The Judgment

  • December 2019
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  • Pages: 5
Writing Workshop

The Judgment

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The group assembled at the exit door under the ‘Judgment’. The doors opened to a huge room filled with desks. Not in any orderly arrangement but scattered in a random pattern. On each desk and there where several computers; and above each desk was a white plastic sign with a name embossed in blue letters. The signs hung from a ceiling that was too high to be visible. The room had the feel of the Navy classification center after boot camp, only more cluttered. It was not what Herman expected. He was anticipating an impressive room like the United States Supreme Court, only more awesome. With God and Jesus and maybe some Angels sitting in huge thrones on a high dais. More like what John or Isaiah described in the Bible. Herman headed toward the “Herman Kaufman” desk because he could not read the other signs, either they were too blurred or written with strange looking characters. As he approached the desk a middle-aged woman beauracrat moved him with a downward motion of her left hand to a seat at her left facing the desk. He knew her name was Thompson. “How do I address her,” Herman thought as he sat down. “Do I call her ‘Miss’,’Mrs’, or ‘Ms’? I’ll just say ‘Mam’ or ‘you’.” he decided. “I have Mr. Helm’s report on your interview.” Wn. Thompson began. “Your interactive classification is ‘Argumentative ’.” “I am not!” Herman snapped. Their eyes locked. She had blues eyes that were not unfriendly and yet not friendly, but seemed to be deep as though she knew everything. “Well,” he resumed, “ I just didn’t agree with what he said about Time not existing here; and I didn’t like the fact that they stole my watch and my wallet with all my credit cards.” “You will now receive an explanation of the region to which you belong.” She continued. Herman realized that she was not going to be drawn into any discussion. She was all business. But he was not ready for her explanations. The discussion on the existence of Time had not been resolved to his satisfaction. He could think of more reasons which would prove the existence of Time. And he didn’t agree with this whole process. “ There should be some sort of trial where I get a chance to explain. I’m entitled to some defense attorney. Isn’t Jesus supposed to be my ‘mediator’?” After a lifetime of manipulating people, Herman was accustomed to talking his way out of difficult situations, “ And with Jesus’ help I expected this to turn out pretty well.” “ …and therefore since everything you have done or thought is on the record, “ the Bureaucrate was saying, “the only thing remaining to be done is tell you to which region you have been assigned.” “Wait a minute.” He interrupted. “What record?; what regions?; am I ever going to get a complete explanation from you people of what is going on? ”


Julien Green

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Writing Workshop

The Judgment

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“I can see why Mr. Helm gave you such a low rating in attentiveness. I just told you how the regions of the spiritual reality are classified but you were thinking about ‘Time’ and not paying attention. “ “How do you know what I was thinking?” Herman challenged. “Look at these screens,” Wn. Thompson pointed with her right hand to three computer monitors on her desk. “The first one, on the left, is a visual of your exo-form in its environment; it is like a cinema of your life. The second shows your thought process in images or audio. The third, on the right, shows your endo-form , or spiritual state . It may look like a bunch of expanding and contracting spirals to you because it takes specialized training to understand them, also they are being transformed from the spiritual to the material reality but more of that later. Please look at the first screen, the cinema, and tell me what you see.” “Me talking to you.” “Good. And now the second screen, the thought screen ” she indicated with her forefinger. The screen had system diagrams of monitors and central processing units with text boxes just like subtitles of the thoughts he had about the technology necessary to put together a system like this. The little cartoon bubbles said things like: “what is the bit resolution of the screens”; “where are the cameras and recorders?’; and “what kind of chip drives a system like this”. The screen , in its special way, presented exactly what he was thinking. “I have the audio turned off.” she interrupted his fascinated absorption. “ It is complicated to interpret actions simultaneously with their occurrence. Now with the controls on this panel I can bring up any event in your life. “ She manipulated the dials and the earlier portion of the interview came up on the first screen. He could see Wn. Thompson and himself in the room. The image on the screen was clearer than the reality. The other tables were clearly visible in the screen whereas when he looked directly at them everything was in a blurry haze. “That’s because we use image enhancement “ she was reading his thoughts, probably on some other set of screens. “ but look at what the thought screen recorded during our interview“ and sure enough, there were images of the interview with Mr. Helm having the discussion on Time and he heard the speakers broadcasting his inner voice, ” There should be some sort of trial where I get a chance to explain. I’m entitled to some defense attorney. Isn’t Jesus supposed to be my ‘mediator’?. And with Jesus’ help I expected this to turn out pretty well.” They do have a record of everything I thought and did. “OK. I agree. You have a record of my actions and my thoughts.” Herman admitted. “Now I want you to look at the cinema screen again. Notice the other desks?”


Julien Green

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Writing Workshop

The Judgment

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The other desks had interviewers very much like Wn. Thompson. She was wearing a light gray casual style jacket with a golden brooch on the left lapel. At the other desks the interviewers resembled her, not clones. But they looked related; and they were all dressed differently. As a matter of fact, now that he looked more closely, some the interviewees were dressed as though this was a costume ball. There were people from different countries so the outfits did not look out of place. There were people from different time periods: medieval clothes; Roman togas; even people dressed like a Star Trek show. “Yes, they are ‘for real’.” She no longer waited for Herman to speak. “Remember, Time does not exist here, only events. Your Judgment event will continue until the process is completed. “Yes, the guy, we call them souls, in the toga is from Rome. And the soul in the Star Trek suit is from your 25th century. That should give you something to think about. But for now let’s get back to your explanation. I’ll start the replay and you watch the cinema screen. Herman realized that he better pay attention this time. I wonder if that Star Trek guy is from some kind of parallel universe. But he reengaged his attention to the screen. The explanation of the Judgment process went as follows: First, the data of everything you ever did , thought, or felt is a matter of record. Therefore there are no questions of fact to be determined. The evaluation of that data determines where you belong in the spiritual realm. Where you belong in the spiritual realm is determined by your spiritual being. Your spiritual being , or endo-form, was developing as part the composite ‘I’ which your consuousness recognized as consisting your body. That ‘I’ also included your spirit, whether you recognized or not. Secondly, you are now in the spiritual realm. The dimensionality of your material reality does not exist here, only your endo-form, or spirit, has reality here. The former body, or exo-form, with which you were associated only exists as data or a memory. As a matter of fact there are some souls here who do not believe in the material world or that the exo-form exists. Third, in the interest of maintaining the maximum harmony and the minimum strife, you will be initially placed in a region of souls who have similar MDF indexes. The MDF (Magnitude Direction Factor) is an index based on the degree , intensity, or magnitude of your love for your belief and the degree to which that belief is directed to the Creator, God. Here is a diagram to illustrate the MDF and how it used to determine the placement of the soul in the spiritual world.


Julien Green

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Writing Workshop

The Judgment

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Spiritual MDF Positioning System

Spiritual Dimensions

Monday, October 27, 2003

There are two dimension in the spiritual world: 1. Spiritual health or magnitude of desire 2. Direction of desire. Every soul can be mapped to a point in the spiritual world based on the direction of its desire and its magnitude.

Direction of Desire

Direction of Desire

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The direction is toward God or against God and is deflected by the dominance of the mind or heart.

Brain, Mind Logical

Heart Intuitive

Spiritual Growth The spirit can change its position by changing magnitude or direction

Magnitude of Desire This is the dimension of strength or health of a spirit. It may be considered as analogues to height or stature.

Julien Green Monday, October 27, 2003 (c)

MDF: Magnitude Direction Factor 10/27/2003 Matures


Julien Green Monday, October 27, 2003 (c)


Julien Green

3/4/2009@22:44 A3/P3

Writing Workshop

The Judgment

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Spritual Regions defined by MDF Indices Monday, October 27, 2003 Toward God



Against God

Julien Green Monday, October 27, 2003 (c)


Julien Green

3/4/2009@22:44 A3/P3

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