
  • November 2019
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  • Words: 541
  • Pages: 4
Honeylie Niverca BSEnM 1A

Public Opinion • •

The Attitude of people throughout a society about one or more controversial issues. It is composite of individual opinions as these are communicated to leaders who are empowered to render a decision

Public opinion can express through the following: 1. ballots or memorandum 2. petitions 3. delegations 4. meetings 5. interest groups Polls and surveys play crucial role in determining the public opinion Surveys - conducted to determine peoples opinion on current issues, concerning the economy, politics and culture related topics. Political leaders, special interest groups and business attempt to influence public tastes and attitudes through propaganda, information presented with the intension of shaping public opinion. Although the term has negative connotations propaganda is to win people over a particular view point, not to encourage critical reflection on an issue. During an election campaigns personal persuasion is more effective than the mass media in influencing opinions and behavior of an individual.

Mass Communication Mass communication in general, is how to inform to communicate to people, it involves mass media. It is a part of an agent of socialization. It gives information, Introduces as wide variety of people entertain us by providing opportunities to hive vicariously and provides an array of view points, products and services, which if we use will make us acceptable to others. - is the dissemination of identical information to a large number of people at the same time. Mass communication operates through mass media. 1. Newspaper 2. Radio 3. Television 4. Motion pictures

News paper - is a channel of disseminating information to the public - It relays news, comments and pinions through its reports, editorials and opinion pages. - It covers issues of local, national and international interest and is an important for breaking through o public opinion and social consciousness. Advantage - render objectives and reliable information - free to write or express your opinion Disadvantage - reflect its own biases and inaccurate information - distorting information

Radio - Most powerful medium because it render a wide audience Advantage - the listeners can feel the speaker personality - Disseminates news and information through its programs - Can broadcasts news on the spot

Disadvantage - No image or visuals only the sound you can hear

Television - According to Tupperman “Television is graphic and attractive; its depiction in life shows an uninterrupted flow of images that appear like reality” Advantage - Uses both sight and sounds in conveying ideas to people. - Has visual projection of events - Powerful influence and far reaching effects on viewer - Entertain the televiewers Disadvantage - Insensitive to the children - Uncontrollable audience - Viewer take what they see as natural situations of the actual world - Viewers become accustomed to sex, violence, danger and excitement as their standard fantasy fare - Some shows do not honestly reflect the reality

Motion pictures -

Are primarily for entertainment Can be informative and in structural Important for achieving goodwill and peace in modern society are not supported by evidence

Advantage - the information are detailed - more time and effort Disadvantage - local movies they said are poor quality cater to the low socio economic class and infused with too much sex and violence

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