The Universal Symphony Continued

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concept into the world. Scientist Galileo brought the laws of motion into the world. Albert Einstein brought the relationship between energy and matter (E=Mc2) into the world. And novelist-philosopher Ayn Rand brought the Objectivism into the world. Aside from these and other geniuses, most people do not bring radically new values into the world. Tragically, in the anticivilization, creative geniuses are attacked and even destroyed. Everyone's life depends on the world-moving works of these creative people. Yet, they often end up ignored, ridiculed, ostracized, imprisoned, or worse. How can that happen? Today, adults live within a life-killing anticivilization. And most will continue to do so until early in the third millennium. That all-encompassing world of dishonesty and death reaches out, grabs hold of, and strangles every adult on earth. In short, the anticivilization has killed—and is now killing—conscious beings everywhere. Criminal-minded people naturally flourish among the anticivilization. That irrational civilization provides compatible dynamics for the criminal mind. The criminal mind rises to power and directs gun-backed agents to kill human beings and destroy earned values. Intentional murders were orchestrated by Alexander the Great, Caligula, Genghis Khan, Attila the Hun, Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin, Adolf Hitler, Mao Tse-Tung, Fidel Castro, Saddam Hussein, Janet Reno, and Jiang Zemin. The philosophy from which the anticivilization arose "justifies" the criminal mind's control over human beings. In the anticivilization, the criminal mind often is praised and glorified—even by its victims. That is because the criminal mind and the anticivilization are perfectly compatible; they work in perfect harmony. And no one can break this compatibility. The anticivilization by its nature requires and sanctions the criminal mind. Good news for business minds and bad news for criminal minds: The Civilization of the Universe is perfectly compatible with the business mind. This means business minds rise to power and deliver eternal prosperity to conscious beings. Criminal minds are prosecuted through objective law and valid justice. In the Civilization of the Universe, the business mind soars while the criminal mind becomes extinct. And that rational civilization is now coming to planet Earth.

Anticivilization's Final Stand The anticivilization is the death dynamic that separates Traditional Man from Advanced Man. The irrational anticivilization brings everyone to his or her death via subjective laws enforced by political-agenda justice. Who really cares about the anticivilization? Most people care. Why? They have their livelihoods and egos invested in that crazy world. The collapse of anticivilization would mean the collapse of every adult's fatal lifestyle. What will happen as the Civilization of the Universe embraces planet Earth and confronts the anticivilization? Individuals across cyberspace will witness anticivilization's final stand. That stand will take the form of criminal-minded agendas designed to block the arrival of the Civilization of the Universe on planet Earth. The criminal mind will desperately try to stop everyone from flipping into an immortally sexy life. Criminal-minded leaders and their backers will rise to stop the Civilization of the Universe. They will rush in to smash

the genuine power and pristine honesty radiating throughout the Cosmos. That final stand will mark the last breath of criminal life on earth. Every objective criminal—from Arthur Shawcross to Janet Reno to Fidel Castro—will exhale a sigh of relief as the anticivilization wields its age-old tools of force to destroy the Civilization of the Universe. Then, that sigh of relief will turn into a choking gasp as criminals around the world witness an event that will outshine the Fourth of July, 1776. Everyone, criminals and non-criminals alike, will learn that the tools of force and fraud cannot stop the Civilization of the Universe. People in all nations will realize that fraud, initiatory force, injustice, imprisonment, and death—i.e., the AC System—cannot stop honesty, business, justice, freedom, and life—i.e., the C-of-U System. Everyone will grasp that the false power of the anticivilization is no match for the genuine power of the Civilization of the Universe. The anticivilization rests upon unreal notions. The Civilization of the Universe rests upon valid ideas. As anticivilization falls, everyone will understand these facts. What about people who resist the Civilization of the Universe? No one can resist the irresistible. Still, the immense power and unyielding honesty flowing throughout the Universe will frighten some people. They will scramble for the dishonest media, morally corrupt politicians, political-agenda justice, and prison camps. They will race to stop the unstoppable. But such efforts will prove fruitless. Everyone's bad investments will dissolve like the Wicked Witch of the West dissolved in the Wizard of Oz. Upon losing one's bad investments in the anticivilization, one gains a secure, wide-open future based on the facts of reality. By logically integrating observed facts into thoughts and principles, each individual transmutes into an immortal tycoon wielding powers unimaginable to Traditional Man. Each such person automatically becomes a Citizen of the Universe: a man or woman of eternal prosperity, romance, and happiness. Poverty and death fade into nothingness like the ancient Gods fade into the archives of nonsense. After anticivilization's final stand, everyone will truly be free. This complete freedom is sharply contrasted with today's partial freedom. At that point, life on planet Earth will have moved from a mortal world to a post-mortal world: the Civilization of the Universe.

The Promise of Life Many people have heard about the promise of youth: Fun, excitement, and fulfillment. Most have experienced this during childhood. But what is the promise of life? And, how can one benefit from the promise of life? Throughout history, man has worked to unlock the secret of immortality. In ancient times, man looked to the Gods for the secret of immortality. Later, man turned to alchemists who sought to create the elixir of life. More recently, man has searched for the secret of immortality in medicine and science. Why do men throughout the ages strive to achieve immortality? Is there a real basis for immortal life? The Promise of Life reveals that human beings will live forever with eternal youth, prosperity, romance, and happiness. Those exposed to The Promise of Life can experience what man has been striving for across the millennia: Mental and

physical immortality. Individuals who sought to discover immortal life implicitly knew there must be something more to life. Pioneers and sages sensed the futility of being born, growing up, aging, and then dying. These people sensed there has to be a better alternative. In fact, these individuals sensed The Promise of Life. But they lacked the tools to fully understand and articulate it. Consequently, living forever has remained a dream. Now, at this pivotal point in history, man's knowledge has reached the level where he can experience eternal prosperity, romance, happiness, and life. Man has reached the level of knowledge where poverty and death are not necessary. But before man can unleash physical immortality on planet Earth, certain conditions have to exist. The Promise of Life will not only provide these conditions; it will unleash freedom, riches, and immortality to all. What are the implications of The Promise of Life? Crime, poverty, suffering, disease, and death will become obsolete. In their place will arise objective law, prosperity, happiness, health, and immortal life—right here on planet Earth. People will begin to live longer, richer, happier lives. And as they do, they will want to live with youthful vitality. Free-market entrepreneurs will respond with practical ways to extend life span, reverse aging, and boost everyone's quality of life. In short, the marketplace will deliver cures for poverty, aging, and death. Some children sense that living forever is normal. And many children think aging and death is grotesque. To most young kids, death is bizarre—even frightening. By understanding The Promise, one realizes that immortality is natural and inevitable. The only way to prevent immortality from occurring during one's lifetime is through gun-backed measures to stop the development of immortality. But, The Promise of Life isolates force and renders it uncompetitive. The Promise of Life will lock criminal-minded people in a bygone era as immortality sweeps earth's fatal civilization. Upon understanding The Promise of Life, one realizes that immortality is the natural condition for conscious beings. Sickness, poverty, and death are aberrations that will be erased from planet Earth. When one intellectually and emotionally grasps that immortality is the natural mode for conscious beings, one will possess The Promise. Those who grasp The Promise inevitably capture eternal youth, prosperity, and happiness.

From Paper to the Web From the perspective of technologically advanced civilizations, the transition from paper to the World Wide Web seems almost insignificant. But from the perspective of earth's mystically oriented civilization, such a transition is a major event. Consider that society is structured around printed material. Today's government, legal system, public education, and media use the printed word as a primary method of conveying information. Eliminate paper and today's Establishment would grind to a halt. Such a shift would leave the anticivilization behind in a bygone space-time continuum. Without exaggeration, the invention of the World Wide Web will cause deeper societal changes than the invention of the printing press. And the printing

press had a major impact on the world. The printing press greatly advanced freedom. Yet, the World Wide Web will free everyone permanently. De facto liberation is in everyone's future. As the World Wide Web evolves, most people will abandon the paper paradigm—e.g., printed material in the form of books, newspapers, and letters. Why will most people eventually do this? People will abandon the paper paradigm for economic reasons. Printing information on paper and physically delivering that paper to others is inefficient compared to publishing information on the Web and bringing others to see that online material. The favorable economics of the Web will drive almost everyone out of the paper paradigm and into the paperless paradigm. Those who do not shift to the paperless paradigm—to the Internet and World Wide Web—will be at a competitive disadvantage. Individuals and businesses that resist the Internet will drown in the rising tide of the Web. But many people and companies who switch from paper to the Web will remain competitive and thrive. Some will profit immensely. An important point about this epochal shift is this: what works in the paper paradigm does not necessarily work in the paperless paradigm. These are two different worlds. The following chart reveals the fundamental differences between these two paradigms. Paper Paradigm Paperless Paradigm Information is published on paper Information is published in cyberspace Publication can take months Publication can be immediate Marketing and advertising is a slow, costly, and inefficient process Marketing and advertising is a quick, low-cost, and efficient process Cost of delivering printed material is high and steadily rises Cost of delivering online material is low and steadily falls External authorities employ physical force to stop pro-freedom ideas External authorities vanish as pro-freedom ideas flow everywhere

Shifting Support from Anticivilization to Civilization of the Universe For over 2000 years, every adult has supported the hoax-driven anticivilization. Either because of force, fraud, or personal choice, billions of individuals have provided the resources that enabled the anticivilization to continue unimpeded.

Consider that nearly all philosophers have spent their lives conjuring up and defending earth's anticivilization. Also, consider that most intellectuals—politicians, theologians, professors, media personalities, journalists, entertainers, and poets—have promoted and defended the anticivilization. Finally, essentially everyone else—entrepreneurs, businesspeople, laborers, artists, and professionals—implicitly accepts or explicitly advances the anticivilization. Why? So each person can collect the illusory benefit of earth's anticivilization: getting something for nothing. Citizens of Earth do get something for nothing. They get unearned power, wealth, love, sex, prestige, esteem, praise, welfare, protection from competitors, and other "benefits". Such a situation is like a child who can freely have whatever he can grab from a candy store. Initially, this is exciting. But after reality asserts itself, people sense something is wrong. Eventually, they realize their so-called "free gifts" are not free. Each recipient pays for these "gifts" with his or her life. In short, a person gains the hoaxed world but loses his or her life. And that loss of life comes quickly—within about eight decades. Again, why support the anticivilization? The answer is to fulfill the secret desire for the unearned. That is the reason people support the anticivilization—from obstetricians to murderers, from entrepreneurs to politicians, from policemen to gangsters, from atheists to the Pope. What if people had another option? What if citizens could live in a world where each person received the equivalent of his or her output? In other words, what if everyone lived in a justice-based world? The answer is that individuals, society, and the economy would flourish. Each individual would move toward eternal life—not in a mythical realm such as heaven, but on planet Earth. With the rise of Objectivist philosophy and cyberspace, people eventually will live in a justice-based world. That rational world is the Civilization of the Universe, which is an Objectivist civilization. A rational world could exist on planet Earth within one or two centuries. This means the parasitical-elite class could murder human beings for only 100 or 200 more years. Not too bad, since they have been killing humans for thousands of years. But what if a rational civilization could arrive on planet Earth within a decade? This would (1) save billions of lives, (2) end political prisoners' suffering, (3) end forced deprivation, and (4) terminate the grotesque spectacle of watching loved ones grow old and perish. To condense hundreds of years down to one decade for a rational world to arrive on planet Earth, people would have to shift their support 180 degrees. People would need to withdraw their support from the anticivilization and support the development of a rational world. Why would people do this? Upon grasping the benefits of a rational world—e.g., boundless freedom, power, wealth, and romance—rational self-interest will ignite beneficial actions. As individuals shift their support away from the anticivilization and toward the Civilization of the Universe, the anticivilization will collapse into a black hole of bizarre notions.

What's In and What's Out In the forthcoming rational world—the Civilization of the Universe—a whole new set of items will be in style. Gone will be the "fashionable" items of anticivilization.

A rational world, which is an Objectivist civilization, might be earth soon after 2001 AD. As people become part of that rational will abandon their investments in today's life-destroying world. will invest in the Civilization of the Universe. And as they do, currently in style will go out of style.

available on world, they Instead, people things that are

The following table reveals what will be in style and what will be out of style when a rational civilization comes down to earth. Out of Style In Style Subjectivist philosophy Objectivist philosophy Plato, Kant Aristotle, Rand The Odyssey, the Aeneid Beowulf, Quantum Crossings Irrationality, mysticism Rationality, reality Non-integrated thinking Integrated thinking Dishonesty Honesty Concealed laziness Productive effort Initiatory force Prohibition of initiatory force Criminal actions Business actions High-carbohydrate diet Zone diet Sugary foods Sugar-free foods

Print media Cyberspace Ignorance Knowledge Poverty Riches Dependence Independence Faked self-esteem Earned self-esteem Guilt-tainted sex Guilt-free sex Neurotic love Erotic love Lack of self-control Self-control Rapid death Immortal life

Many items in the left column are "fashionable" and common in earth's anticivilization. However, upon arrival of the Civilization of the Universe, they will yield to items in the right column. Individuals will not abandon items in the left column because of other people's assertions. Individuals will do this to survive, prosper, and experience abiding happiness.

New-World Elements are now Available Human life is going through a major transformation like it did 3000 years ago. Shortly after the time of Moses and the Trojan War, two interrelated epochal events occurred. First, man switched from a hallucinating mentality to a conscious mentality. Second, man switched from a prehistoric civilization to an anticivilization. In order for a major paradigmatic shift to occur, key elements had to be available to everyone. Once those key elements were developed and became available to all, nearly everyone entered a new world.

Today, at the changing of the millenniums, mankind is undergoing another epochal shift. That shift consists of (1) replacing the traditional mind and body with the perfect mind and body, along with (2) replacing the anticivilization with the Civilization of the Universe. Like the epochal shift that occurred 3000 years ago, today's shift requires key elements. After 3000 years of unbearable suffering, those key elements are finally available to everyone. Once the new-world elements are available to all, nothing can stop the new paradigm from overtaking the old one. Since most people have invested in the old paradigm, almost everyone fears losing that paradigm. Fear of loss can trigger anxiety; fear of the unknown can trigger resistance. But one becomes more productive and relaxed when understanding that as new-world elements become available, the new paradigm cannot be stopped. Today, those new-world elements are available to everyone. What are these new-world elements? And, what were the elements that enabled human life to evolve into the traditional mind 3000 years ago? The following chart reveals the key elements that led to epochal transformations both yesterday and today. Key Elements for the Traditional Mind and The Anticivilization Key Elements For The Perfect Mind, Body, & Civilization of the Universe Theism Atheism Subjectivism Objectivism Collectivism Libertarianism Force-backed fraud Neo-Tech/Zonpower Writing Cyberspace

Other items are necessary for man to shift from the anticivilization to the Civilization of the Universe. For instance, free markets are necessary for this paradigm shift. But, such items come quickly as people begin implementing the key elements. Fearing the loss of one's anticivilization investments is common. Fearing the unknown is also common. Perhaps the best way to quell these fears is to simply accept what is. Then one can make plans to profit from the approaching

Civilization of the Universe.

Letting the Anticivilization Collapse Almost everyone desires success and prosperity. But everyone who captures success and prosperity in the anticivilization is doomed to die. To succeed in the anticivilization, one must invest in it. However, all such investments are deadly. In reality, the only way one can gain abiding success and prosperity is to operate in a rational civilization—the Civilization of the Universe. Unfortunately, that rational civilization does not yet exist on planet Earth. However, that rational civilization will rise upon the collapse of anticivilization. What is the best way to collapse the anticivilization? Simply let it collapse under the weight of its own internal corruption. Abiding success and prosperity—along with increasing longevity—will be available to everyone upon the collapse of anticivilization. One simply needs to let the anticivilization collapse. Letting the anticivilization collapse means not supporting it and not injecting values into it. Anyone who delivers values into the anticivilization perpetuates it. And that perpetuation harms everybody. Those who intentionally invest in and perpetuate the anticivilization do not want it to end. Such people would rather die than give up their lifelong interests in the anticivilization. But those who have little invested in the hoaxed world would gladly abandon the anticivilization to capture limitless success, prosperity, and romance. Consider a terminally ill patient. Say, for example, that a person has six months to live due to malignant cancer. If that person is experiencing continuous, unbearable pain, one could properly say that prolonging the patient's life is unnecessary, even cruel. On the other hand, giving the patient a lethal injection to end his life would benefit him. That analogy can be applied to today's malignant civilization. Prolonging it by feeding it values and money harms everyone. All human beings inevitably lose their life in the anticivilization. But, upon realizing the anticivilization kills everyone, one grasps the profound value of collapsing it. That fatal civilization can be starved. People can end it by not feeding it values and money. Then it has no choice but to collapse. When a person recognizes the anticivilization using his or her own effort, the person can mentally isolate that insane world. Then the person can stop supporting it. As more people do this to survive and prosper, the anticivilization will crumble. The fall of anticivilization will be met with the rise of the Civilization of the Universe. Limitless opportunities exist for everyone. People can get rich by bringing the Civilization of the Universe down to planet Earth. By being among the first to build this rational civilization on planet Earth, one will discover wide-open opportunities. Letting the anticivilization collapse is profoundly moral. Supporting the anticivilization is profoundly immoral. Why? Because achieving youthful immortality for everybody is today's supremely moral act. But in the anticivilization, immortality is impossible. The anticivilization exists by

destroying human life. Fortunately, upon eliminating the anticivilization and bringing the Civilization of the Universe down to earth, everybody becomes an immortal titan.

Outcompeting the Anticivilization An anticivilization is based on conjured-up notions. The Civilization of the Universe is based on objective reality. The anticivilization thrives by delivering death to conscious beings. The Civilization of the Universe thrives by delivering immortal life to conscious beings. In the former world, everyone dies. In the latter world, everyone lives forever. Widespread poverty is unknown in the Civilization of the Universe. Widespread riches are unknown in the anticivilization. What can one do if one wants to live with eternal riches? One can outcompete the anticivilization. Outcompete the anticivilization? How can an individual outcompete an entire civilization? Even great souls such as Socrates, Jesus, and Galileo could not outcompete earth's irrational civilization. Anticivilization agents destroyed them. How can anyone else move beyond the anticivilization? The key is to dump the 3000-year-old traditional mind and develop the brand-new perfect mind. With the traditional mind, one is hopelessly trapped in the anticivilization—always outflanked by well-hidden criminals. Masterful criminals outmaneuver all traditional minds. This keeps everyone in bondage to earthbound rulers. And those rulers bring everyone into narrower dimensions of conscious life until each person dies unfulfilled, never realizing his or her potential for wide-open money, power, and romantic sex. Professional mystics and criminals implement the above strategy by using the AC System, which is a system of undivided dishonesty. Mystics and criminals produce few if any objective values for other people. Therefore, to survive, they must control and drain genuine producers: entrepreneurs, businesspeople, laborers, and other productive people. The AC System gives the non-producer tremendous false power to control, usurp, and destroy the producers with impunity. Individuals cannot compete with, much less outcompete, those who wield the AC System. However, by developing the perfect mind, which is a mystic-free principled mind, one can totally outcompete all traditional minds for prosperity, power, and romantic love. A person really can have it all. By developing the perfect mind and wielding the C-of-U System, which is a system of undivided honesty, a person becomes all-powerful. By wielding the C-of-U System, two things happen. First, one leaves all traditional minds behind. The traditional mind—which consists of the specialized mind, mystical mind, and criminal mind—gets left behind in a fading world. Second, one becomes incredibly rich through unhindered value production. With the perfect mind, one becomes invulnerable to the dishonesties inherent in anticivilization. With that unbeatable power, a person soars past everyone limited by the traditional mind. The giants of power and wealth—such as Rockefeller, Carnegie, Ford, Kroc, and Trump—never explicitly identified the perfect mind and the C-of-U System. Therefore, they could never use these omnipotent tools to capture limitless prosperity and life. The degree each of those giants removed irrationality from

their lives was the degree they prospered. But limitless prosperity and immortal life require a mystic-free, totally honest environment. Such an environment cannot exist in the anticivilization. The perfect mind and the C-of-U System are now available to everyone—from youth through adults. By harnessing these invincible tools, one can move out of the anticivilization and break into the Civilization of the Universe. By doing so, one will leave the anticivilization behind to capture beyond-belief wealth and happiness.

Disposable Lives Today, people knowingly or unknowingly live in an anticivilization. The fuel that runs an anticivilization is human beings. This means every man and women keeps the anticivilization going through the inevitable loss of his or her own life. Many people figure that death is natural. They look at animals and plants and witness nature's birth/death cycle. They conclude that human beings should also fall into this cycle. And when they look back throughout history, they see that all human beings have died. Their verdict is: human beings are born to die. Yet, fully conceptual thinking reveals a radically different picture. By logically integrating observed data into concepts, thoughts, and principles, one realizes that man—and only man—can override nature to preclude death. Only man has a volitional, conceptual consciousness that can outcompete nature, including nature's birth/death dynamics. Man needed thousands of years of knowledge development—which led to crucial breakthroughs in science, technology, and medicine—to override nature and extend human life. This increase in human longevity, from three decades at the time of Christ to eight decades today, comes from man's ability to eradicate plagues and prevent/cure many afflictions. Overriding nature to live forever requires that human beings eliminate all causes of death—especially heart disease and cancer. Immortality also requires that human beings eliminate the root cause of aging and death. That root cause allows entropy to overtake living cells, which manifests the grotesque effects of aging: poor eyesight, gray hair, wrinkled skin, frail bones, and mental impairment. What is that root cause? What is nature's device that triggers aging and death? The root cause of aging and death is a gene that programs somatic cells to succumb to entropy and perish. That gene is dubbed the "Immortality Gene". And it probably can be mutated so human cells carry on the processes of life forever—free of entropy death. Young people in early adulthood can receive an immortality treatment, perhaps in the form of an anti-senescence pill, and never have to experience the hideous effects of aging. They will reach physical maturity and retain youthful vigor for centuries, millennium, or forever. But those who receive an immortality treatment that have already aged can reverse their deteriorating condition. How? Perhaps through a hormone treatment program, such as human growth hormone or HGH for short. Quite possibly, a singular treatment can be developed that mutates the "Immortality Gene" and administers HGH all in one anti-senescence pill, which can be called the immortality pill. This truly would be the elixir of

life—eternal life in both mind and body. However, the biggest obstacle has to be removed before human beings can live forever. That obstacle is the people-destroying anticivilization. The anticivilization exists by killing people—all people. Everybody who lives in the anti-life world must die. Hence, immortality in the anticivilization is a contradiction. It cannot and will not happen. Yet, this reveals the key to living forever with youthful happiness: abolish the anticivilization. By terminating the anticivilization, the Civilization of the Universe will overtake planet Earth to spread immortal riches and romantic love around the globe. Anyone who thinks in principles that are logically anchored to reality can see the gross injustice of the following scenario: A child is born. The child grows and develops into an adult. The adult works for many decades, ends up broke, sick, and then dies. The adult's body is placed in a coffin and lowered into the ground. Who profits from everyone's death? The parasitical-elite class profits from everyone's death by illicitly controlling and draining everyone on earth. All people die because of the grand illusion that "others know what is best for us and have the right to control and drain us." This Platonic absurdity—along with the scourge of human death—shall vanish upon the arrival of the Civilization of the Universe.

Societal Shift People are concerned about what is happening in the world today. News reports resound about stories of tragedy and death. Loved ones get sick and die without warning. Products quickly become obsolete. Businesses shut down. Jobs disappear. All a person has to do is tune into the news to glimpse the avalanche of problems, destruction, and death. What is going on? Why all the turmoil in the world today? Professional intellectuals say we are experiencing a restructuring of society like the shift people experienced 250 years ago. Experts point out that about 250 years ago mankind shifted from an agricultural economy to an industrial economy. That transformation radically altered daily life: machines replaced hand tools, which boosted productivity and ushered in unprecedented prosperity. The experts assert that today we are shifting from an industrial economy to an information economy. Thus, information will replace machines to become the center of economic activity. Such a shift will reverberate around the world and impact most citizens, businesses, and societal institutions. But beneath the economic shift that is changing the way human beings work and live is a more fundamental transformation. That transformation has been 3000 years in the making. Man is experiencing the development of a new civilization on earth. A super

civilization based on rationality, honesty, business, and justice is beginning to unfold across planet Earth. This new civilization is poised to replace today's corrupt civilization that is based on irrationality, dishonesty, crime, and injustice. Today's mortal civilization, which is an anticivilization, arose about 3000 years ago. That civilization controls, drains, and suffocates everyone. No one escapes the reach of anticivilization—not Buddha, Confucius, Jesus, Galileo, Newton, Einstein, or Gates. The anticivilization is uncompromising in its stranglehold on human life. Fortunately, the new-world philosophy called Objectivism combined with the new-world communications medium called cyberspace will vanish the anticivilization. In its place will arise a rational civilization—the Civilization of the Universe. The Civilization of the Universe is an immortal civilization. In that civilization, everyone captures limitless riches, abiding happiness, fulfilling relationships, and immortal life. And, this civilization is real; the anticivilization is unreal. Why? Because the anticivilization requires endless illusions, hoaxes, and con jobs—backed by guns and prisons—to exist. The Civilization of the Universe, by contrast, arises from objective reality. It only requires the legal prohibition of initiatory force and fraud. In the anticivilization, limitless prosperity and immortality are impossible. In the Civilization of the Universe, nearly everyone captures limitless prosperity and immortality. Today, society is shifting. And this is the biggest paradigm shift man has ever known. Moreover, no one can stop it. The crucial decision each person has to make is to remain immobilized by fear or prepare to prosper forever.

AC System versus C-of-U System What is the AC System? It is a system of undivided dishonesty. What are its components? It consists of criminal minds, subjective laws, initiatory force, partial justice, prisons, and cemeteries. What is the C-of-U System? It is a system of undivided honesty. This system consists of business minds, objective laws, businesses, valid justice, supreme protection, and prosperous living. The AC System is advanced and harnessed by criminal-minded people. Anyone who uses this system can gain immense unearned power, wealth, prestige, influence, and sex. This is the power system of earth's anticivilization. The C-of-U System is advanced and harnessed by business-minded people. Anyone who uses this system can gain limitless earned power, wealth, prestige, influence, and sex. This is the power system of the Civilization of the Universe. The following chart compares these two power systems. AC System C-of-U System

Criminal minds Driven by Business minds Initiatory force and fraud Based on Competitive businesses Traditional mind Conscious mode Perfect mind Dishonest/immoral Ethical mode Honest/moral Poverty, sickness, death Results in Prosperity, health, life Anticivilization Exists in Civilization of the Universe

Leaders of the anticivilization use the AC System to rule Citizens of Earth. People who are most skilled at using dishonesty and hypocrisy quickly rise to the top of society and become everyone's leader. In such a position, leaders steal and murder with impunity. They are able to usurp and destroy their way to unearned livelihoods replete with money, values, and sex—whatever they want. But now, with the rise of Objectivism and cyberspace, the AC System will vanish from planet Earth. In its place will arise the pristine C-of-U System. Today, individuals everywhere can embrace this system to advance beyond all harmful people as they collect limitless power and prosperity.

The Ultimate Testament From high above Mount Olympus and far beyond earth's solar system, eclipsing Moses' Old Testament and Jesus' New Testament comes the universal, non-religious Ultimate Testament. That testament is the Promise of Life. The Promise of Life guarantees the end of death and taxes. In the hoaxed anticivilization, the only thing certain is death and taxes. But in fact, death and taxes are anomalies of conscious life. Grand illusions backed by force are needed to perpetuate death and taxes. Many people who pay taxes and move toward death realize the profound irrationality underlying these anomalies. In reality, healthy, prosperous conscious beings do not need to be taxed or brought to death. However, in the conjured-up anticivilization they must. That civilization could not exist without death and taxes. Yet, in a rational world—the Civilization of the Universe—conscious beings do not need taxes or death. They live by competitively producing values for self and other people. That value production meets all

their needs, ranging from survival to protection to health to happiness. Expropriating and killing people are unknown in the Civilization of the Universe. The Ultimate Testament comprises the certainty that arises from applying logic in both the anticivilization and the Civilization of the Universe. If one applies logic only in the anticivilization, one will go mad or worse. That madness arises upon realizing that everyone on planet Earth is trapped in a dead-end civilization. Within the narrow confines of the anticivilization, facts are twisted and distorted beyond their contextual meaning. The worst becomes the best. The best becomes the worst. Values and morality are inverted. This leaves every man and women entangled in an upside-down world. Essentially all that is required to rise to the top of that world is the ability to deceive, expropriate, and demolish like Pope Pius XII or Woodrow Wilson or Adolf Hitler. By applying logic to both the anticivilization and the Civilization of the Universe, one will gain radically new perspectives on conscious life. Suddenly, many things that are promulgated as good in the anticivilization are seen as unattractive, boring, or harmful. One glimpses beyond that black-hole world; one glimpses into new horizons of expanding power, wealth, romance, and fulfillment. One sees a world without initiatory force and fraud—a world without life-draining institutions epitomized by the ATF, DEA, EPA, FCC, FDA, FTC, INS, IRS, OSHA, and SEC. The Promise of Life will eventually free every human being on earth. Rational human beings everywhere will step out of the fatal anticivilization and step into the immortal Civilization of the Universe. They will eliminate death and taxes from their life to capture tax-free immortality on planet Earth.

Origin of the Ultimate Testament Cyberspace is now converging with philosophy, religion, politics, and power. That convergence will deliver the Ultimate Testament to everyone in the world. What is the Ultimate Testament? It is The Promise of Life, which guarantees the end of death and taxes. The implications of the Ultimate Testament are eternal riches for every human being on earth. Upon exposure to The Promise, individuals will transform planet Earth into their own personal Garden of Eden. To be sure, this testament is non-religious. In fact, it is not even philosophical. Any adult, regardless of his or her background, can understand and apply the Ultimate Testament for endless benefits. That application will eventually end usurpation, crime, murder, and death. From where does the Ultimate Testament come? And why was it not available at an earlier time in history? The reasons why this testament was not available at an earlier time are (1) its foundational knowledge had not been developed and (2) cyberspace had not been invented. Today, the Ultimate Testament's foundational knowledge is available; so is cyberspace. The origin of the Ultimate Testament can be seen in the following table. The Promise of Life

ä Humanoid Power Prosperity-and-life destroying power ã Zonpower Prosperity-and-life generating power á Neocheating Purposely integrated dishonesty á Neo-Tech Fully integrated honesty á Totalitarian Politics Closed, enslaved societies á Libertarian Politics Open, free societies á Subjectivist Philosophy Mysticism, altruism, initiatory force á Objectivist Philosophy Reason, self-interest, free enterprise á Malevolent Religion Manipulates people via guilt & shame á Benevolent Religion Unites people via a code of ethics

Anticivilization Items and Civilization of the Universe Items What is the value of identifying anticivilization items and Civilization of the Universe items? That value arises as Citizens of Earth contrast these items. They can, on their own, differentiate the entire anticivilization from the Civilization of the Universe. This lets them dump the anticivilization and move into the Civilization of the Universe, albeit incrementally. Additionally, people can experience superb emotional values through the Civilization of the Universe items listed below. What are anticivilization items and Civilization of the Universe items? And, how

can one know what items belong to which civilization? The answer to these questions comes from answering the following question: Does an item arise from objective reality and deliver genuine values to conscious beings? If so, it probably is a Civilization of the Universe entity. If, however, an item arises from irrationality or requires force or deception for people to accept it, then it is an anticivilization entity. The following table contrasts Civilization of the Universe entities with anticivilization entities. By intellectually understanding and emotionally experiencing this contrast, Citizens of Earth can make the jump from the moribund anticivilization to the eternal Civilization of the Universe. Note: some of the following anticivilization items offer values to conscious beings. But these items are limited in scope and are beneficial only in the context of an anticivilization. Thus, they probably will vanish as the Civilization of the Universe unfolds on planet Earth. Anticivilization Items Civilization of the Universe Items Escalating anxiety Expanding happiness AMC Matador Chevrolet Corvette Dependence Independence Astrology Astronomy Alexander Hamilton Thomas Jefferson Wasting time Controlling time Alanis Morissette Janet Jackson Statism Capitalism Neurotic love Romantic love Vertical-only thinking

Lateral-and-vertical thinking Zombie-like boredom Child-like joy Criminal actions Business actions Paper money Cybercash Women of Newsweek Women of Playboy Theism Atheism Bolshevik Revolution American Revolution Igor Stravinsky Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Paper publishing Cyberspace publishing Marijuana highs Aerobic highs Drained elderly people Pristine youth Farinelli movie Immortal Beloved movie Charles Ponzi Bill Gates Seven Mary Three music Triumph music Naturalism Romanticism

Internal Revenue Service Department of Defense Human death Immortal life

Race into Cyberspace The 3000-year-old anticivilization is disintegrating. That mystical world is the pre-cyberspace world. And it is riddled with initiatory force, fraud, and coercion. The cyberspace world, which is the precursor to the Civilization of the Universe, has arrived on planet Earth. That marks the end of using force and fraud to gain values. As the anticivilization approaches its final days, some people are learning about a better alternative. That alternative is the wide-open cyberspace civilization—a civilization free of force-backed sacrifice. As individuals grasp the futility of living in the anticivilization, they will look for something better. They will seek out, as some people are now doing, a way to capture ever growing prosperity and happiness. Human beings are by nature value-seeking organisms. As such, they naturally gravitate toward values and away from disvalues. That is to say, human beings naturally move toward riches, health, happiness, and life, and move away from poverty, sickness, misery, and death. In the anticivilization, criminal-minded people—epitomized by high-profile politicians, theologians, bureaucrats, lawyers, professors, media commentators, and fake business executives—drive citizens away from values and toward disvalues. For instance, criminal-minded leaders craft societies that prevent most citizens from capturing limitless prosperity and happiness. Specious laws and bogus regulations block citizens from unleashing their full potential to produce values for other people and prosper as a result. Many of those politically blocked citizens resign to a life of poverty and unhappiness, which results from not producing maximum values for self and other people. Ultimately, citizens move from restrictions to poverty to misery to sickness to death. Fortunately, the rise of cyberspace allows citizens to bypass anticivilization dynamics. Since force and fraud are not competitive in cyberspace, people are free to actualize their full potential to produce and prosper. What is the result? Citizens of Earth eventually transpose into Citizens of the Universe. Today, that transformation is beginning to occur. The Internet is rising in popularity around the world. Every year millions of people migrate from the pre-cyberspace world into cyberspace. That trend will only speed up as individuals discover wide-open opportunities for limitless wealth and happiness via cyberspace business dynamics. In such a competitive, unregulated milieu, any person—regardless of background—can make their dreams come true. How? By exploiting one's most profitable business actions in

cyberspace, one will evolve into a healthy titan of power, money, and love. At various transition points in the pre-cyberspace world, certain people were able to profit from newly emerging trends. For instance, John D. Rockefeller cashed in on the newly emerging industrialization of America. And Bill Gates cashed in on the emergence of the computer/information age. However, cyberspace will leave the pre-cyberspace opportunities in the dust. Essentially everyone—not just a few people—can capture unlimited wealth, power, romance, and happiness via cyberspace businesses.

Intense Drive for Knowledge Historically, epochal transformations in human life have required many decades or centuries to occur. Today, human beings are experiencing a rapid, epochal transformation that will affect everyone. That transformation is the computer/information age. And the Internet is the catalyst that will usher in this new paradigm. The transformation of human life from an agrarian economy to an industrial economy required many decades—from the mid-1700s to the mid-1800s. This transformation radically altered the Western World's way of life, including its money, businesses, governments, and relationships. Yet, such a long, drawn-out transformation gave people time to make the transformation from an agrarian mindset to an industrial mindset. Today, human life is shifting from an industrial economy to an information economy. This shift will not require several decades or centuries. Such a shift can be complete early in the 21st century. People who break into the information economy early can prosper greatly. But most that avoid this shift will fall behind. Certain aspects of the information economy—e.g., computers, software, and the World Wide Web—will speed up this transformation. World populations will move at an increasing rate into the information economy until it absorbs the entire world. The essence of this shift consists of moving away from physical objects and moving toward information and knowledge. In other words, the new economy will shift away from mechanical products and toward information products and services. Much economic activity will shift from physical labor to mental labor. More and more, people will apply information to labor-intensive tasks in order to make those tasks more efficient and profitable. This will free individuals from menial tasks and enable them to perform highly profitable mind work. This is now beginning to occur. The information sector of the economy is growing at a faster rate than the industrial sector. And before the 1990s, most people never heard of the Internet. But soon, the number of people that will be on the Internet will surpass one billion. This significant trend cannot be ignored or stopped. A major key to success in the information age is knowledge. Information and knowledge will surpass machines as the center of economic activity. As this happens, people will suddenly find themselves in an intense drive for knowledge. Such a drive could never have occurred in previous economic eras. Most people would not have profited very much from a cascade of knowledge. But now their survival depends on it. Today, no one can survive and thrive while remaining

ignorant. The route to generating limitless knowledge is honest principled thinking. By learning how to think conceptually—in principles that are attached to facts—each person can generate knowledge without limits. That unlimited knowledge is the raw material with which people can assemble empires of power and wealth. Knowledge and information benefits everyone by delivering better medicine, business procedures, investment decisions, scientific breakthroughs, and more.

Architects of Civilization Only conceptual conscious beings can create civilization; lower animals cannot. Man uses conceptual thinking to develop civilization. Mystic-plagued man developed an irrational anticivilization. But today, mystic-free man is developing a rational civilization on planet Earth: the Civilization of the Universe. Amazingly, out of the billions of citizens on earth, only a few people design civilization. These people are the system-building philosophers. They are the architects of civilization. Those few architects design and create the blueprint for civilization. Other people construct the civilization according to that blueprint. Then everyone—present and future—lives in it. The following table reveals the architects of civilization. The first group contains the architects of anticivilization. The second group contains the architects of the Civilization of the Universe. Architects of Anticivilization Western Civilization Socrates (469-399 BC) Plato (427-347 BC) Aristotle (384-322 BC) Eastern Civilization Lao-Tzu (570-490 BC) Buddha (566-480 BC) Confucius (551-478 BC) Architects of the Civilization of the Universe Worldwide Civilization Ayn Rand (1905-1982) Leonard Peikoff (1934- ) Frank R. Wallace (1932- )

Something New under the Sun The Book of Ecclesiastes in the Old Testament of the Holy Bible reveals the dead-end nature of earth's anticivilization. The preacher/philosopher in

Ecclesiastes exposes the contradictions, injustices, and futility of life in the anticivilization. He sums up the nature of that closed world by saying, "There is nothing new under the sun." Today, with the first glimmerings of the Civilization of the Universe emanating from cyberspace, a whole new dynamic becomes apparent. In fact, there is something new under the sun. By stepping out of the criminal-driven anticivilization, one suddenly sees far beyond that narrow-scope world. One sees past the futile view of life as presented in the Book of Ecclesiastes. That new-world view comes from the Civilization of the Universe perspective: a view where individual businesses drive out the bad and drive in the good. What is new under the sun? The Objectivism/Libertarian/Neo-Tech/Zonpower axis reveals the new: a rational civilization is coming to planet Earth. And from this new civilization flows endless knowledge, power, purpose, achievement, prosperity, health, well-being, romance, happiness, and youthful life. Consider that in the anticivilization everyone dies by strangulation. Dishonesty and initiatory force strangle everyone, which leaves citizens defeated, drained, and then dead. In reality, death is a perversion of conscious life. But now consider that in the Civilization of the Universe, dishonesty and initiatory force cannot survive; these tools are uncompetitive. In the forthcoming rational world, people do not die. They forever advance in knowledge, power, prosperity, love, and happiness. In the prolific Civilization of the Universe, new things constantly evolve. Why? Because irrationality and force are not factors. New goods/services arise through free-market dynamics. In the Civilization of the Universe, the marketplace evolves most new products, services, technologies, and ideas. Without dishonesty and force, new items arise continuously to bring boundless prosperity to all. From the anticivilization context, there is nothing new under the sun; life is a futile endeavor. But from the Civilization of the Universe context, the new arises from every angle; life is an exciting adventure. The key to limitless success in the future is (1) undivided honesty, (2) cyberspace businesses, and (3) advanced technologies. As these three dynamics converge in one's life, one will find oneself on a wild ride to superb wealth, health, romance, and happiness. For the first time in history, people will move beyond the anticivilization. They will leave behind harmful politics, fraudulent religions, the liberal media, political-agenda laws, politically correct schooling, and dead-end jobs. Eventually everyone will take a one-way ride into the immortal Civilization of the Universe for eternal riches and happiness.

Sacrificial Nature of Democracy Does democracy sacrifice citizens? Yes, as does socialism, fascism, and communism. Democracy is the least harmful of the anticivilization social systems. But it, too, sacrifices some people for the benefit others. The basic principle of democracy is unlimited mob rule. The majority dictates its wishes at the expense of the minority. And those in power cleverly manipulate majority opinion via the popular media and the schools. Thus, power-holders profit from everyone.

Democratic societies do not deal with societal issues objectively; they deal with them through the subjective will of the majority. Whatever the greatest number of people want becomes law. Sometimes this results in objective laws and rational solutions. Other times it does not. In the cases where the majority chooses rationally, everyone benefits. In the cases where the majority chooses irrationally, some people suffer unnecessarily. Louis B. Perry, who was president of Standard Insurance, revealed the true nature of democracy in his lecture titled Understanding Inflation in our Economy (Executive Lecture Series, Educational Research Associates, 1974). He said, "Each of us, as individuals, has to be willing to sacrifice some for the sake of our entire society...this must be done if we are to survive as a reasonably free society with our democratic institutions." Democracy, sacrifice, and suffering are an integral part of earth's anticivilization. Yet, these are ultimately harmful to conscious beings. Do liberals, conservatives, or middle-of-the-road types have a genuine solution to the problems inherent in a democracy? No. Principled, long-term solutions cannot be found or implemented in an anticivilization. The answer is a laissez-faire capitalist society: a rational, non-political civilization—the Civilization of the Universe. This is the only social system where the individual—whether white, black, male, female, young, or old—is fully protected and cannot be sacrificed, violated, or harmed with impunity. The Founding Fathers established a Republican form of government in America. But beginning in the 20th century, America's government has transmogrified into a democracy that is primarily controlled by liberals. In such a society, citizens do retain some freedom. But now, life on earth is moving toward complete freedom for everyone in America and around the globe. That societal sea change will vanish democracy along with socialism, fascism, and communism. Everyone will then live in a capitalist civilization where individuals interact through persuasion and voluntary actions rather than coercive or deceptive actions.

The Helen Keller-Like Rise of Humanity The switch from Traditional Man to Advanced Man will be an epochal event. A similar event occurred thousands of years ago when man switched from bicameral man to conscious man. That ancient switch radically altered human life; so will this forthcoming switch. Today, a few individuals are evolving from Traditional Man into Advanced Man. Tomorrow, under survival pressures, everyone will evolve into Advanced Man, like everyone learns to walk and talk. Advanced Man is the most natural state for conceptual conscious beings. Helen Keller was, as a child, in a state of mental quiescence. She could have lived her entire life with her mental faculty shut down. But instead, through tremendous effort on her part and on the part of her teacher, she became fully human. Helen Keller evolved from the perceptual level of consciousness to the conceptual level of consciousness—despite the fact that she was blind and deaf. She rose, heroically, to full human status and lived her life as a volitional, conceptual being. She even wrote a book and toured the world, inspiring blind and deaf people everywhere.

Early in the third millennium, humanity will rise like Helen Keller: human beings will evolve into Advanced Man. Men and women will develop the perfect mind and body as they shed their traditional mind and body. They will replace their mystic-hampered minds with mystic-free principled minds. And they will replace their uncomfortable, disfigured physiques with comfortable, beautiful physiques. Then they will be immortal—both in mind and body. A new organization of consciousness will enable individuals to perform reality-based principled thinking. A carbohydrate-moderate diet, aerobic exercise, and proper body use will enable individuals to feel and look beautiful. And immortality will follow as entrepreneurs convert cloning and genetic research into immortality products and services. Eventually, mankind will rise into the Civilization of the Universe. That rise will be breathtaking as individuals boom into unprecedented power, wealth, health, love, and happiness. In the future, when people look back at this epochal rise, they will be stunned by the difference between the lack of values beforehand and the abundance of values afterward.

Life in two Different Worlds One world is today's anticivilization. Another world is tomorrow's Civilization of the Universe. The former is an irrational world. The latter is a rational world. And each delivers opposite life experiences. Since a rational world has not yet existed on earth, no adult knows from experience what such a world will be like. However, people can use deductive and inductive reasoning to figure out what a rational world will be like. Moreover, one can use elements of the Civilization of the Universe that are scattered among earth's anticivilization—such as Raphael's paintings and Mozart's concertos—to glimpse the forthcoming Civilization of the Universe. While no one can say exactly when a rational world will overtake planet Earth, Citizens of Earth can be sure that such a world will arrive. How can one be sure that a rational world is coming to earth? A wide-scope look at history reveals an undeniable trend from servitude to freedom. Periodic backslides into oppression do occur. But overall, mankind has been evolving from slavery to freedom. And now, the discovery of the perfect mind and body will quantum jump Citizens of Earth into boundless freedom and then into the Civilization of the Universe. The chart below shows the profound differences that exist in these two worlds.

Today's Irrational World Tomorrow's Rational World Education Develops kids' capacity to feel Develops kids' capacity to think Science Church and state prevent countless life-enhancing breakthroughs Startling breakthroughs constantly advance the quality of life

Business Prevents employees from entering the wealth-generating mode Shifts employees into the wealth-generating mode Living Costs Soar toward infinity Drop toward zero Media Spreads misery Disseminates breakthroughs Art Reveals absurdities Reveals beauty Religion Sustains church hierarchy Does not exist Government Initiates force, coercion, and fraud against citizens Protects citizens from initiatory force, coercion, and fraud Police Follow up after crimes occur Prevent crimes Law Political-policy laws Universal objective laws Courts Political-agenda justice Impartial justice

Prospering in Anticivilization and in the Civilization of the Universe Conscious beings can prosper in either the anticivilization or in the Civilization of the Universe. However, the requirements of prosperity differ dramatically between these two worlds. In order to prosper in earth's anticivilization, one has to tolerate or use fraud. This is a requisite for prosperity in earth's grotesque world. There cannot be abiding prosperity in the anticivilization without using or tolerating fraud. This is sad but true. Who can permanently prosper in the anticivilization without tolerating or using fraud? Those who try will be stripped clean of their wealth, along with their means to produce future wealth. Moreover, those who take a principled stand against fraud—those who resist the criminal mind and its millennia-long rule—will end up incarcerated or worse. Once one accepts fraud, whether implicitly or explicitly, one can prosper in the

anticivilization. However, one's prosperity is subject to the whim of criminal-minded rulers. What about hiring lawyers for protection? Sadly, in the anticivilization, most lawyers along with the legal establishment support the criminal mind and its hoaxed civilization. In return for this support, many lawyers, judges, and prosecutors collect unearned prosperity and prestige. But they too have to use or tolerate fraud like everyone else who wants to prosper within the confines of anticivilization. Now, say a person wants to prosper forever but does not want to accept fraud. Say, for instance, a person who developed a moral character seeks to become wealthy but categorically refuses to use or tolerate fraud. What can this person do? Perhaps there are precious few such people in the anticivilization. But what can this person do to capture fraud-free prosperity? This person has no other choice but to abandon his or her ties to the anticivilization—to break away from that dishonest world—and enter the Civilization of the Universe. Then, from this new-world perspective, he or she can discover new methods to generate limitless wealth, none of which require the use or toleration of fraud. In fact, the degree one accepts or uses fraud in the Civilization of the Universe is the degree one cripples one's wealth generating capacity. To eternally prosper in the Civilization of the Universe, one needs to apply creative thinking and seamless honesty to the dynamics of business. Once one operates from this rational civilization, force and fraud permanently fade from one's life. The bottom line is this: to prosper in the anticivilization one cannot avoid the omnipresent network of fraud—a network woven throughout government, law, education, communication, business, and financial institutions. And that network inevitably strangles every conscious being—regardless of credentials or previous achievements. The result is repulsive aging that is consummated by death. This is the nature of anticivilization. If one desires prosperity without fraud, one needs to enter the Civilization of the Universe. Operating from that rational civilization enables anyone to flourish beyond the dynamics of force, fraud, aging, and death.

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