The Sociology Of Porn

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The Sociology of Porn

Why porn is wrong… My ‘opinion‘; nudity is not wrong and the human body is beautiful ~ well some of them are, others are ghastly. Most of the male ‘models’ in porn are vile specimens, if you and your girlfriend sits down to watch it to get in the mood or something, there isn’t much for her. Here we begin to touch on real problems, not the porn itself but the way some of it is done, women being …until they gag is repulsive, without going into too much detail, the general feel of it is often/mostly as an abuse of women. Then there is also the case that its not just happy couples watching it all civilized like. I don’t know the stats or if you could make any valid ones, but I expect that in the main it is not couples watching it. When this is the case then you have lone males [mainly] being shown all manner of abuses of women, both in the act and the attitude! Hence on an educatory level there are problems, we can begin at abuse then add to that ‘age’ of models and other less savoury factors [golden showers +++]. If there was any kind of regulation in the industry then it may not be so bad, but you don’t know how old models you are watching are, and many films/sites will throw them in the mix so they just suddenly appear on screen without you knowing even that you had that kind of film. On top of these problems, men like women and don’t see anything wrong with that, so in many cases you are taking something perfectly acceptable and blending it with what is thoroughly not acceptable! To have sex/lust/beauty thrust at us in everything from adverts to film, soaps and then porn all the time, gets a little tiresome, worse still it’s a road we go along that ends at porn which is a misrepresentation of love and sex, along with abuse.

It is difficult to decide at what point an individual should draw their own moral line when all the lines are blurred. Lets face it we all know when something is art or when it is porn, we all know when something is sex and when it is abuse. The problem is that the various industries are an exception to that.

Can you ‘act’ sex? You cannot act kissing also but kissing is socially tolerable to even the most conservative amongst us. Really there should be no difference in law or how we see porn star as how we see whores, that is exactly what they all are. I hate falseness and papers/magazines showing boobies does not make it alright, your daughters/sisters/lovers are still acting like whores even though they are led to believe otherwise.

A comment I often hear is that banning or restricting porn more could cause an increase in sex crimes as the weirdo’s who normally use fantasy rape pornography in the privacy of their own homes may turn to violent means..

However, eventually these people need an outlet for their twisted desires, feeding those desires only increases that potential. Secondly, someone has to ‘act’ these things out and models are coerced into doing stuff. Thirdly, there are no lines between the different levels, bits of SM, pedo and the like are put into many films ~ which are usually a mix [lesbo’s etc] anyway. There’s certainly not much for monogamists going on that’s for sure, so its teaching young people especially, that sex is not a loving act but a playground for exploration and perversion.

On a final note;

Are we biological robots, should we be slaves to the processes? Our minds can dictate to us if we allow them, part of being human is about escaping the bondage of our condition. This does not mean we should all be celibate monks, it simply means we should educate ourselves as to the difference between being controlled or being in control. It is fine to have sex of any kind that doesn’t harm others, but we should recognise where our ‘normal’ sexual desires are being exploited and taken out of context to perverse ends.

Freedom is one thing, but to utilise it in order to exploit us and to pervert ours or others minds, is to take that very freedom away.

note that i have not used the term 'sin' a single time!

What say ye?

the truth is naked. once it is written it is lost.

genius is the result of the entire product of man. death cannot be experienced. life is not brought to us in slices of unrealised perfection, we get the whole cake. righteousness itself is divisive.

You've put your man-card in jeaopardy. Does your girlfriend know that you wrote this piece?

First of all the intended audience of most porn you see is males. The product being sold is not two people making love, but a man f#4**** a woman. The woman is a variable adjusted to the consumer. You have beautiful models but you also have fat women, old women, ugly women really. It comes across as abusive because of the acting these women put on, with few exceptions, such as in amateur video. I believe that this could be tied to a feeling of strenght being a turn on. Not only is the fantasy about having sex with the beautiful chick but also hurting her, not with fists but simply with your manhood. One of the perennial insecurities of men is about their size, so the fantasy makers add 10 inches of manhood that they can project themselves into. It would be disappointing if all that manhood had no adverse effect on her, because that is the other fantasy being fulfilled= the virgin, or tight quasi virgin.

I don't think that most men cannot distinguish porn from reality. And that is not to say either that Johnny will not find a woman who actually enjoys the stuff he saw in porn. In fact, I'll ask you: Did you watch porn with your girl? Did she like it? Did you try anything, any of the odd positions that were shown in the video? Did she like them?

It is not "abuse" per se because for example with golden showers or anal sex, the actress is asking for it. The partner is a willing partner. If anything then the educational value is that all is permitted if it is consentual (or if you paid for it). The nearest relation one can make is not of sexual intercourse with a loved one (whom you woudln't share among three other men), but intercourse with a sex professional, a whore, a prostituite. If you asked for example: Would you have sex with Belladonna? The answer might be:"F#$% yeah!". But if you asked: "Would you marry Belladonna?", now things change.

I suppose the abuse is pretty much the same for women in porn as it is for whores generally, we males are being exploited as well and gagging cannot be pleasurable for anyone + no I didn’t learn anything from them ~ apart from; damn my missus dont do that! .

The point here is not exactly what the title says, its not that porn is wrong, but the way it is done is wrong.

When a man has spent his entire life rejected by women, that is what he wants to see: women being degraded to nothing more than primitive pleasure-seeking masses of organic flesh - it reveals to the man, the audience, that feminism (something which has plagued the mind of the man) is nothing more than frilly aesthetics which are utilized by women to support their psychological complexes (namely those which require the humiliation of 'weak' males to justify their sexual attraction to certain alphamales).

If pornography did not exist - rape would be much more prevalent. If you truly care about the well-being of women, then you should realize that pornography is necessary for certain males to alleviate sexual tensions without going out and raping someone.

Also, I think it is worth noting that a surprisingly large portion of females are sexually attracted to having themselves abused (if not physically, then verbally).

what did we do before we had televisions and internet?

it is true that many women get off on submission

just as the alpha male gets off on domination

I don't think it is true of all women, but some? Yes.

Every girl I have ever slept with has gotten-off on at least one masochistic-fetish, and they actually requested it which came as a shock to me at the time. Things such as: being bitten, being slapped, being roughed around with, and a lot of things which I'd rather not go into all at once.

I don't know whether it is just the type of girl I tend to date, or a prevalent finding in most women.

---...and gagging cannot be pleasurable for anyone... O- I say the same about anal sex but gay men swear by it, so what the F%$^ do I know what other people are into? Gagging, gapping, DP...these are not just the fruits of abuse but of taste...weird tastes, maybe, but taste that are personal.

Now let me add to your subject of why porn is wrong. Porn carries a stigma. It is O.K. to watch it, but the actors and actresses are shunned by the majority of society. It is a stigma that they usually try to hide and if they do not it is because they feel themselves as apart of a sub-group, an alternative society which gives them the option to flaunt their identity. But nonetheless, the relationships that are engages are uneasy.

Many actresses are married. They make good money and the husbands know about it, but their attitudes towards the career choice of the spouse is interesting. Some, perhaps most, would rather not discuss how honey-bunny brought home the bread at the table. It is quasi-taboo. They acknowledge it only if they must, but would rather think of something else. And no wonder- Your wife can come in one day with her anus ripped because she was F&&&& two, maybe four men at once. You also have couples that are swingers, others where they invite other couples, share partners etc. These couples are also interesting in their attitude towards sex because they create categories of sex, where for example the other dude if F##22 the wife while the husband "makes love" to her. To me it looks just about the same, but the distinction, it's existence, for me, reveals that the partners still value the thought of special access, of being unique in some way in the eyes of their partner. Porn is wrong because it might errode the one human interactions that is most exclusive. All these artifices such as "casual sex", or FUC*%$, or any other euphenism simply tries to accommodate the abnormal. Don't get me wrong, monogamy is not natural- it is the casual sex and the rest that are most natural, but we develop bonds and these bonds are founded on being special and the earliest form of distinction was monogamy because of the high reward ratio in comparassion to other distinctions.

Porn is wrong because it robs these people of the ability to express love in a normal way and forces them to create artifices, devices to supplant that which is lost. It is the "Pretty Woman" effect. Her vagina is her business, so she makes her lips (mouth) sacred.

Women and men both engage in creating pornography by choice, and for good reasons. many want money, or fame, or influence, or to feel sexy or powerful. maybe its just fun for them.

There is nothing wrong with pornography, unless you personally find it offensive or distasteful. in which case, just refrain from watching it. problem solved. but dont pass dogmatic prejudicial judgment upon an entire artform/career/entertainment just because you individually have delicate sensibilities.

if you dont like it, dont watch it.

porn doesnt hurt anyone, and if it causes any sort of harm during the engagement thereof it is by consent of those involved. so nothing wrong with it. and besides, we all know that everyone who criticizes porn watches or reads it, and secretly fantasizes about fucking porn stars... so your just a hypocrite anyways. so everyone just lighen up already ok?

Like most men I look at porn whilst knocking one out, but I'll be fucked if I can say anything positive about it. And as for preventing rape...what a load of bollocks, if anything it may reinforce a low opinion of women.

Let's not kid ourselves that all the participants want to do it either, they may be bullied, bribed or desperate.It's like saying all smackheads want to be smackheads .

I don't actually know if i go along with this or not krissy but you may have a subtle point here. have you read any of Catherine Coulter's novels - i love them they are very historical very romantic - i mainly love them because of the history - and many alpha males, females depicted in them - and the sex/sexual

violence within some of them - oh my goodness - and i'm not speaking of rape either. i haven't read one in awhile but i read them - not because of or even despite the sex just because of the books themselves. some of the sex that is within them is to say the very least - - for my own good, i will just read the text as a gynecologist perhaps performs his chores - one could perhaps get lost within the descriptions if one is not aware of what they are really about. it is indeed too easy to get lost within them but i still don't think of them as pornographic - it's difficult to pinpoint it. these descriptions have a greater meaning and context to the storyline. am i lying to myself here? i don't think so. pornography i guess is an ends in itself - that may be part of what that subtle line is. i am musting as i go about here.

anyways, i guess what i am trying to say, is that that kind of artful expression in books is a matter of one's intentions and how one views it. it is still more art to me. perhaps to some, there is a subtle line between what is within her books and art itself - say michaelangelo's statue of David - which is so beautiful and which i would never consider as pornographic.

but i think what is truly pornographic is the intentions behind something and that which would hurt people. i guess pornography is also in the eyes of the beholder but there is a line i feel that is crossed from the beautiful sexual and sensual into the pornographic. i just don't know how to define it.

Ok, well, the end game is what Porn is about as well as romance novels. Now yes, pedophilia is disgusting and wrong anyone involved in exploiting a child in such a way should be flayed alive slowly while having their genitalia cauterized with a welding torch, male or female. Even if its in a book. Describing the rape of a child is pedophilia.

Romance novels and porn are designed to get people horny. At the end of the movie or book or during both, the person will probably masturbate or go have sex with someone. They are both about sexual stimulation. Most folks that do porn do it voluntarily for pay, it can pay darn good to through money and fame. You do have the black market porns those are without a doubt wrong morally and legally because the person/s were forced. That would be rape.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with Porn that is done legally between consenting adults, its just a visual novel. What is done between consenting adults is not anyone elses business and so cannot be judged with any morality. Duels are illegal but boxing is not. Street fighting is illegal but wrestling is not. Gang fights are illegal but, football is not. In every legal sport that has violent contact, people have died.

But ,,,, noone goes to jail. Fights on the street, duels and gang fights are 80% to 90% consentual between the parties. High schools contact violent sports, kids have been killed ,no one goes to jail.

Why is it OK for one and not the other? The same for porn and romance novels. Yes, there is a line, but a very very faint line. Violence and sex are what keeps both going. If an act between two or more people is totally consentual then why should it be illegal or wrong wether it is written or totally acted upon? You think that books are written without kwoledge of visualization? No, most authors know that words stimulate the mind as much as seeing the actual act. I wrote about burning genitalia with a welding torch, alot of folks, men and women, will wince when they read it. Stimulation is stimulation. What kills me is that religious people that feel that things like porn is wrong, have no problems visualizing the people involved burning in hell for eternity. To me that is immoral.

Yeah, I hear you Kris - you do make a good point - but there are certain things that romance novels have that pornos don't, and I think they do make a difference. For one thing, pornos involve real people, real actors and actresses, and although they are probably consenting adults most of the time, the porn industry is very shady and strattles the border dividing the black market from the white market (is it called the 'white' market? Sounds racist ). Therefore, it wouldn't surprise me that many of the women involves are coerced or brainwashed into consenting (I highly doubt there's a great deal of full out rape in porn, but it isn't black and white as that). So whereas there's nothing wrong with two consenting adults agreeing to having themselves filmed during sex, we shouldn't just assume this is the case all the time.

The other difference between porn and romance novels that comes to mind is that I'd be just as hard pressed to imagine a porn producer being driven by artistic inspiration as I would a romance novelist being driven solely by financial interests. There's something about sex and nudity presented in an artistic context that makes it seem 'better'. I don't know if we can go so far as to call this a moral 'better' - it's probably just better in terms of taste and aesthetic appeal - but it is one of the factors that figures into our judgments of what's acceptable and not.

I might also mention the unwholesome 'message' that some charge porn with sending out (that women can be treated as sex objects), but I'm too much of a libertarian to give credence to that argument - not that anyone has a right to treat women as sex objects, but that the accusation that what porn producers are doing is, in fact, sending out any sort of deliberate 'message'.

What's more offensive to you, two adults having sexual intercourse in front of a camera, or a pornographic story depicting a (fictional) child being sexually abused, described for titillation?

I think there is a difference between media that are superficial and media that attempt to explain - or provoke one to contemplate of - "bigger things" - morality, beauty, our place in the world and how we view or represent it. Political soundbites, pornography, pulp romance generally belong to the first; what we call art to the second.

We use different language to talk of them, the former is ephemeral and designed to appeal to the gut, the hormonal rush of adrenaline from fear or sex or victory; the latter appeals to the mind. Some things appeal to both.

Source: ilovephilosophy

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