The Prevention Of Homelessness Mou

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  • Pages: 6
The Prevention of Homelessness within Chorley Borough

Memorandum of Understanding between

Chorley Borough Council and

Help the Homeless (Chorley) Limited 1. Introduction This Memorandum of Understanding formally acknowledges a shared intention by both Parties to develop a strategic relationship in the formulation and delivery of a Prevention of Homelessness Strategy for the Borough of Chorley.

2. Joint Vision

To put Chorley at the leading edge of homelessness prevention,and early intervention &and support through joint working collaboration and innovative approaches to service provision and delivery. 3. Purpose and Scope a. Chorley Borough Council (CBCCBC) and Help the Homeless (Chorley) Ltd (HTHCHTHC) both recognise that homelessness services in Chorley need to respond to the changing local and national context and deliver a service which is focussed on prevention, achieves outcomes and improves life chances of those living in the Borough. b. The need for targeted and appropriate services for the prevention of homelessness has always been apparent, however, recent changes in the global economy and the UK housing market are expected to create further pressures, with expectations that there will be rising repossessions and greater numbers of households unable to access affordable housing. Such predictions are at an early stage and may or may not be realised but are providing the impetus to drive forward new innovations and improvements in homelessness prevention activity. c. Partnership working is central to shaping and delivering a coherent and effective strategy for the prevention of homelessness. CBCCBC as the local housing authority cannot work alone in developing actions and targets for homelessness; working together is the only way that results can be achieved, through sharing expertise and resources. Indeed it is recognised that this approach has proven to deliver best value and savings for Councils, and along 26181645

together with a higher quality services for customers. d. CBCCBC and HTHCHTHC share a common belief that effective homelessness prevention, and early intervention and support, requires an approach which focuses on identifying and addressing the underlying causes of homelessness in a holistic way and with support and monitoring systems in place to reduce if not eliminate the ‘revolving door’ effect of repeat homelessness cases. e. CBCCBC recognizes that HTHCHTHC are a key sole is the voluntary sector organisation within the Borough which is aiming to provide ing ground-level homelessness prevention and support services for local people. It brings a range of resources, skills, experience and local knowledge to bear which complement CBC’s activities and services in this field. The closer collaboration signalled by this MOU will provide the potential to enhance the scope and effectiveness of joint provision, attract additional external funding to mutual benefit and speed-up the delivery of the Prevention of Homelessness Strategy and Action Plan. f. Any The existing financial support arrangements that exist between CBCCBC and HTHCHTHC will be reviewed under the terms of this MOU and where appropriate service level agreements will be adopted to formalise formalise any future funding by CBCCBC. For its part CBCCBC will use reasonable endevoursendeavours to actively support any HTHCHTHC’s bids for external funding where these are is is to be targeted at jointly agreed priorities. Unless otherwise subsequently agreed to the contrary, for example through a service level agreement, there will not be any exchange of funds between the parties for tasks associated with this MOU. 4. Responsibilities Contacts a. Each party will appoint a person to serve as the primary contact and who will be responsible for coordinating the activities of each organisation in carrying out this MOU. The initial appointees of each organisation are set out in Annex 1 attached. Areas of Activity and Tasks b. The organisations agree to the following activities and tasks for this MOU: CBCCBC will: i. Recognize HTHCHTHC as its primary strategic voluntary sector partner for the prevention and support of homelessness. ii.Consider the Nnomination of e an appropriate Executive Member for appointment to HTHCHTHC’s Board of Trustees. 26181645

iii.Appoint two appropriate and senior representatives to attend HTHCHTHC’s strategy events to be held on dates to be advised. iv.To assist HTHCHTHC’s bids for external funding through active the support of CBCCBC’s Funding Officer where available &and subject to capacity,, to help maintain and develop the shared homelessness prevention and support priorities. HTHCHTHC will: v.Share with CBCCBC, and subsequently other appropriate partners, the UCLAN report it commissioned on homelessness in the Borough. vi.Invite CBCCBC to appoint two relevant and senior representatives to attend its strategic planning events to take place on dates to be advised. vii.Consult CBCCBC on its draft Strategic Plan and consider any comments received prior to its final adoption and publication. HTHCHTHC will also consult with any relevant organisations that CBCCBC nominates as consultees. viii.Procure Ian Roberts of Greengage Consulting (at CBCCBC’s expense, subject to prior agreement of the brief, costs and dates) to facilitate a joint CBCCBC/HTHCHTHC strategy day to initiate the refresh of the Borough’s Draft Prevention of Homelessness Strategy. ix.Continue to build a strategic relationship with Fylde Coast YMCA (Fylde Coast) to provide financial and management support systems and help with capacity building and training, with a view to potential merger at a future date. x.Continue to pursue, with active support from CBCCBC’s Funding Officer, external sources of funding to help maintain and develop the shared homelessness prevention and support priorities.

CBCCBC and HTHCHTHC jointly will: xi.Undertake the refresh of the Borough’s Draft Prevention of Homelessness Strategy. xii.Implement the Borough’s Prevention of Homelessness Strategy and Action Plan once adopted by their respective organisations and work collaboratively together and with other relevant bodies and agencies in order to maximise successful service delivery for the 26181645

benefit of clients. xiii.Seek opportunities to introduce innovative new delivery mechanisms and implement recognised best practice to enhance the quality and effectiveness of service delivery on the ground. xiv.Explore ways to increase the efficiency of homelessness prevention and support services to provide better value for money. xv.Exchange appropriate information with CBCCBC for the benefit of clients and/or potential clients, insofar as is consistent with client confidentiality, statutory rights and requirements. xvi.Maintain an on-going dialogue through both formal and informal communication channels to help maximize the effectiveness of the parties respective services and to resolve any issues that may arise in a constructive and timely manner. Both parties will use reasonable endevoursendeavours to minimise the need to rely on external legal services by engaging regulalrlyregularly with regards to any customer queries and workingb togthertogether to resolve these , with the customer interest as paramount. xvii.Refrain from any public comments critical of the other, without prior discussion and giving a reasonable opportunity to respond.

5. TERMS OF UNDERSTANDING a. The term of this MOU is for a period of [133 yearss] from the effective date of this agreement and may be extended or varied upon mutual written agreement. It shall be reviewed [annually] to ensure it is fulfilling its purpose and to make any necessary revisions. An annual review meeting shall take place at which the CBCCBC’s Chief Executive and HTHCHTHC’s Chairman are present. b. Either party may terminate this MOU by giving [13 notice] monthsmonths notice without penalties or liabilities. Authorization

c. This MOU is not a binding formal undertaking. Its signature implies that both parties will strive to attain, to the best of their ability, the MOU’s stated objectives and agreed tasks and activities in a genuine spirit of partnership and cooperation. Signatures Chorley Borough Council 26181645

Signed: Date:

Signed: Date:

Donna Hall

Cllr. Peter Malpas

Chief Executive (Business)

Executive Member

Help the Homeless (Chorley) Ltd





Paul J McBeth







The Prevention of Homelessness within Chorley Borough

Memorandum of Understanding



[Please insert]


Colin Campbell, (Director responsible for liaison with CBC) Telephone: 01257 276950 Mobile: 07772 664467 Email: [email protected]


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