Each individual who goes through this transformation will discover open-ended success. The perfect mind enables anyone to integrate reality objectively for limitless knowledge, power, and prosperity.

Event Horizons of Anticivilization and Rational Civilization An event horizon is the entrance to something, such as the entrance of a black hole. The event horizon of anticivilization is irrationality. The event horizon of rational civilization is rationality. An anticivilization begins—and every child is drawn into it—via irrationality. That is to say, one enters anticivilization by accepting irrational ideas and mystical notions. For example, the blueprint for earth's anticivilization is Plato's The Republic. That masterwork is filled with non-contextual assertions, specious reasoning, mystical notions, and overt dishonesty. But for that book to impact the world, individuals must have embraced Plato's ideas and applied them to daily life. That is what happened. For over 2000 years, people have woven Plato's philosophy throughout government, religion, education, the media, and more. However, each individual must accept irrationality on a personal level to remain trapped within earth's anticivilization. Upholding irrational concepts such as God, reincarnation, external authorities, and so on leaves one trapped in the anticivilization. One then perishes within a handful of decades. How can one escape that fatal world? The way to enter rational civilization—a post-mortal world—is through rationality. One needs to ruthlessly reject all irrational ideas within oneself. Then one needs to integrate rational ideas into one's knowledge to survive and prosper. In other words, one escapes the life destroying anticivilization by rejecting all forms of irrationality. One enters rational civilization by accepting and building upon rational ideas. What is the result? Money, power, sex, and love flow to those who jettison irrationality and consistently act on reality.

Paradise on Earth Throughout history, mystics have proffered a supernatural paradise. That paradise, according to mystics, exists in another life. One enters paradise after one leaves this corrupt earth, or so the story goes. But mystics bury the fact that paradise can be experienced here on earth, now—by all honest, productive people. Paradise now, here on earth? Is this a Morian Utopia of totalitarianism? No. Not this time. The rise of Advanced Man with a perfect mind and body will annihilate initiatory force, fraud, and coercion. That condition will clear the way for a paradise on earth. What would a paradise on earth be like?

No one currently knows what a paradise on earth would be like. But it is coming, perhaps soon after the turn of the third millennium. Here, in broad strokes, is a picture of a paradise on earth. Everyone would live in an objective-law society. This means that citizens would understand nearly all the laws. Lawyers will not have to interpret unclear or contradictory laws; such laws will no longer exist. Also, impartial justice would reign supreme. This means that objective criminals would be prosecuted while objective producers would be protected—eternally. What would be the result? Everyone would live in an immortal civilization marked by a skyrocketing standard of living and a skydiving cost of living. Taxation, regulations, inflation, war, crime, poverty, sickness, and death would vanish. With the moral and legal prohibition of initiatory force, coercion, and fraud, the criminal mind and its tools of taxation, regulations, subjective laws, and so on will become obsolete. The criminal mind and its tools of usurpation and destruction will be ostracized into oblivion. Everyone will then flourish—forever.

Entering Civilization Before one can enter civilization, one needs to break out of anticivilization. How can one do that? One needs to break all ties with the illusion-based anticivilization. One needs to disconnect from the insane dynamics that comprise the upside-down world. One can then disregard all humanoid leaders and their salaried value destroyers. Finally, one becomes unable to support dishonest ploys, usurpation, or destruction. After one has broken all ties with the inherently corrupt anticivilization, one is poised to enter rational civilization. But there are a few things one needs to do in order to enter civilization. What are they? First, one needs to exercise the noble virtues of undivided honesty and consistent productivity. This means that one has zero gaps in honesty and productivity. One inexorably enters rational civilization on such an ethical base. Second, one needs to participate in the creation of a rational civilization since it does not yet exist on earth. The job of philosophers is to bring a rational civilization down to earth. But nearly all philosophers worked to advance the anticivilization—except Parmenides, Aristotle, Aquinas, Bacon, Spinoza, Locke, Adam Smith, Rand, Peikoff, and Wallace. Therefore, one can no longer wait for philosophers to fulfill their responsibility. Instead, one can figure out how to use rationality, honesty, valid law & justice, free markets, and sublime art to bring a rational world down to earth. Once a rational civilization arises on planet Earth—which may occur early in the twenty-first century—one can enter it. How? One enters rational civilization through cyberspace. One can conduct personal and business communications & transactions throughout cyberspace. Using the World Wide Web, email, newsgroups, chat rooms, and more, one operates in a New World: the pristine Civilization of the Universe. Once in a rational civilization, what can one expect? One will capture limitless

money, superior health, romantic fulfillment, and abiding happiness. Gone will be irrationality, crime, poverty, disease, and death. People who wallow in those anticivilization artifacts will become uncompetitive; they will be left behind.

Civilization is Now Enveloping Planet Earth The upside-down world that is choking life on earth is not a genuine civilization. It is a fatal anticivilization. An anticivilization is the link between prehistoric civilization and a technologically advanced civilization. Civilization—the actual Civilization of the Universe—has always surrounded planet Earth from every direction. Today, that civilization is coming down to earth. Philosophy, literature, and poetry create conscious civilization. Works such as The Odyssey, The Aeneid, The Republic, and The Critique of Pure Reason create anticivilization. By contrast, works such as Beowulf, Quantum Crossings, Objectivism: The Philosophy of Ayn Rand, and Zonpower create rational civilization. Today, with the rise of The Local Group in cyberspace, earth's civilization is guaranteed to flourish—far beyond anyone's expectations or projections. Civilization, which until today could only exist beyond planet Earth, will arrive through cyberspace. It probably will enter America first and spread around the world. As this happens, civilization will displace anticivilization somewhat like pebbles displace water in a glass. The new will drive out the old. The good will drive out the bad. And, once gone, the anticivilization can never return just like prehistoric civilization can never return. Good days are coming soon.

The Most Valuable Anticivilization Institution What is the most valuable anticivilization institution? It is the public library. The public library is a cornucopia of values, a wealth of knowledge. And it is an island of rationality among a sea of irrationality. The next most valuable anticivilization institution is the post office. But this does not compare to the life-enhancing values available at the public library. The public library offers citizens a spectacular array of values: books, magazines, newspapers, audiocassettes, videotapes, CD-ROMs, computer access, Internet access, live events, information services, and more. True, the public library is financed with gun-backed taxes. However, patrons are able to use library materials and services without charge. This means anyone can use the public library to learn how to read, write, speak, think, and prosper in every area of life. And most public library employees are genuine value producers. They usually are competent and courteous. No wonder professional value destroyers burned the greatest library in the ancient world: the library at Alexandria. Professional value destroyers understood the profound values available at that library. With a nihilistic vision, they moved in to burn the value—the scrolls—and murder the life—Hypatia. But today, against Advanced Man, all value destroyers are doomed.

Against Advanced Man—men and woman with perfect minds and bodies—value destroyers can only destroy the grand-illusion anticivilization. And the public libraries will continue to deliver values until the Civilization of the Universe overtakes planet Earth. Then the libraries, post office, and other tax-funded institutions will be privatized to offer ever-greater values at ever-lower costs.

The Non-Cyberspace World versus the Cyberspace World In the non-cyberspace world, criminal minds dominate life. There is no exception. The initiation of force, coercion, and fraud are highly competitive in that moribund world. For example, look at Alexander the Great and Adolf Hitler. Both men plundered, destroyed, and slaughtered their way to the top. Subjective laws, fists, weapons, partial judges, prison camps, and cemeteries—i.e., the AC System—work perfectly in the non-cyberspace world. But do bare knuckles and bullets work in digitally constructed cyberspace? Not a chance. The initiation of force and coercive threats are impotent in cyberspace. These destructive dynamics are ridiculous. That is why people such as Alexander the Great and Adolf Hitler can never rise to power in the cyberspace world. What succeeds in the cyberspace world? Consistent honesty and productive effort succeed in the cyberspace world. Faking reality to gain values is limited to the non-cyberspace world. And soon, faking reality to gain values, which is false power, will disappear from planet Earth. One needs to exit the losing non-cyberspace world and enter the winning cyberspace world. One can gain permanent prosperity and protection in cyberspace. Moreover, in cyberspace, one can capture eternal life—both in mind and body. How does one leave the dying non-cyberspace world and enter the newly arising cyberspace world? One needs to detach oneself from the anticivilization. One needs to break all anticivilization investments—including investments in irrationality, mysticism, dishonest ploys, and politically correct value destruction. Then one needs to incorporate reality, rationality, honesty, productivity, and pleasure into one's life. The results are power, wealth, romance, and happiness—forever.

Crossing all Boundaries Most people strive to do specific things and go certain places. After awhile, they fall into a comfort zone and do not want to advance beyond their self-imposed boundaries. They want to remain within their own comfortable boundaries. But life comprises growth. And growth requires that one constantly advance beyond one's boundaries. Some boundaries are harder to cross than others. For instance, crossing language boundaries can be more difficult than meeting someone new. However, the degree of difficulty one has to overcome is commensurate with the degree of growth one will experience. In many groups and organizations, members are urged not to cross boundaries. These boundaries might consist of one's nation, race, religion, economic class,

age, or other boundary. Most groups and organizations in the anticivilization need their members to remain trapped within preset boundaries. Consequently, many groups and organizations lead their members to stagnation and death by blocking their growth. Groups and organizations in the Civilization of the Universe, by contrast, do not restrict their members from crossing boundaries. Members eagerly cross boundaries to bring their values to as many people as possible. In this rational civilization, citizens cross ethnic, social, and other boundaries for the mutual benefit of everyone involved. One can see, for example, how countless boundaries are crossed in the newly emerging cyberspace civilization. Net surfers go wherever values can be found. They are not restricted from web sites because of religious, nationalistic, or other concerns. Crossing boundaries requires rational thought and effort. But doing so lets one deliver values to maximum people while collecting limitless prosperity for oneself.

Anxiety and Despair is Unknown in a Rational Civilization Today, an anticivilization pervades planet Earth. That irrational civilization spreads anxiety, hatred, envy, crime, poverty, despair, and death to all. No one can escape these products. But in a diametrically opposite civilization—a rational world—these dynamics do not exist. Why? In a rational world—the Civilization of the Universe—honesty and effort dominate life. Most people know from personal experience that dishonesty and laziness are competitive in the anticivilization. But in a rational world, these death dynamics are not competitive. Therefore, anyone propagating the scourges of mysticism, dishonesty, and value destruction cannot survive in a rational world. They simply would be outperformed by honest, effort-driven individuals. Where honesty and effort flourish, anxiety and despair vanish. Anxiety and despair give way to security and optimism. In the anticivilization, politicians, bureaucrats, and Establishment intellectuals attack value production. But in a rational world void of mysticism, value production flourishes. Moreover, in a rational world void of initiatory force and fraud, individuals are free to cure death itself. Regulatory bureaucracies such as the FDA and IRS, who work to block progress, cannot exist in a rational civilization. Therefore, all diseases—especially the mind-disease of irrationality—are forever cured. Citizens of the Universe continuously advance in prosperity, security, and life rather than losses, anxiety, and death.

The Destructiveness of Telling Children the World is not Fair A common bromide that adults tell children is "The world is not a fair place." Unfairness is the essence of an anticivilization. The parasitical-elite class shrewdly swindles values and life from everyone. Of course, this is not fair. So, adults use the above bromide to condition children as they are methodically drawn into the anticivilization. Yet, as children grow, they will realize through their own thinking that the upside-down world is not fair. They do not need adults urging them to accept

that the world is unfair. This encourages apathy in some children—and criminality in others. Many children who believe they are sentenced to a life of unfairness will eventually give up the struggle to live a fulfilling life. And some children will figure out that "higher authorities" receive unearned values at the expense of the productive class. Some will decide to become those "higher authorities" to receive the unearned. These children transmogrify into criminal-minded adults: parasitical elites, professional value destroyers, and supporters of professional parasitism. Adults tell children the world is an unfair place—not to inform them, but to get them to accept "the way things are." Children hear from their earliest days that the world is unfair and they must sacrifice their own toys and wants for the benefit of others. Children lack the advanced knowledge needed to understand the altruist/self-sacrifice hoax. Therefore, many children buy into this hoax as they develop. They give up their toys, desires, dreams, and soul. But today, this blight will end. The foundation for a rational civilization has reached planet Earth: Objectivist philosophy flowing throughout cyberspace. With that indelible foundation, the Civilization of the Universe is guaranteed to arrive on planet Earth, perhaps in a few years. When it arrives, everyone—from youth through adults—will leave unfairness and sacrifice behind to capture open-ended prosperity, love, and fulfillment.

New World Pioneers New World pioneers? Who are they? They are individuals who have developed the perfect mind and body. New World pioneers are people who have evolved into Advanced Man. They are the ones who wield unprecedented power that comes from reality-based principled thinking, aerobic conditioning, and a hormonally balanced diet. Additionally, New World pioneers operate from the code of undivided honesty and unyielding integrity. They get whatever and whoever they want. Why are these people pioneers? They are pioneers because they are the first to evolve into the next stage of conscious life: Advanced Man. Today, they are blazing new trails on planet Earth. What is the significance of these New World pioneers? These pioneers will (1) bring a rational civilization down to earth, (2) bring everybody into that rational civilization, and (3) deliver eternal prosperity, happiness, and life to everyone. How does one become a New World pioneer? Anyone can become a New World pioneer by developing the perfect mind and body. Where does one need to be in order to pioneer the New World? One needs to be in cyberspace. Through free-market dynamics, cyberspace will drive a New World—an objective law/valid justice world—across planet Earth. New World pioneers are roughly analogous to pre-humans who came down from the trees millions of years ago to dwell on land. The following comparison expands this analogy: Primitive Man Coming Down from the Trees

Advanced Man Pioneering a New World No precedence available for those first few who came down from the trees No set path available for those first few who evolve into Advanced Man Directly exposed to deadly environmental factors: wild animals & severe weather Directly exposed to institutionalized evil: criminal-minded rulers & hired murderers Competition for survival intensifies as others come down from the trees to dwell on land Competition for prosperity intensifies as others evolve into Advance Man to capture stellar power and wealth No turning back for those who come down from the trees; each faces a survive or perish ultimatum No turning back for those who evolve into Advanced Man; each faces a prosper or perish ultimatum

The first few who evolve are taking the biggest risks as revealed in the chart above. Yet the rewards are immense: New World pioneers will dominate all the power, money, and romance on planet Earth well into the foreseeable future.

The Age of Individualism The anticivilization and the Civilization of the Universe are exact opposites. What exists in one cannot exist in the other. For instance, death is the final product for each Citizen of the Anticivilization. By contrast, immortal life is commonplace for each Citizen of the Universe. Or, Citizens of the Anticivilization experience miserable poverty while Citizens of the Universe experience exhilarating prosperity. Even concepts have opposite meanings in these radically different worlds. For example, in the anticivilization, the concept "good" refers to something bad. But in the Civilization of the Universe, the concept "good" refers to something good. The anticivilization consists of socialism, fascism, communism, and totalitarianism—i.e., some blend of collectivism. The Civilization of the Universe comprises laissez-faire capitalism, which is now coming to planet Earth. With the rise of cyberspace and Objectivism, a rational civilization will now overtake planet Earth's inchoate civilization. As cyberspace propagates Objectivism around the world and into government, business, education, and the media, a new civilization will arise: the Civilization of the Universe. Such a civilization comprises individualism. Each individual conscious being—rather than groups, society, or the state—is the highest value in a rational civilization. Individual rights replace human rights, minority rights,

and all other group rights as the basis of valid law and a just society. Crime drops as prosperity rises. In the Civilization of the Universe, no one can legally violate an individual's right to his or her person and property. In the anticivilization, by comparison, some people must be able to legally violate the individual rights of others. Earth's Grand-Illusion world would come crashing down if individual rights were inviolable. Taxation, arbitrary regulations, the IRS, the DEA, to name a few, all violate individual rights. How? They violate individual rights via a deadly combination of political-policy laws and political-agenda justice. All this occurs for one purpose: to perpetuate the 2400-year-old parasitical-elite class. But the Age of Individualism exterminates parasitical-elites, political-policy laws, non-objective justice, and the entire anticivilization. The following table contrasts the Age of Collectivism with the Age of Individualism. Age Of Collectivism Age Of Individualism Anticivilization Exists in Civilization of the Universe Subjective Type of law Objective The collective Highest value The individual Nonstop losses Experience Unbounded riches Death Ultimate product Immortal life

After three thousand years of perpetual suffering, the Age of Individualism has arisen to replace the Age of Collectivism.

The Individualist Manifesto The Age of Individualism is now overtaking the Age of Collectivism. That is made possible by an irresistible blend of cyberspace and Objectivism. This new age of cherishing and protecting the individual rather than the group has radical implications for everyone. The following list summarizes key changes that will occur as the Age of Individualism overtakes the Age of Collectivism.

Philosophy: Objectivist philosophy replaces Subjectivist philosophy. This culminates in radically new modes of conscious life: objective cognition, honest morality, and totally free societies. Psychology: Clean, replace unhealthy, ordinary people to productively, feel

healthy, efficacious minds brimming with earned self-esteem effete, mystic-laden minds. This enables everyone—from superstar performers—to live independently, work deeply, and love profoundly.

Morality: Undivided honesty and unyielding integrity replace strategic dishonesty and pragmatic ethics. This drives crime and unhappiness toward zero as individuals rationally pursue their own self-interest and happiness. Politics: Unbridled capitalism flowing throughout cyberspace replaces political agendas designed to control and drain the productive class. Then producers everywhere will rise to flood planet Earth with superlative values, money-generating jobs, and plunging prices so everyone can enjoy infinite prosperity. Relation to Self: One's self grows into a mighty value rather than a diminishing entity. One articulates one's values, pursues rational goals, achieves success, and lives a life beyond one's childhood dreams. Relation to Others: Honest, benevolent, value-for-value relationships replace parasitical, manipulative, and exploitative relationships. This yields premium romantic, family, friendship, and business relationships. Relation to Reality: The perfect mind overtakes the traditional mind to become mankind's new survival mechanism. The perfect mind, which functions through reality-based principled thinking, firmly anchors one's consciousness to reality for valid knowledge, real power, and ceaseless riches. The Goal of Life: Immortal happiness replaces sacrifice and suffering as the supreme goal of life. The Age of Individualism will now bring the above changes to planet Earth. Since this new age protects individual rights, it dooms the criminal mind. When citizens recognize that the conscious individual is the supreme value of the universe, no one can rise to control, drain, or destroy the individual. Therefore, criminal-minded people will have to either become productive, self-supporting citizens or perish in public ostracism.

Penetrating Cyberspace From Euclid's geometry to Archimedes' calculus to Leibniz's adding machine to Babbage's electronic computer to the ENIAC to mainframe computers to personal computers to the Internet to Berners-Lee's World Wide Web, man has journeyed from caves to cyberspace. What is cyberspace? Cyberspace is a digital communications medium that links everyone via networked computers.

At the close of the second millennium, 0.00% of the world's population fully understand the profound impact cyberspace will have on planet Earth. Cyberspace is the medium through which the Civilization of the Universe will come down to earth. And that means sweeping changes for everyone—philosophically, psychologically, existentially. In cyberspace, force, coercion, and fraud are uncompetitive. So is the traditional mind, along with the entire anticivilization. The perfect mind is the mechanism that succeeds in cyberspace. Upon entering cyberspace, one encounters a wide-open civilization: a super civilization without limitations on knowledge, prosperity, growth, excitement, and happiness. In fact, penetrating cyberspace lets one leave the mortal anticivilization to capture an immortal life. How does one penetrate cyberspace? One penetrates cyberspace via email, chat rooms, newsgroups, and the World Wide Web. Anyone can create a personal or business web site with text, pictures, sound, video, and more. Individuals can even do this free of cost. People can get free Internet access, for example, at They can get free email, for instance, at People can get a free web site, for example, at And people can use Internet newsgroups, for instance, at without charge. Today, people do not even need a computer to penetrate cyberspace. People can penetrate cyberspace, for example, through a library computer linked to the Internet or through a television, i.e., Web TV. Most likely, future developments in cyberspace will be exciting. Who knows what the computer geniuses will develop next? One thing is certain: Cyberspace is now permeating life on planet Earth. Individuals will increasingly become connected to the Internet as powerfully new, low-cost technology floods the market. This technology will ensure that nearly everyone penetrates cyberspace. What is the ultimate implication of advancing technology? Everyone eventually will become part of cyberspace, then the Civilization of the Universe.

Draining the Anticivilization Dry The works of the Greek philosopher Plato opened the to sweep planet Earth. That event happened over two the works of the American philosopher Ayn Rand have Civilization of the Universe to sweep planet Earth. in the twenty-first century.

door for an anticivilization thousand years ago. Today, opened the door for the That event can happen early

In the anticivilization, force and fraud dominate conscious life. In the Civilization of the Universe, competitive effort dominates conscious life. In short, gun-wielding thugs yield to competitive value producers as the Civilization of the Universe overtakes the anticivilization. The Civilization of the Universe is objectively good since it delivers limitless wealth, abiding happiness, and immortal life to all human beings. The anticivilization is objectively bad since it directly and indirectly kills all human beings. Therefore, draining the anticivilization dry is a beneficial—even noble—act.

Pumping the anticivilization dry benefits everyone: entrepreneurs, businesspeople, artists, teachers, and more. Even con artists, parasites, and criminals benefit. Why? When the anticivilization is drained to its vanishing point, the Civilization of the Universe takes over. In the Civilization of the Universe, individuals lose incentive to commit crimes—both overt and hidden crimes. The concealed horror that criminal-minded people live with vanishes, as does their criminal actions. Everyone becomes a growing value in the Civilization of the Universe. Hidden terror is unknown to Citizens of the Cosmos. Prime targets to pump dry are coercive governments and fraudulent religions. These entities control the wealth and power among earth's anticivilization. They have the biggest payoff when pumped dry. Big-time criminal minds that operate destructive governments and mega-hoaxed religions have assembled empires based on deception, coercion, and force. Such targets yield maximum profit to people who drain these institutions of evil. Furthermore, draining these empires of evil will speed up the demise of socialism, fascism, communism, and the anticivilization itself. What will follow upon the collapse of the anticivilization? A rational civilization will arise. That civilization functions through the moral and legal prohibition of initiatory force, fraud, and coercion. This means individual and property rights reign supreme. As such, each citizen keeps what he or she earns. All individuals and groups—including governments—are prohibited from usurping money and property from Citizens of the Universe. No one knows in terms of day-to-day living what that world will be like. Thus, today, man is on the verge of a radical shift—more radical than the shift from Prehistoric Man to Traditional Man. Timothy Berners-Lee's great invention, the World Wide Web, will speed up the transition from anticivilization to the Civilization of the Universe. And from the position of cyberspace, anyone can aggressively pump the anticivilization dry to benefit oneself and the world.

Icons of the Ages An icon is a symbol of something, typically of great influence. For example, the icon of Christianity is the crucifix. Or, the icon of ancient Egypt is the pyramid. Civilized life on planet Earth has gone through three economic stages or ages. Those ages are the agricultural age, the industrial age, and the information age. Identifying the icons for each age enables one to quickly grasp the essence of each age. The icons for each age are listed below: Age Icons Agricultural Age land, animals, gold Industrial Age buildings, machines, paper money Information Age knowledge, networks, cybercash

The table above reveals the icons for each economic age. Additionally, this table reveals the basic shift in power that occurs when a new age overtakes an existing age. When a new age arrives, opportunities open up for everyone. Today, man is at the beginning of a new age: the information age. And it is now overtaking the industrial age. This means unprecedented opportunities for each person to capture limitless prosperity. When a new age comes along, most things from previous economic ages become insignificant. If one does not "have it made" in the industrial age, one does not need to worry. One does not need to be successful in a prior age to prosper in a forthcoming age. In fact, the more successful one is in a fading age, the more that person will tend to resist the approaching age. Those who already "have it made" generally do not want to change their lifestyle. But each new age affects everything. Money and power flow to those poised to usher in the new age. For instance, Bill Gates was not a successful industrialist who parlayed an industrial fortune into an information empire. Gates was completely disconnected from the industrial economy. He started with nothing. Little by little, Bill Gates assembled an information-age empire that turned him into the richest man on Earth. And he might become the first person to amass a net worth of one hundred billion dollars—even while he is a young man. Scott McNealy (Sun Microsystems), Larry Ellison (Oracle), Jim Clark (Netscape), and Andy Grove (Intel) followed a similar pattern. They sensed the beginning of a new age and worked diligently to profit from it. By understanding the icons of the ages, nearly anyone can profit greatly from the information age.

How to Enter Rational Civilization An anticivilization and a rational civilization are diametrically opposed. They are not connected in any way. An anticivilization delivers eternal death to everyone. A rational civilization delivers eternal life to everyone. The problem is that everyone on planet Earth lives in an anticivilization. How can human beings enter a rational civilization? Before entering a rational civilization, one needs to understand what keeps individuals trapped in the anticivilization. A closed, non-integrated thinking process keeps everyone trapped in earth's anticivilization. Narrow-range thinking keeps everyone chained to a fatal civilization controlled by professional parasites. From this earthbound mentality comes subjective laws, biased justice, armed bureaucrats, prison camps, and cemeteries. Philosopher Socrates, superstar Jesus Christ, military strategist Joan of Arc, cosmopolitan Giordano Bruno, and businessman Harry Helmsley learned the hard way. Professional parasites killed each of these giants in order to preserve the anticivilization and their own unearned livelihoods. Citizens who are not politically prosecuted or murdered perish through gun-enforced stagnation. In the anticivilization, everybody turns to dust. Yet, conceptual conscious beings do not need to perish. They can live forever.

However, a lethal combination of anti-life doctrines, criminal minds, subjective laws, value-destroying bureaucracies, weapons, jails, and cemeteries convince everyone that conscious beings are mortal. That assemblage of government force and religious fraud has been very persuasive—until today. Objectivist philosophy and cyberspace have arrived. Both are here to stay. The combination of these two entities will end the grotesque spectacle of destroying values and murdering human beings. Today, anyone can exit earth's inchoate civilization. One can enter a rational civilization by abandoning the traditional mind and developing the perfect mind. Doing so automatically flips one into a rational civilization. One will pleasantly discover upon changing one's mind that one can no longer make contact with the anticivilization. Death and destruction fade into a bygone era. High-paid liars, full-time thieves, and professional murderers can no longer harm one's person or property. One holds an unconquerable power over all destructive people—a power beyond God and Traditional Man, a power known only to Advanced Man. Upon replacing the traditional mind with the perfect mind, one instantly transposes into a rational civilization. Every area of one's life—mind, body, emotions, love, work, money—flourishes without limits. One captures a level of prosperity and happiness that is forbidden in earth's anticivilization. One directs every area of one's life. And one prospers from everything and everybody that enters one's life. In short, one switches from a "can't win" world to a "can't lose" world. Best of all, one's newfound success is eternally protected by valid law and honest justice. Everyone wins. Even losers convert to winners in a rational civilization

Working Within versus Working Outside the Anticivilization Understanding the following material enables one to fulfill one's life dreams without being murdered, drained, or even harmed. Anyone who works within the anticivilization is doomed to die. That fact applies to everyone regardless of his or her intelligence, knowledge, skills, talent, money, position, power, appearance, and contacts. From the unknown person to Albert Einstein, everyone in anticivilization inevitably dies. The anticivilization cannot be outcompeted by working from within its boundaries. Everyone in that hoaxed civilization must die—rapidly, mercilessly. Why? All who operate within the anticivilization come under the jurisdiction of the AC System. What is the AC System? It is a life-destroying combination of criminal minds, non-objective laws, weapons, biased justice, prison systems, and cemeteries. Such a system guarantees rapid death to all. One can, however, operate from the Civilization of the Universe and its C-of-U System. What is the C-of-U System? It is a life-advancing combination of business minds, objective laws, productive effort, valid justice, businesses, and abiding prosperity. Such a system guarantees immortal happiness to all. This means that to capture immortal riches, one has to work from the Civilization of the Universe. From this perspective, one literally puts oneself out of harm's way—beyond the reach of professional liars, thieves, and murderers. Such people become locked in a bygone era like the Code of Hammurabi is locked in a bygone civilization.

One works from the Civilization of the Universe by operating in cyberspace. That position removes one from the dangerous AC System now killing humans on planet Earth. Once in the Civilization of the Universe, one automatically functions in the C-of-U System. And that system guarantees one's success—magnificent success. By operating within the C-of-U System, one annihilates criminal-minded people while one soars with honest power, supreme romance, and expanding happiness.

Anticivilization is Ready-Made for the Criminal Mind Earth's anticivilization is a criminal-based civilization. The criminal mind is a perfect match for that irrational civilization; the two go together. Realize that very few minds bring powerfully new values into the world. Philosopher Aristotle brought the laws of logic into the world. Astronomer Aristarchus brought the heliocentric

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