Seduction Mortel

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 2,518
  • Pages: 5
Séduction Mortel [Deadly Seduction] by GoldFox Remy is copyright to ‘X-Men: Evolution’. French [English Translation] xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx He blinked his eyes wearily. Where was he? He was in a room, that much he was certain of. There was one door, and a light bulb hung from the ceiling. There were no windows. Leaning possessively by the door was a young man. He couldn’t have been more than 19 or so, and he couldn’t help but notice that the teen was slim and trim and sexy. His hair was a brown color with a hint of red, making it like copper. He had a little goatee of the same color. The teen noticed he was awake and grinned, saying smoothly, “Salut petit… Common ça vas? Bien, j’espère.” [Hi, little one… How’s it going? Well, I hope.] The kid stared. The guy was speaking some other language and he didn’t know it. But the teen’s voice was very smooth and suave and it was kinda nice to listen to. “Where am I?” he asked. Maybe once the guy realized he spoke English, he would switch languages and they could talk. But the teen came forwards swiftly and kneeled in front of him, holding out a hand. He wore fingerless black gloves and as one touched his lips, he felt an odd sense of calm wash through him. But then he saw the guy’s eyes and he felt fear rush through his veins. They were red and black, deep and piercing and hypnotizing. The teen spoke again and he felt his body relaxing. “Shhh… Ne t’inquiète pas… Ça va ce vite s’passe…” [Shhh… Don’t worry… It’ll be quick…] He shook his head, moving away from the teen’s finger, asking, “What? What’s going on?” The teen chuckled and stood up, saying, “Qu’est-ce qui passe? Mon dîner!” [What’s happening? My dinner!] That’s when things got weird. The next thing he knew, he was staring up at the guy, who was somehow a giant. Primal fear made him bolt, but he was caught in the warm hand, stuck in a firm but gentle grip. He struggled, but then was lifted up to the guy’s face. The hand opened and he sat in the huge palm, the red and black eyes calming his racing heart. After a while, he asked, “What happened? Why are you big?” The teen didn’t answer him and just whispered, “Parfait…” [Perfect…] and closed his fist. The fear came back and the kid tried to kick, shouting, “Hey, let me go!” But the guy frowned and squeezed, growling softly, “Arrêt de bouger.” [Stop moving.]

The kid didn’t know what he was asking, but he stopped moving as the pressure on his chest grew painful and dangerous. He stopped after a while and they just stared at each other, the guy grinning broadly, his teeth blatantly visible. After a time, the kid’s fear wore off and he barked, “Let me go, you freak!” The teen licked his lips and then said, “Je n’aime pas tes vêtements.” [I don’t like your clothes.] and began to pluck at his clothes, ripping the cloth easily as he stripped him naked. The kid of course fought like crazy, shouting, “What the hell are you doing? Put me back to normal! And gimme back my clothes! NOW!” But the teen ignored him and tossed the torn cloth away, licking his lips yet again. It was making the kid nervous, seeing the guy’s tongue flitting out of his mouth. Suddenly, the other guy’s hand came up and pinned him to the warm cloth. He struggled, but the finger was pushing firmly on his gut, keeping him still. The guy leaned close and the huge eyes were only a couple feet away. They burned deep into him and he found himself relaxing again against his will. But then the eyes rose up and all he saw were the red lips, which parted and the tongue slipped out, swiping wetly across his chest. He woke from his trance, shouting in indignation as he struggled to push the wet muscle away, but got licked right in the face. The teen withdrew and moaned, “Tu es délicieux…” [You’re delicious…] “Stop it! Put me down, you fu*ker!” he shouted angrily, but only got licked again. The tongue was warm and wet, and reminded him of a towel; kinda rough, but very nice-feeling. As his ‘bath’ continued, he found himself protesting less and less. The guy was being very careful with him, lapping gently at his body, as if scared he would hurt him. He wriggled in a half-hearted effort of escape as the wet tongue slipped down and wrapped easily around a leg, drawing up into the warm mouth, where it was eagerly, yet carefully, suckled. “Tu sais… Bientôt, je te mettrai dans ma bouche et je t’avalerai…” [You know… Soon, I’ll put you in my mouth and swallow you…] the giant purred, nuzzling his body carefully. He didn’t mind anymore. So far, the guy hadn’t tried to hurt him, and if he said he hadn’t enjoyed his ‘bath’, he’d have been lying. The teen’s voice rumbled through his body and it was wonderful to listen too, even if he didn’t understand what he was saying. “Ça va être doux et doucement. Je te promis…” [It’ll be soft and easy. I promise…] the guy crooned, and he opened his eyes, staring into the ruby and onyx depths, smiling weakly. This wasn’t so bad. If the guy just wanted to lick him, that was perfectly fine with him. Surely nothing bad could happen, right? “Tu glisseras dans ma gorge… Comme un bonbon.” [You’ll slide down my throat… Like candy…] Yeah… He relaxed, tipping his head back, allowing the hot tongue to lick delicately at his chest, following up his body to lap under his chin, at his neck. “Je meurs de faim…” [I’m starving…]

the giant whispered, his soft, breathy voice vibrating through his body, soothing and relaxing him. He willingly lay flat on the warm palm, sighing. He’d be just fine… He hummed softly to himself as the wet tongue laved over his chest again, coating him with slimy spit, but he didn’t care. It was warm and undeniably pleasant. He noticed that the giant was sitting down now, back braced against the wall, smiling at him. He smiled back, unsure of what was going on, but not complaining. The teen nuzzled him again, this time with a fingertip, and he rubbed into the caress like an animal, loving the attention and the gentle touching. The guy was talking again, his voice soft and soothing and it filled his head, making him feel sleepy and calm and cool. “J’ai rein mangé aujourd’hui. Mon estomac est vide. Tout vide. Mais pas pour longtemps. Dans quelque minute, j’aurai toi dans mon ventre. Tout près et chaud.” [I haven’t eaten today. My stomach’s empty. Completely empty. But not for long. In a couple minutes, I’ll have you in my belly. All close and warm.] He started to lick at him again and he moaned in pleasure as the warm muscle adjusted to every curve of his body, warming him wonderfully. He smiled. This was heaven! The guy was cradling him gently and he didn’t have to hold him down anymore. In fact, when the giant withdrew to lick his lips, he actually rolled over, looking over his shoulder as the red and black eyes widened in surprise. He smiled broadly and nodded, lying his head down. The teen obviously understood because he had to stifle a moan as the warm tongue began at his feet and slid up his body, working into every curve of his body and making him feel like he’d die from happiness. The teen pressed his lips to his back, kissing him, and then began to speak. He felt the lips moving against his slippery skin, felt the guy’s goatee tickling the backs of his thighs, felt the deep vibrating sounds as the teen’s voice rumbled from deep in his chest. “Tu es le mien maintenant. Je suis ton Dieu. Je t’avalerai et tu vas être le mien…” [You are mine now. I am your God. I’ll swallow you and you’ll be mine…] He felt the tip of the powerful tongue lap at the back of his head and he giggled as the warm spit trickled through his hair, warm and thick. “Tu es sucré et j’adore las gâteries…” [You’re sweet and I adore treats…] As long as the guy kept talking, everything would be fine. Suddenly the warm tongue withdrew and he found himself slipping backwards. He tried to look, but moaned aloud as his legs, up to his knees, were enveloped in warmth, making him want to melt. He made himself look. The teen had his legs in his mouth, and his ruby and onyx eyes were closed as he suckled gently, humming his pleasure, the vibrations thrumming in his bones. Fear and uncertainty tried to surface, but he surrendered to the wonderful feeling and actually shimmed backwards, pushing his thighs between the warm lips. He heard a soft chuckle that surrounded him and smiled sleepily as the thick tongue began to massage at his thighs and legs, warm and wet. He stiffened slightly when the tip slide out under him, rubbing against his personal area, but then relaxed as it slid up, like a living mattress, under his chest. It was SO

warm and soft… He grinned and didn’t resist as he was gently lifted off the gloved palm and carried back into the warm red cavern. As soon as he was inside, the lips closed, sealing him in warm darkness. He felt the muscle twitch under him and heard a slightly slurred, “Mon Dieu… Je suis au paradis.” [My God… I’m in Heaven.] He wriggled in the darkness, calling out weakly, “Don’t know what you just said, dude, but I feel like I’m in Heaven!” There was another chuckle and the tongue flexed again, this time gently pressing him to the smooth palate. He was held in place as the tongue ran all over him, laving him again with wetter saliva, making his motions slippery and clumsy. Idly, he wondered how he would explain to his roommate how he got all wet, but right now, he didn’t care. All he cared about was the caring attention of this foreign giant. But suddenly he felt himself shifted backwards and his feet hit against the back of the giant’s mouth. He tried to wriggle forwards, grinning weakly as he said, “Hey… Easy there, buddy. I’m fine with you sucking on me, but that could have been bad.” but then his eyes grew wide in the darkness as he felt himself purposefully pushed backwards. His fear, long since held under wraps, exploded now, making him sweat as he realized his situation anew. He was in a mouth. A MOUTH! That meant, to all purposes, he was FOOD! And what do you do with food? That’s why the teen had taken his clothes off! Cloth would scratch at his throat and it wasn’t very easy to digest! He began to struggle as he was pushed backwards, now understanding the teen’s intentions. But thanks to his earlier nonresistance, he was slick and slippery and slid backwards with almost no friction. With a cry, his feet slid into a tight, hot space and he wriggled madly, screaming for mercy as the thick tongue, so warm and soothing a minute ago, pushed him deeper with unquestionable strength. He tried to push himself free, but his slippery hands just slid down next to his hips, trapped against him in the hot, lethal tunnel. He began to cry, praying for help from anyone, when he heard a loud gulp. He gave one last cry as he was quickly sucked into the giant’s throat, tight and hot and wet. He felt the powerful muscles crushing him, forcing him downwards, down to the teen’s growling gut, and though he struggled, he knew it was useless. Remy let out a moan as the kid finally plopped into his stomach and began to thrash around, seeking escape. He tipped his head back and let out a loud, “M*rde que ca fais du bon!” [Sh*t that feels good!] and placed a hand on his stomach, rubbing his meal as he murred to himself, murmuring softly, “Fantastique…” He grinned as the poor kid tried to hurt him by punching the hot, slick walls around him. He felt them all right, but it just made him arch his back in pleasure. “Ouais… Bouges comme ça… Plus fort…” [Yeah… Keep moving like that… Harder…] he gasped, rubbing harder at himself, feeling his prey obey unwillingly. He then relaxed a little bit,

patting his belly as he chuckled at the renewed indignant struggles, all but purring, “Je sais que c’étais pas aussi confortable pour toi, petit, mais j’adorai!” [I know it wasn’t as comfortable for you, little one, but I loved it!] His voice seemed to spark new life in the doomed kid and he let himself lie flat on his back as the kid began to move around violently, kicking and struggling deliciously. “Je vais mourir…” [I’m gonna die…] the Cajun moaned, but then giggled, realizing the irony. After a time, Remy finally stood up, but then leaned on the wall, one hand on his stomach as his motions made the kid start struggling again. He grinned. The kid would stay alive for about two more hours until the antacids wore off, and then the struggles would slowly degrade to nothing. Remy squeezed his eyes shut as the kid tried to punch him again and only succeeded in tickling him. God, he loved the feisty ones! Remy licked his lips again, swallowing the saliva still gathering as a result of the kid’s taste lingering in his mouth. At this sudden ‘shower’, the kid started moving with even more vigor and Remy swore he could hear the bare whispers of him shouting and screaming his head off. Remy grinned, thinking that next time he would bring a stethoscope. He grinned as he walked out of the warehouse, his special room hidden behind a sheet of well-placed plywood. He walked slowly, savoring the flavor lingering on his taste buds and the struggles within his chest. But two hours passed too soon, and he felt the struggles increase drastically as the kid’s feet began to burn from acids seeping from the hot walls. Remy gasped and leaned against a tree, breathing hard as the struggles flooded his mind with pleasure. They kept up for about twenty minutes until Remy felt his stomach clench. The struggles were weaker after that, and as his body began to resume its natural process of digestion, the Cajun listened to the soft gurgling with sinful joy. The struggles soon faded to nothing and he grinned, rubbing gently at his flat stomach as he began to walk again, saying softly to himself, “Il y’a rein mieux que la nourriture qui résister jusqu’à la fin…” [There’s nothing better than food that resists to the end…] FIN

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