The Nightmare Oblivion ( A Wavering Dream 2)

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  • Words: 52,902
  • Pages: 91
The Nightmare Oblivion Warning Glance. "Seth?" I began as I rolled over and opened my weary eyes. "Yep?" he yawned. He looked happy and I quickly focally examined him. I changed my question, "you're naturally ginger aren't you?" I’d spotted a swish of ginger in the back of his hair that he'd missed. He breathed a laugh and then picked up a strand of my hair, "and your not?" Seth joked. "Never mind." I said slightly embarrassed. He stood up after pushing the quilt from him self, a bitter flash of cold hit me and I snuggled further under the sheets. He put his clothes on quickly and left the room, I shot out of bed, pulled on my clothes, ruffled my hair and chased him. Seized his arm, "thought that'd get you up" he grinned still walking quickly. "Meany." I muttered and he laughed again. It was about twelve when we walked into town, it was a horrible day, and it rained none stop, making my hair impossibly worse. We held hands as we strode and smiled at anyone and everyone who walked by. One person was different though. Seth flashed a perfectly innocent smile at an elderly lady, she looked very frail, the type of woman whom it would take all of his strength to raise her voice. She managed it though, "VAMPIRE!" she screamed. I looked at Seth’s perfectly innocent face, "oh you can't fool me POLICE! SOMEONE! HELP! HELP!" She shrieked. "RUN YOUNG MAN!" it soon became clear, she wasn't talking about Seth, she was talking about me. "Put your hand over her mouth." Seth demanded, I knew I couldn't back out; it would put everyone we loved in danger. My hand was enough to knock her unconscious as we dragged her from the street to the back of a near by electrical goods retailer. "You sure you wanna do this?" Seth whispered caringly. I just nodded, I knew in just a few seconds I would murder someone for trying to protect the person I loved. At least she wasn't a child, (clearly), thank God. Seth pulled a mahogany coloured switchblade from his back pocket and sliced her wrinkled wrists. As the blood poured from her withered arm, all my feelings of chagrin were vanquished by the overwhelming thirst. I hissed loudly and my teeth ripped through her skin, I didn't even notice Seth cut the other arm for himself until I looked up when half her body was drained. Her blood poured from my fangs and she regained consciousness, I was in too much of an animal like state to warn Seth. She began to scream so I tore her throat open and she flopped back onto to the floor. I let my soul-mate take the rest of her blood I was full. Just then, the shrieking began again, "how the-" I began then I noticed it wasn't coming from her. I whirled around to see to women staring with terror at my lips pouring with human blood. I tried to chase them down as they fled but they disappeared into a crowd around the corner. "Crap! Seth!" he was at my side in an instant. "They saw everything,” he sounded broken as he turned to me, "we have to track them down,” he said placing my arms by my sides firmly. "Ok." I decided and we took to a sprint.

I ran through the crowd thoughtlessly pushing young and old alike, from my line of view. "Seth?" I shouted frantically. "Nothing here, call me Ayden, confuse them." he suggested. "Good idea. I'm Elizabeth." I called back. Just then, I saw the two meddlers. They were stood on a big brown, wooden stage. "Ayden!" "Yes?" "What event is this?" "Celebration of free speech." "Oh that just takes the Mick. Se-Ayden! I see them!" "Where?" he yelled heading forwards. "The stage!" I knew exactly what they were going to do. He ran for the stage and they wrestled him to the floor. "Security!" the smaller, blonde haired, shrill, woman shouted. Of course, you had to have security on a day liked today; with everyone saying what he or she wanted there was bound to be a fight. Two huge men dressed in black, rugby tackled Seth to the floor. "AIDEN!" I ran for the stage, the only thing crossing my mind was his safety. As soon as I reached the platform, more slightly less massive security guards threw me to the floor. Sexist. Seth struggled about, as much as I did, I knew he could easily throw them off but then what would he do? Bite them in public? Yeah, cos that'd be smart; I rolled my eyes at myself. "Please," I turned my head to Seth and watched him plead, "You don't know what you're doing. You'll kill us all,” he begged. She simply ignored him and her friend, lanky and slender with brown hair, kicked Seth slyly with her stiletto. I growled at her loudly, causing a gasp to ripple through the crowd, damn it. "You had better hope I don't get up." I laughed without a hint of humour. The lanky... So and so, hushed me. The blonde one began her hate speech, "now, we've all heard of Dracula. Did you know, however, that his army have awoken and are feeding in our streets? I'd like it if you could all switch on your Bluetooth or infrared or whatever." she sent her stupid video to everyone which she'd clearly recorded when I’d been distracted by HER blood. An even louder gasp ran through the crowd, surely they couldn't believe her? Outrage sparked, I heard words like 'cannibal' and 'murderer' and of course 'vampires!' yep, they believed her. Sigh. I felt my phone buzz in my pocket; I reached with my non-restrained hand and looked at the text. Seth We have to run. Now. I hadn't realised he'd been texting at all. I turned to him and nodded, he quickly snapped pictures of the two evil women and we pushed the guards off us. Screams roared through the crowd as we ran from the town. Placing my arms by my sides firmly. Seth stared at me grimly as we stood hand in hand in front of Wilfort. Our world we'd built just for up would come crashing down after just a year and a half. Not just our world but Jodie's, will's, Lucien’s, Marilyn and Jaret's. "Let’s go meet our maker." Seth said

raising his eyebrows and sighed. "First, can I just ask you something?" I said for the first time since the...incident. "Of course," I couldn't believe it but he was actually smiling, he must have read the shock on my face and where it originated because he explained sweetly, "Because you spoke." I knew what he knew, we'd be executed for this, we fed in public and now everyone knew about the vampire world, not much but enough. "When you said forever you meant...?" I gestured for him to tell me. "Forever," he kissed my cheek and pulled me into Rondolph's office. Seth explained in a quiet voice and pushed me gently behind his shoulder, he didn't know Rondolph as well as I did so I forced myself beside him. "AMBER! Why didn't you stop this?" Rondolph shouted, immediately I regretted my decision and scuttled back behind him. "The thirst...sir." I whimpered into Seth's shoulder-pads. He was wearing a black blazer, a black shirt, dark blue jeans and skateboard white trainers. "The thirst?" Rondolph whispered, infuriated. "Yes sir." I choked. "AMBER. You are one of the most..." he pinched the bridge of his nose. "You were IMMUNE to blood. Why would you need it?" "I tried blood afterwards, just to see if I was still addicted. I sort of...I messed up sir, I’m so sorry." "Look sweetheart, you're punishing yourself enough and I shouldn't add to that, you've been beaten up physically and emotionally. It'll work out,” he promised, putting a reassuring arm around me. "It looks like we're going to have to go back to our prehouses." "Our pre-houses? Where we were born? I have no family." Seth said sadly. "You have me now. My dad has Krad and I have you. Forever." I squeezed his arm tightly. He rolled me against his chest and he kissed me. "I love you,” he murmured. "I love you too." I murmured back. "Congratulations Amber and to you Seth, I know how long you both waited for your soul-mate. It was just a matter of time." Rondolph grinned. "You knew we were soul-mates? Why didn't you tell us?" Seth asked exactly what I was thinking. Rondolph just smiled and walked away. "I’ll tell everyone." he called back and with that, he was gone. "We should pack then." I smiled, Seth sighed looking at me. "Why are you sad?" I said cocking my head to the side, "we have each other now 'nothing's gonna harm you, not while I’m around'." I quoted, promising. "I just thought, I want a fresh start, I’ve got a lot of money, so have you. We could build a new future, buy a new home, you know, the whole deal." "A family?" Seth suggested, I wasn't sure if he was joking but I nodded anyway. We looked in the paper at the small houses, that's all we both wanted. There was one little house that got our attention and held it was a three-story cottage. It was very small at the front; you'd almost mistake it for a part of the chip shop that was attached cosily to the left hand side. It had a small, easy to maintain garden beside it with a shed for firewood

around the back. The pictures of the inside showed an authentic farmhouse designed kitchen, with a large wooden table and an AGA stove. Through some glass doors was a living room with a plasma screen TV in the right corner and two sofas either side of the room facing each other divided by a coffee table. There was a beautiful fireplace, not electric, not gas just plain old coal, wood and fire. On the second floor there was a gorgeous master bedroom designed around the colour red. The next room was a little, uninteresting bathroom and then a guest room, for Will and Jodie of course. Moving up a final flight of stairs there was a big white door, which once opened, led to a huge bedroom bigger than what was to be Seth’s and mine. It had a big double bed and a smaller crib for a baby, which was overlooked by a skylight. It was the house of our dreams, dreams that coasted ¬£295000. Money was no object to us though. Not with, hopefully, an eternity on our hands. "Well, I suppose we'd better get a shufty on and by it." Seth smiled. "What does 'get a shufty on' mean Seth?" I laughed. "Hurry up,” he stated grinning as if he was smug that he'd confused me. He dialled up and within ten minutes we owned a cottage in the peak district, only about a fifteenminute drive from the exact spot where we stood. I felt uneasy though, "what's up?" Seth sensed my mood. "It’s just that, doesn't this seem too cliché? Like everything is too neat and nice and oh they lived happily ever after?" "I don't see how. We're running from humans because if they catch us they kill us. Where's the cliché in that Amber? Sweetheart, it's been a hard life for the two of us so let's not make it harder, let's just accept this." throughout Seth's speech, all I could think was 'oh God let him be real' that thought physically bought tears to my eyes, I just couldn't let myself think I had a happy ending, it was all too good...for me. The next day, I went to get the paper from the new shop next to the dining hall. I contemplated how weird this place probably looked to new people, people who didn't live here. From the outside it looked like an old country manor house and on the inside it was like fort Knox with a gift shop. There I was, on the front cover, mid-hiss, one hand on my victim one in the air blocking the light from the sun bursting through the clouds. Forgiven blood poured from my mouth and light flashed from my glistening white fangs. Seth was crouched opposite me knife-in-hand just piercing the skin of the old woman's arm. We both looked so...FERRELL. More pictures showed my hands, arms, cheeks and mouth coated in blood, some was drying rust coloured on my cheeks. This was obviously before I saw them. The headline read: DRACULA'S ARMY ALIVE AND BITING. GOOD CAMERA TRICK OR MANIACS LOSE ON THE STREET? I just dropped the paper and walked away, I had to go and put some clothes on anyway. I was wearing my favourite pyjamas, a black tank top and brown jogging bottoms. I walked to our room; Seth was still lying on the bed in just black boxers. "Are you ever going to get up Seth?" I smiled. He just shook his head with a relaxed a grin. I shrugged and put on my black skinny fit jeans, chickened shirt and a faded indigo jacket. "Have you seen the papers, babe?" I muttered.

"No but how do I look? Gorgeous as always?" he smirked. I couldn't help half-laughing along. "Look, sweetheart, it's alright. We still have time anyway. It might work out, humans have a shorter attention span than me!" Seth moved away from my shoulder after he'd finished comforting me she shuffled back onto the bed and scuttled under the covers. "I have something to tell you anyway." Seth said and swallowed hard; I perched on the bed next to him and placed a reassuring around his shoulders. "Orlando's coming to meet you." Seth had always been worried about how I would react to his older brother. He thought I’d fall for him instead...most girls did. "When?" I said happily, I tried to be upbeat so he wouldn't worry. "Think about it. I’m still in bed." he shuffled under the sheets. "Oh, Seth." he started pushing himself into a ball under the quilt. "Seth!" I laughed trying to force him out. "Seth, come on out." I whipped the bedding off him; he covered his head like a puppy. "Do you know how stupid you look right now?" he cuddled the strong ball shape of his body. "Aww, you big dopey thing, look at you. I’m not going to run off with your brother, ok?" "Ok." He muttered and uncurled himself so he could get dressed. I lay down and watched. He put on a long sleeved white shirt, a black t-shirt, jeans and his skateboard shoes. He then quickly acknowledged his naked wrists and put on a black wristbandwatch. "Do I look ok?" he said slumping against the wardrobe. "Beautiful." "You sure?" he worried so I just nodded. "How gorgeous can he be?" I wondered half to myself. He shook his head. "You’re about to find out." he rolled his eyes. "Just here Mr.." Jodie's voice was shaky outside my door. "Just call me Orlando." A beautiful whisper came from outside our door, I wondered over to take a look and Seth shot a warning glance at me. I ignored him and twisted the doorknob. I saw a handsome young man with blonde hair, red eyes and soft, small lips, which his eyes highlighted spectacularly. He hand one delicate hand placed on my sister's cheek. I cleared my throat and he turned his attention to me, Krad shuddered, breathed raggedly and walked away. "Your Amber?" his voice was very quiet and I wasn't sure he could even raise it enough to shout...just like the old woman. It was very 'London'. "Yes, and you must be Orlando." I held my hand and he shook it lightly, "please come in, There's not much room but we were thinking about going for breakfast anyway." I moved so Orlando could come inside. He paused when he saw the wardrobe. An evil smile spread across his beautiful cheekbones. "Hi Seth." he smirked. "Hi Orlando." he was blatantly trying to be polite, "You've met, and hit on, my girlfriend's best friend Jodie and this is Amber." he pulled me defensively into his arms, I didn't fight. "She's beautiful." he beamed at me. "Yes well we've fixed you up with a dorm." Seth hissed impatiently. "Can't I hang around for a little while?" he said with sadness flashing through his face, it pained me. "I mean, after I get set up." he clarified and I felt relieved that he was just a martyr. He left the room picking up some suitcases on the way. "Seth, help your brother." I insisted, he rolled his eyes like a toddler and stomped out. I walked down to the dining room to get breakfast and waved at Marilyn and Jaret, in the normal seats. I strolled back up to our room with my sleeves rolled up carrying three

trays. I placed them on the small coffee table between the three chairs. It seemed that Orlando and Seth had relaxed with each other in the brief time we'd been apart. They sat laughing and talking facing each other. I joined them, handing them their trays of food. Orlando paused halfway through his meal, "you do know that food is just a placebo." he cocked his head to one side. "Yeah but we don't feed all the time like your coven, we have to keep our weight up." Seth smiled. "And if we don't get diseases like humans why don't you eat raw meat?" Orlando seemed bewildered by our culture, it made me giggle. "I’ll field this one Seth. It's because, raw meat? Eww! So we eat medium rare." I beamed proudly at him. He just shrugged and nodded, satisfied. Just then, my phone rang. "Hello? Sure, oh right, oh that's a shame, of course." I hung up. I turned to Seth and his brother who had stopped to look at me, "I've got a job to do, Rondolph suspects this poor girl to be a vampire, she told her friend of some symptoms and you know the rest." I grabbed phone, shoved it in my pocket, kissed Seth on the forehead, shook hands with Orlando and left. I stood in the architrave like a shadow; she was sat in a beige armchair. The room seemed to be designed on the colour yellow. There was a sofa that was also beige, a gold recliner, a large television, a marble fireplace and on old antique wooden clock on the fireplace. The girl not much younger than myself had dark, cropped, black hair. She wore black jeans and a green t-shirt. She had one arm balance on the arm of the seat and her head rested in her hand. She watched the television mindlessly. She seemed to sense my presence and her head shot to me. She didn't move, she looked horror-struck. "My name is Amber Flames, I’m a vampire." I got straight to the point. She smirked humourlessly, "I think I am too." "That's why I’m here." I sat in the chair next to her. "I’m not here to hurt you." I said honestly. "Can I ask you something?" I didn't wait for a response, "show me your canines please." she lifted up her top lip revealing her newly formed fang. "How much have they grown in the past two days?" "Five millimetres." her voice wavered, tears brewed in her eyes. "Do they hurt?" I whispered to calm her, she nodded. "How cold are you?" "Too cold. Everything. I've noticed though...over the last week I’ve gone from uncomfortably freezing to just comfortable." she said making her voice stronger. "Hmmm, the transformation is nearly completed." "I have to leave my family?" she wobbled. "Unfortunately, yes. We need to take you from here now. The humans are hunting us at the moment. You're not safe. They will kill you and I stress WILL. Tomorrow your parents will find 'your' body." I said grimly. She nodded, "I’ve already levelled with this so I’m ok,” she promised. "That’s good. Anyway, you're what we call 'natural vampires'. In the whole of history there's only ever been three of you, my boyfriend being one. Sometimes parts of your pre-evolutionary past come back to haunt you, i.e. the parts that crave hunting. Back in the whole 'monkey man' times you would hunt and eat the raw meat of your kill and guess what? You'd drink the blood. Unfortunately, that's stuck with you. Sorry." I shrugged.

"Not your fault, we should leave, my parents will be back soon,” she suggested. "What’s your name anyway?" I said while we were walking, I decided it would be more inconspicuous if we did this under cover of nightfall and if we walked. "I would if you'd slow down!" she panted, just catching up. "Sorry, I’ve been vampire for a long time." I justified. "How long?" "Long enough. Name?" "Elliot birch." "Don’t worry about it, I used to have a boys name too." I laughed, as did she. "I had too change my name though, everyone does. If you've been pronounced dead and then one day you turn up to get a passport, it can get a bit AWKWARD." we laughed again. I took her to Rondolph and left her to settle in. "catch you later, kid." I promised. I ran back to my dorm to find Seth and Orlando. To my surprise they sat in silence looking horrified, like they'd just seen something so repugnant their faces were forever stuck in a disgusted mask. "What?" I whispered, fear ripping through me. Seth was immediately in front of me; he pulled me into his arms and squeezed me so tight I could barely breathe. Then he held me slightly away from him but somehow still lovingly, "I love you." he said simply, all the remaining colour drained from my face and I realised something was drastically wrong. "Amber, they are selectively killing anyone suspected of vampirism. They've already taken some of Orlando's coven. Three dead while hunting. It's turning into the medieval times out there!" the fear in his voice was clear. "I can't lose you. Not now. Not ever." I demanded. "The elders are not allowing any hunting to take place and no food or resources ordering from the humans is being allowed, they've cancelled all incoming mail and deliveries. Essentially the new girl will have to be quarantined because the thirst will get to her faster than us. Plus, she's filled to the brim with blood." I shuddered at Seth's words. "She’s just fourteen." I whispered. "I know. I’m so sorry." He tried to pull me close, I forced him off, "NO! She's an orphan! So are you! You have me though. She has no one. All on her own..." I trailed off towards the end. Fell to my knees and began to cry, it was strange, the maternal connection I’d made with Elliot. "I’ll look after her.” he said quietly, his voice didn't sound comforting, it sounded hopeless. "You’re one of them." I remembered. "Yes. You can't call me but there WILL be a mail carrier going down ever day, we're going to a sort of vault. They'll lock us in there." "So who's the third natural?" I wondered, Seth smiled and nodded towards Orlando, who also smiled. "Lucien's got to come back here so he says he'll look after you while I’m gone, he's basically going to be living here." I knew I didn't need protecting but I would be grateful for the company, "ok." I muttered. I turned to the door alerted by the presence of someone else. "Hi," Elliot smiled, "I just wanted to say thanks and see you soon."

"See you, Elliot." I cuddled her. "Amber? Can I ask you something?" I nodded, "can I see your fangs?" she enquired lightheartedly. I lifted up my top lip and showed her. "Oh. Cool. Is this your boyfriend, the natural vampire?" she looked at Seth. "That's me. Hi kiddo." he beamed. "Nice to meet you, anyway...bye." she looked awkward and then left. "I think that's my cue Amber." Seth walked towards me and put his arms around me. We stood motionless, just looked in our sad embrace for a few seconds. He kissed me lightly and whispered 'goodbye'. He and Orlando left shutting the door behind them. I wondered, if the humans knew got much they were hurting me, would they keep hunting us? This would be last time for a while, if not forever, that I would see Seth leave. When the humans came, they were the first vaults by the door, they would be killed first. That was, IF the police could get in, mind you they'd probably use the FBI for this type of thing. Sigh. Knocking at the door caught my attention, I remembered that Lucien was coming and looked away. He strolled in looking indifferent to the whole situation and sat on the chair in the corner like he'd been here the whole time. I rested on the bed and looked at him a few times out of the corner of my eye. "I’m sorry." he looked at me; he had genuine pity in his eyes. I stood up and walked over to the wardrobe. I picked out one of Seth’s shirts and went back to bed. "You could probably go see him before they lock up." Lucien suggested half hoping I’d shake off the thought. I didn't. I ran down to the vault and found Rondolph locking up. "Wait! I've thought about it! Seth doesn't need locking up. He can control his thirst and so can I!" I pleaded with Rondolph. "I’m sorry Amber." he spun the dead lock and sealed it. "Whatever." I’m sure he could feel the hatred pouring off me as I stormed away. "Sorry." Lucien repeated as I walked in the room. "S'ok" I murmured going back to my previous position, I hugged Seth's shirt tight to my chest. "I’m glad you found someone." he said in a vein attempt to cheer me up. I nodded, "did you?" "I tried but she liked someone else." he sighed, "there was only ever one girl." he turned his gaze to me, "but she met her soul mate and I’m glad." I smirked. "Amber?" "Oh for God's sake! What?!" I hissed at the door Jaret stood in the door, the tone of my voice would have had him cowering in the doorframe before Marilyn. "Rondolph says you can stay with Seth until the thirst gets too much, he trusts you will tell him at said time. He says you just have to have one night without him." he strolled off after he'd replayed his message like some sort of oversized answering machine. "BED." I demanded to Lucien. "Ok." his voice broke. I pulled on my jim-jams on scuttled into bed. I couldn't sleep, of course. "You planning on staying with Seth?" "Shut up Lucien." "I was just wondering."

"Of course I’m going to stay with Seth. I love him." I snarled sitting up right. I must have slept a little cos it was dark in the room. Lucien was lying between two chairs he'd made into a bed. "Right." he muttered sarcastically, I threw one of my pillows at him and replace it with one of Seth's. It smelt like him. Like expensive 'man perfume'. I inhaled deeply and imagined him with me. I rolled over and woke myself up, I hit the alarm clock, and the time was ten twenty one. I tossed over again and bumped into something hard, "Lucien, get your own bed." I tried to push him off the bed but he pulled me close to him. I opened my eyes and saw the shock of ginger in his black hair, "Sethy!" I trapped him in my arms and kissed his cheek repeatedly. "Amber...y" he laughed more in control than I’d been. "Where's Lucien?" I searched the room for him. "He’s relocated to Orlando's room. Giving us some privacy." he smirked. "I’ve never noticed before, your eyes are silver now." I touched his eyelid. "So are yours,” he whispered like he was telling me a secret. "For how long?" "A month or two. It's cos your half human now. It's your body trying to make you look as NORMAL as possible. Do you want to see?" he held a mirror in front of my face. I touched my eye and Seth shivered, "girl." I smirked, "wow." I gasped, there the moon. "Anyway, I’ll get dressed and then I’ll come back to bed." I stood up and walked to the wardrobe. I put on a grey t-shirt with a floral design and black combat trousers. I quickly pulled on some socks and stood up to smile at my boyfriend. "How do I look?" "Walk." he said catching me off guard, "walk, like you normally would." I analysed it while I did, as did he. "You walk like a werewolf, on the balls of your feet,” he laughed delightedly. "Yeah? And you're ginger." I laughed crouching over him on the bed. "I love ginger." I smiled and we kissed briefly. "Say what you just said but replace 'ginger' with 'Seth'." I looked at him lovingly and then headed for the door, "no." I smirked looking over my shoulder and then walked away. I had devised a plan while trying to sleep last night. I snuck into the kitchen and found that the staff had been let go, for a holiday of course, they'd still be here at wilfort though they WERE vampires. Ha, some holiday. I was glad they'd been lazy enough to leave the remains of food for people to find. They had uncooked packets of food, meat mainly, I found four large thermos'. I ripped open all the packets and shoved the meat in plastic boxes at the bottom of the fridge. I poured all of the blood in a saucepan and heated it to thirty-nine degrees, just above body temperature and poured it into the flasks. I had four litres, enough to last us two months. I knew I should share it with the coven but I was already sharing with Seth and I’d sacrifice everyone here for Seth. I had a right to be selfish once. I threw two flasks at Seth, "make it last at least two months then you can drink your own blood. It's heated to body temperature." I jumped on the bed, "I’ll try it first just in case it tastes horrible." I unscrewed the top and dipped my finger in, it tasted...strangely human. Thirst tore through me and Seth saw it. He immediately pinned me to the floor behind my

back, my arms were restrained like a criminal. He was straddling ling me, he was whispering sense into my ear while I hissed and thrashed around. Then, with a sigh, I relaxed and slipped into unconsciousness. "Are you ok?" Seth was stroking my hair. I was lying on my back on top of my sheets. The memories came flooding back, "I’m so sorry." I wept. "You know the only reason I didn't lash out when I smelt the blood was because I used to be human. It's understandable that I have more control, your instincts RAGE over the top of your sense. You know what though? I’m glad because if they didn't, maybe you wouldn't love me the same way." He smiled understandingly. I smiled back, his speech was surprisingly relaxing. Mind and Seth's phones rang. We put them down in a just seconds after answering. It was the confirmation that the humans had raided the building. We were to remain silent if we wanted to live. At this second six thousand houses were being searched just like this one. Where else would hundreds of vampires hide? We'd set this place up as an old, abandoned spa. All the doors were locked and we'd opened up the old swimming pool, we'd left it uncleaned, add to the effect. I heard the sound of whispering outside our dorm. Seth glanced out of the window and texted me the words 'they waiting for fleeing vampires in the car park, if it came to it we could DEFINATLY get around the back'. I looked at him and nodded, just then Seth's breathing sped up. They were waiting. They had heard us. Seth gestured He carefully slid the window open and side stepped onto the THIN ledge outside. I stepped out after him, the tears poured down my cheeks. Seth carefully reached over me and closed the window silently. He patted his back and, still weeping, he jumped. We ran to his car, it was a beautiful, black Alfa Romeo. It was only a little thing but it was extraordinarily fast and fortunately, almost silent. As soon as we were in the car Seth glared at me, "get in the back." he said calmly. "What? Why?" "GET IN THE BACK! They won't see you there,” he shrieked and I gestured for him to be quiet with a shaky finger, "sound proof glass." he smiled, the fear still clear in his eyes. "The blood." my voice was still quivering, I was still crying. "I know, I’m going to get it. You will have that blood to yourself. I can drink my own if I get too desperate. NO PROTESTING." He was firmer than usual, he was deadly serious. He kissed me but this kiss was different from the usual, it mouthed. He pulled away, his hand still on my cheek after forty-five seconds. He reached for the handle of the door. "You don't have to do this." I wept, he shook his head, "I need you." When I said this, he didn't turn around to look at me but he reached back and squeezed my hand and left. I watched him agilely scale the building. He was in and out in just a few seconds but then there she was. The woman who had sent me spiralling into my own personal hell. The ginger Satan woman. "SETH!!!" I literally screamed, I punched the windows but my efforts were futile, it was like trying to break the water back with Christopher. "SETH!!! KILL HER!!!" I shrieked. He turned and saw her; within seconds he was in the car and speeding away with her in the front seat with him. "Elizabeth, cover your ears." I remembered he was talking about me, it was then that I realised just how terrifying my soul mate could be. "Do you have any idea how much

pain you've put the woman I love, through in the past week or so? Now, that was a little bit mean wasn't it? You know were scared when you saw me in the alley?" his voice became darker and darker, she nodded, she was crying more than me. "Well my dear, your about to find out the meaning of fear." his voice probably scared me more than it did her. We pulled up in a garage, Seth's human house, I realised. He got out first and then ripped my door open, "get inside Amber, and sit on the sofa in the living room." From the window I saw him drag her angrily by the elbow into the room where I stood, to stress to relax. "Now, lie down on the sofa Amber has failed to take advantage of. Hurry up now dear, we haven't got all day." he pushed her onto the settee. I listened to her crying for help while Seth glowered at her with no hint of amusement, just growing resent. "What you're going to do is call that little BITCH friend of yours and call of the search, admit it was a camera trick, and if you say otherwise I will kill you and your family." he said Calmly. She did so and then begged for freedom promising she wouldn't tell anyone. "But then you wouldn't have a punishment. You see my problem." a wide hate-fuelled smile spread across his bizarrely sexy face, I’d beat myself up for that thought later. His fangs glittered like crystal even in the dull, morbid light of the grey house. His brilliant white canines extended and he turned to me, like the angel of death, my heart swelled at the sight of his face, gorgeous and lethal. "Amber, get the flasks." what was the point in calling me Elizabeth? She'd be dead soon. In her eyes there was the unmistakable melancholy of a woman who had been lied to, who knew that in a few seconds, she would never draw breath again. "Make it quick,” she pleaded. "No." he promised. She sobbed louder so he struck her hard. I knew he was doing this for me but it seemed too much. I grabbed his arm, "Sethy." I whispered, he let his fist drop. "Have the flasks ready.” he hissed. I placed them under her throat. "NO! Someone! Please! Help me no!" she cried. I couldn't handle it; I hit her as hard as I could in her temple. I felt her pulse slow into nothingness. Seth just nodded and ripped her throat out; I caught some blood in one flask but had to run to the kitchen for two more. A three-month supply. We burnt the body and spread it over soil in the garden. I stormed upstairs to what I assumed was Seth's room and slammed the door. I heard him sit outside the door. I hugged my knees and cried into my lap. "Amber." he finally said. "It went too far." I broke down and curled into a ball. "I know're in Orlando's room." I stood up and walked down the hall to what was defiantly Seth's room. I lay in the same position, "Please lie with me." I whimpered without looking up, I felt his warm body around me in an instant. We shuffled under the sheets, "is it always so damn cold in this house?" I half laughed. "I can put the heating on." he held me tighter. "No, I like the cold." I said honestly. "Why?" "I’ll explain later." I closed my eyes, "it won't go away. Her cries for help." I’d stopped crying but my heart was hurting. "I’m glad it hurt though, she shouldn't have caused you so much pain." "When you're sad, I’m sad, by your theory I should be killing myself right now." he

chuckled, not much humour got in though. I rolled over to face him, "do you want some room?" he said instinctively so I pulled him closer and kissed him like he had done in the car. In the morning, I sat at the small kitchen table eating flavourless cereal. I was sat in my boyfriend's old bathrobe when Seth walked in ruffling his hair. He made some cereal, "so, why DO you like cold then?" he croaked as he sat down, the morning was still heavy in his voice. I turned to him smiling, "it's cos when it's really cold you put your jim jams on and trying find your sleeping groove." he looked confused, "a sleeping groove his when you try and stay in the same place in bed so you don't go all cold again." He smiled at my description and then stood up, removed our bowls and washed them. "Come on," he patted my head, "get dressed, we're going home." he headed up the stairs. "Oh thank God." I sighed mainly for myself but he laughed too. "My sister's room is over there." he gestured opposite his room. I hugged his back remembering his sister had died when he was ten, she had been sixteen. I grabbed a plain black v-neck t-shirt and stuck with my black combats. I fetched Seth who was wearing blue jeans, a dark purple jumper and old brown trainers. "Wanna jump out the window? It's more fun for me." a cheeky smile spread over his face as he took my hand and jumped. We landed in front of the garage and ran to the car. "Oh wait! Can I have a quick shower?" I smiled. "Go on then, be quick!" he shouted. "Ok, done." I got in the car. "I should say, does quick mean dry and straighten your hair?" he snickered. We drove as fast as possible with screamo music blaring on his stereo. We arrived, around the back of wilfort, just in case. I quickly grabbed a flask and drank half; I struggled to put it on the backseats again. I would get used to living with my thirst. He quickly kissed me on the cheek and got out in sync with me. He took my hand and we ran up to our window together, "I knew you wouldn't let me if I asked you." I slammed the window shut is soon as we were in and waved at him. I jumped to the ground, he looked furious, bearing his teeth at me. I ran to the corner, just one search party left. I ran back to our window and this time I just launched myself at the sill. I grabbed hold, I slipped from somewhere this high up I would die if I fell. Seth quickly grabbed my arm and pulled me up. "And THAT'S why I wouldn't let you, you were BOUND to get yourself hurt." "Shut up DAD." I smirked. "Just one search party left, we could kill them." "No, it's already suspicious that one person called off the search and then they went missing. No more blood will be shed." Seth demanded whispering. "Oop, they're gone." he said astonished. "Really?" I stared through the window. "Yeah they've just done the once over and found nothing, " just then our phones buzzed, another auto message. This time it was to tell us to remain in our rooms for another night just in case. "Ok, well I’ll be two minutes, I just need to go and check if Lucien’s ok. I’ll be fine, I

promise." I stroked his cheek. "I trust you.” he promised back. I left quickly and tiptoed down the hall to Lucien's room. I walked into the room and saw him lying on his bed; he was fiddling with his mp3 player. "Amber." he gasped and ran to me, he swung his arms around me and I squeezed him tightly. "Lucien!" I laughed. "What brings you here?" "I wanted to see you." I was honest. What happened next took me by surprise, clearly my visit had sent out the wrong message. "Lucien, get off!" I pushed him away, his lips ripped away from mine. "This was a stupid idea." I stormed out; he didn't try to stop me. "Seth, why did Lucien just orally assault me?" I hissed. "What?" he sounded as if he was shouting but he was still whispering. Why shouldn't I tell on him? I wanted him to get in trouble. To prove a point. That's when remembered the last time Seth got revenge, I shook my head trying to force it from my mind...and my heart. "Lucien kissed me when I walked into his room!" I shook my head. "Do you want me to hit him or something?" he suggested. "Hmmm," I thought for a minute, there was still a part of my soul that loved Lucien, "No." I concluded. "Your sure?" Seth checked cuddling me close to him. "Mmm." I breathed into his shoulder. "What time is it?" I pulled my head up to face him. "Five five." I grabbed his wrist and stared at his watch, "how?" I couldn't believe him. "Ooooh!" I moaned, "Ugh, this is going to be the last time we're properly alone isn't it?" I sighed. He nodded and pulled my face up to meet his lips and we lay on the bed together, still stuck in our kiss. There I stayed until nine o'clock and then we went to bed. I woke up when something hit my foot, hard. "OW!" I immediately covered my mouth. Will took my hands off my mouth, "don't worry. They’re all gone. We're allowed to see whom we want, I wanted to see you." he smiled. I felt around the bed for Seth, "gone. Get you some breaky." he rubbed his hand together and licked his lips, I slapped them laughing. "I was going to sneak in and see you last night but when I looked in you two seemed a little...busy." his eyes drifted as he thought back to it and I clapped to catch his attention. "Where's Clare? How is she?" I enquired changing the subject, he smiled wryly. "Oh will! She was nice too! You DUMPED her?" I stifled a laugh, I knew it wouldn't last. "Found someone Aint I?" he looked at his hands; they were clasped in his lap. "Who?" I said putting my hands on his. He shook his head, he wasn't going to answer. I changed the subject, "where did you go?" I whispered. "To get over my best friend's murder? Far away." will was an elusive man when he wanted to be, "America mostly. I missed you though, took me long enough to realise I know but..." he shrugged. I looked confused, "that's all you're going to get." he snickered. "Alright, I understand." I sighed. He leant down and squeezed me, I was still lying in bed, and I put my arms around him. "Seeya babe." he waved walking out. And now for my second visitor, "hi amber." Orlando strolled in, coffee in one hand, the

paper in the other. "Anything good in there?" I said gesturing towards the paper. "Not really, just that they've called off the search and they're trying to find that red-head to prosecute her." I flinched when I remembered the last time I saw her...over the roses in his garden. "We must talk, I need to see if you're good enough for my little brother." it was weird to hear Seth referred to as a 'little brother'. He was a little bit taller than me and was about the same height as Orlando. He wasn't bulky but he wasn't exactly what I’d call 'weedy'. He was very strong and the other night he was the single most terrifying this I’d ever seen. I must remember to beat myself up for that 'sexy' thing, though I didn't exactly disagree. "So, tell me about yourself." he said smirking and resting his paper on the table. He sat in the same chair I’d seen him sat in when he'd just arrived, he folded his arms and leant back in the chair, in expectation. "My real name is Tyler Rose Lattice. My relatively new name is Amber Flames. I used to live somewhere down south. I’m roughly fifteen-sixteen...ish. I have a dog that I gave to my dad called Stretch. My mother...passed away before I was reborn. My dad killed my stepmother because she tried to kill me, long story ask someone else. My best friends are Jodie, who you've hit on, and will, who was just in here. I have a sister called Krad who you've hit on too," -he smirked- "Krad can manipulate situations in order to make them into what she wants, God knows how. And erm...I love Seth. I guess that's it." I shrugged. He nodded, "what music do you like?" "Sometimes classical, sometimes screamo, sometimes hardcore dance, drum and bass is always good." I smiled. "What are your main interests?" "Reading, writing, listening to music, going to concerts, being with Sethy, seeing my friends and cars. Oh God I love cars, I want someone to buy me hundreds of the monsters." I laughed loudly; it was the first time I’d ever thought about myself for a while. "What do you want most out of life?" he asked more gently. "A long life with your brother." I whispered honestly. "If he asked you to marry him, what would you say?" "Yes. In a heartbeat." "I like you Amber. Welcome to the Turner family." he stood up and walked over to me, I’d unconsciously got up, with the quilt hiding me, and perched against the wardrobe. I hugged him with one arm so I could keep the bedding up with the other, nothing like pledging your love to your boyfriend and then flaunting yourself at their brother. He smiled on one side of his mouth when he realised the problem, "I’m off now Amber, well actually, I’m not yet. To be honest I’ll be flirting some more, try my look with your sister." he winked and I knew that if I could I would have blushed bright red, he was annoyingly charming. "You know for someone who loves ME you don't half seem to enjoy male company." Seth smiled. I decided to dress quickly, I hated feeling this exposed. I was down to my underwear, I hadn't been bothered to get my pyjamas from the wardrobe last night, it had been too cold. "I suppose, life around here is going to be back to its BORING self." he said tossing me a bagel in a brown bag. I took it and sat in a chair with a book I’d never quite finished, "suppose." I said whilst flicking onto the next page.

He sat down next to me heaving a sigh. He opened the paper where Orlando had left off. "Hmmm." he finally breathed. "What's that?" He turned the paper towards me, BODY FOUND IN SKIP BEHIND LOCAL ELECTRICAL RETAILER I snatched the newspaper from him. The body of Mildred Kooks was found yesterday thrown in a skip behind Jamie's Electrical goods. Police began searching the area when Michelle Langford passed a lie detector test in police custody. Michelle and her friend Catherine had, allegedly, been walking to the Celebration of Free Speech Festival in Nightfield town centre when they caught sight of an assumed 'vampire attack'. Miss Langford claims to have seen two vampires, one female with red hair and one male with black hair, kill and 'drain' the elderly woman before chasing Michelle and Catherine into a crowd. The two 'vampires' with then restrained by SIX of the patrolling security. Apparently, the two easily broke free of the burly men and ran after warning the women that they were in 'grave danger'. A few days later, searches were carried out only to be stopped after just two days by Catherine, who has now been missing for almost three days. Almost two hundred witnesses have come forward to claim they too have seen the man and woman killing the older woman. Only twenty have come forward to testify against Catherine and Michelle. Searches are now talking place to find Catherine, they will take place mainly in the area of Wilfort Spa, where she was last seen alive. "Boring huh?" I gasped. "Hey, you'll be ok I promise." Seth carefully crept towards me; it was as if I was going to spontaneously combust if he touched me wrong. He was right, well, almost right, "DON'T TOUCH ME SETH." I growled and then burst into tears. "Sorry Amber." he whispered and put his arms around me. Suddenly, for the first time in three years, the loud speakers screamed, blowing the cobwebs right off, "FROM NOW ON THE ENTIRE OF WILFORT ACADEMY IS ON LOCK DOWN. INDEFINATLY." On the second week of the lock down Seth and I had drank most of the blood. In fact, there was just one mouthful left. Seth forced me to drink it. By the second month of the holiday the thirst was getting to me. Seth was becoming more and more mouth-watering by the second. I watched him sleep, I watched him read and my insomnia and thirst grew. I began to hiss at him if he moved to fast. I became more

animal than...vampire. I lost control and turned into my wild vampire form, mentally anyway. I couldn't see Seth as my soul mate anymore, I saw him as food. Ironically, I wanted to kill Seth in order to be with Seth. "Amber, I’m going to give you some of my blood because I’m worried about your soul,” he finally said. I couldn't quite comprehend his words, for some reason, in my head, they translated into a threat. I crouched in front of him and snarled loudly, growling and hissing and dribbling. I felt my lips pull back and my teeth extend. I say sudden awareness flash in Seth's eyes. Watched him take the same position as me with one difference: mine was to kill, Seth’s to save, my life and his. "I’m doing this for you Amber, I love you." for a second, I remembered who I was, I remembered Seth, I remembered who I wanted to be but in the same instant I became I vampire again. "I won't kill you,” he whispered. I was beyond words. It happened in slow motion then. My arms tore up from under me, my legs sprung into action, I launched myself up towards him, and my teeth were bared. Seth leaped out of the way and I hit hard against the wall, I spun around grabbed his arm, I swung myself onto him. He tried to shake me off but I had him in a strangle hold, while I balanced on his back. "Amber no! You love me! I love you!" he scrambled around trying to my arms from his neck but by then it was too late. As the first drop hit my tongue and trickled down my throat, awareness hit me. I ripped my teeth out from his neck. He collapsed onto the bed lifelessly, "Seth?" I whispered and gently reached for him. Turned him over, he was not breathing or moving and his eyes were shut tight, "Sethy?" I shook him hard, "SETH! Oh God somebody help me!" I screamed. I started crying shaking him as hard as possible until I felt the bones in my arms practically dislocated. "No. Don't die." I whimpered. I slapped his cheek, "somebody help me!!!" screamed. This time Lucien ran in, "what happened?" he demanded. "I bit him!" hysterically tears poured down my cheeks. "Yeah, that's pretty clear." he sighed carefully examining the wound, "well, his blood should keep you going for a while. Sheesh Amber, was this a fight? There's a lot of venom." he looked confused, he nodded, "let's keep this between us." he smiled apologetically. "Thank you." I breathed. "He'll be fine in about six hours. Seeya." he waved and went to walk out. I hugged him and kissed him thankfully just before he left. I lay beside him and watched him begin to breath more steadily as he gradually became more conscious. "Hi Seth." my voice cracked as I whispered his name. "Amber?" he opened his eyes slowly. "Hi babe." tears poured from my eyes as I smiled at him. "Hi Amber. Please, don't beat yourself up, at least your thirst is sated for a while, think of all the ravenous vampires when we open the doors soon." his eyes were still hanging tiredly and he looked as if he was having trouble waking up. He pulled me next to his side and I held him until we both went to sleep. When I woke up, Seth was still sleeping; even when he woke up he might as well have been unconscious. His eyelids fluttered and his head rolled from side to side, his mouth was open, he was breathing through it. He was blissfully unaware of his surroundings; he looked just like a SERIOUS drunk. I perched next to him sometimes and stroked his head, pushing his hair from his eyes. Sometimes he spoke through his dreamy haze. He

talked about his past, he talked about his sister, he talked about his secret respect and envy of his brother Orlando but mostly, he talked about me. He spoke of how we'd be together forever and, heart-breakingly; he asked why 'she' bit him. I covered him over with towels and poured cold water over his forehead from the Water dispenser. Eventually, I decided enough was enough; I sucked the venom from Seth. I lay in my quiet dream world. It wasn't even painful, though I’d expected it to be by the way Seth was writhing around. I was very aware of myself. I knew I was not going to die. For a while I listened to my breathing and thought, I’d thought that this feeling was only second to one thing, a night sleeping next to Seth and Seth's smiling face. I needed to do this to myself more often. It was a beautiful feeling. I had enumerable dreams, some about Lucien owning a shop, some about going swimming at half six but time was going to slow. I rolled around for a bit hoping vainly that I would go back into my tranquil abyss but it was not to be. I flopped my arm over something and closed my eyes again. "Thank you Seth, for looking after me." I muttered. "Don’t worry about it. You're dad warned me that you usually do stupid and reckless things that get you close to being killed anyway." I opened my eyes to see if he was smiling, he was. "I thought that maybe we should fight again." he said playing with his fingers. "Why?" I sat up. "Cos, I’m not ready to beaten up by a girl again." he laughed. "I’m not just a girl...I’m a VAMPIRE girl." I winked and got dressed. "Mmm, I noticed." he sighed tapping a new scar on his neck. He got dressed quickly. "Come on, I won't let you hurt me, I’ll kick your bum." he intimidated. "Bring it. How easy was it for me to kick your 'bum' in the first place?" I held me hands out and gestured him forwards. He swung a punch in my direction, I ducked and landed on my left hand, I swung my leg around to try and kick him over. He jumped with both legs and left. Our fight lasted just a few more minutes; neither of us got one hit in. "You know what? If I’d thought there was ANY chance of me hitting you, I would never have fought you." Seth smiled. "Is that just a poor excuse for a poor fighter?" I taunted him. "You didn't hit me either." he reminded me, "oh and by the way, you're not the first vampire to try and bite me, you're the first to succeed give you your due. But yeah, when I joined wilfort I got attacked a few times by a few moody vampires who thought I was just a snack." he laughed, I snarled at the thought. "Chill, you did it." he joked and I did actually laugh, it was difficult not to laugh when Seth wanted you to. "You’re a dork Seth. You could walk free he you wanted to you know, you are a bit human after all." "So are you." he poked his chest. "Not in the same way as you." "So? You have higher cravings for blood but that's going to fade the longer you're with me." "When did you turn vampire?" "I was found when I was ten, I just turned properly when I was fifteen, that's why I stopped aging." he shrugged. "Oh." was all I could say.

"Who bit you?" he said, I realised I’d never told him. "Will, he's loads older than me." "Have you always been best friends then?" "Yeah, since the beginning." I grinned at the memory, "he taught me how to bite. Maybe you should have a go at him about your neck." he tapped the bite. "Maybe, but I’m going to check out the news first." he pointed to the computer. After a few minutes Seth had read the news, "Amber?" "Yep?" I stood up and leant over his shoulder, "they don't believe her." I said delighted. "Mmm and they want us to come forward and act all innocent, really they just want this over with. They want an official 'we didn't do it' statement." "Should we do it?" I said, my eyes fixated on the screen. "It couldn't hurt." "I bet it bloody could." I half-laughed. "Probably." he said, one baseball trainer already out the window, this time I laughed loudly. He held his hand out for mine and we snuck out. We arrived at the headquarters we were told to go to. From the outside it looked like a block of flats but on the inside it was modern and clean. We didn't stick around to look around anymore; we were ushered into Mr. Field's office as soon as we stepped through the glass doors. "Good morning miss...?" "Flames, my name is Amber Flames." I held out a hand and he took it graciously. Seth took my free hand under the table. "And to you Mr...?" "Seth Turner-Ménage" he shook his hand and my hand tightened under the table and my heart sped up. Did I just hear right? I decided to leave it...for now. "Ok, let's get straight to business." Mr. Fields said putting both hands on the table. "Of course, my wife and I are very offended by the allegations made against us." Seth’s tone was sharp and it took me a second to grasp that I was his 'wife'. "Yes, I apologize Mr. Turner we are willing to give you a cash settlement and send you on your way if you just allow us to conduct one test." "Certainly. What would that be?" I smiled turning his attention to me. "Well, miss Flames, I know this is highly unprofessional but we would like it if you could come into the surveillance room." he pulled his chair out and showed us until the room. To my horror, there were four packs of donated blood on the table; he squeezed one into a pint glass before we walked in. "Erm...I’m sorry, my wife faints at the sight of blood." Seth warned. "Oh that's perfectly fine you don't have to look you can cover you eyes, you just have to be in the room." he smiled hopefully. When we got into the room and I smiled the blood, I felt nothing, now thirst or cravings. Seth's hybrid blood actually had helped. Seth looked fine too. I looked to the mirror he could blatantly see up through, I shrugged to him, "what now?" I called. "Wonderful." Mr. field beamed while walking through the door, "that'll be all,” he said practically pushing us out of the door. "Is that it?" is said looking at Seth. He shrugged, "well, we can go tell everyone at the academy it's all over."

It seemed like the news had already reached wilfort when we arrived. In fact they were handing out...uniform? I walked up to Jaret, "Jaret, what are you doing?" I said, he passed me two folded, squares of clothing. On top there was the female outfit. A white slimfitted shirt, a black and red tie; black tailored trousers and a black military-style jacket. The second pile was a men’s black military jacket, black trouser, a white shirt and the same tie. "Well, I’m not wearing THESE all year round." I confirmed. "Oh no, only the jacket is compulsory, you could just have a tattoo of the embellishment." he smiled. "Go for it." Seth hissed pushing him out of the way. "Seth, we need to talk." I murmured when I was sat on the edge of the bed in our room. He smirked. "Sit down." I patted the space next to me. "What did you say your last name was, your full last name?" "Turner-Ménage." he said oblivious. "How did your parents die?" I said. "My dad killed my mum. Ironically, he was a vampire. I hated him; he used to hit my mother all the time. One evening when they were out for a meal, he bit her in the middle of the street and killed her. On the same night, a newborn murdered my dad." he alerted me by beaming darkly when he mentioned his dad's death. "Your dad, what was his name?" I whispered more sensitively. "Christiano Ménage." he almost growled the name. "What would you do if you met the newborn who did it?" I took my hand off his shoulder, just in case. "Well, no offence but you'd have competition." he laughed; his mood had lightened by the thought. "Somehow I don't think I would." I said under my breath. "What do you mean? You've lost me." there was no emotion to describe the...confusion? In his voice. "I killed your dad to avenge my mother." I stood up with my back facing him. To my surprise, he pulled me back down, "your mum was killed by MY dad?" he looked apologetic, I nodded, "I’m so sorry Amber." he put one hand to my cheek and kissed me hesitantly, I vanquished his fear by kissing him back. I put my hand on his chest and pushed him away reluctantly, "what's up?" he worried. "I need to go and see will." I remembered the pained look on his face. I walked to will's room; it had always been so beautifully decorated with pornographic posters. He was lying on his bed reading a book I’d lent him, it was a fictional book about vampires. It was very realistic. "Hi sweetheart." will jumped to his feet and hugged me. "Y’alright will?" "I’m ok thanks mate." "I just popped by to see how things were going with this elusive lady friend." I hinted badly. "I dunno to be honest mate. It's just that I really think that I love her an' that but I ain’t really got the guts together to ask her,” he laughed. "Ah, romance. It's Jod isn't it?" "What? How did you even-”

"I can read you like a book," I cut him off, "the way you act around each other, it's not just you. Seeya." I’d worked it out on the way down and I was all for dramatic exits. I was halfway down stairs when I was stopped AGAIN. "What NOW?" I muttered turning around, there he was predictable as always, Jaret the little odd job boy of the academy. "There’s a situation." "Oh there's always a situation Jaret, situation after bloody Situation. Maybe Rondolph will do his job at some point,” he ranted, Jaret laughed quietly whilst escorting me down the metal stairs. Three burly, nineteen year old male vampires had two humans by the neck. One, I recognised, that blonde annoyance. The other, I did not. "Ok, I know you. You'll die." I said pointing to the blonde. "But you, I don't know you." I said standing right in front of her face so she could tell I wasn't breathing. "” she choked. I gestured for Adrian, one of the brunette boys, to drop her. He did so but he held her in a stranglehold. Simply as a precaution. "Speak." I sighed. "I just wanted to be one of you. I don't know this other girl." she shoved her thumb in the direction of the other female. I stared at the emo girl. She had short black, waxed hair and wore all black, "reason?" I demanded. "None, you guys are so cool though I mean-" "No." I said and let the male vampire who held her, drain her. "Let the blonde go, Tommy. I’ll take her from here." I seized her wrist and dragged her to my dorm. "Look Seth. I bought you a present." I pointed at her with mock excitement on my face, though, not all of it was fake. "Oh wonderful. Maybe this one will talk more, I so hate it when a human comes for dinner and I have to do all the talking." he grinned, his fangs were already extended. "Tell me young lady, what is it you dislike about vampires?" he stalked forwards. "What have you done to my friend?" she ignored Seth's question so I slapped her. Seth answered regardless, "Dead, you didn't expect us to keep her alive did you?" he laughed patronisingly. "Bleed her dry Seth." I hissed. "What were you doing snooping around?" he said. "Looking for my friend, obviously." she muttered. I slapped her again, "be friendly. Kill her already Seth, the suspense is killing me." I insisted. "NO!" She cried and her fist swung for me. I was back in my quiet abyss, this time however, it was better. I dreamt I had been alone and then I met Seth. This time there was no fear and no motive behind my departure. I stretched my hand up to stroke his smooth cheek, he caught me hand and held it there as we danced in the darkness. I looked up and saw a large bright moon circled by a crimson cloud but I didn't care. I began to surface, I could feel pressure on my chest, I’d finally got to the swimming pool, it was half six. My head pierced the water and I could breath. There was the feeling of a warm breeze on my face, though even arctic air would feel mildly warm on a vampire's face. I light burst from behind the clouds, showering my wonder world in light

and I opened my eyes. I clawed to find the light blazing into my eyes, it felt unpleasantly hot, it was cruel to do this to a vampire. Ok, we could go out in light but yeah, it hurt. "I think it was your half human side that made that K.O punch actually work." I heard a voice whisper as it twiddled with my hair. "Am I dead?" I said to myself but a different voice answered, the same one as before, "no, but close AGAIN." I could hear the smile in their voice, why is it you can never hear a frown? My fingers traced along the bedding, "it's soft." I smiled like it was a revelation, "like a cloud." I added with a yawn. "I wonder whether you enjoy being knocked, out you know." the sound-maker laughed. "I do, every time I’m out, I meet Seth for the very first time." I rolled over. "Who’s Seth?" they sounded taunting. "A vampire." I finished. "Cool, well, wake up now, Amber." they said impatiently. "Fine.” I yawned and rolled over opening my eyes. "Hi Seth." I smiled as I saw that he was the voice. "Why do you bother sleeping? I mean if you can go a week without needing it." "Sleep’s nice- what happened to the girl?" I said searching the room. "She’s dead, I killed her." "Ah." I nodded, "anyway, what's on the agenda for today?" I got dressed, I put on my military jacket over the type, it wasn't that bad to be honest. "I’m sure something will happen," his mouth folded into diagonal line, "in the mean time, would you like to go shopping with Jodie?" he suggested, I nodded enthusiastically. He flipped a card at me and told me four digits, "have a good time." "What’s the limit I’m allowed to use?" Oh God, I sounded like a gold-digger. "Hmmm...two or three million, I’m not joking." he said when he caught sight of my face. "Cool!" was the only word I could force out, I quickly kissed him, combed my hair and left. Jodie and I were in Birmingham by one o'clock. We went for dinner at a restaurant A beautiful young male waiter. "Hi ladies, what can I get you?" he smiled politely looking adoringly at both of up. Jodie smiled up at him putting on her 'pulling voice', "we'd like two glasses of water and...Amber?" she beamed at me from across the table. "Erm...can I have medium rare steak?" I grinned crookedly across to Jodie at our in-joke. She smirked, "make it a medium rare steak Diane for me please." she slipped what looked like WELL over one hundred pounds into his pocket. We ate quickly, mainly just squeezing the blood from the steak and drinking that. Jodie left, yet another huge tip on the table, as did I. We left to go to all designer stores in the mall. I ended up buying three pairs of shoes, a new jacket, a designer t-shirt and brand-new phone costing just over two hundred pounds. Jodie eventually- that was after she'd finished trying on and buying everything in one shop, literally- persuaded me to get my hair done with her. I had it died black with neon red streaks underneath; she had hers cut shorter and layered. While we sat there we talked, "Amber, do you think you an Seth will ever get married, he's so sweet and not bad on the eyes either!" she giggled.

I grimaced then relaxed. "Maybe, I don't really mind to be honest, we're in a pretty stable position anyway. I don't need marriage to confirm that, I mean, it might be nice but nevertheless..." I shrugged, "what do you think of will by the way?" I hinted...badly. She gasped slapping her hands to her mouth, "WILL LIKES ME!" she shrieked. "Shut up!" I took her hands from her mouth, "Yes, yes he does." I whispered. "Oh cool! He's gorgeous!" she said louder ignoring my whispering hint. "But anyway," -I sighed, I should have known she wouldn't give up that easily- "you and Seth. Do you lurrrve him?" she taunted. "Shut up, Jod." I laughed as we stood up to leave. Jodie's phone rang as we got in her car, "hello? Yeah, she's with me," she glanced at me over her shoulder, "yeah I suppose. Really? Aww! Cool, ok. See you later." Jodie snapped her phone closed. I waited but she said nothing, we just started driving, "well?" I rolled my hand in expectation. "Well what?" "Well, what's going on?" "Oh, Seth was just wondering how you were, he was worried when you didn't answer your phone." she explained. My forehead creased in confusion, I searched for my phone mumbling to myself. I opened one of my pockets, "function over form, my..." I started muttering again. I had one missed call from Seth; at least he hadn't been an old lady about me not answering my phone. "I can't feel my damn phone vibrating in my pocket with this coat, though it is gorgeous." I smirked. Jodie smiled. It was only then that I looked up to see where we were. It was pitch black outside though it was only ten o'clock. There was a large purple sign outside which read: The Pulse. Appropriate. "School starts tomorrow so I thought we'd have a little bit of last minute fun." I stared at her suspiciously but then I shrugged it off. We slammed the doors of her black Lexus at the same time. Music swelled out from the inside, it had a slow beat to it, it was rap. The room was what I would call 'evening coloured', lots of pinks, purples and reds. The long bar on the left side of the building, had eight stools surrounding it. In the middle of the club there was a square boxed by low decorative walls. On the other side of the room there was a sort of lounge area with beanbag chairs and oversized sofas. I walked to the car though while Jodie danced with a boy who she clearly knew from somewhere. I didn't even noticed the bar maid finish her shift. Though I should be excited about school tomorrow, Wilfort had been somewhat empty with all the newborns and youths going to their houses during the holidays, I couldn't be happy. School was no longer compulsory for me, I’d already done it once, been through the whole dance. Alas, no, I could not be happy without Seth. It was like I was a rechargeable battery and Seth was my...for want of a better word, charger. Yes, I could run fine for a bit but I slowed down towards the end of the day. I let out a heavy sigh, "can I get you a drink?" the man from behind the bar said. I didn't look up, "yeah, go for it. Surprise me before you ask." he returned swiftly placing a wine glass in front of me, I shrugged and drank, "well, this is a surprise." I was startled; it was blood, wolf blood? "Look around you, my love." I did as he said, a sea of Smiling, white fanged vampires surrounded me. The music slowed, still rap though. I turned to the barman, "Seth!" I

reached forward for him; he scooped me up and lifted me to his side of the bar. We kissed briefly. "Hiya!" he said with mock enthusiasm doing his best impression of me. "You smell like a girl." I smirked, with me head on his shoulder, he hadn't put me down yet. He closed his eyes and pursed his lips, stifling a laugh, "I going to forget that." his whole body shook with the laugh he was covering. "I mean like shampoo but like...honey flavoured." I explained with a grin. "Well, I have something to tell you." he smiled still laughing under his breath. Then he cleared his throat and stopped, "I realised something. I realised that even if we live together, how could eternity ever be enough? That's when I decided to something." he paused, trying to decipher my bewildered but willing expression, he quickly had me on my feet again. The music changed again, this time it wasn't rap, it was sort of indie, slower and more...romantic? "Amber, much like you, I’ve spent all my life ASSUMING girls were my soul mates. I've never been more sure of anything in my whole life though." he sighed quickly and, to some degree, nervously. "Amber, I don't think I could ever live with myself if I didn't do this and you left me because of it-" "I wouldn't leave you even if you killed Jod." I interrupted. "Thanks Amber!" she laughed with her thumb up to me from the dance floor. It was at this point I realised, everyone was watching us. "No, I mean that, I jumped into the sea for you and I’m terrified of the sea! I let you kill someone brutally even though it scared the venom out of me. I’ll stay with you forever, I promise." I said facing him. "Even so, I intend to do the right thing because I love you and more importantly, I WANT to do It." he put one hand to my cheek. "OH MY GOD I KNOW WHAT HE'S GOING TO DOOO!" Jodie shouted and Will found a way to shut her up his own way. I stopped looking at their kiss and turned back to Seth. "I know we can never be human together, we can never grow old but for me, that's fantastic because it means I can stay with you until the end of the world and beyond," -by this point I had started crying- "will you marry me Amber? Of course, I’ve asked your dad and he said yes so-" I cut him off- which I should stop doing, the one thing Christopher had been right aboutwith a kiss of our own, "Go for it." I finally smiled. Cheers erupted from the crowd beside us, "I have one request though." I said. "Go for it." he repeated. "Can we be Seth and Amber TURNER? My dad would not be too happy with the other name." "I was thinking more, Amber and Seth Flames." he beamed and I threw my arms around his neck. "Are we staying at Wilfort?" I said pulling my head away from his shoulder. "We have a house don't we? That cottage in the peak district?" he smiled and I smiled back. "Seth, I can't concentrate if you're so desperately trying to distract me." I giggled. "Then it's working!” I shouted with a smile in his voice, "you know sometimes I wish I’d

never bought you that laptop. What are you doing anyway?" he said darting to me to stare over my shoulder. "I’m writing stuff." "Don’t you need a pen to write? Never mind, sometimes I wonder if we are soul mates you know. I hate computers. I can't work them." "Seth, how old is you?" "In human years? Eighteen." "Twenty." "Go with someone technically your own age then." he laughed. "I can't, cos Lucien's a year older than me." I smirked. "That was unnecessarily malicious." he sulked. "You asked for it." I said. "What about will?" he suggested. "Nah, I think Jodie’s claw my eyes out." I laughed but I saw in his eyes that he was genuinely upset, "aw Seth I chose you didn't I? We're married aren't we?" He didn't say anything. "Oh look I’ve upset you now." I said walking over to comfort him. "No, I’ve upset myself. I’m going." he picked up his coat and left. "Where are you going?" I shouted. "I’ll be back don't follow Me." he sighed. Seth and I had been arguing more and more since we got married but we were never going to split up. By midday I was bored so I went to see Lucien. "Hey." he said as I walked in. I felt an unusual rush of...something trickle through my brain and my heart pump faster. "Hiya." I choked. "You aright?" he breathed. "Yeah, fine thanks, are you?" I realised my heart rate had sped up dramatically. "Wonderful. Do come in." he ushered me inside, I sat on the swivel chair next to his computer desk. "What brings you to this neck of the woods?" he smiled perching on his bed. "Just bored I spouse." it was weird, I could not calm down. It was just like when I met him...when I was in love with him. "I know this is very, very forward but isn't there is still a part of you that loves me, that still thinks I’m your soul mate." he whispered. I knew it was true, why should I deny it? Yes, I loved Seth and I would stay with him forever but I loved Lucien, "Yes." He took my hand, "but you love Seth more." "Always. My heart still rushes when I think of you though." I admitted. "I’m sorry." "No it's ok. I need to go, I had an argument with him and I really shouldn't be saying this now." I hugged for longer than necessary. I lay on my bed for ages wishing I could take back our pathetic argument. I thought of Seth's miserable face and it made my cry. I rolled onto my front, folded my arms over face and destroyed my pillow with salt water. I wanted Seth back. I knew this wasn't over but it hurt just as much as if he had left me for good. "I’m sorry." I turned over

unwillingly but it was not Seth who had come to comfort me, it was Lucien. He had misinterpreted my weeping. In truth, I didn't know why that argument had hurt both Seth and I THIS MUCH. "It’s not about you Lucien. Please go. I’m sorry." I sniffed. I put my head back on my arms and I felt him take his off my back, he closed the door behind him. I whispered 'come back' over and over to myself. In fact it took two days for him to come back to me. I had stayed in my room, on my bed. Nobody visited, nobody pried. I wept uncontrollably throughout those two days without stopping. Mainly, I didn't stop because I kept thinking of our memories, like when we first met, talking until we were kicked out of the burger bar. Another one was the beach, when he convinced me to jump. Finally, the one that kept me going maintained my floods of tears, our engagement. I didn't get changed; I didn't eat, feed, drink or sleep. Eventually, I did go to bed though the tears still flowed. I slid under the quilts and curled up in a ball, and shivered, it was bitterly cold. My warm tears kept my face comfortably heated while the rest of me trembled. It was turning towards five to eleven and I was exhausted. 'I’ll be back don't follow me' he had said, I stood up, still crying and left the room. I got into Jodie's Lexus, she wouldn't mind, predictably her keys were under the driver's side mat. I couldn't see THAT well through my tears but I persevered. I didn't know where I was going but I would find him. I had too. He was my soul mate. Where would I go? More importantly, being as I was now driving down the road, where was I going NOW? Seth. Seth. Seth. That's when it struck me, what had made Seth act so strangely these few days, he'd been doubting himself but today something had changed. Today, Seth had been doubting that we were soul mates. I'd given him something to play off too, I’d gone along with it, as a joke of course but that was not the way Seth saw it. I saw a black shadow standing on the edge of the cliff just ahead of me. I swerved off the road quickly and quietly; I didn't want to startle him. I used both hands to close the door one to put between the door and the frame to cushion the blow, one to shut. I drifted to towards him, one hand outstretched towards his; he was completely oblivious to my approach. I felt the sparks fly from our hands as the tips of my fingers touched his palm. He didn't turn. I went to his side, his hand in mine. We watched the moonlight sway on the river. Seth's outfit matched the blackness surrounding us. He wore a knee length, tailored black coat, black jeans and a white t-shirt, I couldn't tell what shoes; the long grass swallowed them. "I’m so sorry.” he finally whispered. "I waited two days." I murmured as if I’d just said 'I did the shopping today' not angry just matter-of-fact. "I missed you for two days." I couldn't say anything but 'why did you go?' "I was feeling sorry for myself." Neither of us raised our voices or even looked at each other throughout our conversation. "We’ll always be together." I smiled. "Of course." he smiled back. "What happened these past couple of days?" "I can't tell you." "Ah, so it wasn't just you being a martyr like your brother then. It was something bad." I

concluded. "I had to make an excuse." He reasoned. "Will you tell me?" "No." "I trust you." I promised. I stole his pointless dark sunglasses and put them on. He began to take me back to the car "No." I demanded. "Huh?" he stopped and faced me. "I’m not going to Wilfort. I LOATHE it." I admitted whirling to face him. "Oh thank GOD!" Seth sighed, "where then?" "Hmmm...we're rich vampires aren't we?" -he nodded- "well then, I don't think I’ve ever properly met your friends, get your friends I’ll get mine, let's go to The Pulse." I grinned. I had met Seth's friends before at our wedding but I wanted to meet them outside of a white gown. Plus, we always went out with MY friends it'd be fun to go out with both sets of friends, Seth's and mine. The familiar rap music burst into our faces as we practically raided the club. We pretty much, kicked out the all too willing staff. Some of Seth's friends worked the D.J booth and the bar, others settled in the lounge. Orlando had come along for the party and of course, to try his luck with every single girl in the club. I never realised how gorgeous and eligible Seth was until I was dancing with his brother on the floor. I looked over at Seth; he was leaning, one elbow on the bar and having a conversation with someone across the room. He had removed his jacket and it lay strewn across a large pile of coats reeking of vampire in the corner. I stared at him while I danced, he was undoubtedly the most beautiful vampire or human or werewolf or anything that had ever existed mesmerized me. I had thought that he was wearing a dirty old t-shirt under his jacket; in fact, it was a white designer shirt with sleeves rolled up to his elbows and a brown waistcoat. My gaze was rudely interrupted by the sound of growls and snarls. I followed the sound to see to huge vampires crouching at each other. "OI!" Seth yelled shooting between them like a bullet. "Move Seth." the one on the right growled baring his fangs. "Yeah, don't fight in front of your tart." the one on the left shot a killing stare in my direction, it physically hurt. "What did you just say?" Seth whispered turning to him. "Who hasn't been your girls soul mate? Ha!" where had his hatred come from? "I wouldn't dude, I wouldn’t screw with Seth about her." another, American, vampire warned. "Don’t ever talk about my best friend like that." will was right in his face with Seth. "You dare touch him and I’ll rip you're disgusting Mosher head off." one of the malicious vampire's friends said. "Don’t touch him." Jodie was beside will. I couldn't say anything. My brain kept telling me that this many vampires in one place at one time was bound to cause trouble. "Hey darlin' as soon as you're done with Seth, how about you come be soul mates with me?" the left, originally mean vampire called. Seth roared and flung himself into the burly bully with incredible force. Seth went to kill the vampire, whose name seemed to be Jamie from the crowd yelling at him but was pounced on by Jamie's friends. Three vampires were now all over the man I loved and my

protective Instinct kicked in. An ear-splitting, spine-chilling hiss ripped from my throat. I dived into the group of thirsty killers and had two of them unconscious be pinned by my crew within seconds. Seth lay on the floor unmoving, Jodie and Will took down Jamie. Oily, blood-water, liquid poured from the part of Seth's neck where he'd been successfully bitten. I knelt by his side, "you're really bad at fighting thirsty vampires you know." I smiled nervously and he tried to smile back. I unbuttoned his shirt and took of his waistcoat, "I’m taking this stuff off cos it looks beautiful on you and I don't want it to get wrecked." I explained with yet more tears brewing. "You’re the only person, I will ever and have ever loved." I promised putting one hand on his cold cheek and scooping my hair from my eyes with the other. I was well aware that everyone was watching us but I didn't care. He struggled with his arm trying to pull it up to reach my face. "Listen baby, I’m going to suck the venom from you." I leant down to bite his neck. He sucked in air sharply and tried to talk, I gave him my phone so he could type it. He wrote the words 'your self control' he couldn't write anymore, the poison was reaching his heart. "Jodie get behind me, pull me away when I stamp my left leg." I whispered, she got behind me, "hold my hair back." she did without saying a word. I leant down and kissed his lips gently and then re-bit his neck. He jumped slightly, his blood tasted like battery acid at first but then turned mouth-watering. It was like iron roses the best blood, natural vampire blood. 'SETH' I forced the name into my head. I kicked my leg out and stamped but I’d already stopped when Jodie began tugging me away. "Get...Rondolph." I managed to choke. Will and Jodie were gone and back in five minutes. "What ever is the matter Amber?" he spotted Seth and asked for an explanation, I told the story especially condemning the three idiots. Rondolph worked his 'magic' and Seth gasped coming back to the land of the living. The three boys were expelled for good. "You to are ALWAYS together aren't you? It's like you need each, for one to be happy the other has to be there." Seth's friend, the one that had warned my new nemesis to lie off, observed. "Of course." I smiled. "I’m jerry.” he said offering his hand. I shook his hand, "you know who I am." Orlando punched Seth's arm, which we now had moved to lie on the sofa in the corner. "You nearly died, idiot." I guessed that way Orlando's way of showing relief that his brother had survived. "And you," he turned to me pointing at me, "I have never seen anyone fight their way out of a crowd of thirsty, let alone a girl!" he laughed, the astonishment clear in his voice. I shrugged. "Amber, I’m going to ask you to get a human, I need a pint of blood so I can inject it into the spleen." rondolph said. Vampires, unlike humans, DO need their spleens. It's our only method of digesting blood. Blood does not naturally 'agree' with the body, as food anyway. Therefore, as was primarily intended, the spleen is our device for digesting blood. This is why it is impossible for people who have had it removed to become vampires properly, that are the one thing that CAN kill vampires without a life goal. I found a nearby hospital- more humane, you know- and stole two pints of blood; I’d do anything to save him. I was back in seconds. I watched my poor Seth flinch when the needle pierced his spleen. His body drooped lifeless as a water-starved fish and he passed

out from the pain but also relief as the first pint was quickly forcibly pumped in. Seth opened his eyes and touched my face, "I know!" he rasped a weak smile spreading across his face. "What? What do you know sweetheart?" I said propping him up on my arm, the second litre was still being poured into him. "I remembered when we FIRST met." he whispered. "On the hard shoulder." I laughed. "No, when I was still human, you hardly noticed me but we did speak." "You’ve lost me." I admitted. "You remember when you were hopeless devoted to Lucien and anything to do with him?" -I shrugged- "like his band?" he hinted. A gasp tore through me like I’d just been electrocuted, "Seth Turner." I remembered. Of course, we had to have met before, we were at the same academy, he had said that we took him in early because of what he was becoming. I touched his face, his pale complexion hadn't changed too much but the form of his body had. Lanky Seth was long dead, this Seth perfectly proportioned and beautiful though, human Seth was also breathtaking. I giggled when I remembered the crush I’d had on him. "I always loved you." he said reading my thoughts, perfectly clear in my eyes. "I knew we'd be together-wait!" I said with sudden realisation, "the Seth I knew was seventeen." I stated. "The Seth you knew lied about his age frequently so his gangliness was not such a wonder." he grinned. I tapped his fang; he bit down gently and laughed at my shocked expression. "Did you get shorter?" I smirked. "I guess so, nice isn't it?" I nodded and pulled him to his feet, "hey, why don't you and Lucien play? There's instruments," this place had everything, "and your whole band is here." I gestured to Lucien, Matt and Reuben, all stood nervously drinking at the bar. My Seth shrugged and headed for the guitar, shortly followed by the rest of the band, good sports they were. The song started with some noodling from Seth. Girls and boys had flooded the dance floor, all slowly dancing. I stood to one side I had no one to dance with. "Can I have this dance?" "Sure." I smiled as my dad twirled me into the floor. I rested my head on his shoulder as we danced. "So, is this it then? You and Seth forever?" he murmured. "Forever and forever Mrs. Seth Flames." "Good." he smiled. As the song quickened in tempo he let me go and dance with Jodie. Lucien's singing voice was a lot different to his normal voice, it made me smile. The song finished gradually as the sound of clapping Overwhelmed it. At the end of the night, as everyone filed out into the bus they'd come in, I looked towards the skip. Lucien and an unfamiliar looking girl seemed to have found each other, now I could fully get over him; he had someone and so did I. That was nice. I waved goodbye as the coach drove away. Seth took my hand as soon as it dropped to my side; we walked back into the club. "Excluding you nearly dying," I said sitting down with him, "tonight was really fun." "I know how to wreck a party." Seth chuckled.

"That’s for sticking up for me." "What are husbands for?" the word 'husband' seemed to add misplaced age to my, very immature, boy. "So, where are we going now?" he sighed. "Um...hotel?" I suggested. "Sounds good to me." he pulled me up. I quickly checked Seth's watch as we walked to the car, half three. In the hotel room, I didn't even bother to get undressed I just got into my bed. My limbs ached with fatigue. And to think I could have been alone tonight had I not gone to look for the stupid vampire who was...rapidly going blonde? I was too tired to ask I just fell asleep. When I awoke, the sun was peaking through the gaps in the curtains. I noticed subtle changes in our room, like no husband next to me, shelves stacked with clothes, grooming products on the bathroom counter. "Seth?" I thought of the most important. No answer. "OI! BLONDIE!" No answer though I knew he heard, from somewhere. I arched one eyebrow, "Vampire?" nothing. I rolled over and closed my eyes. "Went to get coffee." He said half bouncing me off the bed while he dived on it from the other side. "Where is it then?" I said straightening up. "In my stomach," he grinned, "yours is over there, you'll have to get it yourself though, I’ve just sat down." he sniggered. "I love you." I tried to guilt him. It worked. A few hours later I had gone to retrieve all of my diary entries ever so I could read them at my new, temporary residence. I sat on the bed while Seth went out shopping. I went all the back to my 'Lucien Obsession' days. I found my entry about one of his concerts. ...And his guitarist was called Seth turner, still a human. He had blonde hair, lanky and VERY attractive, not interested to be honest though... "Ha." I whispered. "What’s funny?" Seth said perching next to me on the edge of the bed. "Read this." I smiled. He took and read it quickly, he had the same response as I did, "and are you 'interested' now?" he said putting the paper onto our table. "A bit, I was just wondering if you had a girlfriend." I joked. "Nah, free and easy." he said and we cuddled. "Find a job?" I asked. "I put in some applications." he smiled elusively. "Where?" "You’ll see." "Where?" I repeated. "Acting." he gave up. "You got an agent?" "Yep." "Cool." Seth hissed loudly and darted to the door, "What? What's the matter?" I jumped

to his side. "Humans never give up." he hissed again. "I don't hear anyone." "You will." he whispered. He growled over and over and over again, I didn't Think he could stop, it was growing louder and louder. "Snap out of it!" I slapped him. "Thanks." "Stupid uncontrollable vampire." "Sorry." "It’s ok, are they here yet?" I said more hurriedly. "Mmm, they're getting out of the lift." "Let’s go then." I said, he nodded and we jumped through the window. Seth landed on the front of his Alfa Romeo; he'd taken Jodie's car back to her and replaced it with his own. We got in, the smell of his leather seats washed over me. He slammed the accelerator before I could even put my seat belt on. This was never going to end. All because of the old woman, we would never have our life. Actually, that was an exaggeration; we would have a life again in roughly seventy years. That's when the last of them, the searchers, would die. Would I still feel the same in seventy years? Would I be bored and not need to revolve my life around Seth twenty four-seven? Or would I feel the same and be grateful when we could be emotionally reunited? Whatever the future, I knew it wouldn't happen. Not for a long time. I looked at him out of the corner of my eye, his eyes were narrowed in concentration and his brow was creased. I didn't like, or trust, this Seth. He wasn't the Seth I used to see at Lucien's concerts. Not the Seth who had snapped me out of my personal nervous breakdown. Not the Seth who had always been there when I’d been to blind to see. This was the Seth who was too stressed to remember anyone he loved but at the same time never thought of anything but them. I wanted nothing more than to straighten out the worried lines on his little forehead. I loved Seth; I wanted to keep him Seth. I wanted to keep him safe. His eyes were glittering with an emotional too unreadable to settle me. See, he hadn't moved since we left the hotel not even his foot had moved, he'd remained constant speed without even a blink. I so badly wanted to shout 'wake up' at him until he snapped out of his trance but now that he had, I wanted him back into it, I didn't feel even slightly more relaxed. He pinched the bridge of his nose, an expression always associated with a man desperately trying to resolve a situation but at the same time feeling too stressed, angry or upset to do it. I sighed. "Tye?" he suddenly said with a concerned tone. I took my elbow off the windowsill and looked at Seth, not once had he ever called me by my real name. Not even the minister at our wedding- i.e. Will- called me Tyler, I was Amber. To be honest I didn't know Seth's real name, like my dad he'd kept his last name because he was an orphan. I didn't know his first name. "Yes?" I choked. I wanted to sound braver, the sudden realisation that I would never get 'bored' with my love for Seth, shocked me. "I don't know what to do." and that was that. Neither of us knew what to do. Wait those seventy years? They'd find us eventually; there are only so many countries in this world. "Well, actually, I do know what to do." he sighed. "Whatever it is, we can do it, together." I my Tone was pleading. "You may just eat your words," he laughed humourlessly, "we have to split up. Pretend we don't know each other. You go to my brother's coven. The humans will never stop

being suspicious but the heat will die off. They will stop hunting us, eventually." It took me a second the comprehend his words, "yes." I said firmly, I knew it would keep him safe if we did this, "wait. Why did they come after us again?" "It sounded like the girl recognised us from the paper and when I smiled at her, these bad boys popped out." he clicked his teeth, "she was scared so she pressed the panic button, she lied, said we tried to bite someone." "Why would she lie? How long were you listening? Why did you start listening? I don't know what to do anymore." I broke down. "I don't know. Five minutes. Because I heard the panic button and then I heard her on the phone." he put his arm around me. He had pulled up outside his brother’s coven, Redfort Academy. The symbol on the front of the building was a red shield with a large, italic, white 'V'. I cried silent tears, it was like I was going to jail, indefinite imprisonment without bail, and I’d agreed to it. "You don't have to do this-" "But I do. I do Seth." I reached for the door handle but spun around quickly, "answer me one question before I leave, who were you? Before vampirism? What was your name?" "Daniel. I was Daniel Turner-Ménage. To most people, Dan Turner." "Dan Turner and Tyler-Rose Lattice." I smiled weakly, he kissed me quickly. "Some spare clothes and essentials in the boot for you." a weird crack in his voice appeared, I knew what that meant, tears. He knew he would lose me and he was crying, like me. I didn't turn around I just grabbed the rucksack and left. I heard his voice calling my name and spun around, pleading in my eyes. "I won't lie. We're at war with the vampire hunters. If we win we can live in peace, if we lose..." he trailed off. "Why?" I couldn't force my voice to work so I had to mouth the word. "They’re tipping off the humans. That's why they keep following us. The receptionist was a hunter. She was looking for us.” he explained with a frantic edge in his tone. Vampire hunters tended to be disgruntled vampires. Vampires who didn't WANT to be vampires. I never understood it myself. "Amber, if this is the last time I see you..." he stopped and wiped his face and tried again, "look after the kid. Teach her our ways and then if we win bring her back to Wilfort or ever we'll be, she's an orphan too." he said revealing Elliot, "seems the little creep was hiding in the boot." he smirked weakly. I passed her my phone mindlessly showing her a picture of Orlando, "go find him sweetheart, tell him you're with me. He'll put you up. I’ll be there in a minute." I pushed her gently through the doors. I watched her skip away lightly, "Daniel Turner. You don't have to do this." "Tyler-Rose Lattice. Yes I do. This is so we can be together." no hint of humour lingered. "They’re teaming with Venom. They are so strong because they've never drank blood to dilute it. They'll kill you, Krad, my father, everyone I love." "You're father and Krad are LONG gone, they're in America. We evacuated the last of the people we weren't going to allow to fight. I’m strong. I can't promise you that the worst won't happen. I just need your faith." he pleaded. "I can't give you that Daniel. I lost to much to believe that..." not many sentences were getting finished. "The fighting begins in twenty minutes." "Twenty MINUTES?" I gasped, suddenly wounded, like it been punched in the stomach, winded. "TYLER! No. Don't do this. Believe me." he voice begged and his eyes scolded.

"I believe you. I’ll teach her. She'll be the best vampire ever. I promise." I choked. He held me tightly, stared into my eyes and then turned. I walked away blind. I saw Orlando, he understood the situation straight away because he was off to fight now too, he took his cap off and bowed his head to me walking past. I saw Elliot stood up the top of the stairs; I darted to her side straightening myself out on the way. I'd be like a mother to this kid so she wouldn't see my cry for a start. She showed me to our room. "Come on then Ell, we'll practice hunting first." I shot out of the room and returned with ten, company issue blazers and threw them to her, "hang those up on the curtain rail. And get some plastic shopping bags, fairly versatile if you will, and fill them with water." "Why?" "Get them and I’ll tell you, about twenty." She was gone and back in a few seconds, blessed with speed, like most of us. "Why?" she repeated laying them on the bed. "Tie two on, one to each shoulder. They act like blood packs, human are about as easy to pierce as a plastic bag for our teeth, as you will soon discover. The water acts as-" she flinched, "yeah; you got It." from her response it was obvious she knew I meant blood. "Now, watch me." I crouched elegantly and then sprung towards the blazer-human, hissing as I flew towards it. . Landed on it pulling it to floor ripping one of the bags open, water-blood spurted into my mouth, the usual, very realistic reaction. I turned around to see Elliot nodding eagerly, I smiled and she smiled back, "my turn?" "Go for it kiddo!" it was hard not to be happy with her contagious grin filling my line of sight. She crouched, looking back to me for reassurance, I nodded leaning against the doorframe, arms folded across my chest. She copied me exactly, even her hissing sounded involuntary. "EXCELLENT!" I skipped to her, clapping, I held my arms out to hug her, and she beamed and hugged me back. "It was fun!" she laughed. "You should try the real thing, my love." I watched her face drop and her face crumple, now that the transformation was complete, her thirst would be writhing around inside her. Eventually it would win out over the desire to do the right thing. "You SHOULD try the real thing. Before you hurt someone." I edited, "I won't let you kill anyone, do you know how to use your venom yet?" I looked at her hopefully but she shook her head, "think of blood and how it'll feel," I truly hated doing this, "did you feel something that tasted like petrol pool in your mouth?" she nodded, "that's venom, now, imagine you're in pain, visualise the pain." I stressed each word hypnotically, "that stuff that tasted different to venom, that's antidote, directly after you bite a human, keep your teeth locked in and force that stuff into the wound. Run before they wake up." "Got it." "Wait, shush." I said holding up a finger and leaning towards the window, I edged around the coat hanger where the blazer had been and listened. A rumbling growl came from outside then a 'what?' and another shushing noise. "Ugh, I smell them." one adult male's voice muttered disgusted. "Who?" another said. "Vampires." the first hissed.

"Vampire hunters. They've bled through, excuse the pun." I whispered, "Why can't they just get off their bloody high horse and accept what they are?" I muttered rhetorically. "What shall we do?" Elliot said. "Go and tell Orlando what's happening. You remember what he looks like?" "Yes." "Good." I ripped my phone from my pocket. I dialled quickly, "Seth?" "Amber, I’m fighting, what's up?" he started impatiently but finished worriedly when he realised I hadn't interrupted. "Vampire hunters. They're here." He hissed an unintelligible word, "ok, I’m coming to get the two of you, Orlando can look after himself, he'll send out his remaining able troops. Get outside. I’ll be there in two minutes, could you kill your hunters?" "Yeah, good practice for Elliot." I almost felt Seth wince. I put the phone down. Elliot arrived at my side, "jump out of the window after me, get your arms around the smaller vampire and rip his neck out." I said enthusiastically, half trying to force my own, fake, mood onto her. It worked. She nodded eagerly and I dived from the window hearing a thud behind me, Elliot. I took the bigger one, forcing him to the ground as I landed, he struggled. He hissed, thrashed and snapped at my neck. With a crack, he was dead and I heard a similar spine-chilling crack behind me. That's when the storm arrived. Seth whipped around the corner and we dived in. "It seems that the hunters tricked us. They didn't go to fight like us, they ran. They're trying to kill off the vampires systematically." he sighed. How do you mean?" I asked. "Our sources tell up they're going to take over wilfort this afternoon and there's nothing we can do, except. Except there is. We can evacuate the building. Unfortunately all the places at Redfort have filled up, our house is not ready and we can't go to my house because we went there before and they'll follow our scent." he skirted around the real issue. "Essentially, we're homeless." sigh. "Yes, I have reserved one place for Elliot at Redfort." he said. It was very generous. He was right, Elliot deserved that place, and she was young and naive. We hadn't moved an inch as since we got in the car. Seth turned around to face Elliot who looked immediately uncomfortable, "it's time to go sweetheart, and amber and I will see you soon, promise. Orlando will look after you." She nodded and left. We began to drive back to wilfort. We had to leave our car and go on foot from now on. We locked up the car in our garage and went upstairs to pack. I took a black backpack and filled it with my toothbrush, toothpaste, two pints of water, over three thousand pounds, some socks and underwear, granola bars, a hairbrush and some shampoo. I didn't see what Seth packed but I assumed it was a lot of the same. I went to see Will, Jodie, Lucien, Krad and my dad before I left. We left, into the pouring rain and thunder, hmmm, ominous. I pushed up an umbrella I’d stuffed into my jacket pocket, I asked Seth to hold it, and he was a little bit taller than me so he could cover us both. The rain got heavier and hammered down faster. We ran towards the trees next to the brook, which was now full. I was wearing a jumper underneath my military jacket but I was still ice cold, colder than my natural temperature. I shivered uncontrollably and hugged my arms; I sat under a

tree though the rain still dripped onto my forehead. Seth sat next to me, "you never mentioned my hair." I whispered. "Whenever I tell you, you look beautiful you get all embarrassed and awkward," he justified and then caught the bottom of my black hair, he managed to catch a bit of the neon red that rested under my hair, "I love it." he murmured and then cuddled me against his bizarrely warm coat. "You know me too well." we both laughed quietly. The lightening hit close to us setting fire to a patch of grass that grew from some dirt in the bottom of a little ditch. We scuttled into the ditch next to the fire, this time though we were further under the cover of trees. Seth reopened the umbrella, "what are you doing?" I said. He pointed towards a small den left behind after the demolition of Handsacre Hall, "convenient." I muttered as Seth scooped me up and carried me towards it stamping out the fire as he went. As soon as we were in, he lit a few strands of grass on fire, illuminating the walls in a bright orange that would have matched my old hair. I placed my car at the door and took of my coat in a poor attempt at making curtains. Seth smiled and told me he had a better idea, he pushed up the huge umbrella and pulled it tightly in to make a blockade. He took two big puffy jackets from his bag and swaddled me in them. "I also bought some tranquilizers, just in case the weather keeps us up." he whispered when I yawned. "Can I have two please?" I said knowing I couldn't and wouldn't sleep. He passed me three and gave me some water, I chucked them down and within a few minutes, I was out cold. "Sort of romantic isn't it?" I said as I stretched, I looked into the horrible, grey, yet morning and realised I wasn't home. "Only you, Amber Flames, could ever think that." Seth laughed. "Did you get any sleep?" I said kissing his chin lightly. "Some. Mostly I like to watch you sleep though." "Psycho." I laughed, as did he. "Anyway. Come on get your jacket on, we going to our house." He offered me his hand when he had stood up. "It’s ready?" "Yeah, how's that for good timing? You got your romantic night and even if it is under the worst circumstances, we're together. It was ready about ten minutes before you got up." "Cool, cos there is no way I am sleeping there again tonight!" Seth hugged me; he seemed happier than was yesterday when he beamed at me and pulled me towards a bus stop. The house looked exactly the same as in the advert, it was perfect. "Come on then." he pulled me through the door. "Oh thank God." I whispered wriggling out of my jacket. I hung it up by the door and darted straight to the fire, which had been lit ready for when we got here. "Hmmm..." Seth muttered as he walked into the doorframe to see my eagerly putting my hands in the fire. "Huh?" I said standing up and turning to him. "I got the job too." Seth smiled. "I miss everything when I sleep." I laughed.

"That’s why I thought that you could help me get ready for work if you wanted to?" the way he ended his speech made it sound like a question. "Of course!" I beamed and pulled him by the elbow up to our new room where he'd already dumped our bags. It seemed he'd gotten Krad to look after our clothes until we got our house because there she was perched on our bed surrounded in suits and various other apparel. "HI AMBER!" She dived off the bed and swung her arms around me. "Hi!" I smiled. "I’ll go get lunch and you dress Seth!" she skipped out me the room. "Please, please, please can we keep her?" I begged. "Yeah, she can live upstairs with Will and Jodie." "Will and Jodie?" "Surprise! They hadn't got a home and we have a big one." he justified. "I love you!" I shouted hugging him tightly, "I’ll go make us two coffees and let you get your suit on and then I’ll review you." I grinned and darted downstairs. When I came back up, Seth was adjusting his tie in the full-length mirror, "I’ll do it." I sighed knocking his hands out of the way. "Cheers. Do I smell human enough?" he said ruffling his hair. "You smell great. Did you borrow my perfume?" I said slightly amused. "Too womanly?" he said concerned, I just laughed. "Can I make a request?" I said after I’d knotted his tie. He nodded. "Can we be Dan and Tyler for the duration of our stay?" my hands were against his chest and his were holding the small of my back. "I’ll need a prop for this." he jumped out of the window and was back in half a second, in his hand was a single red rose. "This is Dan without Amber." his hand swished down the side of the plant and it wilted and turned brown. He produced another rose from his other hand, this one was fake, and “this is Seth with Amber, permanently lifeless but always blossoming and in the prime of its existence." "That’s beautiful Seth." I whispered. He threw the rose onto the bed and we kissed. "Ahhem...well...this is...awk...ward." Krad struggled and we laughed. "Do you want a tuna sandwich or Amber's tongue?" "Shut up Krad." we said in unison. "Will and Jodie are here." she said lobbing our sandwiches at us and leaving. "You know, you and Krad don't look much the same... A bit but not much." Seth pondered between bites. "I told you dad was a playaaa, she's my half sister from my dad's first marriage." I explained. "You’re half sister?" "Yeah, and it took her long enough to believe it too." I sighed remembering. "We can tell the story later at dinner but now, we need to have a meeting." Krad grinned running back into the arm, seizing up both by the elbows and pulling us downstairs. We saw Jodie and Will sat at the large oak table looking bored. Blatantly, they had been dragged down against there will. Krad sat at the top of the table and Seth pulled out a chair opposite Jodie. "First, shopper. Let's have a fair vote." Krad smiled, delighted with her little democracy. "Show of hands, who would like to be the shopper, first." "I’ll do it." Jodie yawned raising her hand.

"Secondly, who cooks breakfast?" Krad said. "Why don't we do it as we come down?" I suggested. "Good idea." Seth murmured nudging me. "Sounds about right. Next on the agenda, who's going to make lunch?" "I’ll do it." Will smiled. "Ok, I’ll make dinner. Use the showers when you wake up. Tidy when it looks like it needs doing. Seth you're the strongest out of all of us," - I snorted- "shush Amber. As I was saying, therefore, you can get the coal for the fire from the shed. And I think that's it for now." Krad said. She stood up and left the room leaving everyone looking slightly confused and amused. "Am I allowed to say something?" Jodie said standing up. "Go ahead babe." Will beamed at his girlfriend. "There's a dance tonight, it's-" "A dance?" Krad said swinging her head around the door and darting back onto her chair. Everyone laughed and Jodie continued, "it's formal so..." Jodie rolled her hand. "What to you think Amber?" Seth said. All eyes were on me even though we all new everyone, but Seth, would go even he I didn't. "Can we go shopping for clothes then?" I grinned. "We're all going, all us girls and then we'll do a fashion show for the lads after!" Krad yelled enthusiastically. "Vampire fashion show." Jodie clarified, "I like being a vampire, it just makes you that bit cooler doesn't it?" she laughed. "Hmmm, can we just have a bit of a rest before we all go out cos we've all had a rough couple of days, Will and I thought we were going to lose Amber and you." Seth looked very fragile as he stared at Jodie. She nodded. Krad said she was going shopping because she couldn't wait. She said she'd buy me something because Jodie had decided to go with her and then Will wanted to buy a suit. Seth and I didn't want to leave. "Did you really think you were going to lose me?" I whispered, looking out of the window into the curtains of the Torrential downpour. "I did when you said the hunters had got to you. I know you're a big girl but vampire hunters tend to be ruthless and constantly multiplying. Most of them are invincible too because they're so obsessed with wiping out all vampires that it becomes their destiny." He explained bleakly. "I can't imagine how painful that must have been for you. How did you reassess your destiny?" while he was explaining what had happened in his 'gap years' as he called them every time I asked what he did before he met me. "How did you guess?" "You knew so much and you panicked so much when I told you they'd arrived, most vampires don't know enough about them to be THAT scared. You were so elusive about what you did before you met me that..." I trailed off with realisation, "you did it as revenge. For what your dad did to your mum. How did you change your destiny then? It could help my dad." "I kept myself awake thinking about what I really wanted, a soul mate. I didn't eat or sleep or drink or feed, I became all but immune to blood until I was positive that my goal was changed because when I stopped trying to think about it, it was lingering in my

subconscious like a normal destiny. And look," he tapped his face next to his eye, "I was usual." he smirked. "I’ll tell dad then. You pale even for a vampire. Like marble," I said crossing the room and stroking his cheek, "dye your hair ginger, your normal colour, please, please, please?" I begged. "Dye yours!" He teased. "No cos then we'll look more joined at the hip than we already are. A right couple me freaks." I laughed and he snickered quietly. "Damn," he said pulling away quietly, "I forgot work." "I’ll lie for you. Damn, I forgot we have to go to that bloody dance tonight." "I’ll lie for you." he repeated with a smile, "I’m shattered." he yawned. "Go to bed then. Maybe if we pretend to sleep, Krad will go without us." "Maybe, the last time I saw you in a dress was our wedding though. Do you remember when Krad kicked off cos we were arguing about my tux and she'd been banned from using her manipulation because your dad wanted us to resolve our differences like adults?" Seth laughed. "OH YEAH!" I giggled, "That was the reddest I’ve ever seen a vampire's face go!" I cuddled my husband tightly, "I’ve changed my mind, let's go." Krad had bought me a knee length black dress with a gothic, corset designed, lace up back. It was beautiful, lacy all over with spaghetti straps and ruffled at the bottom. She had also bought me some black and pink shoes with a large bow on the front of each shoe. Krad had bought herself a very 'north-of-the-knee" red, oriental designed dress with a yellow-gold cardigan. She wore strappy, glamorous gold shoes. She had bought Seth a black tuxedo with a crimson tie. Will had been bought very much the same thing. Jodie had bought herself a violet, ankle length gown and a shimmering black shawl. She had bought some flat black dolly shoes. We all arrived in our new outfits courtesy of Jodie. We stood out like...vampires. We were the palest of everyone in the room and by far the most beautiful. The music seemed to be annoying Jodie, for a while we enjoyed the chance to slow dance but then it got boring at Will and Jodie danced closer to us, "how much do you think I’d have to slip in his back pocket to get some rave on?" Jodie snickered. "Not much, he looks sleazy. Go for about six hundred." Seth grinned. He and Jodie had an inexplicable unbreakable bond. Will and Seth still had yet to go for a pint together so they were still dodgy with each other. Jodie gracefully stalked over to the DJ booth and flashed an exuberant smile at him carefully sliding a wad of cash onto the pile of CDs and handing him her mp3 player. Within seconds Jodie's favourite song was blasting through the stereo and the atmosphere of the room ignited and suddenly everyone was in motion. When we'd all finally stumbled home, giggling and, in Will and Seth's case, drinking, we sat in the living room with the fire on. Krad sat with Will and Jodie and Seth sat with me. "So," Seth hiccupped, "how did you become a vampire Jodie?" "Well, obviously I was still in high school. I started to get into all these vampire books and that and they were really cool and they interested me because, of course, most of them were written in the vernacular so it made it more real to me. Like every teenager,

once they've read a few books, they think they're the experts. So then I signed up to this website of vampyres, you know, vampire wannabes. Eventually I found a boy who genuinely believed he was a vampire and I believed him. Turned out I was right. I met up with him and he attacked me. I barely escaped with my life but you see so I made it." she smiled to lighten the mood. "And I was just born vampire." Will said raising a hand. "Ok, well, if you guys could have anything in the world, what would it be?" Seth said hugging me against his side. "Erm...immortality." I joked, everyone laughed, "nah, erm... A kid I think. As son would be nice." "Oh eh Seth watch out!" Will winked; I threw a remote at him. "Err... I'd like to be able to sleep, I don't know how yet." he finally said. "It's an acquired skill, you can either do it or you can't. You can't because you were never human. It's something you learn from being human." I explained. "I wish I could be famous but I never can be, people would get suspicious if I never aged or died." Jodie sighed wistfully. "I'd like dad to find his soul mate to be honest but for me I suppose..." there was a very long pause while Krad thought, "nothing I have everything." she admitted and I realised...I did too. "Amber, will you do me a favour?" Seth said, all eyes on him. "Yeah?" "Would you talk to Lucien for me?" His words caught me off guard; I double taked, "Eh?" I gasped. "Perhaps we should go in the kitchen." Krad said forcing everyone out of the door. "Rondolph and I were talking about it, you know how rare it is for a natural vampire to be born? Well, it's equally as rare for a vampire to have two soul mates. We're two of a kind." he tried to smile. "Eh?" I repeated. "Your dead heart still rushes when you speak to him, even though he does annoy you constantly. It seems Lucien and I are both your soul mates. Though you both don't want the same thing, he wants fame you wanted love, the two of you need each other. Do you remember how useless you were when he wasn't with you? Even for a split second? I’m not upset, I know you'll pick me I’m just curious, I'd like it if you could spend a week with him. Just so you know the feeling. And no holding back for me, kisses and everything please." I sat silent, no doubt in my mind that ninety nine percent of me wanted this, the one percent felt guilty. I wanted so badly to know how it felt to say 'yes finally, finally I have Lucien, here in MY arms' and I came to a conclusion, "Ok. If I’m to do this I want you to promise to go off with another girl and not hold back. For three days we'll do it. An experiment. We'll stay together. I love you. I need you. But yes, I agree. We will do this. Deal?" I stuck my hand out for him to shake. He sighed and shook it. Krad walked back into the room with Will and Jodie in tow, "We heard deal and assumed you were done, we came to say goodnight." Krad yawned. "Yeah we might go too, unless you want to stop down and watch this crap." Seth curled his lip up at the home selling programme and so did I, I wasn't middle-aged yet. I took Seth's hand and we walked up to bed.

Seth. Amber was in one of her moods this morning. Everything was she did was noise. I followed into the bathroom because I didn't much care for the necessary hour it usually took her to stare in the mirror at her fangs and come to terms with her vampirism. She slammed her toothbrush back in the holder when she was done and stamped downstairs. I ruffled my hair in the mirror, it was going blonde though I wasn't sure why, my hair couldn't be growing because nothing on me could grow so it must have been my actual hair colour changing. I was surprised Amber hadn't noticed it. I didn't know why Amber was so P.Oed anyway, we'd had a nice night last night, had a right laugh. I got down stairs and sat where I'd sat during Krad's little vote and watched Amber shove two crumpets into the toaster angrily. She slapped a large plate onto the chopping board next to the butter. Suddenly, Krad, Jodie and Will burst through the door, bursting through the thick wall of tension. Amber spun around with an accusing look her eyes all though I suppose it could have just been wonder. "Amber! Check this out!" Jodie shouted skipping over with a brown bag in her hand, she emptied the contents onto the table. There was a small blue glass vase with the words: Vampire Essence written in beautiful italic font. Also, a small Clingfilm covered Petri dish with four small teeth, it was labelled 'actual vampire fangs' and finally there was 'Vampire Venom' with a needle taped to the side, probably a home 'turning' kit. "Careful, if that stuff's real it could kill us." Amber said staring at the dish. "S'not gonna be real, babe." I snorted. Finally, a smile. "Chuck us the fangs, Jod." I said holding my hands out and clapping. I caught the teeth she tossed in my direction, taken out of the dish, "Nice throw." "Nice catch." I examined the teeth, they were very convincing, "Nah, I think they're cat's teeth to be honest. They're just cat canines." I laughed at the irony, cat canines. Basic humour always got me. "Poor kitty." I murmured. I dropped them onto the table and folded my hands, "This, however, is very interesting." I turned the bottle of Vampire Essence in my hands. "Why, Seth?" Amber put her arm around me and sat down. "Because, it seems to be, actual vampire 'essence'." "What IS vampire essence?" Krad wondered. "You know the last bit of sweat As you're becoming a vampire?" I said. "Yeah?" Will leaned forwards across the table. "Basically it's that. The only sweat a vampire will" I struggled again. "So is that the actual stuff then?" Amber asked looking at me. "Don't know, it looks like it. Just...where would they get it from?" I pondered the thought. "Try it Seth." Jodie encouraged. "Yeah, go on dude!" Will shouted. "Amber?" I asked. She shrugged so I stood up, dripped some into my palm and rubbed it into my neck. Amber walked over to me, "How does it smell?" I said. "It's literally the most beautiful aroma I've ever had the pleasure of inhaling." She laughed with surprise. I grinned and wrapped my arms around her waist, "What's been the matter lately sweetheart?" I finally said.

"I’m nervous...a...about... Lucien." She stuttered as if it was hard to say. "I came up with a plan for that!" Krad skipped lithely to my side, "using my MANIPULATION techniques, I can make it so Seth temporarily loves me, Will loves no one, as usual and you love Lucien in the way you used to." She looked smug and I smiled in reassurance at her. It was a good plan. Amber's smile seemed to agree too. "And, at the end of it all only you and Seth will remember anything so you know how it feels to be apart from each other. Everyone else, including me will be non-the-wiser." She paused, "only... It will be A LOT of work for me so I’ll need to have complete silence." She said closing her eyes and putting her fingers to her temples. I looked at Amber with loving eyes for the last time, just for a day. I took her head between my hands and kissed her. "Five seconds." Krad murmured. Will stared at her and then we were gone. Amber’s Search I had the overwhelming urge to find Lucien. Like I needed him. I was suddenly very aware that I hadn't been with him for about three days. I ran outside and found the nearest bus station. He had told me he was stopping at Redfort academy so I went there. I ran up the stairs and to Orlando's room. I wasn't sure how I'd met him I just remembered knowing him, "ORLANDO!" I Called running into the room, "where's Lucien's room?" "Hi Amber." Lucien said walking into view. "Lucien." I gasped. He was wearing a bright red shirt and dark jeans, very plain, very beautiful, much like himself. "What's up?" He said looking concerned. He attempted to give me one of his awkward hugs so I pulled him as close to me as possible and met his lips. My limbs ached though every part of me had shut down. They ached because I'd run flat out for so long. This normal wouldn't tire any vampire out let alone ME, but this was a fuelled run so it was painful because I'd pushed myself to extremes. No matter how fast I moved, it wasn't fast enough. But I was here now in Lucien's arms and we finally had each other. For good. "I love you." He murmured. "I know." I said meeting his gaze. "Your eyes are silver." He said. "That's irrelevant." I whispered into his shoulder. He had to be about half a foot taller than me but to be fair; he was older than me by one, human, year. "Have you still got my jacket?" He murmured. "It's at home. It reminds me of the weird old days." I admitted. We hadn't moved an inch his head was on my shoulder and my face was buried in his throat. "What's your best memory of those days?" he asked finally pulling my down onto his sofa. "The dinner times when you used to come see me. Those were the best and worst days of my life. I still have that drawing you did for me. I keep it in my pocket always." "Which drawing?" "This one." I pulled it out of my pocket, I'd attempted to keep it in mint condition and I hadn't done a bad job either. "Ha!" He yelled breaking our quiet moment and I had to laugh with him. He stood up and walked to the other side of the room placing the drawing on his desk. He fished through a stack of papers, he was always the artsy type and it seemed they were also a pile of

doodlings. He found what he was looking for and threw it to me. It was a portrait of me. Painted beautifully with watercolours, it was two pictures like a before and after type thing. One was me with my beautiful orange hair and the other was of me with my new hair. I walking with a frantic look on my face in picture one, my hair flowed gently behind me. Under the picture were the words 'AMBER FLAMES' written in a sort of Edwardian font. "Thanks." I gasped in astonishment. "No problem." he sighed. "What’s up?" I whispered. "Orlando's coming, he heard you shout his name." "So?" "Oh, hi Amber!" Orlando said embracing me, "where's Seth?" "Huh?" I was confused. Something shimmered in the back of my mind, vague recollection. "Seth?" He repeated. "Krad." Lucien muttered accusingly as if realising something. "Krad? What about her? Seth? Who? Eh?" I panicked. "Your husband...?" Orlando hinted. "My...husband...Seth Turner." vague recollection became vivid memories. "Cheers, Orlando." Lucien hissed. "I wanted to know how it would feel if I'd chosen you over Seth." I said mainly to myself. "And?" Lucien whispered hopefully. "Just different." I admitted. Orlando left the room to give us some privacy, now he understood. "I still love you." Flooded through my lips. I didn't take it back. "I’ll always love you." He promised. "I’m not done. I’ll love you forever because I've always loved you. I always wanted to be a part of your family, be Amber Aldridge. I always want to be here. Here where my heart doesn't function properly. Here where my legs go weak. Here where I don't even know if I’m breathing. Here where I forget everything and see only you. Forever you. I know in the real world, I don't need you by my side. But, I do need you to be somewhere. Still living. Still breathing. Still fighting. Still feeding. Still Lucien. I want to keep you Lucien forever, I don't want you to turn into that boy who doesn't care if I live or die. I need your always even breathing and your glossy, beautiful hair, your black eyes, soft skin. I just need you. Forever." I finished. I didn't love Seth the way I loved Lucien. I loved Lucien irrationally after all the months he'd treated me badly. I still loved him. "But we can never be together." It wasn't a question. It was a bleak, statement of fact. To himself more than me. "We can. Right now. You won't remember any of this in a couple of hours so it won't hurt." "I’m pretty tired actually." He sighed. "Oh." I began to leave the room as he lay down. "Lie with me." He whispered. He went to sleep with his arm around me. I didn't sleep. I stayed awake and watched him breathe while he slept. He opened his eyes slowly, "how much time?" "Four minutes." "Seems like I wasted it."

"On the contrary, I wouldn't have had it any other way." I knew in my head, it was wrong but I also knew Seth was somewhere pledging his love to my best friend, "I love you, Lucien" I murmured. "Me too." he laughed quietly. "I’ll tell you I came to borrow some shampoo." I thought. "Believable." He said sarcastically. "Ok, sorry Lucien just popped down to brainwash you into being in love with me." "You didn't HAVE to brainwash me." "Ten seconds." I half-whimpered. I stood up and sorted my clothes and went outside. I knocked on the door, "Hi Lucien, I just came to-" "I guess Krad was wrong. It doesn't work all the time." He whispered. "You remember?" I gasped. "Yes." He kissed my cheek and closed the door in front of me. I didn't really have much time to dwell on how much I'd hurt Lucien because by the time the door had met it's frame, was running. The words 'have to get back to Seth' rushed through my mind frantically. I reached the back gate and didn't have the patience to fiddle with the locks so I hopped the fence. “Nothing!" I shouted bursting through the door. My eyes shot around the room but I couldn't see him. I darted up stairs and shot from room to room. Nowhere. "Amber?" Seth said from behind me. I spun around, a grin spreading over my face, "Nothing." I forced the words through my bright smile and leapt into his arms. "Also nothing." He sighed contentedly. "Oh thanks very much, Seth." Krad mumbled from somewhere Downstairs. We laughed. A quiet chuckle made my heart rush. Except it wasn't Seth. It sounded like Lucien. I whirled around. It wasn't Lucien either. Seth gnashed his teeth and snarled. He whipped in front of me, growls tore from downstairs and Jodie, Will and Krad were beside me in the same second. Suddenly realisation struck and a growl ripped from my throat piercing the tense blanket in the air. Vampire hunters. How to did six vampires sneak into the house undetected? I was the stealthiest of all of us but Seth still heard me. But Seth was accustom to my scent and sound. The vampires arched forwards on the balls of their feet and their arms pulled back towards them, as if they were in flight. "Get. Out. Now." I wasn't sure if Seth was talking to them or us. We stood frozen behind him. I wasn't leaving either way. He spun around to us, "NOW." He ordered, I shook my head. He flung himself back to face the intruders again; he couldn't have his back to them for too long. "Possible." The female said. She was of an average twenty year old's size, very slender, poker straight black hair, very pale skin- but that was a given. "The hair's not right though, Elizabeth. Are you sure? Any vampire is POSSIBLE." An older, middle-aged male said, this one was blonde and very beautiful, much like the first. "Just tell us what it is you're looking for and why and maybe we can help you, Rogan." Seth said to the blonde man. "Your old coven?" I whispered. "WE ARE NOT A COVEN." Rogan spat, "A coven implies a collection of vampire scum"

"You ARE a collection of vampire scum." Seth contradicted. Hisses rippled from the group. A younger, possibly even ten year old, vampire had sparked up a conversation with Jodie. Jodie had seen the innocence in the, seemingly misled, child's eyes. "Hello, how are you?" Said the little girl. "I’m ok thank you," Jod answered, an obvious lie, "how are you?" "Awful, I’m having a terrible time. Will you help me?" The child pleaded. "Jodie, don't. She's a physic, she feeds of optimism. Basically the and so, is stealing your energy." Seth warned, still focused on Rogan. "How old is she?" Jodie said curiously. "She was in the coven before I was so in human years she's got to be over twenty." Seth answered. "Oh good." Jodie scowled and then slapped her as hard as possible. More growling. "We call ourselves 'The Searchers' we welcome you to our group if you decide to live...?" Rogan offered. "Yes. We chose life. But not with you." Seth smiled sarcastically. "And is this your coven's decision also?" - we nodded at Rogan's half threat- half question- "Suit yourselves. We will take effective action." Rogan warned. He snapped his fingers in the air and everyone spun around simultaneously and walked towards the door. "OI!" Seth shouted frustrated. They turned back around and stared at Seth with their heads cocked to one side. It was quite a show. Like well rehearsed actors and actresses. "What? What are you going to do?" Seth hissed suddenly Right in Rogan's face, "because I am SICK of being messed around." The man stepped back once casually and laughed, encouraging his posse to do the same. They followed their silent order. "What would YOU do? You're outnumbered, there's five of you and SIX of us. Someone's gonna have to go two on one or even SIX on one of the rest of you are...shall we say, less fortunate." Rogan snickered, "And, it seems that Ruby here," he gestured towards the coincidentally crimson haired girl, "would very much like a go at this one." he gestured towards me and Ruby nodded strongly. "You mean my wife." Seth mumbled. "Your WIFE?" He smirked, "oh I remember when you used to date Elizabeth here." He beamed and Elizabeth wiggled her fingers and leered at Seth. I growled. "Well, Danien here is married to Elizabeth now." "Oh good, congratulations bla bla bla. What. Will. You. Do?" Seth reinstated his previous question. I saw out of the corner of my eye, Krad sweep her long dark brown hair from her face and Jodie instinctively push her golden hair in the same way. Krad's teeth were still bared and clenched, as were Jodie's and Will's. "Answer his question." I demanded spinning my head back towards Rogan, Elizabeth, Ruby, Danien and the two strangers. Elizabeth and Ruby advanced towards me and Jodie, Will and Krad stepped forwards in defence. Danien stepped to Rogan's side. "Patience, my brethren." Rogan said and the three went back to their previous formation. "Perhaps we should introduce these two first." He said calmly pointing towards the two men, the left was mixed race and looked very rich and the other was lanky and blonde. "The one on the left in the blue shirt is Esteean and the one the right in the black shirt is Ross." Seth put his arm around my waist without breaking his focus and told me.

"Yes, so we have Elizabeth," "Hi." "Danien." He nodded. "Ruby." "Hello." "Esteean and Ross." They nodded. "And then there's me, Rogan." He offered a hand, no one took it. "Jodie, Will, Krad." Seth pointed to them and they waved in unison, "and my Amber." He whispered finally breaking his stare and looking at me in the eyes. "Aww!" The two females erupted suddenly. Seth spun back around and stared at the two girls. "Let's get this done. This is the last time I’ll ask, tell me what's going on." Seth said. "Well Seth, you know our goal is to wipe out all of you-" "And you." Seth interrupted Rogan. "If it makes you feel better, and us-" "OW!" I wailed in pain, I looked at the back of my forearm; there were three long scratches like claws. Ruby waggled her fingers at me tauntingly. "How did you do that?" I said mainly out of pure interest. "She moves at just less than the speed of light." Elizabeth explained. I nodded. "Continuing on, we will search down the rest of your coven-" "It's just us. We're the coven. We're all ex-hunters." Seth lied very convincingly. "It would be easy to find out your past." Ross said. "Go for it. They'd killed everyone at Wilfort academy when I found them. Then we accepted who we were and now...tada!" Seth pointed to us. "Interesting. We will deliberate." Rogan pondered and stalked towards the door. "Oh for God's sake is that just what you vampire hunters are like? Always elusive? What you'll do is you'll try and check to see if we've conversed with any other vampires to see whether we've got our 'story' straight with them. Then you'll try and hunt anyone who may have even spoke with and then you'll come after us." I whined. "Yeah, except we'll hunt you even if you haven't got any vampire friends." Rogan said and that's when I noticed it. With every threat, every growl, every hiss, every sign of hostility, Esteean would flinch. "Why?" He finally whispered. "NO." Rogan demanded like Esteean was some sort of recalcitrant hound. "What?" He said slightly louder, only slightly. "Wherever we go to sort out some vampire scum we get 'no, no they haven't done anything wrong. Give them a chance'," Rogan imitated a child's voice, "No, Esteean. They should not have the chance to live." Rogan said darkly. I saw that my group had relaxed their positions. They seemed bored. "That's because Esteean had a clear idea of what's right and wrong but he's afraid of the real world. He only tags along with you because it's all he knows. He only pretends to believe your LIES because he thinks he has to," Seth scolded. He turned to Esteean, "You don't have to do this Esteean. You were only a child when I last saw you but it was clear in your eyes you didn't want to be what Ross was. You could join us. We'll look after you.

You can live peacefully." Seth put a hand on Esteean shoulder who seemed to have been drawn forwards by Seth's words. Revelation flashed in Esteean's eyes but was vanquished by another realisation, "but...I can't because... They'd hunt me...if I were to go with you. This is the easiest." "They only hunted me because I made a mistake. I never make mistakes." Seth promised and Esteean smiled weakly. Esteean took a side step and stood by Seth's right arm. "Good boy." Seth half thanked, "Now who's outnumbered?" He beamed dangerously. I suddenly realised there were only four of the vampire hunters left. Where was the other one? "Where is Wesley?" Ruby hissed to Elizabeth as if reading my thoughts. Elizabeth looked around and shrugged. "She went outside to see if there were more coming." Rogan said. "There's no one left to come." I said as innocently as possible. "Ok, we believe you. We will come for you soon." Rogan sighed. Seth went rigid. Complete silence filled the room and I heard Krad's jaw drop. "You didn't think we were going to let you go?" Rogan laughed. "WE'RE EX-VAMPIRE HUNTERS! WE'RE ON OF YOU! WE'RE NOT ON YOUR SIDE BUT SURELY YOU SHOULD BE ON OURS!" Seth screamed. I quickly put my hand around his bicep, he shrugged it off and used his newly free arm to punch Rogan square in one of his rouge eyes. Rogan fell back, both hands covered his eye. The other three vampires started towards Seth. "I wouldn't touch him if I were you." I warned. "Bring it." Ruby threatened. I growled and crouched. I sprung at her and a full scale battle broke out. Many sounds filled the atmosphere, the snapping of teeth, growling, hissing, snarling, bangs from when a vampire hit the floor. I saw blood and knew it was Seth, one of the vampires, possible Rogan was packing a switchblade. Seth writhed on the floor. That's when the vampires started dropping to the ground. First Seth, then Jodie, then Will, Ruby, Elizabeth, Rogan, Esteean, Krad, Ross. Me. Oh my God! What was that piercing noise?! It stopped my breathing and I lay on the floor writhing in pain. I couldn't see. The excruciating, indescribable screaming was shutting down everything in my body and it seemed like endless torture. When the fog began to clear I saw that three vampires lay lifeless on the floor, Rogan was still moving. I batted my arms in a vain attempt to end the sound. "STOP!!!" I screamed. The noise stopped on my command and everyone sighed with relief. We all lay motionless on the floor. I opened my eyes and gently pulled myself up. I pulled Seth and my sister up and Jodie and Will got up. I saw Elliot stood with a small black box in her hands. "Sorry," she said, "I came to thank you for looking after me and stuff and I heard fighting so I bought help." She looked mildly smug. "What IS that?" Will asked taking it and rolling it in his hands. "Basically, a vampire killer." Seth said, he knew all the best vampire weaponry. Vampire hunters spend most of their time trying to be all agile and cool-looking and AVOIDING attack, when it came to actual fighting they were literally useless. They needed the best weaponry. "Yeah, it explodes their insides. Not nice is it?" Seth kicked Rogan who was still on the floor. "I’m still very human so it's too high pitched for me to hear." Elliot explained.

"mmm, and it won't kill him. Just torture him. His goal is set WAY to solidly into his mind." Seth kicked Rogan again, "ok, burn those three, Jodie and Will and Amber and Elliot, you can help me divide and scatter this one." He sighed. I touched his arm were the knife had caught him, "Does that hurt?" "What?" He looked comickly bewildered. I jabbed it with my fingernail, "Oh, OW!" He mocked. "How long do you think we have til he regains consciousness?" I said twirling into his arms. "Not enough." He smiled, kissed my cheek and walked away like a man on a mission. I quickly shot away to cut up a paralysed vampire. When we were done and Rogan was in six of Krad's shoe boxes, Seth had to go. He took a backpack full of supplies and kissed me goodbye. He left quickly, not wanting me to be hurt. Again, I was here again. I was waiting for the boy I loved to come home and sitting by a mobile phone waiting for a text. Fourty five minutes, no text. One hour, no text. An hour and a half, no text. What was he waiting for? I'd texted him not long ago. Did I upset him? I only asked if he'd taken- TEXT, TEXT! 'Sorry, I just had tea like lol and yes I did, how are you? Lyl xx' 'Lonely already, please come back to me. Ly2 x x' 'Forgive me but this is what I have to do. For you. Xx' 'How am I supposed to believe you when you won't even tell me where you've gone?' 'Well, I don't know how but I know why. Xx' 'Enlighten me.' 'Because you love me. Look Tye, don't think. Just do. I love you x' I didn't text back. I sniffed and wiped away tears. The dim, warm light washed over me as I tore my eyes from the screen. I darted to the door and bolted it so no one could come in and bother me. I lay with my phone on my heart and looked at it occasionally, just in case. Today was the third day he'd been gone, stupid ex-vampire hunting, mean, ditching, husband. I knew it was all for the best but I was so tired of having things done for me, like I was incompetent or something. I'd been independant before. I shivered, tonight was cold even with the fire burning. I was sat in my favourite pyjamas staring at the wall, I flashed my phone quickly to look at my wallpaper. It was Seth and I last christmas, we were wearing party hats, one of the few christmases I'd actually enjoyed because now my life had a purpose. I picked up some paper and started penning what had happened today into my book. 'Except it wasn't Seth. It sounded like Lucien' I wrote and then put the pad and pen down with a sigh. It wasn't fun to without Seth helping me. I walked over to the other side of the room and put a box on the bed. I removed the lid, "Oi, head," I poked Rogan's head and he opened his eyes. "Hello?" Rogan said and then focused on me. "Talk. I want to know everything about Seth." I commanded.

His eyes rolled for a second with thought and then he sighed, "He came to us as a human, he wanted revenge for what happened to his mother. It was a natural response from a rather unnatural boy. He was fifteen, just a child but he was supernaturally strong with good reason. He knew he couldn't get revenge on his father so he started seeking out as many vampires as possible and killing them. He was very careful only to kill 'evil' vampires, never just young vampires like himself. If possible he would research natural vampires and avoid them. Then one day, he decided he was making himself 'more of a monster' by killing your kind. And that's it. He left us in late 2005 when his transformation was complete. The end." "Oh. So he wasn't that bad then." I felt better knowing Seth wasn't as malicious as Rogan. "He was still a stone. Cold. Killer." Rogan mocked. "But he changed. Unlike you. You kill people. Innocent people. For fun? You make me sick." I snarled. The door knocked, I quickly threw the stupid head in the box and threw it under the bed. I put some shoes on top so it couldn't escape, "come in." I called. "Amber?" Esteean peeked around the door. "Hi Esteean." I yawned. "Can I come in?" "Yep," I patted the edge of the bed and he sat down, "what's up?" "I was just wondering if, well, would you Help me? I mean cos I’m not used to living in a real coven. It's different and a bit daunting to be honest." He admitted. "Sure, I promise I’ll look after you. Like a son. Is that it?" "Yep. Thank you, Amber." He stood up, smiled and left. "No problem." I sighed when the door closed. One week later, I was in the kitchen drying up some pots and pans that we'd made soup in yesterday. I heard footsteps, they must have been from about half a mile down the road, that'd be the post. I dried up the last pot and walked to the fridge to get a beer. It was a particularly rainy, bleak day outside. Krad, Jodie, Will and Esteean heard me rip off the ring pull and came to join me. The four of them talked over me as if I wasn't there. I glanced up at the door in expectation and then looked back down. And then it opened. I looked up and the talking faded away. The whole room was empty. Just an empty white void. I was terrified. The eyes were not silver like I'd expected. They were red. Burning red. "There is a traitor among you." Elizabeth whispered. "I thought you burned the body." I hissed to Krad. "I DID!" She sounded horrorstruck. "Those who are not living cannot be killed." she grinned as Rogan, Ruby and Ross joined her. "Hold them in place." Rogan commanded. Ruby was on me in a flash, bizarrely strong, even for a vampire. I couldn't move as Rogan advanced on Esteean. He trembled and whimpered. Rogan had much the same powers as Rondolph, he could freeze vampires to the spot too, like Rondolph had done to me. I thrashed, kicked and screamed, "NO! NO!" I flinched and closed my eyes when I heard a gun shot. While I'd been talking to Rogan during the week, he'd told me about Esteean. He'd told me that Esteean's goal was to never be like Ross, his brother. And he wasn't. Ruby let me go. "Esteean!" I ran to his side but he was already gone, "You didn't have to kill him." I murmured looking at the dead boy.

"He was a traitor." The reassembled Rogan shrugged. "Goodbye, Amber." Ruby waved as they all left. "I promised to look after him." I whispered as Krad touched my shoulder. Esteean's eye twitched and opened, "sorry, I wanted them to think they'd killed me. My destiny is live forever." He beamed proudly. I was elated, I picked him up and spun him around, mental note: introduce Elliot to Esteean. "AH! That reminds me!" I exploded. I yanked my phone from my pocket and dialed quickly, "hello, I'd like to place a collect call to a relative in New Jersey, please.... yeah, I’ll hold... My name is Tyler Flames, I’m looking for a Mr. Chadwick Lattice... Hello?" "Hello Tyler, how are you? How's your new home?" His voice was gentle and friendly. "All good dad and though it seems from the sound of your voice that you're also ok, I have some wonderful news for you. Seth told me how to change your destiny, he did it because he's an ex-vampire hunter so he had to change it. It's very simple." "That's...that's..." He didn't have the words to express how he felt, "Thank you So much Amber." He forced. "All you have to do is go to those human self-evalutation things, they're very good at making you reassess what you want out of life." "Thank you, Amber. I owe you." He said. "My pleasure, I love you dad. See you soon." "Goodbye, look after yourself." He put the phone down. I didn't know why but as I sat back down at the table, I saw Lucien's face. For the first time ever, I could actually clearly visualise his beautiful face, it wasn't happy but it was him. It wrenched my stomach, twisting it and pulling it into tickling positions. My heart still raced and my breathing quickened. I tried to keep holding on to the face in my mind. That angry face. That perfect face. No blemishes. No acne of the average teenager. Nothing badly proportioned. Everything just right. His glossy hair, unstyled mess on his head. I strayed down onto his shoulders, the black shirt and red tie... The image of his face began to fade and dim. I didn't notice my hands clench into balls. I desperatly tried to yank him back into my mind's eye, PLEASE COME BACK! I mentally screamed. I could just see his cheek bones now and his jaw line. EYES, THINK EYES! I tried to force them into my imagination, one quick flash and then I could only see his clothes. I so badly wanted his face back, I didn't even case if it was sad... Or angry... Or... "Lucien." I whispered. Realised I was still holding the phone, it was mostly dust in my hand and the other fist was still clenched. It had been a completely out of body expirince. Everyone looked at me. They were bewildered. I looked at them and saw my horrified and broken face in Krad's eyes. I grabbed my coat and looked at Jodie one last time who looked disapproving but hopeful. Will was grimacing. Krad's face was blank. I nodded to myself and ran through the door. "LUCIEN!" I shouted darting into his room. "What's up?" He grinned. I hadn't really planned to say anything. The silence was deafening. Like the silence in my mind, "Amber?" "Shhh... Stay quiet." I was still gazing at his face. I analysed his black eyes, for colour, for clarity. The colour of his ivory face. His cheek bones. His jaw line. His peach-pink lips. Every single strand of his hair. The proportions of his face. His clothes weren't important. I walked towards him and touched his eyelids. They were soft, velvety.

Touched his lips, silk. Stroked his cheek, glass. Everything was soft. Stroked is hair, it was rough and straw-like. I stared at his face again. I stood, mouth open, for five minutes. Not once did he move or fidgit. I was entranced. Eventually Lucien did move, "Are you ok?" He whispered, not wanting to startle me. I took my phone out me my pocket and took three pictures, all exactly the same. "You don't need to take pictures...I’ll be here forever." He murmured. "Lucien." I whimpered. He held his arms out and I walked into them, yet again he was holding me too losely so I pulled him tight against me. He gently relinquished his grasp and smiled, "you Should get going. Seth." He reminded me. "He won't be home for a while." "I meant go home FOR him not go home to him." "Oh." I looked at my feet. He squeezed me tightly against his hard chest, "that's how you're meant to do it." I said. It was a joke but my voice was bleak. He laughed. I stared at his face again and then went home. We all sat around the table drinking beer again. It was ten past seven in the morning. You get a lot of work done at night when you're us. I got up at about three, too much sleep was pointless. I sighed and looked at my phone. No new messages. The door creaked. All of our eyes shot up. I saw feet first black basketball trainers. Then trousers, worn blue jeans. Then belt and shirt, spikey black belt and a black shirt which was untucked. I stood up and walked forwards a few steps and saw the face. Seth’s Return She walked towards me slowly as if she were afraid I was just a mirage. I smiled widely showing my fangs when she looked bewildered and lost. My Amber, Amber Turner with my last name. My wife. She took a few more steps and then smiled back, showing her fangs like I had done, a traditional vampire greeting. Will, Esteean and the girls stood up to watch. I dropped my bag on the floor by the door and held my arms out for her, she ran to me, I cuddled and spun her. "Hi!" I beamed and set her on her feet. To my surprise, she slapped me, "Why no text?" she demanded. "I was really very busy." I justified and she sighed with what sounded like relief, "I love you." I murmured. She smiled and then looked at Jodie in expectation. "Oh! Right, ok well today I think we should... Go scare the freaks at that vampire shop?" She suggested hopefully. "HA!" Will exclaimed, everyone jumped and he laughed even harder. "Yes! Actually yes! That'll bring the vampire hunters back and we can kill them!" I beamed. "How will we scare them?" Esteean whispered naively. "Our presence will be enough to scare them. Myths about our appearance are very true. We all the same, you know the fangs, the pale skin, everything." Amber said, I had my arm wrapped tightly around her waist. I wasn't ready to tell her where I'd gone but I wouldn't leave again. I missed the temperature of her skin against mine and the way her breathing sped up when she was happy or excited, to the point of hyperventilation. She was doing this kind of breathing now. So, we all grabbed our coats and shoes and walked up the cobbled streets, around the pubs and under-stocked shops. I strolled hand in hand

with Amber, around the corner followed by Krad and the couple. Krad pointed to the shop with a purple window frame. There was a large sign outside with the words 'The world beyond' outside in black italic lettering. We filed in and began rifling through everything in the shop. The woman at the desk became hilariously twitchy and asked if we needed help, Jodie put on a Transylvanian accent and said 'no, human. We need none of your assistance' she couldn't pull it off though because she Burst out laughing before finishing. We bought many things like Dracula memorabilia and 'I love the undead' bumper stickers. We all flashed toothy smiles before leaving. Krad launched herself out of the door, she landed quite an impressive, one hundred feet from the door. The woman looked horrified through the window. We had a visitor when we got home. Not our desired visitor, though. He sat at the large wooden table smiling brightly when he caught a glimpse of my wife. I growled. Everything was ok with Amber still somewhat liking Lucien at first but now it seemed, he was becoming a deliberate nuisance. A constant thorn in my side. Unsurprisingly, Amber's eyes lit up and her pulse sped to dangerous levels. I snarled and growled again. Will jabbed me in the back and Krad shushed me, OH COME ON! Was no one on my side? I was a neglected husband! I sighed and watched Amber run into his arms. Her conversation was very high pitched, fast and overjoyed. He was excited but kept it under his usual shield of relaxed cool. I so hated him. He had his chance and blew it. Get over it Lucien. I didn't blame Amber, this was her normal behaviour. Uncontrollable. With Lucien, anyway. It was the product of many years of love, lust and unrequited infatuation. Amber's natural reaction to Lucien always seemed the way a fake girl flirting with a boy on the football team, would seem to the love sick geek. The girl who was too good for the geek but not quite good enough for the football team. Except Lucien was just as big a geek as me and Amber wanted both. But part of her soul wanted him more. When her heart stopped racing, Amber tried to adapt the same chilled calm as Lucien. It failed. Miserably. Nothing changes. I went into the living room and the other three followed me out. I turned the television up as loud as I could before Krad told me off. Damn my bloody vampire ears. I could still hear Lucien's mumbling voice and Amber's unconsciously high voice. I pulled an mp3 player from my pocket and turned it up loudly. Yes, today was a day for screamo music. It had to be, that was the loudest music I had. Lucien's voice disappeared but Amber's remained. I loathed Amber's split personality. There was the lovely, relaxed, fun loving Amber and then there was the 'I love Lucien!' Amber. I knew how her mind worked, I just knew she couldn't see or hear the world around her. Just him. I could have been set on fire right beside her and she wouldn't notice. Well, that wasn't entirely true, her protective instincts would probably kick in then. As soon as I was put out however, she'd soon be with Lucien again. It wasn't like I could do anything about it though this would always be the case. I wouldn't keep her away from him but there had to be some way to make her just love me. Ok, I couldn't keep Amber from Lucien, but, I COULD keep Lucien from Amber. No. That's really terrible but that's when Amber's voice turned quiet and miserable. Lucien's voice got louder and angrier. I heard weeping and a door slam. I ran into the kitchen, throwing my mp3 player to the floor. "Amber?" I whispered when I saw her sat at the table with her head in her hands. All of my loathing disappeared as she looked up with a tear-tracked face. I darted into the seat next to her and pulled her into my chest, "What happened?" I said gently. She explained everything he had said between sobs. "KRAD! GET IN

HERE!" I screamed. Krad sat down, nodded in understanding and held Amber tightly. I bolted through the door and onto the densely crowded street. I hated doing what I was about to do, I wasn't to fond of the male vampire sent. It was too pungent. I stuck my nose in the air and sure enough, there was his stink. I chased the smell. He hadn't gotten far. He spun around when he heard me coming, "not here Seth, we only want one casualty." He snickered. I growled. I took towards a patch of forest and he followed me. We stood amongst the mottled leaves and aptly named evergreens. He strode towards me with aplomb and I felt my eyebrows grow so tight that they met in the middle. "Come on then Seth... That is... IF you think you can take me." He beamed. "I’m afraid your gloating is now moribund. She won't ever see you the same way again and neither will I. You're no longer a threat to me." "Oh, I can think of one way that I’m a threat to you." He smiled darkly. "One of us will die here." I promised, "I don't know how Amber will feel, but I know how I’ll feel." She was selfish all the time. It was my turn, "I’m seriously done with you hurting my soul mate." I hissed and his boastful face turned to a grimace. "Let's do this." He muttered crouching. I crouched twenty feet away from him and we arched towards each other. My teeth burst forth from behind my lips and so did his. We waited five seconds before launching ourselves simultaneously, into the air. His ribs slammed into mine and I wrapped my arms around his shoulders before we hit the ground. I gnashed at his neck until I realised that I wanted his death to be slow and painful. I crushed his biceps into his chest and he howled. He exploded free of my grasp and within seconds, he was on my back. I grabbed his skull and swung him off by the hair. We circled each other briefly and then dived back into action. The leaves whirled around us and the forest shook. And then Lucien faltered. Now was my chance, "The definition of fame is to be well known, I believe you are VERY well known at Wilfort aren't you?" I could kill him now. He was still on his hands and knees, where he'd fell on the wet soil. He grimaced. I jumped towards him and he dived towards me. Then, a streak of black shot towards us and Lucien was on the ground. I knew what was happening and I immediately regretted my decision to kill him. I tried to save him. It wasn't too late. Not yet, "WAIT! No please! It was me! I started the fight! I did it! He's innocent!" I demanded to...Rogan? How the- more important things to think about. "Is this true?" Rogan asked Lucien. "No. No Seth. I know you want to do the right thing but you're right. I've completed my destiny... In a way. I have no one and I don't want anyone. It really was me." He turned to Rogan. He knew what would happen. Rogan looked almost sad, an expression I'd never EVER seen on his face before. Especially never to a vampire. "Ok." Rogan finally said. "Please, Rogan." I begged to no avail. The forest was silent. No creatures pattered across the leaves. No birds stirred the wind. No breathing. No heartbeats. Nothing. It was a grey day in our souls and in the sky. Lucien waited for his punishment with baited breath. This was what he wanted. But it didn't make it right. Rogan nodded to grimly. He ran his fingers through his hair and then walked to Lucien. "Any requests?" He offered kindly.

Lucien turned to me, I could see it in his eyes, his life had been over long ago, "I'd like to be buried at Wilfort. Please unite, the hunters and the vampires I mean, " Lucien begged, Rogan nodded, "And Seth, are we good?" "We're good, man." I whispered. Rogan was looking at his feet, I could see this kill was no longer out of hatred. It was charity. "And that's it. Just have a happy life with Amber, and have a child or two please. Ok, I’m ready, let's meet the maker and we'll see what he has to say about vampirism." I could see that when he'd said that one of us would die, he wanted it to be him. I felt tears roll down my cheeks and Rogan sniffed. He walked forwards and instead of torturing Lucien, he gave him the best death you could ever ask for, the relaxing death. Rogan went behind Lucien's back and placed his teeth onto Lucien's olive neck. He bit for just a second and then lowered him to the damp, cold floor. "No!" Screamed Amber from behind the trees, she was knelt beside Lucien in the next second. She took his hand and held his head. She kissed all around his face and then, with a tiny amount of strength he wrapped one arm around her. She held him tightly, kissing and crying "Everything's going to be fine, you'll be ok." She repeated over and over while tears dripped onto his face. Then, for the final time, Amber told Lucien he would be fine, "I know." He murmured with a dying smile. His eyes closed and his whole body wilted like a dead rose. "NO!" Amber screamed and tears poured down her beautiful face. Her head collapsed onto Lucien's chest. I walked over and pulled her away gently. She turned into my arms and wept noiselessly into my shoulder. I stared at Lucien. For the first time, right then, I saw it. I saw Lucien's beauty in his skin, his lips, his honest, innocent face. Rogan knelt down and folded Lucien's lifeless arms over his chest. Jodie, Will and Krad joined us shortly and Rogan explained while Amber, with her head still buried in my shoulder, listened. They all nodded at appropriate parts and then Rogan promised that there would be a truce. Peace between us. It was turning to night, the streets would be empty now and we moved fast enough to get Lucien home. We all prayed before we left. We prayed that Lucien would be accepted into heaven. That we would be forgiven for all our sins and that we could all forgive ourselves eventually. Will and I went to a local car dealership and bought a black sports utility vehicle with tinted. Luckily, it was drive away the same day. When we were in the car Will looked at me, "you honestly did do the right thing. That was what he wanted. You gave him what he wanted. You were a man. You knew what was right and what was wrong. I’m proud of you. I think you did the right thing." He comforted. "Thank you." My words were nearly silent as I stared into the darkness, my hands clamped around the wheel. I thought of Lucien so much. "Amber will be ok. This is best for her. Krad and Jodie are looking after her too so she'll be...ok." Will and I both knew she wouldn't be 'fine' so he couldn't say it. I whispered more prayers to myself as we drove, increasing the volume everytime Will spoke. I couldn't handle being told that I wasn't wrong. It was the same sort of feeling Amber got when people gave her a sympathetic 'SORRY'. She told me all about how people had said that sorry to her when she said that she thought she would never be with Lucien. Amber had always said that he'd sounded like 'an acknowledgment of defeat'. She would have gladly taken any insult, any physical abuse, any 'get over it' than ever have to suffer that sorry. We pulled up outside the house, I switched the radio I had been ignoring, off and

listened to the squelching crunch of the wheels on the gravel. We both took a deep breath before walking to the door. Amber stared at me for a second before averting her gaze. Krad had her arm around Amber, they sat at the table. Jodie had her head in her hands opposite them. The room was silent. "Where is he?" Will's tone was caring and muted. Krad nodded towards the living room. I asked Will to sit down. I wanted to do this, it felt that I should do this. I knew Amber couldn't. "Seth?" Amber croaked. She was heart-broken, it was clear in her deep eyes. In an instant I was by her side, "Yes?" "Before you go, may I...?" I nodded and stood aside for her. She shuffled past, Krad's arm was still locked around her. She gestured for Krad to let her go. I left to hunt. Amber's story. "How is he?" Seth murmured. "Circling the drain." The doctor replied bleakly. "See what you can do." Seth said, I'm sure a money-to-hand transaction took place but I couldn't look away from Lucien's cold face. The venomomitor beeped slowley behind me. Being as we didn't have heartbeats, we could only measure the flow of venom through our veins to tell we were still alive. "He's wavering." The doctor whispered to a nurse. "My wavering dream." I squeaked. "In a nightmare oblivion." Seth said as he sat in the chair next to me. "Yeah." I pursed my lips and pressed myself against Lucien. I kissed Lucien's forehead, "Sucks to be you." He croaked. "Why?" I mouthed. "You lose me and get to hear doctors talking about you losing me." "Then don't leave me." I pleaded. "I don't want to live." He shook his head. "But why not?" "Why would I want to?" "... Please." That was all I could say. "Tyler, you're life will be easier without me in it." He justified. "No it won't. It won't Lucien. Please stay. I'll be with you, I promise." I whimpered. "Don't lie, Tyler. You need to Seth. He's a good guy. He's gone to get me coffee even though he knows full well that when he get's back-" "Don't say it!" I begged. "I'll be dead, Amber." He forced through his unwilling voice box. His eyelids fluttered and his mouth fell open. "No. NO! NURSE!" I screamed as his venomomitor yelped loud and quick, "HELP ME!" "DOCTOR!" The nurse said running in, "miss, you are going to have to leave." she hurriedly said, she placed one hand on me shoulder and I nodded frantically. I watched through the window. My hands were pressed up against the glass as were Seth's. His breath fogged up the glass in front of him which he wiped away immediatly after every burst of air came forth from his lungs. I watched as five doctors fought for Lucien's life while fate desperatly tried to steal it away from then. One doctor pumped hard in his chest to try and jump start him. Another covered his face with an oxygen mask. Another

pumped blood and venom into his spleen. Another rubbed paddles together ready to send electric currents through his body. The final doctor was cutting Lucien with a very sharp blade, all over his limp body. That doctor was trying to get the antidote flowing through his body to perhaps heal himself. Suddenly, like this whole situation, Lucien's body shot up. He looked at me. He sat up for a few seconds and the doctors stood leaning towards him. He was still staring at me when he raised his heavy arms with a struggle and made our 'finger-heart' thing. Then he clasped his right hand to his heart. His venomomitor flatlined. Lucien's body fell with my heart. Shouts of protest exploded from Seth while the doctors continued to try to fix him. Finally, the head doctor shook his head and withdrew his blade from Lucien's arm. Seth's arms folded against the glass we were leaning on, his slammed his head onto them, his body shook with his weeping. I couldn't even stand but I knew I had to. They covered Lucien's Face with a sheet. My hysterical sobbing came shortly. Then falling. I slumped to the cold tiles. I put my head on my knees and stayed there. Eventually the head doctor came out to offer his condolances. I couldn't really here him. Everything was just muffled and blurred. The doctor put one hand on my shoulder and one hand on Seth's. I couldn't stand to see Seth cry. It didn't seem natural, especially since I couldn't. My head was slightly tilted to one side. My eyes were tired. My hair was matted. My mouth was a line, only slanted at the edges. Tears were stuck in the bottom of my eyes, without falling. It was like they were as oblivious to time as I was. Seth and I walked outside. Once we were outside the sliding doors, Seth turned his head towards me, I turned mine towards Seth. It was like looking in a mirror. He glanced down at my hand, I nodded slowly and he took it. The next day, we were sat at the dinner table. Seth was just looking intently at his cereal like he could see a portrait he needed to analyse in it. I sat churning the loops in the bowl. I had my head on my hand, Seth's were gripping the edge of his chair like he might fall into the bowl. He yawned. Neither of us had got much sleep last night. Something burned me everytime I thought of Lucien. I thought of all our memories in a montage. I saw when he tried to jump out of that window to say 'hi' to me. I saw when we sat together when he told me he was going to America. At the end of it all, I had fulfilled my promise to him, I would wait for him and I did stay with him forever. I had adored the ground he blessed with his presence and, to be fair to myself, a lot of the time I got nothing in return. Although, I did always know that one day he'd love me back. Unfortunately, it was too late. "We are gathered here today, to mourn the loss of our dear friend, Lucien. You are gone from our eyes but not from our heart," Read Rondolph. I looked over at Vicerene, she was wearing almost the exact same as me. She word a tight, black V-neck sweater with black skinny jeans. However, she was wearing a grey shirt underneath, I was wearing black. All black. "In more ways than one, Lucien achieved his goal, his destiny. We all loved Lucien." With every 'Lucien' every 'love', I flinched. "Liam Oneil, also known as Lucien Aldridge, you will always be in our heart, our souls and our memories." Rondolph ended, "erm... Speeches. Amber Turner?" My head snapped up and then I walked to the head of the coffin, "I didn't know Liam Oneil," I mumbled, "but, I did know Lucien Aldridge. Lucien Aldridge... I used to say he

had a split personality," tears were brewing and I tried to force them back in. I started again, "I was right. He did. One side of him, the side I loved, was the strong side of Lucien. That was the side that was happy and fun loving and gentle and kind. But, then there was side two, that was the side that was the bit that gave up. That was the bit that was struggling. Lucien always tried to hide that part of his personality. He would rather hurt himself than be a burden to anyone else. That's the kind of man Lucien was. I loved Lucien. " I paused briefly and took a deep breath, "If I may, I'd like to tell you about a memory I have a Lucien. On the 19th of September one year ago, I was having a private battle with myself, it was a battle of courage. You all know that Lucien and I argued like a married couple," I looked at Seth he smiled weakly, "well, the side of Lucien that I didn't like had came out so I decided to ignore him until he apologized, stand my ground you know. Except, the only problem was, Lucien was so stupid that he couldn't quite work out why I was mad at him. In the morning he walked past me, I glanced at him and he caught my eye, I nearly fell off the fence I was sitting on, Lucien started towards me but I gathered myself and maintained my stance. He went back to walking normally. By dinner time the ignorance had got to him, he literally jumped through a window calling my name just so he Could have a cuddle. See sometimes even when Lucien didn't know what was going on, he knew what was right. Lucien was the kind of man who you would go to incredible lengths just to hear him laugh. Because he deserved it. I hope there is a God for you Lucien, because we all know. You deserve it. Thank you." I bent down and kissed the black coffin and settled some red roses on it. I sighed, still staring down at the coffin. I straightened my jumper and proceeded back to my previous position. The rest of the speeches were very quiet and most of the girls broke off because of the tears. Until Seth's. He walked up to the head of the coffin, I could barely see him behind the sunlight beating onto the top of Lucien's bed. He cleared his throat, "Lucien... When I was in the forest with him, I had every intention of killing him, it's true. When I saw that hunter tackle him, it brought me to my senses. When he lay on the ground, no longer Lucien, I saw it. I saw what attached Amber, unbreakably, to him. He had honest, kind eyes. I saw that deep down, underneath it all, Lucien was just Liam Oneil. Just a quiet individual, unbearably polite probably a product of a good upbringing. Lucien was such a wonderful person, in fact he'd probably be embarrassed if he were here right now. He'd complain that there'd be too many people here to talk about him! On the other hand, he probably wouldn't, he'd be excruictingly polite. I just wish I'd known in time. In time for us to be best friends." He croaked to try and stop tears from bursting out. He walked to my side and put his arm around my waist. We had put him in a led casket just in case, you know. They lowered the coffin into the large hole. I cried. Seth squeezed me tighter. Vicerene cried. Rondolph stepped to her side. Jodie cried. Will held her. Wake up We had the wake at The Pulse. I sat at the bar while one of Lucien's band members cheered everyone up by demanding that Lucien wouldn't want tears and made jokes. While everyone was happy and chewing on the buffet food, I was sat at the bar clutching a wine glass. It smashed in my hand, I pushed the shards into a pile and the barmaid came over and gave me my sixth glass. "Wine?" She murmured. "Go for it." I sighed.

"Can I see some I.D?" I slid my driving licence to her. She nodded and poured me a glass of the house red. I liked it here. They were the only humans in the world to genuinely not care that we were vampires. However, it could have something to do with the fact that we paid them a million a week to run this place for us. I drummed my fingers against the glass and shaped some cigarette ash into an 'O' shape on the bar. I felt a wave of air wash across me as Seth sat down next to me. "How you feeling?" He whispered. "Tired and cold." I yawned. "Wanna go home?" "Only if you mean the cottage." I half smiled. "Of course. I love the cottage. I’ll tell Jod." He got up and darted to inform her of our departure. She nodded and then stuck her thumb up in my direction. I watched Seth as he picked up our coats, he didn't look well, "Are you alright, Seth?" I said grabbing his shoulder. "Yeah, yeah." He shrugged and then took my hand as we walked to his Alfa Romeo. We could have all our old cars back now that we had no one to hide from. By the time we were home, I was already out like a light. As far as I know, Seth carried me to bed. That night, I dreamt of Lucien. He was walking to one of his lessons and I was watching him go. He looked over at me with a pained expression and then he was in front of me with his hands on my shoulders. "Amber, I’m fine, honestly. I wanted this and believe it or not, this is good for you. I love you and I’m seriously loving heaven. I’M FAMOUS! It's great. You should tell Seth, there is a heaven and..." He trailed off as my sleep became lighter. I tried to do the classic trick of imagining the rest of the dream but sniffling awoke me. "Are you ok?" I was suddenly aware that Seth's eyes were watering and his nose was running. I ran my hand through his hair. "Yeah, just a cold." Of course. You see, a vampire can't get any life-threatening diseases or terrible illnesses but the common cold? Yes. Although, for vampires a cold was like chicken pox, you got it once and it was gone forever. And once it hit. It hit hard. Seth was very cold and pale. He was shaking and sniffling. "I’ll get you some ibuprofen." I sighed and Seth protested. I shushed him and went downstairs. I searched the cupboards. Seemingly, Krad had taken the 'we'll never have any disease' statement, a little too literal. No one would mind if I was just in a night gown outside would they? Well, I chose a good night to wear my new silk dress-thingy for bed! I quickly ran upstairs, threw any old clothes on. I settled with a black sweater-vest and white shirt combination, black skinny fitted jeans, shoes that I could step into and a black mourning armband. The morning air was bitter and icy. There were drops of dew on the evergreens that magnified every motion I made. The battleship grey cobblestones still had glassy squares of frost on them. The air was thick with morning fog it smelt like a combination of freshly cut grass and frost. It was clear winter was coming. I walked into a near by corner shop, I went straight to the desk, "You alright, mate? I was just wondering, have you got any ibuprofen?" he slammed a small silver box onto the desk, "and erm, something for a sour throat?" another slam, "chicken soup?" I kept my tone polite. Hoping it would rub off on him. It didn't. "Why didn't you just go to the chemist?" He hissed. "Perhaps you could tell me where it was." I contradicted.

"Just around the corner, love." He sighed, "I.D please?" He held a wrinkled, tough hand out in my direction. I passed him my driving license. He nodded, "I should warn you love, fake I.Ds don't go down well around here." I took the license of the desk and walked out. "Hi," Krad said as I walked into the forgiving warm of our home, "Hungry?" "Yeah, what you making?" "Just honey flavoured porridge." "I love it." I smiled. "What you got?” She nodded towards the bag. "Seth's got a cold so you know, a traditional remedy." "Oh yeah! Sorry, I forgot to get that stuff didn't I? Shall I go out and get some more?" "That'd be good. Yes please." "Ok, does he want a cup of tea? And how are you coping?" Her tone turned quiet and protective. "Yeah, just bring some up in a minute and I’ll be fine." "Ok, I’ll do the tea and porridge and then go out." I nodded and took my bag upstairs. I saw Seth looking really very ill. I hugged him tightly and made him his ibuprofen with some water. He tried to mouth a thank you to me, his voice had disappeared in the fifteen minutes that I'd been gone. I lay with him until Krad bought our breakfast up to us. I rolled over to face Seth and the tray Krad had put between us. Within minutes, Seth had polished off his bowl and tea, "I’ll be back in a bit." He said hopping shakily to his feet. I would have protested but I didn't have it in my anymore. In about then minutes time, he was back, cuddling six flasks. "Four for you, two for me." He smiled weakly. "Blood?" I remembered I hadn't fed for about a month. "Yep." "You should have four, I’ll have two because you need to recover ready to look after me. I’ll be ill soon." I explained. He didn't protest either, he just drank, as did I. "I meant to tell you," I said as soon as I'd finished, "You're blonde." "I know. I've seen in mirrors." "Why?" "Dunno." He shrugged. I would have laughed. "Amber?" Krad knocked on the door before entering, "There's a letter here for you, it's from Redfort." She flung a white envelope in my direction and walked out. I strolled over to the window and sat on the shelf. I used my finger to cut through the fold of the letter, a white piece of paper fell out. My name was written on it along with the message: Dear Amber, If you're reading this, it means I’m dead. I think Seth might have killed me, that is, if you haven't gotten to me first. Anyway, that's irrelevant. I’m so sorry Amber. I’ll miss you. In my room at Wilfort, go in my top drawer of the white cabinet. There you will find a blue box. The contents are for you and Seth. Goodbye Amber I love you Lucien Aldridge.

The letter dropped from my hands when I read the name, it sent a sharp bolt of pain shooting up to my heart hitting every rib on the way. Seth was beside me, "What? What did it say?" He panicked. I just pointed to the note. He read it and then got changed, "Come on." He said seizing my elbow and I ran with him. We kicked down Lucien's door because it was locked. I grabbed the drawer and yanked it out. There, on the top of a folded grey shirt, was the promised blue box. I carefully slid the lid off, there were two long silver needles filled with a gold, sparkling substance. I pulled out a note folded beneath them, the left, shared with Seth and yourself, will give you both immortality again and the right will turn dead Humans into living vampires. Even decomposed skeletons and everything. You lose me, you win someone else. Rondolph has been working on it for about a century. You'll know what to do and if not, here's a clue: Amy. He meant my mother, I knew it. I knew it straight away. Even if he didn't mean my mother, I would bring her back anyway. Resurrection "Dad? It's Krad... I’m ok thanks are you? Good, good. Anyway, we've got something to tell you... Amber and I... Yeah... Anyway, listen we need you to come back to Wilfort. I’ll pick you up from there and take you to our house. We need to talk... Ok... Love you... Bye." Krad hung up. I was still to shocked to speak. Seth had his arm around me, we were sat at the table, "Can you talk yet? I’m really bored. Somebody PLEASE tell me who we're resurrecting." He pleaded, myself, Krad and Will had told him nothing. I cleared my throat, "Krad and I are planning to bring our mother back." I said. "I’ll help you." He promised. The next day, I got dressed in a rush and Seth made us croissants while Krad and Will went to pick up dad. "Do you think Chad will want any?" He said turning away from the microwave. I shook my head, "don't worry. I’ll help you tell him. I've already told Krad, I’ll tell him if you want because she doesn't know how to say it." He pulled me close to him to hug me. I didn't know why I was so scared, I was telling my dad good news! Just then, the door creaked open. My hand clenched tightly around Seth so much that he squeaked quietly in protest. My dad walked in and Seth pulled away from me, I let him go. He darted to my dad and shook his hand, "Hello Chad." Seth beamed. "Good morning, Seth." He beamed back and then looked at me. I stood up and hugged him tightly. "Please sit down, dad." Krad said and then something hit me. "Krad? Seth? Can I talk to the two of you for a moment?" I pointed towards the door. We ran to the other side of the town, leaving dad with a cup of tea and Will for company. God help him. We had to make sure he didn't hear us. I looked at their bewildered faces and told them my plan, "ok, we tell dad that Seth and I are becoming unconditionally immortal and that we are living here for good. That way it'll seem that bringing him all the way back to England was necessary. Then, we can bring mum back and surprise dad." I whispered though we were half a mile from the house.

"Good idea!" Krad and Seth approved in chorus and then high fived each other. We ran back to the house. Krad was in first, "Sorry dad. We just had to work out how to tell you." She lied. It took us a while to explain the story. I had to leave for the part about Lucien's tragic demise. At the end, dad nodded, "Yes, that's fine. As long as your sure you want to be vampires forever?" We nodded. "Well that's fine then, Amber I am so-" "No please!" I stopped him, "Don't finish that sentence." I held a warning hand up. "Oh, yes ok sorry." He remembered. "Anyway Chad," Will said, "We have set up a place for you to Sleep tonight so that tomorrow you can go back to Wilfort. It's the third room on the second floor. I’ll stop with you because Amber, Seth and Krad have got some stuff to do at Redfort. I’ll give you a tour of the house." He grinned. "I'd like that very much." Dad said with polite, false enthusiasm. I knew that spending time with each other would be excruciatingly boring at best for both of them. It made me laugh. Will snarled at me before we left to Krad's BMW. Will's lie about us going to Redfort had been a clever one. We needed to see Rondolph and get on with this at Wilfort. We would bring back my mother first and then immortalise Seth and I second. Both had to be done as soon as possible but I wanted to see my mother first. I could barely control my excitement, Krad just couldn't. She was skipping and singing to herself all the way to Rondolph's office. I hopped onto Seth's back and smiled widely. I forgot how we'd gotten their needles. Sure enough, later on it would come back to haunt me. Rondolph had been expecting us and he was also grinning when he saw us, "Amber, Krad, this is the part Seth can help you with, you'll need to stay here while he and I get the body. It shouldn't be too gruesome, she is in a lead coffin." We all shuddered at the thought. In five minutes, Rondolph and Seth were back. I knew what I saw wouldn't be good, she'd been dead for fifteen years. She was just bones, joined together by black stuff that was once beautiful, pale skin. She had very few grew hair spurting from the horrible black that was her scalp. The smell was horrendous. Krad left the room to be sick. I had a stronger stomach, I pursed my lips and squinted, "Can we make this... Now please?" I was going to say 'quick' but that wasn't fast enough. They layed her down on a black surgical table that Rondolph had put out ready. Rondolph carefully took the needle and injected into the decaying matter of he heart, then her bones, then squirted it into her mouth, "mum." I whimpered. Rondolph and Seth stepped back. Tears rolled down my cheeks and Seth pulled me into his chest. I knew he felt responsible for the corpse we saw in front of us. Then it happened. The black fell away and was gradually replaced by pale white. The aged teeth were replaced by brilliant white teeth and razor sharp fangs. The grey hairs fell away luscious blonde hair burst out, it rolled to her shoulders. She was vampire but very much human in appearance. Exactly how she used to be. Her eyes slowly opened, they were bright green because that's how they were when she died. She was lovely. She looked like Marylyn Monroe and Audrey Hepburn combined. "Mum?" I whispered walking over to touch her face. Seth opened her mouth so Rondolph could pour four pints of blood into her. When he was done, she coughed and choked and then

blinked, "Where am I?" Her voice was just how I remembered it. Quiet and serenading. The voice that could sing a baby to sleep without even singing. "Alive." Krad sighed with Relief. "Mrs Lattice, we have a lot to explain to you and not much time to do it. What do you remember?" Seth said gently. "Who are you?" My mum's tone was polite, just worried. "My name is Seth turner. I’m your daughter Tyler's husband." "Tyler is five." She laughed, it made us all laugh, "Oh wait, I remember. There was this strange, beautiful man. So much evil," Seth flinched. I held him close. "He was a vampire, believe it or not. He bit me. Then there was Chadwick and Tyler. Then darkness." "He made you a vampire. You've been dead for fifteen years. Your daughters have grown up, this is Lisa," Seth pointed to my sister, my mum gasped. "Oh, my Lisa. You're... A lady." My mum stood up, supported by Rondolph. She touched Krad's face. Krad smiled and said 'Hi mum'. Tears poured down my mum's face, shortly followed by Krad. Any normal person would have gone mad from what we were telling my mum. But not her. She was strong and trusting. "This is Tyler, your birth daughter." Seth turned me in his arms so I faced my mother. She looked astonished again, "Kra- Lisa is twenty five now and Tyler is twenty." "Tyler?" She whispered. "Hi mum." I smiled. "You're grown up too. You both look so young. Are you both...?" "We're vampires, mum. Everyone in this room, in this whole building. We're all vampires. I know this must be scary. I turned vampire when I was fifteen, Kra- Lisa turned when she was twenty." I explained. "Oh, well... That's understandable I suppose." She nodded. "I must say Mrs Lattice, you are talking this extraordinarily well." Rondolph congratulated. "Well, it all makes sense, I was bitten so I’m a vampire and then you did something and it passed on. I was just wondering though, why is it that you keep struggling whenever you go to say my lovely daughter’s names?" "Of all the things to worry about." Krad laughed and everyone joined her, "It's because you have to 'die' to be a vampire so you get a new name, I’m Krad Luos and Tyler is Amber Turner." "Seth Turner and Amber Turner?" She asked. "Til death do us part." Seth said. "Tactful Seth, Tactful." I giggled. "Congratulations Amber!" My name caught on with my mother immediately. "Thanks mum. I’m sorry to rush you but... There's dad and-" "Chadwick!" She interrupted, "is he a vampire like us?" "Yes. He's at our house." Krad said. "Shall we?" Seth said gesturing towards the door. I didn't want to turn my back on my mum to walk out of the door. I had her back. I pulled away from Seth and held her close to me. I told her I loved her and she said the same back. In the end, I had to hold hands with mum and Seth to go to the car.

Mum sucked in a huge breath before we walked in even though we told her she didn't have to do that anymore. I went in first and told dad to close his eyes. We'd been gone for two hours and dad looked bored senseless. He complied and then we bought our mum in. Realisation. My dad's nostrils flared as part of his subconscious mind remembered my mum's scent. His Eyes were still closed though. "Chad?" Mum walked towards him. He slowly took his hands from his face and looked into the long lost face of his beloved wife, "maybe you don't have to change your destiny after all, dad." I whispered. He didn't seem to notice me. His mouth was open and his eyes were wide. He was stood bolt upright, "Amy?" He finally murmured. "We're vampires, Chad." Mum smiled and dad half laughed and half gasped. "You're alive? How long have you... When did you... Where have...?" He struggled, Krad sniffed, this was very romantic and emotional. "Seth changed me, just now. They bought me back from the dead. And I thought heaven was good." She laughed. "It's really you." He wept. "It's really me." She squeaked as the tears came. She ran to him and he spun her around. They kissed. Finally my dad could be happy. Finally Krad and I had a mother. Finally Seth could forgive himself for his dad's actions. Dad pulled away from mum and stared in her in the eyes. The stood just staring at each other. Krad, Will, Seth, Jodie and I, left the room. "You never did tell me the story of you and Krad." Seth hinted as why stared blankly at the TV. Another bolt of actual pain electrocuted me from the inside out as I thought back, whooshing past the memories of Lucien as I went. I shook it off and went straight back to Krad. "It was 2003. I hadn't seen Krad since I was eight. She'd gone to live with her other parents after my mum died. Dad couldn't handle the two of us. She was twenty and had moved out on her own. She had left her parents and completely lost touch with everyone. She had new friends. Krad didn't believe me when I told her who I was. Krad had been in a car accident two years previously and got mild amnesia, she'd recovered on her and therefore, rediscovered her friends and family on her own. I hadn't been on her list of faces she mildly remember from the past... How many years was it Krad?" I stopped "Erm... Seven years, just over seven years." "Yeah, it would be wouldn't it? Thirteen to twenty. Anyway, Krad hadn't seen me for seven years and she couldn't remember me. I spent hours trying to convince her she was my half sister. In the end I had to tell her about our mum's death. Once she believed me, I landed vampirism on her. She accepted it much like mum did. Bizarre. She practically got down and her knees and begged me for the vampire life. I accepted because I wanted her back. A few years later, her parents were mugged and killed-" "But I got my revenge. I killed her." She smiled darkly. "And Krad was so upset, she pleaded to God that she would forget, she tried to force herself to forget how she found her parents. And then she did. She manipulated her own her own memories, then we experimented with other things and discovered Krad's gift.

That's it, that's Krad's story." I shrugged. "Wow. Krad. I...erm." Seth struggled and then looked anxiously to me for help. "I know, it's cool," Krad smiled, "so, are you two going be enrolling in High school then?" high school, another sharp burst of pain. "It's not the same." I muttered. "Huh?" Seth said. Tears brewed in my tired eyes, "it's just not the same." I stood up and ran from the room. I went straight to my bedroom, my mum and dad had gone out. I searched frantically through all of my draws, desperately clawing through piles of clothes. My fingers touched the soft felt, the aroma wafted past the rest of the attire. I pulled the black jacket from the draw and held it as tightly as I could, wishing I could pull it closer. I put it on, then I pulled the memento from my pocket, the crude drawing from a stranger time. I quickly grabbed my phone and tapped in Rondolph's number: 07929250213. I dialled and quickly got him, "Please help me... Those needles, could you make one that revived vampires?... But you have to! You're supposed to be a genius!... I know he wanted to die, but I want him to live!... Please... Just give him five minutes with me... Please... How?... I love him though... Just five minutes, I have to say goodbye... Ok... Thank you." I put the phone down. I didn't know if my pleading had done any good. It probably didn't. "Amber. You have to accept it. He's gone. He's gone." Jodie said, she came to sit by me. I was biting my nails on the edge of the bed. "But... I love him." I cried. "I know. I know." She whispered. Dreams and Dilemmas "Please stop it Amber." Lucien said. "But wait!" I shouted to him. He was wearing all black, he looked so beautiful. "Then stop avoiding the question." A smile tugged at his harsh cheekbones, "if Seth had never happened, would you and I have been together?" "Yes." Was all I could say. "Well then." He shrugged and walked away. "No! You can't do this! It's not how it's supposed to go! I brought back! You were dead! You left me. Don't let happen again. Please." He turned around, pursed his lips and left. At dinnertime, I ran to the dinner rooms. He was there. Waiting for me, "Hi." He murmured as I walked in. "You came!" I swung my arms around him. I looked in my arms, he wasn't pulling back, he was... Seth? "Of course I did. I’m your husband." He smirked. I cuddled him and my heart slowed down to normal. I awoke with a start, it seemed I'd fallen asleep and Jodie had left me. It was six in the evening, the same day. Seth lay by my side, "I’m sorry." I croaked, "How are you feeling?" "Bit better, I think I should stay in bed for a while. Your mum came to see if I was ok a couple a minutes ago. And erm... Orlando rang he said that since the vampires from

Wilfort have been booted back out of his coven, he's a load wolves go to live there." He filled me in. "Oh, so they probably have their hands full then." I yawned. Most stories about arguments with werewolves were just myths. Farmers had their sheepdogs, vampires had their werewolves. Some wolves were incompatible, most were ok. Covens weren't just for vampires, they could be for packs too. "Yeah... He doesn't know where to put them." He laughed I laughed in agreement, "we're bringing one here. Just as protection. Just in case." "What against? Everyone's dead or good now." I complained. "I know but wouldn't it be nice to have a family dog?-" "Amber, Esteean's gone to live with Rogan since he's not a hunter anymore." Krad popped her head around the door. "Oh ok, thanks Krad." I nodded, "continue." I turned back to Seth. "Yeah anyway his name is..." He trailed off with hysterical laughter. "What?" I demanded with humour in my voice. "You know him." He actually snorted with laughter. "Why is it funny?" "Cos he's like your baby and then he's a big wolf." "WHO?" I nearly screamed. "Esteean!" He exploded. I burst out laughing too. "Oh, I forgot to say, there's gonna be this weird... Black hole thingy happening in about an hour as soon as it's dark. It's one of those things only vampires can see. It's too bright for humans. Will and I saw the particles in the sky today." "Oh wow!" I was genuinely excited. Being a vampire during these momentous events was like having a VIP pass to the best club on earth. "Yeah, we're all gonna go stand on out balcony tonight and watch it." He seemed excited to, his eyes were still watering with the tremendous effort he was making to fight his illness. "You don't look good, Seth." I murmured. He checked his sweater and then looked up, tilting his head to one side, "No, I mean health wise." I placed one hand across his forehead, slightly warm. He had a temperature... For a vampire, "please lie down, just for a bit before the light show." I begged. "I'm ok." He shrugged. "Seth." I warned. "Lie with me?" He stuck his bottom lip out and deliberately trembled it. "Ok, but if I get this cold, I'll beat you up so bad you'll wish you'd died of this." I joked. He looked mockingly scared and lay down. It was five minutes later when he went even paler. He began to shake violently and chatter his teeth. I put my hand on his bicep lightly to calm him. I balanced myself on my arm and stroked his forehead with the other. His shaking relaxed and became violent coughing. Soon, this slowed and silenced too, "Esteean?" I prompted him. He cleared his throat, "Yeah, apparently he was just born with this wolf gene in him. Much like the other wolves except he's a bit of both. A vampire and a wolf. He's unique." Seth smiled. "You said there were a whole load of them at Redfort, where did they all come from and why did they just randomly show up like this?" I wondered.

"The wolves said it was something to do with loneliness and how well we all dealt with out little Hunter infestation." "Oh. That's cool. At least these pets can fend for themselves unlike Stretch, I wasn't responsible enough to look after him." Right on cue, I heard mum making baby noises downstairs, clearly dad had bought the dog. I could smell him. "Mmm, and what's good is that werewolves, in there wolf form, do take on sort of a family set persona. They'll act like freakishly trained dogs." He snorted. "Cute." "Yep, what time is it?" He reached for his phone. I beat him to it, "Five to seven." "I'll get up then." He groaned hoisting himself wearily to his feet, "Anyway, no need to worry about getting on with the wolves, you'll fit right in with the way YOU walk." He was facing the wall and stretching but there was an obvious grin in his voice. I shot daggers at his back. "TYE- Amber? Are you coming?" Mum called excitedly from the balcony above us. "Yeah, ok." I yelled back. I took Seth's hand and almost dragged him onto the balcony. They'd set out some wooden chairs and a punch bowl full of tea. The steam added a nice effect. I sat down on Seth's lap. Yep, I was going to get this cold. He scooped up a cup of tea for himself, "Ehhem?" I hinted snapping my fingers and outstretching my palm. He pursed his lips and passed me his cup. I hugged him and he laughed quietly. "When does it start, Krad?" I asked. "Look up." She whispered. We all looked up and saw small, luminous dots flying towards each other in the sky. They crashed into each other in slow motion and formed a huge jet black circle in the night. Moonlight washed over the balcony, any humans would be able to tell the difference between us and them now. The circle expanded like ripples in a lake and rainbow coloured beams of light embraced it. Fog poured from behind the black moonlight trickling down onto the village. The red, orange, yellow, green, blue and violet laces twisted and whirled in the air surrounding the circle like dancers around a discolight and then they faded and burst into little, firework puffs of smoke. Then the black circle ballooned and exploded, smothering the stars, the moon, the sky for a split second, then it was gone. It had left us the clearest night, the brightest stars, the cloudless moon. There was one star that particularly caught my attention in the navy night. It was brighter than the others. "The brightest stars are the people you loved and lost, Amber. Who's that?" Mum said. "It's Lucien, mum." I smiled and Seth pulled me into his arms, "It was beautiful wasn't it, Seth?" "Surely was." He said, his voice was hoarse and somewhat nasally. "I'm going go make us some dinner. Are you coming?" Krad asked all of us. We all agreed. We all sat at the table under the warm orange light and ate. Krad had made us hotdogs and beans. It was surprisingly nice, "so black holes exist then, Krad?" I mumbled, covering my mouth. That was my way of politely talking with my mouthful. Will sat at the other table, he wasn't eating. This was normal for Will though. He was a natural born vampire so he didn't need real food or sleep. "Dunno, we just call it that 'that black hole thingy' cos it's a big black circle like a hole in

the sky." She admitted, copying my habit, I nodded. Seth yawned and then sneezed, "nice, Seth." Krad nodded sarcastically. "You're not making it any easier. Do 'situation manipulation' on me. Make me better. Maybe Krad could make herself useful?" He hissed. "Maybe Krad is finding manipulating ever aspect of Seth's life, is becoming a mild chore." Krad laughed. "Oh come on, Krad." I whined. "No. I can't do illnesses anyway." "I thought you could do anything." Will accused. "Just about." Krad smirked. Jodie snorted. There was a silence for a little while, while we ate, then Seth spoke, "My mum." "Huh?" I said. "Amy," he looked at my mum, Amy Lattice, "You said last night, that the brightest stars were people we lost." "David." Will said. "Lucien." I whispered. "My old family." Jod said. "My old family." Krad repeated. "No-one." Mum and dad said in chorus. "That's true, but you did lose each other once." Krad said. "Amy." Dad nodded. "Chad." Mum looked at dad. "Seth, there was no way we could bring your mother back." I murmured to him, putting my hand on his. "I know." He yawned, I knew he didn't blame me but I still felt slightly guilty. "Why?" Will said. "Because she was killed BY vampire venom. Mum wasn't, Christianio but mum and drank her blood that came out, he didn't bite her." I mumbled. Mum, dad and Seth shuddered in unison, "sorry." I said. Mum finished her tea last. She packed up our plates and put them in the dishwasher, "where's the dog?" I asked. "Asleep on the sofa." Dad replied. "I thought you said you wouldn't let him on the furniture, dad." Krad snickered. "Well yeah but... When he got on he looked... Cute." Dad muttered ashamedly. "Ha ha!" Seth exploded and it made us all laugh. "D'you wanna walk him with me, Seth?" I said. "Yeah alright then." He yawned. As we were walking in the darkness, Seth had pointed out that there was a small, enclosed paddock just down the road from my nightmare forest. Another sharp twinge of pain. We had walked to it and Seth challenged the dog, "Twenty quid says I could kick this dog's behind at a race." He laughed. "He's an ex-racer, Seth." I said. "And I'm a vampire, I could equal his speed or better it." "He runs at thirty miles per hour." He shot in front of me and put one hand on my cheek, "you’re supposed to have faith in me." He smirked.

He stood Stretch beside him and lined himself up. Seth took off Stretch's lead and held his back so he'd stay still, then he looked to me. "Five, four, three, two, one!" I shouted with a smile him my voice. Seth and Stretch both burst forward and charged, only Stretch wasn't a blur. He looked like a torpedo. Seth was a blur of an arrow. My two boys. "YES!" Seth cried when he reached the finish line first. I shot to his side, I knelt down and held my arms out for Stretch. I cuddled him when he reached me, "what about me?" Seth said with mock anguish. I beamed at him and held him bone-crushingly tight, "I love you." He sighed when I relinquished my grasp on him. "Me too." I snickered. We sat on the sofa mindlessly watching television when we got home. Mum and dad had gone to bed so it was just us, the younger generation downstairs. Will walked in with five wine glasses and a pitcher of blood, "What's the occasion?" Jodie said. "Because I can and you've all had your tea, I want mine." Will smiled wryly. Something twinkled in one of the glasses which he handed to Jodie, I couldn't put my finger on it. My stomach wrenched with anxiety. Seth felt my heart speed up and looked at me confused, I shrugged and he nodded. "A toast, to the memory of Lucien," -I flinched"and Amy Lattice's new life and finally, to eternal friendship." Will raised his glass, he was stood at the head of the coffee table. "To everything Will just said!" Seth cheered. "Cheers!" Jodie chirped with everyone in chorus and raised to glass to he pursed lips, I bit my lip and panicked. Then Jodie stopped and picked the shiny thing out of her glass. She gasped with every one in the room including me. Shock. In Jodie's hand was a small silver ring, it was encrusted with many beautiful jewels and gems, tanzanite, opal, aquamarine, amethyst and diamonds. It was in the shape of a heart and two small stars beside it, "Will you marry me, Jod?" Will whispered, he was now kneeling in front of her. We all stood up except Jodie and Will. Krad came to stand next to Seth and I. Jodie fanned her face trying to rid herself of her tears, "Yeah man!" She managed to choke. Will stood up and Jod jumped into his arms, he spun her around. Krad and I hugged Jod, Seth and Will man-hugged each other. "OMG! Will you and Krad come shopping for my wedding with me tomorrow?" Jodie gasped. "I can't, Jod sorry. I've got a date tomorrow." Krad apologised. "Ok. Amber?" Jodie asked. "Yep!" I was about as elated as Jodie. I'd got to have Lucien at my wedding, he looked adorable in a suit. Pain. I shook my head and then looked back to Jodie who seemed to have been babbling excitedly while I'd been thinking. I nodded politely. Eventually, Jodie decided she was tired as did Will so we all went to bed, we congratulated Jod and Will as we went. I got up at nine o'clock, bright and early, I got dressed but this time I only spent two minutes staring at myself in the mirror. I was wearing easy-off clothes, a simple white

embellished t-shirt, black jeans and skate shoes. Jod was already downstairs eating scrambled egg on toast. She pointed to the toaster, then to a saucepan that sat on the oven. I quickly scarfed it down. We grabbed out coats and the boys dropped us off. They drove us to a shopping plaza in the outskirts of town. The shop was called 'Fantasy Dress'. It was filled with posh frocks and shoes. Jodie and I were looking for my bridesmaid dress first, "What colour are we thinking Jod?" I beamed. "Hmmm... Blue? Purple? Black? Red? Any of those!" She grinned. We picked out four dresses, one of each colour. Most had the corset design that Jodie wanted. The first was purple, it had a black and violet corset top that sat over my chest about six inches from the bottom of my neck. It had a long skirt that reached the soles of my shoes, I could year trainers and nobody would notice. Nobody but Jod. It was very nice, nevertheless I still tried on the rest. The red one was much the same design except it had black lace all over it, it was satin and it was hard to breath in, perfect, and you could see my feet because it came up to my ankle. The purple one was split in the middle showing a second layer of ruby silk and had no corset, the one exception, it had spaghetti-thin straps. That one was shorter and had clear sequins lining the top. The black one was silk, it was ankle-length and had a black corset and red lace on it. This was my favourite. I didn't like the blue dress eventually and neither did Jodie so we put it back. We decided that I would year the black dress and all the other bridesmaids would wear the red dress. Next, we looked for shoes, we decided, I would wear the black strappy high heels and the other girls would wear the red strappy heels. We grabbed a burger before we moved onto Jodie. Jodie wouldn't let me see what dress or shoes she'd picked out, she wanted to suprise me. I sat in a tattered purple armchair inside the changing rooms. I looked at my watch, ten minutes I'd been here. The dressing room door finally opened slowly. I looked at her feet first, white high heels covered with black lace in heart shapes. Then I looked up, the skirt of the gown was long, flowing, silver silk with a train. Then there was a corset, obviously, it was completely white only with a few gold lines on it for decoration. Then there was a beautiful pearl necklace with one large tanzanite stone in the middle, it was in a shield shape. It probably signified her time at Wilfort or something. I looked up at Jodie's face, she looked anxious and uncomfortable, "it's so beautiful, Jod." I gasped, "if I could have my wedding again." I said with a mock wishing tone. Her face brightened and she hugged me, "Thank you, Amber!" She shrieked, "now, The Pulse?" "Yep." "Our friends?" "Yep." "Seth's friends?" "Nope!" We laughed in unison. While we were sat on a bench outside, Jodie asked lots of questions about Seth, mainly to challenge me, "What's his blood type? His VAMPIRE blood type." "V.I.N or V.A.N. I forget to be honest." I admitted. "Is his natural hair colour blonde or black?" "Ginger." I snickered and she gasped.

"Ok, erm... Oh right well this isn't like an interrogating question this time, how are you two doing?" "Fine." I stated simply. "Cool." She mumbled as the car showed up. "Sure you don't wanna go for dinner instead, girls?" Seth asked from behind the wheel. "That blood we had yesterday is really sitting heavy in my stomach." Jodie admitted. "And mine." I said. "Sorry!" Will chirped sarcastically. The minutes passed quickly. Soon, we were at our club. Jodie had called our friends on the way. Jodie and Will walked into The Pulse, leaving Seth and I in the car, "hi." Seth murmured staring down at steering wheel. "hi." I murmured back, "I don't wanna do this tonight, Seth." I moaned. "Do what?" He said looking up. "This. Clubbing and everything. I just want to go home, watch The sunset with you and then go to sleep on the sofa with the fire on." "Sounds nice." He smiled, "I'll text Jod, she can get a taxi." Seth turned the car around and we left. After a monstrous trek up the tallest hill we could find, Seth laid our blanket down facing the sun. I sat down with him and leant against him, "this is nicer than The Pulse." He yawned then his stomach gurgled, he was thirsty. He saw my worried glance at his stomach, "I can hold it." He whispered. "How many others were there, Seth?" I said. "Huh?" "Girls." "A few." "You were one of those weren't you? Tell me you weren't." I whispered. "One of who?" "One of those 'everyone's boyfriend' types. One of those ones who'd pledge to one girl that they most beautiful girl ever and then be telling someone else the same on instant messenger." I spat every word. There was silence from where Seth sat. I waited. More silence, "just change the subject if you were." I sighed. "Did you have fun today?" He mumbled uncaringly. I started crying, "I chose you didn't I?" He tried to comfort me by bringing me closer. "Yeah. Thank you." I sniffed and stopped crying. "You've always got me. I'll always want you. And I don't know how to work instant messenger." He laughed, "I love you Amber. I'll never need anyone but you. And yeah, girls like me but to me, they're just girls. Just girls who haven't found love yet." "I love you Seth. Thank you for sticking with me through everything. Through his death. Through Christopher. Through the hunters. Some people would call us dysfunctional, I call romantic. We're the two most unlucky and luckiest people in our world." I laughed. "Here comes the sun." Seth murmured. We looked towards the huge, glowing semicircle. It was descending into the darkening fields. Pink clouds lay across on the sky and black Vs flapped by. Then it disappeared and the silver moon began to replaced it. Seth and I kissed in the picturesque twilight.

Nobody was home when we arrived, Krad had left a message on our answering machine saying she was sleeping at Wilfort with mum and dad tonight, Jodie had texted me saying her and Will were doing the same so Jodie could pack up the rest of her stuff. I lay on the sofa next to the fire while Seth got a blanket. When he finally got back downstairs, he lay next to me and I curled up at his side, he was warm. He put one arm over me so I could snuggle closer to him. I gradually fell asleep. I awoke with a start, I'd been dreaming about him. Specifically about his death. I saw him and David stood together talking about how they could have easily been saved but no-one cared enough. Then I saw Marylyn running around telling everyone different versions of the gossip. There was one common occurrence. I was to blame. Stretch dived onto the bed where we’d moved when we’d gotten too cold in the night. To get himself up, he put his front paws directly onto my stomach and launching himself with the air I had stored there. It made me laugh and it washed away the agonising pain running through my body and mind. He curled up in a Ball, groaned and fell asleep. He stretched out in his sleep and pushed Seth off the sofa, flapping his arms, I burst into hysterical laughter. Seth scuttled back onto the sofa, out of the cold. He looked at me accusingly and then laughed himself. He stood up and then walked to the dressing table upstairs, I dived onto the bed and watched him put that 'vampire essence' stuff on himself. I looked confused, "They haven't fired me yet." He said with a grin. He got changed into a burgundy shirt with trousers and a suit; he stepped into his white skate shoes. He picked up a black tie. He fiddled with it for a while into he pursed his lips, looked at me and tipped his head to one side. "Idiot." I yawned. I flinched and cold and then fastened his tie. "Do I still smell human?" He said. "Unbelievably vampire." I muttered. He shrugged and then hugged me. I wrapped myself in a dressing gown and went downstairs, followed by Seth. He sat at the table expectantly, no-one was home yet. I chucked a round of toast in Seth's direction, he caught it in one hand and winked it me. I saw his fangs come out, "Seth, I really think you should have some blood before work. It's not safe." I said in the best mummy voice I could. He held up one finger, went outside and came back in wiping his mouth. "Fox. Not as nice as human." He muttered the last bit. "Then don't drink that. I'll go and get some during the day." I shrugged. "Alright, well I gotta go. Seeya later." He said kissing my cheek and walking out with his hands in his pockets. As soon as the door shut, I was upstairs getting changed. I put on some black jeans and a brown sweater with a white shirt underneath. I went downstairs to do the washing up. I was half way through drying a plate, when the image of Lucien came into my head, the image that had me running to him before. I dropped the white dish onto the brown tiles, "sugar!" I whispered, I wasn't going to say anything unintelligible, I was an adult now. The image was gone, along with the plate. My mum was beside my in a second, "Amber? Are you ok?" She said suspiciously. "Yeah, yeah. Just a momentary lapse of concentration." I smiled, scooping up the shards. Mum's hair was glossy, straight and hazel coloured. She was wearing a ruby, threequarter-length sleeved shirt and a black skirt. She looked very beautiful, her light coco coloured skin, luckily, wasn't lost in vampirism. I looked nothing like my breath-taking

mother, "It feels cruel, drinking blood." She sighed as she passed me a flask of blood. As much as I so wanted to drink it, I put it on the top of the microwave for Seth. I couldn't help picturing hunting, sinking my fangs into the soft, warm, chewy flesh of an unsuspecting human. Drinking the warm red silk that flooded my mouth. I bit my lip hard and forced the idea from my head. After a couple of seconds, I could imagine the scent of fox blood from Seth's breath. It was so pungent that it put me right off, "Amber, can I talk to you? Mother to daughter." She said. "Yeah sure." I yawned and sat down, "hey mum, do you sleep?" I enquired out of interest. "No I don't." She smiled light-heartedly, "Anyway, how long were you with Seth before you married him?" "Seth knows the exact amount but... More than a year." I nodded to myself. "Chad told me that Seth is your soul mate." "Yeah." I grinned widely as I thought of him. Then Lucien. More pain. I squinted. "Could you live without him?" She whispered. I shook my head. "Do you love him?" I nodded. "Then I give you my blessing." She beamed. I hugged her tightly. Of course she'd give me her blessing, she was Amy Lattice. She knew was right and what was wrong. I smiled and carried on washing and drying the remaining plates. "Is there something you want to talk to me about?" She said anxiously as she picked up the tea towel after I'd tried vehemently to force Lucien from my head again. I shook my head too fast to look settled, "Nope. Nothing." I muttered hurriedly. "Shame the devil, Amber." She nagged. This was mum's way of saying 'come on, you're not keeping anything away from me, stop lying'. I hid behind my hair and scrubbed a plate with a copper wool sponge too hard, I watched the paint crumble and flutter like cabbage butterflies, into the dirty water and sink into the rest of the grime, "nothing." I murmured. Of course, NOW I could picture Lucien, now that I didn't want to. "Is it that young man? Oh what was his name?" She spoke mainly to herself. I wanted to say something, to tell her his name but I couldn't. I knew I'd do something stupid, like cry if I said his name. Eventually, I just swallowed hard and said it once it became clear mum was hinting that she wanted me to say it, "Lucien." "Lucien," she repeated, "that's a beautiful name." "I wouldn't go THAT far." "It means bringer of light" She smiled. I laughed quietly. Then relaxed, "I lost what I had with him." I muttered. "When?" She adapted a quiet, caring tone. I scrubbed the plate harder and stared at the stain that wouldn't go away, the stain of Lucien. I sucked in a gust of air and then sighed, "I told him I loved him. I wrecked it." "How could you, sweet heart? How could YOU have possibly wrecked it? You were honest with him, not deceitful. If he couldn't be the same with you, just because you told him the truth... He wasn't good enough. Of course not meaning to speak ill of the-" "Yes! You're right... Again." I laughed with my mum, "Love you mum." I said dropping the plate into the murky water and hugging her.

"Anything you want to talk about to do with Seth?" She asked. "Sometimes I think that he's too secretive. I usually have to find out stuff about him rather than him telling me straight out. Like about him being a vampire hunter." I replied after a short time. "He's a vampire hunter?" She said surprised. "WAS. Was a vampire hunter." I assured her. "Well I say, when he gets home tonight, just sit him down and have a real conversation with him. But I've got to go and help Chad with the packing at your old house." She edged towards the door. "Is Wilfort closing down or something?" "No. It's just that Mr. Rondolph thinks that, if we're living there, we need to vacate our dorms because he thinks that there will be a few dogs moving in or something." She seemed bewildered. "I'll explain another time, mum. I love you." "I love you too." She kissed my cheek and left. I got bored of washing up and left the stuff in the sink, including the Lucien plate. I went into the living room and settled onto mine and Seth's usual sofa and flicked on the music channels. A song that Lucien's band had once covered was on my favourite channel so I skipped that one. I swapped genres to some pathetic programme where the presenter badgers couples into fighting each other in front of an audience, nearly causing a divorce or two and it's called entertainment. So this was what I was now? A housewife vampire? No! I'd be the hunter. I seized my shoes and stomped towards the back door. I grabbed my uniform jacket and left, only to return and swap it for Lucien's. The scent flooded my nostrils and somewhat calmed me. It still smelt of Lucien, like apples, strawberries, raspberries, blackberries and various other forest fruits. Of course, he WAS a man so it had the tiniest, insignificant smell of male body odour. That had probably come from the amount of times he'd hunted in this jacket, much like the ripped sleeve. For some reason, the jacket's material was rougher now. It was not as soft as it had been before Lucien's passing. It was like Lucien made it soft. Now it just felt like rough felt. I was still wearing my mourning armband underneath. Pretty soon, I saw the perfect pray. It was the kind of blood that tasted best and yes, you can very much 'taste the difference'. It was a young, possibly eighteen year old girl, she had hazel coloured hair. I've heard that brunettes taste best. I thought it was really cool that I turned vampire in this sort of situation. You are well aware me yourself when you are vampire but, as you tell from when I tried to kill my husband, you can't necessarily control it. Rondolph once lost control, I shudder at the thought, every wonder why there's only four or five natural vampires in the world? I cocked my head to one side and watched her walk, my tongue grazed my fangs. I watched her with glazed eyes, pretending I was leering through her not AT her... Like I was. Ah yes, there it was, that panicky heart-rush as she realised that my staring and enticed leaning was directed at her. Foolishly, as humans do, she turned the first corner she saw, an empty one. I walked quickly. I launched myself onto a pillar that lay beside her, she gaped and turned away to go the or way, I sprang onto a bin in front of her. I grinned happily, "it won't hurt." I jumped and knocked her to the floor. She hit her head and her blood spilled onto the cobblestones. I bit her and stored the blood in my appendix and then licked the blood off the floor, for me. Something cold and wet brushed my neck. I straightened up and twisted my head upwards, I squinted into the white sky at the

falling snow. The girl began to come around, now that her wounds had healed. I crouched beside her and pretended she'd fainted. She thanked me and left. I couldn't believe how heavy the snow was and it was sticking! I loved the snow. It was undoubtedly, part of my romance with the cold weather. I skipped back to the cottage. Jodie was back when I got there, I got a large orange juice pitcher out of the cupboard and hefted the blood from my appendix, up through my throat and into the jug. Jodie shot into the room, "WHERE?" She shouted, her eyes darting around the room in excitement. I pointed to the pitcher. I poured her a small amount in a wine glass, I had the same. It was indescribable. There were so many flavours that the only real way I could describe is how you would expect rainbows to taste. I reached for the red jug and Jodie slapped my hands. I nodded. There came a wrap at the door, we both stared, "expecting anyone?" Jodie said. "No," I said bewilderedly, "I'll find out who it is." I headed to the door and glanced through the keyhole, "it's Rogan," I gasped, "and the others." I murmured darkly. I opened the door and my mouth arched into a snarl, "Hello Rogan, Rogan's crew." I nodded towards Rogan and then his coven. "Amber, I'm sorry I have to do this." He did look genuinely sorry as he pulled out the small black thing that was reminiscent of a Dictaphone. He flicked a switch on the side, threw it through the door and ran away with his cronies. Jodie muttered the same, unintelligible word as I did as we both realised what it was. We collapsed screaming. That bloody noise box. Jodie thrashed and screamed but my vision began to fade. I knew one thing though, the next two people to walk through the door and collapse were my parents. I would have done anything to stop my mum being exposed to this but I couldn't. As Jodie and I lay still on the floor, my mum and dad were still fitting, they were not yet rescued. Jodie whimpered and screamed beside me, while I lay lifeless but perfectly alive. Seth had better hearing than me, he could hear it from outside the house and I knew he didn't know what to do. My thoughts slowed down to nothing and now, all I could here was throbbing in my head, the noise was still on. I knew it would be on a time setting so that eventually they could come back and check their work was done. I couldn't think anything else. My brain was done. The Air. I was well aware that there was no venomomitor beeping next to me, so I was dead then. I was relieved first, then I was excited, I was desperate to go and find Lucien. Seth wouldn't be dead so I didn't have to hurt him- which, deep down in my psyche, I knew I'd been doing for a while- and everything would be ok. I was so sick of being unconscious, it seemed like if I wasn't upset or angry or involved in some drama, I was either unconscious or all four. At this moment in time I was, in Fact, all four. I opened my eyes and the clouds faded; I could see the venom on the floor all around me and antidote where my body had been rejecting the noise. I still couldn't hear though. I saw someone in a long, black trench coat stepping around, first he shook my mum, and then my dad, then Jodie, and then he knelt down and shook me. Then, when he was satisfied that my eyes were dead and seeing nothing, he lurched towards the door. Someone rugby-tackled him at the door. For a minute or so, all I could see was the blurry shape of a man holding

the lurcher up by his lapels and straddling him. The man punched the man underneath him and continued to shout in his face. Then my hearing faded back into reality. I sighed and lay back, it was Seth, "You said we were ok now! Or was Lucien not enough? Did you just have to kill the rest of us? WHY are you doing this?" He shouted between punches. I reached over and tapped Jodie weakly. She looked over at me, she was paralysed from the waist down, like me. I looked at mum and dad, mum lay on her side, curled into a ball while dad lay on his back like Jodie and I were. The shouting continued until I could push myself to my feet. "We can't let them live! We tried to forget! We're addicted!" Rogan, the man on the floor, shouted, "You can rejoin us, Seth!" "I'd rather die, thanks." He hissed. "Where are the others?" I said. Seth's eyes shot to me and Rogan hissed, Seth hit him again. "I can sense an air of hostility here. Shall I come back later?" Rogan laughed. "ANSWER MY QUESTION!" I demanded. "Why? You can't kill me." He snorted. "Amber, Lucien's dead." Dad whispered. "What?" I asked. "Lucien is dead and he always will be. And Rogan killed him." He encouraged, "and those are you're friends on the floor, dying like Lucien. And here's your mother, who you've only just gotten back, dying." I growled loudly as the rage built inside of me, "don't worry Rogan, I've discovered a loophole to your destiny and THIS is all out was now. Assemble your troops. You have one day." I hissed. Seth released his hold on Rogan and let him stand up. Rogan waved sarcastically and left. Seth darted to my side as I leant next to Jodie and slapped her, she shook her head and stood up and went to work on my mum and dad while Seth called Krad, Will, Orlando, Elliot and any other vampires, even his thuggish friends. Once mum and dad were on their feet, dad called his friends and mum called the V.U.A., the Vampirian United Alliance, they were the most violent and vehemently opposed to hunters out of all of us. They'd supply us with uniforms and guns. They were very 'no nonsense' and would not get to no anyone they fought with, because it made you numb, numb to losing people because you weren't close enough to love them. No-one spoke to the Alliance unless they were joining or fighting. Therefore, we would not be telling them about Seth's past. They lived in a coven somewhere in America, no-one was allowed to know the exact location. I'd only ever met two Members of the Alliance. It was enough for me. His eyes had board into my soul, his granite skin was even sharp and painful to look at. I have been told that the females are even worse. Undoubtedly, we would be playing by standard catch-and-kill rules, you wouldn't even need loopholes, just guns and the appendix of a surprised vampire. I knew I'd finally be at peace with my memories of Lucien as soon as this was over and Rogan was dead. "What's your loophole?" Seth whispered. He startled me, he laughed quickly, "or was that just for scaring him?" "No, there's a loophole, he's killed every vampire he's ever hunted and he's not hunting us, he knows where we are, he's simply fighting us." I explained. "That's good actually." Dad said and Seth nodded in agreement. In a second, the door

opened and closed leaving a large cardboard box on the doormat, "quick as usual." Dad smiled. "What's quick?" Mum said. "The V.U.A.. These are our uniforms." I beamed with dark excitement. Seth pulled out a switchblade from his back pocket and slit the top of the box. He tossed Jodie, mum and dad their uniforms and then walked to me with mine, looked down at it mournfully, then looked at of and passed it to me. I swallowed hard. The uniform consisted me a black army jumper, a note saying that we had or own appropriate military jackets, black combat trousers with large pockets, another note saying the girls' hair needed to be tied back, black army boots, an 'honorary V.U.A.M' badge, the 'M' basically meaning 'Member'. I did want to become part of the V.U.A; I didn't know whether Seth did, "Seth?" I murmured, I was scared of his reaction. "Yeah?" He turned to me while measuring a jumper against himself. "Can we talk?" I bit my lip and nodded towards upstairs. He nodded so I led the way up to the third floor with my head bowed like a beaten dog. I sat on the edge of Jodie's bed and Seth stood up anxiously, "Seth, I love you." I sighed. "I know." He chuckled. "That's not what I mean... I'd... I'd like to be part of The V.U.A.." "I don't get it." He said as if I'd just told a complicated joke. "What's not to get?" He sat next to me, "Why do you want to join the Alliance?" "Erm... Their really cool...?" "Why do you really want to join the V.U.A.?" He persisted. "No-one wants to hunt the V.U.A. No-one is brave enough... And their outfits are cool." I muttered. He paused for a moment or two and I gnawed my lip again. He breathed heavily and then looked at the window, rain started to patter against it almost instantaneously, "no I didn't do that," he laughed quietly, "Ok, I'll join with you." He decided. "Really? I love you, Seth!" I jumped up and cuddled him tightly and knocked him backwards onto the bed, "I'm against human war but this is gonna be mintage!" "What's 'mintage' mean?" He laughed. "High school word for 'really good' you can also say 'classic' or just 'class' which would be more appropriate I suppose." "Yeah, you're a dork." Seth joked and ran downstairs, I pursed my lips To stop myself from laughing and ran downstairs. Seth was already on the phone when I got down there, "Another vampire and myself would like to be part of the your Alliance... No, she's no connection to me... I don't really care to be honest... Flames... Turner... Amber Flames and I'm Seth Turner... No, I'm currently unemployed... Yes it's part of this war but I do have a strong destiny which I think is appropriate for the V.U.A.... Essentially it's to not die... If she were to die? Collateral damage... No, I've got no soul mate... Her destiny is the same as mine and everything I've just said is visa versa... Ok thank you, wonderful... When will be get our badges?... Great... Thanks bye." He pressed the end call button on his phone and looked at me. "Everything you just said was a lie." Jodie giggled and realised everyone had been watching.

"Mmm. Amber, Krad joined the V.U.A. this morning." Seth half-smiled. "Cool." Dad said and it made us all jump. "What's Krad's destiny?" Mum whispered. "It was something materialistic." I assured mum even though I wasn't exactly sure what it was. Right on cue, Krad and Will came through the door, Krad was wearing her V.U.A. badge. She told us that our badges had been sent to Wilfort, obviously we couldn't tell them our address. Somehow, I don't think they'd have believed Seth if they knew we were living together. I don't think they'd have accepted us so easily had there not have been a war. I couldn't believe it, I'D declared war. Seth, Krad, Jodie, Will, Dad and I weren't in danger... But my mother was. The hunters considered mum, dad, Seth, Jodie, Will, Krad and I, a coven because we lived together. Therefore, they fought with us. I looked at the clock, it was five o'clock in the afternoon. We all hugged each other and wished each other good luck. I kissed Krad goodbye because we wouldn't be allowed to speak now until it was over. The same went for Seth and I but at least we could see one another. Some vampires went literally insane as a result of loneliness, this mainly happened because some vampires went to live with the V.U.A., no-one could talk to each other. I still had a picture of Seth and I as my phone's background. It was us at the beach party just before Christopher turned up and wrecked it, that had to go. I swapped it for a blank wallpaper, "Come on then." I sighed as I took Seth's hand, he led me to my Hummer. He drove us to Wilfort. "Hello Amber and Seth." Rondolph said as we walked into his office. "We came to pick up the badges." Seth smiled. "Here you go." Rondolph passed us the black badges. They were in the shape of a shield they had a red rose with the letters 'V.U.A.' written in italics over the top of it. "Thank you." I smiled weakly at my second dad. "Are you sure you'll be alright, Amber? You've been a daughter to me. Although, I suppose you'll be ok. You are both immortal. Look after yourselves." He looked at both of us in the same way that Seth had looked at me. I hugged Rondolph and then he Hugged Seth who looked in no way uncomfortable. Rondolph would not be fighting tomorrow, leaders didn't get involved, by vampire law. They both turned to me and looked at me in that way, "Why do you both keep looking at of like that?" I said self-consciously. "We'll tell you afterwards." Set muttered while refusing to meet my gaze. He took my hand and shuffled out. As soon as we were on the gravel outside, I spun him around anxiously, "am I pregnant? Am I dying? Is someone I know dying? Who's dying? Who's pregnant?" I demanded anxiously. "NO! No, no, no, no-one and no-one!" Seth hissed and stormed towards my car. "TELL ME WHAT'S GOING." I warned through clenched teeth. I stood firmly far away from Seth. "NO." He shouted he turned to walk again so I launched myself at him and pinned him to floor with my mouth next to his throat, his heart rate accelerated, "DO IT THEN, AMBER!" He spat. "Lucien would've told me," I whispered, "I think that's worse than venom." I walked away and left him breathing quickly, on the ground.

"I don't even know why you wanted me." He murmured from behind me, he knew I heard. I couldn't believe what I'd just heard, I turned around to face him. Tears streamed down my face and my mouth was wide open. I closed my mouth, shook my head and carried on walking, "Amber!" He ran after me. I was glad I could jump higher than him, I leapt onto Krad's old six story balcony. I stood on the railing and looked down at him with pursed lips, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean that." He shouted. "Fight on your own tomorrow." "You'll be kicked out of the V.U.A." "Do you think I give a... I don't care. I'm supposed to love you, Seth." "And do you?" "... Yes." "I love you too." "Will and Jodie don't keep secrets from each other." "I'll tell you after we've fought. It'll be easier for me then." He held out his arms for me to jump into. I hopped down and her caught me. I couldn't argue when he said it would be easier for him. I didn't want him to be upset. Overnight, Krad stitched our badges to our jackets. I stood staring at my new wall length mirror. My reflection looked pale. I wore all black clothes, they matched my short, black and neon red hair. Seth came to stand next to of after a minute or so, he told me he loved me, kissed my cheek and went to meet Rogan. The V.U.A. had arrived and were waiting downstairs, we'd told them that this was our temporary Alliance hostel so it didn't look suspicious. Seth came back within five minutes, "and the was has begun." He declared. Mum and dad hid in the loft while Jodie, Krad, Seth, Will and myself went outside. We drove to the battle ground, the trip lasted fifteen minutes. It was a large empty building with the architectural design of Wilfort, like Fort Knox. Hunters got the two inside bunkers, we get the bottom level, the fifth floor. Reuben, Seth's band mate was squatting on the floor next to one of his friends. Then the bell rang loudly signifying that the battle had begun. We heard hundreds of loud footsteps Hammering down the metal stairs, "two hundred. We're equally matched." One, blonde haired male V.U.A. member informed the leader. They would only bring in the females if the fight got hard because they were a last resort. I was the only girl because I was only knew and not emotionally broken yet. Seth discreetly took my pinkie finger in his, squeezed it gently and released it. Our first job, when they reached our level, was to use our guns, teeth and various other weaponry to wipe out the untrained, destiny undecided vampire hunters. They weren't allowed the noise boxes, they were considered unfair, I wonder why! And then they reached our floor, shouting and roars filled the air. Then the shouting turned to horrified gasping when we realised what every single one of them was holding. They were like stun guns but when they're put onto the joints of a vampire, it causes a massive build up of lactic acid. We would have happily taken the excruciating agony of the noise boxes over those things. It's like the worst cramp you've ever had times one million. Some people go into shock, some a paralysed and the unbelievably unlucky ones live and remain in that state of deathwishing pain for the rest of their lives. The shouting began again as the two sides ran at each other, the most untraditional war in world. I went for a familiar hunter, Elizabeth. I snapped at her neck as she went for my arms and legs with the paralyse. I grabbed her by the scruff of her neck and yanked her to the floor, I kicked her as hard as I could and

stamped on her. Someone jumped on my back and grazed my neck with their fangs just before I threw them to the floor, put their teeth on a step and stamped on their head. I glanced over at Seth who was seemingly having the time of his life. He was beaming brightly. Their was an ear-piercing scream from somewhere in the crowd as someone was shocked, luckily Krad had spun a hunter's paralyser on them and got them in the neck. It was Ruby, she batted the air next to her neck and screamed. Someone begun to sneak up on Krad so I launched myself the length of the room and punched them, "There's too many!" Krad shrieked. "We're supposed to be evenly matched!" The blonde haired boy shouted to Krad. The boy caught Krad's eyes and Krad caught his, they stayed locked for a moment even while the boy elbowed a hunter away from him and stabbed another in the side as they walked past. "V.U.A. regulations." Krad whispered regretfully, the boy shrugged as if to say 'who cares about them', Krad smiled and kept fighting. Jodie always seemed to be doing more dancing than fighting but she was so graceful and lethal that it was scary. I couldn't properly see Will, he was a blur, blessed with his speed. Ironically, that didn't even come from vampirism, he was that fast when he was human. I pulled out my gun and shot six rounds into the crowd in front of me, seven hunters fell down. We'd nearly finished separating weak from the strong so our days work was nearly Done, sadly. I was starting to enjoy this fight and so far there were no losses on our side. I front flipped over a charging hunter and kicked him in the back, he collapsed and four vampire's jumped on him, it seemed a shame. You see, this boy turned out to be a natural vampire, they bled him dry and spat some blood in the hunters' faces. Most hunters were so disgusted by blood that they'd stop at nothing to separate themselves from it, but they had urges just like us, nine hunters hit the floor and lapped up the blood while we killed them one by one. As I pulled my knife from one of their necks, I looked to see the person stood next to me, it was Vicerene. She looked at me and I looked as her. I pursed my lips and turned back to the crowd. I dropped to the floor and swept some hunters of their feet, literally, with a kick, I shot them in the back of their heads while they struggled to get up. I jumped to my feet to fight hand to had with Ross. But then I felt something press against the back of my knee. Seth swore and ran towards me, shooting outwards as he went to kill as many as he could as he ran. There was laughing from beneath me. I spun around, a hunter lay dying on the floor someone beside of pinned me to the ground I screamed and panicked as I realised what was on my leg. The electricity burst through me and I felt the acid explode in the back of my knee. I screamed I seized my leg and writhed in pain, my teeth snapped together and I could not see. My body started to reject my own venom and internally I begged it to realise what I was, that I WAS a vampire. Waves of the acid streamed quickly from the bottom of my left leg around my waist to the bottom of my right leg and over and over. I punched the floor and desperately tried to keep killing. I reached for my gun and shot around. I felt someone's hand on my chest and another, underneath my neck propping me up. I used my last bit of energy looking for the person trying to help me. It was Seth. Good old reliable Seth... I seized my knee, I hadn't yet understood the situation. All I knew what that there was shouting and screaming, the screaming was mine and the pain was also mine. Wait! We were fighting! I shot to feet and nearly everyone fighting stared at me and in the same second, turned away to kill each other again. My vampire friends had pretended I was

dead and left me on the field, clever. I limped as the twitching of my muscle still jabbed at me slightly. My eyes rolled slightly as I was still slightly delirious 'FOCUS' I told myself. I shook my head, clearing the fog in my eyes slightly. I shot as many rounds as I could at as many hunters as I could, "Everyone! Go for the Appendix!" The V.U.A. leader shouted. Everyone drew out knives and the hunters were suddenly nervous, there could have only been about twenty of them and almost the same amount of us as we had when we started fighting. Growls tore through the crowd of hunters, rather humorously, Rogan began to cry and beg for his Life. "I. Get. Rogan." I snarled as we advanced towards them. "Granted." The leader agreed. "Ross." Seth said from somewhere behind me. "Whoever's left of that coven." A smile was in Will's tone. "That freaky kid that tried to suck out my energy or something." Jodie muttered. Seth, Jodie, Will and I all turned to Krad to see who she wanted but she just shrugged. We continued to advance on the hunters, the receptionist who'd got us BACK into hot water just after we were safe. Then there was Rogan. I was going to kill Rogan once and for all. Us vampires began picking out our individuals and slaughtering them brutally, I waited until they were done so they could watch me kill Rogan. I pressed my fingernails into his neck and drew out the horrible blood-oil scum onto my hand. I shook violently. I didn't want him to pass out and miss his own brutal death so I had to make this quicker. I lay him on the floor while he begged for mercy, "please Amber! Please! Lucien asked me to kill him! Tell her, Seth! Tell her!" He pleaded. "I don't care. I loved him. You're going to hell, Rogan." I whispered firmly. "And you're not?" He smirked. I ripped his throat out with my teeth and let his limp body fall into the bloody ooze that poured from his neck. I turned around to The V.U.A., "you know these people?" The leader asked. I nodded, "they're my friends," I swept my arm around Jodie and Will, "my sister," I pointed to Krad, "my husband." I walked closer to Seth and took his hand. "You're Amber Flames then." The leader concluded. "Amber Turner." I corrected and pointed my thumb towards Seth. "You all protected each other so well. You all have such strong destinies." He continued. "Actually," Seth said awkwardly, "Amber and I don't have destinies. The leader of our coven, Rondolph-" Seth cut off as excited whispering flooded the room, "Rondolph developed an injection. This injection makes your body think that your destiny is to live forever. Amber and I had the destiny to find each other and we did, thank God. We took the injection and, essentially, we're now immortal." Seth sighed as he finished. "Is that so?" The leader said to me, I nodded slowly, "Well, it seems our 'no friends, no family' rule has been called into question. Your contradiction of our law has been very useful to me. You are welcome to remain as members of our alliance," he turned to the crowd behind him, "erm... Make friends... I suppose." He half-heartedly commanded. Krad hesitated and then stepped anxiously towards the boy she'd met eyes with earlier, "I'm Krad." She said nervously. I let them talk and went to leave. Seth came with me, "Thanks for saving my life." I smiled as we walked to my car. "How?" He turned me around. "Pretending I was dead." I raised one eyebrow.

"Oh yeah. I didn't do a very good job. I was surprised they believed me." He saw my half amused half apprehensive face, "things always even out in the end. An eye for an eye. An enemy for a friend. Rogan for Lucien." He whispered Sensitively. "It does doesn't it?" I smiled. "What? Sorry." He said dopily. "Straighten out... Or even out whatever your said." We carried on walking. "Did you SEE how many hunters I killed?" Will shouted jumping up and down after us. Jodie followed quickly, "Krad's pulled!" She chirped. "I noticed. What's his name?" Seth said. "Dunno. She's just flirting dead bad." She laughed. We all turned around in unison to have a look, sure enough there she was stroking his arm and laughing outrageously whenever he made an awful joke. See, this is why Krad doesn't keep boyfriends, she's the opposite end of the scale to me. I'm always falling in love! Krad's always flirting throughout the relationship so people get bored! Seth was just so incredibly quiet and the 'wear a jumper, it's cold' type of boyfr-husband! "In answer to your question Will, I saw most of the hunters you killed." I said. "Yeah Amber, well done with being zapped on the leg. That didn't take long!" Jodie mocked. "Shut up! It HURT!" I moaned childishly. I realised that no-one had been talking or smiling, just looking at Seth's quizzical face, "Amber, we need to talk." He sighed. Ah yes, the sentence that breaks a thousand hearts 'we need to talk'. I walked to the bench beside the weird building, the bright evening setting sun swept the beautifully calved oak bench. There was a small koi pond with unnaturally blue water with contrasting pink lilies floating lightly on the water. Seth let me sit down first, always the gentlemen. The pink-orange sunset behind us sparkled on the water making dancing patterns on Seth's black military jacket. As soon as I sat down, he started speaking, "I'm dying my hair gingery brown." He said solemnly. "Is that it?" I laughed. "No. How are you?" "Erm... Fine." I cocked my head to one side. "I mean how are you coping? How have you not had a meltdown?" "Do you... Want me to have a meltdown?" I asked. "No. I just expect it. You're ok. You don't have to worry about me. If you don't want to keep up this serene front, you don't have to. It seems like your mood is constantly in flux." "Flux, I like that word. And I like it's meaning." I said only to myself. "The state of constant change. That's our life." He beamed. "Yeah." I sighed nostalgically. Happily Ever After - Seth I sat on the top of Redfort Academy with my legs dangling over the edge of the roof. I was thinking about random things, it helped to spontaneously turn vampire and completely lose control when I saw blood. The first thing I decided was that I was going to get Rondolph to give me something to grow my hair, I wanted to let my hair grow

slightly longer, it was naturally curly. And no, no matter what Amber said, I was going to dye it brunette. Aha, finally a silky black haired oriental woman. She was very beautiful, I sailed down lightly to the ground. I caught up to her instantaneously, "You alright, my love?" I grinned my sideways grin that made the girls swoon. She looked embarrassed and fiddled With her fringe that flowed into the rest of her hair. She blushed. Her boots were a tan colour and looked reminiscent of Eskimo shoes. She wore an aqua tank top with gold bling around her neck and short denim shorts. She wore bright red lipstick. I traced my hand across her cheek and knocked the hair from her face, "Wear you off to, sweetheart?" I murmured. "Nowhere. Where you going, honey?" She whispered, oh God enough with the bloody names. "Nowhere much. Come here a minute." I gestured towards the car park, she followed me all too willingly. Within seconds, the bizarrely strange girl overpowered me. She had me against the gardener’s shed kissing me. I took advantage of the situation; I pulled away from her and extended my fangs. She spotted them, tore her hands away from me, recoiled in horror and screamed. The scream wouldn't bring any attention to her, human screams were something you got used to when you lived with vampires. I launched myself onto her bit her neck while she tried to fight me off her. Eventually, her arms fell limply to the floor. I strolled back to Redfort, Orlando met me at the door, "What's up, Seth?" He asked. "Nothing really. I want to get back to Amber, can I borrow your black jacket?" I said "The knee length one?" "Yeah." "It's in my room." "Cheers." "Shut up." He muttered as he strolled away to go and smoke. That was the one thing Amber and I hated. I quickly grabbed my brother's jacket and left to go and find Amber. I went into our bedroom. Amber was still wrapped up in bed. I shuffled onto it with her, it was only four in the morning to be fair but I was so thirsty that it woke me up. I couldn't wait to try some of that blood Amber had harvested. It was on the bottom shelf of the oven to keep warm. I watched Amber sleep for a while, she rolled a few times and sucked in a few breaths. Why would I want to kiss someone else when I had Amber right here, stirring in her sleep? Her shoulders were cold so I pulled the sheet up over her. I'd told Amber that we were going swimming today so she could get over her hydrophobia. I loved swimming and cliff diving and anything that required pushing the limits. I'd give her all the sleep I could so she would be more relaxed and energised for the swimming. How is water scary? Anyway, perhaps I should explain to you some things about myself. My name is Seth Andrew Turner and I'm fifteen years old. My natural hair colour is ginger and I used to have black eyes. When I was younger, I was different I suppose I'm even more different now. I was one of the outcasts at school I got bullied a lot. But then, when I was fifteen a started to go cold and I'd pass out constantly, it was like having narcolepsy. And then I couldn't sleep at all and my teeth began to hurt. In a way, I knew what was happening because of my dad and I hated myself for it. I started to measure my fangs each day, they grew by just less then half a centimetre for two days and then they

stopped. My carers started to Mention that I was getting pale. In the end I just tried to shut myself away. I got so desperate for blood that I couldn't handle myself; I quite literally ripped my bedroom of its hinges and went downstairs after my carers. I still remember their screams; you come back to consciousness when you are nearly full. I used to visit their graves everyday but I'm a bit busy nowadays if you know what I mean. My eyes darted around the room noticing every cobweb and speck of dust. This house was so cold, just like me. I liked this house it had character. I wished I knew everything about Amber's past, she's was always very evasive about it when I asked her about it. I suppose it could have been because all she remembered of life before me was Lucien. Everyone else was gone from her memory, completely vanquished. But I was here. I loved Amber and I could look after her now that Lucien was gone, I only hope that in her eyes, I'm better than him. I can see it in her eyes, sometimes she can see him. When she squints without light you can tell she's trying to picture him. But that doesn't matter because he's gone now, God rest his soul, and I could look after her and have her completely. Her jet black hair splayed across the pillow just showing some red. I quickly knocked some from her eye. She woke up, dived onto the bed in a crouched position and shot her eyes around the room. I jumped up in the same moment and stared at her warily. I shouldn't have woke her up like that, "Amber." I said. That should be enough to break her out of her protective stance. "Hi Seth." She said with fake nonchalance. She remained in her pose as if she'd known all along it was me and this was just her way of waking me up. "You alright?" I laughed. She started laughing then. I threw a swimming costume in her direction that I'd picked up for her, she groaned and slid off the bed, "Come on, you promised." I guilted her. She made a farting noise at me. I tilted my head at her and pursed my lips. She came over and hugged me so I remained my pose without putting my arms her, "please come swimming with me." I said. "Humph. Do I have to?" She begged keeping her arms around me so I raised my eyebrows at her and kept my mouth in a straight line, "SETH." She winged. "WHAT is so bad about water?" I asked with genuine interest, " I mean, are you like... afraid of bottles of water?" "Don't be ridiculous." She giggled. "How come you aren’t afraid of the dark then, if you’re afraid of water?" I mocked. "Why would I be afraid of the dark?" She said against my chest. "That's another pathetic thing to be afraid of." I laughed. She pondered that for a second without removing herself from me, like a mollusc. She eventually looked up, "The dark's not so bad when you realise you're the scariest thing out there." She decided. I stopped as I realised that was a good point, "get your costume on." I patted her arm and left. At the swimming pool, Amber trailed behind me like a five year old kid forced to go to School by their parents, looking like they've been wronged, betrayed and like they're just waiting for daddy to slip up so they can slip salt in his coffee rather than sugar. A smiled as she dragged her feet into the changing rooms, "See you in a min." I sneered and walked into my changing room. I ruffled my hair and put my stuff in my locker. I quickly

took my shirt off and waded through the scummy water to the pool. The pool was deserted so I could swim at vampire speed. I listened for anyone in the ladies changing room, just the sound of Amber's heartbeat. Wow, I guess she really was scared. Immediately I felt very protective, I wanted to save Amber from the oncoming danger. She tiptoed to the edge of the pool and stared at me, "I'll buy you a car with blacked out windows and spinners and blue LEDs and it'll be huge." I bribed. She looked as if she was having an internal battle and chewed her cheek. I waved towards her and opened my arms for her. "For how long?" She said. "You have to stay in the pool until I say." I clarified. She looked worried again so I darted out of the pool and got her in the pool in the same second. She floated in the water uncomfortably, "Although, you will have to have a really old probably second or third hand, white hatchback for school." I taunted. She slammed her fist against the tiles, "NO! BIG GANGSTER CAR!" She demanded. "Yeah, one of them but also a white third hand hatchback." I compromised, she grimaced, sighed and nodded. "It'll make your car feel so much cooler when you drive it outside of school." "I guess." "See, you're not even thinking about the water now, are you?" "I am now." I laughed quietly and swam quickly to the other end of the pool. When you're a vampire, usually if you tell your brain you knew how to do something when you were human, your brain will believe you and you just know how to do it. Amber closed her eyes and told herself she could do it. She went under the water and did not resurface. I pathetically swept at the water trying to bat it out of the way, regardless she was not there. I heard her laughing the other side of the pool and I growled involuntarily. I spun around and she splashed me in the face. I spat the water out and splashed her back. Then she tagged me and shot back to the other side of the pool. We chased each other at high speed for a few minutes before I caught sight of someone staring at us from the changing room door. Amber tried to hide a smile childishly and we ran off sniggering. We waited until the woman was gone before I threw Amber back into the pool and I jumped in after her. We perched by the side of the pool for a while, "I'm sorry to bring him up but... Did Lucien say anything before Rogan killed him?" Amber whispered. "Some things. I don't think you'd like to know." I lied. "Were they about me? Bad things?" She worried. I bit my lip. I didn't want to tell her about Lucien's requests. I'd done one of them, I'd buried him at Wilfort, not in our back garden like A hamster. On the other hand, Amber had a right to know. And, by mentioning Lucien, she'd made me think about her stories about him again. I wanted to know which stories had been edited so as to make me feel better. The things I didn't know were worse, "no." I said, that way I wasn't lying and it wasn't a straight answer. I analysed her reaction carefully. She took a breath, wiped her wet hair from her eyes, shook it slightly and then sighed, "please don't lie to me." "It wasn't a lie, it was just indirect." I muttered. "Why?" "Because you can't handle it yet." I murmured.

"Ok." She swam to the end of the pool and deliberately faced away from me. She spun around to face me, mouthed 'someone's coming' and ducked underwater. I went down with her, I opened my eyes and looked at her, I battered the water. The water stayed apart and she did the same, "I love you." I promised. "Ha! Yeah 'kay sure." She mocked. "I'm not going to tell you because I'm not going to hurt you." I hissed as best as I could but the water muffled it. "I have one thing to ask then." She huffed, bubbles puffed out from her mouth as the tiniest fraction of water surrounded her face. "Anything." I said swimming over to her, as soon as I was over, I cleared the water from around my face again with high speed fanning movements. "Can we go to the grave?" "Of course." I whispered and stepped closer to her, she knelt into me as we couldn't hug because we needed to keep the water clear of our faces. "Now?" I said. "Yes please." She smiled. I took her hand and burst free of the water, a man in the Jacuzzi stared at me and then shook his head and went back to being gormless. Amber looked at me, I looked at Amber and we smirked at each other. Amber and I crunched hand in hand up the gravel path of Wilfort, it was still just early afternoon. As we reached the head of the path, I let go of Amber's hand and watched her as she mindlessly walked entranced to the bed where the first person she'd ever truly loved lay. She stood looking at and reading the tombstone for a few minutes until she knelt down, if I wanted to I could clearly hear what she was saying but I couldn't do that to her. I loved her too much. Amber’s Goodbye Speech. 'Here lies Lucien Aldridge. Born nineteenth of September 1986, passed away second of September 2008. Believe date of turning nineteenth of February 2002, aged sixteen. Destiny- to become famous. With the angels, he now flies.' Every vampire had the same on the tombstone, just a different quote. I glanced over at my husband quickly who smiled weakly in support. Then I looked back down at Lucien, "hi, I hope you're ok. Everything's ok now, there's no more hunters. Oh God, Lucien. It's so weird... To go..." I struggled as I began to cry, "to go... Anywhere like this... Where you should be. Cos... You should be here. You were right though in some ways. Life is sort of easier... In a way... With you not being here. I love you though because you were my best friend. Goodbye Lucien. God rest your soul." I sighed and stood up. In an instant, Seth was by my side cradling me against him, "I'll get you that car now if you want." He whispered into my hair. "The crap one or my G car?" I murmured. "G car." I smiled and hugged him tightly, he kissed my cheek and rested his chin on my shoulder, "One more minute?" I asked.

"Yes, of course." He smiled and went to go and slap a cigarette out of Orlando's hand who was inexplicably hanging around outside. I sighed and knelt back down, "Lucien, I know somewhere you can hear me. I know Seth won't be listening. I also know that if I'd chosen you, none of this would have happened. I literally don't know what would have happened if I'd never met him, but I do know what would have happened to me if I'd never met him. Eventually I would have realised that I still did and always would love you. I'm so sorry. I love you. I've got such an internal dilemma going on right here! See I don't know if I wish I'd never met Lucien because I love him so much and I'm really glad I get to keep him but... Maybe if I hadn't met him though, I'd be hear talking to you... In the flesh. None of this crap with the hunters would have happened cos Seth suggested we went out... I'm not blaming him... It's just... I dunno." I smirked, "Ugh, I'm talking to the dead. I'm sorry you had to die, Lucien. I love you. Goodbye." I stood up and walked to wear Seth was standing. He sighed with anguish, "Everyone smokes!" He kicked over a beer can that had been left on the floor from Friday. "I don't." I smiled supporting. Seth smiled back happily, "What now? G car?" He suggested. I nodded with eager enthusiasm. But then my phone vibrated, one message. It was a time delay, one set to send unless otherwise requested by the author, it said 'my final message to Amber Turner- go into the drawer underneath my computer, you'll find a box with your name in marker pen on the top'. Seth looked at me and I looked at him and then we both fled to Lucien's room. Sure enough, there it was. I opened the box gently, inside was a small golden locket and chain. Inside was a picture of Lucien, exactly how I remembered him. Immediately, I scrambled with the clasp to put it on, Seth hands landed on mine softly, I looked confused and somewhat hurt until he took over fastening it around my neck. I walked towards the door to leave until Seth grabbed my wrist, "this is the last time you can be in this room before Rondolph seals it, is there anything you want from here?" He asked gently. I looked around slowly and then remembered the picture he'd drawn for me, Seth left the room and returned with a white plastic bag just a few seconds later. He held the bag open for me while I put little things into it, the picture, a pen, his phone, a folder full of random doodlings and a diary. But then I realised something, I didn't need all that stuff to remember him by. If anything, those things would just take up space I needed to remember his face forever. I put all Of the things back, carefully making sure they were in their exact position by looking for clean patches in the sheet of dust. I stood in the middle of his rug and looked around at all of his possessions that still wondered when their master was coming home. There was one picture of him and me with our arms around each other with lolly sticks in our mouths from God knows when. I ran my fingers over the neat sheets of his bed and then looked up at Seth, "gangster car." I sighed and then smiled, he smiled back and we left. Three years later. The next day, I drove my car proudly with my dark sunglasses on. It was huge, it had black tinted windows, spinners, allow wheels obviously and purple LEDs. I parked

carefully, a fair distance away from all other cars, no-one touched my baby. Ok, so my main mission for today was to... Basically show off and look unfathomably rich. Oh come on, it's wouldn't you just love to show off like this once? Whatever, I deserved it. Anyway, I went into the bank and handed them my credit card, as the woman behind the she scanned it, I saw that satisfying eye popping as she saw my balance. She gathered herself, "what transaction would you like us to do for you today?" she said calmly. "Cash back please." I smiled. "To the amount of?" "Maximum amount please." "Our maximum is five thousand." "Yes, five thousand would suffice." I said slightly louder, just so everyone could hear. Sure enough, it turned heads, "thank you." I smiled as she handed me four wads of cash. Some teenagers gasped as they saw me get in my HUGE gangster car with four HUGE wads of cash, "pass your GCSEs." I smirked, "or become a vampire." I muttered inaudibly. Excited talking ripped through the air from the teenagers behind me. I got back into my car and drove the Wilfort to find my dad and mum. I arrived to see a Christmas fair going on outside Wilfort. Immediately, all of the vampire's lost interest in the stalls and rushed over to stare at my baby. I pressed a button gently and the front window beside me rolled down, clapping whooshed through the crowd. I looked at Esteean who was holding hands with Elliot, "where's my mum and dad?" I asked. "Alright everyone, go inside. Nobody likes a show off. Off you go." Rondolph sighed and ushered the grudging crowds inside. He ran his finger down the smooth paint work as mum and dad emerged from behind him, "yes, it's a masterpiece but it's not what I would have chosen." He beamed. I hopped out of the car and hugged him. Dad whistled, "fine piece of machinery, Amber." "Machinery? Dad, this bad boy makes you and mum grandparents." I laughed. "Can we sit in it?" Mum asked. "Course you can mum." I leant inside the door and pressed a button to lower some steps on the passenger’s side. She smiled and climbed in, gently stroking the leather seats, "it's lovely." she said as dad and Rondolph got in, "where's Seth today? I love to see my son in law." "At work." I said. "I thought he quit acting." Dad said. "He did, he works for Redfort Now." I explained. "Oh." Mum said. "What happened to all of their wolves?" dad asked. "They got bored and relocated... As wolves often do. Esteean went with them." Rondolph said. "Where's Stretch?" Mum said. "Not in my car!" I laughed, "now stop plaguing me or I'll go home." "I've got to go anyway, sweetheart." Dad said. He leaned over the chairs to kiss me and he and mum left. Rondolph climbed out afterwards, heaving a sigh as he left. My tires kicked up pebbles behind me as I sped away.

Half way home, I saw Jodie. She got in my car with of and began to talk. After a three year engagement, Will and Jodie were finally going to tie the knot tomorrow. She explained that she was 'OMG! So nervous'. There was one issue we hadn't cleared up, were Jodie and Will going to rub with us or were they going to clear off to a place of their own? If it was the latter, I didn't want to know. I myself was very scared about the wedding. It was just the fact that Will was rather eager to move, he wanted to live at Watergate Bridge and Jodie quite liked Nightfield but was rather upset by the concept of leaving us. I knew that they would leave but I wanted to deny it for a little while longer. We pulled up outside the house and Jodie smiled at me, "thanks for being my best friend." "Don't worry about it." I laughed, we hugged and she walked into the house. Within seconds, the passenger door was open again, "I think we should have dinner. We haven't had a meal out properly since we first met and you wouldn't even let me sleep on your floor!" Seth said. "I thought you were at work." I smirked. "Got the day off. I'm close with the boss you see, his name is Orlando Turner." He joked. "Sounds like a nice bloke." "Uh huh, now get out of the drivers seat, let me be your chaufer." We swapped sides and Seth took the wheel. He looked incredibly pleased with how cool he looked as he drove past jaws dropping. The trees whizzed past us, it was just like how fast our lives had been these past years, clearing up the rubble of three years ago. Three years ago when everything had gone upside-down all because of one superstitious suspicious old woman. And her blood tasted fowl, it's not like wine, it doesn't ripen with age. These three years had given me a chance to think about why the Peak District gave me a strange empty feeling, despite how much I loved it. It was because so much of the land was made up of grass and fields and forests. Every corner I turned, I kept expecting to see the sea but it was just another beautiful, lush emerald field. However, in the same way, that's what made the Peak District so wonderful, the fact that man hadn’t spoilt it and where man had built, it fitted. The buildings looked as if they could have grown straight from the ground just because they looked so perfect in their surroundings. The Peak District reminded me of France in this way, everything seemed timelessly flawless and natural and green. I loved my car for many reasons, one being that it didn't have that much of an effect on the earth, it was environmentally friendly despite it's towering size. And come on, you've got to keep your prey's only habitat safe. Speaking of things we ate, where was Seth taking me? "Where are we going?" I said. "A place." He muttered. Eventually, Seth pulled up. All there was, was a small brick house. Seth took my hand and pulled me eagerly towards the house. He stopped at the little wooden door, "behold, Vampire Cafe!" He laughed and pushed the door open. There was a small wooden bar area with vampires young and old sat drinking blood out of chalices. There were wooden tables with wooden car stools with vampires sat all around, "well you weren't lying." I said surprised. "What do you think?" He chirped. "I think a lot of humans had to die to provide the drinks at this place." I muttered as Seth

led me to a table. "Nope, check it out!" He pointed to a sign on the back wall above the bar, it read 'all blood harvested for this bar was acquired under the Amber Flames guidelines'. "Oh my... Seth? Did you do this?" I gasped with shock, I was not horrified... I was just shocked... In a good way. "Me, Redfort and Wilfort." He beamed. "I love you!" I grinned and hugged him as tightly as I could. "We do normal blood, alcohol blood, fat free blood and sugared blood." Orlando said. "That's so grisly, Orlando." I laughed. "Innit just?" He chuckled, "I love you, sister-in-law." He hugged me too. Yes, it was grisly. Yes, it tasted good though. We have to make the best of what we have. You have to understand that this is what we have to do to live, like Orlando said, food is just a placebo. We don't need food and it will not keep us alive, the one exception to that rule is meat. But even that has to be at most medium rare. We're adapted to not get diseases so we can drink whatever blood we want without fear of disease. We always look for small, healthy, young people because their blood is better for us. Blood can affect your mood too for example, if you were to drink a young teenagers blood, you would probably start to have rapid mood swings which would where off in about five minutes. This happens because their blood is rammed full of these hormones. I smiled and sat down at a table, "what's alcohol blood? It's not what I think it is, is it?" I asked. "It's blood with like some alcohol put in it or something." Orlando said walking over to us, he pulled a chair out, spun it around and sat down so that he was leaning forward onto the back of the chair. I was glad Seth didn't feel like he was in constant competition with Orlando. It was because he felt more settled with Orlando and me now. Now that Seth knew I wasn't going to take the cars, the money, the friends and run off with his brother. "One of those then please." I said, within seconds Orlando was back with three of those for all of us. "So, what you doing for Jodie's hen night tonight?" Seth enquired. "Erm... To be honest... I think we're going Raving." I said, I was met with bemused eyes, "it's fun! And it was Jodie's idea." I muttered, they started laughing and set me off. I sighed finally when I stopped laughing, "what are you two doing for Will?" "STRIPPERS!" Orlando declared. Seth?" I said. "Strippers." Seth sighed with sarcasm. "Don't you... Like women Seth?" Orlando cocked his head to one side trying make the words and body language of Seth make sense in his overtly masculine mind. "My wife is sat RIGHT next to me, do you really think I'm going to go mental about some other girls than her with her around?" Seth said. "Oh thank God. You gave me a fright then, Seth." He laughed clutching his hand to his heart and sighing a mock sigh of relief. Seth turned to me, I was pursing my lips, "I'll buy you a custom registration plate with whatever you want on it if you let me be single and mental tonight." He bribed. "What's the absolute limit?" I asked, while the back of my mind materialistically contemplated what I'd have on my registration plate. "Dancing with another girl, no physical contact, no kissing or anything." He said, he

knew he was on the verge of getting me to agree to his deal. "Ok." I sighed. "Cool! Love you!" He kissed my forehead and shot out of the door with Orlando. "Oh great! How am I getting home, Seth?" I shouted in vain. I looked around the bar and saw Krad throw some water over a girl at the bar. I started laughing, typical. "I'll take you home, we need to get ready." She sighed. I put on a short black cocktail dress, Jodie wore a floral, fashion-orientated dress, Krad wore a black tank top and short, blue, ripped denim shorts. We strolled in a row into The Pulse with style and panache. It turned heads, I have to admit. It gave us all the same sensation as I'd had earlier when I'd driven my car around. That cocky, sexy elation that filled you from top to toe as you realised that guys would kill to be with you, girls would kill to be you. We all had some shots at the bar and then hit the dance floor. Within minutes, Krad had found a young, attractive man to dance with. Jodie and I danced with each other. After about ten minutes, Vicerene who had been hanging around with some other friends the other side of the club, joined us. The music picked up in pace and we jumped about and basically sweated off our make-up. Attractive I know. We headed back to the bar, drank some cocktails and found some men to flirt and dance with. I just knew Seth was doing the same thing with some stripper somewhere, that made my dancing fair. Jodie and I began jumping about and laughing when one of our favourite songs came on. We sang along word for word with a smile in our voices that kept making us break off into laughter. The florescent green, blue, pink, yellow, orange lights swept over us as we jumped about and danced. Throughout the night, there was more singing, more dancing, more drinking, more flirting right up until about two o'clock in the morning. We were all wearing vampire essence so vampires were drawn slightly closer to us as they walked past. It was like in a cartoon when a dog smells steak and they follow their noses towards it, vampires followed their unconscious eternal search for a soul mate who’s sent matched theirs. Krad seemed to take advantage of this by drawing everyone she could to her. I loved my sister but she wasn't half a floozy! Her boyfriend David wouldn't approve, mind you, he was about as much of a flirt. Neither of them ever cheated on each other, we thought they were soul mates. Krad met David when we fought Rogan's hunters three years ago and ever since, they'd been with each other everyday. I ran over to Vicerene for a hug, she was stood in the middle of the club waving her hand in front of her face and watched the rainbow trails it left in awe. She moved her hand so fast in the air that the name 'Viss' just for a second, "hey Vicerene!" I shouted. "Hi mate!" She yelled back and held me so tightly I could barely breathe. I strolled back over to Jodie who hugged me and thanked me for 'like, the best hen thingy ever!' The outside air was wonderfully cool in comparison to the baking atmosphere of the club. Jodie was right, that was the best night I'd had for a very long time. And now the downside. The marriage. I mentioned it to Jodie who curled her lip up mockingly when I said it. When we got back home, the lads hadn't got back yet. I took of my shoes and I felt my feet thank me. We all slumped on the Sofa until gradually we all ended up upstairs. I hugged Jodie and kissed her on the forehead after she'd painted my fingernails blue and

black. She left my room and I instantly fell asleep. I was sharply awoken in a few moments though by a loud crashing from downstairs. My vampire brain recognised it as a threat so I launched myself onto the landing and back flipped off the banister onto the kitchen floor. I growled but saw nothing in the darkness. I saw a black shape on the floor though. I flipped the light on and saw my drunken idiot husband slumped on the floor sleeping. I kicked him but he didn't move, "Seth get up." I yawned and heaved him to his feet. He wiped his hand down my face and laughed, "hi there, Amber!" I supported his weight through his arm across my shoulders and dragged him upstairs. I dropped him onto the bed and he lay there like a corpse, "Seth, how many drinks have you had?" I sighed trying not to laugh. He held up one finger, "don't lie." I said, he held up another finger, "don't lie." I said again, he flashed ten fingers twice, "twenty drinks?" I said. "Yes." He mumbled face down into the quilt. "Come on then you big lump." I pulled his shirt off and his trousers and hefted him into bed. I pulled him close to me and held him tight so he didn't fall out of bed. He rolled so his chest was against mine, "Tye?" He mumbled. "Yeah?" I murmured. "Did you have fun?" His whisper was slurred. "Yes I did, thank you," I smiled, "did you?" "I don't remember." I sniggered, "did you meet anyone?" "No, I have a wife named Amber." He yawned. His tone was genuine, he clearly had forgotten who I was in his drunken haze. I used it to my advantage, "what's she like?" "Beautiful, down to earth, happy, relaxed. I love her." He rolled slightly and then fell off the bed. I laughed and heaved him back up, "and I her a" He muttered. "A what?" I laughed. "A cussum regisaishum pla..." "That is possibly the best way I've ever heard anyone say 'custom registration plate' EVER!" I smirked and was replied to by love snoring. Bless him, I loved my Seth. I walked downstairs in the morning to see Seth and Will in the living room playing on a games console. Seth had yet hair and was basically only wearing a towel so he'd blatantly showered to get rid of the smell of vomit lingering around him. Will threw his arm up, "WOO!" He screamed, "and the crowd goes wild cos Seth's LOSING AGAIN!" He hollered in Seth's face. Seth clutched his forehead and squinted, "not so loud!" He hissed. "Hung-over much?" I laughed kissing his cheek. I walked into the kitchen to make him some scrambled egg on toast. "Not much." He said with his arms around my waist. It seemed that somehow he had gotten changed without me even seeing it all in less than two minutes. He word a grey combat jacket, blue jeans and white shirt. I put my hands against his chest and kissed him lightly. He froze suddenly and then he was gone. Fearing the worst, I dropped the saucepan and ran Out after Seth. I shot my head from side to side searching for Seth. He was sat in a tree next to the coal shed, "what are you doing?" I said as my fear vanished

and confusion took it's place. He had his hands folded in his lap and he gnawed his lip. He didn't say anything, "you broke the no physical contact rule." I accused. His silence said it all. I turned my back and strolled back into the house. "Amber!" He shouted after me. There was a thud as he jumped from the tree, "Amber wait! You saw me! I was paraletic!" He pleaded. I went upstairs and lay on the bed, "Amber." He walked in slowly, "Amber, I didn't mean to." "What did you do?" I whispered. "Just kissed her. That's it. Nothing else. I'm so sorry." He sat down on the bed. I slanted my lips and then nodded, I walked out of the room and Seth followed me. We walked out onto the street and I saw a mildly attractive boy who smiled at me. I took his smile as an offering and kissed him as I imagined Seth would have done drunkenly to that random girl. Seth sighed when I finished, "done? Are we even?" "Yeppo." I beamed and we walked hand in hand back to our house. After we'd eaten breakfast, Seth tugged my sleeve and told me to come for a walk with him. We put on our hiking shoes and left with the dog. Seth held the lead, "I love Stretch." He smiled. "Me too." I said taking Seth's hand. "I'm ready to tell you. What Luke told me to do." He murmured. "What?" I asked. "He wanted us to 'have a kid or two'." He sighed. He paused and waited for my response, I didn't know what to say. Then I decided, "I don't want one." "Nor me." Seth sighed with relief. "So what now then?" I said as we reached the top of a grass bank and stood looking out to the world. "Dunno. I guess we're bored if we're not being hunted or something else unfortunate is happening to us, huh?" He laughed. "Yeah. What's up with that?" I smirked, "wanna race Stretch again?" "Definatly." As Seth ran round and round with the dog, I contemplated what my life would be like with a child. Well, Seth definatly wouldn't be racing the dog now he'd be racing our kid. Will and Seth wouldn't hang out all day playing on their games console. I would officially be a housewife. I would have one more person to put in danger. No, I definatly did not want a child. Seth ran up to me panting and laughing with the dog next to him, "definatly no kid then?" "Nope. No thanks." I laughed. "Right then. Let's go home." He grinned, kissed me and then led the way home. Sometimes, no matter what happens, there will always be that one person who's happy for everyone. That one person who tries to make life better for everyone else. But sometimes there's one person who makes life better for just one person in particular. Whether it's your mum and your dad. Or your boyfriend and you. Or your sister or brother. There will always be one person rooting for you. Trying to make it better. You just have to find them. And if you do, you just better hope you have them for life.

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