The Quran As A Cure

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  • Words: 829
  • Pages: 3
T H E Q U R ' AA N A S A C U R E > ******** >> > >And We reveal of the Quran > >that which is a healing > >and a mercy for the believers. > >[Surah al-Isra (17) Ayah 82] >> > >There has come unto you an exhortation from your > Lord, > >a healing for that, which is in your breasts, > >a guidance and mercy for the believers. > >[Surah Yunus (10) Ayah 57] >> > >It is guidance and a healing for those who believe. > >[Surah Fussilat (41) Ayah 44] >> > >But remind (them) of it (the Quran) > >lest a person be given up to destruction (tubsala) > >for that which he has earned > >[Surah al-An'am (6) Ayah 70] >> > >The Messenger (sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) used > to > >supplicate, "Make the Quran the nurturer (rabee') > of > >our hearts and the light of our chests." > >[Ahmad, Abu Ya'la, At-Tabarani] > >Rabee' means the rain that falls and nourishes the > plants. >> > >Do they not earnestly seek to understand the Quran > >or have they locked up their hearts? > >[Surah Muhammad (47) Ayah 24] >> > >Ibn al-Qayyim said, "The keys to the life of the > heart lie > >in reflecting upon the Quran, being humble before > Allah in > >secret, and leaving sins." > >[Haadi al Arwaah ilaa Bilaad al-Afraah] >> > >Ibn Abbas said, "Indeed good actions are a light in > the heart, > >a strengthening for the body, a glow on the face, a > cause for > >extensive provisions and love in the hearts of the > creation. > >Indeed bad actions are a darkness in the heart, a > blackness

> >on the face, a weakness for the body, a cause for > decrease in > >provisions and hatred in the hearts of the > creation." > >[Ibn Qayyim in "al-Jawaab al-Kaafi"] >> > >Abdullah ibn al-Mubarak said, "I see that sins > deaden the > >heart and doing so continuously will produce > despicableness. > >Abandoning sins is the life of the heart and > rebelling against > >it (the sins) is better for yourself. Has anything > destroyed > >the Deen except kings, evil scholars and evil > monks?" > >[Ibn Abi-l-'Izz in "Sharh > ul-'Aqeedatut-Tahaaweeyah"] >> > >Ibn Taymiyyah in his book "Kitaab ar-Radd 'alaal> >Mantiqeeyeen" said, "A section of the people of > Kalam and > >reason reject many things that (al Ghazzali) has > said, and > >think that devotion and purification of the heart > does not > >contribute to knowledge. They are certainly wrong. > The truth > >is that piety and purification of the heart are > some of the > >greatest means of acquiring knowledge. One has to > abide by > >the Quran and the Sunnah, in knowledge and action. > No one > >can know that transcendental reality directly by > himself, > >independent of the agency of prophethood. No one > can dispense > >with what the prophet has communicated concerning > matters of > >reality. The word of the prophet is > self-authenticating and > >the kashf or the opinion of anyone cannot rule on > it." >> > >In "Al Fataawa" he says, "Those who say ilhaam does > not count > >at all are wrong. Those that think it is an > approved way of > >knowing are also wrong. When the saalik after

> taking all the > >clear arguments of the Shari'ah into consideration > fails to > >come to a judgement, his ilhaam may be an argument > for him, > >provided he is pious and has right motives. At > times kashf > >is a stronger argument than a far-fetched qiyas > (analogy), > >unsound hadith, weak opinion and istishaab, on > which the > >followers of a fiqh school so much rely." >> > >The Messenger (sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) said, > >"Righteousness is good character and sin is > whatever is > >uneasy in your soul which you would dislike people > to > >discover." [Muslim] >> > >The Messenger (sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) said, > >"He whose good deeds please him and his bad deeds > gives > >him grief, then he is a believer." [Ahmad, > At-Tirmidhi] >> > >Wabisah ibn Ma'bad said that once he came to the > Messenger > >(sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) and before he could > speak > >the prophet asked, "Have you come to ask about > righteousness?" > >When Wabisah replied in the affirmative he said, > "Consult your > >heart. Righteousness is that about which your heart > and soul > >is at ease, while sin is about that which your soul > is uneasy > >and your heart hesitant, even though people have > given you > >their legal verdicts about it time and time again." > >[Musnad Ahmad]

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