The Management Of Marketing

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 1,615
  • Pages: 7
INTRODUCTION 1.THE MANAGEMENT OF MARKETING The management of marketing represents the analysis activity,planning,implementation and control of the programs that vise the creation,the promote and the maintaining of the Advantages resulted from the changes that are meant to satisfy the organization’s objectives. The management of marketing vise to complete the marketing’s objectives,seeing the resources of the organization and the market’s situation,and the plaining and the activities execution necessary to complete the objectives.If these are done correctly,the needs of the consumers are satisfied in imperia conditions,taking place in the same time the efficient activity of the organization. Beyond the main two functions of the management the organizations and the execution, the management of marketing has two distinct functions – the selling of products,the process and the complementation of the new products.Both are important,but for the organization to complete the improving activity,the two functions have to develop simultaneous.

2.THE ROLE OF MARKETING RESEARCH IN THE DECISIONAL PROCESS The whole process of marketing research follows to answer with the problems that deals the managers concerning the choice of the most adecquate variant of action. The marketing research vise to identify the decisional variants and each evaluation through the view of the firm’s objectives,the possibilities of raising the profits and the degree of satisfying the necessity of clients. Making the marketing research don’t qurantee anyway,to adopt the most improvind decision. The marketing research is an input for the decisional input.Anyway,it doesn’t substitute the elaboration of the decision.The responsibility of the decisions and the assuming of all the risks stays in totality to the manager that fundaments the choice on the results of the research. The role of the marketing research is to present the possible solutions and to formulate recomndations,the manager is the one who will adopt the final decision. The marketing research can be away of actualizing the informations concerning the medium’s characteristics in which the organizations acts.The control function of managemement acts for the research’s contribution to the knowing of market’s reaction related to the firms’s marketing initiatives and the area’s identification that impose very actions from the firm.

There are created necessary conditions for practicing a practice management, continuing adaptationat the economical changes,social an concurential chages.Using the information,the firm is being transformed by the practice management from a market viewer into a veritable actor.The marketing research,through the analysis and its freesings allow to elaborate long term strategies. 3.THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE MANAGER AND THE MARKETING RESEARCH The place (the right) accorded to the marketing research during the decisional process depends on the the type and on the quality of relations which are established between the manager of the society and research,the leaders of the department of marketing research. Depending on the attitude that is being adopted concerning the marketing research the managers can be classified in the following categories: • Informations lovers – the interest upon the marketing research in determined by the curiosity and the opened (free) spirit of new informations. • The expeditions – they are looking especially at the marketing research,sometimes being able to depend so much on it’s results,in chosing the decisions. • The manipulators – they are showing and such a little respect upon the potential contribution of the matketing research. Dealing with one of these types of managers,the research would have to find the best modality of establishing benefic relationships for the boh parts. Some specialists affirm (sustain) that it would be necessary the existence of a research generalist,having the role to assure the correction between the research and management. The personal (employee) research of the societes has specialists with attributions and different responsibilities.The most often met functions in marketing are: -the vicepresident with the marketing research; -the director of marketing research; -the subordinale director of marketing research who has the job of the administrative assistant of the director; -the project chef manager; -the specialist in processing the dates (the statician); -the chef analist; -researches director; Although the intensity and the frequency of appealing to the marketing research variates,can be affirmed (sustained) that the main categories of utilisors of researching are the following:the consum a industrial producers;services furnizors;the publicity agencies and public relationship;ways of uman communication;government institutions etc.

In Europe,the most important marketing users are the producers. The majority of bussines from marketing research,almost 53% come from productions.The next domains are being represented by the communication mediums the research,the public sector financial,telecommunications and post office etc. In Romania,the communications mediums are the second provenience domain of the clients,with 26% in expenses with marketing researches.Together,are clients from production,the communication mediums and publicity (advertising) agencies have 70%.The public sector had 7$in expenses,and the telecomuncations domain and the post office 6%. 4.SHORT PRESENTATION OF SC CONFEXIM SA A modality of privatization which presents good perspectives,is to create mixt firms,with state and private capital.One of these firms is CONFEXIM.SA – this paper is about it.This type of firms has become interesting for attracting the private capital,through the fact that the investments are already done,being buildings,equipments and qualified personal,but which are not so competitive. The economical intern context is defined by the process of the penuria phenomenon to same material and energetic resources which conditions determined the normal act of activities. The unbinding has as main objectives the products selling from the making profile of the firm,in efficiency conditions,supposing the proceeding of specific activities through which the making of marketing studies,concerning the contractual assurances and the commercial orders,knowing the demand and the concurrences situation,of the prices,of the new products than can be taken,of the products of which making must be stopped or cut,of the ones that must be modernized. In transition’s conditions of the market economy,characteristic for the firm is the reconsideration of abording the prevision function in it’s fundaments on market researches,on the effective demands of the consumers and their selling power,appealing for marketing instruments.We can say,that the actual stage should be the stage of “strategic marketing”,because in marketing,the market studies should stay-as a base to all the decisions. In this moment,SC CONFEXIM SA,takes its action in Ploiesti,Logofat Tautu street,nr 66 – being organized under a juridic form of a private society on actions with a social capital of 5837825 RON. The activity object of SC CONFEXIM SA stays in the production and comercialising the cotton,cotton-polyester coats (tricots, tricot products). The society activates on the market system coats coats and tricoted dress for adults and children,cotton,and cotton type,making a sortimental varied structure:trenings,blouses,shirts,pajamas,underwear,trousers. The actual activities SC CONFEXIM SA Ploiesti,can be divided in the following main categories:

• •

The producing and commercializing of cotton tricots,cotton type and polyester Making services to tertti (tricot,painted,printed) The society has SC CONFEXIM SA produces a wide scale of tricots product of cotton and cotton type – in the following structure: -trenings; -blouses: -t-shirts; -underwear; -overalls; The society disposes of the following sections and workshops of production: -knitting; -boiangerie; -painting; -cutting; -confections; -mechanic workshop; The production sections have been endomed with machines and special equipments during 1998-2001 and after this period,it takes places some technical adds between 2004-2007. The production activity takes place in one room,on four sections and production workshops,with technological fluxes as in the following:kintted section,painting section. At the end of 2007 has been registered a medium wornout of 55%. SC CONFEXIM SA has different relationships with furnizors of cotton from Galati,Campulung Muscel,etc For evaluating the furnizors exists SC CONFEXIM SA – an institutionalized procedure.These must be evaluated on the following criteria: -the possibility of accomplish the quality demands for the products and service; -the disponibility of machines,equipments and hand made – qualified of technical service; -their commercial and financial viability; -their production capacity and their aptitude of respecting all the appointments established for delivers; -the efficiency of their system of assuring the quality. The main content concurents of SC CONFEXIM SA are knitted factories cotton from Caracal,Suceava,Iasi and Lehliu.A group of concurents which was nore and more powerful on the market are the small intern producers from which the most importants are: Alfa Design and Coty Design. A special category is represented by the indirect concurrence,the one that works sintetics,but which hit in the selling benefits of SC CONFEXIM SA. The main extern concurrence is represented by firms from China,France,Germany,Danmark,Switzerland and Bulgary.

80% from the production’s volum is realized using the base of John system – the prime material – is brought by the future client. The most important commands which the firm has with the sports clients are being with signed contracts with Rapid Club Bucharest and with the National Federation of Caiac Canoe. A special category of clients is represented by the auto services for which SC CONFEXIM SA makes work overalls. Concerning the extern clients SC CONFEXIM SA has selling – production contracts in John system,especially with parteners from Germany,Italy,France,England,Holland.

5.Bibliography: □ Kotler, Philip - „ Marketing Management. Analysis, Planning, Implementation and Control”, 9th Edition, Prentice-Hall International, Inc., Upper Saddle

River, New Jersey, 1997, p. 114. - „ Principles of Marketing” 3rd Edition, Prentice-Hall International,


New Jersey, 1998, p.86

□ Hollart, N.; Golden, P. - „Marketing Research for the Marketing and Advertising Executive”; American Marketing Association, New York Chapter 1981, chap.V, p. 42-43. □ Lucas, Henry C. – „Marketing Research”, Reston Publishing, Reston 1993, p. 334350. □ Cohen, William – „The practice of Marketing Management. Analysis, Planning and Implementation”, Macmillan Publishing Company 1988, p. 440.

□ Dabrymple, Douglas J.; Parsons, Leonard J. – „Marketing Management. Strategy and Cases.” , 5th Edition, John Wiley & Sons Publishing, 1990, p. 353-443




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