The Sims' Newsletter--march To July, 2009

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  • Words: 881
  • Pages: 2
Jeff & Kristina Sims 5606 37th St. Lubbock TX 79407 806-795-9360

Follow the Sims V o l u m e

Special Prayer Requests 

One-time support for moving and language school needs to be raised.

Thanksgiving concerning Isaiah, graduation, Kristina’s successful surgery, and our new teammates!

Financial Support for our Teammates.

Upcoming Dates Jeff is preaching @ Alpine


Jeff’s 30th Birthday


School Begins


Noah’s 4th Birthday


Mission Sunday @ Alpine


Finish School 12/18 of Missions

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I s s u e


M a r


J u l y

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Cuerna What? Our team has chosen to move to Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico in early 2010. Much of our decision was based on the opportunity we’ve been given to work with and learn from an established missionary team that is already there. Doug and Sandy Holcomb, Paul and Sharita Nash, and Ben and Karen Jenkins (and daughter Madaí) have invited us to

study Spanish in Cuernavaca while learning from them and working along-

side them for a year. During that year we will make the decision whether or not to stay in Cuernavaca or to

move farther north to Aguascalientes. Cuernavaca’s citizens have shown themselves to be receptive to the gospel, and more workers are definitely needed. It is a large city just south of Mexico City that is renowned for its language schools. We are excited about the chance we’ve been given to work in Mexico with such great mentors.

S.I.B.I. Graduation Jeff and Kristina graduated on May, 23rd from S.I.B.I. in Lubbock, Texas. Jeff received a Bachelor’s degree in Biblical Studies and Kristina received an Associate’s degree also in Biblical Studies. Jeff and the other men on our team were among a handful of graduates who were hon-

ored for completing their degrees with a G.P.A. of 95 or higher. These last two years have not been easy, and we could not have done it without the generous and overwhelming support we’ve received from family, friends, and Alpine Church of Christ in Longview, TX. We will never be

the same and we are so thankful and blessed that we’ve had the chance to study God’s word in such depth. Jeff gave his senior sermon on May 15th and streaming audio of his lesson is now available through

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Noah & Juliana Noah and Juliana are both so excited about the new baby. Juliana wants to hold Isaiah and “help” Mommy all of the time. Noah is very curious and has been asking questions like “When can he throw a ball?” He went to school the day after Isaiah was born and proudly announced to everyone that he was a

Juliana’s 2nd Birthday Party

big brother and always uses Isaiah’s full name when people ask. Noah and Juliana seemed to have doubled in size when we brought Isaiah home. Juliana did turn another year older. We had her 2nd birthday party with family and friends at home. She was so excited about the Cinderella cake and decora-

tions. She got a large plastic tub of dress-up clothes from Mommy and Daddy, and the kids had a great time dressing up like firemen, policemen, pirates, cowboys, and even a butterfly. It’s hard to believe that she was just three months old when we moved here. They grow up so quickly!

Our Family is Growing Isaiah Daniel Sims

March 5, 2009 5 lb 13 oz 18 ¼ in

We are proud to announce the birth of Isaiah Daniel went extremely well. He was born on March 5th at 1:17 AM in Lubbock, TX. He and Kristina are both healthy and are doing fine. Isaiah is such a happy baby, and he brightens every day with his smiles. He is even beginning to laugh and “talk.”

About a month after he was born, Kristina underwent surgery to remove her gallbladder and to alleviate the associated pancreatitis. She has now recovered fully, and is able to enjoy the blessings of being a mother of three. Thank you for all of the cards and prayers during this time of transition

and need. So many of our classmates and church family went out of their way to take care of meals and our children. We could not have made it through this last semester without the generosity of our Christian brothers and sisters. We are continually humbled by your love, encouragement, and sacrificial giving.

Our Team is Growing, too! We would like to introduce you to two wonderful families. First is the Reyes family. Recardo and Monica have four daughters: Dominique, Jasenia, Deasha, and Serenity. They are from [email protected]

Washington State . We are all overjoyed that we’ll be working alongside such a humble, generous, and hardworking family. It is clear that their hearts are fully devoted to the Lord and to His purposes. Second is the McDaniel family. Ozzy and Jenifer have one daughter named Abigail. They graduated from

S.I.B.I. a year ahead of us and have spent the last year working with the Landmark Church of Christ in Kaufman, TX. They love bringing the Good News message of Jesus to the lost. Both of these families have committed to join our team and move with us to Cuernavaca in 2010.

[email protected]

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