The Iraq War

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A Recap of the Iraq War

Now it’s been more than 6 years after the invasion of Iraq by the United States/United Kingdom coalition with other nations (46 and some militarily small or with no military like the Solomon Islands and Tonga). I came out against the war in August 2003 and I’m fully validated by time. It was illegal and immoral since there was no Constitutional declaration of war, no Iraqi involvement in 9/11, no massive quantities of WMDs or nuclear weapons inside Iraq, no collaborative link to al-Qaeda, plus Iraq was not an immediate or direct threat to America (Iraq was effectively contained for 12 years by the no-fly zone and destructive U.S./U.N. sanctions/embargo). The Atomic Energy

Commission and other sources refutes it saying that the majority of his WMDs were destroyed from 1990-1999. Atomic Energy Commission as late as Janurary 2002, found no weapons of mass destruction and even said that Iraq fully cooperated with its routine inspections. Even the terroristic CIA said that Iraq posed no threat to the United States of America. The recently found evidence of mobile labs and a report still doesn’t prove that he presently had an elaborate WMD system in Iraq. According to Australian investigative journalist John Pilger said that Collin Powell and National Security Adviser Condolezza Rice in early 2001 said that Saddam Hussein has been disarmed and was no threat. On 5 June 2003, an Associated Press report “Neither trailer had any biological agent inside, nor showed any signs that they had been used to

produce biological weapons.” This crushes any justification for a pre-emptive war. It’s as simple as that. Iraq has a very long history. It is the foundation of the civilization of the Sumerians. The Sumerians invented the plywood wheel. Iraq was once called Mesopotamia thousands of years ago. Iraq was home of the Babylonian and Assyrian Empires. The civilizations in the ancient Middle East have images and dogma that influence Secret Societies to this very day. These groups are the

Freemasons, Rosicrucians, the O.T.O., the Bohemian Grove, and the Jesuits. Even 33rd Degree Freemasons Manly P. Hall and Albert Pike admits that the Mysteries from ancient Egypt & ancient Babylon have links to the Order of Freemasonry. Hall admitted that: "Preston, Gould, Mackey, Oliver, and Pike—in fact, nearly every great historian of Freemasonry-have all admitted the possibility of the modern society being connected, indirectly at least, with the ancient Mysteries, and their descriptions of the modern society are prefaced by excerpts from ancient writings descriptive of primitive ceremonials. These eminent Masonic scholars have all recognized in the legend of Hiram Abiff an adaptation of the Osiris myth; nor do they deny that the major part of the symbolism of the craft is derived from the pagan institutions of antiquity when the gods were venerated in secret places with strange figures and appropriate rituals." (Manly P. Hall’s work called, "Rosicrucian and Masonic Origins.") The Ottoman Empire ruled Iran for centuries. Wars according among Iranians and others that caused the population of Iraq to shrink to under 5 million people by the early 20th century. The global elite

[whose leaders are high level Freemasons, the Vatican/Jesuit network, the Pilgrims, Black Nobility bloodlines, etc.) used General Lord Allenby and T.E. Lawrence [or the real life Lawrence of Arabia from the movie] leading Muslim Arabic people of Palestine to force the Muslim Turks out of Palestine to make Palestine a British Protectorate. World War I caused the Ottoman Empire to end. The British lost 92,000 soldiers in the Mesopotamian campaign. The British captured a total of 45,000 prisoners of war (many of whom existed from the Ottoman Empire). Later in 1918, the Zionists issued the Balfour Declaration, which was a letter from Lord Arthur Balfour to Lord Lionel Walter Rothschild, stating that Great Britain will create Palestine for the homeland of the Jewish people and not discriminate against the Arabic people. Both sides whether Jews and Arabs have committed contributions and made mistakes and massacres to each other for decades and even now. The Masonic Jewish Labor Zionists [plus their allies like the Kadima Party, etc.] and the Masonic Islamic Arabic Dynasties (under the supervision of Papal Knighthoods, high level Freemasons, Pilgrims, etc. as documented by the great researcher Troy) controlled the situations from behind the scenes in the Middle East. These leader colloborate with each other (to the deteriment of their respective citizens). For example, the leader of Jordan's father was a Freemason and King Abdullah II of Jordan is a Brother Freemason (who is even shaking hands to rumored brother Freemason Ehud Barak of Israel). It's a historical fact that even before WWI ended, the British carved out the Middle East (through the May 1916 Sykes-Picot Agreement). They and the rest of the West still had heavy influence toward the nations of Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, etc. For example, British agent St. John Philby worked with Ibn Saud to overthrow the Hashemite Kingdom and form a new Saudi Arabian kingdom in the 1920's. The Sykes Picot Agreement allowed Britain to rule Palestine and the French to control Lebanon and Syria. Although I would say that many Arabs in the early 20th century legitimately wanted nationalism to free

themselves from British and French colonalism. In 1923, Great Britian formed Palestine and "TransJordan." In 1936, the Franco-Syrian treaty existed. That treaty allowed France to justly give Syria and Lebanon independence.

Here’s a Map of the Treaty of Treaty of Sèvres

The Treaty of Sèvres was formed in August 10, 1920. It was a peace treaty between the Ottoman Empire and the Allies at the end of WWI. This came before the Treaty of Lausanne in 1923, which formed the Republic of Turkey and ended officially the Ottoman Empire. In the 1920’s, a British Mandate formed an unified Iraq nation (which unified the Ottoman vilayets or regions of Baghdad, Basra, and Mosul). Mosul was in the Northern region of Iraq.

The British people during the mandate suppressed Arabic and Kurdish rebellions against the occupation. The British made the Hashemite King Faisal to rule Iraq (he was forced out of Syria by the French). The British authorities selected Sunni Arabic elites in the region for appointments to government and ministry offices. This caused problems since most of Iraq is made up of Shia citizens. King Faisal urged an independent Iraq and it came about in 1932. Faisal died in 1933, so King Ghazi of Iraq ruled as a figurehead. The United Kingdom invaded Iraq in 1941 (see Anglo-Iraqi War), for fear that the government of Rashid Ali alGaylani might cut oil supplies to Western nations, and because of his links to the Axis powers. The Nazis wanted Iraqi resources during WWII, but the British forces prevented that from occurring. Riots in Iraq occurred during World War Two as well. A military occupation followed the restoration of the Hashemite monarchy, and the occupation ended on October 26, 1947. The Hashemite monarchy came about until 1958 when the Iraqi Army lead a coup d’etat in the July 14 Revolution. The Brigadier General Abdul Karim Qassim lead into power after the Revolution. His government lasted only until the February 1963 coup, when it was overthrown by Colonel Abdul Salam Arif. Salam Arif died in 1966 and his brother, Abdul Rahman Arif, assumed the presidency. In 1968, Rahman Arif was overthrown by the Arab Socialist Baath Party. *The Iraq War isn’t as covered as in the mainstream media since the Afghanistan war is still going on (along with the illegal bombings of Pakistan by the U.S. government). Plans for the war existed way before 9/11 even admitted by former Treasury Secretary Paul O’Neill and Richard Clarke (the former White House Counter Terrorism Chief and author of “Against all Enemies”). Neoconservatives like Richard Cheney, Paul Wolfowitz, Colin Powell, Paul Woosely [who is a Rhodes Scholar], Condoleezza Rice, and others just assented with the Iraq plot. Saddam is indeed an evil criminal, but illegitimate means must not be used to carry out a positive end. With him being a tyrant, the invasions of Sudan, Iran, China, are needed since those nations have genocide of millions of human beings with despotic dictators. I wanted to write these words down, because in recent times the neo-cons (and others) are using historical revisionism in attempting to justify the Iraq War.

The CIA used Saddam Hussein himself in 1959 in the attempted assassination of Iraqi leader Qasim. Now, Saddam comes to power in the late 1970’s by murdering is opposition. The USA immediately supports them in the Iran-Iraq war of the 1980’s. Why? Both countries are evil dictatorships and there is absolutely no moral equivalency between both, but we hear today by the Bush Administration that Iraq is evil yet we supported them throughout the 1980’s by Reagan and Bush. Bush worked with many terrorists group through the companies of the BCCL and the BNL. We gave them anthrax and chemical weapons. The USA government has just as much blood than Saddam even more since for decades the CIA installed ruthless dictators as heads of states throughout the Earth. In March 1985, President Reagan signed National Security Decision Directive 166 that authorized stepping up military aid to the mujaheddin to defeat Soviet troops in Afghanistan. Osama bin Laden had contact with the CIA as late as July 2001. The United States sent Iraq weapons of Mass Destruction. One example of this is when U.S. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld came to Baghdad in December 12th-14th, 1983 to arrange for billions of dollars in loans and supplied Iraq with chemical and biological weapons (as well as cluster bombs) to be used against Iran. Donald Rumsfeld shook hands Saddam Hussein’s hands in a photo at 1983. Margie Burns writes that the U.S.

Department of Commerce licensed 70 biological exports to Iraq between 1985 and 1989, including at least 21 batches of lethal strains of anthrax. War commander General Tommy Franks secretly began the war on March 13, 2003 (according to the DEBKA file Special Report). March 13 is exactly 18 months after 9/11 (18=6+6+6) near the Ides of March (Ides=Roman false god of war). On March 17, 2003, President George W. Bush sent a 48-hour ultimatum to Iraq for a show since this battle was in the making for years. Friday on March 19, 2003 at 9:33 pm. EST was the date Bush publicly ordered the invasion of Iraq. The early warfare (from March 13th-April 5th, 2003) was very easy to defeat the Iraqi military, but the reconstruction is the main problem that the American troops are dealing with. The mainstream media called this start of the war as the beginning of "Shock and Awe." This time was known as the eve of Ostara. Numerous Occultists worship the false goddess Gaia (or Mother Earth) on this day. March 21st was the Spring Vernal Equionix. The pagan Druids celebrate this day as a time of fertility or a day of feast. The first phrase of the war ended on May 1, 2003, which is the beginning of the pagan holiday of Beltaine. Beltaine was about sheeding blood to give fertility to the Earth. Just months after March 2003 at November 2003, the U.S. executed “Operation IronHammer” launched by the 1st Armored Division’s 3rd Bridage into the

roughest areas of Baghdad to ferret out attackers who murdered scores of U.S. troops since April 2003 (when Hussein was ousted) A Pentagon offical denied any Nazi operation connection by outlining that “Old Ironsides” was the nickname of the 1st Armored Division. The truth is that there is a Nazi relationship with Eisenhammer, the German word for Iron Hammer. This was a Luftwaffe code name to destroy Soviet generating plants in 1943 at Moscow and Gorky. That plan was postponed on many occasions and ended in 1945 when Allied air assault destroyed many German planes on the ground. The war in Afghanistan was originally called Operation Infinite Justice then changed to Operation Enduring Freedom (for the reason of not offending Muslims ho view Allah as providing infinite justice according to the Koran). The majority of the fighting is at the Sunni Triangle, a 100-mile swat of land from Baghdad north to Tikrit where 80% of the guerilla attacks occur.

The Iraq war is a major step to place more power within the United Nations leading to global government. All of the procedures to fight were bounded by U.N. Resolutions, which is wrong because the U.S.A. is a sovereign nation. The U.S. can fight in wars without the U.N. approval if the U.S. is truly threatened. The complex question of how to give Shiites, Sunnis, Kurds, and Christians' liberty will have to answer as well. Now, the U.S./U.K. alliance is attempting to plant WMDs receiving them from the southern ports of Iraq recorded in the March 13, 2004 article at the Tehran Times. Over 4,000+ American G.I.s died with 100,000+ Iraqi civilians killed for lies. 130,000 U.S. troops plus 25,000 troops from other nations are in Iraq now and this occupation costs $1 billion a week totally in around $673 billion. Our soldiers are just stretched too thin in 70% of the world’s countries with 74,796 troops even in Germany. Thousands of troops in Iraq are being shipped into Afghanistan in 2009. The American Empire’s “Shock and Awe” theatrics is still causing problems in Iraq. This is the truth and firm, concise developments of “Operation Iraqi Freedom.” The ex-President George W. Bush mislead the American people and we will have to face up to it.

Ex-General Tommy Franks Desires to Abolish the U.S. Constitution/War Crimes Former Central Command commander General Tommy Franks warned in the Cigar Aficionado Magazine that: “It means the potential of a weapon of mass destruction and a terrorist, massive, casualtyproducing event somewhere in the Western world – it may be in the United States of America – that causes our population to question our own Constitution and to begin to militarize our country in order to avoid a repeat of another mass, casualty-producing event. Which in fact, then begins to unravel the fabric of our Constitution. Two steps, very, very important.” Wow, Franks clearly said that if an attack occurs in the USA, the scrapping of the U.S. Constitution is in order. When will the Bush followers learn that folks who give up essential liberty for temporary security deserve neither. The neo-cons are just salivating at this. These individuals seek endless, fake terror alerts (i.e. Code Orange) so they can have time to create their possible next terror attack in America or pass the Victory Act. Franks wants martial law to reign with a militarized police state. Today, he’s a Retired U.S. Army General who oversaw military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. He recently received Knighthood at May 2004. Britain’s Ministry of Defense said that Defense Secretary Geoff Hoon will make Franks a Knight Commander of the Order of the British Empire in a private ceremony (His name has the KBE after it since ‘sir’ is a distinction reserved for British citizens). The Associated Press on May 25, 2004, 5:27 am. EDT presented this information. Now, Franks is charged with war crimes in Brussels by 20 victims in: “-The use of cluster bombs -Attacks on the civilian population including journalists -Acts of aggression against health services and other Iraqi infrastructure -Looting protected by or under orders from the U.S. army.” (From

In 2009, now, the military in America are doing exercises constantly to fulfill plans about how to react during times of martial law.

Halliburton One of the greatest war profiteering companies in this generation has to be Halliburton. Erle P. Halliburton whose headquarters were originally in Duncan, Oklahoma, founded this oil company in 1919. By 1961, it moved to Dallas, Texas. Halliburton acquired Brown and Root of Houston Texas in 1962. There are those who believe that Halliburton plus Brown & Root have links to the events of the Kennedy assassination. The reason is that they believe that both corporate entities financed in part Permindex (which is true. Linda Minor have written about this issue in her 2000 work entitled, “The Deep Politics of the Bush Family Political Empire). Minor wrote that the Bush Family had connections with the Hudson’s Bay Company, and other British plus Scottish Companies. Permindex is the corporate front filled with Knights of St. John and Vatican agents that researchers believed was involved in the operation of the Kennedy assassination. Many realize that Brown and Root benefited financially from the Vietnam War. Its most infamous head was Richard Cheney, a member of the Bohemian Grove. From 19972000, Cheney’s Halliburton sold $73 million (according to the Newsmax Article “Halliburton Iraq Ties More than Cheney said” from June 25, 2001) worth of oil equipment and services to Iraq through subsidiaries Dresser-Rand and Ingersoll Dresser Pump to help rebuilt Iraq. This violated the embargo with Iraq, therefore Cheney is a criminal. Cheney also presided over his company’s job cuts including ca. 11,000 workers in 1999 giving Halliburton $438 million in profits. Since the layoffs, Halliburton was on a new plateau. Lt. Robert B. Flowers of the Army Corps of Engineers mentioned that Halliburton’s no-bid contracts (without competition) was worth up to $7 billion over 2 years. This will give Halliburton a net profit of $490 million including control over operation distrubition, put out potential oil fires in Iraq, and run all phases of Iraq’s oil industry according to CNN Money. If that’s not bad enough, problems are arising with this corrupt member of the military, industrial complex. Even in January 17, 2004, an article of the NY Times by Eric Schitt outlined that Halliburton restricted $174.5 million to feed our troops in meal planning, food purchasing, and meal preparation until a dispute was settled.

Recently in 2004, an audit proved that Halliburton overcharged the U.S. Army for fuel and the overcharge cost is $61 million. Again, Army Corps of Engineers Lt. General Robert Flowers signed the waiver listing Halliburton subsidiary, Kellogg Brown and Root as a sole source even though there are many competitors. Well, it isn’t just Halliburton exploitation wars, but other select companies such as Bechtel Group, Flour Corp, Parsons Corp., and the Louis Berger Group. All of this was predetermined. According to the Wall Street Journal, the Iraqi reconstruction plan includes economically important roads, and about 1,500 miles of roadways within 18 months. Bechtel is important as well being a private construction firm from San Francisco. It was award a State Department contract worth up to $680 million (i.e. 34.6 million of 18 month Iraqi reconstruction contract). They will be involved in rehabilitation, expansion, and key elements of Iraq’s infrastructure [i.e. electrical grids, water, and wast e water system]. Bechtel wanted an oil pipeline in Iraq and illegally gave weapons into Iraq like cluster bombs (1 out of 24 companies that did this reported in during the 1980’s. This as when Hussein was committing atrocities against the Iraqi people.

New evidence points to a Bechtel-bin Laden connection. The New York magazine article called “The Contractors” from May 5, 2003 reported that the bin Laden family invested $10 million in a private equity fund operated by a former subsidiary of Bechtel (The Fremont Group) before 9/11. The Fremont Group is a San Franscisco private investment firm including Bechtel CEO Riley P. Bechtel and former Bechtel President George P. Shultz (Bohemian Grove member) with other Bechtel directors. Kellogg, Brown and Root was also awarded $33 million to build the detention camp at Guantanamo Bay to house so-called “al-Qaeda” suspects. This is reported in the Mail and Gaurdian Online from on April 14, 2004, Corporate Watch on April 24, 2003 at , and other sources. The whole Bush White House had strong oil influences like these:

1). George W. Bush- He was the Head of Arbusto in the 1970’s and then a board member of Harken in the 1980’s. 2). Richard Cheney-Cheney was once was the CEO of Halliburton until 2001 and he received $1 million in compensation ever since. 3). Donald Rumsfeld-In 1977, he joined the private sector as the CEO of G.D. Searle, a pharmaceutical company that’s now a subsidiary of Pharmacia 4). Condoleezza Rice- Rice was the Board of Director of Chevron. Rice was also a

director at two other multinationals—brokerage firm Charles Schwab and insurance company Transamerica Corp. Even a tanker is named after her which is an 130,000 ton tank. Halliburton has a dubious environmental record. On

June 7, 2006 Halliburton's Farmington, New Mexico facility created a toxic cloud that forced people to evacuate from their homes. While this globalist neo-con war is occurring, Cheney is having fun. He received $1 million per year plus a $20 million retirement bonus by Halliburton (Cheney claims the $20 million goes to charity). Halliburton even has political contributions as high as $1.2 million to mostly Republican candidates. The oil belongs to the people of Iraq not select corporations in this phony, crony capitalism.

U.S. Military Support/Iraqi Civilian Deaths/Uranium I love the troops. I live with a family consisting of a military background. I truly respect all of the sacrifice our soldiers gave to this country. Supporting the troops is not what Bush is doing; he’s killing them in an illegal war. The best way to support the troops is just tell them the truth about the Iraq War being fought for lies. The troops should be praised but told the truth and use their resources to improve the country of Iraq and no longer join in wars unless for a just and legitimate reason. George W. Bush hasn’t even given the military body armor, veteran benefits, or sending our troops home from the National Guard. That’s isn’t patriotic. For almost 13 years, the United Nations Security Council imposed an all-encompassing embargo in Iraqi imports and exports. This was utilized to force Hussein to destroy his WMDs (which were nearly gone by the late 1990s) and it killed: “…According to UN aid agencies, by the mid-1990s about 1.5 million Iraqis - including 565,000 children - had perished as a direct result of the embargo, which included "holds" on vital goods such as chemicals and equipment to produce clean drinking water. Former assistant

secretary general of the United Nations, Dennis Halliday, quit in protest in 1998 after one year at the helm as the UN humanitarian coordinator in Iraq. He described the sanctions as genocidal…" (From Sanctions killed 1.5m Iraqis: UN agencies by Rob Kennedy at The embargo even withheld vital goods like chemicals and equipment to produce clean-drinking water. John Pilger, an award-winning journalist exposing also the U.S./U.K. folly by producing “Paying the Price: Killing the Children of Iraq” outlined that up to July 2002, the U.S. backed by Britain obstructed $5.4 billion in vital humanitarian supplies for the people. Even the UNICEF admitted in October 1996 that 4,500 Iraqi children under 5 died every month by a product of sanctions inducing starvation and disease. You can’t really talk about Iraq without knowing about Depleted Uranium. Depleted Uranium is a product of nuclear power plants. All forms of uranium (whether natural, depleted, or enriched) are a toxic, radiological element. Exposure to this leads to problems with your lungs, kidneys, bones, and etc. resulting in genetic damage, cancer, and even death. 375 tons are used in the 1991 Gulf War. In fact, the Gulf syndrome is most probably a product of D.U. (Deplet ed Uranium) irradiation, vaccines, plus local biting insects (parasites). 120,000 Gulf War veterans are chronically ill (The government is complicit in this). A U.S. Department of Veterans study of251 veteran’s families found that 67% had children with severe illness or birth defects. In this 21st century Iraq war, experts from the U.S. and U.K. estimated that 1,1002,200 tons of Armour piercing shells was made of D.U. during the attack of Iraqi forces in Baghdad. The U.S. in 2004 dropped 10 times more of D.U. than the Gulf War on the entire land. Iraqi civilians are affected as well.

The torture in Abu Ghraib and other places in Iraq was as evil and sophisticated as the torture done by Josef Mengele in Nazi Germany. Tons of the people in Iraq

were innocent, yet some of them were locked up in prisons from across the nation. In one case reported by Human Rights Watch "soldiers tied a beaten detainee to the top of his cell door and gagged him. The death certificate indicated he died of natural causes...during his sleep" Afterwards, the Pentagon "changed the cause of death to homicide by blunt force injuries and suffocation." This torture was based on memos, which was created from some of the highest members of the American government. To this day, those who created these memos are escaping justice for their deeds (while only the perpetrators are in prison).

The higher weight of D.U. shells allows U.S. tanks to shoot twice as far and gives them a range of 2 miles. According to Dutch Laka Foundation, the U.S. left 800 tons of radioactive waste from all over Kuwait and Iraq-poisoning the air, land, water, and the people everywhere. 1,000s of Iraqis babies have birth defects. The first Fullujah massacre (in the conservative Sunni town of Fallujah, 35 miles west of Baghdad) was the 82nd Airborne Division randomly opened fire on a crowd of demonstrators. Even a 13-year old body was dead by troops which mistaken them as the enemy. More than 1,000 Iraqi boys are jailed or detained by the U.S. according to Al-Jazeera in March 7, 2004. They are given no rights, or lawyers, and mostly denied visits. Many Iraqi p risoners have suffered through obscene torture exposed at Abu Ghriab by and in the BBC News, UK Daily Mail, NY Times, Washington Post, and Reuters all reported in April 30, 2004. American soldiers suffered death, P.O.Ws, terror, and other negative acts by Muslim extremists, Ba’athist remmence, Fedhyadhen, and al-Qaeda, etc. In March 31, 2004, insurgents killed American soldiers. Their bodies were mutilated and dangled on a bridge, which is also sick and wrong.

Divisions, Puppet Leadership, and the Iraqi Constitution The 3 main groups in Iraq are the Sunni, Shia, and the Kurds vying for liberty and political control. If true democracy (mob rule) is brought to Iraq, the Shiites will have more control since they make up 60% of the population. The Bush White House doesn’t want this since the Shiites have their Islamic clerics influenced by Iran leading towards a Muslim theocracy. Ex-Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld on the eve of his tour in Iraq as early as June 2003 voiced that “A vocal minority clamoring to transform Iran’s image will not be permitted to do so.” CFR member Biden and CFR

President Emeritus Leslie H. Gelb) once supported a plan to divide up the nation along sectarian ties (such proposals were mapped out years before the war began in 2003). Ethnic strife has been predicted as 1997 in some cases. Stephen Zunes, professor of Politics and chair of the Peace & Justice Studies Program at the University of San Francisco, wrote that, "Top analysts in the CIA and State Department, as well as large numbers of Middle East experts, warned that a U.S. invasion of Iraq could result in a violent ethnic and sectarian conflict. Even some of the war's intellectual architects acknowledged as much: In a 1997 paper, prior to becoming major figures in the Bush foreign policy team, David Wurmser, Richard Perle, and Douglas Feith predicted that a post-Saddam Iraq would likely be "ripped apart" by sectarianism and other cleavages but called on the United States to "expedite" such a collapse anyway." Extremely influential Ayatollah Sistani is one such Shia cleric who wants the democratic process to be faster and America is less reluctant to follow his lead. Sistani doesn’t advocate a theocracy, but al-Sadr does. The other problem is that if the Shi’ites are too underrepresented, those peaceful Shiites u nit could join the violent insurgency to rebel. The combined terrorist/Shiite unit would be too large to contain by occupying U.S. military force already stretched too thin. Prior to the Invasion of Iraq in 2003, the Sunnis ruled Iraq for centuries. During the Ottoman Empire’s reign over Iraq, it was still a Sunnicontrolled state. Many of the Shia was persecuted for their religious beliefs on Islam. Saddam killed the Kurds and the Kurds fear U.S. betrayal along with being under represented. Unfortunately, the Anglo-American imperialist force had puppet leadership for a long time including now. If the Illuminati fermented this war for a false pretext and sinister motives, then it’s reasonable to assume that they will hand pick Iraqi leadership instead of letting the Iraqi citizens decide. I will explore 3 men: Saddam Hussein, Abdul Majid al-Khoei, and Ahmed Chalibi. In 1959, the CIA organized a coup against Iraqi leader Abdel Karim Qasim (pro-Communist and Soviet leaning) with a 6-man assassination team. Saddam Hussein was part of that team. It failed. By 1963, the other coup was successful with help from the CIA to overthrow Qadim and establish the Baath party into party. Ali Saleh Sa’adi (the Ba’ath Secretary general) even admitted that “we came to power on a CIA train.” Roger Morris (a former State Department foreign service officer who was on the National Security Councils staff during the Johnson and Nixon administrations) agreed with the CIA/Ba’ath party/Saddam link. In the middle of the 1980s, Miles Copeland, a veteran CIA operative, told UPI that the CIA had "close ties" with Qasim's ruling Baath Party, just as it had close connections with the intelligence service of Egyptian leader Gamel Abd Nassar. Soon the Ba’ath party was booted after 1963 so CIA again supported the Ba’ath party coup (a palace revolt) in 1968 led by Hassan al-Bakr who gave power to his protégé Saddam Hussein by 1979. Th e rest is history. The second puppet, Abdul Majid al-Khoei was sent by the U.S. to Basra to convince the Shiites to go along with the illegal U.S. war in Iraq. He was assassinated in April 2003.

The most famous figurehead is Ahmed Chalabi. He was born in 1945 and his grandfather was a minister in the Iraqi parliament during the 1920’s. He won’t be the new leader of Iraq since Allahwi (a paid CIA person for years) is the new Prime “Minister” of Iraq. When the King Faisal II was toppled in 1958, Chalabi’s family fled. He was educated in America. Dr. Chalabi’s is a protégé of Albert Wohlstetter (a neo-con at the University of Chicago) In the 1970’s he was a math professor at the University of Beirut. Ahmed served as an agent for the Shah of Iran’s feared SAVAK secret police. Also, when he was an adult, he ran a bank in Jordan (the Petra bank in Amman). In 1992, a Jordanian court sentenced Chalabi won absentia to 22 years in prison to hard labor for embezzlement (of $60 million), theft, etc. after the collapse of the businessman’s Jordanian bank. He fled when Jordan’s central bankers were trying to uncover what happened to about $300 million in missing deposits. The good news is that Chalabi today in 2009 has been discredited today and has no influence in Iraq presently. The Cheney-Rumsfeld-Wolofwitz gang is united with him. He loves Israel (I don’t have a problem with that) and desires an oil pipeline from Iraq to Israel. When other neo-cons like Richard Perle and Joseph Liberman are his friends, then Chalabi is a tool. Now he’s the Shiite leader of the Iraqi National Congress. The interim Iraq Constitution was approved upon March 8, 2004. Paul Bremer, the top civilian administrator in Iraq, must fully approve it. This is a 25-page document that classifies Iraq as “federal, democratic, and pluralistic.” Islam is the official religion, but not in a theocratic sense, but within basic religion freedom. The Iraqi Constitution has similar parts to the American Constitution like rule of law, equality before the law, the right to counsel, etc. In the Iraqi Constitution, there is no fundamental, individual right to bear arms. Article 17 just says that arms can be restricted by use of statutory law. Individual militias are banned except provided by federal law. Collin Powell hails the Constitution. Angel Shanya (founder and executive director of Keep and Bear Arms) plus Erich Pratt (director of communication for Gun Owners of America) criticized this immoral prohibition of arms. Any people including the Iraqis have a right to have weapons to defend themselves and they should have guns. The Iraqi people are restricted in their calls for immediate, democratic elections. (That's Similar to the electronic phony voting system in America). Even peaceful demonstrations are limited in Iraq: “If a permit is granted, the American statement said, demonstrators would not be allowed to wear the traditional galabiya (a loose shirt-like garment), helmets, hoods or even cover their faces. Would-be Iraqi demonstrators must also not carry guns, even th e licensed, stones or sticks, added the statement. Last but not least, any demonstration must not last more than four hours and should not be organized less than 500 meters away from the headquarters of the occupation forces and the affiliated institutions. According to the statement issued by the U.S.-led occupation forces any "breach" of these restrictions will result in the detention and trial of the "violator”. (From U.S. Restricts Demonstrations In Iraq by Aws Al-Sharqy, IOL Correspondent January 1, 2004) *The U.S. and the U.K. denied the Iraqis real self-rule and sovereignty many times. June 30, 2004 came and Iraq is classified as a “sovereign country.” As an aside note: In early April 2004, chaos reigned in central Iraq starting with Shiite cleric Motqata al-Sadr (his father was murdered by Saddam’s m ilitia in 1999. He appears to be controlled by Iran) from Fullujah. Sadr fiercely opposes U.S. occupation so he inspired the Shia to fight American troops (to form a theocracy). The result is a short uprising by many Shiites. 12 Marines were killed in Ar Ramadi in April 6th, 2004. Fights occurred simultaneously at one point in Najar and other locations with the Mehdi Army, a militia group. Al-Sadr forces were once formidable part of 3 fronts of attacks on the U.S. (i.e. al-Sadr loyalists, Sunni insurgency, and al-Qeada terrorists now in Iraq). Sadr was hold up in a mosque holy (on April 7, they bombed a wall near it with a 500lb. Bomb) to Muslims then Operation Vigilant Resolve (U.S. offensive) came and defeated them. Sadr is in prison now and he is released. He still lives in Iraq as an influential leader. It’s seems to me that one of the

secret reasons why the Iraq War occurred was to pacify the Shia people since the West have favored Sunni hegemony in the Middle East for over 100 years.

The Future in Iraq The Iraq War is not over yet. "Why suicide bombers are back in Iraq: War far from over" is an article that was written By Steve Niva, for the Asia Times, on May 7, 2009. The suicide bombings are still in Iraq in 2009. So, the war in Iraq has a long time before it is finished. Recently, there was a significant downturn of these suicide bombings with only 6 suicide attacks between December 2008 and March 2009. Yet, there have been 25 suicide bombings in Iraq in the last two months, contributing to the worst spate of violence in Iraq in nearly a year. In President Bush's time, Iran ordered the Mahdi Army under the Shia cleric al Sadr to have a ceasefire. It occured with only a Sunni bloc there to fight the West They were mostly defeated. The new bombers have more sophistication in their weapons. Some accuse Iran of supplying them bombings. The new wave of suicide bombings culminated in a coordinated series of four bomb blasts across Iraq on March 23, three of them suicide bombings. The bombings spiked in April, with attacks on Iraqi army bases and police stations in Shi'ite enclaves and holy sites. Attacks also targeted US-backed Sunni militia leaders and US forces, including a massive suicide truck bomb in Mosul that killed five US soldiers, the deadliest strike on American troops in a year. The nearly 20 suicide bombings in April have made it the deadliest month in 2009 for Iraqi civilians, with nearly 300 dead according to Iraqi Interior Ministry officials, compared with only 51 killed in February and 70 in January. The future is uncertain for Iraq. Iraq could be more freedom embracing or it won't for many years to come. One thing is for sure. The elite want to control Iraq into making that nation into being a Western puppet nation (since it has tons of oil resoucres and the West wants to promote the Secret Society goal of a world democracy. If this can occur in the heart of the Middle East like Iraq, it can occur globally in the minds of the globalists).

There is still propaganda going on. The news media says that troops are starting to leave Iraq, but the truth is the opposite. The reality is that thousands of U.S. troops are to remain stationed at dozens of U.S. military bases throughout the country. The corporate media says that Iraqis are regaining their sovereignty as U.S. troops are being pulled out from Iraqi cities. This is propaganda since now, there remains about 130,000 U.S. military personnel in Iraq. Most of the U.S. soldiers that had been deployed in Iraqi cities are being returned to garrisons elsewhere in the country. The United States Air Force controls Iraq's airspace and the U.S. Navy controls Iraq's territorial waters. This isn't an example of Iraqi sovereignty at all. Even Admiral Mike Mullen said that Barack Obama's proclamation of a withdrawal date of 2011 isn't definite or guaranteed. Obama will have thousands of residual U.S. troops to train Iraqi security forces, hunt down foreign terrorist cells, and guard American institutions. Iraq was invaded in order to make it a client state of the new world order. A senior military officer spelled it out more plainly to the Los Angeles Times in the following words, “When President Obama said we were going to get out within 16 months, some people heard, ‘get out,’ and everyone’s gone. But that is not going to happen,” the officer said. Indeed, at the last count which took place nearly three years ago, the U.S. military had already built no less than 55

fully functional military bases in Iraq, with funding in place to build many more. Some U.S. troops aren't even leaving the cities altogether. Reports confirm that U.S. tanks will continue to patrol the areas outside of the “green zone” and the airport in Baghdad. The streets of major cities will still be patrolled by U.S.-trained Iraqi soldiers manning checkpoints everywhere harassing people for IDs. In addition, if the Iraqis “request help” from U.S. troops to undertake security procedures, they’ll be right back on the streets just as before. Some Iraqis realize that the news about withdrawal is all a charade. As the New York Times admits, the “celebrations” today “seemed contrived”, “Police cars were festooned with plastic flowers, and signs celebrating “independence day” were tied to blast walls and fences around the city. On Monday, night a festive evening celebration in Zahra Park with singers and entertainers drew primarily young men, many of them off-duty police officers,” according to the report.

“There is no doubt this is not national sovereignty because the Americans will stay inside Iraq in military bases,” said Najim Salim, 40, a teacher in Basra. “But the government wants to convince the citizens that there is a withdrawal of foreign troops, although the government could not protect citizens in some cities in Iraq even with the presence of U.S. forces.” So, Iraq can be a real sovereign nation in the future, but it isn't now. The Iraqi War will always be an unjustified war. There are declassified documents that reveal that Saddam Hussein wanted an alliance with America. This is among tons of evidence proving that the United States wanted to bomb Iraq after 9/11 irrespective if WMDs existed or not. The WMD charade was utilized as a sideshow to buy time in getting the invasion going. Saddam wanted that alliance since he was more afraid of Iran. “Saddam Hussein feared Iran’s arsenal more than a U.S. attack, and even considered asking ex-President George W. Bush “to protect” Iraq from its neighbor, once secret FBI files show,” reports the New York Daily News. The FBI interrogations of the toppled tyrant - codename “Desert Spider” - were declassified after a Freedom of Information Act request. Hussein told the interrogations that the Iranian ayatollahs are fanatcis. He called Osama bin Laden a zealot and he also wanted to partner with North Korea. Saddam Hussein denied having weapons of mass destruction as he had ordered the destruction of remaining WMD before the invasion. So desperate were the Bush administration to find a pretext to go into Iraq, that they even proposed staging provocations that would be blamed on Saddam. As was highlighted again in the news for years, once it became obvious that UN inspectors would fail to find weapons of mass destruction, the government discussed alternative scenarios to hoodwink the UN into signing a new resolution authorizing military action. One such proposal was to paint a U2 reconnaissance aircraft in UN colors and fly it over Iraqi territory, goading Saddam to order to aircraft shot at and thus violating UN resolutions. These facts prove that the Iraq War wasn't really about liberating human beings. It was about forming a foothold for U.S. imperial expansion in the region. It was about increasing the power of the military industrial complex with lucrative no bid contracts and forming the new world order by "secularizing" Middle Eastern nations. Hopefully,

Iraq can be a real free nation, but that will take some time and effort among the Iraqi people fundamentally.

Blackwater Blackwater is now XE today. We realize the crimes that Blackwater have done for years in Iraq and other nations worldwide. Erik Prince was that head of Blackwater and he's a Papal agent. Even a former employee of Blackwater said that Prince views himself as a Christian crusader tasked with eliminating Muslims and the Islamic faith from the globe. The war on terror has been a crusade against Muslims for years now. Yet, Prince is not a real Christian anyway and Jesus Christ never ordered crusades at all. The accuser is only known as John Doe #2 in court documents because he claims he has been threatened with “death and violence” by managers of Prince’s company. He wrote that “Prince intentionally deployed to Iraq certain men who shared his vision of Chrisian supremacy, knowing and wanting these men to take every available opportunity to murder Iraqis. Many of these men used call signs based on the Knights of the Templar, the warriors who fought the Crusades.” Yet, Prince seems to embrace a Romanist false Christianity not real Christianity. The Knights Templar are a real Papal order that fought against Muslims centuries ago. Blackwater is connected to the Knights of Malta as well. The Knights of Malta are a very powerful order that rule numerous global corporations, businesses, and other enterprises worldwide. They existed for almost a thousand years and are headed by the Pope & the Jesuits. The Nation’s Jeremy Scahill has also written

about connections between Prince, Malta and Pres. Bush’s rendition program in which terrorist suspects were sent to other countries for the purpose of torture. The program, according to Scahill was run by Cofer Black, who is allegedly a Knight of Malta himself and used Malta in the rendition program. Cofer Black is the vice chairman of Blackwater. During 9/11, Black was the director of the CIA's counterterrorist Center. So, the SMOMs have key intelligence influence in the Western government. Black was the U.S. Department of State coordinator for terrorism with the rank of ambassador at large (from December 2002 to November 2004). He was chairman of the privately owned intelligence gathering company called Total Intelligence Solutions (which is also headed by Prince. John Doe number 2 said that Price uses companies that act supposedly different, but are controlled by him. One example is the company of Greystone Limited headquarted in Barbados where Prince can avoid paying taxes plus government scrunity). The Virginian Pilot published a story that Greystone worked in Iraq for the International Republican Institute. The IRI was funded by the American government. Blackwater employees has been caught slaughtering innocent Iraqis on September 16, 2007 in

Baghdad's Nisoor Square. Blackwater was banned from operating in Iraq by the Iraqi government. And when Blackwater’s contract expired earlier this year, it was not renewed by the US State department. Yet, Blackwater, under the name of Greystone Limited still operates in Iraq today. The US District court has consolidated five cases against Prince and his various companies into one. The cases accuse Prince of murder, conspiracy, gun smuggling, child prostitution, war crimes and waging a crusade against Islam. Blackwater have other members with connections to the Knights of Malta as well. The SMOMs have been given observer status by the United Nations under the entity called the Sovereign Military Order of Malta. Former Pentagon inspector General Joseph Edgar Schmitz had quit the Pentagon in 2005 to work for Blackwater. He is a known member of the Opus Dei and the Knights of Malta. The Sovereign Military Order of Malta is based in Rome, Italy and has diplomat relations with about 100 countries, but not the US. So, Blackwater or XE as it's known today is doing more than just being mercenaries or being deployed in Iraq plus Afghanistan for security. Its members have done murder, rape, etc. ‘Blackwater: The Rise of the World’s most Powerful Mercenary Army’ is a book written by Jeremy Scahill exposing Blackwater as well. Jeremy Schaill is false to assume Erik Prince was connected to Dutch Calvinists explicitly. Prince converted from Christian Reform Church into Catholicism. The big picture is XE is about Roman Catholic influenced mercenary armies. Blackwater was utilized illegally in harming innocent individuals as apart of the immoral war on terror. Mercenaries that are paid to murder innocent people is definitely as sin.

Iran Iran has a long history. Iranian people aren’t Arabic people mostly regardless of what people say. Iranians speak an Indo-European language and are mostly an Indo-European people. Some Semites have mixed with Iranians, but most Iranians are Indo-European as tons of proofs show. Iran means land of the Aryans. Yet, Iran isn’t monolithic since Arabic people, Kurds, Turkish tribes, Jewish people, even black people, etc. exist in Iran to this very day. There is nothing wrong with many backgrounds of people living in a nation at all. Now, Iran is one of the oldest continuous nations in the history of the world. Tehran is its capital today. The Elamite Kingdom can about in ca. 2800 B.C. At their prime, the civilization of Elam stretched from southwest Iran into parts of Iraq. Anshan and Susa were its major cities. Elamites call their country Haltamti and Elam is mentioned in the Hebrew Bible in Genesis 10:22 and Ezara 4:9. Elam in the Bible was the eldest son of Shem. The Elamite language has no established affinities with any other, and seems to be a language isolate such as Sumerian; however some researchers have posited the existence of a larger group known as Elamo-Dravidian. The

Elamites were not Indo-Aryan since they were known to have dark skin and wavy hair (plus their language in cuneiform weren‘t Indo-European at all). The Elamites fought and traded with the

Babylonians, the Assyrians, the Guti, etc. The Medes came into the Iranian nation greatly by the 2nd millennium B.C. This occurred in the Bronze Age. The Medes were famous for adopting the religion of Zoraster. Herodotus credited Deioces, the son of Phrarotes as the creator of the Median Kingdom in its founding capital city of Ecbatana (or the modern Hamadan). In 625 B.C., Cyaxares united the Kingdom of many Iranian speaking Median tribes. The Median Empire conquered many lands and then the Achaemenid Persians ruled the Median Empire. Cyrus the Great in 553 B.C. rebelled against his grandfather (the Mede King of Astyages or the son of Cyaxeres) and he defeated him by 550 B.C. Soon, the Medo-Persian Empire began since both the Medes and the Persians are related to each other. Alexander the Great conquered Iran by 330 B.C. A secession of Kingdoms existed in the vast areas of Iran from the ancient Greeks, the ancient Romans, the Parthians, and other Kingdoms. James Corbett from The Corbett Report on June 23, 2009 outlined that peaceful protests by Iranian is fine, but we should be careful that Iran isn't experiencing destabilization by Western elites. The 2009 Presidential election of Iran is still disputed. The opposition leader Mir-Houssein Mousavi declares victory hours before the polls close. Ahmedinejad’s main rival, Mir Hossein

Mousavi, is accused by many sources of having involved in the terrorist murder of Amercian troops in Beirut in 1983. According to former CIA case officer Robert Baer, Mousavi “oversaw an office that ran operatives abroad, from Lebanon to Kuwait to Iraq.” Baer places Mousavi in direct contact with Imad Mughniyah, the individual responsible for conducting the Beirut attack. With his past and political background, Mousavi is a status-quo figure in Iran not a representative of total reform inside of Iran. President Ahmadinejad, has been declared the victor when the truth is that no one knows how extensive the possible vote fraud was. Twitter and Youtube are existing with people to discuss about the issues in Iran as well. Destabilization of Iran isn't something we need. For decades, the West have overthrown foreign, democratically elected governments that didn't submit to the whims of Western governments and multinational corporations. Iran was also the birthplace of the original CIA program to destabilize a foreign government. In 1953, Iranian leader Mohammad Mossadegh was the democratically elected Iranian leader. Mossadegh promised to nationalize industry for the Iranian people including the oil industry of Iran. The oil then was ruled by the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company. The CIA was sent into the country to end Mossadegh's government, because he is trying to be independent of Western control. So, the CIA/MI6 network used a campaign of terror, they staged bombings, and they attacked Muslim targets in order to blame them on the nationalist, secular Mossadegh. The West funded radical Islamist elements in the country. Later, Mossadegh was overthrown and the Shah is institued. The Shah created a repressive tyranny with a secret police that harmed people, while suppressing opposition. The CIA did similar operations in Guatemala in 1954, in Afghanistan during the 1980's, and in Serbia during the 1990's. Some harm done to nations are caused by the IMF-enforcing debt and control on Third World nations (in order to submit 10% levy on nations in exchange for making). This program, too, was run in country after country, from Jamaica to Myanmar, from Chile to Zimbabwe. Some believe that some want to destabilize Iran using NGOs like the Open Society Institute, Freedom House and the National Endowment for Democracy. They fund, train, support, and mobilize opposition movements in nations as well. Similar tactics have existed in Ukraine, Lebanon, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, etc. George Soros (his ally Evgeny Morozov is praising the virtues of the Tehran Twitter revolution. In July of 2008, respected journalist Seymour Hersh

was told by a Pentagon consultant that the MEK (or the terror group called Mujahideen-eKhalq. Some MEK members confessed to have caused riots in Iran after receiving training in Iraq) might receive covert funds from the United States in order to help destabilize Iran. Twitter is apart of free speech though) have known to fund such a movement in Georgia, but no conclusive evidence shows his ties in the Iranian freedom movement. I would say that most

Iranians sincerely want freedom. Mahmoud promotes world government and is a tyrant, so I will never support Mahmoud Ahmanejad. Not every protester in Iran are agents of the U.S. trying to develop a coup in Iran. One example is how Neda Soltani, who is a female protester was murdered just because she was protesting. Neda was shot in her chest and it was wrong. She is certainly a representation of the protesters in Iran. So, I respect real protesters in Iranians wanting freedom. Real liberty should exist in Iran. This movement for freedom should be the Iranians' movement not ours.

By Timothy

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