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Homelessness Counts


A closer look at the homelessness numbers, with a focus on decreases and increases at the state and local levels.

JA NUA RY 2009

The National Alliance to End Homelessness is a nonpartisan, mission-driven organization committed to preventing and ending homelessness in the United States. The Alliance works collaboratively with the public, private, and nonprofit sectors to build state and local capacity, leading to stronger programs and policies that help communities achieve their goal of ending homelessness. Guiding our work is A Plan, Not a Dream: How to End Homelessness in Ten Years. This plan identifies our nation’s challenges in addressing the problem and lays out practical steps our nation can take to change its present course and truly end homelessness within 10 years.

The Homelessness Research Institute, the research and education arm of the National Alliance to End Homelessness, works to end homelessness by building and disseminating knowledge that drives policy change. The goals of the Institute are to build the intellectual capital around solutions to homelessness; to advance data and research to ensure that policymakers, practitioners, and the caring public have the best information about trends in homelessness and emerging solutions; and to engage the media to ensure intelligent reporting on the issue of homelessness.

Authors The Homelessness Research Institute of the National Alliance to End Homelessness prepared this report. The primary authors of the paper are M William Sermons and Meghan Henry.

Acknowledgments The authors would like to give a special acknowledgment to Mary Cunningham, who helped shape, contributed to, provided careful editing of this report. The authors would also like to thank Amanda Krusemark for providing diligent editing. All errors and omissions are the sole responsibility of the authors.

Copyright © 2009. The Homelessness Research Institute at the National Alliance to End Homelessness.

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Homelessness Counts


Contents Preface: A Word about the Recent Economic Crisis


The Movement to End Homelessness


Measuring Progress


Homelessness in the United States


Homelessness by State


Sheltered and Unsheltered


Subpopulations: Chronically Homeless Adults


Subpopulations: Homelessness among Families




Appendix A: A Note About the Recent Geographical Changes


Appendix B: Homelessness among Subpopulations by State


Appendix C: Homelessness by Subpopulations by Community


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List of Exhibits Exhibit 1 Homelessness by Population


Exhibit 2 Sheltered and Unsheltered Homelessness


Exhibit 3 Chronic Homelessness in 2005 and 2007


Exhibit 4 Percentage Individuals and Persons in Families with Children


List of Tables Table 1 Changes in CoC Homelessness Estimates: 2005 to 2007


Table 2 Estimates of Homelessness by State


Table 3 CoCs with Large Reported Changes in Homelessness


Appendix B Homelessness among Subpopulations by States


Appendix C Homelessness among Subpopulations by Community


List of Maps


Map 1 Homelessness Estimates by State, 2007


Map 2 Homelessness Incidence by State, 2007


Map 3 Changes in Homelessness by State, 2005 to 2007


Map 4 Unsheltered Homelessness in the United States


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his report analyzes homeless count data collected in January 2007 and compares those data to homeless counts collected in January 2005. The report reveals that some progress has been made toward ending homelessness nationally and in individual states, as well as among homeless subpopulations. These data represent the most recent comprehensive homeless counts. The progress documented in this report occurred during a time of both relative economic stability and increased commitment by states and communities toward ending homelessness. Now, the circumstances surrounding the United States and global economies, including elements known to impact homelessness, have changed dramatically. Problems in the housing and mortgage markets have led to a national recession and global economic crisis. Recent economic indicators are projecting increases in unemployment and poverty rates1. If these projections are realized, they will undoubtedly lead to increases in the number of homeless households and households at risk of homelessness. Already, there are reports in the national news of increasing utilization of homeless services by individuals and families. Unfortunately, the economic crisis poses a threat to the local governments and nonprofits that are attempting to respond to this increasing demand for homelessness services. The next count will occur at the end of January 2009 and will provide a clearer picture of how the current crisis has affected the number of people who experience homelessness. In the meantime, this report provides the best possible assessment of national trends in homelessness and provides a useful backdrop for interpreting the new counts.

The Movement to End Homelessness


n 2000, the National Alliance to End Homelessness released the report A Plan, Not a Dream: How to End Homelessness in Ten Years, and in 2003 the federal government


See Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, “Recession Could Cause Large Increases in Poverty and Push Millions into Deep Poverty,” November, 2008.


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challenged communities to create plans to end chronic homelessness. Since that time over 300 communities have taken up that challenge, and more than 220 have completed their plans to end homelessness. The majority of these communities did not limit their goals to eradicating chronic homelessness, but instead established plans to end homelessness in all of its forms. To this expanded end, many communities outlined strategies to address the unique issues associated with various subpopulations such as families, elderly, veterans, youth, and ex-offenders. 2 While there are still far too many people without permanent housing in the United States, the movement to end homelessness is making progress. Hundreds of communities are retooling their homeless assistance systems using Housing First approaches and are executing their local plans to end homelessness. At the federal level, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) is targeting resources to permanent housing, and both Congress and the Executive Branch have made commitments to end chronic homelessness. The HUD homeless programs have funded operating costs for 60,000 new units of permanent supportive housing for homeless people with disabilities, out of the 150,000 needed. Importantly, for the first time in the history of our national homelessness problem, there are data available to estimate changes in homelessness over time. While these data, collected by communities from across the country, have numerous limitations and should be taken as estimates, rather than a precise census, they reveal a 10 percent decline nationally in homelessness from 2005 to 2007 and larger percentage declines among families and chronically homeless adults. These overall and subpopulation declines are likely the result of real progress in helping homeless individuals and families get back into housing, but are also affected by changes in data collection methods. Although there is still much work ahead, we should view these declines as early progress.

Measuring Progress


n 2007, the National Alliance to End Homelessness released Homelessness Counts, 3 a study that analyzed local data and created a national estimate of homelessness in the United States. The report laid the groundwork for measuring efforts to end homelessness by establishing a baseline number of homeless people from which to monitor changes. Measuring progress is important because it helps policymakers to understand the scope of the problem, to identify communities that are showing results and those that are falling behind, and to identify those interventions that are working to end homelessness. This report is a follow-up to Homelessness Counts, which used data collected in 2005. Here we analyze changes in homelessness from 2005 to 2007, looking more closely at changes at the state level and among homeless subpopulations. This report focuses on community



Cunningham, M., Lear, M., Schmitt, E. & Henry, M. 2006. What’s in Community Plans to End Homelessness. Washington, DC: National Alliance to End Homelessness. 3 Cunningham, M. & Henry, M. 2007. Homelessness Counts. Washington, DC: National Alliance to End Homelessness.

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point-in-time counts because only these counts cover all states and territories and on the years 2005 and 2007 because all of the Continuums of Care (CoCs), the local or regional bodies that coordinate funding and services for homeless people, completed homelessness counts in those years. The period from 2005 to 2007 marks the first time in the history of homelessness that we can estimate nationwide changes in the homeless population. The estimates included in this report, a tabulation of local point-in-time counts collected by CoCs across the country, are adjusted for data summary errors, inaccurate outliers, and data omissions. 4 While these data have numerous limitations and caveats, including changes in data collection methods from 2005 to 2007 and increases in coverage (see Appendix A), they are the best available at this time. Moving forward, policymakers should continue to invest in technical assistance to help communities improve their local point-in-time counts and Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) data. And policymakers should continue to use the data, which will lead to more accountability and improved data collection methods. Ultimately, better data will lead to a more comprehensive understanding of the homelessness problem and its solutions and assist policymakers in focusing on those solutions. The national picture of decreased homelessness over the two-year period 2005 to 2007 should not be interpreted to mean that all communities and states have experienced similar declines. To the contrary, almost half of the CoCs (44 percent) reported increases in homelessness, and over one-third of states (36 percent) reported increases. Because much of the policy that affects homelessness outcomes is designed at the state and local levels, the variation across communities and states is as much of the story as the estimates of national improvement. Changes at the state and CoC levels are addressed in “Homelessness by State” and in the sidebar, “A Closer Look at Communities.” These state- and local-level decreases and increases are the cumulative result of a number of factors: changes in housing and homelessness policy and practices, demographic changes, economic factors, and other external factors. While it is the goal of the Alliance to be able to determine the degree to which changes in homelessness at the state and local levels are attributable to policy, practices, and other internal or external factors, the current data are not sufficient to support the identification of reasons for increases and decreases in each state or local community.

Homelessness in the United States


omelessness in the United States declined by 10 percent—from an estimated 744,313 homeless persons on a given night in January 2005 to 671,859 on a given


Please see Appendix A in this report and the methodological appendix for more information about data cleaning techniques and methodological limitations.


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Table 1 Changes in CoC Homelessness Estimates: 2005 to 2007 2005 Estimate

2007 Estimate


% Change

Total Homeless










Chronically Homeless





Persons in Families





Family Households















Notes: The 2005 numbers are an adjusted tabulation of 2005 CoC point-in-time estimates. These data were adjusted and corrected for data entry errors, summation errors, and outliers that were based on unscientific extrapolations or states that did not follow HUD’s guidance for counting homeless people. Please see Homelessness Counts, National Alliance to End Homelessness (2007), available at www.endhomelessness.org for more information on these adjustments.

night in January 2007 (Table 1). In addition, some homeless subpopulations experienced even larger percentage decreases. Chronic homelessness fell by almost 30 percent, from 171,192 persons to 123,790 persons, and persons in homeless families decreased by 18 percent, from 303,524 to 248,511. A review of Table 1 and Exhibit 1 reveals that decreases are reported among the subcategories detailed in this report. It is important to note that these estimates provide a national snapshot of people who are homeless at a point in time (usually a night during the last week in January). Many more people are homeless over the course of the year (see the sidebar, “ Annual Counts” ).

Exhibit 1 Homelessness by Population 800,000 700,000

2005 2007


Number Homeless

600,000 500,000 –3% 400,000 300,000


200,000 –28% 100,000 0 Total Homeless


Homeless Persons in Families with Children

Homeless Individuals

Chronically Homeless

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Homelessness by State


stimates of homelessness 5 and homelessness incidence 6 were presented for the first time for each state and territory in Homelessness Counts. This allowed policymakers at the state and local levels to identify the extent of the problem nationally and in their communities. In this version of the report, we are expanding the amount of state-level data presented to allow a more complete assessment of the homelessness problem in each state. In addition to total homelessness estimates and homeless incidence, we are including rates of change from 2005 to 2007 and estimates for several subpopulations. Table 2 and Map 1 provide homelessness estimates by state. The state totals were created by aggregating the CoC estimates within each state. Not surprisingly, the largest 5

Homelessness estimates refer to the number of people who were homeless on a given night in January 2007, as estimated by CoCs and summed to create state and national estimates. 6 Homelessness incidence refers to the representation of the state homelessness estimates as a fraction of the state population. These estimates are presented here per 10,000.

Table 2 Estimates of Homelessness by State


2007 Homeless Population

2007 Population

Homeless per 10,000 2007

2005 Homeless Population

2005 Population

Homeless per 10,000 2005

1,642 5,452 3,836 14,646 159,732 14,225 4,482 5,320 1,061 48,069 19,639 725 6,070 2,734 1,749 15,487 7,358 2,111 8,061 5,494

683,478 4,627,851 2,834,797 6,338,755 36,553,215 4,861,515 3,502,309 588,292 864,764 18,251,243 9,544,750 173,456 1,283,388 2,988,046 1,499,402 12,852,548 6,345,289 2,775,997 4,241,474 4,293,204

24 12 14 23 44 29 13 90 12 26 21 42 47 9 12 12 12 8 19 13

2,749 4,731 5,626 12,264 170,270 21,730 5,357 5,518 1,108 60,867 27,161 980 5,943 8,130 5,424 16,599 9,857 5,278 4,934 5,476

663,661 4,557,808 2,779,154 5,939,292 36,132,147 4,665,177 3,510,297 550,521 843,524 17,789,864 9,072,576 168,564 1,275,124 2,966,334 1,429,096 12,763,371 6,271,973 2,744,687 4,173,405 4,523,628

41 10 20 21 47 47 15 100 13 34 30 58 47 27 38 13 16 19 12 12

Change Pct Change 2005–2007 2005–2007 –1,107 721 –1,790 2,382 –10,538 –7,505 –875 –198 –47 –12,798 –7,522 –255 127 –5,396 –3,675 –1,112 –2,499 –3,167 3,127 18

–40.27 15.24 –31.82 19.42 –6.19 –34.54 –16.33 –3.59 –4.24 –21.03 –27.69 –26.02 2.14 –66.37 –67.75 –6.70 –25.35 –60.00 63.38 0.33



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Table 2 Estimates of Homelessness by State (continued)



2007 Homeless Population

2007 Population

Homeless per 10,000 2007

2005 Homeless Population

2005 Population

Homeless per 10,000 2005

15,127 9,626 2,638 28,295 7,323 6,247 1,377 1,150 11,802 636 3,531 2,248 17,314 3,015 12,526 62,601 11,264 4,221 17,590 16,220 4,309 1,372 5,660 579 11,210 39,761 3,011 9,746 559 1,035 23,379 5,648 2,409 537

6,449,755 5,618,344 1,317,207 10,071,822 5,197,621 5,878,415 2,918,785 957,861 9,061,032 639,715 1,774,571 1,315,828 8,685,920 1,969,915 2,565,382 19,297,729 11,466,917 3,617,316 3,747,455 12,432,792 3,942,375 1,057,832 4,407,709 796,214 6,156,719 23,904,380 2,645,330 7,712,091 112,940 621,254 6,468,424 5,601,640 1,812,035 522,830

23 17 20 28 14 11 5 12 13 10 20 17 20 15 49 32 10 12 47 13 11 13 13 7 18 17 11 13 49 17 36 10 13 10

14,730 7,995 2,775 26,124 7,313 7,135 1,652 1,343 10,765 655 3,350 3,233 19,385 5,256 16,402 61,094 16,165 4,869 16,221 15,298 7,335 6,866 7,958 1,029 8,066 43,630 3,104 10,346 538 927 23,970 6,773 1,522 487

6,398,743 5,600,388 1,321,505 10,120,860 5,132,799 5,800,310 2,921,088 935,670 8,683,242 636,677 1,758,787 1,309,940 8,717,925 1,928,384 2,414,807 19,254,630 11,464,042 3,547,884 3,641,056 12,429,616 3,916,632 1,076,189 4,255,083 775,933 5,962,959 22,859,968 2,469,585 7,567,465 108,708 623,050 6,287,759 5,536,201 1,816,856 509,294

23 14 21 26 14 12 6 14 12 10 19 25 22 27 68 32 14 14 45 12 19 64 19 13 14 19 13 14 49 15 38 12 8 10

Change Pct Change 2005–2007 2005–2007 397 1,631 –137 2,171 10 –888 –275 –193 1,037 –19 181 –985 –2,071 –2,241 –3,876 1,507 –4,901 –648 1,369 922 –3,026 –5,494 –2,298 –450 3,144 –3,869 –93 –600 21 1,455 –591 –1,125 887 50

2.70 20.40 –4.94 8.31 0.14 –12.45 –16.65 –14.37 9.63 –2.90 5.40 –30.47 –10.68 –42.64 –23.63 2.47 –30.32 –13.31 8.44 6.03 –41.25 –80.02 –28.88 –43.73 38.98 –8.87 –3.00 –5.80 3.90 11.65 –2.47 –16.61 58.28 10.27

states—California, New York, and Texas—also had the largest counts of homeless persons in 2007. The homelessness incidence estimates, presented in Table 2 and Map 2, provide better comparisons across states because the incidence estimates account for differences in population across states. Nevada, Hawaii, Oregon, and California reported the highest incidence of homelessness. With 49 homeless people per every 10,000 people living in the state, Nevada had the highest incidence of homelessness in the country. South Dakota, Kansas, Iowa, North Dakota, Ohio, Wisconsin, and Wyoming

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Map 1 Homelessness Estimates by State, 2007 2,248 NH 23,379 WA 17,590 OR

2,638 ME

1,035 VT 1,150 MT 1,749 ID

636 ND

537 WY

7,323 MN

579 SD 2,734 IA

3,531 NE

12,526 NV

3,011 UT

14,225 CO

159,732 CA 14,646 AZ

15,127 MA 28,295 MI

15,487 7,358 IN IL

6,247 MO

2,111 KS

16,220 PA

3,836 AR 5,494 LA

39,761 TX

1,061 DE 9,626 MD 5,320 DC


1,377 5,452 19,639 GA AL MS

6,070 HI

5,660 SC

48,069 FL

2007 Total Homeless

1,642 AK

1,372 RI 4,482 CT 17,314 NJ

11,264 OH 2,409 WV 9,746 VA 8,061 KY 11,802

11,210 TN

4,221 OK

3,015 NM

62,601 NY

5,648 WI

537–2,500 2,501–10,000 10,001–25,000 25,001–65,000 65,001–160,000

Map 2 Homelessness Incidence by State, 2007 17 NH 17 VT

36 WA 47 OR

12 MT 12 ID

49 NV

10 ND

14 MN

7 SD

10 WY

29 CO

44 CA 23 AZ

28 MI

9 IA

20 NE 11 UT

32 NY

10 WI

12 IL

12 OK

17 TX

10 OH

13 WV

19 KY

11 MO

8 KS

15 NM

12 IN

13 PA

13 LA

5 MS

12 AL

23 MA 13 RI 13 CT 20 NJ 12 DE 17 MD 90 DC

13 NC

18 TN 14 AR

13 VA

20 ME

21 GA

47 HI

13 SC

26 FL 24 AK

Homeless per 10,000 5–10 11–20 21–35 36–45 46–90

* All homeless estimates are based on point-in-time counts.


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all reported low incidences of homelessness. With 5 homeless people per 10,000 people in the state population, Mississippi reported the lowest incidence of homelessness. Among territories and the District of Columbia, Washington, D.C., Guam, and the Virgin Islands had very high rates of homelessness, with Washington, D.C. reporting the highest. Table 2 and Map 3 provide changes in homelessness by state. In 64 percent of the states and territories, the homelessness estimates decreased, with Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, South Dakota, and New Mexico reporting the highest decreases in homelessness. The fact that most states experienced decreases is consistent with the overall assessment of a national decline in homelessness. However, in 36 percent of the states and U.S territories, the estimates went up. Kentucky, West Virginia, Tennessee, and Maryland reported the biggest increases. At 63.3 percent, Kentucky reported the largest state-level increase. This analysis cannot explain why homelessness increased or decreased in particular states. In some states, it appears that the changes in homelessness were the result of methodological changes. For example, both Texas and North Carolina increased the coverage area; therefore, when the CoCs did their annual counts, they covered a wider geography. But, most states that experienced increases have not modified their coverage area. The estimates and the changes from 2005 to 2007 should be used as a starting point for further investigation and explanation into why the estimates changed.

Map 3 Changes in Homelessness by State, 2005–2007 –30% NH +12% VT

–2% WA +8% OR

–14% MT –68% ID

–24% NV

–3% ND

+10% WY

+0.14% MN

–44% SD –66% IA

+5% NE –3% UT

–35% CO

–6% CA +19% AZ

–43% NM

–60% KS –13% OK

–9% TX

+2% NY

–17% WI

+8% MI

+6% PA

–30% OH +58% WV –6% VA +63% KY +10% NC +39% TN –29%

–7% –25% IN IL

–12% MO –32% AR +0.33% LA

–17% +15% AL MS

–28% GA

+2% HI

–21% FL –40% AK

PCT Change Direction Decrease Increase



–5% ME +3% MA –80% RI –16% CT –11% NJ –4% DE +20% MD –4% DC

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A Closer Look at Communities

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) requires communities to conduct a count of their homeless population every other year. Using a range of methodologies, communities count both their sheltered and unsheltered populations and submit the estimates to HUD. The quality of community counts is uneven, with some jurisdictions using more rigorous methods than others. However, there have been significant efforts from HUD to provide guidance and increase technical assistance to help local communities collect accurate estimates. This report tabulates, summarizes, and compares data from CoC point-in-time counts conducted in 2005 and 2007. There are numerous difficulties to counting homeless people, including definitional issues, finding homeless people, data collection and enumeration methods, sampling and extrapolation, de-duplicating, and differing time frames. Additionally, because it is up to each CoC to design a data collection method that meets local needs, each point-in-time count has its own limitations, which are not described here. One noted drawback in using the CoC data is that communities can, and many do, change their data collection methodologies from year to year. In addition, many of the CoCs change geography from year to year (see Appendix A). Communities across the country experienced a mix of increases and decreases in their local homeless population. Of the 433 CoCs that reported data in both 2005 and 2007, little more than half (56 percent) reported decreases in the total number of homeless people within their jurisdiction. Among the 244 CoCs that experienced a decrease, homelessness declined by 147,005 people. The reported declines ranged from 1 person to 9,981 people, with a median decline of 172. At face value, most of these declines appear reasonable—meaning that they appear achievable within a two-year time frame and are not obviously due to changes in data collection methods. There were, however, several CoCs that reported declines that accounted for a sizable share of the total decline. Eight of these CoCs are shown in Table 3. A closer look at the reported changes shows that some CoCs were reporting adjustments to their data, rather than real declines in homelessness. Rhode Island, for example, incorrectly reported an annual number in 2005 instead of the requested point-in-time number. In 2007, Rhode Island correctly reported a point-in-time number, which at first glance appears to be an enormous reduction in homelessness. Not all large declines are due to this type of adjustment. Some are due to a combination of methodological changes, more accurate reporting, and real changes in homelessness. Approximately 44 percent of CoCs experienced an increase in homelessness between 2005 and 2007. The total increase among the CoCs reporting increases was 66,958 people. The increases ranged from 1 person to 8,319 people, with a median increase of 121. Some of these increases are real; however, as with examining communities with decreases, these numbers should be handled with caution. As communities continue to improve the accuracy of their counts, both adjustments and real changes in levels of homelessness will be reflected in the counts.

Table 3 CoCs with Large Reported Changes in Homelessness CoC Number CA-514 Fresno/Madera, CA







GA-504 Augusta, GA




CA-513 Visalia, Kings, Tulare Counties










CO-500 Colorado Balance of State RI-500 Rhode Island Statewide TX-703 Beaumont, Port Arthur, SE




IA-502 Des Moines/Polk




FL-602 Punta Gorda/Charlotte County





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Sheltered and Unsheltered


he CoC estimates provide data on how many homeless people are living in shelters (this includes emergency shelters and transitional housing) and how many homeless people are literally sleeping on the street or other places not meant for human habitation (e.g., cars, woods, campsites, abandoned buildings). The 2007 estimates show that 58 percent (or 391,399 people) were living in homeless shelters or transitional housing, and 42 percent (or 280,460) were unsheltered (Exhibit 2).

Because the estimates were taken in January and many communities take emergency action when temperatures drop below freezing by providing additional hypothermia prevention beds, it is unsettling and unacceptable that such a large number of people were still found sleeping outside or in other places not meant for habitation during the winter months. Unsheltered homeless people are often more vulnerable to illness, drug Exhibit 2 Sheltered and Unsheltered abuse, and violence than their sheltered Homelessness 7 counterparts. So it is particularly positive 450,000 news that the number of reported unshel407,813 2005 391,399 tered people is down 13 percent, from 400,000 2007 322,082 in January 2005 to 280,460 in 350,000 322,082 January 2007. The number of people in 300,000 280,460 shelter also decreased, from 407,813 to 250,000 391,399 (or about 4 percent) (Exhibit 2). 200,000 Nationally, shelter utilization rates 150,000 hover around 99 percent for emergency shelters that serve individuals and 88 100,000 percent for those that serve families. 50,000 Transitional housing utilization rates are 0 notably lower—83 percent for individuSheltered Unsheltered 8 The exisals and 73 percent for families. tence of unused emergency shelter and transitional housing capacity suggests that existing shelter is not well matched to shelter needs in some communities. Restrictive rules at shelters may also explain some of the unused capacity. A number of CoCs reported a high proportion of unsheltered homeless people. Most of these CoCs are located in warm weather locations such as Florida and California. A closer look at the emergency shelter needs in these locations


7 O’Connell JJ. Premature mortality in homeless populations: a review of the literature. Nashville, Tenn.: National Health Care for the Homeless Council, Inc., 2005. http://www.nhchc.org/PrematureMortalityFinal.pdf. 8 For more on shelter utilization rates, please see HUD’s Third Annual Homeless Assessment Report (2008).

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Map 4 Unsheltered Homelessness in the United States 43% NH 30% VT

28% WA 53% OR

26% MT 36% ID

62% NV

9% ND

26% WY

20% MN

7% SD

51% CO

70% CA 41% AZ

27% OK

42% TX 55% HI

21% IL

13% KS

42% NM

59% MI

11% IA

15% NE 10% UT

8% NY

10% WI

29% LA

17% OH 11% WV 22% VA 26% KY 33% NC 42% TN 45%

17% IN

18% MO 40% AR

9% PA

38% MS

16% AL

58% GA

Percent Unsheltered 16% AK

2% ME 9% MA 4% RI 18% CT 17% NJ 20% DE 33% MD 6% DC


57% FL

2–10% 11–20% 21–30% 33–45% 51–70%

is necessary. Map 4 shows the percentage of unsheltered homeless people across the United States. Among states and territories, there is a wide variation in the degree to which the homeless population is unsheltered. The unsheltered percentage for individual states is shown in Appendix B. The states with the highest unsheltered percentages were California, Nevada, and Michigan, all of which had percentages at or over 60 percent. Among territories, the Virgin Islands, Guam, and Puerto Rico had three of the highest unsheltered percentages, Annual Counts

While point-in-time counts provide an estimate of how many people are homeless at a given time, there are far more people who are homeless over the course of the year. The Department of Housing and Urban Development released the first annual count of the sheltered homeless population in 2008. This report revealed 1.6 million persons living in emergency shelter and transitional housing over the course of 12 months (October 1, 2006 to September 20, 2007).9 This annual estimate does not include persons living on the street, in cars, in abandoned buildings, or in other places not meant for human habitation, nor does it include those individuals and families who were staying in shelters for victims of domestic violence. This estimate should be of particular interest to policymakers when determining annual funding for federal programs aimed at preventing and ending homelessness.


Department of Housing and Urban Development. 2008. Third Annual Homeless Assessment Report. Washington, DC.


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with 87 percent, 86 percent, and 68 percent, respectively. Maine had the lowest unsheltered percentage in the country with just over 2 percent of its homeless population unsheltered. Rhode Island had the second lowest percentage with fewer than 4 percent of its homeless population unsheltered. South Dakota, New York, and Pennsylvania follow, all with unsheltered percentages less than 10 percent. Additionally, the District of Columbia had one of the lowest percentages, with only 6 percent of its homeless population living on the street.

Subpopulations: Chronically Homeless Adults


his report makes the distinction between homeless individuals and homeless persons who are members of families. Most people who experience homelessness are individuals, who represented 63 percent of the total homeless population in the January 2007 point-in-time count. Homelessness among individuals decreased 3 percent, from 437,710 in January 2005 to 423,348 in January 2007. While the number of homeless individuals decreased by only 3 percent, the number of individuals identified as chronically homeless declined by 28 percent—from 171,192 in January 2005 to 123,790 in January 2007 (see Exhibit 3). Chronically homeless adults are defined as individuals with a disability who have been homeless for long periods Exhibit 3 Chronic Homelessness in 2005 and 2007 or who experience repeated episodes of homelessness. Research indicates that 500,000 only a small subset of homeless adults is chronically homeless. In 2007, chroni400,000 cally homeless persons made up 18 per123,790 171,192 cent of the total homeless population and 300,000 29 percent of homeless individuals. This is down from 23 percent and 40 percent, 200,000 respectively, in 2005. 300,313 266,518


This decrease is likely due to both real decreases, meaning more chronically homeless people getting back into permanent housing, and changes in the methods used to count chronically homeless people. Considering recent efforts to

100,000 0 2005


Chronically Homeless Non-chronically Homeless

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Estimates of Non-Chronically Homeless Individuals

The number of homeless individuals has declined overall by 3 percent since 2005. In January 2007, there were 423,348 homeless individuals compared with 437,710 in 2005. However, the number of homeless individuals who are not chronically homeless increased over the last two years, from 266,518 in 2005 to 300,313 in 2007. Non-chronically homeless individuals are a large portion of the total homeless population and are the one homeless subpopulation for which there is a reported increase at the national level. Few studies have been conducted on this growing population. This population includes persons who become homeless for short periods of time due to losing their jobs, homes, or other financial supports. Increased research on reasons for this increase is needed.

increase the stock of permanent supportive housing targeted to chronically homeless people, one would expect a decrease in this population. And in a number of places, decreases in chronic homelessness have had a visible effect on the street. 10,11 Caution about the homeless point-in-time counts is particularly important when estimating the number of chronically homeless people, because identifying chronic homelessness has inherent difficulties. Identifying chronically homeless adults using existing point-in-time count methods involves homeless individuals both knowing and reporting to a data collector that they fit the definition of chronic homelessness or asking the data collector to make that assessment based on interview questions. As a result, estimates of the number of chronically homeless adults suffer from reliability problems. Trend data showing the numbers going down over a longer time period (three to five years) will bring increased confidence that these estimates are evidence of a true decrease in chronic homelessness. Changes in chronic homelessness estimates and chronic homelessness as a percentage of total homelessness are shown in Appendix B for each state. The states with the highest rates of chronic homelessness are West Virginia, Mississippi, California, and Utah. West Virginia had the highest rate, with almost 48 percent of homeless people being chronically homeless. Maine had the lowest rate of chronic homelessness, with less than 4 perHomeless Veterans

In November 2007, the Alliance released the first report to quantify the number of homeless veterans at the national and state level. This report detailed the strategies needed to end homelessness among veterans. That report used 2005 data. An update that included 2007 data was published in 2008 and estimated the number of homeless veterans at 154,000. For more detailed information about homelessness among veterans and its solutions, see Vital Mission: Ending Homelessness among Veterans.12 10

National Alliance to End Homelessness. 2005. Community Snapshot: San Francisco. Washington, DC http:// www.endhomelessness.org/content/article/detail/942 11 National Alliance to End Homelessness. 2007. Community Snapshot: Portland. Washington, DC. http://www.endhomelessness.org/content/article/detail/1785 12 Cunningham, M., Henry, M., & Lyons, W. 2007. Vital Mission: Ending Homelessness among Veterans. Washington, DC: National Alliance to End Homelessness.


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cent. Other states with low rates of chronic homelessness were Idaho, Kentucky, Montana, and Wyoming. Widespread changes in methodology for identifying the chronically homeless from 2005 to 2007 prevent more detailed analysis into the reasons for these state-level variations.

Subpopulations: Homelessness among Families


omelessness among persons in families with children declined 18 percent, from 303,524 in January 2005 to 248,511 in January 2007 (Table 1). 13 The number of homeless family households declined by 14,517 (or 15 percent), from 98,452 in January 2005 to 83,935 in January 2007 (see Table 1). Additionally, persons in families with children represented a smaller share of the total homeless population in 2007 than they did in 2005. In 2005, 41 percent of the homeless population was made up of persons in families with children. By 2007, however, this had decreased to 37 percent (see Exhibit 4). There were even more pronounced decreases among unsheltered persons in families with children. The number of unsheltered homeless persons in families with children decreased by 30 percent, from 101,326 in 2005 to 70,628 in 2007. In 2007, unsheltered persons in families represented 28 percent of all homeless persons in families, down from 33 percent in 2005. While this reduction shows progress, it is unacceptable that any families with children are living on the streets or in other places not meant for human habitation.

Exhibit 4 Percentage Individuals and Persons in Families with Children

Persons in Families 37% Individuals 63%

N = 671,859

State-level changes in family homelessness and family homelessness as a percentage of total homelessness are reported in Appendix B. The table reveals that two-thirds of states


13 According to HUD guidelines, an adult is considered a part of a family if he or she is accompanied by at least one child.

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and territories experienced decreases in family homelessness ranging from 1 to 84 percent and that the remaining states reported mostly modest increases. Communities across the country are implementing strategies to end family homelessness, including increasing permanent housing options for families and Housing First initiatives. Approximately 49 percent of plans to end homelessness specify families as a target subpopulation. The recent emphasis on ending homelessness among families has resulted in progress.



his report shows that far too many people remain homeless in the United States, many of whom are unsheltered—living on the street or in other places not meant for human habitation. The report also underscores the difficultly in counting homeless people and highlights some of the challenges with data collection methods. Nevertheless, for the first time ever, communities are collecting enough data to measure progress in ending homelessness. While most communities and states have made progress toward ending homelessness, there are still far too many people who are homeless in the United States and too many communities where there is no evidence of progress. These data are intended to help policymakers understand the size and scope of the problem and further promote the implementation of effective strategies to end homelessness in all communities across the country. The data available at the time of this publication do not reflect those households that were affected by the recent economic crisis. The point-in-time counts conducted at the end of January 2009 may reveal that more people, likely those who were already precariously housed or in some other way at risk, have become homeless. Policymakers at all levels—community, state, and federal—should consider the evidence of progress from 2005 to 2007 and the likely increases in homelessness in 2009 when making decisions about our safety net programs aimed at preventing people from becoming homeless and shortening the length of time they stay homeless.


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Appendix A: A Note about the Recent Geographical Changes In 2005, 462 CoCs reported data to HUD, all of which were then included in Homelessness Counts. In 2007, 461 CoCs reported data to HUD. While a large majority of CoCs remained unchanged between 2005 and 2007, some shifted. There were 24 CoCs that were absorbed by another CoC in 2007. That is, they existed on their own in 2005, but in 2007 their geography was covered by a different CoC. For example, CT-511 Litchfield County submitted an application in 2005 that included their homelessness population chart. In 2007, that county joined the Connecticut Balance of State Continuum of Care (CT-505) and the number of homeless people living in Litchfield County was then counted as part of the Balance of State. There were 20 other CoCs that joined Balances of State in North Carolina, Texas, Missouri, Indiana, Virginia, and Puerto Rico. 14 Three other CoCs joined other counties or regional CoCs when submitting their 2007 application for funding: Steuben County in New York (NY-506), which joined Elmira/Chemung County (NY-510); Clarksville/MidCumberland in Tennessee (TN-505), which joined the larger Central Tennessee CoC (TN503); and Aguadilla in Puerto Rico (PR-505), which joined South/Southeast Puerto Rico (PR-503). To make accurate comparisons between years, there were adjustments that needed to be made among the 2005 CoCs. It would be erroneous to compare the Connecticut Balance of State of 2007, for example, with its geographically smaller version of 2005. To account for this, we merged the 2005 CT-511 Litchfield County with the 2005 Balance of State. In Texas and North Carolina, this was done as well, but the 2007 geographic area is not the same as that which was created for 2005. Both states have new Balance of State CoCs that cover regions previously not represented. Much of Texas in 2005 did not belong to any CoC and thus did not report any data on homelessness. Because of this, data for the Texas and North Carolina Balances of State should be considered baseline figures. Though they have 2005 comparison data, the area covered in 2007 is much larger than that of 2005.


14 All of the baseline numbers included in this report are from Homelessness Counts, National Alliance to End Homelessness (2007).

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Appendix B: Homelessness among Subpopulations by State



Total Homeless 2007

1,642 5,452 3,836 14,646 159,732 14,225 4,482 5,320 1,061 48,069 19,639 725 6,070 2,734 1,749 15,487 7,358 2,111 8,061 5,494 15,127 9,626 2,638 28,295 7,323 6,247 1,377



Appendix B

580 1,268 849 4,626 41,000 7,381 1,309 1,603 345 15,029 7,118 471 2,735 1,230 647 6,834 2,624 903 4,171 2,521 6,835 4,576 1,502 10,742 4,054 2,911 262

Persons in Families 2007 1,285 1,111 1,171 3,874 46,773 12,516 1,922 1,724 459 25,175 15,213 731 2,751 4,146 2,103 7,779 4,200 1,805 2,525 1,984 5,948 3,352 1,433 11,914 3,941 3,042 210

Persons in Families 2005 35% 23% 22% 32% 26% 52% 29% 30% 33% 31% 36% 65% 45% 45% 37% 44% 36% 43% 52% 46% 45% 48% 57% 38% 55% 47% 19%

PCT PFC 2007 -55% 14% –27% 19% –12% –41% –32% –7% –25% –40% –53% –36% –1% –70% –69% –12% –38% –50% 65% 27% 15% 37% 5% –10% 3% –4% 25%

255 1,656 1,551 6,028 111,221 7,254 811 340 207 27,540 11,298 622 3,358 293 624 3,316 1,262 282 2,121 1,577 1,414 3,210 62 16,743 1,445 1,110 526

1,318 1,448 1,976 4,958 118,275 14,294 799 354 119 33,078 11,690 722 3,495 3,516 332 4,986 2,778 370 1,508 1,225 1,808 1,486 18 15,146 1,057 1,974 365

16% 30% 40% 41% 70% 51% 18% 6% 20% 57% 58% 86% 55% 11% 36% 21% 17% 13% 26% 29% 9% 33% 2% 59% 20% 18% 38%

–81% 14% –22% 22% –6% –49% 2% –4% 74% –17% –3% –14% –4% –92% 88% –33% –55% –24% 41% 29% –22% 116% 244% 11% 37% –44% 44%

278 993 852 2,804 43,686 2,050 1,023 1,760 150 7,463 2,484 0 778 307 95 2,681 694 159 574 562 2,790 1,550 97 2,716 1,414 1,221 593

626 1,543 2,578 1,348 62,459 2,047 1,238 1,773 113 13,139 2,020 52 1,326 692 235 3,592 2,272 349 892 939 2,963 1,279 178 4,555 1,333 1,279 443

PCT Unsheltered Unsheltered PCT PCT Chronically Chronically Change Homeless Homeless Unsheltered Change Homeless Homeless 2005–2007 2007 2005 2007 2005–2007 2007 2005

17% 18% 22% 19% 27% 14% 23% 33% 14% 16% 13% 0% 13% 11% 5% 17% 9% 8% 7% 10% 18% 16% 4% 10% 19% 20% 43%

–56% –36% –67% 108% –30% 0% –17% –1% 33% –43% 23% –100% –41% –56% –60% –25% –69% –54% –36% –40% –6% 21% –46% –40% 6% –5% 34%

PCT PCT Chronic Change 2007 2005–2007

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1,150 11,802 636 3,531 2,248 17,314 3,015 12,526 62,601 11,264 4,221 17,590 16,220 4,309 1,372 5,660 579 11,210 39,761 3,011 9,746 559 1,035 23,379 5,648 2,409 537



517 3,411 233 1,359 993 8,342 1,154 3,152 34,545 4,394 1,239 7,719 7,991 395 729 1,889 311 2,748 13,482 1,066 4,223 22 436 10,090 3,245 494 206

Persons in Families 2007 535 3,013 232 1,182 1,618 10,295 1,891 10,947 33,790 6,737 2,203 8,532 7,826 1,222 2,821 2,242 283 2,284 14,937 1,302 4,180 137 471 11,573 3,391 547 246

Persons in Families 2005

*Rhode Island’s 2005 count was an annual estimate.

Total Homeless 2007 45% 29% 37% 38% 44% 48% 38% 25% 55% 39% 29% 44% 49% 9% 53% 33% 54% 25% 34% 35% 43% 4% 42% 43% 57% 21% 38%

PCT PFC 2007 –3% 13% 0% 15% –39% –19% –39% –71% 2% –35% –44% –10% 2% –68% –74% –16% 10% 20% –10% –18% 1% –84% –7% –13% –4% –10% –16%

295 3,923 59 524 975 2,478 1,267 7,708 5,320 1,884 1,132 9,261 1,479 2,941 49 2,574 41 4,764 16,879 313 2,179 487 315 6,522 563 262 140

476 3,800 49 1,060 1,753 4,638 3,207 9,702 6,111 3,854 992 8,446 1,409 4,968 108 4,284 42 2,206 20,213 536 2,912 354 226 9,520 1,631 306 86

26% 33% 9% 15% 43% 14% 42% 62% 8% 17% 27% 53% 9% 68% 4% 45% 7% 42% 42% 10% 22% 87% 30% 28% 10% 11% 26%

–38% 3% 20% –51% –44% –47% –60% –21% –13% –51% 14% 10% 5% –41% –55% –40% –2% 116% –16% –42% –25% 38% 39% –31% –65% –14% 63%

83 1,645 80 785 367 2,525 711 1,546 6,476 2,308 779 2,829 1,589 2,904 134 573 104 2,767 7,923 801 1,963 487 156 2,603 689 1,151 38

234 2,404 113 733 575 4,710 923 2,569 9,204 3,935 598 3,846 1,577 5,498 843 1,882 109 2,183 11,064 615 2,228 358 139 4,799 1,180 500 56

PCT Unsheltered Unsheltered PCT PCT Chronically Chronically Change Homeless Homeless Unsheltered Change Homeless Homeless 2005–2007 2007 2005 2007 2005–2007 2007 2005 7% 14% 13% 22% 16% 15% 24% 12% 10% 20% 18% 16% 10% 67% 10% 10% 18% 25% 20% 27% 20% 87% 15% 11% 12% 48% 7%

PCT Chronic 2007 –65% –32% –29% 7% –36% –46% –23% –40% –30% –41% 30% –26% 1% –47% –84% –70% –5% 27% –28% 30% –12% 36% 12% –46% –42% 130% –32%

PCT Change 2005-2007

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Appendix C: Homelessness among Subpopulations by Community


Anchorage CoC Alaska Balance of State CoC Birmingham/Jefferson, St. Clair, Shelby Counties CoC Mobile City & County/Baldwin County CoC Florence/Northwest Alabama CoC Huntsville/North Alabama CoC Montgomery City & County CoC Gadsden/Northeast Alabama CoC Tuscaloosa City & County CoC Alabama Balance of State CoC Little Rock/Central Arkansas CoC Fayetteville/Northwest Arkansas CoC Conway/Arkansas River Valley CoC Delta Hills CoC Southeast Arkansas Homeless Coalition CoC Johnson, Pope, Yell Counties CoC No Longer CoC Fort Smith CoC Hot Springs/Southwest Arkansas CoC Hempstead, Sevier, Howard, Little River Counties CoC Arizona Balance of State CoC Tucson/Pima County CoC Phoenix/Mesa/Maricopa County Regional CoC San Jose/Santa Clara City & County CoC San Francisco CoC

AK-500 AK-501 AL-500

CA-500 CA-501

AZ-500 AZ-501 AZ-502

AL-501 AL-502 AL-503 AL-504 AL-505 AL-506 AL-507 AR-500 AR-501 AR-502** AR-504 AR-505 AR-5062 AR-5071 AR-5083 AR-509 AR-5103

CoC Name


Appendix C

7,202 5,703

2,997 3,201 8,448

649 265 830 456 119 345 684 1,822 279 163 901 130 21 N/A 194 4 322

974 668 2,104

Total Homeless 2007

1,757 1,735

425 890 1,489

84 8 215 108 4 15 43 491 34 15 228 25 1 . 35 3 20

224 54 516

Chronically Homeless 2007

1,257 532

762 943 2,921

150 122 69 64 16 51 221 190 122 76 275 95 0 N/A 37 0 54

278 302 575

5,101 2,791

1,984 1,191 2,853

239 134 74 125 15 13 192 635 35 104 510 10 3 N/A 47 2 205

132 123 864

7,012 5,404

2,608 2,378 7,278

456 270 582 477 96 207 409 1,300 613 1,919 1,569 166 N/A 34 N/A 25 N/A

1,981 768 2,234

2,676 1,755

252 302 794

90 0 340 146 19 25 275 366 234 1,275 628 51 . 23 . 1 .

501 125 648

1,214 612

753 822 2,299

113 140 20 64 48 53 7 78 236 407 383 51 N/A 0 N/A 16 N/A

752 533 666

4,389 2,655

1,642 702 2,614

238 130 55 78 3 25 156 148 376 481 888 69 N/A 0 N/A 14 N/A

998 320 763

3% 6%

15% 35% 16%

42% –2% 43% –4% 24% 67% 67% 40% –54% –92% –43% –22% N/A N/A N/A –84% N/A

–51% –13% –6%

Persons in Unsheltered Total Chronically Persons in Unsheltered PCT Change Families with Homeless Homeless Homeless Families Homeless Total Children 2007 2007 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005–2007

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Oakland/Alameda County CoC Sacramento City & County CoC Santa Rosa/Petaluma/Sonoma County CoC Richmond/Contra Costa County CoC Salinas/Monterey County CoC Marin County CoC Watsonville/Santa Cruz City & County CoC Mendocino County CoC Turlock/Modesto/Stanislaus County CoC Stockton/San Joaquin County CoC Daly/San Mateo County CoC Visalia, Kings, Tulare Counties CoC Fresno/Madera County CoC Roseville/Placer County CoC Redding/Shasta County CoC Napa City & County CoC Vallejo/Solano County CoC Chico/Paradise/Butte County CoC Merced City & County CoC Davis/Woodland/Yolo County CoC Humboldt County CoC Colusa, Glenn, Tehama, Trinity Counties CoC Yuba City, Marysville/Sutter, Yuba Counties CoC El Dorado County CoC Tuolumne, Calaveras, Amador Counties, CoC

CA-502 CA-503 CA-504 CA-505 CA-506 CA-507 CA-508 CA-509 CA-510 CA-511 CA-512 CA-513 CA-514 CA-515 CA-5163 CA-517 CA-518 CA-519 CA-520 CA-521 CA-522 CA-523

CA-5253 CA-5263


CoC Name


Appendix C (continued)

107 400


4,838 2,452 1,314 4,062 1,402 1,002 2,789 1,422 1,593 2,479 1,798 1,106 4,247 587 296 365 1,956 1,478 2,641 414 907 155

Total Homeless 2007

8 90


1,257 718 297 1,225 336 172 1,161 520 552 201 475 49 941 48 86 150 524 353 701 93 219 27

Chronically Homeless 2007

42 148


1,812 487 426 1,170 253 156 381 230 592 822 410 569 1,581 219 149 129 1,138 421 446 122 541 94

16 321


2,496 1,005 532 3,159 893 400 2,303 1,138 959 303 1,094 826 1,512 137 46 146 1,499 542 2,420 186 585 101



5,129 2,229 1,737 6,271 1,570 1,017 3,353 1,651 1,613 3,360 1,231 7,757 14,228 466 N/A 337 3,540 856 2,554 633 1,847 199

. .


1,506 626 317 1,970 487 410 1,374 841 667 895 513 2,753 2,158 82 . 101 686 . 526 64 511 59



2,119 482 840 1,466 306 332 586 150 623 875 310 3,964 9,470 247 N/A 98 2,533 352 1,984 129 742 119



2,539 645 783 5,278 1,067 442 2,679 1,509 935 588 491 7,235 7,786 91 N/A 143 2,979 300 2,352 315 1,401 126



–6% 10% –24% –35% –11% –1% –17% –14% –1% –26% 46% –86% –70% 26% N/A 8% –45% 73% 3% –35% –51% –22%

Persons in Unsheltered Total Chronically Persons in Unsheltered PCT Change Families with Homeless Homeless Homeless Families Homeless Total Children 2007 2007 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005–2007

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CoC Name

Los Angeles City & County CoC San Diego CoC Santa Ana/Anaheim/Orange County CoC Santa Maria/Santa Barbara County CoC Bakersfield/Kern County CoC San Buena Ventura/Ventura County CoC Long Beach CoC Pasadena CoC Riverside City & County CoC San Bernardino City & County CoC San Diego County CoC Oxnard CoC Glendale CoC Imperial County CoC San Luis Obispo County CoC Colorado Balance of State CoC Metropolitan Denver Homeless Initiative CoC Colorado Springs/El Paso County CoC Danbury CoC New Haven CoC Hartford CoC Bridgeport/Stratford/Fairfield CoC Middletown/Middlesex County CoC Connecticut Balance of State CoC Norwalk/Fairfield County CoC Norwich/New London City & County CoC Stamford/Greenwich CoC New Britain CoC Bristol CoC


CA-600 CA-601 CA-602 CA-603 CA-604 CA-605 CA-606 CA-607 CA-608 CA-609 CA-610 CA-611 CA-612 CA-613 CA-614 CO-500 CO-503 CO-504 CT-500 CT-501 CT-502 CT-503 CT-504 CT-505* CT-506 CT-507 CT-508 CT-509 CT-510

68,608 3,485 3,649 4,253 1,537 1,290 3,829 969 4,508 6,969 3,841 671 296 342 2,408 4,450 8,698 1,077 152 778 907 356 302 647 262 285 301 165 91

Total Homeless 2007 22,376 537 257 503 316 301 628 279 1,003 2,386 438 0 79 229 615 1,443 412 195 48 196 207 39 77 168 54 53 42 47 21

Chronically Homeless 2007 16,643 868 1,537 1,041 289 282 1,015 293 1,165 778 1,163 166 135 288 1,060 1,817 5,249 315 28 204 227 138 96 174 59 141 95 58 33

57,166 1,016 1,071 2,773 632 931 2,150 535 3,178 5,749 2,329 604 63 229 2,221 3,357 3,513 384 25 137 16 32 101 155 49 37 49 74 32

60,289 4,268 2,848 4,058 1,653 1,313 4,475 1,217 4,785 4,475 5,190 642 362 424 277 10,314 10,157 1,259 234 1,134 866 378 384 774 199 319 426 256 105

34,898 779 . 454 316 330 1,056 306 1,125 1,370 424 228 86 . 110 1,032 491 524 40 111 301 122 144 83 118 86 93 67 27

5,554 1,521 749 852 428 514 2,017 599 1,588 1,067 1,639 254 115 203 120 7,026 5,108 382 78 590 251 116 118 311 26 132 115 73 47

50,414 1,446 747 2,911 616 894 2,805 1,031 3,131 3,530 3,305 324 238 155 N/A 8,736 5,089 469 23 334 35 40 70 60 8 77 23 57 47

14% –18% 28% 5% –7% –2% –14% –20% –6% 56% –26% 5% –18% –19% 769% –57% –14% –14% –35% –31% 5% –6% –21% –16% 32% –11% –29% –36% –13%

Persons in Unsheltered Total Chronically Persons in Unsheltered PCT Change Families with Homeless Homeless Homeless Families Homeless Total Children 2007 2007 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005–2007

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City of Waterbury CoC District of Columbia CoC Delaware Statewide CoC Sarasota, Bradenton, Manatee Counties CoC Tampa/Hillsborough County CoC St. Petersburg/Clearwater/Largo/Pinellas County CoC Lakeland/Winterhaven, Polk County CoC Daytona Beach/Daytona/Volusia, Flagler Counties CoC Fort Walton Beach/Okaloosa, Walton Counties CoC Tallahassee/Leon County CoC Orlando/Orange, Osceola, Seminole Counties CoC Gainesville/Alachua, Putnam Counties CoC Fort Pierce/St. Lucie, Indian River, Martin Counties CoC Jacksonville-Duval, Clay Counties CoC Pensacola/Escambia, Santa Rosa County CoC Saint Johns County CoC Palm Bay/Brevard County CoC Ocala/Marion County CoC Panama City/Bay, Jackson Counties CoC Hardee/Highlands Counties CoC Columbia, Hamilton, Lafayette, Suwannee Counties CoC Pasco County CoC

CT-512 DC-500 DE-500 FL-500 FL-501 FL-502


FL-510 FL-511 FL-512 FL-513 FL-514 FL-5153 FL-517 FL-5185

FL-508 FL-509

FL-506 FL-507


FL-503 FL-504

CoC Name


2,743 629 1,238 1,899 480 313 904 250

678 1,734

590 3,823


802 1,478

236 5,320 1,061 1,012 6,483 2,526

Total Homeless 2007


Appendix C (continued)


416 36 119 576 7 30 240 59

179 202

150 951


197 184

71 1,760 150 135 528 611

Chronically Homeless 2007


506 261 139 367 132 44 0 101

89 762

156 1,814


209 624

56 1,603 345 235 2,086 397


1,158 282 1,132 1,397 168 102 240 165

415 1,276

95 1,820


315 909

104 340 207 518 5,433 1,221


2,930 3,797 981 1,517 1,410 N/A 810 N/A

757 2,016

558 2,631


709 2,667

282 5,518 1,108 1,330 9,921 3,824


452 609 213 314 267 . 350 .

186 303

. 1,259


153 264

46 1,773 113 385 1,248 913


409 2,506 133 316 435 N/A 272 N/A

201 913

193 700


152 1,133

65 1,724 459 367 7,512 1,215


721 3,221 834 819 1,079 N/A 700 N/A

435 1,589

98 934


184 2,162

25 354 119 385 3,630 2,223


–6% –83% 26% 25% –66% N/A 12% N/A

–10% –14%

6% 45%


13% –45%

–16% –4% –4% –24% –35% –34%

Persons in Unsheltered Total Chronically Persons in Unsheltered PCT Change Families with Homeless Homeless Homeless Families Homeless Total Children 2007 2007 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005–2007

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Citrus, Hernando, Lake, Sumter Counties CoC Miami/Dade County CoC Ft Lauderdale/Broward County CoC Punta Gorda/Charlotte County CoC Ft Myers/Cape Coral/Lee County CoC Monroe County CoC West Palm Beach/Palm Beach County CoC Naples/Collier County CoC Atlanta/DeKalb, Fulton Counties CoC Georgia Balance of State CoC Athens/Clarke County CoC Augusta CoC Columbus-Muscogee/Russell County CoC Marietta/Cobb County CoC Savannah/Chatham County CoC Guam CoC Hawaii Balance of State CoC Honolulu CoC Sioux City/Dakota County CoC Iowa Balance of State CoC Des Moines/Polk County CoC Boise/Ada County CoC Idaho Balance of State CoC McHenry County CoC Rockford/Winnebago, Boone Counties CoC Waukegan/North Chicago/Lake County CoC Champaign/Urbana/Rantoul/Champaign County CoC Madison County CoC



FL-600 FL-601 FL-602 FL-603 FL-604 FL-605 FL-606 GA-500 GA-501 GA-503 GA-504 GA-505 GA-506 GA-507 GU-500 HI-500 HI-501 IA-500 IA-501 IA-502 ID-500 ID-501 IL-5005 IL-501 IL-502 IL-503

CoC Name



4,392 3,154 730 2,382 1,121 1,766 484 6,840 10,255 464 489 540 537 514 725 2,320 3,750 164 1,529 1,041 581 1,168 253 575 496 429


Total Homeless 2007


407 222 273 147 289 329 50 1,196 657 158 90 69 154 160 0 553 225 41 107 159 26 69 34 110 52 59


Chronically Homeless 2007


1,229 703 95 424 104 464 101 1,218 5,227 160 116 127 191 79 471 1,075 1,660 42 851 337 171 476 70 254 256 271



1,380 701 280 1,949 644 1,039 119 2,115 8,284 131 38 352 208 170 622 1,565 1,793 5 189 99 109 515 18 50 10 13



5,160 3,114 4,793 2,056 981 1,406 553 6,832 10,599 436 7,359 464 725 746 980 2,445 3,498 185 2,614 5,331 2,747 2,677 N/A 1,667 387 261



831 625 1,207 334 471 376 109 636 714 136 175 21 174 164 52 649 677 37 210 445 73 162 . 483 93 30



1,719 508 2,061 218 93 612 104 1,159 7,637 158 5,491 29 420 319 731 1,090 1,661 88 1,496 2,562 961 1,142 N/A 1,093 148 143



1,989 442 4,634 1,629 544 604 308 2,262 7,849 117 732 218 330 182 722 1,522 1,973 6 586 2,924 66 266 N/A 1,209 11 26



–15% 1% –85% 16% 14% 26% –12% 0% –3% 6% –93% 16% –26% –31% –26% –5% 7% –11% –42% –80% –79% –56% N/A –66% 28% 64%


Persons in Unsheltered Total Chronically Persons in Unsheltered PCT Change Families with Homeless Homeless Homeless Families Homeless Total Children 2007 2007 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005–2007

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Evanston CoC Joliet/Bolingbrook/Will County CoC Peoria/Perkin/Fulton, Peoria, Tazewell, Woodford CoC East Saint Louis/Belleville/Saint Clair County CoC DeKalb City & County CoC Chicago CoC Cook County CoC Bloomington/Central Illinois CoC Springfield/Sangamon County CoC Dupage County CoC South Central Illinois CoC Decatur/Macon County CoC Aurora/Elgin/Kane County CoC Rock Island/Moline/Northwestern Illinois CoC West Central Illinois CoC Southern Illinois CoC South Bend, Mishawaka, St. Joseph County CoC Indiana Balance of State CoC* Indianapolis CoC Lawrence/Douglas County CoC Kansas City/Wyandotte County CoC Wichita/Sedgwick County CoC Topeka/Shawnee County CoC Overland Park/Johnson County CoC

IL-505 IL-506 IL-507

IN-502 IN-503 KS-500 KS-501 KS-502 KS-503 KS-505

IL-519 IL-520 IN-500

IL-509 IL-510 IL-511 IL-512 IL-513 IL-514 IL-515 IL-516 IL-517 IL-518


CoC Name


Appendix C (continued)

4,906 1,868 413 187 526 227 234

305 870 584

130 5,979 1,237 467 260 766 246 347 474 600


183 397 434

Total Homeless 2007

450 129 32 23 56 18 12

17 159 115

39 1,018 198 57 24 173 11 34 245 85


39 39 183

Chronically Homeless 2007

1,916 541 232 60 158 128 174

70 454 167

70 2,052 646 239 164 386 188 223 118 392


53 153 99

1,028 234 43 57 53 1 87

157 74 0

24 1,633 168 68 15 124 32 180 56 94


90 18 98

6,935 2,287 142 175 728 518 237

278 300 635

116 6,680 1,085 492 438 557 268 377 506 664


184 365 568

1,282 864 52 52 184 48 13

14 120 126

20 1,266 199 81 187 84 7 54 229 85


76 43 251

3,338 616 30 38 191 238 175

209 194 246

53 2,667 623 181 92 350 201 260 98 326


54 196 228

2,373 294 N/A 75 197 18 80

131 70 111

31 1,702 61 54 23 19 141 197 54 190


89 12 135

–29% –18% 191% 7% –28% –56% –1%

10% 190% –8%

12% –10% 14% –5% –41% 38% –8% –8% –6% –10%


–1% 9% –24%

Persons in Unsheltered Total Chronically Persons in Unsheltered PCT Change Families with Homeless Homeless Homeless Families Homeless Total Children 2007 2007 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005–2007

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Kansas Balance of State CoC Kentucky Balance of State CoC Louisville/Jefferson County CoC Lexington/Fayette County CoC Lafayette/Acadiana CoC Lake Charles/Southwestern Louisiana CoC Shreveport/Bossier/Northwest CoC New Orleans/Jefferson Parish CoC Baton Rouge CoC Monroe/Northeast Louisiana CoC Slidell/Livingston/Southeast Louisiana CoC Alexandria/Central Louisiana CoC Houma-Terrebonne CoC Boston CoC Holyoke/Franklin, Hampden, Hamshire Counties CoC Lynn CoC Cape Cod Islands CoC Springfield CoC New Bedford CoC Worcester City & County CoC Pittsfield/Berkshire County CoC Lowell CoC Cambridge CoC Gloucester/Haverhill/Salem/Essex County CoC Quincy/Weymouth CoC Lawrence CoC Malden/Medford CoC Framingham/Waltham CoC

KS-507 KY-500 KY-501 KY-502 LA-500 LA-501 LA-502 LA-503 LA-504 LA-505 LA-506 LA-507 LA-508 MA-500 MA-5015

MA-511 MA-512 MA-513 MA-514

MA-502 MA-503 MA-504 MA-505 MA-506 MA-507 MA-508 MA-509 MA-510

CoC Name


280 310 137 747

236 697 1,053 390 1,302 374 432 432 606

524 4,316 2,587 1,158 631 247 857 1,619 1,042 313 434 188 163 5,104 964

Total Homeless 2007

63 54 17 108

126 288 149 78 144 40 143 200 91

18 186 259 129 47 44 78 220 77 15 42 26 13 988 81

Chronically Homeless 2007

133 117 104 522

66 289 324 81 625 168 224 86 278

151 2,813 946 412 326 48 353 818 340 193 263 79 101 2,156 547

34 19 22 172

28 329 33 34 34 59 14 56 22

41 1,895 180 46 174 28 134 629 241 51 231 48 41 306 53

334 96 207 908

394 1,071 668 272 1,093 347 376 501 612

3,478 2,579 1,473 882 680 188 874 2,051 890 117 319 250 107 5,819 N/A

96 37 27 159

90 327 112 41 149 39 112 172 133

. 383 269 240 100 67 113 289 164 13 35 153 5 962 .

139 N/A 159 366

253 458 239 81 550 180 174 113 238

1,133 1,608 692 225 335 50 298 631 412 43 102 61 52 1,875 N/A

40 50 38 76

44 571 45 54 25 67 44 45 46

. 1,006 452 50 172 32 173 591 169 20 62 . 6 299 N/A

–16% 223% –34% –18%

–40% –35% 58% 43% 19% 8% 15% –14% –1%

–85% 67% 76% 31% –7% 31% –2% –21% 17% 168% 36% –25% 52% –12% N/A

Persons in Unsheltered Total Chronically Persons in Unsheltered PCT Change Families with Homeless Homeless Homeless Families Homeless Total Children 2007 2007 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005–2007

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CoC Name

Fall River CoC Massachusetts Balance of State CoC Somerville CoC Brookline/Newton CoC Attleboro/Taunton/Bristol County CoC Brockton/Plymouth City & County CoC Cumberland/Allegany County CoC Baltimore City CoC Harford County CoC Annapolis/Anne Arundel County CoC Howard County CoC Baltimore County CoC Carroll County CoC Cecil County CoC Charles, Calvert, St.Mary’s Counties CoC Frederick City & County CoC Garrett County CoC Mid-Shore Regional CoC Hagerstown/Washington County CoC Wicomico/Somerset/Worcester County CoC Prince George’s County CoC Montgomery County CoC Maine Balance of State CoC Bangor/Penobscot County Coc Portland CoC Michigan Balance of State CoC Detroit CoC


MA-515 MA-516 MA-517 MA-518 MA-519 MA-520 MD-500 MD-501 MD-502 MD-503 MD-504 MD-505 MD-506 MD-507 MD-508 MD-509 MD-510 MD-511 MD-512 MD-513 MD-600 MD-601 ME-500 ME-501 ME-502 MI-500** MI-501

Appendix C (continued)

153 623 211 130 292 654 162 2,607 145 289 175 634 174 119 1,973 223 82 311 210 215 1,168 1,139 1,398 499 741 2,250 18,062

Total Homeless 2007 24 4 41 2 45 104 25 410 31 74 0 46 31 26 243 42 0 63 11 53 264 231 35 18 44 149 1,503

Chronically Homeless 2007 45 365 74 124 125 382 84 954 51 135 121 442 50 42 1,410 81 49 111 108 77 362 499 903 305 294 1,277 6,149

14 24 15 2 63 81 21 629 13 71 24 58 13 2 1,671 9 19 172 3 37 345 123 40 13 9 931 13,324

127 498 233 104 385 685 235 2,904 115 273 182 398 215 98 544 268 17 174 242 182 939 1,209 1,503 545 727 2,149 14,827

22 91 156 4 122 112 24 393 20 58 16 58 26 16 87 72 0 . 24 42 299 144 36 77 65 192 1,338

44 364 80 76 160 399 122 822 49 156 129 281 79 47 383 99 3 70 109 74 477 452 882 279 272 1,272 5,906

3 70 6 9 176 100 74 583 20 45 29 39 29 25 74 53 3 51 23 25 257 156 15 3 0 607 10,516

20% 25% –9% 25% –24% –5% –31% –10% 26% 6% –4% 59% –19% 21% 263% –17% 382% 79% –13% 18% 24% –6% –7% –8% 2% 5% 22%

Persons in Unsheltered Total Chronically Persons in Unsheltered PCT Change Families with Homeless Homeless Homeless Families Homeless Total Children 2007 2007 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005–2007

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Dearborn/Wayne County CoC 865 St. Clair Shores/Warren/Macomb 769 County CoC Pontiac/Royal Oak/Oakland County CoC 1,011 Flint/Genesee County CoC 354 Grand Rapids/Wyoming/Kent County CoC 912 Protage/Kalamazoo City & County CoC 614 Lansing/East Lansing/Ingham County CoC 408 Ann Arbor/Washtenaw County CoC 413 Saginaw City & County CoC 361 Lenawee County CoC 93 Grand Traverse/Antrim, Leelanau 241 Counties CoC Marquette/Alger Counties CoC 37 Battle Creek/Calhoun County CoC 205 Monroe County CoC 142 Norton Shores/Muskegon City & County CoC 332 Jackson City & County CoC 463 Livingston County CoC 63 Holland/Ottawa County CoC 319 Cass County CoC 34 Alpena, Iosco, Presque Isle, NE 105 Michigan CoC Eaton County CoC 197 Delta County CoC 45 Minneapolis/Hennepin County CoC 2,984 Saint Paul/Ramsey County CoC 1,294 Rochester/Southeast Minnesota CoC 446 Dakota County CoC 363 Northeast Minnesota CoC 232

MI-502 MI-503

MI-523 MI-5242 MN-500 MN-501 MN-502 MN-503 MN-504

MI-5133 MI-514 MI-515 MI-516 MI-517 MI-5182 MI-519 MI-521 MI-5222

MI-504 MI-505 MI-506 MI-507 MI-508 MI-509 MI-510 MI-511 MI-512

CoC Name


Total Homeless 2007

3 0 763 240 32 9 27

0 41 16 75 23 4 3 2 7

123 27 74 42 122 85 57 20 55

122 163

Chronically Homeless 2007

160 8 1,473 676 303 305 156

21 65 33 180 277 38 210 21 64

207 97 450 326 203 128 124 48 76

352 228

92 28 556 124 33 60 116

0 88 11 185 181 5 13 13 38

609 141 105 21 17 56 87 8 25

247 518

130 N/A 3,415 1,288 468 446 137

N/A 147 162 444 312 N/A 373 54 N/A

1,293 2,212 869 412 357 429 285 109 250

735 575

5 . 777 264 43 36 12

. 53 19 89 27 . 9 0 .

137 2,001 80 33 48 50 42 15 82

170 165

112 N/A 1,662 591 330 228 104

N/A 36 75 245 249 N/A 268 36 N/A

455 1,638 449 207 128 122 105 73 68

407 63

20 N/A 357 142 36 182 47

N/A 49 38 226 21 N/A 103 7 N/A

695 1,889 55 1 57 179 17 24 141

240 261

52% N/A –13% 0% –5% –19% 69%

N/A 39% –12% –25% 48% N/A –14% –37% N/A

–22% –84% 5% 49% 14% –4% 27% –15% –4%

18% 34%

Persons in Unsheltered Total Chronically Persons in Unsheltered PCT Change Families with Homeless Homeless Homeless Families Homeless Total Children 2007 2007 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005–2007

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CoC Name

St. Cloud/Central Minnesota CoC Northwest Minnesota CoC Coon Rapids/Anoka County CoC Moorehead/West Central Minnesota CoC Duluth/Saint Louis County CoC Scott, Carver Counties CoC Southwest Minnesota CoC Washington County CoC St. Louis County CoC St. Louis City CoC St. Charles, Lincoln, Warren Counties CoC Springfield/Greene, Christian, Webster Counties CoC MO-601 Clay, Platte Counties CoC MO-602 Joplin/Jasper/Newton County CoC MO-603 St. Joseph/Buchanan County CoC MO-604 Kansas City/Jackson County/Independence/ Lee’s Summit, CoC MO-606 Missouri Balance of State CoC* MS-500 Jackson/Rankin, Madison Counties CoC MS-501 Mississippi Balance of State CoC MS-503 Gulf Port/Gulf Coast Regional CoC MT-500 Montana Statewide CoC NC-500 Winston Salem/Forsyth County CoC NC-501 Asheville/Buncombe County CoC NC-502 Durham City & County CoC NC-5032,3,* North Carolina Balance of State CoC NC-504 Greensboro/High Point CoC

MN-505 MN-506 MN-507 MN-508 MN-509 MN-510 MN-511 MN-512 MO-500 MO-501 MO-5033 MO-600


Appendix C (continued)

69 45 16 82 105 4 12 10 44 258 38 94 10 21 49 472 235 372 99 122 83 122 105 95 267 212

108 306 100 1,599 1,396 718 385 274 1,150 503 635 539 2,421 1,182

Chronically Homeless 2007

389 266 185 242 501 152 169 100 336 1,386 498 518

Total Homeless 2007

646 92 152 18 517 137 93 103 1,032 304

64 87 35 779

202 152 144 98 231 125 104 85 246 586 276 192

346 278 41 207 295 24 187 37 961 202

32 8 0 154

76 31 12 77 207 46 89 18 46 213 271 40

1,347 488 543 621 1,343 455 490 535 1,721 812

1,340 379 94 1,644

394 110 218 121 477 113 56 70 406 1,485 N/A 440

137 233 97 113 234 214 169 78 239 265

152 257 25 425

36 20 13 21 81 18 3 9 33 134 . 116

347 66 95 49 535 92 68 131 602 152

898 74 23 441

292 59 187 68 270 55 36 59 260 793 N/A 206

840 37 189 139 476 20 103 28 510 276

321 147 6 198

88 11 16 26 86 41 14 11 80 348 N/A 34

4% 47% –29% –56% –14% 11% 30% 1% 41% 46%

–92% –19% 6% –3%

–1% 142% –15% 100% 5% 35% 202% 43% –17% –7% N/A 18%

Persons in Unsheltered Total Chronically Persons in Unsheltered PCT Change Families with Homeless Homeless Homeless Families Homeless Total Children 2007 2007 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005–2007

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Charlotte/Mecklenburg County CoC Wilmington/Brunswick, New Hanover, Pender Counties Coc Raleigh/Wake County CoC Anson, Moore, Montgomery, Richmond Counties CoC Gastonia/Cleveland, Gaston, Lincoln Counties CoC Fayetteville/Cumberland County CoC Chapel Hill/Orange County CoC Northwest North Carolina CoC North Dakota Statewide CoC North Central Nebraska CoC Omaha/Council Bluffs CoC Lincoln CoC Southwest Nebraska CoC Southeast Nebraska CoC Panhandle of Nebraska CoC Northeast Nebraska CoC New Hampshire Balance of State CoC Manchester CoC Nashua/Hillsborough County CoC Atlantic City & County CoC Bergen County CoC Burlington County CoC Camden City & County CoC Newark/Essex County CoC Gloucester County CoC Jersey City/Bayonne/Hudson County CoC New Brunswick/Middlesex County CoC

NC-505 NC-506

NC-511 NC-513 NC-516 ND-500 NE-500 NE-501 NE-502 NE-503 NE-5043 NE-505 NE-5063 NH-500 NH-501 NH-502 NJ-500 NJ-501 NJ-502 NJ-503 NJ-504 NJ-505 NJ-506 NJ-507


NC-507 NC-508

CoC Name


757 208 1,069 636 257 1,870 966 85 108 169 76 1,300 504 444 514 1,392 896 853 2,326 167 2,842 996


1,043 189

1,976 628

Total Homeless 2007

49 46 77 80 10 615 125 2 14 17 2 137 135 95 138 65 218 130 379 35 414 245


79 10

222 206

Chronically Homeless 2007

312 60 225 233 140 532 430 42 73 114 28 635 159 199 156 769 286 239 917 77 1,951 274


338 142

412 169

444 25 901 59 90 238 128 13 7 47 1 531 197 247 89 182 116 214 420 30 164 268


70 97

328 209

1,032 230 930 655 471 1,241 1,447 99 N/A 92 N/A 1,395 1,277 561 648 528 980 1,029 1,682 228 2,951 1,178


1,106 235

2,196 627

98 70 140 113 27 639 . 21 . 46 . 191 218 166 325 300 263 450 640 53 335 396


117 13

550 344

239 59 230 232 250 288 550 55 N/A 39 N/A 800 524 294 109 264 432 366 687 146 1,765 647


365 181

578 159

760 33 812 49 182 185 614 19 N/A 60 N/A 667 750 336 252 148 238 280 420 28 272 463


77 137

537 385

–27% –10% 15% –3% –45% 51% –33% –14% N/A 84% N/A –7% –61% –21% –21% 164% –9% –17% 38% –27% –4% –15%


–6% –20%

–10% 0%

Persons in Unsheltered Total Chronically Persons in Unsheltered PCT Change Families with Homeless Homeless Homeless Families Homeless Total Children 2007 2007 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005–2007

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Monmouth County CoC Morris County CoC Lakewood Township/Ocean County CoC Paterson/Passaic County CoC Salem County CoC Somerset County CoC Trenton/Mercer County CoC Elizabeth/Union County CoC Warren County CoC Hunterdon County CoC Ocean City/Cape May County CoC Sussex County CoC Cumberland County CoC Albuquerque CoC New Mexico Balance of State CoC Las Vegas/Clark County CoC Reno/Sparks/Washoe County CoC Nevada Balance of State CoC Rochester/Irondequoit/Greece/Monroe County CoC Elmira/Chemung County CoC Auburn/Cayuga County CoC Albany City & County CoC Cattaraugus County CoC Syracuse/Onondaga County CoC Schenectady City & County CoC Buffalo/Erie County CoC

NJ-508 NJ-509 NJ-510 NJ-511 NJ-512 NJ-513 NJ-514 NJ-515 NJ-516 NJ-5173 NJ-518 NJ-519 NJ-520 NM-500 NM-501 NV-500 NV-501 NV-502 NY-500

NY-501* NY-502 NY-503 NY-504 NY-505 NY-507 NY-508

CoC Name


Appendix C (continued)

175 55 619 142 740 288 1,169

830 292 424 1,062 465 366 1,598 1,188 222 109 250 359 163 1,276 1,739 11,417 863 246 612

Total Homeless 2007

5 6 68 0 68 35 197

90 91 44 194 15 24 194 79 16 19 37 86 12 159 552 1,483 33 30 81

Chronically Homeless 2007

36 24 223 47 137 132 400

388 140 167 684 214 147 758 765 83 27 60 188 52 455 699 2,896 121 135 275 1 22 80 38 11 79 161

73 63 43 231 11 23 356 116 7 3 8 4 57 287 980 7,573 98 37 10 462 135 642 593 654 412 1,361

1,299 412 556 1,440 186 508 2,995 1,564 324 N/A 163 347 367 3,649 1,607 12,198 808 3,396 682 0 17 199 72 113 45 133

329 44 63 432 15 121 443 298 36 . 14 87 66 713 210 1,979 302 288 103 81 82 191 488 106 74 412

799 157 303 667 161 171 2,088 1,044 125 N/A 59 169 136 1,264 627 7,718 184 3,045 315

95 91 79 80 9 117 167

209 112 41 483 8 66 938 297 79 N/A 28 28 248 2,481 726 9,424 178 100 16

–62% –59% –4% –76% 13% –30% –14%

–36% –29% –24% –26% 150% –28% –47% –24% –31% N/A 53% 3% –56% –65% 8% –6% 7% –93% –10%

Persons in Unsheltered Total Chronically Persons in Unsheltered PCT Change Families with Homeless Homeless Homeless Families Homeless Total Children 2007 2007 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005–2007

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Ithaca/Tompkins County CoC Binghamton/Union Town/Broome County CoC Troy/Rensselaer County CoC Wayne, Ontario, Seneca Counties CoC Jamestown/Dunkirk, Chautauqua County CoC Cortland County CoC Clinton County CoC Orleans County CoC Utica/Rome/Oneida County CoC Columbia/Greene County CoC Franklin County CoC Madison County CoC No Longer CoC Saratoga CoC Niagara Falls/Niagara County CoC New York City CoC Poughkeepsie/Dutchess County CoC Newburgh/Middletown/Orange County CoC Islip/Babylon/Huntington/Suffolk County CoC Yonkers/Mount Vernon/New Rochelle/ Westchester County CoC Nassau County CoC Rockland County CoC Sullivan County CoC Kingston/Ulster County CoC Putnam County CoC Cincinnati/Hamilton County CoC

NY-510 NY-511

NY-605 NY-606 NY-607 NY-608 NY-6093 OH-500


NY-5153 NY-516 NY-517 NY-518 NY-519 NY-520 NY-521 NY-5221 NY-523 NY-5243 NY-600 NY-601 NY-602 NY-603

NY-512 NY-513* NY-514

CoC Name


781 488 343 359 31 1,046


39 53 39 316 325 28 18 N/A 255 169 50,372 547 414 1,728

212 98 75

78 204

Total Homeless 2007

12 34 32 49 0 226


3 8 5 21 12 3 0 . 40 5 5,233 134 137 40

31 3 0

8 66

Chronically Homeless 2007

525 42 117 112 0 326


9 3 29 130 185 8 11 N/A 73 19 29,015 259 113 1,195

133 51 49

32 22

91 53 76 201 0 59


3 5 5 16 14 1 0 N/A 109 8 3,755 84 187 67

46 0 8

16 37

1,215 484 308 321 N/A 1,344


N/A 143 18 280 157 18 22 127 389 N/A 48,155 366 407 2,728

352 N/A 343

130 190

188 97 19 97 . 352


. 40 4 45 49 2 5 67 68 . 7,002 165 . 473

39 . 58

22 82

862 62 131 125 N/A 457


N/A 32 1 82 59 9 16 23 126 N/A 28,290 151 187 1,540

168 N/A 109

23 45

91 97 3 110 N/A 199


N/A 15 N/A 70 8 1 . 15 74 N/A 4,395 54 163 196

30 N/A 101

34 N/A

–36% 1% 11% 12% N/A –22%


N/A –63% 117% 13% 107% 56% –18% N/A –34% N/A 5% 49% 2% –37%

–40% N/A –78%

–40% 7%

Persons in Unsheltered Total Chronically Persons in Unsheltered PCT Change Families with Homeless Homeless Homeless Families Homeless Total Children 2007 2007 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005–2007

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Toledo/Lucas County CoC Cleveland/Cuyahoga County CoC Columbus/Franklin County CoC Youngstown/Mahoning County CoC Dayton/Kettering/Montgomery County CoC Akron/Baberton/Summit County CoC Ohio Balance of State CoC Canton/Massillon/Alliance/Stark County CoC North Central Oklahoma CoC Tulsa City & County/Broken Arrow CoC Oklahoma City CoC Oklahoma Balance of State CoC Norman/Cleveland County CoC Northeast Oklahoma CoC Southwest Oklahoma Regional CoC Southeastern Oklahoma Regional CoC Eugene/Springfield/Lane County CoC Portland/Gresham/Multnomah County CoC Medford/Ashland/Jackson County CoC Central Oregon CoC Salem/Marion/Polk County CoC Oregon Balance of State CoC Hillsboro/Beaverton/Washington County CoC Clackamas County CoC Philadelphia CoC Harrisburg/Dauphin County CoC

OH-501 OH-502 OH-503 OH-504 OH-505 OH-506 OH-507 OH-508 OK-500 OK-501 OK-502 OK-503** OK-504 OK-505 OK-5062 OK-5072 OR-500 OR-501 OR-502 OR-503 OR-504 OR-505 OR-506

OR-507 PA-500 PA-501

CoC Name


Appendix C (continued)

1,576 7,640 412

745 2,185 1,373 249 785 824 3,521 536 212 666 1,734 231 594 305 250 229 2,332 3,918 624 2,029 1,997 4,434 680

Total Homeless 2007

192 654 118

200 652 503 28 120 215 315 49 18 97 533 0 70 38 11 12 707 596 51 324 143 568 248

Chronically Homeless 2007

418 3,771 148

321 499 432 128 281 249 1,905 253 70 188 313 77 265 143 65 118 1,037 913 235 1,302 832 2,697 285 1,410 447 54

114 184 114 17 66 192 1,023 115 39 72 456 82 272 155 24 32 772 1,634 273 1,714 1,416 1,630 412 1,768 6,653 380

739 2,208 1,869 364 804 1,050 7,172 615 241 694 1,426 1,424 265 819 N/A N/A 1,293 5,104 799 493 1,491 3,260 2,013 229 494 42

142 1,152 433 224 127 208 1,209 88 51 178 199 91 45 34 . . 410 1,756 463 36 227 551 174 985 3,336 155

275 424 847 142 380 220 3,658 334 82 139 286 964 98 634 N/A N/A 749 1,810 216 368 612 2,061 1,731

1,601 176 58

142 224 62 . 72 195 2,780 180 47 52 133 44 72 644 N/A N/A 109 2,355 608 151 921 1,048 1,653

–11% 15% 8%

1% –1% –27% –32% –2% –22% –51% –13% –12% –4% 22% –84% 124% –63% N/A N/A 80% –23% –22% 312% 34% 36% –66%

Persons in Unsheltered Total Chronically Persons in Unsheltered PCT Change Families with Homeless Homeless Homeless Families Homeless Total Children 2007 2007 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005–2007

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Upper Darby/Chester/Haverford/Delaware County CoC Wilkes-Barre/Hazleton/Luzerne County CoC Lower Marion/Norristown/Abington/ Montgomery County CoC Chester County CoC Reading/Berks County CoC Altoona/Central Pennsylvania CoC Scranton/Lackawanna County CoC Allentown/Northeast Pennsylvania CoC Lancaster City & County CoC Bristol/Bensalem/Bucks County CoC Pittsburgh/McKeesport/Penn Hills/ Allegheny County CoC Southwest Pennsylvania CoC Northwest Pennsylvania CoC Beaver County CoC Erie City & County CoC Puerto Rico Balance of Commonwealth CoC South/Southeast Puerto Rico CoC Rhode Island Statewide CoC Charleston/Low Country CoC Greenville/Anderson/Spartanburg Upstate CoC Columbia Midlands CoC Myrtle Beach/Sumter City & County CoC Florence City & County/Pee Dee CoC South Dakota Statewide CoC Chattanooga/Southeast Tennessee CoC Memphis/Shelby County CoC


SC-502 SC-503 SC-504 SD-500 TN-500 TN-501

PA-601 PA-602 PA-603 PA-605 PR-502* PR-503* RI-5006 SC-500 SC-501

PA-505 PA-506 PA-507 PA-508 PA-509 PA-510 PA-511 PA-600

PA-503 PA-504

CoC Name


1,569 1,770 176 579 1,064 1,814

628 283 213 393 2,004 2,305 1,372 539 1,606

387 739 1,017 222 645 589 262 1,380

188 526


Total Homeless 2007

185 58 11 104 679 87

45 32 33 61 1,475 1,429 134 46 273

48 79 84 31 67 42 8 143

16 52


Chronically Homeless 2007

291 906 68 311 87 633

310 142 24 172 95 300 729 107 517

209 442 506 131 407 264 119 479

70 318


623 1,339 49 41 757 70

58 9 82 76 1,438 1,503 49 57 506

87 58 65 20 48 40 8 248

23 119


2,638 1,936 497 1,029 685 1,876

568 273 51 372 5,063 2,272 6,866 840 2,047

389 525 964 531 589 545 632 1,187

137 629


554 523 156 109 115 346

109 59 6 58 3,900 1,598 843 316 333

33 54 120 48 109 . 14 245

10 62


542 638 186 283 277 727

260 120 N/A 141 787 435 2,821 170 706

116 231 487 299 375 222 521 481

68 468


1,397 1,476 372 42 303 109

60 5 0 42 3,773 1,195 108 304 735

64 38 146 297 42 33 296 52

5 53


–41% –9% –65% –44% 55% –3%

11% 4% 318% 6% –60% 1% –80% –36% –22%

–1% 41% 5% –58% 10% 8% –59% 16%

37% –16%


Persons in Unsheltered Total Chronically Persons in Unsheltered PCT Change Families with Homeless Homeless Homeless Families Homeless Total Children 2007 2007 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005–2007

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CoC Name

Knoxville/Knox County CoC Central Tennessee CoC Nashville/Davidson County CoC Oak Ridge/Upper Cumberland CoC Jackson/West Tennessee CoC Appalachian Regional CoC Murfreesboro/Rutherford County CoC Morristown/Blount, Campbell, Cocke Counties CoC TX-500 San Antonio/Bexar County CoC TX-501 Corpus Christi/Nueces County CoC TX-503 Austin/Travis County CoC TX-504 Dewitt, Lavaca, Victoria Counties CoC TX-600 Dallas City & County/Irving CoC TX-601 Fort Worth/Arlington/Tarrant County CoC TX-603 El Paso City & County CoC TX-604 Waco/McLennan County CoC 2,3, * Texas Balance of State CoC TX-607 TX-610 Denton City & County CoC TX-611 Amarillo CoC TX-613 Longview/Marshall Area CoC No Longer CoC TX-6151 Wichita Falls/Wise, Palo Pinto, Wichita, TX-6243 Archer CoC TX-7004 Houston/Harris County CoC Bryan/College Station/Brazos Valley CoC TX-7014 Conroe/Montgomery County CoC TX-7024 Beaumont/Port Arthur/SE Texas CoC TX-7034

TN-502 TN-503* TN-504 TN-506 TN-507 TN-509 TN-510 TN-5123


Appendix C (continued)

162 33 824 217 310 88 112 255 218 46 443 28 574 479 208 70 1,625 56 75 68 . 207 3,627 40 . 119

2,247 277 5,281 487 3,381 2,876 1,241 431 10,636 207 431 374 N/A 263 10,363 289 N/A 710

Chronically Homeless 2007

956 360 2,156 704 2,255 559 438 904

Total Homeless 2007

2,309 136 0 168

872 84 2,165 262 1,362 1,326 437 110 3,780 122 173 121 N/A 40

162 109 160 371 560 81 63 522

5,346 70 N/A 242

449 114 3,886 178 340 201 273 172 5,133 96 133 114 N/A 49

126 79 390 508 2,001 214 148 471

12,005 170 226 5,319

1,651 3,100 1,892 316 3,729 4,269 1,071 486 6,607 470 1,167 288 581 N/A

751 339 1,542 629 1,689 425 130 N/A

3,602 40 65 555

269 286 258 16 1,001 1,076 495 78 2,687 53 329 104 58 .

286 47 824 46 260 160 99 .

2,996 35 157 1,576

451 362 528 171 1,377 1,379 456 261 4,167 272 395 95 167 N/A

96 125 138 179 649 80 13 N/A

6,583 21 101 4,760

277 2,692 726 256 412 1,812 148 392 836 286 721 77 45 N/A

112 140 227 321 806 132 56 N/A

–14% 70% –100% –87%

36% –91% 179% 54% –9% –33% 16% –11% 61% –56% –63% 30% N/A N/A

27% 6% 40% 12% 34% 32% 237% N/A

Persons in Unsheltered Total Chronically Persons in Unsheltered PCT Change Families with Homeless Homeless Homeless Families Homeless Total Children 2007 2007 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005–2007

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Galveston/Gulf Coast CoC Salt Lake City & County CoC Utah Balance of State CoC Provo/Mountainland CoC Richmond/Henrico, Chesterfield, Hanover Counties CoC Norfolk CoC Roanoke City & County/Salem CoC Virginia Beach CoC Charlottesville CoC Newport News/Hampton/Virginia Peninsula CoC Portsmouth CoC Lynchburg CoC Petersburg CoC Staunton/Waynesboro/Augusta, Highland Counties CoC Chesapeake CoC Shenandoah, Frederick, Page, Warren Counties CoC Fredericksburg/Spotsylvania, Stafford Counties CoC Danville, Martinsville CoC Harrisburg/ Rockingham County CoC Suffolk CoC Virginia Balance of State CoC Arlington County CoC Fairfax County CoC Loudoun County CoC Alexandria CoC

TX-7044 UT-500 UT-503 UT-504 VA-500

VA-517 VA-518 VA-519 VA-521* VA-600 VA-601 VA-602 VA-603


VA-512 VA-513

VA-507 VA-508 VA-509 VA-510

VA-501 VA-502 VA-503 VA-504 VA-505

CoC Name


187 117 30 608 462 1,593 211 375


129 265

217 289 80 95

540 566 476 265 908

267 2,079 716 216 1,158

Total Homeless 2007

10 2 13 52 273 335 52 114


2 34

42 59 34 0

97 168 60 31 247

40 545 217 39 185

Chronically Homeless 2007

48 71 21 338 137 946 130 145


52 116

80 65 44 35

113 81 298 69 346

15 689 246 131 241

118 9 9 103 219 154 97 92


43 47

52 191 41 1

104 38 46 28 339

83 198 86 29 144

81 66 39 639 420 1,458 93 391


207 853

332 192 132 65

600 493 628 243 1,034

283 2,138 556 410 1,469

11 8 17 78 178 293 24 91


4 36

102 39 28 25

89 257 170 . 361

92 369 168 78 294

36 53 14 394 125 933 53 151


112 633

110 46 17 6

157 95 247 87 282

92 831 289 182 226

10 2 23 229 162 155 23 80


186 26

106 62 91 28

64 63 293 104 307

68 194 157 185 696

131% 77% –23% –5% 10% 9% 127% –4%


–38% –69%

–35% 51% –39% 46%

–10% 15% –24% 9% –12%

–6% –3% 29% –47% –21%

Persons in Unsheltered Total Chronically Persons in Unsheltered PCT Change Families with Homeless Homeless Homeless Families Homeless Total Children 2007 2007 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005–2007

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Prince William County CoC Virgin Islands CoC Vermont Balance of State CoC Burlington/Chittenden County CoC Seattle/King County CoC Washington Balance of State CoC City of Spokane CoC Tacoma/Lakewood/Pierce County CoC Everett/Snohomish County CoC Spokane County CoC Yakima City & County CoC Vancouver/Clark County CoC Wisconsin Balance of State CoC Milwaukee City & County CoC Racine City & County CoC Madison/Dane County CoC Wheeling/Weirton Area CoC Huntington/Cabell, Wayne Counties CoC Charleston/Kanawha, Putnam, Boone, Clay Counties CoC West Virginia Balance of State CoC Wyoming Statewide CoC

VA-604 VI-500 VT-500 VT-501 WA-500 WA-501 WA-502 WA-503 WA-504 WA-506 WA-507 WA-508 WI-500 WI-501 WI-502 WI-503 WV-500 WV-501 WV-503 1,635 537

614 559 796 239 7,902 6,995 1,083 1,596 3,453 274 684 1,392 3,105 1,470 256 817 118 331 325

Total Homeless 2007

*CoC larger in 2007 due to its merging with another CoC. **CoC is geographically smaller than it was in 2005. 1 No longer a CoC and region not currently represented by any CoC. 2 New CoC that was a part of a larger CoC in 2005. 3 New CoC from an area that was not accounted for in 2005. 4 Renamed CoC but geography stayed the same. 5 Included in last year's files, but there was no reported data. 6 Rhode Island's 2005 count was an annual estimate.

WV-508 WY-500

CoC Name


Appendix C (continued)

941 38

88 487 127 29 932 787 252 192 207 5 89 139 299 234 29 127 9 68 133

Chronically Homeless 2007

321 206

374 22 311 125 2,795 3,565 368 936 1,257 227 299 643 2,061 701 118 365 14 96 63 120 140

258 487 280 35 2,222 2,027 194 254 1,303 151 143 228 288 175 6 94 22 58 62 709 487

504 538 761 166 7,315 6,739 1,824 1,924 3,241 159 1,190 1,578 2,613 2,818 276 1,066 99 312 402 206 56

62 358 97 42 1,931 1,016 254 286 744 11 268 289 372 549 66 193 38 112 144 352 246

318 137 419 52 2,960 3,505 461 1,151 1,853 132 747 764 1,561 1,251 93 486 27 85 83

124 86

156 354 193 33 2,216 3,610 384 487 1,662 90 513 558 297 1,240 46 48 21 85 76

131% 10%

22% 4% 5% 44% 8% 4% –41% –17% 7% 72% –43% –12% 19% –48% –7% –23% 19% 6% –19%

Persons in Unsheltered Total Chronically Persons in Unsheltered PCT Change Families with Homeless Homeless Homeless Families Homeless Total Children 2007 2007 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005–2007

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National Alliance to End Homelessness 1518 K Street, NW Suite 410 Washington, DC 20005 www.endhomelessness.org

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