Breaking Dawn Sequel!

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  • Words: 7,793
  • Pages: 21
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Sequel to Breaking Dawn YET TO BE TITLED!

This story isn’t short, and I hope you don’t think it takes too long to get into, but it does get better and more interesting at the end, so please read all of it! And comment if you want me to write more!! Thank you!! Xoxo

Chapter One – Beautiful Renesmee POV: “Ha ha, I won!” I said as I stopped in front of our cottage. “I guess you did, you’ve become so fast”. I looked up at my father’s face and he was grinning at me as we walked out of the pouring rain and into our small, cosy cottage. “Mom, we`re home” I shouted as I walked into the living room, she always waited for us to come home after our daily races through the forest but today she wasn’t here. I looked up at Edward “Where is she?” “Jake, stop it, that’s so not funny” Bellas voice was loud and slightly muffled by her laughter. We followed the sound to find them stood outside, Bella her covering her face and Jacob stood in front of her flicking water at her from the pond. “Hey mom, hey Jake. Why are you guys outside? Its freezing, im freezing” as I said this I wrapped my arms around my torso and a shiver rippled down my spine. “I can fix that Ness” Jake said as he walked over to me and wrapped his arms around my shivering body. I rested my head against his chest as his overwhelming body warmth heated me up. When I was born, I had a temperature that was hotter than Jacobs, but over the years Ive cooled down. Now ive stopped growing and reached the physical appearance of a fifteen year old, my body temperature is the same as normal humans. This is not good as I live with freezing cold vampires in Forks. “So Ness, what have you done today?” Jacob asked me as we walked to the living room, he had spent the day in La Push with Seth and Leah. I missed him when he was gone, he was my best friend. He and Bella were best friends too, but we had such a tight bond, and we spent most of our free time together. “Went hunting with Emmett, and then I went shopping with Alice to get some more clothes. What about you?”. “Nothing really, just hung out at Seth’s place for a while”. We reached the living room then and found Edward lighting the fire and Bella curled up on the sofa reading. “Jeez Bells, you’re not really reading Wuthering heights again, are you?” “I love this book, shut up”.

Edward laughed at her annoyed tone and sat down next to her on the sofa, picking up the T.V remote and putting on a baseball game. Jacob pulled me to the sofa and I sat down next to him, leaning against his side; I hadn’t realised how tired I was.

Jacob POV: It was eleven o`clock, and Nessie was now asleep, her head resting on my shoulder. She looked so beautiful, her bronze curly hair falling to her waist, her chocolate brown eyes hidden behind her eyelids, her slim body cool against mine. I had always known that she was beautiful, but the feeling running through me now was different, I hadn’t felt this way since...since Bella. I wanted her, I wanted to hold her close and kiss her, and I wanted... Crap! Edward, he was probably listening to every word I was thinking. “I was, and we wanted to tell you that were not angry. We knew the day would come when you felt more than friendship; you imprinted on her.” “Umm, okay” Bella laughed and said “But be careful, okay? She’s still very young” her voice took on a more maternal side now. “Of course. And you might want to carry her to bed, I don’t think she`s gonna wake up”. I left through the back door and ran back home, I needed some sleep.

Edward POV: I picked Nessie up from the sofa, supporting her sleeping body in my arms as I carried her to her room. She was already in her pyjamas so she would be comfortable and I laid her down, pulled her duvet over her and kissed her forehead. I turned around to find Bella stood in the doorway, watching me. I closed Nessies bedroom door and pulled Bella to my chest “Can I help you?” I asked her jokingly. “Nope” she replied simply as she wrapped her arms around my neck. I looked down into her golden-brown eyes “You are absurdly beautiful”. “I could say the same about you”. I reached down and pressed my lips against hers. She sighed in content

and I lifted her into my arms, carrying her to our bedroom.

The sun was rising slowly through the clouds, declaring it morning. I kissed Bellas hair and she reached for me. I pulled her close to me and she snuggled into my chest. We both were lead on our beautiful white bed, underneath the sheets. “So I guess Renesmee has a boyfriend now” she whispered. “Hmm, I guess so. Although she only sees him as a friend at the moment.” “Oh, well, Il speak to her about it later, it’s time to get up.”

Chapter Two - Painting Renesmee POV: I yawned and stretched, turning over to see my clock. Eleven am. I got out of bed and walked into the kitchen -still in my pyjamas- to find Bella writing on a pad and Edward waiting for me with a plate of waffles. “Morning sleepy head, we thought you were never going to wake up”. “I was really tired. Thanks for the waffles” I said as i sat down on the kitchen stool and ate my waffles. “Me and Bella are going out to Seattle today, do you want to come?” he asked me. “Umm, I think Il stay here, Rosalie and Alice want to do my hair” I replied with a small groan. Edward chuckled whilst Bella hopped down from her stool and held his hand. She said to him “Are you ready to go, I have the address here” she looked at the pad in her hand. “Where are you guys going exactly?” I asked her. “To some old bookshops, and then to look for a new car for Jasper”. “Oh okay, well Il see you later” I hugged both of them as they walked out the door and ran to the house.

Alice POV: Nessie walked through the door of my bedroom and Rose immediately pulled her onto my bed. “So Ness, we were thinking that we straighten your hair, I mean, it’s been curly ever since you were born” Rosalie chatted. “Sounds good”. We knew she liked us playing around with her hair, it was when it came to clothes and make-up she threw a fit, she was just like Bella.

We pulled the straightners through her long curls until her hair was perfectly straight. “Whoa, my hair is really long” Nessie said. “Its only because its straight, but we`ll cut it anyway” Rose replied as she cut her hair. It now hung halfway between her face and her waist, and she had a cute side fringe now aswel. Nessie was pulling her fingers through her long, straight hair “I love it” she said. “Good. I can`t wait for your prom, me and Alice are going to give you a makeover”. “Slow down Rose, I haven’t even started high school yet” she replied with a sigh. “But you will soon, just wait”.

As me, Nessie and Rose walked down the stairs we heard Jacob joking with Emmett about last night’s baseball game. “Hey wolf” I said with a smile and I stood next to Jasper, reaching up to kiss his neck. “Hey shortie” he replied. “Whoa, Ness, Look at your hair! I love it” he said to her as he twirled a strand of her straight her around his finger. She blushed, I had never seen her blush to Jacob before, and I wondered why she did it now? Maybe she was finally feeling more than friendship for Jacob. I had this thought at the same time Esme did and we both looked at one another with big smiles on our faces. “Fancy a race Ness?” he asked her. “NO! You can’t go outside, it’s raining, your hair will just go curly again” I complained to them. “Alice, its Forks, it’s always raining, but c’mon Jake, I wanna show you something” she said to him as she tugged on his arm and walked downstairs to the basement. “What are they doing in the basement? There`s nothing down there” I asked Esme. “Im not sure, Il ask them later”.

Jacob POV: As Nessie walked down the stairs to the basement, I wondered why she was bringing me down here. She pointed to the back of the basement and covering the back wall was a painting of the forests of Forks. The green and grey paints had splashed

life across the painting, and the sky was perfect, raining, of course. It was amazing, the most beautiful painting I had ever seen. “Ness, did you paint this?” I asked her, I couldn’t believe it. “Uh huh, I`ve been working on it for a while and I wanted you to see it first. What dyo think?” her voice was a bit shaky, did she think I wouldn’t like it? How could I not? “Nessie, this is amazing, you have to show Esme, and your Mom and Dad”. All of sudden she wrapped her arms around me and hugged me, her head against my chest, her beautiful hair straight against her back. Then I reminded myself that to her, this was just a friend gesture. Stupid Jacob, of course she only thought of you as a friend. Too quickly she pulled away “Thanks Jake”. She ran back up the stairs, I was close behind her.

Chapter Three – Scream Bella POV: It was dark, the sun had disappeared and the clouds hid the moonlight, and as me, Edward and Renesmee walked through the door to our little house, all I could think of was how proud I was of my daughter. She was beautiful, intelligent, funny, kind. And she had created the most beautiful piece of artwork I had ever seen in my life. I smiled at my thoughts. “What you smiling at Mom?” Nessie asked me. I ruffled her hair and replied “I was just thinking how my first pancake turned out so good”. “Ha ha, im a pancake, that’s a new one” she laughed. Edward suddenly picked Nessie up and ran to our bedroom, he set her down on her feet as I sat on the bed and watched them. “Have I ever taught you how to fight, Ness?” Edward asked her playfully as he sunk down into a low crouch. “You don’t need to teach me, I already know how to fight” she replied quickly as she grabbed Edwards foot and pulled, he hit the floor with an audible thud and I laughed. “I guess Emmett already showed you?” he asked her as her sat next to me on our bed, pulling me into his lap. “Yep, so I can kick your butt any day” she laughed. “You could try. Anyway, it’s late Ness”. “What? Im not tired” she moaned. “Its midnight, you need some sleep, don’t become a stroppy teenager on us now” he laughed at her. She rolled her eyes, she looked so much like Edward when she did that,

“Fine, night guys” she said as she shut our bedroom door and walked to her room.

Renesmee POV: As I was climbing into my comfy bed I heard a loud tap on my window. I jumped and ran to the door, ready to make a quick exit. “Nessie let me in!” I heard Jacobs voice coming from outside. I ran to the window and pushed it up. He climbed through my window and laughed. “Well, I think that for my first attempt at breaking into your bedroom, I did a pretty good job” he told me. “Jacob, it’s not a break in if I open the window for you. And why did you come here so late?” I said to him as I climbed back into my bed and pulled the duvet across me. He sat down at my feet and fiddled with the sequins on my blanket. “I thought you might be cold in here, its freezing outside”. “Of course im cold, come here” I said to him as I reached for his hand and pulled him down next to me. Even through the duvet, I felt instantly warmer. I rested my head against his shoulder and sighed. He would never like me more than just a friend? How could he? I was nothing special, a weird human vampire girl. I snuggled closer to him under the duvet, greedily soaking up the heat that was coming of his body. I quickly fell asleep against his chest but my peaceful slumber was interrupted. Images of Aro and Demetri flashed through my mind, I hadn’t seen them since the near-battle in the clearing years ago, but now they were reaching for me. Their blood red eyes staring at me in the face. Aro stepped towards me and he flipped my hair behind my neck, he inclined his head towards me and his teeth slowly sunk into my neck... I screamed so loudly that Jacob woke up, he grabbed my shoulders and shook me gently. “Nessie, what’s wrong? Nessie?!” he said to me as I cried. Edward and Bella burst through me bedroom door. Jacob got off my bed and stood next to Bella whilst Edward ran straight to me. He sat next to me and held one of my hands, his other hand was cupped around my cheek. “Renesmee, what’s wrong, what happened?” Edwards voice was panicked as Jacob said “I think she had a nightmare. I was in here keeping her warm, and then she started screaming”. “He...He...” I couldn’t find the right words to describe my nightmare. “Daddy” I said as I started to cry again, the tears pouring down my cheeks.

Edward pulled me into his lap and he wrapped his arms around my shaking form as I rested my head against his shoulder, the sobs still breaking free from my chest. “Sshh Nessie, Sshh, it’s okay, im here, you’re safe” Edwards velvet voice soothed be back to sleep as he rocked me back and forth. “Bella, why don’t you go tell the everyone what happened, im sure they heard Nessies screams, and Jacob, can you run a circle around here and the house, just to check?”. “Sure thing, then Il go tell Sam, just so he can keep an eye on things” Jacob replied as he ran back out the front door. Bella lent towards me and kissed my cheek “Its okay Ness, we won`t let anything happen to you, I promise” She then stood up, squeezed Edwards hand and ran to the house. I was nearly asleep in Edwards arms as he laid me down on my bed, pulling my blanket over me and humming a song to me than soon had me completely asleep.

Bella POV: As I walked into the house, Carlisle said to me “What happened, we heard Nessie scream, is everything okay?”. Everyone was in the big white living room; waiting for my answer. “Im not really sure, Jacob was with her and he said he thought she had a nightmare. She woke up screaming and started crying. She didn’t say anything though, and she was nearly asleep just before I left. Jakes running a perimeter around here and La Push, and Edward is with her now” I explained to them. “Bring her over here tomorrow morning” Carlisle said. “Of course, I don’t know what happened but she looked so scared” I said. “I can’t see anything happening to her, or any of us, so we`re safe” Alice said as she skipped forward and kissed my cheek. “Thanks Alice” I replied as I sat on the white sofa with Esme and waited out the rest of the evening.

Chapter Four - Fright Edward POV:

Me and Nessie ran to the house, it was raining and the morning sun was hidden behind the clouds. She didn’t say anything, her eyes squinting as she looked for the house. As we walked in the living room, everyone’s eyes were on Nessies face. “What happened?” Jacob said to her as he took her hand and pulled her onto the sofa in-between him and Alice. She rested her head on Alices shoulder and looked up at everyone. “It was a nightmare, I think. I was in this dark room, like a chamber. Aro was there, and Demetri too, they were staring at me and whispering to each other. Aro, he... he bit me” she shuddered and curled her legs up onto the sofa. “It was so real, I could feel the pain I swear, and I felt like I really was there” she whispered. Jacob stroked her curly hair and then pulled his hand away so quickly that I almost missed the movement. He gasped so loudly everyone looked at him. “What? What is it?” Nessie shouted at him. “Nessie, your neck, there’s a bite mark” he replied. Me and Bella were next to them in a second. Jacob lifted up a strand of her hair and there was visibly a crescent shape mark on the left side of her neck. Bella rolled up the sleeve of her sweater and stroked her own bite mark that James had given her over 10 years ago. “What? How is that even possible? It was just a dream, right?” Nessie looked up at Bella, her eyes full of fright. “That is definitely a bite mark, but I don’t know how that’s possible, you’ve never even been attacked” Carlisle said as he examined the bite mark. Nessie turned her face into Jacobs chest and started to cry, he pulled her onto his lap and cradled her gently “Its okay Nessie” he whispered in her ear.

Alice POV: “Alice, search, what can you see?” Edward asked me. “Nothing that I shouldn’t. I can see...Nessies birthday party... and Jacob” I smiled; I could see him kiss her, and I forgot that Edward could see what I saw. “Please Alice, Im a Father, those kinds of images weird me out now”. I laughed and punched his arm. Nessie walked in with Jasper, he looked at me and I smiled. “Alice, Rose wants you, she`s in the kitchen” Nessie said to me, I kissed Jaspers cheek and ran downstairs.

Chapter Five - Close Renesmee POV: “Dad, I don’t know what to do” I said to him as we walked downstairs with Jasper. “Nessie, don’t worry about it, Alice said there’s nothing to worry about, trust her” Jasper said to me as he stroked my arm. Everyone was trying their best to calm me down, but how could I be calm? I had a vampire bite mark on my neck when I hadn’t been bitten, I had a nightmare about being bitten, and I was scared to sleep in case I got `bitten’ again. “Nessie, let’s go home, you need some sleep; it’s been a long day” Bella said as she took Edwards hand. “Okay, night everyone” I said as we left the big white house. We walked through the front door and I headed for my bedroom. I felt Edwards hand on my shoulder “If you need us, were just down the hall” he told me. “Thanks Dad” I smiled weakly and walked into my room. I took a quick shower to calm me down and changed into my pyjama shorts and a baggy white top. I snuggled down under my duvet and closed my eyes when I heard “Ness, open the window”. I climbed out of my bed and opened the window. Jacob climbed through and said to me “Put on a jumper, and some shoes, I want to show you something”. “O...kay?” I replied, but it sounded more like a question. I went to my closet and pulled on a dark purple hoodie and some brown UGG boots. “C’mon, it`s just by those hills” Jacob pointed to the hills on the other side of Forks. They would be covered by snow; it was the middle of March. He walked behind a tree and then re-appeared as a giant wolf. He started running towards the hills, but after ten minutes of running my legs were burning. I was only wearing my shorts and my legs were freezing. And the running was helping either. “Jake” I called to him and he stopped instantly and went behind a tree. “What’s wrong Ness? We`re nearly there, it’s just two minutes more running” he said to me as he pulled on a light grey shirt. “I can’t run anymore, my legs are freezing” I said to him, and before I could blink he had scooped me up into his arms and my legs were pressed

against his warm body. “Better?” he asked. “Much”. He ran us up the hill and stopped in a small, open space. The ground was perfectly white, topped with snow. The trees were white with snow, their branches heavy with the weight. A few snowflakes started to fall to the ground. “Jake, this place, its beautiful” I said to him. “Dyo like it? I found it the other day, and I thought it would be even prettier covered in snow”. “It’s the prettiest thing in the whole world” I said, my voice full of wonder. “Not quite the prettiest” he said softly as he stared deep into my brown eyes. He put one of his hands on my waist and gently pulled me closer to him. My body was right up against his, why was he doing this? Did he like me more than a friend? More than just a little girl? He put his other hand under my chin and tilted my face up towards his. No! This kind of thing only happened in fairy tales. My life was pretty perfect, but could I really be a princess? He bent his head slowly towards mine and my eyes closed. I could feel his hot breath caressing my face like feathers. Our lips were so close, nearly touching. My heart was beating hard against my chest, so loud I think the entire forest could have heard it. Our lips were just about to touch when there was a crash of lightning. My eyes snapped open and I jumped away from him. “Whoa, Ness c’mon, it’s lightning, we have to go!” I didn’t have time to respond as Jake scooped my up into his arms and ran me back to the cottage. The lightning was everywhere, crashing down so quickly the thunder didn’t have time to make a sound. “Jake, this is Forks, why is there lightning?” I spoke into his ears he ran. “I don’t know Ness, something’s not right; I can feel it” he pulled me tighter to his chest as he responded.

Chapter Six – Violent Jacob POV: We arrived back at the cottage in a matter of minutes. Ness was curled up against my chest as I carried her; I could tell she was scared. There was so much lightning, it wasn`t normal, and in Forks?

Bella and Edward were stood in the doorway. “Nessie!” Bella called as she ran over to us. I put Nessie down and she ran to Bella. I followed quickly and Edward shut the door behind us. “Jacob, what were you thinking? Taking Renesmee into the forests at night?” Edward sounded seriously pissed, I was in trouble. “Dad, we only went to the hills, its not like we left the country. You should be mad at me; I didn’t have to go with him” Renesmee said to Edward. “Fine, we don’t care. What’s going on outside?” Bella cut in, her voice was panicked. Edward wrapped his arm around her waist and kissed the top of her head. “Im not sure, I don’t want to go to the house, in case i get hit” he replied. “Errm, Dad, aren’t you kind of immortal?” Nessie questioned him. “Yes, but it would still hurt” he added with a slight chuckle. All of us jumped when Bellas phone started ringing in her pocket, she flipped it open and pressed it to her ear. Of course we could all hear the conversation-apart from Ness-but she told us everything anyway. “Alice said the storm will stop in one minute, they’re going to come over” she told us. Nessie walked away from us as we continued talking and slumped onto the sofa. I heard her sigh and wanted to comfort her, but I knew Edward would just freak out. “Its fine” Edward said. Wow, the Vamp`s becoming a big soft marshmallow. He smiled. “Ness, are you okay?” I asked her as I stroked her curly hair. She was spread out across the sofa, turned over so I couldn’t see her beautiful face. “No” she mumbled into the cushion. I pulled her up and looked at her. She looked really pale, paler than a vampire. She swayed slightly and her eyes closed, I pulled her onto my lap. “Ness, what’s wrong?” she didn’t reply, she just breathed heavily and kept her eyes closed. Her head lolled onto my shoulder. “Bells” I shouted as I shook Nessie gently. She ran over to me quickly and knelt on the floor. She took Nessies face in her hands. “Nessie, what’s wrong? Open your eyes” she whispered. Ness started panting, she twitched in my arms and I looked at Bella in panic. Just then, Alice, Jasper, Rosalie, Esme, Emmett and Carlisle walked through the door, followed by Edward.

“Carlisle, what`s wrong with her?” Bella spoke to him. Nessie started to jerk around violently, and I wrapped my arms even tighter around her. “Jacob, put her down” He patted the carpet and I put her twitching body on the floor. “Emmett, Jasper, Hold her down” Carlisle instructed them. They secured her arms and legs to the ground, but she still jerked around. “Whoa, our little girl is stronger than we thought” Emmett said as he clasped his hands more securely around her legs. “No..No...Please No. It`s me you want” Nessie yelled. We all looked at each other in confusion and panic. “No, Don’t hurt my family, you only want me, don’t hurt my family, don’t hurt my family”. She stopped moving and lay limply on the floor. Carlisle pulled her up and supported her torso against his chest. She was still, her breathing was at its normal pace, and her eyelids fluttered. Bella wrapped her arms around my waist and leaned into me. I kissed her hair. “Renesmee, open your eyes, you`re safe now” Carlisle said to her as he stroked her face. Her eyes fluttered open “Carlisle?” her voice was barely a whisper. She turned into him and started to cry. Edward walked over to them and knelt down. He scooped Nessie up into his arms and walked over to me and Bella. Bella kissed Nessies cheek, wiping away just a few of the tears that were pouring relentlessly down her cheeks. “What happened to her? What did you hear?” Bella asked him, too quiet for Nessie to hear with her human ears. “I couldn’t hear anything, someone was keeping me out” he replied. He passed Nessie over to me, she was still crying. And she looked exhausted. Edward heard my thoughts “Take her to her room, and stay with her please; we`re going to the house and I don’t want her to be alone”. I nodded and walked out of the room.

Chapter Seven – First Kiss I laid her down on her bed, pulling her UGG boots off. I pulled the duvet over her and she snuggled down underneath it. She shivered, so I climbed onto her massive bed and lay next to her, on top of the duvet. She curled into me and I wrapped my arms around her delicate body.

My beautiful Nessie, what had scared her so much? I pulled her tighter against my body. We had been in her room for nearly three hours and she was fast asleep. I wasn’t tired at all, and I didn’t want to sleep anyway. I was sat up, watching her. She moaned and rolled over to face me. She was still asleep, but she started to breath quicker. I could hear her heartbeat getting quicker. Another nightmare. “Nessie, Wake up” I shook her gently and she suddenly sat up. “Jake?” she whispered. “Im right here baby” I replied as she crawled into my lap and rested her head against my chest. I kissed her forehead and sighed. I had been so close to kissing her, I wanted to kiss her more than anything in the world. I wanted to tell her that I would never leave her, that I would love her every single day for the rest of time.

Renesmee POV: Jacob was holding me on my bed. I was tucked into his warm embrace and my fingers traced patterns across his arm. “Ness, are you warm enough?” I heard Jacobs rough voice in my ear, his hot breath tickling my cheeks. I turned my face up to look at him, and his face was closer than I thought. His eyes were staring down into mine and his arms tightened around me.

Jacob POV: Her perfect face was so close to mine. I tucked a strand of her curly hair behind her ear and stared into her chocolate eyes. I had to kiss her. There were no vampires in the cottage, just me, and her. She twisted in my arms so that she was facing me. I placed a hand on her soft cheek, and inclined my head towards hers. Her eyes closed and so did mine. I had been waiting for this moment for so long; our first kiss. I pressed my lips against hers and I could feel the electricity charging through us. I continued to kiss her for a short moment, our lips moving together perfectly. Too soon our lips parted and she traced her hand along my bare chest, resting there at my stomach. Our breaths were quick and uneven.

“I love you Renesmee” I whispered into her ear as I pulled her back into my lap and kissed her neck. “I love you, too” she replied simply. And she lay back down onto her bed again. I pulled her tight to my chest. We soon fell asleep. The beautiful girl was dreamless in my arms.

Chapter Eight – Shock Bella POV: “What happened” Edward asked. He was beside me, his arm wrapped around my waist. “I don’t know, Alice? Can you see anything?” Carlisle asked her anxiously. I shifted my weight, my poor daughter. What was wrong with her? Edward noticed my distress and kissed my cheek. And for once, it didn’t calm me down. Alice gasped; we all looked up at her. Then Edward gasped, he was looking into her mind. Seeing what she saw. “The Volturi, all of them, coming again” Alice whispered. Jasper took hold of her tiny frame “Alice, search, what’s going to happen?” She closed her eyes and concentrated “The Volturi, all of them, they want Nessie, they want to make her one of them, they want to take her away” she whispered to us. I slipped out of Edwards arms and sank to the floor. Tearless sobs broke free from my chest as I managed to say “Why?” “They probably want her gift, right? I mean, they won`t kill her, she`s too special” Emmett replied. He was right, everybody knew he was right. “But we can fight them” He added. “We can try, maybe we stand a chance”. Carlisle replied. “Do they want any of us?” Rosalie question whilst looking at Alice. “I don’t think so, I can only see them coming for Ness” Alice replied. Then her face went dead, bone white. Her whole body shook and her eyes filled with pain. “NO” Edward roared. He grabbed Alice by the shoulders, picking her up off the floor. He put her down just as quickly and said “Alice, please tell me that’s not true”. "Its decided Edward, she will try to fight Aro, and he will kill her” her voice was barely a whisper. Everyone gasped. “Who, who will die Alice, tell us. We won’t let it happen, we are all

experienced fighters and we can stop it” Carlisle said, even his voice was shaken at the idea of losing a loved one. “Yes, we are all experienced fighters. All except one” she replied. They all turned to look at me. I was the only Cullen that had never been in a fight. “Bella” Edward whispered. I froze in shock and grabbed at Edwards arm. He pulled me tight against his chest and said “I will never let it happen, never, never...” he pulled me even tighter against him and kissed my hair. “We will fight, I don’t care if you say we can’t win” Emmett said. “I agree” Jasper joined in. Everyone nodded, including Edward. I hid my face in Edwards’s chest and he scooped me up into his arms. “Were going home, we`ll speak tomorrow”.

Chapter Nine – White Flash Renesmee POV: The day passed in such a blur, It felt like my mind was in fast-forward. I sat down on the sofa at put my head in my hands. My mother was going to die, and all because of me. The Volturi wanted to take me, and Bella was going to die trying to stop them. I would just let them take me, I could not let her die for me. “Nessie, nothing is going to happen to Bella. She won’t have to fight for you because they’re not even going to be anywhere near you or Bella.” Edward tried to reassure me. “Trust him” Alice whispered in my ear. “Why can’t I just go to them? Let them take me. It will stop you guys getting hurt” I said. “Renesmee, how can you say that?” Edward replied. “Because all of this trouble is because of me, and my family is in danger because of me...everything is my fault...I should...I have to...” I started to cry, the sobs breaking free from my chest. Edward pulled me onto his lap and tucked my head under his chin. “You don’t have to do anything. I will do everything in my power to keep our family safe. Promise me that you won`t do anything you shouldn’t” he said to me with a serious tone to his velvet voice. “I promise”. “Thank you” he replied as he kissed my forehead.

He and Bella left to go hunting, and I walked to the kitchen, looking for a drink. I picked up a can of Coke and took a sip. “Hello Nessie” the voice came from behind me. “Hey Carlisle, what`s up?” I asked him as I put the can back in the fridge. He put his fingers against my forehead “Are you feeling ok? You look a little faint”. “Just really tired, but I don’t know why, I slept as much as I usually do last night”. “Hmm, why don’t you sleep for a while, il walk you back to the cottage” he suggested. No-one wanted me to be alone, especially at night. I smiled, and we ran back to the cottage. “Do you know why...they want me?” I asked my Grandfather as we walked through the front door of our cottage. “I think you should ask your parents that question. Your father has sworn me to secrecy” he chuckled, but I frowned. “Don’t worry about anything Nessie. Now go get some sleep, il be in the other room if you need me” he kissed my forehead. I took a quick shower and changed into some cotton shorts and a loose top. I walked over to my window and opened it, letting the nights cold air whip against my face. I saw a flash of white in the woods, and leaned out of my window to get a better look. The wind whipped against my cheeks again, making me shiver. The white flash appeared again amongst the trees, but I couldn’t see what it was. Then I saw it, the shape became clearer as my weaker eyes adjusted to the darkness. A tall, pale man looking right at me. Aro. “CARLISLE” I screamed as I ran to the living room. He was suddenly in front of me, his hands on my shoulders. “What is it?” he asked his voice quick with panic. “I think...I think I saw Aro, outside” I whispered as I turned around and pointed to my bedroom. Emmett and Jasper suddenly burst through the living room door, followed by Sam, Jared and Paul. “We saw them passing through La Push beaches a while ago, and we came straight here. They`re all outside now, just stood in a line. Not moving. All of them, all the Volturi” Sam spoke in his deep voice. “Should we go outside, or stay inside?” Emmett asked.

“Stay inside, Jared, check the windows. Jasper, call everyone, and the rest of the pack. Tell them to come here immediately” Carlisle instructed as I held his hand. Just then, Alice, Esme, Rosalie, Bella, Edward and the rest of the wolves burst through the door. Edward locked it behind him. Bella took my face in her hands “Are you okay?” she asked me. “Im fine, I promise” I replied. Everyone gathered together in a circle, talking. I stood away from them, staring into the warm flames from the fireplace. My fingers were shaking from fear, my eyes wide. Just then I felt a hot hand on my shoulder and turned around to see Jacob. He was staring into my eyes, looking for something. “Are you okay?” he asked me. “I wish everyone would stop asking me that, im fine; you should be more concerned about the vampires waiting to kill us outside”. He bent down slightly, so he was closer to my height, and spoke into my curly hair. “They will never touch you, or any of us. Trust me”. “I do” I replied. He pressed his forehead against mine and my heart skipped a beat.

Bella POV: I turned around to see Jacob and Nessie talking, heads close together, fingers linked. I smiled, but then remembered a much worse memory. “Wait, guys stop” I shouted towards the others. They all stopped and looked at me. “Alice saw me die, right? But there are more of us than them. We have nearly fifteen people on our side. They have, who? Aro, Demetri, Jane, Alec, Caius, Marcus and Felix. Surely we can win a fight, Edward? “I would think so, you will have to shield us though, Carlisle, what now?” he said as he kissed my long brown hair. “Nessie, come here” Carlisle spoke. She walked over to us, Jacob not far behind her. “What is it?” “We need you to come with us, outside, they need...”he started to say, but Jacob cut him off. “You`ve got to be kidding me, she’s not going anywhere near those filthy leeches”. “She has to; she might be the only one they will talk to”. “I trust you Carlisle, but if anything happens to her...” he couldn’t finish his sentence. His whole frame was shaking, his fists against his forehead.

I stood in front of him and put my hands on either side of his face “Calm down, its fine Jake, they won`t get anywhere near her” he stared into my chocolate and gold eyes, and soon only his hands were shaking.

Jacob POV: “Im gonna go change quick” Nessies beautiful voice filled my ears, stopping the shaking immediately. “Jake, come with me” she reached for my hand and towed me towards her room, shutting the door behind her. She turned towards me and I wrapped my arms around her waist, picking her body up off the floor, hugging her securely to my chest. I put her down, and bent down to kiss her. She wrapped her arms around my neck. I pressed my lips against hers, and her lips parted. I could feel her cool breath in my mouth, and pulled her tight against me again. Her fingers knotted in my hair and she kissed me back, her lips moving perfectly against mine. Her arms moved back down to her side, and she pulled away from me. She walked to her wardrobe and pulled out a pair of black jeans and Converse. 30 seconds later she re-appeared. Looking beautiful, just like always. She took my hand, weaving her fingers through mine as we walked back over to the others.

Chapter Ten - Gift Edward POV: “Come on, let’s go” I said as I took my Bellas hand. “What do we do? What do we say?” I asked Edward, anxious now. He was sure we were going to win – if a fight did break out – but everyone was next to their companions. “You don’t have to say anything, just shield us, can you do that?”. “Of course. I love you” I whispered. “I love you” he replied, kissing me softly for a moment. We walked outside to see them stood in a loose arrow formation. Aro at the front, behind him were Caius and Marcus, behind them were Jane and Alec, and then Felix and Demetri. Aro`s greedy red eyes zoomed in on Renesmee, he whispered “So

beautiful”. Out the corner of my eyes, I saw Nessie cringe into Jacobs’s side, she was so scared.

Bella POV: I felt Jane`s attacks hit my shields, but they didn’t get through. I was shielding everyone. “Keep trying Jane” I laughed. “Aro” I heard Carlisle greet him, his voice calm but harsh “What can we do for you?” “We mean your family no harm, old friend, but we notice that your dear granddaughter is fully grown. I would like to speak to her, if you don’t mind”. We were all stood in a loose line, with Renesmee and Jake on my left. I saw her squeeze his hand and then let go as she walked forward. Jacob shuddered, and I pressed my hand against his back to remind him to stay calm. Nessie moved gracefully towards Aro, and she stopped about 2 metres away from him. “Ahh Renesmee, how you`ve grown! Do you remember me?”. “Of course I do” she replied politely, but I could hear her voice shake slightly. “You look just like your parents. Your mother’s eyes, your father’s hair. But of course, you have your mothers human eyes, not that you would know what they looked like”. “I do know what they looked like” she replied. “And how is that?” he added with a grin, he knew something we didn’t. “I...I can read people’s minds, sort of. When I touch people, I can take the memories from their head and look at them. I learnt to do it myself”. She could do what? I didn’t know she could do that. I looked up at Edward, he looked just as confused as me. “By the look on your parent’s faces, they don’t know you could do that. Do you hide things from them?” he was trying to wind her up. “I didn’t tell them, kind of invades their privacy. But I only look at the things that I want to see, like what Bella used to be like when she was human. Or how you tried to kill her in Volterra” she snapped. I didn’t expect her to get angry. I sent Jasper a meaningful look, telling him to calm her down. But it didn’t seem to work. “You`ve got a bit of a temper, don’t you young one? Just like your father. Are you ever mad at your father? He once tried to kill your boyfriend, and your mother, actually”. “You don’t know a thing about my father” she hissed.

I looked at Jasper again, but he shrugged. Confused. “Oh, I know everything about him. You’re like him in many ways, but your gift is more special than his”. “My gift is mine” she hissed again. She was getting angry; she could see where Aro was trying to take their conversation. She now looked more like a Vampire than she ever had before. “But why not share such a wonderful talent? Why don’t you join us? We can teach you how to use your gift properly, and we will welcome you into our family lovingly”. “Im a Cullen, Im staying here”. “But why not change? We Volturi can offer you so much more. Please join us” Aro`s voice was harsher now. It was no longer an offer, it was a demand. “No”. “Join us. Your refusal would be unwise”. “No” she repeated. Her tiny body sunk down into a crouch. I felt Jacob shiver. Aro took a step towards her, his face fierce. I shook of Edwards restraining hand and put myself in front of her “Stay away from her” I ordered. “Dearest Bella, you haven’t changed much. Step back, and no one will get hurt”. “Touch my daughter, and someone will” I snarled. Aro clicked his fingers, and pain hit my body like nothing I had ever felt before. I crumpled to the ground and screamed out, my shield breaking down. Edward threw himself at Aro, and Jacob phased, launching himself at Jane. But suddenly, everyone was still. Alec`s new gift. But me and Renesmee were fine. “Please, Please don’t hurt me” she sobbed as Aro stroked her cheek. I pulled her behind my body and threw my hand at Aro’s chest, launching him across the field. Everyone unfroze as Alec ran to Aro, they were back to us in a second. We stood in a tight line. Jane was suddenly next to Renesmee, her chalky hands around her neck. Renesmee reached for my hand, but it was too late. I looked forward to see them stood back in their arrow formation, but with Renesmee next to Jane. She was struggling to get free as they ghosted away into the forest. “ARO” I screamed. He turned to look at me.

“Take me. Don’t take her, take me”. “Goodbye, young friends” Aro laughed.

If you want me to write more, COMMENT! So i know if it’s good enough to write more!!

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