The United Nations Exposed

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The United Nations Exposed

The UN is a big international banking invention for the use of globalism and social engineering. This is contrary to the Constitution. The Founding Fathers weren't perfect as we know. Yet, they were absolutely correct to outline the decree that ultimate government power was infeasible. Therefore, a division of powers within government was a necessity in order to stabilize society and prevent a country to become a tyranny (with checks and balances). Government exists to protect our rights which come from God. You can't understand the United Nations understand fully without learning about some of WWI and WWII. Each wars' conclusions made some from Woodrow Wilson to FDR to envision an utopian world. Woodrow Wilson failed in his League of Nations pre-UN super state organization. The Senate refused to ratify the League of Nations treaty. The Council on Foreign Relations was formed in America as a mid level conduit to influence politics, the media, education, etc. to endorse pro-globalism policies. The internationalists wanted an international body to end all wars. After WWII was over, the time for the UN's creation was on (as

supported by the CFR). Some have exposed the Rockefeller roots of the United Nations. The Rockefeller family was German and came into America during the 1700's. They were heads of the oil monopoly called Standard Oil. Mainstream historians have documented their nefarious past from funding the Nazi Party, buying up local car system (or electric street cars) to be replaced with diesel buses, and controlling our health industry to a degree. Some in the Rockefeller Family also were involved with eugenics, and promoting international abortion plus population control for decades. The Rockefellers were instrumental in forming the United Nations. This refutes the lie paraded by many liberals that the U.N. is a just, independent group that isn't created by the international bankers at all. The United Nations' land was originally Rockefeller owned land. David Rockefeller in his Memoirs admitted that he wanted to establish an one world and he isn't ashamed of that goal. Now, in April 1, 1945, CFR member Alger Hiss coauthored the UN charter. Carroll Quigley in the 1960's supported the CFR's agenda being controlled by the Round Table groups. ExCFR member Admiral Chester Ward said the the CFR's agenda was the "...submergence of U.S. soverignity and national independence into an all powerful, one-world government." The CFR isn't the most powerful group in the world, but they still powerful enough to influence administration for decades. Even the Bush administrations in 2008 have plenty of CFR members like Dick Cheney, Elaine Chao, Condoleezza Rice, etc. Hiss was accused of being a Communist. The headquarters were later moved into New York City. Now, Hiss was the UN's first Secretary General. The UN General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948. It claimed to promote religious freedom and the freedom of expression, but the catch is in its Article 29 states that "these rights and freedoms may in no case be exercised contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations." In other words, you can't outline principles that go against the rule of the UN. These rights aren't granted to those nations that oppose the United Nations, but show compliance to the United Nations as a requirement to earn rights. Many of the UN leaders from Under Secretaries, etc. were Communists or had elitist connections. The United Nations were involved in the Congo. European nations were pressured to need colonization. Ending colonialization was fine, but many Soviet Communists wanted control of the Congo. Peaceful independence lasted for a short time in the Congo and war existed. It's more complex than the Communists though. See, although Patrice Lumumba was a hashish smoking Communist person (he was called a great African leader by Nikita Khrushev), the Rockefellers wanted the Congo's resources. The Belgian elites didn't want Chase Manhattan to have that power over the Congo's coal, cobalt, copper, diamonds, germanium, gold, and manganese. For a time, the West aligned with the Soviets to get Belgians out of the region. The chaos caused Europeans to flee the Congo because of the murdering and chaos going on. The Belgian troops came into the region to control it and protect the property of the Belgians there. The US sided with a Russian resolution (from the UN) to condemn Belgian activities. This authorized the U.N. to send troops to aid Lumumba. Hence, Belgian troops left the Congo and Lumumba received United Nations protection. The move backfired when Lumumba wanted not allow the mineral resources of the Congo to exploited by anyone. He said this in 1959. The U.S. then worked with the Belgium government to support Moise Tshombe, who is the leader of the seceded province. According to a 1985 retrospective study

prepared by International Basic Economy Corporation, top executives of Belgian corporations in the Congo and the Rockefeller conglomerate met to bargain. The beginning of these negotiations took place at the 1960 Bilderberg meeting in Burgenstock, Switzerland (Henry Kissinger was representing the Rockefeller dynasty and Pierre de Wigny was a Belgian foreign minister plus the former general counsel of the SG Trust). The West decided to assassinate Lumumba in order to gain Congo's resources more effectively. Leonard Mosley said that a US National Security Council meeting that the President wanted Lumumba out. Lumumba was murdered by Joseph Mubuto (whom Mosley called a CIA puppet). Some believe that the CIA killed him. CIA officer Paul Sakwa would recall Lawrence Devlin, CIA Station Chief in Leopoldville, taking credit for coordinating Lumumba's assassination (Pease, 1999, p. 5). In his book In Search of Enemies, former CIA operative John Stockwell tells of how he was approached by an Agency colleague who claimed to have Lumumba's corpse hidden away in the trunk of his car (1978, p. 105). It's definitely true though that the bluebloods and the elite seek that Lumumba would be out of the way. Even in the place of Katanga, people were murdered by the United Nations. The UN was supported by the US to bomb in Katanga illegally against Katanga's sovereignty. It was a major attack in the December 1961 bombing in the capital of Katanga. The United Nations committed atrocities against civilians. Katanga was a breakaway area from the Congo (whose head was Moise Tshombe, who then began to oppose Wall Street financiers and wanted true independence from the Congo). Tshombe wanted no chaos and he was anti-Communist. Katanga for a time had peace. The Soviets called Tshombe a traitor. Some accuse the UN of promoting Soviet-style colonalism in the continent of Africa. Africa on many levels have been denied true independence. The deal is that the evil oligarchies used violence to prevent the people of the Congo to establish true independence. The U.N. was apart of the problem of the economic exploitation of the Congo as well.

Mao Tse Tung forced the Nationalists into Taiwan. Mao murdered millions of people in China. In 1971, the United Nations voted to have China in the UN, while Taiwan was thrown out of the U.N. In 1989, Communist troops in China murdered peaceful protestors. Some were crushed with armored tanks. There were the killing fields of Cambodians (This occured in 1975 The Khmer Rouge ruled Cambodia). They murdered as much as 1/3 of Cambodia with the UN doing nothing about it. Leng Sary (who is a foreign minister of the Khmer Rouge) was flown to the UN. He boasted that he cleansed the cities. Some applauded. Many terrorists and bureaucrats were aligned with the United Nations. Other forms of genocide were inspired by the U.N. and Western governments have been going on for many decades. One example of this was in Timor. These deeds occurred during the Carter administration. December 7, 1975 had bombs in Dili, East Timor. Troops invaded Dili (who almost outnumbered the residents of Dili) and for 2 weeks people were indiscriminately killed for no reason. The Timor tribes came into the jungles to escape the murders by the thousands. By 1977 to 1978, Indonesian set up retrieving centers for the Timorese escaping the jungle, to kill them. The Indonesian troops killed children and babies. They also starved them to death. The USA backed this genocide in the late 1970's and the Carter administration

increased arms sales to Indonesia. Wicked leaders readily kill independent nations that seek to live their own lives refusing to be control by globalists.

The World Federalist Associate blatantly promotes World Government. Walter Cronkite received the WFA award to promote global government. Cronkite said that he wants world law and an enforceable world government. Now, the World Federal Organization changed their name. Hillary Clinton congratulated Cronkite. This isn't new. Strobe Tallbot said that "Nationhood as we know it will be obsolete; all states will recognize a single global authority." Talbot was elected as Deputy Secretary of State during the Bill Clinton administration. In February of 2000, the New York Times allowed a full page ad in support of the World Federalist Association to spread its globalist propaganda. The ad mentions that: "...Cronkite and Clinton make a strong case for recasting the United Nations as a world federation...” Most who support world government try to keep their agenda secret. There was a declassified document entitled "A World Effectively Controlled by the United Nations" from a 1961 study that was commissioned by the US State Department. The study is quoted as mentioning that: " is world government we are discussing here-inescapable." Lincoln P. Bloomfield was a part of the study and said that the U.N. would mention that the U.N. would use disarmament to achieve world government. Globalists hide their real intentions by using slick phrases like "collective security",

"interdependence”, “global community”, “economic integration" or "convergence." These phrases go down as nothing more than world government. Many Presidents then and now have endorsed the new world order like George H. W. Bush, who wants to use the United Nations as a peacekeeping force (including power transfer from America to the U.N.). Deception is one way the United Nations use to manifest their views. One means is that the UN use NGOs (or nongovernmental organizations) to appear to be independent of the power structure, yet they are in the power elite. The NGO movement uses tolerance and help for the world as an excuse to strengthen the UN while trying to increase public support of the UN organization. The UN is also using civilian disarmament or weapons banning as well. The UN headquarters has a statue of a twisted gun. The UN falsely accuses small arms or guns as one of the primary cause of genocide in nations (instead of wicked leaders). They exploit the Rwanda genocide (when much of it was caused by machetes) as an excuse for gun banning. Of course Rwanda wasn't helped by the UN and people in Rwanda were disarmed of their guns to defend themselves (Obviously, NGOs promote the disarmament movement). The NGOs and UN developed Agenda 21 to try to manipulate how the world handles the environment. The International Criminal Court was formed with help from the CFR. The United Nations supports population control, abortion, euthanasia, and other anti-life measures. Many low level sincere people allied with the United Nations like celebrities, activists, etc. want to do some good in poor areas of Haiti, etc. Yet, this is overshadowed by the UN's ultimate agenda of control.

The UN isn't the most powerful group in the world neither are they going to be the total world government system. What they are manifests a blueprint for world government and an anti-national sovereignty organization. As the evidence show, the United Nations was created by the elite for the elite. Some have called for the United States to withdraw from the U.N. The good news is that the United Nations isn't fully powered up. Books, the internet, radio shows, and other sources of information have fully exposed the UN for what it is. The United Nations has many crooks. They have no right to use Resolutions to criticize any nation when their own history is filled with the violation of national sovereignties of numerous countries.

By Timothy

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