The Truth About Christmas

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The Truth about Christmas

This holiday of Christmas is interesting. It's been celebrated for many centuries. The following is a non-PC reality check on this day. In today's world, this time of the year have been extremely commeralized. Not a day have gone by when you witness commercials about the materalism of objects. Every year, customers spend money into big time companies. Christmas comes after the Roman Catholic feast of the Immaculate Conception, which is celebrated on December 8. Historically, there is no scripture at all requiring us to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. I never saw it. Christmas is not a true Christian holiday and it is not of God. That is why the world loves so. In the ancient times, faux Christians like closet sun worshipper & Roman Emperor Constantine merged paganism with Christianity. The emperor Constantine also did this to appeal to a wider audience. Also, he done it to cloak his apostate belief system. Christmas actually came from the Mystery Religion in the worship of the sun and pagan dieties. Additionally, there is no consensus on when Jesus Christ was born on the Earth. Later,

Romanism assigned Christmas to December 25. This date was near the day called Saturanalia (Saturnalia is the feast with the Romans that celebrated the false god of Saturn. It is celebrated from December 17 to December 25. Saturn was worshipped by other ancients as well). During Saturnalia, according to Roman poet Catullus (who lived in the 1st century B.C.), described this day as the best of days. This is where visits to friends came, gift giving, using candles for rituals, etc. were accomphlished. Who is Saturn: "...In the new Americanized Encyclopedia Brittanica, 1900, Vol. IX, page 5236, we read:

"Saturn. -- An ancient Italian god . . . Saturnalias, this is the great 'Festival of Saturn,' celebrated on the 19th, but after Caesar's reform of the calendar, the 17th of December. Augustus decreed that the 17th and the 18th should be sacred to Saturn and the 19th and 20th to Opalia the festivals of Ops. Caligula added a fifth day, 'The Day of Youth,' December 25th lasting seven days. The time was one of general joy and mirth. The woolen fetters were taken from the feet of Saturn and each man offered a pig. During the festival schools were closed...Gambling and dice at other times illegal was now practiced. All classes exchanged gifts, the commonest being tapers and clay dolls. These dolls were especially given to children. Varro thought that these dolls represented original sacrifice of human beings to the Infernal God...." Dr. Cathy Burns' "Masonic and Occult Symbols Illustrated on pg. 314 wrote that Saturn is a code name for Satan. Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, occultist and New Ager, also confirms that Saturn is Bel or Baal. Saturn was also called Chronos in ancient mythology as well. Ancient Rome was called Saturnia or the city of Saturn. Saturn even by occultists was referred to in an evil connotation. Saturn to this day is a secret occult word where it relates to occult rituals. December 25th is also upon the direct day of Sol Invictus or Natalis invicti solis, (or "birthday of the invincible [unconquerable] sun"). Sol Invictus was when the sun god was worshipped in the ancient Roman Empire. Christmas is a time when people obsess with gift giving. Money and commeralization have been apart of this time. Therefore, Saturnalia is a day near Christmas. The Saturn god was worshipped by the ancients. On Christmas day, Sol Invictus was celebrated. Yet, all in the month December aren't evil. December is the beginning of the Winter Season. It's the time when I was born. A lot of people concentrate on the connections with their own families. Christmas refers to the mass. Now, in the book of Hebrews, it condemns the view that Jesus Christ repeated his sacrifice from among the cross. The Bible is clear that Jesus Christ made a sole sacrifice to save the sins of the world from the cross. The mass is not mentioned in the Bible, but communion is to represent and remember Jesus Christ not to worship objects as Christ. This sacrifice is never to be repeated as found in Hebrews 9:26. Therefore, we don't need a mass at all to celebrate God. Christmas is unbiblical since it promotes the mass. Now, Lisa Ruby writes that evil human sacrifice occurs during this time, especially on the Winter Solstice on December 21st. She legitimately calls for Christians to pray in this time, so sacrifices would be non-existent. We must worship God in spirit and in truth (as found in John 4:24). This holiday blasphemes God in many levels. It's wierd that the Bible has verses that are relevant today. Trees are constructed during the time of Christmas. Pagan cultures enacted their rituals in groves and trees for thousands of years. The groves were planted alongside their altars and idols for the purpose of performing debauched sex rituals. Plenty of places in the Old Testament have God commanding his people to have the pagan groves to be burned or cut down. The reason is that these groves were depositories of false god worship. Judges 6:25 says that: "...and throw down the altar of Baal that thy father hath, and cut down the grove that is by it." 1 Kings 15:13 says that: "...he removed [Maachah] from being queen, because she had made an idol in a grove." The Bohemian Grove is a modern example of a group where world leaders do sick rituals (even

having sex with prostitutes of both sexes in Northern California). The Bohemian Grove was invented in 1872 by a group of men (dealing with arts and literature) in San Francisco. One other big problem with the Grove is that the occult Cremation of Care ceremony exist where a human effigy (called the Dull Care) is sacrifice to a huge image. The Care according to Peter Martin Philips relates to Bacchus (a Roman false god which is better known as the Greek false god of Dionysus. Dionysus is the god of wine, sexual freedom, and ecstatic freedom) being afraid of Care. The ritual wants to rid of Care. Care is posing as a mocking spirit in the Cremation of Care ritual. It goes back to the Druids, Babylon, Greece, etc. Some have classified this ca. 40 ft. statue as Molech, but historically the owl statue is more related in reference to Minverva, Athena, or the Goddess. Goddess images date back to ancient Babylon (i.e. The female deity of Inanna is pictured with 2 lions and 2 owls) and Egypt. Pagan owl images exist in the homes of many elites. The owl emblem of Minvera in the occult world represents wisdom. One symbol of Adam Weishaupt was the owl representing wisdom also. Additionally, The Bethren of Minvera was a degree in the Bavarian Illuminati. Saint John of Nepomuk (in Bohemia) is the Patron saint of the Grove. Nepomuk in some stories refused to tell the confessional secrets of Queen Johanna of Bohemia to King Wenceslaus IV of the Bohemians (He was also King of the then Holy Roman Empire). John of Nepomuk was killed in 1393 according to a legend. King Rudoph II of Bohemia was another occultist in the 1500's. There is even an old Bohemian Grove picture of a Mass being performed there. Hence a Vatican/Bohemian Grove link is there. These people in the Grove are the same ones wanting a new world order. As for the trees built during Christmas celebrations, Jeremiah wrote that: "...Thus saith the LORD, Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them. For the customs of the peoples are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of the forest. the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe. They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not. They are up-right as the palm tree, but speak not: they must needs be borne, because they cannot go. Be not afraid of them; for they cannot do evil, neither also [is it] in them to do good. " (Jeremiah 10:2-5). It's strange for a tree to be built up year in celebration of a holiday (on a day of the ancient Roman sun god worship day) that relates to the unbiblical mass of Rome. It isn't just a tree. Mistle toe, Santa Claus, etc. have pagan or occult origins.

Santa Claus is very interesting to further extrapolate on. Is Santa a great person and who really is he? The Santa Claus story is related to the life of St. Nicholas. One issue with St. Nicholas is that there is little evidence at all if he ever existed. Even Pope Paul VI removed the feast of St. Nicholas (including 40 other saints) since he doubted of his existence. In pagan stories, Old St. Nick was always code a name for a demon or the Devil. The Encyclopedia of Occultism and Parapsychology on p.650 mentioned that Old Nick is a well known British name of the Devil. The story of Santa Claus existed in modern times in the 1600's in the nation of the Netherlands (he was called Sint Nikolass or Sinter Klaas in the Dutch language). Although others like Charles W. Jones believes that such Claus stories existed in earlier times from Switzerland and southern Germany (according to the source of Jones, Charles. W. "Knickerbocker Santa Claus." The New-York Historical Society Quarterly, October 1954, Volume XXXVIII Number Four, p. 366). Some have pointed to a pagan origin of Santa Claus. Encyclopedia Britannica describes the role of Nordic mythology in the life of Santa: Sinterklaas was adopted by the country's English-speaking majority under the name Santa Claus, and his legend of a kindly old man was united with old Nordic folktales of a magician who punished naughty children and rewarded good children with presents. ("Santa Claus" Encyclopaedia Britannica 99) It's interesting to note that Robin Cricton classified Santa as the Norse false god of Odin or Woden. Robin wrote that Odin rode the sky on an eight legged white horse named Sleipnir. Santa is known for having eight reindeers and Rudoph was nine. Odin had a white beard, he lived in the North, he rewarded good

children plus punished the naughty, and he flown in the winter solstice. These descriptions describe Santa to a T. Mythologist Helene Adeline Guerber presents a very convincing case of tracing Santa to the Norse god Thor in the book entitled, "Myths of Northern Lands" (which was written in 1895) from pg. 61. Thor and Santa have similarities from being elderly, jovial, of heavy build, each have a white long beard, their color is red, they live in the Northland or the North pole, and they came through the chimney in their element of fire. Thor even had helpers called elves. These elves were skilled craftsmen. An elf in the Webster's Dictionary refers to a devil, and evil spirit, a fairy, or an imaginary being that tries to affect mankind. Even witches percieve elves as related to fallen angels. The Handbook of Christian Feasts and Customs, author Francis Weiser traces the origin of Santa to Thor: "Behind the name Santa Claus actually stands the figure of the pagan Germanic god Thor." (Weiser, Francis X. Handbook of Christian Feasts and Customs. New York: Harcourt, Brace & World, Inc., 1952, p. 113) The Santa Claus story spread in to America on a great level. Notice that colonial America until the mid 1800's didn't celebrate Christmas like we do today since many Bible Believing Christians viewed the day as unbiblical (and Papal, which it is). This celebration was ironicaly forbidden by the Puritans for a time via a law in 1643. The colonists copied these laws in England and these were called the Blue Laws. Ho Ho Ho is a common phrase that Shakespeare and old writers utilized to signify the Devil coming. Some use Santa Claus as another code name for Satan as well. The late University of Kansas associate Phyllis Siefker (who writes on the origin of Santa Claus) writes that: "...The fact is that Santa and Satan are alter egos, brothers; they have the same origin. . . On the surface, the two figures are polar opposites, but underneath they share the same parent, and both retain many of the old symbols associated with their "father" . . . From these two paths, he arrived at both the warmth of our fireplace and in the flames of hell...." (Siefker, Phyllis. Santa Claus, Last of the Wild Men: The Origins and Evolution of Saint Nicholas. Jefferson: McFarland & Company, Inc., 1997, p. 6). Ironically, Santa is an analgram of Satan. Santa comes in red garments to tresspass into people's property to send them gives out of a furnance. God doesn't need a furnance to help human beings at all. Also, only God not Santa know who is truly acting holy or acting wicked among all human being. Santa is a corruption of the life and resurrection of Jesus Christ as well (in the lies of Santa claiming to know everything or fly in the air).

Santa Claus in truth is one of the biggest frauds in history. Santa Claus is a mythological figure with connections to the pagan Norse religions. Some of its components directly relate to deception and Satan. He is a lying character used to brainwashed especially young children into accepting Christmas as a holy holiday, which it isn't at all. Santa Claus is a fraud and Jesus Christ is apart of reality. There is the Yule Log. There are Yuletide greetings in this time of the year. Some trace the Yule log tradition to Scandinavian countries where their pagan sex and fertility false god was called Jul or Yule. Yule was praised in the 12 day celebration in the month of December. A Yule Log is thrown into the fireplace (this interpretation according to some is the phallic symbol of a log is thrown representing people's burning lust of sexuality). Druids loved mistletoe to cast spells. What should we do then? We should treat December 25 as any other day. We have a right to worship and praise God (Jesus Christ) on December 25, but we have a right to not make Christ-Mass part of the equation. Forget the corrupt Christ-Mass. This doesn't mean we relinquish our religious rights on December 25. There is no Biblical record describing the exact time when Jesus was born at all or that we should celebrate it. We can still have fun, pray to God, and celebrate on December 25, but we should treat it as every other day without the paganism and the mass. We can't follow the ways of the heathen.

By Timothy

December 13, 2008

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