The Supers

  • August 2019
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  • Words: 2,521
  • Pages: 10
Super Power League

Table of Contents Chapter One 3 Chapter Two 5 Chapter Three 8

Chapter One Dynaguy's super strength, invulnerability, speed, and flying abilities make him one of the most powerful Supers that have been registered in Earth's database. He is also noted for being among the first to join up with a new team of super heroes which has been dubbed the Super Powers League. Members of the SPL split up their time either fighting crime on Earth or monitoring for problems from the team's headquarters on the surface of the moon. This lunar base, dubbed the Super Dome, is equipped with the latest in technology. But Dynaguy was finding that his membership with SPL was turning out to be more of a burden than a benefit. He had sacrificed his autonomy as a super hero for the SPL's annoyingly inflexible rules and regulations. This included a schedule which had been created without any input from members. Things had gone from bad for worse after SPL had hired a new manager to over see moonbase operations. His only solace was the time he spent out on the cold, silent surface of the moon where he could watch Earth with his own eyes. This was our hero's location when Eagleman transmitted a message from the Control Center. “Hey Dynaguy, Amy's looking for you.” Dynaguy didn't let the interruption break his concentration at first, but then he looked down to switch on his communicator. “Did you tell her that I'm taking a ten minute break?” “Yes,” Eagleman replied. “She says that she has to meet with you now. She's heading to Earth in one hour for a meeting and won't be back until next Tuesday.” Dynaguy rolled his eyes. Their manager, Amanda, was known for her long trips back to Earth. She was gone on her so-called “assignments” more often than she was actually inside the base. And, several of the Supers had observed her working on her Real Estate business and downloading episodes of a Wrestling show while she was on duty. So, Dynaguy turned around and trudged back to the airlock. It took a few minutes for pressure in the airlock to equalize with the rest of the base, but still wasn't a long enough delay before Dynaguy would have to speak with Amanda. Twenty minutes later, Dynaguy arrived in Amanda's office over looking the command center wearing just his SPL branded flight suit. Amanda had been shuffling through some paperwork on her desk when he arrived. She continued to sort through the pages as she spoke. “So, Dynaguy, what can I do for you?” “First, you can set aside your papers and give me your attention.” Amanda put down the wad of paper she had been holding. She shot Dynaguy a blank look. “Excuse me?” “I was asking you to give me your attention,” he said. “You have my attention,” she said. “Now, tell me what you wanted to ask me.” “Okay, thank you.” Dynaguy paused to consider the best way to approach his next statement. “I was hoping for a transfer.” “Transfer?” “Yes. I've been stationed inside the command center for a few months now and, as much as I appreciate the help that's needed here, I've felt for the longest time that my skills are needed more at home. On Earth.”

“You'd like a transfer back to Earth?” Amanda said, clarifying. “Yes.” This time it was her turn to pause. “It won't be easy to re-assign you to Earth.” “You don't have to provide transportation,” Dynaguy offered. “I can fly there myself.” “No, what I mean is that a change like this needs a approval.” “Approval?” Dynaguy repeated. Then, he added with a sigh, “I'm asking you for approval.” “Yes, but this isn't something that I can approve on my own. Cheryl needs sign off on it, then we'll need to get the blessing from our supervisors in the government. This may even need to go as high as the president.” “The president?” “Yes, we'd need his verbal okay at least, but my guess is that something like this could require his signature.” Feeling a little uncomfortable, Dynaguy shifted in his chair. “Couldn't I work on Earth pending an approved transfer?” “No, I'm afraid not. Fortunately for you, though, I have a meeting with Cheryl inside the Hall of Justice. I could bring it up with her and get the ball rolling.”

Chapter Two A few minutes later, Dynaguy was back at his cubicle and trying to process his conversation with Amanda. The good news was that she was going to try to make the transfer happen, but Dynaguy was still having a tough understanding how such a simple request could be so complicated. Back before the Relocation Program, Supers were free to patrol any portion of the world that they wished. After the program had ended and the government had lifted its restrictions on the Supers, it seemed logical to start an organization which would protect those with special powers. Dynaguy had believe so strongly in the need for a League that he had been one of the first Supers to join. But instead of delivering its promise to protect the Super Heroes of the earth, the SPL had become a bloated and inefficient bureaucracy. Dynaguy's thoughts drifted towards his hometown of Oil City where he had been working as a network engineer and computer repairman before joining the SPL. As much as he missed super hero work, there were times when he missed doing work as an undercover mortal. A conversation from the next cubicle caught Dynaguy's attention. He glanced over his wall towards Gazerbeam who seemed to be talking to someone who was quite upset. “Yes, sir. I know sir. We sent it in, sir.” Dynaguy waved at Gazerbeam. Gazerbeam just shrugged, and reached for the mute button on his headset. “Pardon me, General, I need to put you on hold for one moment. Thank you.” He pressed the mute button so he could speak more freely. “What's the problem?” Dynaguy asked. “General Worthcraft is asking why the asteroid that's on collision course with Miami hasn't been redirected yet.” Dynaguy paused to think for a moment. It was almost a relief to deal with a new problem that he could resolve directly instead of trying to wrap his mind around bureaucracy. “Did he put in a request?” “Four weeks ago. Ticket number four-oh-six-seven.” Dynaguy tapped the number into his computer. He quickly scanned the ticket that came up on the screen. “This was assigned to ProtoMan four weeks ago!” He felt a surge of rage as he contemplated the ramifications of a ticket that had gone uncompleted. “How close is the asteroid now?” “I don't know,” Gazerbeam answered. “Let me check.” He released the mute. “General, how long before the asteroid hits the earth? Are you sure? Okay.” He hit the mute button again. “According to NASA, it's less than five thousand miles away.” Dynaguy immediately stood up. Months of busy had never dulled his instincts. They told him that the situation was dire, but still not impossible. He had handled situations worse that this and proven triumphant. Everyone else in the room was staring at Dynaguy. From cubicle across from his, Lady Moon hissed, “What are you doing?” Dynaguy spoke while he was reattaching his cape to his uniform. “I'm going to take care of the asteroid myself.”

“But that's against the process!” Lady Moon exclaimed. “Forget process,” Dynaguy shot back. “Millions of people could die if that asteroid hits!” He looked at Gazerbeam. “Tell the general that I'm on my way.” “No,” Lady Moon said. “I'll call ProtoMan and try to get him to do it.” “There's isn't time!” “I'm not letting you go against process! I'm calling Amanda.” Lady Moon's fingers were already dancing across buttons on her telephone. Dynaguy waited for confirmation that Amanda had answered. “Hi? Amanda? This is Lady Moon. I'm sorry to bother you. No, I didn't realize that you're on the launchpad. There's a asteroid is heading towards Earth. Yes, a ticket was opened. No, I don't know why it wasn't responded to. Dynaguy wants to move the asteroid. I see. Okay. I'll tell him. Thanks, Amanda.” Lady Moon hung up the phone, then looked up at Dynaguy. “Amanda said to contact a super on Earth.” Dynaguy sunk back into his seat. Gazerbeam picked up the line the General was on and tried to assure him that the matter was being taken care of. Dynaguy considered his options, then decided to contact Protoman himself. He dialed his number. “Yo, Protoman here.” “Protoman, this is Dynaguy.” “Hey, Dynaguy! How's it going?” “Not so good. An asteroid is going to crash into the Earth.” Protoman sounded aghast. “That's horrible! Someone needs to destroy it!” “Well,” continued Dynaguy. “That's the thing. General Worthcraft put in a request to have it diverted four weeks ago. It was assigned to you.” “To me?” Protoman asked, surprised. “I don't remember seeing it.” “It has your name on it. The General wants to know why it wasn't taken care of.” “Well, I never saw it. When was the ticket created?” Dynaman quickly counted back by four weeks. “It would have been in March.” “Well, then there's no wonder why I didn't see it. I was on Pluto in March. Didn't get back to Earth until early April.” “Well, nevertheless, could you divert the asteroid?” “I'd love to, but I can't leave my post right now. I'm bodyguarding the Queen.” Dynaguy was beside himself with frustration. “Can you find someone else?” “Everyone on my team is busy, I think. But, I gotta run! Good luck!” Without another word, Protoman broke the connection.

Dynaguy leaned back in his chair. If it were up to him he'd be in outer space right now getting ready to smash the asteroid into smithereens. SPL's crazy processes were tying him down. “What the hell is going on?” Amanda's booming voice suddenly filled the room. Dynaguy glanced over towards the inner hatch where his manager had appeared. “Just give the word,” Dynaguy responded, “and I'll go. There's still time--” “Who assigned the ticket?” Amanda asked, ignoring Dynaguy. “I did,” Lady Moon said. “You did?” Amanda's voice changed as if she needed to talk down when she addressed Lady Moon. “When did you create it?” “The ticket's dated four weeks ago,” Gazerbeam answered. “I didn't ask you, did I?” “It was about four weeks ago when the General's secretary called,” Lady Moon recalled out loud. “I created the ticket and dispatched it to Earth.” “Who did you assign it to?” “Protoman.” Dynaguy sensed that Amanda was leading Lady Moon into an ambush. “Why did you send it to him? He was on Venus in March.” “I remember checking his calendar and seeing that it was clear.” Lady Moon stammered a little bit. “Nobody could have predicted the war on Venus, so Protoman certainly wouldn't have put it on his calendar!” Now Amanda was shouting directly at Lady Moon as if she was dumbest thing in the room. “And then the ticket sat in the queue without being taken care of, and now the asteroid is on a collision course with the Earth!” Amanda glanced at each person in the room. “Did anybody bother to call Protoman to see if he could stop the asteroid?” “I did,” Dynaman answered. “But he's on bodyguard duty in England.” “I see. Can anybody else do it?” “I haven't been able to check, but there's time for me to--” “Gazerbeam, I want you to get on the horn with every Super Agent on Earth until you stop that asteroid! Lady Moon, get General Worthcraft on the phone and transfer him to me.” Dynaman watched in silence as Amanda stormed back out of the room. Lady Moon and Gazerbeam were already on their phones and working on the tasks that had been given to them. Nobody would ever believe that the same man who had once battled nineteen fifty feet tall was now forced to sit behind a desk while the world faced certain peril. It was inconceivable to him that a small woman like Amanda was able to hold him back. He stood up and headed towards her office.

Chapter Three Amanda turned when Dynaman knocked on her door, but remained absorbed into the Real Estate magazine she had been reading. “Yes? Oh, its you. I don't have anything else to tell you about your transfer.” At first, Dynaman was confused but then he realized that she had misinterpreted his return to her office as another attempt to request a transfer. “No, Amanda. I'm not requesting a transfer.” “Then what are you doing out of your seat? We need to be working on the asteroid problem.” “Lady Moon and Gazerbeam are working on the asteroid. You didn't assign me to the asteroid project. You didn't assign me anything at all.” “That's because we needed you to cover the phones.” “I'm better suited for clearing the asteroid.” “I can't send you.” “Why not?” “You haven't been assigned to the field.” “But I can handle the asteroid.” “Maybe, but we have other Supers who can take care of it. I need you here.” “In case the phones start ringing.” “That's right, and because that's your job now. You answer the phones.” Dynaguy paused to think about what he was being told. He was having a harder time blaming the bureaucracy. “A hour ago you said you would try to get my transfer approved.” “I never said I would approve it. I said I'd mention it.” “But you could send me.” “Not before we send other Supers.” Finally, Dynaguy asked the question that had been floating around in the back of his head for the last six months. Maybe he had never been given the opportunity to ask it, or maybe he had just been afraid of the answer. “Why can't you send me out onto the field?” Amanda set her magazine onto the desk in front of her and folded her arms. “To be completely honest with you, Dynaguy, I really can't trust you.” He was taken aback. “Why not? I've saved countless lives--” "And, in the process, destroyed millions of dollars in public property.” “What?”

“Last November, you ripped both wings and punctured the fusealage of AirWorld flight 479.” “Four seventy nine? The airliner I stopped from crashing!” “You're thinking of the right one, but the Airline company would call it a controlled crash at best.” “All of the passengers survived without a scratch!” “True, but you failed to protect the airline jet.” “Protect the—Are you insane?” "No. The airline company was asking a lot of questions, so the SPL offered to take action. That's when you were transferred to this office." "All because of damaged property?" "Expensive property," Amanda corrected him. "The jet was unrepairable after you were done with it. Now, please return to your desk and assist Gazerbeam and Lady Moon with the phones." Speechless, Dynaguy turned and headed back towards his cubicle, but he wasn't planning on staying for very long.

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