The Leap Sequel

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 821
  • Pages: 3
The Big Leap Louise successfully escaped the clutches of her once normal abode, which is now the town's center of attention. As Louise and her mother climbed out of the net and once the fire was extinguished, one of the volunteers had escorted them to an old barn, with fully functional facilities and running electricity. “Are you two alright?” asked the volunteer, “I'm fine but my mother has some burns on her arm and back” responded Louise. “May I get your name” asked Anna, “Yes, I am Teresa Wilkinson, mind if I get some supplies, we need to treat those burns!”. As Teresa exited the barn, Louise and Anna were finally calming down and soon after both fell asleep. They awoke in the morning by a siren. They've never heard that siren before, they didn't know what to expect. Anna ventured out into the cold morning in search of Teresa, they seemed to be in the middle of a field, but she could hear faint chatter in the distance. Anna returned, confused and heard a sound of a jet plane flying over, it sounded like it was inches from the barn. Anna and Louise were getting some more clothes on and noticed Teresa in the corner of the barn, rocking in a chair and sewing. Teresa looked up, bug eyed, she said “They're coming.” Startled, Louise and her mother collected the supplies that were given to them and quickly left the barn. They started trekking north towards a village 3 miles away, knowing that they'd be leaving everything behind, but they couldn't stay here, something was pulling them in, the other direction. As they were approaching the village they both felt a sudden urge to stop, as if there was a force stopping them from all movement, they were motionless. They heard a siren once more, and a cracking sound, emitting from a triangular aircraft breaking the sound barrier. There was the sound of people talking, no words could be picked out, it was just noise. Overwhelmed, Louise started to cry, she knew something was happening, the sounds were a sign.

Both were starting to experience tunnel vision and they could now move, but they could not feel the ground beneath their feet. They felt cold and the wind began to get stronger. They could hear a metal door sliding open and they were now standing on a solid surface, the door closed. They were gaining vision back and they were in a metallic foyer. They ran to the nearest window, they were in some kind of aircraft, they could see their old house still glowing with ashes. “Whatever we're in, it's been masking our town, I couldn't see our town when I went out this morning”, said Anna. They heard footsteps and they ran and hid in the ruts in the side of a near hallway. They saw a man-like figure walk by, equipped with an arsenal consisting of a rifle, 2 pistols, and a glowing knife, holstered by a unique utility-belt. Anna, sneaked behind the figure, executed a picture perfect round-house kick to the back of the figures head, knocking it out, and taking its weapons. She came back to Louis and handed her a pistol and the rifle, “Shoot everyone you see Louise”. “Let's go!” screamed Anna, and they both ran down the hallway, guns drawn. They were shooting every figure they saw as EMP-grenades were exploding all around them and they were picking up ammunition as they navigated the advanced gridlike system of hallways. They came to a room full of computer like machines and consoles. Anna knew this could be the way out. She again knocked out the guard and used its hand to bypass the thumb-pad recognition security. She walked up to a monitor and tried to understand the language, it was quite similar to the English alphabet, and picked out the word “Self-Destruct” she punched a big red button and the craft started shaking and alarms were going off. Soon after, more figures started running to the control room, Louise and Anna hiding behind consoles, were picking off any that made their way in, once it was clear they ran back to the foyer, on a wall, there was a timer, it read “20 seconds”, “we got to get out of here!” screamed Anna, the foyer was starting to crack in half and Louise was still catching up. Just as the time Anna made a leap to save her

daughter, Louise leaps and grabs onto the newly created edge of the foyer and her pulls her self up and they jump out land on top of an inn and the ship explodes, but no debris falls and everything is back to normal, they see everyone watching as the mother and daughter reach the ground. They all celebrate and one year later, their home is rebuilt and its just like nothing has happened at all.

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