The Origin Of The Species Homo Sapiens?

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The Origin of the Species Homo Sapiens? Some wild and crazy ideas I believe are true . by Dr. Nathan Louis March 20, 2009 The following ideas about the origin of our species I believe to be true because the source of these ideas has within it, certain knowledge that is indisputable and which indicates unequivocally that those who wrote these things could be considered to be unimpeachable in their credibility. First I will tear to shreds any ideas you may have had about the origin of the species. Conventional wisdom says that we evolved from the apes and some evidence points in this vague direction. On the other hand, conventional wisdom fails to explain how Homo Sapiens and then Homo Sapiens Sapiens suddenly appeared on the scene in a stunningly short period of geological time. Darwin tried heroically to answer these questions and no one can argue there is some truth in what he said. Mainly, his theory managed to shut up a great many who argued the inarguable by saying Humans were created by God, as stated in Genesis. Interestingly, my wild and crazy ideas will get to that. What I find fascinating is that these ideas in one sense run head on like a wounded rhinoceros into our most precious sacred text, while at the same time literally and figuratively verifying with powerful credibility its very contents! For example: In 1875 an amateur Assyriologist with a great flair for translating cuneiform (clay tablets) text was sent to the ruins of Nineveh in Mesopotamia to explore and find more tablets. He had already became famous for discovering the story of Noah’s flood in these clay tablets. in 1872. This time he discovered the original account of Creation. Understand, these stories in fact were written millennia before the Bible was finally made into its basic present form. I won’t keep you in suspense. What these tablets described, first of all was a wild and crazy explanation of the forming of the solar system itself. All of this in allegorical terms of course, but still easy to understand. Second, they explain that the habitation of earth around 450,000 years ago was visited by a group of 600 highly advanced Extraterrestrials (The Anunnaki, “those who from heaven to earth came”). They came to find gold, which they needed to help preserve the atmosphere of their own planet, Iburu. The idea was to float a layer of gold dust around the entire planet to shield it and keep their own atmosphere frin dissipating. This planet is part of our solar system with an orbit around our sun of 3,600 years! We are anticipating its arrival with trepidation in the year 2012. with its rumors of possible disasters on that date. It has in fact been spotted already. They toiled for quite a few millennia but eventually, so the story goes, they simply became upset over the relentless work. So they mutinied against their superiors. One of them was named Enlil, the other Enki. Enlil wished to punish them severely but then Enki known as a brilliant scientist, said, “I will find a worker for you to do the toil!” They were stunned and asked “Where is this worker!” And Enki replied that he had him right there. He was referring to the primitive Hominids that roamed the Savannahs of Africa, where the mining was being done. (A long and extensive research project to find the very first mitochondrial DNA, believe it or not, ended up exactly in Africa, at the Dulvai Gorge, near the very ancient gold mines discovered there.) To make a long story short, the Australopithecus, et al, were not smart enough to be used as workers, so Enki with his equally talented sister Ninmah, used genetic engineering to fashion an intelligent creature. They did so, but it was a hybrid, and we all know a hybrid cannot reproduce. So they went back in, and fixed it so they could reproduce. Interestingly, the phrase that Eve was

created from Adam’s rib is a mistranslation. means “life essence.”

The term “rib” translated correctly

Well, this explains the rather cryptic phrase used in the Bible of we shall make man in our image and after our likeness. Indeed, the fact is they did have the exact appearance, that we do, according to actual sculptures and depictions. As I said, here we have a perfect verification of the LITERAL truth of that strange phrase, referring as it does to a plural number of gods rather than the single Jehovah used in the rest of the Bible. Once again, as the new inhabitants of Earth began reproducing, etc. the “gods” decided that they did not need to be taken care of as they had been in their “Eden” and, once again to verify the Bible, they were ejected from this garden to fend for themselves. The snake figure in this tale is Enki. The meaning of snake, also means “a wise one,” which of course was true of this Enki character. This happened, according to the texts about 300,000 years ago. The rest is, literally history. We find logic and reasonable assumptions may be made for all of the astounding facts of ancient times. This includes, needless to say, who it was that built the Great Pyramid and its two fellows, the discoveries of similar pyramids in Mexico and South America and in Peru at Lake Titicaca, which had tons and tons of gold, silver, tin and copper. Remember no one in ancient history knew where the tin came from which created the Bronze Age. (Bronze is made of tin and copper) We now have the answer. Tin is abundant in Peru, while scarce everywhere else. One last blockbuster. Archeologists know that Sumeria was the original cradle of civilization. Nowhere else in antiquity do you find the sudden explosion of a culture that had each and every known major requirement. Mathematics, language, writing, agriculture, animal husbandry, astronomy and of course aerial flight as well as ability to travel to the other planets. We read descriptions in our very own Bible of the landings and take offs of these vessels as well as first hand descriptions of what it was like to ride in one of them! So how did a culture go from Neolithic (stone age) suddenly and without explanation from that to a full blown ADVANCED civilization? It is obvious. You needed an intelligent society of people, and someone to teach that society what it needed to know. Where do I get this information? It is the life long work of a great scholar and relentless researcher named Zecharia Sitchin who has gathered together the stunning stories of this group of wild and crazy “gods” who from heaven to earth came. He has written ten books altogether and each of them describes a different and more through outline of what transpired in those days, including a detailed account of the secrets of the Great Pyramid and its never understood channels and chambers. He stills is alive and gives talks at conferences I am happy to say, although he is advanced in age. His first book “The 12th Planet” by and large is a sort of overview of the whole story if you wish to be introduced to his work. I believe the tablets, not because I am gullible but because they had knowledge of things we are only recently realizing. They knew of Pluto when Pluto was discovered in 1939! Sitchin described the characters of Uranus and Neptune before the NASA space probe saw them in person. His description was correct! His source of information? The clay tablets! We even know who it was whose face we see in the Cydonia area of Mars. His name is Alalu and he was the first to single handedly climb in his ship and courageously travel across space to check out planet Earth. Unfortunately, he made a grave error and was hence exiled to

Mars as punishment However, in honor of his great deed, the face on Mars was created after his death. In conclusion, it is clear you can take these stories as pure fiction. On the other hand, it seems there are many smoking guns one may point out. This is why I believe what has been translated and understood by Dr. Sitchin (and others) to be endlessly interesting.. His reasoning as well as brilliant scholarship is without peer, in my book. When will they come back? We are not sure they totally left, but on the other hand Dr. Sitchin has written a book which is titled the end of days to go into the possibilities of the 2012 scenario as being possibly correct. As Dr. Spok would say “Fascinating!” Dr. Nathan Louis - 3/20/’90

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