The Sims 3

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The Sims 3: FAQ/Walkthrough by Warfreak Version 1.4, Last Updated 2009-07-17 View/Download Original File Hosted by GameFAQs Return to The Sims 3 (PC) FAQs & Guides Liked this FAQ? Click to recommend it to other GameFAQs users. ; :.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:., . ,...,.,.:.,., ,...,.,.,.,.,.,.,.. ..:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:. .,.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.:.:.:.:.i.i.i.i.itY.i.i.:.i.:.:.:.:.,.:.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.:.:.:.:.i.i.: .Zccc.i.i.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i. .,.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.:.,.:.:.:.:.:..0$ c2i.i.i.:.:.:.:.:.:.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.:.,.:.:.:.:.:. oM. #cv,;.i.:.:.:.,.,.:.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i. .,.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.:.,.:.:.:.:..;M8 c#i7i;.i.:.:.:.,.:.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.:.,.:.:.:...M@c . $SiCi;.i.:.:.,.,.:.:.i.i.i.i.i.i.i. .,.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.:.:.,.,.:.:.i.. M@W , . 98:iti;.i.:.:.,.:.i.i.:.:.:.i.i.i.i i.i.i.i.i.i.i.i.:.:., . ....:.:.. B@@v:., @i.iCi;.:.:.,.:.i.:.. . . . :.i.i. .,.i.i.i.i.i.i.:.. ..;Y6.. ,.,.. Z@@Uvii., 1Qii;7:;.i., ,.:., .:b8#[email protected] i.i.i.i.i.i.:.. :Y#@M@M@M...:., z@@8I;t:i., iE0cC;c,;.:.,.:., vWMzv $M2:.;. .,.i.i.i.i., .cM@MW1 .@M...: c@MZAcSvX,i., zE07zic,i., ,.. U@@, iMbi,; i.i.i.i.i.. I@M0, .@M:. ;@M6v;UYScY.i...9W$I2,i.:.. . 7@MW M@M@; #Mv;: .,.i.i.i., #@# :z@#M@MIW@M@M2Bt0@M@z.;...W##Qbci . icE#M@@#M@@QWi @2i7 i.i.i.i.: 0@z .M@M@M$B@MS8tIc@@0#@.M@S,i .i@@M@MicbM@MB2.@@@#t @@YCi .,.i.i.i..#M M@MEECX;MA cM9M; M@o,;.W@W I@M@Mc @@M0@@M2 U@0;C i i.i.i.:.@@c M@$Xocn@# E@@@. M@t,#@E M@i ,1$@MbM@M@U M#1; .,.i.i.i.,oM@o S@MBU7MW 8M@@ M@@@S @. M@@W8 v@Mc7 i.i.:.,.:.,9M@M, iM@M@M #@M; M@v Wi YM@M9W6 WM0nv .,.:.;:;,v.,tM@M#7 ,0M@ BM@ . .Mc 2@M@M#@WM@M@MBIct i :.B;i;AZ0iY7@@M@Mt .M. M@# @M@S .@@M@M@M@M82Yzv .,.c@# @v.:Z1: Z$@@M@c .M @M; .i i. 8@M@M8 7@@AQz97z7zvY i.i.i6 @Yi2.. ;Z$;ZBM@. @Y M@ @@ .M; MWM@M@ M#I7IX27S;7: ...i.@BMWMB#B6nMQ0QM@Q M @@ @ME M@8 @M@MQY .@MoUX2ctic:; i.;,iiUvztWE$@M@M#Wi M: M. M#Mi M@MQ 7Y W@M$UYov7iv,;. .,,i,i,v:7#M@z [email protected],1@X,v.b@#$M:E@@QM;v:;SM vC@@M@M$9YSvYiv,i.i i i.i,v:Y:CBM# :0@M@M#M@M@M@M@M@M@@Q@#M@#@MQM@M@M@M@M@M@M@@2zYzc7:;,i.i. ...i.i.;,v,vQM@9z@@M@M@M@Mb$0##M@M#M@M@M@$9@@M@M@M@@0#QM@M#@0WoUYS7nvXi;,i.i.i , :.i.:.i,;.;0M@M@M@M$#U9727nc9@M#bbM@M@0tz7M@@@M@@7z7zCI7zYnY2Yoct;7i;,i.i.i. .. :.i.i.i.;.;AWIb127zYz727zY1cQ$MXiz#$Z:v.7QUvM@@SztA7zYoYnctct;7ic:i.i.:.i.: : . ,.:.:.i,;,;,c;1YoYSY1;7;7icY@@@ .18.:..Yb 8@@9z72Yn;7;Yic:v:v,;,i.i.:.i.:. .... ..:.i.i.;:vi7;7;7i7:c:;:;,inM@E Yii.i b; @M0IcScCic,;,i.;.i.i.:.:.:.:.:., : : . ..:.i.i.i,;:;,;,;.i.i.i.i..EM@t i.:.:$:XMQZcncXi;,i.:.:.:.i.:.:.:.:.:., ...: . ..:.:.i.:.i.:.i.:.:.:.:.i.,#M@. i..cM,M@bc1v7iv,i.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.,., i :.:., ..:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.,.:.i.: ;@M2 .: QoA@BcSv7iv,i.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.,.,. ...:.,., . :.:.:.:.:.,.,.:.:.:.:.: 7@M.. ,2X@@vnc7:v,i.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:...,., : :.:.,.. . :.:.,.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: 6@E ..A0M7Sc7iv,i.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.,.. ,. ...:.:.,., . ,.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.,.: W@. ;QMtncX:;,i.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:., ,.,.,.: : :.:.:.,., . ,.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.,.,.i.MI.7MoCYCi;,i.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:., , . ,.:. ...:.,.:., . . ..:.:.:.:.:.:.,.:., ,.i:@:$67v1i;.i.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:., ....,.:., : :.:.,.:.,.. . ..,.:.,.:.,.,.:.,.. :.:iZtYi7i;.:.,.:.,.:.:.,.:.:.. . ..,.,... .,.i.i.:.:.:.:., ,.:.:.i.i.i.:.:.:...:.i:;:c:;.i.i.i.:.:.:.i.i.:., ,.,.:.:.:.i Author: Warfreak Version: 1.4 Date Started: 24/6/09 NOTE: This Guide will Contain Spoilers. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! REMEMBER, IF YOU LIKE THIS GUIDE, RECOMMEND IT TO OTHER USERS USING THE LINK

ABOVE! *('@')~~~~~~Watch In Awe, Watch In Awe, Aeria Gloris, Aeria Gloris~~~~~~('@')* Use Ctrl+F to quickly navigate this guide. Table of Contents

§1 Introduction [1.01] Introduction [1.02] Version History [1.03] Differences §2 Getting Started [2.01] Creating a Sim [2.02] Aging [2.03] Traits [2.04] Secret Traits §3 Moods and Moodlets [3.01] Your Mood [3.02] Positive Moodlets [3.03] Negative Moodlets [3.04] Neutral Moodlets

§4 Lifetime Wishes, Upon a Star [4.01] What are Wishes? [4.02] Lifetime Wishes [4.03] Normal Wishes [4.04] Lifetime Happiness §5 Skill Sets [5.01] Skills [5.02] Athletic [5.03] Charisma [5.04] Cooking [5.05] Fishing [5.06] Gardening [5.07] Guitar [5.08] Handiness [5.09] Logic [5.10] Painting [5.11] Writing §6 Primary Jobs [6.01] Overview [6.02] Business [6.03] Criminal [6.04] Culinary [6.05] Journalism [6.06] Law Enforcement [6.07] Medical [6.08] Military [6.09] Music [6.10] Politics [6.11] Professional Sports [6.12] Science

§7 Part-Time Jobs [7.01] Overview [7.02] Bookstore [7.03] Day Spa - Receptionist [7.04] Day Spa - Specialist [7.05] Grocery Store [7.06] Graveyard §8 Skills [8.01] [8.02] [8.03] [8.04] [8.05] [8.06] [A] [B] [C] [D]

In-Depth Cooking Fishing Gardening Guitar Handiness Writing

Contact Information Credits Webmaster Information Copyright Notice

*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Now, Let the Guide Begin~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* [1.01] Introduction Welcome to my 51st guide, and it has been exactly 50 guides since my first guide was released, which was for the predecessor of this game, the Sims 2. Despite my feverish attempts to keep away, there was public support for me to do this, and as such, here I am. Anyway, this guide is for the Sims 3, the sequel/prequel to the Sims 2, sequel in terms of gameplay, prequel in terms of storyline. This is just the base game, and as such, when expansions do come into play, which is a definite, it will only cover the base game, whether I do the expansions is completely up to my discretion. Without further ado, let us start. Again. *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* [1.02] Version History Version 0.0 [24/6/09] I'm back! Not that I was gone. Anyway, did a start, finished 12 whole traits. This might take a while. Version 0.1 [25/6/09] Doing more of the traits, glad to see people tuning in. 16 more traits done, this is taking a bit longer than I expected, but I am going relatively in depth on this, I do find it is quite important. Version 0.2 [26/6/09] Pushing through, about 20 more traits to go, which means I should finish tomorrow. I plan to do the moodlets next. Version 0.3 [27/6/09] All the traits done. Even the secret ones. This was a grind session. Version 0.4 [28/6/09]

All the Moodlets are complete. I'd never thought I'd get it done. Version 0.5 [29/6/09] Start on the total wishes list, finish up to F, still G-Z to go. Version 0.6 [30/6/09] Completed all the Wishes, but internet is down, so no upload. Which is rather annoying. Version 0.7 [2/7/09] Well, taking a day off, given that I felt a bit burnt out, and the internet was still down, but now it is up, for now. Better upload this quickly. Anyway, sections 5.01-5 is done. Version 0.8 [5/7/09] All the skills are finished, now to decide what to do next. Given the choice, I think I'll start on those indepth skills that I promised. Version 0.9 [8/7/09] Completed 5 Career paths. Version 1.0 [9/7/09] 4 more career paths complete. 2 more main paths and the side jobs and that will finish careers. Version 1.1 [10/7/09] All the careers and part time careers are done. Finally. Version 1.2 [14/7/09] Completed the Cooking and Fishing indepth guides. Version 1.3 [15/7/09] Completed Gardening and Guitar skill guides. Version 1.4 [17/7/09] Completed all the Indepth guides. *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* [1.03] Differences What is so different about this game over the Sims 2? Well, there are several things that you will use in this game and once you use it, you won't have a second doubt that this upgrade was a wonderful choice. * Seemless neighbourhood. Basically, although you can no longer play and modify community lots, they are now just interaction buildings, your neighbourhood is seemless, when time moves with your family, it also does for other families, so keep that in mind. * No loading time, and this is quite significant, in previous games, waiting 5 minutes to load up a large community park was a standard. I could make a cup of tea in that time. * Personal Cars for your Sims use, Inventory System, Trait System, and so much more. There is a lot to discover in this game, and part of my job, as the

perfectionist that I am, is to cover ALL of it. This will be a long project and a long guide, but make no doubt, this will be done. And for those who say that it is stripped back to the basics, you need to note that a lot of the concepts from the Sims 2 and all the expansion packs have been added. For example, fishing and gardening from Seasons is back, Young Adults from University has been added, Cars from Nightlife is added, business ownership from Open for Business has been added, so quite a fair bit has been added. *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* [2.01] Creating a Sim Well, your manual does a good job to this, so there isn't much of a need for me to go into how you create your Sim. You can create a real ugly, feral, zombie looking thing, or you can create the right hand of God, or somewhere in between, and as always, yourself. As always, there is your head, clothing, all that little kafuffle that I really can't be bothered going over, you can play around with the tools themselves, because it isn't necessary for me to do and talk abou this. Anyway, the thing that I will talk about are the traits and the favourites that you can have your Sims adopt. Basically, traits are a set of 5 qualities, less if you are not playing with adults, and these will effect the personality of your Sim throughout the game, but as always, these are not permanent. They will get their own section later, because there is a lot to go on with traits, and a little in depth discussion on them is due. Finally, there are the favourites. Here, you can set your favourite foods, colours and music for your Sim, and basically, when they use objects or eat foods or dance to music that is their favourite, they will get an extra mood boost from it. The list of favourite foods that are shipped with the base game include: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Waffles French Toast Pancakes Fruit Parfait Autumn Salad Cheesesteak Dim Sum Fish and Chips Grilled Cheese Grilled Salmon Hamburger Hot Dog Lobster Thermidor Mac and Cheese Peanut Butter and Jelly Goopy Carbonara Ratatouille Spaghetti Tri-Tip Steak Stu Surprise Sushi

* Cobbler * Cookies * Key Lime Pie The list of all possible favourite colours are: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Aqua Blue Turquoise Spice Brown Green Irish Green Lime Grey Orange Purple Spiceberry Violet Lilac Pink Hot Pink Red White Sea Foam Yellow Black

Finally, the list of all music. Note that when I say custom, it is basically the music channel that you can set yourself. You can import music into the relevant folder. For those wonder, it is in My Documents -> Electronic Arts -> The Sims 3 -> Custom Music Anyway, the list of favourite music possible: * * * * * * *

Electronic Indie Pop Latin Classical Kids Custom Music

And that should be all to it. Note that you don't have a lot of clothes, HOWEVER, you can move the slider along and you can modify the clothes and their colours. Basically, the clothes that you are given are templates, you can colour them to whatever you want, but no doubt that the modding community, which will definitely thrive in this game, will provide you with a truckload as well. *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* [2.02] Aging Shock horror, there is no aging cheat in this game, there is an option to turn off aging altogether in the options section of the game. Look for it yourself or use the manual. However, if you are going to use aging, this is

going to be very different. Why? Because you can also now adjust the aging of other characters, that you don't control, basically, the townies or the NPCs of the game. Also, you can adjust the rate in which Sims age. They can age rather rapidly, and have quite short livespans, or they can have exceptionally long lifespans, you can set it to epic and have them live for at least 960 days, provided they don't befall a certain accident. Basically, aging is a key factor in this game, and one that you can control. The manual should provide more information on this, and I assume that you all have manuals, one thing that I have learnt over the last 4 and a half years in writing is that manuals go together with guides, guides are not to overtake manuals. *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* [2.03] Traits This is going to be a massive section. There are over sixty different traits that you can choose from in this game, and currently, in the base game, you can only have 5, though that may change in future expansion packs. There are some secret traits, though I will only confirm the Pyromaniac perk. Anyway, lets get started. *************** *Absent-Minded* *************** Absent Minded Sims are just that, they will always seem to be lost in their thoughts, pausing to think about anything and everything. And they sometimes forget what they were meant to do, which can be quite a problem. --==Benefits==-There are really no real benefits of being absent minded, though if you want a Sim who is very forgetful, then this would be ideal. --==Disadvantages==-Where do I start? Basically, they will, all of a sudden, stop what they are doing and start to think. Although this may be fun to watch, this will cost you valuable time which your Sims may not have. --==Unique Properties==-Sometimes, when they are watching television and they are finished watching it, being absent minded that they are, they will turn off the TV, which may be handy, however, not handy to those who are still watching. --==Usefulness==-0/5 There is really no practical and useful way to utilise this trait, and as such, they do not have any use.

*********** *Ambitious* *********** Those who are ambitious have high hopes, they aim for everything and they will stop at nothing to achieve it. They will aim as high as they can, and want to shoot up the career ladder, but they will get rather depressed when they don't get that promotion that they are looking for. --==Benefits==-There are two real benefits of bing ambitious, they will have a higher rate of job performance gained at work, which means that they will get promoted or get that raise faster, and they will get increased lifetime points when they have one of their wishes fulfilled. --==Disadvantages==-One problem is that if they do not get promoted, and at level 10, get enough raises at regular intervals, they will get an Anxious moodlet, which will have a detrimental effect on their mood, which isn't exactly one of the best things that you want to have. --==Unique Properties==-In order to keep these little princesses happy, you need to enough that you build up their performance at work fast, or else they get depressed and then you'll be in a real fix. --==Usefulness==-2.5/5 Sure, it is quite useful, since increased job performance will make sure that you get a little more money, however, if they don't get their promotions quick enough, they throw temper tantrums, and that can be a problem to keep in check. ******** *Angler* ******** Basically, a fisherman's friend, the angler trait means that your Sims will be able to play with fish more. They catch better fish than other Sims and they will do it faster as well, as well as enjoying fishing more than other Sims. --==Benefits==-Anglers will be able to catch more fish, faster than all the other Sims can, and the added bonus is that they will be able to boost their fishing skill at a much faster rather than Sims without this trait. --==Disadvantages==-Besides smelling like fish all the time, they really don't have any disadvantages in terms of personality.

--==Unique Properties==-All anglers will start off with a fishing book in their inventory, allowing them to boost their skills faster. They will also gain more fun when they are fishing, which is nice if they need a little stress relief. --==Usefulness==-4.5/5 This is a hell of a useful trait, and under normal circumstances, I would give it full marks, but I'm going to save full marks for those that I think are the best of the traits, and as such, 4.5 are for good traits, and 5 are for the best of the best. ********** *Artistic* ********** Those who are artistic have a natural talent with the brush, and as such, they are quite useful in making a hell of a lot of money through painting. They make good artists, and indirectly, musicians and writers. --==Benefits==-These Sims get their Painting skills a lot faster than other Sims, which is quite useful. They will also gain their Guitar and Writing skills faster than other Sims, but not as fast as their gains in Painting. --==Disadvantages==-No shortcomings, except that they throw paint everywhere. --==Unique Properties==-Like many other traits, these Sims love to talk about their hobbies and as such, they can talk about the arts to other Sims. Also, with free will enabled, they will interact with the guitar and paint easel far more often, which is nice. --==Usefulness==-5/5 This is one hell of a useful trait. For those Sims for which the prospect of a job does not entertain them, painting, busking and novel writing is a good way of making money. The higher your skill, the more money you make, and as such, it is a good idea to level up all those three skills fast to make a lot of money fast. Though this is considered an indirect job. ********** *Athletic* **********

Athletic Sims are the athletes, they are the best in their fields of running, throwing spears everywhere and trying to out hammer throw the Hammer Bros. They can push their bodies to the limit and far beyond that of normal Sims. --==Benefits==-Athletic Sims earn their athletic skills a lot faster than that of other Sims, and being as fit as they are, they will take a lot longer period of time to get the negative Fatigued moodlet that people who exercise can get. --==Disadvantages==-Since they love keeping fit and being health nuts, they will not tolerate other Sims bad-mouthing fitness, and if they hear that, they will suffer a nice relationship drop. --==Unique Properties==-These Sims have it good, they love their exercise, and they also love to talk about exercise to other interested Sims, though don't think that they will have a nice time with couch potatoes. --==Requirements==-CANNOT HAVE COUCH POTATO TRAIT --==Usefulness==-2/5 Sure, it is nice to build up your athletic skill, but the problem is that the athletic skill pretty much has no use, unlike many of the other skills, they don't make money, or save money. ********** *Bookworm* ********** Bookworms have a passion to read and write books, which is quite handy for aspiring novelists. They are quick to read through all books, and they are faster in terms of writing books. --==Benefits==-The Bookworm are able to read through books faster, which are useful in finishing recipe books and fish books, and that means that they will be able to get that new recipe faster. They will also be able to write faster in terms of writing novels, their homework, or just working on their writing skill. They will also get more fun from reading, which is quite useful as well. --==Disadvantages==-The best thing is, they have no disadvantages.

--==Unique Properties==-Like many other traits, the Bookworm love to talk about their hobbies, and they will love to talk about books to other Sims, which is always a nice touch. Also, they will get a nicer environmental boost from rooms with a bookshelf in it, which is nice to attain that beautiful lot moodlet. --==Usefulness==-5/5 Seriously, writing through novels faster is exceptionally interesting because they can get through more novels faster, and given that some books, requiring about 24 Sim hours to get it down will get at least a thousand Simoleons and this is for 6 weeks. Seriously, a very useful perk. ******* *Brave* ******* Brave Sims are fearless, they fear nothing, and in the face of adversity, they will stay calm and take the disaster head on. They will sacrifice themselves in order to protect those that they love, and the possession that they treasure. --==Benefits==-Brave Sims are brave, and even though most Sims who tackle on burglars are at least Level 3 on the career chain for Law Enforcement, Brave Sims don't need that prerequisite in order to fight burgulars and defend their home. Brave Sims can also use a fire extinguisher to immediately put out a fire should it get out of hand, and unlike other Sims, he will not panic. Finally, they will do much better in the Law Enforcement and Military career than other normal Sims, who aren't brave. --==Disadvantages==-Brave Sims are brave, and as such, they fear nothing, and have no disadvantages. --==Unique Properties==-These Sims have guts, willing to talk on robbers in their homes, well, it isn't all that hard, those robbers aren't even armed with plastic sporks, let alone a plastic butter knife. They will also have the ability to occasionally demand a raise from their boss whilst at work, though the probability of success is proportional to the job performance, the more that meter is filled, the higher the chance of success, though it might backfire and that could be nasty. --==Requirements==-CANNOT PICK THE COWARD OR LOSER TRAIT --==Usefulness==--

3/5 Sure, being able to put out fires and take on robbers is a nice side bonus, but the real benefit is the Law Enforcement and the Military career bonus. If you are planning to move into those career ladders, this is useful, but otherwise, they are home defenders. ***************** *Can't Stand Art* ***************** Sims who cannot tolerate Art will be intolerant towards art, they cannot stand such snooty paintings. Never place an expensive piece of art in the home of one who hates art, it will give them a negative moodlet. --==Benefits==-There is no benefit to hating art, except hating art. --==Disadvantages==-Basically, when they see an expensive piece of art, they will get a big negative moodlet, and a small piece of art, or an inexpensive piece of art, they will still get a negative moodlet. They will not tolerate talk about art either. --==Usefulness==-1/5 Besides it's usefulness to making some nice movies, there is no real point to making this a trait. Use make sure that you don't send them into an art gallery, it might make them explode with rage. ************* *Charismatic* ************* These are the Barack Obamas of Sims, these are for the great orators and the great communicators. As such, they will love to throw parties and socializing and they will never put a foot wrong in social situations. These guys are everyones best friend, though it might be hard to maintain all those connections. --==Benefits==-All of these Sims will have a great advantage in the social conversation, as they will always get more friendship points than other Sims with the same amount of talk. They will also do a lot better when they are in jobs that have tones that involve social interaction, for example, Law Enforcement when talking to their partner, they will get more job performance for the same amount of effort. --==Disadvantages==--

There are no disadvantages to being a social butterfly, however, you do need to maintain all those friendships. --==Unique Properties==-These boost other Sims. well.

will be gifted with a Charisma book at the start, so they have a little to play with initially. They will also be able to debate politics with Sims, which is useful as a source of interaction between like-minded They can also boost about anything and everything, to good effect as

--==Requirements==-CANNOT HAVE LOSER TRAIT. --==Usefulness==-3.5/5 Friends are no longer a requirement for jobs, which is one tell of a useful removal, because it was hard to maintain a lot of friends. However, it isn't useful if you need to maintain thousands of friends, in real life, we have Facebook, the Sims don't have that luxury. ********** *Childish* ********** Childish Sims are just that, they cannot act their actual age, so they are literally childish at heart. They will be ale to act as a child, even when they are an adult. I mean, who doesn't like playing with their doll house at the age of 40 >_> --==Benefits==-The benefits from children's toys are still useful in giving the associated moodlets for it. Basically, the beneficial moodlets from toys will still apply when they are an adult. --==Disadvantages==-Childish Sims are easily bored, and remember when we were kids, weren't we all? Anyway, if they are at the end of repeating social interactions, the effects in terms of relationship are much lower. So you'll need a fair amount of variety to make sure that they are entertained. --==Unique Properties==-There are two fun properties that belong to childish Sims, they will not be afraid of Ghosts, seeing that the only ghost they know of is Casper the Friendly Ghost, and secondly, and somewhat strangely, they will have the ability to fish in a swimming pool. There are a variety of things that come into mind when you fish into a swimming pool, and fish aren't the things that come into mind. --==Usefulness==--

1.5/5 Lets face it, this isn't all that useful, environmental boosts from children toys are easily overtaken with a nice, expensive piece of art, and being able to fish in the pool isn't as much fun as the sea, and finally, being scared of ghosts isn't such a big deal, wet your pants, and move on. ******** *Clumsy* ******** Being a butterfingers isn't actually such fun, nor is being a clutz either. There are some interesting things that can come out of being butterfingers, and dropping everything everywhere, but hey, most of use are butterfingers anyway, right? --==Benefits==-Well, does having brand new china plates every night count? --==Disadvantages==-Okay, this will be interesting. When they are catching fish, their skills with handling fish may occasionally let the fish escape, which isn't all that nice. They will occasionally drop their plate of food on the floor as their fingers "slip". Quite funny really. --==Unique Properties==-This is the best one, when they are proposing and on one knee, proposing with the ring, they drop the ring. If this isn't useful for videos, I don't know what is. This is entertainment at it's best. --==Usefulness==-3/5 Despite it being bad, it does have a hell of a lot of comedic appeal, I mean, who doesn't want to see a proposal go bad? It's like an episode of everyone's favourite sitcom. At look on the bright side, at least they didn't tape over the video game with a NFL match, and then tape over the NFL moment of the match with the Sealing Kiss. ******************* *Commitment Issues* ******************* These Sims, as you can already gather, have some problems saying "I Do", and as such, they will try and avoid all forms of settling down. They enjoy living the high life, so they don't want long term relationships, and they don't want long term careers, think of them as Slackers in the Sims 2. And don't think about marriage either. --==Benefits==--

There are no benefits to not settling down. Maybe living the high life? --==Disadvantages==-These Sims do not take to relationship type social interactions well, they do not, like, for example, a proposal to get marriage or engaged, that is a form of being settled down, and that is something that they don't want. --==Unique Properties==-There is one way for such Sims to get married, they need to have an extremely strong romantic bond, thing of them as exceptionally insecure, they need to have proof that the other person loves them back rather than blind faith. They will also not take kindly to staying in a career for a long time. And that normally means that when it starts to look good for them, as in career prospects, they will want another job, in another career path. --==Usefulness==-2.5/5 Well, this is starting to describe a fair amount of people nowadays, but it is interest to make a movie out of this, see how ways that a person can escape a marriage proposal. It'd be like being trapped into a corner, with a person on one knee, and then, they teleport away. Now that would be a nice movie. Just make sure you do it before Hollywood gets in the way. *************** *Computer Whiz* *************** These guys are sort of like me, love spending their time on the computer and anything to do with computers, they are good with. They are quite good with tinkering at their computer, and they also are good enough to start some freelance work through hacking. --==Benefits==-Basically, being good with computers allows your Sims to repair their computers, provided that they have some Handiness skill, with relative ease and without fail. That saves money on repair costs. They can also go in and start some hacking, they will get some money for hacking, though the money isn't that great. And also, when they decide to play games on the computer, they will get more fun out of it than other Sims. --==Disadvantages==-There are no disadvantages of being a computer whiz besides the lack of a social life and sunlight, but that's about it XD --==Unique Properties==-They have their unique properties, they can hack computers and they can repair them, but they can also go and talk about computers to other Sims, though that is provided that they are interested in that subject.

--==Usefulness==-3.5/5 It is a nice trait, but overall, it isn't the best, in my opinion. Sure, being able to repair the computer is a good idea, and the hacking income is rather mediocre at best, and sure, having increased fun is a good idea, but that is about all of it. It isn't bad, but it isn't riveting either. ************** *Couch Potato* ************** These Sims are not actual potatoes, but they are just the lazy slobs that decide it is a good idea to sit and watch the television all day, all the time. Sure, it is a good life, but they need a hell of a lot of work for them to actually become active, or even get a job. If only watching TV was a paid job... --==Benefits==-The main benefit is that when they are comfy, on the couch or in bed, they will have a far stronger Comfy moodlet. That means, their perk is about 50% stronger than that of other Sims, which is a nice mood boost. They also get fun a lot faster than that of other Sims when they watch television. --==Disadvantages==-The main disadvantage is that they need a lot more sleep than other Sims. This is quite a powerful disadvantage for one reason, because it takes a lot more time for sleep/energy to be recovered this time around. --==Unique Properties==-These Sims cannot do workout unless a very good mood. This is important and you want to trim that flab, you often means a lot of sitting on the

they are in a really good mood, and I mean because if they are dangerously overweight need to make them really happy, and that couch, watching the idiot box.

--==Requirements==-CANNOT HAVE ATHLETIC TRAIT --==Usefulness==-2/5 Sure, it is great to have such a perk, they get more fun and the Comfy moodlet lasts that little bit longer, but overall, the disadvantage of the extra time that is lost to sleep is far more significant. Bear in mind that having fun can increase skills, sleeping doesn't. ******** *Coward*

******** This always reminds me of the Monty Python and the Holy Grail, get back here, cowards! Anyway, a coward is scared of anything and everything that can remotely cause them harm, so they are pretty much useless in a fight. Make sure you purchase enough bubble-wrap. --==Benefits==-There are no benefits of being a coward, except the countless video opportunities for funny videos. --==Disadvantages==-These guys will get a Scared moodlet whenever they cross pathes with a ghost, a burglar, fire, and even the Grim Reaper, regardless of the target that is looking for. When those stimuli present themselves, they will normally run like the wind, but sometimes, they may just collapse instead. --==Unique Properties==-What is unique to them is the ability to run away, they will get that lovely option to flee. --==Requirements==-CANNOT HAVE BRAVE OR DAREDEVIL TRAIT --==Usefulness==-1/5 Sure, there are many video opportunities, but there is no practical use about them and my rating is all about practical uses, not the countless video opportunities, or this will get OVER 9000! *********** *Daredevil* *********** These guys are the thrill seekers, the adrenaline junkies. They live on the extreme side of life, with little regard of the consequences. These guys are crazy, and what it does is allow them to do EXTREME chores. Crazy. --==Benefits==-These guys will be able to put out a fire on the lot they are currently on a lot faster than normal Sims, but not as good as a firefighter. Also, they can never be burnt to death, so if you want a homicidal maniac who kills their prey with a blowtorch, go ahead. --==Disadvantages==-They don't have any disadvantages, do they do need maintain their thrill seeking behaviour.

--==Unique Properties==-These guys are crazy. With their normal household duties, they can have an EXTREME option of it, which sort of gives them a little fun. They can also use the Watch This social interaction, which pretty much means that they will do some extreme stuff, and receive the Adrenaline Rush moodlet for their troubles. It pays to be crazy for these guys. --==Requirements==-CANNOT HAVE COWARD TRAIT --==Usefulness==-3.5/5 This is one of the most interesting traits, it is fun to be a homicidal maniac, and that is what gets the points. Well, if they are bad cooks, the whole house can burn down, yet they will survive. Writing this gives me so many movie ideas. ******************* *Dislikes Children* ******************* Yes, you too can be like Mr. Burns, just hate children. As such, these Sims don't want to do anything to do with children, they don't want to talk to them, they don't want to play or entertain them, they don't want to teach them, and more importantly, they don't want to give birth or be part of the birth of a child. --==Benefits==-Besides from being the evil monster and the bane of children everywhere, nothing. --==Disadvantages==-These Sims will not take it lightly to be around children, they will go out of their way to make their life, and the life of the guardian, a living hell. If children and these Sims are on the same lot, prepare for some fireworks. --==Unique Properties==-These Sims feel evil around children, and when they are near children, they will get a negative moodlet. Don't worry, if they hate children so much, they don't reproduce, and as such, they will not have the opportunity to be near them. --==Usefulness==-0.5/5 There isn't any use for this, so really, besides video appeal, everything

about them are bad. So practically, this gets a 0.5 from me, which is far more generous than a zip. ****************** *Easily Impressed* ****************** These Sims are just easy to impress, even the smallest of successes, like not falling over on the pavement when doing one's shoelaces. Really, they aren't hard to impress. Maybe they just have low standards. --==Benefits==-These Sims, as you can already gather, will always have a positive response to social interactions that involve boasting in some way, shape or form. And that is about it. --==Disadvantages==-None, except the disturbing lack of any high standards that these Sims seem to possess. --==Unique Properties==-See, this is quite a powerful effect, though you want this in other Sims, and not so much your own. Sims who are easily impressed are the best for Sims who like boasting, and they make easy friends, you can just boast to them twice a day and they'll be happy. --==Usefulness==-4/5 This is quite useful in making friends, however, it is only useful if that is the person on the receiving end of a boast, rather than the delivering end. However, it is useful in inter-family affairs, and if you keep a tight knit family, useful in a parent, how doesn't like their kid succeeding? Don't answer that question. ****** *Evil* ****** These guys, as you can already tell by the name of the trait, are evil. They love the dark side, and if they had a choice, they'd all be using dual red lightsabres. Anyway, they love taking enjoyment when other fail, which is pretty much all of society, and they love to be as far away from the goody goodies as possible. Imagine loving next to a police station... --==Benefits==-These Sims get moodlets around the failure of others. When one of the mood bars of others reach the breaking point, so when others are quite hungry or need to use the toilet, or are droopy, they will get a nice positive moodlet out of that. And of course, they will always have an affinity to the dark

arts, and in this game, that means that they will do very well in the Criminal career path. --==Disadvantages==-Of course, they do not get along with those with the Good trait. That means that should a person with the Good trait meets your Sim, expect a fair share of disagreements. It is possible to keep that friendship going, though it is under a fair amount of strain. They also don't do well with those in Law Enforcement either. --==Unique Properties==-These guys have a head start in crime, and they are one side of the battle between good vs evil. Other than that, they don't have much in terms of uniqueness. --==Requirements==-CANNOT HAVE THE GOOD TRAIT --==Usefulness==-4.5/5 This is exceptionally useful if you love to be evil, though it is the bane of those who are good. They excel in crime, and they take enjoyment out of the misery of others, but that is about it. Now, if only there were lightsabres already included, or maybe a chicken costume. *********** *Excitable* *********** These guys are so excited about anything and everything. These will get a nice boost when things go right, if something good happens, they get a positive vibe, but they don't get the reverse, which is a pretty good thing, if you come to think about it. --==Benefits==-These Sims can get the positive moodlet of being excited from a large amount of activities that have them doing something that is beneficial. Things like dancing to their favourite music, eating their favourite food, catching a fish or winning an opportunity event, will have them gaining that moodlet. Fun, eh? --==Disadvantages==-The best thing about being excitable is, besides the lack of caffeine, is that they have no disadvantages. --==Unique Properties==-These guys can get the positive moodlet before anything, and this is a very powerful benefit in it's own right. I mean, if their favourite meal was a

stack of pancakes before going to work, you can see where I'm going. And no, you don't need to pack a suitcase. --==Requirements==-CANNOT HAVE GRUMPY TRAIT --==Usefulness==-5/5 This is one hell of a useful trait, like I said, if you set the favourite meal to something they can eat before work, like some waffles or some pancakes for breakfast (I'm almost tempted to post the link to the waffle song), they will get a nice positive moodlet, and before work, that will give them a nice boost to that promotion or raise they've been looking for. ***************** *Family Oriented* ***************** These guys are all about family, so if you want a nice family business, this is a good trait to possess. These guys make super parents, they are the best of the best for parents, they love children and their family. What is more to be said? --==Benefits==-Like I said, they love their family, and as a result, they will have a much better relationship start than others with family. They can also teach their children more effectively than other Sims, which is consistant with their family based trait. --==Disadvantages==-Besides from the fact that they might smother their children, and the overbearing love, no baddies here. --==Unique Properties==-As many other traits, these guys have the ability to talk about their trait, and as such, they can talk about their family to others. That's if they will bother to listen. --==Usefulness==-3.5/5 Sure, this is useful in terms of family care, but other than that, this isn't all that useful when you come to think about it. Sure, it does help you teach your kids to walk and talk faster than other Sims, but other than that, it doesn't do all that much. ******** *Flirty*

******** People who should be told to get a room fall under this umbrella. These Sims always look for some romance, and they are somewhat more successful than those who can't be bother trying, though it doesn't say much about the type of people that they attract. --==Benefits==-These Sims have access to the flirt actions earlier on in a relationship than those of other Sims, which is quite a useful boost, but remember that the social can be rejected as well as accepted, so just keep that in mind. They also do well with such socials, getting more of a boost. And finally, when they go out and get massages from the spa, they get a little more in terms of a boost. --==Disadvantages==-Besides the possibility of rejection and emotional heartache that could last anywhere from a second to a minute, nothing bad. --==Unique Properties==-These guys, when they have free will on them, will tend to use a lot more social interactions that lead to flirting, which could be a good thing in getting more conquests, but it could also be a bad thing as it would lead to more rejections as well. --==Requirements==-CANNOT HAVE UNFLIRTY TRAIT --==Usefulness==-4/5 This is quite useful if you want to make as many romantic partners as the moon has craters, but there are other problems, continued flirting can be a problem if it leads to problems with other Sims. Just keep an eye on what they are doing, and they'll be fine. At least they don't have problem finding the perfect one. Or at least they'll find someone to keep them company for the night. ********** *Friendly* ********** Friendly Sims are just that, they are friendly to everyone that they meet, and as such, they are very good at making new friends, which is rather useful if you are striving for political careers. --==Benefits==-Basically, these Sims are best at making friendships, they will be able to make friendships faster and they start with a larger boost to a relationship when they first meet a new Sim, which is nice. They also have a much easier

time when they are making friendships, as social interactions give a larger boost than before. --==Disadvantages==-There are no disadvantages to being friendly, not everyone is as friendly as Ned Flanders. --==Unique Properties==-Pretty much what was stated, they get a larger boost when they are starting a friendship, which is nice, and they will find int easier to make friends with other Sims, which again, is always nice. --==Requirements==-CANNOT HAVE THE MEAN OR INAPPROPRIATE TRAIT --==Usefulness==-3.5/5 This is only useful for Charisma type jobs, and that is the Politics and to a lesser extent, the Journalism career. Of course, having a lot of friends is rather nice, but the amount of notices that you will get to maintain the friendships that you have are quite annoying, though it isn't anything that a party can't solve. ******** *Frugal* ******** Also known as the tightarse trait, this basically means that your Sims are very careful with their money, and what the money is used for. They do not like wasting anything, especially perfectly good food that isn't spoilt and they spend their weekends sifting through the newspaper and the internet looking for coupons for them to spend at the supermarket or the local book store. --==Benefits==-These guys basically are able to use the internet and the newspaper to cut some coupons out of it, and that allows you to go to the store that the coupon is used for and purchase the specific product at a discounted price, and that leads to a nice moodlet for you to play with, which is always a nice thing, since it is a positive moodlet. --==Disadvantages==-These types of Sims are fanatical about price, so if you purchase a very expensive item, such as that Plasma TV that you have coveting, then they will get a negative moodlet because they don't like seeing such money spent when a smaller TV would have sufficed. They also will get a negative moodlet faster when they throw food away that could have been set away as leftovers.

--==Unique Properties==-These Sims are careful with their money to say the least, so you might get some discounted items, but they will not react well when you spend their hard earned money on items that they want or don't want. Such picky Sims. Also, since the politics career relies on campaign donations, these Sims tend to give a lot less than others. --==Usefulness==-2.5/5 Sure, saving money is good, however, such items that you can get in the book store and the grocery store are open on sale, and in the case of the groceries, most of them can be grown or caught later in the game, which removes the need for you to go to the store in the first place. They are good at saving money, but not good at spending it. Unlike most Governments. ******** *Genius* ******** These Sims are the super smart ones, the nerds, point-dexters, and whatever other name that you have for them, sure, you can beat them up for their lunch money, but they will be able to calculate the angle and force necessary to knock you unconcious with a single throw of their protractor. Anyway, these guys are the masters in chess, so don't take them on unless you know what you are doing. --==Benefits==-These Sims are the best when it comes to logic based skills. They gain logic skill points a lot faster than other Sims, and they are more proficent when it comes to using the telescope to find new planets and stars for money. As a bonus, they are also very good at chess, which is more of a hidden skill now, it does not go up with logic. They are also useful in the Medicine, Science and Law Enforcement careers, where logic is golden. --==Disadvantages==-Despite being beaten up for lunch money at school, and promptly taking down the bullies with a Pi attack, there are no disadvantages. --==Unique Properties==-These guys are smart, so don't play them in chess if you are planning to beat them. They will have a bonus in three careers, which is exceptionally useful, and they will sometimes use the Contemplate action when they have nothing to do, as to ponder the method the universe was created. --==Usefulness==-5/5 If you are planning to move into any of those three career fields, logic is going to be necessary to get you far in those fields, which is a very

important skill to build. Also, they can get some good side money from the telescope, so if those three careers are ones that you want, this is a must. ****** *Good* ****** These guys are akin to the Jedi order, they are the ones that protect society from the world at large, from evil doers planning world domination to the people who throw the cats into the trees. They are friendly and will help their friends and family, and they will donate to charitable causes. They are the other side of the epic battle of good vs evil. Good always wins. Or does it? --==Benefits==-These Sims are quite hard to piss off, they need a lot of badgering (no mushrooms please), to make them quite angry, which is good, and as such, they are quite good at building relationships with other Sims. They are also quite good at comforting another Sim. When another Sim is in a bad mood, they have the option to comfort them, and this gives the other Sim a nice moodlet of being comforted. It is nice to help people. --==Disadvantages==-See, being good means that no harm comes to you. See, that gun did kill you, the bullet did. --==Unique Properties==-These Sims also have the ability to donate to a charity, though the name always seems to be random, they do not have a set name, so you can donate to the Llama society if you want. There are increasing options on how much you wish to donate, but as a general rule, the more you donate, the longer the charitable moodlet will last. They can, however, only donate once a day, since the moodlet often lasts for 24 hours at most. --==Requirements==-CANNOT HAVE THE EVIL TRAIT OR MEAN-SPIRITED TRAIT --==Usefulness==-4.5/5 The reason this is scored so highly is because they can donate money for a moodlet that lasts a whole day, and that means they can power on at work for a much longer period of time, since that moodlet is quite powerful if you donate, say, 1000 Simoleons to their cause. However, unlike the Evil trait, you don't get any career boost, though it should go to Law Enforcement if any. ********************** *Good Sense of Humour* **********************

These Sims are those that like to make others laugh, the David Lettermans and the Jay Lenos of Sim society (I do not want complaints how either one of them are crap, call them and tell them they're crap, I quite frankly don't care). Anyway, these are the joke makers, and as such, they normally have a pretty fun time out with their friends. --==Benefits==-These Sims are quite useful, they will start off with a relationship boost as well and they can tell a large amount of jokes, and the best thing is that they can never fail a joke, their jokes are always a success, and as such, it is a good way to break the ice and start a new conversation with someone who will be your new best friend. --==Disadvantages==-Besides being quite annoying with "why did the chicken cross the road?" jokes, they have no down side. --==Unique Properties==-These guys will respond well to jokes as well as make great jokes that can never fail. If only my comedy would be like that, right now, it is as funny as a dustball flying past. --==Requirements==-CANNOT HAVE THE NO SENSE OF HUMOUR TRAIT. DUH. --==Usefulness==-3.5/5 Sure, it is useful for building a relationship, but other than to serve as an ice breaker in new relationships, it doesn't contribute all that much, though it is interesting to decode exactly what the Sim is trying to say. ************** *Great Kisser* ************** These guys have either been spending far too much time practising on either their cousins, dolls or teddy bears, but their talent is, strangely enough, in kissing others. This means that they give out unforgetable kisses, though I heard a mixture of beer, wine, vodka, rum and whisky does a good job at that. --==Benefits==-These Sims are just great kissers, and as such, when they kiss another Sim, which is more like to happen given that they have a higher rate of success, they will have a stronger relationship boost at the end of the interaction, which is always something good. --==Disadvantages==--

Other than to have some people vomit and Mrs Crumplebottom throwing mince meat from her handbag at them, no disadvantages. --==Unique Properties==-These guys are just good kissers, and that is about all. Sure, they give unforgivable kissers, but a few drinks at the bar, or a few dozen drinks, or a few dozen bottles, do a good job of erasing their memory, and their liver. --==Usefulness==-2.5/5 Sure, they are good at kissing, but the problem is building up the relationship to the point where they are accepted for kissing takes a fair amount of time, and by then, the relationship has to be going strong already, so that defeats the point of this trait somewhat. Great for movies though. Have a Clumsy Sim drop the ring, followed by an unforgettable kiss. I do wonder why I'm not a Hollywood director XD ************* *Green Thumb* ************* These Sims are the gardeners, as you can guess, they love anything related or indirectly involved in gardening. As such, they are good with the plants and they can bring them back to life, even if they have been neglected for a long period of time. --==Benefits==-These Sims have a natural ability to learn the Garden skill better, which is quite useful. Seeing that gardening is a very good source of money and your own food source, saving money, it is quite useful. They also have the ability to revive any dead plants that have died due to neglect straight away, and finally, they have the ability to harvest better harvestables from plants and trees than other Sims without this trait. --==Disadvantages==-Besides the skyrocketing cost of water that doesn't seem to be reflected in your bills, none. --==Unique Properties==-They will automatically start out in the game with a book about gardening for them to read and gain skill in, which is quite useful to give that little boost straight away. They can also gain social in their mood from talking to plants, which is quite interesting. --==Usefulness==-5/5

This is exceptionally useful, you get much better harvestables, which leads to more money when you sell the fruits of your labour, and also, it creates a much more fulfilling meal when you cook with them. Basically, they set themselves up for farming and good food, and that can mean a lot of money. Don't worry, you don't have to worry about the water bill. ******** *Grumpy* ******** These Sims are just that, they are grumpy and antsy little people who get really easily annoyed, and they are never in a good mood, which kind of makes them a stick in the mad. They won't be happy, they don't want to be happy, kind of like Dr. House, just happy being unhappy. --==Benefits==-There are no benefits of being grumpy, other than that Sim being nothing more than an annoying prick towards other Sims. --==Disadvantages==-This is kind of a pain, basically, their mood bars take longer to refill, especially the fun bar, and that means that they need to be exposed to more fun activities for a longer period of time compared to other Sims in order for them to get them in a good mood, which makes it hard for them to get that promotion at work. --==Unique Properties==-They are just grumpy, they take longer to have fun, and that makes it rather annoying for them to get that promotion at work or just generally be nice to others. --==Requirements==-CANNOT HAVE EXCITABLE, GOOD SENSE OF HUMOUR, HOT-HEADED OR NEUROTIC TRAITS --==Usefulness==-0/5 Practical uses for this is next to none, there is no point in being a grumpy old fart because it just creates more work for you to get that promotion or that raise at work when your mood bar can only take the punishment of work for so long. ******* *Handy* ******* These Sims are good with playing with tools, and they are generally good around the house, unlike Frank Barone, who is the complete opposite. They are quite good at tinkering with objects, and when things break, they can repair them without fail or fear of being the target of a zap cannon. These

guys are the master repairers in the game, they will never fail at repairing. --==Benefits==-These guys will be able to gain the Handiness skill a lot faster than that of other Sims, which is quite useful if you consider the amount of time it takes for it to be built up. They also start off with a book about handiness to start off with, so they can build their skills up faster. Finally, they will always succeed in repair and tinkering with objects, they will never fail, and therefore, never get electrocuted. --==Disadvantages==-Besides the fact that electrical discharges do not seem to effect them, ruling out electrocution as a form of death, nothing bad. --==Unique Properties==-Again, they will never fail at repairing or tinkering with an object, which means they will save a lot of money on the repairman. They will also fix an item so that it is less likely to break, compared to as if it was fixed by a normal Sim. --==Usefulness==-4.5/5 Sure, things around the home do get broken, and items like the shower and the toilet get their fair share of use, which is quite problematic if you only have one toilet in the house and it is broken. However, the repair costs aren't that high, and later on in the game, it isn't useful as much. However, their skill at tinkering is useful, considering the unlocks that you can get out of tinkering. ******************** *Hates the Outdoors* ******************** These Sims hate sunlight, so they make ideal vampires, Basically, they do not being outside, so if they need to do the gardening, or just stay outside for a prolonged period of time, they get a real quick negative mood. However, just to make it fair, the trip to work doesn't count as outdoors, they are kind of in a car the whole time. --==Benefits==-Besides being the ideal vampire, there isn't anything else that is a good thing about this trait. --==Disadvantages==-As mentioned in the intro, they hate the sunlight, and as such, if they stay outside for more than 30 minutes, at tops, they will get a negative moodlet where they are plagued by the outdoors. Which is quite annoying, because if they need to do some grocery shopping or some fishing, they will get this moodlet.

--==Unique Properties==-There is nothing unique about hating the outdoors, and if real life was sort if incorporated, these guys would be dead due to a lack of Vitamin D. So make sure all of you kids spend some time outside in the sunlight, you need that Vitamin D to survive. --==Requirements==-CANNOT HAVE LOVE THE OUTDOORS TRAIT --==Usefulness==-0.5/5 This is nothing potato, and pay times.

useless, besides comedic appeal of people hating fresh air, there is interesting about this trait. Sure, this goes well with being a couch but even then you need to take some time outside and use it to collect the bills. Or maybe you just like seeing the Repoman a fair amount of

*************** *Heavy Sleeper* *************** If this was a real life trait, I definitely want it. Anyway, these guys will be able to sleep through everything, from the phone ringing to be B-2 Spirit dropping bombs next to their bed, or a tank demolishing half their house, they will sleep through anything and everything, which is a good and a bad thing. Let me explain why. --==Benefits==-These guys will sleep through anything and everything, and that means that if an appliance such as the stereo or the phone goes off and wakes people up, these Sims will sleep right through it and they will continue to sleep as if nothing as happened. This is quite a nice thing to have, because if you wire your stereo with house speakers, they will go off and wake people up. --==Disadvantages==-However, there is a downside to heavy sleeping, these guys will also sleep through things like burglar alarms. So if a robber decides to comes in and sets the alarm off, these guys will sleep through it like nothing has happened at all, which is quite interesting, and quite annoying because they can't stop a robber in their tracks. Not even a fire can wake them up. Deep sleep. --==Unique Properties==-Basically, they have the ability to sleep through anything and everything, so nothing will wake them up. They will also take their sleep to work, and as such, in careers, they will have the option to sleep at work, though it doesn't do wonders for their job performance. --==Requirements==--

CANNOT HAVE LIGHT SLEEPER TRAIT --==Usefulness==-3.5/5 This is quite useful for most Sims, the ability to sleep through everything is useful, but if you are a brave Sim, it isn't all that useful since you cannot fight of robbers should they decide to start a home invasion. Though if you have a burglar alarm, you don't have to worry too much. Anyway, think if it is good idea or not, remember, the usefulness part is just my opinion on its practical uses. ******************* *Hopeless Romantic* ******************* This is the idealist type of romance seeker, the naive, idealistic type, they are on their quest to find their soulmate, and they will stop at nothing to get it. To them, romance is like a well played romance movie, like the Notebook, and they will take on this pursuit, despite the clarity of reality, which may suggest that this isn't such a good idea, the Notebook was, after all, set in the 1940s-50s. --==Benefits==-These guys, when they are on the receiving end of a romantic interaction, will get more of a boost than other Sims, which is quite useful when they are trying to boost up the relationship between the pair. Also, when they have a romantic interest in the room, someone that are trying the court, using the correct lingo, they will get an environmental boost as well, which is quite useful. --==Disadvantages==-However, being a ever afters, and they will suffer normal Sims, who

hopeless romantic, the romance movies are always happily when they have their heart broken into tiny little pieces, a negative moodlet that is far more powerful than that of move on.

--==Unique Properties==-Basically, they love their romance, and this translate to novel writing. When they write romance novels, they are far more proficent than other Sims, which means that their romance novels will attract far higher royalties rate than that of other Sims. Considering how much those books make a week, this is a sizable sum of money we are talking about. --==Usefulness==-3.5/5 I have nothing against chick flicks, if they are done right, but this is like living in one. These guys and gals live as if it was in a romance novel, so they love the love, and hate the hate. Basically, if you are going to have one

of these guys, just think of the money. Money can buy love, in most cases. Or can it? ************ *Hot-Headed* ************ These guys are quick to anger, and they will quickly fire up and that makes them quite scary. They will fire up over anything, especially breaking items, it really wasn't their fault, and most important, they will get exceptionally pissed off if they get fired from their job. So treat these guys are grenades with short fuses. One, BOOM! --==Benefits==-Besides making fun movies of them blowing up next to other Sims, there aren't any advantages. --==Disadvantages==-They will suffer from far stronger negative moodlets than other Sims if the moodlet is related to them and their, ah, anger-management problems (that was a great movie by the way). If they break something, their negative moodlet is far stronger, and getting fired, well, call the bomb-disposal squad. --==Unique Properties==-Never decide to use negative social interactions with these delicate bombs, if they so much as get on the receiving end of some teasin, watch them explode and start firing back, starting World War 42. Basically, keep these guys around in some bubblewrap, they might need it. --==Usefulness==-1.5/5 It is only interesting as them to keep it alive. These guys are only there in order to keep life interesting. They will blow up over broken items which easily, so the handyman should be on speed-dial, or a handy Sim is there to meet them happy. Still, videos are a good thing though. ************* *Hydrophobic* ************* Keep these guys away from water. As you can guess, hydro means water and the phobic means fear. Basically, do get them near water, they will not like it. They dislike showers and getting wet in sprinklers, but what they will really hate is the pool. They do not like it, and they will not enter it. --==Benefits==-Watching these guys run like crazy when they get wet from the sprinkler. That's about it.

--==Disadvantages==-These guys will hate water with a passion. When in the shower, they are exposed to water, so watch that negative mood build up and explode over someone. When in the pool, watch their hatred slowly build up until they get really annoyed. So yeah, keep them away from water, even if they smell, funny. --==Unique Properties==-They will never get into the pool on their own free will, they will never enter it. They will enter showers, however. They will also hate playing in the bath, they will not stand it, and they will never get the playing with Superduck moodlet either. --==Usefulness==-2/5 Basically, points for exploding, but in reality, it isn't very practical. These guys hate water, and although it isn't a large part of their life, they also hate standing near it, so wet floors around the house are a no no. Keep it nice and dry, and they'll applaud you for it, make it a little wet, and watch them scream. It's a shame that weather wasn't programmed, I'd like to see them singing in the rain. *************** *Inappropriate* *************** These guys have no sense of timing, they will talk about the wrong things at the wrong times. It's like making jokes about dead people when they recently died, not in good taste. Or jokes about deeds that should not be discussed in public, unless drunk. They always like to tease people, and at some stages, mock them, but they always thing it is okay, and as such, never apologise. --==Benefits==-These Sims have no sense of dignity, and as such, they will gladly search through the rubbish of other Sims to find more trash, and sometimes, some goodies that they can take home. Though watch out for the negative moodlet that one gets from searching trash. --==Disadvantages==-These guys, socially, will never admit that they are wrong, and as such, they will not be able to apologise to anyone for anything for their crimes. It wasn't them. They will also get a social interaction to replace that, they will be able to Make Fun Of others, and that is just a source of entertainment for them, nothing else. Though expect relationship to drop a little. --==Unique Properties==-Well, they cannot apologise and they can make fun of others, and that is

about it. Though searching through the trash is fun, and smelly. Most of the items that you get are cheap items that can easily be found in the buy catalog, if you bother to look. --==Requirements==-CANNOT HAVE FRIENDLY TRAIT --==Usefulness==-2.5/5 You can actually make a fair amount of money if you rummage through people's trash, though you constantly need to take showers to get rid of that moodlet that you get when searching through trash. Although it isn't an easy task, so stick with your neighbours. They are weak, however, socially, so if you want to make the world's biggest jackass quickly, this trait is one for you. ******** *Insane* ******** These guys are very unpredictable, you will have absolutely no idea on what the hell they are going to do, and as such, insane. These guys will do anything that suits them, they can wear their swimwear to sleep, or their formal clothing in the pool, what they do is completely random. Even if their actions don't make sense, remember, they are INSANE. --==Benefits==-Well, they aren't scared of ghosts, I would think that the ghosts are more afraid of them. --==Disadvantages==-However, being insane is quite difficult in terms of marriage. No matter at what stage of the relationship you propose at, even if it is the highest possible stage in the relationship, their response is completely random, and as such, you have the same chance at success at the highest level and at the bottom level. Insane indeed. --==Unique Properties==-Like I said, their actions don't need to make sense, like fishing in a swimming pool. That doesn't make sense. They will also sometimes put on the wrong piece of clothing to an occasion, like wearing their PJs to work, or formal clothing into the swimming pool, or their work wear to sleep. It is completely random with these people. And, just to cement the idea that they are insane, they will be able to talk to themselves, gaining social points. --==Usefulness==-3.5/5 There is nothing more fun than being insane, but it does lose points for having a random response to marriage, which is quite annoying. However, it is

just downright funny to see these guys interact with one another, they will do the most crazy of things, and the best part of it is, you don't even need to lift a finger to watch this. ************** *Kleptomaniac* ************** The Benders of the Sim world, they have a perchant of having wandering fingers that always seem to find their way onto someone else's possessions and then ending up in their pocket. They will always seem to accidently place someone else's possession in their pocket, for keeps, from school, work, or just for the hell of it, their neighbour's home. --==Benefits==-What is a bigger benefit than being able to steal things from others. They will be able to nick some stuff from work, school, or their neighbour's home, though it is random in what they steal, you cannot set them to steal a specific item. --==Disadvantages==-When you steal something from someone, that person tends not to like you very much for stealing their items. As such, you suffer a relationship drop from them, and that is well deserved as well. Hey, I don't like people stealing my junk, do you? --==Unique Properties==-When an item is stolen, that item is branded as stolen, and as such, you really don't want that person to see a stolen possession of theirs in your possession, so be careful. They will, however, also have the ability to return the stolen object back to their owners, in return for a moodlet of returning stolen goods. --==Usefulness==-4/5 Hell, stealing is fun, though it isn't in real life, the Sims haven't developed a concept of a prison system yet. You sometimes might be able to steal some good stuff, but the fun only lasts as long as you get away with the crime, get caught in the act, and yeah, it is easy to make some quick enemies. *************** *Light Sleeper* *************** These guys cannot get a good nights worth of sleep, they are constantly tossing and turning in their beds, and even a pin dropping on the floor could wake them up from their sleep, they will not sleep through anything, unlike their heavy sleeper counterparts.

--==Benefits==-Well, on the bright side, when a robber decides to come along and starts to borrow some items from your house, your Sims with super acute hearing can hear the robber opening the door and they will be fully awake for a full on fight with the robber, without fail. --==Disadvantages==-They will, however, wake up from anything, from loud noises, such as children, or when the TV is turned on, or that telephone starts buzzing, or someone has the stereo too loud, they will always wake up, and as such, it is hard for them to attain the Fully Rested moodlet unless everyone else is sleeping. --==Unique Properties==-They will have the ability to research sleep techniques from the internet via the computer, however, it really doesn't help them, they will still remain super sensitive to noises. Shame it doesn't help them, maybe some really thick mufflers? --==Requirements==-CANNOT HAVE THE HEAVY SLEEPER TRAIT --==Usefulness==-1.5/5 This isn't useful if they are going to go to work the next day and they want that promotion because that Fully Rested moodlet is quite powerful and it quite long lasting as well. Basically, these guys are only good for house defence for your burglars, and that is about it, they will not able to sleep through parties, so if you really want that Fully Rested moodlet, keep it quiet. ******* *Loner* ******* These guys are the introverts, they love spending time by themselves rather than enjoy the company of others, which is quite strange, and is getting increasingly common in today's society. Anyway, these guys love activities that only involve themselves, and they get nervous when they are hanging around people that do not trust or hang out in large groups. So yeah, give these guys some room. --==Benefits==-These guys love spending time by themselves, they will always be entertained to the point where they get a moodlet for Solitude, which is quite interesting, you get to have a positive mood by yourself. --==Disadvantages==--

They will get a negative moodlet when they start to hang around people, so building up friends will be a hard task when their mood says that they just don't want to have any friends at the moment. --==Unique Properties==-These guys just cannot have friends, and as such Charisma based jobs are hard for them. I mean, Barack Obama didn't become President if he didn't interact with others. However, if they work on their own, they are quite useful, so these guys make very good painters and novelists. --==Requirements==-CANNOT HAVE THE PARTY ANIMAL TRAIT --==Usefulness==-3.5/5 These are useful, exceptionally useful, in making money from gardening, painting and novel writing, but other than they, they will have a hard time at making money from work. Most work requires interaction with other co-workers, and they are poor at that. However, what is interesting is that they will act like normal Sims if they are with someone who is considered their friend. The hard part is trying to get them friends. ******* *Loser* ******* No, I'm not talking to you, it's a trait. Anyway, Loser Sims are just Sims who are not good at winning. Great Description. Anyway, they will hardly win at games, so in a game of Chess, they might be a grand master, but their loser trait will force them to lose a fair amount of matches for someone who is a grand master. They will fail, and fail they shall. But to them, failure isn't something to get angry over, they'll just have a cry. --==Benefits==-This is funny, they will get a boost in their mood with the Winner moodlet if they actually win a game, say in chess. Sure, most people get a boost, but their boost will be stronger. Again, the problem is actually winning a game. --==Disadvantages==-They will lose, and they will lose quite often, so in video games and in chess games, they will lose most of the time, though this is nothing new and they don't get a negative moodlet. But all those losses has made them rather annoying, they'll just keep complaining about their inabiltiy to win at anything. --==Unique Properties==-These Sims are just interest to watch, they cannot win at anything.

However, it doesn't make them useless, they are quite useful for other Sims to gain a nice Winner moodlet before heading off to work. See, uses, though for other Sims. --==Requirements==-CANNOT HAVE BRAVE OR CHARISMATIC TRAIT --==Usefulness==-2.5/5 These are only good to keep around the house if you plan to make all the other Sims happy by giving them a punching bag of sorts, they call all have the Winner moodlet by defeating this wimp. However, on the rare occasion they do win, imagine what they can do. A lot. Before they sink to the crushing depths of defeat, again. ******************** *Loves the Outdoors* ******************** Unlike their nature hating cousins, these guys love nature with all that they have, and as such, they love spending their time outdoors, so activities that force them to do this, like fishing and gardening will greatly satisfy them. However, this love of the outdoors can take the better of them and force them to spend more time than warranted. --==Benefits==-These Sims love the outdoors, and as such, they will get moodlets, positive ones, for spending time outdoors, which is quite useful. Also, career paths that require them to spend time outside such as the Science, Military and the Athletic career will give them a nice boost, reducing their mood decay. Finally, since they love the outdoors so much, they will get a boost by talking about it to other Sims. --==Disadvantages==-However, since they love the outdoors, they need to spend a lot of time outside, and this needs to be maintained less they get a negative moodlet for their troubles. They need time outside, and if they don't get it, they will suffer as a result. --==Unique Properties==-Basically, they get a career boost in three career ladders, which is quite useful, and this is useful as well for gardeners and the like, seeing as they spend so much time outside. However, they always need to spend some time outside, and if they don't, they will get negative moodlets, just the reverse of the Hates the Outdoors trait. --==Requirements==-CANNOT HAVE HATE THE OUTDOORS TRAIT

--==Usefulness==-4/5 This is exceptionally useful, a boost in three career fields and moodlets for doing the gardening. However, the only reason I deduct marks for this trait is because of maintenance. Sure, they might be a novelist by night, but they will always need to be outdoors for some time or they will get a sour mood, and no one wants that. ******* *Lucky* ******* These Sims are the Sim form of Lady Luck, they are lucky in everything that they do, and as such, it is impossible for them to suffer a bad day. Things from getting a raise or reducing the chance of a robber targeting your house are things that luck embodies. So if you have one of these guys in your household, you can thank your lucky stars. --==Benefits==-Basically, by giving them 4 hours of straight sleep, they will have a chance to obtain the lucky moodlet, which is a positive moodlet that lasts them the entire day, of 24 hours. That means that get a nice little boost to their mood, and as a result, that will get a lower chance of encounter things like fires and robbers. Also, they will have higher chances of getting a successful raise at work. --==Disadvantages==-These guys are all luck, they do not have any bad luck, and as such, they have no disadvantages. --==Unique Properties==-Also as a side bonus, they will also be more likely to win at chess games, regardless of the level and they will also have the chance to win at video games more often than not. --==Requirements==-CANNOT HAVE UNLUCKY TRAIT --==Usefulness==-5/5 This is quite a useful trait, they have just 4 hours sleep, and considering the refill the mood bar, that is quite easy broken objects are always a nice touch, less handyman repairs. ***************

a chance at getting a moodlet for amount of sleep that one needs to to fulfill. Also, less fires and it means a lower damage bill and

*Mean-Spirited* *************** These Sims are just mean, simple as that. They don't like to be nice, and they will go out of their way just to make someone's life hell. They love to have a fight, and they rejoice when they gain a new enemy, which is quite interesting. Anyway, if you want to be nasty, then these are the experts to do it for you. --==Benefits==-These guys will never lose in a fight, and this is quite useful, if you want to make more enemies than anyone else. Though the problem is getting them into a fight in the first place, but look on the bright side, the robbers won't be robbing your place any time soon. Also, it is an interesting system of moods that they have, the more enemies that they have, the happier their mood. Guess friends aren't their strong suit. --==Disadvantages==-These Sims are mean, and as such, they will automatically use negative and mean social interactions automatically. If you want to rein them in, you need to keep a very close eye on what they are doing. They make enemies as much as I make guides. --==Unique Properties==-They will always win a fight, they will not lose, and as such, they make great home defenders, provided that they have the brave trait. They will also be quite useful in making some nice drama, make the town alive. --==Requirements==-CANNOT HAVE FRIENDLY TRAIT --==Usefulness==-2.5/5 It doesn't pay to be an asshat all the time, but it does save your possessions from being stolen from you, which is always a bonus. However, the problem is the amount of friends that you will not possess, you will have a hell of a lot of enemies, and that limits the type of careers that you can move into. Painting and writing are suggested jobs, considering that they don't need to be friendly to anyone. ******* *Mooch* ******* These guys love getting their hands on as much as they can without trying to fork out a single cent. They will love to mooch food and, more importantly, Simoleons, from their neighbours, and that makes them quite the source of unwanted hatred. Their neighbours will go along with their mooching at first, but even they have their limits, unlike Flanders towards Homer in the Simpsons.

--==Benefits==-These guys love to mooch, they love to scab, as it were. As such, they will often head to other homes, and they will tend to end up with some free food and as many Simoleons that they can lay claim to. This is quite useful, free food is welcome under any circumstances, and free money, who doesn't want free money. --==Disadvantages==-Well, they don't like moochers, as in your neighbours, and as such, they will get some unwanted negative attention from your neighbours, and if you are trying to make friends, this won't be a good trait. Most people are okay with it, like Wilson is to House, but some aren't. --==Unique Properties==-These guys have the option to go into someone's home and use their kitchen as a source of snacks. Quite useful for the hungry Sim who is out of the essential foodstuffs and the ones who are too cheap to pay. They also have the option to mooch of other Sims in social conversations. --==Usefulness==-4/5 This is quite useful, stealing, or rather, mooching money and food from other Sims who seem to go quite nicely, and they don't seem to have a care in the world. However, do keep in mind that they don't tend to mooch a lot of high value items, they get cheap food and some Simoleons, but not enough as a source of income. Just make sure that you keep up the relations with the neighbours, don't want new enemies out of them. ************** *Natural Cook* ************** These guys are the natural Iron Chefs of the world, they are natural cooks so they excel in, the obvious, cooking. These guys love cooking, with a passion, and they will be able to improve on their cooking, so their food is delicious, compared to other Sims. If you are looking for a hearty 5 course meal, look no further. --==Benefits==-These guys are cooks, and by stating the obvious, they learn the cooking skill a lot faster than that of other Sims, and given that learning how to cook is time consuming, learning on the fly is quite useful. They will never ever burn their food either, their dishes are always perfect, which is useful for that moodlet. And because they cannot fail their dish, they cannot start fires in the kitchen. --==Disadvantages==-There are no disadvantages of being a natural cook, besides the usual cuts

of your fingers. --==Unique Properties==-These guys start off with a cooking book automatically, which is quite useful for boost the first few levels and getting some more recipes for their arsenal. They will also be able to learn new recipes, provided that they can be learnt given their skill level just by visiting other lots and trying new food. Useful. --==Usefulness==-5/5 This is useful for so many reasons. They can learn recipes just by eating them and this is useful given the cost of the recipe books. The most important thing is that they can create perfect dishes. This is useful given that there are moodlets, positive, powerful moodlets for perfect dishes, or a lovely meal. ****** *Neat* ****** The neat freaks, these Sims love to have everything clean and dust free, and this means a lot of toilet cleaning. They will always have the time to clean the house, regardless of their current mood. They will always clean up after themselves, and they love that, but they get very annoyed when they are in an environment that is absolutely filthy. --==Benefits==-These Sims will clean up after themselves, so when will always take their dishes and wash them in the When they clean objects, their clean will last for that it will take more uses of that item before it

they finish a meal, they sink or the dishwasher. much longer, and that means requires cleaning.

--==Disadvantages==-These Sims will love things neat, so they will get a far more potent negative moodlet when they are in surroundings that are not up to their standard. They will also get negative moodlets from other Sims when they have a low hygiene bar, which means the gym is a pretty much no-go. --==Unique Properties==-These Neat Sims have one unique property, they will be able to use the Clean House social interaction, and basically this interaction allows them to move around the house and clean every single thing that can possibly be cleaned, which means all the cleaning, bed making, etc in a single swoop. --==Requirements==-CANNOT HAVE SLOB TRAIT --==Usefulness==--

3.5/5 Don't get me wrong, these are useful, they can easily replace the maid, and that is a 125 Simoleon hole buster in a single go. However, there it no longer a Cleaning skil, therefore, it is not as useful as it could possibly be. Though saving money is a nice touch, the negative moodlet is not. ********** *Neurotic* ********** These Sims are the paranoid. They can take the smallest issue and snowball it into something that is bigger than Mount Everest. They also tend to worry a hell of a lot, more than necessary, and as such, they don't tend to calm down very often, making them exceptionally tense. However, they do seem to find a lot of comfort in expressing their worries to other Sims. If there were psychologists in this game, they'd be making a killing of these Sims. --==Benefits==-These Sims have one of the most interesting self interactions, they will be able to do the Freak Out interaction. By scaring the crap out of any nearby Sims, they will give a powerful mood boost to themselves, which is always useful before your Sims move off to work. --==Disadvantages==-These Sims take a lot longer to recover their mood, and as such, fun will suffer and take a lot longer to recover than before. They will also automatically freak out after an accident, such as burning their food or breaking an object. This isn't very useful, given that it scares the crap out of nearby Sims. --==Unique Properties==-Basically, their unique property is freaking out. It will basically scare the crap out of nearby Sims, and with good reason. It is a short process of scaring people, and after that, they get a new moodlet, the Tranquil moodlet. --==Usefulness==-3/5 Sure, it is useful to freak out all the time, but the problem with this trait is that it will scare other Sims, and if those Sims are under your control, you suffer a lowered mood as a result. This isn't all that useful. ************ *Never Nude* ************ Basically, this is insecurity about their own body, they will never do

anything that exposes their flesh to the light of day, or the darkness of night. They will never completely remove all their clothing, and this extends to the bathroom. --==Benefits==-No benefits, except that you won't need to see that jumbled amount of pixels that comes along with Sim nudity. --==Disadvantages==-Well, no disadvantages either. --==Unique Properties==-The only thing that this trait does it that it will force them to never be nude, and as a result, they will go into the bath and into the shower with their swimwear on. --==Usefulness==-0/5 There isn't any practical use for this, not even a video use for it. As such, it will be one of the only traits that will get a complete ZERO from me. ******************** *No Sense of Humour* ******************** These people are just no fun, they have no concept of comedy. As such, they will attempt to tell jokes, but their jokes will always be flat, it just isn't funny. So, as a result, they don't tell them. And they also will not accept other people's jokes, mainly because they are more often than not, more funny than their own. --==Benefits==-Well, besides being the stiff, so to speak, they are completely humourless. Seriously, imagine a world without laughter. So boring. --==Disadvantages==-Since these people do not like jokes in the slightest, they will gain little in terms of relationship if they are on the receiving end of a joke delivered by another Sim. This isn't all that fun. --==Unique Properties==-Well, they don't react to jokes, there isn't much else to say. They are, simply put, boring Sims. Not funny at all. --==Requirements==-CANNOT HAVE THE GOOD SENSE OF HUMOUR OR SCHMOOZER TRAIT

--==Usefulness==-0/5 Again, this is more or less a useless trait, they don't have any fun, and that really irks me for some reason. Anyway, there is no real use for this trait, so don't bother too much about it. **************** *Over-Emotional* **************** These Sims are basically bipolar, they suffer from extreme mood swings at the best of times. When something happens that they should be happy about, they are over-excited. When they at the receiving end of a bad event, like losing a loved one, they will sink to rock bottom lows. So either way, there is no moderation, just the extremes and absolutes. --==Benefits==-When they receive a moodlet that is positive, they will get a larger mood boost from the moodlet compared to other Sims, which is exceptionally handy when you come to think about it. --==Disadvantages==-There are the ups, and there are the downs. When they get a negative moodlet, they will have a more potent moodlet. That means, they will get a larger negative mood drop compared to other Sims. What comes up, must come down. --==Unique Properties==-Basically, it is that, they have extreme reactions to everything, so the good moodlets are more, well, good, and the negative moodlets are far more negative. This is both a good and a bad thing, so this trait is effectively a dual-edged sword. --==Usefulness==-3.5/5 This is a powerful trait,however, it all depends on how you use it. If you are good at keeping your Sims rather happy, then you will be able to make the best use possible out of this trait, however, the slightest negative moodlet can ruin your Sim's mood altogether. Just make sure that you can play with the balancing act, otherwise, this could get nasty. ************** *Party Animal* ************** These are the centre of attention, they want all the attention that they can get. These guys love to party, and that is all they will do, party. As a

result, if any of these guys are ever at a party, you can ensure that it will be a party that you will want to remember for the rest of your life. And now we are thinking of possible candidates, aren't we? --==Benefits==-These Sims will attend a party regardless of whoever invited them, whether they have a good relationship or not. So you can count of them to turn up to your party. When they turn up, they are more likely than other Sims to turn up with a gift, most commonly a plate of food for your consumption. --==Disadvantages==-Well, despite the fact that they don't seem to need any sleep whatsoever, there are no disadvantages. --==Unique Properties==-This is a fun trait to have at parties, if they are able to, they will use the Whoo interaction, and if it turns out to be successful, they will get two positive moodlets for their troubles, the Life of the Party and the Awesome Party moodlet. This is a nice boost after a long hard day at work. --==Usefulness==-2.5/5 You may think that it is a rather low rating for a trait that gives access to two massive moodlets, but in reality, you also need a use for those moodlets. It is impractical to have a party before work, and as such, there is nothing that you can use the mood boost for. So, sure, it is useful for the mood boost, but it isn't useful since there is no use for it. *************** *Perfectionist* *************** These guys are perfectionists, they need everything to be perfect. As such, they will take a much longer period of time cooking, or writing, or even painting, the sole reason being that they want it to be perfect, and as such, the resulting product is far better than that done by normal Sims. They trade time for quality. These guys want nothing but perfection, and as such, they will be annoyed if it does not go their way. --==Benefits==-As a result of their nature, they are more likely to present a higher quality of painting, and better selling novel, a more tasty dish and in the case of teenagers and children, homework that is well done. --==Disadvantages==-However, because they every piece of celery much longer period of making a high quality

need everything to be perfect, every i to be dotted, to be cut to exactly the same size, they will take a time to do those tasks. That is, however, if they are meal or doing their homework to perfection.

--==Unique Properties==-Well, as a quirk, they will always decide that their bed needs to be made after they wake up, which is something that was lacking from the Sims 2, they automatically did that. And it is a source of income for your maid. This goes well with the Neat trait. --==Usefulness==-4.5/5 This is exceptionally useful for those who are planning to make Sims live off the earnings done by paintings and novels, because if they are of a higher quality, they will earn more money, simple as that. However, the problem is that the will take more time, so if you really need that cash injection for the bills that are due in a few hours, it might be a problem. *********** *Schmoozer* *********** These guys are the suck ups, they will willingly suck up to their bosses in order to get that promotion that they are looking for. They will kiss ass if it goes them somewhere, either with their co-workers as well as their bosses, which make them ideal in the work place, provided that they need to stroke some egos. They are also good at flattery, as it if was a second calling. --==Benefits==-When these guys compliment someone, it will always be accepted, no matter what point in the relationship that they are in, and this will always help improve a relationship, either starting or old friends. They will also be able to flatter their bosses and co-workers, and that improves their relations with them if you use the right work tone. This is quite important, because a lot of careers require good relations with the boss or your co-workers. --==Disadvantages==-Besides being intolerable because they are nothing but yes men, nothing else. --==Unique Properties==-Like I said, their compliments will always be accepted, and they are much better at using the social tones at work, which is a quick way of making fast friends. They will also have the Chat social interaction replaced with the Schmooze option. --==Usefulness==-3/5 This might be useful, but schmoozing isn't that useful over, it doesn't improve relations all that much, and pretty much is only useful in Charisma based careers, such as the Politics career. Other than that, this is more or

less useless. It doesn't stop you from using this trait, however. ****** *Slob* ****** A Slob is basically someone who is loves to make as much mess as they possibly can. And as such, they are the bane of the neat Sims, those who have to clean up after their wake. Of course, this makes the entire house dirty, and that is quite annoying, though it is nothing a maid cannot fix. And just to put the cream on the cake, they will not clean up after themselves. --==Benefits==-Well, normal Sims are affected badly with rotten food, unclean plates and all that lying around, with these Sims, they don't seem to care about it all that much, so they don't suffer from those negative moodlets. Also, since they are bone lazy, they can easy burnt or rotten food without the effects that come with them, which is interesting. Stomach with high power stomach acid? --==Disadvantages==-Well, anything that these Sims touch will be getting dirty far faster than before. If they use a shower, it is a guarantee that you will have to clean it before long. If they use a toilet, God knows what they do in the toilet, because you'll need to clean that as well. Bad aim? --==Unique Properties==-Well, if it is any consolation, they will be able to clean their dishes the easy way, they will be able to lick them clean. I'm not so sure that the other people in the household are very supporting of eating from plates that have been licked clean. --==Requirements==-CANNOT HAVE NEAT TRAIT --==Usefulness==-2/5 This isn't as useful, but it makes for great angry videos. The only good thing is not being able to suffer from those negative moodlets, and being able to eat whatever food comes their way, even if they've seen better days. This is the good, but I'm sure that the cleaning job isn't as much fun. Seriously, the amount of cleaing up is massive. ****** *Snob* ****** Well, this is different from a slob, you aren't dirty. However, these guys are the worst of the worst. They are very annoying, and you need to try very hard to impress them, though they love a compliment, because that makes them

the best of the best. Guess they don't know what flattery is. Anyway, they think they are the best of the best, and as such, they will only accept the best of the best, that is, they will only want the best items, the best everything. --==Benefits==-These guys will always accept a compliment, they will never resist an opportunity to show off how good they are. They will also love looking at themselves at the mirror, and always love to be surrounded by expensive objects, even if they serve no real practical use. --==Disadvantages==-The only real disadvantage is that in social conversations, they are quite hard to make friends of, mainly because they are hard to impress. You can only use compliments so far until they start to get real tiring and just becomes ineffective. --==Unique Properties==-Well, they always accept compliments and love expensive stuff, what is more to like? They will constantly have lifetime wishes of purchasing items that shows off how good they are, mirrors and expensive items are always on the list. They also will have good wishes on high paying jobs, so look at the business career if you want. --==Usefulness==-2.5/5 Sure, compliments make it easy to build a relationship, however, you can only keep them happy with expensive items, and soon, that money dries up, faster if it happens to be a rainy day. Well, if you want these guys, make sure you have the money, otherwise, these guys are a royal pain in the ass. ************* *Technophobe* ************* These are the Leroy Jethro Gibbs of the Sims world, they because they are too complicated to operate, and wish it telegrams and record players. They will not use any form entertainment, and they'll stick with the tried and true a good book.

hate technology were all back to of electronic methods, like reading

--==Benefits==-There are no benefits of being scared of technology. The pixels on that screen, they move! What black magic is this? --==Disadvantages==-Well, whenever they see electronic items, they do not have a good time with them. That means that they will have a bad reaction with the television, the computer and the stereo. Those items will give them a negative mood, and it

won't improve their fun. Shame, those are the fastest ways to have fun. --==Unique Properties==-These guys do not like them, but it doesn't mean that they will not use them. But remember, they are more likely to beat the crap out of a keyboard because it will not do what it is meant to do. Alt? What kind of crap is this? Anyway, they will have a harder time building up that writing skill, since it can only be gained by computers, and they will take even longer in order to repair them. --==Usefulness==-1.5/5 Besides the fact that that they will take a they are trying to be is nothing good about

it is funny, there is nothing good because it means longer period of time to build up writing and if a novelist, that will be real pain. Note that there this trait, nothing good. Everything bad though.

********** *Unflirty* ********** These guys don't like to have a fling here and there, which isn't much fun. They do not care for romantic advances, and because of that, it makes them quite hard to romance and get into their pants, so to speak. They are hard to develop a romantic relationship out of, which is quite frustrating, but the fun is always in the chase, right? Cheese eating surrender monkeys make it no fun at all. --==Benefits==-There are no benefits, except to heighten the chase a lot more than before, which is fun. --==Disadvantages==-These guys do not like romantic social interactions, and as such, they will react poorly when they are on the receiving end of social interactions. They will not like to be kissed, flirted up, dirty jokes, and the like, and they are less likely to dish them out as well. --==Unique Properties==-What is unique is that they have a lot less romantic social interactions that they can play with, and this can be a problem for them if they are trying to woo someone, and well, maybe they are destined to remained single for life. It is hard to find Mr or Mrs Right when you are being constantly rejected. --==Requirements==-CANNOT HAVE FLIRTY TRAIT --==Usefulness==--

1.5/5 Basically, they are no fun, but the points come from being hard to woo, and that makes it fun. Everyone loves to be in a competition and wants to be the winner, and what better prize for the victor than the heart of their lover? Well, is there one? I'm not entirely sure, to be honest. ********* *Unlucky* ********* Well, these guys are always down on their luck, which is a real shame. Things will never go right for them, and as such, they will suck at games, which is sort of the same as the loser trait, though these guys have the advantage of blaming luck, rather than themselves. Well, if they are always down on their luck, things can only look up, right? --==Benefits==-Well, since these guys haven't exactly had a good run through life, they are more prone to accidents, and if they die from it, even the Grim Reaper feels sorry for them and brings them back to life, free of charge. --==Disadvantages==-Well, instead of lucky Sims getting a positive moodlet, these guys will get an unlucky moodlet after four hours of sleep sometimes, so you will really need to watch their sleep. This will increase the chances of something bad will happen, like a robber coming in, a fire breaking out or an appliance that they are using to explode and break down. Even simple things like winning a chess or video game and cooking food gets effected. How can you screw up a skill? --==Unique Properties==-Well, they are just unlucky and down on their luck. It isn't their fault that lady luck didn't decide to favour them. Basically, every thing that touch turns into crap, don't let them cook, or it will start a fire, don't let them wash the dishes, it might kill the sink. It is a shame to be around bad luck. --==Requirements==-CANNOT HAVE LUCKY TRAIT --==Usefulness==-1/5 The only points are for comedic appeal, and that is all. Even I have to take pity on those who are just down on their luck. In this game, however, things cannot turn out for the better, so if they are unlucky at the start of their life, they will die unlucky as their casket breaks as it is lowered into the funeral plot.

************ *Vegetarian* ************ These are the people who love their rabbit food, they will refuse to eat anything that has meat in it, and as such, they will have a lot of vegetarian alternatives for their food. And to top it off, if they eat meat, they will get violently ill and projectile vomit. That doesn't sound fun. --==Benefits==-The only benefit is that being a vegetarian will help you love longer, but hey, if you want to love longer without experiencing some truly wonderful flavour, then go ahead and be my guest. --==Disadvantages==-They will react badly when they eat meat, they will get ill, and as a result, they will earn the Nauseous moodlet, which isn't one that you will want to have your Sim carrying around. Well, there is always Tofurkey. If anyone wants, look up the Everybody Loves Raymond clip of that. Always gives me a laugh. --==Unique Properties==-Basically, without meat in their food, they will have a lot of substitutes for their food, and this means that a lot of meat dishes have a vegetarian kick to it. Spaghetti will now contain a vegetarian sauce instead of the lovely minced meat. The hot dogs will be replaced, there are no longer the sausages, but tofu in it's place. --==Usefulness==-2.5/5 For the ultra health-conscious, this is for you. Sure, you'd live longer but I'd rather take a few years off my life span to ensure my diet doesn't revolve around the world of suppliments. Anyway, it is a nice touch, to keep everyone happy. Though seriously, people don't get violently ill when they, all of a sudden, touch the savoury goodness of meat. I feel like a burger right now. ********** *Virtuoso* ********** The Beethovens and the Mozarts of the world, these guys are the Gods and the Goddesses of music. They will make the best musicians, and as such, they excel in it. Do not try to outplay them on the guitar, for they will outdo you. If there is one thing that irks me, it is the lack of instruments. Seriously, the guitar? Classical music never involves the guitar as the main, it is all about the Piano. --==Benefits==-These guys will naturally excel in the music career, which is a given. They

will also learn the guitar skill faster than other normal Sims, which is another given bonus. That means that their career is going to revolve around music, which is another given. --==Disadvantages==-There are no disadvantages, besides, how can free ear muffs be a disadvantage? --==Unique Properties==-These guys will always start off with a book that will teach them guitar in their inventory, which is a nice touch. They will also have the habit, like many other people in the real world, to sing in the shower, though how good the voice is remains to be said. --==Usefulness==-5/5 Only useful if you if you think about the park and busk. that you love, and

are planning to head into the music career path, however, it, it is a great way to make money, since you can go to Sure, it might not earn a lot, but it is doing something at the end of the day, that is the most important thing.

************ *Workaholic* ************ Look on the bright side, at least you aren't drunk. Anyway, these guys are people who don't stop working, and when there is a lot of work, they don't buckle under pressure. They love to work, they will have a lower mood when they are not at work, which is the opposite of a lot of people. They can even work from home, making them good employees, and bad family members. --==Benefits==-These guys will be more likely to get a raise in their career, which is a nice bonus. And that means a lot more money. They will also get a moodlet about liking work when they are at work, which is another added bonus, and means that they can grind extra hard and get that promotion that they were looking for. In children and teens, they will love fun doing their homework, a trait which is not shared with any real children. Seriously, loving their homework? --==Disadvantages==-They will suffer if they miss work, they will get the Missing Work moodlet. Seriously, I would have thought that that would be a cause for celebration than anything else, but hey, what floats their boat. --==Unique Properties==-They can always check in on how work is going with their phones, which is rather sad. It is not like they are missing anything. They will also be able to work at home, they will use the computer to work at home, which will give a boost in job performance. Well, they do want that raise.

--==Usefulness==-5/5 Sure, this means that they have no life whatsoever, but they do make good employees, and as such, they will get that promotion before anyone else can say peek-a-boo. Well, if you want the promotion, you can use this trait, but for those who want their Sims to sort of have a life, steer clear. *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* [2.04] Secret Traits There are several secret traits obtained via breeding. Well, if that are hidden, that a Sim can parents who can influence this, other way, except modding.

that one can get, and these can only be you want it put nicely, there are traits, get from their parents, but it is their other Sims cannot acquire these traits any

--==Pyromaniac==-Obtained by being the child of a Firefighter This trait allows your Sim to set fire to anything that they want, which is interesting, fire for all! They will also be able to set fire to fruit, creating the flame fruit, which they will like to eat. --==Immunity to Fire==-Obtained by being the child of a Firefighter Again, a firefighter trait, these guys make the ideal firefighters because they cannot be burnt to death, much like the Daredevil trait. Though this one is genetic. --==Spotless==-Obtained by being the child of a Maid These people will always clean up after themselves, they will not make any mess, and if there is mess around the house, they will clean it up. This is like the Neat Trait. --==Sneak==-Obtained by being the child of a Burglar This allows the Sim to have the interaction to sneak wherever they want, as they are now privy to the secret ways to sneak around the neighbourhood, just like their parents. --==Burglar Apprehension==--

Obtained by being the child of a Police Officer (or Sim in Law Enforcement) These Sims will be able to take on burglars and fight them to protect their family and their possessions without the need to wait for backup. Whether they win the fight or not is a different story. This is like the Brave trait. --==Salute==-Obtained by being the child of a Sim in the Military These Sims will have the option to salute other people, as if they were in the military, which they do not have to. This is also unlocked to normal Sims who are in the Military Career, though this action permanently stays, unlike that for normal Sims. --==Rocker==-Obtained by being the child of a Sim in the Music Career These guys will have a natural affinity for music, they will be more likely to succeed in the music career than that of any other Sim, which is interesting as well, sort of like the Virtuoso trait. --==Pizza Appreciator==-Obtained by being the child of a Pizza Delivery Guy These guys will love their pizza, and when they are eating their pizza, they will get a positive moodlet associated with eating it. So eating pizza is m more entertaining and fulfilling for them. *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* [3.01] Your Mood The Sims 3 is different to both the Sims 1 and 2, in that two of the previous 8 mood bars have been removed, comfort and environment. Only Hunger, Energy, Bladder, Hygiene, Social and Fun remain. These are the needs bar, these will always need to be fulfilled if you want your Sims to be happy, and productive. If one of these go to critical stages, your Sims will not be too happy and they will refuse to do some activities, which will be witnessed when you try to make them do some interactions. Out of these, if hunger goes to zero, your Sim will die of starvation. The rest, well, they will seek activities that will recoup their lost needs, but that is about it. Hunger is basically refilled through food. Have a kitchen and have them cook a meal. Normally, a cooked meal will completely fill the hunger bar, whilst a snack, which is free, will refill about half the bar, at most. Energy is basically how refreshed your Sim is, and this is done with them having a good night's sleep in their comfy bed or a quick nap on the couch. If this zeroes out, the Sim will collapse and sleep where they land.

Social is basically how much well, social interaction they have had. This is achieved by talking and interacting with other Sims, though some traits have variation of this. Group activities and chatting online will also fill this need. Fun is basically the amount of fun your Sim has had, and basically, this will determine a lot of their mood. This can be replenished through fun activities, like painting or just watching TV. Bladder is, well, the amount of matter that your Sim needs to expel from your body. Of course, this is done using the proper tools, which is, a toilet, and if it is zeroed out, they will basically take a pee on the floor, where they stand. Finally, there is hygiene, and this is basically how clean your Sim is. The lower the, the less clean they are, and at the low point, they will get that green stench cloud. To refill this bar, give them a shower or a nice bath. That about covers the moods, but there are new things called moodlets. Basically, these contribute to your overall mood, because 6 complete needs bars won't get you an excellent mood, moodlets do. More in the next section. *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* [3.02] Positive Moodlets Moodlets are basically positive and negative influences on your Sims mood. Sure, they may be happy if they are not hungry, but if they just ate a great delicious meal, then they will be in a happier mood. But if they can smell their own stench, then they aren't going to be happy about it. As such, moodlets are temporary boosts or reductions in a Sims mood, the size and the duration of the boost will vary. This section will deal with positive moodlets, those that are going to have a positive effect on your mood, but they are really just listed green in the little moodlet box, which you can find next to the mood bar, if you bother to look, just use your manual for some added help. Below, I will list all the possible positive moodlets, and where you can use them. This is the template that I will be using and an explaination, so you can semi-understand. Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

This This This This

is is is is

the the how how

name of the moodlet size of the effect it will have on the mood long the moodlet will last the moodlet is obtained

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

Fit Atmosphere +0 to Mood As long as you are inside the Gym As long as you are inside the Gym


= Minty Breath

Effect = +5 to Mood Duration = 4 Hours Obtained By = Brushing the teeth of your Sims Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

Feeling Lucky +5 to Mood 23 Hours Chance after 4 hours of sleep for Sims with the Lucky Trait

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

Heard Theatre Music +10 to Mood As long as you are near the Theatre Being on the same lot as the Theatre

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

Educated +10 to Mood As long as you are inside the Art Gallery or Library As long as you are inside the Art Gallery or Library

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

Impressed +10 to Mood As long as you are impressed by the view As long as you are visiting an impressive looking community lot

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

Let Off Steam +10 to Mood Depends on how much steam you let off Complaining to other Sims successfully

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

Decorated +10 to Mood As long as the Sim is in the room The Sim is located in a well decorated room with nice objects

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

Brightened Day +10 to Mood 3 Hours Someone saying something to your Sims to cheer them up

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

Had a Nice Nap +10 to Mood 5 Hours Had a nice, lovely nap

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

I Am Beautiful +10 to Mood 4 Hours Done mainly by Snob Sims by looking excessively in the mirror

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

New Car Smell +10 to Mood 2 Hours When a Sim enters a brand new car for the first time

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

Fascinated +10 to Mood 2 Hours When they play with objects that are beneficial based on their traits

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

Got a Good Deal +10 to Mood 8 Hours When a Frugal Sim decides to use a coupon discount at the store

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

Saw a Great Movie +10 to Mood 16 Hours After a Sim has finished watching a movie at the Theatre

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

Flattered +10 to Mood Short Period When someone compliments your Sim well

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

Intrigued +10 to Mood Short Period When someone gossips to your Sim

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

Attractive +10 to Mood Short Period When someone compliments and admires your Sim's appearance

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

Hilarious Conversation +10 to Mood Short Period When someone makes a very successful joke

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

Tranquil +10 to Mood 8 Hours By Neurotic Sims after they have Freaked Out

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

Squeaky Clean +10 to Mood Variable, depends on how fast you deplete your hygiene bar Having a shower or bath to completely max out your hygiene bar

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

Likes Work +10 to Mood As Long as the Sim is at work Workaholic Sims who are currently at work

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

Cheered Up +15 to Mood 3 Hours When a crying Sim is comforted by other Sims

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

Duck Time +15 to Mood 5 Hours When a Sim has a bath with a Rubber Duck

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

Calmed Down +15 to Mood 3 Hours When an Angry Sim has been calmed down out of their RAGE!

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

Enjoy Solitude +15 to Mood As long as the Sim is alone Loner Sims when they are doing activities alone

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

The Life of the Party +15 to Mood 3 Hours When a Party Animal Sim is having a great time at the party

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

Excited +15 to Mood 3 Hours When Excited Sims get excited!

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

Great Kiss +15 to Mood 3 Hours When they are on the receiving end of a kiss by a Great Kisser

Moodlet Effect Duration

= Inspired = +15 to Mood = 4 Hours

Obtained By = When a person views a painting done by another Sim, that is of great beauty, and of great value Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

Oddly Powerful +15 to Mood 5 Hours When they have been using an item made more powerful. More on this when I talk about the Science Career

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

Fiendlishly Delighted +15 to Mood 6 Hours when Evil Sims see other Sims in pain

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

Fulfilled +15 to Mood 6 Hours When a wish of a Sim is fulfilled, regardless of the size of the wish

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

Returned Stolen Property +15 to Mood 8 Hours When Kleptomaniacs decide to return some stolen property to their rightful owners

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

Fresh Start +15 to Mood 24 Hours when a Sim moves to a brand new location, or started a new game

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

Out After Curfew! +15 to Mood As long as the Sim is outside Curfew When a Teenage Sim, with an imposed curfew, breaks the curfew and lasts as long as they are not home, after curfew

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

Pristine Picture +15 to Mood As long as the Sim is watching television Watching a program on a Television that is exceptionally expensive, works well on the Wall Mounted Plasma TV

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

Cozy Fire +15 to Mood 5 Hours When a Sim enters a room with a lit fireplace

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

Pumped +15 to Mood 4 Hours After a Sim has had a good workout

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

Sweet Venue +15 to Mood As long as the party is continued This is when a party is held on a community lot, in comparsion to a house party

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

Adrenaline Rush +15 to Mood 3 Hours When a Daredevil does something considered EXTREME!

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

Feeling Calm +15 to Mood As long as the Sim is being comforted When a Sim is away from home, and comes back and no disaster has taken place

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

Comforted +15 to Mood 3 Hours When a Sim is rather anxious and they have been comforted

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

Sugar Rush +15 to Mood Depends on the sweetness of the Sweet When a Sim decides to have a very sweet to eat

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

New Stuff +20 to Mood 2 Hours When you purchase new items for your Sims

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

My Love! +20 to Mood For as long as they are near their "Love" When they are near their love interest

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

Pregnant +20 to Mood Until Birth When a Pregnant Sim is, well, Pregnant


= One With Nature

Effect = +20 to Mood Duration = As long as the Sim is outside Obtained By = When Sims who Love the Outdoors are outdoors Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

New Home +20 to Mood 24 Hours When a Sim moves into a New Home

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

Read a Masterpiece +20 to Mood 24 Hours When a Sim has completed reading a fiction book that can be purchased from the Book Store

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

Saw Great Game +20 to Mood 16 Hours After your Sim has witnessed a game at the Stadium

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

Cuddle Time +20 to Mood 5 Hours When your Sim decides to have a sleep with a Teddy Bear

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

Exhilarating Shower +20 to Mood 4 Hours As long as your Sim maxes out their Hygiene bar from the most expensive shower

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

Awesome Party +20 to Mood 3 Hours when a Party is attended by a Party Animal Sim

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

Great Adventure +20 to Mood 3 Hours When your Sim decides to have a great adventure from your Virtual Simulation machine

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

New Friend +20 to Mood 8 Hours When a Sim makes a new friend


= Nicely Decorated

Effect = +25 to Mood Duration = As long as the Sim is in the room Obtained By = This applies when the Sim is in a very nicely decorated room, basically, high environment score Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

Entertained +25 to Mood Depends on how long it takes for the Fun bar to each half way Entertain your Sim to full the Fun bar as much as you can

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

Winner! +25 to Mood 8 Hours When your Sim beats another Sim in a video game or a Chess game

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

I Am the Greatest! +25 to Mood 8 Hours When a Sim at the top of the Criminal Career views a certain objects obtained by being at the top. More in the Careers area

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

Virtually Victorious! +25 to Mood 8 Hours When your Sim is victorious when they are in a Virtual Reality Simulation

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

Saw Great Concert +25 to Mood 16 Hours When a Sim sees a great concert at the Stadium

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

Saw Great Play +25 to Mood 16 Hours When a Sim watches a great play at the Theatre

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

Honour Student +25 to Mood 24 Hours When a Teen Student reaches A+ based on their school performance bar

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

Warmed +25 to Mood 3 Hours When a Sim experiences the warmth of a fire, when they carry a flame fruit

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

Saw Great Symphony +30 to Mood 16 Hours When a Sim witnesses a Great Symphony play at the Stadium

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

Buzzed +30 to Mood 3 Hours When a Sim uses the Coffee Machine and has a nice drink from it

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

Threw a Great Party +30 to Mood 24 Hours When a Sim throws a successful party

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

Celebrity +30 to Mood As long as they are in the autograph session When as Sim can hold autograph sessions and attends one

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

Superior Equipment +30 to Mood As long as the Sim is near the object When a Sim recognises the best cooking equipment and uses it to make a great dish. Obtained through the fridge gained from the Level 10 Culinary Career

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

Beautifully Decorated +40 to Mood As long as the Sim is in the room This is done by entering rooms with the absolute highest in terms of environment score

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

Having a Blast +40 to Mood As long as the Sim is at the top of the Fun bar Having so much fun that it maxes out the Fun bar

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

First Kiss +40 to Mood 24 Hours When your Sim first has their first kiss (not family)

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

First Romance +40 to Mood 48 Hours When a Sim falls in love with another Sim

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

Wedding Day +40 to Mood 24 Hours When a Sim decides it is time to tie the knot

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

Celebrated Birthday +40 to Mood 24 Hours When a Sim decieds to have a birthday party, which is done as they move from one age group to another

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

Father of the Bride +40 to Mood 24 Hours When he sees his daughter get married

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

Father of the Groom +40 to Mood 24 Hours When he sees his son get married

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

Mother of the Bride +40 to Mood 24 Hours When she sees her daughter get married

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

Mother of the Groom +40 to Mood 24 Hours When she sees her son get married

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

Charitable +50 to Mood 24 Hours When a Sim decides to donate a nice sum of money to charity. Donate at the mailbox

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

Newly Engaged +50 to Mood 24 Hours When a couple are engaged, they are set to be married, at some date

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

Just Married +50 to Mood 48 Hours When a Sim has just tied the knot

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

Divine Meal +75 to Mood 168 Hours (1 Week) Eating a delicious plate of Ambrosia

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

It's a Boy +80 to Mood 24 Hours When parents have a male baby

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

It's a Girl +80 to Mood 24 Hours When parents have a female baby

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

It's Twins +80 to Mood 24 Hours When Parents have two children for the price of one!

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

It's Triplets +80 to Mood 24 Hours When Parents have three children for the price of one!

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

Good/Great/Amazing/Perfect Meal Depends on the plate and the Cooking Skill of the Chef As long as the Hunger Bar is above half way Eating a meal that is above normal quality

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

Comfy Depends on the Comfort Value of the Chair As long as the Sim is on the Chair Sitting on a comfy chair

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

Well Rested Depends on the Comfort + Energy Value of the Bed For a set amount of time based on the value of the Bed Getting a full night's worth of sleep, without interruption

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

Beautiful View Depends on the View As long as you are looking at the View Heading to a location where there is a good view, like overlooking the ocean


= Beautiful Vista

Effect = Depends on the house Duration = As long as you are in the house Obtained By = Going and entering, or living in a house, a very expensive house with a very good view Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

Enjoying Music Depends on the music, whether it is favourite or not As long as you are listening to the music Listen to some nice music

*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* [3.03] Negative Moodlets There are also negative moodlets, and this is in contrast to the positive ones. These will be one that lead to an overall decrease in mood, and you will want to remove these moodlets from your Sims as fast as you can, because they aren't exactly what you want. Again, the template is the same as for the positive moodlets, we will start from the weak moodlets to the strong and potent moodlets. Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

Feeling Unlucky -5 to Mood 23 Hours After 4 hours of sleep, Unlucky Sims have a chance to get this

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

Boring Conversation -5 to Mood 3 Hours When Sims are in a boring conversation with other Sims

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

Creepy Graveyard -5 to Mood As long as the Sim is in the Graveyard As soon as the Sim enters the Graveyard

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

Wasted Food -5 to Mood Depends on the quality and value of the food wasted Throwing food, that can be sent as leftovers, away if they are not rotten

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

Disgusted -5 to Mood In the same room as the thing that is disgusting them Room has a poor environment score (smelly dishes, unclean items)

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

Grungy -5 to Mood Until the Sim has a shower Getting the Hygiene bar into a critical state

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

Smelly -10 to Mood Until the Sim has a shower Your Sim having no Hygiene bar left, it is all red

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

Uneven Cooking -10 to Mood Depends on the food cooked When your Sim decides to eat some food that shouldn't be eaten

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

Tastes Like Fridge -10 to Mood Depends on the quality of the Food and the quality of the Fridge When a Sim eats some food from a cheap fridge

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

Cold Shower -10 to Mood 3 Hours When a Sim has a bad shower from a cheap Shower

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

Creeped Out -10 to Mood As long as they are near the person freaking out When a Sim decides to freak out near them

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

Tired from Moving -10 to Mood 6 Hours When your Sims have had a long day of working out and walking around

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

Bad Reception -10 to Mood As long as the Sim is watching the television When Sims are trying to watch something on a cheap television

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

Rejected First Kiss -10 to Mood 6 Hours when a Sim has had their advances for a first kiss rejected

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

Rude Guest -10 to Mood 4 Hours When a Sim has a rude house guest inside their home

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

Rude Awakening -10 to Mood 1 Hours When a Sim is woken up suddenly when they are sleeping, such as a stereo or alarm going off

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

Dislikes Children -10 to Mood Until the Parent and/or Child leaves When Sims who Dislike Children are around them, for whatever reason

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

Can't Stand Art -10 to Mood As long as they are near art Whenever a Sim is around and near art pieces

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

Technophobe -10 to Mood 3 Hours When a Sim who cannot stand electronics decide to use them

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

Sore -10 to Mood 6 Hours or after a Massage After a lot of stress and pain from too much exercise

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

Unfinished Room -10 to Mood As long as they are in the room or room is complete There are pieces of wall needing some painting, there are pieces of floor that need some tiling, there are pieces of roof that need some roofing

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

Enemy! -10 to Mood As long as the Enemy is on the same lot An enemy that you have made enters the same lot as yours

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

Buzz Crashed -10 to Mood 3 Hours or another cup of Coffee After the Buzz of the first cup of coffee has ended

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

Strained -15 to Mood Depends on the amount of Fun the Sim needs When the Fun bar of the Sim reaches low levels

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

Dirty Surroundings -15 to Mood As long as the Sim is in the room surrounded by trash When the Sim enters a room with a low environment score, that means there is a lot of trash or water puddles

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

Bad Night's Sleep -15 to Mood 6 Hours Having a full night's sleep on a cheap bed

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

Itchy -15 to Mood 4 Hours When a Sim encounters something that causes them to get an itch, such as plants

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

Upset -15 to Mood 3 Hours When a Sim has a bad experience, the emotional Sims get this

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

Overworked -15 to Mood 12 Hours When a Sim returned home from work with a low Fun bar

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

Anxious to Advance -15 to Mood Until they get their promotion After a few days and the Ambitious Sim has still not gotten that promotion

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

Feeling Anxious -15 to Mood As long as the thing that is bothering the Sim is bothering them Neurotic Sims when they think that someone is talking bad about them, or overthink something

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

Crying Baby -15 to Mood Until the crying ends When there is a baby crying

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

Threw a Lame Party -15 to Mood 8 Hours After your Sim has thrown a lousy party. Maybe you to liven it

up next time Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

Humiliated -15 to Mood 3 Hours After your Sim has been insulted a fair amount of times

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

Offended -15 to Mood 3 Hours When you have been offended by another Sim

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

Caught After Curfew -15 to Mood 3 Hours When your teenage runaway has been caught breaking their curfew

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

Disappointed -15 to Mood 24 Hours When they try to impress another person, and they fail, or it backfires. That's what you get for boasting

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

Afraid of the Dark -15 to Mood As long as they are in the dark Cowards are afraid of the dark, so give them sunlight or lights

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

Stuff Taken -15 to Mood 24 Hours When a Kleptomaniac or a Robber decides to run off with their belongings

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

Too Many People -15 to Mood As long as they are around other Sims Loner Sims when they are in a group

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

Stir Crazy -15 to Mood Until they leave the house When a Sim has been couped inside the house for far too long

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

Aching Back -20 to Mood 4 Hours or a Massage When a Sim has had far too much exercise and needs a massage

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

Embarrassed -20 to Mood 3 Hours When something embarrassing happens, like peeing their pants

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

Detention -20 to Mood 4 Hours When a Child or Teen mucks up in school and gets detention

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

Witnessed Betrayal -20 to Mood 6 Hours When a romantic partner betrays you by cheating on another person. Like kissing another person, in front of you

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

Rejected by Ex -20 to Mood 6 Hours When your Sim has been rejected by an ex, as the moodlet suggests

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

Plagued By Nature -20 to Mood As long as they are outdoors Sims who Hate the Outdoors being outdoors

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

Hydrophobic -20 to Mood As long as they are near water Hydrophobic Sims don't tend to like water all that much

Moodlet Effect Duration

= Lost a Friend = -25 to Mood = Depends on the strength of the friendship, the stronger, the longer the pain Obtained By = Losing a friend, either through betrayal or losing touch Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

Scared -25 to Mood 3 Hours When Sims are afraid of ghosts see one, to their horror

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

Nauseous -25 to Mood 2 Hours When vegetarians decide to eat some meat

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

Really Have To Pee -30 to Mood Until their Bladder is relieved When they have a critical bladder

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

Missed the Wedding -30 to Mood 24 Hours When they miss a wedding, be it the bride or groom, or the parents

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

Rejected Proposal -30 to Mood 6 Hours When a Sim proposals, and they get knocked back

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

Missing Work -30 to Mood Until their shift ends When a workaholic Sim misses their work shift

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

Fired -30 to Mood Depends on how high their position war, the higher the longer When a Sim has been fired from their job

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

Filthy Surroundings -30 to Mood For as long as they are in the filthy room Entering a room with no environment, filthy plates, dirty items and the like all over the place

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

Horrified -35 to Mood 8 Hours When a Sim has been freaked out when they enter a Mausoleum

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

Vile Surroundings -40 to Mood For as long as they are in the vile room This is the worst of the worst, there is crap all over the place, rotten food, dirty dishes, broken items, water puddles, and so forth

Moodlet Effect Duration

= Drowning = -40 to Mood = Until they are out of the water

Obtained By = Well, Sims don't appreciate drowning when they lack energy to swim their way out of trouble Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

Very Hungry -40 to Mood As long as they are hungry When their Hunger bar reaches critical levels, they are hungry

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

Tired -40 to Mood As long as they are tired When their Energy bar reaches critical levels, they need sleep

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

Failing -40 to Mood 18 Hours When a Sim has returned from school with a Fail grade

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

Singed -40 to Mood As long as they are on fire When a Sim decides to get caught on fire

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

Singed Electricity -40 to Mood As long as they are getting a zap When a Sim decides to repair electronic appliances and gets a zap

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

Stressed Out -40 to Mood As long as their fun bar is critical Having a Fun bar that is reaching the near zero

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

Desolate -50 to Mood As long as their Social bar is critical These Sims have nearly nothing left in their social bar

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

Exhausted -50 to Mood As long as their energy bar is at near zero When a Sim's energy bar is nearly empty

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

Heart Broken -50 to Mood 48 Hours When a Sim has had their heart broken, figure that part out

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

Betrayed -50 to Mood 24 Hours When a person has just been betrayed by their significant other

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

Mourning -50 to Mood 24 Hours When a person has suffered the loss of a loved one

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

Heart Wretching Scene -60 to Mood Until leaving the scene When a person has witnessed a break up

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

Starving -80 to Mood Until they eat something or die These Sims have near nothing left in Hunger

Moodlet Effect Duration Obtained By

= = = =

On Fire -200 to Mood 1 Hours Well, they are on fire, what else is there to say?

*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* [3.04] Neutral Moodlets These are neutral moodlets, they do not effect the mood of your Sims, but they are warning indicators. These will say that something is going to go wrong unless you decide to change it. Basically, neutral moodlets are indicators. It is your choice whether you want to put an end to their suffering. Moodlet = Learning Quickly Effect = Shows that a Sim's learning is fast-tracked Obtained By = Having someone tutor or teach a Sim about a skill or homework Moodlet = Has to Pee Effect = When a Sim needs to use the toilet Obtained By = Bladder bar starting to turn red Moodlet = Hungry Effect = When a Sim needs to eat Obtained By = Hunger Bar starting to turn red Moodlet Effect

= Sleepy = When a Sim needs to sleep

Obtained By = Energy Bar starting to turn red Moodlet = Stuffed Effect = When a Sim has eaten too much, gaining body fat Obtained By = Eating more than necessary to fill the hunger bar Moodlet = Garlic Breath Effect = When a Sim needs to brush their teeth Obtained By = Eating Garlic Moodlet = Baby is Coming Effect = A baby is about to be born Obtained By = When a baby is about to be born? Moodlet = Power Study Effect = Shows that the study is being fast-tracked Obtained By = Same as Learning Quickly, though it includes homework and it found in the library Moodlet = Fatigued Effect = When a Sim is exhausted from exercise Obtained By = Sims exercising far too much As a note, most of this information was confirmed by the Sims 3 Prima Guide, confirming my own research. Just to make sure. *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* [4.01] What are Wishes? "Starlight, starlight, first star I see tonight, I wish I may, I wish I might, I wish I may have this wish tonight." This is, in essence, the new point system. For all the players of the Sims 2, this replaces the Aspiration System. Basically, a wish is something that a Sim, well desires, a wish, as it were. Once a wish has been fulfilled, they get a nice little moodlet for a few hours, which is always a nice bonus. Now, there is another reason that you should complete the wishes of your Sims, because by doing so, you will gain Lifetime Happiness points, the new aspiration points. The more points you get, the more rewards you can choose, in this case, they are perks. You will get access to perks that remove the need to ues the toilet, or a perk that gives you a teleportation machine. By slowly building them up, you will get access to it, eventually. Now, the wishes are seperated into Lifetime Wishes and a normal Wish. The Lifetime Wish is the single wish that your Sim wants to complete in their lifetime, and they will only have a single one, so once you complete it, it is the end of that. The Lifetime wish that you will get is based on your traits, for example, Natural Cook will lead to more culinary inclined wishes, while Gardening will lead to more gardening traits, etc. The other type of wishes are your normal wishes. These are your everyday

wishes. However, this is different. You will have 4 slots that allow you to "lock in" those wishes that you can select through the selection. These contribute rather little to happiness points, compared to the big bounty from the large lifetime wishes, but they add up. Anyway, more on that in their respective sections, this was for the small overview, now, for the indepth. It is how I approach this guide, it is a big guide encompassing a lot of indepth guides. *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* [4.02] Lifetime Wishes Lifetime Wishes don't offer anything special besides the large amount of Lifetime Happiness points that they offer. You can only complete one lifetime wish per Sim, throughout their lifetime, so once it is done, it is done. The reward of the Lifetime Wish varies, though the range of points is within the barrier of 25,000 to 35,000 Lifetime Happiness points. I'll just list down the lifetime wish and how you will be able to complete the wish. --==Become an Astronaut==-This isn't all that hard, just reach Level 10 in the Military, and be an Astronaut --==Become a Celebrated Five-Star Chef==-As you can already guess, you need to reach Level 10 in the Culinary career path. --==Become a Creature-Robot Cross Breeder==-Essentially reach Level 9 in the Science career. --==Become a Forensic Specialist: Dynamic DNA Profiler==-For this, you need to reach Level 10 in the Law Enforcement Career and choose the Forensic branch when you get the choice. --==Become a Grand Master in Chess==-For this, you need to have the rank of Chess Legend, which requires you to beat other chess players to attain this rank and also master the Logic Skill to level 10. --==Become an Illustrious Author==-You need to master, that is, reach level 10, in both the Writing and the Painting skills. --==Become an International Super Spy==--

Reach Level 10 in the Law Enforcement Career, choosing the Special Agent career branch when prompted. --==Become a Master Thief==-You need to reach Level 10 in the Criminal Career, choosing the Thief branch when you get the choice. --==Become a Rock Star==-Basically, reach Level 10 in the Music career, choosing the Rock n' Roll path when the career branches out. --==Become a Star News Anchor==-Reach Level 10 in the Journalism career. --==Become a Superstar Athlete==-You need to reach Level 9 in the Athletic career. --==Become a World Renowned Surgeon==-Again, you need to reach Level 10 in the Medicine career. --==Become the CEO of a Mega-Corporation==-For this, you need to reach Level 8 in the Business career path. --==Become the Leader of the Free World==-Reach Level 10 in the Politics Career. --==Become the Emperor of Evil==-Reach Level 10 in the Criminal Career, choosing the Evil branch instead of the Thief career path. --==Golden Tongue, Golden Fingers==-For this, you need to master the Guitar Skill to Level 10, and also master the Charisma Skill to Level 10. --==Good Digger==-This is interesting, you need to see a ghost of a spouse who is very

wealthy. So basically, marry a very rich Sim and make sure they befall an accident. --==Heartbreaker==-You need to be the Boyfriend or the Girlfriend of X amount of Sims. --==Hit Music Composer==-For this, you need to reach Level 10 in the Music career, and choose the Symphonic branch when the careers branch out. --==Jack of All Trades==-In this one, you need to reach the Level 5 career job for four different careers paths. That means, in four different career paths, you need to get to Level 5. --==Living in the Lap of Luxury==-This is sort of like Swimming in Cash, though in this one, you need to have X amount of Simoleons in your Household Net Worth, that is your cash and the value of your house and items. --==Master of the Arts==-This is interesting, you need to master, which is, reach Level 10, in both Guitar skill and the Painting skill. --==Perfect Mind, Perfect Body==-This is where you to master the Athletic and Logic skill sets, that is, reach Level 10 in both Athletic and Logic skill sets. --==Presenting the Perfect Private Aquarium==-You need to have X amount of different fish species displayed around your house in their little fishbowls. They all need to be perfect fish. --==Renaissance Sim==-This is different, you need to master three out of the possible 10 skills, that means, you need to get three skill sets to Level 10. --==Swimming in Cash==-You need to have X amount of Simoleons in your household funds.

--==The Culinary Librarian==-You need to master every single recipe, which requires you to master Level 10 Cooking in order to do so. --==The Perfect Garden==-Basically, you need to plant and grow X number of species of plants and you need them all to be in the perfect state. --==The Tinkerer==-Here, you need to reach Level 10 in the Logic skill and the Handiness skill. *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* [4.03] Normal Wishes These are wishes that you will come across from day to day, and they will vary, based on your traits. Fulfil it to get a little boost to your happiness points, but that is about it. Your manual will go into more detail than I do. Anyway, I'll set this up in alphabetical order, the wish should tell you what to do anyway. From A to Z we go. -AAccuse Someone of Cheating Admire Someone Adopt a Boy Adopt a Child Adopt a Girl Announce Pregnancy Apologise Argue Ask about career Ask a Sim about their day Ask for a Promotion Ask for a Raise Ask for Campaign Donation Ask for recipe Ask if Single Ask Someone to behave Ask Someone to clean home Ask Someone to go inside Ask Someone to leave Ask Someone to move in Ask Someone to stay over Attend a Protest (Occasionally held at City Hall in Weekends) Avoid People for X Hours -B-

Be a Winner, for Once! Become a [X Profession] Become an Aunt Become a Grandparent Become an Uncle Become Best Friends Forever with Someone Become Best Friends with Someone Become Disliked by Someone Become Friends with Someone Become Good Friends with Someone Become more muscular Become Old Friends with Someone Befriend all Co-Workers Befriend the Boss Beg for Job back Be in a Fire Be in a Steady Relationship Be Invited to a party by someone Be Mean Boast about Culinary Prowess Boast about fishing feats Boast about gardening glory Boast about party Bore Someone to death Borrow Ingredients Brag about being a Doctor Break Up with Someone Brighten Day Brush Teeth X times Buy a(n) X worth at least §X Buy a Book Buy a Couch Buy an Easel Buy an exercise machine Buy a Fishbowl Buy a New Car Buy a New Recipe Buy a Skill Book Buy a Treadmill Buy Something New Buy Something on Sale Buy Something to Plant Buy Something with a Coupon -CCalibrate for Higher Cooking Ability Call Off Wedding Call Repair Technician Calm Someone Down Catch X Fish Catch X Types of New Fish Catch a New type of Fish Catch an X Kilogram fish Catch an Excellent Fish Catch a Great Fish

Catch an Insect Catch an Outstanding Fish Catch a Perfect Fish Catch a Record Sized Fish Catch every type of fish Catch Something Catch something with live bait Catch something without bait Change Jobs Chat with Toddler Chat with Someone Check Out Self in Mirror Cheer Someone Up Clean Entire House Clean Something Clean the Dishes Compliment Appearance Compliment Athleticism Compliment Someone's Cooking Compliment Someone's Personality Conduct an Interview Confess Attraction Console Someone Cook Something Cook X Different Recipes Perfectly Cook Someone's Favourite meal Cook Something with Perfect Ingredients Copy Homework Criticize Family Cry on Shoulder Cuddle Someone -DDebate Politics Declare Someone a Nemesis Decorate House with at Least X Paintings Determine Gender of Baby Discover X Stars Discover a Star Divorce Someone Do a Cardio Workout Do a Strength Workout Do Homework Donate Money to Charity Donate §X to Charity Donate §X to Undermine Charity -EEarn Earn Earn Earn Earn

a Promotion a Raise an A in School some Money §X in Royalties Per Week

Earn X Simoleons Earn X Simoleons In Tips Earn X Simoleons Through Gigs Eat a Great Quality Meal Eat an Outstanding Quality Meal Eat a Perfect Quality Meal Eat at a Restaurant Eat at the Bistro Eat something at a Park Eat something at a Public Pool Eat X Dish Eat Dim Sum and Canned Soup Eat Ice Cream and Spaghetti Eat Sushi and Hot Dogs -FFall in Love Feel Tummy Fertilize Plant Fertilize Plant with Fresh Caught Fish Find a Rock Find Out if Sim is Rich or Not Find Own Place Find Some Seeds Fight! Finish a Book Finish Current Book Finish Current Painting First Kiss Flirt with Someone Else Freak Out! -GGarden Get X Object Get A Job Get A Massage Get Attention from Dad Get Attention from Mum Get Demoted Get Fired Get Ingredients for a Recipe Get Married Get Married at a Wedding Party Get On the Honour Roll Get Out! Get Pregnant Get Pumped Give Friendly Hug Give Friendly Introduction Give Inspirational Speech Give Massage Give Medical Advice

Go Fishing Go Fishing before 6AM Go Home Go Inside Go Jogging Go Out on the Town Go Shopping Go Steady with Someone Go Swimming Go to School Go to the Bookstore Go to the Day Spa Go to the Library Go to the Supermarket Go to Work Grow X Fruit or Vegetables Grow a Great Plant Grow an Outstanding Plant Grow a Perfect Plants Grow Bait for Fish Grow Ingredients for a Meal Grow Something Grow Up! -HHang Out with Someone Harvest a Wild Plant Have X Enemies Have X Friends Have X Garden Plants Have X Grandchildren Have X More Children Have X Rich Friends Have X Simutaneous Romances Have X Total Children Have a Boy Have a Child with Someone Have a Funeral Have a Girl Have a Great Birthday Party Have First Child Have First Kiss Have First Romance Have First WooHoo Have More Than X Simoleons Have Private Wedding Have Sleepover Have Someone Else Do My Homework Have Twins! Help a Sim with Homework Hire a Baby-Sitter Hire a Maid Hold Hands Hug Someone Amorously

-IImply Mother is a Llama Improve X Skill Improve Grades Improve Relationship with Boss Insult Someone's Home Insult Someone Invite a Sim to a Party Invite Sim to Movies Invite Sim to Park Invite Sim to Restaurant -JJoin X Career Join X Career Branch Just Be Friends with a Sim -KKiss X Sims Kiss Someone -LLeap Into Someone's Arm Learn X More Traits for a Sim Learn a New Composition Learn a New Recipe Learn a Skill Learn All Enemies Learn Bait for a Fish Lecture Teen Listen to Tummy -MMake §X from Hacking Make an Enemy Make a New Outfit for Myself Make an Object Self Cleaning Make an Object Unbreakable Make a Smooth Recovery Make Fun of Sim Make Out Make Something Fireproof Make the Bed Marry a Rich Sim Master a Skill Meet All Co-Workers Meet Someone New

Mock a Sim Mooch §X Mooch a Few Simoleons Mooch a Lot of Simoleons Mooch Food Mop Puddle Mourn a Sim Move In With Someone -NNone -OOrder Pizza Own X Books -PPaint Paint X Masterpieces Paint X Paintings Paint a Masterpiece Paint a Portrait of a Sim Paint Something Brillant Pick Up a Baby or Toddler Play a Game with Someone Play Game with Sibling Play Guitar an Hour a Day for X Days Play Guitar at a Party Play Guitar in the Park Play Outside Play Tag Play the Guitar Play Video/Computer Games Play with Baby Play with Fire Play with Someone Play with Toy Point Out Flaws Potty Train Toddler Practice Speech Prepare a Great Meal Prepare a Meal Prepare a Meal Using Fish Prepare a Meal Using Freshly Caught Fish Prepare a Meal with Fresh Ingredients Prepare an Outstanding Meal Prepare a Perfect Meal Prepare Meal with X Ingredient Procure a Portrait of Self Propose Going Steady Porpose Marriage

Propose to Move In with Someone Propose to Someone to Spend the Night Propose Truce Put a Fish in Fish Bowl -QQuestion Someone Quit Job -RRead X Books in Total Read a Pregnancy Book Read a Skill Book Reach Level X of Y Career Reach Level X of Y Skill Reach the Top Level of X Career Repair X Objects Repair Something Resurrect a Sim Retire Return Stolen Object -SScare Someone Scrap Current Novel Scrap Current Painting See a Concert See a Fiery Ghost See a Ghost See a Play See a Sim Age Up Well See a Sim Get Married See a Sim Get Strong See a Symphony See Child Become X Profession See Child Be a X Trait See Child Earn An A See Child Get on Honour Roll See Game at Stadium See Someone Have a Child See Sim Earn Passing Grade See Teen Graduate Sell Something Serenade Someone with Guitar Serve a Great Meal Serve an Outstanding Meal Serve a Perfect Meal Serve a Home Cooked Meal at a Party Set the Burglar Free Sit on Couch Skip School

Skip Work Sleep Over at Someone's Home Sneak Out After Curfew Snuggle Baby or Toddler Spend §X at the Day Spa Spend X Simoleons Spend Time With the Baby Start a Novel Start a Painting Start Working Out Start Writing a Book Stay Inside for X Hours Stay On the Honour Roll for X Days Stay Out After Curfew Steal Candy from a Baby Steal Something Stop Being Friends With Someone -TTake a Bubble Bath Take a Class in the X Skill Take It Easy at Work Take Out the Trash Talk About a Skill Talk About Celestial Object Talk About Cooking Talk About Exercise Talk About Gardening Talk About Great Outdoors Talk About New Job Talk About Self Talk to Someone Talk to Tummy Teach Toddler to Talk Teach Toddler to Walk Teen Insult Tell Dirty Joke Tell Flirtatious Joke Tell Intriguing News Story Tell Sim You Named a Star After Them Throw X Great Parties Throw X Parties Throw a Birthday Party Throw a Campaign Fundraiser Throw a Formal Party Throw a Great Party Throw a House Party Throw a Party Throw a Wedding Party Tickle Toddler Toddler Toss in Air Train Someone Tutor a Sim for School Tutor Someone Tutor Someone in a Skill

-UUncover Conspiracy Upgrade X Objects Upgrade Something Use an Object Use Charming Introduction -VVisit Visit Visit Visit Visit Visit

Someone's Home the Art Gallery the Graveyard the Neighbourhood Pool the Park the Theatre -W-

Wash Hand X Times Watch a Movie Watch the Cooking Channel Watch TV Water Plants Wedding Congratulations Weed Plants Win X Fights Win X Games Win X Ranked Chess Matches in a Row Win a Fight Win a Ranked Chess Match WooHoo with X Sims WooHoo with Someone Work at Home Work on Book Work on Homework with Someone Work Out Work Out X Times Work Out for X Hours Work Out for X Hours Straight Work Out Until Fatigued Write X Novels Write an Autobiography Write a Best-Seller Write a Book Worth at Least §X a Week in Royalties Write a Masterpiece Write a Novel Write a Romance Novel Write a Science Fiction Novel *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* [4.04] Lifetime Happiness

Well, what is the point of fulfilling these wishes without a reward? They will give you Lifetime Happiness points, and these will start building up, and when you get to larger levels, you can spend them on some perks and items, which are exceptionally useful. Below is the list of all available rewards and perks that you can purchase, their cost, and what they do. Complimentary Entertainment Cost - 5000 Points This is for going to a theatre, you will be able to catch a flick without needing to pay for it, and this isn't too bad, after all, it does give a long lasting moodlet. Discount Diner Cost - 5000 Points When you go to a restaurant, you will have the opportunity to obtain a free meal, which is always a good thing, better than paying for it. And cooking does get expensive. Fast Metabolism Cost - 5000 Points This will allow you to burn more body fat when they are working out compared to other Sims, that is, you will burn more body fat exercising compared to a Sim who has been exercising for the same time. Observant Cost - 5000 Points This is used in social conversations, when, over the course of a conversation, you will be able to detect and figure out all the traits of the Sim you are conversing. Office Hero Cost - 5000 Points This makes you more popular when your co-workers, and that means that you will be able to build up a relationship with your co-workers faster then you hang out with them at work. Professional Slacker Cost - 5000 Points When you take the option of taking it easy at work, you will not lose job performance for it, and you gain fun at the same time, what more could you ask for? Speedy Cleaner

Cost - 5000 Points Well, as you can guess, this allows your Sim to clean everything and everything faster, such as toilets, showers and dishes. Useful if you have a large household. Attractive Cost - 10000 Points Well, this makes other Sims who have appropriate preferences, that is, compatable with you, to start off with a higher relationship than before. Good to build up a romantic relationship. Bookshop Bargainer Cost - 10000 Points This effectively gets you much cheaper books at the Bookshop compared to other Sims. This is quite useful, considering that recipes are learnt here and they cost a fair bundle, as well as new music compositions and fishing stuff. Change Lifetime Wish Cost - 10000 Points Well, this is simple, you get to change your Lifetime Wish, which is rather useful if you don't like the one you have been given. Fertility Treatment Cost - 10000 Points This allows you to have an increased chance of conceiving children and from that point, it will increase the odds of having twins or even triplets. Sorry, no octuplets in this game. Yet. Multi-Tasker Cost - 10000 Points This is only effective in the workplace or in school, this will allow you to gain job performance at work faster, whilst at school, it will allow you to do your homework faster than before, which is a necessary chore. Opportunistic Cost - 10000 Points This is used for opportunities, this will double reward from all opportunities in the game, which I'll list laster, and there are a hell of a lot of them. Steel Bladder Cost - 10000 Points

Your bladder will never decay, it will always be full, so you do not have to worry about your Sim rushing to the toilet half the time, that need has been removed, for a small fee. Dirt Defiant Cost - 15000 Points This is sort of like the Steel Bladder trait, instead, you will now no longer need to worry about the Hygiene Bar, the need to maintain that trait is now removed. Whoosh! Fast Learner Cost - 15000 Points Like the name suggests, this will allow you to learn your skills faster than before, which is exceptionally useful in the beginning to start off your skill sets, for the quick advance in the job ladder. Haggler Cost - 15000 Points This will give you a discount at the shops, a permanent discount, and if you head to the stores often, this could lead to a bit of money we are talking about. Never Dull Cost - 15000 Points When you talk to other Sims, they will never ever find your Sim boring, which is useful in preventing a nasty moodlet from turning up of being bored to death. Vacationer Cost - 15000 Points When you miss work, having this perk will reduce the amount of job performance that is lost because you have missed a day off work or just decided to slack off. Note that there are no more vacation days in this game. Long Distance Friend Cost - 20000 Points When you have very good old friends, you will never experience relationship decay with them, they are a friend for life, which is very handy when you are in Charisma based skills. Mid-Life Crisis Cost - 20000 Points This perk will allow you to repick and choose all the traits all over again,

which is useful if you managed to stuff up trait selection. Super-Green Thumb Cost - 20000 Points This is only used on your harvestables, when you harvest your produce, you will get a higher quality, one grade higher than the plant that it is planted from. So you get to Perfect much faster. Hardly Hungry Cost - 25000 Points Well, with this trait, you get hungry less often, so your hunger bar will decay much slower than before, the decay is about 50% of what it used to be, though I suspect that it may be less. Acclaimed Author Cost - 30000 Points This is interesting, it will increase the size of your royalty checks from your writing, which means that per week, on the Sunday, you will be able to get more money for the same amount of work. Body Sculptor Cost - 30000 Points This is a wish that will allow you to change your body shape, which, in my opinion, is quite useless, but hey, they are your virtual points to waste, not mine. Extra Creative Cost - 30000 Points This applies to your paintings, this is like the Acclaimed Author perk, but instead of getting larger royalty checks, your paintings will be selling for more money, which is always a good thing. More money is always good. Collection Helper Cost - 40000 Points This is a little tool that you get in your inventory, and it allows you to toggle it on and off, and is designed to highlight the location of all collectables. If you want gems, you can select gems, and on the neighbourhood screen, they will appear as thumbnails, whilst on screen, they shine with a bright light. Food Replicator Cost - 50000 Points This is a machine that will copy a dish that you give it. So if you give the

machine a Perfect Meal, it will copy the meal as many times as you want, which is very, very useful, saves you the cooking, and the ingredients that it will cost you. Mood Modifier Cost - 60000 Points This is another interesting machine, when you have your negative moodlets, such as being scared or such, and you need to wait for time to get rid of them, using this machine will be able to get rid of them. It will be able to get rid of the moodlets, most of the time. Teleportation Pad Cost - 75000 Points This is a one way machine, it will allow you to move from place to place for free, though it may deviate a little bit from place to place, sometimes. *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* [5.01] Skills Skills are different this time around, there are now 10 skills, and they are built differently. For those who have played previous games, you would know that skills are only really useful for one thing, making and meeting the job requirements for your job. The same holds true in this game, but there is much more you can do for your skills, and some skills are harder to obtain, Charisma is one such skill. There are 10 skills in total, Athletic (replacing the old Body Skill), Charisma, Cooking, Gardening (A Hobby from The Sims 2 - Seasons), Fishing (Another hobby from Seasons), Guitar (Broken from Creativity), Handiness (replaces Mechanical Skill), Logic, Painting (Broken from Creativity) and Writing (Which replaces a Hobby from The Sims 2). Now, there are many more ways to learn skills in this game. Much more ways. The first of such ways is taking classes. In the beginning, this will net you a complete skill point, but later on, progress is slightly lower. These classes can be taken all over the community, I'll list their location later, but they can all be taken, but it will set you back at a fee of 400 Simoleons. Next is that nearly all skills have books that you can read to boost your learning for it, however, they will normally cost you if you go to the bookstore and purchase them. They are, however, free of cost if you go to the local Library, a new addition to the community. Finally, the next common, non-skill specific way is to use public equipment. There are chess boards all over the place for logic, there is a library for all skills, there are is a free gym for Athletic, free grills for cooking, plants to be harvested, fish to be caught, and so on. Anyway, when you start off your Skills, you will start off with a Skill Journal. This will document some interesting facts, as well as

challenges that you can complete for a permanent bonus, that I'll go into when I get to the skill. The Skill Journal will track your progress, like how many pages your Sim has wrote, and how many meals that your Sim has cooked, even how many perfect ingredients you have harvested. But that is for your own leisure, lets start talking about the skills, and the challenges that you can complete. Note that some skills will get their own section, fishing, gardening and cooking are important enough to warrant their own indepth section. Writing and Painting will also get a section, the others don't really need one, as of yet. *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* [5.02] Athletic The Athletic skill is a far better sounding skill than the Body skill. Now, Athletic skill is used for those who want to be fit, and as you trim down the fat, you will gradually notice that your Sims will be getting athletic skill points. Now, how do you learn this skill? You can take classes at the Stadium for the quick burst, and from there, you can gain points from the Gym, that you can enter free of charge and open at all hours, work out machines that you can purchase, jogging and working out with the Stereo or the TV, swimming and reading the athletic books. This skill isn't as important, but after you start to learn it, you will get more and more options, offically called tones, when you are working out. These tones will determine how fast you gain your athletic skill, and how intense you decide to work out. There are two different workouts, Cardio and Strength. Strength will increase the amount of brawn that your Sim will have, whilst Cardio will drop the amount of body fat that your Sim has, so make sure you get a nice balance between the two. At, as you level up, the only different between the levels is the amount of time that your Sim can work out until they are fatigued and get the nasty moodlet. The higher the level, the more your Sim can tolerate and deal with the pain. Also, the higher the athletic skill, the better their chances to win in a fight. Well, a big tough guy normally does win against the skinny, puny guy. Unless the puny guy manages to kick the big guy in the nutsack, then it gets interesting. Anyway, at level 1, your Sim will have the ability to jog from place to place. This isn't all that bad, but it is slower than running, but increases your athletic skill at the same time, as well as it being recorded in your little skill journal. At Level 3, you will be able to get the Pumped moodlet from working out, which is a nice moodlet. Though the downside is that they will need to work out for a tee bit longer. At Level 5, the improvement is that when you set them to move from location to location, they will run a lot faster, if running is the best option, they will decide to take the car if it is faster.

Finally, at Level 6, your Sim will have the option to train other Sims with the exercise machines. This means that the Sim exercising will gain their Athletic Skill faster as well as losing weight more, under the expert guidance from a master. --Tones-Okay, the tones. These tones can only be used when you are working out. When you are working out, if you have these tones, you will be able to use the drop down bar and select what tone you want. You will always start with the normal, do workout tone, which is just the normal workout, so lets go into detail about the unlocked tones. Don't Break a Sweat is unlocked at Level 1. This will get you the same amount of athletic skill points as the normal workout tone, however, this will decrease the amount of hygiene decay that you will have. This is useful if you don't want to lose too much hygiene early on, and with hygiene out of the way, you can do longer workouts. Good Pacing is unlocked at Level 3. This tone allows you to increase the amount of time you workout, with the usual amount of athletic skill gain as well as the normal hygiene decay, but it will allow you to work out longer until you get the Fatigued moodlet, Push Self is unlocked at Level 5. This allows you to push yourself, but this comes at a cost. The next day, the day after you wake up, you will get the Sore moodlet for using Push Self, which can take time to heal. However, this will increase the speed in which you gain your body skill and also increase the rate in which you lose weight with normal decay. Quick Burst is the final tone unlocked at Level 7. This is where you will work out extremely hard, sacrificing hygiene and energy, as well as getting the Fatigue and Sore moodlet from working out. However, this will allow you to gain skill at an incredible rate, so you will get sacrificing everything to earn athletic skill at a fast rate. So pick your poison carefully. --Skill Challenges-There are 3 skill challenges that your Journal asks you to meet. If you do do it, you will get a reward at the end, so think about the benefits of it. Body Builder the the first of the challenges. You will need to do 60 hours of strength workouts, which pretty much means 60 hours on the weights machine. This will lead to the ability to never get the fatigue moodlet after working out on Strength Workouts. Fitness Nut is the next of the challenges. This is like the previous challenge, instead, you need to have 75 hours of Cardio workout, which means about 75 hours on the treadmill. This will net you the same reward, you will no longer get the fatigued moodlet after a Cardio workout. Marathon Runner is the last of the challenges. For this, you will need to run the fantastic amount of 500 Kilometres, before you can get this moodlet. As a conversion, it would be about 311 Miles. For completing this, it will grant

your Sim a longer life, as they are more fit. Interesting, run for life expectancy. And that about wraps up the Athletic skill. *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* [5.03] Charisma Charisma has changed since the second game, instead of just straight skill gain, you need family friends. Since they were removed from jobs, this is where it is at, you need friends to advance in Charisma. This skill will be useful for you when you are conversing with other Sims, the higher the skill, the better greeting, and thus, the better initial relationship will be. You can acquire this skill in only three ways, which makes it one of the most limiting skills. You can take a class in it, read about it in a nice book, or just practice in front of a mirror. Now, what does this skill actually do. It will allow you to use new greetings when you see a Sim. What does that do? Well, these greetings will increase the relationship a fair bit, and that makes it useful in itself, a nice start makes it easier to make friends. It will also unlock some nice new socials to play with and for the Mooches out there, a higher Charisma skill will enable you to leach more food and money. Another boost that the Charisma skill will give you is that your tones at work, which involve talking to co-workers and your boss, will be far more effective, that is, you will be able to make friends out of your boss and your co-workers a lot easier than before. Okay, the tough part is actually gaining this skill. In order to gain and succeed with this skill, you need to build up a stash of friends to gain this skill. Below are the requirements in terms of friends needed for each level. Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


0 2 3 4 6 8 10 15 20 25

Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends

However, note that all those friends cannot be family members, all friends need to be, well, friends, there cannot be a family relationship between two people to count as friends. --Greetings-There are new greetings that you can use when you advance in skill. These Greetings, like I have said, will increase the relationship more than a normal greeting. The higher the skill, the better the greeting that you can use. Note

that these greetings will replace old greetings that are less effective. Also note that you will start with the basic greetings at the lowest skill. Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


Name of Greeting Friendly Amusing Interesting Flirty Affectionate Funny Impressive Hilarious Loving Hot

Greeting Greeting Greeting Greeting Greeting Greeting Greeting Greeting Greeting Greeting


Type of Greeting Friendly Greeting Funny Greeting Impressive Greeting Romantic Greeting Romantic Greeting Funny Greeting ?Impressive Greeting Funny Greeting Romantic Greeting Romantic Greeting

The greeting table looks rather sloppy, I'd admit, but given the lack of formating tools on Notepad, compared to Excel, I really have my hands tied. Anyway, the better the greeting, the better the relationship boost that you will get, and besides, you have to greet someone to talk to them anyway, so you might as well give it a boost. --New Socials-There are new social interactions as well. You will get three social interactions that you can use, and whilst you are able to unlock the socials at different levels, the higher your Charisma skill, the more effective these social interactions are. The first social interaction is Charming Introduction, unlocked at Level 1. What this does is give a nice introduction, and this will immediately give an additional boost for a starting relationship. The higher your level, the stronger the greeting, and as such, by the time you reach Level 10, you will get friend status straight away when you use this introduction. The second social is Get to Know, unlocked at Level 3. This is used to discover all that you need to know about another Sim, their interests, their status, their traits. This will make it easier for you to discover some common interests. However, you still risk rejection at low friendships. By Level 10, they will spill their guts, no matter what, so no rejeciton. Finally, the last new social is Smooth Recovery, at Level 5. This is used straight after a negative result from a social interaction, basically, you said something you shouldn't have. This is used to recover that loss, and revive a dead conversation, so the higher your Level, the more effective your recovery will be. By Level 10, it will be a perfect recovery. Always. --Skill Challenges-Time for the challenges. There are 5 challenges that you can complete, the skill is diluted, but the reward is still the same. Celebrity is the first of your challenges, and if you are planning to max out this skill, this is the easiest to complete. You need to have 25 Sims, those not in your family, as your friends, basically, the same requirements as that

of getting the Level 10 Skill Level. This will allow you to start off with a far stronger relationship than other Sims. Comedian is the next challenge. This will require you to tell a total of 100 successful jokes, and this is one of the easiest to complete. The reward is that your jokes will hardly fail, though this is mooted if you have the Good Sense of Humour trait. Everybody's Best Friend is the third challenge. For this, you will need to have 10 Best Friends, which isn't all that hard, if you max out all your friendships and keep in touch. This is handy because when you will have friends, they will immediately skip the Good Friend level and move into Best Friend, which is quite useful. Personable is the fourth challenge. To be personable, you will need to have learn at least 50 different traits of your friends and other people in the neighbourhood, basically, you need to learn all 5 traits of 10 different Sims, and if you have a lot of friends, this isn't all that hard. This will give you the ability to learn traits far more quickly than before when conversing with other Sims. Super Friendly is the final chellenge. This requires you to have at least 20 friends, but the reward for this is enormous. This will stop all friendship decay, ALL DECAY, so you can never lose touch with your friend. Note that this is far superior than the Distant Friends perk. And so that ends the Charisma skill. Two down, eight to go. *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* [5.04] Cooking Cooking is one of the most important skills in the game, and one that your Sims will always seem to learn naturally. This will effect how you feed your Sims, and is the home to many powerful moodlets. It is hard work to build up your Cooking skill, but it is well worth it. Note that the way cooking works from Sims 2 is different. There is no longer stock. You need seperate ingredients for cooking a dish, it is no longer universal. Seems fair, can't make lobster from oranges. That always amused me. So how do you learn it? Well, cooking of course, gives a fair amount of the work, but taking classes in cooking and reading the right cookbooks always seems to help. And given the amount of food that your Sim needs to eat, it won't be long before your Sim will be racking up those skill levels in order to create some fantastic dishes. So what is the point of this skill. The better your cooking skill, the better your dishes will become, and the more nourishing they will be, with a lower chance of failure with each increasing level. Also, with each level, the quality of the food will improve. There is a lot to talk about on food, it deserves it's own section, so much that it will be the one right below this section, once I get around to putting it in. Anyway, what do you get at each level? You get new recipes. However, not all recipes are obtained through skill progression, a fair amount need to be learnt through one-use recipe books that you can purchase from the bookstore.

I will list them in brief now, and go indepth in them later, such as the ingredients that they require. Okay, for such a big topic, what I wrote is rather brief, but please bear in mear in that I will expand on this later. Whenever later is. If you read this in a later version, it will be already there. But earlier versions, well, please be patient. --Recipe List-Recipes Learnt from Skill Progression These are recipes that are automatically learnt by the Sim when they reach the level that is proscribed. Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level

0 0 0 1 1 1 2 2 4 4 5 6 7 8 9 9 10


Autumn Salad Mac and Cheese Waffles Hot Dogs Pancakes Peanut Butter and Jelly Goopy Carbonara Grilled Cheese Spaghetti Sushi Stu Surprise Hamburgers Key Lime Pie Grilled Salmon Dim Sum French Toast Lobster Thermador

Recipes Learnt from Recipe Books Note that the level listed is the level needed to understand the book. You need to be of a certain skill level to understand the book, which is rather unusual, but I guess you cannot expect a beginner to bake a Baked Angel Food Cake. Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level

1 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10


Ratatouillie Cookies Fish and Chips Fruit Parfait Cheesesteak Cobbler Eggs Machiavellian Tri-Tip Steak Stuffed Turkey Ambrosia Baked Angel Food Cake --Skill Challenges--

There are also skill challenges for cooking, but it is scaled back to three,

which makes things a bit easier on you. However, given that this is concerning food, consider them quite powerful rewards. Menu Maven is the first of your challenges, and one that will take a while to achieve. This requires you to have prepare all the recipes possible, so you will need to be at cooking level 10, learn all the recipes, prepare all the recipes, including the powerful Ambrosia, and your reward is that all your food that you now prepare are of a much higher quality. Star Chef is the second of your challenges. This requires you to prepare at least 50 meals, there are no limitations on what you can produce, you can make 50 plates of waffles for all I care. Again, the reward for this is that your food is of a higher quality, and higher quality food means much more powerful moodlets. World Class Chef is the final challenge. This requires you to prepare 75 dishes, again, there are no restrictions on what you can prepare, so 75 dishes of Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwiches coming right up. Anyway, this provides a different reward, this will allow you to cook your fishes a bit faster. And that wraps up the cooking skill, for now, until I get around to the indepth section. *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* [5.05] Fishing This is yet another skill that I will go indepth later, mainly because of the tables that I will need to draw up and there is no need to clutter this section. Anyway, fishing is basically that, you will need to learn how to fish, and the better your level, the more you can cook. Now the reason why this is useful is because it is a good source of money, and also ingredients for your cooking dishes. How do you obtain this skill. Again, there are only three ways, you can either take a class from the Supermarket, read the fishing books or you can just go fishing yourself. Not exactly a large variety of ways to learn, but it does the job. Now, fishing. Well, basically, course, the best place to fish of the water, because there is that some Sims will be able to nice touch.

a pool of water is a place you can fish, of are places where there is fish jumping out a higher chance of a catch. Keep in mind fish in swimming pools, which is always a

If you have the money, you can purchase a fair amount of books at the bookstore, and this is done for a reason. The reason you read those books is that it will give you the locations of where you can catch a fish, which is a nice start, and more importantly, the perferred bait of each fish. Talk about bait is in the paragraph below this next one. What happens as you level up with this skill? Well, the higher your level, the more fish you can type. Some fish you cannot catch until you are at much higher levels. Also, the higher the level, the better quality fish you can catch, you can't exactly catch perfect fish at Level 1, but it will be more common at Level 10. When you reach LEVEL 3, you will be able to bait fish out of the sea. What

is bait? Well, bait basically means a type of food or fish that you can use, and lose upon successful catch of a fish, but it will increase the chance of catching the fish that the bait is selected for. More in it's specific section. The better quality of bait, the better quality of fish that you are going to catch. I hope you have a large garden. Also, as you level up, you will be able to inspect the water of any place that you can fish, and this will identify all the available fish in that water that you can catch. This is useful if you are looking for a certain type of fish. Well, that is about as indepth as I would like to go for skills, given that I am going to dedicate a section for this. --Skill Challenges-However, I am not going to forget about the challenges, but this time, there are only two challenges for you. Amateur Ichthyologist is the first of the challenges, and it is a rather funny sounding one, which makes it interesting. This requires you to have caught every single type of fish, EVERY SINGLE TYPE OF FISH. That includes the rare as hen's teeth, Deathfish. For such a feat, you will be rewarded that all the fish you now catch will be bigger, fatter, and tastier. Commercial Fisherman is the second and last of the challenges. This requires you to have caught at least 350 fish, which is quite a lot, but given that time flies, you will be able to achieve this in no time. If you fish regularly that is. For this, you will be able to catch fish faster than other Sims, which means that you can catch more fish. And that wraps up fishing, for now. Tune in next time, for more TALES. OF. INTEREST. I mean fishing. *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* [5.06] Gardening Gardening is one of the new skills, and basically, this is one of the money making skills. This is another skiill that I will go indepth later, mainly because it is a very large section. Anyway, this skill is necessary for tending and harvesting the produce of plants, and this has two uses, one is for making a fair amount of money, and the latter is to have fresh ingredients for your cooking. This skill is obtained in three ways, the standard reading books and taking classes method, and the final method is actually going out into the field and working and tending your plants. Tending, watering, harvesting, all those activities will increase your skill in gardening. Now, what is the whole point of gardening? Well, gardening is basically looking and fielding plants, and by doing this, you can make those plants grow up nice and strong, and you move on to harvest the produce, and make money out if it. More about growing plants and harvesting in their respective section, so when that is ready, you can read that to make this following part about level development make a bit more sense.

Anyway, you start off at Level 0, and your gardening skills are a bit restrictive to say the least. By Level 2, you will be able to tend to a garden, so you can water, and now, remove the weeds surrounding the plant. Weeds need to be removed for the sole reason that they will damage the plant's quality. The higher your level from now on, the faster your Sim will be able to tend those plants. Once you reach Level 3, you will have the ability to fertilise the plants. This skill is important, as fertilizer will improve the quality of your produce, and that is useful as it will increase the quality of the meals that use your ingredients and it increases the value when you are selling them. However, bear in mind that quality of the fertilizer will determine how much the plant's quality is improved. By Level 5, you will notice that when you walk around the neighbourhood, you will have seen common, uncommon and rare seeds. By Level 5, you will be able to plant uncommon seeds, in addition to common seeds that you have already been able to plant since Level 0. At Level 6, if your Sims have the Green Thumb trait, they will be able to revive a plant, which means that you will be able to revive a plant that has died through neglect or some other means. Barren plants will not be able to be revived. With this, you will have a good chance to revive the dying or ailing plant. By Level 7, you will be able to plant those rare seeds, and this means that those nice lovely plants that you have no idea about can now be grown. And finally, the last 3 levels. At this point, you will get opportunities, one for each level, about growing a specific number of harvestables with a certain quality. By completing these opportunities, you will get access to new plants. You will be able to grow plants that spawn eggs, cheese, steak, and finally, the Omni Plant, though this will get it's own section. So that is about it for developmental skills, so on to the challenges. Yes, I do know that this is a bit brief, but like I said, this deserves it's own section. --Skill Challenges-There are three challenges that you can perform. Of course, given the nature of this skill, it will take some time to perfect, but you'll get there, eventually. Botanical Boss is the first of the challenges, and this requires you to grow 75 perfect harvestables, there are no requirements on what needs to be grown. However, for doing this, you will get the power that none of your plants will ever die from neglect, such as not tending them or not watering them. Master Farmer is the will need to harvest it, isn't actually a watered and deweeded

next of the challenges. To complete this challenge, you a total of 650 harvestables, which, when you think about lot. By completing this, you will have your plants for longer, that means, less work.

Master Planter is the final of the challenges. This will require you to plant every single type of plant, every single one. This isn't all that easy, but it isn't impossible. Once you have completed planting all of the different types of plants, your plants will suffer significantly less weed growth. Which is again, quite useful. And that wraps up Gardening, for now. *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* [5.07] Guitar This is one of the worst skills, because there isn't much in terms of usage. Basically, imagine just the piano playing skill, and yeah, there isn't much, but it is relatively important if you are planning to go into the Music career, so pick your poison carefully. Again, this skill is developed in a set amount of ways, there is always the books and classes approach, though it doesn't get you very far, or you can just practice on the guitar. It isn't much in terms of development, but it is similar to other skills. Well, the whole aim of this is getting new songs to play with. As you develop your skills, you get more and more songs that your Sim can perform, and by Level 5, you can perform songs for tips whilst performing in public. This is a quick way to make money, but it is still short change. Anyway, through skill development, you will learn new songs. This is quite useful, as the more songs you can play, the more variety you can provide to passerbys, and try to hit their favourite music. From Level 1 to 4, you will gain two new compositions, that is, songs, through development. Level 5 is special, you will get 3 new songs, and from that point on, Level 6 to 10, you will get only 1 new song per level, but there are new compositions that you can purchase from the bookstore, which effectively makes it two per level. Level 5 is the most important part of this skill, because it is also the point in which you can perform to the public. Previously, you can only practice, but now you can play in public. Shove that guitar into your Sim's inventory and you can play it. This is where you can make up that 600 Simoleon purchase price. Try public areas, such as the main park, for the most pedestrian traffic. Also at Level 5, you will be able to serenade someone. Literally, this is like flirting with someone, but through song. Basically, it serves as a romantic social interaction that will aid you in your romantic overtures at the song's conclusion. --Skill Challenges-Guitar only has three challenges, which isn't a hell of a lot, but it is better than nothing, I guess. Anyway, without further ado. Guitar Star is the first of the of the two challenges, and basically, your Sim needs to perform at a total of 10 parties. With this, you will be able to get more money from tips and such performances. Which means some more

spare change for you. Master Guitarist is the next of the challenges that you will face. This is where you learn every single composition, from levelling up, the compositions that you can purchase from the store and compositions that can be learnt through opportunities that you will get from time to time. As a reward, you receive a new song. Which kinda defeats the purchase. Money Maker is the final challenge that you can pick on. This requires you to earn a total of 5,000 Simoleons from all your performances, which is quite a lot, considering all you get is spare change, but after a long amount of performances and time at parties, you will start to rack up the money. For this, your reward is that you get another new master track to play with. And that wraps up the Guitar Skill. *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* [5.08] Handiness This is the skill that replaces the Mechanical skill, and this actually has some uses, yuo can use this to play with some equipment. You can basically tinker with equipment, and repair broken items, and after a while, you will be able to upgrade your equipment to make them work better. There are a fair amount of ways to boost this skill, besides the obvious class and book method. You can repair broken items for some more knowledge on the Handiness skill, or tinker with them, or you can just upgrade the items and see how it goes. Basically developmental benefits through this skill is quite useful if you are the handiman around the house. The higher your skill, the better your chance of success in tinkering and upgrading, as well as repairing, and the lower the chances of failure. Note that the Handiness trait, you will always succeed. By Level 3, you will be able to upgrade your equipment, again, I will put a list in a seciton of it's own, mainly because it needs a proper table, and I cannot provide one here and make it all neat and tidy. However, these upgrades are quite powerful and useful. For example, you can make a cheap dishwasher silent, or improve the stove to make better quality food, or even improve your TV to have more channels to watch. There are more upgrades, but again, I will give it a section for that, as to go indepth. Finally, at Level 10, you will be able to get a nice bonus. You will be invited by a guild and you will get a permanent 25% discount to all items that you can purchase off the buy catalog. Quite short, the above section, because the upgrading section needs a fair bit of space. --Skill Challenges-There are the standard three skill challenges with this skill. Not a lot, but better than nothing. Electrician is the first of the challenges, and have a guess, you need to play with some electricity. You will need to repair 10 electricial objects,

which, over the course of a few days, doesn't mean quite a lot because they will suffer heavy usage. The reward is simple, you will never be electrocuted again, ever again. Plumber is the second of the three challenges, and as you can guess, you need to play with water. You need to successfully repair 10 plumbing items, and this is quite easy, it is usually a shower, bath or toilet, and you use those constantly. Your reward is that these items will never break again. Tinkerer is the last of the three challenges, and this requires you to tinker around with objects. You need to have installed at least 10 different, unique upgrades on objects around the house. Use the table found later on in the Upgrading section for more information. As a result, you will never fail at upgrading objects. And that is it, for now. *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* [5.09] Logic Logic is one of the few skills that hasn't undergone a total review, which is a nice touch. However, there is a lot more you can do with this skill, it isn't just chess playing, there is a lot more than that. This is the general intelligence skill, and is used for tutoring other Sims, for discovering new celestial bodies. Logic is one of the skills that has more than 3 development options. Sure, there is the traditional class and book approach, but you can also learn this skill from the Chessboard, using the telescope, or being tutored by other Sims. The Computer is a new source of learning, considering you can play chess on the computer now, and gain logic at the same time. Logic is one of the skills that has a massive developmental cycle. The effects are immediate, your Sim can start to solve the unsolvable, basically, you are solving hard mathematical problems for money, it isn't always a success, but the money is good. By Level 3, your Sim is able to search the stars for previously unknown celestial bodies. Of course, there is money involved, and the best part is that you can name discovery after what you want. Be creative. Doesn't every kid want to see the Steaming Pile of Poop star? Of course, the cheapest are satellites, they aren't worth the most. Next are small stars, followed by new planets, and finally, the large stars, which are worth the most. It is all random, but that is the pattern in which they are valued. And to make sure it is offical, they are logged into your journal. At Level 5, your Sim will be able to tutor other Sims in the logic skills, However, you can only tutor young Sims at this stage, children and teens, for now. This is quite useful, giving a nice powerful moodlet as well as it helps the child's school performance and develops their logic skill faster than usual. Also at Level 5, you will be able to talk about Sims about celestial bodies that they have discovered. What is more important, other than a topic of conversation and a nice relationship boost is that if you talk about the celestial body named after them, well, you get a massive boost. Hey, I would like to tell other people about a new star I discovered and named after them,

and they would be happy. Finally, at Level 10, you will be able to improve your tutoring skills, you will be able to tutor anyone, in basically everything, all skills, bar the Athletic and Charisma skill. However, there is a limitation, Sims cannot tutor beyond their own skill level, that is, if a Sim has Level 7 in Cooking, that Sim cannot tutor another Sim beyond that Level 7 in Cooking. This is useful for developing the skills of younger Sims. This beats learning through the books, but is slower than learning through actual practice. However, there is a skill within a skill. There is a chess skill, and although logic is a strong factor in how the game plays, the more you practice chess, the better you will get. The more you practice, the more games you win, so this is the way you beat a Grand Master in chess. Sure, Level 10 in logic outranks a Level 9, but he/she has practiced for a long time, you have not. --Skill Challenges-There is quite a fair amount of challenges here, well, four, but it is more than the standard of 3 that you normally get. Celestial Explorer is the first of the challenges, discover 20 new objects through your telescope, be new planets. As a result, you will be able to talk sky to other Sims, compared to the Level 5 perk of you have discovered.

and this requires you to it stars, satellites or about the stars and the just talking about things

Grand Master is the second of the four challenges, and you need to reach the last level of Chess, and this is done by just beating all the ranked opponents in your path. Once you get to this level, you will be able to gain your skill in logic, and as a result, chess, at double the usual rate, which is exceptionally useful. Skill Professor is a challenge in which you need to spend at least 30 hours tutoring other Sims, whatever the age and whatever the skill, there are no specifications. Once they are effectively a professorhead in their own regards, their teaching will be twice as effective, that is, the student will learn the skill twice as quickly. Teacher Extraordinaire is the last of the challenges, and it is the weaker brother of Skill Professor, in which you will only need to spend 20 hours in tutoring other Sims, but again, you will only be twice as effeective. Which makes the skill professor 4 times as effective. Effective? And that wraps up the Logic skill, 8 down, 2 to go. *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* [5.10] Painting This used to be a skill within a skill. Previously, painting was a skill that, the more you practiced, the more money you get, however, it was considered an activity under the Creativity skill. Since that has gone to dirt, this gets it's very own skill, which is fun. This is a strange skill, there are only two ways to earn this skill, through the usual classes and the obviously, painting on the easel. This is quite

easy to handle. This skill is all about practice, and more practice. The more you practice, the better you'll be, and the more money that you will make. You will only be able to practice early on, and by reaching Level 1, you will already be making your mark by choosing from three different types of canvas, small, medium or large. By Level 5, they will be able to paint, rather than practice, but it is all semantics, it really doesn't mean anything. Level 6 is where things get a little more interesting, you will haev the chance to paint a Brillant painting, and this is just a usual painting, but it is Brillant. Besides the environmental benefit that it will give, it is also worth double the normal value. Level 9 is where it turns even better, with your Sims given the chance to paint a Masterpiece. This gives out an even stronger environmental boost if you have the chance to mount it, or you can sell it, and it will be triple the usual value. Just as an interesting side note, if the painter dies, all their paintings will be worth more, since demand and supply would suggest that there is now only a finite about of dead person's works, so supply is limited. Also, there is another set of developmental skills. At Level 5, you will be able to paint a Still Life painting, which is a painting of a photo that you will have to choose. Level 7 will allow you to paint a portrait of a Sim, which requires two people. After all, you cannot paint thin air. Finally, at Level 8, you can paint a memorized scene, which means you take a photo of a place around the neighbourhood with the mobile phone, and paint that. --Skill Challenges-There are only three skill challenges for this, which isn't exactly a lot, but again, better than nothing. Brushmaster is the first of the challenges. This requires you to have painted a total of 35 paintings, and the reward for this is that your Sim will be able to paint a lot faster than before. Useful for pumping out those paintings. Master Painter is the next of the challenges, and this requires you to have painted 5 Masterpieces. This is quite hard to do, but with the below challenge complete, it may be a bit easier. For a reward, from now on, every painting you sell will be worth a lot more than usual, that is, you make more money for the same amount of effort. Proficient Painter is the final challenges, and as you can guess, you need to have painted 6 Brillant paintings, nothing less. This requires a hell of a lot of luck, so good luck painting that. However, the reward is a useful one for a painter, you will be able to paint more Brillant and Masterpiece paintings, that is, a higher chance to do so. Finally, that wraps up 9 of the 10 skills, one more to go. *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* [5.11] Writing

The final skill, and this game as turn what was a hidden skill in novel writing into a much bigger skill. Again, this will be another skill that will get it's own section, given the scope, and is another non-offical way to make money. There are only three real ways to learn about writing, and that is to either take a class or read the book, as usual, or you can go and practice writing on the computer. Note that all writing needs to be done on the computer, as it stands, you cannot make a typewriter and do some writing, because it doesn't have spell check. Anyway, the developmental effects of writing, well, this will overlap the indepth section, but anyway, by increasing your level, you will gain access to more novel genres, and whilst they take longer to write, you get more in royalties. More on that later. At the start, you will have access to Fiction books, but from there, it will start to get bigger, as in genres. Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level Level

0 0 1 2 3 3 5 6 8 10 10


Fiction Non-Fiction Science Fiction Trashy Drama Children's Book (Painting Skill >/= Level 6) Humour (Good Sense of Humour = Level 2) Historical Mystery Masterpiece Romance (Hopeless Romantics = Level 5)

There are in fact, more genres, so here are they. Autobiography Fantasy Satire Vaudeville


You You You You and

need to need to need to need to Romance

write 3 write 3 write 3 write 2 Novels.

Biographies Science Fiction Novels Humour novels Drama, Science Fiction, Humour, Mystery

--Skill Challenges-Again, there are only three here that you can do, so it is nothing unusual. Prolific Writer is a challenge that requires a Sim to write at least 20 novels in their careers. This is quite useful if you are looking for money because these guys will be more recognised and as such, they will tend to produce more Hits and Best-Seller books, and this leads to more in royalties. Specialist Writer is the next challenge, and this requires your Sims to write 5 novels in a specific genre, any genre. As a result, they are well recognised in their own genre, and they will make more hits and best-sellers, however, it is only effective in their favourite genre. Speed Writer is the final challenge, out of all the skills and for me writing, and requires you to have earnt a total of 15,000 Simoleons in royalties, which isn't a hell of a lot if this is a full time career, maybe a bit longer if it

is a part time career. As you can guess, the reward is that your Sims will write a lot faster. Exceptionally handy if they are looking at doing the romance novels. And that, ladies and gentlemen, wraps up the skills. In brief. *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* [6.01] Overview There are 11 professional jobs available to you this time, compared to the amount of careers, only 10, which comes in both the Sims 1 and the Sims 2. This is exactly the same, except the presentation is a bit different. Also, there are part time jobs, which you can have on top of a full time jobs, but more on that later. Again, only adults and now, elders, will be able to have full time jobs, and this is a lot more interesting. Several careers will have branches, which means, your career will come to a split path, and you need to choose which path your Sim wants to walk on. This means that there is more than the usual 110 jobs that you were expecting. However, once you reach elder status, you can retire from your job and receive a pension. Whilst the money isn't exactly good, you don't need to work and get paid. Up to you, really. Also, as you level up, there are rewards for reaching certain levels in your career. This is most useful, since there are some nice rewards that you cannot obtain in any other method, like a police cruiser. Another change is that there are work tones. That is, there are options that you can select for your Sim to perform during work, which dictates what they do. For example, you can have your Sim work out exceptionally hard, or just slack off or talk to their co-workers. All jobs with a normal effect tone, where you get average decay, for average job performance growth. Okay, about the jobs themselves, there is a job performance bar. However, unlike previous games, this actually has a use. The Performance bar will show your overall performance since you started the job or since your last promotion. If it is green, good work, if it is red, you will stand to have a pay cut or a demotion. Now, to be promoted by the game automatically, you will need to complete, as in, all green, the performance bar, and that will get you promoted. Along the way, you can demand a raise at work, by clicking on your work place and demanding a raise. This means that you get more money at the end of the day, nothing else. Raises will replace promotions when you get to the top of the ladder, giving more incentive to stay in one career, rather than several. Some changes from previous games. There are no skill limits to promotion, instead, you will have several items that will affect job performance. The better it is completed, the faster you gain job performance. For example, when it says that logic is a factor in your job performance, it means the more logic points you have, the better. You will have a tutorial in game for this, so don't fret. And finally, gone are the chance cards, and in comes the opportunities. You will have the chance to complete some tasks for work, outside of work, and you will get a reward for it, a seciton for that later. And back from the Sims 1 is the idea of job transfer. Sometimes, your Sim gets the opportunity to

transfer to other careers. For example, a Lieutenant in the Law Enforcement Career might get the offer to join the Military, and so forth. Without further delay, let us start on the new careers. *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* [6.02] Business The Business career takes place in the Corporate Towers, and is your typical office job. Basically, go to the office, do some work, and go home. This is one of the best paying jobs for the least amount of skills, given that you don't need any skills to succeed here. Not even Charisma. There are 5 Work Tones for this skill. Hold Meetings - Division Mananger Level or greater. This is where you plan for meetings, and when you will attend them, which gives you the opportunity to attend meetings, but slows performance growth. Meet Co-Worker - This allows you to meet your co-workers and talk with them, building up a relationship with your co-workers, and this is quite important in this career. This is used to meet more co-workers quickly, not so much relationships. Chat at Water Cooler - This is where you will build up a relationship with your co-workers. This is more effective at building a relationship than the previous tone, but less effective at taking with them. Suck Up to Boss - This is where you build up a relationship with the boss, though redundant from Chief of Board and onwards. This is a useful way to build a new friendship. Power Work - Basically, you work a lot harder, and this gains job performance a hell of a lot faster, however, this will degrade your mood a lot faster, especially fun. First, a quick note about meetings. Meetings are important because they are a factor of promotion. The more meetings you have, the better your job performance. The best is to have work hours used in meetings. You can hold meetings whilst at work, so you can make the best of both worlds and get paid for this. Anyway, lets start on the stats. Note that the pay is standard. This is the basic pay, this is not taking into account raises that you may have received from work. --==Coffee Courier==-"Nobody ever looks to the Coffee Courier to orchestrate a multi-billion Simoleon corporate takeover, but that doesn't mean you can't impress the higher-ups when you're bringing them coffee. Don't forget the cream, sugar, or a smile!" Job Level § Per Hour § Per Day

= 1 = §27 / hour = §160 / day

Base Weekly Pay Pension Pay Carpool Arrival Time You Start Work Time You Finish Work Total Length of Day Work Days Days Off

= = = = = = = =

§800 / week §40 / day 7AM 8AM 2PM 6 hours Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday Saturday, Sunday

Performance Requirements = Mood, Relationship with Boss --==Filing Clerk==-"Put away the grinds and grab a manila folder. Deals, acquisitions, and stock grabs are being made left and right and someone has to keep a clean paper trail. Corporate has put a lot of stock in you ... don't let them down!" Job Level § Per Hour § Per Day Base Weekly Pay Pension Pay Carpool Arrival Time You Start Work Time You Finish Work Total Length of Day Work Days Days Off

= = = = = = = = = = =

2 §35 / hour §208 / day §1,040 / week §50 / day 7AM 8AM 2PM 6 hours Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday Saturday, Sunday

Performance Requirements = Mood, Relationship with Boss --==Report Processor==-"It's hard to act on just a hunch when billions of Simoleons are at stake. The board wants you to compile the reports and provide detailed analysis ... by morning - every morning. It's a good time to get close to the boss, so that when a better position opens up your name is on the short list." Job Level § Per Hour § Per Day Base Weekly Pay Pension Pay Carpool Arrival Time You Start Work Time You Finish Work Total Length of Day Work Days Days Off

= = = = = = = = = = =

3 §46 / hour §271 / day §1,355 / week §70 / day 7AM 8AM 2PM 6 hours Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday Saturday, Sunday

Performance Requirements = Mood, Relationship with Boss, Relationship with Co-Workers --==Corporate Drone==--

"After all this time you've finally been given a desk, four cubicle walls, and just a little bit of space to personalise your area. Corporate Drones make the company propel forward akin to oarsmen on an ancient sailing vessel. Keep rowing towards middle management!" Job Level § Per Hour § Per Day Base Weekly Pay Pension Pay Carpool Arrival Time You Start Work Time You Finish Work Total Length of Day Work Days Days Off

= = = = = = = = = = =

4 §59 / hour §353 / day §1,765 / week §90 / day 7AM 8AM 2PM 6 hours Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday Saturday, Sunday

Performance Requirements = Mood, Relationship with Boss, Relationship with Co-Workers --==Department Head==-"Halfway up the corporate ladder and the suits up top have provided you a few underlings. As a Department Head, it's important to stay popular with the corporate drones, but still keep the boss happy. Nice suit, by the way." Job Level § Per Hour § Per Day Base Weekly Pay Pension Pay Carpool Arrival Time You Start Work Time You Finish Work Total Length of Day Work Days Days Off

= = = = = = = = = = =

5 §76 / hour §530 / day §2,650 / week §130 / day 7AM 8AM 3PM 7 hours Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday Saturday, Sunday

Performance Requirements = Mood, Relationship with Boss, Relationship with Co-Workers --==Division Manager==-"Somebody thinks you're going places, specifically the head of the division. Sales, marketing, customer service, and manufacturing - all of them fall under the hefty chain of command that ends with you. It's best to add a few meetings to you to-do list, as they help an organisation run smoothly and efficiently." Job Level § Per Hour § Per Day Base Weekly Pay Pension Pay

= = = = =

6 §99 / hour §689 / day §3,445 / week §170 / day

Carpool Arrival Time You Start Work Time You Finish Work Total Length of Day Work Days Days Off

= = = = = =

7AM 8AM 3PM 7 hours Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday Saturday, Sunday

Performance Requirements = Mood, Relationship with Boss, Relationship with Co-Workers, Meetings Held It is at this rank in which you can schedule meetings and hold meetings. You need to schedule the time and actually attend for it to count. They last about one and a half hours most of the time. --==Vice President==-"Stock options, benefits, accolades, and titles just keep coming! You've hit the upper rungs of corporate management as a Vice President, but the competition is stiff to become the next CEO. It's time to secure your place as a rising star and next in line of succession, so motivate and increase revenues to generate confidence in your leadership capabilities." Job Level § Per Hour § Per Day Base Weekly Pay Pension Pay Carpool Arrival Time You Start Work Time You Finish Work Total Length of Day Work Days Days Off

= = = = = = = = = = =

7 §128 / hour §896 / day §4,480 / week §220 / day 7AM 8AM 3PM 7 hours Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday Saturday, Sunday

Performance Requirements = Mood, Relationship with Boss, Relationship with Co-Workers, Meetings Held --==CEO==-"The Chief Executive Officer is the most important person in a single business entity. The world looks pretty good from a corner office on the top floor, and nobody dares to utter a single work during your long, inspirational speeches. Enjoy the new office, but don't get too comfy. There's work to do and you're just the one to do it." Job Level § Per Hour § Per Day Base Weekly Pay Pension Pay Carpool Arrival Time You Start Work Time You Finish Work Total Length of Day Work Days

= = = = = = = = = =

8 §239 / hour §1,434 / day §5,736 / week §280 / day 7AM 8AM 2PM 6 hours Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday

Days Off

= Wednesday, Saturday, Sunday

Performance Requirements = Mood, Relationship with Boss, Relationship with Co-Workers, Meetings Held --==Chairman of the Board==-"Not content with overseeing a single corporate entity, you have found yourself the newly elected Chairman of the Board. Thousands of stockholders spanning a few companies look to you for guidance, leadership, and dividends in the millions. But, you still answer to the stockholders and now is the time to supercede past milestones with even better corporate performance." Job Level § Per Hour § Per Day Base Weekly Pay Pension Pay Carpool Arrival Time You Start Work Time You Finish Work Total Length of Day Work Days Days Off

= = = = = = = = = = =

9 §287 / hour §1,721 / day §6,884 / week §330 / day 7AM 8AM 2PM 6 hours Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday Wednesday, Saturday, Snday

Performance Requirements = Mood, Relationship with Co-Workers, Meetings Held --==Power Broker==-"Without peer, <Sim> is in charge. Employees revere you and competitors find you terrifying. Entire corporate empires rise and fall at your whim, spelling doom for the wrong players, and financial glory for you and the companies you dominate. The days of the Power Broker entail long meetings and counting the stacks of Simoleons." Job Level § Per Hour § Per Day Base Weekly Pay Pension Pay Carpool Arrival Time You Start Work Time You Finish Work Total Length of Day Work Days Days Off

= = = = = = = = = = =

10 §316 / hour §947 / day §2,841 / week §400 / day 7AM 8AM 11AM 3 hours Monday, Tuesday, Thursday Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday

Performance Requirements = Mood, Relationship with Co-Workers, Meetings Held The pay may seem exceptionally low, but the real kicker is in the meetings. They are normally one and a half hours long, you can hold them whenver you feel like, as if there were meetings all day long, and most importantly, you get paid for it, 750 Simoleons per meeting, on average, and that is a lot of money for that amount of time. Though it all depends on when you want to do

the meetings, you don't have to attend, if you don't want to. *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* [6.03] Criminal Ah, the Criminal career, one of the careers that survived the cut. However, it has undergone a nice overhaul, seeing it is one with exceptionally powerful perks. For one, seeing as you are a Criminal, you will be exempt from being robbed. So no criminals will decide to pick on your house for a quick robbery. Also, whatever the level, your Sim will have the chance to bring home random items from work, so it is a nice source of side money. However, what has perks also has disadvantages. You will have a chance to end up arrested, seeing as you are breaking the law, and you will end up in prison for a day. At least you can work out for your stay in prison. There are 7 Work Tones that you can choose from. Work Hard - This tone, as you can easily assume, means that your Sim works harder at work, gaining more in terms of job performance but will take a massive hit on needs decay, especially the Fun meter. Take It Easy - This is the exact opposite to the one above, this is where your Sim takes it less seriously, and will gain less job performance for a lower hit on Fun. This is best used when you already have a complete performance bar, or nearly there. Practice Illicit Activities - Requires Level 1+ of Athletic Skill. This is where you basically practice the athletic skill at work, and you gain athletic skill points, but at a slower rate. But at least you get paid. Meet Accomplices - This is basically talking to your co-workers, the people who will be assisting you on your raids and criminal activities. This is necessary to find out who your co-workers are, but not good at building relationships. Conspire with Accomplices - This is the opposite to the one above, this is less effective at meeting your co-workers but it is better to build a relationship with them. Do a Side Job - This is a tone where you have the opportunity to earn some Simoleons on the side. The cash isn't a lot, but it is a nice way to earn some cash whilst being paid on the job. Not too bad. Grovel to Leader - Evil Branch. This is where you go down and kiss your leader's feet, and grovel for his favour. This is only necessary in the Evil branch, thieves work by themselves. And lets get onto the Criminal Career jobs. --==Decoy==-"Can you keep a secret? The local crime syndicate is looking for a few good people to join the ranks. Specifically, somebody is needed who is in good physical condition, can get along with the rest of the gang, and has no problem doing things that some might label as "criminal". There's room at

the top for world class thieves and the truly diabolical!" Job Level § Per Hour § Per Day Base Weekly Pay Pension Pay Carpool Arrival Time You Start Work Time You Finish Work Total Length of Day Work Days Days Off

= = = = = = = = = = =

1 §17 / hour §100 / day §500 / week §30 / day 9AM 10AM 4PM 6 hours Monday, Tuesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday Wednesday, Thursday

Performance Requirements = Mood, Athletic Skill --==Cutpurse==-"The score gets a little bigger for the Cutpurse, but so do the risks. You'll need to start working out to improve your chances of getting away if seen at the scene. After all, it's never quite as easy as taking candy from a baby." Job Level § Per Hour § Per Day Base Weekly Pay Pension Pay Carpool Arrival Time You Start Work Time You Finish Work Total Length of Day Work Days Days Off

= = = = = = = = = = =

2 §24 / hour §140 / day §700 / week §40 / day 9AM 10AM 4PM 6 hours Monday, Tuesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday Wednesday, Thursday

Performance Requirements = Mood, Athletic Skill --==Thug==-"Every crime organisation needs some muscle to lay down the rules and protect The Organisation's ... investments. The best Thugs are intimidating and muscular - the strong arm of the Organisation. Don't let nobody stand in your way." Job Level § Per Hour § Per Day Base Weekly Pay Pension Pay Carpool Arrival Time You Start Work Time You Finish Work Total Length of Day Work Days Days Off

= = = = = = = = = = =

3 §32 / hour §190 / day §950 / week §50 / day 8PM 9PM 3AM 6 hours Monday, Tuesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday Wednesday, Thursday

Performance Requirements = Mood, Athletic Skill --==Getaway Driver==-"Innocent bystanders, spike strips and rush-hour traffic are no trouble for you as a professional Getaway Driver. Keep your speeds high and your turns tight to keep the heat off your tail, and ensure members of The Organisation get in, and get out, quick!" Job Level § Per Hour § Per Day Base Weekly Pay Pension Pay Carpool Arrival Time You Start Work Time You Finish Work Total Length of Day Work Days Days Off

= = = = = = = = = = =

4 §40 / hour §240 / day §1,200 / week §60 / day 8PM 9PM 3AM 6 hours Monday, Tuesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday Wednesday, Thursday

Performance Requirements = Mood, Athletic Skill, Relationship with Accomplices --==Bagman/Bagwoman==-"The Bag Man/Woman is an integral part of the heist, which means bigger payout and more risk. Your accomplices need to be able to trust you now that you're on the ground floor. Hold the bag tightly - never, ever, let go!" Job Level § Per Hour § Per Day Base Weekly Pay Pension Pay Carpool Arrival Time You Start Work Time You Finish Work Total Length of Day Work Days Days Off

= = = = = = = = = = =

5 §52 / hour §310 / day §1,550 / week §80 / day 8PM 9PM 3AM 6 hours Monday, Tuesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday Wednesday, Thursday

Performance Requirements = Mood, Athletic Skill, Relationship with Accomplices --==Con Artist==-"Whether it's a sleight of hand, a "great investment opportunity", or falsified papers, the Con Artist has everything the customers need .. or think they need. Few can truly turn crime into an artistic expression. You either got it, or you don't." Job Level § Per Hour § Per Day

= 6 = §63 / hour = §375 / day

Base Weekly Pay Pension Pay Carpool Arrival Time You Start Work Time You Finish Work Total Length of Day Work Days Days Off

= = = = = = = =

§1,875 / week §90 / day 8PM 9PM 3AM 6 hours Monday, Tuesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday Wednesday, Thursday

Performance Requirements = Mood, Athletic Skill, Relationship with Accomplices !BRANCH SPLIT! At this point, you will need to choose between two possible career paths, you will want to continue your life of crime through stealing, as a thief? Or do you prefer, like Stewie, a plan for Evil through World Domination. Now pick, the Evil branch, or the Thief branch? EVIL BRANCH --==Henchman==-"Don't let the uniform fool you - being a Henchman is serious business. Get close to The Leader and learn all that he has to offer. Carry out the evil machinations of those above you, and never question anything." Job Level § Per Hour § Per Day Base Weekly Pay Pension Pay Carpool Arrival Time You Start Work Time You Finish Work Total Length of Day Work Days Days Off

= = = = = = = = = = =

7 §109 / hour §650 / day §3,250 / week §160 / day 8PM 9PM 3AM 6 hours Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday Saturday, Sunday

Performance Requirements = Mood, Athletic Skill, Relationship with Boss --==Evil Sidekick==-"Sidekickhood comes with many perks, most notably being one step closer to The Leader and working under a true mastermind - the Super Villain. Take note, wreak havoc as you see fit, and serve The Organisation as best you can." Job Level § Per Hour § Per Day Base Weekly Pay Pension Pay Carpool Arrival Time You Start Work Time You Finish Work

= = = = = = = =

8 §142 / §850 / §3,400 §170 / 8PM 9PM 3AM

hour day / week day

Total Length of Day Work Days Days Off

= 6 hours = Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday = Wednesday, Saturday, Sunday

Performance Requirements = Mood, Athletic Skill, Logic Skill, Relationship with Boss --==Super Villain==-"Pure evil flows through your Super Villainous dark veins! Innocents fear the very mention of your name, be it in made-for-TV horror movies, or on the evening news. Nobody is closer to The Leader than you, nor is anybody as powerful..." Job Level § Per Hour § Per Day Base Weekly Pay Pension Pay Carpool Arrival Time You Start Work Time You Finish Work Total Length of Day Work Days Days Off

= = = = = = = = = = =

9 §240 / hour §1,200 / day §4,800 / week §230 / day 8PM 9PM 2AM 5 hours Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday Wednesday, Saturday, Sunday

Performance Requirements = Mood, Athletic Skill, Logic Skill, Relationship with Boss --==Emperor of Evil==-"Without peer, <Sim> is in charge. What needed to be done was done. Leaders fall and others step in to take their place, as is inevitable. Within The Organisation you are known only as The Leader. Outside these walls ... the Emperor of Evil. The Leader of the Free World may think justice may prevail, but that time has passed! A new age has dawned!" Job Level § Per Hour § Per Day Base Weekly Pay Pension Pay Carpool Arrival Time You Start Work Time You Finish Work Total Length of Day Work Days Days Off

= = = = = = = = = = =

10 §420 / hour §2,100 / day §6,300 / week §300 / day 8PM 9PM 2AM 5 hours Monday, Tuesday, Friday Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday, Sunday

Performance Requirements = Mood, Athletic Skill, Logic Skill This position has a nice perk as well, you will get the Aura of Evil as well. Sims that have the Evil trait will get a boost from you, however, Sims with the Neurotic, Loser and Cowardly will flee from you instead, whilst Sims with the Good trait and those Law Enforcement will boo at you.

THIEF BRANCH --==Safecracker==-"Tick. Tock. Click! You must have the hands of a surgeon and the ears of a jackal to successfully manipulate the intricate mechanisms of a safe. And when all else fails, load it up with dynamite! Tick. Tock. Tick ... BOOM! You now also have access to the Sneak interaction." Job Level § Per Hour § Per Day Base Weekly Pay Pension Pay Carpool Arrival Time You Start Work Time You Finish Work Total Length of Day Work Days Days Off

= = = = = = = = = = =

7 §96 / hour §480 / day §2,400 / week §120 / day 8PM 9PM 2AM 5 hours Monday, Tuesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday Wednesday, Thursday

Performance Requirements = Mood, Athletic Skill, Relationship with Accomplices This is where you get the action of sneak. You can sneak into people's homes and take their stuff without them waking up. Basically, you can rob people without being detected using Sneak. --==Bank Robber==-"The time for big pay-outs and leading the heist is upon you. Bank Robbers need to pick the bank, scope the joint, plan the timing, then get in and out before the coppers are on to the team." Job Level § Per Hour § Per Day Base Weekly Pay Pension Pay Carpool Arrival Time You Start Work Time You Finish Work Total Length of Day Work Days Days Off

= = = = = = = = = = =

8 §122 / hour §610 / day §2,440 / week §120 / day 8PM 9PM 2AM 5 hours Tuesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday Monday, Wednesday, Thursday

Performance Requirements = Mood, Athletic Skill, Relationship with Accomplices When you reach this level, you will get a piece of art, a very valuable piece of art, for reaching this level. Use it to decorate your home. --==Cat Burglar==--

"The take from dozens of bank robberies do not compare to a single Cat Burglar operation. You'll solo the biggest heists from now onh. There shouldn't be any security system too impenetrable, lasers too numerous, or guard dogs too alert. Get in, get out, get rich." Job Level § Per Hour § Per Day Base Weekly Pay Pension Pay Carpool Arrival Time You Start Work Time You Finish Work Total Length of Day Work Days Days Off

= = = = = = = = = = =

9 §225 / hour §900 / day §3,600 / week §180 / day 8PM 9PM 1AM 4 hours Tuesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday Monday, Wednesday, Thursday

Performance Requirements = Mood, Athleitc Skill, Relationship with Accomplices --==Master Thief==-"Without peer, <Sim> is in charge. The Organisation has profited greatly from your efforts. Every major crime fighting organisation files you on their most wanted list, but you've left no trace behind. There is no job that cannot be done on this planet ... or any other. The Master Thief leaves a permanent mark on The Organisation that is followed by a long, long line of zeros." Job Level § Per Hour § Per Day Base Weekly Pay Pension Pay Carpool Arrival Time You Start Work Time You Finish Work Total Length of Day Work Days Days Off

= = = = = = = = = = =

10 §525 / hour §2,100 / day §8,400 / week §400 / day 8PM 9PM 1AM 4 hours Tuesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday Monday, Wednesday, Thursday

Performance Requirements = Mood, Athletic Skill, Relationship with Accomplices At this level, you will receive a nice present, the Fox, a powerful statue that is exceptionally valuable and most importantly, gives a I Am The Best moodlet when you view it. This is not taking into account the massive environmental boost that you will get. *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* [6.04] Culinary One of the new careers introduced in the Sims 2 and survive the cut to make it into this game. This is the career for those interested in cooking, and what makes this interesting is that there are two places where you can work for this job, you can work at the Bistro or you can work at the Diner. This is not a high paying career, but this makes it one of the most useful support

careers, seeing that cooking is home to many powerful moodlets and the reward for reaching Level 10 is not to be scoffed at. There are 6 Work Tones that you can choose from whilst at work. Work Hard - Again, this is where your Sim works hard at work, increasing the rate in which job performance is gained, but it also increases the rate in which your mood decays, especially Fun. Take It Easy - Like before, it is the exact opposite to the one above, it is where your Sim takes it easy, sometimes gaining fun, but at the cost of which your job performance, which will suffer and increase at a much slower rate. Practice Cooking - This is what the tone says, you will practice your cooking skill whilst at work, gaining cooking skill whilst being paid for it, and isn't a half bad tone, given that you will need a high cooking skill to succeed in this career path. Meet Co-Workers - This tone is used for you to quickly find out who your coworkers are. This isn't useful for building a relationship, but useful for figuring out who to talk to out of work. Hang with Co-Workers - Like the other before it, this is less effective at finding out who they, your co-workers are, but it is useful to build up a relationship with them. Suck Up to Boss - This is needed in this career, because it isn't just skill alone that takes you ahead, but it is who you know, and if your boss thinks you are ready or not to progress. And without further ado, let us get into the 10 jobs, no career branching in this career. In fact, there are only 3 career pathes with branches, not a lot. --==Kitchen Scullion==-"The life of a Kitchen Scullion is fraught with orders from snooty chefs in the midst of flame-filled kitchens. A little cooking knowledge, not to mention a warm attitude in the presence of cold patrons, will do wonders for you as an aspiring chef." Job Level § Per Hour § Per Day Base Weekly Pay Pension Pay Carpool Arrival Time You Start Work Time You Finish Work Total Length of Day Work Days Days Off

= = = = = = = = = = =

1 §25 / hour §148 / day §740 / week §40 / day 2PM 3PM 9PM 6 hours Monday, Tuesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday Wednesday, Thursday

Performance Requirements = Mood, Cooking Skill

--==Spice Runner==-"The modern spice trade is here and you are at the helm. A dash of paprika, organic sea salts, and just the right amount of cayenne can change any dish for the better ... or worse! It's all about the right spice at the right time in the life of a Spice Runner." Job Level § Per Hour § Per Day Base Weekly Pay Pension Pay Carpool Arrival Time You Start Work Time You Finish Work Total Length of Day Work Days Days Off

= = = = = = = = = = =

2 §32 / hour §190 / day §950 / week §50 / day 2PM 3PM 9PM 6 hours Monday, Tuesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday Wednesday, Thursday

Performance Requirements = Mood, Cooking Skill --==Vegetable Slicer==-"Slicing and dicing the freshest produce with razor sharp cutlery is dire duty, but someone has to do it. It's time for you to warm up to the boss, because from here on out it'll take a pinch of schmooze to perfect the dish that is your career." Job Level § Per Hour § Per Day Base Weekly Pay Pension Pay Carpool Arrival Time You Start Work Time You Finish Work Total Length of Day Work Days Days Off

= = = = = = = = = = =

3 §39 / hour §230 / day §1,150 / week §60 / day 2PM 3PM 9PM 6 hours Monday, Tuesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday Wednesday, Thursday

Performance Requirements = Mood, Cooking Skill, Relationship with Boss --==Ingredient Taster==-"Someone clearly respects your taste, which means many arduous mouthfuls to stomach the role of the Ingredient Taster. Bring the charm along with the apron, because how co-workers evaluate you will ultimately determine your role in the restaurant." Job Level § Per Hour § Per Day Base Weekly Pay Pension Pay Carpool Arrival

= = = = = =

4 §47 / hour §280 / day §1,400 / week §70 / day 2PM

Time You Start Work Time You Finish Work Total Length of Day Work Days Days Off

= = = = =

3PM 9PM 6 hours Monday, Tursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday Wednesday, Thursday

Performance Requirements = Mood, Cooking Skill, Relationship with Boss, Relationship with Co-Workers This is the level that you start to get some of the perks. There are a lot of perks in this job. You will sometimes get a dish to take home, it will be a group meal. Sure, it may not be of the best quality, but it is a free meal, so check your inventory carefully. This perk applies from this level onwards, so you will get free meals from now. --==Line Cook==-"Meals are finally being put squarely in your hopefully capable hands. As a Line Cook, you're tasked with a dish from start to finish, and there's nobody to blame for bad peas ... but you! The heat of the kitchen has never been hotter and it's a recipe for disaster if you aren't careful." Job Level § Per Hour § Per Day Base Weekly Pay Pension Pay Carpool Arrival Time You Start Work Time You Finish Work Total Length of Day Work Days Days Off

= = = = = = = = = = =

5 §84 / hour §460 / day §2,300 / week §110 / day 2PM 3PM 8:30PM 5.5 hours Monday, Tuesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday Wednesday, Thursday

Performance Requirements = Mood, Cooking Skill, Relationship with Boss, Relationship with Co-Workers --==Pastry Chef==-"After countless recipes filled with succulent, savoury tastes, it's time to work from the sweeter side of the kitchen. Delicate, flaky desserts and scrumptiously sugared breakfast tarts are the order of the day for Pastry Chefs. Keep rolling the dough to start rolling in the dough!" Job Level § Per Hour § Per Day Base Weekly Pay Pension Pay Carpool Arrival Time You Start Work Time You Finish Work Total Length of Day Work Days Days Off

= = = = = = = = = = =

6 §108 / hour §590 / day §2,950 / week §150 / day 2PM 3PM 8:30PM 5.5 hours Monday, Tuesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday Wednesday, Thursday

Performance Requirements = Mood, Cooking Skill, Relationship with Boss, Relationship with Co-Workers At this level, you will get a food processor for your kitchen, it isn't anything special, it is something you can get from the buy catalog, but it is something for free, and you can't reject something for nothing, right? --==Sous Chef==-"As a Sous Chef, you must step back from the intriguing flavours and tackle the sour issues of kitchen management. The orders now come from up top and customers waiting for their meal, so satisfy all, or go home hungry and empty handed." Job Level § Per Hour § Per Day Base Weekly Pay Pension Pay Carpool Arrival Time You Start Work Time You Finish Work Total Length of Day Work Days Days Off

= = = = = = = = = = =

7 §124 / hour §680 / day §2,720 / week §130 / day 2PM 3PM 8:30PM 5.5 hours Tuesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday Monday, Wednesday, Thursday

Performance Requirements = Mood, Cooking Skill, Relationship with Boss, Relationship with Co-Workers --==Executive Chef==-"Now that you're an Executive Chef, you must constantly improve the menu, meet the special requests of special guests, and determine the course of the restaurant. Some employees might disintegrate like a poorly constructed pie crust under the pressure, but that's just how the cookie crumbles." Job Level § Per Hour § Per Day Base Weekly Pay Pension Pay Carpool Arrival Time You Start Work Time You Finish Work Total Length of Day Work Days Days Off

= = = = = = = = = = =

8 §150 / hour §750 / day §3,000 / week §150 / day 2PM 3PM 8PM 5 hours Tuesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday Monday, Wednesday, Thursday

Performance Requirements = Mood, Cooking Skill, Relationship with Boss, Relationship with Co-Workers --==Chef de Cuisine==--

"Every restaurant that seeks to succeed must have a vision and food that deliciously inspires its patrons. The Chef de Cuisine must cultivate these culinary tendencies and let no Sim or untoward flavour stand in their way!" Job Level § Per Hour § Per Day Base Weekly Pay Pension Pay Carpool Arrival Time You Start Work Time You Finish Work Total Length of Day Work Days Days Off

= = = = = = = = = = =

9 §201 / hour §1,005 / day §3,015 / week §150 / day 2PM 3PM 8PM 5 hours Friday, Saturday, Sunday Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday

Performance Requirements = Mood, Cooking Skill, Relationship with Boss, Relationship with Co-Workers --==Five-Star Chef==-"Withour peer, <Sim> is in charge. As a celebrity Five-Star Chef, you are the face of the restaurant. People read your books, watch you on TV, and dream of sampling your culinary masterpieces. There isn't a single spice, flavour, or combination of sweet and sour that you haven't contemplated and perfected. You are a master of the kitchen!" Job Level § Per Hour § Per Day Base Weekly Pay Pension Pay Carpool Arrival Time You Start Work Time You Finish Work Total Length of Day Work Days Days Off

= = = = = = = = = = =

10 §350 / hour §1,400 / day §4,200 / week §200 / day 2PM 3PM 7PM 4 hours Friday, Saturday, Sunday Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday

Performance Requirements = Mood, Cooking Skill, Relationship with Boss, Relationship with Co-Workers This is the final level, and it's time for another perk. This time, you get a Master Fridge, and this is one hell of a fridge. First of all, you will get a MinusOne Kelvin Fridge, which will give you a Superior Equipment moodlet when you walk past it. It will also keep all the food fresh, never decay in terms of quality, and most importantly, improve the quality of your dishes. *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* [6.05] Journalism This is a new career, a brand new career, and surprisingly, it is a career that is quite popular, it is more popular and practical than the Slacker career, lets be honest. Anyway, this is a new career, there are new

requirements. You need good Charisma and more importantly, Writing skills to succeed in this career, which makes it hard career to succeed in. There isn't much in terms of money, compared to other careers, but the hours are good and short. However, you will need to write a lot of reviews and stories about things around town, more on that when you need to start writing them. There are again, 6 work tones that you can do in this career path, and to avoid giving my fingers boneitus, I'm going to do some copying and pasting. Work Hard - Again, this is where your Sim works hard at work, increasing the rate in which job performance is gained, but it also increases the rate in which your mood decays, especially Fun. Take It Easy - Like before, it is the exact opposite to the one above, it is where your Sim takes it easy, sometimes gaining fun, but at the cost of which your job performance, which will suffer and increase at a much slower rate. Practice Writing - This is what the tone says, you will practice your writing skill whilst at work, gaining writing skill whilst being paid for it, and isn't a half bad tone, given that you will need a high writing skill to succeed in this career path. What is good about this path is that writing has hardly any skill progression for writing. Discuss Latest News - This tone is used for you to quickly find out who your co-workers are. This isn't useful for building a relationship, but useful for figuring out who to talk to out of work. Hang with Co-Workers - Like the other before it, this is less effective at finding out who they, your co-workers are, but it is useful to build up a relationship with them. Suck Up to Boss - This is needed in this career, because it isn't just skill alone that takes you ahead, but it is who you know, and if your boss thinks you are ready or not to progress. --==Paper Boy==-"Extra! Extra! Let others read all about it. You have no time to sift through the news section when everyone else is waiting to get their paper. Throw the papers just right to land them on the customers' doorsteps and the Editor may be able to find a desk job for you." Job Level § Per Hour § Per Day Base Weekly Pay Pension Pay Carpool Arrival Time You Start Work Time You Finish Work Total Length of Day Work Days Days Off

= = = = = = = = = = =

1 §38 / hour §225 / day §1,125 / week §60 / day 7AM 8AM 2PM 6 hours Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday Saturday, Sunday

Performance Requirements = Mood, Writing Skill --==Automated Spell Checker Checker==-"In this high-tech world, it's still important to have that Sim touch. As an Automated Spell Checker Checker, it's up to you to know the ins and outs of grammar to ensure the computer never gets it wrong. Touch up your writing skills while you're at it, but try not to be too verbose." Job Level § Per Hour § Per Day Base Weekly Pay Pension Pay Carpool Arrival Time You Start Work Time You Finish Work Total Length of Day Work Days Days Off

= = = = = = = = = = =

2 §44 / hour §259 / day §1,295 / week §70 / day 7AM 8AM 2PM 6 hours Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday Saturday, Sunday

Performance Requirements = Mood, Writing Skill --==Freelance Writer==-"The Editor doesn't have room on the payroll to give you a permanent position, but she values your skills as a Freelance Writer. You'll need to bring in some great scoops to progress, because there's a long line of writers all competing for the same few inches of the front page." Job Level § Per Hour § Per Day Base Weekly Pay Pension Pay Carpool Arrival Time You Start Work Time You Finish Work Total Length of Day Work Days Days Off

= = = = = = = = = = =

3 §50 / hour §298 / day §1,490 / week §80 / day 7AM 8AM 2PM 6 hours Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday Saturday, Sunday

Performance Requirements = Mood, Writing Skill, Stories and Reviews Now is the part I talk about stories and reviews. Basically, when you go around town, you can talk to other Sims, go to the Stadium, Theatre or Restaurant and write stories and reviews on your computer. This is important because it will become increasing and increasing more important on job performance. --==Professional Blogger==-"This internet thing is really blowing up and the Editor wants you to start writing for the Online News Group. The Professional Blogger is able to take

advantage of his new web slang, cleverly modified images, and web links to spread news and opinions to readers worldwide. ROFL." Job Level § Per Hour § Per Day Base Weekly Pay Pension Pay Carpool Arrival Time You Start Work Time You Finish Work Total Length of Day Work Days Days Off

= = = = = = = = = = =

4 §76 / hour §301 / day §1,505 / week §80 / day 7AM 8AM 12PM 4 hours Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday Saturday, Sunday

Performance Requirements = Mood, Writing Skill, Stories and Reviews --==Anonymous Source Handler==-"Hot tips are coming off the wire all over town and somebody, namely you, needs to manage the flow of information. Respect the anonymity of others and pass along only the best information and you'll do well as an Anonymous Source Handler. It's a good time to work on your charisma, because people that like you talk more generously." Job Level § Per Hour § Per Day Base Weekly Pay Pension Pay Carpool Arrival Time You Start Work Time You Finish Work Total Length of Day Work Days Days Off

= = = = = = = = = = =

5 §97 / hour §482 / day §2,410 / week §120 / day 7AM 8AM 1PM 5 hours Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday Saturday, Sunday

Performance Requirements = Mood, Writing Skill, Charisma Skill, Stories and Reviews --==Investigative Reporter==-"Papers are flying off the shelves, but that's not enough! You've been tasked to bring in dirt on anything of interest to the newspaper buying public. Dig too deep and you may bite off more than you can chew. Not deep enough, and you're not worthy of your Investigative Reporter badge. It's a fine line, and you're the one who must walk it." Job Level § Per Hour § Per Day Base Weekly Pay Pension Pay Carpool Arrival Time You Start Work

= = = = = = =

6 §126 / §627 / §2,508 §120 / 7AM 8AM

hour day / week day

Time You Finish Work = 1PM Total Length of Day = 5 hours Work Days = Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday Days Off = Tuesday, Saturday, Sunday Performance Requirements = Mood, Writing Skill, Charisma Skill, Stories and Reviews --==Weather Man==-"After shedding some light on a few serious issues, the Editor thinks you're due for a little time in the sun, with a slight chance of rain. Enjoy it, as the Weather Man is the only job where you can be wrong 100% of the time and still be valued! Bring the weather report to the masses and you just may get the nod to do some real news work." Job Level § Per Hour § Per Day Base Weekly Pay Pension Pay Carpool Arrival Time You Start Work Time You Finish Work Total Length of Day Work Days Days Off

= = = = = = = = = = =

7 §151 / hour §753 / day §3,012 / week §150 / day 7AM 8AM 1PM 5 hours Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday Tuesday, Saturday, Sunday

Performance Requirements = Mood, Writing Skill, Charisma Skill, Stories and Reviews --==Lead Reporter==-"As the Lead Reporter, you get first pick of the choicest stories in town. Send your writing minions out to scour for facts, and the fill the paper with stories that make your Editor smile. You determine what the town reads, what they know, and what they care about." Job Level § Per Hour § Per Day Base Weekly Pay Pension Pay Carpool Arrival Time You Start Work Time You Finish Work Total Length of Day Work Days Days Off

= = = = = = = = = = =

8 §189 / hour §942 / day §3,768 / week §180 / day 7AM 8AM 1PM 5 hours Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday Tuesday, Saturday, Sunday

Performance Requirements = Mood, Writing Skill, Charisma Skill, Stories and Reviews --==Editor in Chief==--

"The view of the bustling office looks great from the Editor's chair. It's never easy juggling placement of the top stories, convincing advertisers to spring for the full pager, or bringing in the best writing talent, but that's what the news business is all about." Job Level § Per Hour § Per Day Base Weekly Pay Pension Pay Carpool Arrival Time You Start Work Time You Finish Work Total Length of Day Work Days Days Off

= = = = = = = = = = =

9 §236 / hour §1,178 / day §4,712 / week §230 / day 7AM 8AM 1PM 5 hours Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday Tuesday, Saturday, Sunday

Performance Requirements = Mood, Writing Skill, Charisma Skill Stories and Reviews --==Star News Anchor==-"Without peer, <Sim> is in charge. Tonight's top story is delivered through your pearly whites, and the town swoons with every word. You're the most trusted person in town, because you're the Star News Anchor. Bring in the news, tell it like it is, and always wish everyone a good night." Job Level § Per Hour § Per Day Base Weekly Pay Pension Pay Carpool Arrival Time You Start Work Time You Finish Work Total Length of Day Work Days Days Off

= = = = = = = = = = =

10 §383 / hour §1,532 / day §6,128 / week §300 / day 7AM 8AM 12PM 4 hours Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday Tuesday, Saturday, Sunday

Performance Requirements = Mood, Writing Skill, Charisma Skill Stories and Reviews This is where you get one of the most positive perks, you have the ability to tell an Intriguing News Story to any Sim you want, and this gives a very nice relationship boost for you and the Sim you are talking to. *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* [6.06] Law Enforcement Law Enforcement is the most venerable career, keeping robbers at bay and making sure that all the citizens sleep safe at night. The most interesting thing about this career is the career branch, there are more jobs that you can get being a police officer, but sorry, no more Captain Hero and no more of

that outrageous suits. The wages are okay, the hours are okay, a nice stable job. At least you don't get shot. There are 6 Work Tones that you can use, a little copypasta from myself to save some work. Work Hard - Again, this is where your Sim works hard at work, increasing the rate in which job performance is gained, but it also increases the rate in which your mood decays, especially Fun. Take It Easy - Like before, it is the exact opposite to the one above, it is where your Sim takes it easy, sometimes gaining fun, but at the cost of which your job performance, which will suffer and increase at a much slower rate. Chat with Partner - You only have one co-worker, so you will basically have a friend from the force. This is a nice way to boost social and make friends, by this is necessary for you to succeed in this career path. Build Independent Case - This is where you build up an independent case, by yourself. This is work on the side that can lead to a small bonus, but it will sacrifice job performance as a result. Use Workout Facility - Requires Level 1+ in Athletic Skill. You will build up your athletic skill at work, and if you are planning to move into the special agent career. Suck Up to Boss - This is needed in this career, because it isn't just skill alone that takes you ahead, but it is who you know, and if your boss thinks you are ready or not to progress. --==Snitch==-"The Snitch isn't the most popular person on the force, but that doesn't mean it isn't a valued position. Keep your nose clean and head held high, and new, more interesting paths will open up." Job Level § Per Hour § Per Day Base Weekly Pay Pension Pay Carpool Arrival Time You Start Work Time You Finish Work Total Length of Day Work Days Days Off

= = = = = = = = = = =

1 §40 / hour §235 / day §1,175 / week §60 / day 8AM 9AM 3PM 6 hours Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday Saturday, Sunday

Performance Requirements = Mood, Logic Skill --==Desk Jockey==-"Every case comes with a mountain of paperwork, and the Sergeant will need

some fresh coffee. Tend to the files and learn to wield a stapler as a Desk Jockey, and the Lieutenant may see about getting you a position that features a little more action." Job Level § Per Hour § Per Day Base Weekly Pay Pension Pay Carpool Arrival Time You Start Work Time You Finish Work Total Length of Day Work Days Days Off

= = = = = = = = = = =

2 §47 / hour §278 / day §1,390 / week §70 / day 8AM 9AM 3PM 6 hours Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday Saturday, Sunday

Performance Requirements = Mood, Logic Skill, Relationship with Partner --==Traffic Cop==-"The streets are packed with traffic jams and accident claims, and you are the Traffic Cop stuck in the middle of the intersection. Now's when the real police work starts, so get close to your partner. You'll need someone who has your back when the screeching tires hit the pavement." Job Level § Per Hour § Per Day Base Weekly Pay Pension Pay Carpool Arrival Time You Start Work Time You Finish Work Total Length of Day Work Days Days Off

= = = = = = = = = = =

3 §55 / hour §329 / day §1,625 / week §80 / day 8AM 9AM 3PM 6 hours Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday Saturday, Sunday

Performance Requirements = Mood, Logic Skill, Relationship with Partner, Reports Written At this level, you will be able to apprehend burglars without any necessary traits. So you can protect your own home. Also, report writing. For this, you need to either dig through someone's trash or question them, provided that you have the necessary relationship level, and then write up a report on the person on your computer. If you find out that someone works in the Criminal career, you get a boost in job performance. --==Patrol Officer==-"Now that traffic is in check, the Lieutenant wants to see how well you handle a beat. Patrol Officers need to stick closely to their partner as they investigate a wide variety of cases. Help clean up the streets and arrest the crooks that come to your house, and you'll soon earn that stripe." Job Level

= 4

§ Per Hour § Per Day Base Weekly Pay Pension Pay Carpool Arrival Time You Start Work Time You Finish Work Total Length of Day Work Days Days Off

= = = = = = = = = =

§73 / hour §389 / day §1,945 / week §100 / day 8AM 9AM 3PM 6 hours Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday Saturday, Sunday

Performance Requirements = Mood, Logic Skill (Unlisted), Relationship with Partner, Reports Written --==Lieutenant==-"It's back to the office again to take charge of a newly formed criminal investigation squad. You're the Lieutenant in charge of this case, and as such will oversee it from start to justice. You'll need to keep morale high and appease the brass who are, as always, demanding fast results." Job Level § Per Hour § Per Day Base Weekly Pay Pension Pay Carpool Arrival Time You Start Work Time You Finish Work Total Length of Day Work Days Days Off

= = = = = = = = = = =

5 §85 / hour §460 / day §2,300 / week §110 / day 8AM 9AM 3PM 6 hours Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday Saturday, Sunday

Performance Requirements = Mood, Logic Skill (Unlisted), Relationship with Partner, Reports Written It is at this level that you will get a free Police Cruiser. You get a free cop car. Now imagine a criminal taking one of these for a test ride. !BRANCH SPLIT! It is here that the branch splits. You can now choose either the Forensics side of Law Enforcement, the CSI path, or you can choose the Special Agent approach, which encompasses the FBI, CIA type of missions. The Forensics path is your normal career, the Special Agent path have shorter hours, but you need to be on call at all hours. FORENSICS BRANCH --==Wiretap Reader==-"Thanks to modern surveillance technology, you are able to tap in and record evil doers' conversations. The Wiretap Reader spends long, patient hours with their partner, using superior logic to analyze the actions of the criminals. Listen carefully - you never know what might be said!"

Job Level § Per Hour § Per Day Base Weekly Pay Pension Pay Carpool Arrival Time You Start Work Time You Finish Work Total Length of Day Work Days Days Off

= = = = = = = = = = =

6 §143 / hour §805 / day §4,025 / week §200 / day 8AM 9AM 3PM 6 hours Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday Saturday, Sunday

Performance Requirements = Mood, Reports Written, Relationship with Partner, Logic Skill You also get a free laptop for promotion to this level. It is the best computer in the game, and you get it for free. Enjoy! --==Crime Scene Technician==-"Out of the lab and into the field! As a Crime Scene Technician, it's your responsibility to leave no stone unturned. Every surface must be dusted for prints, and every hair follicle must be tested. The evidence is directly in front of you, but only if you know where to look for it." Job Level § Per Hour § Per Day Base Weekly Pay Pension Pay Carpool Arrival Time You Start Work Time You Finish Work Total Length of Day Work Days Days Off

= = = = = = = = = = =

7 §167 / hour §950 / day §4,750 / week §230 / day 8AM 9AM 3PM 6 hours Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday Saturday, Sunday

Performance Requirements = Mood, Reports Written, Relationship with Partner, Logic Skill --==Sketch Arist==-"Apparently your eye for evidence and ability to seal the case caught the attention of someone important. Brust up on your painting, because it's your job as a Sketch Artist to perfectly detail every pimple, dimple, scar, and curve of a criminal's face. The witnesses are putting evidence into your hopefully talented hands!" Job Level § Per Hour § Per Day Base Weekly Pay Pension Pay Carpool Arrival

= = = = = =

8 §224 / §1,121 §4,484 §220 / 8AM

hour / day / week day

Time You Start Work Time You Finish Work Total Length of Day Work Days Days Off

= = = = =

9AM 2PM 5 hours Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday Wednesday, Saturday, Sunday

Performance Requirements = Mood, Reports Written, Logic Skill, Painting Skill --==3D Crime Scene Modeler==-"The future is upon us, or more accurately, the criminals. Hi-Tech futuristic technology allows the police to model and detail every crime scene in not one, not two, but three dimensions. There isn't a jury in the world that won't be blown away by these gizmos ... assuming you have the talent to pull it off." Job Level § Per Hour § Per Day Base Weekly Pay Pension Pay Carpool Arrival Time You Start Work Time You Finish Work Total Length of Day Work Days Days Off

= = = = = = = = = = =

9 §264 / hour §1,323 / day §5,292 / week §260 / day 8AM 9AM 2PM 5 hours Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday Wednesday, Saturday, Sunday

Performance Requirements = Mood, Reports Written, Logic Skill, Painting Skill --==Dynamic DNA Profiler==-"Without peer, <Sim> is in charge. If there was a criminal at the scene, you can pin them to the crime. You can even do it if they weren't there! As a Dynamic DNA Profiler, you can find genes in jeans, chromosomes in the ozone, and samples where no criminal would think to leave them. You are simply the finest the Forensic Analysis Department has to offer, and the citizens of the world sleep safely knowing it." Job Level § Per Hour § Per Day Base Weekly Pay Pension Pay Carpool Arrival Time You Start Work Time You Finish Work Total Length of Day Work Days Days Off

= = = = = = = = = = =

10 §397 / hour §1,985 / day §7,490 / week §380 / day 8AM 9AM 2PM 5 hours Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday Wednesday, Saturday, Sunday

Performance Requirements = Mood, Reports Written, Logic Skill, Painting Skill

This is the last level of the Forensic career, and you will now have the option to Run Forensic Analysis on your computer, which takes time, but earns you a bit more cash on the side, if you don't have enough money, or need a quick supply or hit. SPECIAL AGENT BRANCH --==Vice Squad==-"The Most Wanted criminals have a new thing to fear - you, and the jail time they'll surely face. As a member of an elite squad of agents, you'll really need to hone your athleticism and sharpen everything you've learned so far. It's up to you and your team to make "Vice Squad" a feared name for criminal." Job Level § Per Hour § Per Day Base Weekly Pay Pension Pay Carpool Arrival Time You Start Work Time You Finish Work Total Length of Day Work Days Days Off

= = = = = = = = = = =

6 §138 / hour §690 / day §2,760 / week §140 / day 8AM 9AM 2PM 5 hours Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday Wednesday, Saturday, Sunday

Performance Requirements = Mood, Relationship with Partner, Athletic Skill, Reports Written --==Undercover Specialist==-"A few criminal cells have proven to be a tough nut to crack and the brass needs you to go undercover. Black bag operations aren't always pretty, so you'll need to be ready for the gritty and trying life of a faux criminal. Work hard and bring the case to justice!" Job Level § Per Hour § Per Day Base Weekly Pay Pension Pay Carpool Arrival Time You Start Work Time You Finish Work Total Length of Day Work Days Days Off

= = = = = = = = = = =

7 §163 / hour §815 / day §3,260 / week §160 / day 8AM 9AM 2PM 5 hours Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday Wednesday, Saturday, Sunday

Performance Requirements = Mood, Relationship with Partner, Athletic Skill, Reports Written --==Special Agent==--

"With matters truly in hand at home, you're needed abroad to handle "situations" for the government. Crime knows no borders, nor does swift justice. Maintain your peak physical condition, keep your eyes peeled, and trust nobody but your partner. The stakes have never been higher." Job Level § Per Hour § Per Day Base Weekly Pay Pension Pay Carpool Arrival Time You Start Work Time You Finish Work Total Length of Day Work Days Days Off

= = = = = = = = = = =

8 §193 / hour §962 / day §3,848 / week §190 / day 8AM 9AM 2PM 5 hours Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday Wednesday, Saturday, Sunday

Performance Requirements = Mood, Relationship with Partner, Athletic Skill, Reports Written This is where you will you get shorter hours, but you need to be ready at any time to perform some emergency tasks. Just make sure that your mood is always good. --==Triple Agent==-"Triple Agents are solo operatives whose existance is so secretive, even their boss is on a "need to know" basis. The government will completely disavow any knowledge of your actions. Your astutely trained mind and perfectly chiseled physique will be the difference between life and death." Job Level § Per Hour § Per Day Base Weekly Pay Pension Pay Carpool Arrival Time You Start Work Time You Finish Work Total Length of Day Work Days Days Off

= = = = = = = = = = =

9 §284 / hour §1,136 / day §4,544 / week §220 / day 8AM 9AM 1PM 4 hours Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday Wednesday, Saturday, Sunday

Performance Requirements = Mood, Logic Skill, Athletic Skill, Reports Written --==International Super Spy==-"Without peer, <Sim> is in charge. As an International Super Spy, you have seen it all, done most of it, and lived to tell the tale. Criminals throughout the world know not to mess with you, and the suits and politicans upstairs know to stay out of your way and let you get the job done. There's no mission too impossible and no caper too incredible to solve."

Job Level § Per Hour § Per Day Base Weekly Pay Pension Pay Carpool Arrival Time You Start Work Time You Finish Work Total Length of Day Work Days Days Off

= = = = = = = = = = =

10 §426 / hour §1,704 / day §6,816 / week §330 / day 8AM 9AM 1PM 4 hours Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday Wednesday, Saturday, Sunday

Performance Requirements = Mood, Logic Skill, Athletic Skill, Reports Written This is where you get two new perks. First is that you will be able to tell an impressive story to other Sims, sort of like the news story for the Star News Anchor, and this will help your relationship. The second is that you are able to raid the Criminal Warehouse. The chances of success and failure are all dependent on the indicators for job performance, you need to have a good mood, high logic and athletic skill as well as some reports done. You will have 3 outcomes. It will be a failure and your mood will suffer as a result. A good raid will give a small bonus in terms of Simoleons, whilst a successful raid will net you a LOT of money. Make sure that you download the patch, because there are reports that after a raid, the Criminal career is broken as the warehouse is screwed over or something, I tend not to get too technical. *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* [6.07] Medical This is one of the most demanding careers, in terms of skills, work hours, and the exceptional amount of work that has to be done outside work hours, which totals to a hell of a lot. Anyway, the hours are long, the pay isn't something that you want to live a life of luxury in. The hours are long, and you have a pager, so you will need to basically be available at ALL HOURS. There are 6 work tones that you can have in this career. A little copypasta but there are some unique tones. Work Hard - Again, this is where your Sim works hard at work, increasing the rate in which job performance is gained, but it also increases the rate in which your mood decays, especially Fun. Watch TV in Ready Room - Like before, above, it is gaining fun, performance, slower rate.

it is the exact opposite to the one where your Sim takes it easy, sometimes but at the cost of which your job which will suffer and increase at a much

Chat with Medical Personnel - This is basically finding out who all your co-workers are and then talking them them to build up a relationship with them, though it is not useful in this career. Do Boss's Paperwork - This is not necessary in this career, but it is good to

replenish that social bar after a long shift as well as some extra hours work. Sleep in Ready Room - That ready room is useful, so this work tone will sell off that job performance to replenish your energy, which you will need, considering that you are in one career where a good night's sleep is next to impossible. Suck Up to Boss - This is not necessary in this career, but it is good to replenish that social bar after a long shift as well as some extra hours work. And onto the jobs. This is a traditional path, it doesn't have any branches, but some nice perks. --==Organ Donor==-"In a profession where the patient always comes first, the Organ Donor is the epitome of that philosophy. Donating with a smile will go a long way towards getting you on the other side of the scalpel, so try to make the best of this dicey situation." Job Level § Per Hour § Per Day Base Weekly Pay Pension Pay Carpool Arrival Time You Start Work Time You Finish Work Total Length of Day Work Days Days Off

= = = = = = = = = = =

1 §22 / hour §128 / day §640 / week §40 / day 8AM 9AM 3PM 6 hours Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday Saturday, Sunday

Performance Requirements = Mood, Logic Skill --==Bed Pan Cleaner==-"A hospital full of patients leads to stacks of bed pans that needs to be cleaned. The only thing worse than smelling bed pans is cleaning them, but that's no reason to slack. Remember, it's all for the patients!" Job Level § Per Hour § Per Day Base Weekly Pay Pension Pay Carpool Arrival Time You Start Work Time You Finish Work Total Length of Day Work Days Days Off

= = = = = = = = = = =

2 §25 / hour §150 / day §750 / week §40 / day 8AM 9AM 3PM 6 hours Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday Saturday, Sunday

Performance Requirements = Mood, Logic Skill

--==Paramedic==-"Finally, some hands-on medical care! Paramedics are first on the scene to provide emergency care, so it's important for you to touch up on Logical reasoning so that the split-second decisions you make are the correct ones!" Job Level § Per Hour § Per Day Base Weekly Pay Pension Pay Carpool Arrival Time You Start Work Time You Finish Work Total Length of Day Work Days Days Off

= = = = = = = = = = =

3 §28 / hour §190 / day §950 / week §50 / day 8AM 9AM 4PM 7 hours Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday Saturday, Sunday

Performance Requirements = Mood, Logic Skill --==Medical Intern==-"Doctor or not, there's a long way to go before you will earn the respect of peers and the right to use a scalpel on patients. Pay attention to the other doctors and study the latest medical journals, or else it's back to the bedpans for you." Job Level § Per Hour § Per Day Base Weekly Pay Pension Pay Carpool Arrival Time You Start Work Time You Finish Work Total Length of Day Work Days Days Off

= = = = = = = = = = =

4 §33 / hour §330 / day §1,650 / week §80 / day 8AM 9AM 7PM 10 hours Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday Saturday, Sunday

Performance Requirements = Mood, Logic Skill, Medical Journals Read This is where a lot of things start to change. You will start to use your pager, so you need to head to the hospital at strange times as your pager will go off. This will take some more time, and add that to a crushing shift and you have a need to take care of your mood. You will also get Medical Journals that you need to read as well. These will need to be read for to advance in this career, you do need to stay in touch with the latest medical procedures. Make sure that you keep reading these journals to keep the rating high. Finally, the last thing from this level is that you can now give advice to pregnant women. You can now give them medical advice, and what this does is that it will lead to the baby getting some desirable traits. So it is

best to use this to your advantage rather than have it against you. --==Resident==-"At times it felt like the drudgury of being an intern would never end, but the title of Resident proves your medical acumen and dedication to saving lives were appreciated all along. The days of specialised medicine aren't too far ahead, so enjoy general practice while it lasts." Job Level § Per Hour § Per Day Base Weekly Pay Pension Pay Carpool Arrival Time You Start Work Time You Finish Work Total Length of Day Work Days Days Off

= = = = = = = = = = =

5 §78 / hour §700 / day §3500 / week §170 / day 8AM 9AM 6PM 9 hours Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday Saturday, Sunday

Performance Requirements = Mood, Logic Skill, Medical Journals Read At this level, you can now brag to other Sims that you are a Doctor, which will impress a lot of other Sims. This will help in all relationships, even more so if you are in a romantic relationship with them. You can now give Good Medical Advice instead of the normal advice, it will lead to desirable traits and then you can determine the gender of the baby. --==Trauma Surgeon==-"Patients who've suffered grevious injury come to Trauma Surgeons to save their lives in the Emergency Room. Seconds count, and the entire responsibility for failure rests on your hopefully able shoulders. Thankfully, the entire hospital is here to wipe your brow when needed ... just not by everyone at once." Job Level § Per Hour § Per Day Base Weekly Pay Pension Pay Carpool Arrival Time You Start Work Time You Finish Work Total Length of Day Work Days Days Off

= = = = = = = = = = =

6 §105 / hour §810 / day §4,050 / week §200 / day 6PM 7PM 3AM 7 hours Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday Saturday, Sunday

Performance Requirements = Mood, Logic Skill, Medical Journals Read --==Gene Therapist==--

"There are Sims with good genes, bad genes, and in rare cases, none at all, which is where the Gene Therapist steps in. Gradually, through good bedside manner and therapeutic measures, the patient will have the best genes Simoleons can buy. The stakes have been upped now that genes are out of the bottle." Job Level § Per Hour § Per Day Base Weekly Pay Pension Pay Carpool Arrival Time You Start Work Time You Finish Work Total Length of Day Work Days Days Off

= = = = = = = = = = =

7 §192 / hour §960 / day §3,840 / week §190 / day 8AM 9AM 2PM 5 hours Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday Wednesday, Saturday, Sunday

Performance Requirements = Mood, Logic Skill, Medical Journals Read --==Infectious Disease Researcher==-"You're an Infectious Disease Researcher, a front-line soldier in the fight against strange diseases without obvious cures. With entire populations in danger of Strangetown Syndrome, there's no time to waste. Take care, Doctor, as you step into harm's way." Job Level § Per Hour § Per Day Base Weekly Pay Pension Pay Carpool Arrival Time You Start Work Time You Finish Work Total Length of Day Work Days Days Off

= = = = = = = = = = =

8 §210 / hour §1,050 / day §4,200 / week §200 / day 8AM 9AM 2PM 5 hours Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday Wednesday, Saturday, Sunday

Performance Requirements = Mood, Logic Skill, Medical Journals Read --==Neurosurgeon==-"Because only 10% of the brain is utilized, or so the myth says, everyone severely hopes the Neurosurgeon delicately dabbles around this important region of the body. One misstep and the hospital incurs huge losses, namely ... your employment." Job Level § Per Hour § Per Day Base Weekly Pay Pension Pay Carpool Arrival

= = = = = =

9 §225 / §1,800 §7,200 §350 / 8AM

hour / day / week day

Time You Start Work Time You Finish Work Total Length of Day Work Days Days Off

= = = = =

9AM 5PM 8 hours Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday Wednesday, Saturday, Sunday

Performance Requirements = Mood, Logic Skill, Medical Journals Read This is where you can give Amazing Medical Advice, which will increase the chance of you getting beneficial traits for your baby as well as telling the gender of the baby. --==World Renowned Surgeon==-"Without peer, <Sim> is in charge. There's no such thing as an incurable disease or fatal ailment with a World Renowned Surgeon in the room. There's no surgery too intense or bill too small for you, because you're simply the best the world has to offer." Job Level § Per Hour § Per Day Base Weekly Pay Pension Pay Carpool Arrival Time You Start Work Time You Finish Work Total Length of Day Work Days Days Off

= = = = = = = = = = =

10 §480 / hour §2,400 / day §9,600 / week §460 / day 8AM 9AM 2PM 5 hours Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday Wednesday, Saturday, Sunday

Performance Requirements = Mood, Logic Skill, Medical Journals Read Reaching this level will unlock a new work tone, exclusive to this job, and that is to play golf. This will increase your fun whilst still making in money, and you don't get penalised in terms of job performance too much for it. *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* [6.08] Military Sir! Yes Sir! Well, this isn't the military, it is more of the Air Force, given the jobs that you can do. Don't worry, all this is in peacetime, there is no situation in which "war was declared". Anyway, this is a job in which you need to keep a tone body, but the work hours are good and decent pay, without the need for out of hours work. There are only 4 tones for this, and this is cause for celebration. Copypasta for all! Work Hard - Again, this is where your Sim works hard at work, increasing the rate in which job performance is gained, but it also increases the rate in which your mood decays, especially Fun. Goof Off - Like before, it is the exact opposite to the one above, it is where

your Sim takes it easy, sometimes gaining fun, but at the cost of which your job performance, which will suffer and increase at a much slower rate. Hand Out with Fellow Soldiers - This is basically finding out who all your co-workers are and then talking them them to build up a relationship with them, though it is not useful in this career. Suck Up to Superior - This is necessary in this career, so you need to suck up to the brass to ensure that your promotion up the ladder is ensured. Anyway, lets get down to the trenches to the jobs. --==Latrine Cleaner==-"The recruiter might have fudged the truth a bit, because the role of Latrine Cleaner is not satisfying, or even sanitary. Try to eke out a grin as the Lieutenant stops by to see your progress, because you might otherwise be transferred from this mess to something worse." Job Level § Per Hour § Per Day Base Weekly Pay Pension Pay Carpool Arrival Time You Start Work Time You Finish Work Total Length of Day Work Days Days Off

= = = = = = = = = = =

1 §40 / hour §280 / day §1,120 / week §80 / day 6AM 7AM 2PM 7 hours Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday Thursday, Saturday, Sunday

Performance Requirements = Mood, Athletic Skill --==Mess Hall Server==-"Out of the mess and into another! Swap out your biohazard gear and give the troops their rations. Start hitting the weight bench so that you can flash out your biceps for your Lieutenant when he comes by for his mush - the military is always looking for in-shape individuals!" Job Level § Per Hour § Per Day Base Weekly Pay Pension Pay Carpool Arrival Time You Start Work Time You Finish Work Total Length of Day Work Days Days Off

= = = = = = = = = = =

2 §44 / hour §350 / day §1,400 / week §100 / day 6AM 7AM 3PM 8 hours Monday, Tuesday, Wendesday, Friday Thursday, Saturday, Sunday

Performance Requirements = Mood, Athletic Skill

--==Grunt==-"Thanks to your hard work the military has found a new role for you. Head out to the training fields and give us fifty grunt! We never know when the General will come by for inspections, so work hard, keep your uniform clean, and practice your parade drills!" Job Level § Per Hour § Per Day Base Weekly Pay Pension Pay Carpool Arrival Time You Start Work Time You Finish Work Total Length of Day Work Days Days Off

= = = = = = = = = = =

3 §49 / hour §385 / day §1,540 / week §110 / day 6AM 7AM 3PM 8 hours Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday Thursday, Saturday, Sunday

Performance Requirements = Mood, Athletic Skill, Handiness Skill --==Squad Leader==-"As a Squad Leader, you'll start drawing salutes from the underlings. It also means your superiors expect more out of you and your squad. Train hard, inspire the troops, and make sure your superiors know your name when promotion time comes around." Job Level § Per Hour § Per Day Base Weekly Pay Pension Pay Carpool Arrival Time You Start Work Time You Finish Work Total Length of Day Work Days Days Off

= = = = = = = = = = =

4 §94 / hour §655 / day §1,965 / week §150 / day 6AM 7AM 2PM 7 hours Monday, Wednesday, Friday Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, Sunday

Performance Requirements = Mood, Athletic Skill, Handiness Skill, Relationship with Boss At this level, inferior soldiers in the military career will salute you when you walk by on the street. --==Flight Officer==-"Officer status brings new stripes and new responsibilities. The mechanics down in the hangar will need to know how to handle a wrench, whereas the brass up to still want you in tip-top shape. You just might be writing checks your body cash, Flight Officer."

Job Level § Per Hour § Per Day Base Weekly Pay Pension Pay Carpool Arrival Time You Start Work Time You Finish Work Total Length of Day Work Days Days Off

= = = = = = = = = = =

5 §108 / hour §754 / day §2,262 / week §170 / day 6AM 7AM 2PM 7 hours Monday, Wednesday, Friday Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, Sunday

Performance Requirements = Mood, Athletic Skill, Handiness Skill, Relationship with Boss --==Wingman==-"Do your duty and the military will stand by you, but that's easier said than done. You have a loaner aircraft under your command that no average Sim can fly, and a superior officer that needs your support. Never, ever, leave your Wingman." Job Level § Per Hour § Per Day Base Weekly Pay Pension Pay Carpool Arrival Time You Start Work Time You Finish Work Total Length of Day Work Days Days Off

= = = = = = = = = = =

6 §145 / hour §868 / day §2,604 / week §190 / day 6AM 7AM 1PM 6 hours Monday, Wednesday, Friday Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, Sunday

Performance Requirements = Mood, Athletic Skill, Handiness Skill, Relationship with Boss --==Fighter Pilot==-"The extensive training has paid off and you've been rewarded with a top-ofthe-line jet, your name on its side, and your own Wingman to look after you. The military life is getting more exciting every day, but with that excitement comes danger and the unknown. Watch your six up there!" Job Level § Per Hour § Per Day Base Weekly Pay Pension Pay Carpool Arrival Time You Start Work Time You Finish Work Total Length of Day Work Days Days Off

= = = = = = = = = = =

7 §167 / hour §999 / day §2,997 / week §220 / day 6AM 7AM 1PM 6 hours Monday, Wednesday, Friday Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, Sunday

Performance Requirements = Mood, Athletic Skill, Handiness Skill, Relationship with Boss --==Squadron Leader==-"The entire squadron looks up to you, respects your judgment, and trusts you to bring them home safely. You've been promoted to Squadron Leader in the hopes that you'll continue this work, improve efficiency, and turn the men and women of Alpha Dingo Squadron into the best in the world." Job Level § Per Hour § Per Day Base Weekly Pay Pension Pay Carpool Arrival Time You Start Work Time You Finish Work Total Length of Day Work Days Days Off

= = = = = = = = = = =

8 §192 / hour §1,149 / day §3,447 / week §250 / day 6AM 7AM 1PM 6 hours Monday, Wednesday, Friday Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, Sunday

Performance Requirements = Mood, Athletic Skill, Handiness Skill, Relationship with Boss --==Top Gun==-"You can execute the Immelman Turn and Barrel roll better than any of the pilots in the squadron. In fact, there isn't a maneuver you cannot execute. The brass want to bring you in as a Top Gun instructor to spread the knowledge, impress the public with demonstrations, and spread your wings for the good of the people." Job Level § Per Hour § Per Day Base Weekly Pay Pension Pay Carpool Arrival Time You Start Work Time You Finish Work Total Length of Day Work Days Days Off

= = = = = = = = = = =

9 §265 / hour §1,322 / day §3,966 / week §290 / day 6AM 7AM 12PM 5 hours Monday, Wednesday, Friday Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, Sunday

Performance Requirements = Mood, Athletic Skill, Handiness Skill, Relationship with Boss At this level, you will be able to impress a member of the public with showing them your special Top Gun jet. This will greatly boost the relationship, especially for romantic partners. However, if you are discovered, you will lose job performance. Also, at this level, random people will salute you on the street. And

this will give a boost to a starting relationship. --==Astronaut==-"Without peer, <Sim> is in charge. The space race is on and you're the top contender. You're the best, the brightest, and the only Sim who can lead our great society to the unknown depths of space. Strap yourself in to the rocket and prepare for 25 Gs of ripping fun. You're a hero!" Job Level § Per Hour § Per Day Base Weekly Pay Pension Pay Carpool Arrival Time You Start Work Time You Finish Work Total Length of Day Work Days Days Off

= = = = = = = = = = =

10 §334 / hour §6000 / day §6000 / week §430 / day 6AM 7AM 1AM, Next Day 18 hours Monday Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday

Performance Requirements = Mood, Athletic Skill, Handiness Skill, Relationship with Boss Again, you can show off your rank, but now, you can show off a secret Spaceship to a member of the public. This is a very useful interaction, it will give a massive romantic boost to a romantic relationship, but again, if you are caught, you will lose job performance. *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* [6.09] Music Without music, life would be pretty boring, if you think about it. This is a new career, though it was included in the Sims 2, in an expansion pack, this is a larger career, with a branch path at Level 5, which makes a bit more sense. The pay is low at the beginning, but it is quite high later on, skills aren't too necessary, and there isn't too much work. There are 6 work tones, and this will be branching out a little, because their name would be changed depending on the branch. Work Hard - Again, this is where your Sim works hard at work, increasing the rate in which job performance is gained, but it also increases the rate in which your mood decays, especially Fun. Slack Off - Like before, it is the exact opposite to the one above, it is where your Sim takes it easy, sometimes gaining fun, but at the cost of which your job performance, which will suffer and increase at a much slower rate. Chill Out with Band / Musicians - This is basically finding out who all your co-workers are and then talking them them to build up a relationship with them, though it

is not useful in this career. Meet Band / Orchestra Members - This is the second work tone, however, this is concentrated on finding out all your band members. This is useless in the long run, but useful to find out who to talk to. Study Music Theory - This is one of the msot important tones, and one of the most useful tones because it will give you Guitar and Logic skill points. Practice Performance - This is useful later on, this is where you practice for concerts that you will have to give in the Rock Career path. Practice makes perfect, and more money. Anyway, lets get down to business. 15 jobs to go. --==Fan==-"Before you can create, you must appreciate. The difference between devotee and Fan are miniscule, but it makes all the difference in the world when you're later asked to join the band on tour. Work hard and act like you're having a good time, and you just might get on the tour bus." Job Level § Per Hour § Per Day Base Weekly Pay Pension Pay Carpool Arrival Time You Start Work Time You Finish Work Total Length of Day Work Days Days Off

= = = = = = = = = = =

1 §21 / hour §125 / day §625 / week §30 / day 2PM 3PM 9PM 6 hours Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday Wednesday, Sunday

Performance Requirements = Mood, Guitar Skill --==Roadie==-"The band is going to need their sandwiches and soda as soon as possible. Don't forget to pick up their laundry, their lucky bandanas, or their significant others on their way to the show. The band is relying on you for these "very important" tasks - it's best not to let them down." Job Level § Per Hour § Per Day Base Weekly Pay Pension Pay Carpool Arrival Time You Start Work Time You Finish Work Total Length of Day Work Days Days Off

= = = = = = = = = = =

2 §25 / hour §148 / day §740 / week §40 / day 2PM 3PM 9PM 6 hours Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday Wednesday, Sunday

Performance Requirements = Mood, Guitar Skill --==Stagehand==-"Now that you're on tour as a Stagehand, you'll need to familiarize yourself with lighting equipment, sound boards, spare guitars, and more importantly, learn to do the microphone check. You're one step closer to the band, yet still impossibly far away from the stage." Job Level § Per Hour § Per Day Base Weekly Pay Pension Pay Carpool Arrival Time You Start Work Time You Finish Work Total Length of Day Work Days Days Off

= = = = = = = = = = =

3 §30 / hour §175 / day §875 / week §50 / day 3PM 4PM 10PM 6 hours Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday Wednesday, Sunday

Performance Requirements = Mood, Guitar Skill, Relationship with Band Members --==Band Manager==-"The band apparently trusts you enough to be the guiding hand behind the scenes. You'll be instrumental in telling them what gigs to take, where to make their appearances, and what colours the t-shirts should come in. Make sure they like you, because even though you're in charge, they still pay your salary." Job Level § Per Hour § Per Day Base Weekly Pay Pension Pay Carpool Arrival Time You Start Work Time You Finish Work Total Length of Day Work Days Days Off

= = = = = = = = = = =

4 §48 / hour §263 / day §1,315 / week §70 / day 3PM 4PM 9:30PM 5.5 hours Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday Wednesday, Sunday

Performance Requirements = Mood, Guitar Skill, Relationship with Band Members --==Music Talent Scout==-"So, with the band having their typical drama, they need you to scout the local clubs for new talent. Who knows when they'll need a new drummer, or bassist, or singer, or pianist, or spouse ... or all of the above. Grab the guitar and start learning a few chords ... you never know when you'll need to jump on stage as a replacement."

Job Level § Per Hour § Per Day Base Weekly Pay Pension Pay Carpool Arrival Time You Start Work Time You Finish Work Total Length of Day Work Days Days Off

= = = = = = = = = = =

5 §57 / hour §311 / day §1,244 / week §60 / day 4PM 5PM 10:30PM 5.5 hours Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday Wednesday, Saturday, Sunday

Performance Requirements = Mood, Guitar Skill, Relationship with Band Members !BRANCH SPLIT! This is where the branch will split into the Rockin Electric Rock path or the Symphonic Path. Will you want to be a rock god, or do you want to be the leader of a massive orchestra? It is your choice. So lets do this. ELECTRIC ROCK BRANCH --==Lyricist==-"The band hopes your lyrics will move them from one-hit wonder to rock icons. The first album wasn't bad, but the label says it's now or never for the band to hit it big. Keep practicing your music skills and perform plenty of concerts so the fans can hear your best stuff." Job Level § Per Hour § Per Day Base Weekly Pay Pension Pay Carpool Arrival Time You Start Work Time You Finish Work Total Length of Day Work Days Days Off

= = = = = = = = = = =

6 §97 / hour §483 / day §1,932 / week §100 / day 5PM 6PM 11PM 5 hours Monday, Tuesday, Friday, Saturday Wendesday, Thursday, Sunday

Performance Requirements = Mood, Guitar Skill, Relationship with Band Members, Concerts Performed This career will start to ask for concerts, and this is done at the Theatre. Between 12PM and 12AM, and they normally last either 2 hours or 4 hours. The more that you perform, the better for you. That is all, for now. --==Backup Vocalist==-"Hopefully you're a fan of your own lyrics, because you're now going to start singing them as a Backup Vocalist. The label thinks the band needs some sweet singing to round out their rough, darker side, so once against the welfare of the group falls on your hopefully able shoulders ... or should we

say vocal chords?" Job Level § Per Hour § Per Day Base Weekly Pay Pension Pay Carpool Arrival Time You Start Work Time You Finish Work Total Length of Day Work Days Days Off

= = = = = = = = = = =

7 §126 / hour §628 / day §2,512 / week §120 / day 6PM 7PM 12AM 5 hours Monday, Tuesday, Friday, Saturday Wednesday, Thursday, Sunday

Performance Requirements = Mood, Guitar Skill, Relationship with Band Members, Concerts Performed It is also at this level that you unlock the Wave interaction. There is nothing very special about this, but all it does is boost mood. --==Lead Guitarist==-"You're a genius with a guitar, at least in the eyes of the band and your fans. Your solos speak to people in ways no lyrics ever could. Aspiring youth all attempt to learn your solos, and adults gleefully air guitar to your songs. The Rock n' Roll lifestyle has begun!" Job Level § Per Hour § Per Day Base Weekly Pay Pension Pay Carpool Arrival Time You Start Work Time You Finish Work Total Length of Day Work Days Days Off

= = = = = = = = = = =

8 §182 / hour §817 / day §2,451 / week §160 / day 7PM 8PM 12:30AM 4.5 hours Tuesday, Friday, Saturday Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Sunday

Performance Requirements = Mood, Guitar Skill, Relationship with Band Members, Concerts Performed As this level, and from this level on, you will be Worshipped by fans when they see you on the street, which makes it easier to make friends. --==Pop Icon==-"No matter what your detractors might say, you are clearly and without any doubt, a Pop Icon. Everyone is humming your tunes, and listeners constantly request them from radio stations. Your music will define this generation and all that follow, yet it's not even time for the encore." Job Level § Per Hour § Per Day Base Weekly Pay

= = = =

9 §286 / hour §1,144 / day §3,432 / week

Pension Pay Carpool Arrival Time You Start Work Time You Finish Work Total Length of Day Work Days Days Off

= = = = = = =

§200 / day 8PM 9PM 1AM 4 hours Tuesday, Friday, Saturday Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Sunday

Performance Requirements = Mood, Guitar Skill, Relationship with Band Members, Concerts Performed --==Rock Star==-"Without peer, <Sim> is in charge. The most legendary concerts have your name on the ticket. The chart topping songs come from you. You're a genius, a rebel, a Rock Star that knows nothing other than the rock, the roll, and all that comes with it. The record label hopes you're loving the life, because they're loving you." Job Level § Per Hour § Per Day Base Weekly Pay Pension Pay Carpool Arrival Time You Start Work Time You Finish Work Total Length of Day Work Days Days Off

= = = = = = = = = = =

10 Perform Concerts Perform Concerts Perform Concerts §350 / day No Work Hours No Work Hours No Work Hours Depends on amount of Concerts Held Depends on amount of Concerts Held Depends on amount of Concerts Held

Performance Requirements = Mood, Guitar Skill, Concerts Performed This is a strange job because what determines everything is the amount of concerts that you perform, since you get the money from that, as well as the amount of autograph sessions. You can hold them at venues that you deem necessary, though you might want to pick a well populated area, maybe a park? The place where you hold concerts will determine how much money you will get. You can hold them in the Stadium or the Theatre. The Theatre will have a shorter concert, but less money. The Stadium will take longer, given the amount of prep work, but you get double the money. At this point, you will be rolling in the cash. SYMPHONIC BRANCH --==Quartet Member==-"As a member of a renowned quartet, you have been given the chance to learn and grow as a musician. Handle the strings with deft fingers, stay within the quartet member's good graces, and hit all the right notes to progress in this grand concert of a career."

Job Level § Per Hour § Per Day Base Weekly Pay Pension Pay Carpool Arrival Time You Start Work Time You Finish Work Total Length of Day Work Days Days Off

= = = = = = = = = = =

6 §85 / hour §467 / day §1,868 / week §90 / day 2PM 3PM 8:30PM 5.5 hours Monday, Tuesday, Friday, Saturday Wednesday, Thursday, Sunday

Performance Requirements = Mood, Guitar Skill, Relationship with Orchestra --==Orchestra Member==-"The Conductor better suited more wondrous performances.

noticed your quartet playing at a wedding and thinks you're to the orchestra. The position implies a greater access to scores and concerts, but also more complex and taxing It appears your career has begun an exciting crescendo!"

Job Level § Per Hour § Per Day Base Weekly Pay Pension Pay Carpool Arrival Time You Start Work Time You Finish Work Total Length of Day Work Days Days Off

= = = = = = = = = = =

7 §111 / hour §608 / day §2,432 / week §120 / day 2PM 3PM 8:30PM 5.5 hours Monday, Tuesday, Friday, Saturday Wednesday, Thursday, Sunday

Performance Requirements = Mood, Guitar Skill, Relationship with Orchestra --==Orchestra Lead==-"You've fought hard, and finally the glory, the solos, and the yours as First Chair. You are the conductor's right hand, and most trusts to get the symphony perfect. It's time to combine know of musicianship and logic to prove your grasp of musical unsurpassed." Job Level § Per Hour § Per Day Base Weekly Pay Pension Pay Carpool Arrival Time You Start Work Time You Finish Work Total Length of Day Work Days Days Off

= = = = = = = = = = =

8 §144 / hour §791 / day §3,164 / week §160 / day 2PM 3PM 8:30PM 5.5 hours Monday, Tuesday, Friday, Saturday Wednesday, Thursday, Sunday

section are the one she what you theory is

Performance Requirements = Mood, Guitar Skill, Relationship with Orchestra, Logic Skill At this level, you will get free admission to the Theatre, so you don't have to pay to enter it. Free perks, here I come! --==Conductor==-"There is an entire symphonic orchestra at the tip of your baton, just waiting for your cue to make musical masterpieces. Crowds silently wait with bated breath, just hoping to hear a once-of-a-lifetime performance. Don't let them down, for that baton can be taken away just as easily as it was given." Job Level § Per Hour § Per Day Base Weekly Pay Pension Pay Carpool Arrival Time You Start Work Time You Finish Work Total Length of Day Work Days Days Off

= = = = = = = = = = =

9 §206 / hour §1,029 / day §4,116 / week §200 / day 2PM 3PM 8PM 5 hours Monday, Tuesday, Friday, Saturday Wednesday, Thursday, Sunday

Performance Requirements = Mood, Guitar Skill, Relationship with Orchestra, Logic Skill It is at this point where you can be worshipped by fans when walking down the street. Great for a relationship boost. --==Hit Movie Composer==-"Without peer, <Sim> is in charge. Having conquered the orchestral stage, the label thinks your skills are better put to use composing delightful pieces for movies on the silver screen. As a Hit Movie Composer, your work takes top billing and brings in piles of Simoleons for the label. Quite the finish, one must say!" Job Level § Per Hour § Per Day Base Weekly Pay Pension Pay Carpool Arrival Time You Start Work Time You Finish Work Total Length of Day Work Days Days Off

= = = = = = = = = = =

10 §361 / hour §1,801 / day §7,204 / week §350 / day 12PM 1PM 6PM 5 hours Monday, Tuesday, Friday, Saturday Wednesday, Thursday, Sunday

Performance Requirements = Mood, Guitar Skill, Relationship with Orchestra, Logic Skill

At this level, you will get a nice Stereo, a very expensive stereo that you can carry around and listen to. Good music, boost mood, and you can, like always, develop the Athletic skill with it. *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* [6.10] Politics The Politics career, another career that has survived intact, this is a career that strives on who you know, not what you know. The more popular you are, the more likely you are to succeed in this career. This job, as it progresses, has fewer work outs, but as a result, the pay isn't glamourous, but you need the money to keep those friends, friends. There are only 5 work tones for this career, so I hope you enjoy some pasta. Work Hard - Again, this is where your Sim works hard at work, increasing the rate in which job performance is gained, but it also increases the rate in which your mood decays, especially Fun. Meet Co-Workers - This tone is used for you to quickly find out who your coworkers are. This isn't useful for building a relationship, but useful for figuring out who to talk to out of work. Chat with Co-Workers - Like the other before it, this is less effective at finding out who they, your co-workers are, but it is useful to build up a relationship with them. Run Errands for Superior - This is needed in this career, because it isn't just skill alone that takes you ahead, but it is who you know, and if your boss thinks you are ready or not to progress. Suggest New Course of Action - This is a new tone, an executive one, if you will, but this will sacrifice job performance and it will lead to new ideas that can increase job performance and relationships with your boss and other co-workers. --==Podium Polisher==-"There's nothing glorious about being a Podium Polisher. A little wax rubbed on, a little rubbed off. The podium needs to look good for those who actually make a difference and their dramatic speeches. But polish well enough and keep the right attitude, and there may be room within the organisation for you." Job Level § Per Hour § Per Day Base Weekly Pay Pension Pay Carpool Arrival Time You Start Work Time You Finish Work Total Length of Day Work Days

= = = = = = = = = =

1 §24 / hour §140 / day §700 / week §40 / day 8AM 9AM 3PM 6 hours Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday

Days Off

= Saturday, Sunday

Performance Requirements = Mood, Charisma Skill --==Ballot Counter==-"Frequent elections require a steady cadre of reliable Ballot Counters to keep things honest and precise. You don't work for any particular party or organisation ... right? Keep your nose clean and do nothing more than count and report the data. Democracy is counting on you!" Job Level § Per Hour § Per Day Base Weekly Pay Pension Pay Carpool Arrival Time You Start Work Time You Finish Work Total Length of Day Work Days Days Off

= = = = = = = = = = =

2 §31 / hour §185 / day §925 / week §50 / day 8AM 9AM 3PM 6 hours Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday Saturday, Sunday

Performance Requirements = Mood, Charisma Skill --==Campaign Intern==-"Your dilligence has been noted and you'll work the remainder of this campaign as an intern. Copies, copies, copies! Post flyers, call potential donors, fetch coffee, keep the stapler in prime condition, and most importantly, be charismatic about it. This campaign, or at least the copy machine, cannot succeed without you!" Job Level § Per Hour § Per Day Base Weekly Pay Pension Pay Carpool Arrival Time You Start Work Time You Finish Work Total Length of Day Work Days Days Off

= = = = = = = = = = =

3 §33 / hour §230 / day §1,150 / week §60 / day 8AM 9AM 4PM 7 hours Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday Saturday, Sunday

Performance Requirements = Mood, Charisma Skill --==Yes-Man / Yes Woman==-"Hopefully you're ready to nod your head in the affirmative, because you've worked your way into the position of Yes-Man / Yes-Woman. Should the city vote on Bond 452 C? Yes! Should we elect a new police commissioner? Yes! How does this tie look? Yes! There's only one answer to give if you want to stay in your superior's good graces."

Job Level § Per Hour § Per Day Base Weekly Pay Pension Pay Carpool Arrival Time You Start Work Time You Finish Work Total Length of Day Work Days Days Off

= = = = = = = = = = =

4 §45 / hour §270 / day §1,350 / week §70 / day 8AM 9AM 3PM 6 hours Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday Saturday, Sunday

Performance Requirements = Mood, Charisma Skill, Relationship with Boss --==City Council Member==-"Politician at last! As the newest City Council Member, you have the unique position of affecting change on the welfare of the city. Change takes time though, and re-elections cost money. You'll need to start working your neighbours, acquaintances, and random individuals for their campaign donations. Bring your walking shoes, Councilman." Job Level § Per Hour § Per Day Base Weekly Pay Pension Pay Carpool Arrival Time You Start Work Time You Finish Work Total Length of Day Work Days Days Off

= = = = = = = = = = =

5 §68 / hour §375 / day §1,875 / week §90 / day 8AM 9AM 2:30PM 5.5 hours Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday Saturday, Sunday

Performance Requirements = Mood, Charisma Skill, Relationship with Boss, Campaign Funding Now there is campaign funding. Basically, you can talk to random individuals on the street, and if they like you enough, you can use the special interaction to ask for Campaign Donation from them. You can even have campaign fundraiser parties as well, and the more successful the party is, the more money you can make from it. The amount of funding is reset at least new level from now on, so you need to do a lot of legwork to make a lot of money. This interaction normally is positive. Rich Sims will tend to give a lot, but Frugal Sims tend to give very little. And if you want, you can syphon money from your account, it is illegal, and if you get caught, you will be fired. However, if you are not caught, well, more money for you. --==Local Representative==-"Not satified to see you with your hands solely on the city, your constituents want to see you at the next level. More territory means more

favour and votes needed to get anything done, and that means more campaign donations. Keep the cookie jar full, and you get to keep your job." Job Level § Per Hour § Per Day Base Weekly Pay Pension Pay Carpool Arrival Time You Start Work Time You Finish Work Total Length of Day Work Days Days Off

= = = = = = = = = = =

6 §91 / hour §500 / day §2000 / week §100 / day 8AM 9AM 2:30PM 5.5 hours Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday Tuesday, Saturday, Sunday

Performance Requirements = Mood, Charisma Skill, Relationship with Boss, Campaign Funding At this level, you can give Inspirational Speeches. These speeches will boost the mood of nearby Sims, so it is useful as it gives a nice relationship boost as well. --==Mayor==-"The legislative branch is all well and good, but the executive branch is really where the power lies. As the Mayor, you can now dictate terms to the city council you used to serve, and in the process, enact changes as you see fit. Rule with a firm fist or gentle touch, but never forget to keep your constituents happy." Job Level § Per Hour § Per Day Base Weekly Pay Pension Pay Carpool Arrival Time You Start Work Time You Finish Work Total Length of Day Work Days Days Off

= = = = = = = = = = =

7 §130 / hour §650 / day §2,600 / week §130 / day 8AM 9AM 2PM 5 hours Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday Tuesday, Saturday, Sunday

Performance Requirements = Mood, Charisma Skill, Relationship with Boss, Campaign Funding --==Governor==-"You've been pulled up to the regional level for your brillant political acumen and adept maneuvering. the public claims to love you, but everything can change instantly with the signing of the wrong piece of legislation. Pick your battles and be wary of political opponents, as the polls are really starting to heat up." Job Level § Per Hour

= 8 = §160 / hour

§ Per Day Base Weekly Pay Pension Pay Carpool Arrival Time You Start Work Time You Finish Work Total Length of Day Work Days Days Off

= = = = = = = = =

§800 / day §3,200 / week §160 / day 8AM 9AM 2PM 5 hours Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday Tuesday, Saturday, Sunday

Performance Requirements = Mood, Charisma Skill, Relationship with Boss, Campaign Funding --==Vice President==-"Second in command may not be the end goal, but riding the ticket long enough just might earn you the coveted top spot. Mere local matters are beneath you now that economic concerns pile onto your desk. Evil organisations aren't making matters any better, as the safety and protection of the citizenry is the prime directive of your boss. The public watches silently to see if you truly have what it takes." Job Level § Per Hour § Per Day Base Weekly Pay Pension Pay Carpool Arrival Time You Start Work Time You Finish Work Total Length of Day Work Days Days Off

= = = = = = = = = = =

9 §267 / hour §1,200 / day §3,600 / week §180 / day 8AM 9AM 1:30PM 4.5 hours Monday, Wednesday, Friday Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, Sunday

Performance Requirements = Mood, Charisma Skill, Relationship with Boss, Campaign Funding --==Leader of the Free World==-"Without peer, <Sim> is in charge. The world has voted you in as their sworn leader. Defender of truth, justice, and basic Sim rights, you - the Leader of the Free World - must work for the people more than ever. Beware the agents of evil, corruption within your government, and those not willing to serve the people above all else. This is your change to leave your mark on the world, and it's be a fair shame to squander it with scandal and shoddy decisions." Job Level § Per Hour § Per Day Base Weekly Pay Pension Pay Carpool Arrival Time You Start Work

= = = = = = =

10 §423 / §1,900 §5,700 §280 / 8AM 9AM

hour / day / week day

Time You Finish Work = 1:30PM Total Length of Day = 4.5 hours Work Days = Monday, Wednesday, Friday Days Off = Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, Sunday Performance Requirements = Mood, Charisma Skill, Campaign Funding This is where you get the Aura of Leadership. This is useful because it will give nearby Sims the celebrity moodlet, because you are the leader of the free world. Just make sure that you don't make stupid decisions. *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* [6.11] Professional Sports The Athletic career has been renamed to Professional Sports, and again, it is all about Soccer/Football, depending on where in the world you are. This is a career, that is quite demanding in terms of hours, and whilst the pay is poor at the beginning, it is quite high when you get to the higher end of the career ladder. There are only 5 work tones for this career. And they are... Prepare for Game - When you need to start getting ready for the games, you will want to win. Prepare for games will increase the chance that you will win the game, which is quite useful. Meet Teammates - This tone is used for you to quickly find out who your coworkers are. This isn't useful for building a relationship, but useful for figuring out who to talk to out of work. Chat with Teammates - Like the other before it, this is less effective at finding out who they, your co-workers are, but it is useful to build up a relationship with them. Slack Off in Locker Room - No towel whipping please. This is basically the take it easy option, and for this, you will lower the rate of job performance gain, but lower fun decay. Work Out in Gym - As part of the sporting career, you need to work out to ensure that you are in shape all the time. This will boost your Athletic skill, and this is all whilst you are being paid. How cool is that? Now, onto the jobs. --==Rabid Fan==-"Do you "love" your team? Honest? Can you prove it? There's a big differance between the rain or shine, win or lose, die hard fans and the fair-weather jerks that enter the stadium when it's convenient. Grin and bear the losses with the wins, and the team will take care of you." Job Level § Per Hour § Per Day Base Weekly Pay

= = = =

1 §13 / hour §75 / day §375 / week

Pension Pay Carpool Arrival Time You Start Work Time You Finish Work Total Length of Day Work Days Days Off

= = = = = = =

§30 / day 2PM 3PM 9PM 6 hours Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday Friday, Sunday

Performance Requirements = Mood, Athletic Skill --==Snack Hawker==-"Peanuts! Popcorn! Hot meats! Hopefully your vocal chords can endure a bit of shouting, because as the Snack Hawker, you'll be circumventing the stadium to peddle your delicious, often salty, and never healthy consumables daily." Job Level § Per Hour § Per Day Base Weekly Pay Pension Pay Carpool Arrival Time You Start Work Time You Finish Work Total Length of Day Work Days Days Off

= = = = = = = = = = =

2 §25 / hour §150 / day §750 / week §60 / day 2PM 3PM 9PM 6 hours Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday Friday, Sunday

Performance Requirements = Mood, Athletic Skill --==Toddler Sports Coach==-"The players have unanimously picked you to lead their children to victory on the little league playing fields as the Toddler Sports Coach. You should study up on athletics so that you can guide the tiny tots to tip-top physical efficiency and reduce on-field injuries." Job Level § Per Hour § Per Day Base Weekly Pay Pension Pay Carpool Arrival Time You Start Work Time You Finish Work Total Length of Day Work Days Days Off

= = = = = = = = = = =

3 §33 / hour §195 / day §975 / week §70 / day 2PM 3PM 9PM 6 hours Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday Friday, Sunday

Performance Requirements = Mood, Athletic Skill --==Minor Leaguer==--

"The Minor Leaguer are calling, so pack your lucky socks and "never washed" shorts, and head to the playing field. It's important to keep your teammates' feelings in mind. Remember, there's no "I" in "team"." Job Level § Per Hour § Per Day Base Weekly Pay Pension Pay Carpool Arrival Time You Start Work Time You Finish Work Total Length of Day Work Days Days Off

= = = = = = = = = = =

4 §43 / hour §254 / day §1,016 / week §80 / day 2PM 3PM 9PM 6 hours Monday, Tuesday, Friday, Saturday Wednesday, Thursday, Sunday

Performance Requirements = Mood, Athletic Skill, Relationship with Teammates --==Rookie==-"For once, you've shown you're good enough to not be picked dead last. The rookie year is hard though, especially with the manager tracking statistics and holding your losses against you. Train hard to win games, or prepare to pack your bags back to the minor leagues." Job Level § Per Hour § Per Day Base Weekly Pay Pension Pay Carpool Arrival Time You Start Work Time You Finish Work Total Length of Day Work Days Game Days Days Off

= = = = = = = = = = = =

5 §77 / hour §381 / day §1,584 / week §110 / day 2PM 3PM 8PM 5 hours Monday, Tuesday, Friday, Saturday Wednesday, Sunday Thursday

Performance Requirements = Mood, Athletic Skill, Relationship with Teammates, Game Record This is where the Game Record will come into play. Now, work is effectively practice, where you practice for your games, which are held on game days for a few hours. The more you practice, especially with the practice tone at work, the more likely you are to win, which is useful. This forms the game record, which tracks your wins and your losses, so make sure that you win, as it gives the Winner moodlet as well. And when you play your games, your family can watch, free of charge. --==Starter==-"Time well spent on the bench and in practice has earned you a position on the starting line-up. Listen to the crowd roar as you hit the field! It sure beats the shouts of the players asking you for fresh towels. Play hard

and your autograph might actually be worth something soon." Job Level § Per Hour § Per Day Base Weekly Pay Pension Pay Carpool Arrival Time You Start Work Time You Finish Work Total Length of Day Work Days Game Days Days Off

= = = = = = = = = = = =

6 §134 / hour §667 / day §2,668 / week §200 / day 2PM 3PM 8PM 5 hours Monday, Tuesday, Friday, Saturday Wednesday, Sunday Thursday

Performance Requirements = Mood, Athletic Skill, Relationship with Teammates, Game Record --==Team Captain==-"It must feel nice now that the crowd is shouting instead of booing when your name is called over the loud speakers. Loved by fans for your clutch saves and by the coach for your team leadership, you're really starting to play towards that hall of fame spot. Just don't start losing and you'll be okay." Job Level § Per Hour § Per Day Base Weekly Pay Pension Pay Carpool Arrival Time You Start Work Time You Finish Work Total Length of Day Work Days Game Days Days Off

= = = = = = = = = = = =

7 §201 / hour §801 / day §3,204 / week §230 / day 2PM 3PM 7PM 4 hours Monday, Tuesday, Friday, Saturday Wednesday, Sunday Thursday

Performance Requirements = Mood, Athletic Skill, Relationship with Teammates, Game Record --==League MVP==-"The votes are in - the league thinks you're the league MVP! Fans adore you and your fellow players are always to provide a friendly high-five. At this rate, you might, just maybe, break every record in the books." Job Level § Per Hour § Per Day Base Weekly Pay Pension Pay Carpool Arrival Time You Start Work Time You Finish Work

= = = = = = = =

8 §241 / §962 / §3,838 §280 / 2PM 3PM 7PM

hour day / week day

Total Length of Day Work Days Game Days Days Off

= = = =

4 hours Monday, Tuesday, Friday, Saturday Wednesday, Sunday Thursday

Performance Requirements = Mood, Athletic Skill, Relationship with Teammates, Game Record --==Superstar==-"No longer content with a single sport, you've expanded your resume to include as many as your busy schedule allows. Few sport stars' careers compare to yours, but then again, they aren't Superstars. However, more games means more chances to lose, so don't let the fame get in the way of your practice time." Job Level § Per Hour § Per Day Base Weekly Pay Pension Pay Carpool Arrival Time You Start Work Time You Finish Work Total Length of Day Work Days Game Days Days Off

= = = = = = = = = = = =

9 §385 / hour §1,155 / day §4,620 / week §330 / day 2PM 3PM 6PM 3 hours Monday, Tuesday, Friday, Saturday Wednesday, Sunday Thursday

Performance Requirements = Mood, Athletic Skill, Relationship with Teammates, Game Record --==Sports Legend==-"Without peer, <Sim> is in charge. Your on-field exploits and stats are the envy of every little leaguer, minor leaguer, and MVP that plays any sport. You're a Sports Legend! Every time you step onto the field thousands of camera shutters erupt, because every play of yours will make international headlines. You're at the top of every game that's been created, and even some that haven't." Job Level § Per Hour § Per Day Base Weekly Pay Pension Pay Carpool Arrival Time You Start Work Time You Finish Work Total Length of Day Work Days Game Days Days Off

= = = = = = = = = = = =

10 §462 / hour §1,386 / day §5,544 / week §400 / day 2PM 3PM 6PM 3 hours Monday, Tuesday, Friday, Saturday Wednesday, Sunday Thursday

Performance Requirements = Mood, Athletic Skill, Relationship with Teammates, Game Record

By reaching this stage, you can hold Sponsorship Deals and Autograph Sessions. Sponsorships is where you talk to local businesses and they may sponsor you and that will net you some money, whilst hold autograph sessions will need you to book a venue and you need to sign as many autographs as possible, the more you sign, the more money you make. *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* [6.12] Science The final career, this is the last of the 11 careers, full time careers anyway. This is the Science Career, moderate hours, for a modest income, but it is the most demanding job in terms of skills, there are three skills that are necessary to survive in this job. However, given that you are developing three different skills, you can make money through other means. There are 6 tones for this career, though several are quite useless in this career. Work Hard - Again, this is where your Sim works hard at work, increasing the rate in which job performance is gained, but it also increases the rate in which your mood decays, especially Fun. Relax in Speciman Closet - Like before, it is the exact opposite to the one above, it is where your Sim takes it easy, sometimes gaining fun, but at the cost of which your job performance, which will suffer and increase at a much slower rate. Meet Fellow Scientists - This is basically finding out who all your co-workers are and then talking them them to build up a relationship with them, though it is not useful in this career. Hang Out With Fellow Scientists - Like the other before it, this is less effective at finding out who they, your co-workers are, but it is useful to build up a relationship with them. Assist Boss with Research - This is not necessary in this career, but it is good to replenish that social bar after a long shift as well as some extra hours work. Do Independent Experiment - This is a new tone, an executive one, if you will, but this will sacrifice job performance and it will lead to new ideas that can increase job performance and relationships with your boss and other co-workers. Now, the final set of jobs. --==Test Subject==-"It's all for the good of science, at least that's what Test Subjects should constantly repeat to themselves. A little shock here, a potentially revolutionary serum there ... it's all in a day's test tube. Try to stay in good spirits, because a bad mood skews the data."

Job Level § Per Hour § Per Day Base Weekly Pay Pension Pay Carpool Arrival Time You Start Work Time You Finish Work Total Length of Day Work Days Days Off

= = = = = = = = = = =

1 §44 / hour §240 / day §1,200 / week §60 / day 8AM 9AM 2:30PM 5.5 hours Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday Saturday, Sunday

Performance Requirements = Mood, Gardening Skill At this rate, you will get random collectables, such as seeds and fish in your inventory, so keep checking your inventory for anything that you can use. --==Lab Tech==-"Your committment to the less than glamourous side of science has garnered you the position as a Lab Tech. It's time to earn that lab coat and broaden your horizons. Beware of flammable materials, radioactive mutagens, and self-aware robotics as you progress deeper into the workings of the laboratory." Job Level § Per Hour § Per Day Base Weekly Pay Pension Pay Carpool Arrival Time You Start Work Time You Finish Work Total Length of Day Work Days Days Off

= = = = = = = = = = =

2 §53 / hour §288 / day §1,440 / week §70 / day 8AM 9AM 2:30PM 5.5 hours Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday Saturday, Sunday

Performance Requirements = Mood, Gardening Skill --==Useless Contraption Manupulator==-"Not all departments of the science lab are profitable, or productive for that matter. Nevertheless, for every hundred duds and worthless whiz-bangs there's a bit that rocks the science community to its beaker encrusted core. You better improve your skills with a wrench, because you'll be up to your eyes with useless contraptions." Job Level § Per Hour § Per Day Base Weekly Pay Pension Pay Carpool Arrival

= = = = = =

3 §63 / hour §346 / day §1,730 / week §90 / day 8AM

Time You Start Work Time You Finish Work Total Length of Day Work Days Days Off

= = = = =

9AM 2:30PM 5.5 hours Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday Saturday, Sunday

Performance Requirements = Mood, Gardening Skill, Handiness Skill --==Fertilizer Analyst==-"You probably don't want to know what that smell is. Fertilizer Analysts need to be ready for some hands-on time with some stinky stuff, because the best harvests come from great, horrifically smelly fertilizers. Head outside to spend time in the garden ... and don't forget to shower afterwards." Job Level § Per Hour § Per Day Base Weekly Pay Pension Pay Carpool Arrival Time You Start Work Time You Finish Work Total Length of Day Work Days Days Off

= = = = = = = = = = =

4 §97 / hour §485 / day §1,940 / week §100 / day 8AM 9AM 2PM 5 hours Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday Wednesday, Saturday, Sunday

Performance Requirements = Mood, Gardening Skill, Handiness Skill --==Carnivorous Plant Tender==-"The pursuit of science is not always one of safety. The Carnivorous Plant Tender is very much in harm's way, but that's no excuse for sloppy data collection and analysis. Stay on the plants' goods sides, and continue developing your scientific skills. Hopefully a more appetizing position will open up ... ideally before you become too appetizing yourself!" Job Level § Per Hour § Per Day Base Weekly Pay Pension Pay Carpool Arrival Time You Start Work Time You Finish Work Total Length of Day Work Days Days Off

= = = = = = = = = = =

5 §117 / hour §582 / day §2,328 / week §120 / day 8AM 9AM 2PM 5 hours Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday Wednesday, Saturday, Sunday

Performance Requirements = Mood, Gardening Skill, Handiness Skill --==Aquatic Ecosystem Tweaker==-"No body of water shall be safe from the latex glove of science! Aquatic

Ecosystem Tweakers add and remove fish from various habitats to test evolutionary traits of fish, survivability, and naturally refresh ecosystems as needed. Grab your rod and reel and go fishing ... for great discovery!" Job Level § Per Hour § Per Day Base Weekly Pay Pension Pay Carpool Arrival Time You Start Work Time You Finish Work Total Length of Day Work Days Days Off

= = = = = = = = = = =

6 §140 / hour §699 / day §2,796 / week §140 / day 8AM 9AM 2PM 5 hours Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday Wednesday, Saturday, Sunday

Performance Requirements = Mood, Gardening Skill, Handiness Skill, Fishing Skill --==Genetic Resequencer==-"It's time to step in line as a Genetic Resequencer. Clients pay top Simoleon to discover new genes to bottle and sell to customers. It's a lucrative industry, filled with discovery, intrigue, and fashionable genes." Job Level § Per Hour § Per Day Base Weekly Pay Pension Pay Carpool Arrival Time You Start Work Time You Finish Work Total Length of Day Work Days Days Off

= = = = = = = = = = =

7 §187 / hour §839 / day §3,356 / week §160 / day 8AM 9AM 1:30PM 4.5 hours Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday Wednesday, Saturday, Sunday

Performance Requirements = Mood, Gardening Skill, Handiness Skill, Fishing Skill --==Top Secret Researcher==-"The government has been closely following your career since your days as a Test Subject. They want you to head up their new program as a Top Secret Researcher. It's all very hush-hush, need to know. That sort of thing. All Simanity will benefit from this research ... or so they claim." Job Level § Per Hour § Per Day Base Weekly Pay Pension Pay Carpool Arrival

= = = = = =

8 §224 / §1,007 §4,028 §200 / 8AM

hour / day / week day

Time You Start Work Time You Finish Work Total Length of Day Work Days Days Off

= = = = =

9AM 1:30PM 4.5 hours Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday Wednesday, Saturday, Sunday

Performance Requirements = Mood, Gardening Skill, Handiness Skill, Fishing Skill As this level, you will get a special seed that may spawn and grow into the Flame Fruit, Life Fruit, Money Tree or Omni Plant. --==Creature-Robot Cross Breeder==-"The government is happy, and when they're happy it means new toys for the laboratory. You've been tasked to create a new species, specifically one that combines the best features of living organisms and ... robots. Sharks or sea bass, it makes no difference. Just don't forget the lasers." Job Level § Per Hour § Per Day Base Weekly Pay Pension Pay Carpool Arrival Time You Start Work Time You Finish Work Total Length of Day Work Days Days Off

= = = = = = = = = = =

9 §269 / hour §1,209 / day §3,627 / week §180 / day 8AM 9AM 1:30PM 4.5 hours Monday, Tuesday, Friday Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday, Sunday

Performance Requirements = Mood, Gardening Skill, Handiness Skill, Fishing Skill Also, you get the benefits of the special seed as well, same as Level 8. --==Mad Scientist==-"Without peer, <Sim> is in charge. Nobody really takes you as a sane individual, so the title Mad Scientist is apt. Tucked into the deepest, most secretive recesses of the laboratory, you've been tasked to create, destroy, restructure, and innovate as you see fit. As the laboratory's best, you will define the future course of science for good ... or evil!" Job Level § Per Hour § Per Day Base Weekly Pay Pension Pay Carpool Arrival Time You Start Work Time You Finish Work Total Length of Day Work Days

= = = = = = = = = =

10 §404 / hour §1,814 / day §5,442 / week §260 / day 8AM 9AM 1:30PM 4.5 hours Monday, Tuesday, Friday

Days Off

= Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday, Sunday

Performance Requirements = Mood, Gardening Skill, Handiness Skill, Fishing Skill It is at this level that you can Do Science to It! This is where your Mad Science can do science to anything, and this is where it will lead to two different outcomes to that object. Note that this can be to anything. If it goes to plan, the object will get an environmental boost, the object will somehow broadcast some music, which is crazy, but it will give a nice moodlet for it's trouble. It may also be upgraded with a handiness upgrade, which is also random, and finally, it may give room based moodlets, like Beautiful Vista. However, the upgrade can go wrong, it may burn down to the ground, or electrocute Sims that try to use it. Or it breaks down, broadcast negative room based moodlets, such as Disgusted, or it could, which is the best one of the all, disappear. *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* [7.01] Overview Part Time jobs are available to teenagers, which is work after them, or it can be done by adults and elders. For adults, this they forego their full time job. Now you may be wondering, why want to forego a full time job with more money for a part-time purely to have more time to enjoy life, while surviving on the resources that they have.

school for means that would they job? Well, it basic

Part time jobs are obtained by heading to the relevant building and asking for a part time job. The work is always for three hours, there are no exceptions, and there are always three tones, the normal tone, the work hard tone and the take it easy tone. There are no unique tones. Promotions are obtained like full time jobs, you maximise the job performance and you get the promotion. It is like a full job career, but there are only 3 jobs per career, and they are low paying, but low hours. *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* [7.02] Bookstore These jobs are obtained by heading to the Bookstore and asking for the part time job. This is one of the lowest paying part time jobs. --==Cash Register Specialist==-"Stand firm behind the cash register, but make sure every Simoleon is accounted for! Don't forget to ask if they want a receipt!" Job Level § Per Hour § Per Day Base Weekly Pay Pension Pay Carpool Arrival Time You Start Work

= = = = = = =

1 §30 / hour §90 / day §450 / week §30 / day 3PM 4PM

Time You Finish Work = 7PM Total Length of Day = 3 hours Work Days = Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday Days Off = Saturday, Sunday Performance Requirements = Mood --==Book Genre Sorter==-"It's important for the How-To's to be properly sorted away from Science Fiction. You don't want to confuse the customers!" Job Level § Per Hour § Per Day Base Weekly Pay Pension Pay Carpool Arrival Time You Start Work Time You Finish Work Total Length of Day Work Days Days Off

= = = = = = = = = = =

2 §50 / hour §150 / day §750 / week §40 / day 3PM 4PM 7PM 3 hours Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday Saturday, Sunday

Performance Requirements = Mood --==Book Clud Moderator==-Job Level § Per Hour § Per Day Base Weekly Pay Pension Pay Carpool Arrival Time You Start Work Time You Finish Work Total Length of Day Work Days Days Off

= = = = = = = = = = =

3 §80 / hour §240 / day §1,200 / week §60 / day 3PM 4PM 7PM 3 hours Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday Saturday, Sunday

Performance Requirements = Mood *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* [7.03] Day Spa - Receptionist There are two careers for the Day Spa, there is the Receptionist and the Specialist. They are both as high paying as each other. The days are the different, the hours are the same. Head to the Day Spa and off you go. --==Beverage Consultant==-"Everyone gets thirsty, and spa customers and workers are no exception! Providing well-made drinks with a smile will help you work your way up the reception ladder."

Job Level § Per Hour § Per Day Base Weekly Pay Pension Pay Carpool Arrival Time You Start Work Time You Finish Work Total Length of Day Work Days Days Off

= = = = = = = = = = =

1 §33 / hour §98 / day §490 / week §30 / day 2PM 3PM 6PM 3 hours Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday, Sunday Tuesday, Friday

Performance Requirements = Mood --==Intake Specialist==-"Put down the coffee pot and pick up that phone! You're the face (and voice) of the company, so do your best to make the customers feel welcome." Job Level § Per Hour § Per Day Base Weekly Pay Pension Pay Carpool Arrival Time You Start Work Time You Finish Work Total Length of Day Work Days Days Off

= = = = = = = = = = =

2 §55 / hour §165 / day §825 / week §40 / day 2PM 3PM 6PM 3 hours Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday, Sunday Tuesday, Friday

Performance Requirements = Mood --==Ringer Up-er==-"Providing relaxing spa treatments is great, but you can't be a business if you don't make money. That's where you come in. Work that cash register and bring in the dough!" Job Level § Per Hour § Per Day Base Weekly Pay Pension Pay Carpool Arrival Time You Start Work Time You Finish Work Total Length of Day Work Days Days Off

= = = = = = = = = = =

3 §88 / hour §263 / day §1,315 / week §70 / day 2PM 3PM 6PM 3 hours Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday, Sunday Tuesday, Friday

Performance Requirements = Mood *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* [7.04] Day Spa - Specialist

This is the second of the careers, and this is the same as the Receptionist, but the days are different. Depends which set of days you want. --==Clothes Folder==-"Anyone can fold clothes, but can you get clothes to be perfectly two-dimensional? Attention to detail will get you far - far enough to never have to fold another shirt again!" Job Level § Per Hour § Per Day Base Weekly Pay Pension Pay Carpool Arrival Time You Start Work Time You Finish Work Total Length of Day Work Days Days Off

= = = = = = = = = = =

1 §33 / hour §98 / day §490 / week §30 / day 2PM 3PM 6PM 3 hours Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday Monday, Tuesday

Performance Requirements = Mood --==Fitting Room Guard==-"Shoplifting is bad for the bottom line, and you've got to protect that line. But you've got to strike a balance between friendliness and suspicion in order to curtail theft without driving away customers." Job Level § Per Hour § Per Day Base Weekly Pay Pension Pay Carpool Arrival Time You Start Work Time You Finish Work Total Length of Day Work Days Days Off

= = = = = = = = = = =

2 §55 / hour §165 / day §825 / week §40 / day 2PM 3PM 6PM 3 hours Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday Monday, Tuesday

Performance Requirements = Mood --==Spa Package Seller==-"Anyone can sell a spa treatment, but selling packages is what seperates the experts from the rest. Talk up those add-ons and get your clients to pay more, more, more!" Job Level § Per Hour § Per Day Base Weekly Pay Pension Pay

= = = = =

3 §88 / hour §263 / day §1,315 / week §70 / day

Carpool Arrival Time You Start Work Time You Finish Work Total Length of Day Work Days Days Off

= = = = = =

2PM 3PM 6PM 3 hours Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday Monday, Tuesday

Performance Requirements = Mood *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* [7.05] Grocery Store Together with the Bookstore, this is the lowest paying job. This is obtained by going to the grocery store, simple enough. However, it has the best time to work. --==Produce Quality Assessor==-"Fresh and tasty fruit and vegetables must always populate our store shelves. You are the first and only line of vegetable defence." Job Level § Per Hour § Per Day Base Weekly Pay Pension Pay Carpool Arrival Time You Start Work Time You Finish Work Total Length of Day Work Days Days Off

= = = = = = = = = = =

1 §30 / hour §90 / day §450 / week §30 / day 3PM 4PM 7PM 3 hours Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday Saturday, Sunday

Performance Requirements = Mood --==Blue Light Special Designator==-"It's important to pick the right blue light special for the right section for the right time. It's no small task, especially when all of our shoppers depend on you for their satification!" Job Level § Per Hour § Per Day Base Weekly Pay Pension Pay Carpool Arrival Time You Start Work Time You Finish Work Total Length of Day Work Days Days Off

= = = = = = = = = = =

2 §50 / hour §150 / day §750 / week §40 / day 3PM 4PM 7PM 3 hours Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday Saturday, Sunday

Performance Requirements = Mood

--==Shopping Music DJ==-"The right soundtrack is vital for the store's continued profitability. Pick the songs that keep people shopping linger and with smiles on their faces!" Job Level § Per Hour § Per Day Base Weekly Pay Pension Pay Carpool Arrival Time You Start Work Time You Finish Work Total Length of Day Work Days Days Off

= = = = = = = = = = =

3 §80 / hour §240 / day §1,200 / week §60 / day 3PM 4PM 7PM 3 hours Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday Saturday, Sunday

Performance Requirements = Mood *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* [7.06] Graveyard The last of the part time jobs, this is the graveyard job, bad hours and bad schedule on when you need to work, but the pay is decent-er? --==Burial Specialist==-"It's a step up from digging ditches, but ... well, no, it's pretty much just digging ditches." Job Level § Per Hour § Per Day Base Weekly Pay Pension Pay Carpool Arrival Time You Start Work Time You Finish Work Total Length of Day Work Days Days Off

= = = = = = = = = = =

1 §33 / hour §98 / day §490 / week §30 / day 5PM 6PM 9PM 3 hours Monday, Tuesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday Wednesday, Thursday

Performance Requirements = Mood --==Overseer of the Dead==-"Guardian the mausoleum gates might soudn easy, but sorting the living from the dead can be hard work! Job Level § Per Hour § Per Day Base Weekly Pay Pension Pay Carpool Arrival

= = = = = =

2 §55 / hour §165 / day §825 / week §40 / day 5PM

Time You Start Work Time You Finish Work Total Length of Day Work Days Days Off

= = = = =

6PM 9PM 3 hours Monday, Tuesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday Wednesday, Thursday

Performance Requirements = Mood --==Epitaph Writer==-"Writing epitaphs may be depressing, but at least you get to use your creativity! Let 'er RIP!" Job Level § Per Hour § Per Day Base Weekly Pay Pension Pay Carpool Arrival Time You Start Work Time You Finish Work Total Length of Day Work Days Days Off

= = = = = = = = = = =

3 §88 / hour §263 / day §1,315 / week §70 / day 5PM 6PM 9PM 3 hours Monday, Tuesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday Wednesday, Thursday

Performance Requirements = Mood *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* [8.01] Cooking Cooking is quite a large part of the game, food is everything. The source of moodlet, and it actively forces you to use your ingredients that you can fish from the sea, harvested from the garden or bought from the Supermarket. Unlike previous games, where recipes were just obtained through increasing your cooking, skill, cooking in The Sims 3 is a bit different. Whilst a fair amount are obtained through level progression, nearly half are obtained through cookbooks, recipes that you can purchase from the bookstore, which are one use items, and read to learn the recipe. When you are going to be cooking food, the best ingredients will give the best type of food, as well as a high cooking skill. Obviously, a food processor will do better than simply cutting up the food, and a high quality grill will do a lot better than a cheap stove. And if you are confused about the time in which food is served, the little list will show when the time for food rolls over. 3AM 10AM 5PM -

10AM = Breakfast 5PM = Lunch 3AM = Dinner




on Weekends = Brunch

Below are all the recipes, what level you can obtain them in, the ingredients that you will require, and any other details. Below is a template, and how to

read and understand it. --==Recipe Name==-Cooking Skill = The level in which you need to be at to cook this dish. Serving Size = The serving sizes you can serve this dish at, single or group Base Quality = The lowest quality the dish can be served at minus problems such as undercooking or burning the dish. Ingredients Required = These are the ingredients that you will need cook the dish. Cost Alternative = This is how much you can pay for a single serving if you do not have the ingredients on hand to cook the dish. When to Cook = The times that you can cook the food, such as lunch or dinner. Cooking Method = This is how the food is cooked, whether it is through the oven, grill, or no cooking is involved. Source of Recipe = This is how the recipe is obtained, recipe book or level up Anyway, let us start with the dishes. --==Autumn Salad==-Cooking Skill Serving Size Base Quality Ingredients Required Cost Alternative When to Cook Cooking Method Source of Recipe

= = = = = = = =

0 Single or Group Normal Lettuce §5 Brunch, Lunch, Dinner No Cooking Required Already Learnt

This is one of the cheapest recipes that you can cook, so it is convenient to make this meal. Cheap, and filling. --==Hot Dog (Tofu Dog)==-Cooking Skill Serving Size Base Quality Ingredients Required Cost Alternative When to Cook Cooking Method Source of Recipe

= = = = = = = =

0 Single or Group Normal Links §8 Lunch, Dinner BBQ Grill Already Learnt

A basic dish using the outdoor Grill is already set for you. Cheap, and you'll see that a lot of neighbours will do this dish in neighbourhood grills. The brackets is to denote that it has a vegetarian alternative. --==Mac and Cheese==-Cooking Skill Serving Size Base Quality Ingredients Required

= = = =

0 Single or Group Normal Cheese

Cost Alternative When to Cook Cooking Method Source of Recipe

= = = =

§8 Lunch, Dinner Stove Already Learnt

This is one of the older recipes, making it start all the way back from the first game. Still, I say it looks like a pile of vomit anyway. Seriously, look at it. Doesn't look appetizing. --==Waffles==-Cooking Skill Serving Size Base Quality Ingredients Required Cost Alternative When to Cook Cooking Method Source of Recipe

= = = = = = = =

0 Single or Group Normal Egg §11 Breakfast, Brunch Oven Already Learnt

Do you like Waffles? Yeah I like Waffles. This is part one of the ad that I'm going to use. Seriously, Youtube Do you like Waffles. Anyway, you somehow cook this on the stove and oven, despite a Waffle Iron being far easier, yet not existant in the game. A simple breakfast dish. --==Pancakes==-Cooking Skill Serving Size Base Quality Ingredients Required Cost Alternative When to Cook Cooking Method Source of Recipe

= = = = = = = =

1 Single or Group Normal Any Fruit §6 Breakfast, Brunch Stove Level Progression

Do you like pancakes? Yeah we like pancakes! The part two. Anyway, pancakes are nice and easy, and given that you need any fruit, such as an apple or a lime, this makes it an easy and filling dish. --==Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwiches==-Cooking Skill Serving Size Base Quality Ingredients Required Cost Alternative When to Cook Cooking Method Source of Recipe

= = = = = = = =

1 Single or Group Normal Any Fruit §6 Brunch, Lunch No Cooking Required Level Progression

A classic dish and I guess the any fruit serves at the jam filling. I don't see fruit being used any other way in this. Apple bread?

--==Ratatouille==-Cooking Skill Serving Size Base Quality Ingredients Required Cost Alternative When to Cook Cooking Method Source of Recipe

= = = = = = = =

1 Single or Group Normal Tomato §5 Lunch, Dinner Stove Recipe Book

No, this isn't a name of a movie, this is a tomato dish. Again, it is a cheap and filling dish, but quite ordinary. --==Goopy Carbonara==-Cooking Skill Serving Size Base Quality Ingredients Required Cost Alternative When to Cook Cooking Method Source of Recipe

= = = = = = = =

2 Single or Group Nice Onion §11 Lunch, Dinner Stove Level Progression

At least the image of this is less like vomit and a bit more edible. If you cannot tell, it is a goopy carbonara, a carbonara a little goopy? --==Grilled Cheese Sandwiches==-Cooking Skill Serving Size Base Quality Ingredients Required Cost Alternative When to Cook Cooking Method Source of Recipe

= = = = = = = =

2 Single or Group Normal Cheese §8 Lunch Stove Level Progression

The stove is for the grilled bit. Anyway, the aspiration from The Sims 2 is back, and kicking more heads in. To be honest, it looks like a grilled PB&J sandwich. --==Cookies==-Cooking Skill Serving Size Base Quality Ingredients Required Cost Alternative When to Cook Cooking Method Source of Recipe

= = = = = = = =

3 Group Nice Egg §11 Dessert Oven Recipe Book

This is your first cookable dessert, and who doesn't like cookies. It is more expensive, but bear in mind that it is a group serving. --==Fish and Chips==-Cooking Skill Serving Size Base Quality Ingredients Required Cost Alternative When to Cook Cooking Method Source of Recipe

= = = = = = = =

3 Single or Group Nice Any Fish §5 Dinner Grill Recipe

This is your first fish dish, and I do wonder why they don't require potato in this dish. It is a quick way to dispose of fish, like goldfish. --==Fruit Parfait==-Cooking Skill Serving Size Base Quality Ingredients Required Cost Alternative When to Cook Cooking Method Source of Recipe

= = = = = = = =

4 Single or Group Nice Apples and Grapes §12 Breakfast, Brunch No Cooking Required Recipe

This is a nice breakfast, one that doesn't involve a slather of butter. Though it still doesn't look appealing. --==Spaghetti (With Veggie Sauce)==-Cooking Skill Serving Size Base Quality Ingredients Required Cost Alternative When to Cook Cooking Method Source of Recipe

= = = = = = = =

4 Single or Group Very Nice Tomato §5 Dinner Stove Level Progression

A nice dish, and one with a vegetarian alternative. I seriously wonder why we can't add some cows in this game, and humanely kill the for meat, or send them off to Cow Heaven, for a lack of a better world. We don't need to see any killing. Anyway, yeah, Spaghetti. Nice, filling, and cheap. --==Sushi==-Cooking Skill Serving Size Base Quality

= 4 = Single or Group = Nice

Ingredients Required Cost Alternative When to Cook Cooking Method Source of Recipe

= = = = =

Any Fish §5 Dinner No Cooking Required Level Progression

This is another useful dish, given that you need any fish, not a specific fish. Goldfish sushi sounds quite nice, don't you think? --==Cheesesteak==-Cooking Skill Serving Size Base Quality Ingredients Required Cost Alternative When to Cook Cooking Method Source of Recipe

= = = = = = = =

5 Single or Group Nice Cheese, Steak §38 Lunch, Dinner Grill Recipe Book

This is one of the more expensive dishes, mainly because steak is quite costly. --==Stu Surprise==-Cooking Skill Serving Size Base Quality Ingredients Required Cost Alternative When to Cook Cooking Method Source of Recipe

= = = = = = = =

5 Single or Group Nice Any Two Ingredients §10 Dinner Stove Level Progression

This is a very useful dish to create if you want, mainly because you can use any two ingredients, any, could be two fish, two vegetables, anything that is considered food will do. --==Cobbler==-Cooking Skill Serving Size Base Quality Ingredients Required Cost Alternative When to Cook Cooking Method Source of Recipe

= = = = = = = =

6 Group Very Nice Any Fruit, Egg §17 Dessert Oven Recipe Book

This is a good way to dispose of fruit and make a very nice dessert as a result. --==Hamburger (Veggie Burger)==--

Cooking Skill Serving Size Base Quality Ingredients Required Cost Alternative When to Cook Cooking Method Source of Recipe

= = = = = = = =

6 Single or Group Very Nice Onion, Patty §35 Lunch, Dinner Grill Level Progression

The final in terms of vegetarian alternatives to meat, surprisingly, there isn't too much in terms of meat dish in this game. --==Eggs Machiavellian==-Cooking Skill Serving Size Base Quality Ingredients Required Cost Alternative When to Cook Cooking Method Source of Recipe

= = = = = = = =

7 Single or Group Very Nice Egg, Watermelon §25 Breakfast, Brunch Stove Recipe Book

This is the best in terms of recipe that you can cook normally, Ambrosia doesn't count, that's cheating. From this point on, the recipes start to get more and more expensive. --==Key Lime Pie==-Cooking Skill Serving Size Base Quality Ingredients Required Cost Alternative When to Cook Cooking Method Source of Recipe

= = = = = = = =

7 Group Very Nice Egg, Lime §25 Dessert Oven Level Progression

This is the best normal dessert that you can cook, there is a very better dessert, but again, it is quite hard to obtain normally. --==Grilled Salmon==-Cooking Skill Serving Size Base Quality Ingredients Required Cost Alternative When to Cook Cooking Method Source of Recipe

= = = = = = = =

8 Single or Group Very Nice Garlic, Potato, Salmon §48 Dinner Grill Level Progression

This is a nice dish, and it shares equal first for the best grilled dish

that you can make. --==Tri-Tip Steak==-Cooking Skill Serving Size Base Quality Ingredients Required Cost Alternative When to Cook Cooking Method Source of Recipe

= = = = = = = =

8 Single or Group Very Nice Any Vegetable, Potato, Steak §46 Dinner Grill Recipe Book

This is the equal first best grilled dish, through it is the cheaper of the two. Who doesn't want a steak anyway? --==Dim Sum==-Cooking Skill Serving Size Base Quality Ingredients Required Cost Alternative When to Cook Cooking Method Source of Recipe

= = = = = = = =

9 Single or Group Great Any Three Fish §15 Brunch, Lunch Stove Level Progression

Who doesn't want to eat goldfish dumplings? Anyway, this is a quick way to dispose of fish that you don't want to sell for chump change but remove the cheap fish in the fridge. --==French Toast==-Cooking Skill Serving Size Base Quality Ingredients Required Cost Alternative When to Cook Cooking Method Source of Recipe

= = = = = = = =

9 Single or Group Great 2 Apples, Eggs §23 Breakfast, Brunch Oven Level Progression

So maybe Eggs Machiavellian isn't the best of the meals for breakfast. Oh, the final part of the ad. Do you like French Toast? Yeah we like French Toast! --==Stuffed Turkey==-Cooking Skill Serving Size Base Quality Ingredients Required Cost Alternative

= = = = =

9 Group Great Any Two Vegatables, Roast §40

When to Cook Cooking Method Source of Recipe

= Dinner = Oven = Recipe Book

Who doesn't want to eat a nice turkey. Again, this is the only main dish that can only be served as a group meal, and not a single meal. Seriously, have you tried roasting a turkey for one? And no tofurkey jokes either. --==Ambrosia==-Cooking Skill Serving Size Base Quality Ingredients Required Cost Alternative When to Cook Cooking Method Source of Recipe

= = = = = = = =

10 Single Perfect Deathfish, Lifefruit Cannot be Bought Breakfast, Brunch, Lunch, Dinner Stove Recipe Book

This is a very interesting dish. After eating it, you will instantly restore the hunger bar to full, it will give a Divine Meal Moodlet lasting 7 days and it will reset the Sims age back all the way to the start of the age group. And when these are eaten by ghosts, you will have them revived at the point in time at which they died. --==Baked Angel Food Cake==-Cooking Skill Serving Size Base Quality Ingredients Required Cost Alternative When to Cook Cooking Method Source of Recipe

= = = = = = = =

10 Dessert Great Two Eggs, Flame Fruit Cannot be Bought Dessert Oven Recipe Book

This is a very powerful dessert, but it cannot be bought, due to Flame Fruit. When it is eaten, it will give the Warm Fuzzies moodlet for 5 hours. Keep some in the fridge. --==Lobster Thermidor==-Cooking Skill Serving Size Base Quality Ingredients Required Cost Alternative When to Cook Cooking Method Source of Recipe

= = = = = = = =

10 Single or Group Great Bell Pepper, Garlic, Lobster §66 Dinner Oven Skill Progression

The best dinner recipe that you can make, this is the same as the Lobster Thermidor that you can create in the second game as well.

And that wraps up cooking. *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* [8.02] Fishing Fishing is quite a big part of this game, there is a fair amount of fish that you can collect. This is a skill that can be helped by the bookstore, you can read books to help you on bait and books that can help your fishing skill overall. Now, bait. Basically, bait is where you will attach something to your fishing hook, and it will attract more fish overall. However, it will attract the type of fish that likes the bait most more than others. So you are more likely to catch your wanted fish by using the specific bait. When you go to fish, a fish you catch can be used as a trophy of some sort. For a small fee of §70, you can mount your fish to hang on the wall. Or you can purchase a fish bowl and let your fish live. Next, there are two types of water you can fish in, freshwater and saltwater. Saltwater, as you can guess, is salty water, and that means that these types of fish are found in the ocean. Freshwater is mainly for fish found in rivers and ponds. Simple enough. Finally, your own pond. Think of this as your own private fishing reserve. You can stock a pond with a certain fish by having 10 or more of that type of fish in your inventory. If you want goldfish in a certain pond, have 10 goldfish in your inventory and stock it. Once you stock it, that fish will be able to be caught in that pond infinitely. Personally, I'd keep it as a private reserve. There is no limit on what pond can be used, and what fish, so that means that if you have 10 Deathfish, a Deathfish pond. Also, this pond will allow you to catch that fish any time of the day, again, another good thing for Deathfish. Besides catching fish, you can also catch some other things, normally found in an old box. This will give you rare seeds (Flame Fruit, Life Fruit, Death Flower, Omni Plant, Money Tree), Birthday Cakes, Mood Candles, Laptops, Bubble Bath, Guitars, Rubber Ducks and sometimes, the Mysterious Mr. Gnome. Now, onto the fish. Below is the template that I will use for fish section of the guide. --==Name of Fish==-Fishing Level = The minimum level required for you to be able to catch this fish Habitat = What type of water you will find the fish in. Rarity = How rare or uncommon the fish is to find, which denotes the odds of catching it, the rarer, the more unlikely you are to catch it. Bait = The preferred bait of the fish, using this will more likely than not hook you the fish you are looking for. Weight = How much the fish weighs in kilograms. Though this has no real use besides determining the value of the fish. The heavier, the better. Value = The value of the fish, the lowest to highest possible price. --==Anchovy==--

Fishing Level Habitat Rarity Preferred Bait Weight Value

= = = = = =

0 Salt Water / Ocean Common Tomato 0.1kg to 0.5kg §5 to §11

= = = = = =

0 Fresh Water / Ponds & Rivers Common Apple 0.1kg to 0.5kg §5 to §11

--==Minnow==-Fishing Level Habitat Rarity Preferred Bait Weight Value

--==Alley Catfish==-Fishing Level Habitat Rarity Preferred Bait Weight Value

= = = = = =

1 Fresh & Salt Water / Ocean, Ponds & Rivers Uncommon Cheese 0.1kg to 5kg §6 to §20

--==Goldfish==-Fishing Level Habitat Rarity Preferred Bait Weight Value

= = = = = =

1 Fresh Water / Ponds & Rivers Common Lettuce 0.1kg to 2kg §6 to §16

--==Jellyfish==-Fishing Level Habitat Rarity Preferred Bait Weight Value

= = = = = =

2 Salt Water / Oceans Common Grapes 0.1kg to 10kg §8 to §19

--==Rainbow Trout==-Fishing Level Habitat Rarity Preferred Bait Weight Value

= = = = = =

2 Fresh Water / Ponds & Rivers Common Egg 1kg to 10kg §9 to §18

--==Red Herring==-Fishing Level Habitat Rarity Preferred Bait Weight Value

= = = = = =

3 Fresh & Salt Water / Ocean, Ponds & Rivers Common Links 1kg to 10kg §5 to §5

= = = = = =

3 Salt Water / Ocean Common Onion 2kg to 40kg §11 to §25

--==Tuna==-Fishing Level Habitat Rarity Preferred Bait Weight Value

--==Siamese Catfish==-Fishing Level Habitat Rarity Preferred Bait Weight Value

= = = = = =

4 Fresh & Salt Water / Ocean, Ponds & Rivers Common Bell Pepper 5kg to 40kg §13 to §32

--==Tragic Clownfish==-Fishing Level Habitat Rarity Preferred Bait Weight Value

= = = = = =

4 Salt Water / Ocean Uncommon Watermelon 5kg to 15kg §14 to §30

--==Blowfish==-Fishing Level Habitat Rarity Preferred Bait Weight Value

= = = = = =

5 Salt Water / Ocean Uncommon Potato 5kg to 40kg §13 to §47

--==Piranha==-Fishing Level Habitat Rarity Preferred Bait

= = = =

5 Fresh Water / Ponds & Rivers Uncommon Minnow

Weight Value

= 3kg to 25kg = §14 to §41

--==Black Goldfish==-Fishing Level Habitat Rarity Preferred Bait Weight Value

= = = = = =

6 Fresh Water / Ponds & Rivers Common Goldfish 5kg to 25kg §5 to §25

= = = = = =

6 Fresh & Salt Water / Ocean, Ponds & Rivers Common Lime 10kg to 50kg §14 to §45

= = = = = =

7 Fresh & Salt Water / Ocean, Ponds & Rivers Uncommon Red Herring 1kg to 150kg §7 to §70

--==Salmon==-Fishing Level Habitat Rarity Preferred Bait Weight Value --==Shark==-Fishing Level Habitat Rarity Preferred Bait Weight Value

--==Swordfish==-Fishing Level Habitat Rarity Preferred Bait Weight Value

= = = = = =

7 Salt Water / Ocean Common Anchovy 20kg to 60kg §20 to §60

--==Angelfish==-Fishing Level Habitat Rarity Preferred Bait Weight Value

= = = = = =

8 Fresh & Salt Water / Ocean, Ponds & Rivers Uncommon Alley Catfish 2kg to 60kg §21 to §85

--==Vampire Fish==-Fishing Level

= 8

Habitat = Fresh Water / Ponds & Rivers Rarity = Rare Preferred Bait = Garlic Weight = 25kg to 80kg Value = §55 to §225 --==Robot Fish==-Fishing Level Habitat Rarity Preferred Bait Weight Value

= = = = = =

9 Science Facility Pond / River Rare Piranha 250kg to 1,250kg §50 to §350

--==Lobster==-Fishing Level Habitat Rarity Preferred Bait Weight Value

= = = = = =

9 Fresh & Salt Water / Ocean, Ponds & Rivers Common Tuna 5kg to 50kg §25 to §120

--==Deathfish==-Fishing Level Habitat Rarity Preferred Bait Weight Value

= = = = = =

10 Graveyard Pond / River, Between 12AM to 5AM Very Rare Angelfish 20kg to 80kg §200 to §1,000

Deathfish is notoriously hard to catch, so having the Love the Outdoors and Angler trait will be exceptionally handy, as well as the Commercial Fisherman challenge. If you manage to catch it, well done. Now try to catch 10 and stock them in a pond just for deathfish. Why is it so valued? Because it is exceptionally high value, and it is used in Ambrosia. *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* [8.03] Gardening Gardening is a large skill as well, larger than fishing, mainly because there is a lot to grow. Plants are precious little things, they will need constant watering, tending to weeds, harvesting, so pretty much constant maintenance. This skill is improved greatly by the Green Thumb, Love the Outdoors and the Super Green Thumb traits. There are a fair amount of plants that you can grow, and I'll list them below. There is also more than just gardening than tending to plants and harvesting them. Everyday, you will need to water the plants. The plants will seem to need water, tending and harvesting at 5AM - 6AM daily, so if you have nothing to

do just before work, check up on the plants, harvest them and tend to them. The best thing is that you now have a sprinkler to do the watering for you. A little tinkering can let you do less work by watering the plants for you when they need watering. Now, what is the point of gardening? Well, it will grow some fruit and vegetables that are necessary in cooking, and once you get to the very end of the gardening skill, you can plant the omni-plant, which will turn into anything that you want it to. How do you start gardening? Simple, you need a seed or a product that can be planted, like an apple or a bell pepper, and then you plant it, it is rather simple. When you plant it, you have to constantly water it, tend it and take care of the weeds when it requires that, and harvest it when the produce is ready. There are grades for plants, but they are similar to the grading for food and fish. There is normal, nice, very nice, great, excellent, outstanding and perfect. The higher the grade, the more it is worth. Lets start by looking at the plants below. Again, the template will be explained. --==Plant Name==-Rarity = How rare the plant is to find Skill Level = This is the skill level that your Sim will need to plant this plant. Note it is gardening skill. Base Value = The price it will fetch for a normal quality plant. Perfect Value = This is the amount of § you get for a perfect plant. Produce per Harvest = Amount of produce that you get per harvest. Maximum Harvest = Amount that you can harvest until the plant is barren. Chance of Weeds = The chance that weeds will infect your plant. Anyway, let us start with the plants. But for this section, this ain't all. --==Apple Tree==-Rarity Skill Level Base Value Perfect Value Produce per Harvest Maximum Harvest Chance of Weeds

= = = = = = =

Common 0 §4 §16 3-5 40 10%

As a side note, when a pregnant Sim eats an apple, the chance of the baby being a male increases. --==Grape Vine==-Rarity Skill Level Base Value Perfect Value

= = = =

Common 0 §4 §16

Produce per Harvest = 2-4 Maximum Harvest = 15 Chance of Weeds = 20% --==Lettuce Plant==-Rarity Skill Level Base Value Perfect Value Produce per Harvest Maximum Harvest Chance of Weeds

= = = = = = =

Common 0 §3 §12 1-3 15 20%

--==Tomato Plant==-Rarity Skill Level Base Value Perfect Value Produce per Harvest Maximum Harvest Chance of Weeds

= = = = = = =

Common 0 §3 §12 2-4 20 20%

= = = = = = =

Uncommon 5 §9 §36 3-5 40 25%

= = = = = = =

Uncommon 5 §7 §28 1-3 25 5%

--==Lime Tree==-Rarity Skill Level Base Value Perfect Value Produce per Harvest Maximum Harvest Chance of Weeds --==Onion Plant==-Rarity Skill Level Base Value Perfect Value Produce per Harvest Maximum Harvest Chance of Weeds --==Potato Plant==-Rarity Skill Level Base Value Perfect Value Produce per Harvest Maximum Harvest

= = = = = =

Uncommon 5 §7 §28 1-3 15

Chance of Weeds

= 5%

--==Watermelon Vine==-Rarity Skill Level Base Value Perfect Value Produce per Harvest Maximum Harvest Chance of Weeds

= = = = = = =

Uncommon 5 §9 §36 1-2 10 25%

Like the Apple, this has an effect on a pregnant Sim, however, it will increase the chance of a girl being born. --==Bell Pepper Plant==-Rarity Skill Level Base Value Perfect Value Produce per Harvest Maximum Harvest Chance of Weeds

= = = = = = =

Rare 7 §12 §48 2-4 15 20%

--==Garlic Plant==-Rarity Skill Level Base Value Perfect Value Produce per Harvest Maximum Harvest Chance of Weeds

= = = = = = =

Rare 7 §15 §60 3-5 30 10%

This will give your Sim Garlic Breath Moodlet if the Sim eats this raw. So it isn't a good idea to do so. --==Death Flower Plant==-Rarity Skill Level Base Value Perfect Value Produce per Harvest Maximum Harvest Chance of Weeds

= = = = = = =

Special 7 Not Sellable Not Sellable 2 2 2.5%

This plant is special for a reason. It will only produce a single flower, unless you have the Green Thumb trait. This is special because when the Grim Reaper comes to visit your Sim, if they have this in their inventory, their lives will be spared for the cost of this plant. Think of it as a life insurance policy.

--==Flame Fruit Bush==-Rarity Skill Level Base Value Perfect Value Produce per Harvest Maximum Harvest Chance of Weeds

= = = = = = =

Special 7 §18 §72 1-3 20 5%

This plant is special because it provides a moodlet, of being warmed, when it is held in your inventory. It is also used in the Baked Angel Food Cake recipe. --==Life Plant==-Rarity Skill Level Base Value Perfect Value Produce per Harvest Maximum Harvest Chance of Weeds

= = = = = = =

Special 7 §25 §100 1-3 12 25%

This plant is special because when you consume the Life Fruit, it will reduce the age of your Sim by a single day. And when they start stacking up, this starts to count. --==Money Tree==-Rarity Skill Level Base Value Perfect Value Produce per Harvest Maximum Harvest Chance of Weeds

= = = = = = =

Special 7 §100-200 §700-800 2-5 10000 25%

This is special because it will give you money bags, but you cannot plant it for more trees. However, make sure that you keep good care of this plant, if you neglect it, it will burst into flames and create bills that you have to pay. --==Cheese Plant==-Rarity Skill Level Base Value Perfect Value Produce per Harvest Maximum Harvest Chance of Weeds

= = = = = = =

Special 8 §5 §20 2-5 15 25%

This plant is special because you need to complete an opportunity for you to be able to plant regular cheese that you can purchase from the store into this plant, which will grow cheese, that you can improve quality on. --==Eggplant==-Rarity Skill Level Base Value Perfect Value Produce per Harvest Maximum Harvest Chance of Weeds

= = = = = = =

Special 8 §7 §28 2-5 15 25%

This doesn't create normal eggplants, but it is a plant that will give you eggs that you can harvest. This is again obtained through the same opportunity that you will get the Cheese Plant from. --==Burger Patty Plant==-Rarity Skill Level Base Value Perfect Value Produce per Harvest Maximum Harvest Chance of Weeds

= = = = = = =

Special 9 §16 §64 2-5 15 25%

This is obtained through the opportunity that will proceed you reaching level 9 in the gardening skill. This will let you plant a burger patty and a steak into a plant, and harvest those. --==Steak Plant==-Rarity Skill Level Base Value Perfect Value Produce per Harvest Maximum Harvest Chance of Weeds

= = = = = = =

Special 9 §20 §80 2-5 15 25%

Again, same as above, this is where you can plant a steak and you can harvest a steak from the plant. --==Omni-Plant==-Rarity Skill Level Base Value Perfect Value Produce per Harvest

= = = = =

Special 10 §Varies §Varies 2-5

Maximum Harvest Chance of Weeds

= 25 = 15%

This is a very special plant that is obtained through opportunities and from that point, you can order them via mail. This plant will produce what you submit it as fertilizer, you can feed it anything as a fertilizer, and it will grow it for you. However, there are some things you cannot feed it, you cannot feed Death Flowers, seeds, one-use books. For example, you can fertilize the plant with books, and it will produce books for you to sell. Interesting. Have fun with it. How, for the amount of money that you can sell it for. Note that whenever you sell a harvestable at the supermarket, you will get a 10% premium on it, so you get 10% more. Now, for a price guide, the amount of the base value that you get based on the quality of the value. Use the base value of the plant, and you can determine the base value of the plant based on quality. Normal Nice Very Nice Great Excellent Outstanding Perfect

= = = = = = =

100% 110% 150% 200% 250% 300% 400%

Now, onto fertilizer. Fertilizer is used to enhance the quality of the plant, which will, in turn, increase the quality of the harvest. There are three things to look out for, grade, time and the name of the fertilizer. Grade is how much it will improve the plant, time will show how long the plant will be fertilized for from that fertilizer, and the name is the name of the fertilizer. Below is a list of all the fertilizer that you can use. I'll list them by grade, which means that the best fertilizers are at the top, the worst are at the bottom. Grade = 25 Lifefruit = Lasts 6 Days Angelfish = Lasts 4 Days Vampirefish = Lasts 3 Days Grade = 20 Shark = Lasts 4 Days Lobster = Lasts 3 Days Grade = 15 Garlic

= Lasts 6 Days

Steak Bell Pepper Blowfish Piranha Flame Fruit Tragic Clownfish Siamese Catfish Red Herring

= = = = = = = =

Lasts Lasts Lasts Lasts Lasts Lasts Lasts Lasts

4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

Days Days Days Days Days Days Days Days

Grade = 12.5 Black Goldfish = Lasts 3 Days Salmon = Lasts 3 Days Swordfish = Lasts 3 Days Grade = 10 Watermelon Jellyfish Minnow Tuna

= = = =

Lasts Lasts Lasts Lasts

5 4 4 3

Days Days Days Days

Grade = 7.5 Rainbow Trout = Lasts 3 Days Grade = 5 Lime Onion Potato Burger Patty Apple Cheese Tomato Egg Lettuce Alley Catfish Grapes Goldfish Anchovy

= = = = = = = = = = = = =

Lasts Lasts Lasts Lasts Lasts Lasts Lasts Lasts Lasts Lasts Lasts Lasts Lasts

6 6 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3

Days Days Days Days Days Days Days Days Days Days Days Days Days

Instant Death of Plant Deathfish = Lasts 4 Days The type of fertilizer, as in quality, will also effect how long the fertilizer will last. Great, Excellent and Outstanding fertilizer will last for an extra day, whilst Perfect Fertilizer will last for an extra 2 days. The quality will also determine how effective the grade is. Below is a

list of the quality of the fertilizer and how effective it is. 1 will be considered normal, whilst 2 will mean that the fertilizer is twice as effective. Normal Nice Very Nice Great Excellent Outstanding Perfect

= = = = = = =

1 times as effective as Normal Fertilizer 1.1 times as effective as Normal Fertilizer 1.2 times as effective as Normal Fertilizer 1.4 times as effective as Normal Fertilizer 1.6 times as effective as Normal Fertilizer 1.8 times as effective as Normal Fertilizer 2 times as effective as Normal Fertilizer

And that will wrap up gardening. *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* [8.04] Guitar The guitar skill doesn't require too much in terms of indepth, but rather, it is the list of compositions that a person will want to look for. There are 23 known compositions right now, below is a list of all the compositions. The special ones are outlines with how to obtain them, the rest are through level progression. A Love Since Forgotten A Perfect Moment Ballad Of The Runner Dream Escape Flamenco Fever If I Had Two Hearts If You Mean It Improvise Here And Now It Ends Now I Won't, If You Will Kaitlin's Song Keep It Up Keep On Raining Meet Me Downtown My Porch, Anytime One More Dance? One Night On Powell Pa Fights The Bear Rails for Miles So Epic It Hurts The Southern Lady Two Steps At A Time Yes Ma'Am, I Do


Sheet Music Master Track Sheet Music Sheet Music

- Sheet Music - Challenge Reward - Master Track

- Challenge Reward - Master Track - Sheet Music

*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* [8.05] Handiness Handiness is a skill that is quite useful if you want to make sure that your items around the household give more of a boost. Basically, it is toying around with items to make them more useful. This is a skill that, when improved, will allow you more access to newer upgrades, and whilst they do cost a fair bit, and increase your household bills somewhat, but they are exceptionally useful. Why wouldn't you want to

have more channels that you want on the TV? Anyway, note that each item can only have one upgrade at a time, so you cannot have more than that. However, there is another side to upgrading. Sure, you will get a good benefit, but there is a risk that your upgrade can fail and as such, cause some adverse effects. Now, below are the upgrades. Again, a template will be used to talk about them, so follow the template, understand it, and that will help you understand everything that I bother to type. --==Upgrade Time==-Objects Upgraded = These are the objects that can be fitted with this upgrade Level Required = This is the level at Handiness you need to be at to apply this upgrade. Difficulty = This will be how hard it will be to upgrade the object, which means the more difficult it is, the more time it will take. Effect = What this will do to the object, once upgraded Failure = This is what happens if you fail to upgrade the item. And let us begin on zee upgrades. --==Auto Light==-Objects Upgraded Level Required Difficulty Effect Failure

= = = =

Gas Fireplace 7 3 Wrenches The gas fire will automatically turn on when you enter the room. = May cause a fire to break out, setting the fireplace on fire.

--==Auto Water==-Objects Upgraded Level Required Difficulty Effect Failure

= = = =

Sprinkler 4 1 Wrench This will set the sprinkler to automatically water your plants when they are thirsty, or need water. = May cause a bit of watering when it backfires.

--==Boost Channels==-Objects Upgraded Level Required Difficulty Effect Failure

= = = =

Television 7+ (More Unlocked along the way, until Level 10) 5 Wrenches This will give you more TV channels that you can view on your television, which is always good. = You might get electrocuted, which isn't nice.

--==Change Fire Colour==--

Objects Upgraded Level Required Difficulty Effect

Cheap Fireplaces 7 5 Wrenches This is where you can change the colour that a fire burns, simply by choosing what colour you want. = Might set the fireplace on fire, and that isn't nice.


= = = =

--==Custom Doorbell==-Objects Upgraded Level Required Difficulty Effect

Door / Doorbell 3 1 Wrench This changes the doorbell sound to something more to your liking. = It will cause a sound that is rather unpleasant to hear.


= = = =

--==Faster Cooking==-Objects Upgraded Level Required Difficulty Effect

Microwave 6 3 Wrenches This will cause you to have food cooked in the microwave be cooked a lot faster than before. = Might get electrocuted as a result.


= = = =

--==Fireproof==-Objects Upgraded Level Required Difficulty Effect Failure

= = = =

Fireplace, Stove 4 2 Wrenches This will make it so that when you use the fireplace or the stove, it will never set on fire, which is useful. = Well, what could go wrong is that it catches fire and burns up your Sim.

--==Improve Crushing==-Objects Upgraded Level Required Difficulty Effect Failure

= = = =

Trash Compactor 6 3 Wrenches This will increase the amount of trash you can shove into the trash compactor = Might crush a little too much and give a nasty zap.

--==Improve Graphics==-Objects Upgraded Level Required Difficulty Effect

= = = =

Computer 8 4 Wrenches Well, it makes your time playing on the computer that much more enjoyable. I mean, no one likes playing Crysis on low resolutions, but clear up the image, and it's a whole new


ball game. = Might give yourself a bit of a nasty zap.

--==Improve Meal Quality==-Objects Upgraded Level Required Difficulty Effect Failure

= = = =

Stove 6 3 Wrenches This will improve the meal quality of the dishes that you cook on this stove. = Actually, there is no failure here. For once.

--==Improve Memory==-Objects Upgraded Level Required Difficulty Effect Failure

= = = =

Food Replicator 10 5 Wrenches This will improve the memory of the replicator, making them less likely to stuff up, and you get much better and consistant meals. = Might stuff up and cause a little malfunction.

--==Improve Speakers==-Objects Upgraded Level Required Difficulty Effect Failure

= = = =

Stereo 3 1 Wrench This will boost the Enjoying Music moodlet when you are using the speakers by a nice 10 mood points. = Might suffer a nasty zap if you stuff up.

--==Perfect Teleportation==-Objects Upgraded Level Required Difficulty Effect Failure

= = = =

Teleporter 6 3 Wrenches This will increase the chances the teleporter not to stuff up, making it teleport you somewhere nearly perfectly. = Might stuff up and give you a nasty shock.

--==Self-Cleaning==-Objects Upgraded Level Required Difficulty Effect Failure

= = = =

Bathtubs, Showers, Sinks, Stove, Toilet 3 1 Wrench This will make it such that those items will never have to be cleaned again, it will clean itself. = None, though it might cause some repairing

--==Silent Running==--

Objects Upgraded Level Required Difficulty Effect Failure

= = = =

Cheap Dishwasher 3 1 Wrench This will make the dishwasher silent, it will stop making noise when operating, making it quiet. = Might give you a nasty zap. Electric attacks are super effective against water type animals.

--==Unbreakable==-Objects Upgraded = All electronics, All plumbing, Teleporter, Dishwasher, Trash Compactor Level Required = 8 Difficulty = 4 Wrenches Effect = This will make that item unbreakable, so it will never have to be repaired ever again. Failure = Might result in breaking the item instead. --==Wire House with Steakers==-Objects Upgraded Level Required Difficulty Effect


= = = =

Stereo 8 4 Wrenches This will effectively make the stereo blast music throughout the house, giving the moodlet throughout the house, but when it randomly turns on, it will wake the whole house up. = Might result in a zap cannon.

A nice benefit of tinkering with objects is that when you tinker with them, you will have the possibility to accidently give it an upgrade, even those beyond your level. However, by doing this, it is time hungry, and too random for something like this. *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* [8.06] Writing Below is a list of all the writing that you can do in the game, and when you look at it, it is an extremely big list, and they have a fair amount of pre-requisites. Below is a list of all the genres that you can write, the money that you can expect from writing them, and some other notes. Now, for the template that you can follow. --==Genre==-Requirements = What you need to possess in order to write Average Length = The average amount of pages that you need to write to complete the book. Expected Royalties = The Simoleon rating by the game. Average Royalties = The average amount for the published book. This is the amount you will get, on average, more or less. Royalty / Page = This is the average royalties over the average length.

Trait Boost = This is where the trait boost, where some traits will give a boost to writing or monetary boost to writing in this genre. And here we start with the genres. --==Article==-Requirements Average Length Expected Royalties Average Royalties Royalties per Page Trait Boost

= = = = = =

Journalist, Career Level 3 79 Pages § §218 §2.76 None

--==Auto-Biography==-Requirements Average Length Expected Royalties Average Royalties Royalties per Page Trait Boost

= = = = = =

3 Biography Books Written 163 Pages §§§ §813 §2.03 Charismatic, Unlucky, Daredevil, Insane, Kleptomaniac

= = = = = =

Skill Opportunity 163 Pages §§§ §813 §2.03 Charismatic, Unlucky, Daredevil, Insane, Kleptomaniac

= = = = = =

Writing Skill, Level 3, Painting Skill, Level 4 105 Pages § §450 §4.29 Artistic, Childish, Family Oriented

= = = = = =

Writing Skill, Level 3 305 Pages §§ §858 §2.81 Commitment Issues

--==Biography==-Requirements Average Length Expected Royalties Average Royalties Royalties per Page Trait Boost --==Children's==-Requirements Average Length Expected Royalties Average Royalties Royalties per Page Trait Boost --==Drama==-Requirements Average Length Expected Royalties Average Royalties Royalties per Page Trait Boost --==Fantasy==--

Requirements Average Length Expected Royalties Average Royalties Royalties per Page Trait Boost

= = = = = =

3 Sci-Fi Books Written 440 Pages §§§ §1,650 §3.75 None

= = = = = =

Available from Start 90 Pages § §137 §1.53 None

= = = = = =

Writing Skill, Level 6, Elder Age 505 Pages §§§ §1,625 §3.25 Perfectionist

--==Fiction==-Requirements Average Length Expected Royalties Average Royalties Royalties per Page Trait Boost --==Historical==-Requirements Average Length Expected Royalties Average Royalties Royalties per Page Trait Boost --==Humour==-Requirements

= Writing Skill, Level 5, OR Writing Skill, Level 3, with Good Sense of Humour Average Length = 345 Pages Expected Royalties = §§ Average Royalties = §1,388 Royalties per Page = §4.02 Trait Boost = Good Sense of Humour, Inappropriate, Mean Spirited --==Life Story==-Requirements Average Length Expected Royalties Average Royalties Royalties per Page Trait Boost

= = = = = =

Opportunity at Level 10 Jobs for Careers 400 Pages §§§ §2,000 §5.00 None

--==Masterpiece==-Requirements Average Length Expected Royalties Average Royalties Royalties per Page

= = = = =

25 Written Books 2000 Pages §§§§§ §14,625 §7.31

Trait Boost

= None

--==Mystery==-Requirements Average Length Expected Royalties Average Royalties Royalties per Page Trait Boost

= = = = = =

Writing Skill, Level 8 510 Pages §§§ §1,633 §3.26 Genius

--==Non-Fiction==-Requirements Average Length Expected Royalties Average Royalties Royalties per Page Trait Boost

= = = = = =

Available at Start 90 Pages § §137 §1.53 None

--==Political Memoir==-Requirements Average Length Expected Royalties Average Royalties Royalties per Page Trait Boost

= = = = = =

Political Career Opportunity / Life Story for Politics 400 Pages §§§ §2,000 §5.00 None


= Writing Skill, Level 10 OR Writing Skill, Level 6 for those with Hopeless Romantics Average Length = 675 Pages Expected Royalties = §§§§ Average Royalties = §3,725 Royalties per Page = §5.52 Trait Boost = Hopeless Romantic --==Satire==-Requirements Average Length Expected Royalties Average Royalties Royalties per Page Trait Boost

= = = = = =

3 Humour Books Written 350 Pages §§§ §1,900 §5.43 Grumpy, Hot-Headed, Over-Emotional


= Writing Skill, Level 1, OR Available from Start for

Average Length Expected Royalties Average Royalties Royalties per Page Trait Boost

= = = = =

those with Computer Whiz 150 Pages § §325 §2.17 Computer Whiz, Genius


= Writing Skill, Level 2, OR Available from Start for those with Inappropriate Trait Average Length = 190 Pages Expected Royalties = § Average Royalties = §395 Royalties per Page = §2.08 Trait Boost = None --==Vaudeville==-Requirements Average Length Expected Royalties Average Royalties Royalties per Page Trait Boost

= = = = = =

2 Written Drama, Humour, Romance, Sci-Fi Novels 1250 Pages §§§§ §8,050 §6.44 Bookworm

And that wraps up all the genres. Everything else has been completed in the skill section of the guide. *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* [A] Contact Information APPEARS IN g,a,m,e,f,a,q,s.c,o,m always. Remove the commas. Never on that c,h,e,a,t,c,c.c,o,m. Remove the commas. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !Before you Email me, read everything in this Contact Information section and! !check the guide. If the information is already listed, your email will be ! !promptly deleted. ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! E-Mail Me, and for the love of all that isn't sacred, make sure that the title of the game is smacked into place. IF THERE IS NO TITLE ON THE MESSAGE, IT WILL NOT BE READ, AND PROMPTLY DELETED. Also, email with courtesy. If you just hurl abuse, I will promptly hurl more abuse back, and save it so the entire world can abuse you and see your stupidity. When you write the Email, you have to do so in English, and English only. No foreign languages allowed, Chinese, French, Spanish, Antarctic Penguin and so forth, mainly because I won't be able to understand it. There will be absolutely NO INTERNET SPEAK IN ANY EMAILS. Seriously, I will not read emails full of lols, rofls or the like. No lazy English either. I won't read crap like "Hw Tis in Gme" because it is lazy and inconsiderate. But that doesn't mean you send me a business letter detailing what information you

want to know either. Finally, if you see that there is something wrong in this FAQ, or something that you think should be included in it, please send it in, the worse you can do is to have it rejected, but if I think it is a good addition, I'll add it with the next update as well as give you credit for the addition. Corrections are always welcome. I will also NOT RESPOND to the following: * * * * * * * * *

Phishing Sites Attempted Scams Mass Spamming Forward Messages Advertising Technical Issues Illegal Activities Unrelated Emails to the Game Emails about Another Game

All problems with technical issues to do with the gameplay such as bugs and glitches should be sent to the developer or publisher, or look for fixes or ways to avoid it. All technical issues with hardware should be sent to the manufacturer of the piece of hardware in question. The secret email address is: hillsdragon13 [at] [] [dot] [co.m] Now, the legend: [at] [] [dot] [co.m]

= = = =

@ Remove the .'s . Remove the .'s

If you feel generous, you can send money via Paypal to that address. It is completely optional, but I'm curious to see how much I can milk, I mean make out of this. All donations are appreciated, seeing I have to pay for the game this guide is for, and that does cost money, more since I'm faced with the outrageous prices found in Australia. It may be a pain in the ass, but most smart people could figure out the real email address. The problem is that people would normally Ctrl+F to find the email address without reading the relevant guidelines, as well spamming sites which always find their way to my inbox. Also, do not add me to your because you will be blocked invites to be your Facebook because all invites will be

MSN, Yahoo or any other instant messaging system and deleted permanently. Also, I will not accept friend, or join any other social networking site rejected.

*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* [B] Credits The credits section is where all the credits for the guides go. Anyone or anything that remotely helped out with this guide goes here, and that goes

for all those people out there who have interesting information to send in. You know, your name could be on this list as well. CJayC, The Creator of GameFAQs, thanks for all the memories SBAllen for administrating GameFAQs, keep up the good work You, no point of writing if no one is reading Electronic Arts for the distribution of the game Electronic Arts, again for developing the game The Sims 3 Prima Guide for being a source of information ASCGen for their program making ASCII Art Me, for a shameless piece of self promotion *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* [C] Webmaster Information This is where all the sites that this guide can appear on are listed. If the site name is not on this list, that means that either they are accepted by me but not listed, due to logistical reasons (this is the same copyright section as all the other guides, and no point listing a Civ 4 site on a Sims game), or they are not allowed outright. Anyway, POINT OUT ALL SITES NOT LISTED HERE. It will be up to me what site is allowed or disallowed. <Master Copy> NeoSeeker and SuperCheats will have the guides a full day after it appears on GameFAQs. This is because those two sites grab any new update from me from GameFAQs itself, so if you are itching for the newest version, please check first. It will NEVER BE ALLOWED TO APPEAR ON Why? Because they stole some of my works before, and I will not forget that. No amount of goodwill will be able to repair what you have done. *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* [D] Copyright Notice This game is Copyright 2009 Electronic Arts. All Copyrights are held by their rightful owners as well as any Trademarks used. This document is protected by copyright laws in many countries, so please don't steal. This FAQ can be used for personal use, which means you can store a copy on your home PC, your IPod, USB Drive, etc. You cannot use this FAQ to sell for your own financial gain. Doing so is fraud, and I will promptly have all the money gained wired for directly to me. If you do sell it, and you are caught, I will launch court proceedings if necessary. If a website steals this, I will have your site shut down, either through talking to your server, Internet Service Provider, and if you are a big site, through your advertisers. It might start with a small email of request, but I can snowball it. In fact, I will.

You also cannot claim this guide as your own. You are not allowed to use this guide and submit this to another website, claiming it as your own work. I will google search random phrases from my own FAQ just to ensure that it hasn't been stolen or hijacked by other people. I am also not affiliated with any corporation, and I was not paid by any developer, publisher or distributor for the production of this guide. This was done solely out of my own free time and will, a dedication to the video gaming industry in general. This document is Copyright 2009. All Rights do not speak Simlish. This FAQ uses the V2.03 Template. <('.'<)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(>'.'<)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(>'.')> END OF FILE Watch In Awe, Aeria Gloris END OF FILE

The Sims 3: FAQ/Walkthrough by Warfreak Version 1.4, Last Updated 2009-07-17 View/Download Original File Hosted by GameFAQs Return to The Sims 3 (PC) FAQs & Guides

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