The Indian Origin Of Christianity And The Secrets Of The Holy Sacraments

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  • Words: 44,615
  • Pages: 273
The Indian Origin Of


And The Secrets Of The Holy Sacraments Exposing the sun on the cross



I am greatly indebted to many researchers in this field without whose papers this work would not have been possible.The sources for this work is shown in the reference list. I gratefully acknowledge my thankfulness to the authors and their publishers.

Vijaya Bhaarati

Part-1 The Hi-story of the Bible The Origins of Christianity and the Quest for the Historical Jesus Christ

Excerpted from The Christ Myth Anthology by Acharya S/D.M. Murdock available on

Contents Introduction - --------


The Controversy -------


History and Positions of the Debate ---


"Pious Fraud"----


The Proof -----


The Gnostics----


Biblical Sources ---


Non-Biblical Sources –


Suns of god-----


The Characters ---


The Major Players ----


Buddha -----


Horus of Egypt ----


Mithra, Sun God of Persia ----


Krishna of India ----


Prometheus of Greece ----


The Creation of a Myth -----


The "Son" of God is the "Sun" of God ---


Etymology Tells the Story-------


The Book of Revelation is Egyptian and Zoroastrian ----


The "Patriarchs" and "Saints" are the Gods of Other Cultures---34 The "Disciples" are the Signs of the Zodiac-----


Was Jesus an Essene Master?-----


Qumran is Not an Essene Community ----


Was the New Testament Composed by Therapeuts? ----


Conclusion -----




Bibliography ------


Part -2 The Linguitricks in the Bible 1. The Harappans- The First Christians ------


2. Bharata



3. The Egyptians And The Bharats


4. Hebrew And Bharata



5.The Bible From Bharata







Introduction Around the world over the centuries, much has been written about religion, its meaning, its relevance and contribution to humanity. In the West particularly, sizable tomes have been composed speculating upon the nature and historical background of one of the main characters of Western religions, Jesus Christ. Many have tried to dig into the precious few clues as to Jesus's identity and come up with a biographical sketch that either bolsters faith or reveals a more human side of this godman to which we can all relate. Obviously, considering the time and energy spent on them, the subjects of Christianity and its legendary founder are very important to the Western mind and culture, and increasingly to the rest of the world as well. The Controversy Despite all of this literature continuously being cranked out and the significance of the issue, in the public at large there remains a serious lack of formal and broad education regarding religion and mythology, and most individuals are highly uninformed in this area. Concerning the issue of Christianity, for example, the majority of people are taught in most schools and churches that Jesus Christ was an actual historical figure and that the only controversy regarding him is that some people accept him as the Son of God and the Messiah, while others do not. However, whereas this is the raging debate most evident in this field today, it is not the most important. Shocking as it may seem to the general populace, the most enduring and profound controversy in this subject is whether or not a person named Jesus Christ ever really existed. Although this debate may not be evident from publications readily found in popular bookstores, when one examines this issue closely, one will find a tremendous volume of literature that demonstrates, logically and intelligently, time and again that Jesus Christ is a mythological character

along the same lines as the Greek, Roman, Egyptian, Sumerian, Phoenician, Indian or other godmen, who are all presently accepted as myths rather than historical figures. Delving deeply into this large body of work, one uncovers evidence that the Jesus character is based upon much older myths and heroes from around the globe. One discovers that this story is not, therefore, a historical representation of a Jewish rebel carpenter who had physical incarnation in the Levant 2,000 years ago. In other words, it has been demonstrated continually for centuries that this character, Jesus Christ, was invented and did not depict a real person who was either the "son of God" or was "evemeristically" made into a superhuman by enthusiastic followers.

History and Positions of the Debate This controversy has existed from the very beginning, and the writings of the Church fathers themselves reveal that they were constantly forced by the Pagan intelligentsia to defend what the non-Christians and other Christians ("heretics") alike saw as a preposterous and fabricated yarn with absolutely no evidence of it ever having taken place in history.

As Rev. Dr. Robert Taylor says, "And from the apostolic age downwards, in a never interrupted succession, but never so strongly and emphatically as in the most primitive times, was the existence of Christ as a man most strenuously denied."1 According to these learned dissenters, the New Testament could rightly be called, "Gospel Fictions."2

"Pious Fraud" Those individuals (or their spiritual heirs) who concocted some of the hundreds of "alternative" gospels and epistles being kicked about during the first several centuries AD / CE even confirmed that they (or their compadres) had forged the documents. Forgery during the first centuries of the Church's existence was admittedly rampant, so common in fact that a new phrase was coined to describe it: "pious fraud."3 Such prevarication is admitted repeatedly in theCatholic Encyclopedia, as shown by Joseph Wheless's extensive analysis in Forgery in Christianity.4 Some of the "great" Church fathers, such as historian Eusebius (c. 263-339), were determined by their own peers to be unbelievable liars who regularly

wrote their own fictions of what "the Lord" said and did during his alleged sojourn upon the earth. According to renowned historian Edward Gibbon, in one of his works, Evangelical Preparation (bk. 12), Eusebius provides a handy chapter entitled, "How it may be lawful and fitting to use falsehood as a medicine, and for the benefit of those who want to be deceived."5 Wheless calls Church fathers Justin Martyr (c. 100-c. 165), Eusebius and Tertullian (c. 160–c. 220) "three luminous liars,"6 while Bronson Keeler concludes, "The early Christian fathers were extremely ignorant and superstitious; and they were singularly incompetent to deal with the supernatural."7 In addition, of the dozens of gospels, those once considered canonical or genuine were later rejected as "apocryphal" or spurious, and vice versa. So much for the "inerrant Word of God" and "infallible" Church! The confusion exists because the Christian plagiarists over the centuries were attempting to amalgamate and fuse practically every myth, fairytale, legend, doctrine or bit of wisdom they could "borrow" from the innumerable different mystery religions and philosophies that existed at the time. In doing so, they forged, interpolated, mutilated, changed, and rewrote these texts for centuries.

The Proof The assertion that Jesus is a myth can be demonstrated not only through the works of dissenters and "Pagans" who knew the truth—and who were viciously refuted or murdered for their battle against the Christian priests and Church fathers fooling the masses with their fictions—but also through the statements of various Christians themselves who disclosed that they knew Jesus Christ was a myth founded upon more ancient deities located throughout the known ancient world. Illustrating this contention, in his play from 1564, Bishop of Ossory John Bale (1495-1563) appears to be suggesting that Pope Leo X (1475-1521) was privy to the truth based on his high rank, when the bishop recounts an alleged exchange between Cardinal Stephani, Paris, 1544." The Southern Review (IV, 4) comments, "The passage in Eusebius is in p. 356, Edit. Graec. Rob. Steph. Paris, 1544, and lib. xii. ch. 31, p. 607 of vol. i. edit. Franc. Vigeri. Paris, 1628." Naturally, this quote has been disputed and picked apart to absolve Eusebius of deceit. Bembo (1470-1547) and Pope Leo X, with the latter supposedly exclaiming, "What profit has not that fable of Christ brought us!"8

Even if the Pope himself did not express such a sentiment, Bale—a highranking Church official—certainly is acknowledging some one's viewpoint, which means that at that time there were doubters in the gospel story as a fable. Since I have been online, beginning in 1995, many individuals have written to me about having been ministers, seminarians, Catholic clergymen, Jesuits, Presbyterians, et al., relating that, in the higher levels of the Church educational institutions, "they know it is all myth." As Wheless says, "The proofs of my indictment are marvelously easy."9

The Gnostics From their own admissions, early Christians were incessantly under criticism by scholars of great repute who were impugned as "heathens" by their Christian adversaries. This group included many Gnostics, who strenuously objected to the carnalization of their deity, as the Christians can be shown to have taken many of the characteristics of their god and godman from the Gnostics, meaning "Ones who know," a loose designation applied to members of a variety of esoteric schools and brotherhoods. The refutations of the Christians against the Gnostics reveal that the Christian godman was an insult to the Gnostics, who held that their god could never take human form. For example, a commentator on the works of Church father St. Chrysostom (c. 347-407) remarks, "The Docetae, as their name denoted, considered that our blessed Lord did not actually exist on earth, or suffer upon the cross, but that all was a phantasy."10 In discussing the various "heretics" of the second century and onward, the author first addresses the Valentinians, who "were of opinion that our Lord had passed through the Blessed Virgin as water through a conduit..."11

Biblical Sources He then says, "Others asserted that the incarnation of Christ was a myth." It is very telling that the earliest Christian documents, the epistles attributed to "Paul," never discuss a historical background of Jesus but deal exclusively with a spiritual being who was known to "Gnostic" sects for years. The few "historical" references to an actual life of Jesus cited in the epistles are evidently interpolations and forgeries,12 as are, according to various

scholars, the bulk of the epistles themselves, as they were not written by "Paul."13 As Wheless summarizes, "They are thus all uninspired anonymous church forgeries for Christ's sweet sake!"14 The conversion of Paul(Saul-svara-voice,word;svara-vrishabull=bulla=word of the priest god;savana=sacrifice) of Tarsus(darsana=vision,philosophy,Taurus-the bull,bulla) on his way to Damascus by a vision(darsana=Tarsus ;svara-voice →vrishabull→Saul→Paul→bulla-epistles→Taurus-bull→Tarsus) and word of the Christ(Saul) clearly shows that Christianity was born of Assyrian/Syrian( atharva-athar-vedic fire,Ashur-Assyrian god-Suryathe sun)sun worship philosophies and sacrificial practices. Aside from the brief reference to Pontius Pilate at 1 Timothy 6:13, an epistle widely rejected as not having been written by Paul, the Pauline literature "does not refer to Pilate, or the Romans, or Caiaphas, or the Sanhedrin, or Herod, or Judas, or the holy women, or any person in the gospel account of the Passion, and that it also never makes any allusion to them; lastly, that it mentions absolutely none of the events of the Passion, either directly or by way of allusion."15 Turning to the canonical gospels themselves, which in their present form do not appear in the historical record until sometime between 170-180AD/ CE, Other early "Christian" writings such as Revelation likewise do not mention any historical details or drama. Paul also never quotes from Jesus's purported sermons and speeches, parables and prayers, nor does he mention Jesus's supernatural birth or any of his alleged wonders and miracles, all of which one would presume would be very important to his followers, had such exploits and sayings been known prior to the apostles purported time. 16 their pretended authors, the apostles, give sparse histories and genealogies of Jesus that contradict each other and themselves in numerous places. The birth date of Jesus is depicted as having taken place at different times. His birth and childhood are not mentioned in "Mark," and although he is claimed in "Matthew" and "Luke" to have been "born of a virgin," his lineage is traced to the House of David through Joseph, so that he may "fulfill prophecy."17 Christ is said in the first three (Synoptic) gospels to have taught for one year before he died, while in "John" the number is around three years. "Matthew" relates that Jesus delivered "The Sermon on

the Mount"18 before "the multitudes," while "Luke" says it was a private talk given only to the disciples. The accounts of his Passion and Resurrection differ utterly from each other, and no one states how old he was when he died. In addition, in the canonical gospels, Jesus himself makes many illogical contradictions concerning some of his most important teachings.19

Non-Biblical Sources Basically, there are no known non-biblical references to a historical Jesus by any historian or other writer of the time during and shortly after Jesus's purported advent. As Barbara G. Walker says, "No literate person of his own time mentioned him in any known writing."20 Hellenistic Jewish philosopher Philo Judaeus of Alexandria (20BCE-50 A D/CE)—alive at the purported time of Jesus, and one of the wealthiest and best connected citizens of the Empire— makes no mention of Christ, Christians or Christianity in his voluminous writings. Nor do any of the dozens of other historians and writers who flourished during the first one to two centuries of the common era.21 In the entire works of the Jewish historian Josephus (37-c. 100AD/CE), which constitute hundreds of pages, there are only two paragraphs that purport to refer to Jesus. Although much has been made of these "references," they have been dismissed by many scholars and even by Christian apologists as forgeries, as have been those referring to John the Baptist and James, "brother" of Jesus. Bishop Warburton (1698-1779) labeled the Josephus interpolation regarding Jesus as "a rank forgery, and a very stupid one, too."22

Suns of God The arguments against this passage called the Testimonium Flavianum ("TF") are detailed and can be found in other books, especially Who Was Jesus? Several writers conclude that it was Eusebius himself who forged the passage.23 As Dr. Alice Whealey remarks, "No other ancient writer knew

Josephus' works anywhere near well enough to have crafted something so similar to Josephus' style."24

Regarding the letter to Trajan supposedly written by Pliny the Younger (2379A D/CE), which is another of the pitifully few "references" to Jesus or Christianity held up by Christians as evidence of the existence of Jesus, there is but one word that is applicable—"Christian"—and that has been theorized to be spurious, as is also suspected of the entire letter. Concerning the passage in the works of the historian Tacitus (c. 56-c. 117A D/ C E), who did not live during the purported time of Jesus but was born two decades after his purported death, this brief mention is also considered by many competent scholars as an interpolation and forgery. Christian defenders also like to hold up the passage in Suetonius (c. 71-c. 135AD/CE) concerning someone named "Chrestus" or "Chresto" as reference to their Savior; however, while some have speculated that there was a Roman man of that name at that time, the name "Chrestus" or "Chrestos," meaning "useful," was frequently held by freed slaves. Others opine that this passage is also an interpolation.25 Discussing all of the non-Christian evidence, historian Dr. H.E. Barnes, a professor at Columbia University, remarks that "next to nothing exists" and concludes: In all, this evidence mounts up to some twenty-four lines, not a single one of which is of admitted authenticity.26 Of these "references," Edouard Dujardin says, "But even if they are authentic, and were derived from earlier sources, they would not carry us back earlier than the period in which the gospel legend took form, and so could attest only the legend of Jesus, and not his historicity."27 In any case, these scarce and brief "references" to a man who supposedly shook up the world28

The Characters c an hardly be held up as proof of his existence, and it is absurd that the purported historicity of the entire Christian religion is founded upon them. As it is said, "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof"; yet, no

proof of any kind for the historicity of Jesus has ever existed or is forthcoming. From all the evidence, it appears that there was no single historical person upon whom the Christian religion was founded, and that "Jesus Christ" is a compilation of legends, heroes, gods and godmen. There is not adequate room here to go into detail about each god or godman that possibly contributed to the formation of the Jewish Jesus character; suffice it to say that there is plenty of documentation to show that this issue is not a question of "faith" or "belief."29 The truth is that during the era this character supposedly lived there was an extensive library at Alexandria and an incredibly nimble brotherhood network that stretched from Europe to China, and this information network had access to numerous manuscripts and oral traditions that told a similar narrative with many like motifs as portrayed in the New Testament but with different place names and ethnicity for the characters.30 As concerns the specious claim that the analogies between the Christ myth and those outlined below are "non-existent" because they are not found in "primary sources," let us turn to the words of the early Church fathers, who acknowledged that major important aspects of the Christ character are indeed found in the stories of earlier, Pagan gods, but who asserted that the reason for these similarities was because the evidently prescient devil "anticipated" Christ and planted "foreshadowing" of his "coming" in the heathens' minds. In his First Apology (21), Christian father Justin Martyr acknowledged the similarities between the older Pagan gods/religions and Christianity, when he attempted to demonstrate, in the face of ridicule, that Christianity was no more ridiculous than the earlier myths: ANALOGIES TO THE HISTORY OF CHRIST: And when we say also that the

Word, who is the first-birth of God, was produced without sexual union, and that He, Jesus Christ, our Teacher, was crucified and died, and rose again, and ascended into heaven, we propound nothing different from what you believe regarding those whom you esteem sons of Jupiter. For you know how many sons your esteemed writers ascribed to Jupiter: Mercury, the interpreting word and teacher of all; Aesculapius, who, though he was a

great physician, was struck by a thunderbolt, and so ascended to heaven; and Bacchus too, after he had been torn limb from limb; and Hercules, when he had committed himself to the flames to escape his toils; and the sons of Leda, and Dioscuri; and Perseus, son of Danae; and Bellerophon, who, though sprung from mortals, rose to heaven on the horse Pegasus. For what shall I say of Ariadne, and those who, like her, have been declared to be set among the stars? And what of the emperors who die among yourselves, whom you deem worthy of deification, and in whose behalf you produce some one who swears he has seen the burning Caesar rise to heaven from the funeral pyre?31 In making these comparisons between Christianity and its predecessor Paganism, however, Justin sinisterly spluttered: having reached the devil's ears that the prophets had foretold that Christ would come for the purpose of tormenting the wicked in fire, he set the heathen poets to bring forward a great many who should be called (and were called) sons of Jove. The Devil laying his scheme in this, to get men to imagine that the true history of Christ was of the same character as those prodigious fables and poetic stories.32 Aping these purported "prophecies," the devil anticipated Christ and caused human poets, priests and mythographers to create superhuman saviors and sons of God with practically the same characteristics. Here is a clear admission that these mythical motifs long pre-dated the Christian era and that the gods' "lives" were very similar to that alleged of Jesus.This contention is backed up by numerous artifacts from the ancient world, including books, inscriptions, statuary, wall carvings and paintings, as well as oral traditions and so on. The Jesus story evidently incorporated elements from the tales of other deities recorded in a widespread area, such as many of the following world saviors and "sons of God," most or all of whom predate the Christian myth, and a number of whom were "crucified," executed or suffered otherwise, among other similarities to the gospel story. • Adad of Assyria •

Adonis, Apollo and Zeus of Greece • Agni of India • Alcides/Hercules of Thebes • Attis of Phrygia • Baal of Phoenicia • Bali of Afghanistan33 • Buddha/Beddhu of India, China and Japan Deva Tat (Buddha) of Siam34 • Hesus of the Druids • Horus, Osiris, and Serapis of Egypt35 • Indra of Tibet/India • Jao/Iao of Nepal • Krishna of India • The Mikado of the Shintos • Mithra of Persia • Odin of the Scandinavians • Prometheus of Caucasus/Greece • Quetzalcoatl of Mexico • Salivahana of Burma36 • Tammuz of Syria37 •

Thor of the Gauls • Universal Monarch of the Sibyls • Wittoba of the Bilingonese • Xamolxis/Zamolxis of Thrace • Zarathustra/Zoroaster of Persia

The Major Players Buddha Although most people think of Buddha as one person who lived around 500B C E, like Jesus the character commonly portrayed as Buddha can also be demonstrated to be a compilation of godmen, legends and sayings of various holy men both preceding and succeeding the period attributed tothe Buddha.38 • Like Jesus, Buddha was a divine being, pre-existent in "heaven" before taking birth. The Buddha character has the following in common with the Christ figure: 39 • Buddha was born of the virgin Maya, who was considered the "Queen of Heaven."40 • He was of royal descent and was a prince.41 • At his birth appeared a "marvelous and powerful light."42 • After Buddha was born, a "slaughter of the infants was ordered by the tyrant Bimbasara..."43 •

When Buddha was a babe, a saint prophesied he would be great, as did Simeon concerning Christ (Lk 2:25-35).44 • As a child he taught his teachers.45 • Buddha was presented in the temple, where "the idols fell down before him."46 • He began his quest for enlightenment at age 29.47 • He crushed a serpent's head.48 • Buddha was tempted by Mara, the evil one, who offered him "universal dominion."49 • Sakyamuni Buddha had 12 disciples50 and traveled about preaching.51 • He reformed and prohibited idolatry,52 was a "sower of the word,"53 and preached "the establishment of a kingdom of righteousness."54 • He performed miracles and wonders, healed the sick,55 fed 500 men from a "small basket of cakes,"56 and helps a disciple walk on water.57 • He preached a "sermon on the mount"58 and taught chastity, temperance, tolerance, compassion, love, and the equality of all.59 • He was transfigured on a mount.60 • Buddha was received in his native city with a triumphal welcome.61 • He was betrayed by a disciple, who led others to kill him.62 • Some of his persecutors became his disciples.63 • A tremendous earthquake occurred upon Buddha's death.64 •

Buddha was crucified,65 suffered for three days in hell,66 and was resurrected.67 • He ascended to Nirvana or "heaven."68 • Buddha was considered the "Good Shepherd,"69 the "Carpenter,"70 the "Infinite and Everlasting"71 and the "Great Physician."72 • He was the "Savior of the World"73 and the "Light of the World."74

Buddha's Birth According to ancient Buddhist legend, the sage's mother was a "chaste wife, into whom miraculously entered in the shape of a white elephant the future Buddha, who subsequently came out of her right side."75 Sanskrit scholar Dr. Edward W. Hopkins states that this miraculous birth story undoubtedly dates to "as early as the third centuryB.C. and perhaps earlier."76 Indeed, the miraculous birth of Buddha, as well as his temptation, are carved on monuments that date to 150B C E or older.77 In the fourth century of the common era, Church father St. Jerome (Adversus Jovinianum 1.42) discussed Buddha specifically as having been born through the side of av irgin: Among the Gymnosophists of India, the belief has been handed down from generation to generation as authentic that a virgin gave birth to Buddha, the founder of their religion, out of her side.78 Jerome's words—"handed down from generation to generation" and "opinionis auctoritas traditur"—indicate not that the motif had been recently copied from Christianity by Indian monks or priests but that it was a tradition of some age.

Buddha's Crucifixion In the above list, we find the curious motif of Buddha having been "crucified." In this regard, concerning the Buddhist influence on the gospel

story, scholar of Buddhism and Sanskrit Dr. Christian Lindtner writes: The Sanskrit manuscripts prove without a shadow of doubt: Everything that Jesus says or does was already said or done by the Buddha. Jesus, therefore, is a mere literary fiction. • The Last Supper was the Last Supper of the Buddha. • Baptism in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit was baptism in the name of the Buddha, the Dharma and the Samgha. • All the miracles performed by Jesus had already been performed by the Buddha. • The twelve disciples of Jesus were, in fact, the twelve disciples of the Buddha. • It was king Gautama—not Jesus—who was crucified.79 • It was Tathâgata—not Jesus—who was resurrected.... • There is nothing in the Gospels, no person, no event, that cannot be traced backto cognate persons, events or circumstances in the Buddhist gospels. • ...Jesus is a Buddha disguised as a new Jewish legislator, teacher, Messiah and king of Israel. The Gospels, forming the foundation of Christianity, are, therefore, typical Buddhist literature, fiction, designed for missionaries whose language was Greek. Concerning this purported "crucifixion" of Buddha, related in, among others, a Buddhist text dating to the first centuryBCE—the Samghabhedavastu/Mahâparinirvâna sutra—Ken Humphreys states: In this story of "Gautama, a holy man" our hero is wrongfully condemned to die on the cross for murdering the courtesan Bhadra. Gautama is impaled on a cross, and his mentor Krishna Dvapayana visits him and enters into a long dialogue, at the end of which Gautama dies at the place of skulls after engendering two offspring—the progenitors of the Ikshavaku Dynasty.80

As is evident from the remarks of Dr. Burkhard Scherer, a "classical Philologist, Indologist and Lecturer in Religious Studies (Buddhist and Hindu Studies)" at Canterbury Christ Church University, the fact that there is "massive" Buddhist influence in the gospels has been well known among the elite scholars for a long time. Says Dr. Scherer: is very important to draw attention on the fact that there is (massive) Buddhist influence in the Gospels.... Since more than hundred years Buddhist influence in the Gospels has been known and acknowledged by scholars from both sides. Just recently, Duncan McDerret published his excellent The Bible and the Buddhist (Sardini, Bornato [Italy] 2001).

Horus of Egypt The stories of Jesus and Horus/Osiris are very similar, with the Egyptian god even possibly contributing the title of "Christ." Horus and his once-andfuture Father, Osiris, are frequently interchangeable in the mythos, as in the scripture, "I and my Father are one."81 • Horus was born of the virgin Isis-Meri on December 25th in a cave/manger, with his birth being announced by a star in the East and attended by dignitaries or "wise men." The legends of Horus go back thousands of years, and he (or Osiris) shares the following in common with Jesus: 82

• He was a child teacher in the Temple or "House of the Father" and was baptized when he was 30 years old.83 • Horus was also baptized by "Anup the Baptizer,"84 • He had 12 companions, subjects or "disciples." who becomes "John the Baptist."

85 • He performed miracles and raised one man, El-Azar-us, from the dead.86 • The Egyptian god walked on water.87 • Horus was transfigured on the Mount.88 • The Egyptian god was killed, buried in a tomb and resurrected.89 • He was also the "Way, the Truth, the Light, the Messiah, God's Anointed Son, the Son of Man, the Good Shepherd, the Lamb of God, the Word," etc.90 • He was "the Fisher," and was associated with the Lamb, Lion and Fish ("Ichthys").91 • Horus's personal epithet appears to have been "Iusa," the "ever-becoming son" of "Ptah," the "Father."92 • Horus (or Osiris) was called "the KRST," long before the Christians duplicated the story.93 Numerous ancient artifacts depict the baby Horus being held by the virgin mother Isis—the original "Madonna and Child." These motifs can be found in ancient Egyptian texts as well as other artifacts, as detailed in the book Christ in Egypt: The Horus-Jesus Connection.

Mithra, Sun God of Persia The worship of Mithra precedes the common era by several centuries. In fact, the cult of Mithra was, shortly before the true Christian era, "the most popular and widely spread 'Pagan' religion of the times."94 Indeed, numerous Mithraic monuments have been found stretching from Asia Minor to Great Britain.95 Although Mithraism as it developed in the Roman Empire is different from its Perso-Indian roots, its major motifs and traditions can be traced to a pre-

Christian body of knowledge that is largely astrotheological in nature, as demonstrated by Dr. David Ulansey in The Origins of the Mithraic Mysteries. Mithra has the following in common with the Christ character: • Mithra was born on December 25th96 of the virgin Anahita. 97 • The babe was wrapped in swaddling clothes, placed in a manger98 and attended by shepherds.99 • He was considered a great traveling teacher and master.100 • He had 12 companions or "disciples."101 • He performed miracles.102 • He was buried in a tomb.103 • He was considered "the Way, the Truth and the Light, the Redeemer, the Savior, the Messiah."104 • Mithra is omniscient, as he "hears all, sees all, knows all: none can deceive him."105 • He was identified with both the Lion106 and the Lamb.107 • His sacred day was Sunday, "the Lord's Day," hundreds of years before the appearance of Christ.108 • His religion had a eucharist or "Lord's Supper."109 • Mithra "sets his marks on the foreheads of his soldiers."110 Mithra's "Virgin" Birth? As concerns the debate regarding the Perso-Roman god Mithra's "virgin birth," not a few scholars and writers ofPersi an/Ir ani an extract have discussed the Persian goddess of love Anahita as Mithra's virgin mother.

Presumably, these individuals know more about their ancient traditions than do modern Christian apologists, who emphasize Mithra's rock birth and deny the virgin-mother motif. For example, Dr. Badi Badiozamani says that a "person" named "Mehr" or Mithra was "born of a virgin named Nahid Anahita ("immaculate") and that "the worship of Mithra and Anahita, the virgin mother of Mithra, was well-known in the Achaemenian period [558330BCE]..."111 Philosophy professor Mohammed Ali Amir-Moezzi states: "Dans le mithraïsme, ainsi que le mazdéisme populaire, (A)Nāhīd, mère de Mithra/Mehr, est vierge"112 Mithra and the Twelve —"In Mithraism, as in popular Mazdaism, Anahid, the mother of Mithra, is a virgin." Mithra surrounded by the 12 "companions" is a motif found on many Mithraic remains and representing the 12 signs of the zodiac, which are sometimes depicted ashu mans. The comparison of this common motif with Jesus and the 12 has been made on many occasions, including in an extensive study entitled, "Mithras and Christ: some iconographical similarities," by Professor A. Deman in Mithraic Studies.113 Many of these Mithraic parallels were remarked upon by the Church fathers, who were flummoxed by them and who blamed them on the prescient devil.

Krishna of I ndia In discussing the comparisons between Krishna and Christ, it is claimed either that there are no real parallels or that these "exact counterparts"—as the Catholic Encyclopedia calls them114 Krishna shares the following characteristics and motifs in common with Christ: —rest squarely on the shoulders of the Brahman priesthood, who allegedly copied them from Christianity. Indian and other scholars contend that the story is uninfluenced by Christianity, many averring that any borrowing must have occurred by Christianity from Hinduism. As part of this debate, a common earlier English transliteration of Krishna was "Christna," which reveals its possible relationship to '"Christ." •

Krishna is an incarnation of the sun god Vishnu, who rises or awakens on the winter solstice.115 • Krishna was born in a stable116 of the "virgin"117 Devaki ("Divine One")118 • He was of royal descent and was a prince.119 • Krishna is the "King of the Yadus."120 • Like the cave-born Christ of tradition, Krishna was born in a "cave-like dungeon."121 • Upon birth, the baby Krishna, was placed in a "basket for winnowing corn; in other words, a manger."122 • Great signs and wonders occurred at Krishna's birth,123 including the appearance of a bright star.124 • His birth was attended by angels,125 wise men126 and shepherds,127 and he was presented with gifts, including gold and incense.128 • His foster father was in the city to pay taxes when Krishna was born.129 • The hero-god was persecuted by a tyrant who ordered the slaughter of infants.130 • The infant Krishna was carried across a river.131 • As a young boy, he worked miracles and wonders, and was hailed as a divine incarnation.132 • He was worshipped by shepherds as a god.133 • Krishna was "tempted" in the wilderness by "various fiends," before crushing the serpent's head.134 • He raised a child from the dead135 and healed lepers, the deaf and the blind.136 •

Krishna preached faith "in God's love to man and in his mercy and forgiveness of sins arising therefrom."137 • Krishna miraculously fed the multitudes.138 • "He lived poor and he loved the poor,"139 humbly washing the feet of guests.140 • Like Jesus, Krishna continually manifested his divinity and then denied it.141 • He was transfigured in front of his disciples.142 • Krishna was anointed with oil by a woman bearing a jar of ointment.143 • Krishna had a beloved disciple named Arjuna or "Ar-jouan."144 • A fig or banyan tree figures prominently in Krishna's myth,145 as the god is depicted approaching a fig tree, where he "utters a sort of parable."146 • Tradition holds that Krishna died after being shot in the foot while under a (fig) tree, leading to claims he was pinned against the tree by an arrow or "crucified."147 • After his death, he ascended to heaven,148 • Krishna descended into hell to rescue others.where he lives on.149 • As Vishnu, he is the god "who incarnates himself when sin threatens to take the upper hand in the world, and destroys it."150 • Krishna is "a personal savior, a messianic deliverer who will bring all men and women salvation if only they choose to give Him their devotion."151 • Krishna is called the "Shepherd God,"152 "Lord of the god of gods"153 and "Lord of lords,"154 and was considered the "Redeemer,"155"Firstborn,"156 "Sin Bearer," 157 "Liberator,"158 and "Universal Word." 159 •

As Vishnu, he is the second person of the Trinity,160 considered the "Beginning, the Middle and the End,"161 • His disciples shouted the words "Jai Shri Krishna," meaning "Victory to Lord Krishna." ("Alpha and Omega"), as well as being omniscient, omnipresent and omnipotent.162 • A future incarnation of Vishnu is the Kalki avatar, who will arrive riding a white horseand destroy the wicked.163 As we can see, there are numerous detailed similarities between the stories of Krishna and Christ.

Krishna's "Virgin" Birth? Over the centuries, it has been debated whether or not Krishna's mother, Devaki, who was said to be a "chaste maiden," could also be called a "virgin," mainly because she traditionally had given birth to seven children prior to Krishna. However, the evidence points to Devaki—and Krishna—as a mythical character, and myths do not have human body parts and so on, so many goddesses are said to be both mother and virgin, regardless of how many children they produce. For example, according to the myth, Devaki is an incarnation of the dawn goddess Aditi,164 who was the "eternal virgin" or "celestial virgin,"165 despite the fact that she too gave birth to eight children.166 In addition, Krishna’s mother earlier had given birth as an unmarried and presumably virginal teenager, after becoming pregnant from eating half a mango.167 The virgin birth is the result of the sun rising from kalya(dawn) whose counterpart month is kanya(Virgo).Hence Raama is the son of Kausalya (su-good;kalya-dawn,kanya-virgin).

The Names of Krishna and Christ O bviously, the virgin birth vis- à-vis Krishna's mother represents a real Indian tradition, even if it is not strictly applicable to his specific nativity. In other words, at one point before Krishna was born, Devakiwas a virgin mother,

and the assumption that she remains so throughout the myth is thus understandable. Part of the controversy concerning commonalities has revolved around the Indian and Christian godmen's respective names. In older English literature, for example, we often encounter the transliteration of Krishna/Krsna as "Christna," indicating a possible relationship. In this regard, Sri Ramakrishna Mathah relates that the names "Krishna" and "Christ" became "a focal point in such debates: 'But despite decades of two-way arguments, it was eventually determined that the nameChrist was taken from the GreekChristos, which is derived from the Sanskrit Krishta, or Krishna.'"168 Indeed, as Dr. Richard Garbe says, "In some localities of India the word Krishna is pronounced Krishta."169 Adding to these facts, we learn that "Krishta" was "also the way the name 'Christ' was pronounced" in certain dialects.170 Christian missionaries in India were so struck with the similarities between the names of the two gods that they explained "Krishna" as the "nomen ipsum corruptum Christi,"171 or a "corruption of the very name of Christ."172

Krishna's Solar Nature Under "Krishna" in the Sinhalese English Dictionary, Rev. Clough states that "in Hindu mythology Krishna is considered the most celebrated form of Vishnu or rather Vishnu himself; in that form he is however distinct from the ten avatars or incarnations of Vishnu, being always identified with the deity himself..."173 Clough additionally relates that "Krishna" is also "one of the names of Arjuna the charioteer of the sun."174

Prometheus of Greece The Greek god Prometheus has been claimed to have come from Egypt, but his drama took place in the Caucasus Mountains. Prometheus shares a number of striking similarities with the Christ character including the following: • Prometheus made the first man and woman out of clay.175

• He descended from heaven as God incarnate as man, to save mankind.176 • He had an "especially professed" friend, "Petraeus" (Peter), the fisherman, who deserted him.177 • Prometheus was crucified,178 suffered and was unbound179 or "resurrected."180 • He was called the Logos or Word.181 Five centuries before the Christian era, famous Greek playwright Aeschylus wrote Prometheus Bound, which was presented in the theater in Athens. Taylor states that in the play Prometheus is crucified "on a fatal tree" and the sky goes dark.182 In relating the depiction of Prometheus's death by ancient Roman writer Lucian (c. 125-180 AD/CE), Dr. Martin Hengel remarks: When describing how his hero is fastened to two rocks(cf.bhadrarock,patra-wing of the cross) in the Caucasus, Lucian uses all the technical terms of a crucifixion: Prometheus is to be nailed to two rocks above a ravine(cf.the cross is sa-god,bird with wings or rays) in the sight of all, in such a way as to produce the effect of "a most serviceable cross"...183 Long before Lucian, Aeschylus had depicted Prometheus's torment using "what was then the technical term for 'crucify.'"184

The Creation of a Myth For centuries after obtaining power during the reign of Constantine, Christians went on a censorship rampage that led to the virtual illiteracy of the ancient Western world and ensured that their secret would be hidden from the masses. The scholars of other schools/sects evidently did not easily give up their arguments against the historicizing of a very ancient mythological creature. We have lost the exact arguments of these learned dissenters because Christians destroyed any traces of their works. Nonetheless, the Christians preserved the contentions of their detractors through their own refutations.

For example, early Church Father Tertullian (c. 160-220A D/ C E), an "exPagan" and a presbyter at Carthage, ironically admitted the true origins of the Christ story and other such myths by stating in refutation of his critics, "You say we worship the sun; so do you."185

previously strident believer and defender of the faith, Tertullian later renounced orthodox Christianity after becoming a Montanist.186

The " Son" of God is the " Sun" of God 187 The reason these various narratives are so similar, with a godman who is killed or "crucified" and resurrected, who does miracles and has 12 companions or "disciples," is because these stories were based on the movements of the sun through the heavens, an astrotheological development that can be found throughout the world because the sun and the 12 zodiac signs can be observed around the globe. In other words, Jesus Christ and others upon whom this character is predicated are personifications of the sun, and the gospel fable is in large part merely a rehash of a mythological formula revolving around the movements of the sun through the heavens. For instance, a number of the world's sacrificed, suffering or crucified godmen or sun gods have their traditional birthday on December 25th ("Christmas"). This motif represents the ancient recognition that (from a geocentric perspective in the northern hemisphere) the sun makes an annual descent southward until December 21st or 22nd, the winter solstice, when it stops moving southerly for three days and then starts to move northward again. During this time, the ancients declared that "God's sun" had "died" for three days and was "born again" on December 25th. The ancients realized quite abundantly that they needed the sun to return every day and that they would be in big trouble if it continued to move southward and did not stop and reverse its direction. Thus, these many different cultures celebrated the "sun of God's" birthday on December 25th. The following are the characteristics of the "sun of God" 188 •

The sun "dies" for three days on December 22nd, the winter solstice, when it stops in its movement south, to be born again or resurrected on December 25th, when it resumes its movement north. : • In some areas, the calendar originally began in the constellation of Virgo, and the sun would therefore be "born of a Virgin."189 • The sun is the "Light of the World." • The sun "cometh on clouds, and every eye shall see him." • The sun rising in the morning is the "Savior of mankind." • The sun wears a corona, "crown of thorns" or halo.190 • The sun "walks on water," describing its reflection. • The sun's "followers," "helpers" or "disciples" are the 12 months and the 12 signs of the zodiac or constellations, through which the sun must pass annually. • The sun at 12 noon is in the house or temple of the "Most High"; thus, "he" begins "his Father's work" at "age" 12. • The sun enters into each sign of the zodiac at 30°; hence, the "Sun of God" begins his ministry at "age" 30.191 • The sun is hung on a cross or "crucified," which represents its passing through the equinoxes, the vernal equinox being Easter, at which time it is then resurrected. Contrary to popular belief, not all ancients were an ignorant and superstitious lot who actually believed their deities to be literal characters. Indeed, this propaganda has been part of the conspiracy to make the ancients appear as if they were truly the dark and dumb rabble that was in need of the "light of Jesus."

Etymology Tells the Story

The Greek god Zeus, aka "Zeus Pateras," whom we now automatically believe to be a myth and not a historical figure, takes his name from the Indian version, "Dyaus Pitar," the latter term related to the Greek word "pater," or "father."192 "Zeus" equals "Dyaus," which became "Deos," "Deus" and "Dios"—"God." "Zeus Pateras," like Dyaus Pitar, means, "God the Father," a very ancient concept that in no way originated with "Jesus" and Christianity. Dyaus Pitar becomes "Jupiter" in Roman mythology, and likewise is not representative of an actual, historical character. In Egyptian mythology, Ptah, the "father of the gods,"193 Furthermore, since Horus was evidently called "Iusa," is the unseen god-force, and the sun was viewed as Ptah's visible proxy who brings everlasting life to the earth; hence, the "son of God" is really the "sun of God." 194 while Osiris was the "KRST," 195 centuries before any Jewish character similarly named, it would be safe to assume that Jesus Christ is just a repeat of Horus and Osiris, among others. According to Taylor, the title "Christ" in its Hebraic form meaning "Anointed" ("Masiah") was held by all kings of Israel, as well as being "so commonly assumed by all sorts of impostors, conjurers, and pretenders to supernatural communications, that the very claim to it is in the gospel itself considered as an indication of imposture..."196 Horus's principal enemy—originally Horus's other face or "dark" aspect— was "Set" or "Sata," whence comes "Satan."197 Horus struggles with Set in a similar manner that Jesus battles with Satan, with 40 days in the wilderness, among other parallels.198 "Jerusalem" simply means "City of Peace," and the actual city in Israel may have been named after the "holy city of peace" in the Egyptian sacred texts that already existed at the time the city was founded. The myth represents the triumph of light over dark, or the sun's return to relieve the terror of the night.199 Likewise, "Bethany," site of the famous multiplying of the loaves, means "House of God," and is allegory for the "multiplication of the many out of the One."200 Any town of that designation was likely named for the allegorical place in the texts that existed before the town's foundation. The Egyptian predecessor and counterpart is "House of Anu," which, with the Semitic word for "house,"

beth, would be "Bethanu."201 Interestingly, the town of Bethany is called in Arabic el - Aziriyeh or el - Azir—"Lazarus."202

The Book of Revelation is Egyptian and Zoroastrian One can find certain allegorical place names such as "Jerusalem" and"Israel"in the New Testament Book of Revelation. Gerald Massey has stated that Revelation, rather than having been written by any apostle called John during the 1st centuryA D/CE, represents a very ancient text that dates to the beginning of this era of history, i.e. possibly as early as 4,000 years ago.203 The apocalyptic vision of the animal with ten horns. The Apocalypse of the Bible describes a woman sitting on a scarlet beast with seven heads and ten horns.The woman is dressed in purple and scarlet and was glittering with gold (cf.colours of dawn)…..and she held a golden cup(cf.the sun as Rudra and Soma) .She was named Babylon.(Apocalypse. 17 .3-5) .The seven heads are the seven hills on which the woman sits ..they are also seven kings.The ten horns are ten kings etc.(Apocalypse 17.9-12).Usually this is considered as a description of Rome.But what a vivid description of dawn is given in this passage can

be understood by comparing this animal with the unicorn. Praatar(dawn-kalya-kanya-vesya-a harlot) is bhadra(woman),bhadra(bullbeast),bhadra(mountain),bhadra(ten),bhadra(king),bhadra(horn), paatra ( cup),pattana( city ),bhadra(gold) and as usha is aja(The Lamb) aginst which the kings and the woman and the beast are in yuddha(war = udayasunrise cf.the seals of bull fight).Usha( dawn) is Iisa(durga), yosha(a woman).Udaya is agna(the sun) and ahna(day) udaya.As such it is agnadvaya (Asvidvaya) and dyu(agni,day,sky;dvi=twothe asvin horses

).Udaya is also u-saya(’s saya with his

daughter).Hence she is a prostitute.The seven hills are the saptaasva saptagiri(the sun) and the seven weekdays as vaasra(weekday) is bhadra(bull,mountain). For the bhadraasva the Harappans chose the bharata(agni=uni=one) horn but the Greeks made it bhadra(ten).Of course 10=1+ 0 =1.To have an idea of this woman and the beast and the fight just refer the Kalibangan seal K-65 on DTIS page 253 Fig.14.25. Another interesting fact can be seen by referring to the inscription in H-9.

= asva(agna,bhadra,soma) .Asva is a(not)-dva(two) = agna = uni =1 =sapta(seven) . Saptaasva is the sun. Saptaaha is the week of seven days.Sapta Marut is the wind god.Visva mitra was a king.Devata(deity) is divasa(day) and sapta.Sapatha (vow,curse) is sapta. =paa,maa,saa,naa,haa,ne,sama,nama,yama etc. =tra,na .Hence sapta paatra(cup),bhaarata(fire),vaasra(bull,day,house),bhadra(gold, lord,bull,horn,woman,mountain),maatra(measure),netra(eye,offering,king), haatra(wage,death,killing),Indra etc.Thus the bhadraasva(unicorn) becomes saptaasva and again the ten horned beast,the paatra,the woman etc.The seven is the ten as the Apocalypse says. With the ca(of cakshu )and the haatra it becomes sahasra(1000) also. The inscription may be bhadraasva(asva bhadra),Soma Bhadra Bharadvaaja or asva(bull) netra(offering) bharad-vaaja (bhadra=10 ,vaaja-sacrifice) or the recitation of the Bharadvaaja mantras seven times or thousand times etc. Rigveda being Bharad-vaaca has ten

mandalas(chapters,mandala=mantra=hymn )also. Massey also asserts that Revelation relates the Mithraic legend of Zarathustra/Zoroaster.204 Dr. Hilton Hotema says of this mysterious book, which has baffled mankind for centuries: "It is expressed in terms of creative phenomena; its hero is not Jesus but the Sun of the Universe, its heroine is the Moon; and all its other characters are Planets, Stars and Constellations; while its stage-setting comprises the Sky, the Earth, the Rivers and the Sea."205 The word Israel itself, far from being a Jewish appellation, may come from the combination of three different reigning deities: Isis, the Earth Mother Goddess revered throughout the ancient world; Ra, the Egyptian sun god; and El, the Semitic deity passed down in form as Saturn.206 El was one of the earliest names for the god of the ancient Hebrews (whence Emmanu-El, Micha-El, Gabri-El, Samu-El, etc.) and his worship is reflected in the fact that the Jews still consider Saturday as "God's Day."207 cf.El is La – Indra and Ra-Agni- the fire god of the Vedic Harappans.Israel is Indra and iisvara(god)-el(La,Ra) . Indeed, that the Christians worship on Sunday betrays the genuine origins of their god and godman. Their "savior" is actually the sun, which is the "Light of the world that every eye can see." The sun has been viewed consistently throughout history as the savior of mankind for reasons that are obvious. Without the sun, the planet would scarcely last one day. So important was the sun to the ancients that they composed a "Sun Book," or "Helio Biblia," which became the "Holy(cf.punya-suurya-the sun) Bible."208

The "Patriarchs" and "Saints" are the Gods of Other Cultures When one studies mythmaking, one can readily discern and delineate a pattern that is repeated throughout history. Often when an invading culture takes over its predecessors, it either vilifies the preceding deities or makes them into lesser gods, "patriarchs" or, in the case of Christianity, "saints." This process may be exemplified in the apparent adoption of the Hindu god Brahma as the Hebrew patriarch Abraham.209 Another school of thought proposes that the patriarch Joshua was based on Horus as "Iusa," since the cult of Horus had migrated by this period to the Levant.210 In this theory,

the cult of Joshua, which was situated in exactly the area where the Christ drama allegedly took place, then mutated into the Christian story, with Joshua becoming Jesus.211 The legend of Moses, rather than being that of a historical Hebrew character, is found in germ around the ancient Middle and Far East, with the character having different names and races, depending on the locale: "Manu" is the Indian legislator212; "Mises" appears in Syria and Egypt,213 where also the first king, "Menes, the lawgiver" takes the stage214; "Minos" is the Cretan reformer215; "Mannus" the German lawgiver216; and the Ten Commandments are simply a repetition of the Babylonian Code of Hammurabi and the Egyptian Book of the Dead, among others.217 Like Moses, in the Mahabharata the Indian son of the Sun God named Karna was placed by his mother in a reed boat and set adrift in a river to be discovered by another woman.218 A century ago, Massey outlined that even the Exodus itself is not a historical event, an opinion now shared by many archaeologists and scholars. That the historicity of the Exodus has been questioned is echoed by the lack of any archaeological record, as is reported in Biblical Archaeology Review ("BAR"), September/October 1994.219 Like many biblical characters, Noah is also a myth,220 Additionally, the "Esther" of the Old Testament Book of Esther appears to be a remake of the Goddess Ishtar, Astarte, Astoreth or Isis, from whom evidently comes "Easter" long ago appropriated from the Egyptians, the Sumerians and others, as any sophisticated scholar could demonstrate. There have been floods and deluge stories in many different parts of the world, including but not limited to the Middle East. The so-called Flood of Noah may refer to the annual flooding of the Nile—an event that was incorporated in Egyptian mythology. However, it is also yet another part of ancient mythology. 221 and about whose long and ubiquitous reign little is said in "God's infallible Word." Per Harwood, "Esther" is best transliterated "Ishtar" and "Mordechai" is "Mardukay."222 The Virgin Mother/Goddess/Queen of Heaven motif is found around the globe, long before the Christian era, with Isis, for instance, also being called "Meri" or "Mery."223 Even the Hebraic name of God, "Yahweh," was possibly taken from the Egyptian "IAO."224(cf.vedic yahva- the lord,aahve-to call or invoke). The " Disciples" are the Signs of the Zodiac

It is no accident that there are 12 patriarchs and 12 disciples, 12 being the number of the months and astrological signs. Indeed, like the 12 Herculean tasks and the 12 "helpers" of Horus, Jesus's 12 disciples are symbolic for the zodiacal signs and do not depict any literal figures who played out a drama upon the earth circa 30A D/ C E.225. Each of the disciples can be shown to correspond to an earlier deity, folkloric hero, constellation or other figure.226 For example, Peter can be revealed to be a mythological character,227 while Judas has been said to represent Scorpio, "the backbiter," the time of year when the sun's rays are weakening and the sun appears to be dying.228 James, "brother of Jesus" and "brother of the Lord," may be equivalent to Amset, brother of Osiris the Lord. It is interesting to note that, in the Egyptian story from pre-Christian times, Horus was said to have been killed by Set, in the form of a scorpion. 229 Massey says that "Taht-Matiu was the scribe of the gods, and in Christian art Matthew is depicted as the scribe of the gods, with an angel standing near him, to dictate the gospel."230

Was Jesus an Essene Master? As regards Jesus being an Essene according to "secret" Dead Sea Scrolls, even before the discovery of the scrolls, over the centuries there has been much speculation to this effect, but Massey, for one, skillfully argued that many of Jesus's presumed teachings were either in contradiction to or were non-existent in Essene philosophy. Indeed, Jesus's character and many of his actions were utterly contrary to the notion of him being a great Essene healer.231 The Essenes did not believe in corporeal resurrection, nor did they believe in a carnalized messiah. The scrolls at Qumran have been dated to between 150B C E and 70 A D/C E, and, based on the later scrolls, in which the writers never mention Christ or Christianity, they evidently did not accept the historicity of Jesus, if they had even heard of him. They were not followers of the Hebrew Bible, or its prophets, or the concept of the original fall that must produce a savior. Massey further points out that the Essenes were teetotalers and ate to live rather than the other way around. Compared to this, the assumed Essene Jesus appears to be a glutton and drunkard. Also,

whereas according to Josephus the Essenes abhorred the swearing of oaths, Jesus was fond of "swearing unto" his disciples. While many Essenic doctrines are included in the New Testament, the list of disparities between the "Essenes" and their alleged great master Jesus goes on.232

Qumran is Not an Essene Community It should also be noted that there is another debate as to whether or not Qumran, the site traditionally associated with the Dead Sea Scrolls, was an Essene community at all. In BAR, previously cited, it is reported that archaeological finds indicate Qumran wasno t an Essene community but was possibly a waystation for travelers and merchants crossing the Dead Sea. It has also been hypothesized in BAR that the fervent tone and warrior-stance of some of the scrolls unearthed near Qumran belie any Essene origin and indicate a possible attribution to Jewish Zealots instead. In Who Wrote the Dead Sea Scrolls, Norman Golb makes a very good case that the Dead Sea Scrolls were not written by any Essene scribes but were a collection of tomes from various libraries that were secreted in caves throughout eastern Israel by Jews fleeing the Roman armies during the First Revolt of 70AD/ CE Golb also hypothesizes that Qumran itself was a fortress, not a monastery. In any case, it is impossible to equate the "Teacher of Righteousness" found in any scrolls with a "historical" Jesus Christ.

Was the New Testament Composed by Therapeuts? In 1829, Taylor adeptly made the case that the gospel story was essentially in existence before the Christ's purported advent and was probably composed by the monks at Alexandria called "Therapeuts" in Greek, meaning "healers." This theory has stemmed in part from the statement of Eusebius, who "admitted...that the canonical Christian gospels and epistles were the ancient writings of the Essenes or Therapeutae reproduced in the name of Jesus."233 According to Massey, it was Pagan "Gnostics"—who included members of the Essene/ Therapeut and Nazarene brotherhoods, among others—who actually carried to Rome the esoteric (gnostic) texts containing the mythos, upon which the numerous gospels, including the canonical four, were based. Wheless says, "Obviously, the Gospels and other New Testament booklets, written in Greek and quoting 300 times the Greek Septuagint, and several

Greek Pagan authors, as Aratus, and Cleanthes, were written, not by illiterate Jewish peasants, but by Greek-speaking ex-Pagan Fathers and priests far from the Holy Land of the Jews."234G. R. S. Mead averred, "We thus conclude that the autographs of our four Gospels were most probably written in Egypt..."235

Conclusion As Walker says, "Scholars' efforts to eliminate paganism from the Gospels in order to find a historical Jesus have proved as hopeless as searching for a core in an onion."236 The Christ of the gospels is in no sense an historical personage or a supreme model of humanity, a hero who strove, and suffered, and failed to save the world by his death. It is impossible to establish the existence of an historical character even as an impostor. For such an one the two witnesses, astronomical mythology and gnosticism, completely prove an alibi. The Christ is a popular lay-figure that never lived, and a lay-figure of Pagan origin; a lay-figure that was once the Ram and afterwards the Fish; a layfigure that in human form was the portrait and image of a dozen different gods. T he "gospel" story of Jesus is not a factual portrayal of a historical "master" who walked the earth 2,000 years ago. It is a myth built upon other myths and godmen, who in turn were personifications of the ubiquitous sun god mythos. Gerald Massey, The Historical Jesus and the Mythical Christ (169)

Notes 1 Taylor, 253. 2 With acknowledgement to Randel Helms, author of Gospel Fictions. 3CE, I, 606. 4 Wheless, xxxvi. 5 Gibbon, 766. Gibbon includes the original Greek and cites the edition as "Page 356, edit. Graec. Rob.

6 Wheless, 105. 7 Keeler, 48 8 Encyclopedia Britannica, XXIII, 87. (Emph. added.) See also Walker, 471; Taylor, 35. Bale's original Latin is as follows: "Quantum nobis nostrisque ea de Christo fabula profuerit, satis est omnibus saeculis notum." (Roscoe, III, 339.) 9 Wheless, xxi. 10 St. Chrysostom's Picture of the Religion of His Age, 107. 11 St. Chrysostom's Picture, 108, citing Chrysostom's "In Matt. Homil. viii. § 1." 12 See Earl Doherty's Jesus Puzzle and Jesus: Neither God Nor Man for an extensive analysis of the value of the Pauline material. 13 Kennedy, J.H., 340-341. 14 Wheless, 231 15 Dujardin, 33. 16 See my book Who Was Jesus?, 82, etc. 17 Wheless (207): "Both genealogies are false and forged lists of mostly fictitious names." 18 Wheless, 229. See Who Was Jesus?, 81. 19 See Who Was Jesus?, 139ff. 20 Walker, 465. 21 For a list of these historians, scholars and other writers, see Who Was Jesus?, 85. 22 Lardner, VI, 496. 23 See, e.g., Olson, "Eusebius and the Testimonium Flavanium,"CBQ 61, 1999, 305-322.

24 Whealey in Böttrich, 74. Whealey provides an extensive analysis of whether or not Eusebius forged the TF 25 For more information about these and other purported references, such as Thallus and Phlegon, see also Suns of God and Who Was Jesus? 26 Barnes, 391. 27 Dujardin, 2. 28 In the gospels, Jesus is depicted among "great crowds" and "multitudes" in some two dozen scriptures. (See Murdock,WWJ, 85fn.) 29 See Acharya S books for further details. 30 For more information on the role of Alexandria in the Christian effort, see the books The Christ Conspiracy, Suns of Gods, Who Was Jesus? and Christ in Egypt 31 Roberts, A.,A NF, I, 170. (Emph. added.) 32 Taylor, 244. Taylor includes in the footnote the original Greek of Justin, referencing it as "Justini Apolog.2 ." 33 Apparently, this god is a manifestation of the Hindu deity Balarama. (See Perry, 17.) 34 Acharya,SOG, 367-368; Garnier, 103. 35 For more information on these gods, see Christ in Egypt. 36 In his original work, Kersey Graves depicted this god as coming from "Bermuda." After ridicule for naming a Caribbean island, Graves responded that he was speaking of a "Bermuda," which is a "small province as appears in ancient Burmah." (Perry, 76.) For more on Salivahana, see Suns of God. 37 Walker, 468. 38 See the book Suns of God for more on this subject. 39 Hopkins, 127-128; Thundy, 80.

40 Coomaraswamy, 73; Lillie,BB, 26. See Suns of God and below for a discussion of Buddha's mother as a virgin. 41 Thundy, 81. 42 Thundy, 107. 43 Del Mar, 124; Kloppenborg, 76. 44 Hopkins, 128. 45 Carpenter, J.E., "Obligations of the New Testament to Buddhism," 973. 46 Hopkins, 128. 47 Thundy, 54. 48 Dameron, 53. 49 Carpenter, J.E., "ONTB," 974. 50 See the "Temple of the Recumbent Buddha" for artifacts proving the motif of Buddha and the 12. 51 Thundy, 54. 52 Dobbins, 212; Wallbank, 172. 53 Mead,GG, 133. 54 Carpenter, J.E.,CR W, 48. 55 Carpenter, J.E., "ONTB," 974. 56 Carpenter, J.E.,FT G, 89. 57 Whitney, 8, 361;Aśva gh osh a/Beal, 222; Garbe,IC, 56. 58 Carpenter, J.E., "ONTB," 975. 59 Carpenter, J.E., "ONTB," 977-978. 60 Carpenter, J.E., "ONTB," 974, 977; Lillie,BB, 184. 61 Carpenter, J.E., "ONTB," 976. 62 Carpenter, J.E., "ONTB," 976. 63 Carpenter, J.E., "ONTB," 976. 64 Carpenter, J.E., "ONTB," 977.

65 Lindtner, 87ff. See also my book Suns of God, 357ff. 66 Thundy, 102; Del Mar, 124. 67 Paine, 102. 68 Jaini, 331-332; Leighton, 88. 69 Lillie,BC, 162; Titcomb, 56; Vetterling, vi. 70 Hardy, 100. See also Suns of God, 298-299, 366ff. 71 Mead,GG, 134. 72 Carpenter, J.E., "ONTB," 976. 73 Thundy, 80. 74 Yu, 428. 75 Hopkins, 129. 76 Hopkins, 130. 77 Hopkins, 137. 78 Hanna, 166. 79 Lindtner, 87ff. In private correspondence, Dr. Lindtner informed me that there were three sources for the crucifixion story of Buddha: the Lotus sutra, the Mahaparinirvana sutra and the Samghabhedavastu, of which the MPS is a part 80 See Lindtner, 87-97. 81 See the book Christ in Egypt, 52ff. 82 Murdock,CIE, 79-209. 83 Murdock,CIE, 210ff. 84 Murdock,CIE, 233ff. 85 Murdock,CIE, 261ff. 86 Murdock,CIE, 298ff, et al. 87 Murdock,CIE, 293-297. 88 Massey,A EL W, II, 911.

89 Murdock,CIE, 335-430. 90 Murdock,CIE, 309ff. 91 Massey: "Horus in Egypt had been a fish from time immemorial, and when the equinox entered the sign of Pisces, Horus, was portrayed as Ichthys with the fish sign over his head." (Massey,HJMC, 25.)

92 Murdock,CIE, 324ff, 424, et al. 93 Murdock,CIE, 313ff. 94 Wheless, 18. Christianity did not become influential to any significant extent until the second century. 95 See the extensive research of Dr. Franz Cumont, who catalogued numerous Mithraic monumentsthroughout Europe, as well as Dr. M.J. Vermaseren's Corpus Inscriptionum et Monumentorum Religionis Mithriacae, vols. I and II. 96 Cumont, 191;CE, X, 404. 97 Amir-Moezzi, 78; Robertson,PC, 322. 98 Riddle, 37. 99 Turner, 325. 100 Turcan (78) calls Mithra "comme le maître et l'animateur du Kosmos"—"like the master/teacher and animator of the Cosmos." Bibliothèque de L'Ècole des Hautes Études (65) cites the Avesta as calling the god the "master/teacher of nations." In the texts, Mithra is also called "master/teacher of vast campaigns." (de Harlez, 468.) 101 See, e.g., Cumont, 117, 122; Ulansey, 17. 102 One such miracle would be that of Mithra shooting at a rock, producing water. (See, e.g., Hinnells, 173.)

103 Robertson, "Mithraism," Religious Systems of the World, 209. 104 Cumont, 192-193; Hastings, 753; Nabarz, 16; Ragozin, 69. 105 Cumont, 3. 106 Jackson, S.M., VII, 422. Mithraic monuments often include an image of a lion. (See, e.g., Ulansey.) 107 Maitland, E., 63; Robertson, "Mithraism," 202. 108 Jackson, S.M., VII, 419. 109 Justin Martyr,A po l. 1.66; Hinnells, 181. 110 Tertullian, On Prescription against Heretics (40); Roberts,A NF, III, 262. 111 Badiozamani, 96. 112 Amir-Moezzi, 78. 113 Hinnells, 507ff. 114CE, "Brahmanism" (II, 734). (Emph. added.) 115 Tod, 448. The summer and winter solstices represent the sleep and rise of Vishnu. 116 Hopkins,ION, 163 117Ab h edā na nd a (50) calls Krishna's mother, Devaki, a "holy virgin." 118 Indian Studies (108) states that Krishna's "mother's name, Devaki…can also be interpreted as meaning 'the divine one.'" 119 Sheridan, 11. 120 Barth, 174;Abh edā na nd a, 64. The "Yadus" were the descendants of the hero Yadu, living in the area near Mathura and Vrindavana, where the Krishna cult thrived. (MonierWilliams, 845.) 121 Knapp, 199. 122 Robertson,CM (1900), 150. 123 O'Flaherty, 212.

124 Bryant,KS, 119; Robertson,CM (1900), 175. The story of the star, which is called "Rohini"(Ra-agni- the fire god-the sun) (Aldebaran), is found in the Bhagavat Purana (10.3:1). 125 Sen (325. 126Abhedānanda, 59; O'Flaherty, 212. 127 Garbe, "CELK," 41. 128 Abhedānanda, 59. 129Dahlquist, 13; Abhedānanda, 55. 130 Doniger, 477. 131 Bryant,KS, 6; Robertson,CM (1900), 194. 132 Abhedānanda, 62. See the Protevangelion and infancy gospels for Christ's similar childhood. 133 Garbe, "CEM," 346. 134 Robertson,CM (1900), 150; O'Flaherty, 226. In Christian tradition, Christ is said to be the one who puts enmity between the woman (Eve) and the snake. (Gen 3:15) 135 Robertson,CM (1900), 151; Jackson, J.G., 131. 136 Wheeler, 414-415; Abhedānanda, 63. 137 Garbe, "CEB," 508. 138 Abhedānanda, 69. 139 Jacolliot, 250. 140 Abhedānanda, 69. 141 Robertson,CM (1900), 150. 142Abhedānanda, 63-64. 143Abhedānanda, 64. 144 Doane (247) uses this uncommon transliteration.

145 Chandra, 190. 146 Robertson,CM (1900), 150. 147Abhedānanda (80): "His feet were shot through with the arrow of an unknown barbarian hunter." See the discussion "Krishna Crucified?" below and in the book Suns of God. See also "Was Horus Crucified?" for a discussion of the meaning and use of the term "crucify." 148 Vyasa, 304; Gupta, 871. 149 Abhedānanda, 67. See the similar story about Jesus as found in the apocryphal text the "Gospel of Nicodemus" or "Acts of Pilate." 150 Dahlquist, 77. 151 Blank, 252. 152 Abhedānanda, 38. 153 Bryant,KL BG, 308. 154Abhedānanda , 60: "Krishna [is] the Lord of all." He also calls him "the most beloved Lord and Savior of all." (Abhedānanda, 38.) 155 Abhedānanda, 77.

156 Walker, 515. 157 Abhedānanda, 81. 158 Bryant,KS, 98. 159 Walker, 515. 160Abhedānanda, 56. 161 Bhagavad Gita, 10.20; Campbell, 315.

162 Knott, 40. 163 Turner, 258. At Revelation 19:11 it is said that Jesus will return in his Second Coming riding on a white horse

164 Parmeshwaranand, 1; Vallabhācārya, 3517, citing the Rig Veda, 1, 89.10. Indeed, Vishnu is a solar deity or epithet/aspect of the sun, while, as his incarnation—"being always identified with the deity himself"—Krishna likewise is solar in nature. The fact that Krishna is not only an incarnation of the sun god but also a deity himself who possessed many solar attributes should be kept in mind when investigating the Krishna-Christ parallels. 165 Turner, 15. 166 Shashi, 178. 167 Hiltebeitel, 186. 168 Mathah, 311. 169 Garbe, "CELK," 36. 170 Dahlquist, 16. 171 Hopkins, 166. 172 Robertson,CM (Kessinger), 139. 173 Clough, 144. 174 Clough, 144 175 Pausanias/Frazer, 220. Interestingly, a 176 Hamilton, E., 25. 177 Taylor, 193. 178 Hengel, 11. 179 Brown, 79. 180 Saladin, 369. 181 Awad, 267; Taylor, 192. 182 Taylor, 192-4. 183 Hengel, 11. 184 Brown, 79.

185 CE, XIV, 521. This remark represents a paraphrase by the Catholic Encyclopedia(" Tertu ll ia n ") concerning Tertullian's comments in his Apology (16). (Roberts,A NF, III, 31. 186 Ehrman, 150; Wheless, 144. 187 The claim is not being made here or elsewhere that the two words "son" and "sun" are related etymologically. It happens to be a "happy coincidence" and a reality in mythology that the "son of God"is the "sun of God." See also the "son-sun" discussion in the ebook, "Jesus as the Sun throughout History." 188 For a more complete list of solar characteristics and aspects, see the book The Christ Conspiracy, 154-156 189 Other reasons include the moon, Spica, etc. 190 Many of the sungods are depicted with haloes or rays around their heads, hundreds of years before it became fashionable in Christianity. 191 Evans, 113-114 192 Müller, 21. 193 Frankfort, 181. 194 Murdock,CIE, 321ff. 195 Murdock,CIE, 313ff. 196 Taylor,T D, 7. 197 Murdock,CIE, 67ff. 198 Massey,A EL W, II, 837. 199 Massey,A EL W, I, 539. Prior to its alleged conquest by David around 1,000BCE and subsequent occupation by those who came to be called Jews, Jerusalem had been an Egyptian garrison. 200 Massey,HJMC, 135-136; Kuhn, 18. 201 The Archaeological Institute of America's Art and Archaeology (45) relates that "Bethany comes from Beth-Anu, i.e., 'the shrine of the god Anu.'" In his translation of the preNicene New Testament, Dr. Robert M. Price renders the Judean town "Beth-Anu." (Price, 97.) 202 Ritter, 5

203 Massey,HJMC, 3-6. 204 Massey,HJMC, 3. 205 Massey,EBD, 16. 206 Walker, 143. 207 Park, 359. 208 Hilton Hotema says: "Christianity's Holy Bible was compiled from the Helio Biblia or Sun Book of the ancient Sun Worshippers..." (Massey,EBD, 2.) As it is not supported by mainstream etymology, this purported cognate of "holy" and "helios" can be accepted as a play on words to illustrate a point. 209 For a discussion of the Hebrew patriarch Abraham possibly being the Indian god Brahma(cf.vedic prathama-the first like Adam-yataswhereof,wherefrom), see the books The Christ Conspiracy, Suns of God and The Gospel According to Acharya S. 210 See the book Suns of God for more on the pre-Christian Joshua cult. 211 Robertson,PC, 154 212 See Franklin, Ketkar. Variant transliterations are "Manu" and "Manou." This "coincidence" did not escape the notice of the Christian world. 213 See the discussion of Dionysus, Mises and Moses in The Gospel According to Acharya S. 214 Bennett, 121; Journal of the North China Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, 24. Variations include "Men" and "Manes." 215 Rollin, 438. 216JNCBR A S, 24. 217 The 125th chapter of the Egyptian Book of the Dead is commonly cited as a probable influence on the Decalogue. 218 Buitenen, 779. 219 The BAR article nevertheless seeks to prove that the Exodus is historical. See also Finkelstein's The Bible Unearthed.

220 See Bierlein's chapter, "The Flood Myths." See also Walker, 730, et al. 221 Walker, 285-286; Murdock,CIE, 389ff. 222 Harwood, 230. 223 See Christ in Egypt, 124ff. 224 In his pre -Christian book about Egypt, Diodorus Siculus relates that the Jewish god was viewed as the same as the "IAO." (Murdock,CIE, 324.) This divine epithet has been found in various places, including sun,bull),aahva(call) and yahva-lord.The Jews were the called or chosen people of God. 225 For more information on the motif of the 12, see Christ in Egypt, 261ff. 226 See, e.g., J.M. Roberts, dvaadasa-twelve,tvashtaa-the sun,svasta-at rest. 227 See, e.g, Walker, 663. 228 Lewis, 225; Anderson, 210. 229 Massey,NG, 466. For more on the Four "Brothers" of Horus, see Christ in Egypt, 272ff. 230 Massey,HJMC, 157. 231 Massey,GML, 77. 232 See Massey, Gnostic and Historic Christianity. 233 Massey,NG, II, 419. 234 Wheless, 185. 235 Mead, 180. 236 Walker, 469.

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Part -2 The Linguitricks In The Bible Sariiraraksha(food-god) sariira(body)-rakta(blood,raksha-

salvation,kratu-sacrifice,VishnuChrist;Rudra- Durga vedic sacrificial deity-suurya –the sun-Ashur-Assyrian deity,raaja-a king,cakra a wheel. Kratu

and rakta is raksha whence the blood smeared saviour on the cross was created to indicate sariiraraksha patra or picture writ of food-god),Rudrapotri(priest-teacher and lord-christ)putra(Buddha-son of god)bhojana(food)-bodhana(preaching)putra(son-sun-suunu-son,son-suurya- the sun)- bharata(bhara-sa-fire-god)vrisha(Indra,bull,mouse),

Bhadra(king,bull)- pitri(father-potripriest)- patra(bird,word,writ,cross –god)ravi(the sun;ra-fire,Ra-the sun bird,vibird-cross)

1. The Harappans -The First Christians

Who were the Harappans? Archaeologists have clearly established that this civilization had a continuous history from Mehergarh to the present day. Harappan tradition J.M. Kenoyer’s classification of Bharata History Early food producing Era

ca 6500 – 5000 BC

Regionalization Era

ca 5000 – 2600 BC

Indus CivilizationHarappan culture

2600 – 1900 BC

Integration Era Late Harappan period

1900 – 1300 or 1000 BC Post Indus Tradition

Painted Grey Ware


Northern Black


Polished Ware Early Historic Period

ca. 600BC

Although earlier scholars thought that the Indus civilization disappeared around 1700BC,recent excavations in Pakistan and western India indicate that the civilization gradually became fragmented into smaller regional cultures referred to as Late or Post-Harappan cultures. These cultural traditions eventually became incorporated in the new urban civilization that arose during the Early Historical period, around 600 BC……”.

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The Indus- Sarasvati Civilization belonged to the Indo-Aryans .It is the Vedic Civilization. Their language is Vedic Bharata . They worshipped the Sun-god by all names and sounds ( the Word was God principle ) and the

same god is worshipped by us even today under various names. The same Sun-god was called Agna,Indra,Mitra,Varuna, Rudra,Soma etc and worshipped as a bull, a horse, a cow, an elephant,a snake,a tree etc. In the west the same Indra became Israel(Indra-el),Ishma-el and Jesus Christ(Iesous or Yeshua or Joshua Christos = asva kratu=the rising Sun and the sacrifice at the vernal equinox). Christ is sacrifice,the sacrifice of the king of the Jews(INRI).Asva is the king(avasa),the Sun,the sacrificial water buffalo or horse,the sign of Pisces,dawn etc and medha is the juice of meat,the sign of Aries(mesha) etc. Asvamedha is the sunrise at dawn,at the vernal equinox and the sacrifice of the king at the vernal equinox. The Christians still practise the Asvamedha or (soma) yaaga in their Holy Communion, follow the vedic seasonal calendar, and bury their dead in wooden coffins like the Indus people and expect their dead to rise up one day like the Sun-god. The Harappans were the first people to introduce Kratu(suurya-the sun,sacrifice,Durga),rakta(blood) , cakra(wheel),raajah(king) etc. as the form of raksha(salvation) and

personify the sacrifice as the god who provide raksha by homophonic application of these terms. The Bible is a Harappan text from the beginning.The first word of the Hebrew Bible is bere’siyit(bara-to do ,create;baar-burn,fire,kindle-it is the fire god who creates.Bhara and bhara-ta are fire in the vedas) which became Genesis in Greek and English.Bere’siyit is srishti in Sanskrit and Malayalm.Vriddhi is rise,growth and fortune.Prasava is pressing out (delivery)of soma juice in the Rig Veda.Prasava is prakaasa(light), prabhaata(dawn),bhadra(bull,king,water),bharata(light,fire.Bharata is the chief clan of the Rigveda.), prasthaa(standing up),prastaava(prelude of a Saaman), prasiddha(well known) etc.Sri-shti is dri-shti .Srii(Tamil-tii=fire) is word,light and the sun. In Egyptian also irt is eye and iri is to create or beget human beings. The name Braahmana(vedic priest) is bara(create) or baar (fire) and min(kind=name whence a Brahmana has a naama on his forehead) in Hebrew.Bere’siyit(bhadra-chieftain,rock,bulla) is Peter in the New Testament. The sevenday creation story is based on the number values of the Harappans.Agna(fire,light) is eka(number one) and light was created on ahan(day one).D-va is two.Toya is water and sva(dva)-rga is heaven and both were created on day two as water. The Vedas consider heaven as the south sea.Tri is three and dru(trees). Hence god created trees and vegetation

on the third day. Ca-tura four is paada(four,foot),bhadra(light) , suura(the sun) and soma(the moon). Hence god created the sun and the moon on the fourth day.Pa-tra(b-ird=2+3=5,hasta-hand,paksha-bird) is panca(five).Hence god created the birds on day five. Adam is yaat(ever since,the past).He was created on the sixth day as sh-ad(six,sha=nara=man) is sex.Adam is yaada( mada-sex,nara-man).Marta (man) is mrit(soil).Hence he was made of earth(adam-adaama-soil).Agna is god and man.Sha is man and sa is god. Hence god created man in his image or likeness itself(Genesis.5.1). Bhaar-ya(wife,bhara-to fill,to rule,fire) is rib and Eve(Havva) is bhava(birth) and bhuu(the earth,birth).Bhava is paapa(sin) and vaapa(sowing seed).Eve was created from a rib(cf.vedic asthi-bone,astu-happen;parsurib,prasuu-mother,bhadra-a girl,king)of Adam and the sin of ori-gin(sin) came through her.The forbidden fruit of the tree of knowledge(jnaana) is gamana(sex) or vaapa(sowing seed) which leads to janana(birth) or bhava(birth) .By snaana(bathing=jnaanasnaana =bap-tism) this paapa(sin) is washed out.A sarpa(snake,bhartaa-husband,purusha-man) made her commit the sin of origin as naaga(snake ) is s-neha(love) and kaama(sex).cf. Naaga (a snake. Hebrew naahas-snake,nehosetmenstruation.This srava-fow is a sarpa-snake leading to garbha-

pregnancy. A nahusha-snake and manusha-man are also similar. This naahas forced Eve to commit the sin of origin (original sin). Noah is soma (the moon) and his ark is the lunar crescent.Pradosha(dusk) was made para(vara-great,vaara-sea)-toya(water) and humans die every night in the flood waters as nidra (sleep) is in sa-mudra(sea,sa-with,nidrasleep).The mount Ararat where Noah’s ark is located is raatra(raatrinight).Those saved from the floods come out of the ark at dawn when they woke up.Noah is nau(boat),nu(praise),naava(ship),mukha(face) etc.Drona is a boat and a c-row. Potra(a boat) is patra(a bird), bhadra (king,auspiciousness,bull ) etc.Hence it was used as an amulet by the Harappans.

Note this boat from Harappa available on and compare it with the ark of Noah.The boat is the figure of the face itself.Aksha(eyes) form the paksha(birds) on either side of the mast.Naasa(nose) is the mas-t(cf.masta=head). Noah opened the window he had made in the ark and sent out a raven(crow) ….Then he sent out a dove.(Genesis.8.6-8).Nauka as mukha ought to have two birds in it as seen in the picture . Nimrod








nidra(sleep),netra(king),Drona(Bharadvaaja- the great archer teacher of the Kauravas and Pandavas in the Mahaabharata) etc.Vedic Savi-tr or

Tvash-tr has kara(rays,hands) which are sara(arrows ) as in



Nimrod became strong when he put on the garments, and God gave him might and strength, and he was a mighty hunter in the earth, yea he was a mighty hunter in the field, and he hunted the animals and he built altars, and he offered upon them the animals before the Lord.” (Jasher 7:30) . “Like Nimrod,the mighty hunter before the Lord”.(Genesis 10.9).Nimrod was the son of Cush and the great grandson of Noah and he was the king of Shinar. Nimrod is Candra(the moon) and he hunts in the wilderness of the night and his bow is the crescent which is the soma.The soma bull is the king of Shin-ar(nisa-night,raa-night).Noah being soma ,Nimrod was made his grandson. Cush is doshaa(dus-k,night) and suta(a son).The moon king is born at dusk.He is the potra(a boat) and pautra(a grandson cf.putra=a son) of Noah(haoma-soma).Noah is nauka (a boat,nau-boat,naava-boat,ship) and nauka is mu-kha(face,kha=the sun) which is nu(before)-ka(head,khathe sun) or the front of the head is the face.Thus the term before the lord is true. Abraham(prathama- the first) the first patriarch is Brahma the creator and Brahmana(a Brahmin,varaaha-naama,raama-a king) whose symbol was the Unicorn(varaaha-eka sringa) and bhadra or vrisha(bhadra-bull,patrabird,writ,veda).Vrisha is Indra.Tau-ros is the bull and bulla-epistles-









apostle(epistle) for the New Testament. Jacob is yahua(yahova-lord) and aahva(call,name).Yahud is aahuuta(called,chosen). The Brahmins(Abraham) wear the naama(

name) mark or


( or raaja-king or tama-highest,sama-end) mark=T=terminus,the first on the forehead.It is tau of Hebrew and taya is salvation . Tau= dva(two),deva(lord),sava(sacrifice),save;kratu-sacrifice;raksha-



svaaha-the last

mantra- is the last letter of the Hebrew alphabet. Tau is taya=salvation. The O-m-ega of the Jews became T for the Greeks and English and svaaha for the Hindus ). Taya is dvaya(two) and dvaya is dvi-ja(a Brahmana,born twice).Brahmans call themselves deva(dva,tau).Tau-tra is Savitr-the sun. Hence the tau represents the deva(Brahman) or bhuusura(the sun of the earth-a Brahman).Tau is diva(day) which is ahna(day) or agna(fire). Yom(AUM=the sound of the shofar or conch) is ahna(agna-fire,aajna-order). Day brings salvation at udaya(dawn,u-taya =that which saves=u-tau) Note the similarity in the symbols of Aum and Tau.

sa-god,bird =


tri=three,traa =to protect=taya=Tau = suula(a

trident) = soma(the sun,the moon)=sona(fire,blood)=suura(the sun) = In the Septuagint, the last letter of the Hebrew alphabet, the tau, was transcribed as a “T” in Greek(cf. duo glyph in Harappan ).The stylized Tau cross came to represent the means by which the Christ reversed the disobedience of the old Adam and became the Saviour (X- aviour, x=ghar=sa=god,bird,snake,border,fence) as the “New Adam.” The Tau in its form of tri is three hundred and in its form of four is four hundred. For the bull of the bulla the aleph(patra=writ;bhadra=bull,head;phaalaforehead) is the head and the tau (Ta=tail)is the tail . The Roman crosses usually consisted of two pieces. The stipes (vedic stuupa=yuupa=sacrificial post of the kratu-Christ)was the upright piece, fixed in the ground. The horizontal piece was called the patibulum; it weighed about a hundred pounds or so, and the condemned person was usually forced to carry it to the place of execution. Hence his name, the patibulatus.The name Pilatos or Pilate who condemned the Christ to become a pati-bulatus is contained in pati-bulatus . Pantios pilatos or Pontius pilate is sandhya-evening,antya-end and pradosha-dusk in Sanskrit.Barabbas or bar abba(son of father) ,the criminal released by Pilate is prabhaata-dawn. The vernal equinox is the Aries-Sunday rise of the annual sun after the sunset in Libra-Friday of the day. After the patibulatus carried the crosspiece of his cross out to the field of execution, he’d be attached to it with ropes or with nails—hence the term crucifixio, from crux(ghar,kratu)- cross, and figo, to affix. Then he’d be hauled up so that the patibulum could be fastened to the stipes. The two pieces when mortised into each other form the familiar Latin-cross ( †)

shape. More probably the Roman army carpenters, just fixed a peg in the top of the stipes and bored a hole in the patibulum,it would result in a shape like the Greek letter tau ( T ).In the Harappan writing the dva(tau) symbol can be seen as a symbol of the sacrificial soma bull(the king). Ii-svara is god. Ii = aa = cry of the bull and man.Thus the bull or bird symbols denote A in the Harappan ,Semitic ,Greek,Egyptian and English alphabets. Hence the bull as aa-svara is suurya(dhuriiya-a bull),aisvarya(prosperity) and iisvara(god),Ashur etc.Uksha (ox) is usha(dawn,yosha-woman cf.Queen of sheba who visited Sol-omon in 2Chronicles.9.1) and aksha(eye ,wheel cf. netra is the eye,king, sacrifice and witness.Hence the treaty at Beersheba-vrishabha- prabhaatabetween Abraham and Abimelech witnessed by seven ewe lambs which is the saptaaha or the seven weekdays and saptaasva-the sun cf.In M-1186 the witnesses are seven females..Abimelech = aviaja-usha-Aries,melech-king. Genesis.21.22) or Bharata(fire ) Vrishabha(bull,prabhaata-dawn,Beer sheba).The cross is a bhadra(paada-four,part) or patra(writ cf.INRI=Indra=Sakra=raksha=raaja=king) of raksha(salvation=cakra= kratu =Christ=cross). The twelve sons of Jacob(Israel-Indra-the sun god;isra=iisvaragod;usra-bull;vrisha-bull,Indra;el-god,la-Indra,ra-agni-fire god of Indians and sun god of Egypt) are the dvaadasaadityas(the twelve suns of twelve solar months). Moses is usha(dawn) or mosaa-sunrise, muulaah-circumcision moksha(liberation,the heavens) and Manu(the law giver) .The Brahmins wear the savitra or pavitra sacred thread which is a nuul(savitra-the sun,suutra-thread) which brings tau for them.The Jews achieve the tau by the muulah(nuul-suutra-suura-the sun) the

equivalent of the savitra -suutra worn across the body to make it dvaya(two)-dvija(a Brahmana)-deva(deity) and tau(protection). Mount Horeb ( Hebrew) is bruuhi(to speak). It is Tabor(svara-voice cf. ‘This is my son whom I love’.Matthew.17.5,Taurus,daabar-to speak,tabera-fire,suura-the sun) in the New Testament.Israel is iisvara(god)-el(la-Indra).Jana(people) is jina(the sun) and dina(day).Rava is the sun and voice.Suurya(the sun) is svara(sound). Sinai is gira(word,mountain),Jina(the sun), Miina(matsya-Piscesdawn=Egy-pt,Ijya-jupiter,pt-pada-foot=Pisces) , dina(divasa-day-dvija =a Brahmana),aajna(order),niyama(law),jnaa(to know),snaa(to bathe,cf.baptism),maasa(month,soma-the moon),nisa(night),Saama(veda),jani(birth),Sani(Saturn) etc.Saturday is the Sabbath day of the Hebrews.It is Caana in the New Testament. Bhadra(parvata-mountain,prabhaata-dawn) is patra(writ). Hence Sinai bhadra is jina patra. The Old Testament is the maasa(month,the moon)Soma ( sacrifice of Moses-the moon)medha and the ten commandments(dasa saasana) at Sinai( maasa,miina-Pisces).The New Testament is the Asva(sacrifice of Jesus-the sun) medha of the vedic Harappans. Asva (bull,usha-dawn,avasa-king,the sun)soma(madhu,sonablood=red wine,red rice,svana-word ) sacrificing Last Supper is the kurbaana(korban-girvaana-kalpana-commandment-testament-law) or the Holy Mass ( suurya-medha-sacrifice)or the Eucharist(Christkratu-sacrifice). There was an earthquake when god landed on Mount Sinai.Pravata is prabhaata.Parvatachyut (shaker of mountains) is the Maruts(wind god) in the Rigveda. Parvatachyut is prabhaatadyut(prabhaatajyoti,dyaus-dawn) .Marut is also pavana=soma(pa=ca,v=u,na=ma)=Mosa (Moses)and mosaa(sunrise) whereby the mountain had to shake.Soma is called soma pavamaana .Pavana(Marut-wind) is soma( Marut-wind) itself.The mountain shake is from the effervescence(shown by a marta-man=nrit-dance) of the soma in the paana paatra(chalice) which is made a bhadra(bull,mountain-Sinai-sin=soma) to denote prabhaata(dawn).

This can be seen from M-1186(where a deity in a pipal –bodhi- tree frame stands and is shown at,,M312 bull baiting rituals in Indus valley, c. 2000 BCE. etc.

M-1186 purushamedha - asvamedha -Krist girvaana- human sacrifice

M-312 pasumedha-

somamedha - bull sacrifice

In M-1186 patra(writ) is shown by paatra(jar) and patra(leaves). Druma(tree) and marta (man) indicate marut(the wind god and dharma-law) and drona(soma vessel,a measure,Bharadvaaja).Marut and druma is soma(wind,bull,the sky).Vriksha(tree) is vrisha(bull) and prakaasa(light cf.touchwood!). Paatra(jar) and patra(leaf) is Sinai bhadra or soma bhadra(soma bull or bulla) or soma varsha(the year that is the king).Parvata( mountain)is prabhaata(dawn). Sapta giri(seven hills) is sabda gira(speech), tapasa giri(aruna giri=the sun) and divasa(day)-srii(the sun). Sapta Maruts is presented as sapta mudra(seven seals , the woman and the dragon etc. in Revelations 6-18. Sapta Kanya(seven virgins) indicate divasakalya(dawn of day).Gnaa(RV.4.9.4) is devine females(patnawife) and gnaavat (accompanied by divine females RV.1.15.3,2.1.5) indicate gnaavas(stutivacas- words of, bhajana=adoration). Paatraasana or patraasana or

bhadraasana(seat on jar and leaves or mountains or bulls or elephants) of the deity indicate bhadraasana(royal throne of the priest king cf. In the temple festivals of Kerala ,even today ,this is achieved by the procession of the tidambu-the idol of the deity held by the priest on bhadra-elephants) of the sacrificial priest and scene indicate bhadraagna(the king cf.agna-king,fire,gnaa-gira-word) and bhadr(king)-aajna(order of the king). pa-tra(writ,king) – gnaa(aajnaa-order) is the king’s writ or girvaana.The bhadra(head) on the aasana(stand) also indicate bhadraasana(royal throne) and aajnaapatra(king’s writ). Paana also indicates fann-ing of the soma(bull baiting) whereby the grain is separated from the chaff. Suur-pa(fan) is soma(suura)pa(ruler) and puurva(the east).M-312 shows bhadra(bull=soma,a virgin) bandhana(restraint,marriage) or soma vandana( worshipping the king) . The girvaana is of Srii-Sakra or Su-cakra(having good wheels,a good chariot cf. the cross wheel) which in reverse is Krista (Christ or Krishna=samraaj=king). Krista is tri-sata(three hundred-the value of the Greek Tau or cross.Sanskrit Sau is a hundred.Savitr is sautri or three hundred.Hebrew taaw is the cross). Trisata(Krista) is also tridasa(thirty) which is the price of the Christ(thirty silver coins Matthew.26.15) paid by the priests to Judas.

Exodus from Egypt is the exit of the sun from Pisces(the north east angle=iisa-pada=iisaana ruled by ijya-Jupiter=Egypt) at sunrise.By the red dawn and Miina-Pisces as nina(blood), rakta (blood) was used to protect the houses of Israel.The Red sea is the red dawn(Arunodaya=aruna-red,udaya-toya-sea) which Israel(Indra-the rising sun) cross every morning.In the Revelations it is stated “ one of the heads of the beast seemed to have had a fatal wound,but the fatal wound had been healed” Rev.13.3.This is from the nina(blood)

of miina as seen in .or . Bhissaa(rice cf.Fish) has the bran for its blood .The bhadra(dot) in the matsa is the bhadra(pottu-circle,bhartahusband,king) on the masta(head).It is Bheda(injury) in the Rigveda.It is brit milah(circumcision) in the Exodus.Sinai patra(the two stone slabs) is brit milah(covenant of circumcision). Matsa(the fish) is masta(head), dasam(ten cf.ten commandments),soma(sona-blood) etc.Soma is pressed between two adri(stones cf.the sex act).Pisces is pasas(sepha-sisnapenis).Saasana(law) is sisna(male organ)and chedana(bhedacutting).Interestingly the wife of Moses circumcised their putra(son,bharta-husband) and with that blood saved Moses(raktablood,raksha-salvation.Ex.4.25) from death whence he became a groom(bharata-groom,brit=patra=writ=covenant) of blood(nina=blood,miila=miina-fish=nina-blood).Dharma(law,god of law and god of death-Yama) is carama(death) and mrita(dead) .Removal of carma(foreskin) is removal of carama(death) and agreement of dharma(duty).The law giver underwent the law of death before he gave the laws. It is the piercing of the vakshas(chest,stana-breast = matsa) of the Christ with a spear in the New Testament.For the Brahmans this is nayana (miina=nayana=eye,nina-blood). The blood of the sindoora (saffron bhadra-bindu-dot)is seen in the blood of the brit miila(circumcision). Jina(Mahaaviira) seems to be Sinai and Buddha(Gautama) seems to be Tabor(putra=son,bhadra=mountain). The sinduura(Hindu-ura;jina-suura-the sun;sona-suura-the red sun) mark on the forehead of a Hindu woman indicate that her husband is living which is stated by Zipporah(the wife of Moses) as the groom of blood. Prabhaata is parvata(mountain) and prabhaasha(speech).Gira(word) is gira(hill) and kara(hand,paaNi-hand,vaaNi-word,nipa-paana-pot .Note this sasa(hare)- saasa(king) of Harappa which is two hands,bhadra-bull or paatra-pot. Parvata(mountain,prabhaata-dawn) is bhadra(hill,bull,gold,stone) and patra(writ).The commandments are ten as ten is dasa and dasa is saasa(rule,law) and raaja(king.Cf.Dasa Raaja- Ten Kings and

Sasa Aatreya of the Rig veda, Dasaratha-father of Raama in the Raamaayana etc.Ten godkings ought to have ten commandments as saas –to rule is dasa-ten!).God is said to have written the ten commandments on two stone slabs as patra(writ) is bhadra(stone).Silaapatra(stone inscription ) indicates gira-patra or girvaana(of the Rigvedacf.kurbaana –sacrifice or Holy mass)

indicated by the unicorns

, the bulls


bangled hands etc. in the Indus script and the bull(soma,bulla) of Aaron at Sinai.Kalpana(law,rule) is kal(stone,gira-word,hill,galaneck)-pana(paana-cup,vaaNi-speech cf.sermons in stones or bhadra- bulls as patra-writ or Peter-the stone) indicated by the ghar(kara,gira,gala)-paana(paaNa,baaNa,vaaNi) or , , , , , etc. in the Indus script. Kalpana- girvaana -or commandment is the testament itself.Kalarava(beautiful speech) is indicated as gala(neck)-rekha(lines or lepa-lipi-letter) of the bulls and khala(barn,bharana-rule) in the vedic scripts. The Old Testament or girvaana is the Ten commandments for the soma(Mosa,bull) drinking, worshipping and sacrificing Yahud(Azhur,Ahura) tribes. “When the Lord finished speaking to Moses on Mount Sinai ,he gave him the two tablets of the Testimony,the tablets of stone inscribed by the finger of god.”(Exodus.31.18) Girvaana is made two stone tablets in this as gira(word,god) is gira(mountain),kara(hand),kirana(ray,the sun) and patra(writ,leaf) is bhadra(mountain,bull,king) and paatra (jar) as in


= (gira,bhadra=mountain,word) + ger(king-gira) of

(patra-writ). The fin-

god is girvaana itself as seen in the figure. 60 -seal fragment of a man with

a double bun and three fingered hand available on Srii(the sun,light,word) being tri(three),athari(finger) being adri(mountain,aatreya-king),karasaakha(finger) being prakaasa(light).Karabha(finger)-na(like,two) is girvaana.Kabri(made up hair bun)-na is also girvaana. Prakaasa is pra(sira-head)-kesa(hair). The Harappan gods are given trident like kirii-da (crown;giri-hill,da-hill→ tri-da→three hills) also hence.The word of the priestking is the word of god or veda.In the kurbaana note the ghar( cross-cup) formed by the priest by crossing the kaasa(kalasa-chalice) containing the soma(sona-rakta –blood,raksha-salvation,kratu-homasacrifice,draaksha-grape-rakta-red wine) and the piilaasa(paatrapaana-plate,purodaasa- rice cake,bhadra-aasa=king or bull or ricerex as food or king of foods as in INRI).This makes the girvaana bhadraasva(god’s writ) or patraasva or lamassu or Eloi,Eloi,lama sabachthani or luu(divide) la(Indra,ra-fire), lama(soma-bull,suunacorn-rice)-bhakshana(to eat,food;bhaj-to divide,sama-equal,janapeople;bhojana-food,putra-son;bodhana-preaching) from the ghar(cross).Ghar as khala is the threshing floor or granary.Gol-gotha the place of crucifixion is khaI- goza(ushadawn),goda(brain),gosa(dawn) or kosa(apartment where grain is stored.Since goda is brain it becomes kapaala or the place of the skull).In the old Testament anna(soma-mosaa) the sun is shown as mannah(food of Israel) and in the New Testament anna(rice) is manna(the king-INRI,nama-pasture ground,manyahonourable,namana-worship,nayana-ruling,eye cf. -rice is saasa-rex or ruler.Anna-soma-is also Anno


Domini.Anna(rice,food)-Ahna(day)-Sam-aa(year) -Vaasra(day)Srava(rice,ear,food)-Varsha(year)-vrisha(bull,Indra).Note the fishfood-symbolism from Caanai to the feast of the three thousand,the feast of the five thousand to the last supper making the Son of Man a glutton and a drunkard(Matthew.11.19).Soma feast is the soma medha celebration of the winter solstice .It is the soma(moon-bull) festival as the moon is the bull by its crescent horn.This is Christmas. Asva medha feast is there for the bhadraasva or patraasva-the bull which flies-the rising sun who flies like a bhadra (bull) or patra(bird) spreading his patras or rays .This is Easter. Man eats the body of god as anna(rice) is anna(the sun),ahna(day).vaaja(food) is vaas-ra (weekday;vaaja-food,ra-giving) and srava(food).Soma(the moon,the sun,a bull,wind) is suuna(corn) and suura(the sun). The work of a priest with the bull is kra-tu(sacrifice)and kri-ti(book) and the work of a peasant with the bull is kri-shi(farming). Tri-ta is a god associated with the Maruts(Dharma-law,god of law,marta-man,mudra-seal,matsa-pavana-soma-wind. cf.M1186).He can be seen in the Mahabhaarata as Dharma Putra, Dhrita Raashtra,Krita varma etc.He is Krishna and the Christ too. From Mount Sinai(gira-srii-word) god made mandatory the celebration of three(tri) annual festivals-the feast of unleavened bread for seven days in the month of Abib,the feast of Harvest(cf.ghar-cross,khala-threshing floor,and the feast of Ingathering(cf.ghar-cross and khala- granary)at the end of the year. Now observe this girvaana from the Harappan seal H-9. Abib is Avi(Aries) where moksha(liberation=Moses) begins.The unicorn (gaura-bull,gira-word)and paana(chalice) indicates girvaana(cf.



etc. ). The written word is pat-tra as sabda (sound) is sapta(seven) as seen from the following daana (donum-gift,havana-sacrifice,hvaanacall,netra=dinar)-pattra girvaana(korban).

Mrishtaanna(wholesome pure pleasant meals) is srishtaanna(creator god as food) or nri(king)-sada(grain,dasa-flesh)anna(food) whence the king’s(Pharaoh or Jesus) body is the bread of eternal life as in the Sed festival where the king’s body was to be eaten by the participants of the sacrifice. The golden calf(soma) built by Aharon is the Soma(Moses-golden rising sun) and its breaking indicates day break.The Hindus often achieve this breaking of soma in their temples by the breaking of the purodaasa cake(cf.the eucharist),lemon ,the coconut,the pumpkin etc.which are the soma(su-ma,su-good,suu- to bring forth,ma=water) equivalents as soma(wind,the sky,rice) or sobha(light,pa=ma=bha=water,light) or Mosa(usha-sunrise). Egypt being aadipatya(rule,lordship),the Sinai(niyama-law) treatise indicates a break up and rebellion of a section of the Harappan priestly clans from the original rulers or the vedic people.

Interestingly a hotaa ( is a vedic sacrificer) and ahotaa(Yahuda, a-not,hotaa-sacrificer) is the aahuuta(called,Yahuda) Jews. Compare Rigvedic dasyu(enemy,surya-the sun,Hurrian) with Judea(surya-the sun,usha-dawn). The chief tribes of the dasyus were known as Simyu(cf.Sinai,Moses,Simon or Peter etc.),Kiikata(cf.Hyksos or Hyk-Khase or foreign chieftains),Aja(ushaJudea) etc. The dasyu king Sambara(prasna-problem;bharatapattana-city;varsham-year,place) was lord of a hundred cities. Cumuri(Sumer?) is another dasyu king. This indicates the close contacts of the Vedic people and the Semitic people before they rose in war.In the War of the Ten Kings (RV.7.18.19,7.33.3)victory was for the side of the vedic Sudasa who is Moses for the Hebrews.The leader of the ten kings(kins) was Bheda (bheda-injury, bhaata –dawn,bhaj-to divide).Interestingly bhadra(bheda) is a king and a cipher.Hence one king is made the Ten kings like the one horned unicorn becoming the tenhorned beast in the Book of Revelations.Also Sudas(Moses) crossed the river Prsni(like the Red sea cf.Bharani asterism ruled by Yama-the law god) with the help of Indra (Israel) and killed the warriors of the enemies who numbered 6666 RV.7.18.14 like the 666 of the beast in Revelations13.18. cf.Armageddon in Rev.16.16 and Michael and the Dragon in Rev.12.7) The unicorn of the Harappans can be seen mentioned 9 times in the Bible (Numbers 23:22; 24:8; Deuteronomy 33:17; Job 39:9, 10; Psalm 22:21; 29:6; 92:10; Isaiah 34:7). Most modern versions of the Bible identify the unicorn as a wild ox. However, the biblical descriptions do not fit a wild ox. While modern translations typically translate re’em(cf.vedic resmi-ray;raajan-raama-king) as “wild ox,” the King James Version (1611), Luther’s German Bible (1534), the Septuagint, and the Latin Vulgate translated this Hebrew word with words meaning “one-horned animal.” The characteristics of the unicorn are as follows: 1.

It has great strength (Numbers 23:22; 24:8; Job 39:11)

2. The unicorn is wild and cannot be tamed (Job 39:9-12) 3. The unicorn is a dangerous animal (Psalm 22:21) The unicorn re’em( vedic Raama-king) became the lamassu for the Ashur worshippers or atharvans.The atharvans were specialists in the soma medha(soma sacrifice).Compare the name of the Assyrian king Ashur(lama)-bani-pal with the name of a kerala Brahmin eg., Mitran(ashur)-nam(lama)-bootiri(bhuu-srii,suu-tri)-padu(pal). Pal is baal as putra(son of Ashur) and paala(ruler-king) as bhadra(bharatafire,king,bull). Kerala had a flourishing trade of spices,pots etc.with the west in those days. The early Harappans migrated from their home land and reached Sumer,Akkadia,Assyria,Syria,Persia,Parthia,Mitanni,Egypt and Kerala before they reached Tamilnadu .This can be seen in the story of the Kerala Nambootiris(nama-nara-jana-man,bhuu-earth,srii-the sun of the earth- who who are specialists of soma sacrifices like the Harappans) getting converted to Christianity by the disciple Didimus(sun-moon twin=Newmoon=asvin=matsa=Matthew=medha=kratu=Christ cf. of Harappa which is a sacrificial fish bull) called Toma(svana-word of god) which is soma medha ,the soul of the kurbaana (girvaana)of the Kerala Christians. He is depicted with a suula(soma-bull,suura-the sun,Toma) or praasa(spear,praata-dawn,raaja-king,pareta-dead) that shows the vel of Muruga or the spear that pierced the chest of the crucified Christ cf. or the sara( arrow) that killed Krishna, the horn of the unicorn etc. and not because he died by it. A d-is-ci-ple(pra-ti-sh-ta) of the Christ shows kratu(sacrifice,Christ,Vishnu) pratishta(placement or establishment of sacrifice) and placement of the sun-god as son of god in the signs of the zodiac. Jesus is portrayed with the cakra (cross) which is bhadra(wheel,bull,king,auspicious)-bharata(fire,word;cross =fire)varsha(year)-raksha(protection)-raaja(king)-sarpa(snake cf.the original sin

and the snake. Christ on the cross won over the snake), Sakra(Indra) etc.He was crucified nagna(naked,naga-na,naga=the Sun) , he being agna and Sakra like the naked deity(aja,sa,nagna,gaayatri,saaka,maata) in the Harappan seal H-3305.He was betrayed by Judas(ushas-dawn cf.dasyuenemy- in the Rigveda) to his enemies for his crucifixion. The kshatas (wounds) on the body point to his being daksha (fire) who provide raksha (protection). In the court of Pilate (pradosha- dusk,praata-dawn) he was given a rakta (red) robe to show the red figure of the setting(rising) Sun and to portray him as a raaja ( a king) . Pilate also presented him a crown of


to show the ascending rays of the rising (or the setting) Sun

and to make it a girvaana(gira-hill,kiriita-crown;paana-vaani-word) or the kurbaana( Hebrew: korban-sacrifice). The Hindus still continue to worship the Fig tree and the Bilva and the Christians follow the tree worship as worship of the wooden cross cf.prakaasa(light)-vriksha(tree)-cakra-raksha->Sakra



Prabhaata(dawn) is prakaasa(vriksha) and vana(tree)-paada(root,foot). ‘Now the whole world had one language and a common speech. As men moved eastward, they found a plain in Shinar and settled there. They said to each other, “come let’s make bricks and bake them thoroughly… let

us build ourselves a city, with a tower that reaches to the heavens” <> This world language was Bharata and the Bharats were experts in making and baking bricks as shown by archeologists. The Bible uses the same tax and measuring units of the vedas showing its connection to the Harappan civilization. Seven co-in weights are mentioned in the Bible: talent, mina, shekel, beka, gerah, pim, and kesitah. A scale of the relationships between the first five weights mentioned can be established on the basis of the Bible and other sources; the absolute and relative value of the pim(cf.vedic copper paNa-20 maasha=4 kaakinis) can be determined from archaeological finds. The seventh weight, the kesitah(Genesis33.19,Joshua24.32,Job 42.11; cf.Vedic Harappan nishka= a golden ornament used as money or kaashta-a measure from hasta-a hand) is an archaic weight and its name confirms the origin of the Bible from the Vedas of the Harappans. We can figure out the interrelationships of the three most important weights, the talent(tulaa,tola,suula-spear,suura-the sun), shekel(kalasa,sulka), and gerah(ghar). =talent=tulaa =dhana(wealth),daana(donation=netrasacrifice=miina),sama(equal) –anka(writ) .Sulka is tulya(equalcf.libra pound) in weight or value. Karsha(tola or tolaka or cash)=weight of gold or silver=16 Maasha=80 Rettis=1/4 pala=1/400 of a Tulaa =176 grains troy;in common use 8 Rettis are given to the Maasha and the Karsha is then about 280 grains troy) Troy→

→netra →g-rain

go(fish,eye,cow)+ rain→

co-in→go(cow)-raya(water,wealth) →kraya(purchase),gopaya=kupya(base metal) → rupya(gold,silver cf. Rupee) . The talent (kikkar= karsha or karka or nakra or cakra?), was the largest unit of weight in the Bible. In Ugaritic it was pronounced kakaru(cf.karka=crab,white?) . A talent was 3,000 shekels (cf.vedic tridasa=30, Greek tau =300) based upon ancient Canaanite traditions who in turn got it from the vedic Harappans.A shekel, means simply "weight ". The fundamental nature of the shekel can be seen in the fact that all weights which the Bible explains are explained only in terms of the shekel.The shekel was used as a bartering(cf.vedic karna patra-kalasa or krena patra karana-purchase writ deed -shekel,bhadraking,part,vart-to live,trade) material, not a minted coin. Jeremiah bought a plot of land and weighed his payment (silver) on scales (Jeremiah 32.9). Cf.vedic Harappan


Subdivisions of the shekel were the beka

or half-shekel (Genesis

24.22,Exodus 38.26, cf. + = ) and the gerah , a 20th of the shekel (Exodus 30.13). The gerah is known in Akkadian as gir(cf.vedic ghar –. The basic meaning of the Akkadian word is a grain of carob seed. In the Harappan scripts also the ghar is shown overlaid by grains to show ghar by khala- a threshing floor which is also the gol in Gol-gotha(or Calvary) in the scene of the crucifixion of the Chr-ist.The cross as bhadra is paada(foot,four;bhaata-dawn;bhaasa-light;bhaa-the sun,sagod),pajraa(Soma cf.the cross overlaid with grains) and bhaj(worship,divide

÷)-raa(give cf.the Eu-char-ist). The shekel, was a

50th part of the maneh (cf vedic daana netra miina a 60th part of the talent. Hence, 1 talent

=60 maneh

=3,000 shekels

)and the maneh was

1 maneh

=50 shekels

=100 beka


=1,000 gerahs

The Bible mentions at least three kinds of shekels: in Genesis 23:16, a shekel of silver "at the going merchant's rate [over la-socher]; in Exodus30.13, "shekel by the sanctuary weight [ha-kodesh]"; and in 2 samuel 14.26, "shekels by the king's stone [b'even ha-melech]," that is, shekels stamped by the royal treasury as proof that they are perfect.(cf.the standard weights of IVC, unicorns and girvaana symbols in the Harappan seals etc.) The mina (Hebrew: Maneh cf.vedic bali or daana or netra=sacrifice or offering to king has the shape of fish which is also called miina-fish or maana -devotion or measure?) which designates a weight of approximately 50 shekels, is found in the Bible primarily in the late books (Ezekiel 45.12,Ezra2.69,Nehemiah7.70,71) and in ancient times in Israel reckoning was done in shekels and talents only, and the mina was not used except in unusual situations. It appears that this practice too had its roots in an ancient Canaanite tradition, for in Ugaritic writings many calculations are found involving shekels and talents and very few involving the mina. From Ezekiel 45.12 the value of the mina is equivalent to 60 shekels like the Akkadian man. The beka(cf.vedic =gava=go=cow,vaaha-bull, bhaaga-part.The raised na is svar-na gold from svar=heaven,na=jewel) is mentioned twice in the Bible (Gen24.22,Ex.38.26) and its value is explicitly determined as one-half a shekel as seen from the scripts themselves. Its name is derived from the root bq, "to break, to divide," and its basic meaning is "a part(cf.vedic bhaga-part or the female genitals shown as the fish eating alligator also )."

Also mentioned in the Bible is the peres (Dan5.25,28cf. compare vedic.parasu-axe cash- money=drughana- wooden macedrachm(caturam=square or four or tetra is double sama or equal. mace→sama-equal= for barter.Go-cow in a co-in is a hoe also. ) . Bhadra(the cow) of the veda was usually vasu(gold) whence gold is also called ashtapada (cf.ashtavasu).

Coins in the Talmud The currency system most commonly found in Talmudic literature was based on the Roman monetary system both in terminology and metrological structure. Its standard was linked to that of the Tyrian tetra-drachm (sela cf.vedic sena(sama-equal) or spear money etc).


The smallest known coin was the perutah(

bhadra=gold?). There





were four perutot in a dinar (daana-ra→ netra→ ratna=maNi=money also called a "zuz"= sas-grain). Daana(donation) is dhaanya(grain), dhanya(noble), paana (pot) and miina (fish,hema-gold). Naanaya(coin) is nayana(eye)and maanya(noble).Bharani(a pot) is the asterism in Miina. Sas (grain) is soma(suuna → miina→nellu-paddy,svarna-gold).Sas is sasa(hare cf.the copper tabletC2B7 from Mohenjo-daro) , saada(grain),shash(six) and dasa(ten). Saadakumbha

is hema(gold).

cf.1 talent = 60 mina =120 tartimar=750 uncia=1,500 sela=3,000 shekel= either 4,000 or 3,000 Italian issar=6,000 zuz (also called dinar) = 12,000 provincial sela=24,000 perutah Coins in daily use were the denarii (or zuz cf. vedic sasa-hare) and sela'im from imperial mints, while "small change" copper coinage was minted locally in a number of cities, and were considered to be equal to 1/8 the imperial coins(cf.Harappan




etc.Ashtapada is gold .

Saras( head) or dasra is rajata(silver). A bhadra( cf.paRa-a measure of rice) is 8 idangazhis. A Khaarii(cf.ghar) is 256(4×4×4 ×4) idangazhis.Refer ml

The Great Bath The Great Bath is situated along a north –south Street in Mohenjo-daro with a drain covered with lime stone blocks. Close to the bath is a large building complex containing around 78 rooms and passage ways, but no well. Probably this was a mutt (residence of priests).The Hindu temples are usually










perform<>(venerating god after bathing).Tozhu is in fact totu-touch-and dars-sight.In the ancient civilizations the devotees had to bathe and purify themselves before they went to the Priest King (son of Ra,son of god) and touched the feet while he blessed them laying his hands on their heads. The Great Bath is described in the New Testament as Bethesda (John: 5.2) and Bethsida(Mark: 8.22)

where Jesus worked miracles of

healing the blind,the lame and the disabled. The pool was located near the Sheep Gate.The sheep gate is Aries and Bethsida is Pisces.At dawn the blind get sight (andhakaara – darkness – makes everybody andha or blind) and the disabled (the people who were asleep) begin to walk.Where does Bethesda come from? Refer script

(M-262).Viij is to sprinkle water.Vetasa(Matsa)

is fire born of water.Matsa is Pisces.It is in Pisces that fire is born of water and dawning takes place. Hence the Brahmins used to worship the fire in

the water with the Gaayatri mantra in the Braahma muhuurta so that the Sun could be made to rise! Sarasvati is saras(a pool)-paci(fire) and represents the Pisces positon of the diurnal Sun.Probably rituals were conducted in the pool to worship Sarasvati ,Savitri or Gaayatri.Actually the Sun by himself is always the fire in a pool of water as light was considered as water.At the equinoxes(especially at the

autumnal equinox) probably the Bethesda

(vetasa –viijita – sprinkled) healing ceremony used to be performed at the pool “when the water is stirred” by the angel of god(the equinoctial Sun).Another indication is of the saavitra (sacred thread wearing->baptismjnaanasnaana-snaanajnaana-knowledge of bathing) ceremony. “When all the people were being baptized Jesus was baptized too”<> Saavitra(sava-kara=bathing;pavitra-pure) is sa(god) – avi (sheep-Aries)tara(crossing,fire;jala -water) and sa(god)-mitra(the Sun). Sava is the Sun and






thread,water)also.The Sraavana Dhanishta ceremony of the Brahmins were probably celebrated in this bath.The priest king was the god father and the god teacher.The provision of broad passages around the bath with steps for entry into the pool of water indicates these.The special ceremonial oil baths( the oil ensures a total removal of dirt which signify darkness) taken

on Deepavali day is also perhaps a continuation of this rite.The Egyptians too followed this rite.



Bharata has dictionary meanings like fire, a weaver, a potter, a priest ( hence a priest is called father), an actor, a dancer, the fire in which the rice for the Brahmins is boiled , Rudra, a tribe etc. The Harappans were fire worshippers as seen from the fire vedis present even now.The discovered seals employ fire,potter, and weaver symbols profusely. Now look at the following words derived from Bharata.Bharata is svara(word,suura-the sun) and hence word was god(John:1). It being bhadra(a king,a bull, a cakra,an elephant,a mountain,water,an endless knotananta bhadra),sarpa(a snake),praata(dawn),praasa(a

spear),patra(leaf,wing), pa(water)-dhara(bearer=

) etc. were chosen as

objects of worship to worship the firegod. Bhara-ta(pra-thama=fir-st=agna-fire) being Peter(bhadra=petra=pattar=stone )was chosen as the first and chief

disciple of Christ and was made the rock on which the church was founded.Peter is the Bharata word and the Bharata(India) land. Bha-rata being a ratha(chariot) and agna being asva, the asva ratha was ushered in to bring the deities to the sacrificial fire.

Bharadvaaja :

is agni and the priest of the Sun god. This shows the divine descent or priest as king and god concept. They were purohitas(=guru-teacher,iisa-lord,king,god).

And they performed bharata(fire) –upaasa(worship). They are the people who reside (vas) in Bharata( Bhaarata) and speak the Bharata (Bharad) –language(vaaca). Bharata evolved into veda (cf.Rigveda born from agni,bharatabhadra-bulla-patra-wing,writ-veda) and bhaasha (language) later. Bharadvaaja being bhadra -dvaya a pair of bulls (bhadra), elephants(bhadra), horses(bhadra), birds(patera), flowers(patra, puushpa), circles(bhadra), arrows(astra,patra),a cross(two bhadras-vetras-staffs or lines) etc. make auspicious symbols representing the firegod..

A human figure holding two circles

is a Bharadvaaja

equivalent of agni(man)- na(two,we)- bhadra : let agni bless us! Agni is the sun and the king who has wings.

Unicorn – Bharadvaaja(girvaana-veda) emblem The Unicorn is the emblem of the Bharadvaaja clan and their kings and of fire. The single horn is bharata(vetra –agni) and its aja-va(ramlike;asva -horse) body make it bhadraasva and the emblem of the Bharadvaajas and their writs which is the Vedas. Bharata(bhadra) is pater(father) and Peter(petra,petraa-rock in Latin and Greek) . Bharadvaaja is Petros(Peter,rock). Indra is Israel and the pontiff in Rome is the descendant of the Bharadvaaja priest king.Proto-Christianity existed in the Harappan vedic culture. The last words of the Christ “Eloi,Eloi,lama sabachthani”Mark:15:34 and the comment of the onlookers “Listen ,he’s calling Elijah” alone is enough to understand the Sumerian –Akkadian-Babylonian-Assyrian-

Caananite route of Bharata in the Bible as seen from the coins also.Juxtaposing the sa of sabachthani to Eloi + Eloi + sa we have Eliisa –lama- bachthani which is El (La,ina- Indra the sun god) –iisa(king,lord) – lama(nara-man,sacrificial asva,raama-nri-king) - bhakshana(food) = Indra, the lord, is food of man .This is the asva(bull) – avasa(food,king)-medha and the Eucharist.

The branches of the Bharata(pyr-sa,ja->Fire-god,fire-born – >Agni-Indra) worshippers: Bharata (Bhaarata - Bharadvaaja) | Brahmanism – Vishnavism,Saivism | - Jainism, Budddhism Sumer



| Inanna,Ishtar,Molech,Baal etc




| The Ra worshippers


| Ashur worshippers | the Atharvans of

Harappa Persia

| Ahura Maazda( Zorashtrianism )


| Apollo,Zeus


| Christ


| Thor


Mesopotamia | Semitic religions –Israel( Judaism) – | Christianity Arabia


- Ishmael(Islam)

Date Of The Birth Of Christ Mistaking the star of Bethlehem as a conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn astronomers starting with Kepler have fixed the date of the nativity in 7 BC. Jupiter and Saturn travelled very close to each other in the night sky, and in May, September, and December of that year, they were conjoined. Mars joined the configuration in February of 6 B C. In 1871, the astronomer John Williams published a list of comets . Over March and April 5BC, Comet No. 52 on the Williams list appeared for some 70 days near the constellation Capricorn, and it was visible in the Middle East. As each night passed on, the comet would seem to have moved westward across the southern sky. This could have been the Magi's astral marker. Comet No. 53 on the Williams list , a tailless comet that appeared

over March and April in 4BC in the constellation Aquila, was also visible all over the East. The star that the Magi followed - the Star of Bethlehem - could be any of the astral markers that appeared in 6, 5 and 4BC. But the Star of Bethlehem was introduced in the Bible to announce the birth of the Sun god as a nakshatra is naga(the Sun),naaka(the sky) – darsa(sight) , satra(house) .Hence the Magi saw the star in the east(Matthew :2:2) and travelled west. Bethlehem as bet(house)-el(la-Indra)-hem(home) or bet(house)-naakam(the sky) which is nakshatra(njaatuuvela in Malayalam-the house of the sun) itself.There are 27 nakshatras or luni-solar mansions of the sky through which the sun and the moon move in the seasonal calendar. The shepherds Luke 2: 8: "And there were shepherds living out in the fields near by, keeping watch over their flocks at night." In Palestine - as in the rest of the Middle East at the time - shepherds stayed with their flocks in the fields only from Spring to Autumn. They brought their flock in during the winter to protect them from the cold and rain. It is thus unlikely that the shepherds went to Bethlehem in December to see the infant Christ. The Bible does not mention the celebration of Christ's birthday, and the early Christians seem not to have celebrated His birthday .Unlike with Easter, there is no New Testament record of Christmas celebrations, and no date is given for the Nativity. This is because for early christians Christ ( kratu -sacrifice) was only the name of the sacrifice which was later personified by the Romans. The biblical concept of Christ is a sacrifice that absolves man from the curse of the original sin or the sin of origin.Janma(birth) is jnaana(knowledge) and paapa(sin) is vaapa(sowing the seed) and bhava(birth) .This sin is removed by jnaanasnaana(baptism) which is jananajnaana(knowledge of birth) and snaanajnaana(knowledge of bathing).

Herod, who ordered all the babies in Bethlehem younger than 2 years killed, was, of course, alive when the Magi visited the baby Jesus. So we know that Jesus was born in or before 4BC, as astronomers point out when referring to the Star of Bethlehem.King Herod(druh,pradosha,Rudra) is another version of Kamsa(himsa) in the Mahabhaarata who ordered a similar killing of babies to do away with infant Krishna. Maartaanda (the Sun;mri-to die,tandaa-to kill) being mrita(dead) had to be killed. Archaeologists have shown that Nazreth was not inhabited by humans at the time ascribed to the Christ.Then how Christ became a Nazarene? The Nazarene is the Mitra (the Sun) of Makara(Capricorn).The Rudra of matiya(medius-noon) is the putra(son)of Mariya(Mary) in Makara(Capricorn winter solstice).Flourishing trade of the Romanswith South India during the period also helped the origin of the Christian movement. In the year 274AD, solstice fell on 25th December, and Roman Emperor Aurelian proclaimed the date as "Natalis Solis Invicti," the festival of the birth of the invincible Sun. In 320 AD, Pope Julius I specified the 25th of December as the official date of the birth of Jesus Christ. In 325AD, Constantine the Great, the first Christian Roman emperor, introduced Christmas as an immovable feast on 25 December. In 354AD, Bishop Liberius of Rome officially ordered his members to celebrate the birth of Jesus on 25 December. In some parts of the Roman Empire (mostly the Eastern parts), solstice was celebrated on 6 January .Whence the Orthodox Churches of Eastern Europe celebrate Christmas on 6 January . In the 6th Century, the Roman monk Dionysis Exeguus reformed the calendar to pivot around the birth of Christ. He dated the Nativity 753 years from the founding of Rome, calculated to coincide with the date King Herod died. But Dionysis miscalculated, because Herod died 749 years after the founding of Rome, thus making 4BC as the supposed year of the Nativity. Thus the asva(Iesus,Joshua,vishuva-equinox) medha(Messias,Mashiah,Messiah) kratu (Christos,Christ) became Jesus Christ,the Messiah.Kratu(Vishnu,sacrifice) is suurya(the Sun),Turaga(a horse-hence the asva-horse- sacrifice),Durga(the sacrificial goddess),Ashur(god of the Assyrians),Rudra(the vedic sacrificial tree god portrayed as the dru-tree-srii-sun-god cf.Mohen-jo-daro seal M-1186) who

became the putra(son of god) on the tree(cross) to give raksha(salvation) by his rakta(blood). Christianity began as a congregation for the fire worship sacrificial rituals.The Romans personified the sacrifice and hence a nativity had to be introduced. Some authors claim that the nativity of Jesus was derived in part from a very ancient Egyptian inscription at Luxor. The inscription relates the royal myth of the Birth of the God King, which represents a cycle repeated with the birth of every new Pharaoh(which is sunrise itself). Inscribed about 3,500 years ago on the walls of the Temple at Luxor were images of the Annunciation, Immaculate Conception, Birth and Adoration of Horus, with Thoth announcing to the Virgin Isis(usha-dawn) that she will conceive Horus(suurya-the sun,putra-a son,h=p); with Kneph, the "Holy Ghost," impregnating the virgin; and with the infant being attended by three kings, or magi, bearing gifts. In addition, in the catacombs at Rome were pictures of the baby Horus being held by the virgin mother Isis .Many Isiswith-baby-Horus statues were later converted to use as Mary-with-babyJesus statues(which in fact is Aja-Aries or usha-Isis or kalya- the dawn as kanya –the virgin with her son –the Sun) Similar Greek stories about the birth of Alexander the Great also may have influenced the story of the Nativity. The main theme of the narratives agree: there is a divine annunciation, a divine conception, a birth of a Son of God, a divine adoration and finally a confirmation leading to a coronation. The Sunday holiday was used to worship the holy sun on his day.

A Few Words Of Bharata Right from the story of the creation the Bible incorporates stories woven round Bharata words in it. For example on the first(prathama=Brahma) day

light(prakaasa=light,prathama=the first Heb: beresiyt-in the beginning) was created .On the second(dvi) day the sky(diva=the sky) and on the third(tra) day the sea(sara =water) and the dry earth(dhara=earth)was created. On the fourth (turiiya –fourth) the Sun(suurya) and the Moon (candra=darsana=sight) were created. On the fifth(bhadra) day it was the turn of the fish and birds with fins and wings(patra =wing) to be created. On the sixth(shat,shash=six) day man(sha –ja-birth of man) was created and the sapta( =seventh) day was declared the Sabbath(sapta=seven,tapasa=the Sun,sabda-sound,divasa-day) or the Holy day and the day of rest (sava-dead body,sa –like). In the following list the normal meanings of a few Bharata words are given followed by their derived words and meanings. A:

Agni (fire). On Mount Horeb(parvata=prabhaata;bruu, bruuhi, Hebrew) Moses heard the word from the burning bush fire god .The name of the god was given to Moses as I AM(agni=asmi= I am .Exodus.3.14). The same can be seen at Mount Sinai , at Tabor,at the

Pentecost etc. in the Bible. Bharata is fire and bhaasha . Note the Hebrew words tabera(fire) and daabar(to speak) . Aatma(soul,spirit) is tanaya(a son as explained to Yudhishthira in the Mahabhaarata vanaparva ch.312-313) , vacana(speech) or rasana(tongue ;cf.tongues of fire) as seen at the Pentecost(Acts.2). Look at a human ligature. It has three parts as follows. O

(N) -(ra)




(A)- (pa)

From this we have Agna (man, fire) as bhadra(bharata,purusha). ‘M-an’ is ‘S-un’(M=N=Z=S). Hence synonyms or homophones of man represent fire,god and the sound A . Not only the god-kings every human is a god. In fact sariira (body) is srii (fire)-ra(fire) or srii (alphabet)-da

(giving ).Nri(man) is srii(fire) and is called srii (Krishna,Rama etc). Fire and lightning generates sound. Dawn generates sounds (of birds etc). Hence to announce sunrise and wake up the people the priests began to sound the horn (shofar) or the conch (sankh-sringa-horn=sveta=divasa) whence the OM (hornsvara-sound;yom-day) is generated. Dawn is sound and dusk is quietude. Usha (dawn) was equated with aja (ram) and uksha (bull) and udaya (sunrise) was equated with aayudha (weapon), yuddha (war) and vijaya (victory). Thus the sounds of the horns of the ram or ox or the sound of the sankh became symbols of victory. Again it was the privilege of the priest (bhadra-bharata-praata-pater-father) to sound the shofar or the sankh(chank) as bhadra (priest) is bhadra (word) and word is god. A is the first component of AUM and we can derive AUM(OM) thus: iisvara (god) - suurya (Sun)-svaram(sound)-horn-om (h and r silent) A HORN is the tool to produce OM. Om is a call to rise!(The horn is the peak) . At a time it was believed that the Sun will not rise if the priests did not sound the sankh and

chant the Gaayatri Mantra!(Puranic Encyclopedia page 684). Agna is pleased by bhajana (vacana) and havana (food) .



is usha(dawn),asva(a water buffalo),uksha(a bull),aasava (liquor cf.the eucharist of the Christians), saya(sex: In the asvamedha the queen had to embrace the carcass of the sacrificial horse or man and lie down with it overnight emulating sex acts) ,avadha (immortality,hence the usha emulation through saya - sex),avaza(food,a king,the Sun), vaata(wind; ha is a horse and hava is wind in Hindi), visva(the universe, full,whole,a god),vasu (riches, the Sun,ray, agni,water), avisha(the sea, not poisonous - hence Uccaisravas(udayaprakaasa=light of dawn;ukshadrava-ja =water buffalo) was born of the Milky Ocean),avas(protection) etc. What is the vedic asva?The answer is in<< RV 1.163.1,2&3>>”Oh fast going asva you were born

first from the SUN,then from the full WATERSand you have made great SOUNDto bless your LORD….and your WINGS are like those of the kite and your legs are like those of the deer…..AGNA gave the horse..Oh rays you made the horse from the Sun…Oh asva,you are agna,you are vayu(wind),you are the Sun…you are born of three sources, namely,vasus(rays,agni,the Sun), the Sun ,and the SKY.It is dawn,the rising Sun and the new year. The bhadraasva (Unicorn-bull-horse-gavaasvasuuryaasva)was replaced by the bhadraa(CowGopaala) and bhadra(elephant –Ganesa) bharata symbolisms later as bharata(fire) is bhadra(bull), bhadraa(cow)and bhadra(elephant). Asvamedha is thus mesha(Aries)-udaya(sunrise) ie. the festival of the vernal equinox.This is the Passover in the Old Testament and the crucifixion of Christ in the New Testament.In ancient times asvamedha was the human sacrifice.Refer seals M-

1186,M-488C etc.where a chopped human head is placed on a stand

before the deity on the

tree.The deity on the tree is Rudra(=dru=tree=putra-the son of man)or the Christ on the cross in the biblical context.Asvamedha is the sacrifice of Isaac (Genesis:22)by his father Abraham to the God of Israel(God Israel-Indra)as per the instruction of God (a human sacrifice indeed to please God.)But when Abraham raised his knife to slay his son who was tied to the altar,he was asked not to kill the boy(since it was the exclusive previlege of Jesus to be sacrificed later),but sacrifice a ram(Aries,dawn) instead.This ram is clearly seen in the seals M-1186&M-488C..Hence the Isaac(asva) became an aja(ram).In the New Testament instead of the ram,the Christ(Jesus-is Isaac himself) was sacrificed.Manusha(a man) is a mahisha(a buffalo)and the human sacrifice and mahisha sacrifice was a favourite form of

Durga(Suurya-the Sun)worship till the 19th century in India. The sona(blood) of the sacrificial victim was the famous soma which was a delicious offering to the God and for the priest and the worshippers.Even today in the Holy Mass this is symbolically executed. The Bible banned the use of blood as drink or food in the Mosaic Law. “I will set my face against that person who eats blood” (Leviticus:17).Soma is sura(liquor) and it is interesting to note that in rural India even today cooked blood (irattakkari) is served along with alcohol in liquor shops.However some form of the

juice of Ephedra(

) also might have been used

as the soma in sacrifices.The Asva(ajaraaja)Medha is also the Sed(medha,sa=ma) festival of the Egyptians,where the king whom they worshipped as the god Osiris(raaja -usra-bullhorse) was sacrificed and eaten with cannibalistic ceremonials,so that his spirit might enter his

successor(hence the queen performed intercourse with the dead horse) and the land and the people gain prosperity(fertility of woman and fertility of the earth)..The central theme of the Bible is raksha (protection) through rakta(blood) sacrifice to Vasava and this is executed in letter and spirit from the original sin through a paadapa(tree = paapa -da) to the sacrifice of the maanava(Christ) on the paadapa(wooden cross).Vasava was to be pleased with two kinds of sacrifices corresponding to the day(ahas-aja) and the year(varshabhadra).Ahas meeting varsha is the bhadraasva(vernal equinox).Mosaa(ushasunrise)performed the Passover sacrifice with aja(usha) for the Passover of Israel(Indra).In the New Testament the Passover sacrifice is with the Rudra-Buddha-putra(son of man -Christ)-varshato denote the new year or new day(Anno Domini) .

Usha (dawn) is uksha ( bull) and aja(ram) .

uksha-usha-udaya-udaka (water) – aqua ( water) - asva The term uksh means to sprinkle, moisten, wet, to emit seed, to be strong etc. Thus it is the buffalo(ox) and not the horse(equus caballus) which fits the original vedic asva.This is very clear from Aitareya Braahmana (which is the lexical and ritual aid to the Rigveda) which states that( the sacrificial objects are purusha ( avasa =asva=kinnara), asva (mahisha=gauramriga),go(gavaya=bull),avi (mesha =ram),aja(goat) and finally grains(Aitareya Braahmana : 6.8.1).Yajati(yaaga- sacrifice) is aasiita(eaten).Bhadraasana was eating the bhadra(king,bull,stone. ).Bhadra being stone, the tempter said to Jesus: “tell these stones to become bread”(Matthew:4.3) and in the Eucharist the gaatra(body) of the bhadra(bull,king,god) is eaten.

Bhadraasana(bull eating) was made patraasana(leaf eating) by Buddhism like the New Testament replacement of the blood sacrifices in the Old Testament with the bloodless Eucharist sacrifice. Further varsha(year) is bhadra(vrisha-bull) and bharata (the Sun) is bhadra. A yaaga is also kaama (sex).The Kaamaakhya temple in Madhyapradesh performs animal sacrifice regularly during the Durga Puuja. Asva (saya-sex), haya (saya), kutira (surata-sex) represent the male power. Asva is asu (life), vaajii (horse) is jiiva (life). Asva is agna (fire, man). Nara has meanings of man and horse. Asva (aakaasa) is also svarga (heavens;turagahorse,surata-sex). Asva being usha (dawn ) Asvini asterism was placed in the northeast(Pisces=asva) from where Agni (light) appeared first. With the New Moon in the northeast the Asva (abdayear,the Ritus begin in Pisces) too was born. For the vedic priests the year was just a big day.

Bali(sacrifice,tax) is srii(fire,light,prosperity) and balidaana (sacrifice,tax) is prakaasa(light).

asva M-298 (matsya-fish on bhadraa-bulls is bhadraasva- bharadvaaja, martya-man on bharatacross and the sacrificial victim on bharata -fire). asvamedha


the horse sacrifice.Refer seals M-1186,M-488C and RV.1.162&1.163.It is said that a hundred such sacrifices would make one the equal of Indra. How can the asvamedha be performed if there was no asva present?The asva of the asva medha is called viirabhadra(bhadrabull,king -> prabhaata, prakaasa,viira=raajaking,rasa-juice,rakta-blood). Asva medha →Vasava,

asva (uksha-bull,water

buffalo;usha-dawn)-mesha(a ram,Aries) . Asvamedha→usha-vesa(sunrise) ,visvanaatha -Iesus(Jesus –Vasava)-maashah(to

anoint,Messiah,Christ is kratu-sacrifice). →avasa(a king)-medha(the juice of meat=viira) Vasava medha(sacrifice to Indra) →uksha-medha( bull sacrifice) →vaajadaana(annadaana-giving food) →sava(a corpse),saya(sex),jaya(success)-mesha(a ram), netaa(a leader,the king) Let us refer< Exodus 29.10-21>”Bring the bull to the front of the Tent of Meeting and Aaron and his sons shall…. slaughter it in the LORD’s presence…. Take one of the rams and Aaron and his sons shall… slaughter it and take the blood and sprinkle it against the altar on all sides cf.




etc.which as sacrificial

symbols can indicate the altar and all its sides in the Indus-Harappan script.Take some of the blood on the altar and some of the anointng oil and sprinkle it on Aaron and his garments and on his

sons and their garments.. Then he and his sons and their garments will be consecrated.” The sacrifice of the bull (mahishabuffalo,manusha-man, matsa- fish,bhadra-king or bull,varsha-year) and ram(aja-usha) itself is the asvamedha (spring equinox)yaaga. This is the soma (sona-fire, blood) yaaga also,though the annual feast is at the winter solstice. Asva being nara (horse, man,king) asvamedha is also nara medha (human sacrifice). Raaja(a king) is srii(the Sun) and ra(fire,the Sun) – ja(born,son),sa(god) and hence the sacrifice of the king(asva medha) was made the sacrifice of the son of god. At Kalibangan fire vedis (altars) have been discovered with unmistakable remnants of rectangular or oval kundas (fire-pits) of burnt bricks for vedi (altars), with a yuupa (sacrificial post) and sacrificial terracotta cakes (pinda) in all these fire

pits. The structure of these fire altars is reminiscent of vedic fire altars.In some fire altars remnants of animals have been found, which suggest a possibility of animal sacrifice. Fire altars have been found in three groups. Public altars in the citadel, household altars in lower town and public altars in a third separate group . <<>> There have been suggestions of human sacrifice at Harappa as seen in the seals.The Bible also gives evidence of human sacrifice to the god Molech at Hinnom Valley<<2Kings23.10-11>>.Abraham’s attempt to sacrifice Isaac and the sacrifice of Christ on the cross were examples of naramedha as asvamedha or soma (sona-blood) yaaga. Jesus (Yesu, Iiso) is asva (horse,king,fire) itself.The Gospel has a go(asva,a bull,the sun)-spell about it and the asvamedha or SED festival was converted into the story of the sacrifice or crucifixion of the Christ. Vasava(Kesava) is the sava(a corpse) on the

cross.The cross is the figure of the fire –altar .It is Ka or Sa or ksha-X(

= ra-vi = a bird) denoting

the fire-altar, fire and usha(dawn).The man on the cross is the sacrificial victim in the fire-altar(a lamb,bull,horse or a man) representing the rising burning red Sun in the sky.The Christians thus replaced the live fire-altar by the Ka(srii-gaayatricross). The Holy(surya-the sun) Mass(medhasacrifice)of the Christians is the same asvamedhayaaga or soma yaaga performed by the vedic priests. The soma(sona-blood ,red) juice is replaced by draaksha (raksha-rakta-blood) juice. But the priest says “This is my body (soma-somostanu-body), you eat of this”. The body is the white solar disc (srii-sariira-body). It is split (drii-to split,srii-the sun,bhaaskara-the sun->bhaj-to divide,kara-to do,ghar-cross,bhacakra-the zodiac) and by folding a quarter a lit lamp is made to denote the rising Sun or the points of morning,noon and evening. Next with the wine the

priest says ‘This is my blood (rakta-sona-soma). You drink from this. One who eats my body and drink my blood will live forever”. Is this cannibalism? The Passover is the celebration of the return of the Sun to the equinoctial point (sunrise point). Pasach (paktaa-Passover) is bhakta(visaakha-the month of Aries) and is celebrated on Thursday to denote the Sun’s rise from Pisces. In Malayalam the Eucharist is called kurbaana(girvaana-word of the godking) . Kur-baana=sura(Sun-soma-sona)-paana(drinking), bhaana(light)= prakaasa(light). Thus it is drinking the blood. The ancients used to drink the blood of the sacrificial animal and pour it on the body for consecration. This is because rakta (blood= ra-kaasa ) is raksha (protection) and p-rakaasa(light). We have seen that Aaaron and his sons performed the Asvamedha (bull-year + ramdawn,Aries) sacrifice and the rakta (blood) was

sprinkled to give raksha (protection). Rakta( raksha) is cakra (wheel,crux,Sakra-Indra). The Christ on the cross (horse-bull) is the sacrificed horse (asva) or Indra on his horse. The asvamedha act of Aaron and his sons is achieved by their descendants- the modern priests-by the Eucharist sharing rite. When the priest assures eternal life by the white bread and red blood he ‘literally’ (vedic deva paroksha priya rebus style ) means it , because he is simply offering sariira raksha (body sustenance- food) as sariira (body) and rakta (blood).. If sariira raksha is effective everlasing life is guaranteed!. Thus we can see that the Hebrew-Christian traditions have their roots in the Bharata traditions. Vedic Rudra (the Sun) is Buddha (Gautama=go-the bull,medha-sacrifice) and putra (Jesus-Son of God-Sun God). The contest motif seals found at Harappa and elsewhere also point to asva (uksha) seals like DK- 8165, M-312 etc. The bull is the putra (son,usra- Rudra – bhadra-bull-

Peter,Paul) , bhadra(king,purusha-man,vrishabull) and patra(writ-bulla- cf.INRI or Paul,Peter etc). bull(a) → bu (p)-1(t)-1 (r) → putra,patra,Peter,pitri-pater(father-priest) Bhadra bandhana (chasing the bull) means Bhadra vandana (obeisance to the king, obeisance to the priest), Bharata vandana (obeisance to agni), praata vandana (obeisance to dawn), bhadraa bandhana (marriage) etc. Asvamedha being aasava(spirituous liquor)medha(juice)is also a somayaaga.The sacrificial victim’s blood served as a pleasing drink to the fire god and the worshippers. Asvamedhayaaga-mesha sava(corpse) daahaburning the corpse of the ram or the Sun(sava)’s daaha(burning) in mesha(Aries).

Asvamedhayaaga-avasa(a king)-medha(juice of meat)-yaaga(sacrifice).Hence this is another form

of the Egyptian SED(bull’s tail

or vaara –viira

bhadra or feast of weeks cf.Numbers.23.15 festival.) The sava(corpse) of the mesha or nara(a man,a bull)was to enjoy saya with the jaayaa(wife)of the king to make the asva medha a sava-mada(sex) rite. Sura-ta(sex) ensured svar-ga(heaven,union with svar or iisvar or Azhur-the sun god) for the victim. Asvamedha yaaga is also asva(the Sun)-maasa(the Moon)-mid (to love ,to kill) -yaaga(daahaburning,saya-sex)or the New Moon association of the Sun and Moon also.Hence the queen had to perform sex with the dead body of the sacrificial victim(asva).

U Siva, Moon , tapas (penance),a wave u- o(calling,Brahma),ka (head,fire,light), ra(fire), pa(water,egg,leaf), va(hand,Varuna,water,auspiciousness,likeness),sa(god,bird,snake) The Tamils usually begin their writing with U as it is srii or ka(AUM) or sa(god-bird-word) itself.Sound is produced with the horn(AUM). The horn symbol U is the Moon symbol(the waxing crescent horn of the soma bull) and hence represents U. The horn is used to split (drii) and hence it is srii(one who is driisplit is strii –a woman whence we have yosha –a woman and ushadawn which is break or beginning of the day). Udaya(ud-aya→ud-dvi-ravi-the sun,aya-going =sunrise) is u(call,srii) –daaya(cleaving,taya-protection-Tau) also.Srii-taya(tritiiya-third) is Kritika and Kaartikeya

=sa(god,bird),jaya(hail),ka(light,fire,head,soul),naava (praise)

ie. srii ≡ usha≡aja ≡ ukha≡ mukha(face).

is a bird(Isis, Aja

–Gaayatri ), ram(in fire for sacrifice or man on the yuupa or cross) and jar(placed on fire),svaaha(wife of agni-fire),dvakara(two hands=divaakara-the sun,svarga-the heavens),boat(on water,naava=boat,praise) each signifying sunrise.. U-----ka(the head = ukha),va(Varuna,a hand,a tiger,water), ra(fire),ca(the Moon),pa(an egg,water,leaf),ma(the Moon),ha(the Moon,water,Siva). U(

)denotes usha =asva= aja

= Isis =Iseous( Greek)

=Yeshua(Hebrew) = Yehoshua(Hebrew) = Joshua = Jesus Isis

saves Osiris(Savitri=Jupiter) from the clutch of

Seth(nisa=sani=Saturn) and gives birth to Horus(Rudra,varsha) . Saturn reaches Aries once in 30 years and the king of Egypt (Osiris) was to be sacrificed once in 30 years in the Sed festival. The sacrifice of the Christ is also at this age.The age of 33 was derived from 30 and 3.Trimsat(30) is tri-3 –dasa-10 and Srii(the sun) –matsa(fish,masta-head,himsa-medha-sacrifice)

also and indicates sacrifice. nose = ekadasa =

(ravi=the Sun) is the head and

(Rudra = putra );

(divasa=day) is head and two eyes = dvaadasa =

(Savitri ) and

is trayodasa = head , two eyes and nose

=u-tra=usra= trimsat(30).Usha is kuja(Mars), Aja(Iisa,Isis,Jesus), vaca(speech) , bhaasa(light), bhaata(dawn), vaaja(food)and yaaga. Raaja is aja and was made vaaja and eaten. Seth was made Pilate(pradosha-dusk,praata-dawn) by the Christians. Bhuj(eating) is bhaj(worship) itself. The king was probably never physically eaten ,but the food he gave was eaten and he was worshipped.


denotes the man on the cross with the hands and the

feet . The cross is the yuupa with the sa,ya(▬cf.sama=yama) forming the yoni and the ra,ka(│) forming the phallus to make rata(rati,srii),yaaga and u-saya(udaya). The fish

praata =


is the yuupa(bhaj-worship;bhoga =sex,food; bhuu = earth,birth; medina-earth; =mahisha-buffalo;=manusha-man;=marta-man; = matsa-fish=sayana-sex) . In the asvamedha sex was an essential part. The panca-ma (five ma’s=maamsa-flesh,matsyafish,madya-liquor,mudra-dance and maithuna-sex) concept of sacrifices can be seen in the Harappan seals like H-182. Rigveda :

rica (vedamantra), prabhaata, guru(great, teacher), puru(great),srii(fire,the Sun), gira(bhaasha=veda=speech), arka(the Sun),arca(worship),ruk(light),rk(time of ancients and kings- Egyptian),raaja(a king) It is the raaja veda. Luke

(Rig -a Gospel) ,

brih(to shine,to grow,to speak, ric(praise),rij(fry) Rigveda-prakaasa(light),gurudeva(a teacher),guruveda(greatveda=Rig),giraveda(study of speech or language),Exodus (purappaatu-prabhaataRigveda-Malayalam) Balidaana(sacrifice ) is prakaasa(light). Animals were killed to perform yaagas. Yaaga is daaha (burning). Fire destroyed the materials fed into it which was construed as consuming by the Sun god.<
who answers by fire he is god……The fire of the Lord fell and burned up the sacrifice.1Kings.18.24-38>> The vedic mantras (deva vandanas-praises to gods) were to be learnt from the face of the gurus(gods). Bhadra(bull) is patra(leaf,bulla) and patra(writ) which is Veda. Hence the mantras in the Vedas were seen by the Rishis(raajas-priestking gods).Rig veda(gira patra-written word) is prabhaata (dawn) and is the great veda.It is the veda of the Bharats(Bharadvaaja-fire worshippers). Yajur (suurya) is the noon veda..Saama(saaya) is the evening veda. Atharva(bharata,svara-sound) is uttara (north), and raatra (night). Veda(pada-word,patra-writ) being paada (four) there are four vedas. The vedas belong to the period when the worship of fire as the worship of the Sun was introduced by humans, when the priest kings were sacrificed and eaten by the worshippers, when farming and weaving were advancing, when wheels were being introduced on carts and sacrificial rathas etc. and when writing

was being introduced as can be seen from the early Harappan seals. The Bible has drawn heavily from it for the creation of its books. The four Vedas of the New Testament are Luke, Mark,Matthew and John.

E eka


the number one, the earth, agni,the Sun, Yama , advaya (not two). eka à ka (head) ,aja(ram), ekaa (Durga),aga(the Sun) . The Jews,Christians etc.believe in eka(aga)daiva (one god) hence.

Kurukshetra: The Kurukshetra is Harappa itself.

Kurukshetra ( Gurukshetra – Pisces ) of the Mahaabhaarata is Egypt (Pisces) of the Bible. After the Kurukshetra war the svargaaroha ( rise into heaven ) of Krishna took place.From Egypt, Israel(Indra) passed over into Caanaan(naaka-the sky).

Krishna : srii(the Sun)-jina(the Sun); -kri(kara-to do;gharcross) - snaa(shnaa-to bathe cf.baptism and the Great Bath).Krishna –Nasraaya- Christ ( christos ,chriein-to anoint).Krishna is also grantha(book→the veda cf.krishnablack and arjuna-white → black and white → writing) and darsana(sight,philosophy cf.vedas seen by the Rishis) garjana(roar) and girvaana(word of godking). To show bhraajana (sunshine) Krishna(Vritra=Indra) was made a gopaala(cowherd,sky lord;bhuupaala-king, and Kratu(Vishnu= Christ) was laid in a manger. The rakshana ( protector ) principle of Krishna carries the announcement at the birth of the Christ “ give him the name JESUS(tejus-light) because he will SAVE his people from their sins(nisa-night)’<<Matthew.1.21>>. “ Today in the town

of David a SAVIOUR(rakshana-krishna) has been born to you; he is Christ the lord”. << Luke.2.11>> The similarity does not end there. Krishna’s mission was the proclamation of the Giita which he announced in the Kurukshetra ( Rig,guru-satra->teaching the veda ).Kuruguru(teacher)-gira(word,gira RV.5.41.14,7.39.5=mountain),giri( a mountain cf.Sinai). The giri prabhaashana ( address from the mountain Matthew:5) of Christ which proclaims the beatitudes like ‘blessed are the poor in spirit , for theirs is the kingdom of heaven’ , is one of the guru ( most important) prabhaashanas ( speeches ) and was hence announced by Christ the guru ( teacher) from a giri ( mountain). Krishna is Varuna(=the Moon=Soma= Sun of the night) Whereas Christ is Mitra(putra=Rudra=,the Sun of the day). In the end Krishna died by a sara(an arrow,ghar-cross,jara-old age,jala-watercf.jalasamaadhi-death in water to indicate night)and the Nasraaya died on a bha(light,va-like)-sara ->bharata- ghar-cross itself.



ghar- cross - >

dhanus(bow and arrow


= pa-sara=vajra=varsha-year) →


kshaara : ash . kshaara – raksha ( protection,raaja-king,daksha-year ), akshara(imperishable,god), Sakra(Indra),rakta(blood), kshiira(milk,white) Hence it is worn on the forehead and over the body to ward off evil like blood or along with blood(cf. kumkum-sona-blood and bhasma indicate rakta raksha).Since kshaara is the final leftover after cremation of the body and kshaara being Sakra (god) , one gets merged into god in the end(ka-soul merging with kha-the sun). kshaara – kshaala ( washing ). Application of kshaara was a convenient substitute for kshaala ( kshaalana –bathing ) in water short places(as the rivers dried up) since kshaara is kshaala.

Kshaala being raksha ponds are almost always attached to temples for the worshippers to get salvation(raksha) through kshaala and then through kshaara given from the temple. The Christians celebrate the kshaara festival Ash Wednesday on the same line.Wednesday represents Virgo(the seventh sign from Pisces) and kshaara is cakra, raksha and Sakra.Israel got raksha from Egypt(Pisces).


: skanda sandhi( shoulder joint) Skanda sandhi (dahana sandhi) is Krittika or sunrise. The head(sira) rising from the shoulder is the Sun(srii) rising

from Pisces into Aries.

Matsya sandhi

(Matsyakanya – mother of Vyaasa) itself is skanda sandhi jatru –ja ( father, light) – tru ( tara – agni, tri – three) Look at this sentence from the Bible<<Exodus:18.1>> “Now Jethro, the priest of Midian and father-in- law of Moses, heard of everything God had done for Moses

and for his people Israel, and how the LORD had brought Israel out of Egypt ”.We have already seen that Israel(Indra) every day comes out of Egypt(Pisces) led by Moses(moksha – release – usha,sunrise). Midian is mesha ( Aries-arise!) . Jethro, the father-in- law is jatru ( skanda sandhi ) itself.

Jatru jatru –Jetro





Let us try to locate the missing link between the Yaadavas ( sons of Yadu) and the Judeans (YahudasJews). Turvasa Yadu(Tur-tara-tocross or conquer) is the acestor of the Aryan race and the the brother of Yadu(RV.4.30.17) and Judea is udaya (sun rise). Turvasa(Jethro,prakaasa-light,prabhaatadawn;suurya-sa=the sun god;surata-sex;puurva-aasathe East) is the father-in- law of Moses(mosaasunrise,usha-dawn), the Semite. Bhaarata(India) is praata(sunrise) and bhadra(king,light,bull) agrees

with Yadu and Judea as udaya. In the historical context this shows a co-existence of the two tribes, or link between them probably through trade and marriage from the early Harappan periods itself. The chief god of the Rig veda is Indra. The same Indra is the god of Israel and Israel itself is Indra . There are twelve tribes for Israel since these are twelve signs for the Zodiac and it was believed that each sign is ruled by a separate Aaditya(dvaadasaadityas-the twelve suns→twelve sons).‘Dvaadasa’ is Tvashtaa (Brahma-the sun). jna


a scholar.

jna – jnaa ( to know), jana ( birth), snaa ( to bathe), jina (the Sun), jala ( water),Sinai(the mountain). By bathing(snaa) one becomes a jna(jina). Let us take the name of Krishna Krishna → srii ( the Sun) – shnaa ( snaa – to bathe, to cleanse, to consecrate by oblations ),jina(the Sun)→grantha(book) Krishna


Christ is called the anointed one . He is said to have received jnaanasnaana (baptism → janana-jnaana= knowledge of

birth,snaanajnaana-knowledge of bathing ) in the river Jordan ( svarga – gagana – Ganga ). By the rite of jnaanasnaana (baptism) the priest- king used to get janana- jnaana (information about birth ) of the members of

his kingdom and by imparting knowledge

of bathing(snaanajnaana) to the new born the priest became guru(teacher)-iisa(lord) = purohita. . A census as organized in LK :2.1. “In those days Caesar Augustus issued a decree that a census should be taken of the entire Roman world”. This jananajnaana(census) was conducted to announce the birth of Christ (the Sun god). Jina ( Mahaaviira) is a scholar by name. Gautama got his wisdom at Gaya ( svarga – Jordan) and became the Buddha ( a scholar). A Hindu is a vindu(a scholar) because he learns the veda ( vid – knowledge). The Jews and Muslims attain knowledge by the parichedana (circumcision) or muulah (circumcision-Hebrew).Muulah is Muusa(Moses;mosaa-sunrise) ,suna(Indra) etc which removes darkness.

paricchedana → srii ( the Sun) – tejana ( shine). It is the sunshine of knowledge. According to the belief of the Christians , the original sin is removed by baptism.Aadipaapa (original sin - sin of origin) is the paapa ( sin) of vaapa ( sowing the seed ) and it is the aadi ( origin , birth) or bhava(birth) . Janma (birth ) is tinma ( a sin-Malayalam) as well.Ori-gin has a sin in it ! janma (birth),janana (birth) – tinma ( sin) – jnaana (knowledge) – snaana ( bathing) Jala ( water) removes the paapa ( dirt) at the baptism,like the Sun removing darkness, and hence knowledge is attained symbolically at the baptism.

TA trimuurti


the trinity of gods – Brahma, Vishnu, Siva trimuurti à srii ( the Sun ) – muurti ( form, suurya ) The one Sun was given three forms.The Egyptians gave their Sun god- Ra - three forms: Khepera(dawn),Ra(noon) and Atum(evening).The

Christians made him Father ,Son and the Holy Spirit. The Hindus made him Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesvara(Siva). In the Veda it is Agna,Rudra(Soma) and Varuna. Trimuurti is muunnaaLu (muunnu – three,aaLu – aanuanu –a person) in Malayalam.AaLu is aaRu (six,a river). Hence it is triveni . Muunnaalu is muunnaRu (666) which is the number of the Antichrist.Thus the Biblical Christ is the Holy Trinity and the Antichrist . Father is the Son. “Any one who has seen me has seen the Father…Iam in the Father and the Father is in me .” << John: 14 .9-10>> Tritva is srii-tapa(sava,deva) .Tri shat (666) is srii(the sun)- sat(being,existence). Another point in muunnaaLu is mu(three) – naalu(four), naaLu(day).Three fours make a twelve and we have the tritva developing further into the twelve signs ,the twelve aadityas ,the twelve tribes of Israel ,the twelve disciples of the Christ etc. tvisha


light tvisha →dvi(two,ravi-the sun))-sha(man,sa-god)→ teja

( light ), dhvaja ( a flag ),dvi-ja(a Brahmin), dvaya(two),dvisha(enemy),divasa(day),devata(deity) tvisha The Brahmins wear the sacred thread to become dvija(tvisha) and the Christian priests wear a


white (light) robe to become tvisha.



going speedily , name of a Paancaala king- a classmate of Drona under Bharadvaaja . Drupada promised Drona half of his kingdom when he would become the king . But on becoming the king , Drupada refused to do so . Hence upon the order of Drona , Arjuna defeated Drupada and produced him in fetters before Drona , who thereby got half the kingdom. This is the story of the famous Drupadabandhana << Mahaabhaarata – aadiparva – chapter 138 >> Drupada –sriideva(the Sun), prabhaata ( dawn ), drapsa(a drop,spark,curd),dru(tree)-pada(root,word;devagod .Tree gods were common in Harappa and the Christ on the cross has the same implication)

Drupadabandhana ( fettering Drupada ) ->sriideva, prabhaata- vandana ( worshipping dawn ). It is the suuryanamaskaara( obeisance to the sun god) and worship of dawn. The same principle is employed in the drawing of the kolam(soma ) at dawn by the Tamils, setu bandhana in the Raamaayana, Christ’s washing the feet of his disciples etc.

narabali, naramedha, :sacrifice of humans. narishthaa

nara - ram - mri ( death ) - srii ( fire )lama(Sumerian,lim-four)- lamassu(Akkadian) Asvamedha is naramedha ( asva – nara- a man,horse ). The Holy Mass of the Christians is a naramedha ( asvamedha ).The unfulfilled sacrifice of Isaac <> and the sacrifice of the Christ were naramedhas.Naramedha is nara (Vishnu,man,horse ) – mesha ( Aries, a ram ). It represents the equinoctial Sun. Durga’s beheading of Mahisha (manusha - a person ) is in fact a naramedha. See the severed head of the sacrificial

asva( a man , aja – a ram ) placed on the altar in the seals M-1186 and M-488 C. The nara is sacrificed and the mesha (ram ) is shown close by . paktaa


agni ( fire ), hunger , a cook paktaa --> paksha ( a wing ), sakta ( strong ), bhaksha( food ), bhakta ( division,a part,a worshipper ), pakti( cooking ), bhakti( worship ),pacata(the Sun,Indra,Agni), vaktaa(a speaker) To worship paktaa, bhaksha is parted (bhakta) among bhaktas(worshippers) as in the Last Supper of Christ. It is Pesaha(Visaakha,vishu-the spring equinox) and is celebrated on Thursday to denote the rise fom Pisces.



a drinking vessel, bowl or pot A paatra denotes paartha(a king),bhaarata(fire),praata(dawn), gaatra (the body),bhadra (auspiciousness, a king, fire, gold), vaasara (a week day), kaasara (a buffalo), varsha (a year, rain) etc. Akshaya paatra (a plate which could give food to any number of people) of Paancaali is her

akshayaa (SriiPaarvati)-gaatra (body). “Put my cup, the silver one, in the mouth of the youngest ones sack” <>. The silver cup (a paatra) which Joseph placed in Benjamin’s sack is his own body (gaatra- the akshayapaatra itself).



a tree paadapa-pa(the alphabet)-pada(a word,root), bhara(ruling);paada(root), vida(knowledge), jiiva(life)-pa (ruling) Vriksha (a tree) is prakaasa (light).Hence we have the Tree of knowledge and the Tree of life <> in the Bible. Paadapa is the picture of ‘pa’ and is ruled (covered,forming the head) by the leaves. paadapa-Vasava(Indra), paapa(sin)-da(giving),ja(born) Paataka on a paadapa is paacaka(Vasava,fire) with paadapa(firewood).It was supposed to bring

bhadaaga (prosperity). The original sin (paapa) came into the world through the paadapa(paapa-da;vida-pa-the tree of knowledge;abda-age) and Vaasava(Jesus) had to be crucified(sacrificed-medha) on a tree to win over the sin.Paadapa is also papa(sin)- ha(destroyer) and bhava(birth)-sa(god).Hence the wooden cross is at once the tree of knowledge(cause of sin) and the tree of salvation. This has to be so since prakaasa(vriksha-light) enlightens(gives knowledge) and in the process removes darkness(night).The Buddha chose to become enlightened sitting under a Fig tree also for the same reason. Since paadapa is paa-dava,zava fire stays in the tree(as seen in the Fig deity seals).This fire is blazed by churning the Arani.Since the soul goes to the sol and a tree is srii(sol), the departed souls also can stay in the trees.This is the basis for the belief that ghosts haunt some trees.Hence exorcised ghosts can be nailed to the trees also. purohita


a priest –a Braahmana purohita - puro (in front),guru(Teacher)-hita (sthita-

seated),iisa(god,Lord; John.13.13); proshita(a travellercf. note the traveller’s stick in this Harappan glyph) , purodhaa(a priest),bharata(fire),bhadra(a king) The priest was the god -king and his caste was the first caste to be served by the other three castes. purohita - Guru (a teacher)-iisa (lord, god, kartaa);sravita(heard- one who has heard god ,heard the Vedas and has a herd of believers with him) Hence the concept of the Teacher and Lord for the priest (Christ).At the sacrificial altar he plays the role of god . God is good, word and food. The Sun god descends upon mankind in the form of food. A Hindu purohita ( guru – iisa ) gives prasaada ( prakaasa – light ) which is food, to his worshippers. A Christian priest ( Christ , guru – iisa ) gives his body and blood as food to his worshippers . Offered in fire is offered to Agni ( the Sun god ) is the principle of yaagas and sacrifices. Kurbaana ( Holy Communion ) is sura ( soma ) – paana (drinking ) and girvaana(word of god) itself.


: splendour, lustre, light, laughter,brass

prakaasa à prekshaa ( looking, thinking, light, a branch ), vriksha ( a tree ), prabhaata ( dawn ), raksha ( protection ), pravaasa ( going abroad ), prabhaasa ( shine ), prabhaasha ( speech ),pravaacaka(a prophet);srii ( the Sun , fire ) – kaasa ( light ); bhara(a king,full)-khaada(eating); tri ( three ) – saakha ( horn, branch cf,the trident ); pradesa ( a region ,country ); puru ( vara ) – saakha ( a great branch or horn cf.the unicorn ); mriga ( an animal )- aasa ( seat ); prataapa ( power, splendour ); parihaasa ( laughing at ); pravesa( a door), Abraaha(the father of the Jews); prayaaga ( the meeting place of Ganga, Yamuna and Sarasvati) - > praata(dawn);praja(a son),viraja(Vishnu),vrata(penance),

vraja(a cowpen,cloud), sura(soma)- paana(drinking)-> kurbaana(Holy Communion);praasa(eating,food) A vrishabha(bull) , a purusha(man) or a vriksha ( a tree ) are objects of worship being prakaasa. ‘Touch wood’ is touching light ( vriksha – prakaasa ).The significance of the wooden cross lies here. Christ and Krishna have the vraja(prakaasa-viraja) in them and the vraja stories were planted around them.Go (the sky) is a cow

(go-the Sun,the stars) – pen itself. The Feast of Unleavened Bread and the Last Supper and show Prakaasa by bhara-khaada. The maadhava(spring,Aries) or Vaisaakha(Aries) yaaga is the Asvamedha yaaga.It is worshipping prakaasa at the meeting of the day sunrise and year sunset(Visaakha-Vasava).The vernal equinox is sunset of the year and coincides with sunrise of the day(udaya,whence comes the concept of dying and rising).The dead king was supposed to resurrect as the new king (the anointed son).For this the queen had to perform saya (surata-sex) with the sava (corpse) of the asva(avasa-king).This also envisaged the dead king’s entry into svarga(surata-sex). Mesha is medha (sacrifice)or Sed (the bull’s tail).Prakaasa(light) and Prabhaata(dawn) as vrishabha has a vaara(tail) in vaara(tail)kaasa(kaala-a bull- Malayalam) and vaara-bhaata(light and dawn). To make prakaasana(shine) the nripa (king) had to be eaten(asana).Prakaasa as Bhara(king)-khaada(food) is eating the god king.This is the Holy Communion for the Christians, Asvamedha for the Hindus and Sed for the Egyptians. The deities were provided with mriga(animal,kirana-ray,the

sun,nripa-a king)- aasana(seats) like the horse or elephant for Indra,the lion for Durga,the tiger for Varuna,the buffalao forYama,the bull for Siva, the mouse for Ganesa,an ass for Jesus show prakaasa of the Sun god. Prakaasa being pravesa(gate) and prapaatha(road) Jesus said “ I am the gate,whoever enters through me will be saved”<<John:10.9>> and again “ I am the way and the truth and the life”<<John :14.6>> Prakaasa being pravaasa(going abroad) the Infant Christ was taken

to the foreign land of Egypt like Abraham and Jacob

<<Matthew:2>> and being parihaasa(mocking) the soldiers mocked him before the crucifixion. “They stripped him and put a scarlet robe on him,and then twisted together a crown of thorns and set it on his head.They put a staff in his right hand(Refer M-71,M-145 etc.) and knelt in front of him and mocked him. ‘Hail king of the Jews!’ they said.”<<Matthew:27.28-29>>



dawn, morning prabhaata

à prapaata (the slope of a hill) ,parvata(a

mountain), prakaasa (light), prabhaasa (light), prabhaasha (an address or


paaraavata( a dove or pigeon); sira(head)- paada(feet cf.the crucifixion of Peter with his head down and feet up) Krishna’s address to Arjuna in the Kurukshetra and Christ’s announcement of the beatitudes from a mountainside (Matthew:5) indicate prabhaata(dawn) by prabhaasha (speech). Bhaasha (language) is bhaasa (light) and bhaata (dawn).Prabhaata(parvata) is Arunagiri for the Hindus, Horeb and Sinai for the Jews and Tabor for the Christians . bandha

: a bond, fetter, a rope, a chain, damming up (a river), connection or intercourse with, uniting, bridging over (the sea ), the calyx of a flower bandha à vand (to praise, extol, to show honour, do homage , venerate, worship ), bhadra (a knot, tie), bhaanda(a bundle) Bandhana is vandana (worship). The kolam, Drupada

bandhana ,Raama’s setu bandhana, the crossing of the sea by Israel, Christ’s vandana of his disciple’s feet etc. are events constructed out of bandhana – vandana frame work. bruuhi


please speak! bruuhi à bruu (to speak)à Hebrew(ivrit) Horeb-a mountain(Exodus : 3) Bhaasa(light) is bhaasha.Fish is speech.With a bhruu(a brow)it becomes all the more applicable.Brahma(Abraaha) is the Hebrew language also. The relation of

Ivrit(Hebrew) to

Bharata has to be studied in greater detail to study the evolution of Judaism and Christianity from the Harappan religion.The Torah and the Gospels probably had their Assyrian,Akkadian or Bharata(veda) source books.

BHA bhakta


food, puuja, worship, a worshipper,division,share,wealth bhakta à bhaksha (food, drinking, eating), paktaa (fire, a cook), paataka (killing)

bhakta M-1425


Paataka by a bhakta is called a yaaga.The bhakta then portioned (bhakta) the body of the victim and ate it(bhakshafood) .The paana(cup) in the kara(hand) make a girvaana(word or order of god).The Sumerian gur(wheel,curve) may also have a role in kara(hand), ca- kra(wheel) , the ghar(cross) and hara(fire,destruction). Pesahaa (the Passover feast) of the Old and New Testaments is bhakta(day break).Israel(Indra) passes over from the South to the North in the seasonal cycle at the vernal equinox.The Sun setting in the South rises in the North the next morning. This is the Exodus from Egypt(divasa).The promised land of Canaan can be naaka(the sky) or kaalam(time,seasons,year) as varsha(a year) is pradesa(a place).It is the death and resurrection of the Christ also. Visaakaha is thus pakta(fire),bhakta (division) and bhaksha (food) which is the Passover feast and the Last Supper . In the Sed and the Asvamedha the body of the King

(denoting the Year) was portioned and eaten by the worshippers. We can take up another Biblical mystery here. “Now the length of time the Israelite people lived in Egypt was 430 years.”<<Exodus :12.40>>.Compare this with RV. 1 . 162. 18 which states that the sacrificial asva has 34 ribs. The 430 is the 34 itself. It is the number of Egypt(divasa) itself which is seven(7=3+4→430) . bhasma : holy ash, gold bhasma à bhaasana (light), bhadra (happiness, light, prosperity, protection), Vasava(Indra), padma (a lotus) Bhasma is kshaara. Kshaara is raksha (protection, Sakra) and kshiira (milk, whiteness, light). The Hindus wear bhasma as bhasmasnaana (bathing in ash) is said to make the body pure. Agni is pure and it is covered by ash. The ash covered body is agni(the Brahmin) and hence he is pure. Agni is jani (birth), aadmi (a person), jna( a learned person) and aatmaa (self, body, life, fire, a person, nature, the Sun etc).Bha(the sun)-sma(face) is the sun on the face.

In the Bible also we can see people performing penance for their sins by smearing bha-sma(ash) eg. Job sat among the ashes (Job:2.8). The king of Nineveh, took of his royal robes, covered himself with sack cloth and sat down in the dust” (Jonah:3.6).



light, shine, a mountain, a cow pen, a fowl, a vulture, bhaasa àbhaasha(asva),Vasava(Indra),kaasa(light), bhaata (prabhaata- parvata), vaasa (a house), sabhaa (a meeting, conference),taapa(heat),caapa( a bow); bhaa (light)-ja (light), sa (a bird); paata (flying, falling),biija(semen),

pada(a foot,word,ray),

paaja(strength),vaaja(food), asva(horse) bhaasa ->bhaa(light,the sun) - sa(god,bird) -> bhaasha(language) -> bhaksha(food) –> paaja(strength) –> vaaja(food) Light is life. Light is speech.Light is food. The Sun god comes down into the world as food,light and speech.Food portioned is all the more god as shown by the Last Supper.

The Sun is worshipped because he gives bhaasa(light). A Linga is worshipped because it gives biija(life=bhaasalight) .




a kind of fish (makaramatsya), the emblem or flag of Kaamadeva. makara --> ma (water) - kara (a ray),jala(water); madana (Kaamadeva), nakra (an alligator),Sakra(Indra), naraka (the deep,Hades - the midnight position of the day Sun),karma(profession - the tenth house of a horoscope), agra(end, top,first), Mahira (Indra , the Sun),maarga( a path), maaraka (a killer), Nazareth, makar (happy- Greek), harana(a hand), harina(a deer),karna(earyear),gharma(sunshine,heat. RV) When the Sun enters the sign of Makara (Nazareth),

which is a trine sign of Virgo where the Annunciation takes place, Mahira is born as the Messiah, and the world rebounds with greetings of ‘Happy (makar) Christmas’.It is the birth of the New Year when the seasonal Sun matches Noon of the day.It is also the midnight birth of the day against the seasonal noon Sun. Putra(Son of man) is Rudra(vedic sacrificial deity) and Buddha.



fish. maccha à matsya (fish), masta (head), hasta (a palm), pasta(hasta,fist),nasta(nose),masta(head),abja(a lotus,a chank,a fish),aspa(a horse), tapasa (the Sun),asana(food),samaa(a year), samaya(time), tamata(thirsty), tamasa(a well,darkness),pacata(fire), abda(a year,a cloud) , pacata(Indra,Agni,the Sun),sadma (water,a house), matsya (a fish), marta ( a mancf.maanava-man,miina-fish), varsha (a year), bhadra (light), masta (head), hasta (a hand),Dasra(the

Asvinscf.Matthew and Didimos Thomas,the astrological sign of Pisces is two fish), Naasatya (Asvins), ma(Brahma,water), pa(water)- stha(seated); Matthew ,darsa(sight,New Moon), tamasa(night,a well,a city) The asva (horse) of the veda is the matsa(mahisha,aspa) itself.Asvini is in matsya.Matsya is the head of the day and the year.Matsa(asva)-Mesha yaaga is the Asva medha yaaga. The Bible utilized the matsa (tamata,tamasa) scene to create the story of a thirsty (tamata) Jesus standing by the Jacob’s well(tamasa) and asking a Samaritan woman who had five husbands (panca pati-Draupati of the Mahaabhaarata) for water. << John:4>> The day was divided into five parts. The water is the light of the day which flows from Pisces(the northeast).

The circles of the month and the year meet in

matsa(Pisces) which is the darsa or dasra(Asvini). Bharatha(bharata-fire) is drava (a fish). Pacata –Indra-crossing Pisces is Israel (Indra)coming out of Egypt(pacata-Pisces), at the pesaha(pacata) festival celebrated on Thursday as Pisces is ruled by Guru(Jupiter) and by the guru paada(feet) vandana (=prabhaata vandana) performed by Jesus. The New Year used to be reckoned from the sign of matsa (Pisces) . It is the sign where light of the day appears first. Matsa being marta, Jesus said to Peter beside the sea of Galilee “I will make you fishers of men”<< Matthew : 4 .19 >> Sea of Galilee is Pisces (miina – Pisces, miira – the sea; Galilee – kalya – dawn) and Peter (Bhadra, bharata,bharatha, praata) is also the same.Bhadra(Siva-Iisa) is the lord for the northeast direction as diva(day,Siva) opens(breaks) here.Like the Asvins who are twins ,the sign of Pisces is represented by two fish (two faces like that of Janus cf. matsa-masta- vadana) and Bharani ,the last asterism has

Yama (twins,ina-the Sun) as its deity. Hence every morning Vaasava (Jesus) rises from the dead(matsa) as taught by the Christian church.Praata also is pareta(dead) and preta(a corpse). The old year (varsha-matsa) dies into and the New Year springs up from matsa. Matsa is the masta( head ) of the day and was the head of the year. The fins and tail of the fish form the hands and legs of a man and the body of the fish form his body. The fish sign incised on the anthropomorph<> is an example of matsya – martya imaging in the art of Harappan times . The matsya (martya) avataara (incarnation) of Vishnu also draws attention in this context.



a man marta àcarama(death),Dharma(Yama),mrita(dead), matsa (a fish ), martya (a man),Marut,nara(a man,a horse) – ta(a tail);trina(grass),druma(a tree),

purusha(a man) The Sed (Asvamedha) festival means a bull’s tail. It is the ‘ta’(tail) of mar-ta( a man) or mri-ta(the dead). It also pertains to nri(a king)-ta(tail),sha( a man). Nri’s ta (tail) is his successor or a prince who is crowned.Hence it denotes the coronation of a new king (the king of the Jews- INRI-as per the Bible.The tail has a tale even in the Gospels (go-spell) too. mahaakratu

: asvamedhayaaga mahaakratu à maha (a buffalo=asva) - kratu (a yaaga);naga (the Sun), naaka (the sky), kaama (god of love), kaala (Yama) - kratu (a yaaga, Vishnu, worship), Durga (suurya),Christ A maha(buffalo) is hence a preferred sacrificial victim. It is black (signifying night, death,earth) and its killing means victory over night and death.Mrit(the earth) is Dharma the God of death and mahisha(matsa=medini) is considered as his vehicle since kaala(darkness=time) is born when the Sun enters the earth. Its drained rakta (blood)

is raksha (protection) as well.

A maha is

considered as the vehicle of Yama(maha - > Yama) also. This term also shows that the asvamedha was performed with a mahisha. The Christian priests perform the asvamedha as the Holy Communion. They remain single(unmarried) to be asva(agna-one) forever.



the sacrificial veda. The most popular sacrifice were the Asva medha (the old form of the Holy Mass) and the Darsa-Puurna-Maasa (sacrifice performed at New and Full Moon)



a lord (Indra, Agni, Soma) yahva à asva (a horse), aahva (one who calls), Yahwe (Jehovah-the god of the Jews)



yajna (a sacrifice), adhvara (a sacrifice), oblation to please the gods. yaaga à aga (the Sun),agna(fire), daaha (burning), jaya (success), saya (sex), naaga (a snake),

naga (the Sun), kaasa (light), gaaya (singing, a song),

gava(bull), kaama(sex),

kaaya (the body, stem of a tree), yaaja (cooked rice, food, one who performs a yaaga),vaaja(food) The Holy Communion of the Christians is called Kurbaana (kurbaan – sacrifice- Syrian) kurbaana à svara (sound), sura (god) – gaana ( a song) à sura (liquor) – paana (drinking) à sura (the Sun) – bhaana (shine) à prakaasa (light), prabhaata (dawn) Sura(alcohol) is also sona(blood) , soma (a drink) and suura(the sun). The Christians drink wine as the blood(sona) of Christ and eat bread as his body(tanu-somos) in the Hoy Communion. Hence it is a soma(Mosa) yaaga also.

RA ra

:light, fire, Agni (the Sun), kaamaagni (the heat of

love),heat, intensity, love, desire, speed, acquiring, possessing, giving, effecting (raa), amorous play, gold, going, motion,brightness, splendour, strength, power ra à pa (a leaf,ruler), ka (the head), na (a gem), ma (water), ca (the Moon), La (Indra), sa (god), ta (a tail), rava (sound, the Sun) rakta


blood, kumkum, copper, Siva, red colour, rak-ta à gaatra (body), raksha (protection,kavaca),

cakra (a wheel),akshara(alphabet), kshaara (holy ash ), prakaasa(light),asra(blood), rasa(juice), laksha(a mark),Sakra(Indra), raaja(a king), Daksha(Agni,a Prajaapati), ra( fire,the Sun)-kaasa(light),ghar(the cross)sa(like,god,bird cf.the crucified Christ who is a rakshaka or X-aviour) The secret behind yaagas, mantras, yantras, puujas, kolas ,etc. lie in words like these. Rakta being raksha the Bible said “All the people of the

community of Israel must slaughter them (male lambs) at twilight…take some of the blood and put it on the sides and tops of the door frames of the houses where they eat the lambs”. <<Exodus:12.6-7>> It was a rakta-laksha -raksha for the angel of God, to know the Israelites. The Christians eat the sariira (the body) and drink the rakta (blood) of the Christ in their Holy Communion to get ‘sariira raksha’ (body protection). The cross is a cakra , raksha,rakta and dahana. Hence the devil ran away on seeing it! Practitioners of black magic even today kill a ram or goat or buffalo and sprinkle the blood upon the body, houses and fields to bring raksha by the rakta.Rakta being dahana ,the fire god is pleased by giving it as food to him. Seal M-304 (DTIS page 188 fig 10.18) reads rakta gaatra (red bodied) or gaatra rakta (raksha), which

in fact is the principle of the Holy Communion also. The right side is the light side for one facing the rising Sun and hence right side and right step is chosen to bring light and raksha. rakta gaatra à rakta kaasara(buffalo blood) à rakta paksha (Garuda – red winged The kumkum bindu worn by a Hindu is rakta bindu meant to show vindu (a scholar), rakta (blood) or raksha (protection).Raksha(amulets) made of rakta(copper) was supposed to bring raksha(protection) from evil spirits . Rakta is made ghar(cross)-ta(tail), Hartaa(taskara-thief,kartar-christ) raksha


guarding, protecting, a bolt, an amulet, an armour raksha à rakta (blood),patra(bird), bhadra(bull,king),patra(writ) Sakra (Indra), cakra(wheel), ra(agni) –kaasa (light), daksha (agni,right), raaja (a king), aksha (an eye),prakaasa (light),paksha (a wing)




A kaksha(kaasara=buffalo=raksha) is sacrificed to bring raksha. Rakta,kshaara and jala are used to give salvation. raksha(protection)-rakta(blood)-gaatra(the body) – khecara(the Sun) - kaasara( a buffalo) Hence offering the blood of a kaasara to khecara provides gaatra raksha to the sacrificer.In the old Testament sacrifice the kaasara rakta was sacrificed which became gaatra and rakta in the New Testament sacrifice. Fire (power) - on the earth and in the sky- is the protector of man from his early days till today. ravi


the Sun, one who is worshipped ravi à ra (fire) – vi (a bird,two,a horse), rabbi (a

teacher),naava(praise), nabi (a teacher), viira (a hero), avi (the Sun, Aries), hari (a lion, Vishnu), rava(sound,the Sun,deva-deity),devi(a goddess), iraivan(god-Tamil),kavi(the Sun), Levi(the third son of Jacob and Leah-‘third’ from ‘srii’ and ‘krittika’-the third asterism which denotes sunrise),vaara(tail-it is the tail of the bull-in the Sed festival), rayi(water, prosperity), miira(the sea), vaari(water), miina(fish. Look at Ravi-Jesus- making the miraculuous catch of fish in the sea of Tiberias at dawn<<John:21>> raaja, raajaa

:a king, the Sun, the Moon, Indra, raajaa à srii (the Sun),guru(great,a teacher), sraya(refuge,protection),iisa(lord,god,king), sara(water,arrow cf.

),raaga (red); raa (wealth)

– ja (light); jaara (a lover), taara (a star), raksha (protection); ra (the Sun,agni-fire) – aja (Aries),aasa(seat),ja(born,king is son of god –the belief had its origin here),sa(like,god-king is god);

raadha (the month of Vaisaakha, wealth),rakta(blood,red),raaya(a king),cakra(a wheel),Sakra(Indra),gara(swallowing cf.

soma raaja shown by the fish eating alligator ), tara(fire,a boat),tra(tri-three) Raaja is the rising Sun(ra-aja) and he shines by his riches. Ra(fire)-aasa(seat) is bhadraasana(seat of fire,the seat which is fire). A raaja carries a cenkol(a red staff,a sceptre) since rakta(red) makes it raaja(royal).The king was the guru (teacher,the priest) and bhartaa(lord) and his sacrifice (Asvamedha-sacrifice of king is sacrifice of god) brought raksha.Raksha(salvation) being raaja (a king ),Christ the rakshaka (saviour,the teacher and the lord –the priest king) was made a raaja (King of Jews) in the end and the INRI raksha(akshara) was also written.The cross by itself reads raaja as

| (ra) , - (sa) ->

+ raaja(raksha),srii(the sun).

The sa is the year and ra is the day and the sara(raaja) is the varsha(a year).At dawn the Sun forms the cross by rising from the horizontal plane of the eastern horizon where the shift on the ecliptic gives the year and the vertical rise gives each day. Thus the cross is a figure of sunrise (agni) and hence denotes raksha.Pilate wrote Iesus Nazarenus Rex Judaerum which in fact is ‘Asva Netra Raaja suuya’(Asvamedha- raaja suuya -

the king’s sacrifice or suuryodaya-sun rise.Asva is also Yadu and Netra is the king and medha(sacrifice).Raaja is srii-suurya-the sun. Suuya(Judea) is udaya-rise.Yadu netra(king) is Krishna. The vernal equinoctial sunrise is the crucifixion.



The book by Valmiki, containing the story of Raama. Raamaayana - Naaraayana (Vishnu)

Raama was the son of Dasaratha (Dasra – dahana – fire;

srashtaa-creator,father;Pisces) and Kausalya (su-kalya à dawn). Compare this with Christ the son of Joseph (ushas) who was a tvashtaa (srashtaa-a carpenter) and the Virgin(kanya=kalya) Mary(naari-a woman). Rudra


Siva Rudra àDurga, rudhira (blood, red), ra-usra (a bull,dawn, the Sun), suura (the Sun),putra (a son), ra (fire,the Sun) – dru (a tree);Ritu(seasons)-ra(the Sun);valsara(year);rava(the sun)-srii(the sun); Mitra (the Sun god) or Vritra(Indra) is Rudra . He was later made the putra (Jesus, Muruka, Ganesa etc.) and Buddha gods. Rudra is rudhira (blood) and hence provides raksha (rakta-blood).Rudra(putra-son-Soma) is shown as the tree- god(Christ on cross) in several Harappan seals.

LA la


Indra, the earth, cutting, vidhaata (Brahma symbol on the Mylaaduthurai stone celt)

la à ra (fire), na (a cipher, a gem), ta (a tail), a (leg), sha(a man,matted hair) The English L (axe,leg -> a,) , d (ta -> tail) and T (tail- > Ta) are similar hence. A suula


trident) is a su (good) - La (Indra) and a lata (a creeping plant) is La (Indra) - ja (born) ,ta(tail) and sa (god,like).The cross is a suula (sara-arrow) with straight arms.



a mark, sign, target laksha à laksh (to mark, to see), raksha (protection), rakta (blood), kalasa(a pot), daksha (fire, Siva, Vishnucf.Daksha yaaga


à La (Indra) - kaasa (light) à sunshine, kshata (injury), aksha (eye, a die,a wheel) Laksha (markings) on paatra (pottery, bhadra bharata - fire), vastra (cloth), walls (border - bhadra), door frames (dvaara - suurya - the Sun) etc. point to

raksha (protection) through daksha (fire and fire worship). The lakshas chosen normally are homophones or homonyms of the name of the object itself. A laksha with rakta is a sure sign of raksha as seen in << Exodus :12. 6-7>> A kalasa

(a pot) is sometimes hung in the

front portico of a house as a laksha of raksha. laksha




Indra Vasava - vaasu (Vishnu), bhaasu (the Sun), bhaatu (the Sun);va(Varuna,hand,great)dava(fire),zava(the Sun,yaaga,water); aasaya(a seat ),aasava(spirituos liquor), vaaja(food),paadapa(a tree); paasa(rope), bhaasa(light),vaasa(house) –pa (lord);

zava(a yaaga,the Sun), maadhava (Indra, Vishnu, Krishna ); va(like,great)-sava(a corpse-the sava on the cross worshipped by the Christians is Vaasava);Yaadava(Srii Krishna),pasu(an animal,a cow,cattle); moshaah(anointing,portion-Hebrew), maasiyha(the anointed one-Heb),maasah(to anoint-Heb),mishaah(anointing,portion –Heb), yesua(Yahweh saves -Heb),yishaaq(Isaac- Heb), yesayaah(yahweh saves - Heb), Vaacaka(speech), kavaca(amulet) ,ke-sava(Vishnu) Vaasava is pleased by aasava (liquor) is the principle of the soma(aasava) yaaga(Alcohol blazes the fire which means the fire god is pleased!). Vaasava himself is the asva(viirabhadrayaayaavara) who was sacrificed and whose body was given as food in the Asvamedha and the Holy Communion.Vaaja(food) is god. Giver of food is greater than god. Giving own body(kaaya) as food(vaaja - bhaasa) is the greatest god.This is the SED or the Holy

Communion. The worship of the paadapa or yajnavriksha tree is worship of Vaasava(Indra) himself. Vasava is also maanava.The Sun is god in the Sky.Man(the priest-king) is god on the earth.Hence the son of man (Jesus-Christ-priest) is the son of god.. Vasava is paada(a quarter,the cross) – va(like) and va(two,the hands)- sama(equal).Ina(the Sun) is yama(two). Vaasava Maasah (Asvamedha) was personified as Jesus Messiah and the pesaha (Passover) was celebrated by the Christians.The Jews still expect him to come as a saviour ,whereas every morning he rises as the saviour from darkness.We have seen that by around 3000 BC or earlier a branch of the Bharats migrated to the West.They carried with them the Vasava worship which is continued till today as the Holy communion. Vasava being yaadu (watercf.udaya-sunrise) and

yaadava Vasava worship begins with the rite of baptism which removes the sin inherited from the paadapa(tree) of Eden. The worship of the Cross is Vasava worship only. The incidence of the cross figures in the Harappan writing is not accidental. They convey the very same principles preached by Christianity. The sava(corpse,zava-Kratu-Christ) on the cross is Vasava(Indra) or Kesava(Vishnu).The cross(cakra) itself is Sakra(Indra) and raaja(a king) who is sacrificed(INRI).The vaacaka –INRI- is Vasava and raksha (kavaca - cross) also. It has four quarters (paada) and is hence a paadapa(Vasava).The wooden cross is hence the best tool of paadapa-Vasava worship.The cross is a raksha (argala=arka-the sun,la-Indra;ghar-cross,la-Indra) by shape and by script.The blood (rakta raksha) smeared body(ka) makes a rakshaka(raajaking).It is interesting to note that the Christians still pay great reverence to the sava of a dead member of

the community and prefer to bury it like the ancient Bharats and believe that their sava will rise with the Vasava at the end of the world.When Vasava rise every morning a (vaa) sava(maartaanda-dead egg) is rising.Hence the belief is not without its base.



dawn vaastavaa à ushas (dawn), bhaata (dawn),vaastava(truth),Vaasava(Indra) Pilate asked Vaasava(Jesus) “what is

truth”<<John 18.38 >> to show vaastavaa(dawn) by vaastava(truth). vindu


a dot, the sectarian mark on the forehead, one who knows, one who is intelligent. vindu - bindu (a spot, drop, dot), Hindu;su(good) – ina(the Sun) A Hindu becomes ‘learned’ by virtue of the study of the Vedas and the marks on the body like the bindu. A Buddha(budha-a scholar) is intelligent and learned by

the name. A jina is a jna (a scholar). A jude (Jew) has dyota (light).His muulah(circumcision-Heb) makes him a budha(scholar) and suura(suuri- a scholar). A Christian becomes learned by the jnaana snaana (baptism;jnaana – knowledge,snaana –bathing).The truth is that everybody is a scholar by birth as janana (birth) itself is jnaana (knowledge). Adam and Eve were sent out of the garden of Eden because they ate the forbidden fruit of the tree(vidapa -> vida-knowledge,pa-drinking) of knowledge (jnaana-janana-birth). visaakha


Subramanya,Siva,a position or posture of an archer,an asterism. visaakha - vikaasa(light, aakaasa), vishu(vishuva- the equinox),Yishaaq(Isaac-Heb), paasach(Passover,Easter),paksha(wing) The asterism of the vernal equinox is Visaakha.Hence Easter is celebrated on the Sunday(Kritika-the first asterism is ruled by the rising sun of sunday and visaakha is ruled by Jupiter- the significator of the year) following the first full moon after the vernal equinox.

Visaakha is vi(two)- saakha(branch) or vi(special,great) – kaasa(light). Vi(a bull,horse,bird) –saakha( horn) is the unicorn. For the Keralites the Vishukkani(first sight on the first day morning of Mesha-Aries ) is a great festival.The Tamils celebrate it as Citraikkani.With the introduction of the Nirayana System of zodiacal calculations ,these festivals have lost their true significance due to the precession of the equinoxes.The present Vishu is celebrated 23 days after the actual Vishu. Visaakha ->Pesaha(Easter)->Balahaa(Indra), Vaasava(Indra), paktaa(fire),bhaksha(food) The Jewish and Christian communities on the other hand still follow the vedic rituals without any deviation. Easter is celebrated at the Full Moon (Visaakha) following the vernal equinox(the Sun in Aries is Indra – Israel) hence.The Passover of Israel from Egypt(=igya-pada=Pisces) is Indra(the Sun)’s rise from the northeast. The paktaa(paasach) is the Christ and the bhaksha is his body divided as food.The Asvamedha (Sed) ,Somayaaga

etc. also represent this. Mesha Vishu(Messiah Jesus) is the vernal equinox and it is the first point of Aries. It is the day on which the duration of night and day become equal.Tulaa Vishu or Jala Vishu is the autumnal equinox.In Vedic astronomy and astrology the day was projected upon the seasonal cycle and the signs of the seasons were named after and derived their strength from the divisions of the day. The spring equinox agrees with sunrise of the day and the autumnal equinox with sunset of the day. For the apparent seasonal cycle the rise is at the autumnal equinox and the set is at the vernal equinox. The place of the day Sun is indicated by the Full Moon. Hence we have Christmas at the winter solstice (noon of season and midnight of day ) and Easter at the vernal equinox -the sunset of the seasons and sunrise of the day.The seasonal(year) god dies and is resurrected as the living god of the day at dawn.It is Osiris-varsha-year taking birth as Horus-putra-son-sun though Isis-Usha-dawn.Pitri-the father is putra-the son .

(John.14.10). In the Daksha yaaga Viirabhadra (vaarabhadra-the day sun) chopped the head of Daksha(the year)and gave him the head of a Ram(Aja=Aries,Iisa-Isis- Usha – dawn) in his new life as seen in this Harappan the two faces of Janus(Jina-the sun,soma-the moon.Both have the bright and dark faces.)

. Aja is Aries and Tulaa is Libra which mark the equinoctial solar positions. The sara(srii-the sun,driito split)

is the praasa(spear,praata-dawn,varsha-

year,vrisha-bull) that pierced the vaksha(chest,ukshabull,usha-dawn cf.the mark of srii vatsa on the vaksha of


) of the Christ to indicate varsha

puurti(bhadra-fullness cf.It is finished- John.19.30 and daybreak which is also indicated by the torn curtain of the temple(Matthew.27.51).Compare this glyph with the figure of the cross below.

The INRI is the ten commandments itself as the two arms of the cross are the two stone tablets which Moses broke(day break) at Sinai like the broken curtain(cf.vastra-curtain;bhadraking,rock;praasa-spear;praata-dawn;patra-writ-veda). Vishnu


one among the trinity of gods. Trinity(tri-three) is the one srii (the Sun). Vishnu à pitri(a father);vi (a bird,horse) – snu(emit fluid- the fluid is light cf.

),Krishna(vi = kri,patra-bird

or word,gira-word,mountain .Krishna is an avataaraincarnation- of Vishnu the sun.) Vishnu is the heavenly father.Hence Jesus said “Any one who has seen me has seen the Father.I am in the Father and the Father is in me”<<John .14 .9-10>>

viirabhadra :

the horse meant for the asva medha, a distinguished hero, a Rudra(or putra as son of man-the Christ) viirabhadra à ravi (the Sun)-bhadra(fire,a king,a bull,a

stone);yaayaavara(a horse to be sacrificed),sravaapya(an animal for a sacrifice) Rudra (suurya) is viira (ravi). Viira is bhadra. Viirabhadra is a hero stone also. Viirapatta is a forehead band worn by soldiers. The horse of the asvamedha was a bhadra (a bull) till the horses were introduced

into Bharata.

viirabhdra- prabhaata(dawn),prakaasa(light) The vaara (tail) is the ‘pra’ before bhaata(dawn) and kaasa(light). viirabhadra- vaara(a tail) –bhadra(a bull) The SED (bull’s tail) festival of the Egyptians is the Asvamedha of the Bharats. Viirabhadra was born during the Daksha(year) yaaga(Sacrifice) and he killed Daksha(the end of the Old Year coincides with the beginning of the New Year).In the seal M- 1186 the chopped head of Daksha is placed on a stand in front of the Fig deity. vrisha


a bull, a chief,a mouse, the zodiacal sign of Taurus Vrishabha is prabhaata (morning). It is Beersheba in

the Bible (Joshua: 15. 31) The Egyptians sacrificed the vrisha(nripa) and worshipped the mrita.This is to worship Vrishaa (Vaasava). Their chief god was Ra ( ri-> rishabha – a bull) .Osiris (usra,vrisha – a bull;asar-asara-fire) was worshipped as Hapi (Apis-aspa-asva). The Apis bull is the equivalent of the unicorn (bhadraasva). The Vrisha clan (Anpu and Bata ) of Egypt was a branch of the Bharata(vrisha) clan as vrisha is bhadra. The Egyptians represented Aruna as Anpu and bhaasa (light) as Bata in their version of the bull’s tale. Bata(bhadra) grew into a bhadra(a bull ) and a bhadra (Persea or vata ) tree. (cf.Taurus and Vriscika of the day cycle). The bull was the symbol of male fertility and vigour before the horse was put into human service. The universal presence of the bull worship in the ancient world is a proof of the influence Bharata had on these civilizations. vrishaa


Indra, a father, karma, a bull, a horse.

vrishaa à horse The vrisha(bull) figures in the seals indicate Vrishaa (Indra). The horse of the Rig veda is the vrisha(bull) or a purusha(a man) or a Praja(a son,a citizen) who was sacrificed to usra (the sun)through agni(fire). The Bible describes this in 2 kings 23: 10-11. “He (Josiah)desecrated Topheth which was in the Valley of Ben Hinnom, so no one could use it to sacrifice his son or daughter in fire to Molech. He removed from the entrance to the temple of the LORD the horses that the kings of Judah had dedicated to the SUN… Josiah then burned the chariots dedicated to the SUN” veda


knowledge of god, hymns in praise of god, knowledge, Vishnu, yaaga, wealth veda à bhaasha(language,speech),paatha (teaching and learning), deva (god), vida(knowledge), rava (the Sun,sound), pada (word), vada(speech), Bharata,patra(writ cf. The writs of the priests formed the veda.)

Veda is maily the study of words ,time and fire.Language was a tool of play and pray(or prey) in the hands of the ancient priests.Thousands of words were coined and stories were planted upon them to create what we call now as mythology.




sound, voice sabda à

abda (a year, a cloud),

tapasa (the Sun), divasa (daycf.saptaaha yajna or festival of the weeks), sapta


zapta (seven), tapta (hot), tapas (penance), tavas (strength), pastya (a house), bhasat( a tree, a boat, the Sun), sapatha (a vow, oath), sabbath, sa (with)-pada (a foot, a word, a ray) Word is god. Svara(sabda) is suurya. Tapasa is sabda

and sapta. Hence there are the saptasvaras (seven notes; sabda -> svara) and sapta vaaras (seven days). Every day is the same except for the division by svara (name).



dead body, a corpse, water sava à tava (strength, power), tapa (heat), java (speed), jaya (success), saya (sleep,sex), bhaasa (light), zava (water, the Sun,yaaga), Kapa (Varuna), sa (like, god, with) - va (Varuna),caapa(a bow), dva(two),saava(a child), deva(god),dava(fire),saaba(a child cf.Infant Krishna,Infant Jesus,Infant Subramanya etc. from dava, deva and rava-the sun),Vaasava(Indra) Life(jiiva) is fire(dava).Jada is cold and water. Hence Sava(a corpse) is burnt in dava(fire) and flown into sava(water) to give jiiva(life) in the other world. Va is the sea and Varuna (lord of the sea). Hence the ash is collected in a kalasa (jala - water, sa - god à Varuna;jalaja – fish,the Moon,a lotus) and flown through a jalagaa (Ganga –a river,gagana-the sky) to reach va (the

sea –the sky) to be with (sa) - va (Varuna) . A sava is a zava (a yaaga) and saya (sex) and in the Asvamedha yaaga (a zava), the sava of the sacrificial victim is given the pleasure of saya (sex) by making the queen(Isis-Usha-dawn) perform saya (sex) with the sava (asva). To please Vasava or Kesava or dava or deva a sava was worshipped(cf.the Egyptian mummies and the cross of the Christians show sava worship !). siri


a sword, an arrow, a butterfly, a killer, a locust. siri à srii (to cook;suurya-the Sun, fire, prosperity) yajna (sasana – killing) was believed to give srii as one became a siri (a killer) by jiri (killing). In the seal M1186 (DTIS page 260 Fig 14.3) jiri (killing), srii (fire) and srita (worshipped) are indicated by the butterfly or locust symbols. The cross is a siri (sword) symbol. Sliiva (a cross) is siri (a sword),silii(an arrow) – va (like) or prabhaa(shine).



a rock, stone sila à jina (the Sun), sira (head), dina (day),gira(speech),Sinai (the mountain where god gave Israel the ten commandments on two silas or stone tablets.) The sila (idol) in the temple is jina(the sun) in the sky. Moses broke the sila << Exodus : 17>>with his staff at Horeb (urava –a spring – Malayalam) to show dina(day) break.Also Naasatya and Dasra were named Massah and Meribah (it is the Asvins who bring light. Light is water).Bhadra(adri-rock) is bhadra(water) .



auspicious, propitious, gracious, benevolent, water, happy, fortunate, happiness, welfare, liberation, the final emancipation, the third god of the trinity of Gods. Brahma is the creator, Vishnu is the preserver and Siva the destroyer. These represent the rising Sun, the noon Sun and the setting Sun and agrees with the Father, Son and Holy spirit of the Christians and Khepera, Ra and Atum of the Egyptians. The vedic equivalent of Siva(Rudra) is Varuna as Siva is si-va (Varuna) and

Kapa (Varuna). subha


auspiciousness, a gem, pearl, luck, water, a goat God is a goat (the lamb of god). Hence he is pleased by the sacrifice of a goat or ram. subha à su (good) – pa (water), bhaa (light),paa(to drink) Light is water. subha à subhaa (sobha – light),pasu(an animal,cattle) paamsu(amsu - dust,rays),bhuja(a hand),tubha(a goat), chaaga(a goat) Kana(a drop) is naga(the Sun).Hence water drops are auspicious. To make the conclusion of a sacrifice subha ,holy water is sprinkled by the priest.This emulates emission of teja at udaya ,and retas at saya (yaaga).In the mantras or hymns,this role is given to the svaaha(subha).



a crematorium, a place for burning dead bodies, a cemetery, an oblation to deceased ancestors. samasaana à sma (sava) – sayana (bed);

samaadhaana (peace),savaasana(a yogic posture of calmness) Samaadhaana of smasaana is the RIP (requiescat in pace - rest in peace) . Samaadhaana(bhadra-happiness) for the dead is ensured by merging with vastra(bhadra –happiness), patra(leafhence dead body is first laid on green leaves of coconut or palm ), bharata(fire,bhadra – happiness), bhasma(ash,bhadra-happiness) paatra(a jar- the ash and bones are collected in a kalasa) and bhadra (water,stone,happiness- the kalasa is hence flown through water) in the burning system.This system has an element of the migrating soul and migrating man in it. When the Bharats began leaving their permanent settlements in the Indus valley they introduced this system of disposing of the dead. Instead of this the original burial system followed by the semitic religions and the South Indians ensures bhadra(happiness) by a paatra(jar) or peta(box,bhadra) and placing in a chamber of bhadra(stone,happiness).

Hence a grave is called a kallara (chamber of stone) in Malayalam.Asma(stone,bhadra) is placed over the sma(body- sava) as menheirs(vertical slabs, maranadeath,cf.muniyaRa – burial chamber in Malayalam), cairns (carama-death, large stone circles-stone is bhadra and circle is bhadra) and cist-slabs(cistcita,caitya-funeral pyre) to ensure bhadra(happiness,peace) to the soul buried under them.The larger the stone the more remote was the possibility of disturbing the RIP.The Egyptians hence erected the mastabas(sma-pada-sava-padacemetry,vaasa-house) which later became the pyramids.



sacred, holy,to cook, mix, mingle, to burn, flame, diffuse light,light, lustre, radiance, splendour, grace, prosperity, welfare, good fortune, success, auspiciousness, wealth, treasure, riches, high rank, power, might, fame, majesty, Lakshmi, Sarasvati, intellect, speech, fire, the Sun, word, language, a metre with a single alphabet, poison, ornaments, the Bilva tree, a lotus, equipments

Srii is repeated to express excessive veneration ( eg. the Dholavira sign board with several sriis) ‘Sriya aatmajah’ (sons of beauty) is a horse. ‘Sriya putraah’ is goats with auspicious marks. The special marks on the unicorn, the bull etc. indicate Srii. The Malayalam word tii (fire) is srii. Tai maasa (month Of Tai - Taishii - Capricorn) is the month of srii (the Sun, light, fire).Hence the Christ was born here. The trefoils of a Srii (Bilva) indicate srii (light, power, high rank etc.) as on the cloak of the priest king (in DK 1909) a bhadra(king=pa-leaf,tra-three) or bha(srii-the sun)-srii(the sun,nri-man,king). Srii is rice (vriihi-srii) cake as purodaasa . srii → siri(a bird,butterfly), cakra(wheel) heres(the Sun – Hebrew),Sakra(Indra),Osiris(an Egyptian god),Siriac(Aramayic-the language said to be spoken by Christ. He being srii spoke Siriac.Srii is speech and the Sun also.) Srii(the Sun) is represented as three gods(trimuurtis).

Srii Bhagavati is srii(the Sun) – bhaga(the Sun) – paci (fire). Tiri (a candle - Malayalam) is srii (light, the Sun). In the amulet H-3305, the single saras(siri) alphabet represents srii (the metre with single alphabet) along with the naked strii (srii).Srii Bhadra is Durga.Similarly the single alphabet (srii)


Dmd - 1 also indicates srii. Teri (abusive language Malayalam) and rati (sex) were used to worship srii. Srii is sa (with,god) - rai (wealth, gold, sound) and hence is the goddess of wealth.Srii is pleased by rii(killing,ravi-the sun,devi-goddess) is the principle of vedic yaagas . Srii is sa (god, bird) - ra (fire) and hence is the fire god and has bird forms like Garuda or Ra. Srii

is u , iisa and tau or taya

. Hence we have

u(srii)-daya(saya) or ud(ravi)-aya(going) as kritika = tritiiya=srii(u)-taya(day-salvation).The Tamils use u instead of srii to begin their writings.

srii The rise in Kritika(tritiiya-third day) at the end of raatri(night,ra-night,tri-three) is the basis for the third day resurrection of the Christ and the fourth day resurrection of


moon becomes visible after the New moon in Kritika every month.Dasra-the Asvins is darsa-the New moon. Refer Vedic sacrifices of the New and full moon.Dasra is Lazarus. His sister Martha or praata-dawn is MatsaPisces,Marut-wind Dharma-god of death,mrita-the dead etc.Praata dawn is pareta- the dead . ) Sriicakra


a wheel of the chariot of Indra, the earth (as a magical diagram) Sriicakra → srii (the Sun) - Sakra (Indra); Srii (the Sun, sound, light) - raksha(protection), sabda (sound) All cakras are rakshas by sabda. Srii is light, sound, fire and the Sun and hence protects from evils (by the name). Srii is cakra(Sakra).

sriicakra sreni


a row, line, group sreni → tarani (a boat, the Sun), nidra (sleep), Indra(the Sun),caranii(a man) “Taking one of the stones there he (Jacob) put it under his head and lay down to sleep. He had a dream in which he saw a stairway resting on the earth with its top reaching to heaven and the angels of God were ascending and descending on it. There above it stood the LORD” <>. The LORD(tarani,mitra) and the stairway(sreni) agree with sleep(nidra).



seven sapta →

tapasa (the Sun), sabda (sound),

divasa (day), ap(water)-stha (seated), sapatha(oath) ;sa(like,with)pada(foot );savitaa(the Sun) The symbol for seven(7) is the leg (L) itself.

sa(sira-head-tra-tri-three)-pada(four) = seven The two fish and five loaves are the seven planets and the seven week days. Dividing into seven is creating a cakra (cycle) that is sakta (strong) and provides raksha (protection). Also Agni (fire) is sapta (seven, tapasa-the Sun)-jihva (tongue,jvaala-flame,hvaana-call) or agni is the tongue of the fire-Sun-god.Hence god answers by fire as in Horeb,Sinai,Tabor ,the Pentecost etc.etc. Sarasvati


the daughter and wife of Brahma, the goddess of speech and learning, word, speech, learning, Durga, a cow, a river, the Soma plant. Sarasvati → saras (a lake,head), sarat (a year, a season) – pati(lord);srii(the Sun)-jyoti(light) Sarasvati puuja is performed when the Sun crosses Virgo the sign of sunset, so that the Full Moon falls at the place of sunrise of the day and of the year (the the seasonal sunrise shifting to the South) in the asterism of Dasra(the Asvins) or darsa(the New moon).

The Full Moon of Virgo represents the rising Sun (Sakra) of the day.He is presented as Sarasvati of the year.In the day cycle the Virgo Sun is the setting Sun represented by the rising Moon (cf.Pilate and Barabas) also. Hence the female role is given. Dusk or dawn(Sarasvati) is the daughter of Brahma.But he goes into her and hence is his wife also. Sarasvati river is considered to flow under the earth as the setting Sun of the day goes under the earth (out of sight in the night.) The biblical New Year also begins here in the seventh month(Sign of Libra – Tishri-Dasra) when the southern shift of the seasonal sunrise agrees with sunrise of the day.It is called Rosh Hashanah,Yom Teruah(day of the sounding of the shofar) and Yom –Ha – zikkaron(day of remembrance). Why the shofar or bugle sounding? Of course Sarasvati is sarat-pati and svara(sound)pati. Another reason is the birth of kaala-time which has the meaning of a year and night .Fall of darkness is birth of time.And birth of kaala has to be announced by a

kaahala(a trumpet,a shofar,a sankh,a drum)!After all kaala is gaana and saama(samaya-time,saaya-dusk) also. “On the first day of the seventh month you are to have a day of rest ,a sacred assembly commemorated with trumpet blasts. Do no regular work ,but present an offering made to the LORD by fire”<< Leviticus:23.24-25>> Israel was brought out of Egypt in the month of Abib(Avi- Aries) at the pasach (pakta,bhakta,Visaakha,sunset of the year and beginning of the northern course of the Sun) and after six months they had a remembrance when the Sun god crossed the same point in the opposite direction with the beginning of the southern course . Note that Teruah and shofar have svara (suurya,sound,varsha) in them. It is in the sign of Brihaspati(Jupiter) that dawning takes place.This sign is matsya(drava –fish).Sarasvati is tara(crossing,fire),taara(a star ,the wife of Brihaspati,a star) –jyoti(light), asvati(Asvini)also.

Sarasvati is killer of mahisha(matsa) as the sarat(year) is terminated in

Pisces and sarad(year)

is born

again. Matsa being marta the aja

on marta is the aja(Isis,Iisa,Uma) on

matsa(mahisha),the rising Sun who has conquered night and the earth.



the Sun A dhuriiya(bull) is worshipped, it being suurya. The golden calf made by Aaron and worshipped by Israel, was a dhuriiya to worship suurya. The Unicorn is a suuryaasva (asva =a horse). The dhurya (bulls) in the contest motif seals (DTIS page 247-257) represent suurya (puujyanoble). Kaala cakra (the wheel of time) being suurya the Julian calendar was adopted(cf.June=soma-the moon,Julysuurya-the sun). Suurya being bhojya (god being food) the tempter said to Jesus ‘if you are the son of god tell these stones to become bread’<<Matthew :4.3>>and at

the Lord’s Supper,Jesus took bread ,broke it and gave it to his disciples saying ‘Take and eat, this is my body’<<Matthew :26.26>> . Christ being suurya was made a sodhya(test) and had to face the codya(question) of Pilate< What is truth? John:18:38 > A sphinx being suurya posed codya (riddles) to the people who came its way. Suurya being tulya (equal) the suurya figures are shown as twins and being turiiya (a fourth)these are shown as groups of four also. Suurya being suunya (a cipher,nil) god is invisible and sage Caarvaaka practised atheism as a form of worship of

the Sun god.

Suurya candra

. is suuryadarsana

(udayadarsana) and surata(sex). sura( * ) + Ca(U) or Sa(bird- V) -> sura + ca(sa) -> surata. Surata being suurya and udaya is worhipped as seen in the seals and portrayed in temple art.Surata being sura(the Sun)-ja(born) not only the godkings(born from the Sun) , but ordinary mortals are also sons of god(suurya-surata).



the sky,the heavens,the Moon,Vaisravana,a Soma yaaga,a solar ray,life,Siva. zoma – su(good),so(Paarvati) – ma(water, time,happiness, prosperity, the Moon,Brahmaa,Vishnu,Siva,poison); homa (sacrifice),svana(sound,voice,word),madhu(honey,spirituous liquor),sura(spirituous liquor),gola(a sphere or disk like that of the Sun and Moon),dhuuma(smoke),Muusha(Moses), Manu,suura(the Sun),sona(fire,blood),sukla(since ma-> jala), suvana(the Sun),Vasava(Indra),avasa(a king,a drink,food), asva(a horse),soma(bull,rice),kona(triangle),kola(drawing).

gola=suura=the sun

tri-kona=srii-soma=the sun-bull

Manu is the law giver for the Hindus.Muusha(Manu) is the law giver for the Jews and Christians. The dhuuma of incense ,alcohol, burnt blood and meat etc. were considered to satiate and propitiate the fire god in the sky(Scientifically we know that,like the loud prayers, no smoke can leave the earth’s atmosphere and reach the Sun god).

Draaksha (grape) is dra(sura- soma)- aasa(seat), ksha(field),kasa(water) and gives the soma for the Jews and Christians. The Brahmaa role given to Abraham in the Genesis is continued into the Exodus as Su – Ma (Brahmaa) as Moses. The original soma was sona -the blood of the sacrificial Victim- as it was believed that life was in the blood (Leviticus : 17.11) and drinking blood would give virility and long life. Agni (sona-soma) was worshipped as Soma also. Soma(sma- somos-tanu) being the body and sepha (phallus ) being kaamalata( somalata) sukla(semen) also was considered as Soma(su – good, ma-water). somayaaga : a kind of yaaga (which takes three years for completion.) somayaaga – suura(the Sun),sona(fire,blood),sura(liquor)daaha(burning),aga(the Sun),kaasa(light);sayamoda(sexual pleasure) The Holy Communion of the Christians is called ‘kurbaana’. This is sura(soma) – paana(drinking) or sura (the Sun)bhaana(light).Wine used in the sacrifice is the Sura

(soma).It is considerd as the sona(blood-soma) of Christ. snaana


bathing, washing, ablution, religious lustration, bathing in sacred waters (considered as one of the six daily duties or shat-karman) snaana - snaa (to bathe), janana (birth),samana (death), samjnaa (a name, to agree together, one who has recovered consciousness); sa (with) naama (a name); naasana (destruction, death), samaana(alike), asana (food), aasana (a seat), azana (throwing) Snaana being janana (birth), one who bathes become born-again.Snaana removes the sin brought upon mankind by the asana (eating) of the fruit of the tree of jnaana (knowledge). A naama (name) also is given to the born-again . Christians all over the world when undergoing the rite of baptism (jnaana snaana) do not realize that this rite was instituted by the Bharats and Christinanity has its roots in Bharata. The Vaishnavite Bharats wear the

naama (the sectarian mark on the forehead) to become sanaama (with a name) after a snaana (bathing) as dvi-ja(a Brahmin) has two births or is twice born.



a vessel, sound, voice, sound of a lyre svara àsabda(sound),suura (the Sun), suurya (the Sun), dvaara (a hole) The Torah of the Jews,the Koran of the Muslims, the Kural(Tirukkural) of the Tamils etc.indicate svara like the Vedas (bhaasha->veda -> rava -> voice)



a kind of mystical cross made on persons and things to denote good luck, any lucky or auspicious subject, the crossing of the arms or hands on the breast, a bandage in the form of a cross, a cock, a triangular crest jewel, a kind of yogic posture in which the toes are placed in the inner hollow of the

knees. svastika

: svasti (su,good,siva-good,astu-

happen),divasa (the day), su(good)-adhika(abundant,excellent,supernumerary), svahastikaa (an axe),bhojya(food),puujya (venerable, a cipher);dva (two)-sikha(branch),hasti (elephant);jyotishka(a star),dyotaka(causing to shine) Svastika is Sakra (Indra), cakra (a wheel) and raksha (protection). According to Christian belief the cross is a symbol of raksha (protection) and the crucified Christ is a xaviour (rakshaka) of mankind. The rakshaka is Sakra and hence the inscription of INRI (INDRA,ina-ra,nara,nri-king) on the cross. King of the Jews is a euphemism for king of dawn (Judea -> udaya-dawn) (srii,jina,bharata) ->

(ka,srii) - > raksha -> raaja-king





asvamedha à avasa (a king)-medha (yaaga, Sed) The Asvamedha yaaga itself is the asva(gava=go=bull). It is the horse on which Indra rides. In other words all yaagas are asvamedha yaagas as asvamedha (vaajadaana-annadaana-giving food) is an integral part of all puujaas and yaagas including the Holy Communion of the Christians where the body of the Christ -the priest king- is shared among the participants. Saya was also included in the asvamedha yaaga since marana(death) is madana(sexual passion) and svarga(moksha-bliss) is surata (sex). Sex with the corpse ensured that the dead king’s spirit entered heaven(svarga-surata).



a religious sect of India, the Hindu religion. It is the religion practised by the Bharats from the Mehrgarh period to the present day.

Hindu à bindu (a dot, a spot), vindu (a scholar, a learned person) The Hindus wear the bindu on the forehead to become a vindu.

Hindu(ra-ka, –ca-indu) -> srii




ka(ra)+indu=Hindu=vindu=bindi For the Jew it is the Tau and for the Christian it is the cross.

3.The Egyptians And The Bharats

According to Bharata belief man is the spirit of the Sun on the earth. It took the Mehrgarhians (Bharats ca.6500BCE) 3000 years to reach Egypt. Their arrival is marked by the appearance of the mud brick making people in Egypt ca. 3000 BCE. They were a brick making people and their early tombs at Abydos were constructed of brick and wood (compare with the

simple coffin burial of the Mehrgarhians). Brick continued in use until King Djoser of the Third Dynasty which began around 2700 BCE had constructed of stone, for his tomb, the earliest Egyptian pyramid near Memphis (Miinafish! nabhas-the sky). .......They were SUN WORSHIPPERS whose religion ultimately gained ascendancy all over Egypt.Sun worship was imported from Asia and probably from Babylonia<>. They were armed with weapons of copper .Were these people Abraham (Brahma,pranava),Isaac(Visaakha,Isis),Israel(Indra) and their descendants(the branch of the Bharats who reached Egypt via Sumer)? Let us assume for a moment that these people were indeed the descendants of the Mehrgarhians and hence their language should contain words from Bharata. Now look at the following words:

Egyptian Wsir(Osiris)

Bharata usra(dawn,bull),bhadra(bull,great one, fire), ajara(fire)

wsr (strong, wealthy)

bhadra (strong, great), pajra (strong, wealthy)

ra (mouth)

ra (fire, sound, light, sight, motion), rava(voice),paa(to drink) The hieroglyph for ra is the sign of the lips (mouth) which is speech signified by both fish and vis (bird) in Bharata.Bhaksh(eat) is bhaash (talk).

Ra (Sun-God)

ra-vi( the Sun),ra(agni,man).The priest- king assumed himself to be the Sun god.

rc (Sun)

srii (the Sun), raaja (king), ras (to sound), rasa (tongue)

Hr (Horus)

Hara (fire, Siva,Rudra), Hari (fire, Indra), srii (fire,the Sun), kaala (time), hora (hour)

htp (altar)

peta (ka) or piitha(seat or pedestal), vedi(fire altar), hapta, sapta-seven, hasta (hand). Sabda (sound). Fire is said to have seven tongues (saptajihva). These jihvas-tongues-

make the or OM sabda when fire is lit. The Jews carried the petaka (altar) of the covenant with them. The covenant is vaagdaana (promise).Vaagdaana is bhakshana(food) and bhaashana (speech). Hence Moses could directly talk to God at the tabernacle <>. The God (fire) was given food (bhakshana-havana) and the priest heard (saw) the bhaashana (speech;bhaasana-light) of God. Hence the peta was called the tabernacle of the covenant (A yajna is asana-food-of the fire god) hay (altar)

yaaga (sacrifice), haya (horse, seven), Aja(ram), ih(bull). Hence the sacrifice is mainly of haya (horse), ih (bull) and aja (ram). The number of pillars of the altar is also haya (seven). The

yaaga itself is a sacrificial horse (haya). In the Bharata seal. M-1186 usha (dawn) is shown by the haya (seven,horse) yoshaas (women) .The sacrificial asva(the bull)had to mate with a yoshaa to make udaya (sunrise) a saya(sex ) in the yaaga. sam (burn up)




(burning love), gaana (song), mada (lust) Comparing these words with the Harappan seals will make the close relation of Bharata and Egyptian more clear.For example just compare M-1186 with the Sed festival theme and the word hay(altar) given above.Their chief god Ra – bird is Bharata ra-vi.Their Isis is Bharata Iisa(aja,usha).Their Osiris(Serapis) or Apis(hapis-aspa) is Bharata Savitri denoted by the mahisha(matsa).Seraph(prabhaa) is a six winged angel and note the Harappan deities with six locks of hair(six Ritus) fighting the

bull.Yodana(contest) shows udaya(rise).It is the fight of Osiris and Seth(usra-teja=shine of the rising Sun).Their Horus is Bharata vrishaa(Indra = Rudra,varsha).Osiris(varsha,bhadra = king) was to be killed every (thirty = trimsat = savitri = srii- matsa) year and his body was to be eaten.This is because the Ritu(Osiris) cycle ends in Pisces.Osiris was to be reborn in three days to denote the sunset of the old year and sunrise of the new year separated by a raatri(night) which is raa(na=naktaa=night)tri(three).One(srii) is three(tri).The Egyptian priests used to partially shave of their hair to make a bhadra(circle = patta) and note the bhadra on the forehead of the Harappan priest king.The Brahmins shave theit hair to make their puurvasikha or the pascimasaakha also. They used to wear white(bhadra) robes(like the robes of the Christian priests) to denote the white Sun and the pavitra(saavitra) worn by the Bharadvijas.They used to have ritual bathing in the river Nile.Note the Great Bath of Harappa used for the saavitra bathing and the Deepaali bathing in the month of Asvina(narakacaturdasi).

The location of Egyptian and Assyrian mummies at Lothal further establishes the link between the cultures.Along with trade there was exhange of knowledge in all fields including religion and riuals. The Christian traditions also have the same roots through Mitraism (cf.Dr.S.Radhakrishnan:Eastern religion and western thought :5.3 Roman empire and the cult of Mitraism) .

4. Hebrew And Bharata

Bharata enjoyed the status of an international language right from the

beginning of civilization . This is proved further by the

following comparison of Hebrew (ivrit=bharata) and Bharata words.


aab (father)


av (to save), pa (to protect, to rule),

appa (father-Malayalam) yaah (Yahweh)

yahva (lord)

aabel (mourning, meadow)

vilaapa (mourning), aalaapa (speech), lap (to speak)

mayim (waters)

ma (water), niir (water)

Abraahaam (father of many)

Brahmaa (the creator),vipra(wise,Brahmin) pranava, griha(house),graama (a village)

iggeret (letter,document)

akshara (letter, alphabet)

aharon (Aaron)

aruna (the Sun at early dawn)

ud (burning stick)

ush (to burn), usha (dawn, day)

uzay (yahweh has given ear)

udaya (sunrise)

or (to shine, light,day)

ra (the Sun,fire), usha (dawn,day)

ah (fire pot)

aga (the Sun)

ittiym (spirits of the dead)

aatmaa (soul)

iys (man)

sha (man)

el (god cf. Allah)

La (Indra),el(light-Malayalam), Ina (the Sun) ,anna (the Sun),alla(god)

aalap (to teach, to instruct)

aalap (decribe, speak,sing) cf.alpha

em (mother, grand mother)

maa(mother),amma (motherMalayalam), ambaa (mother)

emer (word)

varna (alphabet)

anu (we)

na (we), anu (man)

enos (man, mankind)

anu (man), manusha(man)

oniy (ships)

nau (ship)

orah (road)

ra (to go)

ariy ,aryeh (lion)

hari (lion)

eres (world, earth)

dhara (the earth)

es (fire, flame)

teja (light), iisa (god),sa(god)

issaah (woman, wife)

yoshaa (woman),iisa(goddess)

isseh (offering made by fire)

yaj(to sacrifice),yajna (sacrifice), havis (oblation by fire)

beer seba (seventh well)

prabhaata (dawn)

Bel (lord)

paala (lord)

baal (master)

paala (lord)

baar (to light a fire)

rava (the Sun), hara (fire), bharata (fire)

baasar (fortify)

bhadra (fortified, safe custody)

bosraah (pen, sheep-fold)

bhadra (enclosure), vraja (a cowpen), vrisha (a bull)

baaqa (to divide)

bhaj(to divide),bhaaga (division)

baaraaq (lightning bolt)

vajra (lightning bolt)

barqos (son of kos-a god)

prakaasa (light)

gabriyel (strong man of el-god)

prakaasa (light)

daabar (to say, speak)

vada (to speak), bharata (speech), vacana(speech)

dea (knowledge)

vidyaa (knowledge), veda (knowledge),dhii (intellect,knowledge)

haa (she)

saa (she) cf Hawwaah(Eve)

zaabah (to offer a sacrifice,

dava (fire), taapa (cheat), sava

to slaughter)

(dead body), zava(yaaga-sacrifice)

haawaah (to tell)

haava (call)

heres (the Sun),

Sakra (Indra)

harsaah (the Sun) yaah (LORD), yhwh (LORD)

yahva (Lord)

yehudaah (Jew, praised)

udaya (sunrise),dvija(a Brahmin)

yehosep (Joseph-he will add),

ushapa (the Sun), ushas (dawn)

yosep (Joseph) yehu (Jehu, Yahweh is he)

yahwa (lord), vasu (the Sun)

yehosua (Joshua, Yahweh saves)

Vaasava (Indra), usha (dawn)

yom (day, today)

samaya (time), ina (the Sun), dina (day)

yizre el (god will sow)

Indra (the Sun) -ina (the Sun); usra(srii) – la(Indra)

yam (sea, seashore)

va (the sea), ma (water)

yaasor (instructor)

aacaarya (a teacher), vetra (a stick)

yaaqobaah (may god protect)

yahwah (lord), paa (to protect)

yishaaq (Issac, he will laugh)

visaakha (Subramanya)

yaaqud (hearthcf.Yahuuda)

aahuti (homa, sacrifice)

yes (there is, it exists)

asu (life, being)

yesua (Yahveh saves)

vasava(Vaasava -Indra)

yesa (salvation, protection)

taya (protection)

kad (pitcher)

ghata (pot)

kohen (priest)

go (the Sun,a king)

karpas (linen)

karpaasa (cotton)

karsena (black)

krishna (black)

keter (crown, crest)

kiriita (crest, trader)

lo (no, not)

na (not, nill)

lewiy (Levite)

ravi (the Sun)

muul (to undergo

sona (blood), suura (the Sun),

circumcision), muulaah

soma (the Moon),suna


( auspicious,Indra =Israel)

cf: Moses)

It is also called brit milah . mosaa (going out, sunrise)

mocana (liberation), muc (to liberate), moksha (emancipation)

Hence Israel - Indra - was liberated under the leadership of Moses mosaa mosaa aah (origin, coming out)

mosiya (saviour, deliverer)

Vasava (Indra)

mosaa aah (act of salvation)

muc (to liberate), moksha (emancipation)

maazu (barn, granary)

vasu (wealth)

mizraah (direction of sunrise.

mitra (the Sun)

the East cf. Isra - el) meha (fat sheep)

mesha (sheep), meda (fat)

matbeha (place of slaughter)

medha (sacrifice), vedha (killing), mith (to kill), balivedi(sacrificial altar)

maakar (to be sold)

kraya (purchase), vikraya (sale), kreni (sale, purchase), krayya (article to be sold), krayana(purchase), kraayaka (purchaser)

Molek (Molech – a god, a shameful

bharana (rule), nripa (a king),


Muruka (a god), suurya (the Sun), Durga (the Sun)

mimsah (anointing)

medha (killing),

netaa(leader), himsa (killing) . A netaa is killed and a new netaa is installed in the Asva medha . maa seyaah (Maaseiah – Yahweh

Vaasava (Indra)

is a refuge), maaseyaahu (Yahweh is a refuge) maasaa (to find)

maasa (the Moon, The moon is ‘seen’ for the birth of the month), pas (to see), candra=darsana

massebaah (sacred stone pillar,

Vaasava (Indra),

cf. the hero stones), massebet

bhaasana (light),

(sacred upright stone)

paashaana (stone)

maa saah (to squeeze out)

sava (to squeeze out), dama (oppress),soma(sacrifice)

massaah (unleavened bread)

medha (sacrifice), mesha (Aries, quarrel),soma Vaasavamedhaa (Asvamedha) is

feast of massaah (unleavened bread) for the Jews and soma medha for the Hindus. Udaya as yuddha( quarrel or strife) and vijaya is also implied.

misrayim (Egypt, Egyptian), merodaak (Marduk – a pagon god),

mitra (the Sun), rasmi (ray), Marut ( wind god)

mordokay (Marduk – Babylonian god) maarud (wanderer)

misraah (dominion, rule)

marut (wind)

netri (a leader, mitra (the Sun), bhadra (a king), sarana

(refuge), dharma(rule), vetra (a staff) moseh (Moses – cf. muulaah – circumcision, mosaa – sunrise)

maasiyha (anointed one, the

usha (dawn), moksha (the sky), mula (sprout – Malayalam)

medha (a yaaga, sacrifice),

Vasava(Indra),asva(bull), Anointed one – Christ)

avasa(king,the sun,food)

misqol (weight), misqaal (weight)

masa (weight), nishk (to weigh), nishka (a kind

of weight) mot (men cf: Lot)

nara (men),marta(men)

nebo (Mount of Nabu, height)

nabha (the sky)

naagah (to shine),

naga (the Sun), raaj (to shine)

nehaaraah (beaming light)

mihira (the Sun), neram (the Sun – Malayalam), njaayar (the Sun – Malayalam)

naawaah (to praise)

nava (praise, a crow, new, nine)

noha (resting place, nohah

moha (illusion, unconsciousness),

(Noah – rest)

loka (the world), nisa (night), soma (the Moon)

naahus (made of bronze),

nahusha (snake). Hence Moses

nehusaah (copper, bronze)

made a bronze snake <>

naahas (snake)

naga (snake), naaga (snake), nahusha (snake)

nehoset (menstruation)

nahusha (a snake,

This naahas forced Eve to

manusha – a man)

commit the sin of origin (original sin) nokah (in front of)

mukha (the face)

nimrod (an arrow, the mighty

Drona (the archer), taruna (a

warrior and hunter as


per Genesis:10)

naar (young man)

nara (a man cf.raama,lama)

naabiy (prophet)

ravi (the Sun), vaani (word, speech)

nesah (juice = blood)

medha (juice of meat, cf: Asvamedha)

naasiy (ruler, chief)

naatha (leader), raaja (a king)

sahar (roundness)

cakra (a wheel)

sus (male horse)

asva (horse), aspa (horse) sasa(hare,sas-to jump)

siynay (Sinai – Sin, a pagan Moon

dina (day), jina (the Sun), nisa

god. Noah and Moses are

(might), soma (the Moon)

projections of the Sun as Moon) sela (rock)

sila (rock)

saar (captain)

raaja (a king),sira(the head)

saargon(firm,faithful king)

Krishna (the Sun),Sakra(the Sun)

saarap (to burn)

bharata (fire)

ibriy (Hebrew)

vipra(a lord,a

Brahmin),vapra(a father) utay (superiority of

udaya (sunrise)

Yahweh, restoration) olaah (burnt offering)

homa (sacrifice)

erek (estimated value)

argha (price)

aataar (worshipper)


(yaaga), arc(to worship), arcaka (worshipper),atarfire peh (mouth)

paa (to drink, to rule), pii (to drink)

puha (become dawn)

usha (dawn)

peter (first born),

bhadra (fire, a rock, a king),

pitraah(first born)

putra(a son)

paasah (to passover),


pesah (Passover)


paasak(pasach – to divide)

Vishu (division into two .vi – two, a horse, a bird) - shu (birth)

par (bull)

rava (the Sun), bhadra (a bull)

qorbaan (sacrifice)

kurbaana (sacrifice - Malayalam)

ros (head, leader)

sira (head), raaja (a king)

rab (great, many)

para (vara – great)

raazon (prince),

raaja (a king)

rezon (prince) ,

raaja (a king)

raazan (prince, ruler) raahas (to bathe)

rajas (menstrual

rah saah (washing)

fluid. Menses is called kulibathing-also in Malayalam), raksha (protection)

riy (moisture)

rayi (water)

raakal (to trade, a merchant)

kraya (purchase)

raakaal (trade)

kraya (purchase)

raam (light, exalted),

Raama (a god),Varuna

rimmon (thunder god) sibaah (abundance, plenty)

siva (auspiciousness, happiness, prosperity)

saahat (to squeeze out

sava (squeezing out juice from

juice from grapes)

soma plant)

saapaah (speech,

saapa (curse), bhaasha (language),


vaca (speech), vada (speak), vaada (debate),japa(prayer)

Saaraah (lady of royal

Taara (wife of Brihaspati), kalya

birth, queen)

(kaalai – dawn), Strii (a woman), srii (the Sun), raaja (a king)

saarap (to burn)

bharata (fire), sarpa (a snake)

serepaah (burning)

prabhaa (light)

seba (seven)

sapta (seven) ,apta(yagna),abda(year)

seba (seven, seventy),

sapta (seven),divasa(day,seven days)

sibaanaah (seven) seber (grain) ,

srava (food, wealth, ear, hearing

saabar (buy grain or

cf: Diirghasravas -Visravas – the


trader .Visraanana is giving or sale)

saabat (to rest ,to

sapta (seven), pastya (a house),

observe the Sabbath)

vasati (a house), svastha (at rest), tapasa (the Sun), japa (prayer), bhajana (worship)

sopaar (trumpet,

svara (sound), sara

ram’s horn)


sor (bull, ox ) sahar (dawn, day break)

suurya (the Sun) ahanaa (day break), praata(dawn) dahana (agni),dahra (agni)

seharyaah (he seeks Yahweh)

sahari (the Sun)

saatar (officer)

medhira (officer), vetra (a stick), raaja(a king),naatha(lord)

siyr (to sing, song, singer)

srii (speech, raaga), sruti (tune)

selomoh (Solomon, peace,

samaadhaana (peace)

wellbeing), selomot (at peace) Samgar (a Hurrian god)

Sankara (Siva)

semuel (His name is god)

saanu(the Sun)-ina (the Sun),la(Indra)

saama (to be heard, to

Saama (gaana) – Veda

summon, to hear) Sinaar (Babylonia, Sumer)

suunarii (dawn),cumuri

saaqal (to weigh out, to

sulka (money, price,

make payment),

wealth, tax, fare for ferrying, kanyaa sulka.

seqel (shakel – a unit of weight)

The practice of kanyaa sulka, the use of the shekel etc. shows the close association of the Rigvedic people and the Semitic people).

saaraab (parching heat) saaraah (to deliver, to set

bharata (fire) traa (to protect), tara (to cross),


kalya (dawn), sraya (refuge), srii (the Sun)

ses (six, sixty)

shash (six), shashti (sixty)

taberaah (burning)

bharata (fire),tapana(the Sun)

tebes (Thebez)

divasa (day, Egypt)

taaw (mark on the


god),naama (mark on the forehead), sa(god,bird)


teruaah (trumpet blast,





svara (sound), roda (cry).

battle cry) teraapiym (household

pratima (idol)

god, idol) tesuaah (deliverance,

usha (dawn), udaya

salvation, victory)

(sunrise), vijaya (victory)

5 . The Bible From Bharata

The Secret Of The Burning Bush God

At Mount Horeb(Hebrew - bruu-bruva-bruvat-bruvaana-bruuhi-to speak), the firegod(agna-asva-vaca) appeared to Moses on the adri(srii-gira-girimountain ) as the burning bush and told him to tell the people of Israel that “ I AM(asmi – agni-speech=vahni=vaani= ravi) has sent me to you”(Exodus:3:14). Asmi is agni (the fire god).Gira is word and giri(mountain,srii-word,the sun).

The Budding Of Aaron’s Staff





Aajani (agni) is a stick or staff for driving .An aacaarya(teacher),gopaala(cowherd) or a bhadra(a king) has a staff.A go-tra also has a sara (vetra) in it. Usra(dawn,the Sun) flowers(day break=pulari viri=blossoming of the Sun or dawn) to give the Sun and light. A dru(tree-srii-the sun) flowers in the seasons.Now look at the budding of Aaron’s staff in

Numbers :17.Refer the Harappan script

also.The Biblical stories

have their origin at Harappa.Bharadvaaja(priestking) is Petrus(the Pope). The God On Mount Horeb,Sinai , Tabor And Golgotha

See the bhadra(purusha,patra =bharata=agni=fire=cross) on the bhadra(mountain cf.the cross on Golgotha).A mountain being parvata(prabhaata-dawn) or giri(srii-the Sun) or bhadra(bharatafire) is the abode of god. Prabhaata (dawn) is the parvata(bhadra=mountain,bull) and paaraavaara(the sea). Compare the second glyph with the figure of a Christian(vasu-Joshua) priest holding the Holy Eucharist( the solar disk = praasana-food) in his raised hands at the rite commemorating the Last Supper in the Holy Mass.Of course kara(a hand ) is gira(word) and giri (a mountain). Prakaasa(light) → praasa ( food )→ praata(dawn)→ bharata(fire)→bhadra(king,bull)→ pareta-preta(a corpse on the cross whose body is shared and eaten by the worshippers as in the Sed or Asvamedha )





A hook is an anka (cf.Egyptian ankh = a cross) which denotes agna(fire) and anga(a limb).Rudra(putra-son of god) is ru(ravi-the sun,pu-bhuu-the earth)-sara(srii-sura-the sun,arrow) and ruca(light)-ra(fire,the sun).A cross is a ru and a sara and it forms Rudra and bhuusura(a Braahmana) A ka or sa () or wings is attached to the sara to make it ka-sa-ra(gaatra) in rebus style.Gaatra is kaasara(a buffalo) and patra(a bird,writ).A kaasa is the cashaka(chalice) in which the soma(sona-blood of the Christ) is taken. Ka is srii and gaatra is vakra(curve,crook,arka-the sun), rakta(blood) and raksha(salvation). Hence this is a srii raksha. This is the principle of the Holy communion and the bishops carry the crook fashioned crozier based on this principle.

† → ra ( | ), ka,sa() or da,sa ( raksha(salvation) → raaja(king).

) → saras (siras – the head, a chief),







In rebus a viirabhadra(prabhaata-dawn) ought to have a vaara (a tail) to become the asva(bull,horse) of the Asvamedha. A marta(a man) being nara (a man,horse) – ta(a tail) has a tail.The cross being a bhadra(bharata-king,bull,patra-bird) and the man being viira(ravi-srii-the sun) the Christ on the cross is a viira-bhadra .The man is the viira(hero,the sun) and the cross is the bhadra(patra-bird).The maan as agna(fire = ra) or nara(na-like,ra-fire) is ra and the cross as bird is sa. Together they form a raaja(a king) or raksha(salvation,protection,a door bolt) or re(ra-fire)-X(sa-cross)=raaja(king).

Worship Of The Snake Agna was worshipped as naga(= aga = a tree,a mountain,an elephant,a snake) as seen in the seals(eg.M-453 where a deity is seen sitting in a

yogic posture flanked by erect cobras and worshippers.) and in the Bible(cf.bronze snake in Numbers:21) . The ->




(ra – mouth-Egyptian→ rava → Bharata = the body of

the fish=lips cf. adhara patra). The Bhadraasva(Unicorn) became the lama(nara = agni,horse) for the Sumerians and lamassu (winged bull) for the Akkadians and Assyrians by just modifying the bhadra(vetra -horn) into patra(wing). The Egyptians made the winged usat(Isis –ushas-aja)wsir(bhadra- Osiris-Savitri-Horus-purusha-putra-varsha) deities out of

the usra(bhadra-praatah) – asva(usha) pair. The fish

mahisha is

Savitri(Osiris - bata bull→usra – bull → serapis→sravaapya→sravaayya) who is killed every year at the end of the seasonal(bhadra = bha-star,Rita –

season) cycle.Isis aja

rejuvenates him .Usha(aja-mesha-Aries) being

yosha(a lady) and kalya(dawn) being kanya(bhadra- a virgin) aja –Isis- Iisa is a female.The srava(ear) of the bhadra(cf.udaya=Hebrew uzay =yahveh has given ear = a year ) is patra(wings) of Isis. The rejuvenated vrishaa(Horus=Indra=vrishabha) is

. Matsa(cf.Matthew)

is mad(shine,praise)-sa(god,bird,with;ja-birth)= mahas(sahas,vacas) and

shows the birth of light of the Sun in the north-east and the birth of praises to

him.The three symbols




Soma(bull,Rudra= rudhira=sona-blood of the sacrificed. The Christians still continue to drink the blood in the Holy Communion) represent bhuur( the earth ; matsa-fish→mahisha-buffalo→medina-earth→ nii-dina→leading the day→netra-eye,leader,sacrifice) bhuvas(air;aja-Aries→vaata-wind and svar (heaven;sva=dva=asvi=yama-two→sama-equal→mada-sex →soma,usra→Rudra) as per Aitareya:25.7.1. Ekaa dasa or eleven is Rudra.

second or eleventh is bull horn sign and


sama-equal symbol .The symbol for Pisces is the twin fish.Matsa(asva) as mahisha(cf.manusha=man) is Varuna(vrisha=a bull) also.Cf. Jupiter is exalted (=head) in Cancer,the sign of the Moon. . The three signs matsa(Pisces=mahisha


=ra,ka,sa) and vrishabha(Taurus =a,sa,pa,vi = prabhaata) denote dawn(usha,praata-bharata-bhadra-bhaasha-word=AUM) and morning in the vedic sacrificial diurnal signs and are hence the most frequent signs in

the Harappan sign list.. Initially the devas(Brahmins) used to sacrifice manusha (humans) which was then given up in favour of the asva (=gauramriga=blue animal=mahisha=manusha),the bull,the ram and finally

by grains as per Aitareya:6.8.1.The fish


dvaadasa(aaditya,asva=mahisha=daksha = prajaapati=varsha-pati is considered as the vehicle of Kaala as it is the year),

and the daughter of Daksha-Prajaapati is the

is ekaadasa(Rudra)

aja(Isis),Jagati(Sakti) or

Uma(iisa=usha) who is wife of Rudra. ->

(ajaasva –star of David -of the Hebrews .The first triangle-

upright one- is aja-usha-dawn and second triangle is saa-saaya-dusk). The head is a bhadra.A kona(triangle) is soma(a bull) and homa(sacrifice).Asvidvaya(the Asvins) is aadi-tya(the sun) and asvatoya(the water buffalo).Srava(ear) and hasta(hand ) are bhadras. Rudra(usra =dawn,bull,Sun) becomes Mitra(=mahira=makara=alligator) at noon and is born as the Christ(the white priest) in the sign of makara .

Sapta Gana (group, number) is born of agna(fire,one).All numbers indicate agna(na ,ra,ka) by virtue of being a gana (naga – the Sun,cf.Ganesa) . Hence one book of the Bible is called Numbers also. A sapta(seven,sabda-sound,tapasa-the sun) completes a cakra (a cycle,an octave).Being like a sava (a corpse = pada) god took rest on the seventh (sapta, Sabbath) day (Genesis:1). Sava is also avasa (weak) and asva (a horse, a bull).Sabda being asva(bull),is sapta(seven). Hence the Sed or Asvamedha feast on the seventh day, seventh year etc on the day of saptaasva(the sun). The cross is a corpse (of the asva). The Gospel has a go (asva-bull) - spell about it.Divasa(day) is sapta and the Maruts(wind), giris(mountains) etc.are also sapta.

Siri Is Srii Siri( an arrow,a sword) is srii(the Sun,fire;usra-bull:Rudra-sacrificial deity of the Harappans;ravi-the Sun) .Hence Peter drew out a siri and cut off a srava (ear;prabhaa -light)of Malchus(matsya-fish,prakaasa-light,pracetadawn) as per John (18:10 ).In the seal K-65(DTIS page 253 Fig 14.25 two warriors are shown to spear each other on the chest holding a virgin

between them.Siva and Durga carry a suula. Muruka and St. Thomas are portrayed with this implement .It was the weapon used to pierce the chest of Jesus on the cross.Hence this is an important worship tool. We can even today see suulas mounted with lemons being used as worship tools.So what is the significance? A suula(trident) is su(good)-la(Indra,ra-fire,the Sun),ruca(light),soma(the sun,the moon), suura(suurya-the sun) in rebus. In the seal K-65 tigers(suura,hari,vyaaghra) are also depicted to indicate this.Hence it is the worship symbol. A praasa(spear) is praata (dawn).Breaking vakshas(chest) with praasa is breaking of ushas (daybreak = vakshaschest,uksha-bull,aja-Aries etc) at praata . Breaking the gala (neck) of a bull or ram and letting out rakta(blood) has the same effect as daybreak is the principle of animal sacrifices.Rakta flown is raksha ( prakaasa).The marana nritta(dance of death) of the victim was portrayed as madananritta (sex dance) with a kanya(virgin,kalyadawn).Udaya is u-saya(sex),vijaya(success) and vidya(knowledge cf.the tree of knowledge in the garden of

Eden).The kalyaana(marriage) of Caana(kaalai-kalyadawn,khala-field,ghar-cross)in John:2 is also woven from the same threads.Usha(dawn) is the yoshaa(woman).The marriage is that of usha with suurya( the Sun) or Isis and Osiris. -> Ι ra + ∆ (u,va,pa ) = ru(arrow),rava(the Sun,sound)


Ι ( ra,i ) + ▬ (sa) +

(a,pa,da,sa) =

asi(cf.Aajya sastra supposed to represent Braahmana by aahaava-invocation,kshatra by nivida-to offer or present one’s self and vaisya by suukta –a vedic hymn– Aitareya Braahmana:10.1 )

Harappan Gha(r) -Kha(la) - Sara(vana)-Cross Symbols

-> ->



-> ->



-> ->

-> ->

-> ->


A St.Andrew’s cross with crossbars can be seen in tablet M-457 from Mohenjo-daro.Another St.Andrew’s cross belonging to the period 17001400 B.C.has been located in the Malwa culture of Deccan.(Refer DTIS page 55). Proto-Christianity existed in the Vedic Harappan and Egyptian cultures.The cross is raksha(protection) ,raaja(king), bharata(fire),bhadra(auspiciousness,king,bull) , praata(dawn), srii(the Sun),khala(Potter’s field,granary )and ghar( the cross).A potter is kulaala and ghar is his field.This field was bought with blood money(cf.miina-fish = nina-blood =naaNaya-coin= mina=money). Rak-ta is copper. It is copper money.Netra(eye) is ratna(gem) and tamra(copper). “So they decided to use the money to buy the potter’s field as a burial place for foreigners.That is why it has been called the field of blood to this day”. (Matthew .27.6-8).Rak-ta being ghar-sa(like,god,fence) or ca-kra(a potter’s wheel), the potter’s field becomes the Field of blood.This is on account of the aruna varna( blood red colour) at dawn.The ghar( the Christ) from Harappa became the wings (kings)of Ashur (god) before it reached Rome as the cross.

A cakra (wheel) shows Sakra(Indra),raksha(salvation),raaja(a king),rakta(blood),kratu(sacrifice,Vishnu ,Christ) etc. Cakra is also cakravaala(the horizon),kaalacakra(cycle of time), cakrabhrit(cakravarti-emperor) etc. The sara –arrow in the hand is the kara-ray of the sun god and the girvaana-kurbaana-Holy Mass of the priest king.Patra(wing,writ) is bhadra(auspiciousness,king,bull),vaasra(weekday),bharata (fire) and pa(leaf,rule,water)-sara(water,raaja-king) also.Hence “ one of the soldiers pierced Jesus’s side with a spear,bringing a sudden flow of blood and water”.John.19.34

Note the Harappan multiple bodied gira(gala-neck,ghar-cross,khalagranary)-bhadra(bull,king;patra-writ,wing)-netra(paalaKing,sacrifice,god,the sun, Nazarene, ntr- Egyptian god, Indra,Mitra,Anshar,INRI) .

The Assyrians visualized their sun god as a feather robed archer(raajaking→wing;sara-arrow→raaja).Raama(lama) the king(bhadra-patra) is often depicted with a bow and arrow.It was the mark of a kshatriya in vedic times(AV). Ashur is vrisha(bull,Indra) and bhadra(king,bull) .He has a patra(wing) as raaja(rex-rice-soma raaja). Note the paala(netra -rex) in names of Ashur-nasir-pal ,Ashur-bani-pal etc. Indra or Anshar is the king himself.The king himself was worshipped as the sungod. Divaakara-the sun is shown by dvikara-two arms-of the cross. Bhaaskara-the sun is bhaaj-part or paad-four kara-arms of the cross. Pushkara-the sun is bhuj-hand kara-ray of the cross. The origins of Ashur are unknown but he is considered as one of the Mesopotamian city gods, namely of the city Assur( Ashur),which dates from the 3rd millennium BC and once the capital of the Old Assyrian kingdom. Ashur slays Tiamat(tamas-night cf.vritra-night slayed by Indra of the veda) as Anshar. Assyrian kings had names that included the name Ashur, including, above all, Ashurnasirpal, Esarhaddon (Ashur-aha-iddina), and Ashurbanipal. Epithets include bêlu rabû "great lord"(cf.viira bhadra of the veda), ab ilâni "father of gods"(savitr or sa-god,pitr -father in the veda), šadû rabû "great mountain", and il aššurî "god of Ashur(la –Indra,vrishabhadra-bharata cf. Mathura for krishna)". Ashur is a "bull of heaven", like the Sumerian Nannar (Sin-soma of the veda), the moon god of Ur .As the bull, however, he was, like Anshar, the ruling animal of the heavens; and like Anshar he had associated with him "six divinities of council". The symbols of Ashur include 1. a winged disc with horns, enclosing four circles revolving round a

middle circle; rippling rays fall down from either side of the disc; 2. a circle or wheel, suspended from wings, and enclosing a warrior drawing his bow to discharge an arrow; In the Christ tale this arrow is the spear that pierced his chest. 3. the same circle; the warrior's bow, however, is carried in his left hand, while the right hand is uplifted as if to bless his worshippers (see picture above).

This is a symbol of Ashur as a solar deity- the sun disc with protruding rays.

The Holy Eucharist is sariiraraksha(food) made into sariira(body) and rakta(blood).If a bhadra(head) can have a netra(eye,root),a nemi(a circle), a patra(leaf) or bharata(fire)can have a pa(an egg,water,leaf) and sara

(arrow) in it as seen in


The Indus civilization is a culture of bhadras(wheels) as described in the Vedas.These wheels come from the potter’s wheel,the ratha(cart) wheel, the bharata(fire,speech) wheel, the sacrificial ratha(from bharata = pa + ratha-cart),the bharata(=pa+ratha-cart) people,the bhadra(bull)s,praata(dawn = bharata), the hasta(bhadra),the paada(bhadra) ,the kaala cakra(wheel of time) ,raksha(cakra)s etc.Most of the symbols- the bulls,the birds,the fish,the circles,the leaves,the houses,the crosses etc. carry the identity of the Bharata(Bharadvaaja) people.Examining the circles and the crosses further confirms this. A patra(leaf

) has a pa(egg

it.A patra is a bhadra(circle

) and a tra(dru-tree,srii-fire,ra-fire) in

,a kingcf.note this symbol on the

Harappan priest king’s forehead as the Bharata=bhadra=patta in DK1909),bharata(fire),dvaara(dara=hole) and svara(sound). A bhadra is also a cakra(wheel) and a cakra is akshara(alphabet,god ), Sakra(Indra), rakta(blood) and raksha(protection,an amulet),raaja(a king) kavaca(amulet),a cipher etc. The biblical significances of the cross

(bhadra-bharata-pitri- father

cf. potri =paatiri= a priest in Malayalam) come from raksha(a hook,hence rakshaka-saviour, the Christ-was put on the cross of raksha) a cakra(wheel,sulka=money.Hence the thirty silver coins) and a raaja(king of the Jews-INRI). Further the gaatra(body) and rakta(blood) of the rakshaka (X-aviour)was given as bhaksha(gaatra raksha) as in the Sed and the asvamedha(medha=juice of meat).It can be seen that the Holy Communion is the Bharadvaaja(Bharata- vedic) asvamedha which probably travelled through the Sumer/Akkad/Babylon/Canaan/Assyria/Judea/ route to become the Eucharist of Petrus(Bharadvaaja).Just look at the cross(raksha) on Golgotha(udayagiri→kakudstha hill→ svargaheaven,dha-seat;bhadra= praata-dawn,bharata-fire) and the last words of the Christ “ Eloi Eloi lama sabachthani” which means ‘My God ,my God,why have you forsaken me? and the statement of the onlookers

‘Listen, he is calling Elijah’(Mark:15) by the account of the oldest Gospel(go=bull,word).Just rearranging Christ’s words as ‘Eloi Eloi sabachthani lama’ and paraphrasing as Eloi (la-Indra,luu –to cut,divide) – sa,oisa(sa-god;usha-dawn;atha-auspicious,then;ad-eat)bachthani(bhakshana-food)- lama(nara=king=INRI,asva=Unicorn)= ‘ This is your god king .Divide and eat.’ This is the statement of the Sed(=festival of bull’s tail where the king was killed and eaten),the Asvamedha(where the asva-avasa=king,food- was sacrificed and eaten ),the Last Supper(where Christ offered his sariira and rakta as sariiraraksha-food- for his disciples) and the holy secret of the Eucharist itself. One can see the rising Sun ( the Eucharist white bread) raised in the hands of the priest (Petrus→purohita,vaidika=priest; vaidika-priest→messiah-xaviour→medha-sacrifice) becoming the Christ on the cross upon mount Golgotha.The words of the Christ at the Last supper bears testimony to what the Christ is. “You call me Teacher and Lord,and rightly so,for that is what Iam.” (John:13.13).A purohita is guru(teacher)- iisa(lord) or the priestking who was sacrificed as the asva(avasa=king,food) in the Asvamedha.A Hindu worshipper who partakes in a puuja(homa) shares food as purodaasa (=rice cake

divided into pieces like the Eucharist=prasaada-food,prakaasa-light, purusha-man,purohita-priest etc) like the Eucharist.





(ra,drii,dara,srii-the sun,Bheda-the king) bhadra(king) , netra(eye=Savitri), bindu(pottu=Hindu) , cross(bharata,praata,bhadra) A tilaka (bindu on the forehead ) is Sakra and raksha.It is the cross for the Christians.Being raksha it is also marked rakta with saffron.The horizontal arm of the cross is bent to form a ca from the sa . The vertical ra is converted into the dot (ra,na,kha). Masta(head) is a matsa(fish)-bhadra(a bull,king,a cipher).The fish is also asva(usha=uksha=bull,word) .Pra-bhaata and pra-kaasa too have a pra(vaara-tail) which is the vaara of the Sed bull and the viirabhadra bull.Now note the tails attached to the bhadra(bulls) in the patra(leaf) and the patra in the drava(fish = dru =tree). Bhaga( the sun,bhaagya-luck,yoni-female genitals),vaca(word), vaaja(food,sacrifice),bhaata(dawn),bhaasa(light) are also represented by this symbol.

A pravaaNa

is a junction of four roads.It is also a catushpatha (a

meeting point of four roads ,a Brahmin).A cross thus shows a Brahmin.A cross is a firepit also.PravaaNa is pranava (AUM).The cross is thus AUM.Aum is avana(protection),ahna(day) and agna(fire)and the cross (raksha –protection) implies the same.Daksha

(Prajaapati ,year) is raksha

and rakshaka(Xaviour) . The ghar-cakra script reads pa(0)-ra(|)-na(

)- ma(

)= pranaama,

pranava(ma = na = va ) PravaNa is pranava.Tiras is across .Saras is siras(head).Argala a crossbar is arka(the Sun) – La(Indra) and arcana (worship) .Siri is a sword or suula-spear.Srii is a cross. Christ’s cross is the trisuula of Siva .Both reads srii.The cross being srii(fire)-usra(bull,dawn,the Sun)-Rudra-putra(a son)Buddha- is also called sliiva(selewaah –prosperity-Aramaic) in Malayalam.

This is a catvara,catushpatha or pravaaNa(pranaama,pranava) and reads Na,sa(cross


)=namas(pranaama),naama(name,sectarian mark).


Bhadradvaya is subhadra and Bharadvaaja(rice food,king’s word

Obeying the king’s order is eating the king. Yama(two)na(nahi = cipher) is na-yama = nayana(the eyes),sayana(sex,bed) etc.











Va( hand) is auspiciousness,water and Varuna. From the horizontal ▬ sa + the line above the horizontal │ra,pa,ka + the line below the horizontal │i,ra = srii,bharata,bhadra,praata,raksha,rakta. This reading can be confirmed from the next script where a


(tri-three)-giri(hill,gira-word,hill)-Dhaatri(da-tri) is placed above the srii in rebus. The Egyptian deities also carry a cross called the ankh(anka=agna=fire,king) which has the same implication. Usra(U= the moon bull=soma bull ) =cakra(ca=moon) =raksha(salvation,ra=fire) =Sakra(Indra). The cross being pra-ata(aja),pra-kaasa,bhara-ta and bhadra it has a vaara

(tail) attached to it. It also means dasavaara(ten times).It being bharata it is enclosed in a bhadra(a cipher,circle) also from which the bha(o)-ra(|)-ta(-) becomes even more clear. There are four paadas for the cross figure and hence it is a srii-paada which is prabhaata(praata,bharata). The



a,da,sa,pa +

giri(srii,tri) as parvata is also


=ava(protection),bhaya(fear),paya(water),taya(protection), dava(fire,deva), sava(a corpse),zava (a yaaga) etc. A raksha is a door bolt.(cf.saaksha and paksha in Malayalam. .Egyptian sa –a door bolt.Bharata sa is a bird and a bolt or cross makes a bird figure.) Thus the cross is the aja(asva-lama) figure itself.Hence we could hear the Christ(the sacrificial asva) on the cross (sacrificial fire) uttering “Eloi Eloi lama sabachtani”. A cross is Vasava(vasu) Sakra (Indra), Vasava raksha (an amulet) and Vaasava cakra (a wheel, a cycle). The crucified Christ is Vasava (Indra) himself. The popularity of the Semitic religions especially outside India indicate that the vedic religion has not lost its vigour even after six thousand years of

its existence.

A cross is a raksha(Daksha= year). Raksha is

ra (agni,the Sun),ka (the body, a king, agni, light, water)and sa (god, a bird). Khaga denotes the Sun and a bird.A sacrificial vedi is a vetra(ra = i) or bhadra(bharata). A pravaNa is a meeting point of four roads. It is pranava (AUM).The cross is srii ,sara and dhara also.Dhara denotes the letter la(Indra,the earth).Indra is ina(the Sun) and dhara (earth) as well. Dhara( + ) + pa ( o ) is nripa (a king). A cross has been an object of worship for the Bharats thousands of years before the hi-storical Christ was born and crucified.The cross is the ka(agni).It is the firepit.M-219 is a double fire (ina-yama-two) symbol.It is the original cross and swastika. PravaNa is also pranaama (obeisance) and sravana(ear,hearing). A singular proof to the script can be seen from the rite of pranaama before the image of a deity where one crosses the arms to form a pravaNa(pranaama) holding the ears(sravana – pranaama) and bowing the body (pranaama). Hence the cross and the ear symbols represent salutation also. The worship of Indra, the worship of the tree, the worship of the dead body, the worship of fire, killing and eating the king to worship him are all the central theme of worship of the followers of the cross (Christ) as established

by the Asvamedha and the Sed festival rites. Right from the story of creation to the death of the Christ, the Bible narrates relevant Bharata stories only.

tav(taya=protection= u-daya=saya= aja) =



sa(god),sri(=ravi= the Sun) aja (usha=Iisa=Isis,Joshua,Jesus)


Daksha(year) is sacrificed and by saya(aja,udaya) raksha comes in the form of putra(Rudra =


Skandha,Horus ) .Usha is aja and

kuja=raksha=rakta=ku(the earth,go-the sun,bull)-ja(born);goza(dawn) . Asvamedha is varshamedha, bhadra medha or matsamedha where the old year was killed and a new year was begun at the spring equinox. Varsha (a year) is bhadra (a bull), drava (a fish), marta (a man) etc. Completing a year of existence(anno domini) meant defeating the bhadra (varsha). The bull contest motifs in seals announce this. The Asvamedha (defeating the bull) is still practised in Tamilnaadu as the jallikkattu (chasing the bull) at the pongal festival (corresponding to the winter solstice). ->

= pada(L) + ra(I) =bhadra,bharata,cakra,Sakra,raksha

The cross is the fire altar.It is an aksha(wheel) signifying raksha.A cakra is a bhadra(bull,king,a cipher,happiness) and bharata(fire,bhaasha).

The sacrificial bull(victim) is Viirabhadra(a bull,a king).The king is the asva(bull,avasa-the king,the sun). A Baalakhilya has a baala(tail).A bull has a tail and a king has a crown . Compare

the second script with the Christ on the cross wearing the

kiriita(giri-sa = a crown) of thorns.His tail is the thieves crucified with him. << John : 19 .2 >> Viirabhadra’s vaara (tail) is clearly shown in this script.A pravaNa is pranava prapana (barter,exchange) and prabhaana(light).Bhaarati (Sarasvati,speech) is baaladhi (a tail bush).Bhadra (a bull,king) is vaasara (day).A vaasra (crossroad) is a vaasara (weekday).Being raksha and raaja a cross is a raksha.A raksha is ra – ka – sa itself.The four paadas of the cross represents pa – ra – ka – sa or prakaasa(light) or bhadra(light). Sraddha(devotion) is sa(with,god)- raksha(protection) and taskara(a thief) also. ca,sa - ka,ra – ra,pa à cakra(a wheel),Sakra (Indra), kavaca (a shield, an amulet),kaasa(light), raksha(salvation), sava (a corpse), zava (the Sun, a yaaga) The cross represents the Asvamedha yaaga. sa – ra - ii

-> srii(light,fire,the Sun,prosperity) ,

rati(sex cf.asvamedha was accompanied with the queen performing sex with the sacrificial victim),raasi(zodiacal sign) . One of the basic arguments for the Bible being a Harappan text can be seen here.In the first script the vaara (a tail) denotes vaasara(a day) also. Hence the cross denotes the vaasara(vaasra –cross road,cf. padra-a road) cakra (weekday cycle) as already seen.Refer Leviticus:23 for the Feast of Weeks(vaasara) used to be celebrated during the Harappan times. Now vaara (a tail) is ta (a tail,a thief) . Replace vaara with ta in vaara cakra.We have now ta-cakra which is a taskara(a thief). Look at the taskaras crucified with the Christ who himself was given a crown of thorns.One purpose of the Indus script word art work was to create myths from the designed script.This is very clear from this example.


A parvata(mountain) has multiple patras(triangles) and is

prabhaata(dawn). Prabhaata is not only a parvata but is a paara(vaara=water)-vata(ocean) is

also evident from

the(ma or va) water hills or waves as we call

it.Hence Moses(mosaa-Sunrise-Hebrew) and Isra(iisvara,usra)-el (la-Indra)

crossed this ocean and reached mount Sinai


19).Pa(leaf,rule)+srii(the sun,giri-mountain,tri-three) is bhadra(bull,potripriest,raaja-king whose mark is the kiriita-crown often shown by the trident horn in the Harappan seals) and bharata(fire),varsha(year), sriibhadra(prosperous) etc.

The Ark Of Noah

DTIS .Figure 1.10 page 14.M-1429 or moulded terracotta amulet. A Harappan ship with a central box cabin with a bhadra(cf.the patta on the priest king’s forehead) in the box and with two birds one on each end of the box seated in the boat is shown .This ship can be seen in the Bible as the Ark of Noah where the birds are portrayed as a raven and a dove.(Genesis:8) .Noah is soma(the mooncf.the crescent boat or bull), nau(boat,praise), mukha(face) and sukha(well being).Tarani (tarana-a boat,the sun) has rays as the birds which remove the obstacles of darkness.Tarani in reverse is nidra(sleep) and nisa(night) which is the flood everyday.A c-row has a row in it.A drona is a Soma(Noah) vessel or trough in the RV.Drona is also a raven or crow.In the mukha the bird is the

eyes .The eyes are netra(drona,tarana) . The face or head(sira-na=head like) itself is a bird flying on the karnapatra(ear wings).Atarani,tarana or drona (boat) gives sarana(refuge) , tarana(overcoming of misfortune) and traana(protection).Hence it was used as as an amulet (yantraamulet→tarani-boat) in the vedic period.The Egyptians had the Eye of Horus (netra-tarana of Horus) in place of the Indus potra(boat,soma vessel used by the potri-priest. cf.Horus).

The Holy Eucharist . DTIS Fig .7.12 page 109.M-478. The sacrificial vessel and a tree. An adhvara is a soma yaaga.The Holy Communion where the kaasa(cashaka-cup,light) holds the rakta(kaasa,kuja-blood) of the Christ and the pilaasa(paatra-plate →praata-dawn) holds the body(white bread = the Sun in the praata) of the Christ may be compared with this.


A tree = vriksha = raksha(salvation),prakaasa(light). A vara(great) vana(tree) is pranava (AUM).Druma(a tree) is drona(a trough,Bharadvaaja) and soma(libation).Patra is writ and bharata(fire). The firegod sona(soma) resides in the asvattha with whose

wood the arani(aruna-the sun) blocks were made.Dru is srii(fire,the sun) as buning fire needs wood to sustain or firegod lives in the woods as seen in M-1186. So is the man with the paana.Cupbearer + tree = AUM =sa(god)-vana(tree) = (god in the tree = sa-vana(soma-homa-yajnaagna) = yaaga(sacrifice) = soma yaga=the Holy Communion).The wooden cross is wood (tree = raksha) itself .The tree worship of Harappa is still carried on as the worship of the cross.Rakta(=sona=soma=blood) is raksha and raaja .In the asvamedha the sacrifice is the raaja gaatra(body of the king)instead of gaatra(body) – kaasara(buffalo) –rakta(blood) and Raksha (salvation). .

Purohita – The Teacher And Lord. DTIS Fig.12.1 page212.DK1909 .The priest king. The king has a head band with a forehead bhadra(circle) to indicate that he

is a bhadra (king,bhartaa-ruler cf.sarpa of the Egyptian priest kings.Note the tav of a Jew,cross of a Christian,naama of a Vaishnavite, bindu of a Hindu etc.) and probably his hair was partially shaved in the bhara-dvija bhadra style.He has a beard(bhadra =netra-beard,king) to show that he is a netri (king).He has an angavastra (shawl) to show that he is agna – bhadra(king). The angavastra is marked with tripatra(trefoils = cross= netra-king) to show that he is srii(raaja) bhadra(king) , saavitra (a

Braahmana) ,a netri and a Drupada(king) .Red paste was applied to the tripatras to indicate raksha and raaja by rakta(red,blood). bhadra = pa(leaf)- tra(three),taara(star) = pa(rule)- dhara(bearer)=bha(star)dhara




-> I I I

-> - | - ->


The trefoil is the star itself.Tripatra is Drupada (prabhaata,a king) and also the foot(paada) of a dru(tree) . Priest king is purohita=guru(teacher)-iisa(lord,king).

The Cross Is The God DTIS.Fig 14.25 page 253. K-65

Two warriors spear each other holding a virgin.

On either side of them are half woman-half tiger beings and tree branches are also shown. At the extreme right is the vaasa or raksha figure and at the extreme left is the

(sa,na,ma,vi=jina,god,king,bird,bull,Rudra) symbol.

The parallel lines (vi=sa=ka=fire=ra-vi=the Sun) is the god symbol which are made to cross to form the cross. Compare this with the cross arrows of solar rays forming a star to denote the Sumerian script of dingir- god, the Akkadian dingir script which is two arrows crossing each other , the cross – dingir- of the Christ and the spear that pierced his chest.Dingir is dinakara(the sun).The crossed baana(arrows) form a ghar-baana or girvaana or korban in praise of the god.

Human Sacrifice

DTISFig.14.35 page 260 or M-1186 A seal of human sacrifice.The horned(horn is the cross) deity is placed in a tree(vriksha) to show prakaasa and Vrishaa(Indra). The horn indicates Vrishabha(Indra,prabhaata=praata=bhadra=bull,king).Horn(u) + man(sha) = usha(dawn).Ush-as(dawn) is uksha(bull,ush-to burn)+ aja(a ram,Aries).An aja(mesha,medhya=medha=sacrifice) is shown close by to indicate usha sacrifice.Refer the sacrifice of Isaac by his father Abraham in Genesis :22 where on the sacrificial altar Isaac(Visaakha cf.chaagamukharam faced Daksha-the year with the face of Aries.) was replaced by an aja(Aries,usha).The god is Rudra(Rudhira-blood,putra-son,suurya-the sun) or Soma(sona-fire,blood) who is in the paana(chalice) held by the kara(hand,ghar-cross) of the potri(priest,purusha-man) who sits in a ghar aasana to indicate girvaana(korban) as seen in the glyph


this with the words of the Christ

"Abba, Father,everything is possible for you. Take this cup from me. Yet not what I will, but what you will.” Mark.14:36

The bharata(fire,praata-dawn,pa-tra=writ) symbol


is placed

close to the foot of the deity along with the head(bhadra) of the sacrificial

victim and the praying chief priest.It shows bhadraasana(royal throne and the order of the king).Bhadraasana (king’s seat, royal order, girvaana)is also shown by the deity’s seat(aasanaseat,aajna-order) on the paatra(jar) with patra(leaves,writ) and also by the sapta(seven,sabda-voice,word) bhadra(women,king)at the bottom of the sacrificial scene.The seven women also show the seven flames(saptaarchis) of the fire and savitri.These ladies are portrayed by Mark : 15.40 thus: “ some women were watching from a distance. Among them were Mary(hari-srii-ray,horse ,the sun=nari-a woman)Magdalene,Mary(hari=nari) the mother of James…..”.Yosha is usha. Hari(Indra,agni,ray cf.kara=ray) is nari(lady).Hari is haya(asva,seven) . Haya –strii is Gaayatri.Hence there are seven women present in the scene.Bhadraasana(royal throne) or bhadraajna(royal order) is also shown by the aasana (seat)on the bhadra (women) like the aasana(seat) on the paatra(jar) and patra(leaves.) The medha(sacrifice) scene is placed above the haya(hari-women) to show hari(haya-horse) medha(sacrifice) by medhaa( power,superiority).In the asvamedha the queen priestess was to emulate sexual relations with the head severed body of the victim to give him svarga(heaven) by surata (sex). Nari haya(seven) also indicate nari(woman)- saya(sex) or nritya(dance).

U-daya(sunrise) has saya(sex) in it .Haayana(year) is haya(horse)-na(like) and sayana(sex) also. Compare this with DTIS Fig 14.32 page 256 (Mackay 1943:pl.51:13) where a bull(vrisha-bull,varsha-year,bharata-king) about to have intercourse with a priestess(kalya-dawn,kanya-a virgin) lying on the ground is portrayed indicating udaya(sunrise,u-saya-sex,u-haya-horse,seven). The Egyptians sacrificed their king in the Sed festival and ate him as the divine food.The Christians eat the body of the Christ in the same





eating the body of the king or the Holy Mass itself.It is Daksha(dehabody) yaaga also. The Vedic people had its equivalent in the asvamedha(medha=juice of meat, asva=avasa=king,food,salvation,the Sun). Now let us look at the inscription in this seal.

(salabha-butterfly=prabhaa=srava =sravaapya=sravayya= fit

for sacrifice,salabha=siri=tri-drii-to split,bhaj-kara = bhaaskara,tridasa is god or godking or his girvaana cf.Sudaasa from srii = su). Note the yajnavriksha(Fig tree) in which the agna(fire) god is seated like the Christ on the cross. Yajnavriksha is agnaprakaasa(sunshine).

(marta=Indra, Mitra,Marut-wind,Dharma-law,mudraseal,srii-nri-king,Daksha-year, daana-donation,sarva-all;paana-jar =paala(raaja-king) or paatra(ukhapot)=Bharata,word,bhadra(ausoiciousness,king,bull),Medha-yaagahavana-sacrifice, Name of an Rishi (Medhaatithi RV),agna-fire,gnaawoman,aajna-order, karna(ear),Varuna;netra-eye=king,sacrifice . Hence the inscription is Srii (Sarva srii)Bharata netra =King Srii Bharata or his sacrifice or Mitra- Varuna sacrifice etc. The vedic glyphs have multiple readings from the whole glyph,from its components and from the different directions it is read. Thus marta(man) becomes gaa-tra(body),dasra(asvina),Dharma(yama-god of niyama-law- and death),taamra(copper) etc.Hence Srii Bharata is Dharmaputra in the Mahaabhaarata and marta putra(son of man) in the Bible.Taamra patra(copper writs or

tablets) were a form of records of the Harappan Bharata kings.Medha becomes maasa(month),mesha(a ram,Aries),vaaja(food,sacrifice ),bhaaj(to divide),sma(face ),netaa(leader), amsa(part), sam(together), samaa(year),uksha(bull),sa(patra-bird) etc. Srii bharata netra hence becomes dasra (Asvina)maasa(month) netra(sacrifice).From the d of dasra , u of ukha(uksha)and rka of kara(matsa=hasta=kara=hand) we have divaakara(the sun), Durga(the sacrificial goddess) and Krasta ( in reverse) . Hence the sacrifice to Durga(kratu) is the sacrifice of the Christ itself. From paatra(jar)- patra(leaf)- aasana(seat) we have bhadraasana(royal throne) .



ra ▬ sa or




bhadra(king,bull,happiness,auspiciousness), bharata(fire,king), praata(dawn) and patra(writ). The seven women make gnaavas(praise) and bhadra sabda(auspicious speech or word of the king).

Hence the inscription reads: Srii(His highness/holiness) Bharata netra(king Bharata) tridasa(divine) bhadraasana(throne,order) patra(writ) gnaavas(praise,speech) which means writ of praise to His Highness King Bharata and his sacrifice or an order of King Bharata or it is a seal of the Bharata king. Bharata became putra(son of god) in the Krista sacrifice of the Bible and Bharata is bhaaskra(the sun,bhaaj-to divide,kara-to do) also.


asva(sacrificial horse), avasa(king,food,the Sun),agna(fire), medha(sacrifice) Nrimedha is human sacrifice =narishthaa = sacrifice of the king or sacrifice of the yajamaanapasu(Aitareya:7.1.5).It can also be read as raama(nri,nara)-aja(stop)- bhadra(king)- sreya (moksha) or praata(

)-abhisrii(union,shining) or ra(ravi)-aja(usha)-suuya(asva-

udaya). Suuya(sacrifice) is suurya(the sun),udaya(rise) and saya(sex).

is patra ( writ;cf.INRI) also.Asvamedha is avasa(king,food)medha(Medhaatithi,sacrifice,juice of meat). Marta(man) being suura(viira-hero,vaara-water,tail) and Bharata being bhadra(king,bull) or putra( son) these scripts portray a Sed(bull’s tail) sacrifice or Son of Man(Christ) sacrifice in the vedic coronation of Sudaasa,Marutta,Maruta,Angaraaja etc.described in the Aitareya Brahmana.39.7 La(Indra=ina- srii,tara = fire = ra) is ina(yama=the Sun), an(Sumerian supreme god),El(il) the Akkadian( Semitic ) god and Ra the Egyptian supreme god. Easter(cf.Assyrian and Babylonian Ishtar and Semitic Astarte who are counterparts to Sumerian Inanna ) is the sacrifice to Indra(Israel) on his return to the vernal equinox.Haayana(year,fire) is haya(horse,saptaseven=apta-sacrifice=abda-year), havana(sacrifice,homa=soma) and sayana(sex,yajana-sacrifice,samaya-time). Bharadvaaja(purohita=guru-iisa) is the priestking who was sacrificed.Petrus being bhadra, bharata and Bharadvaaja he was also crucified(sacrificed) like the Christ. The New Testament of the Bible has its base in the writings of Paul (Saul =svara=srava=veda=bulla) and Mark(karna-ear = svara-sound =srava-ear = veda-writ). The source of the Bible is the veda.

Ritualistically the biblical religion is closer to the Harappan vedic religion than the present day Hinduism . The creation days ,the original sin through a tree(paadapa –tree = paapa-sin,da-giving), the flood story(pralaya=paralaya),the worship of Abraham(Brahma,pranava) as a father, Israel(Indra) and the twelve tribes(signs) , baptism(jnaana snaana=snaana jnaana=janana jnaana →janana →jnaana),the Holy Communion(the soma or asvamedha yaaga),the early Harappan burial of the dead, the worship of the tree(the cross),the worship of the dead body(cf .the dead body of the Christ on the cross) to worship fire and dawn ,the use of the vedic tropical sacrificial calendar(anno domini) etc.points to this. Muusa-the law giver-is Manu the lawgiver. The inscription in M-1186 forms the basis for the last words of the Christ who was crucified on a mount(giri=udayagiri=udaya srii-the rising sun;the


) . The words of the Christ

“Eloi Eloi, lama sabachthani” can be seen in

lu(srii=drii,bhaj,ched-to divide) lu = divide = Eloi ,Eloi

=Iesus(la=vasu) =sravaapya =bhaaj-kara=bhaaskara=the sun

= srii=nara(king,asva-horse,avasa-king,food) =Raama= lama(lamassu) =Rex=bhadra(king) sa (god)

= sa =aja(ram,Aries) =Judaeorum

bhakshana (food)

= bachthani = Nazarenus(netra-king,sacrifice)=srii=abhi(avi) The sacrifice of the Christ is the avasa(asva) medha and naaraasana (eating man) is further proved by the inscription wrote by Pilate and placed on the cross : INRI . A glance of the Raajasuuya in the Aitareya Brahmana will immediately indicate that the lama is Raama(nara-horse,man;nri-king;mahisha-a

buffalo).The inscription there is “bhadraad-


sreya ” and

“aaya vaava loko bhadrastasmaadasaaveva loka: sreyaana svargameva tallokam raajamaanam gamayati” which means this world(medini) is the mahisha(bhadra).The heavens are nobler.I am hence sending the king to the heavens by this yaaga.Svarga(surata) was ensured by saya(sava=udaya= u-saya=prasava=para-sava;sava=sacrifice) of the queen with the Raama(to emulate the act of Daksha which made his head –the rising Sun-reach the heavens).The words of the Christ “today you will be with me in paradise” (Luke.23.43) also indicate the bhadraadabhisreya.

The term sravaapya implies abhisrii(union), abhisraava(hearing), sreya(moksha-bliss) etc.Bhadra-aja-avi is asva-mesha or asvamedha itself. The bindi( drii=srii=ra=fire=deva) on the fore head is also written as



) to indicate sara(sira-head,the first;srii-

king,auspiciousness),trai(to protectcf.taya-protection and u-daya→sunrise)

and sreya(prosperity,happiness) which is the Taaw

of the Jews and

Greeks and cross of the Roman Christians. The dot(Ra-bhadra-bharatafire,the sun,king) is transformed into three lines (AUM,trisuul)and four lines(cross). Raksha(salvation,cycle) and rakta(blood) is Daksha(agni,a prajaapati=year,divasa-day) .In the Dakshayaaga Rudra(viirabhadraprabhaata-dawn) replaced the head of Daksha with the head of a ram.When we combine the human body glyph with the ram head glyph we get



the seal of Daksha yaaga(Aitareya13.9) . Daksha is the year

according to the Aitareya Brahmana.Marta (man) being dhariman (a balance) indicates dhariiman(law).Daksha’s head was cut off with a sara(arrow,srii-the sun,tra-tri-three) having three points(Rudra=Ru-tra

cf.Note the trident crown of the deity(ru-ravi-the sun) in the dru-tree indicating Rudra and the crown of thorns for the putra-Christ on the cross.Sara-arrow-three is ghar-cross-four ).Rudra became pasupati(lord of animals,vasupati-lord of rays,mriga-animal,kirana-ray) by this yaaga.The

pasu or go (cow) head is shown by the

head of maadusha(maanusha-

man) according to the Aitareya story of Dakashayaaga. The Maundy Thursday


+ ▬ ->


Paadaraksha(footwear) can be paadabandhana(a fetter).Vandana(worship) makes the god mandaana (pleased). Paada bandhana (fettering a leg) is bhaata (dawn )-vandana (worship, veneration). This is also achieved by - touching the feet of elders when one is getting blessings, drawing the kolam, Drupada bandhana(in the Mahaabhaarata, setu(sea) bandhana(in the Raamaayana,in Exodus.13 ) etc. Christ’s washing the feet of his disciples is a version of this to perform prabhaata vandana. The Palm Sunday And The Ass The olive branches or palm(leaves) denote palm of the hand. This is from

pra-kaasa(light) which is kara(hand,ray) and saakha(branch). Kara(a hand) is also kara(ray) of the Sun. And kara is khara(an ass).Alternately Dasra in Pisces is the star of Asvini where light appears first.Dasra is darsa(sight,New moon). Dasra also means an ass. Thus the palm Sunday and the Christ on the ass shows the rising Pisces(northeast) Sun and his first rays.

The Price Of The Christ.

It is thirty silver coins as Krista(Christ ) is tri(three)-dasa(ten,raaja-king) . Tridasa is thirty and god. Dasa being sata(hundred) the value of the Tau(cross,sava-sacrifice,sau-hundred) is three hundred.

The Disappearance At The Age Of Twelve This is simply sunset at the end of twelve hours of the day.Nothing is known of the life between twelve and thirty years since the night Sun is not visible.


1.The marriage of Caana: It is the first miracle to indicate worship of

sunrise or dawn. Kalyaana is marriage and auspiciousness. Caana(Sinai) is kaalai(dawn) or kalya(dawn). Kalyaana is kalya(dawn),kanya(a virgin),salya(a spear,arrow)na(praise,war). Hence in the Kalibangan seal K-65 a virgin and the cross(formed by the crossing spears of two warriors is shown) to make it kalyaanabhadra along with the inscription to the same effect.In

Sanskrit/Hindi khaana(Caana) means eating and food.Caana itself reduces to ghar(the cross),khala(granary,contest etc.) also indicating food as the god.As argala it becomes the argha(price)-la(lava-harvest field or the potter’s field). 2.The announcement of the beatitudes from the mountaintop : the mountain is the Sun(srii= the sun,giri=mountain) and dawn(prabhaata=dawn,parvata=mountain) and the address is light (prabhaasa =light,prabhaata=dawn,prabhaasha=speech or address) 3.Walking on the sea : It is the Sun’s travel on the waters of light(bhadra=water,light) and the south sea(the sky).Israel(Indra-el) crossed the same sea in the Old Testament. 4.Blind gaining sight: At night everybody is blind and at dawn sight is regained.Kalya(dawn) also means the deaf and the dumb. 5.Multiplying of bread :At bhaata(dawn) bhaasa(light) increases which is vaaja(food) increase . 6.Raising Lazarus from the dead: Lazarus is Dasra(Asvini) where dawn begins. It is the resurrection of the Christ itself.

The Annunciation And Christmas The annunciation by Gabri-el(prakaa-sa-light,bharga-the sun) was made in the sixth month to make the year agree with the sunset sign of Virgo(the virgin) where the sungod descends into the earth. Christmas is celebrated at the winter solstice where the annual south Sun meets the noon Sun of the day.Here Rudra of matiya(madhyaahna-noon) is made putra(son) of Mariya (Mary).

The Friday Death And The Sunday Resurrection Since Friday is the day ruled by Sukra(Venus,cf.kratu-sacrifice) the lord of the sign of astamaya (sunset),Christ died on Friday to agree with sunset. Punaruthaana(the resurrection) is placed on Sunday to make three nights from raatri(night) which is made raa(night)tri(three).Punaruthaana is punar(back,again)-uthaana(rise at dawn).

The Potter’s Field The price of the Christ was used to buy a potter’s field.

Kulaala(cf.Malayalam kolla-a year,kusava-a potter,ushapa-the sun) is a potter(paatra-pot,varsha-year).Taksha(a potter) is Daksha(the year).Ghar is the cross.Khala (kaala-time)is a field.Kulaala is Khalaaalaya(house) or Golgotha(svarga-heaven,dha-seat;kaalacakra-cakracycle of time,dha-seat) itself. It is also bhuutala(earth);ku(the earth),go(the sun,sky)-saala(court);ushas(dawn) etc.Kala-sa is a pot(kaala-time).Paatra(pot) is praatar(dawn) and bharata(fire).Kalasa is khala(ghar)-sa(like,god,fence,bird).Burial urns can be seen in Harappan times with portrais of birds on them.Kalasa is also sulka( price cf.shekel). The ten commandments come from saasana(aajna=commandment) and dasama(ten) .It is given on Sinai which is Miina and Jina and Parvata which is prabhaata. The word is written on stone(bhadra-pattar-petros) slab to indicate patra(writ) and bhadra(the king).Aharon (aruna) broke the bull (praata-dawn,patra-writ,bhadra-bull,light)to indicate the opening of of the bulla and day break . In the New Testament Siinai is Caana where kalyaana(kalya=dawn) is depicted.The mother of Jesus is there to show dawn as the Sun is the son of kalya which is kanya(Virgin Mary).

The Disciples Of The Christ. Aa-ditya(the sun) ought to have sishya(disciples). The sishya(disciples) of the Christ is pra-tishta(establishment).It is on Peter(bhadra-king,patra-bulla,bhadra=petros=rock=potri=priest). Hence Christianity was founded on the letters of the priests which are sermons in rocks from Sinai to Tabor. The sons of Zebadi = diipti-light = divasa-day = sabda-word is the tapasa(sun) of divasa.John is svana(word-god cf.In the beginning was the word.John.1.1).Another disciple Didimos or Thoma(cf.Mathew or Mosaa in reverse) is the twin of Matthew(medha-sacrifice,Mesha-Aries,Matsa-Pisces,mastahead).Together they make a Soma medha.The Asvins are the twins(asvi-dvaya=aadi-tya=the sun) in the veda. Soma medha is the main ritual of the Atharvans(adhvara=kratu=sacrifice) or athar ( Ashur ) worshippers whence the Kerala Christians became Syrian Christians and followers of St Thomas. It took only about 20 years for Christianity to reach Kerala from Assyria

because of the brisk trade links Kerala had with the Assyrian/Syrian Kingdoms at that time.

The secret of the Testaments or covenant of god and man God(suura-the sun) is Bharata(fire,svara-word,suurya-the sun).Bharata is bhara(fire)-sa(god), bhadra(bull,king), Vrisha(Indra,mouse,bull), purusha(man) and putra(a son). Bhadra’s word is girvaana or patra(writ) or veda.Ori-gin is the original sin(sayana-sex) .Paapa(sin) is vaapa(sowing seed,sex) and bhava(birth).Sin came through food (Adam and Eve eating the fruit of the forbidden tree).Bhuj(enjoying,eating food), bhoja(enjoyment) and bhoga(a snake or its hood,eating food,sex)

are food(hood cf.livelihood and manhood).Bhakshana


food,medha-sacrifice cf.vaajapeya or raajasuuya sacrifices) being bhaga(the sun)-sama(equal),jina(the sun),dhaama(seat) food(hood) is god. It being sama(equal)-bhaaga(division), the food or the Eucharist is to be divided and eaten. It being vaag(word)-daana(giving) the food – god made covenants or Testaments(the Old and the New) with man etc.It being rakshana(protector or Xaviour,Vishnu) a Xaviour was

offered to give salvation from death.Without food the sinner and the holy cannot survive. Bhojana(food) is putra(a son), pitri(a father) and potri(a priest).Hence the Xaviour came as the putra (son)of man and the Father.Sariiraraksha(food) is sariira(body) and rakta(blood). Thus the sun god(bhaga) made a covenant(vaagdaana→bhakshana) to send his son(putra) to give salvation(raksha) to mankind who are born sinners.The son gave his body(sariira) and blood(rakta) as food (sariiraraksha) which the priest(potri) gives in the Holy Mass

(suurya medha= samabhaaga=bhakshana

) to fulfill the

covenant(vaagdaana). Food comes from the granary(khala) which is the cross(ghar) and Gol-gotha (svarga-dha→the sky or khala-kosa→ granary ). Daksha(year) kratu(sacrifice) of the veda is raksha(salvation,rakshaka-Xaviour) kratu (Christ)in the Bible . Asana(food ) is yajna(sacrifice).Adam is asana(food),aatma(soul), yatna(toil) and yajna(kratu). Eve is the hava(oblation,hve-tocall,hu-sacrifice,eat;hi-haya-horse) of the kratu.

Asana is anna

(food) and amma(ma or amba-mother).

A karshaka(farmer) ploughs the field and produces suuna(corn) and collects in the khala(granary). Abharataa(husband) ploughs his wife and a suunu(tanaya-son cf.dhaanya-suuna-corn) is born in the gar-bha kosa (womb).Gharbha is ghar(cross)-va(like,bha-the sun) and bharga(arka-the sun).The potri(priest) places the soma(suuna) paana(cup) in a ghar to make it the suunu in the garbha kosa and reperesent the idol in the garbhagriha of the temple and the suunu(sun) in the aa-kaasa(sky) and ahas(day).


) being vaaja

(food,sacrifice) is saapa(curse).

Hence “ By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food”Genesis.3.19.Noah is soma and naava(praise,boat) of the kratu. Abraham is aarambha(beginning,Brahma-the sun) and Jacob is Yahva(lord,yajamaana-lord) of the kratu. Israel(Indra) andJuda(Judea -udaya-rise,cf.vedic king Sudaasa) mark suuryodaya(sunrise) in the kratu.Moses is soma(the moon,king) and maasa(the month).Sinai is asana(food), aajna(law), vacana(word cf.

),sayana(sex cf.udaya→u-saya→sex) and samaya(time cf.Dharma is god of time and law.Dhaanya-grain is samaya.).Manna (Ex.16 cf.miina-fish,nayana →netra-eye, rasana-tongue) of Sinai is anna(food) itself.Paasach (Passover) is paacaka(cooking) and Vaisaakha(the month of sunrise),bhaksha(food,drinking and eating). Bhaksha being kavaca(armour), rakta(blood) and raksha(protection). The houses of Israel were given raksha of rakta during the paasach (Ex.12.21-22.)to denote the rakta varna (red colour)during arunodaya(dawning).Prabhaata (dawn) and prakaasa(light) being viirabhadra(Sed or bull’s tail) god said to Moses, “Take a bunch of hyssop,dip it into the blood in the basin and put some of the blood on the top and both sides of the door frame.Not one of you shall go out the door of his house until morning.” A door(dvaara) is a bull(bhadra) cf. the seal M-318 from Mohenjo-daro with a bull and door symbol. In Exodus 24.11 we see the covenant confirmed by the leaders of Israel who saw God,and ate and drank . The covenant(vaagdaana) itself is

god(bhakshana-food→god). From Sinai Israel went to the promised land of Canaan(cf.Caana-naakam-the sky,khaad-to eat,khaana-food) under the leadership of Joshua(Jesus) ,the son of Nun(Miina-Pisces denotes the northeast angle from where the rising sun as Indra or Israel enters naakam-the sky). Again bhakshana as vaagdaana(patrawrit=vacana=word=god) and god(bharata=fire,word) was testified as true by the tempter who asked the Christ to turn the stones(bhadra=asma-stone) into bread(bhakshana=asana- food) and the god’s reply “Man does not live on bread alone,but on every word that comes from the mouth of god.”Matthew.4.4.Asana(food) itself is the vacana(word) god of St.John.1.1. The kalyaana(marriage) of Caana is a restatement of Siinai and khaana(food) itself.In the Last supper the bhakshana(food) god offered his sariira(body) and rakta(blood) as the sariiraraksha(food,prasaada-food given bythe priest) for his bhakta(worshippers cf.bhaksha –food and paasach-the passover) . “Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life.For my flesh is real food and my blood is real drink.John.6.54-55.” Thus the saapa(curse) that came through the vaaja(food) Adam(asana-food) is removed by the vacana(word,asana-food) Christ(kratu-sacrifice). Thus the vaagdaana(covenant) of the bhakshana (god) is fulfilled.


6. References 1. Deciphering the Indus script (DTIS). Asko Parpola. 1994. Cambridge University Press; Cambridge 2. An Introduction to Indus writing (AIIW). Bryan wells. The University of Calgary . 1998. Canada. 3. Ancient Egypt – Myth and History (AEMH). Geddes and Grosset Ltd. 1997. New Lanark. Scotland. 4. A Concise Dictionary of Middle Egyptian (ACDME). Raymond O Faulkner .1991. Griffith Institute. Oxford. 5. The Hebrew – Greek Key Word Study Bible. 1996. AMG International Inc. U.S.A. 6. Sanskrit - English Dictionary. Sir Monier Monier Williams. 1999. Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi. 7. Sanskrit – Malayalam Dictionary. Kanippayyuur Sankaran Naambootirippaatu. 1996. Pancaangam Pustaka Saala, Kunnamkulam, Kerala.

8. Sabdataaraavali. Sriikantesvaram G. Padmanaabha Pilla .April 2000. National Book stall , Kottayam, Kerala. 9. Puraanic Encyclopedia (PEP). Vettam Maani. 1991. Current books, Kottayam. Kerala. 10.The Rigveda (RV). OMC Narayanan Nambotirippatu. 1995. D. C. Books .Kottayam. Kerala. 11.The Vedic people (VP). Their History and Geography: Rajesh Kochhar. 2000. Orient Longman. Hyderabad. India. 12.Iythareya Brahmanam(IB) .V.Balakrishnan,Dr.R.Leela Devi . 1992 .The Vidyarthi Mithram Book Depot,Kottayam,Kerala. 16.Google: The nativity of Jesus 30-04-2009 15-06-2010 18.Ashur (god ).Wikipedia.14.06.2010 19.Assyrian church of the east.Wikipedia.14.06.2010

The Indian Origin Of Christianity And The Secrets Of The Holy Sacraments Truth is stranger than fiction.This work shows that Christianity existed as a sacrificial religion of the Sun( fire) worshipping Bharats thousands of years before the Romans adopted Christianity as the state religion and introduced Christ as its founder.In other words the Christ of the Bible never lived on the earth ,but is the personified Sun himself.The Christians are made to worship the Sun as the Christ.A step by step unfolding





crucifixion,about the sacraments….





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