The Quiet Time Teaching

  • October 2019
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The Quiet Time “The Inner Person” *Why spend time alone with Jesus? A. To know Him Matt. 22:37 – Love God with all… Hosea 6:6 – I don’t want your sacrifices, I want your love. I don’t want your offerings, I want you to know Me. B. To fulfill His Desires Song of Solomon 2:14Ps. 27:8 – My heart has heard you say come and talk with Me. O My people. And my heart responds, Lord I am coming. C. To Become Like Him 2 Cor.3:18- (To be “unveiled” and go from one degree of glory to another). Romans 8:29 - …He predestined us to be conformed to the image of His son. D. To follow examples of other who spent time with Him Romans 15:4 1. Moses A. Ex.33:11- (Face to face as man with a friend). B. Ex.34:2- “(Be ready in the morning)” 2. David A. Ps.143:8 – Let me hear your loving kindness in the morning; for I trust in You. Teach me the way in which I should walk. For to thee I lift my soul. B. Ps. 17:153. Paul A. Phil. 3:10 – To know Him (in every way POSSIBLE!) 4. Mary A. Luke 10:42 – ( Knew being at Jesus’ is what would last). 5. Jesus A. Mark 1:35 – He arose early in the morning… *What should I do when I spend time with Jesus? A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

The Word of God (Bible) 1 Peter 2:2 (“Milk” makes us grow). Hebrews 4:12 (Discerns truth). Ps.119:9, &11 (Victory over sin). 1 Tim.3:15 (Instructs us). John 15:5 (Fruitfulness).

*Jesus said, “He who has an ear to hear let him hear 15x’s!

B. Prayer 1. Phil. 4:6-7 - (Have no anxiety and His peace). 2. Is.26:3 - (Perfect peace when mind is on Him). 3. Ps.116:2 – I love the Lord because He hears and answers my prayers, because He bends down and listens. I will pray as long as I have breath. Why should we pray? 1. John 16:24 2. 1 Peter 5:7 3. Ps.139:23-24 4. Ps.32:1, 2, & 5 5. Luke 18:1 6. Ez.22:30

(Joy) (Peace) (Conviction) (Cleansing) (Command) (Intercession)

*How do I discipline myself to have a quiet time? 1. Time A. Ps. 5:3 – In the morning you hear my voice. B. 1 Peter 3:3-4 – Inner “beauty” is in the heart. C. Prov. 8:34 – Being blessed is to watch for Him. 2. A Place A. Matthew 6:6 – (“Prayer Closet)” 3. A Plan A. Prov.16:9 – (We should make plans…counting on God to direct us). 1. Reading Plan for the Word Ex1: Seven Minutes With God Ex2: The One Year Bible Reading Plan Ex3: ?’s to ask after reading: A. Is there a promise to claim? (1Peter 1:4) B. Is there a prayer to pray? ( Prov.2:3) C. Is there a command to obey? (John 14:21) D. Is there a sin to confess? (1 John 1:9) E. Is there a new thought about God? (Ps.119:18) F. Is there a verse to memorize? (Ps.119:9, & 11) 2. A Prayer Plan Ex1: Adoration “A” A. Ps.86:11-13 – (Every fiber of being…). B. Heb.13:15- Praise…the fruit of lips that acknowledge His name.

Ex2 Confession “C” A. Ps.139:23-24 – to agree with God. (About your sin). B. Gal. 5:22 – (Ask God to fill you with the Spirit and tell Him you want to abide in Him through the day). Ex.3: Thanksgiving “T” A. James 1:17 – Thank you, O Lord… Ex.4: Supplication “S” A. 1 Timothy 2:1 – Urge supplication to be made for all. B. Eph.1:16-19 – (Remember others everyday in prayer). *What are the distractions? 1.Lack of self discipline -Prov.13:4- The soul of the diligent is richly supplied. 2, Sleep – Prov.6:9 – …How long will you lie there you sluggard…when will you get up?... 3. Wrong Priorities – Matthew 6:33 – Seek 1st His Kingdom. 4. Sin – Ps.66:18 – 5. Lack of desire – Jer.15:16- Your words…a joy and the delight of my heart.

“The Outer Person” 1Cor.6:19-20 – (Your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit…and every part of you should give glory to God and be taken care of). 1.Ways to take care of the temple of God A. Health – 1 Tim.4:7-8 – discipline yourself for the purposes of godliness. B. Clothes – Romans 12:1-2 – “Don’t let the world squeeze you into its mold.” (Ph. Tr.) C. Personality – Luke11:36 – If you are filled with life within, with no dark corners, than the outside will be radiant too, as if a floodlight is beamed on you. ***The Point of the Quiet Time is to become Christ-like!!! 2 Cor.3:18 – “For we all with an unveiled face beholding His glory, are being changed into His image from one degree of glory to another.”

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