The Seduction Principle

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  • November 2019
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  • Pages: 10

Copyright, 2007 Jaj Publications

Copyright © 2007 J.A. Jeanty – Jaj Publications

About The Author : Jacquelyn A. Jeanty has worked as an in-home counselor with couples and families for ten years. She is the author of "Easy Lovin’" - A Relationship Repair Primer. Visit : for more info on dating and relationships, or email at: mailto:[email protected].

Copyright © 2007 J.A. Jeanty – Jaj Publications

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Copyright © 2007 J.A. Jeanty – Jaj Publications

...manage your relationship the way you used to...

“Easy Lovin For Couples In Crisis” -A Relationship Repair Primer-

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See how falling in love all over again isn't hard at all. Redirect the heat in the anger into affection and caring. How to keep them thinking about you all the time ...just like it used to be. Re-experience the affection and passion you both know Feel loved again ...and make sure they feel it too. And Much More...

Click Here to read more.....

Copyright © 2007 J.A. Jeanty – Jaj Publications


1. What is the purpose of seduction? 2. Where is your power center? 3. What is the most powerful means of attraction you possess? 4. How do I create the "mystey" in his/her mind? 5. How do I get my words to follow my eyes?

Copyright © 2007 J.A. Jeanty – Jaj Publications

1. What is the purpose of seduction?

Seduction's purpose is magnetism -drawing the target to you. It's an energy that you create through your presence. Attraction ...a glow, a fever, a pull. It's a mental dance that uses the essence of your energy to draw a target to you. But why do we seduce? Why do we bother? The human animal loves drama -we love suspense. We love mystery. These are the flavors of life that tantalize our mental, emotional and physical existence. Seduction allows us to interact on what is called a sensual plane, or level, when in actuality it's the energy realm where all this takes place. When we seduce we flow and float through this realm like spirits in spaces. Through one pointed look of the eyes, we can seize his or her attention. This is power. Through one soft gaze we can say "things" that can never be put in words. Through one felt glance, we can lead ...and he or she can follow. This is the purpose of seduction.

Copyright © 2007 J.A. Jeanty – Jaj Publications

2. Where is your power center?

When you think of him or her -when you daydream, when fantasizewhere does the feeling start? Where does the glow begin? Is it in your chest? In your throat? In your stomach? In you groin? In your mind? The need -the yearning you feel for this person- where does it begin? It's a sweltering of sorts, isn't it? A sort of dip in your energy field, like a valley where it's warm, and lush, and alive. Is it a crush? Is it an obsession? Is it love? Get acquainted with the "feel" of this feeling, and where it resides in your body. This is the place you will be drawing from when face to face with him, or her. The energy of this feeling is where seduction begins. Consider this place your power center for seduction. This is the place from which your attraction will emanate. So many of us underestimate the power of our individual energy -our Essence- to do our bidding in the world around us. It can be fierce, it can be soft, it can be rough, it can loving. And it can seduce.... Identify where your yearning lives in your body. This is seduction's power center. Feel its energy -without thinking. Get to know it, and it'll work for you when you need it to.

Copyright © 2007 J.A. Jeanty – Jaj Publications

3. What is the most powerful means of attraction you possess?

Here's a hint : they are the mirrors to your soul. Your eyes are the most powerful means of attraction you possess. Behind any set of eyes you look into lies a world of thoughts, and dreams and passions. And these same things lie behind your eyes. As humans, we have an amazing ability to convey messages with our eyes. All we have to do is think about something -something sad, or happy, or something that makes us mad- and if we're not trying to hide it, it wil show in our eyes. This is where seduction's power center comes into play. If you can establish a direct link -energy link, conscious link, whatever you want to call it- between your eyes and your power center, your seduction instinct will take over all on its own. It's the mind -thoughts, fears, expectations- that spoil the flow. Without the mind's interference, any two sets of eyes can meet and communicate all on their own. A flow will take shape -a connection. Sometimes it's called electricity. The skin starts to feel taunt, sensitive. Hearing and smell become more acute. It's a buzz, a trance. These are clear signs that your power center is sitting right behind your eyes, which is exactly where you want it to be when you're face to face with him, or her. And when that flow is there, whatever needs to be said will be said. It doesn't matter who says what first. The eyes -the souls- are communicating at this point. The flow will take over on its own.

Copyright © 2007 J.A. Jeanty – Jaj Publications

4. How do I create the "mystey" in his/her mind?

A big part of seduction is about mystery, is about the "mysterious". By mixing just enough boldness with just enough shyness, you become "mysterious". Again -it's all in the eyes. Have you ever had the experience of looking so deeply into another's eyes that you feared you could get lost inside them? And so, you look away to regroup, to regain your composure. If and when that happens, stay with it for one beat longer than you can stand - then look away. If the eyes you're looking into are even the least bit interested, they will want that eye contact again ...and again. Few of us will reject pure affection from someone that holds our interest. This is the power of the eyes. Once you look away, the mystery becomes his, or hers to explore. Your boldness is conveyed in how you send your eyes "into" theirs. Your shyness comes into play when he, or she, starts to return the favor. The mystery has begun. It can be a beautiful, exciting, tantalizing experience when started. Time seems to stop. The world around you disappears. The energy around the two of you is all there is.

Copyright © 2007 J.A. Jeanty – Jaj Publications

5. How do I get my words to follow my eyes?

"But what do I say?" "How do I not sound stupid?" "How do I not sound desperate?" The beauty of the principle of seduction is the energy that takes over when allowed to do so. There are no roles to play, or scripts to say. The seduction exchange rather unfolds in flow, naturally. Once the eyes and the smile come to life, the words merely become part of the flow. The focus in this process is the energy; the energy created through eye contact. Thoughts and words tend to go whereever our focus lies. Through intentionally looking deep into his, or her eyes, your thoughts will be drawn to what lies inside those eyes. And once your eyes touch the energy inside their eyes, the words will come. Guaranteed. The Seduction Principle is all about the eyes ...our mirrors to the soul, indeed.

Copyright © 2007 J.A. Jeanty – Jaj Publications

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