The Sequel

  • November 2019
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SIR, YOU ARE FREE TO BUTCHER THIS ARTICLE (amo na ni ang correct one) -CHRIS

The Sequel Batch 2007 Class Prophecy CHRISTOPHER MALAGAD MILLORA Still uninspired with anything “interesting” “Okay! I’ll try my best. A week from now? to the human mind, I checked out Monday? All right! I promise!” something that has captivated it: the internet. Wow! Is this the new Yahoo! How can’t I? My whole writing career rests Homepage? Well, it’s really cool! Since on this phone call. That was just my editor Jingo Rodriquez, seated as the general asking me to write a human interest story to manager of the site, all the other internet be published in the New York Times next pages were turned obsolete! Thanks to that month. Working with his company has been old classmate of mine, internet became the greatest thing that happened in my more convenient. Let me see. There! Chat! writing life. Since I worked in the United Let’s see who’s here. I waited for the site to States as a nurse, I still continue writing show who’s online, and when it did I stories and anecdotes and try my best to couldn’t believe what I saw. publish them in local newspapers. One of my articles caught Mr. Byron Calame’s eyes, “Hi Chris!” words started appearing on my one of the columnists in the New York Matrix-inspired computer screen. Oh my Times. Since then he has been referring me God! It’s Ace! Ace de la Cruz! Ace de la Cruz to the Editor-in-Chief of the paper, giving is chatting? Since when did he get a social me a chance to publish a good amount of life? First Friendster and now Chatroom? articles. This guy must be really up to something! Enough with my life, and on to my problem: “What the hell am I going to write about?” In these times of utter confusion, I would usually settle at a coffee shop owned by my high school friend Paul French. He calls it the French Taste. Actually its not only a coffee shop that he owns, it’s a whole lot of food chains including a bakery and a restaurant. Paul surely has gone far since graduating Culinary Arts in the states. “One Iced Mocha for Chris” announces the waiter. Just Perfect! I told myself, the perfect potion for unwinding. Taking a guilty sip from the cup, I saw the Times magazine laid alone in the coffee table. I wouldn’t have read it knowing that I work for New York Times, but I just can’t help looking at the cover! Guess what? It’s Michael Medez! On the cover of Times magazine? I was so astonished that my eyes were wider than the cup on my hands. Dr. Medez, a Filipino Doctor, just discovered an all-new medicine to cure cancer. Mixing paracetamol with… Well, well, well, Dr. Medez is certainly making waves out there!

“Oh Hi Ace! How are you! Sang san-o ka pa kabalo mag-chat” (though I’m in New York, I surely can’t forget my Ilonggo words) “Dugay na eh! Wait ha, Ill just reply to my textmate. Just a minute.” Text mate? Okay, Ace is really up to something! “So, Chris, are you available Friday Night?” Oh ya I almost forgot! Ace will be having his album launch Friday night and he wants me to come. After graduating in college, Ace migrated to Switzerland and won the Swiss Idol (something like American Idol) and since then, his career blossomed, and so did his hair! From curly, he turned it super straight. Other details are yet to be seen. “Not yet sure Ace…But I’ll try to come. Don’t want to miss my best friend’s first album launch! I can’t wait Ace. So hows–” Just before I could finish typing, my phone rang. I tried to ignore it but it rang insistently. Then, I answered. “Hel–”

“Hello Chris?”

“Wait a sec” Justine bent down and showed me the paper. “Read his interview”

“Ya…uhmmm…hello…” “It’s a boy!” “Uhmmm….Who’s th–” “It’s Tilos! My wife just gave birth to our little boy! Come here now! I want you all to see the baby. We’re in St. Vincent’s Hospital. Room 310. We’ll be waiting for you!” the proud father mumbled. “Sure thing Tils! I’ll be there in an hour! See you!” ----BEEEP----The guy hung up without even saying goodbye. Well, that’s a good news! I said to myself while typing my last goodbyes to Ace, of course, spilling to him the good news while I finish my latte. I asked for my check and paid for the heavenly drink. Tilos has a son! I still can’t get that off my head. I promised to drop by at Justine’s place to pick up my new phone. Justine has a franchise store of Sony. His addiction to play stations when we were high school turned into his business. The sun was at its peak when I finally arrived at Justine’s store. I grabbed the new phone and told Justine about Tilos’ good news and my recent responsibility. Of course Justine was also full of good news! “Don’t you notice Chris” as Justine started “a lot of our classmates are gracing the papers today.” “Oh really?” I said passively, still amazed with the new phone I got. “Yeah! Just last week in Asian News, the headline was shouting ‘Pinoy Soldier to lead a US Navy group’ and you know who is this referring to?” “Nope” “Ivan!” “Ivan?” “Yes. Ivan.” Justine completed with a smile, knowing that I found his story more interesting than the new phone. “Wow! Ivan!” I repeated in disbelief.

Finally! I am able to lead an army. This has been a long time dream. Ask my high school friends, they were testimonies to how I transformed our classroom chalks to missiles and pencils to M-16. “He sure still has that sense of humor” Justine interrupted. “Not only that, turn the second page” he continued. The headline read “Korean bags Best Player in World Cup” and to my surprise, it was Nick Lee, our Korean buddy back in High School. I learned soccer largely during my high school years. I remember playing soccer with my friends during high school, it was very fun. “Impressive huh?” Justine said, once again interrupting my reading of Nick Lee’s speech. “I’m telling you Chris, soon, our classmates will be everywhere” “I think so Just” I replied with a genuine flash of smile. I then headed on to the mall to get some stuff for the new baby. So, I dropped by Times Square New York. The place has become so innovative as time passed especially now that my former classmate Anthony Saracho seated as the general manager of the place! I checked on my watch and saw that it was 9:45. Well, Visiting Times over at St. Vincent’s until 1:00. So, I took a stroll around the mall, checking out the fancy stores and new restaurants. Right in the left wing, you can see a branch of Cakestop, a famous Filipino-inspired cake store in New York. My classmate Philip Yee has been running this blooming business together with two other properties since he graduated from college. Few steps from the store you can see a big billboard of Franz Magbanua, the latest image model of Lacoste. This classmate of mine has tasted the little pleasures of life aside from being a nurse; he is also a sports enthusiast, concentrating on basketball and soccer. And did you know what’s gracing the bookstores? Well, it’s the famous book of business and sports analyst Bernan Celis entitled, Dribbling your Fortune: A Guide for Entrepreneurs and Athletes. I bought a copy for Tilos, I’m sure he’ll enjoy this book.

You can see, in bright neon lights the pet store and clinic of Vet. Nachito Baylon. I’ve heard, Paris Hilton’s dog has its weekly check-ups there. My old friend Nach is the only veterinarian from our batch. A few more wanders and I decided to eat. And where? Well, to the very popular Tibs Rock Restaurant just across Times Square. The restaurant became so big that its owner, Achiever Adrian Jardeleza was recently dubbed as one of the Top 20 Most Successful Filipinos of the Times Magazine, pretty good for this long-time bachelor. As soon, as I entered the door of Tibs I smelled Philippines. I was greeted by fancyuniformed waiters and was handed a copy of the menu and the December Issue of Times Magazine (where by the way, Top 20 most Successful Filipinos was published). After taking the order, I browsed the magazine and checked who among my classmates made it to the list. The first one I saw, number 13, was journalist Nicolo Pijuan, now an associate editor of the Philippine Daily Inquirer and a freelance psychologist and theater actor at the same time. Number 11 was Ranil John Bunda who is now a professional basketball player and a Math teacher in La Salle, where he graduated with honors. A short view at the stained glass window and I continued my browse with Number 10, Frederick Ng, a car dealer and a franchiser of Toyota Philippines, who recently designed a ground breaking car which encompasses style and functionality. Number 8, of course is my friend Jefferson Magbanua, now an International Lawyer and a professor of the UP Law School. Just enough to make it to the Top 5 was Adrian Jardeleza who’s famous Tibs Rock Special I am currently indulging. The fourth one was Marcelo Cacho. That white man is now an Ambassador to the US and is a colleague of Jeff venturing on law. “His wedding was the best wedding since Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise” says the magazine, referring to number three Danbee Lopez. His wedding was so high-profile yet so solemn. He is a proud owner of several stocks in the Ayala Company and is a proud father of two girls now in Iloilo with their mother. Number two was the mysterious Marc Tiu. He owns a power plant in the Philippines and two other businesses in other countries. A guilty sip from a bottle of Coke and I continued on the one who topped the list. Well, what can I say? The one who topped

the list didn’t venture much outside the country. Patriot Tilos Arcenas was number one. I read on why, “Despite the crisis which struck their milling factory in Roxas City, Panay; Arcenas was able to stand up and brought with him the resurrection of their long-time family business. Arcenas’ story of riches-to-ragsto-riches surely is a great testimony of his well-deserved success.” The pages say it all. Well, I can’t help but be inspired with this guy! Oooopssss! Its 12:00. I have to go. I whispered to myself after paying my bill and giving the waiter a nice-food-you-got-hereand-thank-you-so-much smile, then hopped out of the restaurant. Soon after my brunch, I wanted to purchase new baby clothes for the baby boy. I was about to enter when I was interrupted by another persistent ringing of my phone. I answered Hello. “Hi Chris! This is Julbert! How are you?”, answered the deep voiced man on the other line. “Hi Julbert! Wow! Haven’t heard from you for so long! Kamusta?” “Okay lang. Have you heard?” “OO naman, I’m going nga there now eh!” “Talaga? Ako man!” “O! So I’ll see you there! By the way, I love the album! Tell Mark and Paul” “Sige ah. Chris, kadto ka concert namon ha. Sa ‘Pinas, sa Westbridge. Sa Foundation Day. Kadto ka. Invite Everyone” “Wow! Philippines! Sure! Cge. Just update me with the schedule! See you later, bye!” “Bye” The “Hot Pusit Band” has gone a long way. They have been selling their new album, “Myriad” in the Philippines. Its members are also successful in their chosen careers. Julbert Ian Mejica, drums, is now a registered nurse, and has a music bar somewhere in the Philippines. Mark Alfabeto, the lead guitarist and vocals, is now a high-profile surgeon in the Philippines, following the footsteps of his father. These success stories of my classmates took its toll that day. I never realized how successful they have become. I slotted in my

sim card in my new phone and browsed the few messages that my classmates sent me few weeks ago. If not inviting me to their party, they text me for good news about their career.

and again. And when the door finally swung open I didn’t believe what I saw.

Hi Chris! Carlo ni gali ah! I will be needing your prayers. I will perform my first operation this Sunday. Carlo Cristo Alicaya is now a well-known pediatrician in Iloilo City. He performed his first caesarian operation two weeks ago and has gone very well.

“Abi mo una ka no!? Una ko ya simo!” said Marc Tiu while ushering me inside the room. Few steps from the door were Tilos and her wife. I can’t describe the smile beaming in Tilos’ face while greeting me and telling me, “The baby boy is with the nurse and will be here in a few minutes.”

Ei Fatty! Facky ni! Wehehehe! Grabe nagdako na guid amon duta diri sa Passi. Im planning to build a sugar plant later this year. Kadto ka sa inauguration ha! I can’t stop laughing every time I read this message. I am so glad Facky, Michael Factora, still calls me Fatty. He never forgets the good times.

After a few chit-chatting with Tilos and his buddy Marc while the wife is asleep, the rest of the gang came pouring in. Julbert arrived, looking fit. Franz was there too, Paul, Adrian, Philip and the rest of the Achievers.

Millora! Tope ni! I just passed the bar exam! And who can forget this text from a great friend, Cristopher Ibero. I received this message 3:00 o’ clock in the morning when I was still in Iloilo. Tope, actually Atty. Ibero, is now a lawyer and is affiliated in a law firm owned by his father. Rumors have it that Atty. Ibero will soon inherit the firm and even build another one. There I was. Struggling to go to St. Vincent’s Hospital but a faster car was traveling inside my head: What am I going to write about? I stopped for a while in a nearby church to pray for guidance. I took a prayer card that Fr. Marty Martirez gave me on his ordination day. Marty has become a much loved priest in the Philippines, helping those who really needed his guidance. Wow! Batch 2007 is everywhere! I told myself. It is in these times that I remember Destee Calambro, one of the naughtiest members of our high school batch. And just like an ugly duckling turned into a swan, Destee is now spearheading a charitable institution, D.A.C.S.F (Destee A. Calambro’s Scholarship Foundation) giving full scholarship to deserving high school and elementary students. Despite his towering riches, he still can’t forget those who are financially disabled. Now, THAT, is an interesting story. Speaking of interesting, I can’t wait to see the baby! So, I drove to St. Vincent’s Hospital and after a few minutes, I finally arrived at Room 310. I am filled with so much anticipation. Then, I knocked. My heart is beating sooo fast. I knocked again

“Marc Tiu?” I uttered with my eyes wide open and eyebrows raised.

“Baby’s here” the only voice that everyone heard in a sea of chit-chats and how-do-youdo’s. It was Tilos’ baby and everyone in that room had only one wish. The baby was given to the father, he had the first peek. Slowly, Tilos revealed the baby’s face. Our hearts were pumping like crazy! Our hands clinched tight, our eyes closed. And then, the moment of truth! “Yes! Wala alom sa ilong” shouted one of my classmates in glee and the rest of us laughing hysterically. “Mga buang gid kamo bala no! Abi niyo high school pa ni no! Mayo lang ka yang kagwapuhan ko naman ang namana sang bata ko!” reacted Tilos. “Kagwapuhan man? Sin-o mas gwapo saton sang high school haw? Padamo-damo miga?” retaliated Adrian who soon regained our shouts and laughter. “I miss our high school days guys….and animals” the witty comment of Julbert while looking at me upon the mention of the word animals. “Excuse me Jalbert! Kapila ko na ihambal simo nga indi kamo mag-upod sang ido mo nga si Bogart, you create confusion in this world.” I said. “Hahaha! But really, those times are really good times” said Marc while wiping the tears in his eyes. Yes Marc, it was the good times I said to myself. I thought we have forgotten. Time did pass, but our friendship didn’t. Right then and there, the room was transformed

into our high school classroom, where Nicolo didn’t look like an editor but acted like a comedian, where nobody knew that Ace would have a straight hair, where nobody predicted that Carlo would be slicing stomachs for a living. Back to the place where we smile at our selves, sob at our sorrows, rejoice at our successes, and celebrate our friendship. Yes, time has passed, but I was certain that they have hold on to our friendship, hold on to it tightly. Little time passed and the room was vacated. Each said goodbye to everyone. When it was my time to say my goodbye, I gave Tilos’ a handshake, the wife a tap, and the baby a kiss. The rest of the guys? I gave them a ticket to my first book launching. As I left the hospital, I knew that on my face, was a huge smile and on my heart, a huge fulfillment. “Hey Chris! So? Where’s the human-interest article?” asked Mr. Calame first time I entered his room that Monday morning. I didn’t reply. Instead, I placed a 4-page article on his desk. “The Sequel?” mockingly my editor asked while looking at the title of the article. “What is it all about?” I took a deep breath and began to smile. “Well, let’s just say, it’s about a group of gentlemen, who conquered the world.” ***

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