The Significance Of The Seven Feasts

  • July 2020
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Jesus fulfilled the Jewish feasts (appointed times). The seven annual feasts of Israel were spread over seven months of the Jewish calendar, at set times appointed by God. The first four of the seven feasts occur during the springtime (Passover, Unleavened Bread, First Fruits, and Weeks) and they all have already been fulfilled literally on the actual feast days by Christ in the New Testament. The final three holidays (Trumpets, The Day of Atonement, and Tabernacles) occur during the fall, all within a short fifteen-day period. Briefly, here are the prophetic significance of each of the seven Levitical feasts of Israel., 1) Passover (Leviticus 23:5) Pointed to the Messiah as our Passover lamb (1 Corinthians 5:7) whose blood would be shed for our sins. Jesus was crucified on the day of preparation for the Passover at the same hour that the lambs were being slaughtered for the Passover meal that evening., 2) Unleavened Bread (Leviticus 23:6) Pointed to the Messiah's sinless life (as leaven is a picture of sin in the Bible), making Him the perfect sacrifice for our sins. Jesus' body was in the grave during the first days of this feast, like a kernel of wheat planted and waiting to burst forth as the bread of life., 3) First Fruits (Leviticus 23:10) Pointed to the Messiah's resurrection as the first fruits of the righteous. Jesus was resurrected on this very day, which is one of the reasons that Paul refers to him in I Corinthians 15:20 as the "first fruits from the dead.", 4) Weeks or Pentecost (Leviticus 23:16) Occurred fifty days after the beginning of the Feast of Unleavened Bread and pointed to the great harvest of souls and the gift of the Holy Spirit for both Jew and Gentile, who would be brought into the kingdom of God during the Church Age (see Acts 2). The Church was actually established on this day when God poured out His Holy Spirit and 3,000 Jews responded to Peter's great sermon and his first proclamation of the Gospel., 5) Trumpets (Leviticus 23:24) The first of the fall feasts. Many believe this day points to the Rapture of the Church when the Messiah Jesus will appear in the heavens as He comes for His bride, the Church. The Rapture is always associated in Scripture with the blowing of a loud trumpet (I Thessalonians 4:13-18 and I Corinthians 15:52)., 6) Day of Atonement (Leviticus 23:27) Many believe this prophetically points to the day of the Second Coming of Jesus when He will return to earth. That will be the Day of Atonement for the Jewish remnant when they "look upon Him whom they have pierced," repent of their sins, and receive Him as their Messiah (Zechariah 12:10 and Romans 11:1-6, 25-36)., 7) Tabernacles or Booths (Leviticus 23:34) Many scholars believe that this feast day points to the Lord's promise that He will once again “tabernacle” with His people when He returns to reign over all the world (Micah 4:1-7)., The Biblical Calendar, The ancient biblical calendar is identical to the Jewish calendar of these days. The Jewish year has 12 lunar month starting with new moon. This means each month counts 29 or 30 days, which sums up to 354 days a year. To synchronise the calendar with the seasons, an additional month Adar is inserted in leap years (7 times in 19 years)., Hebrew month corresponds days feasts, 1. Nissan March/April 30 14. evening: Passover (Seder meal), 15. - 21.: Feast of unleavened bread, 16. in the morning: Presenting of the Firstfruit, 2. Iyar April/May 29, 3. Sivan May/June 30 6.: Schavuot, 4. Tammuz June/July 29, 5. Av July/August 30, 6. Elul August/September 29, 7. Tishri September/October 30 1.: The feast of trumpets (Rosh Hashana), 10.: Yom Kippur, 15. - 21.: Succoth, 8. Cheshvan October/November 30 or 29, 9. Kislev November/December 30 or 29 25.-, 10. Tevet December/January 29 - 2.: Hanukkah (rededication of the temple)/1. Maccabees + Judith, 11. Schewat Januar/Februar 30, 12. Adar February/March 29 14.: Purim/Esther Below is a list of all major holiday dates for the next five years. All holidays begin at sundown on the date before the date specified here. 5769 5770 5771 5772 5773 Rosh Hashanah 9/30/2008 9/19/2009 9/9/2010 9/29/2011 9/17/2012 Yom Kippur 10/9/2008 9/28/2009 9/18/2010 10/8/2011 9/26/2012 Sukkot 10/14/2008 10/3/2009 9/23/2010 10/13/2011 10/1/2012 Shemini Atzeret 10/21/2008 10/10/2009 9/30/2010 10/20/2011 10/8/2012 Simchat Torah 10/22/2008 10/11/2009 10/1/2010 10/21/2011 10/9/2012

Chanukkah 12/22/2008 12/12/2009 12/2/2010 12/21/2011 12/9/2012 Tu B'Shevat 2/9/2009 1/30/2010 1/20/2011 2/8/2012 1/26/2013 Purim 3/10/2009 2/28/2010 3/20/2011 3/8/2012 2/24/2013 Pesach (Passover) 4/9/2009 3/30/2010 4/19/2011 4/7/2012 3/26/2013 Lag B'Omer 5/12/2009 5/2/2010 5/22/2011 5/10/2012 4/28/2013 Shavu'ot 5/29/2009 5/19/2010 6/8/2011 5/27/2012 5/15/2013 Tisha B'Av 7/30/2009 7/20/2010 8/9/2011 7/28/2012 7/16/2013 As some scholars think the day of Jesus' arrival will be on the Rosh Hashanah. Rosh Hashanah is also known as Yom Teurah. Teruah means “an awakening blast”. A theme associated with Rosh Hashanah is the theme “to awake”. Teruah is also translated as “shout”. Here are dates on which it will occur by the Gregorian calendar: Jewish Year 5769: sunset September 29, 2008 - nightfall October 1, 2008 Jewish Year 5770: sunset September 18, 2009 - nightfall September 20, 2009 Jewish Year 5771: sunset September 8, 2010 - nightfall September 10, 2010 Jewish Year 5772: sunset September 28, 2011 - nightfall September 30, 2011 Jewish Year 5773: sunset September 16, 2012 - nightfall September 18, 2012 “Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality.” (1 Corinthians 15:51-53) “For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep. For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.” (1 Thessalonians 4:15-17) Does anyone know for Certain? No! Yet it would be a benefit to all to know the times and seasons. Christianity has it's roots in Judaic beliefs. We were grafted into the vine by Christ Jesus. Therefore, study to show yourself approved unto God. Do all things in the name of Jesus and for the glory of God.

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