Jan & Feb 2009

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  • Words: 1,003
  • Pages: 2
Jeff & Kristina Sims 5606 37th St. Lubbock TX 79407 806-795-9360

Follow the Sims V o l u m e

Special Prayer Requests 

Wisdom in choosing a mission site

Continued & increasing monthly financial support

Healthy baby and delivery

Kristina’s upcoming surgery

Additional Teammates

Upcoming Dates Term 3 Starts


Baby Boy due!


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Bound for Mexico This December we took a survey trip to three possible future sights for a church-plant in Mexico. Our first stop was Cuernavaca. It is known as “the city of the eternal Spring” and it is located just south of Mexico City. Doug and Sandy Holcomb have been working as missionaries there for twelve years and they were able to guide us around town and dream with us about a possible move to join them and their team of three families in Cuernavaca. Next was Aguascalientes. It is a well -planned, young city that

boasts over a million residents and is growing rapidly. We were extremely

Our team with the Holcomb’s in Cuernavaca, Mexico fortunate to find a bilingual guide in Edgar, our hotel bellhop. He is very proud of his city and he showed us the best of everything

Aguascalientes has to offer. It was quite impressive, and it is easy to envision us living and working here as well. We visited San Luis Potosi but quickly determined that none of us felt that it was to be our future home. Our sites are set on Cuernavaca or Aguascalientes and we’ve been praying, talking, and consulting people much more seasoned than ourselves as we make our decision. We believe and trust that God will guide our steps wherever we may go and because of this we have peace in the midst of uncertainty.

Juliana turns 2! 3/21 Graduation Day


Pressing on to the Goal We are looking forward to graduation day with anticipation, but this does not bring an immediate end to our studies in Lubbock. In August, we’ll begin a six month program through S.I.B.I. called the “School of Missions.” During this time we’ll be finalizing our preparations for our move

to Mexico, raising additional support, studying Mexican culture, developing a team strategy, and evaluating team dynamics. We’re looking forward to this time of more concentrated focus on missions, our team, and Mexico. We’ve recently had the opportunity to meet with sev-

eral former missionaries to Mexico . We are asking many questions and taking good notes. We have also been meeting with several families here at Sunset as we look for more teammates, and we anticipate that our move to Mexico will be in early 2010.

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Noah & Juliana The kids had a great Christmas. We started in Longview with Jeff’s family and decorated cookies for Santa. They were so excited on Christmas morning. We had presents under the tree, blew out candles on a big cinnamon roll birthday cake, and sang Happy Birthday to Jesus. Santa Claus brought

Making cookies for Santa

Noah his first bicycle and Juliana a baby carriage. We quickly packed up and headed to Conroe, TX to see Kristina’s family. The kids were surrounded by aunts and uncles and too many presents to count. Even though Mommy and Daddy had to leave for Mexico on the 27th, the kids had a great time

playing with grandparents while they were gone (we think the grandparents had a good time too ). After 10 days of being in Mexico it was so great to walk in to big hugs and kisses. They were really excited to see us again and to be heading home to their own beds.

Baby Boy Coming in March “Sons are a heritage from the LORD, children a reward from him. Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are sons born in one’s youth. Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them. They will not be put to shame when they contend with their enemies in the gate.” Psalms 127:3-5

Kristina and the baby are doing well. All of the ultrasounds and tests have shown a healthy and growing little boy. Praise God! Noah and Juliana are very excited about their new baby brother. We did have to take Kristina to the hospital because of a severe stomach pain that the doctors have diagnosed as gallstones. Because

we are in the third trimester, we will have to wait until the baby is born before they are able to do surgery. Until then, she is trying to ward off any attacks with a low-fat diet. The doctors have said that it is a possibility we may be able to induce labor early so that we can go ahead with the surgery if needed. As Kristina is

only 32 weeks into her pregnancy, we need to make it to February 19th before the baby will be considered full-term. Our official due date is March 18th. Please pray that mom and baby can make it as long as possible and will both have a healthy delivery, surgery, and recovery. We will keep you posted as more is scheduled.

Our New Teammates

Patrick & Brandon’a Garcia

We have found our first teammates! Patrick and Brandon’a Garcia are most recently from Dallas, TX, where Patrick worked for Raytheon and Brandon’a was a Jr. High art teacher. [email protected]

Their daughter, Sophia, is 7 months old. During our time at S.I.B.I., we have worked closely together as Chairs and Vice -chairs of the men’s and women’s programs. In that time the Garcias have become our closest friends at Sunset. We enjoyed our trip to Mex-

ico together, and brings us great joy to be able to call them our teammates. We respect and admire their dedication to the Lord, His church, and the lost. They are in need of additional financial support. Please consider partnering with them in the work of the Gospel.

[email protected]

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