The Promise - September 2009

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SEPTEMBER 2009 “In the Church are found all our blessings, our hopes and expectations, our peace, our joy, together with cleansing and sanctification. It is there that the truth of the future resurrection, of the victory over death is so often announced. Who that lives a blessed life would not love the Church with all his heart! Everything that is best, most exalted, most precious, holy, wise, and blessed is found in the Church.”





A Message from our Pastor.....................2




News & Notes..........................................5 Stewardship: A Way of Life....................6 Lunch Discussion.....................................7


Scenes From The Summer....................10


Sunday School .......................................17




Love & Worship....................................14

Thank You.............................................21 2010 Parish Directory............................24 Ministry Opportunity.............................25 September Calendar..............................28 PAGE 1


PASTORAL MESSAGE The summer has come to an end, but regardless of the season the ups and downs of life continue. Sometimes things are quiet for a while and then there are those days where the storms of life rage, the winds blow fiercely, a host of troubles come, and we are tempted to wonder to ourselves if life is worth living. No matter the time of year, it is not at all uncommon for people to despair when someone hurts their feelings, things do not seem to be going as planned or we become overwhelmed by an uncertain and perilous future. While most people associate the summer with fun in the sun and the fall with the return of the daily grind, the reality is some of us may very well find ourselves in a situation where a loved one is ill and or has passed away; let alone the possibility that our own health might be in precarious state. Some people may have lost their job, are afraid of losing their job or feel trapped in a job that is unrewarding, unsatisfactory, even unacceptable. Many may see in the new month nothing more than the tide of bills rising and options becoming fewer. On top of all of this, there is the on going debate on healthcare, concern over the national debt, the treat of tax increases, the threat of terrorism and evil despots threatening the world with weapons of mass destruction. Life in the modern age is complicated.

and meaning in life also does not change. Life is given meaning, threats are abated and happiness is found only in an active faith in Jesus Christ. In other words, if we look at our life through the prism of our Orthodox Christian faith, we are not made immune to problems but no matter what circumstance we face, the Lord our God not only sustains us but He indeed makes life worth living. We are not implying that the trials and tribulations of life are frivolous or do not take a bitter toll. That could not be further from the truth. What the Church does teach us is that God always cares for us and our plight. We may not always see or understand His answer to our prayers, but the Lord hears the voice of our prayers. Evidence of this Truth can be found throughout the history of the human race and specifically recorded in the Holy Scriptures. The Bible is filled with examples of people who are in crisis or afraid that sincerely wonder if life their life is worth living. But rather than succumb to despair, they turn themselves over to the Lord and in the midst of turmoil, come to the realization that come what may God is with them. Time after time, case after case, Jesus Christ alone makes life worth living. Sick or healthy, wealthy or poor, happy or sad, only when we reach out to the Lord do we discover Who it is that really makes our life worth living.


Such things and more, can easily generate within us a feeling of fear and frustration that cripples our love and poisons our faith. Sadly such conditions are not new. The troubles and concerns of mortal life do not essentially change dramatically down through the ages. Circumstances evolve, problems develop new names and causes, but the very basic threats to life and the quality of life, (let alone fear and sin) are remain from one generation to the other. Fortunately, the fact of the matter is that at the same time the value PAGE 2

As someone once said: “a man may go to Heaven: without health, without wealth, without fame, without a great name, without learning, without big earning, without culture, without beauty, without friends. Without 10,000 other things. But no one truly lives and goes to heaven without Christ.” Problem and needs may differ from person to person,

(Continued on page 4)


THANK YOU TYLER ALLEY, LEE BAILEY, ANDREW HARB & CHRISTOPHER MOUTOS! The Annunciation Church family thanks and honors four extremely dedicated servants of the Lord who throughout the last few years embraced the great responsibility as one of our Acolyte Leaders in order to help ensure that we all are able worship the Lord according to the good order and principles of the Holy Orthodox Church. The time has come for these four outstanding young men to head off to college and thereby conclude their faithful service as Annunciation Acolyte Leaders. As such, it was only fitting that our Church family pause to honor them for their many years of steadfast service. While this by no means suggests that we will not see these fine gentlemen again or that they will waver in their steadfast commitment to serve Christ at the Annunciation, it is merely an opportunity to thank them for a job well done. On SUNDAY, AUGUST 16TH, it was with great joy that our Church family presented Tyler Alley, Lee Bailey, Andrew Harb and Christopher Moutos with a plaque in appreciation for their exemplary service. This occasion marked the end of one chapter their life of service at the Annunciation and in due time, we look forward to the new and inspired paths of faithful service theses gentlemen will embrace in the name of the Lord at this their spiritual home in Little Rock. It was therefore with bittersweet joy that we honor our four Acolyte Leaders - we will be sorry to see them go off to school but at the same time we look forward with eager anticipation to the new ways that they will honor Christ and His Church at the Annunciation in the years ahead.THANK




PASTORAL MESSAGE (Continued from page 2)

but the One who changes lives is not always the same. but His love for us is boundless. Problems will always be with us, but knowing God and making Him the center of our life is what always makes life worth living. Coming into blessed contact with eternal and living God through the services and sacraments of the Church is what makes life worth living. Serving the Lord through the generous offering of our personal time talent and treasure to the Church is what helps get this Truth across and makes our own life, let alone the life of others, worth living. In good times or bad, every time we strive to know, love, and serve the Lord our life is revealed in a new light - the light of Christ. Only in the light of Jesus Christ can anyone know what it is to live. Only in the light of Christ can we appreciate the immeasurable value of our Annunciation membership and our Orthodox Christian life. Proclaiming and believing that “Christ is in our midst and shall always be”, is what ultimately always makes all of the trials and tribulations of life bearable. Reaching out to the Lord and clinging to His Church, changes who we are, how we see the world and what we are capable of doing or overcoming. People that trust in the Lord and actively seek Him out inevitably recognize the power and presence of Christ; thereby discovering that He indeed makes life worth living. No one that truly sees their life in the context of their relationship with Christ and active membership in His Church are ever the same, or can ever be overcome. Anyone who says that they are trying to lead a Christian way of life but do not respond to His Word or come under the shelter of His House will find neither God’s will or means by which to effectively meet the challenges and concerns of life. If we do not live our life in accordance to His teachings and in relation to Him and His flock, we are not willing or able to reach out and touch “the fringe of God's garment”. Worshipping, loving, and serving the Lord in good times and bad is what makes life worth living and assures us of eternal life in His Heavenly Kingdom. PAGE 4

Regardless of whether we are financially secure or in a tight circumstance, if we approach everyday of our life as an opportunity to please the Lord in a meaningful way according to His Will, make no mistake, He will make our life worth living. Regardless of whether we are in good health or our body is weak, if we set aside time to pray to Him, worship Him and study His Holy Word, there is no doubt that He will make our life worth living. And regardless of whether we are bubbling over in joy or choking back a river of tears, if are willing to trust the Lord and participate in His Life through the Church, there is no question, He make our life worth living. Christ is the one who gives us life! Christ is the one who gives our life meaning. Christ is the One who gives our life worth. While money cannot buy us a single extra day of life, Christ provides us eternity. Whereas emotions change with circumstances, Christ is unchanging. Where good health is fleeting, Christ is eternal. Popularity fades but God and His House perpetually flourishes. Ultimately, our life's worth depends on our perspective. If we hinge the hopes and dreams of life on what we alone can accomplish…our life's worth is precarious at best. If we value our life based on what we alone want and or possess…our life's worth is subject to theft and decay. If we value our life based on our physical condition… then our life's worth is fleeting. If we value our life based on who we like and who likes us... then our life will be disappointing. But if we truly appreciate what the Lord our God has done and IS doing for us and our sake, there is nothing we need fear. Christ suffered, died and rose on the third day, He knows and loves us, HE makes our life worth living. Christ alone can guide through every storm. He alone can deliver us from the power of any enemy. God alone can breathe new life into every hopeless situation. He alone can heal when all other avenues of hope have disappeared. Our Lord and Savior alone, always makes our life worth living! As St. Paul wrote to the Romans 15: 13:

“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing,, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit,, you may abound in hope.”

Rev. Dr. Nicholas J. Verdaris


HOW TO PLEASE THE LORD Of the many ways we can show the Lord just how important He is to us and our life, perhaps nothing is as meaningful then when we meet at His Holy House to worship Him at the appointed time. To do this regularly is an expression of love that not only honors our sacred obligation as Orthodox Christians, but it speaks volumes about the content of our heart and the importance of Christ in our life. Just as when our children do something we ask of them, not because they “have to” but because it will please us, so too will the Lord be moved by an ongoing commitment to attend the services regularly and on time. MATINS, 9:00AM / DIVINE LITURGY, 10:00AM

WELCOME IN THE NAME OF THE LORD The Annunciation family congratulates Sawat & Rommy Talbert on the baptism of their son, TRISTAN GEORGE, who was baptized at the Annunciation on JUNE 13TH. George Khamis is Tristan’s proud godfather. May God bless our newest servant of the Lord, together with all of his family and friends!

OUR CONDOLENCES The Annunciation family notes with deep sadness the passing of our brother in Christ, TONY HUCKABAY, the father of Christopher Huckabay, who fell asleep in the Lord.

 The Annunciation family notes with deep sadness the passing of our sister in Christ, MARTHA HOPPER, the mother of Paul Cantrell, who fell asleep in the Lord.

CONGRATULATIONS! The Annunciation family congratulates Raouf & Tamara Kassissieh on the baptism of their son DANIEL. He was baptized at Church of the Presentation of the Lord on July 5th in Amman Jordan. Issa Kassissieh & Muna Kassis served as proud godparents. May the Lord bless the newest servant of the Lord together with all of family and friends here and around the world!

 The Annunciation family notes with deep sadness the passing of our sister in Christ, OLGA JULIE KAISER, the mother of Bek Kaiser, who fell asleep in the Lord.

 Let us keep these families in our prayers and beseech the Lord to offer them His comfort and strength.

“May Their Memory Be Eternal.” PAGE 5


ORTHODOX CHRISTIAN STEWARDSHIP: A WAY OF LIFE by Fr James W Kordaris HOW MUCH DO I OWE? It was Sunday and the parish council members were counting the Sunday offering in the church office as the offering trays were being brought in from Divine Liturgy. One faithful parishioner found his way back to the church office and politely inquired, "How much do I owe?" This well-intentioned parishioner was asking if he was up-to-date on his pledge, but his question reveals something about our thought process in offering our gifts to the Church.

BOOOO!!!! The GOYA Sponsored HALLOWEEN PARTY is scheduled for

Friday, October 30th at 6:00pm It s fun for all ages - See you there!


No matter how generously we support the Church, can we ever feel that we have given in proportion to the blessings we have received? Many Greek Orthodox parishes have embraced the process of stewardship, by which we offer our gifts to the church according to our blessings. Many continue to operate in a dues system. And some operate under a hybrid Stewardship-with-a-minimum system. Initially, when many of our parishes were established throughout the 20th Century, dues seemed to make sense. Everyone would pay a designated amount to maintain their membership in the Church. Many of our people were members in a number of ethnic and fraternal organizations and the dues model seemed to make sense as a fair method of allocating responsibility for the support of the church. Everyone paid the same amount and in return received certain rights as a "member in good standing" of the local parish. This made practical sense at the time as we were beginning to establish local parishes. But when you think about it, the idea of dues is just bad theology. (Continued on page 9) PAGE 6

SEPTEMBER 12TH All members of the Annunciation GOYA are reminded that they need to be a part of the 2009 Christ Encounter Retreat taking place all day on Saturday the 12th. IT WILL BEGIN AT 9:00AM AND CONCLUDE AT 11:00 PM - You won’t want to miss it! The 2009 Christ Encounter Retreat promises to be another time of spiritual renewal, fellowship, laughter and joy. We also pleased to announce that Ms. Eva Kokinos, the Metropolis of Detroit Youth Director, will again be leading this year’s retreat. Together we are going to learn more about our faith, our selves and each other. This is a must for all GOYAns! CLEAR




(Remember: You must be a member of GOYA in good standing to qualify for the Annunciation Scholarship and attend the 2010 Basketball Tournament. Participation in this retreat,, maintains one’s good standing in GOYA A.)


A LUNCHEON DISCUSSION On SEPTEMBER 27TH we are going to try something new to hopefully build the bonds of fellowship within our Church family as well as expand our understanding of our Orthodox Christian faith.

From September 13th until the 20th A QUESTION BOX will be set up for people to anonymously write down question(s) about any aspect of our faith, morality, etc. that they have always wanted to ask and never could find an opportunity to ask. Then on SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 27TH after the Divine Liturgy we will share a lunch together, and Fr. Nicholas will start to answer the anonymous questions that were submitted as well as any off the floor. This will hopefully be an enjoyable opportunity for our Church family get to know each other a little better by breaking bread together, as well as discover a little bit more about the Church and faith that is so very dear to us and our life. Please make plans to join us.

Luncheon Discussion With Fr. Nicholas


Sunday, September 27th

Where: Annunciation Ballroom

TIME FOR OUR YOUTH MINISTRIES TO SHINE! It is that time of year to sign-up for the Annunciation’s youth ministries. Please take the time to register fill out the forms during Fellowship Hour! By registering each of your children you help the Church update its contact information as well as maintain current vital medical and permission forms!

GET INVOLVED IN JOY, JR. GOYA & GOYA TODAY!!! JOY (JUNIOR ORTHODOX YOUTH): our youth ministry for the youngest members of our Church family up to age 9. JUNIOR GOYA: our youth ministry program geared for those youth to old for JOY and too young for GOYA! GOYA (GREEK ORTHODOX YOUTH OF AMERICA): our youth ministry geared towards those young people in our Church family ages 12-18. These three vital ministries strive to instill Orthodox Christian principles and enhance our young people’s relationship with Christ through their experiences at the Annunciation. These ministries are guided by the principles of: Faith, Service, Fellowship & Fun. THE MORE OUR YOUTH PARTICIPATE, AND THE MORE





Will be provided!




Parents please continue to make the Church’s youth ministries a priority within your home and remain steadfast in enabling your children to be active members of either JOY, JR. GOYA and/or GOYA. Furthermore, never forget the fact that these vital ministries can ALWAYS use your time and talents for the upcoming calendar of events!!! Contact an advisor today, and together let us continue to make these ministries soar to the glory of God!

Discussion & Fellowship: Priceless! YOU and your questions,

are the only ingredients needed to make this a success!





CONGRATULATIONS! STEVE AND LIBBIE VADEN are please to announce the engagement of their daughter, Diane Marie, to David Montgomery III of Boisser City, Louisiana.

July 27, 2009

Dear Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church, On behalf of International Orthodox Christian Charities and our partners at Church World Service, I would like to thank you for your donation of school kits. Your Generous gifts of time in assembling these kits as well as the materials enclosed are invaluable. With these kits you become directly involved in IOCC’s efforts to help those suffering in impoverished, disaster-stricken and war-torn areas throughout the world. You also have established a personal link to these people, and brought to them the love of Christ. Thank you again for your generosity and for your shared commitment to provide help and hope to those in need. We hope that you continue to support the efforts of IOCC in the future.

Diane has recently moved to Shreveport, Louisiana, where she is employed as Editorial Consultant for the Department of Neurosurgery at LSU Health Sciences Center Shreveport. Davis is a second-year medical student at LSU Health Sciences Center School of Medicine - Shreveport. Diane and David’s wedding will be blessed here at the Annunciation in Little Rock on December 12, 2009.

THE ORTHODOX OBSERVER IS GOING GREEN! In its efforts to be “environmentally responsible,” the Orthodox Observer, like many publications that have already done so, will offer its online version to our readers, in lieu of a hard copy mailed to your home, beginning with the September 2009 issue. In doing so, less newsprint, and therefore fewer trees, will be used. There is no cost to subscribe online. Just e-mail your name, address and customer number that appears on the mailing label to: [email protected]

Yours in Christ,

Once we receive your information, the print version will no longer be mailed to your home, and the online edition will be sent to you via e-mail. Constantine M. Triantafilou Executive Director and CEO


In addition to reducing the amount of newsprint used to produce the Observer, you will also receive the publication sooner than by regular mail.


STEWARDSHIP: A WAY OF LIFE (Continued from page 6)

IMPLICATIONS OF A DUES SYSTEM The idea that as a parish we are able to set an amount that is fair for all the faithful, the payment of which makes them members in good standing with rights and privileges, is flawed for a number of reasons. Is it fair to think that the elderly widow living on Social Security, the successful real estate developer, the banker, the young tradesman with a growing family, the teacher and the lawyer each have received the same material blessings and have the same ability to give? To set a specific required dues amount places an undue burden on some, but most often it underestimates the ability of our parishioners to support the church.

JUST ANOTHER BILL The dues system also diminishes the joy of giving and turns it into just another bill to be paid. It's important to give with joy from our heart. As St. Paul writes to the Corinthians, "So let each one give as he intends in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver" (2 Corinthians 9:7). Gregory the Theologian writes, "You will never overcome God's generosity, even if you give away all that you have…. And however much you bring to him, always more remains. Nor will you give anything that is your own; for all things flow from God (Or 14.22)."

RIGHTS AND ENTITLEMENTS When we set a dues amount, whatever it may be, it implies that if we pay this amount, then we have fulfilled our obligation to the Church. "I paid my dues, now I get to vote, receive sacraments, and express my opinion of how the parish should be run." We often hear economists talk about the balance of payments. This concept applies to our offering to the Church. We can never give enough to God for the blessings He has given us. We are always in a deficit

position. The system of dues however, gives us the false idea that we are "all paid up" for this year if we just pay this specified amount.

STEWARDSHIP WITH A MINIMUM Many parishes attempt a sort of hybrid system of Stewardship with a minimum. This sends the contradictory message to parishioners that we trust you to give as you have been blessed, but are not willing to take that leap of faith. We need to be reminded that God never gives to us in minimums and our giving should never be guided by a minimum. Orthodox Christianity is not about minimums, it is about maximums. Jesus gave the maximum for us. We now carry on His ministry with maximum giving. And from a practical point of view, minimums have a funny way of becoming maximums. When we deal with minimums, we also have to realize that there is always a number of faithful who will be excluded when we have minimums and dues. What message are we sending to these individuals who may have fallen on hard times and may be unable to pay the specified minimum? Don't they need the Church even more in their difficult times? If there are people in your community who are only able to give $50 in a given year, wouldn't it be better to have these Orthodox Christians think of your parish their spiritual home, offering their time and talent, and striving to increase their financial support over time?

STEWARDSHIP Stewardship is our response to God's grace and moves us from grace to gratitude. Just as we love because God first loved us (I John 4:14), we give because God first gave to us. The question of the Psalmist "What shall I give to the Lord in return for all His benefits towards me?" (Ps 116:2), is answered in every liturgy when the celebrant calls us to "offer ourselves and one another and our whole life to Christ our God." (Continued on page 20) PAGE 9


Summer Work



Is Fr. Nicholas available for lessons????

Summer Fun





ATTENTION COLLEGE STUDENTS AND OR PARENTS the Church wants to stay in contact! Please provide the Church Office with a mailing and email address in order for the Annunciation and the Office of Campus Ministry to keep the lines of communication going while far away from home. OF COLLEGE STUDENTS,

NAME: ______________________________ EMAIL:_ _____________________________ Cell: ________________________________ ADDRESS:____________________________ CITY :____________________S TATE :______ ZIP:________

The Annunciation family joyously congratulates GREGORY ARMAN & MANAL KASSEES who were joined in blessed matrimony at the Annunciation on Saturday, June 14th. Jawan Kassees served as their sponsor.



The Orthodox Study Class will be meeting once again this month in order to further explore our Orthodox Christian Faith in light of the Gospel according to Matthew - COME JOIN US! We will use the Gospel as the cornerstone of our study, but questions and discussions will not be limited, they will be as broad as YOU want. Anyone & Everyone are invited to attend - no previous experience or expertise is necessary! AT


Through study and discussion, we can expand our faith together! PAGE 12





The Annunciation family joyously congratulates ELIAS ALLEY & AMANDA GRAY who were joined in blessed matrimony at the Annunciation on Saturday, June 6th. Christopher Alley served as their sponsor.

The Annunciation Church family joyously congratulates Mr. & Mrs. Jeries & Rasha Horani who married in Amman, Jordan, on July 9th. We are also most pleased to welcome Rasha into our Church family!!!

Congratulations & Welcome to the Annunciation Rasha!






by Fr. George Morelli

I am the Lord your God … You shall have no other gods before me (Exodus 20:2–3). Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord; and you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your might. And these words which I command you this day shall be upon your heart; and you shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house … (Deuteronomy 6:4–7).

Jeremiah the prophet (4 Kings 19:19) reminds us: “…Thou, O Lord, art God alone.” How many who call themselves Christians, let alone OrthodoxCatholic Christians, live their lives according to Jeremiah’s insight that the Lord God is God alone, and according to the commandment that we are not to have any other gods before the Lord God?

THE DOMESTIC CHURCH OR “LITTLE CHURCH” IN THE HOME The existence of home churches dates from apostolic times. In his instruction to the Romans (16:3:5) St. Paul says: “Greet Prisca and Aquila, my fellow workers in Christ Jesus … greet also the church in their house.” To the Corinthians (16:19) he says: “The churches of Asia send greetings. Aquila and Prisca, together with the church in their house, send you hearty greetings in the Lord.” It is just such a similar domestic church, or little church in the home, that couples in blessed marriages are ‘ordained’ to establish (Morelli, 2008b). The building of a home church can only take place if each spouse loves God, loves Him alone, and has no other gods before Him, making the aim of the blessed, Godly marriage to form a Christian way of life and teach that way of life diligently to children. PAGE 14

ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS I have no doubt that many of those who call themselves Christians will affirm that the Lord is God, and we are to worship and love Him alone, as quoted in the opening of this essay. At the same time I do not doubt that, for many, words alone mean nothing. These words merely echo what St. Paul said of those without love: “If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal” (1 Cor 13:1). Now why do I say this? Is it mean-spirited on my part to claim that some Christians agree with the affirmation without putting it into practice? If my conclusion comes from a judgmental spirit, then yes, I have failed to live up to Our Lord’s own command: "Judge not, that you be not judged.” (Mt 7:1) But the statement is not a judgment, rather an observation, based on what modern scientists might call empirical evidence.

JESUS AS SCIENTIST St. Luke (12: 34) records these words of Jesus: “For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” Similarly, earlier in the Gospel (Lk 6:45): “The good man out of the good treasure of his heart produces good, and the evil man out of his evil treasure produces evil; for out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks.” How do we know what a person’s treasure is? According to behavioral research, the activities we observe people most involved or engaged in tell us what they value. A formal theory has been developed to describe this, called the Premack Principle, named after the researcher, David Premack. This theory states that an activity that a person is seen to be frequently engaged in, that is to say, what a person likes to do — comparing to the words of Jesus, a treasured activity — can be used as a reward to increase an activity less frequently engaged in or less desirable — a less treasured activity.

GOD OR IDOLS? What we treasure comes from our hearts and directs what we do. What we do reflects what we value. Speaking about false prophets, Our Lord said: “Thus you will know them by their fruits. Not every one who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' shall enter the kingdom of

THE PROMISE heaven, but he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven” (Mt 7: 21). When conducting field investigations, behavioral scientists — anthropologists, psychologists and sociologists — live among those whom they are studying and make detailed observations and records of their activities. What activities would these behavioral scientists observe and record if they visited our homes? Referring to the word of Jesus, what fruits would they see? If they studied us objectively, what would behavioral scientists infer to be the value system at work in our families? Consider St. Paul’s words to the Corinthians: “But if one loves God, one is known by him … we know that ‘an idol has no real existence,’ and that ‘there is no God but one.’ For although there may be so-called gods in heaven or on earth — as indeed there are many ‘gods’ and many ‘lords’ — yet for us there is one God, the Father, from whom are all things and for whom we exist, and one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom are all things and through whom we exist. However, not all possess this knowledge. But some, through being hitherto accustomed to idols, eat food as really offered to an idol; and their conscience, being weak, is defiled” (1 Cor 8:3–7). Again, the words of Jesus as recorded in St. Matthew’s Gospel (7:16): “You will know them by their fruits. Are grapes gathered from thorns, or figs from thistles?”

THE GRAPES OF THE DOMESTIC CHURCH “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control…” (Gal 5:22–23). If this fruit guided the values of the domestic church, allow me to suggest what a behavioral scientist might see and record in the Godly home: •Attending liturgy as a family on Sundays and feast days; dressing in clean, modest clothing; being reverent during the services and praying the Liturgy; avoiding chit-chatting in church. •Observing Saturday evenings and evenings before reception of the Holy Eucharist as a time of prayer and spiritual recollection, not for partying or entertaining.

•Maintaining an icon corner in the family

home, with icons of Our Lord, the Theotokos and the family patron saints; teaching the reverence of sacred icons by holding family prayer at the icon corner; reading the daily troparia and kontakia, epistle and Gospel readings; using candles and incense. •Praying with children before bedtime and after awakening in the morning; teaching children to make the sign of the cross and how to memorize basic prayers, such as the Trisagion, Our Father, Creed, and Psalm 51(50); praying before and after meals (inside the home and when eating out). •Referencing the ‘Presence of God’ around us at all times •Following the church fasts - Wednesdays and Fridays throughout the year - Christmas (Advent) Fast - Lenten Fast and Holy Week - Apostles’ Fast - Dormition Fast •Teaching children that the purpose of fasting, prayer, and almsgiving as building spiritual strength and giving back to God love through love of one another in need. •Keeping a program of spiritual reading and learning - Holy Scripture - Church Fathers - Lives of the saints - Adult catechism materials - Church school lessons (reinforced by parents reviewing each week with children) - For families with young children, movies and videos of Bible stories and other wholesome topics •Teaching the reverence of the sacred icons •Teaching the structure & layout of the church •Refusing to participate in activities that conflict with worship or are scheduled during the Divine Liturgy on Sundays and feast-days; protesting to the proper community authorities and teaching children that God comes first.

(Continued on page 18) PAGE 15


THANK YOU! Many thanks to all of the GOYAns, past GOYAns, advisors, parents, and Annunciation family members who helped with this enormous endeavor. We could not have done it without everyone's help, support, and donations. Special thanks go to Fofe Ging, Stephanie Alley, Lea Ging and Brian Alley for all of their extra help. At the end of the day, we raised some much-needed funds and were also able to donate a truckload of items to a local charity. The youth are also planning on using a portion of the proceeds from the Rummage Sale to in purchase food and cook a meal that we will deliver to a local charity this fall.

MOST HELPFUL GOYANS: Benjamin Alley Grant Alley Jonathan Alley Kristin Alley Tyler Alley Lauren Bailey Bianca Bishara Zain Fanek Andrew Harb Christopher Moutos Kerri Moutos Alexandra Paslidis Grace Rutter

MOST HELPFUL ADVISORS, GOYA GRADS, & PARENTS: Forrest Abdo Brian Alley Wayne & Clair Alley Grace Alley Haitham & Tina Alley Heather Alley Stephanie Alley Tansa Bishara Majida Fanek Fofe Ging Lea Ging Joyce Harb Randy Kassissieh Maria Moutos PAGE 16

2009 JOY MINI RETREAT FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 11TH Attention all members of the JOY & Jr. GOYA ministries there will be a mini-Retreat for a few hours just for you on Friday, September 11th. Ms. Eva Kokinos, the Metropolis of Detroit Youth Director will be leading the program and we hope everyone will try to make the time to be a part of this special event!

WORDS OF WISDOM: Interior crosses can found at all times, and more easily than exterior ones. You have only to direct your attention to yourself and examine yourself with a sense of repentance, and a thousand interior crosses will at once present themselves to you. . . Interior crosses are sometimes so burdensome that the sufferer can find no consolation whatever in anything. All this can happen to you too! But in whatever position you may be, and whatever sufferings of the soul you may feel, do not despair and do not think that the Lord has abandoned you. NO! God will always be with you and will invisibly strengthen you even when it seems to you that you are on the very brink of perdition. -St. Innocent of Alaska, The Lenten Spring, SVS Press, p. 148, 19th Century


SUNDAY SCHOOL, 2009-2010 by Medina Fugate In America today, we Orthodox are tempted to think that we face brand-new problems. Many of us find it hard to put the Church at the center of our lives, which seem to us to be busier and more full of distractions than the lives of our ancestors. Our children often feel isolated as Orthodox in a largely secular and certainly non-Orthodox society. In reality these problems are not all new. We share them with our mothers and fathers in the faith. St. John Chrysostom wrote about the social isolation of a child who is being raised as a Christian. He urged parents to give such a child many special attentions, to compensate for the feelings of separation from and even ostracism from the child’s peers. He also reminded parents not to become too busy to pray and to take part in the celebrations of the Church. We can be comforted by the fact that our problems have been faced before. We begin with a theme for each month of lessons that will be covered. Students will have handouts of the feast days that were taught to bring home. This is specifically designed for the parent to be able to followup on particular Sunday School lessons. The truth about the success of our teaching in the Church Sunday School is the support and follow-up by the parents. The aim is always to show students that the Church sees the life of Christ and the great works of God as being the center of our human life. And the Church does not just “proclaim” them in some intellectual way, but makes her proclamation visible, touchable, “smellable” and “singable.” Such is the richness of Orthodox worship and such is our privilege to teach and show to our students. WAYS PARENTS CAN HELP STRENGTHEN FOUNDATION OF RELIGIOUS EDUCATION


1. Plan to be in Church at the beginning of the Divine Liturgy - 10:00am. 2. Be consistent. Attend Church regularly.

3. Visit the classroom and meet with the teacher to see what lessons your child is learning so they can be re-enforced at home; ask your child if they have special handouts from the teacher. 4. Attend the Sunday School Open House, which is scheduled for November 16th this year, immediately following the Divine Liturgy. Each parent will be provided with an opportunity to speak with their child’s teacher and review the materials being used in their child’s class. 5. See that your child comes to class prepared with homework assignments, etc. 6. Practice the faith at home, observe fast days and schedule family prayer time. Children are imitators what they see you do, you will see them do. 7. It is up to the parent, to guide, encourage and to direct your child into the arms of the Church. Of great importance is understanding that parents are the first and most predominant ROLE MODEL. If your child sees you coming to church, then he/she will understand that praying and going to Church are things that you do together as a family. If you fast properly, then so will your child. If you bring God into your home, then He will be more readily known to your family. GUIDELINES FOR PARENTS OF YOUNGER CHILDREN For the safety of the children in Pre-School through Second Grade, it is necessary for a parent to go to the class and pick up your child personally. GUIDELINES FOR PARENTS OF TODDLERS It is important for parents to attend Church often with their infant or toddler before they become of Sunday School age. This helps the child become more comfortable being in Church and participating in the worship service. There is no doubt that attending Church regularly with an infant or toddler takes commitment. It is also fair to say that, as a parent, you may be distracted during the worship service for the personal attention to your child’s needs. It is very important to have the little ones attend Church on a regular basis. Attending the Divine Liturgy and receiving Holy Communion is a vital part of their young spiritual lives. PAGE 17


THE DOMESTIC CHURCH (Continued from page 15)

•Acknowledging everyday blessings by asking Our Lord’s blessing before each activity; rather than saying ‘Good luck,’ saying ‘Thank you Lord’ or ‘What a blessing’; asking the priest to bless home, cars, and other special objects. •Participating in special church blessings: - Water [Jan 6 — Theophany] - Candles [Feb 2 — Presentation] - Flowers [Holy Cross Sunday & Great Friday] - Oil [Wednesday of Holy Week] - Palms [Palm Sunday] - Eggs [Pascha] - Basil [Sept 14 — Holy Cross] •Bringing children into the spiritual family of the Church. Talking with the priest before the birth of the child and reflecting on the mystery of co-creation. Having the priest bless the newborn in the hospital. Saying the prayers of naming a child on the eighth day after birth. Offering or “churching” (presenting) the baby to God on or about the 40th day after birth. Conferring with the priest on the meaning of baptism and preparing for it. Choosing sponsors who are committed to Christ and His teaching and who will educate the child in the faith and fear of God •Parents and older children practicing confessing sins privately on a daily basis and sacramentally on a frequent basis; thanking God for His grace and gift of life; each person examining his or her conscience as to how he or she acted toward God and others and attributing to God any good done and any evil to himself or herself; quickly resolving any conflicts with others, forgiving all who have offended and asking pardon of those have been offended. •Availing of Holy Unction during illness or when it is offered at the parish (on Wednesday of Holy Week and special unction services). PAGE 18

•Ministering at the local parish church and in the community by participating in the parish council, ladies’ society, youth organization, church school, choir, adult ministry, and other special ministries; parents encouraging and accompanying their children in parish activities such as church school, teen events, altar boys’ camp, and choir. •Dealing with non-C Christian values in news and media. Allowing only appropriate TV programs and music. Keeping the children’s computers in an open space with a ‘net nanny’ or parental controls installed; engaging in what children are doing. When a program or ad appears in media or music which contradicts Our Lord’s teaching, immediately addressing it in a Godly manner Engaging children in discussing television programs and movies in terms of understanding God’s love for us and the love we must have for each other; when a newscast is viewed, parents engaging the family in a discussion about the content in terms of Our Lord’s teachings regarding issues such as: - Abortion - Capital punishment - Casual sex - Criminal activity - Drugs and alcohol - Environment - Euthanasia - Homelessness - Immodesty in dress, song, and speech - Natural disasters According to the Premack Principle, the family that engages in the activities outlines above treasures Christ. The members in such a family love God, having no other gods before Him, and teach each other Godly behavior with diligence.

DISCLAIMER ON NARROWLY INTERPRETING CHRISTIAN ACTIVITIES While the activities described above are exhibited by all Godly families, we must remember that adhering to external forms does not guarantee a relationship with

THE PROMISE God. Through synergy with God, we can engage in activities that build up the presence of God and avoid those activities that divide us from His presence (such as those discussed below). We can benefit from being objective observers and asking for God’s mercy and healing, while God alone is Judge.

THE THORNS AND THISTLES OF THE FAMILY THAT WORSHIPS IDOLS For the family that fails to worship the true God, weekends do not include sacred activities. For such a family, weekends are taken up by parties, entertainment, and travel. Saturday evenings especially can be a special time for hard partying, and either sports or sleeping in is the norm on Sunday. Parents and children in an ungodly family may not know what an icon corner is. No one is seen praying at any time. No one in the household references the presence of God or anything Godly. No fasting, spiritual reading or study takes place. The positive spirit of fasting and the fasting rules are foreign concepts. All the goods of life are taken for granted or attributed to good luck. The only time for going to church is for a special event, or because it is expected. Church is for baptism (viewed as becoming a member of a social club), weddings and funerals. If an occasional Church service is attended, it is for a hollow reason, for example, to show off the children's' clothes on Palm Sunday, or listen to Christmas Carols at Christmas. Community service is pursed as long as it furthers personal goals, for example, if it looks good on a college or scholarship application. Self-concern is the only concern; the plight of others is not a consideration. Viewing R- and X-rated media is the norm. The same words heard on television, in movies or over Internet streaming video — t he F-word, the S-word — are the same words used in the home by parents and children alike. Chat rooms and Internet websites are unmonitored. The motto for the ungodly family is this: If it feels good, it is good; anything goes. Freedom to choose

abortion, casual drug use, same sex marriage, sex before marriage, and killing those in pain are either openly promoted or tolerated as non-issues. If pregnancy is discussed at all, it is in the context of ‘don’t mess your life up you’re still young.’ The Godly love and care of one’s spouse and children is completely absent. As Bishop Hilarion Alfeyev tells us: “To proclaim man as the measure of all things, to exclude God from the public domain, to expel religion from society and relegate it exclusively to the private sphere — this is the… secularist’s program.” Even worse than relegating Christ to the private sphere, He and all things sacred are simply ignored. The idols of modern, technological, hedonistic and selfcentered society are worshiped by these families. The spirit is secular and sterile of life; it is not of Christ. Christianity is absent. These objects then are the ‘golden idols,’ of contemporary society. These new thorns and thistles are the objects of a new paganism.

SMART EDUCATION PROVIDES DIRECTION AND MEANING The word of God should be taught diligently to our children. And of course, teaching the word of God presupposes that the educators themselves know the word of God. And knowing the word of God also means living it daily to fulfill the marital prayer by which the couple is ordained or commissioned by their blessed marriage. As I state in a previous article: “In a blessed marriage in the Orthodox Church, the couple is ordained as the leaders of their domestic church, crowned to be the king and queen of their domicile and granted grace for the ‘fair education of children.’” Basically and simply, we were created to know, love and serve God and be happy with Him in eternal life. Meaningful education, then, must be directed towards this end. As Jesus Himself told us: “I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly” (Jn 10:10). St. Peter has told us that Jesus came that we may attain salvation and be granted theosis, that is to say, that we may have eternal life by becoming “partakers of the divine nature” (2 Pt 1:4). Jesus told us: "I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father, but by me” (Jn 14:14). This leads to

(Continued on page 22) PAGE 19


STEWARDSHIP: A WAY OF LIFE (Continued from page 9)

One January day, nearly 20 years ago, a young parish council president was just getting accustomed to his new duties when someone placed a stack of checks in front of him to be signed. As he quickly signed each check, his pen was suddenly stopped by the sight of a check that had been placed before him for his signature. It was the salary check for his priest - the priest who had baptized him, for whom he served as an altar boy, to whom he had gone for confession and whom he loved and respected as his spiritual father. It was one of the most humbling experiences of his life. And the amount of the check seemed ridiculously small in consideration of the effect that this priest had on the lives his parishioners. This is the same feeling we should have when we make our stewardship offering to the Church - humility, appreciation, thanksgiving, joy, respect, and love.

THE EARLY CHURCH In his book on the Eucharist, Fr Alexander Schmemann explains that in the early church, the Eucharistic sacrifice was offered by all the members of the church. Each person coming to the gathering of the Church brought with them everything they could spare for the needs of the Church. This meant for the sustenance of the clergy, widows and orphans, for helping the poor, and for all the good works of the Church. This is the Church that we as Orthodox Christians claim to be. We also learn about the early Church in Acts 2 (4347): "Everyone kept feeling a sense of awe; and many wonders and signs were taking place through the apostles. And all those who had believed were together and had all things in common; and they began selling their property and possessions and were sharing them with all, as anyone might have need. Day by day continuing with one mind in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, they were taking their (Continued on page 23) PAGE 20


There once was an oyster Whose story I tell, Who found that some sand Had got into his shell. It was only a grain, but it gave him great pain. For oysters have feelings Although they're so plain. Now, did he berate the harsh workings of fate That had brought him To such a deplorable state? Did he curse at the government, Cry for election, And claim that the sea should Have given him protection? 'No,' he said to himself As he lay on a shell, Since I cannot remove it, I shall try to improve it. Now the years have rolled around, As the years always do, And he came to his ultimate Destiny stew. And the small grain of sand That had bothered him so Was a beautiful pearl All richly aglow. Now the tale has a moral, for isn't it grand What an oyster can do With a morsel of sand? What couldn't we do If we'd only begin With some of the things That get under our skin.




THE DOMESTIC CHURCH (Continued from page 19)

Confirm any explanations by asking the child to repeat back what they have understood. •Demonstrate a concept by use of visual aids.

the conclusion that there is no true education which is not education in Christ. Those who are to be educators must base their teaching on the true meaning of the existence of man, that is to say, they must know why we were created. The art — and science, I might add — of Christian education was perhaps best articulated by an early and esteemed Church Father, St. John Chrysostom, who said: “And yet than this art there is not another greater. For what is equal to training the soul, and forming the mind of one that is young? For he that has this art, ought to be more exactly observant than any painter and any sculptor” (Homily 59 on the Gospel of St. Matthew).

SPIRITUAL PRECEPTS A FEW PRACTICAL, PSYCHO-S •Kindliness is next to Godliness. •“He who is slow to anger has great understanding, but he who has a hasty temper exalts folly” (Prv 14:29). •Be prepared, know God’s teachings oneself. •Live Christ, model Christ in all things. •Focus on motivation as the energy that fuels learning and then points to its goal (Christ, and why God made us). •Keep it simple and short. •Teach by asking. This is often called the Socratic Method, named after the classical Greek philosopher Socrates (470–399 BC). Simply put, it is asking a question to elicit an answer and then asking further questions regarding the implications of the answers already given. •Explain a specific topic — after finding out what the child understands and using words and concepts the child can understand. PAGE 22

•Collaborate by letting students help students. With teacher guidance, students can work on a project as a team. It is learning by teaching. •Use role play (experiential learning). Students can play different roles in Scripture, the life of Jesus or His parables, making use of age appropriate scripts. •Apply Christ’s teaching to specific situations by stimulating discussion of how they should be handled; for each situation, discuss what should be said or done. •Catch the good answers. Use social reinforcement to reward good, appropriate and correct responses. •Teach according to the child’s learning style. Both children and adults learn best when they can solve problems according to their distinctive thinking style. For example, some individuals represent problems in a verbal-propositional manner, with others (such as me) think visually. •Teach children to think about their own thinking (metacognition). Every encounter with the world is a choice, leading to the worship of God and following His Will or the worship of idols and “pop” values and culture. •Have children repeat back in their own words what they have learned and how it can be applied in their lives.

FULFILLING THE COMMISSION OF A BLESSED MARRIAGE Teaching Christ is not merely important for the domestic church, the little church in the home, but extends to each individual, in fact to all of society, and to all mankind. God is Beauty, Goodness and Truth. Although, as divinely manifested, these characteristics of God are incomprehensible, we can nevertheless, with

(Continued on page 25)


STEWARDSHIP: A WAY OF LIFE (Continued from page 20)

meals together with gladness and sincerity of heart, praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord was adding to their number day by day those who were being saved."

I DON'T GET ANYTHING OUT OF LITURGY How many times have you heard people say, "I don't get anything out of liturgy"? The truth is that we don't come to church to get, but rather to give - our whole being to God. We have to give ourselves as an offering to God and what we get in return is the presence of Jesus Christ within us. We become Christ-bearers - "Christophoroi" - bringing Him to others.

STEWARDSHIP - THE NEXT LEVEL A young man had taken his girlfriend to a high-priced restaurant. As the young couple looked over the menu the young woman scanned the prices of the entrees, and then turning to the young man she asked, "How much do you love me?" Continuing to scan the menu, the young man replied, "Probably more than the corned beef, but not as much as the broiled lobster." Stewardship is not about calculations or portions or percentages. It can't be reduced to a number of hours of service or dollars offered. Stewardship is a way of life. As Orthodox Christians, we are called to a new way of seeing things - a new way of life. Our stewardship is obedience to the greatest commandment to "love the Lord with all your heart, soul, mind and strength." You are called to bring others to commit their lives to Jesus Christ in such a way that leads to the joy of knowing Him personally and profoundly. As we come to know Jesus in this way, we are drawn into the Communion of the Body of Christ - the Church. When we receive the Holy Eucharist - Holy Communion - as stewards, we are recipients of a great

gift - actually the greatest gift we could ever receive - the body and blood of Christ.

PROPER STEWARDSHIP OF OUR GIFTS HAS THE ABILITY TO REVITALIZE OUR CHURCH. If our stewardship is not grounded in the Eucharist, then it is only about paying the bills of the Church, with everyone recruited to do their fair share. But when we understand the true meaning of the Holy Eucharist, we bridge the gap between liturgy and life, between the love of Jesus on cross and our daily lives, between our beautiful theology and spirituality and the practical stewardship to which we are called. As Orthodox Christians, we see the world as God's gift, as a sacrament of God's presence and a means of communion with Him. And so we are able to offer the world back to God in thanksgiving as we say in every Divine Liturgy "Thine own of Thine own we offer to thee…" Fr Jim Kordaris serves the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America as Director of Stewardship, Outreach & Evangelism ([email protected]).


"Let us love the Church and be devoted to it. It is our joy and comfort both in sorrows and in joys. -St. Hilarion of Optina PAGE 23


A NEW ANNUNCIATION PARISH DIRECTORY FOR 2010!!! One of the ways to build upon the bonds of love rooted to Christ and His Church, is for all of us to be able to literally and figuratively recognize each other as brothers and sisters of the Annunciation Church family. It is therefore necessary for our parish to produce an all new Parish Directory. Starting this month we will begin the process of taking family photos and confirming everyone’s contact information in order to produce an all new ANNUNCIATION PARISH DIRECTORY. With our Church family’s help and support we will be able have up-to-date family portraits, thereby better able to recognize one another during the Fellowship Hour, in addition to making sure that everyone’s contact information (address, email, phone#) is current so that we can easily keep in contact with each other. If you can personally assist with this critical endeavor, please see Fr. Nicholas. Otherwise, please double check and or submit your contact information as well as make sure to have your picture taken! With everyone’s cooperation and support, the Annunciation Church family will continue to grow closer to each other in Christ in 2010!

PARISH DIRECTORY PHOTOS will be taken on the following dates:


_____________________________________ _____________________________________

 2) HOME ADDRESS:_______________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________

 EMAIL:__________________________________ (please be specific; ie husband may have different one for wife or child please label each)

__________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________

 HOME PHONE:__________________________

 WORK PHONE:__________________________ (Please specify)

__________________________________________ __________________________________________

Sunday, September 13th Sunday September 20th Sunday September 27th Sunday, October 4th PAGE 24

 CELL PHONE:__________________________ (in case of Church closing, we may be able to send a text message)


THE DOMESTIC CHURCH (Continued from page 22)

His grace, appreciate, emulate and teach these same divine qualities as far as is humanly possible. The domestic church builds up the kingdom of God within. In the words of St. Isaac of Syria: “The sun which shines within [the family] is the light of the Holy Trinity. The air which the inhabitants of that realm breathe is the strengthening and all Holy Spirit… Christ, the light of the Father’s light, is their life, joy and happiness.” This is the fruit of diligent Christian teaching. This fulfills the commission given by God to every male and female joined in one flesh to produce flesh of their flesh by the mystery of Holy Marriage.


2009 ANNUNCIATION JOY MINI- RETREAT S EPTEMBER 11 TH 2009 - in the evening



FELLOWSHIP HOUR AND YOU PERFECT TOGETHER! With the summer season coming to a close, the Church still needs the help of its parishioners to extend our love and hospitality through the Fellowship Hour. As a part of our Christian commitment to welcome visitors and embrace one another as brothers and sisters in Christ, please consider hosting an upcoming Fellowship Hour and thereby help maintain the bonds of love and serve the Outreach ministry of the Church. Hosting a Fellowship Hour does NOT mean putting together an elaborate feast - just providing something light (cookies, snacks or fruit) so that people have the chance to greet one another and have a little treat before heading home. Please help the Annunciation continue this loving tradition!

MINISTRY OPPORTUNITY With the Fall season underway, we are afforded the opportunity to expand the work of the Lord through His Church of the Annunciation. And the more people directly involved in the work of the Lord, the greater the outpouring of God’s love and grace. Therefore, we are looking for an individual to come forward and serve as a HOME MISSIONS LIAISON and another individual to come forward and serve as a FOREIGN MISSIONS LIAISON. These two positions will work with Fr. Nicholas to help put into motion opportunities for our parish to be more involved in spreading the Good News of Christ here at home, and around the world. There are a host of wonderful ideas and opportunities for our parish to serve others we just need at least two people to come forward and work directly with Father in order to help spearhead such endeavors for our Church family to embrace. If someone is interested in expanding such ministries and would like to take a more active role in helping to organize such projects, please contact Fr. Nicholas. After all, the only “good ideas” that succeed are the ones that people actually make happen. PAGE 25


SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHERS We are truly blessed having such dedicated teachers who have committed themselves toward the ministry of religious education for the young people of our community. This year we welcome two new teachers to our Sunday School staff: Amy Bailey and Sara Paslidis. Those who have agreed to accept the sacred servanthood and responsibility for teaching our children this year are: PRESCHOOL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Presv. Maria Verdaris Cherine Matta Jana Hunter

OUTREACH COMMITTEE MEET & GREET SCHEDULE September 6th . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rick Newton September13th. . . . . . . . . . . . Jack Weatherly September 20th. . . . . . . . . . . . . Mark Hunter September 27th . . . . . . . . . . . . . Robin Jones October 4th . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sharon Johnson October 11th . . . . . . . . . . . . Carole Hawkins October 18th. . . . . . . . . . . . . Jeannie Newton October 25th . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rick Newton

KINDERGARTEN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Toni Moutos FIRST/SECOND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nisreen Akel THIRD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sara Paslidis FOURTH/FIFTH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Amy Bailey SIXTH/SEVENTH/EIGHTH . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dysle Butts HIGH SCHOOL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jarrod Russell MUSIC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Presv. Maria Verdaris




If you or your family would like to commemorate a special event, honor the memory of a loved one or would simply like to offer a gift to the Annunciation family. . . you too can sponsor a Fellowship Hour!



B O A R D A N D S I G N U P T O D A Y!

THE PROMISE : OCTOBER 2009 Please note that articles and information for the October 2009 edition of The Promise are due no later than SEPTEMBER 10TH! This bulletin is the primary means of communication within our Church family:




Page 27



















Ecclesiastical New Year


7 Labor Day Offices Closed

13th Sunday of Matthew Matins 9:00 am Divine Liturgy 10:00 am

Nativity of Theotokos Liturgy 9:30am JOY Mini– Retreat 6:00—8:00pm

Youth Ministry Registration

13 Sunday Before the Cross Matins 9:00 am Divine Liturgy 10:00 am













Elevation of Cross Liturgy 9:30am

Leave a Question for Lunch Discussion w/Father



Sunday After the Cross Matins 9:00 am Divine Liturgy 10:00 am Orthodox Study Class 6:30pm

GOYA Meeting





Oct. 1









1st Sunday of Luke Matins 9:00 am Divine Liturgy 10:00 am LUNCH DISCUSSION WITH FATHER

4 2nd Sunday of Luke Matins 9:00 am Divine Liturgy 10:00 am


Metropolis of Metropolis of Metropolis of Metropolis of Detroit Detroit Clergy- Detroit Clergy-Laity Detroit ClergyClergy Meeting Laity Conference Conference Laity Conference Westland, MI Westland, MI Westland, MI Westland, MI

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