The Other Side Of The Noo-constitution

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  • Pages: 3
The other side of the Noo-Constitution : the inner way towards the Noosphere Michèle Billoré (France)

“Having assumed upon ourselves the general rights, freedom, and duties of the world’s people provided for in the Noo-Constitution, we appeal to all citizens of the planet to do the same !” Noo-constitution Preamble p.7

In this year 2008, humanity as a whole is now aware of a real change occurring on our beautiful Blue Planet, because tangible effects are now more and more obvious everywhere to everyone. But, because they do not understand the reasons and the deep meaning of what is happening, most people on earth are undergoing this present global crisis with enormous FEAR and suffering, instead of rejoicing with all the new opportunities that this evolutionary process is bringing to us.

A new look on Evolution We owe to Pierre Teilhard de Chardin and Vladimir Vernadsky, a new look on the EVOLUTION of Mankind as a species, especially on the interaction between the human mind and its cradle, the planet Earth, where it has been born and has developed. By becoming aware of the “geobiochemistry” process, Mankind cannot escape any longer its full responsibility for the future of its civilization. Both these visionary scientists have made understandable and acceptable the SPIRITUAL dimension of Life, beyond all forms of religions, which is as a NATURAL evolutionary stage for humanity as is the butterfly for the caterpillar. It is a state of real MATURITY that has yet to be reached, the blueprint of which is inside each human being as is the blueprint of the butterfly inside each caterpillar. But while caterpillars just have to follow their inner instincts without any worry about their future, on the contrary human beings need to be aware of their destiny in order to give themselves the chance of being successful with their accomplishment by making consciously the right choices: there lies their free will, as the result of having been freed from the absolute pressure of instincts, and being moved by educable impulses instead. As the global evolution of the human species follows the same stages as those followed by each individual during their existence, the meaning of the present global crisis is nothing but a major crisis of growth of Mankind, from adolescence to adulthood which is a second birth. The process of the birth of the noosphere which we are presently going through, is our own self-birth out of the simple survival into the fullness of Life. And instead of undergoing it


passively with a maximum of sufferings and risks of destructions of all kinds, we have the possibility of making the choice to accompany it consciously in the best possible way, by uniting the resources of our minds and of our hearts. The Noo-Constitution is expressing this choice, in order to help human beings to go through this Biosphere-Noosphere transition, by offering what Mankind is missing the most: the sense of its Unity, of its Evolution and of its Future, and the guide-lines to accomplish it. As such it is a great tool for universal long-lasting Peace. The Noo-constitution is the necessary structure which will allow the values of survival of the past, based on “having”, to be replaced by the values of the future, the values of full Life, based on “being”. But we have to keep in mind that this structure is like a backbone, and that it is up to us to fill it with flesh and blood, and to make it alive. Putting in writing our highest aspirations is only a first step. The next one is our personal inner work of integrating them fully into our own beings, in order to become able to really act according to our best intentions.

Do you know the axolotl ? This small aquatic white fish-like animal was living in a lake in Mexico, until some specimens, in 1863, were brought to Paris where, surprisingly, they totally changed form into black salamanders! It was then discovered that the axolotl was but an immature state of development of a salamander, and however able to reproduce. This ability, called “neoteny”, is shared by the human species, although not at the physical level of the form, but at the inner and more subtle level of the Essence. Due to the change of their conditions of life, the axolotls had been able to grow up to their full maturity, because their new environment had provided them with some elements which were lacking in their original lake. Due to the new conditions of life having taken place on our planet during these last decades (global food sufficiency, globalisation of exchanges, technologies of information, etc…), like the axolotls, we are now able to complete our own inner growth towards full maturity, that is to say the full expression of our being: soul and mind consciously integrated in the body by the spirit. But at the same time, through our activity, we, as human beings, have now developed the means of total self-destruction, our natural environment included. Consequently we are now forced to face the reality and to make choices in full awareness : . either to keep on our archaic behaviours of domination/submission, rivalry, competition, elimination of some by others, etc… based on FEAR of lacking, which have been prevailing during millenniums for ensuring survival in times of scarcity, but which have become now lethal; . either to make a conscious and total shift of behaviours towards each other, towards all Life forms, the planet and the cosmos, in order to ensure survival in our present time of


plenty: respect for any being, right share-out and cooperation between all people at all levels, on earth and beyond, which is the way towards Peace and Conscious Love.

The human growth The human growth follows different steps according to different levels of needs, which can be represented in the form of a pyramid*(1), from the most basic at the bottom up to the most subtle ones at the top, in a dynamic endless looped process in connection with the dimensions of body, soul, mind and spirit, and in link with the main chakras and the three-tiered structure of the brain (reptilian, limbic and neo-cortical). At first biological survival, through physiological needs (air, drink, food, sleep, warmth...) and safety in all fields, then psychological needs through relationships, being part of a community and getting recognition from it, expressing one’s abilities and gaining self-esteem, at last fully realizing oneself up to the spiritual level, that is to say fully incarnating and expressing the Essence into the existence.

On the other hand, the latest and external part of the brain, the neo-cortex, is made of two hemispheres, left and right, whose specifications are opposite and complementary as are the feminine /masculine or receptive/emissive energies, known as yin and yang.

New behaviours These two polarities are inherent to creation, where they work together in harmony. But for Mankind it is not yet the case, although each of us, as an individual, is intended to do it with the two parts of our brain, and consequently with our fellow human beings. As the conditions for survival have changed, human beings are now facing their responsibility to realize this harmony inside themselves, as an “inner marriage” uniting both polarities in a transcendental process, at the image of water. Water is resulting from the combination of hydrogen and oxygen. Containing these two gases and succeeding to them, water is endowed with properties totally different from each of them and totally unpredictable. Thus water is an example of transcendence. Such is our destiny of fully realized human beings of the future. But under which conditions? Realizing the inner union between yin and yang requires a total shift in our way of thinking and of behaving, from projection to reflection, from egocentricity to relationship, from number 1 to number 2, from competition to cooperation and mutual respect, from imposing anything to others, and particularly action before relationship (outside any emergency priority), to taking time for relating before acting together. In any case this shift of behaviours implies a process of purifying our mind, soul and body from emotional energies and archaic impulses, conscious and unconscious, which are the main obstacles to peace at any level.

Inner ecology Emotions are unavoidable pollutions generated within any human relationship.


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